THE VALLEY OF A THOUSAND PLANTS: AN INVENTORY OF THE NATIVE FLORA OF THE CATCHMENT OF DORA CREEK, NEW SOUTH WALES Terence J Annable and Howard J Fisher THE VALLEY OF A THOUSAND PLANTS: AN INVENTORY OF THE NATIVE FLORA OF THE CATCHMENT OF DORA CREEK, NEW SOUTH WALES Terence J Annable and Howard J Fisher This publication should be cited as: Annable, T. J. & Fisher, H. J. (2014). The Valley of a Thousand Plants: An Inventory of the Native Flora of the Catchment of Dora Creek, New South Wales. Cooranbong, NSW: School of Science and Mathematics, Avondale College of Higher Education. ISBN 13: 978-0-9941748-0-2 ©2014 by T.J. Annable & H.J. Fisher. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Printed by Rothfield Print and Image Management, Camperdown, NSW. Typeset in 12pt Times New Roman Cover Photo: Giant Lily (Doryanthes excelsa), July 2013. Photo by Howard Fisher. For information about how to obtain print copies of this publication, contact the Secretary, School of Science & Mathematics, Avondale College of Higher Education, P O Box 19, Cooranbong NSW 2265 or by calling 02 4980 2222 during business hours, Monday to Friday. The authors would be pleased to receive reliable reports of additional species of plants in the catchment. They may be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected] ii CONTENTS Acknowledgements 2 The Authors 2 Map 1: The Catchment of Dora Creek 3 Map 2: Dora Creek Catchment and Lake Macquarie 4 The Dora Creek Catchment 5 The Inventory