March 22, 2020, Crossing the , Exodus 13:17-14:31

PARENT OVERVIEW: After God sent the 10 plagues on the Egyptians, Pharaoh finally agreed to let the free. They were no longer enslaved.

Today we see how God acted in an even mightier way. Read Exodus 13:17-14:31 to see how God stopped the sea from flowing, and allowed the Israelites to pass through on dry ground.

Moses followed God’s directions and led the people on a journey towards the Red Sea, away from the Egyptians. But during their travels God hardened Pharaoh’s heart again, and the Egyptian army once again went after and the people. As the Egyptians were approaching, God’s people became afraid and called out to God. They had nowhere to go. There was sea in front of them and the Egyptian army behind them.

The Israelites thought it would be impossible to escape. But nothing is impossible for God. Moses encouraged the people and told them not to be afraid. He reminded them that God loves them and to put their trust in Him. Moses encouraged them to have faith. Moses says in Exodus 14:13, “stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

God then performed a . He parted the waters of the Red Sea and the Israelites were able to cross on dry land and once again escape from Pharaoh’s army.

FAMILY DEVOTION TIME: 1. March Memory verse: Exodus 15:2, “The Lord is my strength and my defense and He has become my salvation.” Click here for the graphic version. 2. Watch our Bible Basic video here 3. Watch our Bible overview here—do you want a flip book version? 4. Whiskers wants to say “hello” 5. Read the following scripture to your children: Exodus 13:17-14:31 6. Watch this video and talk about the points below: • What was the tenth and final plague? (death of the firstborn, Exodus 11:4-5) • Where were the Israelites told to put the blood from the lamb? (on their doorposts, Exodus 12:7) • Did Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go? (yes, Exodus 12:31-32) • The Israelites needed to be freed from slavery. What do we need to be free from? (sin) • The Israelites should have died when the tenth plague came. What did God provide instead? (an unblemished lamb or goat, Exodus 12:5) • How did God set us free from sin? (the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus) • What happened to the Red Sea when Moses raised his hand? (It parted and the Israelites walked through on dry land, Exodus 14:21-22) • What happened to the Egyptian army? (they drowned in the sea, Exodus 14:28) • God rescued His people from the Egyptians. What do we need rescued from? (sin) • God split the Red Sea so His people could escape. How does God provide our escape from sin? (the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus)

7. Memorize the Key Truth: Nothing is impossible for God.

IT’S TIME TO WORSHIP: 1. Watch the CM Team sing “Praise Ye the Lord!” Join in at home!

FAMILY PRAYER: “Dear Lord, Help me to have the faith to always trust You. When things in my life become difficult or seemingly impossible, help me to turn to You, because nothing is impossible for You.”

We hope you enjoyed your first Church at Home! See you next week!

Julie Hazlett and the CM Staff.