
PRG. 161. A(Ii) (N) (Ordy.) 900




PART V-A(ii)


J. DATTA GUPTA of the Civil Service, Superintendent of Census Operations, West Bengal &


.price: Rs. 7'50 paise or 17 sh. 6 d. or 2 $ 70 cents. 1961 CENSUS PUBLicATIONS


Vol, XVI-West Bengal & Sikkim

[All parts will be uniform size, demy quarto 8!,'X 111"]



16 Volumes of District Census Handbooks

(Malda, West Dinajpur, Hooghly, Calcutta (Vol. II) and Coo~h Behar District Census Handbook published; 10 Volumes in Press] TABLES ON SCHEDULED TRIBES

THE CONSTITUTION provides special safe­ guards for the communities listed as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. At the 1951 Census there was no union table devoted particularly to them, except one giving their total numbers with economic classification. The 1961 Census has endeavoured to produce the population figure for each Scheduled and Scheduled and their cross classification by age, marital status, ·aucation, religion and industrial category. Hence these Special Tables. Included in these is also a table on household cUltivation confined to the total Scheduled Tribes, one on distribution of each tribe by mother tongue and subsidiary language and another on classification of non­ workers of each tribe by sex and type of activity. A complete list of villages predominantly popu­ lated by the Scheduled Tribes is given in the Appendix.

The Special Tables on Scheduled Castes have already been published in Part V-A(i). The total figures of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for 'each village and town have been given in the Primary Census Abstract. The figures for the police stations and towns will be found in Part II-A of the West Bengal Census Report, and for villages in the District Census Handbooks. Table C-VIII printed in Part II-C(i) of the Report classifies the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes popUlation of the districts by literacy and industrial categories of wQrkers and non.workers. Ethnographic Notes on Sche­ duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes based on studies undertaken as ancillaries to the 1961 Cen­ sus enumeration will be found in Part V-B.

For an account of the treatment of castes and tribes in earlier Censuses, reference is invited to the Introductioll to Part V-A(i). AS NO CASTE OR TRIBE IS 'SCHEDULED' IN SJKKIM, PART V (IN ALL I ITS SUB-PARTS) OF VOLUME XVI WILL RELATE TO WEST BENGAL ONLY



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Note):- (ilPolIGe Station.lntfJ~eiti"o(~.v4 HI)W(M h.'te !'lot betn _Mown ,epl"tely. (ii) In Z4·Par'ln,:. .djl4tmenUh..... beln ~ tor Notification No.3490 PI. d.ted 11.8,62,




A NOTE ON THE SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULAtION lX~LXV Comparison with other States of India (XVII). Distribution among the districts and police stations (XVIII). Relative strength of the Tribes (xx). Variation in the population, 1951-61 (XXVI). RUf

TABLE SCT-I PART B~Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex for Scheduled Tribes

SCT-II PART B-Age and Marital Status for Scheduled Tribes 43

SCT-III PART A(ii)-Education in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Tribes 111

SCT-III PART B(ii)-Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled Tribes 129

SCT-IV PART B-Religion for Scheduled Tribes 143

SCT-V PART B-Sample Households engaged in Cultivation classified by Interest in land and Size of land cultivated in Rural areas only for members of Scheduled Tribes 241

ST-I-Mother-tongue and Bilingualism for Scheduled Tribes 249

ST-II-Persons not at work classified by ~ex and Type of Activity for Scheduled Tribes 403

ApPENDIx-List of Scheduled Tribes Villages, West Bengal, 1961 417





SCT-I PART A Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex for Scheduled Castes

SCT-II PART A Age and Marital 'Status fot Scheduled Castes

SCT-III PART A(i) Education in Urban areas only for Scheduled Castes

SCT-III PART B(i) Education in Rural areas only for Scheduled Castes

SCT-IV PART A Religion for Scheduled Castes

SCT-V PART A Sample Households engaged in Cultivation classified by Interest in land and Size of land cultivated in Rural areas only for members of Scheduled Castes

SC-J Persons not at work classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Edu- cationallevels for Scheduled Castes

APPENDIX List of Scheduled Castes Villages, West Bengal, 1961 VII



1. Throughout the State: 1 Ho 2 3 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 4 Mal Pahariya 5 Munda 60raon 7 Sa,ntal

2. Throughout the State except the t.erritories transferred from the Purnea district of .'

3. Throughout the State except in the district and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar .' 1 inc[udingSherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 2 Chakma 3 Garo 4 Hajang 5 Lepcha 6 Magh 7 8 Mech 9 Mru 10 Nagesia 11 Rabha

4. In the and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar.' 1 Asur 2 Baiga 3 Banjara 4· 5 6 7 Birhor 8 Birjia 9 10 11 Gond 12 Gorait 13 Karmali 14 15 Khond 16 Kisan 17 Korwa 18 Lohara or Lohra 19 Mahli 20 Parhaiya 21 Sauda Paharia 22 Sayar VIII


In the tables the tribe names are arranged alphabetically. Where two or more tribe names are grouped under one item in the Scheduled Tribes List, total figures for all the names have been shown against the item, arranged under alphabetical order on the basis of the first name of the item.

'Unclassified' denotes persons who were returned as members or Scheduled Tribes with no tribe name or vague or unclassifiable tribe names.

For Scheduled Tribes which are listed for specified areas of the State or a district (not its whole area), the popUlation figures represent the popUlation enumerated in those specified areas alone and do not include the population which may be residing in the State or district, as the case may be, outside those specified areas. The restriction is based not on nativity but on physical presence on the day of the enumeration.

Each table presented in this volume has a fly-leaf prefixed to it stating the scope of the table. A general note broadly summarising the statistics follows immediately. A NOTE ON THE SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION



(Figures within brackets indicate paragraph numbers)

Comparison with other States of India (1-2) Distribution among the districts and police stations (3-9) Relative strength of the Tribes (10-14) Variation in the Population, 1951-61 (15-19) Rural-Urban break up (20-26) Age Composition (27-30) Sex Ratio (31-32) Marital Status (33-38) Literacy and Education (39-47) Religion (48-57) Mother Tongue (58-65) Bilingualism (66-70) Economic Activity (71-91) Non-working Population (92-93)


LIST OF STATEMENTS Statement Subject

I Scheduled Tribes Population lU different States, 1961 II Distrietwise distribution of the Scheduled Tribes Population of West Bengal, 1961 III Distribution of Police Stations by percentage of Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

IV Police Stations where more than 40 per cent of the Population belong to the Scheduled Tribes, 1961 V Population of Individual Scheduled Tribes with area restrictions and distribution per 10,000 of Total Scheduled Tribes Population by Tribes arranged Numeri­ cally, West Bengal, 1961

VI Distribution per 10,GOO of the Population of Ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes of the State among the districts, 1961 VII Communities treated as Scheduled Tribes in 1961 but not in 1951 VIII Variation in the Strength of selected Commu­ nities in selected districts, 1951-1961 IX Rural-urban Proportions of the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961 x Rural-urban Proportions of the Population of Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961 XI Distribution of Towns by Proportion of Scheduled Tr~bes Population, 1961 XII Age Composition of the Total Population and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961 XIII Age Composition of the numerically maj or Scheduled Tribes, 1961 XIV


Statement Subject

XIV Sex Ratio among the Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961 xv Distribution by Marital Status of the Total Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961 XVI Distribution of the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population by Age-group and Marital Sta.tus, 1961'

XVII Distribution per 10,000 of the PopUlation of Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes by Marital Status, West Bengal, 1961 XVIII Per cent Literate among the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population of each Sex, 1961 XIX Literacy among Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961 xx Levels of Education in the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961 XXI Distribution of the Total Scheduled Tribes Population by Religion, 1961 XXII Distribution of the Populatjon of each Scheduled Tribe by Religion) 1961 XXIII Police Stationwise Return for Saridharma, 1961

XXIV Distribution of the Scheduled Tribes Population by Mother Tongue, 1961

XXV Prevalence of non-Aryan Languages among th e Scheduled Tribes of West Bengal, 1961

XXVI Bilingualism among Scheduled Tribes and use of Aryan Languages as Subsidiary to non-Aryan Mother Tongues and vice versa, West Bengal, 1961 xv


Statement Subject

XXVII Proportion of Workers in the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

XXVIII Distribution per 10,000 Workers of each Sex of the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population by Industrial Categories, 1961

XXIX Distribution of 10,000 Persons of Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes 'by Industrial Categories of Workers and Non-workers, 1961

XXX Cultivating Households classified by Interest in Land cultivated, 1961 XXXI Distribution of General and Scheduled Tribes Cultivating Households by Size of Land cultivated, 1961

XXXII Distribution of 1,000 Non-workers of Ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes by Type of Activity, 1961



~ Below 1'00 EJ 1'00-5000 • 10'01-20-00 • 20'01-30110 •IIIIIIII 10'01-40'00 .,. D Ho Sc:hcrdlJlcrd Trt~esD

Stale Average 5118


B Birbhum C Cooch Beha, E Ea,! Pakistan


Comparison with other States of India 1. In a total population of 34,926,279 persons in West Bengal, 2,054,081 (or 5.88 per cent) belong to the Scheduled Tribes. The statement below gives the Total population, Scheduled Tribes population, their percentage to Total population and their percentage distribution among the States in India and the Union Territories: STATEMENT I Scheduled Tribes Populqlion in different states, 1961

Percentage of Percentage Scheduled distribution Tribes among the Scheduled Population States and Total Tribes to Total Union India/States Population Population Population Territories

1 2 3 4: 5

INDIA 439,234,771 30,130,184 6.86 100.00 35,983,{47 1,324,368 3.68 4.39 11,872,772 2,064,816 17.39 6.85 Bihar 46,455,610 4,204,770 9.05 13.95 Gujarat 20,663,350 2,754,446 13.35 9.14 Jammu & Kashmir 3,560,976 Kerala 16,903,715 212,762 1.26 0.71 32,372,408 6,678,410 20.63 22.16 Madras 33,686;953 251,991 0.75 0.84 Mahara5lhtra 39,553,718 2,397,159 6.06 7.96 Mysore 23,586,772 192,096 3.81 0.64 Oris&a 17,548,846 4,223,757 24.07 14.02 Punjab 20,306,812 14,132 0.07 0.05 Rajasthan 20,155,602 2,309,447 11.46 7.66 73,746,401 West Bengal 34,926,279 2,054,081 5.88 6.82 All Union Territories 7,941,110 1,447,949 18·23 4.81

2. Among the States, West Bengal ranks eighth by size of the Scheduled Tribes population which constitutes 6.82 per cent of the country's total Scheduled Tribes population. So far as the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes population in the total population is concerned, West Bengal occupies tlie eighth place again,

Sea) RGlj64 (ii ) ~VIII the first seven places being occupied by Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Bihar and . The lowest position is held by Punjab. There are no Scheduled Tribes in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.

Distribution among the districts and police stations

3. The population of individual Scheduled Tribes in the districts, separately for rural and urban areas, is given in Table SCT-I Part B. The distribution of the total Scheduled Tribes population among the divisions and districts of the State is as follows:


Districtwise distributio'Y! of the Scheduled Tribes Populat1~on of West Bengal, 1961

Distribution of 100 members Percentage of of Scheduled Scheduled Tribes in Tribes the State Scheduled Population among Total Tribes to Total Divisionsf StatefDivisionJDistrict Population populaton Population Districts

1 2 3 4 5

West Bengal 34,926~279 2,054,081 5-88 100-00 18,760,996 904,878 4·8Z 44·05 624,640 96,444 15·44 4·70 1,359,292 354,741 26·10 17·27 1,019,806 8,809 0·86 0·43 West Dinajpur 1,323,797 170,149 12·85 8·28 MaIda 1,221,923 99,522 8·14 4·84 2,290,010 31,452 1·37 1·53 Nadia 1,713,.'324 21,923 1·28 1·07 24-Parganas 6,280,915 119,318 1·90 5·81 Calcutta 2,927,289 2,520 0·09 0·12 Burdwan Divis£on 16,165,283 1,149,203 7·11 55·95 Rowrah 2,038,477 6,111 0·30 0·30 Rooghly 2,231,418 90,106 4·04 4·39 Burdwan 3,082,846 180,143 5·84 8·77 Birbhum 1,446,158 106,860 7'39 5·20 1,664,513 173,389 10·42 8·44 4,341,855 329,736 7·59' 16·05 fll!1lli{ll l,360,016 262,858 19·33 J2'80 XIX

4. Jalpaiguri has the largest Scheduled Tribes popUlation (3'55 lakhs) .. The district ranks first also in terms of the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes population to the total population (26'10 per cent). By the size of the Scheduled Tribes population, the second, third and fourth positions are held by Mid,napore (3'30 lakhs), Purulia (2'63 lakhs) and Burdwan (1'80 lakhs) respectively. Out of the 16 districts in West Bengal, only 5 districts, viz., Jalpaiguri, Midnapore, Purulia, Burdwan and Bankura account for more than 63 per cent of the total Scheduled Tribes population. Five districts, viz., Calcutta, , Cooch Behar, Nadia and Murshidabad contain between them a little more than 3 per cent. of the State's total Scheduled Tribes population. -

5. Jalpaiguri, as already stated, ranks first in terms of percentage of the Scheduled. Tribes popUlation to total popUlation. The next five positions are held by Purulia (19'33 per cent), Darjeeling (15'44 per cent), West Dinajpur (12'85 per cent), Bankura (10'42 per cent) and MaIda (8'14 per cent) respectively. The district having the lowest percentage is Calcutta (0'09 per cent).,

6. The distribution of 286 police stations of the State according to the percentage of the Scheduled Tribes population to their total population is as below:

STATEMENT III Distribution of police stations by percentage of Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

Percentage of Scheduled Tribes No. of Police Population to Total Stations Population 1 2

0 to 5·0 168

5·1 to 10·0 42

10·1 to 20,0 33

20·1 to 30'0 25

30·1 to 40'0 9

40·1 to 50'0 8

50·1 to 60'0 1 Total 286

7. Bharatpur in Murshidabad distr~ct is the ~nly police .station ~hic~ does o.ot have any Scheduled Tribes populatIOn. Mam.kchak pohce statIOn II?- the ~alda district bas returned only two persons belongmg to the Schedllied Tq.bes, xx

8. The statement below shows. the proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the 9 police stations which have more than 40 per cent of their population belonging to the Scheduled Tribes.

STATEMENT IV police stations where more than 40 per cent of the Population belong to the Scheduled Tribes, 1961

Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Population Total Tribes to Total Police Station District Population Population Population

1 2 3 4 5

Nagrakata JaIpaiguri 58,635 29,953 51'08

Mal Jalpaiguri 135,117 55,552 41-11

Mitiali Jalpaiguri 57,697 27,666 47'95

Madarihat Jalpaiguri 81,344 32,919 40·47

Kalchini Jalpaiguri 117,184 50,285 42·91

Kumargram Jalpaiguri 73,810 33,123 44·88

Habibpur MaIda 87,494 35,368 40·42

Ranibandah Bankura 66,604 27,580 41·41

Bunduan Purulia 46,581 22,621 48·56

9. The police station Nagrakata in the has the highest percentage (51'08) of the Scheduled Tribes population to the Total population closely followed by Bunduan (48-56) police station of the Purulia district and Mitiali (47'95) police station of the Jalpaiguri district.

Relative strength of the Tribes

10. The 1961 population of the individual Scheduled Tribes, area restric­ tions and distribution per 10,000 of total Scheduled Tribes population by in­ dividual Tribes are shown in the statement below: XXI

STATEMENTV Population of Individual Scheduled Tribes with area restrictions and distribution per 10,000 of Total Scheduled Tribes Population by Tribes arranged Numerically, West Bengal, 1961

Per 10,000 of Total Population Scheduled ..A...,:...... Scheduled Area where r- """"') Tribes Rank Tribe Scheduled Persons Males Females Population

1 2 3 4: 5 I) 7

All Tribes 2,054,081 1,043,042 1,011,039 10,000

1 Santal Throughout the State 1,200,019 605,649 594,370 5,842

2 Ora on Ditto 297,394 156,292 141,102 1,448

3 Munda Ditto 160,245 78,516 81,729 780

4 Bhumij Throughout the State 91,289 47,003 44,286 444 except the terri- tories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

5 Kora Throughout the State 62,029 32,251 29,778 302

6 Lodha, Kheria Ditto 40,898 20,302 20,596 199 or Kharia

7 Mahali Throughout the State 28,233 13,904 14,329 137 except in the Purulia district and the territories trans- ferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

8 Bhutia including Ditto 23,595 12,197 11,398 115 Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo

9 Mal Pahariya Throughout the State L15,706 8,491 7,215 76

10 Lepcha Throughout the State 15,309 7,577 7,732 75 except in the Purulia district and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar STATEMENT V-contd.

.Per 10,000 of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Area where r-~--~.~------Tribes Rank Tribe Scheduled Persons Males Females PopUlation

1 3 4 6 7

11 Mech Throughout the State 13,915 '7,398 6,1>17 except in the Purulia district and the terri- tories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

12 Rabha. Ditto 6,053 2,673 3,380 29

13 Mahli In the Purulia district 5,075 2,64:1 2,434 25 and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

14 Nagesia Throughout the State 4,875 2,584 2,291 24 except in the Purulia district and the terri- tories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

15 Korwa In the Purulia district 2,891 1,422 1,469 and the territories transferred from the Purnes. district of Bihar

16 Garo Throughout the State 2,535 806 1,'729 12 except in the Purulia district and the terri- tories transferred from the Purnes. district of Bihar

17 SaYar In the Purulia district 2,181 1,702 479 11 and the territories transferred from the PUrnes. district of Bihar

18 10haIa or Ditto 2,031 1,835 196 10 10hra XXIIf

STATEMENT V-contd. Per 10,000 of Total Population Scheduled Area where Tribes Scheduled ~ """""\I 1l.ank Tribe Scheduled Persons Males Females Population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19 Mru Throughout the State 1,477 654: 823 7 except in the Purulia district and the territories trans- ferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

20 Chakma Ditto 1,379 630 749 7

21 Bedia In the Purulia district 1,191 858 333 6 and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

22 Kharwar Ditto 1,142 593 549 6

23 Ho Throughout the State 1,075 446 629 5

24 Karmali In the Purulia district 1,023 841 182 5 and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

25 Magh Throughout the State 790 498 292 4: except in the Purulia district and the territories trans- ferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

26 Gond In the Purulia district 735 402 333 and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

27 Chero Ditto 559 350 209 3

28 Parhaiya Ditto 487 446 41 2 XXIV

STATEMENT V-concld. Per 10,000 of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Area where ,.- -A.....---" Tribes Rank Tribe Scheduled Persons Males Feplales Population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29 Hajang Throughout the State 426 153 273 2 except in the Purulia district and the territories trans- ferred from the Purnea district of Bihar 30 Gorait In the Purulia district 425 352 73 2 and the territories transferred from the Purnea dif)trict of Bihar 31 Birhor Ditto 100 42 58 N 32 Khond Ditto 41 15 26 N 33 Sauria Paharia Ditto 28 8 20 N 34 Baiga Ditto 4 2 2 N 35 Kisan Ditto 3 3 N Unclassified 68,923 33,509 35,414 336


11. In West Bengal out of the forty-one groups listed as Scheduled Tribes, only thirty-five have been returned in the 1961 Census. The six unreported Scheduled Tribes are Asur, Banjara, Bathudi, Binjhia, Birjia and Chik Baraik. All these six tribes are scheduled only in the Purulia district and in the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar. 12. Out of the thirty-five Scheduled Tribe groups returned, ten account for 94'18 per cent of the total Scheduled Tribes population of the State. The last eleven Scheduled Tribes (excluding the unspecified class) in Statement V, which have less than 1,000 representatives each in the State, together const.itute only 0'17 per cent to the total Scheduled Tribes popUlation. As many as 68,923 persons have been shown as ' Unclassified' in the table, because they were returned by such indeterminate terms as' Upajati', 'Adibasi' etc. Actually, however, thi.s unclassified Scheduled Tribes population should belong to one or other of the tribes enumerated. 13. The statement below shows the distribution per 1,000 of total population of each of the ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes of the, State among the districts. x~v

STAT}1~MENT VI Distribution per 10,000 of the Populat·ion of Ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes of the State among the districts, 1961

State/District Santal Oraon Munda Bhumij Kora

1 2 3 4 5 6

West Bengal 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Darjeeling 61 955 534 2 46 Jalpaiguri 321 6,111 3,362 57 897 Cooch Behar 10 78 39 50 14 West Dinajpur 1,019 749 931 1 455 MaIda 702 161 96 N 399 Murshidabad 182 45 26 15 112 Nadia 38 329 200 103 2 24-Parganas 264 821 2,637 1,341 125 Calcutta 10 11 7 2 9 Howrah 19 64 63 3 16 Hooghly 615 126 55 239 750 Burdwan 1,289 192 186 135 1,922 Birbhum 779 9 1 N 889 Bankura 1,269 18 22 843 1,309 Midnapore 1,948 154 1,058 2,971 1,846 Purulia 1,474 177 783 4,238 1,209

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Lodha, Dukpa, Kagatay, Kheria or Tibetan and Mal State/District Kharia Mahali Yolmo Pahariya Lep.cha

1 7 8 9 10 11

West Bengal 10,000 [10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Darjeeling 352 350 9,360 1,042 9,739 Jalpaiguri 5,870 4,6~ 496 1,129 90 Cooch Behar 94 2 124 1 West Dinajpur 50 745 97 1,129 142 MaIda 6 470 0 753 0 Murshidabad 4 129 1 1,898 0 Nadia 60 9 0 237 0 24-Parganas 8 537 13 123 9 Calcutta 1 37 11 1 9 Howrah 20 13 0 13 0 Hooghly 526 46 3 40 10 Burdwan 118 390 11 407 0 Birbhum 1 311 0 227 0 Bankura 77 35(J 0 0 0 Midnapore 2,740 1,961 ' 6 1,537 0 Purulia 73 N.S. N.S. 1,340 N.S.

N-Negligible N.S.-Not Scheduled xxv!

., 14. ~he Santals are mainly concentrated in the five districts of Midnapor~, Purulia, Burdwan, Bankura and West Dinajpur which a13count for about 70 per cent of them. Otaons are promineht in the district of Jalpaiguri only, which, inciden­ tally, clai:ms rather mbre than 61 p~r (jent of the total population pf this tribe in the ~tate. The Mundas have be_en found in significant numbers in the districts of Jf!.Ipaiguri, 24-Parganas _and Midnapore, which t_ogethei' represent about 71 per cent of totttl population of the tribe in the state. The Bhumij are distributed chiefly in the districts of Purulia, Midnapore and 24-Parganas. Only 14.5 per cent of the Bhumij population live outside these three districts, Koras are to be found in all the districts but their numbers are significant only in the districts of Burdwan, Midnapore, Bankura and Purulia. About 86 per cent of the Lodha, Kheria or Kharia population live in two districts, viz., Jalpaiguri and Midnapore. In the case of the , the population is spread all over the State except in the Purulia district where it is not scheduled, but the two districts of Jalpaiguri and Midnapore account for 66 per cent of the total. For the Bhutia group of communities the principal habitat lies in the district of Darjeeling which disposes of about 94 per cent of the total population of the group. Murshidabad, Midnapore, Purulia, West Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling claim about 81 per cent of the members of the Mal Pahariya community. The Lepchas are found in large numbers only in the district of Darjeeling which represents about 98 per cent of the total popula­ tion of this community. Outside Darjeeling Lepchas are found only in the dis~ tricts of Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, West Dinajpur, 24-Parganas, Calcutta and Hooghly. Variation in the Population, 1951-61 15. In 1951 the Scheduled Tribes population of West Bengal (as she was then constituted) was 1,165,337. In 1961 the Scheduled Tribes popUlation of the State was 2,054,081. The figures are not comparable due to intercensal changes (a) in the jurisdiction of the State and (b) in the administrative list of the Scheduled Tribes. The jurisdictional changes consist of transfer to the State of the former French possession of Chandernagore and of parts of the and Purnea districts of Bihar. The statement below describes the administrative changes in the list of the Scheduled Tribes.

STATEMENT VII Oommunities treated as Scheduled Tribes in 1961 but not in 1951 Treated as Scheduled Tribe Communities in 1961 for areas Remarks 1 2 3 Baiga Purulia district and the territories Not keated either as Scheduled transferred from the Purnea Caste or Scheduled Tribe in district of Bihar 1951 in West Bengal as she was' then constituted Banjara Ditto Ditto Birhor Ditto Ditto Mahli Dit.to Treated as Scheduled Caste In 1951 XXVlt


Treated as Scheduled Tribe Communities in 1961 for areas Remark!! 1 2 3

Korwa Purulia district and the territories Not treated either as Scheduled transferred from the Purnea Caste or Scheduled Tribe in district of Bihar 1951 in West Bengal as she was then constituted

Savar Ditto Ditto tohara or Lohra. Ditto Ditto

Bedia Ditto Ditto

Asur Ditto Ditto

Kharwar Ditto Ditto

Bathudi Ditto Ditto

Karmali Ditto Ditto

Binjhia Ditto Ditto

Gond Ditto Ditto

Birjia Ditto Ditto

Chero Ditto Ditto

Chik Baraik Ditto Ditto

Parhaiya Ditto Ditto

Gorait Ditto Ditto

Khond Ditto Ditto

Sauria Paharia Ditto Ditto

Kisan Ditto Ditto

Bhumij Throughout the State except Treated as Scheduled Caste in the territories transferred 1951 from the Purnea district of Bihar

Kora Throughout the State Ditto X:XVIII

STATEMENT VII-concld. Treated as Scheduled Tribe Communties in 1961 for areas Remarks

1 2 3

Lodha, Kheda or Kharia Throughout the State Lodha was treated as a Scheduled Caste in 1951

Mal Pahariya Ditto Treated as Scheduled Caste in 1951

Ho Ditto Not treated either as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe in 1951 i,n West Bengal as she was then constituted

Mahali Throughout the State except in Ditto the Purulia district and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar

Rabha Ditto Treated as Scheduled Caste III 1951

Nagesia Ditto Ditto

Garo Ditto Not treated either as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe in 1951 in West B.engal as she was then constituted

Chakma Ditto Ditto

Magh Ditto Ditto

IIajang Ditto Ditto

Bhutia including Sherpa, Ditto Of this group, only Bhutia waH Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, heated as Scheduled Tribe in Tibetan and Y olmo '51

16. Only seven communities, viz., Bhutia, Lepcha, Mech, Mru, Munda, Ora on and Santal were treated as Scheduled Tribes in 1951. Of these seven, the three last named, viz., Munda, Oraon and Santal were treated as Scheduled Tribes in 1961 throughout the State. Lepcha, Mech and Mru were Scheduled Tribes in 1961 throughout the State except in the PuruJia district and the territories trans­ ferred from the Purnea district of Bihar. In the same area Bhutia also was t:r;eated, XXIX as a Scheduled Tribe but it included in 1961 the communities of Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo.

17. Meaningful comparison can therefore be instituted only for districts which were either not affected or affected only slightly by the States' Reorganisation in respect of those selected communities figures for which are available both for 1951 and 1961. Statement VIII shows the 1951 and 1961 population figures of these selected communities for selected districts. The 1951 figures for Hooghly include the figures for Chandernagore. For other districts no adjustments have been made in the 1951 figures for jurisdict.ional changes, jf any, during 1951-6]

STATEMENT VIII Variation in the strength of selected Oommunities in selected districts, 1951-1961

Bhumij* Kora* Lepcha ,------.A--~., ,~-.,.A...---.., ,--.A.-_-.. District 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

DarjeeIing 20 9 287 32 14,910 13,164

~ JaIpaiguri 519 557 5,563 274 138 201

Cooch Behar 457 86 17 1

MaIda 1 161 2,478 1,658

Murshidabad 141 159 694 748

Nadia 937 739 13 11

24-Parganas 12,240 14,995 773 2,155 14 23

Calcutta 15 61 57 209 13 7

Howrah 29 81 100 249 1

Hooghlyt 2,183 4,853 4,651 3,239 16 31

Bllrdwan 1,232 1,551 11,919 14,601

BirbhllID 1 34 5,51~ 4,685

Bankura 7,695 15,583 8,122 . 5,330

Midnapore 27,119 47,669 11,449 8,941 3

'" Treated as Scheduled Caste in 1951 but as SCheduled Tribe fn 1961. t 1951 figures include figures for Chandernagore. xxx


Mal Pahariya* Mech Mru ,-..A.---~ ,---..A..---, ,..----A--, District 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951

1 8 9 10 11 12 13

Darjeeling 1,636 1,367 237 224 20 195 !alpaiguri 1,774 1,853 13,178 10,507 536 674 Cooch Behar 194 2 153 56 MaIda 1,182 133 38 28 Murshidabad 2,981 883 113 Nadia 372 372 2 24-Parganas 193 2 603 Calcutta 1 129 3 7 8 Rowrah 20 4 11 Hooghlyt 63 52 14:4: 1,138 Burdwan 640 5 49 102 Birbhum 357 209 Ballkura 3 53 6 21 Midnapore 2,414 1 208 128 1,565

Munda Nagesia* Oraon ,-..A..-----.. ,---..A.--, ,----..A..---, District 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951

1 14: 15 16 17 18 19

Darjeeling 8,564 5,752 1,384 428 28,388 17,217 Jalpaiguri 53,881 39,490 2,876. 1,828 181,749 115,776 Cooch Behar 618 215 308 109 2,310 1,060 MaIda 1,533 132 4,783 7,503 Murshidabad 425 236 1,345 1,239 Nadia 3,203 1,371 9,794 3,381 24-Parganas 42,256 17,627 85 31 24,407 20,428 Calcutta 108 86 15 323 52 Rowrah 1,003 461 4: 1,894 1,573 Hooghlyt 880 1,375 2 3,743 5,736 Burdwan 2,981 2,447 3 5,699 4,555 Birbhum 15 175 269 802 Bankura 353 234 549 287 Midnapore 16,960 5,030 2 8 4,588 3,043

* Treated as SCheduled Caste in 1951 but as Scheduled Tribe in 1961. t 1951 figures include figures for Chandomagore. XXXI

STATEMENT vrrr-concld.

Rabha' Santa} r--~..A.--...... ,.-----"--~ Distrid . 1961 1951 1961 1951 1 20 21 22 23

Darjeeling 30 7,308 3,481 Jalpaiguri 4,132 2,869 38,560 21,928 Cooch Behar 1,608 624 \ 1,234 1,302 MaIda 84,207 72,800 Murshidabad 15 21,901 21,853 Nadia 4,543 6,234: 24-Parganas 76 104 31,654 23,002 Calcutta 2 61 1,193 166 Ramah 1,105 2,312 4,364 Hooghlyt 1 73,781 48,960 Burdwan 30 3 154,657 127,441 Birbhum 93,426 78,44:0 Bankura 152,254: 137,659 Midnapore 152 331 233,798 202,882

18. There are extraordinary variations in the figures for some communities, e. g., the Bhumij in Coach Behar, HooghIy, Bankura and Midnapore; the Kora in Jalpaiguri, MaIda and 24:-Parganas; the Mal Pahariya in MaIda, Murshidabad and Burdwan; the Mru in 24-Parganas and HooghIy; the Munda in MaIda, Nadia and 24-Parganas; the Oraon in Nadia; the Rabha in Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar and Howrah etc. It is hardly possible to ascribe specific reasons to these variations but a part of it seems to have been caused by such indeterminate factors as confusion over names, ignorance of the respondent, personal equation of the enumerators etc. 19. There is yet another point which it will be useful to take note of. At the 1951 Census the enumeration was conducted with reference to a negative list, i.e., a list of 'non-backward' classest, and the enumerator was free to record any caste or tribe name returned provided the name did not appear in that list. A great variety of names therefore found its way to the enumeration slips and for the purpose of preparation of tables on Scheduled Castes and Tribes only those names were picked up which conformed to the Constitution (Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes) Order 1950. Generic names, Synonyms, Sub-Caste or ... Treated as SCheduled Caste in 1951 but as Scheduled Tribe in 1961. t 1951 figures include figures for Chandernagore, f Vide I~trQquction to Part V·AliL Tables on Scheduled Castes. XXXII

Sub-Tribe names by which some of these Scheduled Castes and Tribes are sometimes known therefore remained outside the scope of the tabulation.· In 1961, on the otherhand, the enumerator was given a complete list of all Scheduled Castes and Tribes together with corresponding generic names, synonyms and Sub­ Caste and Sub-Tribe names with special instructions to enquire into all doubtful names before recording them. The coverage this time is, therefore, -expected to be more accurate. Rural-Urban break up 20. Of the total population of the State, 75'55 per cent live in rural areas and 24'45 per cent in the urban areas. But, of the Scheduled Tribes popUlation 97.66 per cent live in the rural areas and only 2'34 per cent in the urban areas. This indicates that there is relatively a greater concentration of the Scheduled Tribes in rural areas than in urban areas. Obviously the position will vary from district to district. The following statement shows the rural-urban proportions of the total and Scheduled Tribes population in the different districts of the State:

STATEMENT IX Rural-urban Proportions of the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

Scheduled Total Population Tribes Population ,--__..)\...._--, (~_"')L __~ Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent State/District Rural Urban Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5

West Bengal 75'55 24'45 97·66 2'34

Darjeeling 76·84 23-16 88·37 11·63 Jalpaiguri 90·89 9·11 99·16 0·84 CoochBehar 92·99 7·01 98·98 1·02 West Dinajpur 92·52 7·48 98·88 1·12 Maida 95·84 4'16 99·90 0·10 Murshidabad 91·46 8'54 98·46 1·54: Nadia 81·59 18·41 95.99 4·01 24-Parganas 68·19 31·81 94·29 5·71 Calcutta 100·00 100·00 Howrah 59·22 40·48 63·97 36·03 Hooghly 74·04 25·96 97·39 2·61 Burdwan 81·80 18'20 95·91 4·09 Birbhum 93·03 6·97 98·73 1·27 Bankura. 92·66 7·34 99·21 0·79 Midnapore 92·30 7·70 98·43 1·57 Purulia 93·20 6'80 99·51 0·49 21. In all the districts, the urban areas have less than their share of the Scheduled Tribes population, the deficiency being the most pronounced in the XXXIII districts of Darjeeling, Nadia., 24-Parganas, Hooghly and Burdwan. The most urbanised district (after Calcutta) is Howrah both in terms of the total popula­ tion and the Scheduled Tribes population. The least urbanised district is Maida both in terms of the total population and the Scheduled Tribes population. 22. The percentage distribution of the ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes by rural and urban areas is shown in the statement presented below:

STATEMENT X Rural-urban Proportions oj the Population oj Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961

Percentage of the Scheduled Tribes Population ,..---.---.-_..A..__ ----,_ in Rural in Urban Scheduled Tribe areas areas 1 2 3

Santal 98·48 1-52 Oraon 97·57 2·43 Munda 98·62 1·38 Bhumij 98·95 1·05 Kora 98·58 1-42 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 99·60 0·40 Mahali 98·34 1·66 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay 60·83 39·17 Tibetan and Yolmo Mal Pahariya 96·87 3·13 Lepcha 90·33 9·67

23. Of these ten Scheduled Tribes all except the and Lepchas have more than 95 per cent of their population in rural areas. The Bhutia group of communities show a high degree of urbanisation. 'The least urbanised, among these selected tribes, are the Lodhas, Kherias or Kharias. 24:. The following statement shows the distribution of 184 towns in West Bengal according to the percentage of Scheduled Tribes population to total population: STATEMENT XI Distributio'Y! of Towns by Proportion of Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Population to Total Population No. of Towns 1 2 o to 5·0 174 5'1 to 10·0 7 10·1 to 20·0 2 20·1 to 30·0 1 Total 184 8(a} RGI/64 (iii) XXXIV

25. In West Bengal there are 28 towns which did not re'turn any Scheduled Tribe population in 1961. The ten towns in which more than 5 per cent of population belong to the Scheduled Tribes are:

Kalimpong (20'11), Darjeeling (12'07), Kshirpai (10'29), Balarampur (8'85), (8'73), Jamuria (7i~I), (6'67),- Bali-Chak (6'49), Pandua (6'43) and Ja,lpaiguri (5'02).

26. A list of villages predominantly populated by the Scheduled Tribes will be found at the end of this volume. .

Age Composition 27. The distribution of the Scheduled Tribes 'population by broad age-groups: o to 14 years, 15 to 44 years and 45 years and above has been shown in Table SCT~II Part B. The statement below shows the percentage distribution of the total population and the Scheduled Tribes population between these three age groups.

STATEMENT XII Age Oomposition of the Total PopUlation and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

Percentage of r- ..., Total Scheduled Popula- Tribes Age-group tion Population

1 2 3

o to 14: 40·92 39-45

15 to 404. 53·65 44·95

45 and above 5·40 15·55

Age not stated 0·03 0·05

28. The proportion of children is almost the same in the Scheduled Tribes population as in the total population. But the proportion of the population in the working age-group is much lower in the Scheduled Tribes population than in the total population, with a matching excess in the proportion of elderly and old persons. The Scheduled Tribes population is~ therefore, 9:Q t1w Whol~ mQre elderly than the total popUlation. ' xxxv

29. The percentages of the population in three broad age-groups and also the group 'Age not stated' in respect of the ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes are shown below :

STATEMENT XIII Age Oomposition of the numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961

Age-group -..A.. ( ~ Scheduled Tribe Total 0-14 15-44 45+ Age not stated .. I 2 3 4 5 6

All Scbeduled Tribes 100'00 39'45 44'95 15'55 0'05

Santal 100·00 39·01 45·09 15·85 0·05

Oraon 100'00 41·01 44·85 IHO 0'04

Munda 100·00 40·08 44·49 HJ.42 0·01

Bhumij 100·00 38·24 45·75 16·00 0-01

Kora 100·00 39-18 44-00 16'80 0'02

Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 10(}00 42·35 42-87 14·74 0·04

Mahali 100-00 38-51 45-22 16'23 O-~

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 100·00 40·11 46·41 13-03 0·45 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo

Mal Pahariya 100·00 36·69 49-07 14·22 0·02

Lepcha 100'00 37·58 44'54 17·87 0-01

30. Among the ten Scheduled Tribes the Tribe group Lodha, Kheria or Kharia has the largest proportion of population (42'35 per cent) in age 0 to 14 years. In the age-group 15 to 44 years the Scheduled Tribe Mal Pahariya has the highest percentage of population (49'07 per cent). The Tribe Lepcha has the highest percentage of population (17'87) in the age-group 45 years and above. The lowest percentage of Scheduled Tribe population among these ten Tribes in the age-groups 0 to 14, 15 to 44,45 and above are 36'69, 42'87 and 13'03 for the Com- Jllunity Mal Pahariya, Lodha, Kheria or Kharia and the Bhutia group respectively-. XXXVI

Sex Ratio

31. In the Scheduled Tribes population of the State there are 969 females per 1,000 males. In the total population the corresponding ratio is 878 : 1,000. As we do not have migration data and Vital Statistics for the Scheduled Tribes population separately, it is not possible to estimate how much- of this sex-ratio differential is caused by migration and how much by births and deaths.

The following statement shows the 1961 sex-ratio for ten numerically Impor­ tant Scheduled Tribes:

STATEMENT XIV Sex Ratio among the Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961

Females per 1,000 Scheduled Tribe Males 2

All ScheduledJTribes 969 Santal 981

Oraon 903

Munda 1,041

Bhumij 942

Kora 923

Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 1,014

Mahali 1,031

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 934 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo Mal Pahariya 850

Lepcha 1,020

32. It is seen that among these ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes those with sex ratios lower than the all Scheduled Tribes average are, Oraon, Bhumij, Kora, the Bhutia group and Mal Pahariya, the community last named having the lowest ratio of 850. The highest sex ratio (among the ten Scheduled Tribes) is 1,041 recorded by the Munda Community. The second and third places are occupied by Mahali (1,031) and Lepcha (1,020). The group Lodha, Kheria or Kha.ria has a. considerably high sex .ratio (1,014). XXXVII

Marital Status

33. Table SOT-II Part B shows the marital status classification, by age and sex, for each of the Scheduled Tribes. The following summary statement shows the comparative distribution for the Total and Scheduled Tr~bes population by marital status.

STATEMENT XV Distribution by Marital Status of the Total Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

Total Population Scheduled Tribes Population ,-_-..A..__ ...... ,-____-..A.. ____~ Marital Status Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4: 5

Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Never Married 5,532 4:,436 5,171 4,048

Married 4,166 4,276 4,420 4,716

Widowed 267 1,237 351 1,138

Divorced or separated 29 44 53 92

Unspecified 6 7 5 6

34. The degree of prevalence of the institution of Marriage is thus higher in the Scheduled Tribes population than in the total population. The proportion of Never Married persons of either sex is larger in the Total than in the Scheduled Tribes population. XXXVIII

35. The age-groupwise dIstribution by marital status is shown in Statement XVI.

STATEMENT XVI Distribution of the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population by Age-yroup and Marital Status, 1961

Age-group Age-group Age-group Age 0-14 15-44 45 and above not stated r---, r--A--~ r--...... ___~ r--"-~ Sche- Sche Sche- Sche- duled duled duled duled Total Tribes Total Tribes Total Tribes Total Tribes Males Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Popula- Marital Status Females tion tion tion tion tion tion tion tion

1 2 :3 4: 6 6 7 8 9 10

Total Population Males 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10~OOO 10,000 10,000 10,000 Females 1~,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

Never Married Males 9,966 9,931 3,479 2,618 199 168 6,256 7,383 Females 9,570 9,527 763 767 47 78 6,366 7,792

Married Males 29 62 6,322 7,004 8,406 8,337 3,024 1,869 Females 420 (56 8,342 8,265 3,708 4,692 2,326 1,396

Widowed Males 1 1 147 288 1,333 1,396 262 483 Female!! 3 7 806 792 6,176 5,144 1,090 711

Divorced or Males .. .. 44 86 56 94 77 78 Separated Females 4: 4 78 169 59 80 57 76

Unspecified Males 4: 6 8 4: 6 5 381 187 Females 3 6 11 7 10 6 161 25

36. In age-group 0 to 14: the proportion of Never Married persons of either sex is slightly higher in the Total than in the Scheduled Tribes population. An interesting feature of the distribution is that in age-groups 15 to 44 and 45 and above the proportions of widowed females are lower in the case of the Scheduled Tribes than in the Total population. This may indicate a higher incidence of widow remarriages among the Scheduled Tribes. XXXIX

37. Statement XVII shows the classification by marital status of the popu- lation of the ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes of the State.

STATEMENT XVII Distribution per 10,000 of the Population of Ten numerically rnay"or Scheduled Tribes by Marital Status, West Bengal, 1961

Divorced Unspeci- Males Never or fied Scheduled Tribe Females Marr~ed Married Widowed Separated Status

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

All Scheduled Tribes Males 5,171 4,420 351 53 5 Females 4,048 4,716 1,138 92 6

Santal Males 5,194 4,430 316 55 5 Females 3,832 4,758 1,290 113 7

Oraon Males 5,037 4,505 402 50 6 Females 4,683 4,541 716 55 5

Munda Males 5,068 4,450 432 47 3 Females 4,297 4,783 852 61 7

Bhumij Males 5,346 4,303 322 28 1 Females 3,450 5,009 1,488 51 2

Kora Males 4,906 4,701 347 44 2 Females 3,699 4,894 1,307 98 2

Lodha, Kheria or Kharia Males 5,508 3,994: 434: 58 6 Females 4,608 4,533 788 67 4

Mahali Males 5,116 4,208 555 ll6 5 Females 3,984: 4,954 955 103 4

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Males 6,486 3,205 247 54: 8 Dukpa, Kagatay Tibetan Females 5,310 3,854 696 130 10 and Yolmo

Mal Pahariya Males 4,445 5,178 320 51 6 Females 4,286 4,802 830 76 6

Lepcha Males 5,440 3,925 483 133 19 Females 5,802 3,599 550 43 6

38. Judging from the proportion of the Never Married among the females, the institution of marriage seems to be the most prevalent in the Bhumij com- munity. Santal, Kora and Mahali are among the other communities where the proportion of Never Married among the females is less than the all-Scheduled Tribes average. This proportion is the highest, of these ten Scheduled tribes, among the Lepchas. The proportion of widows among females is higher than the all-Scheduled Tribes average in the case of Sant,al, Bhumij and Kora commu- nities. It is significant that the proportion of widows is the lowest among the Lepcha women, among whom, as we have already seen, the proportion of the Never Married is the highest. The proportion of the Divorced or Separated is the highest among the women of the Bhutia community and the lowest among the Lepchas.

Literacy and Education 39. Parts A(ii) and B(ii) of Table SOT-III show the literacy and educational levels for each Scheduled Tribe for urban and rural areas respectively,

40. The following statement compares the sexwise literacy percentages of the Total population and the Scheduled Tribes population for the State and dis­ tricts:

STATEMENT XVIII Per cent Literate among the Total and Scheduled Tribes PopUlation oj each Sex, 1961

Per cent Literate in r- ...... Total Population Scheduled Tribes P.opulation r- -..A.- -.A.. State/District Persons Males Females Persons Males Females'""""

1 2 3 4: 5 6 7

West Bengal 29'28 40'08 16'98 6'55 11'20 1'76

Darjeeling 28·70 40·15 15·46 15·32 23·40 6·38 Jalpaiguri 19·22 27·07 13·85 7·47 11·09 3·51 CoochBehar 21·00 31·44: 9·27 10·74 14·83 6·23 West Dinajpur 17·05 25·96 7·24 5·27 9·65 0·98 MaIda 13·79 21·47 5·84 4·19 7·53 0·74 Murshidabad 16·03 23·49 8·36 2·51 4·75 0·26 Nadia 27·25 35'78 18·24 5·26 9·42 0·96 24-Parganas 32·48 43·86 19·33 7-18 12·47 1·45 Calcutta 59·29 63·55 52·31 33·61 37·49 16'63 Howrah 36·91 48·41 22·67 6·33 8·50 3·10 Hooghly 34·65 46'11 21·81 4·16 7·35 0·85 Burdwan 29·58 39·39 18·14 3·41 5·86 0·70 Birbhum 22·09 32·43 '11·47 3·40 6·29 0'50 Bankura 23·08 36·17 9·72 7·49 13'96 1'09 Midnapore 27·28 41·66 12·17 6·02 10·63 1·64 Purulia 17·79 30·20 5·04 8·05 14·97 1'06

41. In every district of the State, literacy is lower in the Scheduled Tribes population than in the Total population, the divergence is the most pronounced in the districts of Murshidabad, Nadia, 24-Parganas, Rowrah, Rooghly, Burdwan, Birbhum and Midna pore. Calcutta has the highest literacy rates both in the XL!

Total popUlation and the Scheduled Tribes population, but the district with the lowest literacy rates is MaIda in case of the Total population and Murshidabad in case of the Scheduled Tribes population. The districts where the Scheduled Tribes literacy rates are above the State average are Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, 24-Parganas, Calcutta, Bankura and Purulia. 42. It is in female literacy in particular that the Scheduled Tribes rates are very low. In the Total population the lowest .female literacy rate for a district is about 5 per cent in Purulia, while in the Scheduled Tribes population the female literacy is below that mark in all the districts except Calcutta, Darjeeling and Cooch Behar. It is the lowest in Murshidabad where only 26 Scheduled Tribes females among 10,000 are literate. 43. The rural-urban differential of literacy rates is also quite marked. The Scheduled Tribes population of West Bengal has a male literacy rate of 10'83 per cent in the rural areas and of 24'76 per cent in the urban areas. The respective female literacy rates are 1'60 per cent and 9'57 per cent respectively. 44. The 1961 literacy percentages, sexwise, for ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes of the State are shown below:

STATEMENT XIX Literacy among Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes, 1961

Per cent Literate r- ~ , Scheduled Tribe Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4

Santal 5·56 10·00 1·03 Oraon 7·59 11·63 3·11 Munda 6·33 11·21 1·64 Bhumij 7·36 13·22 H4 Kora 5-12 8·93 0·99 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 5·13 8·41 1·89 Mahali 7·90 12·88 3·06 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan 25·06, 37·2l 12·05 and Yolmo Mal Pahariya 3·57 5·97 0·73 Lepcha 24·66 37·39 12·18

45. The Bhutia group of communities have the highest literacy percentage (25'06 per cent) among the ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes closely followed by the Lepchas (24'66 per cent). The other tribes having literacy rates higher than 7 per cent are Mahali (7'90 per cent), Oraon (7'59 per cent) and Bhumij (7'36 per cent). The Scheduled Tribe Mal Pahariya (3'57 per cent) has the lowest literacy percentage among these ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes. It is observed that though the tribe Santal.has largest population it ranks seventh in respect of literacy percentage, so far as these ten tribes aJ;'e concerned. XL!!

46. The lollowing statement mdicates the percentage distributIOn of the Scheduled Tribes and General population by literacy and educational levels seXWlse. STATEMENT XX Levels of Education in the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population, 1961

Total Population Scheduled Tribes Population .A.. ..A.. r- ~ ,- Educational Levels Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Total 100'00 100'00 100'00 100'00 100'00 100'00 Illiterate 70'72 59·92 83·02 93·45 88·80 98·24 Literate (without educational 16'97 22·38 10·81 4·85 8·22 1·37 level) Primary or Junior Basic 9·4:6 13'03 5·38 1·60 2·80 0·37 Matriculation and above 2·85 4·67 0·79 0·10 0'18 0·02 47. It is evident that in the case of the Scheduled Tribes population literacy consists mostly of rudimental literacy without any formal standard of education. Religion 48. Distribution of population of each Scheduled Tribe classified by religion for the State, divisions and districts and for rural and urban areas under each tribe separately is shown in Table SeT-IV Part B. The distribution of the Scheduled Tribes in the State by religion is as follows:

STATEMENT XXI Distribution of the Total Scheduled Tribes Population by Religion, 1961

Percentage of popUlation of each religion to Scheduled Tribes Total Scheduled Religion Population Tribe Population 1 2 3

Buddhists 32,53& 1·58 Cha.ndobongas 14 N Christians 56,54:7 2·75 1,927,521 93·84 Jains 321 0·02 Marangburus 701 0·04 Muslims 453 0·02 Paharias 6 N Santals 38 N Saridharmas 35,928 1'75 Sikhs 9 ~ Tirkias 7 N All Religions 2,054,081 l00'OQ N-,-Negligible XLIll

49. Out of twelve religions returned only four v~z., Hindu, Christian, Sari­ dharma and Buddhist, account for 2,052,532 persons or 99'92 per cent of the total. The statement below shows the distribution of each of the Scheduled Tribes by different religions returned in 1961 Census:


Distribution of the, Population oj each Scheduled Tribe by Religion, 1961

Serial Scheduled Total Chando- No. Tribe Population Buddhists bongas Christians Hindus Jains

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All Tribes 2,054,081 32,536 14 56,547 1,927,521 321

1 Baiga 4: 4: 2 Bedia 1,191 1,191

3 Bhumij 91,289 1 8 90,046 7

4: Bhutia including 23,595 21,289 304 1,836 Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kaga- tay, Tibetan. and Yolmo

5 Birhor 100 100

6 Chakma 1,379 12 31 1,336

7 Chero 559 559

8 Garo 2,535 227 2,292 9 Gond 735 735

10 Gorait 425 425

11 Hajang 426 5 8 413

12 Ho 1,075 1 15 1,059

13 Karmali 1,023 436

14 Kharwar 1,142 1,142 15 ;Khond 41 41

16 Kisan .3 3 XLIV


Serial Scheduled Total Chando- No. Tribe Population Buddhists , bongas Christians Hindus Jains

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

17 Kora 62,029 3 468 61,495 56

18 Korwa 2,891 2,891

II) Lepcha 15,309 10,460 3,683 1,165

20 Lodha, Kheria or 40,898 132 4,105 36,648 '.. Kharia

21 Lohara or Lohra 2,031 2,031

22 Magh 790 5 14: 771

23 Mahali 28,233 2 985 27,044 199

24 Mahli 5,075 2 5,073

25 Mal Pahariya 15,706 75 lI5,603 6

26 Mech 13,915 4,236 9,677 ..

27 Mru 1,477 3 1,469

28 Munda 160,245 99 8,165 151,933 2

29 Nagesia 4,875 2 49 4,812 8

30 Oraon 297,394 168 25,724 271,336 11

31 Parhaiya 487 487

32 Rabha 6,053 7 59 5,987

33 Santal 1,200,019 30 14 7,841 1,157,257 14 \ 34 Sauria Paharia 28 28 ..

35 Savar 2,181 2,181

36 Unclassified 68,923 320 545 68,015 18 XLV


Serial Soheduled Marang- Sari- No. Tribe burns Muslims PahariaS' Santals dharmas Sikhs Tirkias

1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Tribes 701 453 6 38 35,928 9 7

1 Baiga

2 Bedia

3 Bhumij 72 3 1,152

4: Bhutia including 166 Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kaga- tay, Tibetan and Yolmo

5 Birhor

6 Chakma

7 Chero

8 Garo 16

9 Gond

10 Gorait

11 Hajang

12 Ito

13 Karmali 587

14 Kharwar

15 Khond

16 Kisan

17 Kora 7

18 Korwa

19 Lepcha 1 XLVI


Serial Scheduled Marang- Sari- No. Tribe burus Muslims Paharias Santals dharmas Sikhs Tirkias

1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15

20 Lodha, Kheria or 5 8 Kharia

21 Lohara or Lahra

22 Magh

23 Mahali 2 I

24 Mahli

25 M~l Pahariya 21 I 26 Mech 2

27 Mru 5

28 Munda. 46

29 Nagesia 1 3

30 Oraon 148 7

31 Parhaiya

32 Rabha

33 Santal 624 16 6 38 34,177 2

'0' M Sauria Paharia 35 Sayar 36 Unolassified 24 1

50. Of the 35 tribes returned at the 1961 Census 14: seem to have completely gravitated towards since no member of these· tribes bas reported any other religion. These 14: tribes are: Baiga, Bedia, Birbor, Chero, Gond, Gorait, Kharwar, Khond, Kisan, Korwa, Lohara or Lohra, Parhaiya, Sauria Paharia and SaVar. At least 98 per cent of the persons belonging to the Bhumij, Ho, Kora, Mru, Magh, Mal Pahariya, Mabli, Nagesia and Rabha tribes have been returned as Hindus. Hinduism is the least prevalent among the Bhutias and allied tribes and the Lepchas less than 8 per cent of whom profess this religion. XLVII

51. After Hinduisml Christianity is the next major religion among the tribals.. Christianity has the largest following among the Mech, 30'44 per cent of whom profess this religion. Next come the Lepchas about a fourth of whom are Christians. At least 1 among every 10 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia of West Bengal is a Christian. This religion claims 8·96 per cent of the Garos, 8'65 per cent of the Ora,ons, 5'10 per cent of the Mundas, 3'49 per cent of the Mahalis and 2·25 per cent of the Chakmas. In none of the remaining tribes the incidence of Christianity rises above 2 per cent of the population. It is only 0'66 per cent among the Santals. 52. Saridharma as a religion has been returned for the first time at the 1961 Census. It has been recorded as the religion of 35,928 persons in the State, all of whom are tribals, chiefly Santals, enumerated in the districts of Bankura and Purulia. Statement XXIII shows the police stationwise distribu­ tion of .the figure.


Police station wise Return for Saridharma, 1961

Number returning District/Police Station Saridharma

1 2

Bankura 29,119

Onda 2

Khatra 2,520

Indpur III

Ranibandah 13,645

Raipur 12,747

Simlapal 94

Purulia 6,809

1Iianbazar 6,809

Total 35,928

53. 'Sari' means truth. Sarid,harma may therefore mean either true religion or religion based on trutb. The Special Officer for Tribal Welfare, Purulia, reports that the founder of Saridha.rma was' one Sadhuram Murmu of village Khamarbandi, Pargana Silda in the who sub-divided the Santals in three groups, viz., (i) the Um-h01', i.e., the Christians, (ii) the Salva-hor, i.e., the followers of Lord Siva and lastly (iii) the Bonga-hor i.e., th e followers of Sa"ridharma. - - - > XLVIII

54. Of the 35,928 tribals who have returned their religion as Saridha1'ma, 34,177 are Santals, 1,152 are Bhumij, 587 are Karmalis,7 are Koras and 5 Mrus. In terms of percentages to tribal population, Sari dharma has the largest representation of 57'38 per cent among the Karmalis, followed by 2'87 per cent among the Santals. 55. is the most common religion of the Bhutia group of tribes and the Lepchas. About 90 per cent of the former and 68 per cent of the latter are Buddhists. 56. Marangburu has been returned a$ the religion of 701 tribals, 624 of whom are Santals. Buru or Boro is the supreme being or the personal high­ god. Marangburu means 'the principal deity'. 14 Santals haVe returned their religion as Ohandobonga. To a Santal, Bonga is .a spirit endowed with certain mysterious supernatural powers and therefore capable. of speHing both welfare and disaster. The Santals hold in reverential a.we many Bongas of which Ohando-bonga is one. 57. In the case of 38 Santals, the name of the tribe was repeated in the column meant for religion. The returns have not been interfered with.

Mother Tongue 58. The Scheduled Tribes of this State are a polyglot population speaking as many as 106 mother tongues. Table SCT-I distributes the population of each Scheduled Tribe by the mother tongues returned by them. A summary statement prepared on the basis of that table showing the total number of speakers against each mother tongue returned by the Scheduled Tribes population is given below:

STATEMENT XXIV Distribution of the Scheduled Trib3s Population by Mother Tongue*, 1961

Serial Number of Serial Number of No. Mother Tongue Speaker No. Mother Tongue Speaker

1 2 3 1 2 3

1 Adibhasha-Munda 13,140 8 Adibhasha 4,807

2 Adibhasha-Bhotia 26 9 Bengali 410,140

3 27 10 Bhumij 1,272

4 Asuri 253 11 Bhumijali 35

5 Assamese 23 12 Bhotia-Unspecified 3,182

6 Adibhasha-Nagesia 2 13 Bodo/Boro 5,903

7 Adibhasha-Kurukh/Oraon 2,101 14 Baori 21 *For notes on Classification of Mother Tongubs see Part II-C(i) of the West Bengitl Census Report. XLIX


Serial Number of Serial Number of No. Mother Tongue Speaker No. Mother Tongue Speaker

1 2 3 1 2 3

15 Bhojpuri 2 41 Khasi 2 16 /Bhuyan-Oriya 2 42 Khond/Kondh 39 17 Barik 259 43 Khortha/Khotta 596 18 Beriya 4 44 KoI 82 19 Bhagat 55 45 Khaira 18,325 20 BhiIi 5 46 Kharia 832

21 Birjia/BrijiajBinjhia 74 47 Konwar 6 22 Ohinese/Ohini 6 48 Kisan-Kurukh/Oraon 102 23 Dukpa 1,040 49 Koch 3 24 Dhangri 1,095 50 Karumkhatan 1 25 Dehari 12 51 Kurmi 44 26 English 15 52 Lepcha 8,S55 27 Garo 168 53 Lodha 5 28 Garhwali 229 54: Lohari-Munda 123 29 Gondi 75 55 Lohari-Kurukh/Oraon 707 30 Gurmukhi 3 56 Lama 2 31 Gurung 1 57 Lohari-Malpaharia 27 32 Gujarati 1 58 Lohari 116 33 39,964 59 Mahili 4,396 34 Ho 236 60 Mundari :31,486 35 Haijong/Hajong 5 61 Madhesi 6,514 36 Karmali 12,533 62 Malpaharia 7,991 37 Kherwari 207 63 Mech 10,118 38 Koda/Kora 7,766 64 Manjhi 208 39 Kurukh/Oraon 215,593 65 Mandi 5 40 Kagate' 44: 66 Nunda-Unspecified 49,410 8(a) RGI/64 (iv) L


Serial Number of Serial Number of No. Mother Tongue Speaker No. Mother Tongue Speaker 1 2 3 1 2 3

67 Magahi/Magadhi 5 88 Rahiya 1,029 68 Marathi 10 89 Rabha 6,101 69 Malgiri 9 90 Rajbangsi 3,220 70 Mru 48 91 SadanjSadri 23,802 71 Maithili 6 92 Santali 1,121,446 72 Mita 1 93 Sherpa 2,159 73 Murari B 94 Sikkim Bhotia 153 74 l\Iarwari 2 95 Sunwar 141 75 Madrasi 1 96 Saibya 49 76 Mirdha-Koda/Kora 76 97 Sindhi 9 77 Nagari Hindi 814 98 Savara 1,139 78 Nepali 18,471 99 Tibetan 7,783 79 Nagesia 1,483 100 Turi 15 80 Nagbanshi 5 101 Telugu 202

81 Naga- Unspecified 4:93 102 Thar 21

82 N(lwari 64 103 Tamang 153 83 Oriya- 1,773 104 Tamil 51 84 Paharia ~,224 105 Upabhasha 489 85 Pasma 10 106 148 86 Punjabi 4 87 Persian 143 Total 2,054,081 59. Santali is the most predominant language of the Scheduled Tribes popula- tion. It is spoken by 1,121,446 persons or about 55 per cent of the total Scheduled Tribes population of the State. The next predominant language is Bengali. It is the mother tongue of 410,140 or 20 per cent of the total Scheduled Tribes population of the State. N ext comes KurukhJOraon. It is spoken by 215,593 tribRls. Qther lan~uages spok:en b'y ~t l~ast 10,000 triQaJs in thi~ St~te are Mund~1 LI

Unsp~cified (49,4~0)~ Hindi (39,964), Mundari (31,486), Sadan/Sadri (23,802), NepalI (18,471), Khalra (18,325), Adibhasha-Munda (13,140), Karmali (12,533) and Meoh (10,118). 60. Table ST-J also furnishes a wealth of information on the extent of infil­ tration of Aryan languages among the different Scheduled Tribes of the State. It will be seen that the grim struggle waged by the tribal languages for existence is going on in varying degrees among all the tribes and is virtually lost now in case of the Bedias, Birhors, , Gonds, Goraits and , J{_isans, Korwas Loharas or Lohras and Parl'uiyas who have adopted Bengali almost t~ a man. Non-Aryan languages are falling into desuetude among' a great bulk of the Bhumij population also. Of the 91,289 members of this tribe enumerated at the 1961 Census, only \11,956, i.e., 13 per cent, speak a non-Aryan tongue. It is only in the districts 6f Murshidabad and Jalpaigmi that a majority of Bhumij population still favour a tribal form of speech. Chakma, a tribe of Mongolian origin, is now represented in West Bengal by 1,379 persons only, barely 2,68 per cent of whom speak a non­ Aryan tongue. Out of the 2,535 Garos of the State, only 163 speak their own language, while the great bulk speak Bengali and Hindi. Hardly 35 per cent of the Ho population of the State speak a non-Aryan language. Three-fourths of the Karmalis of the Purulia district have given up their tribal tongue. In the same district, tribal languages are on the verge of total extinction among the and Mahlis of whom 80 per cent and 93 per cent respectively have already discarded their tribal language in favour of an Aryan one. 61. The tribal languages have lost ground also among the Koras, a tribe allied to the Mundas. In every 100 Koras of West Bengal, 12 speak Koda or Kora, and another 24 speak other tribal languages, chiefly Santali. Most of the remaining 64 speak Bengali. Aryan languages have been returned by 53 per cent of Mahalis and 88 per cent of the Mal Paharias of the State. Out of the 1,477 persons belon­ ging to the Mru tribe, only 48 have returned the mother. tongue known by the name of that tribe. Barely a third of the population of the Nagesia tribe speak non-Aryan languages. Among the Savars of Purulia, only 8 in 100 hold on to a tribal form of speech. 62. The Santals are the foremost of the few tribes which have still kept their language alive. Rather more than 90 Santals among every 100 cling to the Munda Branch of languages. The proportion is as high as 99 in 100 in West . Dinajpur, MaIda and Birbhum districts. The Munda Branch of languages is also current, though to a lesser extent, among the majority of the tribe whose name it bears. Out of the 160,245 Mundas enumerated in the State, as many as 83,480 have returned a Munda dialect as their mother tongue and 4,370 have returned other tribal languages outside the Munda Branch. A larger majority of the Oraons, the chief of the tribes speaking a Dravidian language, still hold on to the tribal form of speech. In every 3 Oraons of West Bengal, 2 have been returned as speaking the language known by the name of the tribe. About 73 per cent of the population belonging to the Mech tribe speak their own language. The mother tongue Rabha also seems to have hold its own, as 5 in every 6 Rabhas have claimed to speak it. Among the Lodhas, Kherias or Kharias. those who speak trib~l languages have a slender majority over those who do not. LU

63. In the a little more than 22,000 persons have been enumerated as belonging to the tribe Bhutia, incluJding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo. Among them, about 7,000 have given up their own language in favour of Nepali-the lingua franca qf the Eastern , and about 1,000 in favour of Hindi. Nepali appears to have gained a strong foothold among the Lepchas of the district, claiming, as it does, 'about half of the population belonging to that tribe. 64. Among all tribes, generally speaking, the proportion of the population retaining the tribal tongue decreases as the tribes spread out to industrial and more accessible areas. For example, in West Bengal as a whole, 55 Mundas in every 100 speak a tribal language, but in the 24-Parganas district the proportion falls to 10 in 109. As for the Oraons, 73 per cent of them speak non-Aryan tongues at the State level, 43 per cent in the , 22 per cent in the 24-Parganas. Even among the Santals, who are a conservative people so far as their language is concerned, Aryan languages have made quite a noticeable impression in the 24- Parganas district where a little less than 65 per cent of the population belonging .to that tribe have returned Aryan languages, chiefly Bengali, as their mother tongue. 65. The statement below shows the proportion speaking non-Aryan lan­ guages in each of the Scheduled Tribes of West Bengal :

STATEMENT XXV Prevalence of non-Aryan Languages among the Scheduled Tribes of West Bengal, 1961

[Symbols :~(a) Scheduled throughout the State. (b) Scheduled throughout the State except in the Purulia district and the territories transferred £rom the Purnea district of Bihar. (c) Scheduled in the PuruJia district and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar. (d) Scheduled throughout the State except the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar.]

Percentage speaking Percentage speaking Scheduled non-Aryan language Scheduled non-Aryan language Tribe as mother tongue Tribe as mother tongue

121 2

Baiga (c) Nil Garo (b) 10·93

Bedia (c) Nil Gond (c) Nil

Bhumij (d) 13·10 Gorait (c) 0·47

Bhutia including Sherpa, Hajang (b) 0·23 Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo (b) 63·22 Ho (a) 34·88

Birhor (c) Nil Karmali (c) 25·61

Chakma (b) 2·68 Kharwar (e) 21'37

Ohero (c) Nil Khond (c) Nil LUI


Percentage speaking Percentage speaking Scheduled non-Aryan language Scheduled non-Aryan language Tribe as mother tongue Tribe as mother tongue

1 2 1 2

Kisan (c) Nil Mech (b) 73·75

Kora (a)L 36·23 Mru (b) 7·45

Korwa. (c) Nil Munda (a) 54·82

Lepcha (b) 51·58 Nagesia (b) 35·94

Lodha, Kheria or Kharia (a) 50·31 Oraon (a) 73·31

Loham or Lohra (c) Nil Parhaiya (c) Nil

Magh (b) 32·28 Rabha (b) 85·54

MahaJi (b) 47·47 Santal (a) 91-18

Mahli (c) 6·94 Sauria Paharia (c) 100·00

Mal Pahariya (a) 11-79 Sayar (c) 8·21

Bilingualism 66. Table ST-I also furnishes data on subsidiary languages. A subsidiary language is one which is other than the mother tongue of the person and which he speaks and understands best and can use with felicity in communicating with others. In the Enumeration Slip two subsidiary languages could be recorded but at the tabulation stage only the language first named was taken into account and the second if any was discarded. The question on subsidiary language was asked of every person irrespective of age and literacy. 67. The first point that needs to be brought forward is that bilingualism is more extensive among the Scheduled Tribes population than among the general . population. The percentage of population speaking a subsidiary language is only 8'65 in case of the general population but 29'61 in case· of the Scheduled Tribes population. Obviously the neoessity for knowing the most common language of the area is very great in the case of the tribal population who speaks the tribal tongue. As a rule bilingualism is encouraged whenever a small linguistic group finds itself planted in the midst of a population speaking a different tongue. The more a tribal population discard the tribal languages and adopt a prevailing Aryan form of speech, the less is its need for a second language. It is significant, there­ fore, that out of the aggregate of 608,196 tribals who speak some subsidiary lan­ guage in addition to their mother tongue, as many as 574,380 speak a non-Aryan language as mother tongue and an Aryan language as its subsidiary. 68. The statistics on bilingualism among tribals also help to illustrate the extent to which tribal languages are being ousted by Aryan tongues. A rather fascinating feature of bilingualism in the tribal population is the relative desuetude of tribal tongues even as subsidiary languages among those who speak non-tribal mother tongues. Among over fifty million tribals who speak Aryan mother tongues, hardly six thousand use a non-Aryan subsidiary language. It seems a general rule that when a tribal language loses ground as mother tongue, it is not retained even as the second language. 69. ffhe following statement shows the extent of bilingualism and the use of Aryan languages as subsidiary to non-Aryan mother tongues and vice versa for each of the Scheduled Tribes of West Bengal.

STATEMENT XXVI Bili'nguaZis111J among Scheduled Tribes and use of 4ryan Languages as SubSidiary to _ non-Aryan Mother Tongues and vice Ver-aa, West Bengal, 1961 [Symbols: (a) Scheduled throughout the State. (b) Scheduled throughout the State except in the Purulia district and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar. (c) Scheduled in the Purulia district and the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar. (d) Scheduled throughout the State except the territories transferred from the Purnea district of Bihar.]

N umber Speaking

,...--.. __ --...A..-__~, Non- Aryan Non- Aryan Ian- Aryan lan- guages lan- gtrength Number Per cent guages as sub- guages Scheduled 'Fribe of the Bilingual Bilingual as sidiary as sub- Tribe mother to non- sidiary to tongue Aryan Aryan mother mother 'tongues tongues 1 2 3 4 567

Scheduled Tribes 2,054,081 ~ 608,196 29'61 1,540,699 574,380 5,848 Baiga (0) 4: Bedia (c) 1,191 Bhumij (d) 91,289 5,788 6·34: 11,956 4,693 448 Bhutia inqluding Sherpa, 23,595 10,028 42·50 14-,916 5,270 129 Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo (b) Birhor (0) 100 32 32·00 Ohakma (b) 1,379 64 4·64 37 3 Ohero (e) 559 Garo (b) 2,535 286 11·28 277 123 Goud (c) 735 2 0·27 Gorait (c) 4:25 2 Hajang (b) 426 12 2·82 1 1 Ho (a) 1,075 189 17'58 375 58 Kal'rnali (e) 1,023 5 0·4:9 262 5 LV


Number speaking A.. Non- Aryan Non- Aryan lan- Aryan lan- guages lan- guages Strength Number Per cent guages as sub- as sidiary as sub- Scheduled Tribe of the Bilingual Bilingual Tribe mother to non- sidiary to tongue Aryan Aryan mother mother tongues tongues

6 7 1 2 3 4 5

244 95 Kharwar (c) 1,142 95 8·32

Khond (c) 41

Kisan (c) 3 22,471 10,573 964 Kora (a) 62,029 13,203 21·29

Korwa (c) 2,891 3 0·10 7,896 5,036 74 Lepeha (b) 15,309 5,777 37·74 20,577 3,282 22 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia (a) 40,898 4,411 10·79

Lobra or Lohra (e) 2,031 255 24 Magh (b) 790 52 6·58 13,402 4,445 340 Mahali (b) 28,233 5,962 21·12 352 128 Mahli (e) 5,075 145 2·86 15·77 1,852 723 77 Mal Pahariya (a) 1 15,706 2,477 10,262 2,941 . 5 Meeh (b) 13,915 3,304 23·74 6·09 110 48 4: Mru (b) 1,477 90 13·74 87,850 18,043 104 Munda (a) 160,245 22,012 15·09 1,752 189 2 Nagesia (b) 4,875 736 20·17 217,988 56,505 290 Oraon (a) 297,394 59,973

Parhaiya (c) 487 24·22 5,178 1,458 Rabha (b) 6,053 1,466 37·9B 1,094,156 450,234 2,786 Santal (a) 1,200,019 455,734 64·29 28 18 Sauria Paharia (c) 28 18 '5·64 179 115 Savar (c) 2,181 123 23·52 28,321 10,371 599 Unclassified 68,923 16,209 LVI

70. Among the most bilingual tribes are the Bhutia group, Lepchas and San­ tals. At least 1 in every 3 persons belonging to these tribes speak a subsidiary lan­ guage. It is among these tribes, it may be recalled, that large portions of the population speak non-Aryan mother tongues. Bilingualism is also widely pre­ valent among Mundas and Omons, the tribes who have largely retained their in igenous languages. On the other hand, bilingualism is· practically non-exis­ tent among the Bhumij, Chakma, Garo, Korwa, Mahli etc.,who have, by and large, discarded the tribal languages in favour of Aryan ones.

Economic Activity

71. An important departure was made at the 1961 Census in the collection of data on the economic characteristics of the population. Instead of dividing the population into earners and dependents 01} the basis of income and into live­ lihood classes on the basis of the means of livelihood of the earners, stress was laid on work so that all people who worked including family workers who were not in receipt of any income, or persons working who could not earn enough for their maintenance, were returned as workers and all those who did no work were shown as non-workers .

. 72. The workers were classified into the following nine basic Industrial Cate­ gorIes:

I-As Cultivator; II-As Agricultural Labourer; III-In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities ; IV-At Household Industry; V-In Manufacturing other than Household Industry; VI-In Construction ; VII-In Trade and Commerce; VIII-In Transport, Storage and Communications; and IX-In Other Services. 73. The Non-workers were treated as the tenth category. 74:. The following is a brief description of the Industrial Categories :


This category includes both owner cultivators and tenant cultivators. Along with workers doing manual work on land are also included persons who are en­ gaged in active supervision or direction of cultivation. All persons working in cultivation of land on which they have either ownership or tenancy rights are included in this category. LVIl


All other persons working on land as labourers on wages without holding any right upon the land are classified as agricultural labourers and included in the second category.


Workers in mining, quarrying, livestock, -forestry, "fishing, hunting, planta­ tions, orchards and allied activities are included in this category.


"Household Industry" is defined as an industry conducted at home in urban areas or within the village in rural areas by the head of the household himself and/or mainly by the members of the household. A household industry is not run on the scale of a registered factory and relates to processing, servicing, repair­ ing or making of goods. This may include sale of goods, but should not be confined merely to buying and selling. Thus, the main criteria for household "industry are its smaller scale, its being run at home in urban areas and within the village in rural areas and the participation of the head of the household and/or one or more members of the household. Professional, personal and such other 'Services' are not covered by this definition, although they may be run at home. A person working as an employee in another person's household industry has also been treated as working at household industry.


"Manufacturing" includes all types of production, I processing, SerViCIng or repairing of goods. This category does not include production, processing, etc., which is carried oli at household level and is classified as household industry.


This category includes workers engaged in construction and maintenance of buildings, roads, railways, bridges and telegraph and telephone lines, waterways, reservoirs, etc.


This category includes workers engaged in any capacity in wholesale or retail trading activity and commercial transactions relating to imports and exports, real estate and properties, stock and shares, insurance, money-lending, bank­ ing, etc. tVrU


This 'category includes workers engaged in transport activities by air, rail, road and water and in services incidental to transport such as packing, carting, loading, unloading, etc. Workers engaged in storage, warehousing and commu­ nication services such as Posts, Telegraphs, Telephones, Wireless -Signalling, Information and Broadcasting are also included in this category.


This category includes (i) Public Utility Services like electricity, gas or water supply and sanitary services; (ii) Central, State, Quasi-Governments or Munici­ pal employees in administrative departments or offices; (iii) Professional services; (iv) Trade or labour associations, recreational and personal services and (v) Ser­ vices not elsewhere classified, etc. 75. The distribution of the Scheduled Tribes population according to the industrial categories of workers and non-workers is shown in Table SCT-I Part B for rural and urban areas separately. It is for the first time that the economic classification of the Scheduled Tribes population has been recorded in such detail for each community. As such, any comment on the statistics relating to economic activities must be handicapped first by a lack of adequate and comparable sta­ tistics from earlier Censuses and secondly, due to non~availability of detailed break-ups of the classification of economic activities. 76. As regards the workers it will be pertinent to assess the position of the Scheduled Tribes in comparison to the Total population. The proportion of workers for total, rural and urban areas and for males and females in the Scheduled Tribes population and the total population of West Bengal is as follows:

STATEMENT XXVII Proportion of Workers in the Total and Scheduled Tribes PopulaZion, 19fH

Percentage of Workeril to Total Popula.tion

r-~ --"- ---~ Population Total Rural Urban

1 2 3 4

Total Population Males 53·98 53·47 55·38 Females 9·43 10·62 5·12

Scheduled Tribes Population Males 58·48 58·59 54·17 Females 41-55 41-86 26·27 LIX

77. Except for males in urban areas, the participatIon rate, for either sex., is higher in the Scheduled Tribes population than in the total population for both rural and urban areas. This does not necessarily indicate economic pros­ perity of the Scheduled Tribes, for when a large section of the population lives on subsistence level, even the children and womenfolk have to lend a hand in household industry, cultivation or business to carve out a living for the family.

78. We now pass on to the consideration of the types of activities in which the Scheduled Tribes are engaged. The statement below shows the distribution among the nine industrial categories of 10,000 males and females workers separately for the Soheduled Tribes and the total population:

STATEMENT XXVIII Distribution per 10,000 Workers oj each Sex ef the Total and Scheduled Tribes Population by Industrial Categories, 1961

Scheduled Tribes Total Population Population r- "------, ,---"-- , Category of Workers Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4: 5

All Categories 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

I As Cultivator 3,876 c. 3,683 5,095 4,554:

II As Agricultural Labourer 1,441 2,110 2,546 3,264

III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, 437 902 1,369 1,333 Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

IV At Household Industry 299 1,217 103 179

V In Manufacturing other than Household 1,239 491 170 200 Industry

VI In Construction 146 30 39 24

VII In Trade and Commerce 833 233 i6 24

VIn In Transport, Storage and Oommunications 385 35 53 7

IX In Other Services 1,344 1,299 579 415

79. A little more than 76 per cent of the Scheduled Tribes male workers are engaged in agriculture either as Cultivators or Agricultural Labourers. The corresponding percentage among the total male workers is 53. Among females the percentage is 78 and 58 for Scheduled Tribes and total population re§!pec­ tively. The proportion of workers engaged in agriculture is thus much higher in the Scheduled Tribes than in the total population. 80. The Cultivator-Agricultural Labourer ratio is 100 : 58 in the Scheduled Tribes population as compared to 100: 40 in the total population.

81. After agriculture, Category III-Mining, Quarrying etc., is the only group of activities in which the proportion of Scheduled Tribes workers is higher both for males and females than in the total population. '

82. The following statement shows the distribution of 10,000 persons of ten numerically rna jor Scheduled Tribes by Industrial Categories of workers and non-workers.

STArEMENT XXIX Distribution of 10,000 Persons of Ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes by Industrial Categm'ies of Workers and Non-workers, 1961

Workers in Industrial Categories r-----.. A.._ I II III IV In Mining, As Agricul- Quarrying, At HOUflei: .As Culti· tura} Livestock hold Scheduled Tribe Total vator Labourer etc. Industry

1 2 3 4: 5 6 Total Population 10,000 1,277 507 165 140 All Scheduled Tribes 10,000 2,444 1,424 679 67 Santal 10,000 2,820 1,759 205 53

Oraon 10,000 1,659 521 2,048 16

Munda 10,000 1,748 1,055 1,489 44

Bhumij 10,000 3,067 1,810 99 66

Kora 10,000 1,836 '" 1,813 712 60

Lodha, Kheria or Kharis 10,000 1,198 1,102 1,931 34 940 Mahali -10,000 973 605 1,839 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, l10,OOO 1,789 144 417 206 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo

Mal Pahariya 10,000 1,979 1,66S 875 lOS

Lepcha 10,000 4,226 156 210 23 LXI


Workers in Industrial Categories r- ..A.. ...,. V VI VII In Manufactur- ing other than Household In Construc- In Trade and Scheduled Triba Total Industry tion Commerce

1 2 7 8 9

Total Population 10,000 378 43 250

All Scheduled Tribes 10,000 92 16 18

Santal 10,000 66 15 14 Oraon 10,000 191 22 11 Munda 10,000 119 11 12 Bhumij 10,000 40 11 7 Kora 10,000 70 25 14 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 10,000 54 17 11 Mahali 10,000 82 9 90 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 10,000 11 37 ~75 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan, and Yolmo Mal Pahariya. 10,000 122 42 21 Lepcha 10,000 9 7 30

Workers in Industrial Categories r-- ...,.. VIn IX Transport, Storage and In Other Scheduled Tribe Total Communications Services N on-worke:rs

1 2 10 11 12

Total Population 10,000 112 444 6,684

All Scheduled Tribes 10,000 17 257 4,986

Santal 10,000 17 245 4,806 Oraon 10,000 19 241 5,272 Munda 10,000 13 194 5,315 Bhumij lO,OOO 9 270 4,621 Kora 10,000 12 354 5,104 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 10,000 5 240 5,408 Mahali 10,000 13 232 5,217 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 10,000 51 1,024 6,046 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo Mal Pahariya 10,000 17 336 4,842 Lepcha 10,000 27 472 4,840 LXII

83. Of these ten communities only the Oraon, the Lodha, Kheria or Kharia and the 'l\iahali have their largest portions of working population engaged in Category III, i.e., in Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry etc. For the other seven communities, Category I- Cultivation is the largest single economic activity. The most prominent of these cultivating communities. are the Lepcha and the Bhumij of whom 42 per cent and 31 per cent respectively are cultivators. 84. The cultivator-agricultural labourer ratio favours the former in all these ten communities but is closest to equality in the case of the Kora and the Lodha, Kheria or Kharia. The Bhumij, Santa I and Mal Pahariya are among the other communities where large proportions of the population are engaged as agricultural labourers. 85. The tribe having the largest representations in Category III is Oraon. Large number of members of this· tribe are 'chiefly employed in the planta­ tions. Forestry is an important source of livelihood for the Lodha, Kheria or Kharia. Other tribes well represented in Category III ate, Munda and Mahali. In Other Services are engaged a large proportion of the Bhutia and the allied communities. . 86. Of the ten communities under consideration the proportion of non-workers is the lowest among the Bhumij and the highest among the Bhutia group of communities. 87. Table SCT-V Part B shows Sample Scheduled Tribes Households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural areas. The figures are available only for rural areas and for all Scheduled Tribes as a group and not for each Scheduled Tribe separately. The interest in land has been classified into three categories. (i) Owned or held from Government. (ii) Held from private persons or institutions etc. (iii) Partly held from Government and partly from private persons. 88. The statement below shows the percentage of the households in each of the three categories mentioned above in the rural areas.

