Assessing the Role of Users in Sustainable Revitalization of Historic Urban Quarters: the Case of Bursa-Khans District

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Assessing the Role of Users in Sustainable Revitalization of Historic Urban Quarters: the Case of Bursa-Khans District ITU A|Z • Vol 13 No 1 • March 2016 • 195-208 Assessing the role of users in sustainable revitalization of historic urban quarters: The case of Bursa-Khans District Gül Sibel GEDİK1, Dilek YILDIZ2 1 [email protected] • Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey 2 [email protected] • Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Received: January 2016 • Final Acceptance: February 2016 Abstract Historic urban quarters which are vital for the physical, economic and so- cio-cultural sustainable development of cities, are subject to fast paced changes due to the effects of globalization and rapid urbanization. Preventing the nega- tive effects of urbanization and globalization and maintaining the unique iden- tity of historic urban quarters for the future can only be possible by means of sustainable revitalization strategies which involve all relevant stakeholders in a holistic approach. Even though there is extensive research that focuses on the en- vironmental, socio-cultural and economic dimensions of sustainable revitaliza- tion strategies, relatively fewer studies specifically deal with the user perceptions, images and opinions. By considering local people as a valuable resource, the aim of this paper is to assess users’ role in sustainable revitalization. Khans District which is not only a historic but also a commercial and cultural center of the city of Bursa has been chosen as a case due to the ongoing transformation of this dis- trict. Methodologically, cognitive mapping and survey questionnaires have been used to obtain data. The findings showed that user sourced data can contribute to the physical, social, economic and governance dimensions of sustainable re- vitalization strategies. This data can also influence (1) the determination of aims and targets, (2) planning and design and (3) the management stage of sustainable revitalization process. Consequently, as a valuable resource, it has been found out that users’ perceptions, images and opinions can provide important data for sus- tainable revitalization. Keywords Sustainability, Revitalization, Historic urban quarters, User perception and doi: 10.5505/itujfa.2016.21931 doi: opinion, Bursa Khans District. 196 1. Introduction out the history of sustainable revital- Inherited from past generations and ization, the role of local users in the shaped by overlapping layers, historic area has been considered either a part urban quarters are both socio-cultural of social sustainability or a stakeholder and economic assets of a city. As a man- of governance process. In current liter- ifestation of cultural heritage, these ar- ature, users have been handled at mi- eas not only reflect a unique sense of nor levels, sometimes their role defined place and the identity of cities, but also in an ambiguous way or even ignored. trigger the economic dynamics of cities Few studies have taken users as a focus as an important source for city market- of the subject and separated them from ing and tourism (Al-hagla, 2010; Kar- the other dimensions of sustainability mowska, 2003; Tiesdell et al., 1996). In where users could be conceptualized this sense, historic urban quarters are under the topic of human sustainabil- vital for the physical, economic and so- ity (Börjesson and Walldin, 2009). cio-cultural sustainable development It is widely known that sustainable of cities (Tweet and Sutherland, 2007). revitalization strategies become suc- Today, due to the pressures caused cesful only in the case where users are mainly by globalisation and urbaniza- involved in the process. When the user tion such as rapid population growth, group becomes a participatory actor in mobility, increased density, the rise of these strategies, their awareness about new attraction centers, changing con- the value of the environment increas- sumption habits, uncontrolled urban es and consequently they possess and growth and economic and techno- protect it. In order to carry out plan- logical improvements, historic urban ning processes of revitalization proj- quarters can barely respond to the re- ects in a democratic way, user group as quirements of a community’s changing one of the important bottom-up actors needs and lifestyles. As a result of these and the real owners of historic urban pressures, historic urban quarters face quarters are supposed to have power in a series of economic, social and phys- the decision making process. For this ical changes. These mutual interac- reason, differentiated from the former tions can be categorized by two major studies, by considering local people as forces; the first one is the dynamics of a valuable resource for sustainable re- the place which transform population vitalization, this study focuses on the movements and real estate markets role of users, and investigates how their and the second is both perceptual and perceptions, images, and opinions can practical links between people and be articulated in sustainable revitaliza- their physical environment (Seragel- tion strategies and processes. din, 2000). Over time, these changes With this aim in mind, this study start to threaten the unique identity of methodologically uses Lynch’s (1960) these areas and cause a process of de- concept of “a cognitive image of a city” cay and deterioration. for the aim of defining how users per- Preventing the many negative ef- ceive and construct the image of a fects of urbanization and globaliza- particular district in their minds; and tion, maintaining the unique identity subsequently employs a survey ques- of historic urban quarters for the fu- tionnaire in order to learn about user ture and revitalizing them by making opinions on the problems and sug- adaptations to cope with the changing gested solutions along with the future conditions of cities can only become potentials of the district. From this possible by means of sustainable revi- point of view, this study aims to assess talization strategies which involve all user perceptions and opinions to ob- relevant stakeholders in a holistic ap- tain data for sustainable revitalization proach. Even though there is extensive strategies of historic urban quarters. research that focuses on the enviro- The main research questions which are mental, socio-cultural and economic posed as follows: components of sustainable revitaliza- • What kind of data can be obtained tion strategies, relatively fewer studies by the participation of users for sus- deal specifically with the user percep- tainable revitalization strategies of tions, attitudes and opinions. Through- historic urban quarters? ITU A|Z • Vol 13 No 1 • March 2016 • G. S. Gedik, D. Yıldız 197 • How and at what stages do user per- ty (Vehbi and Hoşkara, 2009) implies ceptions and opinions contribute to that sustainable revitalization should sustainable revitalization strategies involve not only physical, but also so- of historic urban quarters? cial and economic dimensions. Even Chosen as a case to investigate these though sustainable revitalization in research questions, Bursa Khans Dis- historic urban quarters has been ap- trict which is not only a historic but proached from many different per- also a commercial and cultural center spectives in current literature, these of the city of Bursa, is now experienc- three major dimensions are commonly ing an ongoing transformation process accepted by many researchers. Since due to both rapid population and ur- physical revitalization provides a short ban growth and also the lack of a holis- term strategy, a long term strategy can tic approach taken by local governance. only be achieved by including social An effective integration of Khans Dis- and economic dimensions when deal- trict within city life with sustainable ing with the phyical aspect (Vehbi and revitalization strategies will bring both Hoşkara, 2009; Tiesdell, et al., 1996). economic and social benefits to the en- Vehbi and Hoşkara (2009) discuss tire city of Bursa. In the next section, the relationship between the concepts main concepts, models and theoreti- of obsolescence and the level of sus- cal approaches in sustainable revital- tainability and they suggest a model ization of historic urban quarters and for measuring the sustainability level their related existing research results in historic urban cores. Based on phys- will be reviewed followed by an inter- ical, economic and social dimensions, pretation of the role of the user groups this model also includes various indi- in these approaches. cators for revitalization. Since these indicators will change from place to 2. Literature review place, this selection should be done by Extensively researched in current extensive public participation. Similar- literature is the notion that sustainabil- ly, Doratlı (2005 and 2007) defines the ity has ecological/environmental, so- theoretical foundation of revitalization cio-cultural and economic dimensions, strategies based on two mutually inter- which should be considered in a com- active concepts, which are the level of plimentary way (Chiu, 2004; Eastaway obsolescence and the dynamics of the and Støa, 2004; Vehbi, et al., 2010). place. Whereas the level of obsoles- When the notion of sustainability first cence can exist in physical, functional, came to the fore in academic circles, locational and image categories, the its physical or ecological dimensions development dynamics of the place initially drew the most discussion,
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