The Legacy of Sharpeville
Editorial Comment THE LEGACY OF SHARPEVILLE The Sharpeville Massacre and the le, we sti 11 and with added stubborn subsequent banning of our organisa ness are steadfastly raising tion, the African National Congress, our fists against the clouds, dema are two events of great importance in nding freedom not only in our life the history of the Black man's stru time, but NOW. The masses of the ggle. In the main it is the two eve oppressed of our land in all their nts that made clear to all that with formations are up in arms, mobilis out arms in hand our fight for a new ing all their strength to put the South Africa fashioned along the pri apartheid system to a speedy end. nciples enshrined in the freedom Cha The Anti-republic and Anti-SAIC Ca rter, the only viable alternative to mpaigns, to mention only two, are apartheid tyranny, would end up bei unforgettable episodes in this ard ng just a pipe-dream, or, at best, uous march and are shining examples would take us centuries to realise. of the resolve of our people to spa Hence the formation of our people's re no quarter in the struggle agai array, Umkhonto we Sizwe, as the reply nst racist tyranny. SASOL, Voortre- to the unending terror and violence kkerhoogte, Komatipoort, Koeberg and of the arbitrary apartheid state. Pietermaritzburg, to mention but a few, bear witness of the glaring pre The ensuing years have indeed been sence of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the army difficult, years of gruelling, bit of our oppressed, as the unfailing ter and hard fighting, of advances and spearhead of these popular mass up setbacks, but always years of victo surges.
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