Latest update on what’s open in Mull & – Post office/ Facilities/ banks

Name of Business/Facility Type of Business/Facility Location of Business/Facility Post Lockdown Information Tobermory Post Office Post Office Tobermory Open Mon-Sat Clydesdale Bank Bank Tobermory Open Mon-Fri Tobermory Harbour Association Harbour services Tobermory Open - pre booking for vessels is essential. Toilets & showers open all hours for boats, 9-5 for public use. Public Toilets Toilets Fionnphort Open Post Office (in Ferry Shop) Post Office Fionnphort Open Mon to Sat 10am - 4pm (hours may vary) Cash Withdrawal Cash withdrawal Fionnphort Cash machine within ferry shop Post Office withdrawal available with UK cards Iona Public Toilets Toilets Iona Open Iona Post Office Post Office Iona Open Mon, Tues Thurs and Fri 9am - 5.30pm Wed 9am – 1pm Sat 9am – 12.30pm Post Office Post Office Bunessan See web for opening times Bunessan Public Toilets Toilets Bunessan Closed (No Disabled Toilet) stores post office Post Office Pennyghael Mon-Thurs 9am-1pm Fri 9am- 2pm Salen Public Toilets Toilets Salen Open from 1st April as per MCC Ferry Public Toilets Toilets Open from 1st April as per MCC Public Recycling Point Waste Management Salen Open but full at the moment Post Office Post Office Dervaig Open Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am – 5.30 Open Wed 9am – 1pm Open Sat 9am – 12.30 Closed Sunday Calgary Toilets Toilets Calgary Open Post Office Post Office & Cash Withdrawal Craignure Open 9am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri Open 9am – 1pm Thurs Closed Sat, Sun Craignure Public Toilets Toilets Craignure Open

All information collated by Craignure iCentre & correct at time of issue See for latest advice on travel and booking