Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-06-16
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lrai " ~ The Weather Today the SUI ~ Last Day for Tuition Payment Mostly cloudy today with possible scatter· h.t> Ia 1111, 1'eII&1 Is lbe ... day for __loa IUldents to he~ ed showers and thunderstorms. Continued IVhof"': ,., 'IIUlon. A tIDe of $2 wm be adclecl for late paymenl 'tl'lity • cool tomorrow. High today 70; low 48-52. ~, and $1 per daJ will be added lb.eraf&er. owan lslaled ~ Yesterdays high 72; low 55. Established 18SS-Vol. SO. No. 223-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, June 16. 1948-Five Cent. 'h,J) iIt IllS, I ~~----------------~~------~~~~---------------------------- the Uar.. lorare r'; ~24, .. ot Crash Which Killed Two Nea r Iowa City at~ IJwo Die In Head-On Collision and llr..~ ~B.\ Senate Restores ItheNa_ Jhree Miles East of Iowa City ~uc.tioa ~ A. man and a woman were killed and two men ,,'(Ore injured in IT.LV tbe bead·oll collisioll of a truck and automobile about (j p.m. yes nental~ terday Ulree mile ea t of Iowa Oity on Highway 6. ~nt_ , The dead were rtfrs. Vernon Willi , 30, 1'IIu 'cutin ,antI a Illall China; lin. Over One Billion identified a Robert OL'ose, between 30 and 32, also of ;liuscatine. Irs.~ .Thoy were riding in a 1940 cOUpt'o Inj ured were Ado Barnes, 34, Malcom, Iowa, owner of the I of the dull truck. and Virgil Brod NI, 42, 'Iected dulr. Grinnell, a paS! eng 'r in the I Mias Wet truck. Broders suHered head la rer. A tdt. pool Subscription cerations and Barnes' .knee was To Global Aid Bill eetinga 1114 broken. Both men were reported Inghal " Colledion Program in good condition at Mercy hos ~anCher '\" pital lat.e last night. Raises Sum, The lxxIy or Mrs. Willis was Not Ouite Over the Moon Adopted at Meeting identified by Mr. and Mrs. Phlllip ,.... , RRY RIYEL, MER 'ET, E 'GLAND <A'?-~Iaybe tlrs. , A three-point program Cor the Laura B ttr' cow want(Od 8 bird' eye view of the world. Cuts Period .... imming pool public subscription W. •Willi s. 204 W. Park road, at The tr wherry roan h ifer y terda}' climbed the 172. tep was adopted last night by repre McGovern fu neral home. Willis circular . tairway of a locaL monument. Mrs. B tty' sons, Henry ~tatives of various Iowa City is a brother-in-law 01 the Mad and D rtit', h al'd the CO\ bawling for an hour beCor they 10· IAl lIfIanizations meeting with \he woman. They identified Mn. Wil catecl hcr atop tilt' monument. To One Year r;ommunlty Dads. lis by her wedding rJnl. teeth and ~tf'P b~' t P thpy ]pu til wand ring heir r down and l' turn· WASffiNGTON (IP) - The en. The plan to subscribe the SU,- clothing. I'd ht'r to the herd's hillside pa. ture. 500 deficiency involves dividing The dead man was lirst identi ate tacked over a billion doll a I'll I,he coverage 01 the city into re- fied as Mrs. Willis' husband, Ver onto tbe Ilobal aid spending b ill ~ dential , busi ness and proles non, in whose name the car was In a long wran&le last night, then aonal zones, and other service or registered. A dry cleaning check sent it back to the hOUle for pnlzatlons. found with the body, bowev r, House Pushes Draft; approval of the boo t. TIle house The residenUal canvass is to be prompted a call bv Acting r"r eooducted by the PTA and the oner George D. Ca llahan to Mus. Is expected to object. League of Women Voters with caline. A MuscatIne poli~an Final passage came just before Mrs. Ivan Hedges as chairman. tentatively identi fied the body as Vote Expected Today II p,m. Iowa time. The business and professional that of Crose, a cook in a Musca TWO PERSONS WERE KILLED and two Injured In an accident tlu'ee mJI 6 p.rn. yesterday. Two bodlell, a man, tentatlvel)' Id.entllied as Robert Crost!. r The roll call count was 60 to 9. canvass will be conducted by the tine cate. , JVHIN(;'J' • (,/P)-Thc hou ploughed it way through blanket In the picture above) and a woman, Mrs. Vernon Willi . Muscatlne. were rerrwved from th e Th06e voUnl "no" were: Repub Community Dads with Charles The bodies were sent to Musca Ilmf'ndmenls to tl1C draCt bill yesterday auu It.'auers pr dieted final coupe. Mrs. Willis' body wa alUl In 'he ear w hen the picture above was taken. 