Building Fund Drive of $125,000 Opened by St. Elias Church
Devoted Complete Neva Pictures |o ,jie Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Kull I^al Coverage And Impartially Each Week XXXVH- -NO. 46 CAHTEUKT, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1!)59 vol. latent* •> rn* CI«M Mai] at P. O., Curttnt. N. 4. PRICE TEN CENTS Sweetness Building Fund Drive and Service Light Awards Of $125,000 Opened K. GREGORT USMR Honors Help Vor Long Service; I, [orm of ani- Haury Tops the List doubt, Is thfi CARTERET — Thirty-two By St. Elias Church service buttons were awarded l.n U. s. Metals Refining Co., employes (luring the month of February, To Build. ,lj)(r editors from \i A 35-ypar service button was immemorial havr awnrded to Prank Hnury, 121 ,, mounting towers !l,owrll Street., Carteret, pur- 'chnsini! ag'nnt. School ,. ;,t the cowardly Thirty - year awards were undents who have! Riven lo Prank Sensakavlc. gen- i'lnl iiecountant and supervisor. Ihrir pens in hem- S93 Chillies Street, Perth Am- And Hall [,;1,r the parentage itioy, find Anthony Radich, re- lief assistant engineer, Power CARTERET—Rev. Augustine r victims — often in House, 167 Clinton Street, Medvigy, pastor of St. EUal iv words—and then Woodbridffc. Byzantine Rite Catholic Church - ,1 to skulk behind a Twenty - five - year buttons today announced the start of ft r were Riven to James Balog, tolden Jubilee Fund Campaign. ilumo to avo'd be- afety Dept., 85 Schoder Ave- The need for a minimum of ,.„ ,ir known. I have LAUNCH NEW PROJECT: Thr Womrn's Association of the First rresbyterian Charch this week started a sewin* project iiie, Woodbridge, and William $125,000, has been established so that construction of a pa* iprrsMvr collection of to benefit two missionary hospitals, one in Tripoli and the other in Arizona.
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