Aerodynamic Analysis of a C-Class-Like Catamaran in Simplified
an author's Fiumara, Alessandro and Gourdain, Nicolas and Chapin, Vincent and Senter, Julien Aerodynamic analysis of a C- class-like catamaran in simplified unsteady wind conditions using LES and URANS modeling. (2018) Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 180. 262-275. ISSN 0167-6105 Aerodynamic analysis of a C-class-like catamaran in simplified unsteady wind conditions using LES and URANS modeling Alessandro Fiumara a,*, Nicolas Gourdain b, Vincent Chapin b, Julien Senter c a Assystem Technologies and ISAE-Supaero, Toulouse, France b ISAE-Supaero, Toulouse, France c Assystem Technologies, Toulouse, France 1. Introduction shapes in unsteady flow conditions, like flapped wings, and are largely exploited by insects and flying animals to enhance their flying capa- The interest for wingsails has grown since their introduction on bilities (Maxworthy, 1979; Ellington et al., 1996; Muijres et al., 2008). America's Cup catamarans in 2013. Wingsails enhance the yacht per- On bat wings, the increase in lift due to the LEV is of 40% (Muijres formance thanks to the achievement of larger lift-to-drag ratio and et al., 2008). LEVs are also exploited in the aeronautic field to increase maximum lift coefficients with respect to soft sails. However, the the lift of delta wings. In the naval domain, (Viola and larger aerodynamic forces acting on the wingsail can compromise the Arredondo-Galeana, 2017), performing PIV experimental tests, stability of the yacht during navigation especially in unsteady condi- observed and analyzed the formation of LEV on a soft spinnaker tions, e.g.
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