Pennsylvania Magazine of HISTORY and BIOGRAPHY
THE Pennsylvania Magazine OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY JANUARY/APRIL 1997 A SCOTTISH PRINTER IN LATE-EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY PHILADELPHIA: ROBERT SIMPSON'S JOURNEY FROM APPRENTICE TO ENTREPRENEUR Rosalind Remer 3 THE EVOLUTION OF WOODFORD, AN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY "RETIREMENT" Mark Reinberger 27 "THE DOUBLE CURSE OF SEX AND COLOR": ROBERT PURVIS AND HUMAN RIGHTS Margaret Hope Bacon 53 J. H. C. HELMUTH, EVANGELICAL CHARITY, AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE IN PENNSYLVANIA, 1793-1800 A. G. Roeber 77 NOTES AND DOCUMENTS: LONDON MERCHANTS AND THE LAUNCHING OF PENNSYLVANIA Mary K. Getter 101 BOOK REVIEWS 123 PUBLISHED SINCE 1877 BY THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA VOLUME CXXI NUMBERS 1/2 BOOK REVIEWS REMER, Printers and Men of Capital Philadelphia Book Publishers in the New Republic, by James Tagg 123 FOGLEMAN, Hopeful Journeys German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717-1775, by Marianne S. Wokeck 124 MERANZE, Laboratories of Virtue Punishment, Revolution, and Authority in Philadelphia, 1760-1835, by Leslie Patrick 126 HOFFMAN and ALBERT, Religion in a Revolutionary Age, by Rachelle E. Friedman 128 HOFFMAN and ALBERT, The Transforming Hand of Revolution Reconsidering the American Revolution as a Social Movement, by Paul A. Gilje 129 KEEGAN, Fields of Battle The Wars for North America, by Russell F. Weigley 131 NUXOLL and GALLAGHER, The Papers of Robert Moms, 1781-1784 Volume 8 May 5- December 31,1783, by Richard Leffler 133 MATTERN, STAGG, CROSS, and PERDUE, The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State Series Volume 3 1 March 1802-6 October 1802, by James Roger Sharp 135 HUDSON, The Minister from France Conrad-Alexandre Gerard, 1729-1790, by William Stinchcombe 136 MANDELL, Behind the Frontier Indians in Eighteenth-Century Eastern Massachusetts, by Virginia Dejohn Anderson 137 PENDLETON, Oley Valley Heritage, The Colonial Years 1700-1775, by Gabnelle M.
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