Jacques Hadamard in China by Wenlin Li*
Jacques Hadamard in China by Wenlin Li* In the nineteen-thirties, academic exchanges with de Lyon, 1920) and King-Lai Hiong ( , Université Western countries were becoming increasingly active de Montpellier, 1920). From 1920 onwards, the ma- in China. It was a period in the development of mathe- terial conditions for overseas Chinese students im- matics in modern China of which a significant feature proved, and there appeared special institutes such was the invitation of leading mathematicians from as l’Institut Franco-Chinois de Lyon, which became the United States and Europe to lecture in China. a center for Chinese students and produced, from Among these was Jacques Hadamard (1865–1963) 1920 to 1930, the first batch of Chinese doctorates of France. In this article, Hadamard’s visit, its back- in mathematics in France: Chou-Chi Yuan ( , ground, and its influence are discussed on the basis 1927), Tsin-Yi Tchao ( , 1928), Wui-Kwok Fan of existing sources. ( , Université de Paris, 1929), and Tsyun-Hyen Liou ( , 1930); as well as master degrees in Background of Sino-French mathematics: Yanxuan He ( , 1924), Jinmin Chen ( , 1925) and Cuimin Shan ( , 1926). Mathematical Exchanges All the students mentioned above returned to Mathematical exchanges between France and China after finishing their studies in France and China could be traced back to the late 19th cen- played an active role as forerunners in the develop- tury. In 1887, two students, Tseng-Fong Ling ( ) ment of modern mathematics in China. Most of them and Cheou-Tchen Tcheng ( ) were sent by the had led the newly established departments of math- Fuzhou Naval College to l’École Normale Supérieur in ematics in Chinese universities, among these being Paris where they eventually obtained their bachelor Tsinghua University, Peking Normal University, Cen- degrees in science in 1890.
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