STATEMENT XXX Oultivating Households classified by Interest in Land cultivated, 1961

Scheduled General Tribe Interest in Land Households Households

1 2 3

(i) Owned or held from Government 65·64: 47'73

(ii) Held from private persons or institutions 13'34 35·36

(iii) Partly held from Government and partly from private 21'02 16'91 persons Total 100.00 100;00 LXIII

89. It would appear that the proportion of cultivating househoHs holding land as tenant cultivators and share croppers. is higher among the Scheduled Tribes cultivating households than the General Cultivating Households.

90. Percentage distribution of cultivating households by size of land culti­ vated is given below separately for the general and Scheduled Tribes households:


Distribution of General and Scheduled Tribes Cultivating Households by Size of Land cultivated, 1961 Scheduled General Tribes Size of Holding Households Households

1 2 3

All Sizes 100'00 100'00 Less than 1 acre 15·93 10·95

1'0-2·4 acres 30·12 33·89

2'5-4·9 acres 26'68 29·08

5'0-7·4 acres 14·22 15·36

7·5-9·9 acres 4:71 4-19

10·0-12'4 acres 3'61 2'98

12·5-14·9 acres 1·33 0'95

15·0-29'9 acres 2'64, 1·76

30·0-49'9 acres 0·22 0·14

50 and above acres 0·08 0·07

Unspecified 0·46 0·63

91. The average size of holding is thus almost the same for the Scheduled Tribes cultivating households as for the general cultivating households.

Non-working Population

92. We ha ve already noted the proportion of non-workers among the Scheduled Tribes population generally and among each of the ten numerically major Scheduled Tribes in particular. It now remains for us to examine the distribution of the non-workers by type of activity. The 1961 Census was the first occasion LXIV when the non-workers were classified by type of activity. Table ST-II classifies the non-workers of each individual Scheduled Tribe by the following types of activity:

(i) Full-time students;

(ii) Persons seeking employment for the U.10V VlUlC , (iii) Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work and (iv) Others

The last group includes persons engaged in unpaid household duties, dependents, infants and disabled, retired, fentiers OJ; independent means, beggars, vagrants etc., and inmates of penal, mental and charitable in'Stitutions. The statement below shows the distribution of 1,000 non-workers of the tell numerically important Scheduled Tribes by type of activity.

STATEMENT XXXII Distribution of 1,000 Non-workers of Ten numerically important Scheduled Tribes by Type of Activity, 1961 Persons employed Persons before, but seeking now out of Total employment employment Non-working Full time for the first and seeking Scheduled TJ:ibe Population Students time work Others

1 2 3 4 5 6

All Scheduled Tribes 1,000 63 7 6 924 Santal 1,000 61 4, 3 932 Omon 1,000 52 12 9 927 Munda 1,000 55 9 8 928 Bhumij 1,000 75 6 4: 915 Kora 1,000 46 6 6 91:2 Lodha, Kheria. or Kharia 1,000 40 13 11 936 Mahali 1,000 51 14: 21 908 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 1,000 247 47 18 688 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo Mal Pahariya 1,000 32 -11 7 950 Lepcha 1,000 204 33 Iv 748 LXV

93. The proportions of full time students are high in the Bhutia group of communities and the Lepchas. It may be re-called that these two tribes have also the highest literacy rates vide Statement XIX. The proportion of students is very small among the Mal Pahariya, Lodha, Kheria or Kharia and the Kora which are educationally very backward. The proportion of persons seeking employment is relatively higher among the Bhutia group of communities and Lepchas. It is obvious that thenumber of persons employable in different occupations is higher in these tribes than among the others.




THIS TABLE gives the distribution of the Scheduled Tribes population of the State, Divisions and districtli by sex and by the nine Industrial Categories of workers and non-workers. Data are given for the Scheduled Tribes population as a group, as well as for the individual Scheduled Tribes and for rural and urban areas separately. The description of the concept of workers and non-workers and of the nine Industrial Categories will be found in the Introductory Note. Similar table for the Scheduled Castes population is SCT-I Part A printed in Part V-A(i) and for the General Population is the Union Primary Census Abstract printed in Part II-A of the West Bengal Census Publications. State Table VII of the 1951 Census (printed in Tribes and Castes of Bengal, Mitra) classified the Scheduled Tribes population of the Sta te, as a group, by Livelihood Classes.

8la) R~I164 2

TABLE SCT~I PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT r------AWORKERS I D III Inmnin:, Quarrying, Live.tock, Forestry, Fi3hing, Hunting, Plantations, Ai AgrIcultural OrchardS and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer activitie~ ___J.. ___~'""\ r----"'-__..., Serial Name of Scheduled r­ ,-____"..---.., r--_.A.___..., r---__,A.-~ No. Trib. PerSons Males Females :1rIales Female. 1[ale5 Females 11ale8 Females Males ,FemaleS 1 3 8 9 10 11 12

W~ST BENGAL TOTAL . 2005,965 1,015,479 990,486 59,5018 414,646 310,209 191,110 154,108 136,251 82,826 55,679

Eai"a 2 2 2 Redia 1,191 858 333 855 198 850 189 3 Bhumij 90,326 46,392 48,934 26,982 21,693 15,270 12,696 8,666 7,739 844 56 4 Bhutia including . Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, KagataY, Tibetan and Yolmo 14,353 7,011 7,342 3,573 3,030 1,880 2,280 177 155 635 346 5 Birhor • 100 42 58 42 39

6 Chakma 1,343 617 728 348 182 120 16 15 17~ 125 7 Chero 559 350 209 350 350 8 Garo 2,454 739 1,715 339 245 139 27 70 27 78 161

Gond 735 402 333 402 402 10 Goralt 425 352 73 65 19 15 9 10 10

11 lIajang 415 142 273 84 85 2 2 69 U 12 Ho • 821 389 432 235 104 101 22 56 49 30 13 Karmali 1,023 841 182 819 68 338 16 468 8 14 KMrwar • 1,142 503 549 486 280 151 164 33 15 Khond 25 25

16 Kisan 3 3 3 3 17 Kora 61,148 31,824 29,324 19,727 10,233 77,57 3,624 6,675 3382 966 18 Korwa 2,891 1,422 1,469 1,00S 886 729 746 169 127 8 10 19 Lepcha 13,829. 6,946 6,883 4,2.92 3,172 3,584 H3 92 1Q~ 125 _W Lodha, Kberi. or Kbaria 40,736 20,220 20,516 11,027 7,668 3,220 1,678 2,294 2,184 4,606 3,292

21 Lohara or Lohra 1,958 1,801 157 1,662 49 1,634 42 21 22 l[agb 770 483 287 293 105 57 19 66 43 33 36 23 Mahali 27,765 13,613 14,152 7,396 5,934 1,555 1,191 926 770 2,380 24 1Iahli 5,033 2,599 2,434 1,427 1,249 771 443 123 272 25 :1\[al Pahariya 15,215 8,248 6,967 5,291 2,685 2,116 988 1,699 886 532

26 Mech 13,850 7,395 6,464 3,759 2,014 3,238 1,797 222 22 119 39 27 !fro 1,464 643 821 365 227 79 85 113 47 110 87 158,039 77,364 80,675 45,215 28,725 19,165 8,823 9,509 7,358 13,273 10,571 Z9 Nage9ia .' 4,575 2,559 2,016 ,1,278 861 463 197 9! 13 636 038

iO oraon 290,182 150,952 139,220 85,095 51,445 32,788 16,451 11,285 4,010 33,380 27,458 31 Parhaiya. 487 446 41 30 41 25 3


WOl\KEM ""--_------_. , IV V VI VII VIII IX x

In )lauufacturlnl: other than' At Houlehold Household In Trade and In TranJIport. storage Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other ~ervice' Non·WQfi

-RURAL 5,903 7,265 7,143 69,21 1,742 667 1,623 846 2,069 218 29,395 15,68~'- 420,461 575,810

2 ;, 2

6 135 2H 381 HZ 76 15 35 28 1,692 66S 19,410 22,2U

48 24 53 11 134 68 2. 608 154 3,438 4,312 42 39 19

5 4 21 2 2 11 18 260 514 209

18 2 s 12. 400 1,470 2 331

27 2 287 54

2 1 58 ISB 24 17 3 23 154 . 328 1 42 22 114 18 45 12 10 5 6 28 107 269 25

737 12,097 19,091 186 183 211 89 103 50 34 19 41 12 1,338 58 2 37 414 583 24 6 21 10 30! 2,654 3,711

313 D,193 12,848 03 70 so 114 49 34 15 666

139 108 4 4 2 2 40 2 46 22 20 4 190 182 132 8,212 1,241 J,400 118 54 21 234 32 463 6,217 a\\ 1,172 411 414 37 83 9 3 24 1,1%5 80 2,957 4,282 40 121 61 50 60 6 s 22 27 437

10 lIn 2 1 6 157 36 3,636 4,450 10 2 40 278 594 816 32,149 51,950 256 452 639 647 78 20 102 30 106 8 2,087 8 1,281 1,155 2 2 7 22 282 140 2,117 2,119 304 77 215 21 250 4,274 l,162 65,867 87,775 16 416 " TABLE SCT·I PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION ,OF PERSONS AT

WORKERS ,------"------I II III In Mining, Quarrying,Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, lIunting, PlantationS, As Agricultural Orchards and allied Total Total WorkerS As cultivator Lahourer activities Serial Name of Scheduled r­ -"------, r---"-----, r---'----, ,-----'-----, ,---'----.., No. Tribe Persons ~rales Females Males Females ~ralcs Females Males Females Males Fernal es 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

WEST BENGAL 32 Rabha 6,013 2,648 3,365 1,458 901 899 762 98 24 393 97 33 Santal 1,181,749 595,102 586,6(7 353,396 261,188 205,650 132,243 106,205 103,439 17,295 6,706 34 Sauria Pahar!a . 28 8 20 35 Savar 2,181 1,702 479 658 189 49 202 105 2 36 Unclassified 63,124 30,764 32,360 17,059 11,125 3,077 3,812 4,287 3,747 1,940


TOTAL. 48,116 27,563 20,553 14,932 5,400 560 191 1,209 853 657 286

Bhumif 963 611 352 263 165 23 14 35 80 (j Bhuti" including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yo!ma 9,242 5,186 4,056 1,976 751 44 16 6 3 1 3 Chakma 36 13 23 11 4 Garo 81 67 14 51 29 5 Hajang 11 11 6

6 lIo • 254 57 197 47 42 7 Khond 16 15 1 12 12 8 Kora 881 427 454 319 91 2 19 \ 33 37 _9 Lepeha 1,480 631 849 288 147 3 10 Lodha, Kheri a or Kharia 162 82 80 67 18 28

11 Lahara or Lohra 73 34 39 16 13 12 Uagh 20 15 8 13 Mahali 468 291 177 158 16 1 11 7 14 Mahli 42 42 15 Mal Pallariya 49J 243 248 123 2 26

16 Meeh 56 3 53 17 Mru 13 11 2 2

18 Munda 2,206 1,152 1,054 705 433 12 44 8 10 19 Nagesia 300 25 275 13 2

20 Oraon 7,212 5,330 1,882 3,454 615 92 17 178 21 51 14

21 Rabha 40 25 15 24

22 Santal 18,270 10,547 7,723 5,980 2,700 343 129 754 709 432 131 23 Unclassified 5,799 2,745 3,054 1,406 396 28 5 115 17 86 90 5


WORKERS r------~ ___ ~ ______~ ______A_~ ______~ ______~_~ IV V VI VII VIII IX

In Manufacturing other than At Household Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Services Non-workers r--_..A.___ , r--..A-___...... ,----..A..-_1 r--.A._--l r--...A..-_-1 ,----...A--__ l r---.J.-----. Mairs Females Males Females ~Iales Fomales Males Females Males lrcmales Males Females ~Iales Females

13 14 15 16 17 Vl 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

-RURAL 61 10 1,190 2,4M 2,755 3,507 2,740 3,211 863 482 615 569 1,392 184 15,881 10,847 241,706 325,459 8 19 8 30 84 1,044 299 184 299 685 390 61 150 59 50 1,094 473 13,705 21,235


363 242 3,240 1,492 M3 337 1,165 162 1,174 90 (5,921 1,747 12,631 15,153

10 130 5 12 47 60 348 187

200 215 12 24 372 85 95 1,225 428 3,210 3,305 9 2 23

2 2 8 1Q 14 3 5

10 13 15 41 10 155 3

128 6 5 31 20 98 21 108 363 3 15 27 227 118 343 702

26 18 5 15 62

16 11 2 18 26 8 7 5

!I 3 56 9 55 133 161 42 80 10 120 246

53 2 2 9 347 280 38 40 66 60 27 130 71 447 021 2 1 1 12 266 43 10 851 394 225 44 85 304 11 1,625 104 1,876 1,267

2 21 15 85 1,247 714 297 213 433 42 452 44 1,937 711 4,567 5,023 307 69 42 10 121 17 178 5 520 182 1,339 2)658 G


WORKERS r------,A------'~I II III In Milling, Quurying, Livestock, Forestry, Fbhinll. Hunting, Plantation!, AI Agricultural Orchards and ailled Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer activities r----.A--____ --, r--__.A. __ -, Serial Name of Scheduled ,---->-----, r----A----~ r----A----~ No, Tribe Persons Males Females Ualcs Females Males Females Males Females ~[alc8 I'emalea 1 2 3 6 s 10 11 12

PllESIDEl\'Cl' TOTAL 877,903 449,873 428,030 256,049 140,359 130,488 58,857 42,105 23,251 66,665 51,079 Bhumij 14,255 8,917 5,338 4,416 1,587 1,474 760 2,168 688 243 7 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Ragatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 14,308 6,973 7,335 3,548 3,029 1,87~ 2,280 177 155 620 3i6 3 Chakma 976 465 511 252 178 25 16 7 15 178 125 4 Garo 2,432 717 1,715 317 U5 125 27 70 27 78 161 Eajang 407 142 265 84 85 2 U " G Eo , 455 141 314 56 6 11 48 20 7 Karmali 6 6

8 ROla 12,621 6,282 6,339 ~,022 1,264 1,071 293 SM 310 1,e~2 589 Lepcha 13,813 6,941 6,872 4,287 3,165 3,584 2,873 138 Si 194 125 10 Lodha, Rheria or Rhoria 26,312 13,401 12,911 7,674 4,684 2,n9 1,290 345 55 4,554 3,268

11 Magh 451 296 155 153 80 54 15 42 28 31 3G

12 Mahali 10,230 9,769 9,467 5,185 3,722 915 530 409 8~ 2,672 2,373 13 }[ahli 2 2 14 lila) Pahariya 9,854 5,262 3,135 1,363 790 176 1,032 567 829 522 15 lIIech 13,647 7,283 6,364 3,710 1,996 3,222 1,797 209 12 11P

16 I1Iru 1,137 473 664 243 179 ~1 105 17 17 1vIunda 124,387 61,540 62,847 35,772 19,492 14,691 4,946 3,131 12,71$ 10,422

18 Nagesia 4,571 2,556 2,015 ~1,2~5 860 463 196 13 686 638 19 Oraon 270,171 138,096 132,075 75,936 47,887 31,366 15,518 6,151 2,767 33,261 27,419 20 Rabha. 5,861 2,561 3,300 1,430 883 899 759 70 9 393 .7 I

21 Santal 307,409 158,979 148,430 93,520 45,272 63,042 26,039 21,906 14,572 2,813 22 Sauria Pabari. 28 8 20 23 Unclassified 35,563 19,003 16,500 11,026 4,345 4,382 1,250 1,867 729 3,638 1,898

PllESIDE1\'CI' TOTAL 26,975 16,546 10,429 9,001 1,982 242 71 462 75 91 1 Bhumij 82 81 58 2 Bhuti5 including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, K agatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 5,184 4,055 1,975 751 1~

Chltkm~ II 11 Garo 20 12 8 9 Hajang 2 2 1 Eo , 60 (4 37 Kora 152 67 85 43 10 1 1 7


~ ______WORKERSA ______~ ______~


In lfanufacturin: other than At Household Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage IndUlltry Industry and Communications In Other Services ,.... ___Non-workers,,10... ___ , , ___.1'- __-1 r-__A ___-.. In Con3truction , __commerceA __ -, r~ __ A ___ "-,\ r-__A~ __ ~ r---A--~ )(aleo Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females :Males Females 13 u 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 lI3 24 25 26


1,760 1,528 2,712 2,619 431 89 953 145 535 3 10,400 2,783 193,824 287,671 32 19 19 13 29 , 436 100 4,501 3,751

24 14 53 1l 134 58 24 2 599 153 3,425 4,306 21 2 2 2 2 11 18 213 333 IS 2 34 12 400 1,470 2 o 1 58 180

85 273


34 16 10 18 1 6 334 36 2,260 5,075 3 6 6 21 4 10 304 74 2,654 3,707

35 5 11 26 268 64 5,727 8,227

17 143 75 .75 637 31 17 233 6 20 252 61 4,584 5,745 2

~O 31 59 8 8 13 361 51 2,127 3,229 10 119 2 5 137 28 3,573 4,368

2 15 4, 230 154 141 3S9 36 77 13 57 1,408 432 25,768 43,355 5 22 8 1,281 1,1 55 257 101 1,333 1,243 129 19 186 21S 3,035 807 62,160 84,188

3 2 61 10 1,131 2,417

478 259 623 _ 752 96 49 102 11 123 . 2,624 777 65,459 103,158 8 19

111 134 365 161 39 113 27 39 472 146 8,037 12,155

DIVISION-URBAN 295 227 1,447 466 368 6S 872 136 697 48 4,527 889 7,545 3,447 52 2 23

200 215 11 24 372 95 95 1,225 428 S,20g 3,304 2 8 3 8

13 9 15 7 6 4 12 12 9 24 8


,_____ W01,KERS A-______--, II III

In ~[jning, QuarrYing, Livestock, Forestry, Fislling, Ruuling, Plantations As AgricRlturai Orchards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer r---.A-__-, activities Serinl Name of Scheduled r------""----., ,--'---'1 r--- __A __--, r----A __~ No, Tribe Persons ~Iales Females Males Females 1Iales Females Males, Females }[ales Females

2 4 5 8 10 11 12

PRESIDENCY Lepcha 1,480 631 849 288 147 9 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 50 31 19 24

10 nlagh 18 13 5 8

11 Mahali 327 209 118 99 16 11 12 Mal Pahariya 253 169 84 123 2 26

13 lIlech 3 14 Mru 13 11 2 2 15 }Iunda 1,120 696 424 452 163 10 44 8 16 Nagosia 295 22 273 12 9 2 17 Oraon 5,215 4,027 1,188 2,520 407 67 12 71 7 51

18 Rabha 10 6 3

19 Santal 5,483 3,806 1,617 2,539 322 107 33 239 60 17 20 Unclassified 3,149 1,4£3 1,686 794 153 3 66 10

DARJEELING TOTAL. 85,232 44,633 40,599 26,410 16,307 13,210 \ 9,078 791 347 10,057 6,265

Bhumij 20 15 8 5 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 12,888 6,171 6,717 3,011 2,775 2,117 101 126 459 312 Garo 167 96 71 73 39 68 34 Rajang 27 22 22 22 5 Kota 287 99 188 56 88 49 83

6 Lepeha 13,446 6,761 6,685 4,190 3,104 3,5M 2,803 81 52 178 110 Lodha, Khori. or Kharia 1,439 818 621 445 260 172 79 21 2 213 177 8 1fagh 59 51 4 4 9 Mahali 989 662 327 499 125 79 32 200 84 10 Mal Pahariya 1,635 808 827 449 343 33 45 28 2 364 288

11 1Iech 237 150 87 134 21 128 20

12 ~fru 20 20

13 Munda 8,478 4,593 3,885 2,800 1,844 855 457 68 16 1,747 1,326 14 Nagesia 1,384 756 628 387 308 36 34 6 337 208

15 Oraon 28.,281 14,889 13,392 8,530 4,619 3,762 2,079 247 56 4,040 2,350

16 Rabha 30 30 30 30

17 Santal 7,285 3,915 3,37Q 2,66)) 1,199 2,115 992 177 44 304 125 18 Unclassified 8,560 4,797 3,763 3,109 1,577 794 360 54 43 2,063 1,103 9


In !Ianufacturing other than At Household Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Services Non-workers ,---.A.__ -" r------"-----. r--"'___-, ,---.)..--, , __..A- __...... --..--, r---.A----. ,..---_..10--_, Males Females IIIales Females lII.les Females Males Females ]IIales Females Males Females bIales Females

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 26

DIVISION-URBAN 3 15 5 27 227 118 343 702

21 2 19 8 5 5 3 27 5 5 4 2 40 5 110 102 80 3 10 1 46 82

2 2 9

205 74 35 42 26 27 82 55 244 261 2 5 3 1 10 264 41 385 274 185 16 65 247 11 1,408 87 1,.507 781

2 6 31 3 441 76 78 45 236 23 189 6 1,201 76 1,327 1,295 9 3 186 29 29 104 13 85 302 107 669 1,533

DISTRICT-RURAL 137 84 30 52 20 424 65 55 1,594 448 18,223 24,292


48 23 6 37 11 127 57 20 517 129 3,160 3,942 5 23 32 5 5 43 100

24 3 6 6 1 20 4 10 299 71 2,571 3,581 , 10 8 21 2 373 361

... ~ 47 8 9 1 185 21 163 202 4 19 8 359 484

16 66 20 2 2 123 42 1,793 2,041

4 369 320 29 7 36 397 134 6,359 8,773

1 2, 7 1 64 29 1,252 2,1 71 19 47 8 41 13 117 23 1,688 2,186 10


• _____WORKERS.A. ___ - ______.." II III In lIinin:. QU:l.rrying, Live.tock, Forestry, Filllinu, Hunting, Plantationl, .AI A~riculturJ.l -Orchard' aud allied Totul Total Workers As cultivAtor Lilbourer ,...__ activit..A. ie' __ ---... Serial ]'!amt of Scheduled r----"------, r------"-__, ,..----"--_____.-, ,..._--'"---' No. Tribe PerSollS Mdes Female. l{ales Females yales Femakl ){&jes Female. }taleS Feml'lei 2 s 10 11 12


TOTAL 11,212 6,052 5,160 2,474 964 50 23 4 6 3 4

Bhuti& including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kag.tay, Tibetan and Yolmo ~,198 5,152 1,053 751 1 1 Chllkma 2 2 2

Lepch~ 1,464, 62t 283 147

~ Magh ~ 4 l1al pah&riy& 1

iIuMII 80 84, 2. 83 Oraon 107 86 21 63 13 8 Santal 23 17 6 17 9 Unch>lililled 327 82 2!5 72 53

JALl'AIGURI TOTAL 351,774 183,151 163,623 93,965 65,444 36,051 19,176 2,799 759 5.,590 44,321

Bhumij 510 256 263 147 37 G 2 i05 2 Bhutia ifwlwling Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetau and Yolmo 1,169 M7 502 H7 195 1M 135 10 161 33 747 337 410 190 137 5 10 162 125

~ Garo 610 349 261 86 141 36 14 22 10 127

Hajan~ 348 105 242 58 84 2 .7 &~

Ho . 344 130 214 51 2 11 1 t8 30 Xora 5,559 3,029 2,530 2,249 574 379 t7 22 1,553 50~ 8 Lepcha 136 70 66 29 26 8 10 16 15 Lodha, Kheria or Xharia 23,997 12,115 11,881 6,887 4,324 2,140 1,150 175 31 .,305 3,079 10 Magh 229 163 66 94 37 38 J_ 31 26

11 Mahall 13,053 6,724 6,329 3,273 2,683 390 265 t2 3 2,460 2,2U

12 lIal Pah~riya 1,742 1,043 699 5~8 298 1M 68 33 35~ 229 13 Mesh 13,178 7,050 6,128 3,627 1,975 3,055 1,777 200 12 113 39 14 Mrn. 536 251 285 138 109 10 76 105 87 Iii 1[uud3 53,809 28,559 25,250 15,625 10,812 4,056 1,686 to 10,091

1~ Nage8i& 2,607 1,483 1,124 738 506 363 123 13 7 3!9

17 OrMu 179,668 90,969 88,699 48,808 3;;,094 16,595 9,554 1,132 218 2~,(f66 18 Rabha 4,126 1,751 2,375 056 810 462 695 46 8 391

19 Santal 38,531 21,821 16,710 11,612 6,404 6,437 3,2t9 739 .~2 3,59S 20 Unclallifted 10,866 5,277 4,589 3,452 1,128 1,706 291 8 1,425 11


WORltEltS ~------______A- ______IV V VI VII VIII II

11\ )[anufacturin~ other than At Household lIousehold In Trade and In Trau'port, Storali. Industry Industry In Construction Commerce ~nd Communications In Other SerYiCei Kon-workers.t. __ ...... , f-__.A._~ r~ __A __~l r--_,.A.___ -.. r-___ ,----"-----"'1 r----.A..---1 ~--_,._--"" uslel Females lIales Females Males Females liales Females Males Femalp! Males Females lIll(s hmal.. 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 2. 20


205 218 120 7 29 438 91 142 4 1,483 611 3,573 4,H6

200 l215 24 369 S5 93 1,211 428 3,10~ 3,29. 2

3 10 ~ 27 4 227 118 3U 693

51 31 2

42 1 9 11 13 23 S 11

18 2. 1 Z 27 52 10 192


523 280 82 6 144 15 315 14 248 2 4,213 &71 14,186 103,179

109 2.7

1'0 2 81 24 220 807 5 2 2 10 147 273 2 1 15 263 120 2 48 liS

79 173 10 10 a 269 g 780 1,956

3 H 40

3 12 11 17 217 53 5,229 7,557 16 6Q 29

76 22 113 H 45 1 14 173 50 3,451 3,646 2 3 2 2 4 34 445 401 2 10 118 Ii 137 28 3,523 4,153 2 13 2 113 116 14 18 26 24 on 125 12,934 14,438

11 745 618 lC3 17 18 2 60 112 134 1,928 453 42,161 53,~05 5 52 10 795, 1,505 ~ t 1 4i lEI 507 104 10,209 lO,806 52 27 1 8 14 37 4 136 10 2,825 3,461 12


WOltXlll1B ---'------. II JII In Mining, Qnarrying, LiveStock Forestry, Fishing,' Hunting, Plantations, As Agricultural OrchardS and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer _ activities ,____.A.----., Serial Name of Scheduled ,... __-.J'--...... -....---, r ...... -_.A---} r-__,A..----, ,--~---. No. Tribe perSons 1fales Females Males Females Males Females ~[ales Females Males Females 5 8 9 10 11 12


TOTAL 2,967 2,238 729 1,325 59 3' 16 15 SO

Bhutia ineluding Sherpa, TOto, Dukpa, Kagat.y, Tibetan and Yolmo 1 1 ,. 2 Garo 9 3 6 3 ITo • 8 8 8 4 Xora 4 4 4 1 5 Lepcha . 2 2

1\ LodM, Kheria or Kharia 12 12 7 Mahall 45 29 16 17 ..

8 ~Ial P aharlya 32 17 15 9 9 Munda 72 50 22 33 7 10 3 3 10 Nagesia 269 269 8

11 Orlton 2,081 2,032 49 1,170 16 25 12 h 42 12 Rabha 6 13 Santal 29 10 19 10 11 1 2 14 Unclassified 397 83 314 74 15


TOTAL. 8,719 4,556 4,163 2,483 642 1,850 361 142 14 332 198

Bhumij 455 455 455 455 2 Bhntia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 2 2 :I Garo 1,278 115 1,loS 73 16 66 13 1 4 Kora 86 61 25 37 37 5 LOdM. Kberia or Kharia 382 167 215 106 60 72 43 8 5 26 12

6 MaMli . 21 16 5 5 Mal paharlya • 193 137 56 66 61 8 Mech 153 72 81 40 39 9 Munda 611 336 275 201 76 103 26 13 2 64 48 10 Nagesla 308 162 146 60 38 50 38 10

11 Oraon 2,278 1,242 1,036 690 303 481 149 26 120 131 12 Radha 1,608 758 850 437 68 402 60 22 13 Santa! 1,231 979 252 268 75 155 32 19 50 14 Unclassified 113 54 59 44 6 22 13



r------~------_~IV V VI VII VIII IX X

Ln Manufac'tnring other tban At Household 1!ousebold In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry IndustrY In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Services Non-workers r ___-A- __ , ,...--__.A. ___ ~ ,--_.._.A. _ _....-. .-___lL---_~ ,--_A.--_-. r-:----.)...-_-, ,.------.A---. !Iales Females :r.rales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaies Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

DISTRICT-URBAN 31 59 2 38 9 100 15 179 817 16 913 670

3 3



2 12 12 15

5 1 8 14

1 2 a 13 Z 17 15 1 261

31 47 32 36 165 778 4 862 33

8 5 2 2 2 2 1 50 9 8 299

DISTRICT-RURAL 32 28 54 24 11 8 4 58 9 2,073 3,521

1 6 3 42 l,lt' 24 25

61 155

11 71 56 32 81 14 2 5, 135 199 .. 102 108

18 27 17 17 6 552 733 2 8 321 782 28 III 9 711 177 7 14 10 53 14


,... _____...... ~ ______WOJfKERS_..A.. ______'""' II III

In lIinin~. Quarrying. Livestock. ~'orestry. Fi'hinr. Hunting. Plantations, As Agricultural orchards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultil'a tor Labourer activities . ,-__~.____..A..~ ,-___.A._----, Serial N:tme of Scheduled r- r-____"_--~ r----"------, No. Triba PersoM ~hlM Females----- MaiM Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~ 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

. LOOCH BEHAR TOTAL 90 62 28 44

Bhurnij 2 2 2 Bhutla including Sherpa. Toto, Dukp a. Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo II 2 2 Chakma 3 3

4 Gltro 1 5 Lepcha

G Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 1 7 }[ah>\li 16 16 8 Mal PaMriya 1 1 llunda 2 10 Oraon 32 32 29 11 Santal 3 12 Unclassided 21 12 9

WEST DINAJPUR TOTAL 168,245 33,033 IS,21Z 4?,894 22,688 3S,547 12,702 14,284 8,892 m 32

Bhumij 7 ... 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto. Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolma 226 119 107 52 57 17 28 59 2~

3 Chakma 201 107 94 U .39 20 0 4 15 16 ( Graro 302 101 201 64 31 22 41 27

5 Irajan~ 25 14 11 2

Ha 109 100 3 Karmali 7 6 Kara . 2,822 1,406 1,{16 811 286 286 64 HZ 213 30 Lepcb a 217 96 121 66 35 10 56 33 10 LBdha. Kheria ar Kharia 205 147 58 120 25 12 6 82 12 10

11 1Iagh 163 82 81 55 (3 12 15 (2 27 12 ~[ahali 2,031 1,028 1,003 601 ~92 139 (6 134 14 6 13 J\Iahli 2 2 2 14 1Ial Pahariya 1,668 835 833 528 176 255 12 235 134 ;)

15 Uech 79 11 68 9 0;. 1\\ Mru 171 7 164 10 5 3 17 HumIII H,8\}2 5,(50 0,432 3, 472 !1,Z80 2,103 713 939 541 39 15


r ______WORKERS ______-... ______..... A IV V VI VII VIII IX x

In Manufacturin: other than At ROU50hold Rou1ehold In Trade and In Tran,port, Storage Industry Iu Con1truction commerce and Communication. In Other Service. r-___Non· .....A.. orkers __ ..." Iuduitry r ____...A..____...... , r ___..A.. __ ~ r __.A.~ r- __.A.___...., r ___.A.._~ r----"___.., II ,Ie. Females l{al~. Female. Uale. female! Males Females lIales Females Males Female. Male. Femalu

13 H 15 17 13 20 21 22 23 25

DISTRICT-URBAN 26 4 7 6 18 28




1 5

1 23 ~ 3 10 t

DISTRICT -RURA L 423 595 125 53 77 19 52 15 23 946 330 33,139 62,524


1 37 50 18 M 55 1 37 170 2 10 10


5 2 2 44 595 1,130 30 86

6 7 27 33

1 27 38 287 393 36 27 • 52 e 367 511 2 20 24 1 2 12 6 307 651 2 ·,68 3 2 2 154 S 3 81 15 I,OS8 8,152 16


WORKERS r------__-A ______, I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, FiShing, 1:(unting, Plantations, As Agricultural' Orchards and allied Total Tota] Workers As Cultivator Labourer activities Serial Name of Scheduled ,------"'------"""'1 r~~ ,----'------, r----"------, r-___'___---., Tribe Persons ~[ales Females Males Females MaleS Females Males Females Males Females 2 5 6 8 10 11 12

WEST DINAJPUR 18 Nagesia. 198 130 68 73 11 55 19 Oraon 22,247 11,264 10,983 6,026 2,762 1,990 1,738 621 255 58 20 Rabha 23 17 5 4 1 21 Santal 120,660 61,724 58,936 36,743 17,425 1),807 10,355 7,216 52 18 22 Sauria Paharia 28 20 1 23 Unclassified 1.952 471 1,491 219 12 102 5 89 5 6 2

WEST DINAJPUR TOTAL 1.904 1,085 819 519 68 56 17 185 7

Bhu\ia iwludino Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 3 Z 2 Mahali 72 4? 25, 9 3 3 Mal Pahariya 106 55 51 26 23 Mrn 6 6 5 Munda 27 11 16 11

Oraon 40 33 2 Santal 1,632 9~3 689 461 62 56 17 25 8 Unclassified 18 13 5 8

-MALDA TOTAL • 99,419 50,465 48,954 30,664 14,671 24.450 11,186 4,359 2,841 195 35

Bhumii 2 Chakma 5

Garo '. 7 6 4 Kora 2,478 1.ll? 1,361 548 218 337 155 206 50 5 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 26 20 20

6 1Iahali 1,327 667 66Q 446 297 220 156 66 8 1 1 7 Mal Pahariya 1,182 631 551 377 o 106 84 10 179 76 19 8 Mru 38 38 9 Munda 1,533 658 875 412 446 267 212 97 67 10 Oraon 4,777 2,408 2,369 1,3H 864 981 540 227 268 2 11 'Santal 84,125 42,651 41,474 2S,588 12,011 21,404 9,093 3,576 2,154 111 25 12 Unclassified 3,920 2,305 1,615 1,891 729 1,156 420 502 218 61 9 17



In }[anufacturing other than At IIousehold Houscho!p_ In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and CommuDiwtions In Other Services Non-workers r __.A.. _ _...... r-__A._-----, r--___.)'__-~ r--"'----""") (-----'''-----~ r---.A..-_~ r---'""'--~- ..... Males Females Males Females Males Females ~fales ·'Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

DISTRICT-RURAL 3 4 6 57 61 35 6 33 11 2 85 51 4,338 8,221 2 12 0 86 138 64 20 4'4 19 24 16 644 200 24,981 41,511 8 19 252 1,479

DISTRICT-URBAN \ 14 5 26 86 21 118 • 16 566 751

2 38 22

29 51 6

11 16

5 30

2 26 6 5 83 8 108 13 482 627 3 1 4 5

DfSfRICT-RURAL ",_,., 286 12 47 37 22 7 92 725 269 19,801 34.283

", ..

\. 3 12 569 1,143


3 221 156 132 363 2 2 84 12 254 445 38

97 40 12 31 30 246 429 2 7 17 46 95 44 1.034 1,505 V 405 121 17.063 55 17 25 29,463 fJ. 28 16 16 4 6 90 50 414 886

Sea) )W![64 2 18


WORKERS ,..------_--"-_------..... II III

In ~[ining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, As Agricultural Orchards and allied Serial Name of Scheduled Total Tota(W orkerB ,-__As OultivatorA __ ., LabOurer activities No. Tribe ,- -"------, r--_.A.__ -. r __A _,...... -, r----,..-I...---, Persons l[ales Females nales Females Males Females Males Females Males r'emales 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12

MALDA TOTAL 103 76 27 68 2 22

1 Oraon 6 6 Santal 82 70 12 62 ., 16 Unclassified 15 6 9 6 2 6

MURSillDABAD TOTAL 30,969 15,460 15,509 8,899 5,998 3,250 1.501 4,193 3,837 319 17

Bhumij 141 140 80 53 17 2 Bhntia incluiJing Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Ragatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 2 2 2 3 Rora. 694 875 3t9 220 60 44 116 26 9 4 I,ouha, Kheria or Kharia 18 9 9 9 6

5 Mahali 36fi 193 172 108 68 3~ 31 54 16

Mal Pahariya 2,964 1,506 1,458 943 877 235 40 460 300 28 Munda 400 253 147 145 17 53 3 64 2 Omon 1,296 721 575 437 174 172 2\1 199 121' 11 9 Santa] 21,662 -10,745 10,917 6,154 4,790 2,439 1,277 2,938 3,161 22! 10 Unclassified 3,427 1,657 1,770 882 424 Zit 64 362 182 43


TOTAL 483 331 152 174 23 15

1[01 Pahariya • 17 3 14

2 ~lunda 25 25 25

Oraon 49 38 11 32

4 Santal 239 175 64 88 22 15 7 Unclassified 153 90 63 26

NADIA TOTAL . 21,043 10,697 10,346 6,097 2,693 2,645 60S 2,263 1.203 58 11

Bhumij 937 457 480 221 72 58 14 94 40 8 2 Chakma 22 20 2 20 2 G8ro 29 14 15 14 15 LOdha. Kheria or Kharia 243 122 121 86 9 22 69 4 Mahali 25 15 10 14 2 11 19



In ~Iannfacturing otherthan At Household Household In Trade and Jn Transport, Storage Industry Nou-workers Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Service' r __.A. __ ,-\ r-_~.A.--_-, r--...... -~-""""\ r--.A._"__"l r-__h_--, r----'l __.A. ___ ~ r--_.A.__"l Males Females ~Iales Females ~Iales Females Males l?emales ~tales Females ]Ialcs Females Males Fern>.!es

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26



46 8 12 2 7

DISTRICT-RURAL 197 100 240 250 41 18 21 28 34 604 247 6,561 9,511

8 2 60


~ 38 32 6 1 155 259

8 2

H 21 2 85 104

9 1 3 203 22 563 1,081 2 5 19 108 130 21 17 11 . 17 284 401 112 31 106 132 31 18 4 10 290 163 4,591 6,127 22 5 112 98 4 7 21 3 58 51 775 1,346

DISTRICT-URBAN 23 38 9 89 14 157 129


25 ., 23 6 11 29 6 38 14 87 42

23 64 f3

DISTRICT-RURAL 53 89 720 613 30 6 14 308 169 4,600 7,653

2 17 14 2 31 15 236 408 20 2 .. 7 15

4 5 36 112 2 r. 8 20


WORKERS __..>,. ,---- II III In1Iining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, FiShing, Hunting, Plantations, As Agricnltural OrchardS and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer activities Serial N.. me of Scheduled ~ ____--A ____ ~ r-~~ r----"---, , __. _.A-~ r--____...A---..... No. Tribe persons LIales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 5 6 10 11 12

NADJA G Mal l'ahaIiya 352 197 155 106 58 14 83 55 7 Mru 372 215 157 100 68 32 8 Munda 3,185 1,557 1,628 910 279 443 43 404 168 11 9 Oraon 9,766 4,956 4,810 2,870 1,355 1,594 433 767 537 30

10 Santa! 3,909 2,016 1,893 1,147 804 ~64 114 551 319 12 9 11 Unclassified 2,203 1,128 1,075 609 97 171 273 80

NADIA TOTAL 880 463 417 265 139 43 15 13 4

Kora 13 5, 3 2 Lodha, Kharla or Kharia 2 2 2 :; 1fa! P ahariya 20 16 4 3 4 Munda 18 15 3 Oraan 28 12 16 12 6 Santa! 634 326 308 215 110 38 15 10 4 Unclassified 165 84 81 26 11

24·PARGANAS TOTAL • 112,502 57,878 54,624 32,637 11,916 15,425 4,245 12,774 5,358 697 150

Dhnmij 12,175 7,732 4,443 3,583 1,424 924 687 2,072 631 127 2 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukp3., Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 21 14 7 Chakma Garo 39 35 4 3 Hajang 7

6 Ho 2 2 7 Kora 695 195 500 101 38 25 26 61 12 8 Lepcha 14 14 2 9 Loaha, Kheria or Kharia 2 10 MahAli 1,425 464 961 179 55 41 99 43

11 Mal Pahariya 118 105 13 68 14 12 Munda 41,479 20,124 21,355 12,207 4,738 6,511 1,e06 4,653 2,290 225 98 13 Nagesia 25 49 17 11 14 Oraon 21,858 11,647 10,211 6,301 2,716 2,987 744 1,815 940 137 39 15 Rabha 74 16 58 3 16 Santa! 30,006 15,128 14,878 9,345 2,564 4,770 875 3,551 1,249 166 2 F Unclassified 4,512 2,374 2,138 820 372 160 107 491 193 38 9 21


WORKERS r- __ ---~-___ --___ A------~ IV V VI VII VIII IX X

In Manufacturing other than At Honsehold Household In Trade and In'Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Comm unications In Other Services NOl)"workers -I r-__.A._'_~ ,-_ _.A.. __--. ,..-___.A ___ -"\ r---"--- r--_..A.-_1 r-_A--.. ,----.A.-_--i ~[ale8 Females Males Females ~[ales Females Males Females ~t3lcs Females Males Females 11ales Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


2 91 97 115 157

I 7 6 18 38 20 23 647 1,349

26 41 345 293 2 6 97 50 2,086 3,455

9 33 186 255 5 4 116 74 869 1,089

5 127 27 519 978


3 3 57 54 18 12 22 27 42 66 24 198 278

3 2



~ 9 12 3 4 3 49 54 18 12 18 22 42 36 3 111 198 3' S 5 13 58 70

DISTRICT-RURAL 123 66 1,449 1,626 50 17 102 65 1,952 440 25,241 42,708

29 8 2 13 15 5 402 83 4,149 3,019

7 1

35 1

11 4 94 462

2 12

1 1 6 33 2 3 285 906

54 37 8 42 38 117 311 12 45 3 14 588 192 7,917 16,617 ~ 8 48 15 3 906 901 7 13 23 2 12 399 68 5,346 7,495 13 58 35 10 243 337 4 21 23 631 86 5,783 12,314 1 81 54 11 11 22 7 1,554 1,766 22


WOltKEltS A r------I II III Inlllining, Quarrying, Livestock, ~'ore8try, ~'ishing, Hunting, Plantations, As Agricultural Orchards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labonrer activities ,-____J~ ______. • __..A.-_--., • __A-----, Serial Name of Scheduled r--"--~ .---'------, No. TrilJe persons ~rales Females Males Females )1ales Females ~1alcs }'cmales Males Females 2 8 10 11 12

24·PARGANAS TOTAL . 6,816 4,188 2,628 2,787 670 57 208 32 29

Bhumij 65 65 53 Bhutia including '. Sheriul, Toto, Duklla, ]{agatay, Tibetan and Yolmo

Garo 2 2

Ho 5 2 2 Kora 78 23 55 11

Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 32 27 21 " Magh 2 " 8 MahaH 90 80 10 H 11 Mal Paltariya 75 75 75

LO 1>Iunda 777 444 333 267 147 44

11 Nagesia 11 10

L2 Oraon 2,549 1,565 984 1,013 3{2 42 57 13 l\abha

14 Santal 1,648 1,187 461 892 108 13 d6 21

l5 Unclas,ificd 1,468 7~0 768 3g8 64 eo

CALCUTTA TOTAL 2,520 "2,051 469 1,345 57

Bhumij 15 14 3 2 Bhutia, including Sherpa, Toto Dukpa. ICagatay. Tibetan and Yolma 26 23 18

Chakma g 0

4 Gara 8 8 8 lIajang 2 2

lID • 35 31 4 27 Kora 51 32 25 23 8 Lepcha 13 9 J,odlla, Kheria or :Kharia

10 ~[agh 11 8 8

11 ~1ahali 104 53 51 29 12 Mal Pahariya 13 Mech :3 23


~-______-A WORKERS______~ IV V VI VII VIII IX X

In Manufacturing other'than At Household [ Household I In Trade and Tn TrallSport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other ServiceS Nun'won.crs ,-___A __~ ,----.....___-. r-_..A..__ --, r--__.A. ___., , ___.A. __ , ,-____..A... ___, r ___ A ___ ... Males l,'emales Males .:L1emales Males Females Males Females lI[ales Females illales Females lllalcB rem:tles

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2.1 , 22 23 24 25 26


40 1,003 403 192 34 43 164 30 1,051 16~ 1,401 1,958

52 12

4 2 3

4 4 3 2 12 52

21 6 2

26 5 3 36

75 149 73 32 3 6 5 27 26 44 177 186

2 5

10 284 274 95 11 13 21 482 47 552 642 2

21 282 22 43 20 13 87 300 40 295 353 106 29 14 50 145 35 302 7(4

-URBAN 2 158 59 5 95 2 133 13 897 37 706 423


12 5 3 24


WORKERS ,------.",..".,_------, I II III In Mining, Qnarrying, Livestock, Forestry, ]lishjng! Hunting, Plantations As Agricultural Ochards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator LabOurer activities Serial Name of Scheduled ,------""-----, r---""'------. ,-_-"-_--, r---_"_-~-l r ___A -., No. Tribe persons Males Females Males Females Males Fcmales Males Females Males Females

2 4 7 8 9 10 11 12

CALCUTTA 14 Mru 7 2 2

15 Munda 108 60 48 30 16 Nagesia 15 12

17 Oraon 323 255 202 21 18 Rabha 2

19 Santal 1,193 1,135 58 791 9 20 Unclassified 585 393 192 182 8

BVRDJrAN / TOTAL 1,128,062 565,606 562,456 338,969 274,287 179,721 132,253 112,003 113.COO 16,l~1 4,600

1 Baiga 2 2 2

Bedia 1,191 858 333 855 198 850 ' 189 Bhumij 76,071 37,475 38,596 22,566 20,106 13,796 ll,936 6,498 7,051 601 49 4 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 45 38 25 15

Birhor 100 42 58 42 39

6 Chakma 367 152 215 96 4 95 Chero 559 350 209 350 350 8 Garo 22 22 22 14 Gaud 735 402 333 402 2 402 10 Gorait 425 352 73 e5 19 15 9 10 10

11 Hajang 8

12 TIo . 3GG 248 118 179 63 95 11 55 3

13 Karmali 1,016 835 181 813 67 338 16 468 8 14 Kharwar 1,142 593 549 486 280 151 164 254 40 15 Khond 25 25

16 Kisau 3 17 Kora 48,527 25,542 22,985 15,705 8,969 6,68G 3,331 5,701 4,243 1,740 377 18 Karwa 2,891 1,422 1,469 1,008 886 729 746 169 127 8 10 19 Lcpcha 16 11 7 20 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 14,424 6,819 7,605 3,353 2,984 801 388 2,129 52

21 Lohara or I.ohra 1,958 1,801 157 1,662 49 1,634 42 21

22 Magh 319 187 132 140 25 3 4 24 15 23 Mahali 8,529 3,844 4,685 2,211 2,212 640 661 517 686 134 24 Mahli 5,031 2,507 2,434 1,425 1,249 771 443 123 • 272 44 25 Mal Pahariya 5,361 2,986 2,375 2,156 1,322 1,326 812 667 310 14 10 25


In Manufacturing other than At Household Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communica tions In Other Services Non·workers ,..----'-__...., r--:---~"""" ~ ,__.A..---,:""\ ,-__-"-_---. .---A----. ,...----'---. Males, Females ~[ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 IV 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


2 2 3 4 4 G 16 6 30 42 3 3 11 35 6 47 8 103 8 53 47 I

2 83 8 42 35 621 4 344 49 29 13 14 20 105 8 211 184


4,143 5,737 4,431 4,302 1,311 578 670 701 1,534 210 18,995 12,906 226,637 288,169

2 2 5 6 135 182 362 100 99 47 15 28 28 58 3 1,256 563 14,909 18,490

l.'.' 9 13 6

42 39 f, 19

4 56 211 209

2 331 27 2 2 287 54


9 23 17 3 2 23 69 55

1 42 2~ 114 18 45 12 10 28 107 269 25

145 149 195 88 93 50 16 18 35 12 1,004 701 9,837 14,016 58 1 5 2 37 2 414 683 4

28 71 71 114 38 8 8 398 249 3,466 4,621 4 ". 139 108 40 2 46 1 22 :I 3 47 107 66G 763 26 23 4 1 . 12 211 71 1,033 2,473

400 414 37 83 9 3 8 24 33 1,172 1,~85 90 2 42 57 6 14 14 76 29 830 1,053 26


WORICEllS ,..-______..A______~ I II 1II In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, FiShing, Ifunting, Plantations, As A~ricuItllral Orchards and allied Tob1 Total WorkN' As CIllU"ator LuLonr('r activiti{'s f __ ~1 r---_.A..._____ ..A. __ , __..A._-_-, r----..J----~ ~("'j;\J ;';amc of Sehcdu!cc! 1 r--.A._-----, Xl. 1'rilJc Persons )Ia!es Females Males ~'emaJcs ~raks ~'cmales Ualcs ~'emalcs Males Females 2 ,8 10 11 12


26 Mech 212 112 100 49 18 16 13 10 27 ]fru 327 170 157 122 48 72 44 28 Munua 33,652 15,824 17,828 0,443 9,233 4,474 3,877 3,017 4,227 494 149 29 Nagesia .,

30 Oraou 20,011 12,866 7,145 9,159 3,558 't,422 5,134 1,243 119 39

31 Parhaya 487 446 41 30 41 25

32 llalllla 152 87 65 28 18 28 15

33 $ant.! 871,340 436,123 438,217 259,876 215,916 142,608 106,204 84,299 S8,867 12,769 [3,893 3! Savar 2,181 1,702 479 658 189 362 49 202 105 2 35 Unc1assifiecl 27,561 11,701 15,860 6,033 6,780 2,894 2,427 1,945 3,558 100 42

BURDWAN TOTAL 21,141 1l,1l17 10,124 5,931 3,413 318 \20 747 778 566 281

Bhumij 881 530 351 205 165 23 35 SO 2 Blmtia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yo!mo Chakm. 22 2 20 Garo 61 55 6 42 39 Hajang o 5

liD • 204 13 ' 191 10 42

7 Khand 16 15 12 12 8 Kora 729 360 369 2i6 81 7 18 33 37 D Lod!m, Khcria or Kharia 112 51 61 43 18 28 10 Lahar. or Lobra 73 34 39 16 13

11 11agh 2 12 Mabali HI 82 59 59 13 ]l[ahli 42 42

14 :.ral Pallariya 238 74 164

15 ~rech 53 53

16 )Iunda 1,086 456 630 253 270 2 17 Nagesia 5 3

18 Oraon 1,997 1,303 694 934 208 107 14 H 10 Rubbo 30 21 9 21

20 Santal 12,787 6,681 6,106 3,441 2,378 236 Q6 515 649 415 131 21 U nc!assifietl , 2,650 1,282 1,368 612 243 25 40 17 76 90 27


WQIlKEllS __A-______~~ r--~ IV V VI VII VJII IX

In Manufacturing other than At Householtl Household In Trade anti In Trausport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Senicas Kon-'1"orl,ers r-~_..A..~ __...... r~ __..A.._~ ,---_...... _--, r---./'t..---J r----""'---, r----,.,.._~---'-. ,-__.,A. __ ~~ Males Females Males ]'cmales Males Females }Iales Females MaIDS Females ~Iales Females ~Iales Female"s 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

DIVISION-RURAL 20 8 63 82 10 33 48 109 165 298 498 258 42 15 25 17 49 8 679 384 6,381 8,595 2

25 39 984 876 175 58 29 14 32 1,239 355 3,707 3,587

30 16 416 59 47 2,277 3,248 2,117 2,459 767 433 513 558 1,269 184 13,257 10,070 176,247 222,301 8 30 84 1,041 290 73 165 320 229 22 37 32 11 622 327 5,668 9,080

DIVISION-URBAN 68 IS 1,793 1,026 275 272 293 26 471 42 1,394 358 5,086 6,706

10 78 8 45 60 325 186

2 20 2 13

t 10 41 149

114 27 8 86 12 84 288

18 \, 43 16 11 ,2 18 26

29 5 15 23 59 42 .. 74 164 5~

142 206 37 24 34 48 16 203 3110 , , 2 10 466 120 40 28 20 57 217 17 369 486 21 9 54 806 638 219 168 197 19 263 38 736 635 3,240 3,728 121 40 13 17 03 218 75 670 1,125 28


WORKERS r-----~----'------__--_. I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, ' Hunting, Plantations, As AgTicultural Orchards and allied Total Total Workers As cultintion LabOurer activities r-______.... (--_.A.__ , Serial Name of Scheduled A r---.A..-----. ,-___~~ r-----A..-__~ No. Tribe Persons ~[ales Females Males Femo les 1[ales Females ~lalcs Females Males Females 2 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

HOWRAH TOTAL. 2 3,909 2,338 1,571 1,843 781 98 38 577 83 9 1

Bhumij 21 13 8 8 4 Ho • 5 Kora 23 15 8 8 5 .. 4 Lodha, Kheria or Khari~ 77 4 73 19 11agh 140 HO 110


Mal P~ 18 5 13 2 Mech 4 4 Munda 847 528 319 440 104 245 32 10 Nagesia 2

11 Oraon 1,500 982 '518 854 363 20 3 228 9 12 Santal 1,267 635 632 407 290 69 35 100 42

HOWRAH TOTAL. 2,202 1,319 883 1,014 347 12 83 8

1 Bhumij . 8 8 8 2 Garo 8 3 t· 3 Ifajang . 4 4 4 Ifo • 156 156 35 5 Kora 77 66 11 66 4

I) Lodha, Kheria or 3 3 :I Kharia. •

7 Mahall 31 26 5 25 8 Mal Pahariya . 2 9 Munda 156 112 44 74 16 10 Nagesit> 2 2 ..

11 Oraon 394 305 89 276 78 11 80 8 12 Santal 1,045 559 486 454 201 .. 13 unc]aSllified 310 228 88 101 13 3 29



In Manufacturing other than At Household Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Services Non-workers ,...... -_.A.___...... ~-----, r- .... r---"----. ~, r__,A._____., r---'----, Males Females Males Females Males Females-- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

DISTRICT-RURAL 728 518 106 2 12 14 67 6 246 119 495 790

5 8 2 2 6 5 7 3

18 54 40 46 22 2 30

3 2. 2 13 4 104 51 20 2 19 45 11 88 215 2

443 323 19 9 10 128 16 128 .155 132 144 21 17 62 69 228 , 342

DISTRICT-URBAN 3 10 651 Z72 28 7 30 54 153 48 305 536 30



In ~Iilling, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, As Agricultural Orchards and allied TotalA _____ , Total Workers As cultivator Labourer activities Serial Xume of Pcheuulect ,..---'---, ,--_A__ ..., ,--_.____.:; ,-_"'--, 1'\ o. Tribe Persons Males Females Males }'emales Males l;'cmales Males ];'emalcs Nales Females 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12

HOOGHLY TOTAL. 87,757 44,447 43,310 26,216 21,882 7,803 4,688 14,780 15,789 340 90

B111uuij 2,177 931 1,246 609 796 95 86 429 659 22 2 Bhntia incluai?1f} Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and >almo 4 1 3 1 1 Garo 2 2 2

Kor~ 4,650 2,444 2,206 1,312 1,073 440 263'" 719 719 19 5 Lepcha, Kheria or 16 5 11 5 Rharia

6 Lodha, Klleria or 2,119 1,050 1,069 493 147 149 260 128 8 Kharia .. ilIahali 123 69 54 44 31 11 19 25 8 Mal palmiya 63 1.5 48 11 17 10

9 ~ruuda 694 507 187 421 115 61 18 177 32

10 ~rru 144 94 60 56 17 44 17

11 Oraon 3,024 2,359 665 2,079 273 127 48 940 111 17 12 Santal 72,695 36,077 36,618 20,593 18,807 6901 4,249 11,923 13,634 266 88 13 Uncbssified 2,046 893 1,153 590 598 18 21 263 447

HOOGHLY TOTAL 2,349 1,425 924 918 342 15 7 195 109

Bhumij 6 8 3 .

2 Bhntia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatary, Tibetan and Yolmo 3 2 1

3 Cl!alnua 2 2 Garo 9 3 Hajaug Ii Ii 1

Ho • 37 8 29 Kora 1

8 Lodha, Kh~ria or 33 29 4 29 27 Kharia Mahali 6 2 4 2

10 ~lnnda 186 81 105 66 85

11 OraOu 719 ~78 2H 417 81 14 3 27 6 12 Santal 1,086 ~33 453 ~64 155 133 103 13 Unclassified 256 179 77 128 17 8 31


WORKERS r---- ___..__ .... IV .V VI VII VIII IX X

In ~ranufacturing other than At lIouschold Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry IndUS!ry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other SerYices Non

DISTRICT-RURAL 111 64 796 404 307 140 71 5 155 1,853 697 18,231 21,428

10 7 50 40 :lZ2 150 2

2 5 la 39 26 2 8 6t 54 1,13~ 1,133


g.).) (9 10 4 3 23 6 '557

9 3 2 3 ~5 23 8 4 31 43 33 15 113 32 86 B 2 3 38 33

9 104 91 97 5 11 4 779 280 392

85 4~ 331 138 133 103 20 1 130 2 804 550 15,484 17,811 247 126 13 33 2 13 303 555

DlSTRICT- URBAN 375 179 29 16 12 131 3 160 28 507 582



3 U " 1 4

1 2£

It 4

2 43 83 3 13 2 15 20

254 65 5 2 (0 76 5 61 160 38 29 17 8 43 25 15 369 29B 28 2 4 Q 2 35 49 6 51 6U 32


WORKERS ~,------~------~ II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations As Agricultural Orchards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer actiVities ,__..A..___ -., r_~..A.. __·_"", Serial Name of Scheduled r---~--"----"", r------'------., r-+---'---, No. Tribe persons Jlfales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

BURDWAN TOTAL 172,767 91,004 81,763 53,504 37,543 14,187 8,913 21,610 20,081 10,396 2,952

Bhumij 1.197 788 409 572 100 130 33 14 303 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Ragotay, Tibetan and Yolmo 27 23 4 23 15 3 Gaeo 20 20 20 14 4 lIajang 8 8 lIo . 26 22

6 Kora 11,653 6,853 4,800 4,177 1,608 930 341 1,358 657 1,331 352 Lodha, Rheria or 415 145 270 28 219 25 124 Kharia 8 Magh 83 83 4 Mahali 1,055 370 685 242 305 22 42 23 224 91 10 Ual Pahariya 640 461 179 268 26 212 17 2

11 111m 49 49 12 1I[unda 2,353 1,675 678 824 314 157 78 H9 6 358 122 13 Oraon 5,413 4,243 1,200 3,685 769 66 19 2,993 283 80 24 14 Santal 149,789 76,395 73,394 43,655 34,197 12,843 8,396 16,820 18,756 8,208 2,452 15 Unclassified 9 9 9

BURDwAN TOTAL 7,376 3,690 3,686 2.060 1.389 62 38 52 162 526 272

Bhumlj 35 35 35 Chakma 20 20 Garo 43 43 38 29 lIo 8 3 3 3 Kora 266 161 105 131 44 31 37

Lodha, Kberla or Kharia 67 10 57 7 18 Mahali 45 45 23 7 8 Mund. 628 181 H7 82 161 Nagesia 3 3 10 Oraon 256 209 129 41

11 Rabha 30 21 21 12 Santal 4,868 2,481 2,387 1,3go 971 45 37 49 155 381 122

13, Unelassificd 1,107 496 611 200 151 16• 75 90 33



In Manufacturing other than At Household Househdld In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other Services Non-Workers .--"----. r----""-----. ~ ~ ,..----....____, ~-, r---"---""\ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females lIIllles Females Males Females lIfales Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


531 765 1,403 1,257 400 199 317 S4 379 85 4,281 3,237 37,500 44,220

3 14 13 18 3 8 57 21 216 309 8 4

4 2, ~ ',. •• S

Of .. 21 3

50 7 134 20 40 13 8 12 8 314 . 21'0 2,676 3,192 2 95 1 117 51

1 t· 79 34 33 6 6 66 128 380 6 56 1 193 153

49 1 96 72 2 8 1 3 6 3 55 2,1 851 364 7 367 314 57 45 6 4 16 93 80 558 431 437 710 785 .- 726 237 133 302 45 335 74 3,688 • 2,905 32,740 39,197


2 1 577 335 193 235 178 12 104 5 366 . 329 1,630 2,297

29 3 20 2 5 2 ..f 5 3 3 2 o. 0 47 4 25 7 1 21 2 80 61 .. . 0'

.. i • 18 4 3 3 39 5 .. 1 10 22 51 105 36 1 2 6 23 ~ 99 286 .. 1 2 .. 77 2 8 19 14 ,- II 21 a 80 6

21 9 1 329 227 178 158 132 10 59 3 217 • 258 1,091 I,416 36 1 7 fj ~1 290 460 .. " I' n ~ *7 8(a) RGIJ64. ~ 34


WORK]i)ltS r·------"'------,II III III}[ining, QuarrYing, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, AS Agrillultural Orchards and allied activities Total Total'Vorkers As Cultivator Labourer ,--..--.-A-__ -. Serial Name of Scheduled r------~~------..., ~--..., ,---_.____, ,...--..-.--A---. No. Trlbts l'crsone Males Female8 nIalc8 Females Males Femalcs Males Femalcs Males Femaic! 1 2 :I 4 8 9 10 11 12

BIRBlIUM TOTAL • 105,500 52,678 52,822 31,156 21,390 13,646 7,860 13,691 10,878 957 93

Bhumlj 1 1 1 1 2 Obakma 2 1 S Ho 42 29 18 10 18 I) 10 2

, KorA 5,322 2,586 2,786 1,597 1,026 181 970 60~ 54 5 Magi) 91 44 47 29 21 24 15

6 Mabali 878 393 485 219 166 4 6 88 22 10 lInl Pahariya 367 173 184 115 55 20 5 59 21 3 8 Munda 15 8 '7 4 3 Oraon 268 118 140 50 91 22 36 6 11 4 10 Santa! • 92,326 46,440 45,886 27,G41 18,765 12,653 1,185 11,9G3 9,588 805 17 11 Unclas,ific.tl 6,208 2,880 1,500 1,2(;0 580 480 581 525 60 12

BIRBHUM TOTAL. • 1,360 724 636 470 321 23 95 182 2S 6 Kora 120 72 7 .. 2 LOOlla, Kheria or Kharil!, :I Magh • • 2 2 4 Oraon 11 11 2 5 Santal 1,100 534 382 315 10 04 182 23 6 Unclassificd 50 20 30 20 fl

TOTAL • • 172,013 85,627 86,386 50,912 42,858 34,826 26,964 11,831 12,409 994 391 Bhumii .• 7,830 4,755 2,875 3,313 690 2,204 212 919 372 19 4 2 Ho 39 23 16 28 16 3 Kora 7,929 3,821 4,108 2,753 1,338 1,765 798 843 448 33 2 Lodha, Jiheria or Khnria • 312 167 145 11(\ 88 2 63 gBl 331 650 16Q (82 26 :51 10

6 Mru 6 6 .. 7 MUDda 337 233 104 195 32 183 17 9 8 OraoD 264 14 250 10 50 10 2 1 9 Santal" 151,742 75,247 76,495 (3,gSa 39,345 30,221 25,165 10,006 11,243 923 375

10 UnclaSGilled 2,773 1,030 1,743 376 ~17 ~05 ~8t ~7 227



WOR]{ERS .------~------~ II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, FiShing, Hunting, Plantations, As Agricultural Orchards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer activities Serial Name of Scheduled r-----...... ------...... ,...--_A_~ r----.I'---, r----~ r-__..A. __---. . No. Tribe Persons lIaJes Females ~Iales Females }fales Femulea jrules .ltemales Males Females 2 6 8 9 10 11 12

BANKURA TOTAL 1,376 515 861 223 129 28 6 23 30 4

BllUmij .. ; " 65 58 31 2 Ho. 3

Kora ,,193 H 13 .. 180 13 33 18 Lodba, KlIeri a or Kharia 2 2 2

l1ahali 8 8 8

6 ~[ech 53 53 }lunda 16 .. 16 8 Oraon 285 285

9 Santal 512 430 82 159 28 6 23 12 4 10 Unclassifiel] 239 55 181 34

MIDNAPORE TOTAL 324,557 158,230 166,327 92,024 79,414 43,732 31,876 138,314 39,631 864 207

1 Bhumij • 27,008 12,608 14,490 7,056 7,307 3,188 2,476 3,010 49 2· Bbutia incZ;,ding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yalmo • • 14 14 3 Chakma • 365 151 214 95 4 95 .. 4 Ho • 106 67 39 46 7 45 5 Kara 1l,H9 5,587 5,862 3,189 2,609 1,369 967 1,449 1,459 19

6 Lodha, RI,erin or Kharia 11,203 5,404 ~,709 2,663 2,4M I ~33 386 1,640 1,814 4 Magh 1

8 Mahali 5,487 2,676 2,811 1,532 1,229 559 304 361 378 14 Mal Pahariya 2,178 1,093 1,085 552 366 97 77 395 271 11 10 Mech 208 108 100 49 IS 16 13 10

11 Mru \, 128 70 58 66 31 4 28 27 2 12 Mund& 16,905 7,764 9,141 4,204 3,928 2,087 1,474 1,598 1,888 42 15 .13 Nagesia. • -. , 2

14 Oraan ~,343 2,145 2,198 1,139 1,017 181 633 566 15

15 Rabha 152 87 65 28 18 3 28 15 16 Santal 229,764 113,868 115,896 67,933 56,531 33,605 24,809 28,050 26,698 152

17 Unclasdifll



In Manufacturing other th~n At Household Hosehold In Trlldeand In TransJl.O'rt,Storage Industry Industry In Construction Commerce and Communications In Other ~erviceB Non-workers ,--_..A-_.. ;---"-l ,--- --"----, ~. r-----'-----. ~ ,---.A____,-"\ !lales Females blales Females Males Females Males Females· Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 I, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

DISTIRCT -URBAN 5 3 27 6 3 27 32 74 80 292 732

1 ~7 27 3

2 1 2 1 11 10 147

2 ..

3 53 16 2Sii 2 27 3 15 27 27 40 271 20 5 24 21 184

DISTRICT-RURAL I,m 2,599 590 752 339 170 54 125 322 58 6,498 3,996 66,206 86,913

44 291 74 47 31 14 18 635 303 5,552 7,183

13 4 56 210 3 2 21 32

11 23 18 10 6 312 155 2,398 3,25~

28 60 17 9 &7 3 S :>53 208 2,741 3,313 2 2 460 493 13 2 4 1 S 112 44 1,144 1,582 6 43 18 541 719 20 8 59 all

6 30 4 27 113 284 133 91 3 3 1 226 172 3,660 5,213 ·"h· 2 19 69 85 3 8 228 176 1,006 1,181 59 47 602 1,337 259 404 258 150 85 9B 259 68 ',228 2,735 '.,935 59,361i 44 108 12 6 8 2 6 8 30g 175 3,115 4,704 38


, ______WORKERSA ______, I II III III Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, FiShing, TIunting, Pluntation~, ,A. Agricllitllrs 1 Orchards alld ulliN' Total TotalWorkm As CnHivator ,..... ______..A.. ____---, r ___A __-. labourer activitit"s Serial Name of ~chec1l1lea r-__.A.__ ~ ,--.)..--, r---A--_"'"t No. Tribe persalls Males Female. Uales Femal~s Males Female,1 Males Females ~Iales Females 2 3 4 6 8 10 11 12


TOTAL . 5,179 2,544 2,635 900 738 147 58 228 210 3

Bhumjj 21 21 21 13 2 Gam Ladha, Kheria or Kharia. 2

4 Mahali ill 50

)[~l Paharlya 236 1~2

G !Iund~ 55 .1 12 4

OraaD 2U ~1 S 2 S Santa I 4,034 1,975 2,059 766 667 147 49 208 197 3 9 Uncl~$sifled 1i34 216 318 62 38 11


TOTAL . 261,559 131,282 130,277 83,314 70,419 65,429 51,914 11,200 14,129 2,601 866

Ilaiga 2 2

2 Bedia 1,191 8ri8 333 SSG 198 850 189 3

Bhumij 37,947 18,380 It,r.67 H,008 11,212 8,175 9,128 2,081 1,8H 208 38 , Birhor 100 42 58 42 39 " Chera 300 209 350 350

7~5 40~ 402 402 Gorait 425 73 85 19 ]0 10 S lIo . US 102 46 90 26 11 Karmali 1,016 835 181 813 67 338 16 168 10 Kharwar 1,142 593 549 486 280 151 164 254 33 40

11 Khand 25 25 12 Kigan 3

13 Kala 7,501 4,236 ~,265 2,669 1,310 ~31 266 284 IS o- U Kama 2,801 1,422 1,469 1,008 886 720 7j6 169 1-I 10 15 lodh~, Kherill. or Kh.ri" 29! 249 49 49 l'

16 Loham or I,ohrA 1,9[18 1,801 ]fJ7 1,662 49 1,"34

17 lb.hli 5,031 2,597 2,434 1,425 1,249 771 H3 ~72 1!1 Mal Pahariya 2,105 1,288 866 1,20S 858 1,208 39



In }fanufagturin g other t an At lToll~ehold . Household In TIl),de ami In Transport, BtoraK' rndll~try Industry In Construction Commerce and CommUnIcation. In Other Servlc!1 Non-worker! r __.A. __ 1 r---""___--. ,---.-...... __ ...... ,--""'--...... r---A_--" r---"""_____' ,---A--...... 1[ales Felu~les Male. Females Males Females !Cales Fem~les }[ales Females ~[ale. Femalu ~[ales Female! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2& 26

DISTRICT -URBAN , 6 49 141 10 9 17 (is 30 368 271 1,644 1,897


60 H 162

10 ,4 3,.9 2 1 3 4, 46 16S 13

6 46 III 8 8 12 9 63 28 209 20l ,1,209 1,392 30 2 42 15* 280


1,237 1,079 399 404 74 23 173 301 4SS 53 1,716 1,650 ~',96S 59,858

: G ~ 135 102 27 24 20 13 31 :I 37S 135 • 7,372 3,365 42 39 1Q 209

I 2 3S1

0" .1 2 2 287 54

& 1~ 6 20 7 42 22 114

IS 45 12 10 5 6 28 107 260


48 03 IS 2:} 6 17 7 ~O 61 1,567 1,955 fiS r. 2 37 2 414 !iSS

0 22'

~ 130 108

409 fU 37 83 9 $ 24 33 1.172 1,186 73 35 1$ 31 8 40


.....--_ ___.J,._WORKERS ______---. I II III In llfining, QuarrYing, Livestocks, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, Ai Agricultural Orchards and allied Total Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer activities Serial :Name of Scheduled ,- ,...-----'0----, ,...----A----, ,..--.-'------; r----"-----, :No. Trlbo Penons Males Females Males Females ![ales Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 6 a 9 10 11 12


19 1funda 12,501 5,109 7,392 3,355 4,737 1,981 2,307 848 2,252 80 12 20 OraoD 5,179 3,005 2,174 1,342 995 GS6 646 334 271 13 21 Parhaiya • 4~7 446 41 30 41 25 22 SaDtal 176,757 37,461 89,296 55,789 47,981 46,316 36,3ij5 5,447 8,906 1,924 749 23 Savar 2,181 1,702 479 65S 189 362 49 202 105 2 24 Uncla8sifted 1,375 299 1,076 253 246 7


TOTAL . 1,299 800 499 346 152 31 11 71 77 3

1 Bhumij 1£6 477 269 152 110 23 35 67 3 2 KhoDd 16 15 12 12 Lohara or LohIa 73 34 39 16 13

~ Mahli 42 42 6 Munda 45 31 14 19 4

6 OraDD B7 76 11 54 7 Sanlal 142 37 105 26 8 S UnclaSSified 143 83 60 67 18 8 4 16 10 41



In lbnufaoturing other than At Household Household In Trade and In Transport, Storage Industry IndllBtry In CODstruotion Commerce and Communications In Other Services Non- workers ,-_.J-_---. r---__"'_~ ,---"---, r---"----, ,...... ---...... ____, ,..---""----, ,.------"--.. - "-l Males Females Males Females )1.1es Females Males Females Males Females Males Females )faJes Fsaemal 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


45 11 -121 4 19 9 21 236 139 1,754 2,655 16 8 41 2 7 1 4 8 1,663 1,179 30 16 416 455 316 201 178 44 15 121 239 408 47 873 1,166 31,672 41,315 8 30 84 1,044 290 299 823


lZ 79 21 4 2 29 115 41 454 347

10 42 4 5 34 32 325 159 3 16 11 2 18 26 42 9 4 2 2 6 12 10

2 3 2 2 42 22 II 4 1 6 8 6 11 98 1 2 13 25 21 42



THIS TABLE gives the distribution of the Scheduled Tribes 'population of the State, Division and districts by sex, broad age-' groups and marital status. The presentation is for all Scheduled Tribes as a group as well as for each Scheduled Tribe separately, but without any break-up for rural and urban areas. The age-groups adopted are 0 to 14, 15 to 44,45 and above and Age not stated. Never Married are persons who have never been m~rried. Married persons are those who are married whether for the first or another time and whose marriage is subsisting. Thes~ include those recognised as married by custom, society or by the couple themselves who are in stable de facto union even if the marriage is disputed in the locality. Widowed are those whose . husbands or wives are dead and who have not married again. Divorced or Separated include persons divorced in a lawful manner either by decree of a law court or by a regular social or religious custom but who has not remarried or a person who has been separated from spouse and is living apart with no apparent intention of living together again. For a prostitute her marital status was recorded as declared by her. Corresponding tables for the Scheduled Castes population and General population are SCT-II Part A and C-II printed in Parts V-A(i) and U-C(i) respectively of the West Bengal Census Publications. 44


Total Population ~,------~------.------~ Total Never Married Married Serial ,.--~ ,--____..______, No. Name of Scbeduled Tribe persons )1&les Females Males Females 11al68 Female! 2 4 8


TOTAL 2,054,081 1,043,042 1,011,039 539,351 409,261 460,997 476,769

1 Baiga 2 2 f 2 Bedia 1,lDl 85B 333 56 854 209 Bhumij 91,289 47,003 44,286 25,129 15,277 2~,223 22,181 Bhutia indudit1iJ Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Xagalay, Tibetan and Yolmo 23,595 12,197 11,398 7,911 6,052 3,909 4,393 HirMr 100 42 58 5 27 82 28

Chakma 1,379 630 749 310 340 367 .7 Chero 669 350 209 100 850 109 8 Garo 2,535 806 1,729 385 1,033 361 594 Gond 735 402 333 400 150 183 10 Goralt 425 352 73 2SS 32 61 33 \ 11 Hajang 426 153 273 70 57 78 206 12 Ho 1,075 446 629 16S 151 268 415 13 Karmali 1,023 8U 182 188 76 559 90 14 KharwBr 1,142 593 549 199 224 337 296 15 Khond 41 15 26 2 18 13

16 Xisan 3 3 2 17 Kora 62,029 32,251 29,778 15,824 11,016 15,162 14,572 18 Korwa 2,891 1,422 1,469 657 453 691 742 19 Lepcha 15,309 7,577 7,732 4,122 4,486 2,9U 2,783 20 Lodha, Xheria or Kharia 40,89~ 20,302 20,596 11,182 9,491 8,108 9,336

21 Lahars or Lohra 2,031 1,835 196 677 88 1,117 87 22 Magh 790 498 292 248 126 238 140 23 Mahali 28,233 13,904 14,329 7,113 5,708 5,851 7,098 24 Mahll 5,075 2,641 2,434 1,193 96S 1,375 1,280 25 Mal Pahariya • 15,706 8,491 7,215 3,774 3,092 4,397 3.465

26 Mech 13,915 7,398 6,517 4,26£ 3,421 2,914 2,749 27 Mfu 1,477 654 823 342 310 289 374 28 Munda 160,245 78;'516 81,72g 39,790 35,123 34,944 39,088 29 Nagesi. 4,875 2,584 2,291 1,306 1,201 I,009 96S

SO OraoD 297.3~4 166,292 141,102 78,730 65,075 70,403 64,078

31 Parhaiya 487 US 412 18 33 :1 32 ltabha 6,053 2,673 3,380 1,500 1,536 1,088 1,556 33 Bantal 1,200,019 605,649 594,370 314,569 227,782 268,287 282,823 34 Sauria Pahana 28 8 20 8 11 8 35 Sayar 2,181 1,702 m 1,204 111 834 292 36 Unclassified. 68,923 S3,500 35,41' 17,423 14,672 14,305 16,200 45


r------~ ______Total Population _A______~ r------______Ageu-a-h ______-- ____, Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Status Total Never }Iarried ,...~ ,..._--A------" ,....---"-----, Malea Females Males Females l\1~les Females Males Females lIIales Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


36,683 115,041 5,513 9,330 498 638 . 420,1lI7 390,220 417,274 371,769

66 2 72 3 44 6,590 133 227 4 11 19,526 15,384 19,419 14,395

301 148 ~o 12 4,829 4,635 4,811 4,627 2. 18 2 18

13 70 2. 205 300 187 288

100 100 102 5 6 316 930 299 863 150 150 s 7 280 33 279 32

( 5 10 60 77 60 53 13 60 3 126 1i9 ,122 131 02 16 2 170 66 179 65 54 27 152 236 ,151 215 4 18 , .. 18

1,118 3,$92 142 291 6 ., 12,576 li,726 12,481 10,565 M 270 8 4 441 506 440 443 386 425 101 33 14 5 2,426 3,327 2,.409 3,320 881 1,622 118 138 13 9 8,859 8,461 8,814 8,180

139 21 200 90 197 87 12 24 2 194 124 193 115 771 1,369 162 148 5,462 5,411 5,425 5,177 61 178 12 8 829 897 816 807 272 599 43 55 4 2,930 2,832 2,892 2,712

189 325 22 13 (I 3,243 2,918 3,227 2,864 18 126 4 3 257 370 .256 300 3,392 6,964 368 496 22 68 30,271 33,950 29)975 31,626 157 115 22 9 1 1,004 1,106 982 1,036

6,288 10,090 777 771 94 79 60,911 61,044 600 485 69,152

2 '00 9 400 8 79 272 6 11 1,190 1,481 1,178 1,415 19,181 76,617 3,323 6,725 289 393 248,890 219,781 246,779 209,632 8 11 8 11 78 1,135 118 1,129 104 4,26P 13,78a 13,890 13,676 13,226 ,16


Age 0-14 ,- __.A. --. Married Widowed Unspecificd Divorced/Separated ,-.-.A..__ Statu.-, Serial r--_"'__"" ,--_.A.----, r--__.A..-~ No. Name of SCheuulell Tribe Malcs Females ~rales Fcrlla~ Males Female~ ~I,,]cs Females

2 20 21 22 23 24 2'6 ~6 27


TOTAL 2,627 17,786 47 256 13 177 226 232

ll;dg<, 2 Bedin 28

3 Bhumij 103 905 4 12 3 4 Bhuti& including SherpQ, 'l'oto, Dukpa, Jragatay, TibetAn and Yolmo 15 6 2 !) Birhor

6 Chakma 18 12 7 Chero

8 Garo 12 67 5 9 Gond 10 Gorait 1

11 Hajang 24 12 Ho , 18 13 lrarmali 14 Kharwar 21 1. Khond.

16 Kisan

17 EorlL Q4 1,147 16 2 IS Korwa 1 62

19 Lcpcha 13 2 4 20 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 32 269 2 6

21 Laham or Lohra :I 3

22 ~fagh 1 8 23 lfahall 29 22. 2 2 24 Mahli 13 gO

25 lila] rahariYlL 29 11" Z 4

26 Moeh 15 48 1 6 27 lIfm 70 1 no 28 lIfunda 284 2,270 17 3 14 5 """ 29 Nageoi~ 20 69 2 30 OraOD 388 1,802 :H 6 27 5:!

3t Parhaiya 1 32 Rabha 12 63 3 33 Santa] 1,439 9,764 14 152 124 15! 109 3' Sauria Paharia 35 SlIvar • 14 36 Unclas!ined 9t 622 2 19 9 11 14 STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-conld.

,....______~ ___-- ____Age~.A. 15-H ___ -~ ______-----"-. Total Never nfarried lfarried Widowc(} Divorced/Separated Unspecified Status r-­ ,-­ ,------A..---. f-__"'_~ ,---.A..~ ~_-, Males Females Males Females :!.Iales Females 'l\Iales Females MaIn Females Males Females 28 30 31 32 34 35 35 37 38 39


453,710 469,628 118,781 36,006 317,772 388,173 13,075 37,189 3,905 7,936 177 ... 1 852 171 1 12 S51 157 2 20,75G 21,000 5,651 SOO 14,493 17,920 5U 2,112 os

5,740 5,211 2,834 1,277 2,761 3,522 99 280 122 10 22 33 S o IS 22 2

S12 2i3 90 22 215 207 7 24 350 109 350 109 ,; 350 605 82 170 239 364 2& 1

401 183 ~OO 183 51 20 40 17 2

60 108 10 4 102 S 2 199 369 20 155 325 1 1 352 79 9 11 335 '5 8 3 339 232 48 9 257 209 32 12 z 2. 15 2 13 3 2.