'the coupe C'ollided " 'Ilh s'mith as chairman. tine last night. p Et "lIge of the lnl'lI. lire today. )jcans-Capehart (Ind), Hawkes The two vehicles collided a a 'ruck (bottom p icture) whI ch w owned b y Arll' m of l\Jalcom. Barn and Vlrtll Broder. fJuM·milJull' "from to tack on "civil ri ,bls" proposals rau into (NJ). Jenn r (Ind), Ken (Mo), Allpointed to the organizations Grlnlleli, were lu.lured in 'lie cr&lih aJld were taken 10 j:Kerc), h o pl!.aJ. shOrt distance east of a small soliel oI>po~ilion . Lanter (ND), and Malone (Nev); cirnvass were Russell Mann, Ben bridge and came to rest about 130 (DaUy 10WlW Phot by Herb IJIli u) ljilmerwill J r., Bill Olson, Charles The bOll c butted down, 135 to 23, a11 am ndmcnt. by Rep, Jacits Dem 0<: rals - JohnllOn (SC). feet trom the bridge, according 10 (It-. 'Y) whi r h would forbid gr /latio" ill the armed fore on ~arn , Ronald Brooks and Leo Patrolman J . L. Smith of the Iowa O'Daniel (Tex), and Taylor (Ida. l,(ohl. highway patrol. Both were orr the grounds of rac , creed or olor. ho). :dl'he organizations committee highway, the truck in a d' ch IlIld A 'imi1 a I' amendment by Rep. Part of increase was ma de ~ the busines/i committee plan Powell (D-NY) likewise was lost, the automobile across a roi)C\ lead. Senate Farm Bill by raising the house's figures to 10 meet tomorrow nigh to map ing lnto a !1I1·m. 102 to 14. Powell's amendment plans for their pal't ot the drive. would have forbidden dlserlmln $6,125,710,228 but the bulk of it The fo rce of the crash shattered came fl'Om a provi on that the tIley will meet later with the tile t ront 01 the car, crushing the Threatened by Fight ation in the services. residentia l committee for lhe be An amendment by Rep. Folger money Is tor 8. 12-month. periOd. driver and Mrs. Willis. Callahan The house had sl)eCilled that the I~ing of a concerted drive. said death was instantaneou . (D-NC) to raise the minimum Over Oleo Tax Cut registration age Irom 18 to 21 was fund cover 15 months, ond h d Pool Engineer Ned Ashton rn- The car was traveling wetit aJld allowed only $5,980,710,228. (ormed the group that tile site of the truck, pulllng a semi-trailer WASHINGTON (JP>--:A new defeated before the house ad the swimming pool is being clear loaded wi th cattle, was going cast. fight over oleomargarine' tax re joumed for the day. It lost 77 to Pessage followed a dillCu ion ed now and that ground breaking According to highway patrol peal th!'catened last night 10 scut 32 on a .tandinl vote. dUring which Chairman Bridges " lViII possibly start tomorrow. men, two trucks' were kaveUing tle long-ronge farm legi lation in Leaders who had. talked of put (R-NH) declared that the lIenate The group also decided to ask east and a truck and the Willis the enate. ting the draft bill to a vote )'e5t.er a p pro P l' lations commlttco had Alderman William Grandrath to car were moving west. The truck day ,ave up hopes because o~ all b n "extremely leenerous" in vol~ The sena bill, which would the amendment.. IDle the amount. He termed the be publicity chairman. in Iront of the coupe slowed to ~e t up a permanent system Qf Organizations repJ'esented at the let the two east..-bound t Tucks RepublJcan House Leader Hal appropriation "a venture In taith , . farm pric supports, was shov d on the part ot th naUon." I1)eeling included the League 01 cross the narrow bl idge. aside temporarily In favor or an leck (R-Ind.) said It was too Im Women Voters, Longf~ ll o w PTA, TJle driver of thJ coupe musl appropriation measure. portant a rne~ ure to be "taJt1J.U.td The back to a 12-mon hrough In one- day" anyway. basla was vot~d 64 to 1 • fh e PTA council,' Knights of Co have seen only the lirst oncoming And lhen lh compllcBted, end IlIf'Ibus, American Legion, Moose truck and then attempted to pass, But passage today IJJ practically The bill repr nted a ,lash of /lJdge, VFW post 3040 and the city another patrolmen said. of-a-sesslon parliamentary man certain. euvcrin, be,lln. $408-milUon in ilhe adm1nllltraUon CGuncil. The Community Dads The coupe and the Barnes truck Following house approval, sen recommendatioM for a 12-month were in charge of the meeting. both headed Cor the pitch but col S nator Fullbright (D.Ark), ale and house confere wlU have forelan spendina program. But It lided at the edge of the hJgh backing the oleo tax. repealer, said to get tOlether and Iron out minor went far toward meeting th way .• htl would olCer it s an amend differences In the two bills.