t RS Sailing Now the world’s fastest growing sailboat brand, RS has earned the reputation as the fi nest range of dinghies. Winners of multiple accoldades around the globe, every RS has set the standard within its sector for performance, handling and quality. Find out more about RS at No one could put a price on how good last“ weekend was. Graham Simmonds” From fi rst time… to fi nish line … A PASSION FOR SAILING RS Sailing All Purpose Boats Trafalgar Close, Chandlers Ford, by RS Sailing Eastleigh, Hants SO53 4BW, United Kingdom +44(0)23 8027 4500
[email protected] www. RSsailing.com Photographs by Mike Austin, Fotoboat & Paul Wyeth. Designed CE Marketing … A PASSION FOR SAILING AAPBPB BBoatsoats BBrochurerochure 111.10.indd1.10.indd 12-112-1 118/03/20118/03/2011 16:3316:33 t 3 1. The high strength attachments for all Our modern All Purpose Boats are easy A truly international racing cicuit The RS Comptec PE Welcome to fi ttings are inserted into the mould, prior to to“ sail, easy to maintain and enormous fun. hull construction producing the hull. the world of RS! That’s why they are world best sellers and system have won accolades from the media, sailing centres and, most importantly, their owners Most durable all around the globe. • State of the art 3-layer rotomoulded They also share the same attention to polyethylene construction for maximum 2. The deck mould is lowered and then detail and responsive handling of our award strength to weight ratio. clamped onto the hull section.