2 1

14,493 12,802 3,270 444 10,7}6 10,851 392 1,278 22~ 5

678 500 21~ 10 454 441 11 55 3 3,402 3,327 1,583 1,151 1,784 2,030 70 121 25

8,080 ~,455 2,261 1,265 5,432 7,584 306 497 105

1,067 82 372 1 680 74, 1 242 123 55 10 184 106 3 6 1 5,012 6,856 1,613 517 3,897 5,835 300 101 103 1 1,iDS 1,130 374 160 1,092 881 23 83 9 & "

4,323 3,384 8M 370 3,29~ 2,736 121 235 34. 4.3

2,748 2,817 9S;; 544 1,668 2,170 75 93 IS 1 7 258, 291 / 85 19 167 242 3 26 3 3 34,518 36,781 0,559 3,264 23,466 30,937 1,272 2,166 210 395 11 18 l,ODt 925 287 135 724 733 59 (8 21 8

71,547 61,8~6 17,740 6,84r; 50,548 51,tin 2,660 2,777 660 612 21

40 24 12 10 27 , , 1,101 1,537 307 121 759 1,327 79 5 8 2. 258,055 283,011 66,364 17,503 182,730 234,047 25,320 2,H3 5,910 88 231 8 7 1 329 256 165 6 230 6 18 2

14,i39 16,075 3,48~ 1,296 ~3,13S 607 1,U7 137 5 48


Ag6 45+ r------.~------~Total Never Married Married Widowed DivorCed/Separated Badal ,-~ ~ ~ r-____.A.____, .------'-_---, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe }lales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


TOTAL 168,503 150,797 2,822 1,179 140,478 70,750 23,530 77,568 1,590 1,214

B~lga 1 2 2 2 Bedia 3 90 3 24 64 2 Bhumij 6,720 7,889 57 78 5,627 3,296 996 4,466 40 46 4 Bhutla inclU4ing Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetin and Volmo 1,627 1,446 2B5 82 1,133 846 202 496 24 28 Ii Birhor 18 14 6 4 1

6 Chakm~ 113 196 107 6 46 2 7 Chero 8 Garo uo 194 110 163 23 31 9 Gond :t 1 10 Gora!t 21 20 20 15 1 5

11 Hajang 33 88 31 80 2 8 12 Ho 121 111 109 72 12 37 2 13 Karmali 310 37 224 24 84 13 2 14 Kharwar 102 81 79 66 22 15 1 15 Khond 1 2

10 Kllan 17 Kora 6,175 6,243 70 4,351 2,571 723 2,597 31 61 18 Korwa 303 454 5 236 39 55 214 7 1 19 Lapoha 1,659 1,077 130 14 1,177 751 287 304 61 8 20 Lodha, Kllerla or Kharla 3,349 2,679 106 46 2,634 1,482 568 1,123 38 28

21 Lohara or Lahla 568 24 8 425 10 134 14 1

22 Magh 52 ~5 1 53 2() 9 18 23 Mahali 2,526 2,056 73 9 1,924 1,037 468 971 61 39

2~ Mahll 313 406 3 270 310 37 94 3 2

25 Mal Pahariya 1,237 997 15 1,069 61~ 144 364 9 11

26 Mech 1,386 780 31 11 1,231 531 114 232 27 MrG 139 162 122 62 15 100 28 Munda 13,722 10,989 252 231 11,194 5,814 2,116 .4,781 155 86 29 Nagesiu. 484 257 37 27 352 163 M 66 1 30 Oraon 23,745 18,187 !70 60 19,434 10,679 3,603 7,287 155

31 Parhalya • 6 8 , .. 6 6 2 82 Rabha 382 361 15 317 165 49 193 3 33 Santal' 98,777 91,455 1,076 546 84,052 88,999 12,737 51,167 875 691 84 Saurla Ellharill 1 1 ", 35, Savar 238 105

S~ UuclassUled 5,2~ 5,346 201 50 5Q 49


Age 45+ Age not stated A r------, r- ~----, Unspecified status Total Never Marri cd lIarried Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Status ,...----.J".._--, r----,A----, r------"---..... r------"--..... ,----'-___., ~ r---'--____, )1ale8 Females ~Iales Females' Males Females Males Females :r.rales Females Males Female. Males Females 59 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5$ 59 60 III 112 88

BENGAL- coneld.

83 86 642 394 474 307 120 55 31 28 5 12

3 2 2

106 66 211 17

7 3 3 3 1

, 1 3 14 10 1

4 6- 2 f> 1 1 1 2 1 1

21 2 21 2

5 17 r. 9 4 2 7 1 6 3 3 2 27 89 25 35 18 33 6 20 1 1

1 37 fi2 427 123 350 101 M 13 8 1 10 1

3 8 103 54 100 6 2 1 1 8(11) RGI{64 4 50


Total Population r------__ ------~------Serial Total Never Married Married r---' No. Name ofScheduied Tribo Persons Males Females .MaleS Female; .Males Females 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

PlJESIDENOY TOTAL 904,878 466,419 438,459 246,745 204,182 198,411 195,740

Bhumij 14,337 8,998 5,339 1,794 3,766 2,743 2 Bhutla including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo • 23,547 12,157 11,390 7,894 6,050 3,S8S" 4,387 a Chakma 990 476 514 218 227 252 253 4 Garo 2,452 729 1,723 350 1,030 328 591 Ii Hajang 409 144 265 66 53 73 204

6 Ho 505 185 320 77 110 108 17S 7 Karmali 7 6 1 2 4 1 SKora 12,773 6,3411 6,424 2,971 2,430 3,184 3,560 o Lepcha 15,293 7,572 7,721 4,122 4,482 2,970 2,777 10 Lodha, Kher!a Or Kharla 2C,362 13,432 12,930 7,086 6,435 5,491 6,684

11 :M:agh 469 309 160 181 49 120 94 12 :Mahali 19,563 9,978 9,585 5,156 4,202 4,037 4,611 13 :M:ahli 2 2 2 14 :Mal paMrlya 10,107 5,431 4,676 2,742 2,296 2,i06 15 :Mech 13,650 7,286 6,364 4,208 3,a98 2,862

16 MIu 1,150 484 666 261 233 215 321 17 :Munda 125,507 62,236 63.271 31,639 29,451 27,407 28,793 18 Nagesia 4,866 2,578 2,288 1,303 1,200 1,095 964 19 Ornon 275,386 142,123 133,263 73,823 63,534 61,766 59,727 20 ltabha 5,871 2,565 3.306 1,444 1,504 1,044, 1,520

,21 Santal 312,892 162,845 150.047 87,973 67,222 68,346 66,744 22 Sauria Paharia 28 8 20 8 11 8 '23 Uncla$sifled • 38,712 20,526 18,186 10,206 8;471 9,046 7,975

DARJEELING TOTAL 96,444 50,685 45,759 29,708 25,389 18,112 J7,406

1 Bhumij 20 15 5 12 3 4 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagalay, Tibetan and Yolmo. • . 22,086 11,323 10,763 7,471 5,788 3,503 4,064 3 Chakma 2 2 1 1 4 Garo 167 96 7t 46 31 30 40 Hajang 27 22 5 6 4 1. 1

6 Kora 287 99 188 80 145 14 36 ,7 Lepoha 14,910 7,385 7,525 4,034 4,407 2,878 2,695 8 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 1,439 818 621 443 322 326 243 9 Magh 63 55 49 4 5 3 .~O Mahall 989 662 327 :l08 157 291 154 51


Tutal popillalion Age 0-14 ,-' ""-- --. .A._ unspecified Status Total Never ~Iarrleu """ Widowed ,-___Divorced/SeparatedA ___--. r----_.,,_,_____ r-____.)...----, ~, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males ...._.Females' )[ales FemalcS 10 11 12 13 14 15 Iv 17 18 19

DIV[SION 18,275 35,068 2,638 3,[00 350 36' 191,998 188,846 190,643 181,534

lQ3 7U 24 51 4,179 1,829 ~,U2 1,715

299 703 66 148 10 12 4,815 4,633 4,797 4,625 34 162 216 151 207 281 ~O 102 297 927 800 S 56 73 56 49

9j 30 55 108 53

2,853 2,603 2,296 153 388 30 44 1 2,625 3,323 2,409 3,316 365 4240 101 33 14 2,426 5,350 5,358 5,235 765 736 85 66 5,385

16 155 49 154 42 3,823 3,848 3,790 3,736 649 672 129 94

2,054 2,002 2,027 1,974 239 381 39 30 3,197 2,805 3,181 2,843 185 306 22 11

286 205 216 10~ 2 1 205 22 39 24,153 28,375 23,903 26,645 2,853 ~,663 315 325 1,003 1,10:; 981 1,035 157 114 22 9 78 73 57,038 58,440 56,668 56,872 5,810 9,219 646 710 1,132 1,440 1,122 1,384 71 260 11

174 183 71,332 63,304 70,926 60,9[6 5,34U 14,451 1,003 1,441 11 1 11 12 7,8~7 7,704 7,827 7,462 1,1ll 1,611 1H 117 19

DISTRICT 39 21,613 20,896 21,480 20,840 2,483 2,556 335 369 47 9

10 12 4,485 4,396 4,473 4,394 274 758 65 141

45 30 45 30 ~O 4

72 148 71 143 2,362 3,249 2,348 3,244 359 31)2 100 26 14 340 294 337 294 48 55 44 44

209 148 199 1~8 ,0 16 52


Age 0.:;:-14 r-- -, Manied Widowed Di1Iorced/Separated 'U nspecifled Status Serial r----"'----, r---""--___""" ....---....__, ,_-"'--""""\ No, Name of SchedUled Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 2(; 26 27

PRESIDENCY TOTAL 1,147 6,992 31 98 12 46 165 176

Bhumij 37 109 S 2 Bhuti. including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yalmo 15 6 8 2

Chakma 11 9 Garo 11 67 5 5 Hsjang 24

6 Ro '2 13 Karmali 8 Kora 21 551 2 9 Lepeha 13 2 4 6 10 Lodha, Kherla or Kharia 23 109 4 6

11 Magh 6 1

.12 lI[ahali 25 105 2 6 Z 13 MlIhldi 14 Mal Pahariy. , 18 83 7 2 I. Mech 15 46

16 Mru 70

17 Munda 238 1,689 4 11 5 23 18 Nagesia 20 69 2 19 Ora on 333 1,489 , 30 6 3 27 52 20 Rabha 10 62

21 Santal 296 2,264 7 41 19 100 6' 22 Sauria Paharia •

23 Unclassified 58 219 1 16 4 11

DARJEELING TOTAL 88 25 20 3 24 27

Dhumij llhutla inducfing Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 9 3 2 Chakma Garo Hajang

6 Kora 2 3 7 ;Lepche. 10 4 5 8 Lodha, Kherl& or Kharia 2 g Magh 10 Mahali 53


______• ______AgeA_ 15-H______,~ Total Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecifi.d Status ,..----.A___ -.. ,.-__A_--.. r------A__ ~ ~ ~ ,..-----'-____, yale. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females !Iales Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39

DIVISION-contd.• 198,237 191,848 53,816 21,525 135,421 157,173 7,059 10,454 1,313 2,530 128 166

3,365 2,619 67 2,444 2,180 64 325 14 43

6,721 6,205 2,831 1,277 2,745 3,516 99 280 42 122 4 10 225 170 67 20 154 139 4 11 , 308 602 66 170 218 361 21 71 2 65 106 10 4 42 100 3 2

93 130 15 69 10~ 6 3 2 2,551 2,54' 365 124 2,100 2,271 62 124 24 1 3,488 3,322 1,583 1,151 1,780 2,025 79 121 40 6 5,592 5,911 1,626 1,155 3,635 4,471 277 225 57 3 3

113 83 27 89 72 4,276 4,496 1,294 454 2,657 3,801 252 182 72 55 2 2 2,625 2,121 701 312 1,784 1,641 107 147 30 21 3 2,702 2,732 97. M2 1,633 2,093 74 88 13 3

16S 239 55 17 112 198 21 2 27,007 27,$92 7,524 2,592 IB,H6 Z3,207 1,154 1,329 172 256 11 B 1,087 924 285 135 722 733 59 47 21 8 63,425 57,706 16,664 6,591 43,775 48,120 2,412 2,413 476 563 38 19 1,077 1,505 307 120 736 1,208 29 77 5 8 2

65,148 , 65,929 5,907 46,097 64,200 1,819 4,467 7SQ 1,250 49 105

0,201 8,104 2,lH 865 6,479 6,631 481 513 92 90 5

DISTRICT-cmtd. 21,710 19,314 7,621 4.041 12,775 14,221 1,140 749 158 291 16 12

3 3 3

5,3U 4,876 2,733 2,H9 3,234 87 268 41 118 10 2 28 41 15 12 17 10 1

20 26 2 S 24 2 3,379 3,235 1,556 1,148 1,699 1,953 114 39 20 • 272 250 76 28 180 215 6 10 5 2 3 271 146 84 132 13li 55 54


Age 45+ Total Never :Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated ~ r------'-______~___. Serial ~ ,..__...,..____ No. Name of Scheduled Tri be Malee Femlllell :Maicil Females Males Females ~rales Femalei Males Females 2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 - 47 48 49

PRESIDENOY TOTAL 75,631 57,426 1,852 854 61,758 31,529 11,165 24,495 521

:BhUmlj 80 12 1,285 454 129 418 10 7 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, KlIgatay, Tibetan and YOlma. • 1,620 1,446 265 82 1,128 845 200 496 24 23 3 Chakma 89 128 87 105 2 23 , Garo 124 194 3 99 163 19 31 Ii Hajgang 83 86 31 80 2 8

G Ho 37 82 37- 58 2 7 Karmali 2 1 2 1

8 Kora 1,1~8 1,024 2 7 1,062 7SS 98 262 6 17 9 Lepcha 1,658 1,075 130 14 1,171 750 286 303 61 8 10 Lodhll, Kherla or KbRrill 2,453 1,668 101 45 1,832 1,103 484 511 34 9

11 MlIgh 36 28 30 16 6 12 12 Mahall 1,876 1,235 71 7 1,354 704 39,1, 489 57 35 13 MaWI

14 Mal paharlYII 751 491 13 9 604 240 125 23~ , 15 Mech 1,866 735 81 11 1,214 501 111 218

16 Mfu 111 Ul 1 lOS 53 6 89 17 MUnda 11,072 7,495 209 212 9,023 3,890 1,695 3,327 HO 58 18 Nageeia 483 256 37 27 351 162 94 66

19 Oraon 21,592 17,090 457 53 17,635 10,11~ 3,324 6,775 164 144 20 Rabha 556 351 15 298 159 42 180 3

21 Santal 25,983 20,730 302 328 21,903 10,269 3,523 9,941 240 178 22 Sauria Paharia 1 23 Unclalelfted 3,367 2,278 185 47 2,503 1,123 625 1,082 6J. 23

DARJEELING TOTAL 7,359 5,445 604 441 5,249 3,143 1,323 1,789 176

1 Bhumii 2 1 1 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo. • 1,523 1,388 264 82 1,045 813 187 473 24 20 :I Ch&kma , Garo 23 15 8 !; Hajllng 5

6 Kora 5 10 2 4 7 Lepcba 1,644 1,040 130 14 1,169 742 280 278 61 6 S Lodha, Kherill or Kharla 206 77 30 US 28 31 40

I) :Maah 1 1 10 :M&hali 182 33 15 1 152 19 13 13 2 STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

Age 45+ Age not stated ~Unspecified Status r·------~~------~~------~---,Total Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated UnspeciftedStatus ~ ~ r--~ r-----'---...... ~ r----"---\ ,...--"--.., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

DIV/SION-concld. 4S 27 553 339 434 269 8S 46 20 21 2 3

3 1 106 1 66 20 17 3

5 3 1 ·3 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 1

3 6 5 1 1

1 2 1 1

1 "', 21 2 21 2

5 8 4 9 3 2 7 1 5 a a 3 2 12 2 68 21 34 18 23 2 10 1 1 1

15 14 382 84 321 71 50 11 2 1 10

8 8 61 100 50 97 6 2 4 1 1

DISTRICT-conlll. 7 3 104 3 67 17 17 3

3 1 lOS 1 66 17 17 3

1 .. 56


Total Population .------~ .------._-----, Total Never Married Married Serial ~-----~'------~ r~~ ,--~------. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe PerSons Males Females Males ,Females ~{ales Females 1 2 :I 4 6 8 DARJEELlNG 11 Mal Pahariya 1,636 809 827 356 393 378 375 12 Mech 237 150 87 9<1 37 29 40 13 1Ilrn 20 20 20

14 Munda 8,564 4,677 3,887 2,233 2,113 1,9~9 15 Nagesia 1,384 756 628 347 305 341

16 Oraon 28,388 H,975 13,413 8,686 7,935 5,687 !,721 17 Rabhl>. SO 30 20 10

18 S~ntal 7,308 3,932 3,376 1,897 872 1,235 19 Unclassified • 8,887 4,879 4,008 1,831 1,780 1,961

JALPAlGUIU TOTAL 354,741 185,389 169,352 98,051 80,802 77,641 77,597

BllUmij 519 256 263 91 140 126 77 2 Bllutia including Sherpa, To to, Dukpa, Kagatay. Tibetan and Yolmo. . 1,170 667 503 346 219 aDZ 265 3 Ohakma m 337 410 147 186 HO 200 Garo 619 352 267 155 65 190 198

Ii lI~jang 348 106 242 49 36 63 lQ9

6 lIo ~52 13a 21<1 68 83 70 121 7 Kara 5,563 3,033 2,530 1,208 552 1,763 1,934 8 Lepcha 138 72 66 31 26 88 34 9 Lodha, Kheria or !Charia 24,009 12,116 11,893 6,395 5,938 4,947 5,263

10 ~Iagh 229 153 66 96 25 63 36

11 Mahali 13,098 6,753 6,345 3,674 3,021 2,532 2,907 12 1Ial PahariYB 1,774 1,060 714 559 253 408 3V9 13 Mach 13,178 ',050 6,128 4,075 3,257 2,789 2,563

14 ~lru 536 251 285 123 55 124 1~9 15 Munda 53,881 28,609 25,272 15,Q94 11,746 11,771

16 Nagesia 2,876 1,~83 1,393 772 759 631 567 17 Ouon 181,749 93,001 88,748 48,594 42,568 39,872 39,963 18 ltabha 4,132 1,751 2,381 957 1,117 739 1,085 19 Santal 38,560 21,831 16,729 12,693 8,171 8104 7,670 20 UnclassiJled 11,263 6,360 4,903 2,924 2,382 2,954 2,176

COOCH BEHAR TOTAL 4,618 4,191 2.492 2,174 1.723 1,614

Bh1)mij 457 356 66 2 Bhutia incluaing Sherpa. Toto, Dukpa, Eag.tay, Ti belan and Yolmo 4 1 2 Chakma 3 3 2

Garo 1,27~ 116 1,16i 61 874 36 217 57


Total Population r--_____Age_.A.~ 0-14 __--. _____ • ,...------Widowed Di vorced/Separated Unspecified Status Total Never Married r---__.A.~ ,-----..;--"---.." .----.A.------, r-""'______' r---__.A.--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~fales Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DISTRICT-cOntd. 71 56 3 2 319 367 304 366 27 10 74 34 74 33 20 20 434 204 59 21 2 1,621 1,746 1,615 1,736 57 27 11 317 264 305 259

659 657 30 88 13 12 7,033 7,057 6,989 7,042 20 20 1M 18Z 4 56 3 6 2,557 1,606 2,546 1,598 376 193 59 2S 2 2,106 1,531 2,101 1,627

DISTRICT 8,517 9,939 1,112 913 101 75,612 73704 75,234 70,753

37 32 47 1H 46 140

IS 13 271 193 266 188 24 99 177 96 169 4 121 94 121 54 7 46 57 46 33

8 2 49 78 48 6B 52 39 10 1,093 975 1,081 613 3 26 25 25 24 693 619 76 64 4,850 4,882 4,834 4,793 " 81 29 81 24 453 353 93 60 2,663 2,666 2,660 2,605 83 57 10 5 392 260 389 221 157 290 21 11 8 3,089 2,790 3,075 2,741 3 61 101 ". 103 101 45

1,678 I,m 180 123 11 18 11,683 11,32~ 1l,585 10,333

73 64 2 1 545 680 539 665 3,994 5,670 S05 499 36 48 36,652 38,391 36,511 37,784 62 172 3 3 765 1,019 761 1,009 876 800 155 81 7 10,958 7,619 10,893 7,225 430 305 48 37 2,081 2,163 2,076 2,119

DISTRICT 352 376 44 7 5 2,038 2,168 1.976 1,824

31 323 306

2 2

72 2 43 741 41 717 58


AgeO-H r- Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecifled Status Serial ,-__.A __..., r-~ r-----"-----. lio. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 DARJEELING 11 Mal Pahariya 7 1 1 12 Mech 1 13 Uru

14 Munda II 7 2 1 1 3 15 Nagesla 10 6 II

10 Oraon 31 3 3 1 10 11 17 RlIbha 18 Santal a 2 1 2 6 19 Unclasslfled • 2 4 , .. 2

JALPAIGURI TOTAL 361 2,869 3 13 6 4 8 6S

1 BllUmlj 1 4 2 Bhntia iucluding Sherpa. Toto. Dukpa, ;Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo . 5 6 3 Chakma 3 8 4 Garo 40 5 Hsjang 24

6 Ho 1 10 7 ;Kora 12 462 8 Lepcha 1 9 Lodha, Kherla Or Kharla 14 83 2 6 10 Magh 4 1

11 Mahall 2 57 2 2 12 Mal Paharlya 3 39 13 Mech 13 45 1 « 14 MIn 58 15 Munda 95 983 1 2 1 2 10

/" 16 Nagesia 6 14 17 OrBon 135 566 7 6 34 18 Rabha 4 39 1 19 Santa! 62 386 2 1 3 Ii 20 Unclassified 4, 41 1 1 II

COOCH BElfAR TOTAL 107 333 5 1 5 S

1 Bhumlj 17 2 Bhutia illCluding Sherpa, Toto, Dllkpa, Kagalay, Tibetan and YO!IDO • 3 ChakIlla 4 Gllro 24 1 STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

,Age 15-H r ~....., ,.--__J.__Total ___ Never lIIarried Married ,-_--'--__ Widowed DiVorced/Separated Unspecified Status ,...... ----.:.A----, ~ .-----'------, r---..... ____ Mlllea Females Males Femalea AIales Females Males Femllies Mllles Females Males Females 29 30 31 28 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 30 DISTRICT-contll. 50 320 367 18 235 331 33 11 1 1 49 27 11 12 2«1 26 1

2,388 1,678 585 235 1,53<1 1,347 255 79 13 16 296 272 40 26 233 237 12 3 11 6

6,416 5,022 1,675 887 4,398 3,938 312 138 28 58 3 1 5 5

992 1,321 291 152 615 1,036 82 78 55 1,925 2,044 495 288 1,242 1,698 169 '2 16

DISTRICT-contd. 78,318 73,070 9,900 51,054 59,811 3,381 2,604 795 711 48 33

98 135 45 81 7 30 2 14

270 318 31 230 8 3 1 3 161 115 17 110 6 162 90 i't 129 2 1 32 101 :I 27 2 2

59 80 20 15 39 64 1 1,185 973 126 37 1,035 922 17 1£ 7 38 3~ 6 2 32 29 1 5,078 5,466 1,492 1,104 3,284 C,116 255 188 55 3 60 23 16 1 44 20 1 :I

2,870 2,864 978 408 1,681 2,314 161 108 50 32 2 60S 856 167 31 290 306 C2 15 9 4 2,613 2,639 957 507 1,589 2,037 47 86 13 6 3 63 83 21 10 42 73 11,693 10,932 3,411 1,580 7,548 8,961 611 288 116 97 7 6

638 573 202 87 401 454 28 29 7 2 1 41,837 38,782 11,731 4,748 28,015 32,174 1,687 1,438 376 409 28 13 742 1,083 190 108 532 917 18 52 2 4 2 7,050 6,277 1,756 943 4,842 5,060 326 217 126 55 2 3,076 2.227 758 257 2,103 1,816 170 123 42 30 8 1 DISTRICT-contd. 1,894 464 323 l,235 1,094 167 247 27 16 92 85 85 19 :I

1 2 1

882 26 157 24 157 68 60


A~e45+ ,....------"---~------~ Total Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/separated Serial r---A--~ r---~-_, r- _A__ 1 r---A---, ~---A---l No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females 11alcs Females Males Females

40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 DARJEELING

11 Mal Pahariya 170 93 2 9 136 43 31 39 2 12 Meeh 27 25 9 4 17 13 13 Mru

14 Munda 668 i63 33 142 413 191 177 125 45 5 15 Nagesia. 143 92 2 20 98 47 43 24

16 Omon 1,524 1,334 20 1,258 780 244 518 30 17 Ra.bha 6 5 18 Santal 383 449 33 147 249 100 104 19 Unclassified 848 433 66 16 536 206 151 40

JALPAIGURI TOTAL 31,410 22,549 733 137 25,226 14,891 5,128 7,320 311 198

lIhum1j 21 19 30 2 Dhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 78 37 67 24 10 10 Chakma 77 118 77 100 18 00 77 3 61 7( 5

28 8~ 26 79 2

30 56 30 47 2 KorB 755 582 2 716 550 35 25 5 S Lepcha. 8 Il !\ 4 3 Lodha, Kheria or KhBria 2,187 1,044 68 41 1,649 1,063 436 431 32 10 lIragh 22 14 19 12 2

11 Mahall 1,210 812 2. 849 535 292 245 26 12 Mal Pahariy& 1M 97 3 115 54 41 42 13 Meeh 1,327 697 22 7 1,187 481 110 204 8 14 Mru 87 99 82 38 61 15 Munda 5,231 3,00! 96 36 4,103 1,820 966 1,121 64 21;

16 Nages!. 300 140 31 224 99 45 17 Oraon 14,499 11,569 339 32 11,722 7,222 2,307 123 90 18 nabha 244 248 6 203 128 34 120 19 Santal 3,823 2,830 44 2 3,200 2,223 550 580 29 25 20 Uncla~sified 1,192 Iill 83 4 847 319 256 181 6 7

COOCH BEHAR TOTAL 629 332 52 16 376 187 183 124 17 5

Bhumij 15 14 12 Bhutia including Sherpa, ,Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay. Tibetan and Yolmo $ Chakma 1 1

~ Garo 1$ 4.0 11 36 2 61


Age45+ Age not stated r--__-A ___ --. r ._----"--- --, unspecified Status Total Never 'Married Married Widowed DivorcedjSeparated Unspecified Stalus I""-~--A---, r----.A.-~ r--___!A.--, ,.-__..A.. ___, "------.-A-----,, ,..-_-J\"""__ ___""", r----t.-.._-... ~Iales Females Males Females },[ales Females Males Females MaleS Females Males Females Males Females

50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 DISTRICT-cOne/d.

2 2

DISTRICT-eoncld. 12 3 29 4S 12 15 4 2



2 1 21 21 2

2 2 7 2

8 13 6 1~ , 1

3 11 2 4

DISTRICT-eontd. 7 11 11 5 2 62


Totlll PopUlation ~.------~------"------~Total Never Married I\fIlrried Serial ~ ~--~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe persons 1I1ales Females lIrales Females Males Females 1 2 3 6 8

cooeH BEHAR 5 Kora 86 61 25 25 13 20 6 Lepcha 1 1 Lodha, Kherla or Kharis 383 168 215 96 102 88 8 Mahall 37 16 21 10 3 18 II lIral Paharlya 194 138 56 74 41 58 12

10 Mecb 153 72 81 39 51 30 26 11 Munda 618 m 275 203 111 lOG 12 Nage.sia 80S 162 146 95 66 65 13 Oraon 2,310 1,274 1,036 600 426 508 502 14 Rabha 1,608 758 850 449 351 289 402 15 Santal 1,234 982 252 452 101 465 115 16 Unclassllled 134 66 68 25 33 34 35

WEST DINAJPUR TOTAL 170,149 84,118 86,031 44,124 38,621 36,Sp 38,821

llbumlj 7 Bhutia inc/Ulfing Sherpa, :roto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and yolmo 229 122 107 60 33 5G 52 3 Chakma 201 107 94 66 35 35 49

4, Garo 302 101 201 43 50 50 126 5 Hajang 25 U 11 10

6 110 109 100 55 Karmall 7 6 2 1 8 Kora 2,822 1,406 1,416 693 607 596 9 Lepcha 217 96 121 51 47 42 41 10 Lodha, Kherla or Kbaria • 205 147 68 70 10 3~

11 Nagh 163 82 81 36 18 43 12 l\[ahali 2,103 1,075 1,028 487 331 516 13 J\[ahli 2 2 14 Mal paharlya 1,774 890 884 505 563 358 11 11 15 ~[ech 79 11 68 53

70 70 16 ~rru 117 13 164 12 17 Munda 14,919 5,471 9,448 2,6~4 4,291 4,455 18 Nagesia 198 130 68 70 38 24

4,9j~ 5,296 5,074 19 Ornon 22,287 11,271 11,016 5,591 g 20 Rabha 23 6 17 1

26,958 21 Santal 122,292 62,667 59,625 33,375 26,538 :l6,881 8 22 Sauna Pabaria 28 8 20 s 11 40). 23 unclassified 1,98Q 484 1,496 314 158 63


Total Population AgeO-H ,.. ~ ., Widowed Divoroed/Separated Unspecified Status Total Never Married r-~ ~ ~ ,...--A------. ,..-.----'--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

DISTRICT-contll. 13 3 3 20 14 17 (I

9 24 6 1 88 103 84 81 9 3 9 3 5 3 1 66 41 66 41

1 2 2 34 50 32 48 30 24 4 15 175 110 162 89 18 15 4 58 89 55 44 157 108 8 485 479 451 328 18 gO 2 5 2 329 3M 323 341 58 85 7 1 443 121 418 S8 4 3 15 51 12 33

DISTRlcr 2,515 7,646 516 835 140 108 35,550 37,054 35,282 35,531

1 6 5

6 21 1 50 34 49 3S 6 10 63 33 55 32

4 25 4 51 52 37 49 1 10 7 10 7

22 1 26 23 1

36 104 10 22 1 1 633 671- 629 637 36 48 36 47 ~ 26 1 7 3 7 H 17 54 15

3 11 30 16 29 14 49 130 19 21 4 2 417 329 406 312

24 50 2 4 1 3 295 355 288 336 4 21 21

21 .2 1 65 7 63 164 665 14 M 6 3 2,055 4,297 1,998 4,11(1' 4 6 65 39 64 35 833 962 31 67 20 1 4,614 4,970 4,549 4,612 1 1 4 12 4 12

1,811 5,365 436 669 10~ 95 26,871 25,266 26,779 24,340 1 8 11 8 11 10 214 :l 2 285 779 279 757 64


Age 0-14 r Married Widowed Divorced/Separated unspecified Status Serial Name of Scheduled Tribe ~...... -, ,..~ ,.....----A------.. r-----'""--""" No. 1lales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

COaCH BEHAR 5 KorR 3 5 6 Lcpcba Lodh8 , Kherla Or Kharla • 22 8 Mahali 9 MAl pahariya

10 Mech 2 2 11 Munda 13 20 12 Nagesia 3 45 13 Oraon 33 HlI 6 1 14 Rabha 6 21 2 15 Santa! 2. 32 16 Unclassified 18


TOTAL 172 1,421 S 36 1 17 90 4~'

llhumij 2 lIhutia incll1ding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and yolmo Chakma 8 4 Garo 10 • Hajang

6 Ho Karmali

8 Kor~ 3 32 t 9 l.epcha 10 1odha, liherin or Kharia 2

11 Magh 2 12 Mahsli 7 14 2 4 13 Mahli

14 Mall'ahariy& 7 15 1 11

15 ~rech

18 Mru 2 17 MUnda 54 181 , 2 18 Nageai. 4 19 Oraon 53 288 6 3 12

20 Rabh~

21 Santal 20 852 4. 25 1 67 {2 22 Sauria Paharia

23 Unclall2ll1ed . 6 19 2 STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

Age 15-4~ r-----Total.------~------~~ Never }farried Married Widowed Divorced/Seperated Unspecified status r____.A.--""",,,\ r--""":--...... -~ r----'---~ r----~ r--~ r--_.A.__ -""""I Males Females Males Females :Uales Females }Iales Females Males Females llIales Females

28 29 30 . 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 aQ

DISTRICf-conld. 31 8 12 3 2 1 1 • 56 96 18 38 56 5 21 4 6 18 1 18 56 12 8 46 12 2

27 26 7 19 23 1 129 121 41 12 71 SO IS 17 , 12 84 45 36 19 33 11 12 15 S 559 463 139 90 357 297 61 76 2 324 891 117 10 195 353 10 25 1I 3 440 105 26 13 381 70 28 22 5 28 14 10 16 14 2

DISTRICT-con/d. c 35,560 38,087 8,451 2,881 25,775 32,339 886 2,124 418 30 48

57 54 11 43 44 9 36 11 21 44 6 38 75 6 31 72 2 4 4 3

S 48 4 43 5 3

591 597 123 56 «~ ~90 16 3~ s 17 55 50 15 39 39 6 80 35 16 4, 62 29 '2

43 52 4 30 46 2 478 525 80 19 365 460 19 29 15 2 2 47Q 440 216 227 253 188 7 22 2 3 1 11 40 82 11 7 1

6 79 7 59 10 2 2,547 4,164 661 180 1.831 3,829 iO ISS 13 22 2 47 21 3 39 18 2 4,932 4,557 1,021 236 3,745 4,002 137 2M 6S 5 4

25,967 [26,855 6,233 2,067 18,714 22,601 645 1,572 354 571 21 . 1

174 35 127 10 g~ 5 1

8(1I} RGI/64 66


Age 45+ (""._------..::...... _------_. -. Tota] Never Married Married Widowed DiVorced/Separated ,---A__ -. ,.__A__ • ,..--,1..__ • Serial ,...__...... ---. r------_,___~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribo uales Females !laIes Females Uales Females Males Females DI"les Femalos 2 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49


5 ){Ora 10 5 Lepclla Loulla, Kheria or KMria 24 IG 3 15 10 4 3 2 8 Mahall 1 1 Mal .Pahariya 16 8 12 3

10 1tlech 11 6 ~ 3 2 11 Mundll 39 H 22 24 17 7 3 12 Nagesla 15 I) , o 9 4 1 19 Omon 230 85 10 1~ 59 96 27 14 Rabha 105 95 9 88 !B !l 65 15 Santal 97 26 8 57 13 30 19 16 Une!assifted 23 3 18 3 2

, WEST DINAJPUR TOTAL 12,677 10,803 112 125 10,835 5,058 5,486 96 123

Bhumij 1 1 2 Bhutia illcluc1i'lg Sherpa. Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tiberan and Yo!ruo 15 19 12 3 1~ Clulkma. 8 9 6 4 2 5 4 Gala 12 74 9 61 3 23 najang 1

6 Ho 26 ·17 Karmali 1 8 Kora 182 148 160 74 20 69 2 9 Lepeha 23 1 20 z 10 Lodha, Kberla or Kharla • 13 12 1

11 Magh 9 13 6 4 3 o 12 Mahall 178 174 1 143 70 29 100 4 13 Mahll 14 11al Pallariya 116 89 1 98 61 17 28 15 llech 4 :I

16 lIIru 20 () 11 17 MundB 869 987 Ii 1 738 445 123 531 8 18 Nagesla 18 8 16 2 2 {; 19 Oraon 1,700 1,489 10 4. 1,484 784 196 690 8 11 20 Rabha

21 Santal 9,525 95 120 8,121 3,602 1,222 3,76B 80 91 22 Sourin Paharia 1 23 Unclassified 25 28 1S7 67


Age 45+ Age not Stated _____.J----, Unspecified Status Total Neve r Married ~[arrled Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Status ".---.--A----, f'~ .--A--, ,---""__' r-----A--'--, ~ ,-.---'-~ Males Femalcs Males Females llIale~ Females ~Iales Female! Males Females Males Females ~IlIles Females 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63


s 3 3 2 a 8


DISTRICT-coneld. 11 11 331 87 279 84 41 3 9

2 2

2 25 11 14

9 304 14 268 11 26 3 1 9

73 73 "



Total Papulation Age 0-14 r -.. r-- .A...... Widowed Divorced/Separat,d I U nspecilled Status Total Never Uarried r__.A.----..... ,-----'------., ,------"----.. r------'------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males ~'emales

10 11 ,12 18 14 15 16 17 18 11)

DISTRICT 1,717 5,117 341 486 56 60 21,634 20,124 21,494 19,679

,., 4

37 135 4 11 553 595 551 562 4

27 8S 18 , 326 203 233 182 14 52 272 256 272 245 3 20 20 30 79 4 258 422 258 416 00 243 15 13 1,014 1,041 1,003 979 1,381 4,341 286 433 51 54 18,737 17,054 18,623 16,777 137 180 15 18 3 560 525 553 490

DISTRICT 476 2,461 88 134 14 15 6,952 7,017 6,939 6,925

2 61 61 30 "-

18 38 1 2 157 168 157 162 .. 1 1 3 21 2 2 82 76 81 73

26 141 13 15 2 595 711 6gS 696 7 22 , 110 70 110 68 38 76 2 3 321 248 3111 242 _389 1,90' 62 98 II 13 4,930 f,865 4,021 ',827 41 228 7 U 8 756 SU 755 792

DISTRICT 351 1,354 22 35 6 21 4,819 4,566 4,795 4.278

83 S 242 192 242 183

2 2 7 B 2 3 2 11 29 40 (6 40 U 1 4 1 4

10 21 101 66 101 6S 70


Age 0-14 -"", ~------~~~------.Married Widowed Divorced(Separated Unspecified Status ,...--A----, ~ ....----..-'----. ~"""\ Serial Name of Scheduled Tri be Males Females Males Females Males Females 3fales Females No. 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 25 27

MALDA TOTAL 113 409 2 22 1 6 24 8

Bhumij 2 Chakma 3 Garo 4 Kora 2 32 Loclha, Kheria or Kharia 3

6 ~rahali 3 21 Mal Pahariya 10 8 Mru Munda 6 10 Oraon 10 57 5 11 Santal 88 256 S 6 24 12 lJnc\Rssilled 27 S


TOTAL 8 82 3 3 5 4

Bhumij 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kaga.tay, Tibetall and yalmo 3 Kom 6 4 Lodha, Kheria or Kharla 5 l[ahall

• Mal Pahariya 1 15 Munda 2 8 Oraon 6 3 9 Santal Ii 30 3 2 1 3 10 Unclas!ifted 20

NADIA TOTAL 21 266 7 3 15

Bhumij 7 2 2 Chakma Garo 4 Kora 5 Lodha, Rheri. or Kharia 2

0 ~[ahali 7 1!al Pabarlya a 71


Age 15-14 r- Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified St;;;;' Total Never Man-ied ,-__.A-__-. ,----'------... ,~ ,.------'------, ,--.-'------""'1 r--~ Males Females Males Females A[ales Females 1fales Females Males Females Males Females 28 29 sO 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

DISTRICT-contd. 21,109 22,231 5,303 2,108 15,044 18,180 504 1,458 239 438 19 47

1 ..

6 6 430 611 40 20 373 538 13 48 4 14 2 6 8

318 351 56 11 246 319 8 17 4 27] 238 60 6 201 216 6 14 2 15 13 2 279 354 59 57 207 272 12 21 4 1,027 1,017 158 38 834 897 21 70 14 11 17,498 1S,7al 4,672 1,903 12,235 15;225 377 1,222 196 398 18 43 1,265 851 252 73 033 698 67 63 13 15 2

DISTRICT-conta. 6,618 6,405 1,495 332 4,907 4,987 140 963 68 113 8 10

55 42 12

156 106 32 119 93 4 10 1 2 6 6 79 71 17 2 59 65 2 3

763 627 163 29 577 517 12 70 10 11 1 127 57 37 2 84 44 3 7 3 4 337 265 63 15 263 227 11 21 2 4,374 4,42" 1,005 237 3,228 3,334 90 763 46 81 5 9 775 794 171 46 57r 660 18 7G 7 12 2

DISTRICT-conld. 4,910 4,724 1,122 325 3,662 3,931 109 428 14 35 3 5

162 212 48 110 177 29 3 19 2 18 2 12 6 9 6 2 5 3 4 3 64 50 20 44 44 11 4 9 2 79 74 16 1 60 65 3 8 72


Age 45+ Total Nove, Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated ~ ~ ~ ,..----'---, ~ Serlal Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females :U~le8 Females Males Females Males FeIDJIles No. I 2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

MALDA T011\L 7,665 6,561 36 16 6,316 2,862 '1,203 3,636 100 42

Bhumij 2 ChlLkma 3 Garo .. 4 Kora 134 152 .', 110 59 24 86 5 Lodha, :Kharia or Xhllrla 2

6 MahAli 113 104 1 87' 38 19 GO (\ 7 1[aI1';.hariy& 87 57 2 76 18 8 38 1 1 8 !11m 2 9 Mund. 120 99 101 40 18 58 10 Oraon 851 813 II 287 143 60 168 2

11 Santa! 6,416 5,600 28 14 5,288 2,443 ' 1,003 3,110 89 29 12 Uncl.oilled 4U 233 2 366 119 70 1 9 3

MURSHIDABAD TOTAL 2,207 2,232 15 28 1,838 690 333 1,495 10 18

1 BhuJDij 24 4 18 2 2 Bhutia including Sharpa, Toto, 1 Dllkpa, !(llgat&j', Tibetan and Yolmo

Kora 57 45 2 46 15 11 28

4 LQdba, liberia Or Xharia I) 2 Mabali 32 25 26 8 5 18 1

Mal Pabarlya 151 138 5 129 58 14 71 8 4 Munda 41 20 37 4 4 15 8 OraOD 99 71 72 11 27 55 9 Santal 1,613 1,691 5 19 1,343 523 249 1,138 16 10 10 'VnClaliUlad • 212 222 5 183 68 23 152

NADIA TOTAL 1,427 1,446 13 27 1,164 499 242 919

1 Bhumij 53 16 47 22 54 1 % Chakma 1 S Garo . 2 2 4 Kora

LOliha, Kheria or Kharia 19 25 1 B 11 23 6 Mahall 2

7 Mal I'ahar!y& 33 19 26 13 STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd,

Age 45+ Ase nQt st&ted r----..\.---. ,------...------'------.------, ,----'-Unspecified_____ Status Total Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/Seperated Unspecified Status ~ ~ ,-----A_____., r--_....A. __-. ,---'-----, ,...... --J---.... Mal es Females :Males Females Males Females Males Females Malos Females Males Females Males Females

50 61 62 53 56 51 58 5g 60 61 62 63

DISTRICT -collcld. 10 S 133 6S 96 58 25 6 8 3


2 1

1 .

16 4 , 2 8 1 8 4 70 41 51 35 18 2 45 15 39 14

DISTRICT_ellZ. 14 7 8 G 3 3


Ii 1 1

2 2 2 2 .. 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 , 3

DISTRICT-contd. 1 4 1.7 2 23 2 4 ... ..

1 74


Total population r------.A. ""I Total Never Married ~Iarried Serial r--.A... ~ ,-----_,______...... No. Name of SChedulel Tribe PersollBr---_____.___---- Males Females..... Males Females Males Females 2 3 6 8 9 NADlA

8 Mrn 372 215 157 121 68 90 65

~funda 3,203 1,572 1,631 84 697 688 692 10 Oraon 9,794 4,968 4,82Q 2,605 2,016 2,178 2,210 11 Santal 4,543 2,342 2,201 1,216 1,052 1,052 941 12 Unclassllled 2,368 1,212 1,156 671 511 501 450


TOTAL 119,318 62,066 57,252 30t595 23,233 29,491 28,140

Bhnmij 12,240 7,797 4,443 4,258 1,402 3,406 2,409

2 Bhnti. including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kag-tay. Tilletan 30 IS 12 12 and Yolmo 3 Chakma Garo 41 35 6 35 2 5 IIajang 7 6

ITo . 9 2 2 Kora 773 218 555 III 269 103 220 S Lepcha 14 14 8 9 Lodha, Kheria or Kharla 34 29 5 8 19 4 10 Magh 2 2

11 ~Iahali 1,515 544 971 272 389 231 513 12 Ual Pahariya 193 180 13 35 133 13 Munda 42,256 20,568 21,688 10,112 9,718 9,835 9,820 14 Nagesia 85 35 50 11 31 19 17 15 Oraan 24,407 13,212 11,195 6,149 4,380 6,565 5,870

16 Rabha 76 18 58 13 24 4 29 17 sant,a1 31,054 16,315 15,339 7,876 5,634 7,842 7,974 18 UnclaSSified 5,980 3,074 2,e06 1,607 1,362 1,312 1,262


TOTAL 2,520 2,051 469 457 158 1,518 245

Bhnmij 15 l{ 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, ToIO, Dukpa. Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 26 23 3 4 3 19 Chakma 3 4 Garo 8 8 Hajang 2 2

27 6 Ho 35 31 4 4 4 7' Kora 57 32 25 10 6 22 13 l' 8 Lepcha 13 2 75


Total population Age 0-14 ,..--. ..., r- ___.).. -, WidoweU Divorced,Seperated Unspecifted Status Total Never l1arried ,...---"~--...., r---.I'-__-, ,...-----""-_____, ~-----. ,----'---...., Males Females Males Females Males Females ~lales Females JIlales Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DISTRICT-tontd.

17ll 585 8 {\ 1 \) 2,163 2,07Q 2,153 1,915 66 195 5 13 :; 942 874 938 849 32 1S7 6 6 2' 2 547 500 539 474

DISTRICT 1,792 5,554 177 305 11 20 23,510 23,174 23,224 21,566

116 5M 17 32 4 3,553 1,426 3,534 1,326

1 6 9 6

35 35

4 59 02 274 92 262

2 2 2

41 62 205 395 200 385 6 14 6 14 6 568 2,028 51 117 2 5 7,560 9,656 7,486 9,198 2 10 32 10 31 447 908 49 35 2 2 4,739 4,167 4,677 3,898

13 24 13 22 547 1,622 46 101 8 5,820 5,888 5,731 5,202 56 270 11 3 1,450 1,290 1,415 1,220

CUTTA 72 6S 3 220 143 219 138


.1 3 S

4 4 4 4 6 2 2 1 1 16


Age 0-14 r- 11arried Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Status Serial ~ ,...-----A-----, ,..---J....------, No. Name of Schedul~d Tribe Males Femaltlll Males Females 11ales Femalill Male~ Females 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NADIA 8 Mru 10 9 11unda 2 40 .. S 10 Oraon 10 155 4 11 Santa I 3 25

12 Unclassified 6 24 2 2

24.PARGANA3 TOTAL 176 1,583 10 3 12 6 3

Bhumij 19 97 2 Bhutia including Slmpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan andYolmo Chakma ., Garo Hajang

Ho Kora 12 8 Lepcha II Lodha, Kheria or KhariB

10 ~ragh '.-

11 Mahali 6 10 12 Mal PahariYa 13 Munda 72 450 2 14 Nagesia 15 OraOn 61 266 2 1

16 Rabha 2 17 Santal 85 680 3 2 2 IS Unclaelided 32 65 2 :I

CAL- TOTAL , " 1 llhumij 2 Bhutill including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, ]i'gata,., Tibetan and Yolmo, • 3 Chakma 4 Garo 5 Hajang

6 Ho ;.. 7 Kora 8 Lepcha . 77


Age 16-U r --. Total Never Married ~Iarried widowed Divorced/Beparated Unspecified Btatu. , _ __..A.--",,", ~ r---~ ,-___"______' ,----'------, .----'----.. Males FemaleJ Males Females lIale! Females Males FeDJ.;lles :Males Females :Males Females 28 29 80 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


9~ 60 24 6~ 51 1 0 675 680 161 14 499 558 .14 71 2,159 2,052 U7 97 1,660 1,794 45 151 6 4 1,099 1,083 273 176 798 818 27 76 13 2

531 498 120 sa 387 381 12 77 1

DISTRICT-colltd. 26,923 26,101 7,121 1,597 18,999 21,399 706 1,863 94 231 3 11

3 2,060 2,261 709 64 2,208 1,904 34 264 9 26

8 :I 5

2 2

4 2

105 208 18 7 85 185. 15 11 5 6 22 5 19 4 2 1 1

213 ~9~ 72 1M 470 20 US 21 121 2 0,126 9,890 2,657 511 6,843 ~,071 204 713 21 94 1 20 11 1 H 11 5 5,nSO 5,500 '1)09 480 4,361 4,754 192 248 27 24

3 26 2 24 7,095 7,037 2,063 410 4,765 6,029 240 5H 25 77 2 1,217 1,154 262 118 928 932 21 98 6 6

CUT TA-contd. 1,195 236 200 18 970 200 25 18

8 2 6

20 4 16 6 3 3 .. ! 2

22 22 28 13 8 20 13 4 .. 78

TABLE seT-II PART B-AGE AND MARITAL Age45+ ..., Total Never 1rarrled bfmied Widowed Divorced/Separated Serial ,...------. r--~ r------'------. ,-----'------,....-----A- No. Name of SCheduled Tribe Males Females Males ,Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 40 41 42 43 '1 45 46 H 48 49

NADIA JlIru 24 19 21 <1 3 15 9 Munda 216 233 2 14 187 64 26 155 1 10 OraOD 645 694 4 - 4 508 260 131 430 2 11 Santa! 299 222 7 255 96 39 119 12 Unclassified • lai 154 8 l{)B 44 20 toS 3

14-PARGANAS TOTAL 11,611 7,968 249 62 10,207 4,158 1.083 3.680 80 62

1 Bhumlj 1,284 766 15 12 1,170 40g. 82 841 8 5 2 Bhutia inclwliflll Sherpll, Toto, Dukr. Kagatay. Tibetan 1 1 and olma 3 Chakma 4 Garo 1 1 5 Hajang

Ii IIo 2 2 7 Kora 21 73 18 29 2 44 8 Lepclta 1 9 Lodlla, Klter!a or Kharia 10 Magh

11 Mahali 126 79 90 33 31i 42 4

12 ~l"l Paharlya 18 12 4 2 13 Munda 3,881 2,6'0 68 7 M20 1,299 364 1,313 28 17 14 Nagesla 5 7 5 2 15 Oraon 2,475 1,522 63 2 2,136 850 253 658 22 11

16 Rabha. 2 8 Z 3 4 17 Santal 3.399 2,411 82 19 2,991 1,265 306 1,105 20 22 18 Unclassified 406 459 20 22 351 265 35 109 2

CAL· TOTAL 636 90 38 2 547 41 47 46 3 1

BlJUmlj 1 1 Z Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yomlo • 3 3 3 Chakma 3 4 Garo, 3 3 5 Haiang

6 TIo 5 5 7 Kora 2 6 2 6 8 Lepcha 8 79


Age 41) ,--.A.__ + -. . Age llot ~tated r----~------~ -. Unspecified Status Total Never ~Iarried Married WidOwed Divorced/Separated unspecified status ~ ,----"----...... ­ ~ r--"--...., r---"---.-. r--_.A.___...., ,-----'------, nIales Females Uales Fema.les Males Females }lales Females' Uales Femnlcs Males Females nlalcs Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 tiS 59 GO 61 62 63


20 2

DISTRICT-colic/d. 6 9 8 9 2


9 7

3 2


,. 80


Total population Total Nover Uarried Serbl Name of Scheduled Trigbe ----~ r----"------. No. PeISoDs ~rales Females Males Females Males ------Females 2 4 7 CAL. Ladha, Kherla Or KllllJi~

10 Magh 11 8 3 11 Mahali 104 53 51 25 26 27 21 12 ThIal Pahariya •

13 Mcch 3

14 liru Ii 2 15 Munda 108 60 -[8 27 27 .1 1b 16 Hagesia 15 12 8 4 17 OraOD ~23 255 68 46 12 192 46 18 Rabha '1

19 Santal 1,193 1,135 58 182 16 923 35 20 Unclassified 585 393 192 132 60 235 97

BVRDIVAN TOTAL 1,149,203 576,623 572,580 292,606 205,079 262,586 281,029

Baiga 2 lledia 1,191 858 333 56 854 209 Bhumij 76,952 38,005 38,947 20,]14 13,-183 16,457 19,438 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 48 40 17 2 21

Birhor 100 42 58 27 32 28

Chakma 380 154 235 69 83 88 114 Chera 559 350 209 100 350 109 Garo 83 77 35 33 9 Gond 735 402 333 400 150 183 10 Gorait 425 352 73 288 32 61 33

11 Hajang 17 8 4 4 2 12 Ho 570 261 309 88 41 160 237 13 Karmali 1,016 835 181 186 76 555 89 14 Kharwar 1,142 593 549 199 224 337 296 15 Khond 41 15 26 IS 13

16 Ktlan 3

17 Kora 49,256 25,902 23,354 12,863 8,586 11,978 11,012 18 Korwa 2,891 1,422 1,469 657 453 691 742 19 Lepeha 16 11 4 4 (I- 20 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 14,536 6,870 7,666 4,096 3,056 2,617 3,652

21 Lohara or tabla 2,031 I,E35 196 on 58 1,]17 87 22 Magh 321 189 132 67 77 118 46 23 Mahali 8,670 3,926 4,744 1,957 1,506 1,814 2,4~7

1)* ~bhli 0,073 2,689 2,434 1,193 ~68 1,373 1,280 81


Total Popalation Age 0-}4 r--~------";'_------, r------___,.A..------==--... Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Status ,.-___Total_A- __ .-.. r ____Never-A Married __ , ,-_.A-_ _...... r-__.-A ..... _~~-1 ,.-___...... _~ 1Iales Females Males Females Males Females Uales Females ~Ialps Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CUTTA-contd. 1

1 24

2 10 27 10 26 8 1 16 10 17 14 17 12

28 2 74 11 H 10 25 34 97 51 97 50

DIVISION 18,408 79,973 2,875 6,230 148 269 228,189 201,374 226,631 190,235

66 3 72 44

1,321 5,846 109 171) 01. 4 15,347 13,555 15,271 12,680

14 2 14 2 3 2 18 2 18

36 2 43 84 36 81 100 100

19 18 3 150 150 280 33 27g 32

4 .t 13 30 71 41 69 36 92 16 178 66 178 65 54 27 2 152 236 161 216 4 18 18

955 3,504 112 247 , 9,951 8,873 9,878 8,259 66 270 8 4 441 506 440 443 1 1 4, 4 116 886 33 72 8 3,474 3,111 3,456 2,945

139 21 2 200 90 197 87 4 8 39 75 39 73 122 697 S3 54 1,639 1,563 1,635 1,441

61 178 ~2 § ., ~29 897 816 807 a(a) RGI/64 6 82


Age 0-14 ,... .A...... ~larried Widowed Divorced/Separated ,-______Unspecified A ___StatuR ..... Serial ,---:--'----..... r----'------, r---A----..., No. N'ame of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females ~1ales Females Males Females 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CAL 9 Lodba, Kherb ar Kharin .1 10 Magh 11 lIfulmli 12 Mnl Paharira , 13 Mech

14 :Uru /' 15 1Iunda 16 Nagesia 17 Oraon " 18 Rabha

19 Sant~1 20 Unclassified

nUIlDlVAN TOTAL 1,480 10,794 16 158 131 61 56


3edi~ '28 Bhumij 66 856 11 8 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan ami Yalmo Birhor

6 Chultma Chero 8 Gara 9 Gond 10 Gorait

11 Hajang 12 TIo 2 13 Karmali H Khar.,ar 1 21 15 KhOnd

16 Kisan 17 Kom 73 596 14 18 Korwa 62 19 Lepcha 20 Lodha, Rberia or Rharia 9 160 4 6

21 Lohura or Lohni 3 3

22 ~Iagh 2

23 ~lahali 4 120 2 24 Mahli 13 69 83

STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. Age 15-44 ------""'\ r------"------Unspecified Status Total Newr Married ~larried Widowed Divorced/Sep"rated r-,___-___A--...... -----. r ___.A...- __--. r----'------, r--.A.---~ ,....---.--~--J r------"------. Males Females Males Females }Iales Females Males Females Males Females :.IIalcs Females 3S 39 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 CUTTA--contu.

4 4 3 20 '21 a 2 24 18


a 2

43 16 12 29 15

2 2 2" 169 42 21 142 37 5

633 36 105 6 aU 27 3 210 95 32 8 166 78 12

DIVISION-conld. 49 153 255,473 277,780 64,965 14,481 182,351 233,005 6,016 26,735 2,092 5,406

852 171 12 851 157 129 17,390 18,390 4,808 733 12,049 15,740 450 1,787 79 •

19 16 22 33 9 18 22 2

87 83 23 2 61 GS 13 350 109 350 109 42 16 21 3 a 401 183 400 183 51 20 9 40 17 2 2

" 106 239 19 86 216 17 349 79 8 11 333 65 8 3 339 232 48 9 257 209 32 12 2

15 2 13 2

2 87 200 4 11,942 10,258 2,905 320 8,616 8,580 330 1,154 678 509 212 10 454 441 11 55 4 5 4 272 26 49 2,488 3,544 635 110 1,797 3,113 29

1,067 82 3"0,. 689 74 124 40 28 95 "'34 2 215 29 48 I,G30 2,360 319 63 1,240 2,034 48 6 10490 1,130 374 ]60 [1,090 8Sl 23 83 84


Age 40+ A -, WidOwed Divorced/Separated Total Never Married Married ,.-_-_.,1... ___----... Ilerial ~ .-----'----, r-A--, ,.-__,.______" No. Name of Scheduled Tribe lfales Females Males Fem~les lfales Females )hles Females Males Females 2 42 45 46 47 48 4G 40 I 41 43 44 CAL G Lodha, Kherla or Kharla

10 Magh 4 11 1rahali 22 6 19 3 3 3

12 ~fal Pahariyu 13 ],ferh

14 ],fru . ., 15 Munda 5 2 3 16 Nagesia 2 2 17 Oraon 69 12 8 50' 10 5 18 Rabha

10 Santal 428 11 899 24 20 Unclassified 86 46 69 18 13 25


TOTAL 92,872 93,371 970 325 78,720 39,221 12,365 53,073 779 693

Baiga 2

'2 Bedia 90 U 04 3 Bllllmij 5,266 6,99S 27 66 4,M2 2,B42 867 4,048 SO 39 Bhuli. including Sherpa, Toto. Dukpa. Kagatay. Tibetan anr! Yolmo 2 Dirllol' 18 14 6 4

6 Chakma 24 08 20 43 4 23 Chero 8 Oaro 16 11 Gond 10 Gorait 21 20 20 15

11 Haj"ng 2 12 Ho 84 20 72 III 12 13 13 Karmali S08 26 2:22 23 84 13

14 Kharwa! 102 81 70 66 22 15 15 Khond

16 Kisan 17 Kom 4,007 4,219 68 3,280 ],833 625 2,335 25 44 18 Korwa 808 464 236 239 55 214 19 Lepeha 20 Lodha, Kheriaor Khllrla 896 l,On 802 379 84 61~ 4 lQ

21 Lohara or Lohra . 668 24 425 10 134 14

22 Magh 26 17 23 10 3 6 23 lI[rhali 650 821 2 2 570 333 74 *82

24 ~Ia"]j 313 40q g70 310 37 ~l 85


Age 45+- Age not stated r-----A-____~ r'------~------~ Unspecified Status Total Never Married ~farried Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Statns r-~ ~ r-~ ,------"--. ,---A--, ,...------'---- r--~-, !tales Females lIIalcs Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 65 56 57 58 69 60 61 62 63 CUTTA-colIC/a.

DIVISION-contd. 38 59 55 40 38 35 11 3

2 4 2

2 2 a 1

12 9 8

1 1 1 86


Total Population r------'------. Total Never Married ~Iarried Serial r------A.------... r-__.....-----. , ___.A._--, .No. Name of Scheduled Tri bc Persons Males Females Males }'emales Males Females

2 ;1 6 7 8 BURDIVAN 25 Mal PahariYa 5,599 3,060 2,539 1,032 796 1,991 1,500

26 Mcch 265 112 153 56 23 52 109 27 ~rru 327 170 157 81 86 74 53 28 ~Iunda 34,738 16,280 18,458 8,151 5,672 7,537 10,295 29 Nagos!a 9 3 3

30 Oraan 22,008 14,169 7,839 4,907 2,5U 8,63,7 4,351 31 Parhaiya 487 446 41 412 18 33 21 32 Rabha 182 108 74 56 32 44 36 33 Santal 887,127 442,804 444,323 226,596 160,560 199.941 21G,079 34 Savar 2,181 1,702 479 1,294 111 334 292 36 UDclassifteu 30,211 12,983 17,228 7,217 6,201 5,259 8,225

/ HOWRAH TOTAL 6,111 3,657 2,454 921 574 2,568 1,619

Bhumij 29 21 8 2 16 4 2 Garo 8 8 5 3 Hajang 4 4 • Ho 161 156 2 155 Kora 100 81 19 10 70 9

ti Lotlha, Kheri. or Kharia 80 7 73 20 6 43 7 Magh 140 140 41 97 II ~Iahali 36 31 5 27 2 9 Mal Pahariya 20 15 2 3 12 10 Mcch 4

11 Munda 1,003 640 363 197 95 426 187 12 Nagosia 4 2 2 2 1 13 Oraon 1,894 1,287 607 265 117 967 433 14 Santal 2,312 1,194 1,118 331 295 804 730 15 Unclassified 316 228 88 55 33 141 43

HOOGHLY TOTAL 90,106 45,872 44,234 23,503 17,421 20,901 18,922

Bhumij 2,183 934 1,249 429 305 473 661 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, K"gatay, Tibetan and Yoimo , 7 3 4 2 3 Chakma 2 2 4 Garo 11 5 3 5 5 Ibjang 5 4 1 87


Total Population Age 0-14 ,------___-- ___...A., ______..... r------_.A.______-,

,.. ___Widowed.A. ___ -, Divorced/Separated Unspeciflcd Statu~ Total Never Married r-~-A.--_., r-~----, f------"------, r------"----, Males Females )fales females Males Femalel Jrale, Females }1ales Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DIVISION-contd.

83 218 4 25 876 770 865 738 4 19 46 23 46 21 1] 17 3 52 84 51 84 539 2,301 53 171 19 6,118 5,575 6,072 4,981

478 880 131 61 16 6 3,873 2,598 3,817 2,250 2 400 400 8 8 58 32 56 31 13,832 62,196 2,320 5.278 115 210 177,058 156,477 175,853 148,716

74 73 3 1,135 118· 1,129 104 457 2,658 50 120 24 5,886 6,186 5,849 5,1M

DISTRICT 156 246 12 15 602 488 597 455

2 5

3 9 2

10 22 20 2 • 18 18

2 2 1 2 3 2 3 2

17 79 117 82 115 76

46 54 156 93 155 en 56 83 3 10 257 249 255 2U 32 12 34 31 34 28

DISTRICT 1,045 7,260 375 618 48 13 18,339 16,947 18,224 16.363

25 269 14 317 310 313 295

1 1 1

3 3 4 88


Age 0-14 r-- Unspeclfted Status Uarrled Widowed Divorced/Separated ,----"- -, Serial ,--__..._____... ,------A-, ,..-----'------__ No. Name of Soheduled Trl be Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BUIWWAN

25 1IaJ Pahariya 11 32 26 Mach 2 27 Mru

28 ~Iund. 46 581 10 3 2Q Nagosill

30 Oraon 55 318 31 Parhalya 32 Rabha 2 33 Santal 1,143 7,500 111 105 54 45 34 Savar 6 14 35 Unclassified 36 403 4 5 10


Bhumij 2 Garo Hajang

4 lio 5 Kora

6 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 2 7 Magh

8 ~fahall I) Ual Pahariya 10 Mech

11 Munda 6 12 Nagesia 18 Oraan 12 14 Sautal 2 5 2 15 Unolassified 2

HOOGHLY TOTAL 86 541 6 29 29 8

1 BhumiJ 4 14 2 llhutia incluaing Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yalmo Chakma 4 Garl) 5 Hajang 89

STATUS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. ,... _____ = ______-A..-- Age 15-44 ------Total ~Iarried Unspecified Status Never Married r-__Widowed""""'______Divorced/Separated ,..----""------, ,....-__....~ ,---___.______, ,---.~ ,---_.At.--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males. Females Males Females Males Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 30 DIVISION-coutd, 1,698 1,263 '165 58 1,515 1,095 14 88 4 22 46 85 10 2 35 77 5 90 52 30 2 55 44 5 7,511 9,389 2·,035 672 5,320 7,730 118 837 38 140 10 2

8,122 4,140 1,076 254 6,773 3,471 188 3M 84 49 40 24 12 10 27 14

24 32 23 29 192,907 217,082 49,940 11,596 136,633 179,847 4,611 20,853 1,684 4,660 39 126 329 256 165 6 159 230 18 2 5,238 7,971 1,345 431 3,722 6,505 126 934 45 92 9

DISTRICT-contct, 2,412 1,661 319 118 ,2,007 1,394 78 135 8 14

10 4 2 8 1 3 3


5 155 2 '\ 3 155 41 14 1 5 40 6

39 6 36 103 23 79 1 25 3 3 22 1 2 2 9 2 9 3 1 1 1

405 224 78 19 318 146 9 57 2 2 2 on 472 109 37 790 393 34 39 8 714 702 76 54 621 613 17 26 9 147 39 21 3 110 32 16

DISTRICf-cOntd, 20,347 19,691 5,217 1,028 14,527 15,944 350 2,175 243 • 539 10 5

477 C98 115 10 345 665 12 111 4 12 1

2 2 3 2 2 5 3 5 3

1 ~ 90

TABLE seT-II PART B-AGE AND MARITAL ,.._ Age45+ Total Never Married ~"") Serial r--.A.__ , Manie(f Widowed Divorced/Separated r--..... -...... , , ___A ____, No. , Name of Scheduled Tribe ,--_..;...~ r-__""_-~---.. Males Females ilIale9 Felltales ])Iales Females Males Females uales Females 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4'1. 48 4,9 HURDIVAN 25 ~Ial Pahariya 486 506 2 465 373 19 130 26 Uec!! 20 45 17 30 14 27 Urn 28 21 19 12 28 MUllda 2,650 8,494 43 19 2,171 1,984 421 1,454 15 28 29 Nagcsia

30 Om on 2,163 1,097 13 1,799 563 279 512 47 11 31 Par!!aiya 6 8 6 2 32 Rabha 26 10 19 33 Santal 72,794 70,725 774 218 62,149 28,730 9,214 41,226 635 513 34 Savar 238 105 169 48 69 55 .5 Unclassified 1,855 3,068 19 :l 1,501 1,317 330 1,720 5 23

HOWRAH TOTAL 642 305 555 196 78 108 4

Dhulllij 8 8 1 Garo Hajang Ho 5 Kora 31 30 3

6 Lodha, Xheria or Kharia 12 7 }Iagh 10 18 8 Uahali 5 9 Mal Pahariya 10 lIIech

11 1Iunda 118 57 106 35 8 22 12 Nagesia 1 13 Oraan 190 42 176 28 12 14 14 Santal 222 167 180 112 39 55 3 15 Unclassified 47 18 31 16 8

TOrAL HOOG\lLY 7.175 7,595 60 30 6,279 2,437 695 5,078 132 sO Dhuruij 140 241 124 82 13 158 2 )3hutia inclUding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo Chak,ma ,. G,aro Hajang '0 91


Age 45+ .______Age not A-. ______stated ______r----""---") U ,.-.--.A.nspeciflM___ Status, Total Never}Iarried )Iarried Widowed Divorced/Separated , Unspcified Statu s ~Ialcs Females '"i-Ia-l-e;-"--~'-em--al~ Maks .... --Fe-n-Iai~ Ma-'l-es-~; ~'~-F-em-a-'l~ Mai;" FenlU~ '---''--, Males Females 50 53 51 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 DIVISION-condd.

9 1

15 21 4 10 4 10

22 38 45 39 29 30 16

4 3 4


DISTRICT-conla. 9 11 2 92


Totall'opnlation ,...... --*.-.--~----",------~"" Total Ne ... er lIlIrfied M~rried Serial r------~------~ ~-----A--~ ~-.., No, Name of Scheduled Tribe p~rSOll!l Males li'emale6 lIIales Females Males 11 enlales 2 3 5 s 9 HOOGHLY 6 Eo 37 8 4 10 11 7 Kora ',651 2,444 2,207 1,338 927 1,()17 Q{l0 8 Lapch& 16 5 11 4 4 6 9 Lodha, Khetia or &harla 2,152 1,079 1,073 613 482 448 467 10 Mahali. 129 71 58 27 18 38 33

11 :r.ral Pllhariya 63 16 48 6 18 9 2~ 12 Mrn 144 94 50 51 26 31 11 13 Munda 880 588 292. 205 139 364 111

14 Oraon 3,743 2,837 906 552 M6 2,143 ~73

15 Santal 73,781 3.6,710 37,071 1~,772 14,675 15,815 15,743

16 Vnclassijj~d 2,$02 l,On 1,230 501 517 560 476

BURDWAN TOtAL 180,143 94,694 85,449 45,036 45,685 43,836

llhumij 1,232 823 • 284 50S 2 Bhutia il!cluaillg sherpa, Toto Dukpa. Kagatay. Tibetan liud Yolmo 21 23 4 s i8 3 Chllkm!l 20 20 13 4 Qaro 63 63 30 Z4 5 Rajang S 8 2

6 Eo 34 27 20 1 7 Korll' 11,919 7,014 4,905 3,330 2,040 S,{OG

S LodM, Khetia Of Kharia 482 Ilia 327 82 101 62 192 I) Magh , 83 83 53 26 10 Mahali, 1,100 05 685 161 182 216 U2

11 }oral Pahariya 0(0 179 180 78 272 83 12 ltm 49 49 40 8

13 Mll!ld~ 2,981 1,856 1,125 947 447 8H 584 14 Nugesia 3 3 15 Otaon 5,600 4,452 l,247 1,067 304 3,092 757

16 l1abh~ 30 21 9 1 21 6 17 Santal 154,e57 78,876 75,781 38,683 26,609 37,014 38,976 1S UndaliSifted 1,116 505 611 249 198 233 319

BIRBHUM TOTAL 106,860 53,401 53,458 25,514 22,461 14,976 23,947

Bhumij 1 .. 1 1 2 Chakm~ 2 1 1 3 Eo 42 29 13 17 2 11 I) 4 Kotll 5,514 2,706 2,808 1,280 t,059 1,285 \,335 93


Tot~l Population AgeO-H r------~ '""\ r~ __ ----~--A-~-----~ Widowed Divorced/Separated Un'pecified Status Total Nevcl'ThIall'ied ,-----""------, ~------'""' r______"'---"""\ .----"--""1 ,--~--'""\ )[ale, Females Males Femalee lIlaJes Females ~1aJe3 Females 1lales j)'~males 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DISTRICT-CCIltti. 12 10 U 352 1. 26 1,085 932 1,079 901

12 100 628 438 520 425 23 18 23 17

79 16 12 41 25 40 25 11 40 96 79 96 74 100 73 41 12 315 339 311 323 790 6,093 295 551 38 15,572 14,336 15,482 138,477 19 233 353 431 351 522

DISTRICT 3,475 10.536 483 863 IS , 12 36,900 29,122 36,208 27,794

33 73 228 W 227 133

14 13

10 17 252 578 Z6 59 2,625 2,018 2,603 1,935 32 73 92 73 70 55 53 80 01 UP 190 117 170

17 177 83 166 77 40 40 86 92 746 379 740 352

214 175 64 15 786 264 708 232

2,809 9,402 370 785 10 31,949 25,680 31,331 24,549 "'23 92 214 169 213 160

DISTRICT 2,262 6,097 600 858 SO 95 21,023 21,581 20,795 20,958

.. 16 16

p7 3Sa 22 2~ 1,029 1,034 1,018 1,012 94


Age 0-14 ,------______A .. "[arricd Widowed Divorced/Separate(1 Unspecificd Status Serial ,-...... ----""_,..--, r---A---.. r------"----I r--_";_, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe ',Uales Females ~rales Females ~lales Females ~[alcs • Females 20 21 22 23 2! 25 26 27 HOOGHLY Uo Rora 30 8 I,oDeha ;Lollha, [Jteria or !Charin 12 10 lIIaMli

11 l[al Pahariya 12 1Iru

13 Munda \l 14 Oraon 10

15 Santal 08 45~ 27 22 16 Unclassified

BURnWAN TOTAL 687 1,288 32 7

Bhumij 8 Bhulia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo Chakma $lro lhjang

lIo Kora 22 82 , 8 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 13 1{agh 10 Mahali 14

11 illal Pahar!ya 11 12 Mrn 13 Munda 27 14 Nages!. 15 Oraan 28. 30

l~ Rabha 17 Santal 613 J ,On4 30 1- 18 Unclassified

BIRBHlM TOTAL 202 545 19 34 25 25

Bhumij Chakma Eo


Age r- :t-::::______Total Never Uarried ,..___ .A. __~ ~Iarried Widowed Di voreedlSeparated Unspecified Stalus ,------'-__..., , ___.A. ___, ,--_.A..___ r-----'---, , __A __ Males 1 l Females !Iales Females !Iales Females Males Females ~Iales }'emales ~I.les Females 28 29 30 31 22 33 34 35 36 37 38 3D DISTRICT -eonfd. S 12 1,061 906 254 26 762 747 34 108 1y 2i

427 485 93 329 414 60 32 34 26 30

8 23 2 2 6 19 40 16 11 25 11 408 176 97 60 300 97 17 2,028 479 241 23 1,713 419 40 24 33 11 15,255 16,313 4,249 803 10,572 13,235 248 1,792 179 481 589 538 147 95 431 387 54

DISTRICT -conld.

42,381 43,420 8,677 2,309 32,153 36,809 1,235 3,601 316 701

417 183 57 349 156 10 18

16 13

33 16 12 2

8 .. 3,451 2,129 711 100 2,628 1,766 88 224 24 39 40 198 9 22 21 157 17 19 19

224 410 43 154 393 19 11

160 74 13 145 64 6

833 678 200 92 618 430 IS 54

2,773 837 353 69 2,300 644 92 117 28

10 10 34,204 38,618 7,233 1,972 25,718 32,896 1,000 3,105 253 645 210 346 36 88 173 261 45


21,878 23,738 4,394 1,490 15,989 19,642 997 1,806' 478 744 20 S6

10 11 8 1,270 1,352 257 47 955 1,118 39 162 22 2 96


Age 45+ .A r -, Total Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Serial r __-.A._____.., ,---_.... _ _..., r---''-'''_''''_'''''' r--...... __...A..~ r--~-~ 110, Name of SCheduled Tribe Males ]i'ejll~les Males FC)llales llules Fe)nales Males Females Mnles Females 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 40 HOOGHLY lio .. KOla 297 369 249 123 40 244 4 2 LeDeha

Lodh~, Kheria or Khari. 124 lW 112 41 11 109

10 llihaJi 16 12

11 Mall'nhariya 3 2 4 12 Uru 13 13 Munda 84 27 12 64 12 20

14 Oraon 4~3 88 425 38 6G 49 8 15 Santal 6,875 6,421 41 25 lqn7 2,056 642 4,297 JIG 43 16 Unclasslfted 129 261 117. 80 10 179 2


TOTAL 15,378 12,~n IS1 ?~ 12,823 5,7~O 2,225 6,899 164 155

Ilhumij 178 8i1 153 80 23 55 2 Bhutla includinq Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatuy, Tibetan and yolmo .. Chakma 8 6

Oaro 10 11 5 Rajang


Kora 938 7M 16 5 756 377 164 353 2 19 8 !.odha, Kher!a or Rharia 31 37 23 22 8 15


10 MahMi 72 80 60 ~5 11 50

11 Mal Pahariyn 124 22 116 13 12 Uru 13 Mnnda 277 168 195 127 as 38 14 Nagesia ". 15 Ora on 925 142 750 79 112 50 36 2

16 Rabha 11 11 1", 17 Santal 12,717 11,455 110 66 10,677 4,983 1,804 6,264 117 134 IS Unclassified 81 Q6 59 49 22 47

BIRBHUM TOTAL 10,490 8,134 315 8 8.784 3.760 1,265 4,272 121 80

Rhumij Chaklna ITo 2 tora 400 422 t 319 198 78 223 97


Age 45+ Age Dol slated r----.A.-----, ------" Unspecified Status r----·------'----·------Total Never MarrIed Married Widowed Divorced/Separated__ ~--.A. ______Unspecified Status ,-----,A-. ~ r--';"'___'" ~ ,----...A---, ,--_.A.__ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males F.;,nales Males Females Males Females 50 51 5Z 63 54 65 66 57 68 59 60 61 62 63 DISTRICT-concld.

DISTRICT -coneld.

