ANNUAL REPORT 2018 2 International Science Council The International Science Council (ISC) is a non-governmental organization with a unique global membership that brings together 40 international scientific Unions and Associations and over 140 national and regional scientific organizations including Academies and Research Councils. The ISC was created in 2018 as the result of a merger between the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC). Front Cover: Photo of a silver fern by Sandy Millar on Unsplash. The Māori word for this tightly furled frond is “koru”, and it signifies new life, new beginnings. Work with the ISC to advance science as a global public good. Connect with us at:
[email protected] International Science Council 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie 75116 Paris, France Annual Report 2018 3 CONTENTS 1. Our Organization 4 Message from the President and CEO 6 Our Vision, Mission and Values 8 Our Launch 8 A global voice for science in the contemporary world, by Craig Calhoun 10 2. Our Global Reach 14 Activities and Impact 16 i. Headquarters 16 ii. Regional Offices 20 Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in Science 23 Co-sponsored Programmes 24 3. Our Governance 28 Governing Board 28 Finances 30 4. Our Members 32 5. Our Future 36 Action Plan 2019-2021 38 Confronting the Problems of Our Time, by Ismail Serageldin 38 4 International Science Council 1 OUR ORGANIZATION Photo: Heide Hackmann and Daya Reddy Message from ISC President, Daya Reddy and CEO, Heide Hackmann: With the creation of the International Science Council, 2018 marked a milestone in the world of international science.