Only A.S is mentioned by name, the other honorable women in Quran are mentioned by their family relations. Calling people by family references was an tradition in those times.

Quran- "There is instruction in their stories 12 : 1 11 for people of intelligence. This is not a narration that has been invented, but a confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe"

QURAN- 1 7: 24, 7:27, 39:6 H AW WA 30:20, 4:1, 7:189, Hawwa R.A was created from Adam A.S and was his spouse. She was the first woman to be created by Allah and served as the source of CLICK HERE FOR life. She was the Mother of Mankind. ALL REFERENCES LESSONS LEARNED Her repentance in Quran serves as a reminder for all humans that they are bound to sin. However, what differentiates a true believer from a disbeliever is the ability to ask Allah for forgiveness and better themselves. The story of Adam and Hawwa also reminds us of Allah’s forgiveness and gives hope to all Muslims.

QURAN- 2 20: 37-40, Umm-e-Musa 28: 7-13

The mother of Hazrat Musa (AS) gave birth to Musa (A.S) during the reign of Pharoah, who decreed the persecution of children of Israel (only CLICK HERE.. the males). She received Divine inspiration REFERENCE 1, (Wahi- a direct message from Allah) and obeyed REFERENCE 2 Allah despite her motherly instincts. She suckled Musa (AS) and let him go with a firm belief in Allah’s plans. Musa (A.S) survived, was reunited with his mother and later became a beloved Prophet of Allah.

LESSONS Umm-e-Musa holds a highly respectable LEARNED position in and serves as an example for all women because of her unshakable faith in Allah’s plans and His promise, as well as strict obedience to Allah’s orders. Her story inspires us to always have complete trust in Allah’s plans even if we don’t understand them.

3 QURAN- 28: 7-9, 66: 1 1

Asiya was the wife of the tyrant and most powerful man to walk earth at the time, the CLICK BELOW.. Pharaoh of Egypt. She took Musa (A.S) in as he REFERENCE 1, got off the shore and convinced her husband REFERENCE 2 to adopt him as a son. Musa (A.S) grew under her protection, to become a great Prophet of Allah. When Musa (A.S) called people to believe in Allah, Pharaoh tortured and severely punished all those who believed in Musa (A.S) including his own wife, Asiya. But despite living in wealth and luxury, Asiya firmly believed in Allah and knew her true home was in Paradise. She willingly gave up her life and all the glitter in it to submit to Allah’s will. Her strong personality stands as an example LESSONS for all Muslim women. Her story serves as a LEARNED reminder for Muslim women to stop running after wordly wealth and pleasures. It encourages Muslims to be ready to sacrifice anything including comfort, wealth and life itself, to be fearless of all those with worldly power and stand up to anyone who comes in the way of faith for the sake of Allah.

4 QURAN- Wife of MUSA 28: 22-28

Musa (A.S)’s wife had the confidence to suggest to her own father for her marriage to Musa (A.S) by asking him to hire Musa (A.S). She was an intelligent, intuitive, shy woman who knew how CLICK HERE FOR to approach men while going out to work in- ALL REFERENCES stead of her old father. She was respectful and loving to her father. Above all, she didn’t care about the facts that Musa (A.S) was a fugitive, had killed a man and that he was homeless. Instead, she intended to marry him because he was an honest, physically strong man with a noble character and dignity. Those qualities that the wife of Musa (A.S) observed are the ones women should look for in LESSONS men when considering marriage. Another lesson is that it’s okay for Muslims (men and women) to LEARNED like someone. What matters is that you approach them in the right way, with Haya (shyness) and respect, and a sincere intention to marry. Finally, Musa’s wife was a working woman. The way she approached men with dignity while being properly covered should serve as a guide for all working Muslim women and encourage them to observe Haya like she did.

QURAN- 5 3:42-43 & 45-47 Mariam 21:91

Mariam (A.S) is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran. The 19th chapter of Holy Quran is named after her, the only chapter of Quran CLICK HERE.. named after a woman. REFERENCE 1, REFERENCE 2 She was the mother of Isa (A.S). She became pregnant even though she had never been with any man and had to deliver her child all alone while being accused of sinning. She had exemplary strength as she had to deliver her child all alone without anyone’s LESSONS support. Her strength should inspire pregnant LEARNED women to stay strong and positive during pregnancy. Her patience during the difficult time of pregnancy while having to face accusations by people is a reminder for Muslims to have faith in Allah’s plans, trust Allah, stay optimistic and seek patience through prayer during hardship.



33:59 Daughters of PROPHET 6 (S.A.W)

QURAN- Wives of PROPHET 7 33:59, Muhammad (S.A.W) 33:28-34

QURAN- 27:41-42 8 Bilquis (Queen of Sheeba)

9 daughters of QURAN- 11:79, PROPHET (A.S) 15:71

QURAN- wife of the Prophet 11:71-72 (A.S) 10

QURAN- 11 Wife of Imran 3:35-36

QURAN- The woman who 58:1 12 complained to ALLAH about her husband.

NOTE: All references are from the Holy Quran- The number mentioned before colon in a given reference is the number of referred Chapter, and the number after colon is the number of the verse/s. For eg; 58:1 means Chapter/ # 58, Verse/ Ayah # 1.