15 10 35 36 22 22 10 4



15 18 10

28 22

DISTRICl' -fonta. 14 11 10

" 8(~) RQI/64 7 98


Total Population r------~Total Never Ml\nied :Mrartled---. Serial ----, "..----'------. ,... ____""----. No, Name of Scheduled Tribe Persons !Iales Females ~[ales Females Males Females 3 6

BIRBHUM Lodha, KherIa or Kharia 4 Magh 93 46 47 24 23 20 19 Mahali 878 393 485 209 20! 171 229 Mill Pahariya 357 173 18! 77 73 90 79 Munda 15 8 1· 4 4 <1 3

10 Oraon 269 129 140 66 51 56 11 Santal 93,426 47,006 46,420 22,203 19,(j0! 22,091 20,690 12 Unclassijled 6,258 2,906 3,352 1,544 1,435 1,244 1,507

BANJ{URA TOTAL 173,389 86,142 87,247 45,935 29.197 37,561 40,874

llhumij 7,695 4,762 2,033 2,152 1,196 2,381 1,322 :ao 42 23 19 23 12 Kora 8,122 3,834 4,288 1,679 1,740 1,928 1,828 Lodba, Kheril or Kharla 314 169 145 65 45 96 84 Mahllli 989 339 650 178 103 145 373

}[ech 53 53 46 ~[ru 1 8 Munda 353 233 120 73 40 149 57 Oraon 549 14 535 194 248

10 Santal 152,254 75,677 76,577 40,999 25,732 32,585 $5,638 11 Unclassified 3,012 1,085 1,927 781 146 244 1,261

MIDNAPORE TOTAL 329,735 160,774 I: 168,962 87,878 65,439 67,799 76,918

Bhumij 27,119 12,608 lH,511 6,760 5,379 5,516 6,89S 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay; Tibetan and Yolmo 14 14 13 Chakma 365 151 214 59 73 86 101 4 Garo

:ao 106 67 39 40 17 25 11

6 Kora 11,4*9 5,587 5,862 3,118 2,055 2,307 2,832 LooM, Kheria or Kharia 11,205 5,406 5,799 3,325 2,351 1,968 2,778 S Magh 2 lI:fahali 5,538 2,677 2,861 1,378 998 1,217 10 Mal Pahariya 2,414 1,167 1,247 740 519 406

11 lJe~h 208 lOS 100 55 23 61 63 12 Mlu 128 70 58 29 20 40 34 13 Munda 16,960 7,816 9,145 4,575 3,345 3,033 4,254 99


Total Popalation .Age 0-14 ,...------~------~------, ,- ---, Widowed Divorced/separa ted Unspecified status Total Never ~Iarried ,... __---A...... _.~ ""--~""-____' r------"----, r-_-_..A._~ r--~--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 ales Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 IB 17 IS 19


2 10 19 19 19 47 4 6 183 210 183 201 20 2 1 57 78 57 76 .. 4 2 4 2

13 56 68 45 49 2,028 5,271 547 783 .47 72 18,342 18,749 18,149 18,246 94 352 24 39 19 1,317 1,420 1,304 1,352

DISTRICT 2,263 15,797 357 1,315 26 64 33,584 29,440 33,525 27,331

199 384 21 31 II 1,2GS 1,287 1,261 1,138 6 205 65. 20 65 2 1,028 1,896 1,020 1,708 5 45 16 \ 45 50 44 10 157 12 161 130 161 100

2 11 21 47 46 47 36 ! 93 4 203 4 190 1,773 13,952 299 1,19! 21 61 30,384 25,564 30,840 24,011 58 507 2 10 3 646 2M 646 104

DISTRICT 4,329 24,733 764 1,836 4 36 68,897 63,142 68,717 60,475

288 2,130 44 94 1 5,714 5,499 5,689 5,183

IS IS 6 33 43 78 36 78

31 16 31 Hi

140 929 13 46 2,M3 2,135 2530 2,003 89 605 23 65 2,821 2,404 2,811 2,272

68 425 14 35 1,152 1,013 1,150 946 19 99 2 17 G18 521 618 507

2 13 1 46 23 46 21 4 10 19 10 ID

179 1,440 28 98 8 8,561 3,145 3,546 ~,U5(j 'lA 100


Age 0-14 r .A. .... Married Widowed Divorced/separated Unspecified Status r-·__ ,.A.. __~ , ___J..__---, Serial ,-~----. r~""'I No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Female. Males Females Males :Females Males FemaJe~ 1 2 20 2l 22 23 2t 25 26 27

BIRBHUM 5 Lodlla, Kheria or Kharia

6 ~fagh

MahaIi S

8 ~[al PaMriya 2. Munda

10 Oraon 11 18 1 11 Santal 167 444 14 29 25 16 12 Unclassified 13 54 2

BANKURA tOTAL 53 2,031 39 17 6 22

llhumij 14~

2 Eo 3 :Kora 8 180 8 4 LOdha, Rher!a or Kharis Mllhali 29

6 Mech Mru S MundS. 9 9 OrOon 13 10 Santal 28 1,486 30 16 6 21 11 Unclassified 159


TOTAL 169 ~,579 10 49 39 1

BhwniJ 22 299 3 10 7 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Ragatay, Tibetan and Yalmo •

3 ChakmIL 7 4 Garo Ho

Kora 13 128 3 Lodha, 'Kheria or Khar!a • 7 127 3 ! ' 3 B Mltl;h MahaIi 2 67 10 Mat pallariya 14

11 Mech 2 12 Mru 13 Munda 180 Q 3 101


Age 15-44 --"- Total Never Married Married Widowed .------~Divorced! Separated Uhspecifled status r----'--__.., ,____.I.----, ,-__.J.._-----. r-_.A.-----, .___.A._~ .--_,A_--l M Females Males 'Females Males Females Males Females lIale9 Females 1lalea Femal~s 28 29 so 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39

DISTRICT-colltd. 1 20 20 5 3 15 14 2

159 20~ 26 3 126 188 14 4 4 86 78 20 2 62 64 2 5 2 4 4 3

55 59 20 2 33 52 5 19,188 20,549 3,833 1,349 13,929 16,965 1,511 431 679 18 45 1,139 1,455 282 80 856 1,231 105 24 32

DISTRICT-contd. 37,484 42,436 12,222 1,835 24,310 33,213 666 6,165 270 1.191 16 32

2,595 1,109 884 57 1,619 907 73 1i9 18 26 3 20 18 20 11

1,92~ 1,490 32 1,225 1,214 62 184 13 60 2 99 72 1 76 68 ;) 131 347 3 109 281 52 11

30 27 3 :'I 3 117 54 26 4 83 42 8 8 139 3 2 4 122 15 32,29'7 38,089 10,520 1,693 21,016 29,713 518 5,565 232 1,086 11 32 291 1,088 132 42 155 828 2 210 2 8

DISTRICT_cOil/d. 65,664 79,155 18,979 4,886 44,815 64,817 1,289 7,830 578 1,59.8. 3 24

5,230 6,719 1,067 192 4,027 5,812 101 644 35 70

1 1

84 76 23 59 64 2 12 1 1 3P 15 1 21 13 1

2,208 2,807 582 50 1,554 2,403 62 318 10 36 1,884 2,671 511 78 1,327 2,362 24 188 22 43 1 1 1 1,085 1,357 227 50 803 l,ln 25 134 10 32 428 571 121 12 295 505 10 40 14

43 55 9 2 34 50 47 SO 19 27 27 3.141 4,127 1,015 379 2,063 3,211 37 26 88 102


Age 45 + r- ~ ---, Total Never Married lIIarrled Widowed DivorcedlScparated Serial r----"-----. ~.., ,...---A----, r------"----, ,------'----, No. Name of Scheduled Tri be Males Females Males Females 1[ales Il\1ma!es )Ialcs l,'cmales ~Iales Females 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

BIRBHUM 5 r.odha., Kheria or Rbaria 4 llagh 8 5 2 2

~rahali 51 66 45 33 6 33 8 lIlal Pabariya 30 28 28 . 13 2 15 9 Munda

10 Omon 18 13 ',' 12 5 4 1 11 Santal 9,523 7,120 aN 7 7,994 3,281 1,106 3,746 115 7:; 12 UncJa ssilled 448 474 375 222 67 24:; 4

BANKURA TOTAL 15,071 15,369 185 31 13,198 5,630 1,597 9,591 87 107 FR Ilhulllij 899 537 7:;5 266 126 265 11 liD 3 Rare. 882 902 37 695 434 143 463 LMha, RhOria or Kharla 25 23 20 10 2 13 2

fi ~lahali 47 173 36 6S 10 105

6 lIIeeh 23 19 Mru 2 2 lIlunda 69 20 66 12 2 Oraon 3 193 2 3 113 78 1(J Santal 12,9Q3 12,Q22 136 28 11,531 4,439 1,255 8,355 67 92 11 Unclassified . 148 57. 3 89 274 56 297 2

MIDNAPORE TOTAL 26,201 26,663 172 76 22,813 9,522 3,030 16,854 186 199

Bhumij 1,664 2,~O3 4 1,467 787 184 1,485 17 BhllU. including Sherpa, Toto, Duk])a, Ragatay, Tibetan and Yolmo Chal,ma 24 60 20 37 4 21 Garo lio 6 4

Kom 836 920 6 740 301 87 .608 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 700 724 4 633 289 62 415 19

8 ~r:.gh Mahali 459 401 2 412 195 43 291

10 Mal Pahariya 121 155 111 93 9 59

11 Mech 19 22 17 11 !! 11 12 Mru 13 13 13 Munda 1,122 1,873 13 10 965 863 142 9S5 103


Age 45+ Age not stated r-_..... _------, r---~--'------~------~------~ Unspecified Status Total Never 1farried !larried Widowed Divorced/Separated______Unspecified Status ,--.A.---. ~___:"-1 ~ r--..A.~ r---..A.-~ • __~ ,---.A._...._"",,\ 11ale8 Females ~lales ~'elnales Males Females ~Iales Females ~1ales Females Males Females Uales Females

00 51 52 103 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63


11 8 2 2 2 3 2

DISTRICT-concid. 4 10 3 2 3 2

4 2



Total population ---, Total Never Married Married Serial r--~ ,__;._-----., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Persons MaleS Females Males Female! Males . Females 3 , 8

MIDNAPORE U Nagesia 2 15 Oraon 4,688 2,369 2,219 1,405 860 889 1,037

16 Rabha 152 87 65 56 31 23 30 17 Santal 233,798 115,843 117,955 62,563 46,638 49,440 52,557 18 Unclassified 15,684 6,800 8,884 3,758 3,134 2,795 4,301


TOTAL 262,858 132,082 130,776 63,819 39,785 63,096 74,913

Baiga • 2 2 2 2 Bedia I,m 858 333 4 56 854 209 BhumiJ 38,693 18,857 19,836 10,484 6,462 7,568 10,358 Birhor 100 42 58 27 32 28 Chero 559 350 209 100 350 109

Gond 735 402 333 400 l§O 183 Gorait 425 352 73 288 32 61 33 Ho US 102 46 6 10 87 29 9 Karmali 1,016 835 181 186 76 555 89 10 Kharwar 1,142 593 549 199 224 337 296

11 Khond 41 15 26 2 18 13 12 Eisan 3 2 13 Kora 7,501 4,236 3,265 2,098 758 1,965 1,880 14 Kama 2,891 1,422 1,469 657 453 691 742 15 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 298 49 249 107 38 8S

16 Lahars. or Lohra 2,031 1,835 196 577 88 1,117 87 17 Mahli 5,073 2,639 2,434 1,193 968 1,373 1,280 18 Mal pabariya • 2,105 1,239 866 27 100 1,211 690 19 MuRda 12,546 5,140 7,406 2,150 1,602 2,747 [5,099 20 Oraon 5,266 3,081 2,185 1,545 679 :1,483 ' 1,328

21 Parhaiya 487 446 H 412 18 3S 21 22 Santal 176,899 87,498 89,401 41,955 27,007 42,192 [51,746 23 Savar 2,181 1,702 479 1,294 111 334 292 24 Unclassified 1,528 387 1,135 329 738 52 31i 105


Total Population AgeO-U ..... ,-- ---"" ., Widowed Divoroed! Separated Unspeolfled statu! Total Never Married r _ __.A.. ___...., ,..._.-A. __--, !-----:-"--~ ,.. -----..A------. ,...---"-----, .!lUles Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

DISTRICT-colltd. 1 61 800 14 S2 1,189 860 1,186 709 8 58 31 56 30 8,232 17,353 6O! 1,382 • 25 48,084 41,278 47,992 42,679 225 1,383 22 64 2 3,021 3,119 3,000 2,965


4,878 15,304 284 725 5 49 48,844 40,654 48,565 36,859

66 2 72 44 776 2,979 29 84 7,817 6,315 7,784 5,929 18 2 18 100 100

1 150 150 3 7 280 33 279 32 10 7 5 13 10 92 16 2 178 86 178 65 54 27 3 2 152 236 151 215

4 18 18

157 599 16 28 1,632 856 1,619 698 66 270 g 4, HI 506 440 440 2 54 7 105 105

139 21 2 200 90 197 87 51 178 12 8 829 897 816 807 76 18 66 18 59

235 629 8 65 11 1,557 1,842 1,524 1,43 j 51 172 Z 4 2 1,417 771 1,408 007

1 2 '00 g 400 8

S,U1 10,0~2 202 673 33 32,m 27,621 32,30( 25,1(3 73 1,135 118 1,129 104 "e 7g 301 752 801 732 106


Age 0-14 ~,------~------.----~-----~lIarried Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspecified Statu! Serial ,....---"------, ~ r-----"------.. .--_--..A___ -, No, Name of Scheduled Tribe lIales Females Males Females Males Females 1{al~ Female. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


14 Nageiia ,. ", 15 Oraon II GO 1 16 RabM 17 Santa) 89 1,551 25 23 18 Unclassified 20 150 2


TOTAL 278 3.781 10 4

U~iga -.'., 2 Uedia 23 Bhumij 32 385 " 4 BirllOr Chero

6 Gond Gorait 8 Eo 3 9 Karmali 10 Kharwar 21

11 Khond 12 KisMl 13 Kora 13 157 14 Korwa 64 15 Lodha, Kharia or KbRria

16 Lohara or Lohra 3 17 llahl! W 80 18 Mal pahariya 19 Munda :33 'J~7 20 Oraon 161

21 Pathaiy&.

~2 Santal Illfl 2,41l~ 3 23 Sayar 6 14 2t L ucla5sificd 20 107


Age 15-H ..., Total Never Married ~l.rried Widowed Divorcedl Scpara ted lJnspecified Status ,....--__ .A.-_--""""'\ .--~ ,..------'------, ~ ,----'----. ,...----A__ --. )1ales Females Males I<'emales Male, Females Males Females }lales Fem~les Uales Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38

DISTRICT':contd. 1 866 1,065 215 51 620 994 17 05 14 25 14 27 13 25 47,814 55,387 14,432' 3,902 31,998 44,761 939 5,462 442 1,241 3 21 2,807 4,246 749 167 1,971 3,548 70 481 17 48 2


65,301 61,679 15,157 2,815 48,550 59,186 1,401 5,023 199 619 36

852 171 12 851 151

8,661 9,677 2,683 468 D,701 8,297 2H 894 23 18 22 33 3 18 22 2 350 1M 350 109

401 183 400 18~ 51 20 0 40 17 2 2 25 23 25 17 6 349 79 8 11 333 65 339 232 48 9 257 209 32 12 2 2

15 13 3 1 1,987 1,560 478 60 1.45Z 1,326 45 155 12 19 678 509 212 10 454 441 11 55 3 30 79 2 27 76

1,067 82 372 GSg 74 1,496 1,130 374 160 1,090 881 23 83 1,014 508 41 1,005 4M 33 2,603 4,225 619 116 1,939 3,801 42 252 46 10 1,452 1,089 135 70 1,313 947 3 69 3

40 24 12 10 27 14 43,490 47,424 9,597 1,823 32,779 41,664 967 3,392 147 519 26 329 256 165 6 159 230 18 65 250 28 6 26 218 3. 108


Age 45+

Total Never ~Iarrled Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Serial ,------A.----. ~ r-----'-----, ,...-----'------,...----'--..., No. Name of Scbeduled Tribe !fales Females }!ales Female, Males Females Males Females Males Felllales 2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

MIDNAl'ORE 14 Nagesia

15 Oraon 312 29~ S 266 83 4& 204 H\ Rabba 15 8

17 5antal 1~,1)3~ 1S,233 133 55 17,35. 6,2~5 2,2<}1 1l,S~6 162 118 18 Unc1assifttd 971 1,519 8 2 804 603 154 900 14


TOTAL 17,915 22,434 82 102 14,268 11,946 3,475 10,271 85 102

Balga 1 2 1 2

Bedla 3 90 3 24 64 \, 2 Bhumij 2,377 3,840 15 61 1,835 1,676 521 2,084 6 16 Birhor 18 7 14 6 4 1 5 Chera

6 GOlld l Gomit 21 20 20 15 6 8 HD 72 10 62 10 Karmali 308 36 222 23 84 13 10 Kharwar 102 81 79 66 22 15

11 Khond 2 12 Kisan 13 Kora 617 849 501) 397 112 444 8 14 Korwa 303 454 235 239 55 214 15 Lodha , K herla or lrharla 12 65 11 112 53

lG Lohara or Lohra 568 24 8 425 10 134 14 17 Mahli 313 406 270 310 37 94 3 2 18 Mal PalJariya 207 292 206 249 (3 19 llunda gSO 1,339 1 775 941 193 377 5 19 20 Oraon 212 325 2 161 217 48 103 1

21 Parhaiya 6 S 6 6 2 22 Santal 11,525 14,352 n 37 9,247 7,614 2,177 6,M3 55 51

28 Savar 238 105 1 169 48 69 55 24 Unc]as5iDed 81 126 26 81) 44 109


Age 45+ Age not stated r---..... ___... Umpeeified StatuI ~'------'------~------Total Never Married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Unspeelfied Statu.~~ ,-___ A.___...... _ ,-___A-__....., r--__.A..~ __l r--__A_ __ • f __.A- __ .---. r--__..A.. ___""""\ ,---___';"'---~ )[ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~bles Females Males Females Males Females

50 61 52 53 55 56 57 68 69 60 61 62 63 DISTRICT-concId.


4 6


5 13 16 15 9

2 4 4

13 13



THIS TABLE gives the distribution of the Scheduled Tribes population of the State, divisions and districts by sex, literacy and levels of education, for the urban area only. Data are given for the Scheduled Tribes population as a group as well as for the individual Scheduled Tribes. The educational levels adopted are: (i) Illiterate, (ii) Literate (without 'educational level), (iii) Primary or Junior Basic, (iv) Matriculation or Higher Secondary, (v) Technical diploma not equal to degree, (vi) Non-technical diploma not equal to degree, (vii) University degree or post-graduate degree other than technical degree, (viii) Te-chnical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree. The test of literacy was ability to read and write a simple letter with understanding. Data for the rural areas will be found in Table SCT-II1 Part B(ii). 112


Educational Leveh '-__.}..., ___1

Litera te (without Primary or Total r __Illiterate.A- ___ ""I edncII tiOnallevel) Junior BasIc Serial ,...___ .A ___ ..... r-__,.).. ___""I r __A ___ -.. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Femalel Males Females Males Females Males !'emalel 2 5 6 7 8

WEST TOTAL 27,563 20,553 20,739 18,586 4,549 1,211 1,916 672

Bbumij 611 352 350 226 2 69 2 Bbutia including Sherpa, Toto. Dukpa. Kaiaby, Tibetan lind Yolmo 5,186 4,056 2,766 3,289 1,585 383 704 335 Chakma 13 23 9 20. 2 4 Garo 67 14 52 14 10 2 6 Hajang 11 9

Ho 57 197 34 182 17 6 Khond 15 15 Kora 427 454 351 431 50 22 25 Lepeha 631 84~ 254 5U 14S 153 175 105 10 Lodha, Kheria or Xharia 82 80 72 7' 8 2

11 Lohara or Labra 34 39 19 39 6 12 Magh 15 5 10 5 8 1 13 MabalJ 291 177 247 168 27 8 16 14 llahll 42 33 7 2 15 Mal Pahariya 243 248 216 241 24 3 3

16 Mech 53 3 46 2 17 Mru 11 2 10 2 18 Munda 1,152 1,064 Q5~ De' 144 09 30 21 19 Nagelill 25 275 20 261 2 13 20 OrIon 6,330 1,882 4,529 1,759 474 83 296 87

21 Rahha 25 15 23 12 " 2 2 22 Santa1 10,547 7,723 8,655 7,'21 1,374 251 439 46 23 Unclalsified 2,745 3,054 2,139 2,733 440 208 135 103

PRESIDENCY TOTAL 16,546 10,429 11,553 8,944 3,292 838 1,441 570

llhumij 81 71 10 Z Bhutia including Sherpa, Tot.o Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 5,184 4,055 2,765 3,288 1,585 383 703 385 Cbakma 11 3 9 3 4 Garo 12 8 ' 11 8 IIajang 2

Ho 44 6 24 4 15 2 Kora 67 85 62 84 10 1 Lepeba 631 849 264 574 145 153 175 105

L04hll, Kberla or ]l:hafla • 31 19 ~8 17 ~ :I U3


Educa tional.A..____ Levels _ ----~ University degree Technical degree Non-technical or post-gradua to or diploma equal Matriculation or 'Technica I diploma diploma not equal degree other than to degree or post­ Higher Secondary not equal to degree to degree technical degree gradua te degree ,---A___ ...... r-:___ A~ ...... ,..,_~_.A._~_ ...... ,..,-~-...----. ,..,--~...... Males Females Itfitles Females Males Females Males Females :r.fales Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19

BENGAL 287 54 6 43 11 22 11 7 2

111 34 2 12 8 5 5 3


49 3 5 2

1 1

14 5

%9 3 2

66 3 14 8 2 23 6 1 2 lJ.H'lSION :UO 49 6 25 11 14 6 2

111 34 2 12 8 5 3

49 3 6 2 " 8(a) RGI/64 8 114


Educational Levels r ____.A..... ____ 1

Literate (without Primary or Total Illilerate educational level) Junior B•• ie Serial r-___.A.. ___-"" r ___.).... ___, r-__J.. __-. , ___.A.---- No. Nallle of Scheduled Trilie Males Females Males Females ~Ialcs Females Males Females 1 2 8

PRESIDENCY 10 Magh 13 6 10 11 Mahall 20~ 118 177 111 19 12 12 nral Pahariya 169 84 148 83 18 '3 13 Afeoh 3. ,,' Mru 14 11 2 10 2

IG Munda 696 424 605 iU~ 59 10 19 • G 16 Nagesia 22 273 20 259 13 17 Oraon 4,027 1,188 -3,412 1,149 344 30 264 18 Rabha 4 6 3 6 19 Santal 3,866 1,617 2,864 1,508 812 94 167 15 20 UnclaSSified 1,463 1,686 1,092 1,437 267 105 93 85

DARJEELING TOTAL 6,052 5,160 3,192 4.048 1,744 558 925 481

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 5,152 4,046 2,744 3,280 l,G14 383 703 334 2 t-'hRl!ma 2 2 3 Lopaha 624 840 250 571 142 150 175 102 4 Uagb Mal Pahariya

Munda 84 2 81 1 2 2 7 Oraon 86 21 68 16 8 Santal 17 6 6 6 (i

Unclassified 82 24" 41 175 11 25 28 40

.TALPAIGURI TOTAL 2,238 729 1,999 654 169 42 62 33

Bhutla inc!Ulli1!lJ Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan "and Yolmo

2 Garo 6 3 3 lio 4 4 <4- Kora 4 3 5 Lepcba 2

Lodha ,.Kheria or Kharia 12 11 i 7 Mahali 29 16 21 16 8 Mal Pahariya 17 15 16 14 1 1 Munda 50 22 39 22 8 2

10 Na~e'ia 269 25;; 13 115


Educalional Levels ,------,~ '------:------University degree Technical degree Non-technical or post-gradu. te or diploma equa! Matriculation or Technical diploma diploma not eqna I degree other than to degree or post- 'HIgher SecondarY ___!not equalJ.. to__ degree"""\ to de~ree technical degree graduate degree '-_';"'__l r---_-'----"""\ r------J..____ ~ r-----~-~ Males Females ru;ales Females Males Females Male. Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


5 5 1 15 2

16 2 4 8 4 II

DISTRICT m 47 6 14 9 10 9 5 2

111 34 12 8 3

49 6 2




SA 116


EdacatloUllol Levels ,.__ _.A. __ ~

Literate (without Primary or Total r ___Illiterate..A.._ __ , educational level) , __J nnior.A. ___ Basie -, Serial ..---__.A._-_"""'\ ,.-.--_-..A. ___l No. Name of Scheduled TriM Males Fema!e~ Mal~s Females Males Femal~a Males Females

.2 S 6 7 8


11 Olaan 2.032 49 1.8~9 48 123 1 54 1.2 Rabb& 6 6

13 S~nt~l 10 11) 19 3 ,. 14 lJnclassUled 83 314 55 256 23 as 4 20

COQCH BEHAR TOTAL 62 28 43 20 11 4 7 4

Bhumlj .2 2 Bhutla including Sherpa, Toto. llukpa. Kagatay. Tibetan and Yolmo .2 2 3 Cilakma , 3 4 Garo 1 LellCM "

6 Lodha Kharla or Khar la 1 7 Mahall 16 14 8 Mal Paharlya \) Munda 7 3 10 Oraon 32 25 1 11 Santal 3 12 1Jncl8B8ifted 12 9 3 2 S

WEST DINAJPUR TOTAL 1,085 819 877 791 174 16 32 11

1 Bhutla inGludilig Sherpa, Toto. Dukpa. Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 3 3 2 Mahali 47 25 42 25 3 2 Mal Paharlya , 55 51 53 51 2 Mra 6 5 1 5 Monda 11 16 11 13 2 1

6 GraoB 33 6 32 1 7 Santal 943 689 744 666 167 12 30 11 8 UnclassIfied 13 5 13 4 ·1

MALDA TOTAL . 76 27 66 22 4 5 3

Oraon 6 1 2 Santal 70 12 63 11" 4 3

Ullcla~slde4 ~ ~ :) 0 117


Educational I.evell! r------,------'------~------~-...,University degree Technical degree Non·technical or post.graduate or diploma equal ~!atriculatioD or Technicai diploma diploma not equal degree other than to degree or post .• Higber Secondary not equal to degree to degree technical degree graduate degree r-__"___:"" r--'__ A __.,___-, r----.)..__ "'"I r---'--____' r--_"_---"""\ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 10 12 13 1& 16 11 18 19





1 llS


Educational Levels ~-A __~

Literate (without PrimarY or Total Illiterate education.levelJ Junior Basic Seriai ("",--..A.._ __-. r-·_.A---, r-_A-~ r---_';"'_--~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females ~Iales Females Males Females 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9

MURSmDABAD TOTAL 331 152 310 147 10 S 11

1 Mal PahMiya 14 3 14 2 Jlfunda 25 25 Oraon 38 11 38 11 .. 4 Santal 175 64 158 59 8 9

Uncl~lSifled 90 63 86 63 2 2

NADIA TOTAL 463 417 391 411 58 4 13 1

Kora 8 6 S 5 2 Lodha, Kheria or Kharla 2 2 Mal Pabariya 16 4 U 4 2 4. Munds 15 3 14 3 1 12 16 11 16 II Oraon 6 Santa! 326 308 270 30S 45 4. 10 Unclassified 84 81 72 SO S

24.PARGANAS TOTAL 4,188 2,628 3,398 2,460 549 154 230 13

Bhumil 65 59 6 2 Bhntla illclwling Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay Tibetan and Yolmo. • • • . 4 5 3 6 Garo 2 Iro 2- 2- 1 Kora 23 55 16 54 3

6 Lodha, Kllerln or Rhar!a 27 5 24- 4. 2 Magh 2 1

8 ~Iahali 80 10 68 10 2

9 Jl[all'ahariya 75 GO 12 10 Munda 444 333 394 827 45 6

11 Nagesia 10 1 9 12 Oraon 1,565 984 1,208 961 180 21 172 2 13 Rabha 2 2

14 Santal 1,187 461 969 aQl 188 67 27 15 Unclassified 700 768 581 701 100 58 17 8 119

AREAS ONLY FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES ...... contd. ,... Educational....._ Levels University degree Technical degree Non-Technical or post-graduate or diploma equal Matriculation or Technical diploma diploma not equal degree other than to degree or post_ Higher Secondary not equal to degree to degree technical degree graduate degree r--~--'__' r------"~---- ,..-----"-----, ,----""-----. Mal ill Females Males Females Males Female,' lIlales 'Fema les Males Females 10 11< 12 13 15 16 17 18 19




1 ..




2 2 120


Educational Levels r-__.A.---.,

Literate \withou~ Primary or Total Illiterate educational level) Junior Ilasic ,-__.,A.,~ __~ SOrial ,-_--"---...... r-:--_.A._---.. r---__"'_"'-~--"-I No. Name of SClWduled Tribe Males ]j'emaIeI Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 6 8 9

CAL TOTAL 2,051 469 1,282 391 573 50 158 25

Ilhumij 14 10 4 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa; Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 23 3 15 2 8 1 Ohakma 9 9

4 Garo 8 7 liajang 2

6 lio 31 4 16 2 10 2 5 Kora 32 25 25 25 2 Lepoha 4 9 3 3 3 3 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 2 2

10 Magh 8 3 8 3

11 Mahali 53 51 46 46 1 4 6 1 12 Mal Pahariya 1 1 13 Mech 14 Mru 2 2 15 Munda 60 48 38 43

16 Nagosia . 12 11 3 17 Oraon 255 68 207 60 24 18 18 ltabha 2 1 19 Santa I 1,135 58 644 53 391 5 83 20 Unclassified 393 192 235 146 119 28 36 15


TOTAL 11,017 10,124 9,181 9,642 1,257 373 475 102

Bbumij 530 351 243 349 216 69 Bbutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo

3 Chakma 20 20

4 Gara 55 41 2 Hajang . 9

6 Iro 13 191 10 178 2 12 1 Kbond 15 15 8 Kora 360 369 299 347 40 21 20 9 Lodba, Kherla or Kharia 51 61 H 57 6 4

10 Lohara or Lama 34 39 19 39 9 11 Magh 2 2 13 Mahali 82 59 70 57 8 2 121


Edneational Levels University degree Technical degree Non· iechnical or post-graduate or diploma equal ]o[ttrieulation or Technical diploma diploma not eqnal degree other than to degree or post· Higher Secondary notequal to degree to degree technical degree graduate degree ,-____.A. __--, ,----"----, ,______.....___, ,-----"----. r------"'---. Males Females ~lales Females Males Females' ~iales Females Males Female 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 19

CUTTA 24 9 2 4



11 4 2

DIVISION 77 5 18 8 2

, 3 122


Educational Levels r--"---,

I,iterate (without Primary or Total Illiterate educational level) J·unlor Bssie ('-" ___...A._~ Serial r-----'------. ,--_.A._----, ,------'---..... No. Name ofSclleduled Tribe :r.rales Females Male~ Females Males Females. lIlales Femalse 6 8


13 ~rahli 42 33 2 14 MalPaMrlya 74 164 68 158 6 15 Meeh 53 46 5 2 16 Munda 451l 630 354 . 556 85 59 11 15 17 Nngesia 2 2

18 Oraon 1,S03 694 1,117 aur 130 53 12 30 19 Roblin 21 20 1 2 20 Santal 6,681 0,106 5,791 5,913 562 157 272 31 21 Uncla"IAed 1,282 1,368 1,047 1,296 173 53 42 18

I10WRAH TOTAL 1,319 883 1,202 849 83 28 23

Bhumij 8 8 2 Garo 8 3 Haj.ng 4 4 Ho 156 146 ]0 Kora 66 11 66 11

Lodha, Kherla or Kharl. MahaJi 26 5 26 1fal Paharlya 2 2 lIrunda 112 44 102 43 8 10 Nages!. 2

11 Oraon 305 89 290 84 15 4 12 Santa) 559 486 543 480 1 13 Unelossi fi ed 228 88 155 78 48 10 21

HOOGHLY TOTAL 1,425 924 1,332 S95 58 F 23 10

Bhllmlj 3' a 3 2 Bhutia ineludinu Sherpa, Toto, Dukp •• Kngatay, Tibetan and Yo)mo 2 3 Cbakma 2 4 Garo 6 6 Hajang 5

Ho 8 29 8 26 Kor.

I,odha, Xherla or Kb~rla 29 4 27 2 123


Educational Levels r----' University degree Technical---""'I degree Non.technlcal 01 post. graduate or diploma equal Matriculation or Technic&1 diploma diploma not equal degree othel than to degree or post. lIigher SecondarY not equal to degree to degree technical degree graduate degree .-______..__..., ,-~---..., ,...__..;..-----, r-~----' t ..A.._~ !rales Females ~rales Females ~tale3 Females Males Females lI[ales Females 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 ]s 19




40 12 2 16 1 4




2 124


Eduoational Level$ r----'------.

Literate (withOU~ Primary or Total Illiterate eductaionallevel) Serial r-----'-_--,. ,..-__A ___-, JUDior Ilasic No. Name of SCheduled Tribe r---.A.---...., ,.----.A..-_ __""\ J,(alea Females Males Fewalea Males Females Males Females 2 I) 8

HOOGHLY 9 Mahali 2 2 4 10 MUllda • 81 105 76 lOS 4- 1 11 Oraon 478 2U 457 231 15 6 12 Santal 033 4S3 590 U3 27 5 13 Unclassifiod 179 77 163 'H 10 2

BURDWAN TOTAL 3.690 3,686 2.998 3.477 4~6 164 155 42 B1lUmij 35 11 20 2 Cha~ma 20 20 Garo 43 34 Ito 4 3 2 3 2 5 Kor~ 161 105 120 104 28 12

u,dha, Kheria or Khalia 10 57 10 M Mahali 45 35 Munda 181 447 117 381 57 51 15 9 Nagesia 3 2 10 Ol&on 209 47 lS1 2 50 3! U 10 11 Rabh& 21 9 20 2 1 12 Sant801 2,481 2,387 2,081 2,329 273 54 112 13 Uncl~isified 496 611 437 576 40 21 4 13

BIRI!HUM TOTAL • 7U 636 637 628 56 8 31 Kora 120 72 103 72 10 7 2 Lodha, Kheria or ltharia ,3 2 Magb 3 2 2 Oraon 11 8 2 I) Santa! 556 634 509 526 37 8 20 6 U llciaBSilled 20 30 14 SO 4 II

BANKURA TOTAL . 515 861 341 772 114 67 43 2'1 Bhumij 7 58 4 58 3 2 Ho 3 3 Kora 13 180 10 159 II 20 1 ~ u,dh&, Khiria or ltha.ri& 2 1 1 !lahaJi S 8 125


EducatiOIl&I Linl. ,..'------.------~~------University deiree Technical degree Non·teChnical or posl'itaduato or diploma equal MatriculatioD or Technical diploma diploma Dot equal degree other than to degree or post· Higher Secondary not equal to degree to degree technical degree gradullte degree ,... r----..-.____, ,...~---. r--___.A.-----. ,...----"-___., __ .....;..----- Males Females Males Females Kales Femalu Yale! Female. yales Females 10 11 12 IS 16 17 18 19

DISTRICT -contd.

.. 2 2

DISTRIct 47 3 4



14 1 1 12 3



/ .. ]26


Educational ~vels ,..----'-----.

Literate (without Prim~ry or Total Illiterate eduoationallevel) Junior Basic Serial .---A_... , r-____.I..._-, 110. Name of Scheduled Tribe r---'-______...., ,-__.,A----l ~[ale5 Females ~tales Females Males Females Males Females 3 4 8

BANKURA G Mech 53 46 2 l\Iunda 16 10 S Oraon 285 265 10 IG Santal 430 82 304 55 69 20 40 10 Uncl.ssified 55 18' 16 176 39 2

MIVNAPORE TOTAL 2,544 2,635 2,254 2,535 182 79 99 21 BhUmlj 21 21 2 Garo 1 " Lo<\ha, Kheria or Khari. 2 4 Mahali 1>0 1 50 5 ~bl Pahariya 74 162 08 156 3

6 Muuda 1>1 37 9 4 Or30n 224 21 191 20 25 8 8 Santal 1,975 2,059 jl,749 1,977 135 66 83 16 0 Unclassifled 216 318 206 307 2

PURUUA TOTAL 300 499 .17 486 278 10 101 Bhumij 477 269 217 267 193 66 2 Khond 1& 1 15 3 Loham or Lohra 34 39 19 39 6 4 Mahli 42 33 7 Z 5 Munda 31 H 22 13 7 2

6 Oraon 76 11 40 S 24 2 12 1 7 Santal 37 105 15 103 12 8 2 S Unclassi fiel! 8& 60 56 55 26 127


Educational Levels --__.J..·----..... -u;;-eriliYd;g;;e~----T;hnic;;Jdeie;-~ Non.technical or post.graduate or diploma equal ![atrioulation or Technical diplolDa diploma not equal degree other than to degree or post. Higher Secondary r-__not equal.A. to___ degree --. to degree technIcal degree graduate degree r---_.....,._ _ ___, r-~-. r__.....----. r-__.A.. __~ Males Females Males Femilles Males Females Males Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 10


13 1


4 3





THIS TABLE gives the distribution of the Scheduled Tribes population of the State, divisions and districts by sex, literacy and levels of education, for the rural areas only, Data are given for the Scheduled Tribes population as a group as well as 'for the individual Scheduled Tribes. The educational levels adopted are: (i) Illiterate (ii) Literate without educational level (iii) Primary or Junior Basic

(iv)\ Matriculation and. above The test of literacy was ability to read and write a simple letter with understanding. Data for the urban areas will be foune! in Table SCT-III Part A(ii}: 8{a) RGI/64



llduf'ational Level' ,-______..A. ______.__~ __..... J.itcrate (without PrimafY Of )Iatrirulatioll Tohl llnterate M"r'ation!i i eyel) .Junior Basie nnr! nhO\'e A __"", A __"", r __..A. ___ r-__ r ___ r----.A--- r--_.A..~ __-"" Serial 1 1 No, Name at Sche.luled Triho )[al<'. F.'males 11.11" Females l(ale~ Females ~[ales fomale" :l[n Ie" Pemale. 10 11

WEST BENGAL TOTAL 1,015,479 990,486 905,476 974,658 81,172 12,661 27.255 3,025 1,576 142

Baiga 2 2 Re.lia 858 :;:11 508 326 350

Rhumij 46,102 43,01~ 40,477 40,431 4,721 1,134 78 60 Dhutb incll/dina Sherpa, Toto, Dllkpa, Kagata~, Tibetan alld Yolmo 7,011 7,342 4,8D3 6,735 1,667 473 385 110 66 24 Birhor 42 58 39 58

Cnakma 517 726 581 710 43 13 12 Chero 350 209 850 209 Garo 7:19 823 1,078 83 32 Gond 402 400 333 10 Gorail 7:1 334 73 18

11 Hajang 142 273 131 271 11 12 Ho 3Sll 432 :l64 420 17 13 Karmali 841 lS~ 785 181 41 14 14 Kharwar 503 459 H GO 15 Klland 25

16 Kisan 17 l{ora 31,R24 29,824 29,020 20,033 2,274 241 512 30 15 18 Korwa 1,422 1,469 1,164 1,434 170 21 7B 14 10 19 Lepcha 6,046 6,B8;; 4,490 6,218 1,980 513 347 135 129 19 20 Lodh" , Kheria or Khari. 20,,,16 18,5:22 20,133 1,36;; 306 299 75

21 T.uhara or T.ohra 1,801 157 513 157 711 576

22 nIagh 483 287 463 286 H 2

23 Mahali l~,Gl!} 14,1:'2 11,860 1:1,723 1,411 374 301 54 35 ,24 Mahli 2(1)09 2,434 2,140 2,408 239 23 20

25 Ual PahMi)" S,N~ 6,067 6,021 40:] 37 76

26 l[ed, 5,435 5,77(\ 1,146 741 219 7~ 6 27 '[m 821 562 820 63 16 2

28 ~ll1nda 77,:t(i4 80,6n ()8t7~6 70,422 6,015 1,071 169 13

29 Nagesi" 2,016 2J37;~ 1,079 161 36 25 80 Oraon 150,062 130,220 133,:'91 134,0;;3 13,265 3,70;; 3,M3 52!) 39~ 37

81 Parhai),a, 446 41 444 41 2

32 Ratha 2,648 3,3G5 ~,402 3,229 198 124 44 12

33 ~antal 595,102 5H8,G47 536,434 580,834 42,272 4,280 15,793 1,498 603 35

34 ~auri. Paharia 20 20

3S Savar 1,702 479 1,670 473 11

3~ UnclAssifle.d 30,764 32,3HO 27,60~ 31,860 2,506 41Q 621 87 20 132


,..,____ Educational_,A. ______Levels ...., Literate\wltbout Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate educatiollaJ level) ,-__A____, JUlliar Basic and above Serial r-_~A_-"", ,----"-- -"""\ r---""'----. ,-__.A_--, No. lI'ame of ScheQuled Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 PRESIDENCY DIJ!ISIQN

TOTAL 449,873 428,030 399,517 418,140 37,422 8,040 11,930 1,738 1,004 112

Bhumlj 8,917 5,338 8,208 5,103 693 135 112 40 4 2 Bhutia, inc!u4ing Sherpa. Toto, Dukpa. Kagatay. Tibetan and Yolmo 6,973 7,335 4,862 '6,732 1,664 471 382 108 6t> 24 CIlakma 465 511 439 504 19 6 7 1 4 Garo 717 1,715 603 1,678 81 32 28 3 2 Halang 142 266 131 263 '11 2

6 Ho 141 314 139 314 2 Karmali 6 1 6 1

SKora 6,282 6,339 5,800 6,250 386 82 93 S 9 Lepcha 6iJ41 6,872 4,485 6,205 1,980 513 347 135 129 19 10 L,dha, Kheria or Khalia 13,401 12,911 12,015 12,551 1,120 288 232 70 34 2

11 Magh 296 155 276 154 14 2 12 Mllhali 9,769 9,467 8,360 9,133 1,135 29l 240" 42 34 13 Mahll 2 2 14 Mal Pabarlya 5,262 4,592 4,851 4,556 336 28 73 2 15 Mach 7,283 6,364 5,343 5,677 1,129 462 738 219 73 6

16 Mrn 473 664 394 664 61 16 :I 17 Munda 61,540 62,847 54,883 62,048 4,580 648 1,993 140 84 11 18 Nagesla 2,556 2,015 2,372 1,978 159 36 25 19 Oraon 138,096 132,075 121,471 127,882 12,646 3,MB 3,591 509 S88 36 20 Rabha 2,561 3,300 2,318 3,165 195 123 44 12 4

21 Santal 158,979 148,430 145,680 146,969 9,550 1,059 3,599 394 151) 8 22 Sauria Paharia 8 20 7 ~ 23 Unclassltled 19,063 16,500 16,872 16,233 1,760 215 406 49 25 3

DARJEELING DISTRICT TOTAL 44,633 40,599 35,632 38,792 7,031 1,381 1,658 375 312 51

1 Bhumlj 15 5 13 2 2 Bhutia (nolu4ing Sherpa Toto, DUkpa, K:agatay, ~1l and Yoimo. 6,171 6,717 4,107 6,132 454 877 107 65 24 3 Garo 96 71 89 71 '1 4 Hajang 22 5 17

6 Kora 99 188 75 176 21 11 3

Lepcha 6,761 4,340 6,685 6,025 1,950 50S 343 133 128 19 '1 LQdha, Kheria Or Kharla 818 621 674 609 109 27 2 8 1 8 Magh 51 8 45 8 6 9 Mahall 662 327 428 321 229

10 lIlal PaQ~r iya 808 8~7 713 8~5 7Q 133


EdUcational Levels r- _..., '"Llterale (without Primary or MatrIculation Tolal Illiterale educational level) Junior Basic and above ~ __A~ r ___A ___~ Serial r---..A-_~ ,____..--.... r--_.J.---~ NO. Name of Scheduled Tribe MaJes Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

DARJEELING DISTRICT-conta. 11 Mech 150 '87 139 83 4 12 Mrn 20 20 13 Munda 4,593 3,885 4,006 3,840 472 34 103 11 12 14 Nagesla 756 628 705 ·623 42 6 15 Oraon 14,889 13,392 12,626 13,016 1,576 273 600 99 87 4

16 Rabha 30 30 17 Santal 3,915 3,370 3,601 3,336 239 21 71 12 18 Unclassified 4,797 3,763 4,024 8,698 671 53 94 10 8 2

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT TOTAL. 183,151 168,623 162,828 162,753 15,673 4,871 4,113 948 .480 51

1 Bhumlj • 256 263 222 199 28 42 6 22 2 Bhulla including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan nnd YoImo 667 502 625 484 37 17 5 3 Chakma 337 410 321 403 13 S 4 Garo 349 261 302 249 25 17 5 5 Halang 106 242 100 242 6

6 Ho 130 214 130 214 7 Kora 3,029 2,530 2,819 [ 2,480 159 46 50 8 Lepcha 70 66 60 61 7 II 2

I) Lodha, Kheria or Kharla 12,116 11,881 10,926 11,552 975 260 192 68 23 1 10 Magh 163 66 156 65 2 3

11 Mahali 6,724 6,329 5,787 l 6,128 748 166 104 34 25 1 12 Mal Pahariya 1,043 699 944 683 82 11 16 6 13 Mech 7,050 6,128 5,153 5,464 1,094 439 730 219 73 6 1 14 Mrn 251 285 211 285 22 16 2 15 Munda 28,559 26,250 25,709 24,793 2,247 363 553 85 50

16 Nagesla 1,483 1,124 1,369 1,092 99 31 Iii 1

17 Oraon 90,969 t 88,699 80,189 85,153 8,641 3,158 1,872 356 261 32 18 Rabha 1,751 2,375 1,681 2,333 61. 30 6 12 3 19 Santa! 21,821 16,710 20,354 16,354 1,016 233 422 121 29 20 Unclassified 6,277 4,589 6,770 4,519 402 56 101 14 4 134


Educational Lrvels r------'--~----...., Liter"!,, (without Primary or JIatriculation Tot"l Illite",t(' C\i'loa!ionalleye]) .rullinr B~lFi(' HlldalJovl' ,-___..A.~ __l S['riai ,----"- ---, ,---_.1-_- -. ,- ___..A.. ---1 r---..A..-__ , :'{O. 'ia IlO ,[" ~cIlccluleu TriiJc' JlIalrs FCJlI(ilf's JIaIC' f(lll,lk:: JI:lles ~\lilLd('s M;lh~i< Jo'eIliHks ~l;dt's l"ClllaICS

8 10 11

COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT fOTAL 4,556 4,163 3,890 3,910 510 246 144 12 2

flhmnii 45;) 455 2 Ghu!ia inrluriiny Sherpa, Tala, ])ukpa, Kagatay. Tiuetan and ¥olmo

f]itrO 115 1,16:) 72 1,J,;':U H ~:!

~ J{ora 61 ~;j 61 25,

J,olllIa, Kllori" or Kharitl 167 215 158 197 1~

6 J[aIlali 16 "i J[all'aitariya 1:17 56 ):12 56

S JI '('h 72 81 49 02 1~ 19 :\IulHla 336 275 320 273 8 2

10 S,,~e,ia 162 146 162 146

11 Ora Ol1 1,:!-l2 1,036 SU7 9~;j :!57 46 78 10

12 Hahha 758 850 585 757 1:':4- 0,] 38 1:1 f)(lnt

14 Uuclas


TOTAL 83,033 85,212 75,121 84,394 5,056 615 2,788 200 68 3


2 flhutj:1 l.n~'ltllin.fJ Sherpa, Tutn, Dnkpa. Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 119 107 114 107 Cha.1ona 107 94 97 Dl

naro 101 ~()I 91 200

Hajun~ 1+ 11 14 11

6 no 100 100 Kal'n\ali G

S Kl)ra 1,406 I,HO ll:!87 1,404 10~ 12 10

LCpt'iln 9r, 1~1 78 119 17 10 L(Hlw, KIH'ri,L or 1(iJaria . 147 58 132 57 11

11 )['\!11 S~ 81 75 81

12 }{ahali 1,I)~S 1,00:) U~4 888 !) (~ 111 43

13 }["hli H )[al Plll'lrj,:1 815 833 i90 \)~2 ;1:] 11

15 )[r'h 11 OS 08 16 )[ru lG~ lli4

17 )Iull'l,l 5,460 !I,432 4,847 ' 9,371 ~Ol) ~~ 319 2'1 135


EUucatiol).1 Levels r-----~- ...... -- .------~ Uterate (without Primary or :lIatricu!ation 1'01;11 lIliterate c,!ncationallevel) .Tullior Basie and above ,..- __A ____"",\ r-__..A.._ ___ , ,..-___A __, Serial r---J ... _- , ,----"---, :-10. Nallle of Schcuuletl Tribe ,1.1", _Felnales }lalcs .FeU1~lles :lId,'s Il\,·maJes Males Females }Ltl" Females

2 ti 10 11

WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT-conta. 18 Nilgesia 130 68 113 (j8 15 lU Omon 11,264 10,983 9,047 10,889 605 71 608 23 1! 20 Ruth. 6 17 17 21 Santa! 61,72! 58,936 56,187 58,4;16 3,751 364 1,7P 133 43 3 9.2 Sauria PahHl'i~ 8 20 20 23 Ulic!assified 471 1,491 301 1,467 :39 15 n

MALDA DISTRICT TOTAL 50,465 48,954 46,670 48,607 2,686 232 1,039 112 70 3

Bhunlij 2 Chaknla Garo

Kol'" 1,117 1,~(il lJ05~ 1,.359 52 12 Lodha, Khel'ia or Khnri. 20 12

"lahali 667 6UO 612 Ii 5:3 3J 17 4

]lIall'ah:!riya 631 551 611 G!7 15 4

8 )[ru 38 38 9 ")[undn 658 87.5 5Ui 873 49 14 10 Or,lOD 2,40R 2,109 2,198 2,:JIH 153 52 5

11 ~"ntal !~)651 41,474 39,552 41,174 2,2U 200 836 98 50 1",- enclassHll'.l 2,305 1,615 2,031 1,5U1 t60 15 90 8 6

MURSlIIDAllAD DISTRICT TOTAL 15,460 15,509 14,731 15,474 499 29 227 3

Bhumij 140 140 Bhut.in inelt'.diltg Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, KagataYl TilJclan and Yolmo

Kora 375 310 340 317 21 l± Lollhu, Khrria or Kharia

~lahali 193 172 181 172 3

6 lIal Pahariya 1,506 l,45R 1,453 1,455 39 2 H ~Iunda 253 H7 213 U6 30 10 8 Oraoll 721 575 673 575 35 13 9 Santa! 10,745 10,917 10,305 10,897 277 16 103 10 VnclassifieU 1,6.57 1,770 1,550 1,7()1 t;\s S 10 136


Educational Levels ~ Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above Stiriai ""'_...... _.A.---. r------"-----. ,--A...--, r-----'-----, ,------'-----., No, Nanie of ScMduled Tribe Males Felllaies Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 1 8 9 10 11

NADIA DISTRICT 'I'drAL 14,697 10,346 9,718 10,249 731 16 240 21 2

Bhumij 457 480 402 474 47 8 2 Chakma 20 2 20 Garo 14 15 7 15 7 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 122 121 103 12'1 17 2 Mahali 15 10 9 6 1

Mal Paharlya 197 155 189 155 7 1 Mrn 215 157 179 157 35 Munda 1,557 1,528 1,396 1,614 119 14 42

Oraon 4,956 4,810 4,559 4,761 274 36 123· 1~ lO Santal 2,016 1,893 1,830 1,885 148 4 3~ Unclassified 1,128 1,075 1,025 1,056 76 16 25 2

24-PARGANAS DISTRICT TOTAL 57,878 54,624 50,927 53,961 5,233 590 1,661 71 57 2

1 Bhnmij 7,732 4,443 7,114 4,338 516 88 98 17 4 2 Bhntia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yoimo, 14 7 14 3 Chakma 1 4 Garo 35 35 4 5 Hajang 6 1

6 Ira 2 7 Kara 195 500 166 489 25 10 4 'I. 8 tepcha 14 6 9 Lodha, Kherla or Kharia 2 1 10 Mahali 464 961 412 968 46 1 6 2

11 Mall'ahariya 105 13 19 13 76 10 12 Munda 20,124 21,355 17,792 21,135 1,365 205 95,0 13 17 2 13 Nagesia 25 49 23 49 2 14 Oraon 11,647 10,211 10,382 10,142 1,009 57 245 12 11 15 Rabha 16 58 16 58 16 Santal 15,128 14,878 12,899 14,637 1,889 219 317 22 23 17 Vllclasslfted 2,374 2,135 2,044 2,125 298 9 30 4 2 TABLE SCT-III PART B(ii)-EDUCATION IN RURAL AREAS ONLY FOR SCHEDULED TRIDES-contu,

Educational Levels r--'----" '-----"'\ Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate educatlonalleve!) JunIor Basic and above Serial r-_.A---. r-- __A_---... r------J.-~ ,-__.A.----. ~ No, Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 3 4 5 8 10 11


TOTAL 565,606 562,456 505,959 556,518 43,750 4,621 15,325 1,287 S72 30

Baiga 2 2 Bedia 858 333 508 326 350 Bh1lldj • 37,475 38,596 32,269 38,268 4,128 290 1,022 38 56 4 Bhutia includillg Sherpa, Toto, DUkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and 38 31 2 3 2 Yolmo

5 Birhor 42 58 39 58

6 Chakma 152 215 122 206 24 2 1 7 Chera 350 209 350 209 8 Garo 22 20 9 Gond 402 333 400 333 10 Gorait 352 73 334 73 18

11 Hajang

12 Ho 248 118 225 115 15 8 13 Karmali 835 181 779 180 41 14 1 14 Kharwar , 593 649 573 459 14 90 6 15 Khond 25 25

16 Xisan 3

17 Kora 25,542 22,985 23,220 22,803 1,888 159 419 23 15 18 Korwa 1,422 1,469 1,164 1,434 170 21 78 14 10 19 Lapeha 5 11 5 11 20 Lodha, Kherla or Khari. 6,819 7,605 6,507 7,682 245 18 67 5

~1 Lohara or Lohr. 1,801 157 513 167 711 576 1 22 Magh 187 132 187 132

23 Mahali 3,844 4,685 3,506 4,590 276 83 61 12 24 Mahli 2,597 2,434 2,338 2,408 239 23 20 :I 25 Mal Pahariya 2,986 2,375 2,917 2,365 66 3 1

26 Mech 112 100 92 99 17 3 27 Mru 170 157 168 156 2 28 Munda 15,824 17,828 13,873 17,374 1,435 423 503 29 13 29 Nages!a 3 1 2 30 Oraon 12,866 7,145 12,120 7,071 619 57 117 16 10

31 Parhalya. 446 41 444 41 2 32 Rabha 87 65 84 64 3 33 Santa I 436,123 438,217 390,754 433,865 32,722 3,221 12,194 1,104 453 27 34 Savar 1,702 479 1,679 473 6 11 6 35 Unclassified 11,701 15,860 10,736 15,627 746 195 215 38 4 138


Educational Levela ------~ Literatr (without r------pl'illlarVor ...... Matriculaation Total Illiterate euucalionallevpl) ,Tnnior Ba'ic andahnvQ r---A___ l ,---_----A._--. ,.-____.A. __~ ~orial r---'------, r----I-.---, :{o. )fame of Schc(luleu Tribe ~Iale, Females 1Ialcs }-'clJlales JIulc" Female" ~rale.~ Females Jralcs Fcmale~ 3 4 Ii 6 8 • 9 10 11

HOWRAH DISTRICT TOTAL 2,338 1,571 2,144 1,529 147 28 34 14 13

Bhulllij 13 8 11 G 2 Iro Kora 15 8 15 8 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 73 69

ThIagl! HO 140

Mihali 5 2 Jr"1 Pahariya 13 10 2

8 lIeel!

0 Hunda 528 ~19 471 310 45 2 6

10 Nagesia 2 11 Oraon 082 518 924 501 42 11 10

12 Santal 635 632 56g 625 48 17 ~

HOOGHLY DISTRICT TOTAL 44,447 43,310 41,168 42,964 2,387 296 873 50 19

Bhumij 931 1,246 887 1,2!2 31 13 Bhutia inciudiM Sherpa, Toto, nukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan und 3 Y,olmo Garo 2 Kom 2,444 2,200 2,290 2,190 116 10 38 Lapolla 11 11

Lodha, Kheria Qr Kharia 1,050 1,069 988 1,066 40 13 }Iahali 69 54 60 52 Ii 3 S ]La) I'ahari),a 15 48 48 ,1m 94 50 92 50 2- 10 Uunda 507 187 486 187 15

11 Oraon 2,:)59 6G5 2,142 657 187 30 2

12 F-autal 36,077 36,618 33,365 30,312 1,933 260 7,u1 40 18

1,) Uncla~tificd 893 1,153 841 I,H6 42 6 10

BURDwAN DISTRICT TOTAL 91,004 81,763 86,151 81,373 3,978 319 843 66 32

llhumij 788 409 748 409 39 ·1 2 Bhutia incltedi"" Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yol\\lQ , 23 4 17 2 I: 3 2 1 Garo 20 18

4 Ilajang 8 S 5 lIo 22 4 19 139


,--____Edu cationul..A.- ______Level.

Literate (without Primary or ~latrjculatiQn Total TWterate educational laval) Juni9f Hasic and aboV{l r----~...A.. ___ -. r- __..A-- __• , __..A- __"", S~'fial ,----.A----l r--.A----.. ?lo, :'Iamf vi .) :llClluled Triue lI!ales ]!'clllules .liMes Fl'llWICB )IaJes FenH11c8 )lales Females :iII"les ]!'cmal(s

1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11

BURDWAN DISTRICT-rollld, 6 Kora 6,853 4,SOO 6,395 .. ,771 395 25 60

Loliha, Khcria or Kharia 145 270 139 270 8 )Iagh 83 83 a )laltali 210 685 323 085 40 10 )Iail'ahariya 461 179 447 170 14

11 .lIru 49 49

12 .llumla 1,675 678 1,592 669 72 8 11

1') OraQIl 4,243 1,200 4,153 1,194 74 15 H Santal 76,395 73,39• 72,291 73,054 3,333 278 74. 59 27 1[; UncIa.silicl!

BIRBHUM DISTRICT TOTAL 52,678 52,822 49,404 52,563 2,352 186 875 69 47 4

BhulUij Chakma

Ho 29 13 29 12 J{ora 2,586 2,736 2,378 2,723 159 13 47 2 :llagh 44 47 H 47

MahaH 3U3 485 380 485 11 2 )IaIl'ahariyu 17;) 184 170 18. S )lullua 8 2 Oraon 118 140 90 139 11 11 l'

10 Santal 46,440 45,886 43,581 45,G6~ 2,040 151 7,77 62 42 4

11 UncIas,ifieu 3,8~G 3,322 2,719 3,297 127 21 38 2

BANKURA DlSTRICT TOTAL 85,627 86,386 73,773 85,522 8,655 639 2,958 216 241 9

Bhumij 4,755 2,875 4,338 2,859 348 15 54 15

2 lIo 23 16 23 16

3 Kora 3,821 4,108 3,286 {,OS{ 435 47 99 4 Lotllm, Khcria or KlJarin 167 U5 167 H5 5 :lInilUli :rll 650 3li 582 10 59

6 ~Irn 6 )[unua 233 104 232 104

8 Oraon 14 ~50 13 250 Sallla1 75,247 76,495 64,517 75,773 7,737 515 2,768 198 225 10 Gllclassificu 1,030 1,743 874 1,739 123 33 1 TABLE SCT-llI PART B(ii)-EDUCATION IN RURAL AREAS ONLY FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. r----_____,______Educational Levels literate (without Primary Or Matriculation Total Illiterate educational level) Junior lIasic and above Serial r----"---...... ,-_-A-_____. r----....-)...___, .-----'----, ..--..... '------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Ma.les Females Males Females MaLes Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 4 6 6 8 9 10 11

MIDNAPORE DISTRICT TOTAL 158,230 166,327 141,425 163,662 10,691 1,928 6,034 727 80 10

Bhumij 12,608 H,490 11,400 14,345 895 128 804 17 2 Bhutia ineludlng Sberpa, Toto, DUkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 14 13 1 Cbakma 151 214 122 205 24 7 5 2 , Eo 67 39 63 89 2 II 6 Kora 5,587 5,862 5,183 6,810 320 45 81 7

6 Lodha, Theria or Kharia 5,404 5,799 5,160 0,783 190 13 54 3 7 Magh 3 2 3 2 8 Mahali 2,676 2,811 2,424 2,786 206 22 45 1 9 Mal Pahariya 1,098- 1,085 1,051 1,078 40 7 2 10 Mech lOS 100 88 99 17 1 3

11 Mru 70 58 70 67 12 Munda 7,76~ 9,Bl 6,731 8,904 600 222 431 14 2 13 Nagesla 1 14 Oraon 2,145 2,198 2,036 2,188 81 8 26 2 2 15 ltabha. 87 65 84 M 3 1 16 Santal 113,868 115,896 101,002 113,932 7,858 1,308 4,947 647 61 17 Unclassified 6,58' 8,566 5,994 8,369 454 165 134 32 2

PURULIA DISTRICT TOTAL 131,282 130,277 111,894 128,905 15,540 1,225 3,708 145 140 2

1 Balga 2 2 :I Bedla 858 333 508 326 360 7 :I Bhumlj 18,380 19,567 14,885 19,406 2,813 142 660 19 32 4 Blrhor 42 68 39 58 3 5 Chero 350 209 850 209

6 Gond 402 333 400 333 2 7 Goraa 352 73 834 73 18 8 Eo 102 46 91 46 8 3 9 Karmali 835 181 779 180 41 14 , .. 10 Kharwar • 593 549 578 459 14 90 6

11 Khond 25 25 12 Klsan S 3 13 Kora 4,23a 8,265 3,673 463 13 94 14 Korwa 1,422 1,469 1,164 170 21 78 14 10 15 -todha, Kherla or Kharla 49 249 49 ..... \ 141


Educational Levels ,---~ Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Tolal llliterale educational level) Junior Basic and above Serial r--_.A.-~ ,...--A---, r-__.\.-~ ~ ,...----"---_..., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 S D 10 11


16 Lohars or Lehra .1,801 157 513 157 711 576 17 Mahli 2,597 2,434 2,338 2,408 239 23 20 S 18 Mal Paharlya, 1,239 866 1,236 866 2 19 Munda 5,109 7,392 4,354 7,195 701 186 50 11 4 20 Oraon 3,005 2,174 2,755 2,14!l 223 28 25 4 1

21 Parhaiya 446 41 H4 41 2

22 Sanlal 87,461 89,296 75,429 88,500 9,773 705 2,180 89 79 2 23 Savar 1,702 479 1,679 473 6 11 6 24 Unclassilled 299 1,076 299 1,076



THIS TABLE classifies the total Sche­ duled Tribes population and the popu­ lation of each Scheduled Trib~ by religion professed by the members of the Tribe(s). Figures are presented for rural and urban areas separately down to the district level. For the Scheduled Tribes population returns for teligion have beer\ received in West Bengal under the following heads:

Buddhist 2 Chandobonga 3 Christian 4 Hindu 5 Jain 6 Marangburu 7 Muslim 8 Paharia 9 Santal 10 Saridharma 11 Sikh 12 Tirkia

Figures under all these heads have been shown separately and the columns for 'indefinite beliefs' and 'religion not stated' as per the aD·India Tabulation Plan have been deleted as there are no entries under them. 144


Name of Religion ,...___,;...----"" fotal Buddhists Serial RlU'a1 ,______.,______, ,...____._____._ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

WEST TOTAL Rural 2,005,965 1,015,479 990,486 11,560 11,298 Urban 48,116 27,563 20,553 5,208 4,470

1 Baiga Rural 4 2 2 Urban

2 Bedia Rural 1;191 858 333 Urban

3 BhumlJ Rural 90,326 '4~,392 43,934 Urban 963 611 352

4 Bhutla inc/ailing Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural 14,353 7,011 7,342 6 and YOlmo 5,952 6,5 4 Urban g,242 5,186 4,056 4,962 3,811

5 Blrhor Rural 100 42 58 Urban

~ Chakma Rural 1,343 617 726 9 Urban 36 13 23 3

7 Chero Rural 559 350 209 Urban

8 Garo RlU'a1 2,454 739 1,715 Urban 81 67 14

o Gond Rural 735 402 333 Urban

10 Goral! RlU'a1 425 352 73 Urban

11 HaJang Rural 415 142 273 5 Urban 11 U

12 Ho RlU'a1 821 389 432 Urban 254 57 197

13 Xllrmall Rural 1,023 841 182 Urban

14 XhllIWar Rural 1,142 593 549 Urban

15 Xhond Rural 25 25 Urban 16 15

16 XI!an Rural 3 Urban ,. " " ]45


Name -Aof Religion___ ~ ______~ __~ ,- , ____ChandobongasA ___ ., Christians Hindus Jains Marangburus r----A -----, r---.A·-----, r--_..A.._----, r---..A----., Males Females Males FNnales Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

BENGAL 14 28,052 26,727 957,998 933,054 . 241 65 178 523 851 917 21,399 15,070 8 7

2 2

858 333

45,163 43,921 72 610 352

65 88 994 690 31 120 111 41

42 58 , .

8 609 716 2 20 11

350 209

127 97 612 1,602 3 64 14

402 333

352 78

6 141 262


388 432 15 42 197

254 182

593 549

25 15


8(11) RGI/64 10 146

TABLE SCT·IV PART B-RELIGION ,. Name__,_ ofReI!gion .., Mu!1lms PahaIias Serial Rural , -'-----. No. Name of Scheduled TJlib, Urban Yales lemal", Males Female! 2 18 10 20 21

WEST TOTAL. Raral 85 192 6 Urban '0 16

1 Balla Urban

2 Dedia , Rural Urban

3 :bh11D1lj . , Rural 3 Urball

4 :ahulia inciudillg Sherpa. Toto, DUkpa, Xaialay. Tibetan Rural and Yolmo Urban 82 84

5 Birhor Rural Urban

8 Ohekma. , Rural Urban

7 Ohero . Rural Urban '"' 8 Garo Rural 16 Urban

9 Gond Rural Urban

10 GOlait Rural Urban

11 Halang • Rural Urban

12 Jro Rural Urban

18 Karmali :Rural Urban

14 Kharwar Rural Urban

16 Khond Rural Urban

16 Kilan Rural Urball 147


r ______Name of.A. Religio ____ n --~- ______·_.,- ...... -- ~ Santals Sarldharmas Sikhs Tirkias r--- ,.---__,1., __---, ,--_ _.J.. __~ ~ __.J,. ___""__-, Hales Female. Males Females Males Females Males Female.

22 23 24 25 27 28 29

BENGAL-eontlt. 38 17,319 18,607 7 2

1,142 10


" 148


Name of Religion ,..~ Total :Buddhists Serial Rural r No, N"me of SchedUled Triba Urban persona Male,!! Fe!lllLles MlIlea ------Females 2 4 5 6

WEST 17 Kora Rural 61,US 31,824 20,324 3 Urban 881 '27 '54

18 I{orwa Rural 2,891 1,422 1,469 Urban

19 Lepcha Rural ,13,829 6,9f6 6,883 ii,3S3 4,433 Urban 1,48,0 631 849 223 471

iO Lodha, Kheria or Kharia Rural 40,736 20,220 !W,516 132 Urhan 162 82 80

21 Lohara or Lohra Rural 1,958 1,801 157 Urban 73 34 30

22 Magh Rural 770 483 287 3 Urban 20 15 5 2

23 MahaU Rural 27,765 13,613 14,152 2 Urban 468 291 177

24 Mahli Rural 5,033 2,599 2,4H Urban 42 42

~5 Mal P,bariYa , Rural 15,216 8,248 6,967 Urban 491 243 248

26 Mech Rural 13,859 7,395 6,464 Urban 56 3 53

27 Mru Rural 1,464 643 821 Urban 13 11 2

28 !fund. Rurlll 158,039 77,364 80,675 96 Urban 2,206 1,152 1,054

29 Nagesia Rural ',576 2,550 2,016 Urban aoo 25 275

80 Oraon Rural 290,182 150,062 139,220 41 124 Urban 7,212 5,S30 1,882 \I

31 Parhaiya . Rural 487 446 41 Urban

82 Rabha Rural 11,013 2,648 8,365 2

Urban (0 25 1~

3~ Santa) Rural l,181,U9 595,102 68~,647 30 "Urb31l 18,270 10, 647 7,7~a .. \ 149


~ ______Name-A of Religion______- ______~ Chandobongas Christians Hindus Jains Marangburus ,... ___----A ___~ ,-_--.10.___ --'\ ,___..._....A.. __~ r---_A____ ~ r----"----.... Males Females }fales Females ]Iales Females Males Females Males Females 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

IjENGAL-contd. 442 25 31,375 29,240 62 427 458

1,422 1,469

1,119 1,885 494 565 343 336 64 42

2,457 1,648 17,630 18,856 6 82 80

1,801 157

M 39

9 476 278 12 5

456 527 12,958 13,()21 195 4 288 177

2 2,597 2,434 42

36 39 8,188 6,924 243 248

1,745 2,491 5,648 3,973 53

2 637 819 11 2

4,022 4,077 73,317 76,478 49 17 1,103 1,035 2

33 15 2,516 2,001 21 274

13,913 11,616 136,926 127,374 11S 47 &,206 1,830 5

446 41

11 48 2,632 3,315 25 15 " 14 3,381 3,929 575,983 563,548 2 106 518

224 307 lO,~12 7,£14 5 150


Name of.A. Religion ______-""

r-~---- ria8 ,-__!Iuslims,10. __ --. '--':'___J....Pah& ___..., Rural Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males Femalu 18 19 20 21

WEST 17 Kora . Rural Urban v 18 Korw. Rural Urban

10 Lepeha Rurnl Urban

" 20 Lodha, Kheria or Khalla Rural Urban

21 Lohara or Lobla Rural Urban

22 MaSh Rural Urban

28 Mohall Rural 2 Urban

24 Mahli Rural Urban

21i Mal Pabarlya . Rural 17 Urban

26 Meeh Rural 2 Urball

27 )[ru Rural Urball

29 Munda Rural 2' Urban

29 Nagcsia Rural Urban 1

so Oraeo Rural so 106 Urban

31 Parhaiya Rural Urban

32 R~bhl\ Rur.l Urban

33 Santal Rural 10 Urban 151


Name of ReI1a1on ~------~--Santals Sarldharmas -----~-----.------Sikhs Tlrkhis ,.--__,..... ~ ~---_...--~ r-__""'__'_' r-_...... ---.... Males Females , Males Females IIIIIes Females Malee Females 22 23 24 26 21 28 29

BENGAL-co .' ....


.. /

' .. 3


S8 1',690 2 152


Name of Religion .----"------, ,--.___ TotalJ... ______.., Buddhists Serial Itural ,_A.____, No. Name of Scheduled Tribo Urban Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 " Ii 6 7 WEST 34 Sauda Paharia · Rural 28 8 20 Urban 35 Savar · Rural 2,181 1,702 479 Urban 36 Unclassified · Rural 6?,124 30,76<1 32,360 82 35 Urban 5,79Q. 2,745 3,054 18 185

PRESIDENCY TOrAL Rural 877,903 449.873 428,030 11,560 11.298 Urban 26.975 16.546 10,429 5,205 4,470 1 Bhumij · Rural 14,255 8,917 5,338 Urban 82 81 1

2 llhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan ltural 14,308 6,973 7,335 5,952 6,564 and Yolmo Urban 9,239 5,18~ 4,055 4,962 3,811

3 Chakma Rural 465 · 976 511 ~ Urban 14 11 3 3

4 Garo Rural 2,432 717 1,715 · Urban 20 12 8

5 Hajaug ltural 407 142 265 5 · Urban 2 2

6 Ho Rural 455 141 314 1 · Urban 50 44 6

7 '[arma.1i Rural 6 1 · Urba.n 8 Kora · Rural 12,621 6,282 6,339 3 Urban 152 67 85 II Lepcha · Itural 13,813 6,941 6,872 5,333 4,433 Urban 1,480 631 849 223 471 10 Lo

11 llIagh • Rural 451 296 155 3 Urban 18 13 5 2

12 :IlIa-hali ' .. . • Rural 11),236 9,760 9,467 2 Urban 327 ZOg 118 153


Name of Religion r------'------~ Chandobongas Christians Hindus Jains Marang burus r------"----~ r----"----_, r-----.A __.....--"'\ r----"------. ,..._--~---~ Males Females Males . Fomales ~Iales Females !Iales Females Uales Females

S 10 11 12 13 14 Iii 16 17

BENGAL-CQllta. 8 20

1,702 479

192 224 30,482 32,072

61 68 2,663 2,7~8

DIVISION 14 26,685 25,711 411,290 390,756 237 13 15 45 622 701 10,622 5,164 7

8,909 5,337 80

57 84 964 687 31 120 109 10

8 457 501 11

127 97 590 1,602 12 8

6 141 254

140 3U

15 29 6

2 6,272 6,337 67 84

1,119 1,885 489 554 343 336 64 42

2,457 1,648 10,811 11,256 31 19

9 289 146 10 5

456 527 9,116 8,936 195 4

2 ~O7 118 104


Name ofRellglon ~ ___- ___---_-A ______!Iuslims Paharias Serial Rural r---~-~ ~ ___A---_~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban uales Females lIales Femalez 1 2 18 1{) 20 21

WEST S4 llamia PalHlJia • :Rural Urban

35 8nar Rural Urban

36 UnclaBslhd Rural 22 Urb8n

PRBSlDENor TOTAL Rural 71 181 6 Urban 86 86

I Ehllmlj Rurlll Urban

2 Bhutla inclHdjng Sherpa, Toto, Duli::pa, li:agatay, Tibetan • Rural and Tolmo Urban 82 S4

3 Chabn~ Rural Urban

4 Gara Rural 16 Urblln

5 Hajani Rural Urban

~ lIo Rurlll \" Urban

7 Karmali Rural Urban

8 KOla Rural Urban

o Lepcha Rural ., Urban

10 Lo(lh6, Kkeria or Kharia Rural 7 Urban

11 lragh Rural Urbin

12 :Mahilli RRIal Urban FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

______NQme of.A. ______Relh"on _ ~----.,_ ...... ------Santals Saridharmas Sikhs ------~""Tiltlas r---.A._--..., ',---_-'---...., ,...__...._"" r----.... ---..., Malel! FelllJllea Males Females Males lI'emales Mal~! F~lea 92 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


DIViSION-coUld. 7

'" 156


Name of Religion ,..------" ,--____TotalJ.... ______"'"\ Buddhists Rural r---.,A._-~ Serial Urban Persons Males ltemales Males Females No. Name of SCheduled Tribe 2 3 5. 6 PRESIDENOY

Rural 2 13 ~rahli Urban

5,262 4,592 14 ~raJ Puhari"a RUI'llI 9,854 Urban 253 169 84

15 Meoh Rural 13,647 7,283 6,364 Urban

16 AIru Rural 1,137 473 664 Urban 13 11 2

17 Mund. Rural 124,387 61,540 62,847 3 96 Urban 1,120 696 424

18 Nagosia • ltural 4,571 2,556 2,015 2 Urban 295 22 273

19 OrBon Rural 270,171 138,096 132,075 41 124 Urban 5,215 4,027 1.188

2U ItRblia Rural 5,861 2,561 3,300 Urban 10 4 6

21 Santa} Rural 307,409 158,979 148,430 30 Urban 5,483 3,866 1,617

22 Sa uria Paharia Rural 28 8 20 Urban

23 llnclassiliou ltura} 35,563 19,063 16,500 82 35 Urban 3,149 1,463 1,686 15 IS.

D,t\RJEELING TOTAL Rural 85,232 44,633 40,599 11,288 ll,093 Urban ll,212 6,052 5,160 5,205 4,465

1 llhuIllij Rural 20 15 Urban

2 Bhu\ia incltuling Sherpa, Toto, DUkpa, Xagalay, Tibetan Rural 12,888 G,171 6,717 5,754 6,439 and Yolmo Urban 9,198 5,152 4,046 4,9{)Z 3,811

3 Ch,kma • Rural Urban 2

4 Ga[O Rural 167 96 71 Urban 157


,.. ______~ Name ____ of AReligion __...... ______

,-...... ___ChandobongasA--, Christians Hindus Jains )Iaranghurus r---~-"----. r-...... --...... --~ r--~---~""""\ ~---.)...---. Males Females Males Females Males Females ~raJes Females Uales Females 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DIVISION-contd,


3n 39 5,202 4,549 6 169 84

1,745 2,491 5,536 3,873

2 473 662 11 2

3,991 4,053 57,534 58,674 21 675 417

33 15 2,513 2,000 8 21 272

13,928 11,593 124,075 120,252 50 17 3,971 1,166 5

11 48 2,545 3,250 4

14 2,520 2,987 156,430 145,339 2 15 45 128 184 3,731 1,453 5

8 20

183 224 18,790 16,212 8 29 57 1,416 l,Hl 3

DISTRICT 4,597 4,613 28,S2S l4,86S 223 407 522 357 82 7

7 5

41 41 376 237 31 120 77 31


96 71 ., 158


Name of Religion r------~ Paharlas ,... ___Mosllms.J. Roral "'I ~-----"---...., Serial MaIeS FemaJee No. Name of SCheduled Tribe Urban Males Femalea 2 18 11) 20 21


13 Kahli Rural Urban

U Mal Pahariya . Rural 17 4 Urban

16 Moch Rural 2 Urban

16 Mtu Rural Urban

17 Munda • Rural 12 24 Urban

18 Nage&ia , Rural Urban

19 OraoD Rural 39 1()6 Urban 3

20 Rabha Rural Urban "'"

21 Santal Rural UrbaD

22 Sauria Faharta Rural Urban

23 Unclassllle1l Rural 22 Urban .. 2

DARJl!ELING TOTAL , Rural 18 Urb:m 82 48

1 Bhumij , Rural Urban

2 Bhutla iMlu4illQ Sherpa, Toto Dukpa. li:lI8atIlY. Tibetan Rural an,d ¥olmo ' Urban 82 8{

a Ohakma, Rural Urban

, Gara I, Rural Urban 159


Name of Religion ,..------A------__ ------~ santals Barldharmas SIkhs Tlrklas ,..---_.J..___ ~ ,-.-__.A.. ___---, r--_.A--__"" r-----)o,._--"""\ Males Females :Males Female8 Males Females Males Females 22 . 23 25 25 27 28 29



,DISTRICT-c<)nld. 160


Name of Religion , ___.A-- __--. Total Buddhists ,.....-__-_...A---- __---, Rural ,.----,.)...----~ Serial Females No, Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons ]Iales Females Malcs 2 DARJEELING

5 Jl"ajang • Rural 27 22 5 Urhan

6 Kota Rural 287 99 188 Urban

6,685 4,430 7 Lepeha , Rural 13,446 6,761 5,33~ Urban 1,'4M 624 840 223 470

8 LOdba, ]l:heria or ;Kharia Rural 1,439 818 621 122 Urban

9 Magh Rural 59 51 8 "Urban 4

10 Mabali Rural 989 662 327 Urban

11 Mal P II hariys • Rural 1,635 808 827 Urban

12 uech Rural 237 150 87 Urban

13 Mrn Rural 20 20 "Urban

14 Munda Rural 8,478 4,598 3,885 94 Urban 86 84 2

15 Nagesia , Rural 1,384 756 628 Urban

16 Oraon Rural 28,.281 14,889 13,392 4 107 Urban 107 86 21 3

17 Rabha Rural aO 30 Urban

IS Santal RUral 7,285 3,915 3,a70 13 Urban 23 17 6

l? Vnclasslfted Rural 8,560 4,797 3,763 74 Vrban 327 82 245 15 l84 161


Name of Religion ~------~------,-~------~------~ ChandoDongas Christians Hindus Jains }Iarangburus ,..------"----, ,..--_...... _--, ,..--.---'-----'") ,..-__.A. ___, r----A.._-_ __" ~["les Femaies Maies Females ~IaJcs FemaJes !Iales Females MaJes Females 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DISTRICT -rollfd,

22 I.

98 188

1,116 1,881 314 374 343 336 57 34

189 169 507 452 ,.,

51 8

14 461 313 194 "

2 802 825

25 125 87


316 251 4,277 1,540 2 82 2

24 722 623 8

2,692 2,135 12,187 11,150 24 16 59


65 32 3,849 3,325 3 14 6

121 83 4,601 3,650 1 3 50 64 11

8(a) RGI/G4 11 162


Name of Religion ,... --'- -..... MuslimsJ..__ ---. Pabarjas 8erlal Rural ,-----'-----. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males Females 2 18 19 20 21

DARJEELING 5 H3jang .;. Rural Urban

6 Kora Rural Urban

7 Lepcha Rural Urban ., o•

8 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia Rural Urban

9 Magh Rural Urban

10 Mahali Rural Urban

11 Mal Paharlya Rural Urban

12 Mach Rural Urban

13 Mrn Rural Urban

14 Munda Rural Urban

15 Nagesla Rural Urban

16 Oraon Rural Urban

17 Rabha Rural Urban 18 Santal Rural... Urban:

19 Unc!assltled Rural 18 Urban 163


Name of Religion ,..------_-,____ -A______• ___~ Santals sarldharmas Sikh. Tlrklas r------A-. ,---.-A.___ ...... r-____.A._~ ,----..A._~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

22 28 24 26 27 29

.. 164


]'iame of Religion ,-_...... ,A.__ .:...., Total Buddhists r ______, ,--_.A. __• Serial Rural A No. Name of 8chedul~d Tribe Urban persons ~[nles Females Males Females 2 3 6

JALPAIGURI TOTAL Rural 351,774 183,151 168,623 248 164 Urban Z,967 2,238 729 1

1 llhumij Rural 519 256 263


2 nhutia inclUding SMrpa, Toto, Dllkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural 1,169 667 502 197 12() anrl Yo!mo Urban

3 Chakma Rnral 747 337 410 Urhan .. ,

4 OarO Rnral 610 349 261 Urban 0 6

5 lJajang Rural R4S 106 242 Urban

6 110 Rnral 344 130 2It Urban 8 8

7 KOla Rural 5,559 3,029 2,530 Urban 4

8 Lepchn Rural 136 70 66 !l Urban 2

9 J,odha, Kherla or ll:haria Rural 23,997 12,116 11,881 10 Urban 12 J2

10 Magh Rural 229 163 66 3 Urban

11 1Iahali Rural 13,003 G,724 6,329 2 Urban 45 29 16

12 ~[al Pahanyu • Rnral 1,742 1,043 699 Urban 32 17 15

13 Meeh Rural 13,178 7,050 6,128 Urban

14 Mrll Rural 536 251 285 Urban

15 1[und. Rural 53,809 28,559 25,250 3 2 Urban 72 50 22

16 Nagesia Rural 2,601 1,483 1,124

1)'rbau 26'.1 26? p 165


,...-______.______Name_J._ uf lteligioll______. ______--,

Chandobongas Christill.ns Hindus Jains ~Iarangburlls r------"-----. ,-----"------, r-----...... A-__~ { ____,.A.. __~ r---""----. !rales Females uales ~'emales Males Females Males Females Uales Females 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

DISTRICT 17,918 16,651 164,906 151,668 23 2,215 727

2ii6 263 " 10 12 460 365

330 401

57 31 292 230

105 242

130 214 8

2 2 3,027 2,528

2 65 01

2,2M 1,472 0,851 10,402 12

160 65

35 70 6,687 0,209 27 16

12 1,013 695 ! 17 15

1,687 2,410 5,361 3,718

251 28(;

2,689 2,000 25,855 22,318 2 48 22

9 1,474 1,115 268 166


Name of Religion r------A. -----, Muslims Paharias SerIal Rural ,--- ,--- No. Name of Soheduled Tribe Urban Males Females J :lIales Females 2 18 19 20 21

JALPAlGURI TOTAL Rural 71 140 Urban

1 Bhumlj Rural Urban

Bhutla including Sherpa, T()to, Dukpa, Kagat&r, Tibetan Rural and Y01mo Urban

3 Cbakma Rural Urban

4 Garo Rural Urban

5 Irajang Rural Urban

6 IrQ Rural Urban

7 Kora. Rural Urban

8 Lepch& Rural Urban \ 9 Lodha , Rheria or Xharia Rural Urban

10 Magh Rural Urban

11 Mahali Rural Urban

12 nIal Paharlya Rural 17 Urban

13 Mech Rural 2 Urban

14 Mru Rural Urban

24 16 Munda Rural 12 UrbaD

16 Nagesla Rural Urban FOR SCHEDULED TRIBE8-contd.

Name of Religion ~,------Santals Sarldharmas Sikhs '------Tlrklas .... r------""-__--. ,---__"__---, ,______,______., ,--.-__"'___~ l[aies Females Males Females lIIales Females Males Females 22 23 25 26 27 2S 29

DlSTIUCT~ntd. 7







., .. .. 168

TABLE SeT-IV PART B-RELIGION ,...... -.....J-_....,Name of Religion Total Buddhists Serial Rural r-----~~------, r---.A.--_-. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban PerSOns ~Males Females Males Females 2 4- U

JALPAIGURI 17 Oraan Ituml 17U,GilS, 90,909 88,G90 18 1 Urban 2,081 2,032 49

18 Rabha nural 4,126 1,751 2.375 5 Urban 6 6

19 Santal Rural 38~531 21,821 16,710 Urban 2Q 10 19

20 Unclassified Rural 10,860 6,~77 4,589 22 Urban 307 83 314

COOCH BEHAR TOTAL Rural 8,719 4,556 4,163 1 Urban 90 62 28 3

1 BllUlllij Rura! 455 41i~ Urban

mlutia including Sherpa, l'oto, Dukpa, KagataY, 'l.'ibetan lIura! and YOllllO Urban 2 2

3 Chakllla Rural Urban 3 3

4 Garq Rural 1,218 115 1,163 Urban

Ii Kora Itural 80 61 25 UrlJan

6 Lapoha Itaral Urban 1

7 Lotlha, Klleriaor Kilaria Rural 382 107 215 Urban

8 llIahali , Rural 21 16 5 Urban III 16

9 Ual Pahariya , Rural 1U3 137 56 Urban

10 Ueeh , Rural 153 72 81 Urban

11 Mund. Rural 611 336 27$ UrlJan 169

FOR SCHEDULED 'IRIBES-contd. 11 ame of_,__ Iteligion ,.._,---- ...., OhandobOllgas Cljfistians Hindus Jains Marangburu8 ,---_ __,.A. ___~ ~ ( ____.J...---~ r--..-J.-----"""" r---_A__ r---.A.----~ }!lemales }lales }'emalcs ~Iales ~'elDales Males lIales Females Males }'emales 8, 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17


915~2 7,833 81,383 80,760 II 2,021 49

37 1,730 2,.36 6

1,576 1,780 20,245 14,930 10 19

47 86 6,222 4,481 8 75 313

DISTRICT 211 189 4,344 3,958 62 2S



70 61 45 1,086

61 25

101 215

14 16

2 135 56

33 81 39


NaIDe of 1teligion r------'------Muslims Paharlas ..... Serial Rural ,..-----A. __---, r----__A.~ __..... No. Name of SchMuled Tribe Urban }[ales Females Males Females 2 18 19 20 21

JALPA[GURI 17 Oraon Rural 39 105 Urbtl.n

18 Rabha Rural Urban

19 Santal !tUfal Urban

2~ Unclassified . Rural Urban


1 Dhumll Rural Urban

2 Bhutla includin{J Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay. Tibetan Rural and ):olmo Urban

3 Chakma Rural Urban

4 Quo Rural 16 Urban

5 KOfa Rural Ulban

6 tapeba Rura' Urblill

7 r.odha, Kheria or Xharm Rural Urban

8 Yaball Rurlll Urban

G Mal Pahariya . Rural Urban

10 Mech Rural Urban

11 Munda Rural Urban FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

Name of Religion --____.____,-----.------~ Santals Sarldharmas Sikhs Tlrklas ,----__...-~ ,--__.i----. ,-----'------, Males' Females Males Females Males Females Males Female5 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20


...... •• .. .. 172


N"lUe of Religion r----J..---, Total Buddhists Serial Rural ,.---__.)..._---~ ,--__.)...----, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons bIales Females Males Females 2 3 5

CODCH DEHAR 12 Nagosi. Rural 308 162 140 Urlian

13 Oman l~ural 2,278 1,242 1,0<16 Urban 32 32

14 Rabha Rural 1,60$' 758 850 Urban

15 Sautnl Rural 1,231 91\} 252 Urban 3

16 Ullclassified Rural 113 54 59

Urban 21 12 Q i ••

WEST DINAJPUR 'fOTAL. Rural 168,245 83,033 85,212 3 8 Urban 1,904 1,085 819

1 llIlUIDij . Rural 7 7 Urban

2 llhutia inuud'inq Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagata.l', l'ilJOtan Itural 226 119 107 and Yolmo Urban :I 3

3 ChakJJ1a Itural 201 107 94 Urban

4 Garo Ruml 302 101 201 Urban

5 Hajan~ Rural ~5 14 11 Urban

6 JIo Rural 109 9 100- Urban

Karmali Rural 0 Urban

8 Kora Rural 2,822 1,406 1,416 3 Urban

9 Lcpcha Rural 217 96 121 Urban

10 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia Rural 205 147 58 Urban 173


Chandobongas Christians Jain. l1nrangburus ,-____.A- ___~ Hindus r-___..A. __--. --. r---_..A.__ --. r---_...A... ___, Males Females lfales Females "Ialcs Females 1I.les Females ~Iales ~'em"ll'B 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17


162 146

81 39 1,161 097 32

6 756 844

976 250 8

51 50 12

DISTRICT 3,447 3,220 79,578 81,978 6 106 162 979 657

31 113 76 3

106 93

Ij 101 196

14 11

9 100


4 1,399 1,416

2 96 119

14 133 51 174


Name of Religion .------~.------~Muslims PahariaB Serllli Rural ,....---"'----. lio. Name of SCheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males Females 2 18 19 20 21

COOCH BEHAR J2 Nagesi. Rural Urban

13 Oraan Rural Urban

14 Rabha Rural Urban

15 Santal Rural Urban

Rural Urban


1 Bhnmij Rural Urban

Bhutia imluding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Bural and Yo!mQ Urban

:I Chakma Rural Urban

4 Galo Rora) Urban

5 Haian~ Rural Urban

6 lIo Rural Urban

7 Karmali Rural Urban

S KOla Rural Urban

9 Lepcha Rural Urban

10 Lodha, !rhena Of Kharia Rural 'Urban 175


Name of Religion ,... -----_._------~------__., Santa18 Saridharmas Sikhs Tirklas ,-___,)0., ~ ,--___.A.~ ,--___.A. ___ ~ r---_ ___.,A. ___----. lIale. Females Males Femal~s Males FelUales 11ale8 ]'emales

22 23 26 27 28 29


DISTRlCT- cont.!.


