Pennsylvania Magazine of HISTORY and BIOGRAPHY
THE Pennsylvania Magazine OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY BLACK LEADERS IN PHILADELPHIA JANUARY 1989 FEMINISM, FREEDOM, AND COMMUNITY: CHARLOTTE FORTEN AND WOMEN ACTIVISTS IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY PHILADELPHIA Emma Jones Lapsansky 3 "ONE GREAT BUNDLE OF HUMANITY": FRANCES ELLEN WATKINS HARPER (1825-1911) Margaret Hope Bacon 21 THE BLACK "BETTER CLASS" POLITICAL DILEMMA: PHILADELPHIA PROTOTYPE ISAIAH C. WEARS Harry C. Silcox 45 THE EARNEST PASTOR'S HEATED TERM: ROBERT J. WILLIAMS'S PASTORATE AT "MOTHER" BETHEL, 1916-1920 Robert S. Gregg 67 ESSAY REVIEW Thomas P. Slaughter 89 BOOK REVIEWS 95 PUBLISHED SINCE 1877 BY THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA VOLUME CXIII NUMBER 1 BOOK REVIEWS KULIKOFF, Tobacco and Slaves The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680 1800, NASH, Forging Freedom. The Formation of Philadelphia's Black Community, 1720-1840, by Thomas P. Slaughter. 89 WlNCH, Philadelphia's Black Elite Activism, Accommodation, and the Struggle for Au- tonomy, 1787-1848, by Roy E. Finkenbine. 95 BAUMAN, Public Housing, Race, and Renewal. Urban Planning in Philadelphia, 1920- 1974, by Jon C. Teaford. 96 ANDERSON & HEVENOR, Burning Down the House: MOVE and the Tragedy of Phil- adelphia, by Dennis Clark. 97 LEWIS, Black Coal Miners in America. Race, Class, and Community Conflict 1780 1980, by Ian M. Taplin. 99 GOTTLIEB, Making Their Own Way Southern Blacks' Migration to Pittsburgh, 1916- 1930, by Charles Hardy, III. 101 RUCK, Sandlot Seasons Sport in Black Pittsburgh, by Donald Spivey. 103 TUSHNET, The NAACP's Legal Strategy Against Segregated Education, 1925-1950, by David W. Southern. 105 SOUTHERN, Gunnar Myrdal and Black-White Relations: The Use and Abuse of An American Dilemma, 1944-1969, by Stephen Steinberg.
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