
• _k ______x«*u»'* J""‘S3’186S- m "' PORTLAND, WEDXE8DAY MORNING, MARCH 6,1807. Ter^mpHtDollarannum,tn,,0,,^'- J'HR is PORTLAND DAILY PRESS published DUISNESS LAUDS. 4 OlMHT!Vi:Ui(HIP. 1 —- UEHOVALS. at No. Printers .. ■ everyday, (Sunday excepted,) f- —• —^: _ exercise of his Exchange, Commercial Street, Portland. judgment, which there was no I erected the doubt was buildings during year is N. A. Proprietor. conscientiously seemed 10T0~h^T FOSTER, to exercised, than in 1865. STATEMENT OF CONDITION DAILY press. hnn, the speaker, with ing480more The number of Terms Eight Dollar- a year in advance. LAMB & Notice• R E M OV A L. fraught nothing but TYLER, CO, Copartnership continued turmoil, danger and OF THE error, to the dangerous buildings reported as existing iu at the Manufacturers of PORTLAND. South and to the entire Hc THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published STEPHEN country. rose, the is many of them owned a a GALE therefore, for the ol city 331, by non- h ime place every Thursday morning at $2.00 year, rpHE undersigned have this day formed copart- purpose slating very brief- X Commerce Insurance in addition to be invariably in advance. nership under the firm name ot lias removed to the Comp’y, ly, what he had already said residents who cannot foucd. In 099 tene- BOOTS AM) Wednesday when the measure was SHOES, Of N. Dec. March 1867. before the Senate on a Albany, If., 31, I860. Morning, 6, ment houses, the proprietors have been Rates of inch of space,In Corner of Deer and former it was that he oblig- Advertising.—One and Dealers iu JORDAN & RANDALL, Middle Sts., ocoasion, why had cast oi column, constitutes a “square.* a few the vote lie had cast on that ed to in and in one case of 1-ngth steps below the old stand, on the opposite side The occasion, arul put “fire-escapes,” $1.50 daily first week; 75 cents per ot the assets: lhc why per square And have taken Rooms at the Junction of Free moliSditw it was that he should give the same vote now. 19 or less, $1.00; continu the refusal of a to do it, he was ar- ek alter; three insertions, Leather and Findings,