,. TOTAL Rural MALDA 99,419 50,465 48,954 Urban 103 76 27 BhoUllj Rural Urban 2 Chakma Rural ii Vrban 177


Name of Religion r--- Ohandobongas Ohristians ~------~------~-----~nindus Jalns Marangburus r-__..It.. ___~ ,-_---A__ ___" r'--__.A.___, r---.A.--""\ ,....------"-_--..." }Iales Fentales liales Females Males ' Females Males Females Males Females 6 17 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 1

DrSTRICT-contd. 4 78 73

350 282 677 717 47 25

2 •

22 37 813 796 55 51

11 68


3 071 895 4,489 815 7 1J 16

180 67

1,633 1,586 9,631 9,397 32

2 12

438 358 61,282 58,576 4 105 161 838 528

8 20

471 1,483 13 5

440 946 SO.025 48,008 76 27

12 8(a) RGl/64 178


Name of Religion r------A Uuslims , __Paharias__.A._--, Serla) Rural ,-----"'----, No. Name of Scbeduled Tribe Urban }Iales Females Males Females

18 19 20 21

WEST DINAJPUR 11 Magh Rural Urban

12 l>:Iahali Rural Urpan

13 ~rahli Rural Urban

14 Mal Paharlya Rural Urban

15 ~rech Rural Urban

16 Mru Rural Urban

17 :r.lunda Rural Urban

18 Nagesla Rural Urban

19 Orlon Rural Urban

Rural Urban

21 Santal Rural Urban

22 Sauria Paharla . Rural Urban

23 Unclassified Rural Urban

MALDA TUTJ\T, Rutal Urban

1 Bbumij Rural Urban

2 Chakma Rural Urban 179


Name of Religion r'------"-- Santals Saridharmas Sikhs .------~Tirkias r-----~---~ ,--___:""_--:-r r---"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29




DIsTRICT-eontd. MUaSHlDABAD TOTAL Rural 30,969 15,460 15,509 Urban 483 331 152

1 Bhumll Rural 141 140 Urban

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, DUkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rutal 2 and Yolmo 2 Urban

3 Kora Rural 694 375 S10 Urban

4 Lodha, Khatia or Khatia . Rural 18 9 9 Urban

Ii Maball . Rural 365 193 172 yrpaq 181


Name Of Religion .-A- ----...... --. ,------Christians Jains Marangburus ,---ChandObOngas__..A. ___ -, ,-___Hindus.A. ___ -, ,--___.A.____ -, ,-----"----. r---_,A Males Females Males Females Males Females Males. Females Males Femnle~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 16 17

DIsTRICT -Clintd,

1,117 1,1l61


62 161 605 499

631 251


658 874

2,408 2,369 ,-

369 754 42,282 40,720' 70 12

9 30 2,296 1,685 6 9

DISTRICT 14 SO 54 15,396 15,407 14 28 331 152

1 140


375 319

9 9

193 173 182

TABLE SCT-IV PART B-RELIGION ,------'------_-.-_---"""\Name O(Rellgloll Muslims Paharlas Serial :Rural ,.... r----'""-----. No. Name oCScheduled TrIbe Urban Males Females Males Females 1 2 19 20 21


/ Urban

I. KOra Rural Urban

6 Lodha, Kheria or Kharl. • Rnral Urban

6 Mahali Rural Urban

7 Mal Pabarlya Rural Urban

8 Mru Rural Urban

9 Munda Rural Urban

10 Oraon Rural Urban

11 Santal Rural Urban

12 Unclassified Rural Urban

MURsmDABAD TOTAL Rural 6 Urban

1 Bhumij Rural Urban

2 Bhutla ;",rvclinq Sherpa, Toto, ;nukl'a., Ka;;ata.Y, Tibetan Rural and Yolmo Urban

3 Kora Rural Urban

4 Lodha, Kherla or ll:harlll • Rural Urban

5 Mlhall Rural Urban iss


Name of Religion r------______-A Santals Sarldbarmas Sikhs Tirkias ,---___...--~ r-----.)..------. r'----~ --. r~----...., M,jaJ Fern \lea Males Fem~les Males Females Males Females 23 25 26 27 28 29





... 184


Name of Religion ,-__...,.A. ___--. Total Buddhists Rural .------... -\._-----:-~ r---"'__' Serial Persons Males Females Males Females No, Name of S0hedulcd Tribe Urban 2 3 4 6

MURSHIDABAD 2,964 1,500 1,458 6 Mal P ahariya Rural Urban 17 3' 14

Rural 400 253 147 7 Mund~ Urban 25 25

721 675 8 Oraon Rural 1,296 Urban 40 38 11

10,745 10,917 9 Santal Rural '2).662 Urban 239 175 64

1,657 1,770 10 Uncluslfied Rural 3,427 Urban 153 90 63

NADIA 10,697 TOTAL Rural 21,043 10,34~ 463 Urban 880 417

457 1 Bbomlj . Rural 937 480 Urban

20 2 1I Chakma Rural 2~ Urban

14 15 3 Garo Rural 29 Urban

Kora Rural • 8 Urhan 13 6 122 LOdha, Kheria or Kharia • Rural 243 121 • 2 Urban 2 15 0 Mahali Rural 26 10 · Urban 197 T Mal Pallarlya Rural 352 155 16 · Urban 20 215 • Mrg Rural 372 157 · Urban 1,657 9 Hunda Rural 3,185 1,628 15 · Urban 18 3 4,956 10 OrMn Rnrll] 9,766 4,810 12 Urban 28 16 1M


Name of ReligiOn ,- .... ChandObOng&s r--__Chr!stlans r---.A.Hindus___ , ,...__.A.Jains___ , Marangburul ,-_~A__ , A , ,--_"""__, Males Females ~ral~s Females Males Females Males Females MaJes Females' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

DISTRICT-conla. 1,506 1,458 3 14

253 147 , 25 721 676 38 11

14 50 64 10,681 10,816 14 28 175 64

1,657 1,770 go 63

DISTRICT 10,689 10,329 11 462 411

457 480

20 2

14 IG

8 II

122 121 2

15 10 .. '

191 155 16 4

215 157

1,557 1,628 ).5 :I

4,966 4,810 11 16 TABLE seT-IV PART B-RELIGION

Name of Religion r------"------. Muslims Paharlas Serial Rural ,------"------""\ ---, No. Name of Sobeduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males Females 1 18 19 20 21


6 Mal Pabarlya Rural Utban

7 Munda Rural Urban

8 Oraon Rural Urban

9 Santal Rural 6 Urban to Unclassified Rural Urban


TOTAL Rural Urban

1 Bhumlj Rural Urban

2 Chakma Rural Urban

8 Gara :aural "" Urban

4 Kora Rural Urban

5 Lodba, Khella or KhariB " Rllral Urban

6 Maball Rural Urban

7 Mal Pabarlya Rural Urban

8 Mru Rural Urban

9 Munda Rural Urban

10 Oraon Rural ," UrbaD 181


Name of ReligiOll r------Santals SaridblmnaS Sikhs Tirklas r___.l----_.... r____,.:.----. ,----__,.,__-----, r~-"""'-----""""'II Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


DISTRlCT-contd. 7 1M


Name of Religion r----~--l Total BuddhIsts Rural r------A-----~ r-__-.A.---~ Serial Name of Scheduled Tribt Urban persons Males Females Males Females No. 2 3 NADIA

11 Santa I Rural 3,009 :,016 1,893 Urban 634 326 308

12 U ncl&sslfted lturai 2,203 1,128 1,075 Urban 165 84 81

24.PARGANAS TOTAL Rural 112,502 57,878 546,24 20 33 Urban 6,816 4,188 2,628

1 Bhumlj Rnral 12,175 7,732 4,443 Urban 05 65

2 Bhatia Including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural 21 14 IIDd Yolmo Urban 4 Ii

8 Chakma Rural U_rbaD

4 Garo RDral SO 85 4 Urban 2

5 HaJans Rural 7 Urban

o Ho Rural 2 2 Urban 7. 6 2

? Kon Raral CD5 196 600 Urban 78 23 65

6 Lepcha Raral 14 14 Urban

9 Lodha, KMria or Kharia Rural ! Urban 32 27

10 Magb Rural Urban 1

11 Mahali Rural 1,425 404 901 Urban 90 80 10

12 Mal Pllbarlya Rural 118 lOG 13 Ulball 75 i5

13 Manda Rural 41,47g ~O,I24 21,S51i Urban 777 444 33a 189


,...______- ___Name__A of Religion ____ ~ Chandobongas Christians Hindus Jalns -~---Marangburus .... ,-_---A__ ---, ,-_ ____J.. __~ ,-____.A..._--. , _ ____J.. __--"""' , ___.A._~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 DISTRICT-conld,

2,008 1,876 17 ,.. 826 308

,. 1,128 1,075

84 81 I, "

DISTRICT 22 38 57,827 54,540 9 4 4,184 2,628

7,732 4,442 66

14 7 4 D


6 1

5 2

195 500 23 65


2 27


464 9&1 .,. 80 10

105 13 75

20,124 21,355 2 H! ass 190


Name of Religion r ___-----.A.------.... MUSlims paharias Serial Rural ,-----__.;...~~ ~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urba.n Males Females Males Fema.lea 2 18 19 20 21 NADIA

11 Santal Rural Urban

12 Unclassified Rural Urban

24·PARGANAS TOTAL Rural 13 U2ban

1 Bhuml Rural 1 Urban

2 Bbutla including Sherpa, Toto, DnkplI, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural ... and Yolrno Urban

8 Cbakma Rural Urban

4 Garo Rural Urban

5 Halang Rural Urban

6 Ho Rural Urban

7 Kora Rural Urban

8 Lepcha Rural Urban

9 Lodha, Kherla or Kharla Rural Urban

10 Magh Rural Urba.n

11 Mahall Rural Urban

12 Mal Pahallya Rural Urb&n

18 Munda Rural Urban 191


Name of Religion -.-A-----~ ,...------_.Santals Sarjdharmas Sikhs Tirkias ,..._ ___.A.. ___-'-\ r--J,..._-",,"\ ---. Male8 Females M~-"-F-e-m-al~~ Males Females Females 22 23 24 25 26 27 29

DISTRICT-cOnld. 192


.---______,____.,Name of ReligioD ,....------..A.Total____ --'\ Buddhists Sedal Rural ,...... ----'----..... No, Name of scheduled rrlbe Urban persoIl.i Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 6

24-PARGANAS 14 Nagesia Rutal 74 25 49 UrbaD 11 10

15 Or80n RurM 21,858 11,647 10,211 19 16

Urban ~,549 1,565 984

16 Rabba Rural 74 16 58 Urbail 2

17 Santa) Rural 30,006 15,128 14,878 17 Urban 1,648 1,187 461

18 Unclassilled Rural 4,512 2,374 2,138 Urban 1,468 700 768

CAL TOT-AL Urban 2,520 2,051 69 1

1 Bhumlj Urban 15 14

2 Bhntla including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetian Urban 26 and Yolmo 23

3 Chakma Urban

4 Garo Urban B

Ii Halang Urban 2 2

6 Ho Urban 36 31 4

7 Kora Urban 57 32 25

8 Lepoha Urban 13 9

9 Lodha, Kheria or Xharia Urban 2

10 Mallb Urban 11 193

FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. Name of Rel1g1on r'--,------..;.1' Chandobongas Christians Hindus Jains Marang bums----'""' r-__.A. _ ___...., r---'___J..---, r--__.A. ___, ,---..A___ , r----"---..., 11alci Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15· 16 17

DISTRICT-conla. 25 49 10

11,628 10,194 1,565 M4

16 58 2

19 15,107 14,847 Jl 2 1,186 m

3 25 2,364 2,109 7 700 768

CUTTA 81 16 1,956 449 8

1 13 1

23 3



15 ]6

22 24

4 8

1 2

., S t· O! S(a)RGI{6;t :? 194


Name of Religion ,.... ._-----"---- MuslilllS Paharias Rural ,...... ----'" _...... __... Serial Females Males No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Male! Females 2 18 19 20 21 24-PARGANAS

14 Nagesla Rural Urban

15 OraoD Rural 1 Urban

16 Rabha Rural Urban

17 Santal Rural Urban

18 U nclassifted Rural Urban


1 Bhumij . Urban

Bhutla including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Urban and Yohoo

3 Chakma Urban

4 Garo Urban

6 Halang Urban

G Ho ..... Urban

7 Kora Urban

8 Lepcha Urban

9 Lodh~, Kheria or Rharia Urban .,

lO Ma~h Vrbao '! 195,


Name of Religion .------~ ._------..... Santals Saridh&!'ill&s Sikhs Tirklas r---_.A..__ ----, r----.A.------"' ,.----'---..... r--____.A._----~ Male. Female. Male. Females Males Females Males Females 211 23 24 25 26 27 28 20


CUTTA-cootd. 2

.. 196


Name of Religion ~ Tota.l Buddhi~ts Serial Rural ,------'- -, ,-----'---""'1 No. Name of Scheduled TrIbe Urban Persons Males Females Males Femalel 1 2 4 5 6

CAL 11 lIahall Urban 104 53 51

12 Mal Paharlya Urban

13 Mech Urban

14 Mru Urban ,. Ii

15 Munda Urban 108 60 48

16 Nagesla Urball 15 12

17 Oraoo Urban 323 255 68

18 Rabha Urban 2 2

19 Santal Urban 1,193 1,135 58

20 Unclassified Urban 585 393 192

BURDWAN TOTAL Rural 1,128,062 565,606 562,456 Urban 21,141 11.017 10,124 3

1 Bafga Rural 2 Urban

2 Badia Rural 1,191 858 333 Urban ,.,

S Bhumij Rural 76,071 37.'75 38,596 Urban 881 530 351

Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural 45 38 7 and Yolmo Urban 2

5 Birhor . Rural 100 42 58 Vrbap 197


Name of Religion r-­ Chandobongas Christians llinoos _.,._------""'Jafns l\Iarangburus ,-..------"---~ ,....____....______. t----"'------. r"---A-----~ r------'-____ M~les Females ~rales Females Males Females :Males Females Males Females B 10 11 12 13 15 16 17


68 51


5 2

15 5 45 43

11 3

13 239 69


"- 18 3 1,110 65 Ii

18 7 372 182


',367 1,016 546,708 542,298 4 Sl 163 478 229 216 10,777 9,906

2 2

858 333

36,254 38,584 7E 630 351

3 8 4 30 " 1 2 "

42 68 198


Name of Religion Muslims Paharlas g~rial Rural ~ ~ No. :!i"ame of Scheduled Tribe Urban Maies Females Males Females 2 IS Ig 20 21

CAL 11 Yahali Urban

12 Mal Paharlya Urban

13 Meeh Urban

14 Mtu Urban

16 Munda Urban

16 Nagesia Urban 1

17 Oraon Urban

15 Rabha . Urban

19 Santal Urban

20 Unclasllfied Urban

BUBDWAN TOTAL Rural 14 S Urban 4

1 Balga Rural Urban

2 Bedi& Rural Urban

~ Bhumij Rural Urban

4 Bhutla induding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Ka2atay, Tibetan Rural and Yolmo Urban

5 Buhor Rural Urban i99


Nanle of R.eliglon Sanlals Saridharmas------~------~------~----~ Sikhs Tlrkia8 ,--~ .----'-----, Males Females Males ~'emalell Males Females Males Females

22 23 . 24 25 26 27 29



31 17,319 18,607 2 4

1,142 10

.. 200


Name of Religion ,...__..._...... Total Buddhis\$ Serial Rural ,..- r-----'---..... No, Name of Soheduled Trlb& Urban l' ersons Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 5 6

BUBDIVAN 6 Chakma R.ulal 367 152 215 Urban 22 2 20

7 Chero Rural 559 350 209 'Urban

8 Garo Rural 22 22 'Urban 61 55 6

9 Gond Rural 733. 402 333 'Urban

10 Gorait Rural 425 352 73 'Urban

11 JIajang Rural 8 8 Urban 9

12 Ho Rural 366 248 118 Urban 204 13 191

13 Karmali Rura) 1,016 835 181 Urban

14 Kharwar Rural 1,142 593 549 Urban

15 KbOnd Rural 25 25 Urban 16 15

16 Kisnn Rural 3 3 Urban

17 Kora Rural 48,527 25,542 22,985 Urban 729 S60 869

18 KOrwa Rural 2,891 1,422 1,469 Urban

19 Lepcha Rural 16 5 11 Urban

20 Lodha, Khena or Kharla . Rural 14,424 6,819 7,605 Urban 112 51 61

21 LoharR or Lobla t· Rural 1,958 1,801 157 Urban 73 34. 39

22 Magb Rural 319 187 132 Urball 2 2 ...


Name of Religion ,....------'------, Muslims Paharias Serial Rural r-...-...... -_.A._~ ,....~------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males Females

1 18 19 20 ~l

BURDWAN 6 Ohakma Rural Urban

7 OherQ Rural Urban

8 Garo Rural Urhall .. ,

9 Gand Rural Urban

10 Gorait Rural Urban

11 Hajang Rural Urban

12 Ho Rural Urban

13 Karmall Rural 'Urban

14 Kharwar Rural Urban

15 KhOnd .' . Rural Urban

16 Killan • Rural Urban

17 XOra Rural Urban

111 Karwa Rural Urban

Ig Lepcha. Rural Urban

20 Lodha, Xherla or Kharla . Rural Urban

21 Lohara or Lehra Rural. Urban

22 Magh Rural Urban 203


,-______-.A- Name of Religion______---, Santals Saridharmaa Sikhs Tirkiaa , ___A. ____, r-___-J,..- __----., , _____,._ __~ ,---_A____ -. Males Femalea U.lea Females Males Females Males Fent.les

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29



687 204

TABLE SCT-IV PART B-RELIGION ___Name ___._----, of Religion :rotal Buddhists Serial ,----A__ --., Rural r------A------~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons Males Female. Males Female. 2 3 4 6

BUnnWAN 23 Mahali Rural 8,529 3,844 4,6B5 Urban 141 82 59

24 Mahli Rural 5,031 2,597 2,434 Urban 42 42

25 Mal Paharlya Rural 5,361 2,986 2,375 Urban 238 74 164

26 ~Iech . Rural 212 112 100 Urban 53 53

27 Mru Rural , 327 170 157 Urban

28 Munda Rurai 33,652 15,824 17,828 Urban 1,086 456 630

29 Nage,la Rural Urban 2

30 Oraon Rural 20,011 12,866 7,145 Urban 1,997 1,303 694

31 Parhaiya Rural 487 446 41 Urban

32 Rabha Rural 152 87 65 Urban 30 21 9

33 Santa) Rura) 874,340 436,123 438,217 Urban 12,787 6,681 6,106

34 Savar Rural 2,181 1,702 479 Urban

3S Unclassified Rura) 27,561 11,701 15,860 Urban 2,650 1,282 1,368

HOWRAH TOTAL Rural 3,909 2,338 1,571 Urban 2,202 1,319 883

1 Bhumlj Rura) 21 13 Urban 8 8

2 Garo Rural Urban 8 8 205


Name of Religion ,------"- ..., Chandobongas Christians Hindus Jllins Marangburus r---~----"'" ,-___"_~--.-, r------,J...---___._ ,--____.....~ ,----'------.. Males Fcmalell Males Females Males Females Males Females Yales Femalell 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

DIVlSION-contd. 3,842 4,685 81 5a

2,5117 2,4M 42

2,986 2,375 74 164

112 100 63

164 IS7

31 24 15,783 17,804 28 12 428 618

3 2

15 23 12,851 7,1 22 68 30 1,235 664

446 41

87 65 21

861 942 419,553 418,209 91 473 96 143 6,581 5,961

1,702 479

11,692 15,860 32 11 1.247 1,357

DISTRICT 44 50 2,282 1,521 24 II 1,295 872 .. 13 8 8

8 206


Name of Religion r------A------~ Muslims Paharias Serial Rural ,------"------, r---~__. No. Name of Scheduled Trble Urban Males Females Males Females 2 18 19 20 21

BURDWAN 23 Mahali Rural 2 Urban

24 Mahli Rural Urban

25 Mal Pahariya Rural Urban

26 Mach Rural Urban

27 Mfu Rural Urban

28 Munda Rural 10 Urban

29 Nageala Rural Urban

30 Orson Rural Urban

31 Parhaiya Rural Urban

32 Rabh, Rural Urban

33 Santal Rural 2 3 Urban 4

34 Savar . Rural Urban

35 Unclassified Rural Urban

HOWRAH TOTAL Rural 12 Urban

1 BhumlJ Rural Urban

~ GllfO Rural UrbllIl 207

FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-conta. r-....J ______--_. ____ --- ____-----.A.- Name of Religion______.______.. ___.... ______...... Sa.ntala Saridh&rmM SikhS Tirk!as r----_.A.----... r-----A.-----., r-----A r____"___~ Male. Femalea Males Females Males Females Uales Females 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


15,585 18,5QO 31


,. " " " " " " 208


Name of Religion r--_.A._~

"...---__Total__A. __ ----, Buddhists Serial Rural ,...--"---""", No, Name of Scheduled Tribe Urvall Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 - 5 6

HOWRAH HaJang Rural Urban

4 Ho Rural 5 Urban 156 156 ,.

Kora Rural 23 15 8 Urban 77 66 11

6 Lodha, Kheria or Kharla Rural 77 4 73 Urban

7 Magh Rural 140 140 Urban

8 Mahali Rural 5 Urban 31 26

9 l!alPahariya Rural 18 13 Urban 2

10 Mech Rural Urban

11 Uunda Rural 847 528 319 Urban 156 112 44

12 Nagesia Rural 2 Z Urban 2 2

13 Oraon Rural 1,500 982 518 Urban 394 305 89

14 Santal Rural 1,267 635 632 Urban 1,045 559 486

15 Unolassified Rural Urban 316 228 88


TOTAL Rural 87,757 44,447 43,310 Urban 2,349 1,425 924 3

1 Bhumlj Rural 2,177 931 1,246 Urban 3

2 BhutiB includinll Sherpa, Toto, Dnkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural 4 3 and Yolmo Urban .. DISTRICT 11 44,432 43,256 4 52 8 2 1,414 922

991 1,246 3


2 8(a) ROI/!!4 14 210


Name of noUglon r------~ Paharias Muslims ,---__--A. __--, Serial Rural ,..---__,._---~ No, Name of Scheduled Tribe Uvban Males FElIUales Males Females 1 18 19 20 21 HOWRAH

3/ Halang Rural Urban

4 Ho Rural Urban

Ii Kora Rural Urban

6 Lodha, Kheria or Kharla Rural Urban

7 Magh Rural Urban

S Mahall Rural 2 Urban

9 Mal Paharlya Rural Urban

10 Mech Rural Urban

11 Munda Rural 10 Urban

12 Nagesia Rural Urban

13 Oraon Rural Urban

14 Santal Rural Urban

15 Unclassilled Rural Urban

HOOGHLY TOTAL • Rural 2 Urban

1 Bhumij Rural Urban

2 Bhutla inrlutiing Sharpa., Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural aIId Yolmo Urban 211

FOR ~C_HEDULED :orWES-conta.

Name of Religion r--_ -_------~----...... ------..------_; Santals Saridharmas Silills Tirkias r---"-----"\ ,.-----...~~___ r------.J..-~ r----~ Males Females Males Females Males Fama lOS Males Females 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2g

DISTRICT-contd. 212


Name Of Religion r--.-JL----,

r ______TotalA----- __ ~ Buddhists ~erial Rural ,-----'----...... NO, Name 01 Scheduled Tribe '(Jrban Persona Males Females Males Females 2 4 6 6

HOOGHLY S Chak.lllli Rural Urban 2

, Garo Rural -2 2 Urban 6

6 Halang Rural Urban

6 Ho Rural

Urban 37 ~ 29

7 Kora Rural 4,650 /2,444 2,206 Urban

8 Lepcha . Rural 16 I> 11 Urban·

9 Lodha, Kheria or Khalil! , . Rural 2,119 1,050 1,069 Urban 33 29 4

10 Mahali Rural 123 69 54 urban 6 2

11 M~I Pahariya Rural M 15 48 Urban

12 Mfu Rural 144 Q4 50 Urban

13 Mllnda Rural 694 507 187 / Urban 186 81 105

14 OrMn Rura! 3,024 2,369 665 urban 719 478 241

15 Santal Rural 72,695 36,077 36,618 Urban 1,086 633 453

16 UDcl~slfled • Rural 2,046 193 1,163 Urban 256 179 77

BVRDWAN TOTAL Rural 172,767 91,004 81,763 Urban 7.876 8,690 8,686

1 Bbumlj Rural 1,197 788 409 Urban 35 35

2 Bhutla including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay. Tibetan Rural 27 23 ~ lind yolmo Urban 213


Name of Religion r------~,------~~------~--'~Chandobongas Christians IIindus Jalns Marangbulus r-----.;...---~ r-----""------"""l ,----"""------. ----. Males Females Males ' Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 10 11 12 18 16 16 17


II 6

8 29 .. 2,£40 2,154 , 62 1

11 ..

1,060 1,069 II 29 4

69 64 .. " 4 •• •• 16 48 .. .. 94 50 .. ., ..

607 187 .. 81 105 ;.

:I 2,357 66!i 478 241 ...... 36,077 86,615 2 2 651 451 ..

Q S8~ 1,US 1 175 77 .. DISTIlleT 68 40 190,936 81,723 189 ZOO 3,497 3,486 .. 788 lOP .. 36

II , 16 .. 214

TABLE SeT-IV PART B-RELlGION ,------.-_....___------__..,Name of Religion MuslilllS Paharias Serial Rural ,...-__.A.___ -. ---. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males FemaleS 2 18 19 21

HOOGHLY 3 Chakma Rural Urban

4 Garo Rural Urban

5 Halang Rural Urban

6 Ho Rural Urban

7 :Kora Rural Urban

8 Lepcha Rural Urban

Lodha, Kheria or :Kharia Rural Urban

10 Mahali Rural Urban

11 Mal Paharlya Rural Urban

12 l\!rU Rural Urban

13 Munda Rural Urban

14 Oraon Rural Urban

15 Santa! Rural 2 Urban

16 Unclassi1led. • Rural urbaD


1 BhumiJ • Rural UrbaD

llhutia including Sherpa, Toto, DUkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan Rural and Yolmo Urban 215


Name of Religion r--- .~------"-.------.... santa)s Saridharmas 811ills Tirkias ;--____;r._a_~ r----'"-----l ~ ,-----"------, Males Females MaI~B Females Males Females Males Females 22 23 24 25 27 28 29



DISTRICT -contd.

4 ~id

TABLE SCT-IV PART B-RELIGION !tillue of:liehgiou ,.._ __-J.. __---. Total Buddhists ,--- Sedal Rural ____,__----. ,------A~ No. Name of SCheduied Tribe Urban persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

BURDWAN S Chakma Rural Urban 20 20

:0 " Gate Rural 20 Urban 43 48

6 Halang Rurlll 8 Urban

6 Iro Rural 25 22 Urban 8 "3

, Kora Rural 11,653 6,853 4,800

Urban 2~6 161 106

8 LMh" , Kheria and Kharia Rural 415 145 270 Urban 67 10 ti7

9 uagh Rural 83 83 Urban

10 Uahali Rural 1,055 370 685 Urban (5 45

11 Mill PAharfyA Nural 640 461 179 Urban

12 Mru Rural 49 49 Urban

13 Munda Rursl 2,353 1,675 178 'Orban 628 181 447

14 Nagella Rural Urban 3

15 Oraon Rural 5,443 4,248 1,200 Urbnn 256 209 ,7

16 Rabhs. IturaJ t"rban SO 21 9

17 Santal Rural 149,789 16,395 78,894 Urban (,868 2,481 2,387

18 Unclassified ltrull' G I)

lrb~D 1,107 496 611 · FOR SCHEDULED TRffiES-contd.

Name of Rellglon r- ----,------~--~'------,------Chandobongas Christians Hindus Jalns Marangburus ,...--"----, ,...-___...----..., ,...----"'---..., r-----'------I ,...---",--...... ___, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 DISTRICT-COllld. .. 20

20 43

8 .i

22 4 .I I; 3 .. 6,853 4,800 .. 161 105

145 270 ' .. 10 57


370 685 45


1,675 676 25 11 15B 436

4,243 1,200 68 26 141 21

" ~. ~1 9

60 33 76,335 73,361 85 138 2,396 2,249

9 11 485 e06 .. 218

TABLE SeT·IV PART B-RELIGION, r------___J,..Name of _____ Religion ----, Serial Muslims Paharlas No. Rural ,---.-____,.",-----~...... , ,------A.~ Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males Females

2 18 19 20 21

BURDWAN 3 Chakma Rural


4 Garo Rural


5 Hajang Rural


6 Ho Rural


7 Kora Rural


8 Lodha. Kherla or Kharia Rural


9 Magh Rural Urban

10 MllhiUi Rural Urban

11 Mal PaharlYIl • Rural Urban

12 lIIra Rural Urban

13 Munda Rural Urban

14 Nagosia Rural


16 Orllon Rural Urban

16 Rllbha RuriU Urban

17 Santal Rural Urban

J8 UnclaSsified • Rural

UrbAni 21~


Name of Religion --"-----~- r------Salltals Saridharmas Sikhs Tirkias r-----..A.__ --, ,------"-----, r-----"----, r--~------, Males Females Males Fe~ales Males Females Males Females 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


3 ~2b


Name of Religion ...---'------. Total BUddhists Serial Rural r- _'- --.. r----"----, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban :Persons Males Females Males Females 4

BIRBHUM TOTAL Rural 105,500 52,678 52,822 Urban 1,360 724 636

1 Bhumlj Rural Urban

2 Chakma Rural 2 Urban

S Ho Rurll! 42 29 13 Urban ..

4 Kora Rural 5,322 2,5Sa 2,736 Urban 192 120 72

Ii Lodba, Kherla or Xharla . Rurll! Urban 5

6 Magb Rurll! 91 H 47 Urban 2 2

7 Mabali Rural 878 893 485 Urban

8 Mil Pah&riya Rural 357 173 184 Urban

9 Munda Rural 15 8 Urban

10 OrIon lIural 258 • 118 140 Urbln 11 11

11 Santal Rural 92,326 46,440 45,886 Urban 1,100 566 534

12 Unclassified Rural 6,208 2,886 3,322 Urban 60 20 80

IlANKURA TOTA Rural 172,013 85,627 86,386 Urhan~ 1,376 515 861

1 Bhuml Rural 7,630 4,756 '2,875 Urban 66 68

2 Ho Rural 39 23 16 Urban 221


Name of Religion ,-_-- Chanilobongas Christians Hindus Xains bhrangburus ,.-_ _..J.____ .... ,..----"------., ',-----"- 1 r---__.A..___. ,.-----'--~ Males Females Male. Female. Males Females Mal.. Females Males Females S 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 17

DISTRICT 356 166 52,289 52,656 724 636



29 13

2,586 2,736 120 72


U 47 2

3g3 486

173 184

7 7

118 140 11

955 1M 46,052 45,720 566 634

2,886 3,822 20 80

DISTRICT 751 561 70,897 70,046 163 475 .. 511 859

8,545 2,875 72 7 58

U is 222


Name of Religion r'-----M--U8-Ii-m-B------~'-~------~1'~ah~a~tl~aB----'~ Rural r----A- Name of Soheduled Tribe UrbaL Females Males Female~

1 18 19 20 21

BIRBHUM TOTAL Rural 2. Urban

1 Bhumij Rural Urban

2 Chakma Rural Urban

3 Ro Rural Urban

4 Kora Rural Urban

5 Lodhll. Kherla or Kharla Rural Urban

6 Magh Rural Urban

'i ]l[abali Rural Urban

8 Jl[all'ahariya Rural Urban

9 Munda Rural Urban

10 Oraon Rural Urban

11 Snatal Rural 2 Urban

12 Unclaasllled Rural Urban


1 Bhumij Rural Urban

2 Ho Rural Urban 223


Name of Religion -----, Santals Saridharmas Sikhs Tirkias ,------'-_--...., -----... ,-----.J....----"\ ,_~J.. __---, Males Femllles Males Females Males Females Males Females 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

DISTRlGT -contd. 3:1


13,816 15,301


1,138 224


,....___.A-___,Name of Religion Totsl llUddhistB Serial Rural ,-- .A. ,...------. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons Males Females MaleS Femalel 2

BAN1WRA 3 Kora Rural 7,929 3,821 ',lOB Urban 193 13 180

4 LOdhB, ltheria or Kh~la Rural 312 167 145 Urban 2 2 " 5 Mahali Rural 981 381 650 Urban a 8

6 Mech Rural Urban 53 53

7 !fru Rural Urban

8 Munda Rural 337 283 104 Urban 16 1ft

9 Oraon Rural 264 14 250 Urban 285 285

10 Sanbl RUral 151,742 75,247 76,495 Urban 512 480 82

11 UnclaSSified Rural 2,773 1,030 1,743 Urban 239 55 184

MJDNAPORE TOTAL Rural 324,557 158,230 166,327 Urban 5,179 2,544 2,635

1 Bhumlj . Rural 27,098 12,608 14,490 Urban 21 21

2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, nukpa, Itagatay, Tibetan Rural 14 14 and Yolmo • • • • • • • • Urban

3 Chakma Rural 855 m 214 Urban

4 Garo Rural Urban

6 Ho Rural 106 67 3D Urban

6. Kora Rural ll,44Q 5,587 5,862 Urban 225


Name-A of Rellgion______~ ".------Chandobong~s Christians Hindus Jain. Marangburus I ~-----""---, r---~ r r-___..------, r-----'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

DISTRICT -colltd. 421 3,400 4,101 13 180 ..'

167 140 2

331 650 8

53 '" 1

233 104 16

14 250 285

329 561 e2,154 60,167 91 473 426 80

1,030 1,743 55 184

DISTRICT 130 127 158,100 166.200 2 1 2,542 2,634

12,608 14,490 21


151 2H

67 39 ..

23 5,573 5,83l) ..• 8(a) RGI/64 15 226

TABLE SCT·IV PART B-RELIGION ,.------Name of...... Religion _;...... ------_...., MuslIms ,- Paharias Serla! Rural ,.-_____,.\,----. ___..._-_..., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Urban Males Females Males FemaJei

IS 1~ 20 21

BANIWRA 3 Kora Rural Urban

4 Lodha, Khari. or Kharla Rural Urban

5 Mahali Rural Urban

6 Mech Rural Urban

7 Mru Rural · Urban

8 Munda Rural Urban

9 Oraon Rural .. · Urban

10 Santal Rural · Urban

11 Unclassified " Rural · Urban

MlDNAPORll: TOTAL Rural Urban

1 BhUmlj Rural Urban .,

Bhutia'i"cilJaingSherpa, Toto, Dllkpa, KagataY, Tibetan Ruta1 ,. and Yalmo Urban ,,' ...

3 Chakma Rural Urban

, Garo Rural Urban

5 110 Rural Urban '.

6 Kora Rural .~ lirban 227


Name of.A Religion_ ____ , r-----Santllla Saridharmas Sikhs Tirklas ,...---A-----. ~-----~ ,.._____.I.,._--"""\ MaleJ Females Males Females Males ]'emale. 22 23 25 26 27 28 29



12,678 16,29' 2


... " .. ..'7 ...... ~

'I 228


Name of Religion r____/<..--. Total r-______l<-_- __----. Buddhists Serial Rura.l r----"'" ---.... No. Narne of Scheduled Tribe Urban Persons Males ]'emales Males Females 2 4 ;; 6

MIDNAPORE 7 Lodha. Kherla or Rharia Rural 11.203 5.404 5.799 Urban 2 2

8 MlIgh Rural 5 Urban

9 Maball Rural 2,676 2.811 5,487 -(' Urban ~1 50

10 Mal Pahariya Rural 2,178 1,093 1,085 Urban 236 74 162

11 ~lech Rural 208 108 100 Urban

12 Mru Rural 128 70 58 Urban

13 Munda Rural -16,905 7,764 9,141 Urban 55 51

14 Nagesia Rural 2 Urban

15 Oraon Rural 4,343 2,145 2,198 Urban 245 224 21

16 Rabha Rural 152 87 65 Urban

17 Santal Rural 229,764 113,868 115,896 Urban 4,034 1,975 2,059

18 Unclassified Rural 15,150 6,584 8,566 Urban 534 216 318

PURULIA TOTAL Rural 261,559 131,282 130,277 Urban 1,299 800 499

1 Baiga Rural 4 2 2 Urban

2 Bedia Rural l,191 858 333 Urban

3 J3humij Rural 37,947 18,380 19,567 Urban 746 477 269 FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. ._-__.------"------Name of ReligiIJn Ohandobongas Ohrlstlans Hindu. Jain. Marangburus r------"------, r--___,.A.~ r-----"---_____ ,-----'------. r---'--':--, MaJes Female. Males Females Males Females MaJes Females Males Fema les 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

. DISTRICT -coma. 6,404 6,799 2


2,676 =,811 50

1,093 1,086

7~ 162

108 100

70 58

7,764 19,141 61 ,

2,146 2,198 224 20

87 66

116 104 113,752 llli,792 2 1,973 2,059

6,584 8,566

216 31~ -"

ISTRICT 7 72 127,772 126,896 2 2 794 497

2 2

858 ssa

7 18,369 19,655 477 269 230


Name of Religion r------.~------.------~Muslims pabarl&! Seri&l Rural ,..~~ No. Nallle of SehGJuled Tribe Urban Males Fomalea Males Females 1 : 18 19 20 21

Lodha, Kheria or Kharla Rural·


8 Magh. R.ur~1 Urb&n

Mahall Rural Urban

10 Mal Pahariya R.ural Urban

11 Moch Rur~1


12 Mru Rural Urban

13 MuDda Rural Urban

14 Nageli. Rural Urban

15 Oracn Rural Urban

In Rabha Rural Urban

17 Santa) Rural Urban

18 UnelMil.llod Rural


PURULIA TOTAL Ru~al 3 Urban 4

:Baiga Rural Urban

2 Bedla Rural Urban

:Shumlj Rural Urban 231


Name of Religion Santal. Sarldha-rm-aJl------.A-----Sik-b-S------T-i-rk-ia-s--~ ,..-----.Jo.,__ ~ ~ __.;.._ ___---. , ___-'- ___""'\ r---""'"---...... Males Females Males Females Males Femalel trales J! emale. 22 23 24 25 26 27 • 28 29


DISTRICT -eOlltd. 3,503 3,306 .. ., .. ,.

10 " .. II 2a2


Name of Religion ',----J

,...--____A Tot41______, BUddbists Rural ,------" -., serial Males Female& No. Name ofScbeduled Tribe urbau Persons Males Females 1 2 S 4 5- 6 7


4 BirhOr Mrlll 100 42 58 " Urban ..

350 209 5 Chero , Rural 559 Urban

Rural 735 402 833 6 GaUd Urban ",

(25 352 73 7 Goralt Rural Urban

8' Ho Rural 148 102 46 Urban

9 Karmali RUral 1,016 835 181 Urban

Rural 5113 549 10 Kharwar 1,142 Urban

Rural 25 25 11 KhoUd Urban' 16 15 1

Rural 3 3 12 ]\isan Urban

Rura] 8,265 13 Kora 7,501 ',236 Urban "

Rural 2,891 1,421! 1,46P ... 14 Korwa Urban "

15 Lodh3, Kherill or Kharla Rura] 298 49 249 " lJrban .,

16 LOhara. or Lohra • Rural. 1,958 1,801 157 Urban' 73 84 39 . 17 Mahli Rural 5,031 2,597 2,434 Urban 42 42

18 Mal Paharlya Rural 2,105 1,239 866 Urba.n

Munda Rural 12,501 5,109 7,392 19 " . Urban 45 31 14

20 Oraon . Rural 6,179 3,005 2,174 ,-' '. Urban 87 76 11 FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

Name of Religion '---"~--- Cnandobongas Chirstians Hindus JaIns }farangburus ,-____..A.___~ r----...... __---~ ,----""------. r---.A.---~ ,-----...... __--~ )fales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~[.le' Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 17

1llSTRICT-conta· 42 58

350 209

402 333

352 73

102 46

248 181

593 5(9

25 15

4,236 3,265

1,422 1,469

: ..

49 249

1,801 157 34 39

2,597 2,434 42

1,239 866

5,109 7,3 92 31 14

3,005 2,174 . 76 11 234

TABLE seT·IV PART B-RELIGION ,------Name af,...___ lteligion ., MusliDls ,...______,___.,Paharias Serial Rural ,--__..._---. No. Nallle of Soheduled TriM Urban Males Femalea Males Females 1 :.I 18 19 20 21


4 Blrho! Rural Urban ~ 5 Charo Rural Urban 6 Gond Rural .... Urban

7 Gorai~ Rural Urban

8 lIo " Rural Urban

Karmali Rural Urban

10 Kh&rw&r Rural ~ UrbanJ

Kbond Rural Urban

Jris3n Rural Urban

13 Kora Rural l'I Urban

KOlwa Rural Urban

16 Lodha, Xher!a or Kbaria Rural Urban

16 Lohara or Lohra Rural Urban ..

11 Abbli Rural Urban .. ..

11 Mal Plh!!!y. Rural .. G. .. Urban

19 Munda Rural .. .. Urban .. .. 20 Oraon , ltural .. Urban FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-con!d.

,______J- ______~ Name of Religion f'"'-----SlIuials Sari dharma..... _____ SlkM Tlrklu ,...__'____"" , , ... r--....--~-----~ Males Female, Uale3 Females Males Females Male» Fomales 22 23 24 25 20 :17 28


' ..

...... 587 ......

.. .. 296

TABLE SCT-rV PART B~RELIGiON NaJllBof Religion r- Total Buddhists S{iJ'ial Rll)'al ,...~ No. Name of Scheduled Xribe Urban ~------~-----~Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 8

PURULIA 21 parMiya Rural ·487 HO 41 Urban

22 Santa.l Rural 176,757 87,461 89,296 Urban 142 37 105 l3 Savar Rural 2,~81 1,702 479 Urban

24 Unclassified Rural .1,375 299 1,076

Urban 148 ~8 60 237


Name of Religion r------~------~ Chandobongas Chiratian~ Hindus JainB MRrangburus r---..A..-~ ,..--__, _..A..___.._ r-----"'-----, r------.,It.---~ ,-____ A ____-.." Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal&s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

DISTRICT-cont~. 446 41

72 84,549 85,927

2 2 31 103

1,702 479

299 1,076 88 50 238


Name of Relig ion ------,~------~MUslims Paharias Serial Rutal r-_J.._---, r---__"___-""-I No. Nanlt of Sebeduled Tribe Urban Males Femalu Males Females 2 18 19 20 21

l'URULIA 21 l'lIrhaly& Rural Urbaa

22 hntal Rural Urball

:13 Sivar • Rural Urball

• ltural Urban 239


Name of Religion ----""-----'"--- r------santals Saridharmas Sikhs ------~Tlrkias r--___..A._~ r---_ __.A.._----"') r--_.A.---~ r-----_A-----.._ Males Females Males Females l[ales Fem~les )[al es Females 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29

DISTRICT -concld.

2,912 3,296



THIS TABLE has been prepared on the basis of the data collected in Household Schedules canvassed in the 1961 Census and has been compiled for a 20 per cent sample drawn from total households. It shows the distribution of sample house­ holds among the Scheduled Tribes engaged in cultivation, classified by size of land and interest in land cultivated. The table is similar to the Household Economic Table B-X! for general population presented in Part III of the West Bengal Census Report. When the head of a household himself and/or any of the members of the house­ hold is engaged, even as a secondary work, in cultivation of land the household is said to be a cUltivating household. The distri­ bution by size groups shown in this table is of the cultivating or operational holdings and not of the ownership holdings. Material is presented for the State, its administrative divisions and districts for the rural areas only. The presentation is for all Scheduled Tribes as a group and not for each SchedUled Tribe individually. 8(a.) RGI/64 10 242


NO,of RouselLOldB engaged In cultivating ,... ~..., Interest in land cultivated households Less than 1 1-0.2-4 2-0.4-9 2

wEst TOTAL 45,598 4,994 15,455 13,259

Owned or held from Government 21,765 2,483 8,472 5,594 Held from private persons or Institutions for payment in money, kind or 16,122 2,421 5,688 4,779 sMre Partly held from Government and partly from Jlrivate persons for payment in 7,711 90 1,295 2,886 money, kind or share

PRESIDENCY TOTAL 17,'227 2,051 3,478 5,136

Owned or held from Governm~nt 5,609 538 1,344 1,475 Held from private persons or in!titutions for payment in money, kind or 7,472 1,486 1,744 2,267 share Partly held from GoVernment anil partly from llrivate persons for payment in 4,146 27 390 1,394 money, kind or share

DARJEELING TOTAL 1,958 357 546 441

Owned or held from Government 741 39 200 178 Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 1,050 317 332 218 share partly held from Government and partly from private persolls for payment in 167 a 45 money, kind or share

JALPAIGURI TOTAL 5,429 J,110 697 1,313

Owned or held from Government 1,355 35 149 345 Held from private persons or inltitution! for payment in money, kind or 3,746 1,075 541 916 sMre Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for'payment in 328 52 money, kind or share


Owned or held from Government 02 32 29 Reid from private person! or i D.ltitntion! for payment In money, kind or 91 2 24 48 share partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in 47 8 19 money, kind or share

WEST DINAJPUR TOTAL 3,886 87 712 1,326

Owned or held from Government 1,133 63 255 336 IJeld from private persons or ID.ltitut.ions for payment In money, kind or 1,273 16 361 536 share Partly held from Governme~ lind partly from private personl for payment in 1,480 8 Q6 454 money, kind.or IMre 243


CUltivation by size of land in acres r------~ 5'0-704 7-5-0·0 10·0-12-4 12·5-14-9 15·0-29·9 30·0-49·9 50+ unspecified,

6 10 11 12 13

BENGAL 7,006 1,909 1,357 431 804 62 32 289

2,857 730 619 207 470 43 22 268

2,290 443 315 61 92 9 17

1,859 736 423 163 242 10 3 4

DIVISION 3,735 1,068 855 252 527 38 16 71

1,126 300 325 110 286 27 13 65

1,448 246 207 23 45 2

1,161 622 323 119 196 2

DISTRICT 317 92 91 21 59 5 3 26

143 40 49 14 46 24 123 29 22 2 5 2

51 23 20 8

DISTRICT 1,487 269 317 57 154 3 13

450 90 135 30 101 12 918 123 133 12 24

119 66 49 15 29


19 2 12 1

15 4·

DISTRICT 906 350 233 93 156 13 (; 4

230 78 60 31 65 8 2 244 64 34 12

m gos p9 56 7Q 5 l 1 244


No. of Households engaged in cnltivating Interest in lan

MALDA TOTAL 2,996 78 581 1,163

Owned or hold from Government 995 62 276 308 Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 657 12 197 333 share partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in 1,344 4 108 522 money, kind or share

MURSHIDABAD TOTAL 542 51 180 185

Owned or held from Government 1~ 41 79 36 Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 179 74 74 share

Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in 169 27 75 money, kind Of Share

NADIA TOTAL 349 26 110 119

Owned or held from Government 172 19 52 44

Held from privllte persons Of institutions for payment in money, kind or 66 31 27 share Partly held from GOVernment and partly from private persons for payment in 111 27 48 money, kind or share

24-PARGANAS TOTAL 1,837 334 588 493

Owned or held from Government 927 273 301 199 Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 410 53 184 115 share Partly held from Government and partly from private perSonS for payment in 500 8 103 179 money, kind at ~Mr0

BURDIVAN TOTAL 28,371 2,943 11,977 8,123

Owned or held from Government 16,156 1,945 7,128 4,119 Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 8,650 935 3,944 2,512 share

Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in 3,56' 63 905 1,492 money, kind or share


Owned or held from Government 30 19 lIeld from private persons or institutioni for payment in money, kind or 18 2 l!lBra partly held from Government and partly from pri.ate persons for payment in 4 m~ney, kind or share 245

CLASSIFIED BY INTEREST IN LAND AND SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED IN MEMBERS OF SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. in a 20 per cent Sample of All Households) cultivation by size ofland in acres 5·O·H 7·5·9·9 10·0·12'4 12 ·5-14·9 15·0·29·9 30·0.49·9 50+ unspecified------6 8 9 10 11 12 13

DISTRICT 633 m 140 5S 99 6 3 17

163 49 49 24 41 4 16 85 17 9

385 155 82 30 55 2

DISTRICT 66 28 11 6 10

14 6 10 19 2

33 18 6

DISTRICT 51 21 11 3

29 10 9 4

20 11 2-

DISTRICT 229 80 48 16 44 4

78 25 19 , 23 2 45 5

106 47 24 10 21

DIVISION 3,271 841 502 179 277 24 16 218

1,731 . 430 294 97 184 16 9 203

842 197 108 38 47 14

698 214 100 44 46 1


1 248


No, of Hou~ehold~ engaged. in cultIvating ,- Interest in land cultivated h011seholds LeSS than 1. 1-0,2-4 2'5·4'9 2

HOOGHLY TOTAL 1,403 168 555 460

Owned or held from Government 214 53 85 37

Held from ~rivate persons or imtitutions for payment in money, kind: or 1,On 109 431 a50 share Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in 178 6 39 73 money, kind or share

BURDWAN TOTAL 2,4~ 157 850 831

Owned or held from GOI'crnmant 847 71 264 155 Held from private persons or institutions for parment in money, kind or 1,481 86 553 563 share partly held from GQvernment and partly from private persons for payment in 27R ~t 113 money, kind or share

BIRBHUM TOTAL 1,902 79 523 720

Owned or held from Government 1,033 72 422 323 Held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 454 63 230 Share Partly held from Government and partiy from private persons for ]laymen! in 415 38 167 money, kind or share

BANKURA TOTAL 5,226 326 2,338 l,615

01Vne~ or held from Government 4,300 296 1,973 1,250 Held from pri vate persons or imtitutions for payment in money, kind or 337 18 1S4 98 share Partly beld from Government and pa.rtly from private persons for payment in SS9 12 181 267 money, kind or share

MIDNAPORE TOTAL 8,161 1.131 3,397 2,229

Owned or held from Government 4,60S 784 1,922 1,101 ReId from private porsons or institutions for payment in money, kind or 1,724 360 921 348 share partly held from GOvernlllent and partly from private person! for payment in 1,829 37 548 )1'80 money, kind or Share

l'URULIA TOTAL 9,221 1,004 4,300 2,261

OWlIed or held from Government 5,32~ 650 2,456 1,249 HeJd from private person! Qr i119tit1!tions for payment in money, kind or 3,625 349 1,780 921 share Partly held from Government anti partly from private persons for pal ment in 272 :5 64 01 money kind or share 247

CLASSIFIED BY INTEREST IN LAND AND SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED IN MEMBERS OF SCHEDULED TRIBES-concld. in a 20 per cent Sample of All Housellolas) cultivation by size orland In acres r 5'0.704 705·9·9 10·0.12·4------~ 12·5.14·9 15·0·29'9 30·()"40·9 50+ Unspecified

6 8 10 11 12 13

DISTRICT 141 27 16 10 5 14

16 2 14 91 10 7 3 6 1 3

35 11 7 2

DISTRICT 307 116 39 18 15 4 68

47 25 5 5 , 64 195 54 16 6 4

65 37 16 6


362 107 4S 23 30 13

128 38 15 11 20 4 05 32 12 4

139 37 18

DISTRICT 626 139 81 37 45 18

• 406 118 74 34 41 17 31 5

99 16 6

DISTRICT 819 217 130 33 61 4 87

452 III 84 18 45 86

74 6

203 09 40 15 16

DISTRICT 1,013 235 191. 63 115 15 18

591 132 112 29 73 10 18 355 89 66 25 33

67 14 13



THIS TABLE shows, first, the distribu. tion of the members of each Scheduled Tribe by mother tongue and, again, the classification of the speakers of each mother tongue by subsidiary language. Mother tongue is language spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the person or mainly spoken in the household. Subsidiary lan­ guage is the other language, besides the mother tongue, which the person speaks and understands best and can use with felicity in communicating with others. Al­ though two subsidiary languages could be recorded in the Enumeration Schedule, at the sorting stage only the first language recorded was taken into account. Figures are given separately for each sex, down to district level.



Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Langllllge Subsidiary to the Uother Tongue Total Speakm , _____..A:._ ____, Serbl "..---..A..-_.....-~l ,,0. Nalnc of Scheduled Tribe Males Females ~[ales Females Subsidiary Language

2. Bedia 858 333

1. Bengall 858 333

3. Bhumij . 47,003 44,286 3,116 2,672

1. Adibhasha·Yunda 997 120 39S H Bengali(~[·387, F·34), EDgli~h (1[·11).

2. Bengali

39,736 38,215 232 460 Sant.Ii (U·34, F-235), Hindi (~['IOS, F-31), ~[und.ri ()1'3S, F.74), Englisll (~H2, 1',57), Karmali (F·63). oriya or-6). Pahatia (11- 4). 3. Bhumij

620 632 357 371 lIcngali(Y·335, F-172), Santali (~'.199), Hindi (U·22).

4. Bhumijali

35 34 .. Bengali (~[-30), Santali (U-4).

5. English .. HiDdi(~r·I). 1 I

O. Hindi

670 49 6 Bcngali(U·2, F·B), English (M·3).

Karmali 41 350 U .. Bengali (1t·H).

8. Kherwarl 36 i7 23 4 Bengall(U·23, ~'·4).

9. Koda/Kora 10 1 Hind! (N).

10. Kurukh{Oraon 133 95 Bengali (F·95).

11. lIahili 252


)luther Tongue and Tolal No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the }lothcr Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-__.A._~~_~ ,...----"----""\ No. Xl>m~ (If SchedUled Tribe :!.!aks ~'cml\leE Males ~'emale5 Subsidiary Language 3 6

WEST BENGAL-contll. 12. Mundari

3. Bbumij-eontd. 510 332 261 188 Bengali (lIH57, F-l84), Bnglish (M-4), Salltali(F-4).

13. Nagari-Hindi. 81 10 Bengali (11[.6,F-10).

H. Nepali

15.0riya 40 129 17 39 Bengali (M-17, F-ag).

16. Pah~ria

17. RahiY3 240 291 50 56 Bengali (M-lD, F-56), Hindi (!f.40).

18. Sadan/Sadri

397 8 ga 2 Bengali (]lI-SS), Hindi (M'5, H).

19. Santali

ra,653 3,889 1,625 1,406 Bengali (Y·1.624, F·l.40a), Oriya (~[·1).

4. Bhutia inclulling SMrp~, Toto, 112,197 11,398 5,725 4,303 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 1. Adibh~lh".Bhotia 19 7 1 Bengali (M·l), Bnglisn (N).

2. Adivasl

19 8

3, Bengali .t47 62

4. Bhotla·l1115pecilled

1,640 1,274 990 585 Nepali (1[·798, F·553), Beng~Ii(M·83" F·I), Hindi (11l-6(), F-13), Eng]jsh(~1·46, F"IS), Urdu (Mo3). 5. Bodo/Boro

274 159 50 21 Bengali (M·49, F-21), Rajbangsi (Mol).

6. Dukpa

397 643 59 41 Nepali(}I.51, F·19), Rindi (M·B, F·19), Tibetan (F.2) English (F-l). ' 7. Hindi

519 631 2 English (F·2).

8. Kagate H 38 Nepali (111-21), Hindi (M·17). 253


Mother Tongue and Total :No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r--___,Io,__...., .. ___.A.- ___~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females SulJsidiary Language

2 8 4 5

WEST BENGAL-con/d. 9. Lepcha Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 237 180 Dukpn, Kagatay, Tibetan, and yolmo-contd. 10. ~Iadhesi / 1

11. Malpaharia


12. Uech

13. Nepali

3,527 3,785 2,485 1,900 Hindi (~[-1,158, F-l,115), English (M-882, F'53I) Bengali(M·404, F-160), Sherpa(M·10, F.68),TiLetan (M·29, F·20), Dukpa (M-2). 14. Paharia


15. Pasma


10. "adan/Sadri


21 11

18. Sherpa

1,127 983 814 li39 Nepali (1\['743, F-485), Tibetan (M-17, F'S3), Hindi (1\[·27, ~'-I9), English(M-27, F-2). 19 .Sikkim Bhatia

54 87 41 65 Nepali(M·3S,F·56), Tibetan (M'5, F-l),En~liSh (}I·S) Hindi(}I-l, F·31. ' 20. Tibetian

4,152 3,551 1,247 1,149 Nepali ( 1\[·1 014,F'l,058), English(M·158,F-51),Hindi (1\[-54,F.'27), Bengali (Af-17), Urdu (F-13I, Chinese! Chini(M·Z), Tamang(}[-I), Sherpa(M-l). 21. Turi


5. Birhor • 2 SS 32

1. Bengali

42 58 32 Sa'ntali(M-32).

6. Chakma • n30 749 31 33

1. Bengali

192 2M 4 10 Urdu (F-8, orrya(M-2, F-2), Hindi (M·2). 254


1Iother Tongue and Total No. of per SOilS returned as speaking a ],anguage Sub&ldiary to the l[othcr Tota] Speakers Tongue Serial r--"""__---' --, No. Kame of Scheduled Tribe Males Females ~rales Females @ubsidiary Language 2 4 6

WEST BENGAL-conla. 2. Bhotia· UllIJpecified Chakma-:ontd. Hi IIindi(F-l) ..

B. Rindi 381 396 ,4, 15 Bengali (M-4, F-15).

4. Khusl 2 2 Eugllsh(M·2).

5. KurukhjOraon 5

6. !\[aujhi 12

7 Nepali

2~ Bengali(F-'l.

8. 8ad~nlSadri 5. 28 21 lIengali(M-2I, F-3).

7. Cbero 350 209

1. RellSal! 350 209

8. Gara 806 1,729 184 102

1. Bengali 165 203 HiDdi(nI-S, F-2), English(M-2, F-I).

2. BodojBoro 11 2 Rindi (F-2).

3. Chi nele/Chlni BeDgali(F-I).

4. Garo 84 83 55 48 Bengnli(M-49, F-48), English (~I-G).

5. Gathwall 127 87 70 19 Bengali (1lI-63, F-19), Hindi (M-6) Sadan/Sadri (1H). 6. (landi

42 33 10 llengali(M-l), Hindi (:t.r-s, F-lO).

7. Hindi

~~4 1,230 2~ l8 llengali(1lI·20, F·I'll, Sadan/Sadri(M·2. Fol). 255


Uother Tongne and Total No, of persons returned as Speaking a Language Sub~idiary to the !fother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,---''''''---'"'''1 r--~'----'""'I No. :-fame ofSchedulad tribe Uales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language

WEST BENGAL-con/d. 8. R:llOndjKondh

S, Garo-contd. 12 8 ! (~I-8).

9. Knrukh/Ornon

10, ~ral paharia

58 36 Bengali (F·1).

11. Nepali


12. Sada n/Sadrl

4~ 38 16 Bengali (~r-16J,

13. Santali

}4, Talugu


9. Gond 402 S33 2

1, Bengali

402 833 lIlndi(M·2),

10. Gorall . 352 73

1. Bengali

350 73

2. Karmali


11. Halllnz 153 273 10 2

1. Bengali 21 10 2 English (~H), Santall (~r-l).

2. Haijong/Hajong

3. Hindi

119 254 Bengali (M-4, F-2).

4.'Nepali Bengali (llH), Hindi (M -1). 256


Mother 'rongue and Total No. 0 f perl!On~ returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-~~-' ,-----'------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidi&ry Language

WEST BENGAL-contd 11. Hajang-contd. 6. SadanjSndri

8 2 " Hindi (~f·2).

6. SantaH 1

12. Ho 446 629 146

1. Bengali 149 133 2 Hindi (M·5, N).

2. Hindi 43 164 2 1 II enguli (nr ·2, F·I).

S. Ho

122 111 66 •• Munda.Unspecified ~[.(2), Hindi (ilf.!8), Bengali (U·S) English (IJ.l). ' 4. KhorthajKhotta 29 11 13 11 Bengali (M·13, F·U).

5. ~rundari 1 Bengali (F.I).

6. liepali 47 120 32 21 Hindi (1[-32, F·21).

7. Oriya

8. Punjabi 2 1 lrindl (F-l).

9. Santali 55 85 28 Bengali (1['28, F-6).

13, Karmali. 841 182 5

1. Adibhasha·Munda


2. BengalJ 657 104

3. :G:armali

la9 75 5 Ben~ali (F·4), Rindi (F·ll.

Santali 257


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers .Tongue Serial ,---_...... _--.... ,------"----.... Xo. Name_ofScheduled ~ri])e Males Females 1I1aies tFemales Subsidiary Language 2 4 6

WEST~BENGAL--conrd. 14. ltharwar 593 549 95

1. Adlbhasha·lt{nnda 116

2. Bengali 364 534

3. Kherwarl 113 3 95 .. BeOi&lI (M-9.).

4. Mundarl 12

15 26

1: Bengali 15 25 .. 2. EllncU ..

16. XlJan • a

1. Bengal!

17. Kora 32,251 29,778 7,204 6,999

1. Adibhasha-Munda. 23

2. Bengali [16,308 993 628 Rindi (M'708, F·117), Santal! (:1.1,202, F·aM), Koda! 18,236 Eora (M-47, F·41), Engli»h (31-36, F'Il), Urdu (F' I).

3. llaorl' 21


513 498 257 250 Bengali (M'257, F·250).

Ii. RindI' lin 513 79 80 Benga\! (M·79, F·gO).

6. KarmalJ 22 20 Bengall (P·20).

7. Khortha/Xhotta 235 4B 19 35 Bengal! (M·t9, F.S5).

8(a) RGI/64 17 258


Molher Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~Iuthcl Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-----'----, ,----'------.. No. N&m~ of Scheduled Tribe Males Females ~Iales Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4


l7 Kora-tQI~d. 8. KodaiKara 4,112 3,494 .2,148 1,381 Bengali (M·l,8S9, F-l,212), Hindi (}I-239, F-19), San tali (M-2, F-13:l), SadanjSadri (F·17), English (:II.13), Urdu (M-4), Assamese (M·I). 9. Kal 45 3 Bengali (M-1, F-3).

10. KUlmi 44 40 Bengali (~! -30), Hindi (U -1).

11. Kurukh/Oraon 13 41 30 Bengali (M-g, F-30).

12. Malpahoria

27 29

13. Uandi •• Hindi (M-4).

14. ~fech 4

1•. )Iunda.Unspcclfie

16. !rundarl 1.026 851 Bengali (~I-813, F-850), English (M-3) Santali (M.l 919 818 F-l), Hindi (~H). ' ,

17. Nagarl·lf!ndl" 2 Bengali (M-ll, F-2). 14 11

18. Nepali .. Bengali (M'3), Hindi (~I-2). 35 32

19. Orlya 10

20. Paharla 311 Bengali (M-125, F-311), Santali (nI-2). 238 611 127

21. Persian

22. Ralbangsi 286 Hindi (M-271, F-213), Bengali (~r·89, F-73). 1,850 1,365 360

23. Sadan/Sadri

190 as 46 16 Bengali (M-l7, F-16), :!lind I (~I-25), Kurukh/OraoQ (~H), 259


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to Ihe Molher Total Speakers r- __TongueA ___ ..... Serial , r----"""'----~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females llubsidiary Language 2 3 5 6

WEST BENGAL-contil. 24. SeulaJj

17. Kora-coneld. 5,189 5,830 2,282 2;205 Bengali (~I-2,230, F-2,178), E'iudi (~f-28, F-23), l~nglish (}1-24, }'-ll, Bhotia'Unspecified (F-ll, Mangari (F-ll, Garo (F-Il. 25. Telugu 11 Hindi (F-Il.

26. Thar

16 9 Beugali (M-9).

18. Korwa 1,422 1,469

1. Bengali 1,422 1,469 English (F-3l.

1P. Lepch. , 7,577 7,732 2,950 2,827

1. Bengali 61 74 5 2 Hindi (!I-5, F-2).

2. Chinese/Chini


3. Hindi 23

4. Khond/Kondh 17 10

5. Kurukh/Oraon 2

6_ Lepcha

3,740 4,086 2,584 2.524 Nepali (lI-2,m, F-2,451), Hindi (If-81, F-36), English (M-56, F-3l), Bengali (1\I-2, F-5), (M-l), Tamang (n-l), Tibetan (F-Il_ 7. Malpaharia 35 65

8. Nepali

3,~i3 3,,(80 348 297 Hindi (lX-183, F-IM), English (M-135, F-99), Lepcha (}I-29, F·43), Bhotia-Unspecified (}I-I), Tibetan (F-I). 9. Rherpa

~2 11 11 3 Hindi (U-ll, F-3).

10. Sikkim Bhotia 2

11, Tlb6tl1n

2 ~epall(M-2,F.l). 260


llother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a. Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r------"---, r----"'---..... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Uales Females 11ales lFemalea Subsidiary Lanb'Uage 2 4 -6

WEST BENGAL-con/d. 20. Lodha, Kherla or Khari. 20,302 20,596 2,198 j [1,613

I, Adlbhasba-Yunda 98 45 • • BeIliall (M·45).

2. Bengal! 7,083 7,151 S9 169 RInd! (M-23, N08), SadanjSadrl (NO), Santali (1f·12, F-9), English (M-S, F-2), Orlya (M-1)_

3. Hindi 1,080 1,320 209 138 Benga]! (M-l?3, F-115), Sadan/Sadrl (M-SS F-19) Urdn, (U-S), Nepali (F-2j, English (F-1) Kurukhi Oraon (F-1). ' 4. KhAira 985 8,382 9,941 1,~59 lIind! (U-1,l0l, F-543), Bengali (A[·538 F.201) Sadnn/Sadri (M-193, F·185), RajbangS! (M-2s' F·54), Kurukh/Oraon (M·2, F·2). ' 5. Khar!a 92 116 1M 55 llengali (M·55, F·92).

6. Khorth~/Khotta

? XOllwar o

8. Xurukh/Oraon 50 SO 8 8 Bellgall (M·8, F-8).

I). LOdha

10. JlIech

11. lladhesi 19 87 •. Bengali (If-4), Hindi (1I-2).

12. Munda'Unspeclfied

18. Mundul 3

14. Nagesla

.. Bengall (TIf.l)

15. Nepali 37 23 261


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,--__.A.,-.....:._ __ , r-----.A---.... ~ No. Mame of ScheduJOO TrilJe 1L.le8 Females Males Fewalu SubsidiarY La~guagc 2 3 4

WEST BENGAL-cOntd, 20. Lodha, Kheda w1Kharia 16.0riya -contd. 47 76 Hindi (N).

17. Rabha 1,020

18. Sadan/Sadri

1,9~2 846 496 64 Hindi (M·386, F·12), Bengali (11-99, F·52), English (11-9), Nepali (M-l).

19' Santali 330 288 81 157 Bengali (M.81, F-lS7).

20. Snnwar

21. Tamang 78

22. Telugu

21. Lo118ra or Lahra • 1,836 196

1. Beniali 1,836 196

22. Magh 498 292 40 12

1. Bengali 121 137 2 Hindl(:r.r.l), Nepali (M-1).

2. Hindi 166 40 2 9 Bengali(M.1.F.9), Nepali(M.1).

3. Madhesl 2

4. Mal:ahi/Magadhi 4

5. ManJhi 129 60 33 Hindi (M·16, F·3l. Munda·unspecified (M-lD), Bengali (M-I), Nepali (M.1).

6. ~rarathi


}[other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary t3 the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---.A.---, ,-----...... ___._"" No. Name of Scheduled Tribe !Iales Females Males - Females SUbsidiary Langunge 4 6


22. 11a~h--contd. 8. Nepali

9. Oriya 54

10. Sadan/Sadri

6 "

11. Bautal! 11 20 Bengl'\li(M-l).

12. 'l'elugll 11

23, Mabali 13,904 14,329 3,615 2.347

1. Adibhaslla-!Innda

2. Bengali 3,495 5,822 396 182 Santali(~I-233.,F-106), Hindi (}I-62 F-69), PerElan (F-5~, ArabIc/Arabi (.1-1), English (F-I), eadan/ Sadn(F.1). 3, Bodo/Boro 2,206 2,168 923 204 Bengali (lII·685, F-168), Hindi (M-170, F-S6), English (M·34), Sadan/Sadri (bI-20), Nepali (M-13), A£sa­ mese (M-l). 4. Garo

5, mndl 1,517 902 283 194 Bengali(M-234, F·193), Nepali (M-49, F-I).

6. Khortha/Khotta 4 3 Bengali(~f-3). , 7, Kurukh/Oraon 43 38 11 2 Bengali(~1-9, F.2), Hindi (11.2).

8. Lohari -1runda

9. Madhesl 71 54 Hindi(}I-l). 10_ Uahili

2,5 14 1,499 699 301 Bengali (M.506, F-228), Hindi (M-133 F-Bl) :Raj· ban~si (}[-4,F- 29), ~antali (M.15, F:U), Nepilli (M-15), Sadan/Sadrl (M·H, F.l), Manda-Un­ specified (M· 7), English (Y·4, F-1), Assamese (M-I)_ 11. Malpaharla TABLE ST-I-MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

lIIother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue serial ,--__,1..- __, r-----A---..., No. Name of Schoduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary LangUage

4 5 9

WEST BENGAL-cojJtd. 23. Mahalt-conld. 12.lIIunda·Unspecilled 2 2 Bengali (M.2).

13. Mundarl 26 12 Bengali(F·12).

14. Nagarl·Hindl

15. Nepali 102 80 18 Hindi (M·18,lI·6).

16. Oriya 22 48 Bengali (F.2), Santali (P.I).

17. Persian 11 2 11 Bengali (lI.2, F·ll).

18. Sadan/Sadri

1,620 984 B85 60 Hindi (M·276, F·BI), Brrgali(M·108, r·~f) English (M·l). ' 19. Santall 2,252 2,594 991 1,372 Jlengali (M·977, F.l.B35), Sndan/Sadri (F.26) Oriya (M·12, F·l), Hindi (1I·2.F·IO). ' 20. Sunwar 3 8

21. TelllEu 4

22. Up.bhasha

24. Mahll 2,641 2,434 28 117

1. Adibhasha·Munda 15 49 26 Beng.li(F·26).

2. Jlengali

2,520 2,108 13 Hindi (M·IO, F.3), Santali (M·3).

3. Hindi 2 93 Bengali (M.l).

4. Santali

104 181 14 88 Bengali (M.12,F.88). Hindi (M·2). 264


Mather Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as Speaking a Langnage Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---~_"" No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males FemateD 2 4 5

WEST BENGAL-contd. 25. !fal Pahariya • 8,491 7,215 1,444 1.028

1. Asuri 17 7

2. Bengali 3,811 3,892 168 200 Hindi (M-I07. F-165), Arabic/Arabi (M-25 ~'-18), Santali (M-17, F-17), English (M-16), Mech (M-I), Mal~aharia (M-1), Oriya (M-l), 3. Bhatia-Unspecified .. Nepali (M·1) •

4. Hindj

891 194 81 Bengali (M·m, F.~I), Nepali (M·5).

5. Ho

Q liharia 2 1 Bengllii (F·!).

7. Klllukh/Oraoll

115 69 27 1 nengali(~r-27). Hindi (F.1),

8. Lohari. Mal paharla 10 17

9, lIIadhesi 3 2

10. }Ialgiri

5 4 Hindi (M-3).

II, Malpabaria

2,438 L2,002 624 453 Bengali (M-465, F-302), Hindi (:IiI·U3 F·I04) Bar.­ tali (M-S, F·39). Sadan/Sadri (}1-9: F-4) Nepali (M.3. F-3), English (M-l), Madhesi (F·1) •• 12. Mundari 28 6 6 .. Bengali(JII·6),

13. Nagari·Hlndl

14, Nagball.'lbi

15. Nepali

57 49 10 14 Hindi (M·5, F·10), Bellg~1I (1II-5.F.(),

16. Orlya 265


~[other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as !!peaking a J.anguage Subsidiary to the Mother Total SJleakers Tongue Serial r-_____"___--"'\ -"------, No. Name Qf ~cheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females SubSidiary Language

2 3 6

WEST BENGAL-contd. 17. Paharia 25. Mal Pahariya-cOIItd; 443 285 182 143 Bengali (M-182, F·143).

18. Sadan/Sadrl 179 157 Hindi (M-I), Nepali (F· 1).

19. Santali 463 311 227 134 Bengali (M·216, F·134), Hindi (M·~), Arabic/Arabi (M.2), Assamese (.If-2), Nepali (M-2), English (M·l). 20. Sherpa 9

21. Tamang 72 Hindi(M-l).

26. Mech 7,398 6,517 2,510 794

1. AasameM Bengali (M -1).

2. Bengali 1,4 26 2,108 233 63 Hindi (lII-116, F-59), English (M·103), S~dan/Sadrl (M-15), Santali (N). 3. Bodo/Boro 288 121 lOa 8 Bengali (M·I04, F-S), Rajbangsi (M·4)

4. English 10

6. Hindi 39 25 Bengali (M-G, F-ll.

6, Mech

5,546 4,1 95 2,155 719 Bengali (M·I,80G. F·666). Hindi (M·21S. P·32) Rajbangsi (M·34. F·58), Sadan/Sadri (M-17. F.60); English (M-47, F'3), Nepali (M·27), Persian (M.6). 7. Nepali 20 2 Bengali (M-2).

8 . RajbangBi 2 MOcb (M-I).

9. Sadan/Sadri 14 2

10. Baibya 39 - 11.8antall 64 4- Ben,all (M-f, F-2), Hindi (F-l). 266


}Iolher Tongue and Total Nd. of persons returned as speaking a Language Snbsidiary 10 the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Setial .--'-----'-_.____..., r--_____.J.._------, NO. Name of Schllduled Tribe Nales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 5


27. ~Trn 654 8~3 64 26

L BeugaU

369 417 4 Hindi (F.B), Santali (M.4), Urdu (F· 1).

2. Hindi 182 263

3. Kurukh/Oraon 4 2 Bengali (F·2).

4. Mru

39 9 26 Beng~lI (M·26).

5, ltIundarl

6. Nepali 61 12 31 Bengali (M ·14), Hilidi (11 ·12), English (1.,1·5).

7. Sanlali 3 61 17 Bengali (11·3, F·17).

28. Munda • 78,516 81,729 12,851 9,161

1. Adlbhash.·Munda 20B MO 69 601 Bengali (11·69, F·60t).

2. Bengali

29,076 81,166 682 532 Hindi (~I·502, F·391), English (M·SO, F·SO), Nagari· Hindi (M·43, F~10), Sanlali (lIH, F·SS), Ne\:ali (M·24), Mundari (M·19), Rabha (F·13), Kuru hi Oraon (M·5), Oriya (M.4),lfunds·Unspecifted (M.l). 3, Bhojpuri

2 Hindi (M·2).

4. Bhulya/Bhuyan·Oriya 2

5. English


6. Rlndl

3,009 1,8?' 747 474 Bengali (~I·614, F·433), SadanjSadri (!!-4l, F·3SI), English (~I·60), Kurukh/OraOn (M·IS, F·8), Nepali (M·ll), Santali(M'3), 7. Karmali 20 Bengali (M·15), Hindi (M·5).

8. Khaira


Mother Tongue and Total No. of per suns rerurned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total S]leakers Tongue Serial ,----"'-_, ,----__.)0. __- ___"'1 No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Ma,les Females Males Females Suhsidiary 1aneiIage 2 3 6

WEST BENGAL-contd. 28. Munda-contd. 9. KhOrlha/Khotta 4 Bengali (F·2).

10. Kisan·Kurukh/Oraon 11 8 11 Rindi (~[-11).

11. KDI Bengali (:M-1).

12. KlU'ukhlOraon

1.643 1,779 38 70 Hindi (M-2. F-50), Bengali (y·36). SadRn/Sadri (F'17), Santali (F·3). 13. Lepcha 320 292 6 3 Hindi (M-4, F-3), Nepali (M-2).

H. Madhesi 2,009 1,560 401 251 Bengali (M-220, F-171), Hindi (M-IS0 F.76) Nepali (1I1-1,F-4). ' , 15. Malpaharia 603 29 5 Hindi (11-4), Bengali (M-l).

16. Marathi

17. Munda-Unspecified 24,758 22,006 4,942 2,673 Hindi (M·2,966, F·1,676), Bengali (M·1,B38 F-823) Sad"nlsadri (M-253, F-151), RajbRng~i (M-n' F·20), Nepali (M-36, F-2), English (M-5 F.l)' Orlya (U-2), Assammese (M-1). " 18. Mundarl

11,286 16,427 4,289 3,517 Bengali (M-4,054, F-3,402), Hindi (M-205 F. 591 Santali (~1-5, F-46), English (M·22, F·l) Karma i Ci?·9) , Oriya (~[-3). ' 19. Naga-Unspecifted 36 131 88 Bengali (F-88).

20. Nagari-Hindi 239 167 47 53 Bengali (1[·47, F·53).

21. Nagesia 18

22. Nepali 74 12 Bengall (){-12).

23. Newarl 40 24

24. Oriya 71 121 29 Bengali (Y-2, F-24), Hindi (F-5). 268


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofpenmns returned a8 speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~rother Total Speakers ,---___.._____._,Tongue Serial r---_.-A._---, Natne of Scheduled Tribe lfales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language No. , 2 4 5

WEST BENGilr-contd. 25, raharia 28. Munda-coneld. 159 122 86 84 Bengali (11'Bli, F·84),Irindi(M·l).

26. Persian 32 63

27. Rahiya 235 145 BengaJi (11·145).

28. Sadan/Sadri 1,946 62? 475 153 Bengali (M'359, F·153), RlUdi (M·llO), Nepali (M'5) , Rajbangsi (M·l). 29. Santall 2,678 4,668 870 619 Bengali (M.778. F·596). Oriya (lI·57). Hindi (ll.13, F·21), Sadan/Sadri (M·14, F·l), English (M.7 F·Il, Kurukh!arllOn (M·1l. • SO. Sindili

31. Tamil 41

32. Talugu 11 16 12 Hindi (F-12) , EngliSh (M·l).

3S. UrdU 7 D

29. Nagesia • 2,684 2,291 451 285

1. Adibhash~· Nagel!a 2

2. Bengali

408 445 25 100 Hindi (~{.20, F·701, Sadan/Sadri (1'·27), EngliSh (M·S, N), Santali (M·2). 3. Gurmukhi 3

4. Hind!

~S2 m 22 6 Bengali (M·15, ]'·6), Nepali (M·7).

5. Xurukb/Oraon 2G 11 2 Hindi (M·2).

6. MMbe11 61 35 26 Hindi (M-SO, F·24), BIDiali (M-5, F.2) 269


Mother Tongue and Total No, of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakero Tongue Serial r--..... _ __...., r---_..... ___..." No, Name of Scheduled Tribe Mole! t'emales Males Females Subsidiary Language 1 3


29, NagEsia-cont~, 7, Malpahilri8 1 1, Rindl (N).

8, Mech 2

9, Mnnds. Unspeclfted

10. JfuMari 1

11, Nagesia

836 594 17Q 43 Hindi (M-S6, F-39), Bengall (M-M, F-4), Tlll"i (~f-15), Perllian (M-l3), EngliSh (A(-7), Nepali (M-2), 12, Nepali S97 440 118 101 Hindi (M-1l8. F-95), Bengali (F-O),

13. Orly. 1 e

H, Badaa/Badrl 810 178 74 8 Rlndl (M.40, iI.S), Bengali (M.SS), English (M·l).

15, Santali 189 138

16, Sunwar

30, OraoD 156.292 141,102 85.63B 24.335

1. Adibha~ha-R:urukh/Graon

986 1,115 235 297 Bengali (~f-183, F-290), Hindi (M-26, F-7), Nepali (~1-19), English (14-7), 2, Bengali 26,264 24,215 816 369 Hindi (M-408, F-21O), Santali (M-19S, F-21), English (~{-1{i8, F-39), Nagari-lrlndi (lI-16,F- 67) KUl'Un/ Oraon (M-S5, F-32), Arabic/Arabi (M-1). 3. Dhangri

2 Bengali (F-2),

4, Gurung 1 Rindl (F.1),

5, Rindl

8,949 3,606 690 404 Bengali (M·569, F.302), Nepali (~[.61,F.98), English (M·55), Sadan/Sadrl (M-S, F-3), Oriya (III-I, F-I), Tamang (M-l), 6. Karmali 27 270


Mathe! Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~!other Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,.------"---, r------"------, No. Name of Scheduled Triba Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 1 4 6

WEST BENGAL-conld. 30. Oraon--comd. 7 • Karumkhatan 1

8. Khaira 1

9. Khortha/Kholta 55 101 35 73 Bengali m·29, F.72). Hindi (~[.6, F.l).

10, Kurukh/Oraon 106,224 96,451 32,059 21,867 ,Bengali (l[.15.813 , F.11.252), Hindi (M·14,385, F· 9,126), Sadan/Sadri (M·1,095, F.1,B12), Nepali eM· 417, F'45), Assamese (~[·130), Ra,jbangsi (M'115, F.83), English (M·82, F·8), S~ntali (M·19. F·1B), Madhesi (F·28), Bodo/Boro (}[·2), Khaha (M·1), 11. Lohari.Khurukh/Oraon 345 362 68 66 Bengali (M·48, F·34), lrindi (M·20, F·32).

12. Madhesi 242 331 40 29 Bangali(M·3I,F.12), Hindi (1f·9, F.17).

13. Maithili 6 6 Hindi (M·6).

14. lI[alpaharia 596 ,863 229 56 Rindi (M.IS1, F·55), Bengali (M·H, F·I). Rajbangsl (M·1). 15. Mech 15 845 Bengali (M·2).

16. Mit~

17. Uunds·Unspecified 2 Bengali ()t·2).

18. ~rundari 93 28 19 Bengali (U.15), lIindi (M·3), Santali (M·l).

19, :lvlumri 2 Rindl (M·2)

20. Nagari ·Jrjndi 116 141 66 26 Bengali (M·68. F.26).

21. Nagesia 20 10

22. Neliali 290 193 39 10 Bengali (U.16, F·8). lJindi (:rvr.19, F·2). English (M·4), 271


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Langnage Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers TongUe Serial ,-~----~ ,--- ""---...... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females 1!ales Females Subsidiary Language 2 5 6

WEST BENGAL---cOntd. 23.0riYa 30. Oraon-Ctlncld. 71 17 33 Bengali (M·17, F·3S).

24. Pel"llian 2 28

25. Rajbangsi 3

26. Sadan/Sadri 3.289 9,944 185 192 Bengali (M-I03, F-122),lIindi (lQ-78 F.70) Kurukh/ Oraan (M-B) •.English (M.1).' ,

27. Santali 8,614 3,282 1,128 910 Bengali (111-483, F-529), Hindi (M'582, F-SSI), Nepali (M-43), ~1unda- Unspecified (111·13), English (111-5), 1I1undari(M-2). 28. Sunwa~ 37

29. Tamil 4

30. TeJugu 13

31. Parhalya 446 41

1. Bengali 446 41

32. Rabha • 2,673 3,380 1,265 201

1. Assamese

2. Bengali 386 231 2 •• Hindi (111·2).

3. Garhwali 12 1 .. Bengali (M·I).

4. Hindi 32 13 4 .. Sadan/Sadri (M-8), Bengali (M-l).

5. Kurukh/Oraon 6 2 .. Bengali (~I·l) Hindi (M-1).

6. Marwari 2 272


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofpersonsrelurned ai speaking a I.anguage Subsidiary to the IIfother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r----.A..___ -. r-----"'-----, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Femalea Subsidiary Language 2 5 a WEST nENGAL-cQntd.

32. R.bba--

8. Paharla 81 32 28 6 Bengal! (M·lS, F·I), Nepali (M·lO), Hindi (M·5, N). 9. Rabha 2,129 2,908 1,225 195 Bengall (M·I,OS3, l!'·171);H1ndl (Y.68, P·22), Nepali (M·73), Sadan/Sadri (F-2),llajbangsl eM·l). 10. a.dan/Sadri

11. Sanhll 8 13 HIndi (M·2), Bengal! (F·1).

12. Tamil

k 83, Santal 605,649 594,370 239,442 216,275

1, Adlbhaeha·1I[unda '.191 6,672 2,000 8.85Q Bengali (Y·2,OOO, F·8,S50). 2. Assameso 10 ... Bengali (M·5) .

3. Bengali 47,009 56,088 2,098 1,931 SantAli (M·l,022, F'1,763), Hindt (lIf·627, F·144), English (M.284, F·29), Assamese (M·HS), French (M·B), OriYa (M·l, F·4), Sadon/ Sadri (111-2, F·1), Arabic/Arabi (M.2), Kurukh/Or.on (l[·l), 'Nagari·Hindi (Y·l), Pahari. (Y·l), Tamil (M·l). 4. Dehart 10 2 9 Bengali (M·2, F·9).

5. English Hindi (F·ll.

6. Ifindl

1,429 1,058 237 194 Bengali (M·tS7, F.186), Sadan/Sndri (M· 40 , F·4), Bantali (M·6, F·Il, Nepali (M·1, F·3), English (M·S). 7. Karmali

6,7ti ~,851 2,779 1,804 Bengal! (M·2,75l, F·1,696), Hindi (1\1·24, F·lOS), English (M·4).

8. Khortha/Khotta

2 2 2 Bengali (~I·2l.

9. Koda/Kora 43 43 BengaU m·9, F·(3). 273


Uother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SubsidiarY to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue .-----J--.----, r----"---__"''\ Serial Name of Scheduled 'fribe ~rales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language No. 4 5 WEST BENGAL-contd.

33. Santal-conta. 10. Kol 2 Santali (11·2).

11. KurukhjOraon 5,210 2,577 2 24 lIindl (M·2, F·I6), Bengali (F·S}

12. Lohari·Munda 75

13, Madhesi 38 3 Bengali (M·2), lIind! (M·I).

14, Mahili 4 8 Bengali (M·I), Santali (F·Il.

15. Mech 1

16. Mirdha·KodajKora

37 17 31 17 Bengali (M·3I, F·I7),

17. Mundari

25 213 13 Bengali (M·13).

18. Naga.UnspecU\ed 233 93 63 45 Bengali (M'59, F·45), Hindi (M·4).

19. Nepali 261 31 :I Bengali m·2), Hindi ()I'J).

20. Driya 162 120 32 10 Bengali (M·g1, F·10), Sanlall (M·I).

21. Paharla 42 35 31 20 Bengali (M'30, F·6), lIindi (~I·I, F.!4).

22. PersiRn

23. Rabha 41

24. RahlYa

12 251 12 151 Bengali (~r·1Z, F·1S1).

25. SadanjSadri 256 l10 l()S 10 Bengali (][·62, F·9), Hindi 0f.46, Fol). 8(a) RGf{64 18 274


Mother Tongue and Total No. of personsrelurned as speaking a language SUbsidiary 10 the ~Iother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,---__"___", r---,._i\._---~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Uales Females Subsidiary Language 2 5

WEST BENGAL-eonta. 33. SantaI-concla. 26. SaibYa 10

27. Santali 539,860 522,101 232,008 208,165 Bengali (M·227,446, F'206,045), Hindi (M'3,m, F·l,823), English (Jr-764, F·65), 8adan/Badri (~1·187, F·12D), Driya (M·71, F·73), Urdu (nf·56, F·4), Nepali (F.ll), Karmali (~I-l, F·7), Bhotia,Unspeclfled (F·O), Dogri (M·3), Limbu (F·2), Tamang (F·2), French (:11[·1), Mundali (F·I). 28. Telugu s Bengali (ll·1).

29. Turi

30. Upabbasha 19

31. Urdu

34. SOJria Paharia 20 4 14

1. Pabaria 20 14 Bengali (F·U).

2. Santali

Rindi (lJ:.4).!

35. Savar 1,702 470 123

1. Adibhasha-Munda

2. Bengai! 1,537 465

3. Santali 159 1·4 123 Bengali (U·ll3), English (M·B), Hindi (M·2).

36. Unclassified 33,509 B5.414 9,522 6,687

1. Adibhasha

1,397 3,410 482 785 Bengali (M·423, F·767), Rindi (M'57, F·18), :English (1f-2), 2. Asuri 107 1°0 22 Bengali (1[,22).

3. Barlk 105 275


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons retur ned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r--...... ~--~ r--___"'_--'" Nu. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females ~Ialcs Females Subsidiary Language 5

WEST BENGAL-oontd. 4. Bengali

12,235 15,348 2,044 072 Hindi (M-l,488, F-660), Santali (M-364, F-207), English (U-152, F-67), Badan/Sadri (F-Eo), Yunderi (M-25), Malpr.haria (M-5, F-I), oriya (M-4, F-2), Urdu (lrl-3), AdibhaB),. (M-I), Arabic/Arabi (M-l), Nepali (M-1). 5. Beriya

6. Bhagat 30

7 Bhill

8. Bhotia.Unspecified 235 16 4 English (M-l, F-2), Hindi (F-2),

9. Bhumlj 20

la, Birjia!Brijia/Binjhia 29 45 13 11 Hindi(1rI-13, F-U).

11. Bodo/Boro ee8 17 6 Bengali (1f-13), Hindi (F-5), English (U-4).

12, Dhangri 35 46 Bengali(M-6, F-4),

13. Gujarati 1

14, Hindi 3,590 2,887 434 205 Bengali (~[-39l, F-199), Sadan/Saderi (M-18), English (hI-9), Nepali (M'3, F·4), Urdu (M-l, F-2), l\:urukh/Oraon(M-2), 15. Ho

1 English (U-1).

16. Kharia 217 328 58 37 Hindi (M-42. F-24), Bengali (lJ-1l, F-5), Sadan / Sadri (M'5, FoG), English (F-2). 17. Kherwari 8

18. KMtthalKhotta

53 50 14 Bengali (M'H, F·l),

H. Kisan-Kurukh/Oraon

31 52 Bengali (11I-4, F-6}, Hindi CMoS), 276


1I!other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary ~o the MD ther To tal Speakers Tongue Serial r-----A.--~ r-~-----"-----, No. Nameof scheduled Tribe !fales Females Males Female$ 3

WEST BENGAL-contd. SB. lJnclassifted-contd. 20. Koch

21. Koda/Kora 26 72 26· Bengali CM·26).

22. Kol 10 10 Bengali (M'S, F-B).

23. Kurukh/Oraon

439 622 165 129 Bengali (M-152, F-l2i), Rindl (M.B. Fool, ~ngl!sh (},H), Sant.Ii PH). 24. Lama


25. Lohari

53 63 10 6 Bengali (M'lO, F·G).

26. Madhes!

1,321 646 794 129 Bengali (~[·788, F·64), Hindi (M·52, 1f.57). Nepali (U·'. ~'·8). 27. Madras!

28. !IahU!

274 62 102 12 Bengali (tI'102, F·U), Santali (]'·ll.

29. MaJpaharia

644 658 97 32 English (~f'74), Bengali (M·22. F'82), French (M·I).

30. ~lanjhi

7 6 Bengali (F·6).

31. Mirdha·Koda/Kora 22 22 Bengali (F·22).

82. Munda·U nspecified

1,449 ll,176 l1,150 811 Bengali (M'58B, F'200), Hindi (111'278 F.386) Sadan/Sadri (M'192, F'108), English (nr-90' F'40), Rajbangsi (M·I, ]"15), Ori),' (]f-] , F'I), Malpahf.ria (F·l), Nepali (M'l), l'ersiar{ (M·l). 33. Mundar!

287 234 122 ~O Bengali (M-lOI, F'82), English (M'lo, F'I) Hindi (M'~' ],·6), Sanskrit (M-2), Santali (1.1) .• ' 34. Nagari'Hindi 41

35. NUibanshi

l p' '.477


Mother Tongue and Total lio. Of personS returned as spraking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r------~-__ ...... f~ ___.A. ____ .... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females SubSidiary Lang uage 2 5

WEST BENGAL-concltt. 26. Unclassifted-concld. 36. Nepali

620 790 385 52 Bengali (~I·203, F-16), 11iDdi (U'182, F-32), Burmese (F'2), English (F-2). 87. Oriya

509 175 190 8S Hindi (M'109, F·55), Bengali or·76, F-28), Nepali (M·5). 88. Pahari.

60 . 88 28 29 Bengali (M'28, F-29).

a9. PerSian


41. Sadan/Sadr

519 112 145 49 Hindi (M'S6, F'35), Bengali (M'52, F·U), Nepali (U'6), English (M·l). 42. Santali 7,413 7,219 2,996 3,082 Bengali (~r'2,9S3, F·S,046), Hindi (M-48, F·U), English (M-6, F'15), Sadan(Sadri (M'9, F·l) Oriya (F-4), Urdu (F·I), .ArabiC/Arabi (F.I). 48. Savara 541 161 99 Hindi (M'121, F·87), Bengali (M,Sl, F-6), Sadan Sadri (M'9, F·6). 44. SikkiDl Bhotia 7 Nepali (M'6), Hindi (M·l).

45. Sunwar

78 17 6 Hi ndi(M'10, F-3), Sadan/Sadri (~I·6, F·3), Bengali (~l-l) 46. Tamil

47. Telegu 85 80

48. Thar

49. Tibetan , 48 29 17 Hindi (~r-]O), Nepali (M·o), Bengali (M.l), Enl:1ish (M·l).

50. Upabhalha

248 218 Bengali (1I-3).

51. Urdn


lIother Tongue and Tota! No. of persons returned as speaking. Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue A Serial r------, r----~,-----, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females 8 ubsidiary Language 6


ALL SCIIEDULED TRlBES 466,419 438,459 123,445 89,619

1. Bhuruij . .. - . 8.998 fi,339 285

1. Bengali l 7,536 4,518 47 58 English (M-6. F-55). Hindi (M·27 F-3) Santali (1[-10), Paharl. (M-4). " 2. Bhundj

52 62 22 Hindi (M-22).

3. Hindi 539 6 Bengali (F-6).

4. Kurukh/Oraon 8 133 95 Bengali (F·95).

6. Mahili

6. Mundari

32 58 16 Bengali (M-58. F-16).

7. Nagari -Hi ndi B1 10 Bengali (M-6. F-I0).

8. Nepali

9. Oriya

10. Paharia

11. Rahlya

240 291 fiO 56 Bengali (])f'lO, F-56), Hindi (M-40).

12. Sadan/Sadrl 397 93 2 Bengaii(lI-B8),1rindi (M-5, F-2),

13. Santali

110 217 9 2 Bengali (M-9, F-2).

2, Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 12.157 11,390 '5,724 4,301 DukPtl, Kagatay, Tibetan and l'olmo 1. Adibhasha-Bhotia

l~ 1 Bengali (M-l), English (F-l). 279


~[other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ]\fother Total Speakers Tongue r---___.A.. ___..., Serial r-----"'------..., No. Name ofSchednled Trib~ 11ales Females 1Iales Females Subsidiary Language 4 5

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-contd. 2. Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagat'ay, Tibetan, 2. AdjYasj and Yolmo-contd. 19

3. Bengali

136 00

4. Bhotia'Unspecified

1,639 1,274 989 585 Nepali (!I-797, F-5D3), Bengali (!I-S3, F-Il, Hindi (!I-50, F.13), English (M-46, F-lS) Urdu (hI-S), 5, Bodo/Boro

159 50 21 Bengali (!I-49, F·2l), Rajbangsi (11·1).

6. Dukpa

397 643 59 41 Nepali (M-Sl, F.IO), Hindi (M·8, F-19,), Tibetan (F-2), English (F-l). 7. Irindi

511 627

8, Kagate

38 Nepali (1I-21), Hindi m-17).

9. Lepcha

237 180

10. )Iadhesi

11. Malpaharia

12. Mech

13. Nepali

3,527 3,785 2,485 1,900 Hindi m·l,158, F·I.1l5), English (1[-882, F-531), llengali (M-404, F-166), Sherpa (M-lO. F-6S). Tibetan (M ·29, F-20), Dukpa (M-2i H. Paharia

15. Pasma 10

16. Sadan/~adri

17. Santali 1 9 ., 280


Mother Tongueand Total No. of persons returned as speaking ft L:tuguage Subsidiary at the ;Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r--___..A. ___--. ,-____..A. _____, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe lII.les Females Males Females Subsilliary Language 2 4 5 6

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-cOntd. 2. B)lntia inC/niling Sherpa. Toto, 18, Sherpa Dukpa. Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolrno-conc/d. 1,127 ga3 814 S3g Nepali (lIr-743, F-485), Tibetan (M-17, F-33), Hindi (M-27, F-19), English (.111-27, F-2).

19. Sikkim llhotia 54 87 41 65 Nepali (M-S5, F-5G), Tibetan (nr-S, F-l), English (F-G), Hindi (M-l, F-3). 20. Tibetan 4.152 8,551 1,247 l,i'49 Nepali (111-1,014, F-l,058), English (M-15S, F·G1), Hindi (lIf-54, F-27), Bengali (11-17), Urdu (F-1S), Chinese/Chilli (M-2), Sherpa (M-l), Tamang (M.1). 21. Turi 11

3. Chakma . 476 514 27 23

1. Bengali

40 29 2 Hindi (M-2)

2. Bhatia-Unspecified 15 Rindi (F-I).

3. !findi 381 396 4 15 BengaJi (M-4, F.1S).

• 4, Kurulih/ Oraon 5

5. ManJhl 12

6. Nepali 29 4 Bengali (F-4),

7. Sadan/Sadrl 28 21 3 Bengali (M'2I, F-3).

4. Garo 729 1,723 175 102

1. Bengali 102 197 3 lIindi (1!-2, F-2), Ji1nglish (M-1, F-1).

2. Bodo/Baro 3 11 2 Hindi (F·2).

3. Cblnese/Chini 4 Bengall (F·1). 2S1


~{other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as Speaking a Language Subsidiary to thO Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,--..... 4---, r-___.A. ____ -, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 6

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-contd. 4. Garo-contd. 4. Garhwali 125 87 70 19 Bengali (M·63, F·19), Hindi (M·6), Sadan/Sadri (1<1-1). 5. Garo 79 83 50 48 Bengali (M·49, F·48), English (M·l).

6. Goudi

42 33 6 10 Bengali (~I-l), Rindi (M'5, F·lO).

7. Hiudi 262 1,230 22 18 Bengali (h[·20, F·17),Sadan/Sadti (M·2, F-l).

8. KhondlKondh 12 8 •• Nepali (M·8).

9. Kurukh/OraoD 2

10. Malpaharia 58 86 1 Bengali (F· 1).

11. Nepali 3

12. Sadan/Sadri i2 35 16 .. Bengali (M-16).

13. Santali 1 2

5. Halang 144 265 9 2

1. Bengali 12 10 1 ... English (M·I).

2. lIaijougjJIajong 3 2 ..,

3. Rindi 119 246 4 2 Bengali C!\I·t, F·2).

4. Nepali

5 2 Bengali (~I-l), Hindi (M ·1).

5. SadanjSadri 2 .. lIindi(M-2).

6. Santali 282


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Lwguagc Subsidiary to the }1other Total Speakers Tongue , ___..A.. ____ r--___..A. _____. Serial 1 No. Name of Sche

2 3 5


6. IIo 18& 320 94 21

1. Bengali

15 23 Hindi(~I-5).

2. JIiodi

38 4

3. Ho 88 94 60 .. 1findi (M'lS), Munda·UnSpecilled (10£-42).

4. Nepali

43 120 29 21 Hindi(M-29 F-21).

5. Ori),a

6. Salltaa 79

7. Karmali. 6

1. Santali

8. Kora 6,349 6,424 2,177 1,868

1. Bengali

2,148 1,002 558 126 Hindi (111-532, F-9S), SantaJi (M-25, F·27). Englisb (l1I-l). Urdu (F-l).

2. Irindl

251 269 56 44 Bengali (Y·56, F-44).

3. Khortha/Khotta 235 48 19 35 Bengali(M-19, F-35)"

4. Roda/Kora SOD 489 108 102 Bengali (M-97, F-BS), lfindi (N-6, F-17), Sad4njS3dri (F-17), Urdu (1[-4), Asgamese(M-I). 5. Kol 45 Bengali(F·3).

6. Kurmi

2 2 Bengnli(~I·I). JIindi (M-I).

7. Kurukh/Ouon 4

8. Malpaharia 27 29 283


~Iother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the lIother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r~--_.A.---~",\ r----.A.---~--...... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Fern.les Subsidiary Language 1 2 3 4

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-contd. 8, Kora-eQntd, 9, Uech

3 4

10. ~lundari

855 903 80~ 811 Bengali (~I-800, F-810), :English (M-S), SantulJ (M-I. F-l). 11. Nepali

30 32

12. Paharia

238 611 127 311 Bengali (M-125, F-S11), Santuli (!l-2).

13. I'ersian


14. Rujbangsi

1,8VO 1,365 360 286 Rindi (lr-271, F-213), llengali (~r-B9, F-73).

Ui. Sadan/Sadri 190 88 46 16 Bengali (U·17, F-16), Hindi (U·Z5), Kurukh!Oraon (lH),

16, Santali

212 036 97 134 Bellgali• (~{-97, F-1l6), Rindi (F·15), Bhotia-Unspeci- fied (]'-1), Garo (F-1),Mangari (F-1).

9. Lapcha, 7,572 7,721 2,950 2,827

1. BcngaJ~ 61 63 2 Hindi (M-S, F-2).

2, Chinese/Chini


3, Hindi


4. RhondlKondh

17 10

5. Kurukh!Oraon


C,. Lepchl1

3,735 4,086 2,584 2,524 Ne~ali (M-2,443, 1-2,451), Hindi(11-81, 1-36), English ( {-56, F-31), Bengali (M-2, F-5), Sanskrit (}l-1), Tamang(U-l), Tibetan (F-I), ,. lIalpliharia

S5 05 8. Nepali 8,673 3,480 348 7 lfindi (lI-183, F-154), Engli.h (M-1M, F-90), Ltpeh3 (M-29, F-43),Bholia-UDspecifled (~I-l), Tlb~lan (F<1). 284


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as Bpeaking II Language Subsidiary to the .l.Iother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,-___.A.-----, ,------.--J'--""""\ No. Name of SCheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiari Language

1 2 3 4 5 6

PRESIDENCY DIVISlON-contd. 9. Lepcba-C01ltd. 9" Sherpa 22 11 11 Hindi (Y·ll, F·3).

10. Sikkim Bhatia. 2 8

11. :L'ibetan 2 1 2 Nepali (M.2, F·l).

10. Lodha., Kheria or K.haria. 13,432 12,930 2,665 1,293

1. Bengali 747 732 32 58 SadanlSlldri (F· 50) , Hind! (M·22, F·6), Santali (M-7), lilnglish (M·S, F·2). 2. Hindi 1,045 1,058 209 138 Bengal! (M.173 , F·lt5). SMan/Sadri (11·33, F-19), Urdu (M-3) , Nepali (F-2) , EngliSh (F· 1), Kurnkhf Or3On(F-l). 3. lthaira 8,382 9,941 1,859 985 Hind! (!I.l,tOl, F·MS) , BengaIi(M.5SS, ]'·201) Sad3n/Sadri (M·193, F-185), Rajbangsi (11.25: F·54) , Kurukh/Oraon (M·Il, F.Il). 4. Jrharia 88 113 65 40 Bengali (11·55, F·40).

5. Khorth&/Kholla 1 - 6. KurukhjOrMn 50 75 S 3 Bengali (M·S, ]'·3).

7. KonwBr 6 ...

8. Madhesi 19 87 6 Bengali (lII·4), Hindi (lIf·2).

9. Mech

Iv. lIfunda.Unspec!lIed

12. Nagesia /j 1 B6ngali(M.l). 285


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned liS speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue' Serid No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Femalel Subsidiary Language 1 2 3 5 e

PRESIDENOY Dl VISION-oontd. 10. Lod)la, ltherill or X)laria-cQntd. 13. Nepali 37 23

14.0Iiya 40 6 Jllndl (N).

15. l!.lIbha 1,020

16. Sadan/Sadri 1,942 846 496 M Jllndl (M·SS6, F·12),BengaJi (M·U9,F.52),English (M·9), Nepali (M·I). 11. Bantall 6 8

18. Sunwar

19. Tamang 18 lll. Magh . 309 160 36 1. Bengali

96 63 2 .. lIlndl(M·l), Nepali (M·I).

Z. Rindi 67 5 I 2 Bengali (F.2) , Nepali (M·l).

3. YMhesi


4. Magahi/Uagadhl 1 ,

6. Manjhl •

120 60 33 3 Hindi (M·t6, F·3), Jlrunda·Unspeclfied (M.15), Bengali (M·l), Nepali (:M.I).

6. NepaJl

6 4,

7. SMan/ Sadri 6

8. Santall IS ." 286


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as spellking a Language Snbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial .-----"--'----1 r-_ _.._A.._~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females )[ales Females Subsidiary Language 2 4 5

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-contd. 12. )[ahali , 9,978 9,585 2,523 1,311

1. Bengali

1,730 3,187 70 105 Hindi (M·61, F·69), Santali (M·17, F·gO), Per sian (F·5), Arabic/Arabi (M·I), Sadan/Sadri (F·l). 2. Bodo/Boro 2,206 2,168 923 ,204 Bengali (M-B85, F-168), Hindi (}[·170, F·3G), English (~[·34), SMan/Sadri (M·20), Nepali( ~I-13), Assa· mese (M·I). 3. Rindi

1,493 967 281 192 Bengali (M-232, F·191), Nepali (1[.49, F·I).

4. Khortha/Khotta

1 3 Bengnli (M·3).

5. Kurukh/Oraon 30 11 2 Bengali (U·9, F·2), Hindi (~[·2).

B. Lohari·Munda

7. )[adhesi

71 54 .• Hindi C~1·1).

8. Uahili

1,889 1,205 479 238 Bengali (M·290, F·167), llindi (U·13l, F·30), Raj­ bangsi (~H, F·29), SantaJi (M·15, F·I0), Nepali (,I·15), Sadan/Radri (M·H, F·l), ][Unda,Unspeci· fled (M-7), EngIi.h (M·2, F·I), Assamese (~I·l). 9, }[alpahariya

10. Nagari·Hindi

11. Nepali

102 80 18 6 IIindim-IS, F-B).

12. Persian• 11 2 11 Bengali (M·2, F·ll).

13. Sadan/Sadri

1,620 984 385 60 Hindi (M·276, F·Bl), Bengali (M·10S F·29), English rn~~ ,

14. Santali

809 889 341 493 Bengali (M-339, F·463), Sadan/Sadri (F-26), Hindi (M-2, F·4).

15. Sunwar 3 8 287


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers ,-----.10..Tongue___ -, Serial ,....-----'------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males jremales Males Females Snbsidiary Language 2 4 5 6

PRESIDENCY Dlf']SION:"__contd. 13. MaWi . 2

1, Santali 2

14. ~[al Pahariya , 5,431 4,676 1,238 1,005

1. Asuri 17

2, Bengali

1,202 1,570 159 186 Hindi (M·I03, F·156), Arabic/Arabi (U·25 F·IS) Santali (M·H, F·12), English (M·15), Malpahftria (M ·1), blech (M ·1).

3. Hindi 221 149 75 Bengali (l\I·144, F.75), Nepali (M·5).

4. Ho 2

5. Khari& 1 Bengali (F·l).

6. Kurukh/Oraon 112 67 27 .. Bengali (U·27),

7. Lohari-blalpaharia 10 17

S, Madhesi

3 2

9. ~Ialgiri

4 3 .. Hindi (M.3).

10. Ual paharia 2,281 473 453 Bengali (M.3U, F·302), Hindi (M·143, F·104), Santali (M·3, F·39), Sadan/Sadri (M·g. F·4), Nepali (M·3, F·3). English (M·I). Madbesi (F·Il.

11. Mundari 28 6 Bengali (M .6).

12. Nagari.Hindi

13. Nagbanshi 288


!~other Tongue and Total No. ofpersonsreturned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-----. r----'------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Female! Males Females Su13sidlary L8J1gUage

1 I'. 3 4 5 6

PRESIDENOY DIVISION-contd. 1'. Mal Paharlya-contd. 14. Nepali 57 49 10 14 Hindi (M·o, F.10), Bengali (M.5, F·4),

15. Oriya II

16. Paharla 443 284 182 14~ Benllall(M·182, F·1(2).

17. Sadan/Sadrl 179 157 1 1 Hindi (M·1), Nepali (F.1).

18. Santall 392 218 227 133 Bengall (M-2I6 F·133), Hindi (M·4), Arabic/Arabi (U·2), A.ssamese (1II.2), Nepali (U-2), English(M·I). 19. Sherpa 7 9

20. Tamang 3 72 1 Rindi(III·1).

15, )Iech 7,286 16,364 2,506 789

1. Assamese 2 Bengali (M·l).

2. Bengali

~ 1,328 2,003 233 5~ Rlnd! (M·ll5, F·54), English (M·103), Sadan/Sadri (M·15), Santali (F·4). 3. Bodo/Boro 288 121 108 8 Bengali (M-104, F·8), Rajbangsi (M·4).

4. English1 10

5. mndi 37 25 6 1 Bengali (M-6, F·1),

6. Mech] [5,546 (4,195 (2,155 719 Bengali (M'l,SOG, F·566), Hindi (M·218,l'!·32), Raj· bangsi (M·34, F.58), Sadan/Sadri (M·17, F·60), English (M-47, F.S), Nepali (M.27), Persian (M.6). 7. Nepali] 20 2 2 Bengali (M-2),

S. Rajbangsl 1 Mech(M-l).

9. Sadan/Sadr! 14 2 289


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as gpeaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial , ____A-_-_, ~----A---_\ No. Name of Sohe{}uled Trille Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 • 3 4 5

PRESIDENCY DII'ISION-tontd. ( 16. n1ech-contd. 10. Saibya 39

n. Santali 16 3 Bengali (U), Hindi (F.I).

16. Mru 484 666 36 22

1. Bengali 225 333 6 Hindi (F' G),

2. Hindi 182 266

3, Kurukhj Oran n

4 z Dons"ll (F·2).

4. Mru 16 9 5 Bengali (M·S).

5. MUndar!

6. Nepali

61 12 31 Bengali (M·H), Hindi (U·12) , English (M·5),

7. Santali 38 14 Ben£ali (F· B).

17. Munda 62,236 63,271 9,181 5.810

1. Adibhasha· Munda 207 122 69 41 nengali (1[.69, F.41).

2. Bengali

21,966 21,8~7 573 304 Hindi (M·431, F.200), English (M'69, F·78), Nag~rl· Hindi (M·43, F·lOl, Nepali (M·24) , Rabha (F·lS), Kurukh/Oraon (M·G), Santali (F· a), l!undRri (M·l). 3. BhOjpuri 2 2 Hindi (M·2)

4. BhIliyajBhuyan·Oriya 2

5. Hindi

2,186 1,771 726 453 Ben~ali (M·595, F·412), Sadan/Sadri (Y-41 F.3), Englis~ (M'os), Urdu (1'.1.18, F·S), Nepali (M.ll), SlIntall(:lH). 8 (a) RGl/e-! 19 290


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofpenons retnrned II. speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue p.rlal r--~-. No. Name of Scheduled Tribo Males Females Males Females -Subsidiary LeJliuaae , 5 6

I'RBBIDBNCf DIVlSlON-oolltd. II. Kh&1l1l 1

,. Xhortba/Xhott. , Il BtllPU (f.II).

8, Klallll·lturukh/Oraoll 11 8 11 ... HIIl4l (.!d·ll).

9. lturukh/Oroon

1,617 l,7~2 88 70 Rlndl(M·2,li'·50), Bellgall (H·80),Sadan/SIdrI (F'17), Santall (.I!'.3l. to. Lepuba uo 1192 0 II 11'1"41 (lLt.l!'.R)."NOJ)a11 (y.!).

11. Ylldh•• l

11,000 1,560 401 2n Be~11I(M.!!O,:N7l),BIDdI (M.tSO, ,.78), Nepl1l ( .t,Y·'). 111. ldIIlptlhartl

i03 29 ~ Hlncl1 (11,4), BOIliIlIl (1[.1).

13. Hunda-un'pecilled 24,7~3 22,006 4,942 2,678 Rindl (M·2,966, '.t,6'6), Bengali (M.t,6S8, '.8281' SMan/Sadrl (M·258 , '.161) :Rlljbllng81 {M·, , F·20), Nepali (M·BO, F.2), EIllI{lBh (H.G, r·ll, Orl)'1 (l1·2), Aailllmeao (M·l). U.l{und&rl 11,119 1,II0a I,UB Bengali (M.l.lOI, N.lO!), 1I1U1tl (K·IG, '.'11), Englllll (M.e) , S&ntall (F·8). • u. Naaa·unlptcUled 181 58 Bengali (F·88).

16. Nagllll.Blndl lag 161 '7 58 Bengali (H·'7, '.58).

17. NA8ealil 18

18. Nepali 12

19. Newarl U

20. Orly. IG 88 a

!1. P&h&r11 169 13! 8. 291


Mother Tongue and Total 11'0. ofper8olls returned &8 speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speaker. Tongue Serial i----.;..-----­ No. Name at Scheduled Tribo l!&les Fema.le. Malea Femalo. 8ubsldla.ry Language a (I

PRBSIDBNCY DIVISION-con\d. lill. l'erslan 81 18 ...

111. l!.&blyl 21~ UG .. :BeDglll (M·l",. 2'. SIId&D/Sadrl 1.9U 627 ,76 1~3 Bengali (M-S69. '-168), Hindi (M-llO), Nepali (M-6), Rajbangll (!l-l). 26. 8antaU 1.9" 8,50S 489 416 Ben~&11 (!l-40S, '-40Sli Sadan/Aadrl (Y-U, F-l), R ndl (M·9, F·6). Eng Bb (M·7, F-l). Kurukh/Oraon (M·l). 28. Slndhi 9

117. Tlmll '1 ,of

28. Urdu Ii

18. 11 a~ellia • 2,678 2,288 461 286

1. Adlbhfolha-NAiesl&

II. Bengali ,51 26 100 Hindi (M·20. ,.70). Sadln/Sadrl (l.I7), BnslIBIl (M.I; '" r'8) , Sautall(1r1-2). 8. Hindi 880 Cl4 22 0 BeDgaU(M·16, ]1.6), Nepali (Y.7).

•• Xurukh/Oraon 26 11 II .. Rlndi(M-2).

6. Madhell 77 51 86 26 Hindi (1\[·80. F.24).llengall (:M·O. F·2).

8. Malpaharla 1 1 Hindi (F.l).

7. Munda''lJmpeolned 8 ,.

8. Mundarl 1 ., 292


~rolher Tongue and Total No. of persons reiurned as speaking II Language SubsidiarY to tM Mother Total Speakers Tongue ,--A.-----­ Sori'" ,...---'------> )"'. Name of SchOddled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 5

PBESIDENOY DIVISION-conld. 18, Nagesia-contd. 9. Nagesio.

836 594 179 43 Hindi (M·8", F.39), Bengali (M-56, F-4), Tur! (M-15), .Perslan(M-13), English (M-7), Nepali (!11-2).

10. Nepali 397 440 113 101 Hindi (M·ll3, F-95), Bengali (F. G).

11.0riya 6

12. Sadan/Sadrl 310 178 74 8 Hindi (M·40, F.B), Bengali (~f.33), English (AI-I).

13. Santali 139 136

14. Sunwar 2

19. OraOn • 142,123 133.263 34.727 23,569

I, Adibhasha-Kurukh/ Oraon 599 107 172 60 Bengali (M-137, F-60), Nepali (M.19), Rindi(M-16),

2. Bengali

18,916 20,132 579 329 Hiudl (M·37".F·195), English (M·l54 F·3S) Nagar!· Hindi (M-16, F-67), Kurukh/Oraon'(M.23 F-24) SantaJi (M-IO, F· 5). " 3. Ourung 1 1 Hiudl(F-1).

4. Hindi

8,125 3,016 654 354 Bengali (M·5H, F·252), Nepali (11.61, F-98) English (~[.44). Sadan/Sadri 011-3, F-3), Oriya (~i·l, F-l), Tamang (M·l). 5. Xhaira

6. Khortha/KhoUa 55 101 35 73 Bengall(M ·29, F· 72), Hindi (M ·6, F·1).

7. Kurukh/Oraon

104,297 95,249 31,515 21,542 Bengali (M-15,M1, F.lO,Q57), Hindi (M-14,308,F·9,098) Sadan/Sadrl (!I.1,095. F·l,312). Nepali (U-417' F.45), Rajbangsi (M.ll5, F-83l. Assamese (M.130l; English (M·67, F-6), Santali (M-19. F·13) Madhesi (F.28), BadoiBoro (M-2), ]{haira (M·ll. '

8. Lohari.Kurukh/Oraon 345 862 68 66 Bengali (1[·48, F.84), Hindi (M-20, F·32).

9, Madhesi

Ben~a1! Uf-Sl, F.12), Hindi ()II.g, F·17). ll*~ 331 .Q ~9 293


~fother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the lfother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,-~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Langllage 2 3 4 6 6

PRESIDENOY DIVISION-conld. 19. Oraon_conld. 10. 1IIaithili J 6 6 Hindi (111.6).

11. 1IIaipaharia 596 863 229 56 Bengali (111.47. F·1). Hindi (111·181. F·G5), Ralbangsl (111.1). 12.1IIoch 8 345 2 Bengali (111.2).

13. 1Iunda!unspecified 6 Z Bengali(lII·2).

14. Mundari

11 9 Bengali(1II·9),

15. Murarl 8 2 Hindi(M!2).

16. Nagari-l!indl 116 141 66 26 Bengali (M·66. F·26).

17. Nepali 290 193 89 10 Bengali (M·16, F·B), Hindi (111.19, F.2), English (M.4). 18.0riya 50 50 17 83 Bengali (M·17, F·SS).

HI. PersIan 2 28

20. Rajbangsi


21. SadanJSadrl :3.278 0,944 185 192 Bengali (1)[·103, F·122),1Iindi (111· 78, F.70), KurUkh/ Oraon (U·S), EngliSh (M·l). 22. Santali 5.1)90 2,396 1,107 798 Hindi (111-582, F-SSO) :Bengali 01-464, F.418), Nepali (M-43), Munda-Unspecified (111·13), English (M-8), lIundari (M -2). 23. Sunwar 37

24, Tamil

25, Teln~u 3 4 294


Mother Tongue and Total No. of perBOD!! retnrned &s speaking a LangUAge SUbsidiary to the Mother ,. Total Speakers., l'ongue i,J' Name of Soheduled Tribe Males Femalea Males remalea Subsidiary Language 1 II 8 6 I}

PRBSIDBNOY DlVlSION-oontd. 20, Rabha . 2,565 S,806 1,265 200

1·l3~1I101i 202 160 2 .. Hindi (M·2).

2. Guhwali 12 8 Bengali (M·l).

S. Hindi 32 18 4 .. sadanlsad1'i (1\[·8), Bengal1(M-j).

4. Xurukh/Oraon 6 1 :>. .. Bengali (M-l), Hindi (M-I).

6. Marwari "- II

G. Nepali 2 114 1 .. Benaall (M-l).

7. Paharla

81 82 28 Ii B.naall (M·lS, F·l), Nepall(M'lO), Hindi (M·5, F.4.

8. Rabhl!

2,129 2,906 1,226 lQ5 lIe'ifBII (M-ldOSS F-171 Hindi (?l·GS, },.22), Nepall ( -78), Sa Inl Badd (g '3), RBjblllll!sl (M·l). 9. SldaD/Sadrl 1 6

10. Sanlall 8 10 2 .. Nlndl (11·2). 11. Tamil 2 ,.

50,780 ~U. ,£Sal1talj . • 162,8'5 150,047 42,728 1. Adlbh&sha-llunda 78

2. Aseamase 10 .. Bengell (M-S). S. BengAli 117,704 15,0o, 1,042 197 Hindi (M·492, N7), elntall (M.m, P'-1l5), PJ~!lfth (111-209. P-24). ASl!AmeB8 (M-148. French ( .8), Badan/Sadrl(M-2, ll'-l)jlr&bIC/Arabl (111-2), Kurul

Mother Tongue and Total 1\'0. of persoll! r&turned &I speaking II Longuage SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers TongUe Serial ,..-~--"-~ ...... , t------'---~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Malea Females Males Females Subsidiary LanguaGe 1 z 8 6

PllBSIDENOY DIVISION-contd. 21. 8antal-contd. 5. Hindi 1,064 622 168 187 Bengali (M·124, F·17D), Sadan/Sadri (lHO, F·4), Nepali (Y·l, F·3), English (1tf.2), Santal! (If'l, F·l). 6. Khortha/KhOtta

2 2 2 Bengali (M·2).

7. XurukhjOraon , 5,310 2,588 2 Ii Hindi (M·2, )1.2.), Denpli (F·3).

8. Loharl·Mund& '1 't5

Q. Madhesi 8S 3 •• Bengali (M·2), IIindl (M·l).

10. MabilJ ·4 1 Santali (N).

11. Mach

12. MUndarl , 148 13 .. Bengali (M·lS).

13. Naga.Uns~ifted

283 93 63 4& Bengali (lHO, r·4S), Hindi ~M·').

H. Nepali 261 27 .. Bengali (lH), Rlndl (Y·ll.

16. OrlYIl , 45 11 2 8 Bengali (M·I, F·8).

16 .. paharlal

42 36 31 20 Bengali (H·SO, F.8), mndl (1.f.1, 1·14). ~ 17. PerBI&n~ 1

18. Rtbha

19. ll.nhlytl 12 251 12 1~1 Bengali (M·12, F·161).

20. SMan/Sadrl! 256 110 lll8 10 Bengali (lH2, F·9), Elndl (H·'6, F.ll. TAiJLE S1·I-MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

1Iother Tongue a.nd Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to tile ~lother Tolal Speakers Tongue ,-----'---.... Serial ,.fie of Scheduled Tli be ualeS Females Males Females Subsidiary Language No. 1 3 :; 6

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-conld, • Santal-conc1d. 21. SaibYII 1f)

22. SantaJj 137,779 131,030 49,326 42,099 Bengall (!I-46,5GB, F-40,390), B'indi (!I-2,470, F·I,548), SadanjSadrl (}f.l87, F-126), English (M-BI, F-12), Urdu (!I-17, F-4), Nepali (1'-7), Bhotia-Unspecified (F-6), Dogri (~I-3), Oriya(M-I, F-2), Limbu (F-2), Tamang(F-2), French (M·I).

22. Sauria Pahariya S 20 4

1. Paharia 20 14 Bengali (F-14).

2. SantaJj

S 4 .. Hindi (!H).

23. Unalassilled 20,52{\ 18,186 6,592 3,2M

1. Adibhasha 1,226 1,192 851 145 Bengali (111-292, F-128), Hindi CM-5?, F·17), English (M-2).

2. Asuri • 101 122 22 .. Bengali (~r -22).

S. Barik.

154 105

4. Bengali

6,022 6,878 1,731 759 Hindi m-l,472, F-643), English (nI-148 , F-67), Santa Ii (lIf-97, )1-13), Sadan/Sadri (F,S5), Mal. pallaria (M-li, F-1), Oriya ()l-S), Urdu (M-3), Adibhasha(M-I), Arabic/Ar~bi (!I-I), Nepali (M-I). 5. Berila

6. Bhagat

25 30

7. Bhill ..

8. nhotia-Unspecified 235 16 4 English (M·l, F-2), modi (F-2).

9. nirjia/Brijia/Binjh\&

29 45 13 11 mndi (M-13, Nl).

10. Bod 01 Boro

664 13 .. Bengali (M·13). TABLE ST-I-MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-conld. I Mother Tongue and Total No. of parsons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ,-____-A __----, Serial r-~_-.A..--_~ No. Name Of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males ~'emales .suhsidiary Language 2 3 6

P RESIDENOY DIVI SION-{Jontd. 23. Unclassifled-contd. n. Hindi

2,M8 41)2 1~8 1\~nga.li(M-S67, F-I~2), Sada.niSadri (~HS), Nepali (M·3,F·4), Urdu (M·1, F·2),Kulnkh/Oraon (1\l.2) English (M·I). ' 12. Ho English (M·I). 13. Kharia

217 328 58 37 Hindi (~[·(2, F.24) , Bengali (~[.II, F·o) Sadan} Sadri (111·5 , F·6), English (F·2). ' 14. Irherwari 8

15. Irhortha/Rll~tta

53 50 14 1 Bengali (M·14, F·I).

16. Irisau-Kulukh/Olaoll 31 52 6 Benga)i(1I1·4,F.6),Hindi(M·3).

17. Koch 3

18. KOda/lrora 72

19. Xol 8 8 Bengali (11,8).

20. Kurukh/Oraou

888 513 158 128 Bengali (M·H6, F·123), Hindi (~1·8, F·5l, English (111·4). 21. Lama

22. Lohari 63 e3 10 6 Bengali (M·IO, F·6).

23. Madllesi 1,321 646 794 129 Bengali (M·73S, F·64) , Hindi (M·52, F.57) Nepali (M'4, F·8). • 24. !ll1hili 10 30 7 12 Bengali (111·1, F·U), SantaJi (F·1l.

25. Malpaharill

555 658 20 32 :Bengali (111·19, F·32), French (M·I).

26. !\lunda-Unspecified

1,449 1,176 1,150 811 Bengali (M·586, F·200), Hindi (M·278,F·386), Sadan} Sadri (M·192, F.168), English (11'90, F·(0), Raj. bangs! (M·I, F·15), Oriya (III·1,F·l), Malpa.baria (F·I). Nepali (!I·I), Persian (M·I). 298


Mother Tongue and Total No. of perSOl1sretutned lIS speaking a La.ngu&gs SubSidiary to the Mother Total Speakers TOngue Serial NO. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Femlllel Mates Females Subeldlary Language 2 3 4 (, &

PRESIDENCY DIVISION-conoid. 28. UncluIIAed-concld. 27. lIJ:undarj 35 35 Bengali (M·5, J·SS).

28. Hagari·Hindi 41

29. Nagbanehl II

30. Nepali 619 787 385 52 Bengali ~'203, F·16), Hindi (!HSll, F·S2), Burmen (N), ngllsh (1·2). 31. Orl1a 479 107 186 6S Hindi (l1-l09, 1!.5~).llensali (11.72, F.13), NepAli (11!05). 32. PaMria 60 88 28 29 Bengali (M·tS, F·29).

33. Perllan

3t. Sadan/SAdri 519 112 145 49 Sindi (M·B6, F·SS,), Bengali (M·52, F·U), Nepa!! (M·O) , English (M·l). 35. Sllntllll 2.172 1,769 885 578 :ae~a!i (M'BSS, ]'·553), Hindi (U·37, F·4), Engli1h ( .3, ]'.1&), sadall/Ssdrl (Y·D, ]'·1). M. Saverll. 584 641 t61 g9 :lJlndl (Y·m, .F-87), BengBII (Y·SI, F.a), Sld,ln/ SlIdrl (:/l.1l ,11' .6). 37. Sikkim Bhotla 7 Nep"l1 (M·6). IIIl1dl(lH).

88. Sunwllr 78 11 l1indlff.lO, 1!'.8) , Sa.iIlD/Sadri (!f.8,F·3),:Benglll (M·I. a9. Telugu 86 14

40. Tibetan 44 28 IS Rind! (tl.f), Nepa.1I (11-6). Enllillb (1[.1).

41. 17rdu 39 94 14 Bengali ( F-l4). 299


Mother Tongue and Total No, of per eon I returned al speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,.- ,..---'---.--... No. NamG of Scheduled Tribe ~!&leB Femalel Matel Female! Sublidi&Jy Ll!Iiuage 2 3 4 • DARJEEUNG DISTRICT ALL sCHE])ULED TRIBES 50,685 45,759 15,476 9,996

1. Bhumlj • 15 6 3 2

1. Hindi

2. Nepali 1

3. 8adan/Sall,rl 3 2 HIndi (M·a, F .2). 2. Bhntla including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, R:agatay, Tibetan and Yoimo • 11,323 10,763 5,510 4,261

1. Adlbhasha.Bhotia 16 1 Bengali (:!.!-1).

2. Bhotia.t!nllltcI8ed

1,36. 1,020 S36 572 Ne~lI (M-m, 1l'-647), Hindi (M-aO, F·8) Enallih ( ·21, N7), BellgaU (M-3), Urdu (M-S). a. Dukpa

397 -643 69 41 Nepali (M-St, P-19), Hindi (MoS, 11'-19), Tlbetan(F.~) English (F·l)o' ~ , 4. HindI

482 625

5. KaaatB 44 88 Nepali (y.21), Hindi(1f.l7).

6. Lepch& 287 180

7. Nepali 3,467 3,678 2,475 1,805 Hlndl(M-l,UO, N,l13), Ensllih (M-M!!, NSI) Bengali (M·4oa, F-168), Sherpa (M-IO, FolIa) , Tibetan (M-2D, F-20), Dukpe. (M-2). ' 8. Santali 1 0

9. Sherpa

1,121 089 8U 580 Ne~l! (M-Ue, NB5), Tibetan (M-l7, ]'.98) RIMI .( -27, NO), Iiloillib (M·27,lJ'-2j. ' 10. Slkklm Bhotla

54 87 U 6u Ne~all (M-36, N6), Tibetan (M·u, F-1), En;llib ( -G),Hlndl(M·l,N). 11. Tibetan

~,18' 8,538 1,247 1,140 NtAl! (Y-l 014, '-1,058), EnGleh (Y-U!, PO-51) Indl (H-B4, N7), Benlall ( -17), Urdu (P-18~ Chlntie/Chlni (Y-2), Sharpa (I!o1), Tlmall; (!H • 300


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as ~peaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Serial TOngue , ..... r--..:._.A. No. _---. """\ Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Male", Females SUbsidiary Language 2 3 4 5 6

DARJEELfNG DISTRICT-contd. 8. Chakma 2 2

1. Bengali 2 :: Hindi (M·2).

4. Garo 96 71 30 'w

1. Gonqi 42 83 G 10 Hindi (M·5, F·I0), Bengali (M'l).

2. Rhond/Kondh 12 8 Nepali (!f'8).

8. Sadan/Sadrl 42 38 16 Beniali (M·l6).

6. Hsjang • 22 5

1. Bengali 3 English (M.l).

2. HIndI g 2 Bengali (11.2).

8. Nepali 2 2 Bengall (!f.l), Hindi (M.l).

4. Sadan/Sadri 8 2 Hindi_(~f·2).

G. Kora 09 188 44 07

1. Bengali 14 6 Hindi (1If.6).

2. Hindi 22 16 • 20 19 Bengali (M'20, ·F.9).

3. Roda/Kora 56 52 18 80 Hindi (M'6, F·l7), Sadan/Sadri (F'I7), Bengali (M.? P'll, Urdu (AH), Assamese (M.I). • 4. Sadan/Sadri 6 20 .. 15 Bengali (P·l5).

6. Santali

100 38 Bengali (F'20), Hindi (F·l5), Bhotia-Unspecified (F.I), Garo (F-I),lIangari (F-Il. 301


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned &1 speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Molher Total Speakers Tongue 'Serial ,.---~ .----"- NO. Name of SeMduleu TriLe !lalel cFemaleli Males Femalea SuLBidiary Language 2 3 4 5 G

DARJEELING DISTRlCT-con!d . 2,819 7. Lepeta 7,385 7,525 2,932

1. Lepeha

3,709 4,045 2,582 2,524 Nepali (If'2,442, F·2,451), Htndi (M'SI, F·36) English (M-55, F·31);Bengali(M-2, ~'·5), Sanskrit (M·I), Tamang (M'l), Tibetan (F·1). 2. Nepali

3,672 3,474 348 294 Hlndl{M'183, F·151J, EngUsh(M·135, F·99), Lepcha (M·29, F·43), Bhotla.Un8pecilled (M-I), Tibetan (F·I). 3. Sherpa 3

4. Slkklm Bhotia

2 2

5. Tibetan

2 2 1 Nepali (1II-2, F·I).

148 8. Louhs. Kheria or Kharia Sle 621 121 1. Bengali

383 265 24 57 Sadan/Sadrl (F·50). Hindi (1II'21, F'a), English (If·3, F·2).

2. Hindi

342 330 74 87 Bengali (M'70, F·7J), Sadan/Sadri (1\[·4, F·13), Nepali (F·2), English (f·I).

3. Kurukh/Oraon


4. MUnda-Unspeolfied


5. Nagesia Bengali (M·1).

6. NepalJ


7. Sadan}Sadrt 75 24 22 , Hindl(~r'12, F·2), Bengal! (M·JO, F-2).

8. Santali 2

8 9. lIfagh 55 1 1. Bengali 3

2. Hindi

47 1 Nepal! (M·l). 302


Mother TonguO am\ Total No. of persona returned II speaking a La:1iage- Subajdl~ to the other Total Speakers onsue Serial ,!lo. Name of Scheduilld Tribe Malea FIIllllIelI MAles Female. sub!ldlary Language 1 2 S , 6 - 6

DARJBl!LING DISTRICT_IIfl. 3. MallablJl!I,ldbl

9. bIagb -coma. ~ , , ,. Ntpall

10. Kaliall • e62 3,21 137 CO 1. »lnaal1 42 87 II C ,HIlld1(M·9,i·D ).

2. Hindi 320 56 68 6 Nepal1 (M·aG), Bengal! (M·22, F.6).

3. Kurukh/Oraon

2~ f7 6 2 Ben,all(M.&,F.2).

•• Lohul·l!undl 1

6. :Mahlli 46 49 20 20 :Bin,aU (H·llO, IMO).

O. SadaD/Sadri 188 18' 87 17 BeDl8U (111·86, F-17), Hindi (M.l).

7. 8aDt,U 92 28 8 BeDi,1I (M.8).

11. Mal P,llllrlyr. • 809 827 260 tz'i • 1. B'DiaU ]l8 172 liS 128 mild! (H·6', F·lia), Dlliu..h (H·U).

2. Hindi 42 26 16 S BonSAll (M.16, F.8).

S. llldpahar1a 617 5gS 162 80 Bengall (Y·78. p.17). HIndi (IMe,p.U). B&danl Sadri (M.O, F·'), NepaU (M·S, 11·3), Enallah (H.I) HadheaJ (F.l). • ,. Nepali

18 G 2 2 Hindi (H.t, ll'.~).

6. lladan/Sadrl 21 - G. 11&11&&11 11 II 11 Bangall (H.'» Arablo/Arabl (M.ll), AIIllllele (Mo2) NBpaU(1I!.2.EDllJlih(lrt.1). • 7. Tamalll II • :& - lEllldl (1.1-1) • 303


Mother Tongue Bnd Totall No. of peJ;'Sons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Bpeaken Tongna Bulal ,----A---...... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males li'emalea Subsldillcy LangUago 1 4 6 6

DA.RJEELING DlSTlUCT-uOl!td. 12. 1\Ieob. 160 87 101 15

1. lleJlgaU 9 6G • • Hindi (lC.5G).

2. lIInd! 1

S. :r.s:ech 78 61 45 III Ne'p~1I (M.24). S~dBn/Sadrl (M.5, F.U). Belli'" (M·12. F-I), Hindi (M.')• •. l{epall 2

6. Sadan!Sad:i

G. Santali 16 s Bellgan (F.2). HlUdI (N).

13. MIa ~o G 1. BeIJiaU 20 o Rllldl (F-O).

14. Mundi • 4,677 3.887 G66 '117

1. Bellgal! 18' 144 9 ., DIJill.h (M.S). Hindi (M·I).

2. Bholpurl

\. 2 ~

3. Hilldl a27 682 100 11' BeugaU (M·g •• F·lH), BIIIII'h (lHG), Nepali (If.lO).

4. lIiunda.UllSpecltled 2,815 2,274 62, a08 Bellgall (M-262, F-150), Hindi (M·20S, '-lU) ,Sa. dlln/Slldri (M-89, F·42), Nepali (M'S, F-2), OIlya (1.[.2).


G. Neplll! 'T' 12 •• BeJlgtJl (!I-12).

7.0rlYII 10 2 . • Bengali (M·t).


1~ •• Bengali (M·6). ! (M-1). 304


l10ther Tongue and Total No. of person, returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the 1Iother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---.A._------. r----'----"\ No. Nalile of Scheduled Tribe Males Female! Males Females SubSidiary Language 1 \)

DARJEELING DISTRICT-contd. 14. Munda-contd. 9. Sadan/Sadri

679 318 147 5 Ilindl (~[·80), Bengali (~H7, F·5).

10. Santali

241) 19 Bengali (M-3).

16. Nagesia • 628 168 143.

1. Bengali 15 167 23 93 RIDdl (111-18, F·631, SadanjSadri (F·27), Eng'lIsh (M·3, F·3), Santali (U·2). 2. Rindi

94 40 7 •• Nepll.lI(M·6), Bengall(~l·l).

3. Madhesl 77 01 36 26 Hindl(M·30. F-24) , Bengali (M·a, F·2).

4. Malpaharia. 1 Hindi (F· 1).

5. MundiJ.·Unsl)ecilied

6. Nagesia 408 351 74 IS Rind! (M.32, F·15), "Turi "(M·15), Pe:r8ian (M·13), Bengali (U.6, F'3), English (li·6), Nepali (M·2).

7. Nepali

8. Sad an/Sadri 98 18 28 5 Rindi (U·20, F·5), Bengali (U·I), English (M.1).

16. Oraon • 14,975 13,413 2,066 611

1. Adibtasta·'[urukhjOraoD 77 35 Nepali (M·19), TIindi (M·le).

2. Bengali 2,609 3,828 83 63 Rindi (M·n, F-B3), English (M·12).

3. Rindi

1,794 913 163 107 Bengali (M·170, F·9), Nepali (M·58, F-98), English (M·S5). 4. Kurukb!OraoD 9,731 7,797 1,557 392 Rindi (M·716, F·192), Bengal[ (11-605, F-122),Sadanl Sadri (M·87, F·45), Assamese (U·l30), Madhrsl (F·28), Nepali (M·12, F·2), Bnglish (~[-7, F·3). 5. Lobari·KurukhjOraon 62 53 3S Bengali (11-42, F·33) ,Rindi (M·2), 305


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUb~idiary to the Mother Total Speakers r--___TongueI.. ______Serial r--___.A._--~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 8 4 6


I~. Graon-contd. 6. ~{aithili 6 6 ,. Rindi (M·B).

7. Munda.'Unspecified 2 .. Bengali (U·2).

8. Nepali 150 58 21 2 Rindi (M·I9), Bengali (M·2, F·2).

9. Sadan/Sadri 300 878 82 14 1l'indi (11.22 , F·14) , Bengali (M·10).

10. Santali

251 38~ 23 .. Bengali (U·23).

17. Rabha • 30 1. Bengali 25

2. Rindi 3 .. SMan/Sadri (M·3).

1~. Scnta) 3,932 3,876 891 288 1. Bengali 61 92 35 Rindi (:!I[·I. F·S5),

2. Rindl 100 24 8 4 SMan/SMri (1\1-5), Nepali (M·I, F·3l, Bengall (M·2, F·1). 3. Nepali 53 3 .. Bengali (1\1·2), Rindi (1.1-1).

4. sad&njSlldrl 189 92 Bengali (M·50), Bindi (M·42 , F·1l. 5. Santali 3,579 3,252 787 248 BengMi(M·580, F·1I5) , HiDdi(M·175, F.107), Sadan/ Sadri (~l-3l, F·16) , Bhotia'Unspecified (F'6), Limbu (F·2), Tamang (F·2) , EngliSh (M·I). 19. Uncllissifted 4,879 4,008 2,214 892 1. Asuri SO 22 .. Bengali(M·22). 2. Bengali 814 1,8QO 641 430 Rlndi (M·541 , F·395), Sadan/Sodri (F·S5). S. BhOtia·Unspecified 2 4. Dlrjia/Brijla/Blojhi ~2 " 8(110) RGlf64 ~O 306


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Langnage' Subsidiary to the Mother' Total Speakers Tongue Sprlnl r-----'------. r----'------. NO. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Femules 11ales Females subsidiary Langua~e 1 2 4 5

DARJEELING DISTRICT-cone/d. 19. Unclassified---contd. Ii. Rlndi 866 479 268 124 Bengali (M-235, F-122), Sadan.lSadri (M·28), Nepali (M·3, F-2), KurukbjOraon (M-2).

6. Kharla 200 262 58 32 Hind! (M·42, F·24), Bengali (M·ll, F·2), SadanjSadri (M-5,F-6).

7. Kherwati 8

8. Klsan-XurukhjOraon 31 62 7 6 Ilengali(:M:.4, F·B), Rind! (11·3).

9. Koda/Kara 72

10. Lama


11. Lahar! 6 Ii 2 1 Bengali (M-2, F-l).

12. ~Iadhesi 1,321 646 794 129 Bengali (\\[-738, F-6!), Hindi (~f052, F·57), Nepali (M-4,F-S). 13. Munda.U nspeclfied 155 385 28 20 Bengali (!I-12, F-201. lfindi (M-H), Sadan/Sadrl (\\[-2). 14. Nepali 195 304 92 7 Hindi (M-45, F-5), Bengali (1.11-47), Burmese (F-2).

15. Oriya 475 107 186 68 Hindi (M-109. F·55), Bengali (M.72, F-ISj, Nepali (M-5). 16. Paharla. 3 17. SadanjSadri 495 102 124 41 Rlndi (1\[-86, F-S5), Bengali (lI·31, F-'6), Nepali (M-6). English (M-1). 18. Savara 151 155 85 28 Hlndi(M-67, F-25), Bengali (1£-15), Sadan/Sadrl (M-3,F-3). 19. Sikklm BhOtia

.. Nepali (M·e), IIlndi(~[-l). 20. Sunwar 78 17 6 Hindi (U-10,F-3J,'Sadan/Sadri (M-6, F-3), Bengali (M-1). 21. Telugu 35 22. Tibetan 4 3 .. Nepali (M-S). 307


Motller Tongue and Total No. of persous returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~[otheI . Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,---"'-----. ~---~.--~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe ~[al~s Females MalliS Females Subsidiary Language 2 6


1. Bhumij . 256 203 56 2

1. Bengali

78 31 11 2 Hindi (1[-11, F-2).

2. Bhumij

52 52 22 Hindi (111-22).

3. Hindi


4. Mahlli

5. Sadan/Sadri

93 3 23 Bengali (U-21l, Rindi(~[·2l.

6. Santali

26 177

2. Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 667 5G3 213 37 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo \ 1. Adivasi 19 8

2. Adibhasha-BhDtia 1 English (F-I).

3. Bengali


4. BllOtia·Unspecified

274 254 l(i4 13 Bengali(M-80, F-I), llindi(b!-30,F·5), English (M-25,F-IJ, Nepali(1f-19,F-6).

5. Bodo/Bora 274 159 50 21 Ben~ali (lI-49, F-21), Rajbangsi (M-l).

6. Madhesi

7. Malpaharia

8. )Iech


o. Nepali 61 :: Hindi (U-D, F-2). 308


Nother Tongue and Total No. ofpersonsrelurned as spealling a Language SUbsidiary to the !trother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r~-_.A. ... ---..., r--_._A,_---, No. NJlue of Scheduled Tribe Males Feluales Males Females Subsidiary Languag~ 2

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-contd. 2. Bh'llia including Sherpa, TolD, 10. PasIJ1a Dukpa, Kagatay. Tibetan lIud Yolmo-oonta. 10

11. SadanfSadri

12. Tibetan 18 13

3. ChakIJ1a. 337 410 21 6

1. Iriudi 2B7 35g

2. Y3nihi 12

3. Nepali

29 4 Bengali (F·4).

4. Sadan/Sadri 50 10 21 2 Bengali (M'21, F·2).

4. Qaro 852 267 85 34

1. Bengali 8 6

2. Bodolnoro

11 2 IIindi (F·2).

3. Chinese/Chinl

4 Ilengali(F·l).

4. Garhwali

125 87 70 19 Bengali (llJ.6S, F-19), Ifindi (~I·6), Sadan/Sadri (~(-l). 5. llindi 159 15 12 Bengali (JI:[.13, F-Il). Sadan/Sadri (:I>r.2, F-I).

5. IIajang • 106 242 2 ..

1. IIaijong/HaJong 2

Hindi 103 240 Ilongall (1\{-2). 309


~Iother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking II Langu~ge Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ....-'----.. I ..... ____., lio. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males L'ema,les SubsidIary Language 1 2 5

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-'-conta. 6. Ho 138 214 89 21

1. lfindi.. 8

2. lfo

88 94 60 •• lIimli (M·18),-Munda.Unspecified (~H2).

3. Nepali 4Z 120 29 21 Rindi (:!I-29, N1).

7. Kora 3,033 2,530 605 386

1. Bengali 756 196 97 lfindi (M-196, F-g7),

2. lfiudi

38 2 Bengali (M-1, F-2).

3. Koda/Kora 309

4. KUrllli 2 2 Bengali (M-1), Hindi (lI-l).

5. blaIpaharia 2

(i. Meeh 3

7. Nepali 30 32

8. Rajbangsi

1,850 1,365 360 286 lfindi (M-271, F-213), Bengali (~1-89, F-73).

9. Sadan/Sadri

170 57 46 lIi~di (~r-25), Bengali (U-17, F-I), I{urukll/Olaon (M-4). 8. Lepcha • 72 66 14 5

1. Bengali 8 2 2 Hindi (M-2, F-2).

2. Chinese/Chilli

3. Khond/Kondh 17 10 310


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Snbsidiary to the !lother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r----_A-__ • r---A_--_~ ~ o. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males }'emaies Males Females Subsidiary LangulIl!e 2 5

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-conrd. s. Lepcha-cpntd. 4. Lcpcha

25 39 Nepali (~l-1).

5. Sherpa

22 11 3 Hindi (~r·ll, F·3).

Ii. Sikkim Bhotia

9. LOdha, Klleria or Kharia 12,116 ll,8B3 2,441i 1,103

1. Bengali

97 287 ilindi (~I-1).

2. Rindi

576 HO 99 ~O Bengali (M·67, F·33), Sadan/Sadri (~r:29, F·6), Urdu (M·3), Kurukh/Oraon (F·1). 3. Khaira 8,382 9,941 1,859 985 Hindi (M·l,101, p·543), Bengali (M·53e, F·201), Sa(\:lll/Sadri (M·193, ~'·185), Rajbangsi (lII·Z5, ]<"54), Kurukh/Oraon (t{·2, F·2). 4. Kharia 79 10 Bengali (F·10).

5. Konwal 6

6. KurukhlOlaon

40 68 8 3 Bengali (M'S, F·3).

7. Madhesi

19 87 Bengali (;11-4,) Hindi \~H).

8. ~Iech

o. Nepali 26 23

10. Oliyn 3 40 5 Hindi (F.5).

11. Rabha 1,020

12. ~adall/Sadri 1,867 822 473 60 Hindi (11·374, F-10),ll~Dgali (M·89, F·50), English (M·D). Nepali (11-1). 13. Tamabg 78 3ll


Mother Tongue ~nd Total No. of persons returned lIa Speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Tota I Speakers Tongue Serial r--_.A.. ____..... r-____.A.. ___""""I No. Name of Scheduled Trlbe Maloa Females }Iales FemaJes Snbsidiary Language 2 1 :I 4 6

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-contd. 10. ~[agh 163 66 35 3 1. Bengali

22 2 Rindi (hI-l) , Nepali (M·1).

2. Hindi 8

3.Madheii 2

4. Manjhi

129 60 33 Rindi (101·16, F·3) , Munda'Unspecified (M·15), Bengali (M'l), Nepali (101-1). 5. Nepali 2

O. SMan/Sadri 6

11. Mahali • 6,753 6,345 1,755 509 1. Bengali

542 1,666 29 56 Hindi (M·29, F·S5), Sadan/Sadri (F.1).

2. BOdo/Boro

~,2!)6 2,168 923 204 Bengali (AI-G85 , 11·168), Hindi (M·170. F·36), English (M·34). Sadan/Sadri (M·20), Nepali (101·13), Assame!e (M·l). S. Hindi

856 733 126 g6 Bengali (AI-l13, F·G5), Nepali (M.1S, F.l).

4. KUfukhjOraon

14 Bengali (!I-4) , Hindi (M· 2).

o. Madhe8i

71 54 Hilldi(~1·1).

o. Mahili

1,478 698 299 75 Hindi (lI-129, F·30), Bengali (M'122, F·Il) , Raj. bangsi (M·4, F-29), Nepali (101·15), Sadan/Sadri (M'14, F.l), Sanlall (M·5, F·3), Munda. UnBpecified (M·?), English (M.2, F·l), !Ssamese (Y·I). 7. Nepali

100 64 18 6 Hindl(Y.IS,F.6). 8. Sadan/Sadri 1,445 840 348 43 Hindi (!I·275,F·31),llengali (lI·72, F·12),English (M·I). 9. Sanlsli

41 119 29 Sadan/Sadri (F-26), Bengali (AI·a, F·l), HiUdi (M.2, N). TABLE ST-I-MOTHER TONGUE AND BILIr-;GUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

Motber Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUl)sidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r~--'"-l ~__,_ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males }'emales Males Females Subsidiary Langua~e 2 4 6

JALPAIGURI DrSTRICT-conld. 12. Ual Pahariya . 1,060 714 169 101

1, Asnri 17

2. Bengali

149 125 6 4 Hindi (11,5, F'4), Mech PH).

3. liindi 148 65 Nepali (!II·5).

4. KurllkhjOraoD 78 38 20 Bengali (11·20).

5. Lohari·1Ialpaharia to 17

6. Madhesi 2

7. Malgiri 3 Hindi (1II·3).

S. lIIalpaharia 465 270 121 84 Hindi (11·66, F·70), Bengali (M.55, F·14).

9. Nepali 42 43 S 12 Hindi (M·3, ]'.8), Bengali (1II·5, F·4).

10. oriya

11. Sa

12. Santali

41 4 5 Hindi (111'4), Bengali (lIi·l).

13. Sherpa

14. Taman, 318


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persous returned as Speaking a Longuage SUblidiary to the 1IJthlf 'rotal speakers Tongue Serial r---_,}>.---~"", r -----"----"'> No. Namo of SCheduled'Tribe Males Females lIlales Females Subsidiary Langu3ge 3 6

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-contd. . 699 13. Mech 7,050 6,128 2,381

1. Assame.e 2 .. Bengali (M-I).

2. Bengali 1,243 1,925 177 2 English (M-103), lIindi (U-59, F-2), Sadan/Sadri (lIf-I5).

3. BOdolBoro 242 55 93 .. Bengali (ThI-89) , Rajbangsi (}!-4).

4. English 10

5. Hindi

19 21 2 1 Bengali (U-2, F-1).

6. lIIech

5,465 4,123 2,105 696 Bengali (]I-1,780, F-554), Hinui (M-214, F-32), Raj- bang~i (M-34, F-5S), Sadan/Sadri (M-12, F-49), EngllBlJ (111-47, F-ol, Persian (1\1-6), Nepali (111-3). 7. Nepali 18 2 2 Bengali (lI! -2).

8. Rajbangsi 2 -. ~rech (M-l).

0_ SauanfSadri


10. SaiIJya


36 14. Mru 251 285

1. Hindi

174 264 2_ Mru

16 9 6 Bengali (~r-5). 3. Nepali

61 12 31 Bengali (M-14), Hindi (11-12), En~lish (JIH).

25,272 5,521 2,995 15. Alunda • 281600 1. lleilgali

519 740 175 39 Hindi (11-122, F-20), Ell~li3h (M·29), Nepali (M-24), RabM(D'-13). 2. Bhuiya/Bhuyan·Oriya

2 314


?olother Tongue and Total No. of perso!ls returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Scri~l r--___.A. ___..., r---~----... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females MaleS Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 6

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-contd. 15. Munda-cantd. 3. Hindi I,OSO 489 453 246 Bengali (M·393, F-205), Sadan/Sadri (M-41, F.S8), Urdu (M·IS, F·3), Nepali (M·I). 4. Xhaira 1

5. Xiean·xurukhjOraon 11 8 11 .. 'Hindi (M·ll).

6. Xurukh/Oraon 1,534 1,697 23 67 Hindi (F·50), Bengali (M'23), SndnnjSadri (F·17).

7. Lepcta

320 292 6 3 Hindi (M·4, F·3), Nepali (M·2).

8. Madhesi 2,007 l,MO 401 251 Bengali (111·220, F·I71) , IIindi (M·IS0, F·76), Nepali (M·I,F·4). 9. lIIalpaharia 50S 29 .. Bengali (M.1), Rindi (M·4).

10. Munda-Unspecified 21,938 19,732 4,318 2,365 Hindi (M·2,69S, F·l,562), Bengali (]I·l,376,l!'-673), Sadan/Sadri (11·164, }'·109), Hajballgsi (!I-41, F-20), Nepali (M.SS), English (M-5, F·I), Assamese (Mol). 11. Oriya 21 JIindi (F'S),

12. SadanjSadri 530 78 Bengali (M·42), Hindi (M'BO), Nepali (111·5), R;>jbangsi (M·I). 13. Bantali

161 701 51 19 Bengali (M·34,l!'-lB), Sadan/Sadri(M·14, F·1).Hindi (Mo2, F·5), KurukhjOraon (M·1).

16. Na,eala • 1,483 .1,3ga 276 131

1. Bengali 192 118 I HiDdi(Mo2,N)

2. Hinili 92 299 8 1 Bengali (llI-7, F'l), Nepali (M-1).

3. KurukhLOraon 26 11 2 Hindi(MoZ).

4. Nagesia 428 243 105 25 ilindi (M'54, F-Z4), Bengali (M-50, Fol), English (~f.1). 315


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SubsHiary to the Mother Total Speakers Topgue Serial ..------"------. ,---"-----, subsidiary Lan~uage No. Name of Scheduled Tribe :l\lales Fema~es Males Females 2 3 6


10. Nagesill-canta. o. NopaH 396 440 113 101 Hindi (M'113, F-95), Bengali (F-O).

6.0riy,. 5

7. Sadan/Sadr! 209 141 46 3 Bengali (M-32,), Hindi (M o 14, F·3).

8. Santali

139 136

17. Oraon • 93,001 88,748 24,207 15,642 1. Bengali

2,569 4,180 175 37 Hindi(M-77, 1,'037), Englisll(~H8).

2. Hindi o 3,920 569 185 131 Bengali (1I-169, F 12S), English (MoO), Sadan/Sadri (M'3, F03), Nepali (ll03), Tnmang (Mol).

3. Khaira


4. Kurukh/Oraon 0 78,621 71,396 22,489 14,559 Hindi (~[013,496, F 8,8G8), Bengali (111-1453 F 0 4,295), SadanJ~adri (Mol,OOS, 1' 0 1,267), Nepali (ill 0 375, F-43), RajLangsi (M o Il5, F 0 8S), English (M 0 3S, 1',3), Bodo/Boro (11-2), Khaira (11 0 1), Santali(lIH). 5. LoharioKurukh/Oraon

285 308 18 32 Hindi (M-18, 1'·32).

6. Madhesi

187 252 33 29 Bengali(M·25, H2), Hlndi(M-8, N 7).

7. Mal paharia

592 863 229 56 Rindi (11[-181, FoS5), Bengali (lH7, F'l), Rajbangsi (M-1). 8. Mech 333

9. Uurari 2 Hindi(}[02).

10. Nepali

140 135 18 8 Ben~ali (1\1-14, F-6), English (U0 4), Hindi (1',2).

11. Oriya 17 12. Rajbangsi 316


Uother Tongue and Total No. of persons retumed as speaking a Langunge Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r----'------. r------"-----...... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe ~Iales Females Males I"emales Subsidiary Language 2 4


17. Orol1n-contd. .13. SadanjSadri 2,867 9,258 121 66 Hindi (~H2, ])',56), Bengali (111-66, F-I0), Rurukh/ Oraon (M-3). H. Santali

3,808 1,427 724 Hindi (~I·543, F·878), Bengali (lI-SS6, ~"346),Nepali (M-43,), ~Iunda·Unspecified (M-l3), Mundari (bi-2). 15. Telugu


18. Uabha 1,751 2,381 613 155

1. Bengali

216 71 " Hindi (!I-2).

2. GarhwaJi 12 8 Bengali (M-I).

3. lIindi 21 6

4. Kurukh/Oraon

6 :Bengali ()I-l), Hindi (:l-r·l),

5. Marwari


6, Nepali 174

7. Paharia &1 52 2.8 5 Bengali (~r'13, F·l), Nepali (~HO), Hindi (11-5, F·~).

8. Itabha 1,404 2,082 578 150 Bengali (M-438, F-126), Hindi (U-M, F-22), Nepali (AH3), SMan/Sadri (F-2), Rajbang,i (M-I).

9. Sadan(Sadri -,

10. Sant~1i

8 10 2 •• Hindi (Af-2).

11. Tamil 2 .. 317


Mother Tougue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother To tal Speakers Tongue Serial , ___.A-_--. r ___..A.. __-","\ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe 1Iaies Females Males Females Subsidiary Language

2 3 4 5

JALPAIGURI DISTRICT-contd. 19. Santa I • .1,612

" Ben~ali (l\I-5).

11 Hindi (Mo 374, FolD), Assamese (MoH8), English(Mo.6) SadaD/Sadri (M o 2, Fo1) Xurukh/Oraon (lllo1). •

15 Sadan/Sadri (~fo35. Fo4), Bengali (M o 6, Foll),SantaIi (11-1).

Hindi (l\[·2).

•• Bengali (M·2), Hindi (Mol).

1 Santall (N).

.• Hindi (!H).

1,585 Hindi (1iH.573. F·924). Bengali (Mol 224 F o 550) Sadan/Sadri (MoI50, F·llO), English (M·S: Fo1). '

20. Unclassil\ed • 955

6 En£llsh (M o l16), HindI (M·10t, Foe). 318


Mother Tongue and Total No. of per SOilS r0turned as speaking a Language Subsidiary io the l\Iother Tongue Total Speakers ,----A__ -, SerJal r---..J.---l, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe 11111e9 Females 11ales 11' emales Subaidiary Language 2 5 \)


20. Unolassified-conld. 4. Bhagnt 25 80

5. Bhotia·Unspeclfied


6. Birjia/BrijiajBinjhiu

29 23 13 II Irindi (~r'13, F·U).

7. llodojBoro 661 10 .. llengali (bI-10).

8. Hindi

1.644 1,574 Ii 33 Bengali (~[-6, F·Sl), Nepal! (1i'.2).

9. Koch


to. Kurukh/Ornon 115 28 •• Bengali (M-l).

11. Loharl 53

12. hfunda-1J'nspecified t.288 791 1,118 791 Bengali (1f-570. F'180), Hindi (~{·264. F-386), Sadan/Sadri (Y'190, P·16S), English (J.t·90, ji'.40), Rajbangsi (M'l, F-lO), Oriyn OH. FoIl, Nepali (ll·I), Persian (M-I), Malpabarin (Fo!). 13. NagMnshi


415 468 290 40 Bengali (l{·155, F.15), Hindi (J.[-135, F·25l.

15. SaYllr!l.

390 386 76 71 lIindi (ll·54, F·62). Bengali (M:16, F·6), Sadan/Sadti mo e,F·3). 16. Santali 28 5 26 SadanjSadri (M-n, F·Il, Bengali (U,S, F·1). lIindi (M-9).

17. Tibetan 37 28 10 •• Hindi (M'7), Nepali (M·2), EngJlsh (Mol).

18. Urdn 1 1 l'lengall (F-1). 319


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as s peaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ,-____J.- ____ ~ Serial r---~-...., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 4 (I


1. Bhumlj 457

1. Hindi 457

2. Bhull. including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kaiatay, Tibetan and Yolmo • 4

1. Hindi 2

2. Nepali 1 Bengall(M-l).

3. Pabaria 1

3. Chakma 3

1. Bengali 3

4. Gar!}] 116 1,163 51

1. ~engali 18 24 English (~[-1, F-I).

2. Garo 79 83 50 48 Bengali(M-49,F-48), English (M-I).

3. Hindj

19 1,056

5. Kora 61 25

1. Bengali 12

2. Rind!

49 25 .. ,Bengali(M.7).

6. Lepcha

1. IIindl , 320


~fother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers 'Tongue serial -, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Uales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 4 5 6

COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT-contd. 7. I.Mha , Kheri& or Khri& 168 215 81 35

1. Bengali 7

2. Hindi lOB 183 36 11 Bengali (M-SS, F-U).

3. Khari~ 59 25 45 24 Bengali (M-45, F-24).

S. Mahali 16 21 4 1. Bengali • 2 2 Hindi (M-2). 2. Hindi 11 2 Bengali (111-2).

3. Nagari-llindi

4, Nepali 16

9. Mal Pahari),a • 138 56 8 12 1. Bengali

2. Hindi 120 1i5 12 Ben~ali (~[-7, F-12).

8. Ho

4. Malpaharia Hindi (M-I).

5. Nagl)anshi

6. Nag-arl-Hindi

10. 1Iech 72 81 24 19 1. Bengali 14 2 , Bodo/Boro

4ij 66 ~5 8 Bengali (M-15, F-8)_, 321


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the )lother Total Speakers Tougue Serial r-_A____ l r----'------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language

2 4 6

COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT-conta. 10. Mech-contd, 3. Hindi 4 3 4 Bengali (1\[.4).

4. !t[ech 8 11 11 Bengali (M·5, F·ll).

11. I\Iunda • 343 275 35 . 22

1. Bengali 47 81 10 Rindi (Y·I0, F·a).

2. Rind! 205 181 17 13 Bengali (M·17, F·13).

3. Kurukh/Oraon 6

4. Madhegi 2

5. Mundar! 53 10 8 6 Bengali (M·a, F·6), Hindi (M·21.

G. Nag~ri· Hindi 25

12. NaSesia • 162 146 6 10

1. Bengali 78 69 5 Hindi (F·5).

2. Rindi 84 77 6 5 Bengali (1\[.6, F·5).

13. Oraon . 1,274 1,036 309 3h 1. Bengali

277 235

2. Hindi 559 )92 87 10 Bengali (1\[·87, F·10).

3. KurukhjOraon 362 489 213 303 Bengali (M·212, F·303), Hindi (M.l).

4. Madhesi 55 79 Bengali (:1\[·6), Hindi (M·l).

5. Mech S 12 :; Bengali (JII·2). • 8(a) RGJ/64 21 322


~[other Tongue and Tota! No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SubsidiarY to the blother Tot a1 Speakers Tongue Serial ,--.-A-_--, r-___A--, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females :!o[ales Females Subsidiary I,anguaga

2 4 5 6

COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT-concla. 13. Oraon-con!a. 6. Nagari.Hindi

7, Persian

2 28

8. Santali Bengali (F·l).

14. Rabha . 70S 850 647 4~

1. Bengali 33 26

~. Rabha

725 824 647 45 Bengali(~[·645, F-45), Hindi(M-2).

1.. Santa! . 982 252 50 50

1. Bengali

670 80 10 .. Hindi (~[·10),

2. Hindi 73 28 2 6 Bengali (M·2, F·G).

3. Paharia 18 12 3 Bengali (M.12. F·3),

4. Rabha 41

5. Banlsli

180 136 26 41 Bengali(~[.25, F.41), Hindi (M·1).

16 Unclallilled . 66 68 17 1. Bengali G 3 .. Hindi (M·3).

2. Bodo/Boro 3 3 Bengali (~I·a),

a, Hindi

28 3 ... Bengali (M·a).

4. Kharia 17 63 3 Bengali (F·3).

5, Paharla

!~ II 5 Benzali (M·S. F·5), 323


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the lIIother •___ Total Speaker.....A... __ __ Tongue Serial r_..)------' No. Name of Scheduled Tribe lIIales Females lIIales Females SubSidIary Language 1 2 3 4 5 • 6


1. Bhumij . 7

1. Benisli

7 ~.

2, Bhutia including Sherpa, T~to, 122 107 3 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo • 1. Bengali 97 51

. Hind


3. Nepali

8 45 3 Denial! (F-3).

4. Turi

1 11

3, Cliakma 107 04 4 16 1. Bengali

3S 21

2. llhotla-Unspecilled 15 1 Hindi (F-l).

3. Hindi

64 35 4 14 Bengali (lI.H, F-Hl.

4. R:urukh/ raon 5

5. Sadan/Sadri 18 1 llengali (F·l).

4. Garo 101 201 3 1. Bengali

42 163 2 Hindi (F-2).

2. Kurukh/Orao!1 2 3. lIfalpaharia

58 36 1 Bengali (F·l). 4. Santali

l '! 324


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons return ed as speaking Ii Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial .---"----..... r----"----..... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe MaM Females Males Females Subsidiary Laniuaga 1 • 2 4 5 6

WEST DINAJpUR DISTRICT-COnicl. •• Hajanr . 11 2 1. Bengali 9 4

2. Hindi

5 6

3. SMan/Sadrl


6. HO 100 I> 1. Bengali 9 21 5 . . Hindi (1lf.5).

2. Santali 79

7. Karmali 1 1. Santali


8. Kora 1,406 1,416 1,152 812 1. Bengali

478 296 342 1 Hindi (M·330, F·l), Santali (M·12).

2. Hindi

30 174 6 •• Bengali (M·B).

3, Kurukh/Oraon


4. Malpaharla 25 29

5. Mundari

855 903 804 811 Bengall (M·SOO, F·810), English (M-3), Santali (M·1, F-l).

6. Sadan/Sadri

14 11

96 121

1. Bengal!

40 54

2. Hindi 32~


~[other Tongue and Total No.of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers r-___Ton1!Ue.A. ___ -, Serial ,.... ___.A. ___-. No. Name of Scheduled Ttibe lIales Females lIlales Females Subsidiary Langllnge 2 3 4

WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT-contd. 9. Lapclla-cOntd. 3. KurukhjOraon 2

4. Ualp~haria 35 65

'10. Lodha, Kheria or Kharia • 147 68 7

1. Bengali 132 50 7 1 SantaJi (M·7), Hindi (F· 1).

2. KurukhjOraon 7

3. Mundari


4. Sunwar 3

11. Magh 82 81 2

1. BengaJi

70 60

2. Hindi

4 2 Bengali (F'2),

3. Santali


12. Mahali • 1,075 1,028 338 419

1. Bengali

451 424 23 8 Hindi (M'19, F·B), Santali(~r.4).

2. Hindi 167 92 92 75 Bengali (11[.92, F·75).

3. lfahill 205 248 105 132 Bengali (~r·94, F.128), santaJi (111-10, F'~), Rindi (lI·l). 4. lIIalpaharia


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned os speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Seri..i ,....----.A---__ ,--A..---, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe ~{ale9 Females Males Females Su~sidiary Languaie 2 3 4 6 o

WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT-conld. 12. MahaJi-contd. 6. Sadan/Sadrl 35 10

i. Santali

238 196 Bengali (M'1l6, F'19(), Hindi (F.2).

8. Snnwar 3 8

1.' Santali

14. ]\Ial Paharlya • 890 884 271 254

'l' Bengali

321 408 43 24 Hindi (AI·42, F·24). Santali (M·1).

2. Hindi

149 9 69 Bengali (}I·69).

3. Malpaharia

25~ 349 146 220 Bengali (~f'146, F·220).

4. Mundari

2i 6 G BenaaIi (M·6).

5. Nepali

6. Pabaria

23 11 3 2 Bengali (M'S, F·2).

7. S&dan/Sadri

88 75

S. Santali

23 26 4 8 Bengali (11[-4, F-~).

15. Mech 11 68 56

1. Bengali

68 ii6 Hindi (F-52), Santali (F·4).

2. Hindi 327


Mollter Tongue and Total No. of persoDll returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Molher ·Total Speakers Tongue r ___A ___.... serial r------A.---..... No. :N~me of Scheduled Tribe l[ll.les Females Ma1.es Females Subsidiary I,3IlgUaCI 2 4

WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT-cOntd. 2 16. 1\[IU 13 164

1. Bengali " 156 2. Hindi 8

3. KurUkhjOraoll 4 Bengali (F·2).

,. ~[undari

5,47] 684 17. Uundi. 9,HB 865

1. Bengali

2,493 721 16 2 Hindi (~I-16, P.2)_

2, Hindi

16 2 Santa)i (M-2),

3, Kurukh/oraon

2 11 Santa Ii (F-3).

4.. Mundari

2,762 7,O~2 755 567 Bengali(M-752, P-S57), Hindi (M-2) , lilnl:lish (11-1).

5. Nagarl-ITindl

56 11 3 Bengali (M-ll, F-3).

6. Paharia

112 122 77 84 Bengali (U-77, P-84).

7. Santali

23 1,544 4 25 Bengali (Af-4, F· 25).

8. Urdu

18. NlIllosia • 130

1. lJen~ali 89 42 Hindi (F-I).

2. Iflndl 38 Bengali (M·l). 328


~Iother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as Speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the lvlother Total Speakers Tongue ,-____A ____ Sorial r---.;....--~ 1 No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females ..subsidiary Lallgnage

3 4

WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT-conla. 3. Badan/Sadri

3 19

4. Sunwiir


10. Oraon • 11,271 11,016 5,270 4,524 1, Bengali 1,166 1,469 85 61 Hindi()[-56, F-47), English (M-21, F·3), Kurukh/ Oraon(~[-8, F-I). 2. Gurung 1 1 Hindi lF-l).

3. Hindi 119 53 19 25 Bengali(M-19,F-25).

4. Kurukh(Oraon 9,663 9,331 5,103 4,411 Bengali (~1·4,991, F'4,375), Hindi (111·49, F·23), SantaIi(U'18, F'13), Nepali(}f·30), English (l\H5).

5, Lohari·Kurukh/Oraon 8 6 BengaIi(1I!·6,F·1),

6. Muudarl 2

7, Nagari·H\ndl 55 30 Bengali(1II·30).

8, Badan/Sadri 76 94 12 1$ Bengali(U·7, F·18), Hindi(~I·!), English (}f·l).

9, Santali 145 67 15 17 Bengali(lI·7, F-17), Hindi (1\['8),

10. Sunwar 37

20. Rauha 6 17 2 1. Bengal! 2 5

2. Hindi 2 7 Bengali(U:l).

3. Nellali 2 Bengali(M·l). 4. Sadan/Sadri 5 329


liother Tongue and Total No, of Persons returned as Speaking a Language Subsidiary to the 1iother Total Speakers Tongue serial r---__..A. ___..... r------"------, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females 1>fales Fema s Subsidiary LanguagO 1 2 6


21. Sall!al 62,667 59,625 22,781 20,951

1. :Bengali

955 ~12 25 102 Sautali(~r·21,F·97), Hiudi(M3,F-5), Tamil (M·l).

2. Hindi 110 129 11 81 Bengali (nr-9,F-8l), English(~1-2).

3. Kurukh/Oraon 8

4. Mundari 2 30

5_ Nepali 1

6_ Paharia 24 32 19 17 Bengali(~[-18, F-3l, Hindi(M-1, F-14)_

7. Sadan/Sadri 2

8. Santali 61,565 59,022 22,726 20,751 Bengali (ilf-22. 057, F-20,313), HindL(1\H21 F-420l Engli~h (M-28,F-8), Urdu(M-17,F'-3),NepaIi(F_7)' DogrJ(M-3), '

22. Sauria Paba!!a 8 2() 4 14

1. Paharl. 20 14 llengali(F-14).

2. Santa!i 8 4 .. IIIndi(lIHl.

I 23. Unclassified 484 1,496 71 28

1. 1lengali 353 1,373 30 .. Santali(M-17), English (M-13). 2. Hindi . 10 11 4 1 Bengall(M -4, F-l).

3. Lohari 8 5 8 5 Bengali(M-8, F-o)·


uother Tongue and Total No. of Persons returned'. speaking a Language SubsidiarY to the Mother Total Spe~l(cr, 'Tongue r--___.A. ____ Serial r---.A..----1 1 ~o. Name Of Schll(luled Tribe ~1~lc8 Fern"l« }lales leema]e! Snh,idiary Louiuage 5 6

WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT-concld. 5. Sadan{Sadri

23. Unclaisifted-c.nlol. 20 10 19 8 Ben~ali (M·19, F·iI).

n. Santali 10

7. Savara 37

8. Tibetan


tlother Tongue and Total No. ofpersons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~rother TohlSpeakers Tongue ~---.A-____l Serial ,~--___;"_----"""'I, No. Name ofSchedltled Tribe Males Females AIales Females Subsidiary Lan~uale

2 4 6

MALDA DISTRICT ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 50,541 48,981 18,892 14,723

1. llhumij .

2. Cha],;ma. 5

1. Bengali

3. Garo 2

1. Bengali 2 Hindi (AI -2).

4. Rora '. 1,117 1,361 275 543

1. Bengali

353 185 8 27 Sanlali (1f·7, F-27), EngliSiJ (M-I).

2. Hindi

36 22 32 BengaliOf-22, F-32).

3. KhorthajKhotta 235 19 35 Bengali(M-19, F-S5).

4. Koda/Kora

221 99 90 67 Bengali (1f-90, F-67).

5. Pwharia

23~ 611 127 311 Bengali (~1-125, F-311), Sant_Ii (1f-2).

6. Santali 11 382 71. Beng.Ii(lI-g, F-71).

5. Lodha, Kheria or K1Jana 20

1. Kharia

13 llengali(M-l).

2. Kbortha/Khotta

3. Santali

6 332


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as ,speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-__A _____"""" r--___.J.. ____..., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Fcmales Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 6

MALDA DISTRlCT-contd. 6. Ma! Pahariya • 631 551 166 137

1. Bengali

275 312 14 11 Santali (1Hl, F·11), Hindi (~1·2), English (:M·l).

2. Hindi 3

3. Paharia 227 152 119 ]leugali(M·152, F·119).

4. Sanbali 12 12 BengaIi(F·7).

~rahali • 667 660 258 302 1. Bengali 86 41 12 30 SanlaIi(M'l1, F·30),Hindi (Y·l).

2. Hindi 2 9 1 4 Bengali (M'I, F·4).

3. Khortha/Khotta 4 1 3 .. Bengali (Y·3).

4. Mahili

150 200 46 11 llengaIi{1I·45, F·8), SantaIi{F·3), Hindi, (M·l).

5. Santa!i 425 409 196 257 Bengali (M·10.6, 1·257).

8. Mru 38 14 1. Santali 38 14 Bengali (F·U).

9. Munda • 658 875 72 174 1. Bangali 221l 276

2. Hindi

3. Khortha/Kbotta 4 2 Bengali (F·2).

4. Mundari 427 595 71 172 Bengali (M·71, 1'172). 5. Sautali 1 .. Bengal! (Mol). 333


Mo~her Tongue and Total No. of persons re~urned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother To\alSpeakers Tongue Serial ,,------"------, r------~---., No. Name ofScheduJed TIibe Males Females ~hleB Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 6

MALDA DISTRlCT-contd. 10. Oraoll • 2,408 2,375 833 784

1, Bengali 296 226 29 31 Xurukh/Oraon (Jlf'lS, F'23), Hindi (M·12,1!-7), English (1II-2, F·l).

2. Hindi 26 22 1 Bengali(M·6,F-l).

3. KhorthalKhotta

55 101 35 73 Bengali (M-29, F-72), Hind! (M-e, F·l).

4. Kurukh/Oraon 2,025 2,015 763 679 "Bengali (M-759,F·678), Hindi CM'3, F-Il, English (M-l). 5. Santali S

6. Telugu 3

11. SantaJ • 42,721 41,486 16,456 12,274

1. Bengali

209 57 142 18 Santali(M-142, F·16), Hindi (F.2).

2. Hindi

4 1 Bengali (M-4), Santali(F-l).

3. KhorthalKhottu

2 Bengali( M-2).

4. Kurukh 10raon 4 3 Bengali (F·3).

5. Santali 42,437 41,422 16,308 12,252 Bengali (M-16,29S, F-12,244), Hindi m·9, F-7), English (1If.6), 'lJrdu (F-I).

12. Unclassified . 2,311 1,624 829 495

1. Bengali 582 93 39 21 Satllall (lII-21, F-lO), Hindi (lII-16, F-ll): English (Y·2).

2. Hindi 82 74 27 12 :Bengali (1II-27, F-12).

3. Khortha/Khotta 50 14 1 llengaJi(M-14, F·Il. 334


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---_.A.----, ,-----.....___------. No. Name of Scheduled Trib. Males Females Males Fern ales Subsidiary Lnnguali:e 2 3


12. Unclassilied-conta.. . 4. Kol 8 8 Bengali (:M-8).

5. KUfllkhjOraon

51 149 47 58 Bengali (M·47, F·58).

6. 1I1ahili

8 17 12 )3engali (M·5, ]".11), Santa]! (F·I).

7. Pallaria 27 03 19 ~2 Bengali (~I·19, F·22).

8. Sautali

1,500 1,178 670 339 Bengali(1I.665,F.368),llindi ()r·~), En.liJh (11.1. F·Il. 335


Mother Tongue aud Total No. of persons returned al speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongu~ Serial ,---_..A-____ '"""'t r----A------,. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe !1&les Females Ualc, Females Subsidiary Language 2


1. Bllumij • 140 95

1. Bengali

2. Kllrukh/Oraon

131 95 Bengali (F-95).

2. Bhuti. incZu4illfJ Sherpa, Toto.. 2 Dukpa, Tragatay, Tibetan and Yolma 1. Bengali

3. Kora 375 319 94 25

J. Bengali

153 136 6 ~.nt.li(K6),

2. Kada/Kar.

22 29

3. Santali

200 15~ 88 25 Bengali (}t-88, F-25).

., 1odh., Kheria or Kharia 9

1. Kharia

9 6 Bengali(~i-9, F-6),

i. Mah.li 193 172 Ig 19

1. Bengali

153 137 3 5 Pers;an (F-5), Santali (M.Z), Arabic/AIab; ()\[-1).

2. Persian 3 Bengali (F-3).

3. Sant.ll

40 32 16 11 Bengali (~r-16 F-ll).

~, Ual PahariYa • 1,509 1,472 275 253

1. Bengali

~44 492 27 19 Arabic/.AI~bi (»-25, F-IS), Santali(1J'Z, F'l),

~. Rjndi 336


:Uother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking It ta.nguage Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue r---.A.._____ , Se'ial r----~-----"\ N'o. N'ame of Scheduled Tribe lI[ales lfemales Males Females Subsidiary Langu age 1 2 3 4 5

MURSHIDABAD DISTRIC'I'-contd. G. Mal Plthariya-contu. 121 58 48 55 llengali (nr·48 F·55).

3. Kharia

2 1 llengali (F·l).

4. Malpaharia 936 774 43 60 Bengali ('bf·40, F·21), Bautal! (11[·3, F·39).

5. Santali 207 146 157 118 Bengali (M·157, F·118).

7. Mnnda • 278 147 8 44

1. Bengali

259 38

2. Mundari 18 109 8 44 Bengali (M·6, ]'-41), Santali (F.3), Hindi ()r-2).

3. Santali

8. Oraon 759 586 181 16

1. Bengali 414 451 Hindi (~1·1).

2. Hindi

18 41

8. Kurukh/Oraon 332 94 180 16 Bengali (11[.178, F·16), EngJish(M-2).

9. Santal In,~20 10,981 4,243 4,484

1. Bengali 896 745 95 7 English (M-79, F-6), French (1£-8), Santali (~1.5) Hindi(11{-3,F·l). '

2. Hindi 51 35 11 8 Bengali (M·ll, F·8).

3 Santali O,a 73 lO,2Ql 4,137 4,4G9 nengali (U·4,131, F-4,(69), English (11·3), lIindi (U·2), French (~r·l). 337


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SubsidiarY to tho Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,--____A.__ ..... r---"----... No. 'Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 5

MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT -concld. 10. Unclassified 1,747 1, 33 316 317

1. Bengali 641 573 80 61 ;English (~I-8, N7), Sant.1i (~r·54, N), Hindi (M.12), Malpaharia (M·5, F·ll, Arabic/Arabi (If.I).

2. lIindi

13 11 . . Bengali (.1.1).

3. Kurukh/Oraon

186 265 97 51 Bengali (U·91, F·51), Hindi (1II·6).

4. lIIalpaharla

522 625 19 32 Bengali (~f·10, 11·32).

o. Nepali 1 Bengali (F.I) ..

6. Santali SR5 868 119 172 Bengali (1HI2. F.172), nlndl(bI.7).

8(a) RGI/64 338


~Iother Tongue and Total No. of peraoua returned as -speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---J..----, ,--___.A.....- __""'\ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Femalca Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 5


1. Bhumij . 457 480

1. Bengali

455 480 4 Pabaria (M-4).

2. Oriya

3. Santali

2. Chakma. 20 2

1. Hindi 20 2 1 Bengali (F· 1).

3. Garo 15 6

1. Hindi 15 6 Bengali (]\f.?, F·6).

4. Kora 8

1. Hindi 8

5. Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 124 121

1. Bengali 124 121

6. Mahali • 15 10 9

1. Bengali

2. Hindi 1

3. MahiJi

I) 10 I) Bengali (tH). "

7. }Iai Pahariya • 213 159 39 ~l 1. Benguli 66 52 .. :r.Iaipaharia (1.H) •

2_ Hindi 9 4 4 .. BengaJi(M·4) • 339


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons' returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,..--.--.;..__--, r-___A ____""\ No. Name of Scheduled 'Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 , 5 6

NADIA DISTRICT-cant a, 7. Mal Pahariya-conta, 3. KurukhlOraon 34 29 7 .. BengaU(M·7).

4. Malpaharla 4

5. Paharla 79 46 27 21 Bengali (M'27, F·21).

6. Saotali 21 28

8, Mru 215 157

1. Bengali 215 157

9. Munda 1,572 1,631 284 288

1. Bengali 967 882 S 2 Hindi (1\['3, F·2).

2. Hindi

6C CS 9 2 Bengali (M·9, F·2).

3. KurukhlOraon 21

4.1\[undarl SSP 387 175 184 Bengali (1\[-175, F-183), Hindi (F'1),

5. Newarl 40 24

6. Santall 154 232 97 98 Bengali (M-97, F·9S).

7. Oriya

17 2 Bengali (F -2).

10. Oraon 4,968 4,826 1,034 1,015

1. Adibhasha.KurukhlOraon 22 12 Bengali (F-12).

2. Bengali 2,500 2,375 9 1 English (lI1-7, F·ll, mndl (1\[.2), 340


:r.lother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as Speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-_J.____ ""'" r-___.A. __ __...., NO. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males· Females Subsidiary-Language 3 5 6

NADIA DISTRICT-conta. 10. Oraon-contd. 3, Hindi 323 371 49 56 Bengali (M'49, F·58).

4, KurukhjOraa.n 2,113 2,015 963 911 Bengali (M·941 , F-905), nlnd!(~HO. F-O), English (1If-2). 5. OIiya 19 83 17 33 Bengal! (M'17, F-33).

O. Santali 13 10 6 Bengall (M·O).

11. Santal • 2,342 2,201 553 564

1. Bengall 391 439 7 2 Santali(M-6, F·2), Paharla(M·l).

\ 2. Hindi 33 12 1 llengali(M-3, F·l).

S. OrlYII 30 11 2 8 Bengali (M-2, F-8).

4. Parslan 2

5. Santall 1,886 1,738 541 553 Bengali (M·541, F·548), Hindi (F'2), Orlya (F-2), English (F·l).

12. Unclassified 1.212 1,150 78 27

1. Bengali 644 857 32 Hindi (~!-29), Jilngll!h (M·S).

2. Beriy", 4

S. Bhotla''OlIlpeoUled 1

4. Hlndl 89 11 l' 8 llellgall (M·7, F·8).

5. Kharla 2 2 English (F-2).

6. Kurukh/Oraon 20 59 7 13 :Bengali (Y·7, F-1S). 341


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofperson3 returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~lo\ber Total Speakers TongUe Serial r---_.A.___ ... r----A__ ---. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females lIlales Females Subsidiary Language 1 2 3 4 5

NADIA DISTRICT-cone/d. 12. Unclassified-comrl. 7. Mahili 13

8. Malpaharia 26 33

9. NagarHIindi 41

10. Nepali 2 1 .. Bengali (M·1).

11. Paharia 18 20 2 Bcngali(M·1, F-2}.

12, Santali 171 lli6 30 2 Bengali (M-28, F-2), Rlndi(M-2).


Mother Tongue and Total No.ofpersollll returned al speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother TotalSpeakars Tongue Serial ... ------'" r---'-_"'" No. Name of Sch~duled Tribe Males Femalel Males Famalel Subsidlan Language 2 3 4 5 • 24-P ARGANAS DISTRICT ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 62,066 57,252 5,563 4,887

1. Bhumil 7,797 4,448 222 146

1. Bengall

6,991 3,990 82 56 English (M'6, F-55), Rindi (lH6, F-l), Santali (M-10). 2. Hindi 60 7 'B~nga!l (F-6).

3. Kurukh/Oraon


4. lIIundar!

96 32 58 16 Bengilli (~[-58, F-16).

5. Nagari~Hindl

6 81 10 Bangall(~[-6, F-IO).

6, PaMria

7. Rahira

240 291 50 56 Bengali (M-10, F·S6), Hindi (M.40),

8, Sadan/Sadri 297 67 Bengali (M-67).

9. Sanlali

83 40 9 2 Ben~aJl (M'9, F-2).

2. Bhutia incluling Sherpa, Toto, 18 12 Dukpa, Kaglltay, Tibetan and Yolmo 1. AdibfiasM·Bhotla 5

2. Bengali 11 7

3. Hind! •

S. Chakma


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speakiug a Language Subsidiary to the Mother

,..__ Total Speakers.A. ___ _, ,-___Tongue.A. ___ , Serial No. Name of'scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 4 6· 6


4. Garo 35 6

l.~Dengali 32 4

2. Nepali


S._Santali 2

5. Hajang •

1. Bengali


2. Santal;

6. ITo 7

1. Bengali

5 2

2. Nepa.li ...

3.0riY8 1

7. Kora 218 555

1. Bengali 196 510

2. II1ndi 18

3. ltol 45 Dengall(F.3).

4. Penian 344


'Molher Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Llmguage SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,J,,___ "'I r-----...._..",A-~-__..... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females SubsidiarY Language 1 2 4 6

24.PARGANAS DISTRICT-contil. 8. Lepcha • 14

1. Bengali 12


/ 3. Nepali

9. Lodha, Kharia 0 r Kharia • 29 5

1. Bangall

7 "

2. Hindi 2t 5

8. OrlYI! -,

10. 'Magh 2

1. Bengtlll

2. Santall 2 ..

11. MahaJj 5U 971

1. Bengali

435 865 1 lIindl CU-1, F~l).

2. Hindi 97 38 2 .. :S~ngali CU-2).

3. SadanjJadrl

4. Santall 68 345


Mother Tongue aIld Total No. of persons retnrned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue S ,rial No. Name of Scheduled Tribe llalcs Females llales Females Subsidiary Language

1 2 4 5 6

24·PARGANAS DISTRICT-contll. 12. Mal ).'ahariya • 180 13 50

1. Bengali

28 8

2. Wndi 75

3. SanlaH 77 50 Bengali (~[·:;O).

13. Munda 20,568 21,688 1,408 1,170

1. Adibhasha'~[unda

207 122 69 41 Bengali (M·e9, F·U).

2 Bengali 17,262 18,411 360 258 Hindi (M·279, F·167), English (M·32 , F·78) Nagari. Hindi(M·43, F·lO) , Kurukh/Oraon (M.6), SantaJi (F·3), !fundali (M·I). 3. Hindi 165 459 76 74 Bengali (M.74, F·74) , EngliSh (M·2).

4. Kurukh/Oraon

69 23 15 BengaU (~I.18), Hindi (M·2).

5. Mundari

1,045 1,075 IS3 239 Bengali (M·151, F.190), Hindi (M·30, F·40) Engliah (If·2). ' 6. Naga.Unspecilled

36 131 88 Bengali (F·SS).

7. Nagari·Hindi 158 161 86 50 Bengali (M·86 F.SO).

8. Oriya 3

9. Po.haria 28 2 Bengali (M·2).

10. Persia.n 31 53

11.l1.ahiya 235 145 .. Bengali (M.14o) •

12. Sadan/Sadri 785 206 250 14 00 Bengali (M.200, F.148). TABLE ST-I-MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES -contd.

Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-~ ,---_...... --- ..... No. Name or SCheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary_ Language 2. 5 6

24·PARGANAS DIStRICT-conta. 13. Munda-contd. 13. Santall 595 1,006 272 272 Bengali (M·265. F·272), IIlnd! (M.7).

14. Sindhi

15. Tamil 41

14. Nagesia . 35 50 1. AdibhasM·Nagesia 2

2. Bengali

23 48

3. Hindi 10

4. MUndari

5. Oriya

16. OraoD 13,212 11,195 799 651

1. AdibbaSha·Kurnkh/ Oraon

522 85 137 48 Bengali (M·1a7, F·48).

2. Bengali

9,038 7,347 190 146 Hindi (M·150, F·41), Nagari.Hindl (M·16, F·67). English (~[·14, F·SS). Santali (M·10, F·5). 3. Hindi 1,248 813 41 13 Bengali (M'41, F·13). 4. Kurukh/Oraon 1,447 2,098 257 268 Bengali (M'222, F·260), Hindi (M'33, F·8), Engliih (M·2). 5. l\lalpaharia

4 6. l\lundllri

9 9 BengaJl(M·9). 7. Naga!i·Hindi 64 141 36 26 Bengali (M·36, Jj·26). S.Otiya 31 347


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total,:Bpeakers Tongue Serial ,______....___...., lfo. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females MIlles Females SubaidllllY Language

2 3 ~ 6

24·PARGANAS DISTRICT-oontd. 15. Oraon-contd. 9. Sadan /Sadri 35 214 20 94 Bengali (M·20, F-94).

10. Santali 823 497 109 56 Bengali (M·S4, F·54) , Hindi (M-25, F-2).

11. Tamil 1

16. RlIbha • 18 58

1. Bengali 16 58

2. Hindi 2

17. Santal • 16,315 15,339 1,963 2,498

1. Adibhashll·Munda 73 2. Bengali 10,297 9,442 146 22 English (M-7S, F-18), Hindi (M-57, F-4). Santali (M-3), Arabic/Arabi (U-2), Nagari-Hlndl (M-l)_ 3. English

4. Hindi 366 280 85 71 Bengali (M·S5, F·71). 5. Kurukh/Oraon 6 65 II Hindi (F·2)_ 6. Mundari 13 U8 13 .• Bengali (M-13). 7. Naga.Unspecified

233 93 63 45 Bengali (M·50, F·45), Hindi (M-4). 8. Oriya 13 9. Persian 2

10. Rahlya 12 251 12 161 Bengall(M.12,F-151). 11. aadan/ Sadri

56 69 12 9 Bengali (M·12, F·O). 12. Santilli 5,243 5,021 1,632 2,198 Bengali (M·l,515, F·2 ,110) , Hindi (M·SD, F.86), English (M-32, F·2). TABLE ST-I-MOTHER TONf;UE AND BILINGUALISM' FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd.

Mother Tongue and Total No, of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother 'rota} Sjlsake!! Tongue Sjrial ,___.,,__.., No. Name of Sclleduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Sub8idi~ry Language 2 3 5 6

24:PARGANAS DISTRICT-concltl. 18. Unclallifled 13,074 2,906 1,118 418,

1. Adil>hasha

;1,226 1,1\\2 3M H5 Bengali (M·2~2., F·128), mndi (N'o7, F·17), EngliS\l (ll·2). 2. Bengali

1,441 1,229 702 ~16 Hindi (lJ.6S9, F.216), Santali (.M·5), English (bH J, Oriya (N·S), Adibhasha (M·l). S. Bhlli 5

4. Hindi 3S9 335 54 16 Bengali (M.S3, F·U), Urdu (F.2), English (M.l).

5. Kharia 1

6. KurukhlOraon 10 6 Hindi (F-5), Bengali (N).

7. )Il:ahili 2 2 .. Bengali (M.2).

8. Mundarl

5 35 6 36 Bengali (M·5. r·S6).

9. Nepali 2 6 2 • • Hindi (M·2).

10.Orlya 2

11. Penlan

12. Sadan/Sadri 2 •• Bengali (M.2).

13. Santall 19

14. ~elugu 74

16. 'tIbetan 1 349


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to theMother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,....___,______, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language

2 3 4 6


1. Bhumij 14

1. Bengali 10

2. Hindi

2. Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 23 Dukpa, Kagutay, Tibetan and ¥ohno 1. Adibhasha· Bhatia

2. Bengali 15

3. Hindi 2

S. Chlkma

1. Hindi

4. Garo 8

1. Hindi 8

6. Hajans

1. HIIldl .. .. "

e. 110 81 • I .. .. 1. Bengali


~, JIindi 20 '! ., .. 350


Moth~r Tongue and Total No. of perrolll! returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers r--__Tougue..A.. ____ ..... Serial r--__.A.---..... No. Name of SCbeduled Tribe AIales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 4

CALCUTTA-contd. 7. KOfa 32 25

1. Bengali 5 19 1 Urdu (N).

2. Hindi 27 6 1 Bengali (FoI).

8. Lepcba • 4 0 4 3

1. Bengali 3 .. Hindi (lIH).

2. Lepohll 2 .. English (Mol).

3. Nepali 6 3 Hindi (N).

g. LOdba, Kheria or Kbaria 2

1. Bengali 1 2

10, Magh 8 S

1. Bengall $

2. Hindi

11. Mahali 63 51 11

1. Bengali 12 15

2. Hindi 39 36 11 Bengali (FoU).

3. Nepali

12. Mal Pahariya .. 1. Hindi 351


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ..- ..-~ No. Name of scheduled, Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language

2 6 6


1. Hindi 3

14. Mru 5

1. Bengali 5

2. Hindi 2

15. Munda • 60 48 22 6

1. Bengali 6 4

2. lIindl 36 42 S 4 Bengali (M·S, F-4).

3. lIfundari 1 3 1 English (M-3), Hindi (F-l).

4. Santali 15 1 11 1 English (M·7, F·1), Bengali (M-4).

16. Nagesia • 12 3

1. Hindi 12 3

17. Oraon 255 68 28 12

1. Bengali 77 12 7 Hindi (M-7).

2. lIindl 123 42 4 9 Bel}gali(M-3, F-8), Oriya (M-1, F-l).

3. Kurukh/Oraon 14 3 Bengali (F-3).

4. Santali 55 17 Bengali (M-8), Hindi (M-8), EngliSh (M-B). 352


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Langnage Snbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers ,-____Tongue,J... ___ -..._ Serial .----A___ -. ~o. Nama of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 4 6

CALCUTTA-oonold. 18. Rabha • 2

1. Hindi 2

19. Santal • 1,135 58 245 2

1. Bengali 289 30 35 Hindi (M-34), English (M·1).

2. Hindi 87 5 2 .. Bengali (~[-2).

3. Santall 759 23 208 2 Bengali (~(-200), Hindi (M-4, F·2), English (M-. Oriya(1H).

20. UnclassiJled 393 192 180 C4

1. Bengali 118 66 85 25 Hindi (M-7S, F-15), English (M-3, F-lO), UrdU (M-S) , Nepali (M-l). 2. Bhotla.Unepeolfied

8. Hindi 165 53 32

4. Ho] .. English (M-l).

5. KurukhlOraon 16 2 6 " English (M-4), Hindi ()[·2).

6. Malpftharill I .. French (M -1).

7. Nepali 8 , English (N), BIIldl (N).

8. Ollya 2

9. Santall 78 49 84 ':7 llengall (M-16, 11'·9), Hindi (M-lS, ].1-4" Eng)le)l (M·2,N4). 353


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,...--,;..--.... r----.A.--~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females 1I101es Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 6

l1URDWAN DlVISION-conld. ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 576,623 572,580 205,845 189,265 .

1. Balga 2 2

1. Bengali 2

2. Hindi


2. Bedia 858 333 1. BengaU 858 333

3. Bhumil • 38,005 38,947 2,831 2,427

1. Adibhasha- ~runda

997 120 398 34 Bengali (M'3S7, '-34), EngliSh (~I-ll).

2. Bengali 32,200 33,697 185 402 Sanlali ()I-24, F·235), 'Mundorl (1\['38, F-74), Hindi (M-8l, F-28), Karmali (F-63), English (:aI-36, F-2), Oriya (M-6). 3. Bhumij 568 580 335 371 Bengali (M'335, F-172), Santali (F-199).

4. Bhumijali 35 34 Bengali (M-30), Santali (M·4).

S. EngliSh 1 1 Hindi(M-1).

6. Hindi

131 42 S English(~[-3), Bengali(M-2).

7. Karmali 41 350 14 llengali(M-14).

8. Kherwarl 36 47 23 4 Bengali (11·23, F-4).

9. KodajKora 10 Hindi (F-l).

10. I1Iundarl

414 aoo 203 172 Bengali (lIHQ9, F'lCS), English (11,4), Santali (F·4). 11. Oriya 39 129 17 39 Bengali (M·17, F·39). 12. 8antali 3,543 3,672 1,616 1,404 Bengali (M-1,615, F·l,404), Oriya (M·l). 8(a) RGI/64 23 354


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ltlother Total Speakers Tongue Sorial ,.----....----, ,.----"----...., No. Nallle of SCheduled TribG 1I1ales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language

1 2 3 il

BunDWAN DIVISlON-C0ntd· Bhutla imlulling ShelJla, Toto, 40 8 2 Dukpa. Kllilatay. TI betlln and ¥olmo


2. BhotIa· Ull$pecUled 1 Nepali (:Mol).

S. Hindi 8 , 2 Bnglllh (F·2).

4. Banlall 20 2

~ Ii. :BirhOr 42 58 311

1. Benl!!lii 42 58 32 Santall(M·32).

154 235 4 10

1. Bansal! 152 295 2 10 Urdu (FoS), Orly .. (Moll, :r·ll).

2. Khasi


l 7. Cll,ra . aBO SO~ 1. Bonsall 350 209

I S. faro • 77 a II 1. Bengali 63 , 1IIndl(l!f'8), EngliBh (Mol).

2. Garo

6 6

S. Garhwali

4. Hindi


5. Nepali

6, Telugu 355


Motber Tongue and Total lio. of persons returned 9S speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Tolal Speaksl9 Tongue SerIal ..-----'----, r----_..A.-__---, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females 11ales Female. Subsidiary Language a 8 4 8 G

BURDWAN' DIVISION-conld. 9. Gond ,o2 sas 2

1. Ilengal1 402 888 2 Hindi (M·2).

10. GorsU 352 78

1. Ilengali 350 78

2. Karmali 2

11. Hlljang • 9 8

1. Ilengali 9 8I1ntl1l(lH).

a.Hlndl 8

12. :0:0 261 SOO 52 22

1. Bengali 124 110 II HIIldI (F·2).

2. Hindi 5 160 2 1 Bengllll(1[·2. F·l).

S. Ho 84 17 • 6 lIengall (l'lH), English (!oH).

4. KhOrtha/KhOlta 89 11 18 11 llenllali (M'ls, F·Il).

5. MuMar! 2 1 llallgall (F·1).

6. Nepali

4 a JUDdI (1[·B).

7. Orlya 1

8. PunJabl a 1 lllndl (11'.1).

9. Santali

65 ~ ~a 8 Bengali (}f.2f • F·8). 356


~rother Tongue and Total 11"0. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the lIother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---""----..... ""---"'---""1 No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Female! Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 5 6

BURDWAN DIVISION-conld. 13. Karmali • 835 181 5

1. Adibhashll.Mund. 9 II

2. Beugali 657 104

3. Karmali 169 75 5 llengaJi (F.4).lIindl (F-1).

14. Kharwar 593 54g OS

1. Adibhasha·]I[unda 116

2. Bengali

364 634

3. Kherwari U3 95 Bengali (~r '95).

4. ],fundari 12

15. Khond . 15 26

1. Bengali 15 ""o· 2. Hindi

10. Klsan

I. Bengali


17. Kora 25.902 23.354 5,027 4,131

1. Mlbhasha-Mlluda 23

2. Baorl 21

3. llengall] 18.088 14,406 436 402 Santali (U-177' F-331). Rindi (M-17B, J.!'-19), Kad~IKora(:i-47, F-U), English (1)1-05, F-H). 357


Uother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Tongue ,--____Tot.1..A.. Speakers ___ --, Serial r-----"-----~ :No. N",me of Scheduled Ttlbe Kales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 6

BURDWAN DIVISION-contd. 17. Kora-conld. 4. Dhanllri 513 (98 257 250 Bengali (M·Z57. F·250).

6. Ifindi

290 244 28 36 Bengali (M'23, y.36).

6. Karmali 22 20 Bengali (F·20) •

7. Koda/Kora 3,812 3,005 2,040 1,279 Bengali (]I·l,792. F·l,U4). Hindi Ur.283 Y.2) San. tall (M.2, F·133)" English (]!·13). ' , 8. Xol .. B'lfigali (M.l).

Il. Xumi

42 38 Bengali (~I.38).

10. Kurukh/Oraon

9 38 30 Bengali (M·3, F.SO).

11. Mandi

5 4 .. Hind! (I\[ ·4).

12. Munda.Unspecified 10 2 .. Bengali Ur·2).

13. Mundari 64 123 14 40 Bengali (M·IS, F·40), Hindi (lH).

H. Nagari·Hindi

14 3 11 2 Bengali (M·ll, F·2).

15. Nepali

5 Bengali (M'S), Hindi (Y·2).

16. Oriya 10

17. Santall

4,vn 4,994 2,185 2,071 Bengali (~[·2,133, F·2 Q62), Hindi (Y·28, F.8), English (M·24,F·I). '

18. TolullU 11 1 Hindi(F.l).

19. Thar

10 9 • • Bengali (M·9). 358


Mother Tongue and Total No. of peraonsreturned as speaking II Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Bpeakere Tongne Serial ~ _ _..J... .,.....---_ ...... No. Name of Bobel1uled Tribe MlIles ~[ales _Females Subsidiary Lingualle Femal~ 2 3 4 6

BURDWAN DIVISION-contd. 18. Korwa • 1,422 1,469

1. Bengali 1,422 1,469 3 English (F·3).

1Q. Lepoh& • 5 11

1. Bengali 11

2. Lepcha 5

20. LMb!, Kheria or Kharla 6,870 7,666 133 320

1. Adl~hasha·Munda os 45 .. Bengali (M·46).

2. Bengali 6,336 7,019 111 Hindi (M·1, F·102), Santali (M·5, F·9), Oriya (M·l).

3. Hindi a5 271

4. Kharla 28 55 5! Bengall(F·52}.

5. Kurukh/Oraon

6. LMh& 6

7.0rly" 43 3&

S. Santall 324 280 167 Bengali (~r.81.11'.157). 81 O. Telugu

~1. Lohar& or Lohra • 1,885 196

1. Bengali 1,836 196 359


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ,.... ___A.- ___~ Serial r---.A----.-~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe lIaloo Females Males Females Subsidiary LAnguage 2 3 4 5

BURDJVAN DIVISION-conld. 22. Mlgh 189 132 4

1. Bengali 25 74

2. Hindi 88 35 Bengali (M·1, F·7).

3. Marathi

4. Mundar! 3 21 2 Bengali (M·2).

5. OrlYa 54

6. Bantali 2 Bengali (1{·1).

7. Talugu 11

:~. Mihal! a,026 4,144 1,092 1,036

1. Adlbhasht·Yunda 5

2. Bengali

1,765 2,635 917 77 Sanlali (M.21G, E·7S), :Enili~h(F·1), Hindi (M·I).

S. Garo

English (~[.l).

4. Hindi 24 25 2 2 Bengali (M·2, F·2).

6. KurUkh!Oraon

6. M&hlli 655 294 220 63 Bengali (If·216, F·61), Hindi (M·2, F·I), J:llgHIB (M·2), SantaJi (N). 7. Munda· Unl!pecifled 2 2 Bengali (lJ.2).

8. Mundar! 26 12 Bengali(F·12). 360


!Iother Tongue and Total No. ofpersonsreturned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Uother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-----"------. Jo- No. Name of Scheduled Tribe l\lales Females MaleS Females . Subsidiary Language 2- 3 4 5 6


23. lIlahali-conia. O. Oriy. 22 48 3 Bengali (F·2), Santali (F-l).

10. Sant"Ii

1,~43 1,705 650 879 Bengali m-638, F-872), Oriy. (Y-12, F-l), Rindi (F-6).

11. Telngu 3

12. Upahhasha 5

21. Uahli 2,63~ 2,434 28 117 1. Adihhasha-Munda

15 49 26 Bengali (F-26).

2. Bengali

2,520 2,108 13 Ifindi(M-I0, F-g), Santali(~f-3).

3. Hindi

2 93 1 Beng.li(U-l).

4. Santali

102 184 14 88 Bengali (M·12, F-88), Hindi (M-2).

25_ Mal Pahariya • 3,060 2,539 206 23 1. Bengali

2,609 2,3B2 9 14 Hindi ()f.4, F·9), Sant.1i (M-3, F-5), English (!H), Oriya(~H).

2. Bhatia-Unspecificd 2 Nepali (!H).

3. Hindi

217 169 45 6 Bengali (lII-45, F-6).

4. Kurukh[Oraon 2 Hindi (F-I).

s. ~ralpah.ria 157 11 151 Bengati(U·151).

6. Oriy.

7. Pahana Bengali (F-I).

8. Santali 71 sa 1 Bengali(F-l). 361


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Sub8idiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,.---_...... _---- r----.A.--~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Fema e8 Subsidiary Language

2 3 4 5 6


26. !lech 112 153 4 5

1. Assamese 3

2. Bengali 98 105 5 Rindi (F·5).

3. Rindi

4. Santali 48 Bengali (M.4l.

27. !lru 170 157 28 • 1. Bengali 1U 144 Santali (M·4), Urdu (F·ll.

2. MIu 23 21 Bengali (M·21).

3. Santali 3 13 3 Bengali (M·S, F·3).

28. !funda • 16,280 18,458 3,670 3,351

1. Adlbhasha·Munda 567 560 Bengali (F·SCO).

2. Bengali

7,110 9,26~ 109 228 Rindi (M·71 , F·19l), Sant.1i (M·4, F·3.), Mundari (M·10), English (M·Il, F·2), Oriyll (M·4). 3. English 2

4. Hindi

823 123 22 21 Bengali (M'19, F·21), En~lish (M·2), Santali (1[.1).

5. Karmali 225 2() llengali(M.15), Irindi(M·5).

6. Ko} 1 Bengali (M·l).

7. Kurukh/Oraon 26 27 362

TABLE ST-I-MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES-contd. Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a. La.ngu&ge Su bslctlary to the Mothor Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-.J.-----, ,---.J...--_...., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Su bsidiary Language 2 3 6

BURDWAN DIVlSION-Contd. 28. Munds-cOntd. S. Maratbi 5

O. ~Iunda·Unspecilled

5 "'i ~

10. Mundari

6,63' 7,20B a,OBa 2,304 Bengali (~[·2,S03, ]!'·2,234), Hindi (M·109 I1 ,:1"·17), Santilli (M·5, F·48l, English (1f.18, F·ll, Karmali (F· g), Oliye. (M·3). 11. OIly" 55 8S 22 Bengali (Y·22).

12. Persian

13. Sadan/Sadri 2

14. Santali I,B70 1,165 481 204 Bengali (M·370, F·188), Oriya (M.57), Rlndl (M·', F·l&). I 15. Telugu 11 16 H Hilldi (F·12), English (M· I),

29. Naaeala • 6 3

1. llen,ali

2. Gurmukhi S

3. lIIndi 2

4. Meah 2

SO. Oraon It,160 7,639 911 706

1. Adlbh~sh~·KurukhIOraon

387 1,008 6~ 237 Bengali (~H6, ~··230), Hindi (111-10, ,.7), El!gliFh (nr·7). . 2. Bengali

7,318 '-.083 287 40 ~anhli (M·ISB, F·16), Hindi (M·32, Y·l5), Kurukh/ Oraoo (M·12, F·B), Englirh (U'4, F·I), Arabic/ Ara.bi or·ll. 363


Moth er Tongne and Total No. of persons returned as speaking 8 language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers ToDl!Uo Serlsl '"\ ,___--"~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Malos Females Malee Females SubeidiarY Language 2 3 5 6

BURDWAN DIVISWN-eontd. 30. Oraon -conta. 3. Dhangri 2 2 Bengali (F-2).

4. Hindi 590 36 50 Bengali (M·25, 1·50). English (Moll).

5. Karmali 27

6. Karumkhatan

7. KUIUkh/Oraon

1.9~7 1,202 544 325 Bengali (M·452, F·295), Hindi (1£.77. 1 0 28). E!t,Ulh (M·15.1-2). 8.1Iecb 1

9. lIIlta

10. Munda!1

82 28 10 .. Bengali (M·S). Hindi (M·B). ~antali (M·I).

11. Nageeia 20 10

lll. Orly& 21

13. !!ad&n/Sadri 11

U. Santali 8,515 886 21 112 Bengali (M'lo, F·m), Englleh (11[,2), Bindl(F-l)o

15. Tamil s

16. Toluga 2 9

31. Parhalya

1. Bengali 445 41 364


Ml)tha TO!>'g'le 1>.!>1l Tl)to.l No. of persons returned as speaking a language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-----~~ r·------~------~ No. Name of Schednled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary vinguage 1 2 4 5 6

BURDWAN DIVISJON-contd. 32. Rabhe. . 108 74

1. Assamese 8

2. Bengali 71

3. :Nepali 6

4. SantaU 3 Bengali (F·i).

33. Santal • 442,804 444,323 188,662 173,552

1. Adibhasha·Munda 4,053 6,672 2,000 3,850 Bengali (M·2, DOD, F·3,B50).


29,305 40,9 94 1,056 1,734 Santali (M-845, F·1,638), lIindi (M·135, F-87), English (M-75, F'5), Oriya (M·I, F·4)_ 3. Dehari

2 10 2 I) Bengall (1[-2, F-Q).

4. EngliSh 1 1 Hindi (F-1).

5. Hindi 4SB 69 7 Bengali (~f·63, F.7), Santali (M·5), English (M·I).

6. Karmali

6,771 4,S51 2,779 1,804 Bengali (M-2, 751, F·l,696) t Bindi (lII-24, F·I08), EngliSh (AH). 7. KOdajKora 9 (3 0 43 Bengali (M.9, F-(3).

S. Kol 7 2 .. Santali (Y·2).

9. Xurukh/Oraon SO 19 Hindi (F-l4) , Bengali (F·5).

10. MahiJi 4 1 .. Bengali (M·l).

11. Mirdha,XodajXora 37 17 31 17 Bengali (Y·3t, F-17). 365


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ,---__.A.___ ~ Serial , ___,..__A ___ -"" No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 2 5 6

BURDWAN DIVISIOA'-contd, 33, Sanlal-contd. 12. Mundari 10 65

13. Nepalij

H.Oriya 119 109 30 2 Bengali (M-29, F-2), Bantali CM·1).

15. Santali 402,087 391,071 ,182,682 166,066 Bengali (M·180,880, F-165,655J, Hindi (M.l,009,F.275), English (M·683, F·53), Oriya (M·70, F-71), UrdU (M·39), Karmali (M·l, F·7), Nepali (F·4), Mundarl (F-l). 16. Telugu 8 •• Bengali (M·I).

17. Turi

18. Upabhasha 19

19. Urdu

34, Savar 1,702 479 123


2. Bengali 1,537 465

3. Santau

159 14 123 .. BengaJi(M.ll3), English (M.8), Hindi (M-2). as, Unclasslded . 112,983 17,228 ,2,930 I, Adibhasha

171 2,215 131 6~0 Bengali (M·m, F.639), Hindi (F.l),

2. Bengali 6,213 8,470 313 213 Salltall (M·267, F·194), Hindi (M.16, F·17), Mundari (M-26). English (M"), Ortya (M·l, F·2). 3. Bhumij 20

4. Bodo/Boro

, 6 Hindi (N), Enili.b (M")' 366


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned III speaking a Llngualle SubsidiarY to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serilll No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Malo! Females iMales "'----'"Females Subsidiary. Language 2 6 BURDWAN DW1S1ON-eontd.

35. Uaclaulded-conld. 5. Dhangrl 55 46 , B81liall (M.6, F.4).

6. GnJaratl 1

7. Hindi 304 S39 32 Bengali (M.21, N), Enallsh (M.8).

8. Xol

2 10 ~ Benial! (F~).

9. Xoda/Kot& 2«1 26 Bengllll (M.i6).

10. llurukh/Oraon 51 109 Bengali (M.a, F·I), Santall ('1.1).

ll. Madrasl

12. Mahlli 264 32 95 Bengali (M.06).

13. Malpahatll. 89 77 EnllllBh (M.U), Bellll,1i (JIi.8).

14. ManJhi G BOlli,1I (F.6).

16. Mlrdha·Koda/Kora 22 !2 Bonsall \F.22).

16. Mundar.

282 199 117 55 Be~all (M.Da, F·i7l. Eff:l8h ~lf.·161 FoIl, Hindi ( ". F·G). Sanskrit ( .2), anti I (p.l), 17. Nepali

18.0rlya 30 68 4 15 B0Il8611 (M·'. No).

19. l'U111&bl

.. .. '

20. Santall 6,2H 5,450 2,111 2,609 Benlall (M.2,O~7, M,'9S), HindI (H'll, FolO). Orly. IF· ). EugUlh (M.S), .\rabIe/Arabi (F'll, Urdu (N). 367


Mother Tonana and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Lnngunge Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serllli r----·A--__...... ""___ -.A..--~ No. Namo of Scbeduled Tribe Males Females Males Femalea 8ublldlary Language 2 , 6 BUBDWAN DIVI8ION-coDcld.

30. Ulloll ..lned-ccncld. 21. Savara 14 • 22. Tamil

23. Thar

24. Tibetall • • Rlndl (!loS), lleDil&lI (!lo1),

25. Teluau

26.Upabhaaba 24B 218 3 . . Bengali (MoB). 368


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SulJsidiary' to the Molher Total Speakers Tongue ~-__.A-- __~ Serial r-,._-...... ,..._-----., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Fenlales lI[ales Fenlales Subsidiary IJanguage 2 3 4 5 Ii

HOWRAH DISTRICT ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 3,657 2.454 271 109 1. BhurniJ. 21 8 • 1. llengall 17 8 • .. Mlndi (M·4) • 2.0rlya 4

2. Garo 8

1. Hindi


2. Garbwali


3. Telugu


3. Hajang • 4

1. Bengali


4. Ho 5 l[;G 3

1. Rindl l51S

2. RoJ

3. Nepal! , 3 IIiodl (M.3).

5. Kora . 81 19

1. Bengali

9 3

2. Hindi


3. Koda/Kora 369


~[other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ~eri.l r-----A_-----" r-~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Uales Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 6 2 3 ~ - 5

lIOWRAH DISTRICT-con/d. ,. Santali 5. Jrora-contd. 5

5. Teluau 11 1 HindI(N).

G. Lodba, IOmia or Xharia 73

1. Bellr;ali 73

2. Hindi 7


13 1. Benl:all

2. lIindi 56

S. Marathl



5. ~&ntali

6. Telugu 11

8. llahali 31

1. Bengali 2 2

2. Hindi 5

3.0riya 20

4. Telugu

~ 8(a) RGI/64 2* 370


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,----....1----, r---"---..... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Mal es Femal es Males Females BllhsidiarY Language 1 2 3 5 6

I10WRAH DISTRICT-contd. 9. htal l'ahariyll • 5 15 2

1. :Bengali 1 13 1 ., Hindi(M-l). •

2. Bhotla. Unspecilled 2 1 .. Nepali(M-l).

a. Hindi 2 2

10. Mech 1 • 4

1. Bena-ali

2. Hindi

11. Munda . 6~1} 363 14 14

1. A.dlbhasha.Munda

2. Bengali 127 165 1 .. Hindi(lf-l).

3. Hindi 283 14

4. KurukhfOraon 26 27

6. Muralbi 6

G. Mundari 1!5 130 12 2 Hindt(M'U),lIen,all (1-2), Oliya (!H).

7.0riya (8 1

8. Persian 1

9. SadanlSadrij 371


~lotlwrTonglle and Tolal Xo.ofpersons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers TongEe • ____~..A._- __ ___.. SeriAl r-_____A _----, No. Name ofqcheduled Tribe Milles FCJI1ales ~[ales Femaks Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 5 6

HOWRAH DISTRICT-(onld. 10. Santali

11. UUnda-contd. 20 10 Hindi(~[·l).

11. Telugu 2 16 12 Hindi(~'·12).

12. Nagesia 2' 2

1. Hindi 2

2. Meeh 2

13. Ornon • 1,287 607 52 34

1. A.dibhasha·Kurukh/Oroan 11 6 Bpngali(M·6).

2. Bengali

57 153 IIindi(lIf·l).

3. Hindi

720 231 17 Bengali(lIf'10), English(M·7).

4. Karumkhatan

5. Kurukh:Oraon 256 149 26 34 llengali (lIf'2I, F'14), Hindi 0['4, F·20), Engli,h PH). 6. :\Jjla

7. 4IJlndari 61 7 2 Hindi(M·2).

8. Oriya

9. Santali


10, Telugu 372


Mother Tonglle and Total No. of persons returned as speaking" Language Subsidiary to the }lother Total Speakers Tongue Serid ,----~--. ,--...... ;._.--~- No. Name or Scheduled Tribe Yales Females Males Females Subsidiary I.angu.ge 1 2 3 6

HOWlUH DISTRICT-conch!'. 14. lanlll . 1,194 1,118 171 57

1. Bengali 663 1 Englbh(lIH, F·1).

2,0rlya 34 3. Santall

801 170 66 Bengali (M'162, F'55),]illlglish (I1l'4), HindI. (M'S, F·1l, Orlya(1\1·I). lli. Ullclal8llle41 • 228 25 3

1. Bengali 36 10 3 . . B:Indl(lr·8).

2. Gujant!

8. Hindi 182 75 22 2 ].lellgali (11l-l7, F·2), Ellli1ilb(M·5).

t. Kurukh/Oraon 3

5. Madrasl

6, Nepali


7. Orlya

3 1

S. Punjab!


9, Santali 1 1 Urdu (F·l). 373


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue serial r---A----, r----,..,.._----~ Nu. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Lan&lIa~e 1 2 3 4 5 6


1. Bhumij 934 1,249 8 109

1. Bengali 931 1,132 8 7 Santali (M.6, F·7), Englieh (11.2).

2. Santali 3 117 102 Bengali (F·102).

2. Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, 3 4 1 Dukpa, Xagatay, Tibetan, and Yolmo 1. Benli:all 1 2

2. Bhotia·Unspecified 1 1 Nepali (M·I).

3. Santali 2

3. Chakma 2 1. Kha.i o 2 English (M .2).

4. Garo 5 6 5

1. Bengali 6

2. Garo 5 5 English (M·5).

5. Uajang, 5 1

1. Bengali 1 Santali (M·l).

6. }fo 8 211 1

1. Bengali 3 211

2. Ho 5 1 English m·!.) 374


)IotherTongue and Tolal No. ofpefdollB returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the 110ther Total Speaker" rrongue ".... ____.A.--_"""\ Serial r-----A-----~ No. Name of SCh~l\U\' d Tribe H lies Femail I Males ~'emaJea Subsidiary Language 2 3 5


7. KOrll 2,441 2,207 274 221

1. Bengali 1,961 1,M7 10 25 Santali(M'7, F·24), Engli8h(11-3), Hindi (F'll.

2. koM/Kora 309 64 ,244 44 Be ngalJpf.244,F'H).

3. )lundari

11 20

4. Santali 163 576 20 152 BengaH(F·151), EnSlish(M·20, F·l).

8. Lo1'_' a . 11

1. Bengali 11

2. Lepcha

: 9. Lo111<', Kteri tor l{hari

1. Bengali 984 1,05S

2. SantuJi 20 20 BengaliOH, F·20).

11. ~lahAli • • 71 58 20 2 1. Bengali

18 13 5 2 SaniaJipr·5, F·2).

2. Garo English(M'I).

3. )Iahili

28 27 2 English(~I·l), Bengali (M'I).

4. Santali 24 18 12 Oriya )f.12).

15 48 1. Bengali:l 12 47

2. Rurukh/Oraon 3 375


Mother Tongue and Total No.ofpersonsreturned a8 speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue r-__A __ ~ Serial ,----_.I'----, No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Female. Subsidiary Langl'sge 3 5 6

HOOGHLY DISTRICT-conld. 12. Mru 50 27 3

1. Beng&li GO (7 , .. Santali(:1tH).

:. Mru 23 21 .. Beniali(M·21).

3. Santali 2 3 Z 3 Bengali(Y·2,F·3).

13. Mundi • 588 2G2 58 64

261 150 11 llantali(M-l, i-~), Rindl(M-l, F-p).

2. Munda-Unspecified 5

S. lIu.darl GO 17 35 Beniall(lf.7, F-34), Englilh(Y-6),'Hindi(M-4, N).

4. Santal! 73 30 18 Bengali(M-3Q,F-18).

14. Ora 011 • Z,837 905 150

1. Bengali 1,850 534 49 25 Santali(U-a9, F·16). Hindi(U-5, ]'-8),Kurukh/Oraon (M-4, F-I), Arabic/Ara.bi (M-I). 2. Kurukh/Oraon 885 207 385 121 BenisH(Y-3Ia, F-121), Hindi(Y-60), English (:1.1-12).

4. Sadan/Sadri 11

6. Santali 91 75 1 , Bengali(M'l, F-4).

15. Santal • 36,710 37,071 13,083 " 13,022

1. Bengali

4,061 35S 333 Bantali (M-3£8, ]j'-283), Hindi (M·2 'F-~O) English (M-5). ' 2. Dehar! 2 10 9 Bengall(M·2,F.9). 376


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Spe.ke!1l Tongue Sarial r--_J------, .------'------. .'10. Name of Scheduled Tribe ~Iale3 Females Mares ]'emalcs Subsidiary Language 1 2 3 5

HOOGHLY D{STRlCT-conc/d. 3. Uun<1ari 15. Santal-oontd. 10 42

4. Santali, 33,783 S2,958 13,626 12,580 Bengali (M'13,S7S, P'12,G67), Hindi (t{.4S, F·13).

16. Uncla~!lIl.ed . 1,072 1,230 92

1. Bengali I 652 6 3 Santali(tf.6,F·3).

2. BOdo/Boro 4 4 .. English(M·4).

3. Dhangri 11 .. Bengali(M·l).

4. UahiJi Z .. BangaIi(:!.H).

5. ~1a.lpaharia 89 77 .. English(lf ·74), BengaIiOlf.3).

6. ~rundarl 10 83

7. Sautali 277 492

8. Tibetan 377


~Iothcr Tongue and TotAl No. of persons returned as .peaking II Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total speaker. Tongue Serial ,----__A----., .A.___ ..., No. Name of Scheduled Trio. Male. Females Males Female. Subsidiary Language

2 6


1. Bhumij . 823 409 31 2

1. Bengali 6&9 368 24 2 nindi(lf.21, F·2), Santali ()l.S).

2. Hindi 131 H 5 .. English (11·3), Bengali ()l ·2).

3.0riy& 2 2 .. Beniali(M.2).

{. Santali

2. Bhutia including Sherpa. Toto. 23 2 DUkpa, Kagatay. Tibetan and Yolmo 1. Hindi 8 4 2 Engli.h (F.2).

2. SantaU 15

3. Chakm~ . 20

1. Bongali 20

4. Garo 63 4

1. Bengalil 63 4 Hindi (M·3). EngJi5b (M.I).

S. R&jaDg • 8

1. Rindi 8

6. Ha 27 7 2

1. Bengali 22 3

2. lIlndl 5 3 2 .. Boniall(M·2).

3. Ro 1 378


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---A...----, r---...... _-'L-....--1 No. NAm~ of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 1 .2


7. KDr, \7,OH 4,905 1,340 581

1. Bengali

4,380 2,536 214, 18 Hindl(Y·152.F·18), Santali (lI.n), English (1!.21).

2. Hindi 190 164 23 11;1 Bengali(M.23,F·33).

3. Xoda/Kora 1.89.2 1,108 962 293 Bengali (M·7l6, F.293), Rindi (1£·.233). English (M·12), Santali(M·l). 4. Kurmi 31 31 •• Bengali (1£·31).

5. Kurukh{Oraon 38 30 Bengali(M·3.F·30).

6.Mandi 4. .. JIindi(:&H).

7. Uundari 1 .. Rindi(M·l).

8. Nepali -r 5 .. Bengali (l{.3). Hindi (M·2).

9. Bantali 5JO 1,058 97 207 Bengali (Y.97, F·201), Hindi (F.6).

8. Lodha, Khoriaor Kharia., 15~ 327 ... 8

1. Bengali 114 186

2. Hindi 12 126

3. Rharia 28 10 8 llengali(F.8).

4. Kuruk/Oraon


5. Telugu 379


Mother Tongue and Tolal No. of persons returned as speaking .. Language eubsidiary to ~ he Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r----A..------.. ,-----__,.__----"\ No. Name of,8cheduled Tribe Jlfales Females ],falei Female. SubSidiary Langul,e 2 3 i II


~ " Maih sa

1. Bengali G8

2. Hindi 15 1 Bengall(Y-l).

10. Mahali 415 085 48 3'

1. Bengali 158 315 9 .. Santall(M>9).

2. Hindi 17 21

3. Mahili 1 (M·1). 59 " Enill!h

4. Santali 171 343 38 34 BenK&li(M·38. ,·a4).

11. Mal Pahariy& • 461 179 187

1. Bengali 99 15 1 Hindl(Y·l).

2. Rindi 205 135 aG 5 Bengali (}[.S6,Y.S).

S, MalpaMri& 157 11 151 .. Bfniall(M-I51).

4. Santali 17

12. .IIlru 49

1. BenQ'ali 40

13. Munda . 11,856 1,125 347 IU

1. Beng&li

413 309 5. 181 IHlldi(l>l:'4S, PO-lS0),EnllliJh(1l-e),Santal!(Y-l, J.1)_

t. Rindi 451 70 15 18 Beniali(ll-16, '-18). 380


~{other Tongue and Total No. of persons returned M speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother 'rota] S'peak.r~ Tongue Serial .----""---""1 ,..------"" No. Name ofSllheduletl Tribe Males Females Males ~'emales Sub~hliary Langua~e 2 6

BURDWAN DISTRICT-cQntd. 13. 1Illuda-con!d. 3. 1Iundari

781 401 209 36 Hindi (~f.139, F·B), Benaali (l1-63, l!·27), English (M-7,N).

4. Oriya 5 22

5. Sllntali

200 224 67 19 Bengali(~I.67, N), Hindi (NO).

6. Te]u~u 6 .. English(}I·1).

14. Nage3ia • 3

1. 'Gurmukhi 3

15. Oraon . 4,452 1,241 137 166

1. Adibhasha-Korukh/Oraon 209 10 .. Hindi(nt-10).

2. Bengali 813 631 19 8 Hilldi(1£-l8, F·7), En~lish (ll'-l), Santali (M·l).

3. Hindi 333 17 47 Beugali(;'I-l3, F·(7), Englilh(U·4).

4. Kurukh/Oraon 373 235 n 80 Bengali (nI·76, F'8S), Rindi(M'18), Engli~h (U.2) F·I).

5.lIceb / 7

6. Santali

2,955 48 22 Bengali(F·21), Hindi(F.I).

7. TllmIl

lG. I\abha . 21 1. Bengali

21 381


MotherTongueand Total No. of persons returned u speaking a Language Subsid.lary to the ~Iother Total Speaker. Tongue Serial r----""-----, r------'------.., No. Name of Scheduled Trib& Males Females Males. Femalei Subsidiary Laniua~e 2 3 G

BURDWAN DISJ:'RlCT-concld. 17. 8all1a1 75,870 75,781 24,761 L26,670

1. Bengali 5,867 3,891 171 96 BantaJi (M'118, F·SS), Hind! (M-43, F-6),Enili1h (M-IO,F-2). 2. Hindi

285 393 22 .. Ben&ali(lrH7), Santali(M-iJ, English (M-I).

3. Kol 2 .. Sautali(M·2).

4. Nepali 4

5.Sautah 73,212 71,493 24,565 26,574 Bengali or·23,785, F·26,585J, Hindi (M·S55, F·26), EngUsh(M·85, F-7), Urdu(M·S9), Oriya(M·l, F.6).

6.Telu~u ,. Bengali(M-l).

18, UnclaesiJled 505 611 266 69

I.Beniali 120 336 12 27 Hlndi(1l".12, F·17),Santal1(F-lO).

2. Bodo/Boro g Hindi (F-6).

S. Dhanlrl 16 ,

4. HindJ 28 183 3 1 EngliehO[·3), Bengali (P·l).

5. Kol 10

e. Mundarl 10 17 6 Englisll(11l-l5), HlndJ(M'2, F·6).

7. ~antali 307 67 !S! 24 Bengali(M·232, F·lO), Hind!(F·8).


t Tibetan 2 : •• Bengali(Y·l), Hlndl(Y·I). 382


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language ~ubsidiary to the Mother ,... ___Total--A Speakers__ --.. ,..-___Tongue---A-. ____ -'\ Serial No. Nam@ of Scheduled Tribe Male. Females Male~ Females Subsidiary Language 3


1. llllumlj •

2. Chakma.

3. Ho 2Q 13 13 12

1. KhorthafKhottll

2~ 11 13 11 Bengali (!f.l3, F·Il).

2. Punjabi

% 1 Rindi(F·l).

4. Kora 2,705 2,808 1,192 1,325

1. Baor! 21

2. Bengali 7 373 • .. Hindi(~I·2), English ()f.l) , Sanlali(?H). 3. Dhangri 513 (98 257 250 Bengali(}(·257, F·250).

4. Hindi 32 75

5. Koda/Kora

935 598 .46 266 Beng&liOH44, F·266), English (M'l), Santa!i (M.I).

G. KurDli 11 .. Bengali (Y·7).

7. Santal!

1,IST 1,2M 478 809 Bengali(~H7S, F·S09}.

ii. Lodll&, Kheria or Kharia 5

1. Lodha S 383


1.10 the r Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mo ther Total Speakers Tongue Serial r--_ _J..,__ __....., r ____A ___ .... No. Name of SCheduled Trille Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Langu8ie 1 2 4 5 6

BIRBHUM DISTRICT-conld. 6. Msgh 46 47 4 6 1. Bengali


2. Hindi 32 20 1 6 Bengali (hI-l, F·6).

3. Mundari 3' 21 Z .. BeniaH (U-2).

4. SantaH 2 2 1 .. BeDgall (~I-l).

7. MalPaharlya 173 18' 13 13 1. Bengall 112 137 , 11 Hindi (F'B), Sanl.1i (J.[.~, r-~), Englbh (M·l).

2. Hindi 10 31 9 1 Bengali(M-9, F·1).

3. Paharla 1 1 Bengali (F· I).

4. Santall 51 15

S. Mahali 39~ 485 159 122 1. Bengali

193 255 4O 19 Santal1(M·'9, F-I0).

2. Hindi

2 2 Z 2 Bengali (M·2, F·2).

3. Mahili 53 flO 13 6 Bongali(M·ll, F·6), HiDdi(M·!).

4. Santali

,140 1~8 95 95 Bengall (!I'9G, F-96).

5. Upabhs!ha

9. Munda 8 7 6 5 1. Bengali

2 2 1 2 Engllsh(M·l,F-!). 2. Mundari

6 5 5 S Bengali (M·4, F·2), Hlndi(Y·l,l-1). 384


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofpersonB returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Moth,r Total Speakers Tongue Serla! ,----.A..----. r---...... -----; No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males FeJllales Males Femalea Subsidiary l,anguaBt 2- $ 4 I> , \l

BIRBHUM DISTRICT-conia • 10. OUOD • 1 129 140 50 61

L Bengali

18 10 g 7 Hindi (M·l), Kurukh/Oraon (lI'S, F·7).

2. Dhan!:rl 2 2 Bengali (F·2).

3. Hind! ~

,. Kurllkb/Oraon 88 127 37 62 BeniMI ()I.sq, F·62).

6. :l\[undari 17 4 Bengali (111.,2), Rfndi(1.r-t), 8antaJi (IH).

11. Santal 47,000 46,420 21,569 19,74i 1. Bengali

743 314 67 1~ Sanl"lI (!H7, NO).

2. Hind! 5(1 32 al) .. lleuil811()I·29), Santall (fo{.l).

3. E:odaJX:or~

43 9 43 Bengali (~t'9, F·43).

4. Mablll

4, 4 1 .. Dongali (M·l).

5. Mlrdha·Xoda/Xora 37 17 31 17 Bengali (M·BI, F·17).

6. Snntali

46,144 ~6,OO3 21,421 19,865 Bengali (M·2I,020, F'lP,~(9), En&li.h (M·S65), Rind! (fo{·36, F-16). 7. Turl

8. Upabhasha 19 ,

12. UIIcla!sided :l,gon 3,352 l,O!3 1,283 1. Bongali 361 804 23 8 Santali(H·20, F·8), English (M·8).

2. DhLnirl ~6 § • Blni&!! (1\[.5, F·') • 385


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofpersollll returned as speaking II Languge Subsidiary to the Mother .Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,-____.A. ___ ..... r----~-.. _...... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe yales Females Males Females Subsidiary Lan~uage 3 a

BIRBHUM DISTRICT~onrlC!. 12. Unoiaullled--contd. 3. Rindi 9 5 7 4 Bengali (11·7, F·4).

4. Koda(Kofll 26 26 .. Bengali (M·26).

5. XlIfukh/Oraon 30 1 1 Bengali (F·l), Santall(M·l).

6. lfanlbl 6 Benaall (F·6).

7. J.llrdba·Xoda/Xora 22 22 Bengali (F·22).

8. SaJl1uli 2,226 970 1,238 BengaJi(M·974, F·l,237),Englie.h (!II ,2), HlndHF.l).

9. Tibetan 2 •• Hindi (l[·2).

10. Upabbasha 243 218 3 .. Bengali (M·3).

;' 386


Mother Tongue and Total No. ofpersonsteturned as s peaking a Language Subsidiary 10 the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ~ ______,.A.. ___-. Serial ,... _ ____.J.. ___~ No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females )[ates Female~ subsidiary Language

2 3 4 5 6


1. Bhumij • 4,762 2,9~3 .51 52

1. Bengali 3,363 2,827 8 1 Sanlsli (M·4, 1'·1), Englisb (M·4).

2. English 1 Klndi(nI·l).

3. Sliniali 1,398 106 942 51 lIengali(M.942, F·ol).

2. Ko 23 19 3

1. Bengali 2 2 Rindi (F·2).

2. Hindi 1 Bengali(F·l).

3. Ho, 0 23 16

3. Kora 3,834 ,4,288 1,057 554

1. Bengali 2,571 [3,3Sr; 70 42 KOdajKona(1[.47, F·41), Santali(1I1·20, 1'·1), Rn£li.h (M·3). 2. Hindi 3 3 Bengali (F·3).

3. KOda/Kora 313 264 225 179 BengaliGl\[·225, F·161), San tali (1"]8).

4. Mnndll·unspeclfied 10 2 .. Bengali(~[·2).

5. MUndarl 13 94 13 39 Bengali(M·13, F·39).

6. Nagari·Hindi

H 3 11 2 llengali (~r·ll, F·2)',

7. Santall

913 539 7S~ 28~ Bengali(~[.736, F.289). 387


Mother Tongue and Total No. Of personsreturned as Spe-aking a Language SUbsidiary to the )[other Total Speakers Tongue Serial r------A-----, r-----A-____l No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females ~[alr5 Females Subsidiary Langl age 3 5 6


,. Lodha, Kheda or Kha ira 169 145 67 144

1. lIengall 75 100 100 Hindi (F·1l0).

2. Kharia '5 44 Bengali(F-H).

3. SantaH 94 G, Bengali (M -07).

650 5. lllahali 339 98 338

1. Bengali 156 182

2. Kurukh/Oraon 8

3. Mallili S 2 3 Bengali(M-2, F.2),Santali(F·l).

4. Salltali 457 lS] 96 335 Bengali (M-9o,F·32U), Rilldi(F-B).


1. Bengall~ 5 5 Hindi(F·5).

'8 2. Santali ... 7, ~;ru

1. Bengali

120 8, Munda • 233 167 39

1. Bengali 37 12 salltali(F-]2 l.

2. Rindl 3 3 Sellgali (F-3l.

3. Kol .. 1 Ben~aH(M-ll. 388


1I10iher Tongue and Total No. of perso us returned as speaking a Language SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r--_____,.._,----'\ r ___.A._--. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males FemaleS Subsidiary Language 2 4 5 6

BANKURA DISTRlCT-()oncld. S. ]'(unda-()olltd. 6S 10 24 Dengali(M-lO, F-lS), BantsH (F-ll).

6. Santali 185 12 156 .. Benguli(M-1ii6).

9. Orion . 535 52 1. Adibhllsh!l-Xurukh/oraon'. 285 42 Bengal!(F·35),Hlndl(F·7).

2. BengaU

3. Hindi

4. Kurukh/Oraon 13 203 4 10 Beugllli(M·4,F-9),J{indi(F-1).

5. Santali '6

10. S~ntal 70,077 76,577 36,321 39,616 1. DengaU '- 6,436 ',976 74 14 Santall(M-59, F-12),English (M-t5, F-l), H1ndl(F-l).

2. English ,. 1 1 ltindi(F-l).

8. Hindi 10 7 Bengllli(F-7).

4.. Kurnkh/Oraon 39 19 Bengali (F-5l, Hlndi(F-14).

5. SantaH 69,288 71,551 36,247 39,575 Bengali (M-36,154, F-39,5S9), Hindi(M.31, F-M), "English l~H>2, 11-2)_

11. Unclassified . 1,085 1,927 129 " 374 1. Bengali 743 1,126 S Santa]! (F-3), English (M-l). 2. Hindi 74 3. Kurukh/Orllon 18 108 6 •• Benga.li(M-6). 4. Santall

S24 619 122 371 Dengalin[-120. F·a71), Rind! (}I-!). 389


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons retnrned 81 speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial ,---..... ~ ,----..,).----., No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Snbsidiary Language 1 2 3 6


1. llllUIDij • 12,608 H,li11 1,100 1,U7

1. Adibhaaha.MlInda 85 29 83 .. Bengali (lJ:.Sa).

2. Bengali 9,603 11,866 91 311 88n1811 (M'll, F·227), Mundar! (M-38, F·74), Hindi (bH5, F·9), English (M-21 F·Il, OIi,s (~[-C). 3. Bhumij 568 580 335 371 Bengali (M'S30, F·172), Santali (F-199).

4. Bhumija~i

35 34 •. Bengali (M·aO), Santali (~H).

5. Hindi

6. Kherwari 36 47 23 4 Bengali (M·23, N).

7. KodajKora 10 1 Hindi (F-l).

8. Mundari 376 300 199 172 Bengali (M'109, F-168), Santali (N).

9. Oriya - 38 129 15 39 Bengali (M-lS, 1·39).

10. Santali 1,872 1,549 670 519 Bengali (M-6S0,F-510), Orlya (M-I).

2. I1lmtla including Sherpa. Toto, DlIkpa. Kagatay. Tibetan and Yolmo. 14

1. Bengali 10

2. SanlaH

3. Chakma. 161 214 2 10

1. Bengali 151 214 2 10 Urdu (FoS), Oriyn (U-2, 1.2). 390


lIother Tongue a.nd Total No. of persons returned as speakiug Il. La.ngu.-ge Subsidiary ot the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r-____.A.--~ r---~----~ No. ::lame of Scheduled Tribe Males Females MaleS Females Subsidiary Language 2 3 4 5

MrDNAPORE DISTRICT-contd. 4. Garo 1

5. Ho 67 39 5

1. Bengali 37 36

2. Ho 5 Bengali or·5).

3. ~fundari 2 1 Bengali (F·l). "" 4. oriya

5. Santali 25

6. Kora 5,587 5,862 1,072 1,418

1. Bengali 3,165 3,342 109 306 Santali (U.108, F·306), English (M.l).

2. Hindi 2

3. Koda/Kora 357 971 163 407 Bengali pI·16S, F'SSO), Santali (F.l15).,Hindi (F·2). 4. Kol 9 .. Bengali (~H).

5. Mundari 1 Bengali (F.Il.

6. oriya

4 10

7. Santali

'.l,U3! 1,531 790 614 Ben~aIi (}I.785, F·G1Z), English (1H), Rindi (M-I, F·2). 8. Thar 16 9 Bengali (M-P). 391


Mother Tongue and Total No. of perSonS returned as speaking a Longuage Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue ,..-_--A-__!-, Serial r-__.A.-~ No. Name of Scheduled lribe Males Females Males Females SubSidiary Language 2 4 6

MIDNAPORE DISTRICT~Qntd. 7. Lodha, Kharia or Kharia • 5,406 5,790 65 148

1. AdibbasM·11unda. 93 45 •• Bengali (M·4S).

2. Bengali 5,110 5,362 11 SantaJi(lII·S, F·9), Hindi (M.l, F·2), Orila(M·l).

3. Hindi

16 146

4. Oriya 43 36

5. Santali 135 256 13 137 Bengali (M·13, ,.137).

8, :Magh 3 2

1. Bengali 3 2

9, Maball • 2,677 2,861 767 640

2. Bangali

( 1,228 , 1,867 154 66 Sa ntali (M·15S, F·55), English (Y·I) , Rindi (M·l).

3. Rindi


4. MD-hili 513 199 202 54 Bengali (M·202, F·SS), Hindi (F.l).

5. MuM:!.- Unspacifled 2 2 .. Bengali (1{·2),

6. Mundari 26 12 Bengali (F·12).

7.0riya 2 48 3 Bengali (F·2), Santali (F·I),

8. Santali \)27 719 409 415 Bengali (M·409, F·U4), Orilll (F·I). 392


Mother Tongue and Tota) No. of persons returned II! s peaking II Language SubsIdiary to the Mother Totlll Speakers Tongue Serial r--_....~ r--_.A.-----. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males l!'emale~ Males Females Suusidiary L:r-nguage 3 6

MIDNAPORE DISTRICf,.....conld. 10. Mal PlIharlya . 1,167 1,247

1. Beugall 1,166 l,llU 2 Hindi(Y·3),Santali(F·2),Onya(M.1).

2. Xurukh/Oraon 1 1 Rlndi (F·1).

3. Oriya

4. SantaJi 1 Bengali (F.1l.

11. A{ech 108 100

1. AssGme~e 3

2. Bengali

95 100

3. SanLnJi 9 4 .. Bengali (M·').

)" ~. Mru 70 58

1. Bengali 69 48 Urdu (F·I). 2. Santali 10 Bengali (){·ll. "

13. l{unda 7,815 9,U5 2,773 2,206

1 . .Bengali

2,174 2,511 25 22 !rundari (~·1~), Sautali (1{·2, F-16), HIndi (F·6), orlya (M·'). 2. Hindi 84 20 5 .. Bengali (M·4), Santali (M·1).

a.Mundari 5,250 5,828 2,591) 2,004 lleMali ()1·2,5BG, F·1,9~9), Santali (1.1.5, F.32). Hindi PH, F·3), En~lIsh (M·2), Orlya (~£·2). 4.0rlya 2 60 22 Bengali (F·22). 393


:Uolher Tongue and Total No. ofpersonsretUrntd as speaking .. Language Subaidiary to the J{other Total Speakers TOll8ue ,... __-A ___ ~ Serial ,.----.,,:;_".--"---- No. Name of Scheduled Tribe yales Females Males Fen{{I!es Subsidiary Langua.e 2 3 5 6


13. lIunda-conta. 5. Sautilli 302 726 1H 158 Bengali (Y·8f, F·158), Oriya (11-67), Hindi (JIi·3).

6, Telugu 3

U. NlgesJa.

1. Bengali

15. Ocaon 2,369 2,219 15S 74

1. Bengali

2,192 1,783 150 Santali (11-148), English ~l!·2).

2. Hindi 21 Bengali (ilII·l, F·3).

3. Kurukh/Or&OD

113 173 Bengali (!H), llindi(F·l)

4. Mundarl , Bsngali (lH).

6.0riy" H 3

6. Santali 34 289 2 70 Bengali (M·2, F·70).

16. Rabha . 87 65 .t 1. Aaealllese S

2. Bengali 73 62

3. Nepali 6

,. Santali Bengali (N). 394


:blother Tougue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking II Language SUbsidiary to the Mother r-__Total AS pCakers __---. Tongue Serlal r-____....;..,_~-..., NQ. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsiiliary Lauguage 8 4 6 6

MIDNAPORE DISTRlCT-contd. 17. Santali • 115,843 117,955 60,628 68,668

1. Bengali 5,253 12,736 353 1,241 Santali (11.241, F.l,236), ]:{indi (Y·90), English (At·21, F·l), oriya (M·l, F·4). 2. ]:{indi 25 15 .. Bengali (At·15).

3. MUndari 23

4.0riya 85 109 30 2 BengaJi (.M·29, F·2), Santall AI-I).

5. Santali

110,474 105,086 60,230 47,425 BengAli (~1·60,036, F·47,282), Oriya OH8, Y'(5), English (1i-90, F·H), Rindi (!I·36, F·32l, NeIlali (F· f), MUndari (F·l). 6. Telngu 3

7. Urdu 3

18; Unclassified • 6,800 8,884 1,373 1,470

1. Adibhllsh& 162 1,146 129 359 Bengall(1{-129,l!'.358l,ll'indi(F·l).

2. Bengali 3,898 15,990 268 172 Santali (!I·24t, F·170), lIIUndMi (M·25). criya (JH, F.2},lIindi(M·l). 3. Bhumij 20

4. Hindi1 85

5. Kol 2

6. Mahili 260 lIO 91 ... ]'.engll\i (11.01) .

7. }[uQdari 106 100 (0 :Bengali (M.oe, F·m, ]:{jndi (nI·2), Sanskrit (11·2), Santilli (F·l), Engli,h (F-I). 8. Nepali 3 395


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persOns returneQ. as speaking Ii Language Suhsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r--___._ . ..A-_~_~ ,------.)....-----1 Ko. Kame of Scheduled rrribe Males Females }faies Females SuLsidiary Language 2 3 5 6

MlDNAPORE D[STR[CT~collcrd. 18, U nclassifled-conta. 9. Orlya 27 65 4 15 Bengali (11·4, F·15).

10. Santali 2,107 1,522 781 875 Bengali (M·771, F·869), Hindi (~I·9, F·I), Oriya (F·4), English (M·l), Arabic/Arabi (:F·l). 11. Tamil

12. Thar 396 397


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned al speaking a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r---""--""\ ,....------A---,",\ No. Name of Bcheduled'Tribe Males Females Males Females SubBldlary 'Langtlaga 1 2 3 4 Ii 6

PURUUA DISTRICT-contd. 7. GOralt 852 78

1. Bengali 350 73

2. Karmali 2

8. Ho 102 46 28 6

1. Bengali 62 (0

2. Khortha/Khotta 10 3. SantaJi 30 28 6 Bengali (M-llS, F-G),

O. Karmali 835 181 5

1. AdibhaBha-MnDda

\) 2

2. Bengall 657 104

3. lLarmall 169 75 6 BeDgall (N), HindI (F-I). \.'

tl0. Kharwar 593 549 95

1. Adibhasha-Munda 116

2. Benaall 364 534 3. Kherwari 113 3 95 - Bengali ty_95). 4, Yundarl 12

11. KhOnd 15 26 1_ Benga II 15 20' 2. Hindi ,. 398


Mother Tongue and Total No. of persons returned as speaking a Language SUbsidinry to the nIother Total Speakers Tongue Serial r------"------, , ___-J....- __..... No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males ],'emalfs SUbsidiary Language

1 2 3 4 5 6

PURUUA DISTRICT-conld. 12. Kisan 3

1. Bengali 3

13. Kora 4,236 3,265 92 31

1. Adibhasha·Munda 23

2 .Bengali ' 3,995 3,220 28 11 Hindi (M.2e), English (111·6, F·Il).

3. HindI 2

4. Karmali 22 20 Bengali (FJ.lO).

5. Mundarl, 38

6. Santa II 180 21 64 Bengali (lI'37), Hindi (M·27).

14. Korwa • [1,422 1,469

1. Bengali

1,422 1,469 3 English (F.8).

15. LOdha, KMria or Knaria. 49 249

1. AdibhaRha·Munda 5

2. Bengali 245

2. Santali 4

16. Lohara or Lohra 1,835 196

1. Bengali 1,835 196 399


Mother Tongue and Total No. of per SOilS returned as speaking a Language Subsidiary to the ~rother . Total Speakers Tongue ,-____.A. ___~ Serial r-----..... ------. No. Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females Subsidiary Language 3 4 5 6


17, Mahali , ~2,639 2,434 28 .117

1. AdlbhasiwMund8 15 49 I 26 Bengali (F·1l6).

2. Bengali 2,620 2',108 13 3 Hindi (M·I0, F.B), Santaii (M·3).

3, Hindi 2 93 Bengali M.l).

4. Santali 102 184 14 88 BengaJi (M.12, F.BS), Hindi (M.2),

18. Mal pahariya • 1,239 866

1. Bengali 1,219 866

2. Santall 20

19. ~[unda. • 5,140 7,406 305 769

1. Adibhasha']\[unda 567 560 Bengali(F-560).

2. Bengall 4,127 6,086 25 .. llindi{Y-21),English(lH).

3. English


4. Hindi 5 7 2 .. English(M·2).

5. Karmali 225 20 •• Bengali(lH5), Hindi(l!.5).

6. Mundnrl 343 626 234 200 Bengali(M-223, F·187), Hindi(M·I0, F·i), Karmali (F-9), English(M-l).

7. Santsli 438 120 24 9 Benliali{M·24, F-9). 400


Mother Tongue and Total No.ofpersons returned as sp~aklug a. La.nguBge SUbsidiary to the Mother Total Speakers Tongue SerIal r------"'-----, r----..,J...,----, No. Nallle ofSchedulsd Tribe ~lal.s Pemalea Mllies Females Subsidiary Lanlluage 2 3 5 6

PURULIA DISTRICT-contd. 20. OrioD S,081 2,185 75 229

1. :A.dibhasha·Kurukh/OraoD 722

2. :Bengal!

2,387 972 ~ " Hlndl('M-7),EUal\Sh('M·2).

1J.1I1ndl , " lleuarJl('IIl-l).

•• Karmali .27

6, Kurukh/Orlon 18 18 Beliiali(Nl), Ulndl (F-G), lillll]f'h (F-I).

6. 'Mundari 20

7. Nl\lIeell\ 20 10

8. SIQtalJ 256 430 18 16 Beniall('M'16, NO), Enill5h(U-!).

21. Parhalya 4l

1. Bellgall U6 H

22. Santal • 87.(98 89,401 31,239

1. Adlbhasha.-lIunda 4,058 6,872 2,000 3,850 Bengali(1II-2,000, F-8,850).

2. Bengall 8,232 14,453 35 30 Hlndl(F-30), Englbh(1II·23),Santali(M·12).

3. Hludl l! 2 •. Bell,aJI(H·2).

4. Karmali 6,771 4.851 2.770 1,804 Beullall(1II-2.161, F-l,606), IUndl (H-24, F-IOS), EIliIl~h(H-l). 5. Santall GS,42i 26,428 20,091 Bengali ('M-26.H5, F·19,928). Hind!(11£.200, F·Hal, lllnaUa)l{M-77. F.3), lCatmall (M-l. F-7). 401


~[other Tongue and Total No. of persoIll! returned as spealting a Language Subsidiary to the Mother Total Speaker! Tongue ""__ _.A.___ ~ Serial r--~----' No. Name of Scheduled Tribe MII6I Females Male. Females Subsidiary Lanllua~a 2 3 4 5

PURULlA DISTRCT-concld. 23. !Savar 1,702 123

1. Adlbhuha· Munda 6

2. BIlliali 1,537 465

a. hnlal! 14 123 .. Bingali(M·1l3), Enill.h()I1·8), Hlndl(1[·2).

24. Uaclauifted • 387 1,136 2 281

1. .Adlbhuha 1,072 2 281 Benllali(M'2, F·281).

2. Bengali 378 52

3. HIndi 2

4. Orlya 2

5. T4mil 2

6. Telugu G ..

11(&) RGIJ64



THIS TABLE gives the classification of the non-workers among the population of the total Scheduled Tribes and of each Tribe individually by sex and type of acti­ vity. Data are given for the State, its administrative divisions and districts. Non­ workers have been classified by the follow­ ing four types of llctivity, viz.,

(i) full time students; (ii) persons seeking emp10pment for the first time; (iii) persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work; and (iv) others. The last group of 'others' includes (a) housewives and others engaged in un­ paid household duties, (b) dependents, infants and disabled, (c) retired, rentier of other persons of independent means, (d} beggars, vagrants etc., and (e) inmates of penal, mental and charitable institutions·



Peroons employed Persoll!l seeking before but now out Total Non-working Full time employment for of employment and population students the first time seeking work Othm Serial Name of ,...----~--..... r--""---.. ,...----'------, ,-----'-----., ,...~ No, Scheduled Tribe person~ ~r.le3 Females Males ]'emales Males Females ~[ales Females Males ];'emales 2 3 5 6 10 11 12

WEST BENGAL TOTAL 1,024,085 433,092 598,993 48,599 15,500 5,775 1,847 4,102' 1,614 374,616 572,032

Baig' 2 2 2 13edia 138 :I 135 29 3 106 13humij 42,186 1Q,758 22,428 2,760 404 239 179 16,580 22,012 4 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukp&, Kag&tay, Tibetan and Yolmo, , , 14,26~ 6,6(8 7,617 1,927 1,589 460 20S 188 72 4,073 5,US 5 13irhor 19 19 18

Chakma 83B 271 067 55 25 15 12 6 16 195 614 7 Chero 209 209 209 8 Garo 1,900 416 1,484 102 33 11 2 296 1,445 9 Gond 381 331 331 10 Gorait 341 287 54 15 272

11 Holang 251 63 188 9 6 181 12 Ho 6(7 164 483 25 .0 2 428 13 Karmali 136 22 1U 5 14 100 14 ll:harwar , 876 107 269 2 106 267 15 Khond 29 3 26 22

1ft Kora 81,659 12,205 19,454 1,181 267 13n 52 115 59 10,773 19,056 17 Korw& 997 414 583 90 57 324 526 18 Lepcha 7,410 2,997 4,413 821 688 22 10 93 2,135 3,.08 19 Lodha, Kheria or Khari. 9,208 12,910 568 325 198 81 H9 88 8,2Q3 12,416 20 Loharo or Lobra 157 134 46 13 11 87 133

21 nagh 384 197 187 19 4 4 4 170 186 22 Mahali 14 729 6,350 8,379 656 191 152 53 108 107 5,3H 8,028 23 Uabll 2,309 1,214 1,185 239 66 160 20 795 1,117 24 ~ral Pahariya 7,605 3,077 4,528 2li 32 53 29 36 13 2,774 4,454 . 25 Mech 8,139 8,636 4,503 684 406 48 19 26 33 2,878 .,045

26 lIIru 881 287 594 95 42 10 • 7 175 552 27 ~Iunda 85,167 32,596 52,571 3,601 1,058 605 193 H6 197 27,9H 51,123 28 Nagesia 2,714 1,293 1,421 H 23 52 11 10 J ,110 1,377 29 Oraon 156,785 67,7(3 80,042 6,715 1,389 1,510 (22 1,014 373 58,504 86,858 30 Parhaiya 416 416 12 404

31 Rabha 3,670 1,191 2,479 75 10 1,106 2,465 32 Santal 576,755 246,273 330,482 27,371 'i ..R28 1,812 417 1,338 450 215,752 321,687 33 Sauria Pahorla , 27 8 19 19 3{ Savar 1,334 l,OH 290 40 2 1,038 248 35 Unclasiilled 1.240 798 105 254 89 13,286 22,900 406


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total Non-working Full time employment for of employment and popUlation Students the first time seeking work Others r--____A ____"'" , __.A. __ • Serial Xa.mc of '---"'----, , __.A. __"", r----A---, Xo. Scheduled Trille Persons )Iales Females lIales Fcm ties ~Ialcs Females )Ialcs Fenlales ]Ialcs Females

1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12


TOTAL 497,487 201,369 296,118 20,481 ,7516 3,576 1,576 2,719 1,402 174,593 285624

Bhumij 8,276 4,;;24 3,752 273 41 26 6 4,219 3,710· Bhutia i11cluding Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolrno 14,214 6,634 7,610 1,926 1,588 460 208 188 72 4,060 3 Chakma 549 213 336 40 21 15 10 6 16 162 290 4 Garo 1,881 403 1.478 97 33 6 4 11 2- 289 1,439 5 Hajang 239 59 180 9 60 173

6 Ho 371 92 279 18 43 2 1 68 231 Kora 7.434 2,284 5.150 213 102 57 10 56 35 1,958 5,002 Lepcha 7,406 2,997 4,409 821 688 22 224 19 93 2,135 3,404 9 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia ' 13.980 5,734 8,246 349 227 176 76 116 80 5,093 7,863

10 ~lagll 228 148 80 16 130 76

11 Mullali 10,M1 4,694 5,sn 492 140 141 53 188 106 3,873 5,548 12 ]lal Pahariya 5,484 2,173 3,311 115 21 44 25 31 13 1,983 3,252 13 ]lech 7,941 3,573 4,368 674 388 42 19 23 ,33 2,834 3,928 14 )lru 724 239 485 94 39 10 6 129 446 15 Munda 69,628 26,012 43,616 2,353 594 369 1M 321 163 22,969 42,595

16 Nagesia 2.710 1,291 1,419 64 23 51 11 66 10 1,110 1,375 17 Oraan 148.636 63,G67 84,969 6,200 1,286_ 1,449 399 978 361 55,040 82,923 18 Rabha 3,555 1,132 2,423 69 8 4 10 1,053 2,410

19 Santal 171,231l 66,786 104,453 5,898 1,752 481 262 488 329 59,919 102,110 20 Sauria Pah.rla . 8 19 19 21 Unclassified 22,394 8,706 13,688 759 512 221 104 204 84 ~7,522 12,988

DAUEELING DISTRICT TOTAL 50,289 21,801 .28,488 4,010 2,480 656 500 369 144 16,766 [25,264

Bhumij 2 '.' 5 2 Bhutia incllldin!1 Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan ami yo[mo 13,596 6,359 7,237 1,924 1,587 456 203 178 45 3,801 5,402 3 Garo 55 23 32 19 32 Hajang 5 5

Kora 143 43 100 34 98

6 Lepcha 7,186 2,912 4,274 813 680 18 220 16 91 2,065 13,283 7 Lodha, Khnri. or Khari. 73~ 361 41 18 8 313 343 S Magh 59 51 8 10 39 407


Persons employed Persons seeking before but nOw all t Total Naq·working Full time em ployn1ent for of employment and population students the lirst time seeking work Others Serial :Nallle of ,-----'------..., r-__.A._...---..., ,--___.;...._----, ,..---_A.__ -, ,--_.A.__ -, No. Scheduled Tribe Persons ~lale8 l!cmales Males }'emales }Ialcs Females ~lales Females 11ales FelIlales

2 6 8 9 10 11 12


Mahali • 365 163 202 1. I 1(8 198 10 Ma! Pallariya 843 359 484 26 5 4 8 7 320 469 11 Meeh 1(\ (\6 8i 4, 1:1 ~2 12 Mru 20 20 20 13 Muntl" . 3,837 1,794 2,O~3 176 18 18 9 29 19 1,571 1,997

14 Nagesia 689 369 320 J6 18 48 2 287 318 15 Oraan 15,163 6.382 8,781 690 121 82 26 42 &3 5,562 8,601 16 Santa! 3,429 1,252 2,177 114 2 2 4 10 1,125 2,163 17 Uncla.ssificd 4,076 1,698 2,378 170 46 28 36 34 1,465 ~.270

JALPAIGURI DISTRlCT TOTAL 183,948 85,099 103,849 7,074 2,410 2,396 823 1,809 848 73,820 99,768

Bllumij 366 109 257 17 2 19 1 3 79 254 Bhutia includiny Sherpa Toto, Dukpa, K•. gatay, Tibetan lind YOIIIlO 528 220 308 S 5 10 27 206 275 OIJakma 420 H7 273 24 15 15 10 5 15 103 233 Gara] 392 266 126 61 5 4 9 2 192 115 5 IIajang 206 48 158 8 4 40 153

6 IIo 252 79 173 18 42 2 56 126 Rora 2,736 780 1,956 64 57 51 10 47 32 618 1,857 8 Lopcha 83 43 40 5 4 4 2 2 32 30 9 Lodlla, !Cheria. 0 r !Charia • 12,798 5,229 7,569 288 213 158 68 115 78 4,668 7,210 10 ~Iagb 98 69 29 3 66 29

11 MahalJ ~7,124 3,463 3,661 301 96 96 53 184 105 2,882 3,407 12 Mal PahariYII 868 453 415 21 5 35 20 18 379 384 13 ~rech 7,676 3,523 4,153 657 360 42 19 23 33 2,801 3,741 14 Mru 229 113 116 34 7 10 64 100 15 Muuda 27,404 12,951 14,453 972 292 329 143 2~9 11,401 13,88~

16 Nagosia • 1,624 745 879 43 21 33 11 18 8 651 839 17 Oraan 96,661 43,023 53,638 3,684 828 1,318 371 884 325 37,137 52,114 18 nabha 2,366 795 1,571 31 4 4 10 754 1,562 19 Santal 20,523 10,209 10,314 701 373 173 29 142 38 9,193 9,874 20 U Ilclassifled 6,594 2,834 3,760 141 81 111 6~ 84 38 2,498 3,572 408


Persons employad Parsons seeking before but now ou t Total Non·working Full time employment for of employment and population others ,-____...A_- __---., students the first lime seeking work ,...__ .A._ __ ~ Name of ~----. r----"----, r----__,.A.._-, Scheduled Tribe Persons ~lales Fem8le8 Males Females Males ~'cmales Males }'em.lcs Males Females 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12

COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT TOTAL 5,640 2,091 3,549 134 75 2 2 1,953 3,473

Bhutia inc/uuiny Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagalay, Tibetan and Yolmo 2 Chaknla 2 1

Garo 1,lS9 42 1,147 22 22 20 1,126 4 24 26 Kora 49 24 25 " 5 Lodha, Kheria or KhaTi. 215 61 155 6

6 Mahali 32 11 21 6 21

~lal PahariYa 127 71 56 71 55 8 Mech 113 32 81 13 24 19 57

9 ~runda 339 140 199 3 136 199 10 Nagesia 210 102 108 102 lOS

11 Oraon 1,288 555 733 11 514 721

12 Rabha 1,103 321 782 37 ~ 284 778

13 SIlntal 888 711 177 3 708 176 14 Unclassified 82 20 62 8 12 57

WEST DINAJPUR DiSTRICT TOTAL 96,980 33,705 63,275 3,925 688 172 3 67 16 29,541 62,568

BllUmij 2 Bhutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dulipa, Kagatay, Tibetan allil Yoltno • • • 88 38 50 38 50 ChaklM 121 66 55 16 2 49 53 Garo 207 37 170 2 6 35 164 IIajang 2U 10 10 10 10

Uo 106 100 100 Kora 1,725 1,l30 76 18 2 2 3 515 1,109 8 Lepch. 116 30 B6 29 1i4

Lodha, Rherla Of Kharia 60 27 33 12 33 10 Magh 65 27 38 3a

11 )lahali 938 405 533 65 15 26 aU 518 12 )lall'ahariy. I,OU 336 708 17 5 315 703 13 )lech 70 2 68 2 is g 6 H7 H ~tru 162 154 2 15 :l!unda 10,156 1,988 8,168 281 42 1,60. 3,126 409


Persons elllployed Persons seeking before but now out Total Non-working Full time employment for of employment and Students the first time seeking work OthHB ,...____ population..A.. _____ -... ,.-___.A. __--." ,-_--A__ -, Serial "Same of r---A---l ,...-_.}._---~ No, Soheduled Tribe persons Uale. l'emales ]fales ~'emadrs Males Pemale. Males Female, M.1e, Females 2 3 I) 3 10 11 12


16 Nagesia 118 57 56 61 17 Oraoll 12,594 4,343 8,251 793 134 5 2 3,539 8,115 18 Rabha 14 2 12 12 19 Santal 67,601 25,463 42,138 2,626 432 120 3 50 11 22,667 41,692 20 Sauri. Paharis , 27 8 11) 19

21 Unclassified 1,7U 257 1,(84 25 217 1,45~

MALDA DISTRICT TOTAL 54,117 19,899 34.308 504 60 2 5 18,031 33.197

Chakma 6 , 2 3 2 Xora 1,712 I,H3 12 2 813 1,131 3 Lodha, Kheri& or Kharia , 6

~ nahali, 58( 221 363 35 5 Ual PahllriYII 6D9 2.4 445

6 Urn 38 38 38 7 Uunda 67. 246 429 25 2 219 427 8 Or.on 2,545 1,034 1,511 Hi 25 2 M4 1,486 9 Santal (6,546 17,071 2Q.475 1,354 40' 53 25 i 15,639 29.065 10 Unclmified 1,307\ H4 8n 68 40 2 343 853

MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT IOTAL 16.358 6.718 9.640 424 4,} 31 17 6.240 9,569

Bhumij 60 80 2 KOf. 4H 155 2 1(6 259 a Lodha, Kheria or Kharia :I

~rahali • 189 85 104

~I.I Paharij. 1,657 563 2 1.0g2

6 !Iunda. 238 103 130 7 101 130

Or!OIl 702 2DO 412 42 2(8 412

8 Santal 10,8t7 4,678 8,18t 2~1 12 4,366 6,125

Q Uncl."illed 2,2(~ 839 1,40' 50 23 2 758


TOTAL 12.729 4.798 7,931 ~52 89 30 :% 4,314 7,840

Bhumij 2M 40S 23 3 213 40' 2 Aors 3 2 8 2 3 Lodha, !rheri" or Kh.ria 148 112 35 112 ltahali , • S 8 ~Ial Pah.rira 201 100 101 S8 101 410


.Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total Non-working Full tim~ employment for of employment and others Students the first time seeking work population ,--....---..A-._-, ,..----.A-_--, Serial Name of ~~ r-~~ No, Scheduled Tribe pCrsoll5 Males Felllllies Males Females Males Females Males Fomalea Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 NADIA DISTRICT-colltd. 59 132 6 )Iru 272 115 157 56 25 1,342 Munda , 2.010 661 1,349 41 li20 3,419 8 Oraon , 5,548 2,089 3,459 179 40 3 1,907 1,278 Santal • 2,267 980 1,287 112 7 25 1 2 M2 10 Unclassified 1,625 577 1,048 28 .2 546 1,041

24-PARGANAS DISTRICT TOTAL 7l,308 26,642 44,666 2,68S 1,192 161 242 380 27<1 • 23,413 42,958

Bhumij 7,180 4,161 3,019 230 36 15 3,913 2,983 Bhutia includi1!,Q Sherpa, Toto, Dtlkpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and 10 12 Yolmo 23 11 12 1 23 3 Garo 38 35 3 10 2 4· JIajang 7 7 6 lID 3 2 2

6 Kara 620 1M 514 11 14 94 500 Lepcha 12 12 2 9 I,odha, Kheria or Kharia 12 7 5 2 9 Magh 3 2 10 1fahali 1,232 321 911 68 16 2 235 904

11 UalPaMriya 45 37 8 10 2 4 22 7,203 16,551 12 Munda 24,897 8,094 16,&03 842 230 11 12 38 10 13 Nagosi. 57 9 48 3 2 6 46 14 Oraon H,035 5,898 8,137 614 126 31 41 5,212 8,010 12 58 15 Rabhll 71 13 58 1 16 Sanlal 18,745 6,078 12,667 677 m 53 227 233 263 5,115 11,690 17 Unclassijled 4,326 I,S5G 2,470 218 287 32 2 56 1 1,550 2,180

CALCUTTA TOTAL 1,llS 706 412 84 29 62 6 45 10 515 367

Bhumij 12 11 9 2 Bhulia inclullin!! Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 8 3 Hajang Ho 4 3 21 30 21 9 Lepcha 9 7

J,o,dba, Rheria or 2 Kharia 1 2 1 411


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total Non·working Full·timo employment for of employment and population Students the Ilrst time seeking work others ,-___..A. __~ Serial Name of r------,_,.!I,,_-----1 ,----"-----'"'""'1 ,-----A----1 r----.)L.--"'"""I No. SJhedu[ed Tr ibe persons ~rales r'e-males ~Iales Females Males Females ]fales Females ~rales Females 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 CALCUTTA-contd.

8 }[agh 3

9 )fahali 68 24 44 2 23 41

10 ~fru ~ 2 11 Munda 72 30 42 23 39 12 9 3 8 3

13 Oraon 100 53 47 6 37 45 14 Rabha

15 Santal 393 344 49 20 2 36 24 264 47

16 Unclas


TOTAL 526,598 231,723 294,875 28,118 7,984 2,199 271 1,383 212 200,023 286,408

Baiga 2 2 2

2 Bedia 138 135 29 3 106 Bhumij 33,910 15,234 18,676 2,487 363 213 173 12,361 18,302 Bhutia inrluding Sherpa, Toto, Dnkpa. Kagatay, Tibetan and Yalmo 21 14 13 6 Birhar 19 19 1 18

6 Chakma 289 58 231 15 2 43 224

Chero 209 209 209

8 Gara 19 13 6 6 Gand 331 331 331 10 Gorait 3U 287 54 15 272 54

11 Trajang 12 s 4 8 12 Ha 276 72 204 2 61 197

13 Karmali 1~6 22 114 14 8 100 14 Kharwar 376 107 269 106 267 15 Khond 20 26 4 22

16 Kora 24,225 9,921 14,304 968 185 79 42 59 23 8,815 14,054 17 Karwa. 997 414 583 90 57 324 526 18 Lepcha 4 4 4 19 },odha, Klleria or Kllaria 8,138 3,474 4,664 219 98 22 33 8 3,200 4,553 20 Lohara or J,ultra 291 157 13i 46 13 1] 87 133 21 Magh 156 49 107 40 107 22 )Iahali 4,188 1,656 2,532 164 51 11 10 1,471 2,480 412


Persons employed Persons seeking before but no", out Total Non·working Full time employment fo r of employment and population Students the first time ,--___-.....JA-_-----, ,-__..A. ___ ~ seeking "Olk others serio! Name of r---..JL--~ ,------"-----.... r----A---~ No. Scheduled Tribe PerSOllS Males ]'emales Males Females Males Ecm'les Males ]'emales Males }'emIJe. 2 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 BUJlDWAN DlVlSION-contd.

23 ~rahli 2,399 1,2H 1,185 239 66 160 20 795 1,117 24 Jlral PahMiya 2,121 904 1,217 99 11 ? 791 1,202 25 ~fech 198 63 135 \ 10 18 6 44 117 26 Mrn 157 48 109 46 106 27 ~Iunda 15,539 6,584 8,055 1,251 4M 236 29 125 34 4,972 3,428

28 Nagcsi. 4

29 Oraon 8,149 4,076 4,073 515 103 61 23 3~ 12 3,46' 3,935 30 Parhaiya . 416 416 12 404 31 Rabha 115 59 56 . 53 56 32 Santal 405,516 179,487 226,029 21,473 6,176 1,331 155 850 121 155,833 219,577 33 Savar 1,334 1,044 290 40 1,038 248 34 UncIae,iRed 16,54:l 6,338 10,205 481 286 43 50 5,764 9,912

HOWRAH DISTRICT TOTAL 2,U6 800 1,326 74 3S 26 34 19 40 681 l,U7

llhumij 13 5 8 2 Garo

3 Ho 123 2 121 5 116 4, Kora. 17 10 10 T,odha, Xheria or Khari. 54 54 H Uagh 30 30 21 Uahali 0; 4 8 ~Ial Paharlya IS 15 10 9 Uech

10 }funda 369 126 243 8 4 14 107 219

11 Nagesi.

12 Oraon 323 157 106 32 14 16 117 127 13 Santal 960 333 627 23 2 S 302 614 14 Uuclasslfled 202 127 75 8 109 69

HOOGHLY DISTRICT TOTAL 40,748 18,738 22,010 1,444 140 128 107 17,059 21,868

1 Bhumij 772 322 450 23 5 294 H5 " llhutia including Sherpa, Toto, })ukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo '" 3 Chakma 2 , Garo 5 Hajang 4 413


1'erons employed Persons seeking before but now out Totnl'Non'working Full time emploYlllent for of employment and population students the first time seeking work Other. ,-~ __..A.. ____--"\ Serial Name of ,-~-~ ,---.A------. r--~""I r--...;""'__---"'" No. Scheduled Tribe Persons ilIales Fema-les Males Females ll[ales Female. llIalea Female. Mi.les Females 2 4 5 6 S 10 11 12

HOOGHLY DISTRICT-contd. 6 lIo 29 1 28 27 Kora 2,266 1,132 1,134 82 2 2 1,045 1,132 8 Lepchll 9 LodM, Xherla or Xharia . 1,488 557 926 38 1 6 514 926 10 Mahali 62 25 27 6 20 27

11 Mal Pahirlya 36 4 31 4 31

12 ~rru 71 38 33 36 32

13 Munda 193 101 92 2 1 ~6 90 H Oraon 893 341 552 35 6 4 296 548 15 SlIotal i • 38,962 15,853 18,109 1,236 116 91 1 sa 14,(40 17,991 16 Unclassified 969 354 615 H :: 22 8 810 irE

BURDWAN DISTRICT TOTAL 85,647 39,130 46,517 2,966 700 604 23 548 37 35,012 45,757

Bhumij 309 • 30 3 183 305 , 525 216 2 Bhutill including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Ka~atay, Tibetan and Yomo . • • 4 • B Chakma 20 20 2 2 15 ,. Garo Ii 2 2 5 Halang 8 a

6 Ho 26 23 3 3 2 2 16 7 Kora 5,959 2,706 3,253 145 &2 56 51 2,(54 3,196 8 l,odha, Kherla or Kharla . 210 120 90 33 72 86 9 l!agh 79 79 79

10 lfahali 530 150 380 3 137 379

11 Mal pahariya 346 103 153 67 6 118 12 Mrn 49 49

13 l\Iunda 1,600 950 650 116 2 76 668

14 NlIgesia 2 ' .. 15 Ora on l,07li 638 437 38 23 7 9 3S3

16 Rllbhn 3 17 Santal U,4H S3,831 40,613 2,H2 ~01 10 351 2' 30,687 40,OOS 19 Ii 257 lS Uqc!lIssl~ed 756 296 460 13 429 414


Persons employed Persons seeking berme but now oul TotalNon·working Full lime employment for of employment and popnlation Students tile Ilrst lImp seeking work ethers ,-__.A ___ ~ ,..__A___ ~ Serial Name of r-----...A..----~, ,---..;..__--, r-----A---~ No, Scheduled Tribe Persons Males Females ~Inles Females ~rale. Females Males Females 1Iales Female. 2 4 10 11 12

BIRBHUM DISTRICT TOTAL. 53,523 21,776 31,747 1,601 640 6,9 36 4 20,070 31,099

Chakma Ho 19 19 19 Kora 2,825 1,043 1,782 100 2Q 5 937 1,759 Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 2 5 Magh 43 17 26 17 26

Mahali 494 174 320 170 320

~Ial Pahariya , 187 58 129 58 129

8 ~runda , 4

Oraon 126 77 49 22 'I. ., 55 49 10 Santal 46,423 19,083 27,340 1,367 604 61 33 17,622 26,731 11 Unclassified 3,392 1,296 2,096 104 15 2 1,189 2,081


TOTAL. 79,267 35,007 44,260 5,477 971 214 1~8 29,188 43,282

Bbumlj 3,654 1,442 2,212 266 7 1,171 2,205 2 Kora 3,985 1,068 2,917 241 25 822 2,891 Lodha, Kbcria or Kharia 108 51 57 2 49 57 4 Mahali S30 162 168 20 154 148 Mech 53 53 18 35

Mru 6 Mund. 126 38 88 38 82 Oraon 489 4 485 4 4SZ 9 Santa! 58,nO 31,560 37,170 4,917 851 207 122 26,314 36,315 10 Unclassified 1,786 676 1,110 45 43 630 1,067

MIDNAPORE DISTRICT TOTAL. 156,660 67,850 88,810 10,790 2,842 231 16 156 56,673 85,945

Bhumij , 12,735 5,552 7,183 1,089 220 26 2 11 4,426 6,961 Bbutia including Sherpa, Toto, Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Yolmo 13 13 13

Cbakma , 266 56 210 13 2 43 208 Ho 53 21 32 18 31 Kora 5,651 2,398 3,253 253 46 2,143 3,207 Lodba, Kheri. or Khati. 6,054 2,741 3,313 176 29 2 ~2,5(j3 3,284 JI1agb 4 2 2 415


Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total Non-working Fulltim& employment for of ~mployment and population students the first time seeking work Others Serial Name of ,----- r-.A..------. r----.A..------. r------'----, ,..----.A. __..., No. Scheduled Tribe Persons Males 'Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 5 6 8 10 11 12


8 Mahali • 2,776 1,144 1,632 141 30 990 1,602 9 Mal Pallariya • 1,496 615 881 31 3 581 871 10 Mech 141 59 82 10 6 40 82 11 Mm 31 27 2 4 25 12 Ml\nda • 8,812 3,599 5,213 743 247 19 12 2,825 4,966

13 Oraon 2,368 1,174 1,194 134 15 1 1,034 1,178 14 Rabllil 106 59 47 6 53 47 15 Santal 107,901 47,144 60,757 7,933 2,046 162 13 102 6 38,947 [58,692 16 Unclas~lfted 8,253 3,269 4,984 258 195 13 2,991 4,789

PURULIA DISTRICT TOTAL. 108,627 48,422 60,205 5.766 2,656 927 191 389 118 41,340 57,240

Baiga 2 2 2 Bedia 138 3 135 29 3 106 Bhumij 16,211 7,697 8,514 1,079 127 187 149 3 6,282 8,384 4 Birhor 19 19 1 18

5 Cbero 209 209 209

6 Gand 331 331 331 Gorait 341 287 54 15 272 54

8 Ira 26 6 20 6 20 9 Karmali. 136 22 114 5 14 8 9 100 10 Kharwar 376 107 269 2 106 267

11 Khond 29 26 4, 22 12 Kora 3,522 1,567 1,955 H7 40 9 39 4 17 1,407 1,859 13 Korwa 997 414 583 90 57 324 526

14 Lodha, Kheria or Khoria 224 224 03 157 15 Laham or Lobra 291 157 134 46 1 13 11 87 133

16 Mahli 2,399 1,214 1.185 239 66 160 20 795 1,111 17 Mal Pahariya . 39 31 8 2 28 8 18 Munda 4,431 1,766 2,665 378 155 121 21 30 19 1,237 2,470 19 Oraon 2,875 1,685 1,190 254 17 26 15 1,390 1,173 20 ParhalYa 416 416 12 404

39,171 21 Santal 73,096 l31,683 41,413 3,45li z,oa 403 126 154 75 27,671 22 Savar 1,334 1,044 290 Ii 40 2 1,038 248 23 Unclassified 1,185 320 865 39 278 865



S(a) RGI{64


LIST OF SCHEDULED TRIBES VILLAGES, WEST BENGAL, 1961 NOTE: 1. Scheduled Tribes Village" are Villages where at least 50 per cent of the population belong to the Scheduled Tribes. 2. M'ljor Scheduled Tribes of the Police Station are those Scheduled Tribes which together account for at least 75 per cent of the rural Scheduled Tribes population of the Police Station.

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name ofYiIlage J.L. population Name of Village J. 1. population No. percent No. per cent No. per cent Total ITotal Total population population population 1 2 8 2 3 2 3

DARJEELING DISTRICT KURSEONG POLICE STATION POLICE STATION -contd. RANGLI RANGLIOT POLICE l\fAJOR SCIIEDULED TRIBES: STATION Haodabhita. 44 79·33 1. Lepcha Tha,kurganja 45 67·96 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 2. Bkutia including Sherpa, Tolo, Jogibhita 46 64-57 Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Churaman 49 62·88 1. Blmtia including Sherpa, Tolo, 1"olmo Bhalamanshi 50 72·29 Dukpa, Kagalay, Tibetan and Bandi 55 78·19 Yolmo 3. Oraon Dalurchhat 56 58·38 2. Lepcha 4. Naget!ia Sanglltram 58 63·40 Helakadamchhat 62 87·10 Tukdah Forest 13 63·66 Sapti Ouri Khela 29 64·08 Sarcargachh 64 81·32 Ghar Tea Estate Baraigachh 65 92·4,8 Pairi Kumari 60·25 Antugachh 70 64·72 Madati 387 50·66 Paik Para· Arazi 391 100·00

PHANSIDEW A POLICE STATION KALIMPONO POLICE STATION :MAJOR SCJJ:EDULED TRIBES: POLICE STATION :MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Oraon 1. Lepcha 2. Santa! MUOR SCHEDULED TRIBES 2. Bkutia including Sherpa, Toto, 3. Munda 1. Oraon Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and 1"olmo Mahideb 1 81·52 2. Munda Jabarali 3. Unclassified 78·33 Lava Forest 16 86·29 Jabarali Chhat Kamalabarir Chhat PemJing Khasmahal 61 57·11 Harising 8'\_ 95·34 Chul'anthi Forest 85 52·63 Hllrising Chhat 10!1 82·89 Khoklong Chhat 91 Kadopani IIJ Paharu 10 97-83 Rangali 14 63·00 Chota Adalpur 11 53·85 Bhisti 15 72·49 Khoklong 12 100·00 Tepu eha Bagan 16 77·25 Khaprul 14 68·20 PaIiaullar Chhat 17 100·00 Patanjharer Chhat 15 86·59 Bhubangurir Chhat 22 54·55 Khopalasi 23 56·36 GARUBATHAN POLICE STATION Bhariadangir Chhat 24 lOO·OO Jhauguri Chhat 25 86·12 Patharhirhirar 26 85·75 Chamtaguri Chhat 27 65·22 :MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Chhat Chamta 28 54·40 Fakirdwip 27 73-43 l\Iohargong Tea 32 78·09 1. Bl.utia including Sherpa, Toto, !lIohanlaler Chhat 28 50·99 Estate Dukpa, Kagatay, Tibetan and Sastugachh 29 100·00 Purba Karaibarir 33 88·50 1"011710 Tarabari 30} 82·52 Chhat (T. Adalpur) 2. Lepcha Gangaram Cha Ba. 31 Duramarir Chhat 37 100·00 gau Karaibari 39 91·74 3. Lodh.a, Kneria or Kh.aria Madhab Bhita 32 93·12 Shishabari 41 72·99 4. Oraon Tentnlguril 33 87·21 Palash 43 71·,54 Kadu Bhita 36 66·49 Kalkut 44 63·44 Rub Forest 1 100·00 Dha,knaga~hh 37 100'00 Mahismari 47 63·19 420


Schedilled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. popUlation Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total popUlation population population

2 3 2 3 I 2 3

SILIGURI POLICE STATION-contil. NAXALBARI POLICE STATION NAGRAKATA POLICE STATION -contd. Shalbari Chhat, 52 100·00 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Part I Mechi Tea Estate 116 64-65 Nichitpur 54 72·98 Manjha 119 76·10 1. Oraon Bania Khari 55 52·04 Marapur 123 75·45 2. jlunda Pataner Chhat 61 100·00 Tepra Bho!a 13i' 80·98 Gourcharan 103 67-43 Huchai Ma!lik 139 71-86 Jaldhakka Tea 90 Daknikata 105 78·85 Sebdela 141 JlH4 Garden I Nandalal 149 56:02 Jaldhakka Tea 91 Ghusuru 156 81''82 Garden II 55·40 Raghuram 157 58·68 Altadanga Tea 1 Bair Bhita 159 75·00 Garden I 92J Raghuramer Chhat 160 69·77 Altadanga Tea 93 KHARIBARI POLICE STATION Pahargumia T.E. 100·00 Garden II Lalfa Forest 53-44 Kalabari Tea 9&1 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Garden I Kalabari Tea 1. Santal Garden IV 99l 78·58 2. Oraon Kalahari Tea JALPAIGURI DISTRICT Garden II IOOJ 3. Munila Kalabari Tea 101 JALPAIGURI POLICE STATION Garden III Ramdhan 1 54·19 Angrabhasa 102 55·78 Budhsing 11 53·11 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES : Kalabari 103 63·94 Fulbari 13 90·08 Bamandanga Tea 107 54·30 Dudha 16 72·85 1. Oraon • Garden Chunilal 28 66·67 2. lI!unda 'l'andu Tea Garden II 1081 Maynaguri 29 57·98 Tandu Tea Garden I 109~ 57·01 Chiku 31 74-40 Bhandarpur T.E. l(II) 80·93 Tandu Tea Gard~n III llO) Khopalasi 32 64·46 Bhandiguri T.E. I(III) 72·78 Sulkapara 113 65·94 Cheka,rmari 40 82·30 JaipurT.E. l(IV) 64·32 Sukhanibasti ll4 74·39 Arjanmal 50 61·01 RaypurT.K 3(II) 62·16 Nagrakata 115 68·48 Chuchurmuchur 51 64·20 Karatavally T.E. 3(III) 68·69 Hila Bagulahagi 117} 63·15 52·60 Rangamaty T.E. 3(IV) 87·25 Hila Tea Garden 1I8 Sonaohalani :} Nayasaili Tea Gard()n 119 53·08 Subal 94 63·33 Bhagatpur Tea Garden 123 58·58 Singbhita 96 79·64 Gatia Tea Garden 124 57-72 RAJGANJ POLICE STATION Chhar Tandu: 125 58·58 Ghasmari 126 67·30 MAJOR SCJIEDULED TRIBES: Grass more Tea Garden 127 52·84 NAXALBARI POLICE STATION Caron Tea Garden 129 61-02 1. Oraan MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 2. lI!unda 1. Oraon DHUBGURI POLICE STATION Saraswatipur T.E. 1(II) 63·01 2. Unclassified MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 3. MUnda 1.0raon Mechi Forest 55 58·43 MAYNAGURI POLICE STATION 2. Munda Mir Janglar Chhat 56 100·00 MirJangla 63 12·36 MAJOR SCJIEDULED TRIBES: Haritalguri Tea 139 76·61 Mudirjangal 75 68-71 Garden III Uttamchand 79 58·66 1. Santal Jalapara 145 73·37 Chhota Moniram 84 76·98 2. Kora Naldangpara Tea 146 98·54 Bara Bhita 67 51-42 Garden Kama!pur 68 68·97 Jadabpur Tea Garden 84 70·16 Totopara Tea Garden 147 51·96 Putimari 85 70·69 Nimna Tandu Forest 85 77-18 ChapaguriKhanda 149 65·66 Bhujiabanir Ohhat 86 92'86 purbba Dobbari as 54·79 Uttar ~albqri 150 53·24, APPENDIX-contd.

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. populatlQil Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

DHUBGURI POLICE STATION-contd. MAL POLICE STATION-contd. MADARIHAT POLICE STATION -contd. Karhala Tea Garden 157 59·06 Dakshin Kantadighi 73 62·81 Binnaguri Tea Garden 158 65·55 Kumarpara Lankaparahat II 75·00 Maraghat Tea Ga'rden 159 63·07 Neora Nadi Tea Garden 74 90·27 Totopara 13 53-10 TeJipara Tea Garden I 16lL Nipuchhapur 77 58·46 Ballalguri 15 57-01 TeJipara Tea Garden II 162J 81·04 Baragharia 78 59·12 Uttar Khairbari 16 70·75 Anandapur Tea Garden 81 76·42 Khairbari Forest 23 66·67 Gairkata Tea Garden 163 90·33 Uttar Hanskhali 83 77-75 Uttar Chbekamari 28 53·91 Gosairbat Forest 176 69·15 Apalehand Forest 84 82·80 Madhya Khairbari 29 80'60 Lakshmikantapur Tea 188 79·22 Gojaldoba Tea Garden 85 77-05 Dumchi Forest 34 59·72 Garden Uttar Sisubari 39 56'57 Ramsai Forest II 192 72·19 Malhati Tea Garden 94 52·06 Chapaguri 40 5J047 Birpara Tea Garden 45 54-54 Nangdala Tea Garden 46 66·31 Dimdima Tea Garden 47 MITIALll'OLICE STA'rION 63'91 Dangapara 48 100·00 MAL POLICE STATION Rahimpur Tea Garden 49 M'()3 MAJOR SOJIEDULED TRIBES: Sarugaon 50 58'89 MAJOR SOllllDI1LED TRIBES: 1. Oraon . Sisha Jumrha 51 52·27 1. Oraon 2. Munda 2. Munda FALAKATA POLICE STATION Nimna Tandu Forest 125 68·60 Sundaribasti 3 76·80 Ba,radighi Tea Garden 127 60·83 MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: Washa,bari Tea Garden 5 83·03 Baradighi 128 94·07 Kalagaity Tea Glll'den 6 86·59 Salbari 130 57·06 1. Santal Kalagaity 7 51·92 Neora Majhiali 131 65·07 2. Oraon Saogaon 8 78·22 Bataigola Tea Garden 132 93·09 133 Moneyhope Tea Garden 10 92·00 Sathkaya Tea Garden 76·60 Jogijhora Barabak 52 SonagachhiTeaGarrlen 134 72·71 55·87 Phulbari Tea Garden ll} Narsingpur 53 5J084 Phulbari Tea Garden II 18 89·15 Nakhati Tea Garden 135 77042 Mechhuadhura Bala Bathan54 Nagaisuri Tea Garden 137 31·71 Uttar Phulbari 19 100·00 61·59 Ethelbari Tea Garden 55 Juranti Tea Garden 138 61·45 84·73 Hanskhali 21 73·40 Sarugaon Tea Garden 60 80·63 Odlabari Tea Garden 22 72·40 Engo Tea Garden 139 57-01 Sishabari Sarugaon 62 Chalsa Tea Garden 50·46 Odlabari 25 70·83 1441. Chongmaritari 63 52-14 Syli Tea Garden 35 56·03 Chalsa Tea Garden 145J 72·79 Dalmoney Tea Garden 64 Indong Tea Garden 147 96'92 Ranichera Tea Garden 39 69·08 66·01 Dalgaon Forest 65 89·94 Chel Tea Garden 41 100·00 Kilkota Tea Garden 148 81·84 Tasati Tea Garden Chalsa Mahabari 149 66 74·08 Chyti Tea Garden 42 72·60 56·59 Dalgaon Tea Garden 67 83'55 Balabari Tea Garden 43 64·12 Sathkaya Tea Garden II 151 L Dalgaon 68 Sathkaya Tea Garden IV 152 67·74 Paschim Damdim 46 78·80 f 99·76 Karaibari 74 78-48 Baintguri Tea Garden 51 72·43 Sathkaya Tea Garden V 153 66·33 Chhota Salkumar 102 Khariar BandaI' 154 50·92 Kumlai Tea Garden 52 72·27 66·41 Paschim Salkumar 103 64'94 Batabari Tea Garden 155 55·89 Newglenco Tea 56 87·30 Kadambini Tea Garden ll2 63'95 Garden Nidamjhora Tea 57 64·26 Garden MADARIHAT POUCE STATION KALC'HINI POLlCE STATION Haihaipathar Tea 60 57·71 Garden I MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: Haihaipathar Tea 61 80·65 Garden III 1. Oraon 1. Oraon 63 69·09 Tesimla 2. Munda Lodha, Kheria or Kharia Demkajhora 65 55·72 e. Nipuchhapur Tea 67 68·15 3. Lodha, Kheria or Kharia 3. Munda Garden Nichohalsa 68 54·96 Riti Forest 2 94·32 Gabur Basra Forest 6 60·60 Kumlai 70 57·33 Dheklapara Tea Garden 3 98·78 J?eech Tea Garden 8 52·48 Purbba Kantadighi 72 91·30 J oybirpara Tea Garden 4 65'51 Bharnobari Tea Garden 9 6.2'14 Kumarpara Bandapani Tea Garden 5 51'98 Sa tali Tea Garden 11 6~'6:i 422


Scheduled Schelluled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Namo of Village J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population popUlation

1 2 3 ...... 2 3 1 2 3

KALCHINI POLICE STATION-contd. ALIPUR DuARS POLICE STATION coaCH BEHAR DISTRICT -contd. COOCH BEHAR POLICE STATION 111adhu Tea Garden 12 57·36 Dhaolajhora, Tea, 140 55·05 Saudamini Tea Garden 15 53·59 Garden MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Parmalangi 16 100'00 Kohinur Tea Garden Madhya Satali 17 89-48 il!l~ Rohinur Refugee 141 (I)'. 56.09 1. Garo Satali lIrandalpara 18 97-15 Camp Purb ba Sa tali J 19 94083 Garokhnta 142 '10.0'00 2. Oraon Paschim Satali 20 94·18 Dakshin Satali 21 91·80 Sambalpur 143 100'00 3. Santal Satali Nakadala Baniadabri 144 96'99 22 90·63 4. Bhumij Dakshin Latabari 23 81·27 Purbba Jitpur 145 98'18 Bhatkhawa Tea Garden 25 51·35 JoypUl' 146 90·50 Angarkat[l, Chuapara 34 64·47 1,064 72·55 Buxa Forest Panbari 38 66-45 Pukhuria 148 100·00 Karibharal 1,068 84·:35 Khanda Kadampur 149 97-07 Buxa Forest (Raja 39 58'52 Bara Chakil' bas 155 67·58 BhatKhawa) Dakshin Mendabari 41 61-59 Nimti Domohani 42 83'18 Uttad!lendabari 43 69'88 MEKLIGANJ POLICE StATION Adma 236{37 100'00 KU~IARGRAlIi POLICE STATION 1IlAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES:

:MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal ALIPUR DUARS POLICE STATION 2.1.:(unda 1. Orrum 1I1A-JOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 2. Mech 1. Oraon Buraburi Deb!1ttar 210 87·10 3. Unclassified 2. Santal 4. Munda 3. 1.Iech 4. Munda Uttar Simlabari 63 64-81 Narathali 194 53·32 Dakshin Barajhar 44 79·22 Uttar Nal'athali 195 67-57 Forest lIIarakhata 196 51·96 WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT Patlakhawa 61 62'-H Hemaguri 197 66·43 Paschim Simlabari 62 59·00 Dakshin Chengmari 198 69·02 HILLI POLICE STATION Uttar Simlabari 63 64-81 Paschim Chengmari 200 74-18 Uttar Cha-koakheti 69 5HZ Paglarhat 202 73·30 ltAJOR SCHEPULED TRIBES: Uttar Paitkapara 71 72·17 Dhantali 204 59·02 ]!'oskadanga 85 76'49 Amarpur 206 83·50 1. Sanlal Paschim lIajherdabri 90 53'57 Rydak Forest 207 67042 Tea Garden Kartika Rydak Tea 208 92·29 Z. 11[!mda Paschim Jitpur 91 67-04 Garden Uttar Panialguri 94 55·05 Turturi Tea Garden 209 54-87 ~hkhatair 322 100·00 Srinathpul' Tea Garden 128 52'11 Rahimabad Tea Garden 2ID} Sahapur 328 66·43 Uttar Sibkata 129 68·77 GoodJuck Tea Garden _ 212 66·18 lIfulahat 345 50·54 Chuniajhora Tea Garden 213 56·53 Dallgi 130 81·36 Ballara 355 Simlabari 131 93·23 Phaskhawa Tea Garden 214 55·11 62·22 Panbari 132 91·53 Dhumpara Forest 219 51·99 Baigram 357 62·30 Damsibad 133 73'78 Newlands T~a Garden 220 56·43 Bilaspara 370 50·50 Nurpur 134 58'68 Kumargram Tea 221 66·68 Gayespur 383 75·75 135 75·82 Garden Turturi Chak Manikb 384 Dhalajhora 136 65'74 Sankos Tea Garden 222 74-31 82·00 Loknathpur 137 82·31 Bhalka Forest 227 62·94 Purbba 1I1athurapur 387 57-84 Uttar Rampur 139 65·34 Purbba Salbari 228 58·85 Fazullapur 391 81·86 423


Soheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Xame of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

2 3 2 3 I 2 3

BALURGHAT POLICE STATION BALURGRAT POLICE STATION POLICE STATION -contd. -contd. !v!AJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Chak Bijaysri 157 51-49 Pirgaon 169 66·67 1. Uncl~8ified Satihar 159 76·83 Prasadpur 171 100·00 Porajhar 174 50·45 2. Munda Kamalpukur 161 82·35 Gutin 165 78·95 Nadipur 176 51·02 Chak Beliatair 185 99·21 Sibpur 2 73·33 Ramprasad 172 65·02 Mahasani 198 58·43 Tazpur 186 68·01 Gorahar 3 87·92 Chak Bhabani 189 100·00 Masakpur 4 94·00 Kasipur 203 91-49 DasArai 208 51·16 Udail 190 53·95 Paschim Mahospur 5 52·79 Islampur 198 100·00 Bara 7 74-41 Harirampur 212 100·00 Chak Basanta 216 100·00 Serpur 207 100·00 Baidyapur II 74-36 Dakshin Kesabpur 215 56·70 Sarangaon 12 56·26 Gopisahar 236 57-41 Rajuha 13 72·97 Sankarpur 238 51-60 Bhatra 14 56·59 Digra 240 62·13 Osail 15 59·18 Satakhandll 246 59·11 Uttar Sibrampur 16 54-61 Birahini 249 56·02 Jhinaipota 51·88 Taksail 19 90·59 250 GANGARAMPUR POLICE STATION Bikuch 21 89·60 Chhiasi 256 50·48 Kutubpur 258 100·00 Bolla 22 53·17 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Chak Jujar 23 61·36 Chinra 260 65·14 'I\asilabati 24 60·34 Bamnahar 276 100-00 1. Santal Chak Khetab 296 100·00 Chakpara 25 98·88 Z. Oraan Raypur 30 50·55 Chhilimbad 299 97·20 Dakshin Chak Alam 304 71·26 Banhat 31 57-42 Kantaban I 50·54 Jot Jagat Chak Lakshminarayan 308 80·00 85 50·00 Nalafarka Kashtagar 36 57-94 Jabaripur 394 82·91 3 100·00 Rajapur 39 84·39 Anantapur 4 75.n Uttar Chak Bhabani 43 50·00 Brahmanpara 10 100·00 Paschim Krishnapur 47 100·00 Dafarpur 26 64·07 Asair 52 50·35 Ramkl'ishnapur 29 88·07 Bara Kasipur 53 60·10 KUlIiARGANJ POLICE STATION Sibrambati 54 74·19 Charulya' 47 88·29 Lakshminarayanpur 56 100·00 MAJOB SCHEDULED TRIBES : Sekhpur 58 83·57 Dami! 57 100·00 Nagan 59 51·72 Parbatipnr 60 56·74 1. Santal Dogachhi 66 63·39 Bishral 71 64-08 Jiapur 69 58·59 Uttar Rasulpur 16 52·0() Bishnupur 89 100·00 :l.fajhina 73 52·33 Palasi 30 59·73 Saidpur 91 65·23 50,00 Trikul 75 75·64 Par Sah~zadpur 49 Minapara 99 81-47 Radlianagar 78 56·02 Charkhanda 55 100·00 Nabipur 79 100·00 Brahmanpara. '56 80·56 Narai 102 72-40 Badmuluk Kismat 82 68·69 Munsipur 62 64·7,) Raghunathpur 109 61·02 Chak Ramanatli 94 100·00 Setor 64 81·04 Sekh Mina 112 54-49 },!amna 98 71·65 Enatullapur 67 55·05 Kasimpur 117 50·59 Katna 99 100·00 Gauripur 77 90·24 Gobindapur 101 97·00 Purbba Gobindapur 79 100·00 Sidilim 121 50·88 Dhaul 103 99·53 D~inlaparli 95 80·95 Hekandair 131 65·67 Chandradaula 104 68·75 P schim Gobindapur 101 63·28 Fayezpur 132 74·21 l\fangalpur 110 107 78·59 PaiklliulgMn 56·82 Chak Sri 140 62·96 Dakshin Sibrampur 119 50·07 Bodra 123 53·37 Chak Ramprasad 123 51·75 Chak Ajhair 138 70·97 Antal 145 97-16 Chak Syam 124 84·33 Matizapur 141 50·44 Parbatipur 179 80·19 Paso him Chak Ismail 126 79·25 Gaurangapur 151 89·19 Mahendri 187 78·75 Kasimbi 131 61·67 Mahadebpur 162 94·23 80·66 Chak Bakhar 138 99-45 Rasulpur 163 73·79 Basudebpur 189 },fa,dbabpara 149 81'59 Bara 164 63·74 Narasundarpara 195 59·76 Dhaltara. 156· 85·28 Chausa. 165 69·60 Ausa 204 100'00 424


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Villa,ge J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

2 3 2 3 2 3

TAPAN POLICE STATION TAPAN. POLICE STATION--eoned. IT!HAR POLICE STATION 100·00 MA.JOl! SCHEDULED TRIBES: Kesurkuri 247 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES; Dakshin Kesrail 248 100-00 1. Santal 1. Santal Hazipur 253 90·29 Kharikadangi 254 100·00 Z. Oraon Maildanga 257 57·97 Rurun 17 81·18 Sondapukur 258 10MIO Purbba Sakodanga. 34 100·00 Jadupur 12 52·27 Chechrakuri 26i • 98·82 Asrafpur 42 63·31 Teliapara 25 97040 Chenchai 264 68·89 Mahanandapur 43 78-45 Sikarpur 26 74·29 Parbbatpur 265 62·28 Parbatipur 45 64·32 Nazirpur 28 5z.I7 Hasaipur 266 88·15 Simuldanga 53 100-00 Karanjara 42 61·16 Sulapa,nipur 270 100·00 Bishnupur 66 100·00 Pabail 44 100·00 271 72·22 Tilna 67 58·73 Umanandapur 45 100·00 Jnanbai 272 100-00 Kasibati 80 100-00 Azmatpur 54 55·47 Sribai 274 80·5f! Suliapara 108 100·00 Dinagar 58 74·75 Haribansipur 279 66-42 Ranapur 135 86-67 Bataskhanda 60 61·98 Kharua 179 55·52 Kazibhag 68 80·07 Sisai 213 100-00 Faradpur 74 100-00 Gopibati 224 98-80 Dhulahar 85 66·67 Golhat 232 51·23 Saranjabari 96 81·97 Dharampur 235 74-51 Bandighi 93 99·52 POLICE STATION Sasan 236 65·10 Mahanaj III 70·69 Aiho 237 94·85 Kharpa 112 89·16 JlIAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Dakshin Mahespur 242 98·18 Alinagar 115 81·08 Maghiapara 243 100·00 Chak Satihar 120 50-69 1. Santal Bad Basudebpur 121 94·21 Chak Balaram 123 64·00 Sarua 3 61·11 Banial 126 81-09 Narayantolla 15 71-67 KUSHMUNDI POLICE STATION Fatullapur 128 78-99 Amar 23 83·55 Rajballabh Chait 135 50-57 Fazilpur 63 73·57 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES; 139 .62·72 Majhikhanda Brahmapur 165 51·92 1. Santal Bhaginagar 146 63·33 Gobindapur 172 51·33 Hardail 151 68·75 Mahespur 173 100·00 Z. Munda Mahadebpur 152 98·65 Mirual 174 65·16 Jasrai 1.58 76·08 Kasba Mahaso 176 60-88 Jaherpur 34 100·00 InRtpur 160 78·33 Noabari 177 60·83 Dhadarang 55 54-36 Bishnupur 163 53·16 Poaltair 226 50·12 Nayapara 57 65·8S Mahishnota 164 100·00 Ramil 50 53·16 Dakshin Jamalpur 168 53·36 Saha.pur 60 67·52 Sehas 169 67·68 Paschimpara llS 75·00 Ramrampur 171 67·57 Sibrampur 138 58·92 Dharmadanga 179 51·79 Deulbari 148 67-96 Ganguria 185 50·53 POLICE STATION Nambhail 154 100·00 Mehur IS7 81·33 JlIi\anhat '155 90·32 Basakbari 197 67·88 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES; Balarampur 167 60·00 199 69·74 Basudebpur 171 58·62 Ghatika 1. Santa I Syampur 206 54·12 Mahishakuri 183 69·80 Paschim Nimpur 212 65-28 2. Unclassified Salekkuri 188 66·46 Kamdebbati 219 79-17 Pukurpur Raypur 191 58·31 Goranda 220 100-00 Batasan 14 59·48 Chakmaha 192 50·20 Atila 221 59·05 Sursa 24 67-09 Jot 194 60-39 Mallikpur 222 87·43 Chak Bhabanipur 74 55·41 Panchhata 213 52·77 Kaikuri 223 53·85 Haldibari 96 78·72 Hasnagar 214 93·90 Nimgachhi 227 70·23 Balarampur 130 64,,43 Katalhat 222 51·97 Dilalpur 238 74·26 Dakshin Gobindapur 151 57·30 Bighor 228 50·00 Sibpur 244 80·53 Soasi 212 93·14 Magura 229 69·79 Kasibati 245 95·20 Ghatisal 214 100·00 Chak Hal'ipur 230 55·00 Izanagar 246 68·29 Kahil 221 96·92 Durllabhpur 231 52·02 425


Scheduled Soheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village, J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.N. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population 2 3 1 2 3 2 3


MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal 1. Santal 1. Santal Bairahata 5 53·21 Abdalpur Ladhi 104 51-58 Kotkhamar 6 58·95 1 100·00 Sagarpur Jairampur 116 64·86 Jaganail 9 59,13 2 100·00 Chaugharia Kannian 5 127 67-86 Dolgaon 14 52·05 100'00 Behar Chingatoli 20 100·00 128 95'56 Ukhli 27 100·00 Goti 167 57·74 Harirampur 28 62·51 Hemanpur 22 51·77 Aulai Surta 198 100'00 Dhanaipur 29 72·94 54 100·00 B&rugaon Pathaur 58 100·00 200 95'24 Sonahan 32 65·32 Bangaon 201 100·00 Harra 60 100·00 Uttar Mulahat 54 100·00 Peazgaon 204 100·00 Shahpur ~2 100·00 Jot Gauri 62 72-62 Asuragarh Milik 212 Ghordha 63 100·00 63-16 Mudafat Makimpur 67 100·00 Tutikata 227 100·00 Mahespur 68 100·00 Ghordha Kasht 64 100·00 purlia .Talalpur Miljk 65 100·00 230 72·62 ArazilHnzuri Kasba 73 55·98 Lohajang 256 100·00 Kismat Kasba 75 75·58 Jalalpur 66 100·00 Dangipara Bagindar 68 100·00 342 100'00 Khanpur 88 100·00 Solpara 391 65·70 Bhage1ia 83 100'00 Sobhanpur 100 100·00 Tegharia 392 98·53 Maliandighi ll2 76·27 Damdama 98 61·25 Blmalanandapur 1I6 59·88 Damd~a 99 95·54 Kelna 120 58·64 Pir.pokhar 103 76·67 Gopalpur 123 59·90 Roshanganj 122 100·00 78·75 Bazidpur 128 92'89 Mungarail 125 3 MALDA DISTRICT Rasulpur 137 77·73 DeotarMilik 136 55'4 61·72 Ran'thail 143 70·32 Rankul 141 ENGLISH BAZAR POLICE STATION Rankhanpara 158 100·00 Khurka 145 68·73 Baharail 161 59·60 Belawari 176 100·00 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES ; Kesarghata 164 63·98 Bhatwar 196 51·98 Gerul 169 100·00 IIamat Jot 227 100·00 1. MalPahariya Sisa 176 87-92 Lodipur 255 51-43 2. Uncla8si fled Bikaldanga 180 68·53 Karigaon 260 54-81 Amarpur 181 100·00 Bamhal 261 83·73 3. Santal Srirampur 184 61-82 Bhikhanpur 262 60-78 MolJapara 85 66·67 Krishnap~r 188 78·07 Bilaspur 281 62·43 Mahabari 190 63·75 Krishnapnr 99 67-69 Syampur 193 63·64 Subarna Sarai 196 100·00 Chonra 197 57-53 Chandipur 212 58.43 Jamar 219 63·99 MALDA POLICE STATION CHOPRA POLICE STATION lIlakrampur 221 100·00 MAJOR. SCHEDULED TRIBES: Tikul 222 91·15 MAJOR SilHEDULED TBIBES : 1. Santal Ojantor 232 100·00 Bara Jhara 234 57-43 1. Santal Badanpur 21 100·00 Naopara 238 59'11 Z. Oraon Harirampur 26 100·00 Nandura 239 72·92 Jadupur 28 65'51 Gungaon 31 266 83-98 Juropani 20 100·00 63·75 Chak Sadulya PaschimBanihapara 32 100'00 Andhar Manik 267 64-56 Bhagalpur 32 100·00 ;E'aramanika 38 81'59 Ustair 268 73045 Bhagalpur 35 68·21 Chirakuti 39 81·85 Sayestabad 272 68'84 Thuthi Pakar 43 100·00 Ba'gmalancha 41 57·97 Saiyadpur 42 79·24 273 61-51 Atharkhai 100·00 Kanur ~ Jharpukuria 43 57'86 Chhota Khidirpur 275 66·36 Ariagaon 68 93·39 Darial 46 58·72 Baie Haripur 280 65·53 Besarbari 79 100·00 Purba Banjhapara 47 88'42 426


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribe~ Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3

MALDA POLICE STATION-coned. HABffiPUR POLICE STATION lIABIBPUR POLICE STATION -conta. --aonela, Dhalsana 49 81·53 Dharampur 50 61-17 Jagajjibanpur 73 56·64 Chak lIfahabat 192 74·68 Akhirapukur 52 84·31 Dharenda 74 67·85 Kokahirni 193 75·92 BhatKalna 57 68·02 Tulshi Danga 77 54-02 Kalpechi 194 68·75 Gondha 58 97·50 Bhairabpur 86 73·20 Bet Pukuria 197 56·62 Hatrakandar 59 100·00 Bishnupur 87 5Nt Mistarpara 198 100·00 Dudhabari 60 . 90-71 Daudpur 92 62·22 Rauahat 199 95·65 Chinibar 61 61-19 Lonsa 95 51.14 'Saidpur 201 93·08 Rachhulpur 64 100,00 ChakSukur 96 63'10 Amarpur 203 82·22 Bacabari 65 87·01 Nimbari 97 59'75 Khabiakana 204 100'00 Briddhi Kamancha 66 69·S1 Kathal Banpur 101 55'87 Sahapur 205 87·76 Itapajha 67 93·35 Haripur 102 70·14 Kasiadanga 206 100·00 Goalchaita 69 84-96 Dhananjaya 104 59·07 Mohanpur Inlia 207 6185 Mastafapur 71 61-51 Harinathpur 106 60·75 1Ilanoharpur 214 83'12 Tilbhog Sardarpur 72 86·08 SuchalMahalUadp~r 118 100·00 Darajpur 215 59·36 Satbaria 73 100·00 Adampur 119 69·57 Dhalakandar 218 64·79 Maihi i Khan 74 61'54 Sundarpur 123 73·28 Anai! 219 61'7\1 Ijiatpur 81 99·16 Chapardanga 127 97'01 Hapania 220 8l'47 Maligram 89 81048 Chandhar 128 98,31 Lota Bhanga 221 100'00 Sukhandighi 00 70·83 Bade Chandihar 129 97·80 Phulban 222 53'00 Mehamanpur 91 69,62 Kayra 130 55'06 Akalpnr 223 62·23 Minapara 92 72·26 Khanpur 131 73·72 Santail 227 70·61 Mandilpur 93 55·15 Parolia Buzruk 139 63'SO Karanjabari 229 100·00 Kaludewan 94 68-45 RamPukuria 140 51'59 Sripur 230 83'77 Binakail 141 57·59 Chak Katla Pukur 231 52'27 Buzruk Khanpur 143 94'0!! Pakuria 233 65'45 Neamatpur' 147 87'60 Sibpur 234 58'47 Kasipahar.a 150 100'00 Guhinagar 237 60·30 lIABIBPUR POLICE STATION Chhilimpur 151 72·12 Barail 152 77-19 Sankopara 23G 80,77 lIiAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: JotAlam 154 9hlO Nhlmatpur 240 88,79 Chhuchail 156 5]'48 Bakna 241 100·00 1. Santal 59-78 Harail 157 Horgao 242 96·79 Muraripur 158 89·56 Pathar Mandala 5 100,00 Mirzapur 160 50'35 Damdama 243 95·37 Sisdanga 9 56·15 Mandighi 161 94'86 Chenchai Chandi 244 100·00 Pindal 14 97-48 Raghabpnr Oujia 162 90'32 Upar Kendua 245 100,00 Pasuli 15 60,24 51'07 Singra 163 Janakibati 257 80·68 Sar badikpur 16 64-13 Sukni Kandar 164 80'39 Rajdol 17 76,59 Lakshmipnr 165 73,76 Jot l\{aniram 260 96·02 Rangamati 18 7H9 Sankail 166 53,42 Krishnapur 261 76·52 Khocha Kandar 19 68,70 Bodrail 167 80·25 Sitalpur 262 89·87 Hazipur 26 93·65 58·05 Hurabari 168 Pathar Banpur 267 Rahutara 27 66·10 Nirail 169 85·68 100·00 Rajarampur 28 76·26 Gopalnagar 170 100·00 Jot Kandarpapur 268 100·00 Khnjipur 30 61-67 Begunbari 171 54·38 Uttar Chandpur 271 100-00 Lalpur Bodra 31 55·02 Nityanalldapur 172 95·89 Komarpur 273 97 '63 Kharibari 32 90·43 100'00 Gurila 174 Nasratpur 274 100·00 Kio! 34 81·18 Chakdahari 175 100'00 Nii Hosenpur Charaigola 36 96.80 Oltara 177 68,62 278 100·00 Kathra Naopara 39 100·00 Pathar Oltara 178 100'00 Nahaghar 279 100,00 JamirPukur 40 100,00 Haito 181 100'00 Paru!ia Hosenpur 280 100·00 42 69·01 Perapur Ulator 184 57·06 Eklaspur 282 63.98 Tapsahar 43 93'26 Tambutana 185 62'50 Pirozabad 283 54-52 r 44 62·22 Binodpu Sekandara 186 80'99 Khas Haripur 287 100·00 48 100·00 50,26 Pirgachhi Jodanga 188 Pathar Naohharat· 289 100'00 Aragachhi 57 100'00 Habibpur 190 50,79 pur 427


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


ThiAJOR SOI!E~ULED TRIBES: Bartali 71 77049 Fatelapur 237 51·90 Silnagara 72 76·24 1. Oraon Rahimpur 241 94·74 Jamdanga 76 71-07 Amlidanga 242 66·67 2. Santa! Durgapur 77 83·33 Agampur 243 60·37 Salbana 87 65·93 Sankhair 244 75·39 Jitarpur 88 64·14 Hat Fateraj 88 52·55 Behargaon 247 83·28 Analldaganj 89 83·55 Bagsarai 90 69·28 Harirampur 250 75·48 Gaursanda 126 56·55 Dharail 96 100·00 Sonapur 255 53·23 1.1ohanpllr 131 87·88 l'IIalancha 97 81·91 Narasingdanga 259 67·44 Syampur 99 86·58 Dogachhi 270 100·00 Panchpara 101 tl5·66 Bahuthar 271 67-45 Chhota Kandar 103 73·03 Baniakandar 272 100·00 Sara Kandar 106 53-45 Karanja 274 98·92 HARISHCHANDRAPUR POLICE Syamnagar 109 60·60 Khanta 275 55·63 STATION Baniyal 110 52·00 Baje Karanja 276 68·80 MusiDhap 111 65·89 Bankati 277 82·30 MAJGR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Dakshin I\Ialdanga Il3 89·16 Chengtor 278 69·30 'Molladighi 114 64-47 Bansbari 280 65·94 1. Santal Nijgram 116 94'32 Batijora 282 79·82 2. Unclassified Eaghllnathpur liS 100·00 Darapur 284 62-77 Updel 122 68·55 Barabari 285 85·23 Khejurbari 95 73·64 Atgan 124 100'00 Jadupur 286 88·89 Nabagram 99 72'73 Bachahar 127 55·24 Dogharia 287 100'00 Putia 14,0 100·01) Hosenpur 129 61·36 Purba Mallikpur 292 76·05 Sahara Bahara 146 51-67 Doas 130 77011 Sikatalli' 149 100'00 Katna 136 69·59 Malanipur 140 73·58 Taher Khani 143 58·54 Kandar 147 93·21 BAi1fANGOLA POLICE STATION Ichahar 148 59·56 Telihar 150 75·63 GAJOL POLICE STATION ~fAJOR SCHEPULED TRIBES: Digra 151 76·89 Dangapara 154 50·85 111AJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal Pirpara 155 76·04 1. Santal Chak Mllsadanga 159 93·88 Baje Dhulda 7 51·19 Sekhpara 169 55·38 Ganigara 9 53'09 Indrasail 2 83·33 Atghara 170 53·49 Baherpur 15 56·80 Kagasllra 13 100·00 Jalangapara 179 100·00 Muzaffarpur 23 67·32 Sokhpura 18 59·64 Dahuchi 181 77-74 Lalpur 28 56·67 Jib Jalsar 22 97-01 Jamalpur 185 59·64 Jot Bhabani 29 75·24 Paschim Binodpur 27 95·24 Rangamati 187 66·15 Sayestabad 30 67·88 Raybag 31 68·62 Jajilapara 189 68·28 Dakshin Naopara 31 57·80 I\ligipur 34 51-03 purba Sundarpur 191 98·97 Haripur 32 55·35 Khord Babllpllr 35 54-11 Habinagar 198 52-41 Bhangrail Palasbari 38 51·15 Kharnuna 36 71·29 Baje Jhar Sabai! 203 100·00 Mahespur 40 54·25 Adina 39 80'30 Jhar Sabai! 204 59·77 Baje Manikpur 46 100·00 Jot Jadll 40 54·89 llIadhail 206 78·90 Baisukbari 50 61·85 Homdighi 48 54·47 Ustor 209 73·39 Ramnagar 51 100·00 Chfiuti Kandar 50 100·00 Chandpur 21I 99·33 Beltalabari 52 100·00 Chhayghati 52 71·24 Jasail 212 51·53 Gopalpur 53 62·25 Tantibari 03 75·81 Purba Kasba 218 75·08 Ailchora 54 71·54 Rayplll' 62 100·00 Sinhapara 219 60·91 Patul 55 75·61 Chalandar 63 90·77 Bagdol 223 72·06 Berul 63 55;56 llfahinagar 64 80·00 Raihopara 227 83·6!1, Kumarpur 72 79;89 llagdighi 66 68'47 Bhadar 230 50·00 Jethrail 76 50·91 IIIaihra 68 50·00 Badnagra 233 65·41 Bhadreswar 78 100·00 Bamangram 69 77·50 Balarampur 235 71·34 Mahupaul 100 70·98 Jot Xt1a.ni 70 58·73 Jot Ghasi 236 100·00 Harinanda.nb 109 62·01 APPENDIX-contd. , .

Scheduled Soheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

2 3 2 3 2 3

BAM ANGOLA POLICE STATION SAGARDIGRI POLICE STATION HARIHARPARA POLICE STATION -contd. -e(lnta. MAJoR SOREDULED TRIllES : Bujurkhail 110 53·18 Ghugurida,nga. 170 54·87 Kangsa 116 54·93 Palanda 172 96·62 I. Unclas8ijiecl Mahadebpur 119 53·47 Baga,nhat 1,75 100·00 Malancha 125 51·17 Bhunihat 177 53·36 2. Mal Pahariya Saharbari 129 66·33 Dwarikapara 191 100·00 Sarmura 130 56·16 Ramnagar 193 ,59·39 Jamira 35 1i5·43


MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Oraon 1. Unclassified 2. Santal 1. Santal 2. Mal Pahariya 3. Mal Pahariya 2. Mal Pahariya 3. Santal 28 9}.67 57-68 Kanchannagar Pasupara 8 Madhusudanbati 51 60·82 Samaskar 60 50·00 76·65 Kalaidanga 24 Darura 55 100·00 ldilpur 118 100·00 Jakhirabag 56 83·10 Mukundapur 130 100·00 Fanzbag 57 100·00

RAGHUNATHGANJ POLICE STATION MURSHIDABAD POLICE STATION MAJOR SCJJEDULED TRIBES: NADIA DISTRICT 1. Santal MA.JOR SCJl'EDU~ED TRIBES: KRrSHNAGAR POLICE STATION 2. Kora 1. Santal 2. Mal Pahariya 'MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Mathurapur 119 51·33 DakBhinpara 136 57·75 J. Munda 1. Oraon Pachanpara 146 99·31 Dliamua 2 65·50 Manipota 61 60·95 SaikuJi 10 67·73 Ektarpur 63 100·00 Hazrapol 64 54-22 SAGARDIGRI POLICE STATION Kursi 65 60·63 Sardanga 74 55·12 MAJOR SCHEDULEll TRIBES: Tiabali 75 61·79 NABAGRAM POLICE STATION Tegharia lID 55·56 1. Santal Kshirpuli 112 100·0(1 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Hatpara 45 100.00 1. Santal Iswarbati 105 100.00 Paschim Matiapara 109 51·91 Jarulia 45 56·05 Narasinghapur 112 58.72 Aruliadanga 49 100·00 NAK.ASIPARA POLICE STATION Saundighi 121 71·64 Sahapur 129 50·80 Majhigram 50 53·06 Itor 132 52·53 Bahala 59 62·03 'MAJOR SCllliDULED TRIBES : Ujalmanik 133 80·00 Cayannagar S5 99·28 146 80·23 1. Orao1l Uladlmga Gopgram 88 51·26 Nurpur 160 59·52 IComadda 168 81·76 Kongarpur 100 89·85 Bamandanga 24 50·76 C~ordighi 169 76.16 Patlianpara 103 100'00 Bholadanga 74 78·66 429


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J .t. population Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J. L. popUlation No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population popUlation 2 3 2 3 1 2 3


MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal 1. Santal 1. Oraon 2•. Munda 2. Oraon 2. Munda Char Manikdihi 15 50·00 3. Bhumij Jamberia Abad 25 100·00 Chapai 26 75·61 , Bispur 82 59·54 Arpara 42 71·69 HINGALGANJ POLICE STATION


Chak Rudranagar 39 100·00 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: SANDESKHALI POLICE STATION 1. Munda MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 2. Santal I. Munda CHAKDAH POLICE STATION 3. Unclassijied 2. Oroon !l-lAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Paschim Malipota 77 55·86 3. Bhumij Dhalani 91 52·26 I. Oraon Kathalia Chak 97 57·54 Dheknarnari 2. Munda 2 59·08 Bayarmari Abad 22 57-16 3. Santal Bagdob 148 50·26 BONGAON POLICE STATION HAROA POLICE STATION

MMOR SCHEDULED TIloIBES : MAJOR ScHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal 1. Munda HARINGHATA POLICE STATION 2. Munda 2. Oraon MAJOR SCHEDULE» TRIBES: Nawapara 32 100·00 3. Santa! Mnchikhola 1. Sanlal 96 89·80 56.87 Kac~nrhula 99 67088 2. Oraon Bridhapalla 95 Dam Dama 130 52.97 Ramgachhi 105 68·13 3. Uncla8sified

Nischintapur 23 100·00 lIHNAKHAN POLICE STATION

GAIGHATA POLICE STATION MAJOR SC:a:EDULED TRlllES : I. Oraon MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: HANSKHALI POLICE STATION 2. Mahali I. Santal MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 3. Munda 1. Oraon Dharmapur 20 56·77 4. UncllUsified Pipli 100 77·07 Dwipchandrapur 17 100·00 Kalanchi 106 74·33 Jaykrishnapur 105 87054 430


Scheduled Soheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. ,population Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. per ceut No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

1 2 3 1 2 3, 1 2 3



1. Santal 1. Stl!nlal MAJOR SCHEpULED TRIBES: Z. Oraon Z. Munda 1. Santal 3. Oraon Anakha 3 57·82 Jhanpa 150 5I.49 'Maricha 5 72·26 Par Kalugachhi 2 88·41 Nandipur 155 100·00 Jaykhali 8 65·66 Belgare 162 52·12 Hatiamari 10 77·25 Ranagachha 186 93.26 Bamunia 14 50·90 Mukhujyapara 15 63·20 POLICE STATION Bhabananda 25 92·08

MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: DHANIAK,HALI POLICE STATION 1. Oraon BASANTI POLICE STATION MAJOR SCliEDtTLEfJ TRIBES: MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Barpol 59 95·48 1. Santal 1. Santal Basipur 142 7Q.44 Z. Munda J. Oraon JAGATDAL POLICE STATION Tetultala 129 56·73 MAJOR SCHICDULED TRIBES: Uttar BattaIa 131 61-43 PANDUAH POLICE STATION 1. Oraon MAJOR SC.lIEDULEP TRIBES: Z. 1I!unda 'M.ANDIR BAZAR POLICE STATION 1. Santal Chak Mulajor 15 55·00 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES; Gutra 30 64·88 1. Santal Chautpur 49 50·00 Golagari 134 53·82 Munda Z. Acharpara 142 71-43 SONARPUR POLICE STATION Pakri 158 63·56


Kumarpukuria 14 Jl.IA30R SC.lIEPULEp TRIBES: Tardaha. 15 J. L. No. OF OLD KULPI POLICE STATION 1. Santal

Kalinga 80 100·00 Gangadharpur 47 57·80 Telinipara 84 81·13 KULTALI POLICE STATION MATHURAPUR POLICE STATION MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Munda MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: :ltfOGRA POLICE STATION Z. Oraon 1. 1I!unda 3. Bhumij 2. Kora MAJOR SCliEPULEP TRIBES: 4. Santal 3. Uncl a8sijied 1. Santal

Purba: Tetuheria 120 G8·76 Banstala Baraghari 71·91 DOOpur 23 100·00 431


SOheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes tribes Tribes Nallle of Village J.L. population Name of ViII age J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent NO.1 per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

1 2 3 3 1 .2 3


][AJOR SCHEDULED MAJOR SCliEPULEP TRIBES: MAJOR SOlIEDULED TRIBES: TRIBES: 1. Santal 1. Bantal 1. Santal 2. Lodlia, Klieria or Kliaria Khanpur 42 58·54 2. Kora Bardalia 114 100·00 Kirtinagar 20 100·00 Santoshpur 117 100·00 Goda 41 56·21 Sibpur 123 74-07 Mahipal 142 57·63 Jayrampur 124 56·13 Dakshin Goara 150 54.02 Panch Deuli 199 64-46 GOGHAT POLICE STATION Suye 211 100·00



Barul 54 67·78 MEMARI POLICE STATION 1. Santal Pirmallik 73 96·84 Arazi Kirttibaspur 128 100·00 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Chandai 23 100·00 1. Santal

Gangua 24 100·0'0 Belni 69 71·19 ARAMBAGH POLICE STATION Chak Narayan 106 100·00 GALSI POLICE STATION Sahanagar 112 91·18 MAJOR SClIiPULEP TRIBES: Magra 173 50·18 MAJOR SCIIEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal Bansipur 183 59·50 Krishnajibanpur 222 52·19 1. Santal Par Adra 3 51·70 Parbati Chak 40 77-19 Chak Khandajuli 71 100·00 Ketna 157 54'08 JAMALPUR POLICE STATION


BURDWAN DISTRICT 1. Santal AUSGRAM: POLICE STATION 2. Kora MONGALKOTE POLICE STATION IlbJOR SOIIEDULED TRIBES: Ballabhbati 12 55-71 MAJOR SCREPULED TRIBES: Ramchandrapur 58 55·42 1. Santal Khord Palasi 97 100·00 1. Santal Jajanpnr 115 70·27 Z.Oraon Kamalpur 123 100.00 Kalaipara 18 97'37 Phanri Jangal 16 51·52 Chak Piariganj 24 100·00 Bara Chatra 37 56·98 Kural 45 100·00 RAINA POLICE STATION Maliara 47 60·40 Bahmanpur 59 55·48 MAJOR SClIEPULED TRIBES: MONTESWAR POLICE STATION Radhamohanpur 60 100·00 1. Santal Knldihll 64 71·61 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Lachhminarayanpur 66 100·00 Ramanandapur 42 100·00 Chak 1. Santal Balarampur 81 87·77 Kalui 141 52·00 Ramnagar 85 100·00 Sirajpur 62 66·67 Chuadanga 145 54·26 Dombandi 89 100·00 Chak Basupur 118 100.00 Sablalpur 147 61·57 Sundalpur 137 53·11 432


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Name of Vil!age J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population Tribes No. per cent Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. per cent Total Total population Total population population 2 3 2 3 2 3

KAKSA POLICE STATION BARABANI POLICE STATION BIRBHUM DISTRICT MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SCiIlEDULED TRIBES: SURI POLICE STATION 1. Santal 1. Bantal MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Sundipur 4 83·33 2. KQTa Jamdoba 40 61}·10 1. Santal Sadhumara 73 100·00 Taldanga 29 59.·06 Brindabanpur 75 98·59 Kondaipur 61 53·50 Khamra 48 Maligram Paschim Ganga. 92[40 54·98 100·00 67 100·00 rampur Gopalbaid 49 95·58 Tapaipur 69 78.25 ¥aldihi 80 63.90 Muradpur 83 51·02 Raj nagar 87 68·86 Kamardangal 144 FARIDPUR POLICE STATION KULTI POLICE STATION 67·26 Raypur 176 100·00 Kubirpur MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 177 83·89 MAma SCHEDULED TRIBES: Badilpur 178 90'91 1. Bantal Sirsha 184 100'00 1. Bantal Chandipur 191 100'00 Chak Laudoha 22 Amgachhi 210 96·82 57·89 Digari Tasarkata Chapabandi 37 100·00 7 50.00 212 69'96 Dedi Bansol 49 100'00 20 72·41

RAJNAGAR POLICE STATION JAMURIA POLICE STATION MAJOR SCHEIlULED TRIBES: SALANPUR POLICE STA'J.'ION MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: 1. Santal 1. Santal MAJOR SOODULEJ) TRIBES: Kuralmatia I 53·12 Jhila 1. Santal Madarpur 3 53·29 17 62·72 Hirapur Joba 26 71-49 7 100·00 Bathanbari 8 52·59 4 50·90 Dhaka B'anskatia 12 52·59 6 100·00 Gangapur Muchidi 13 73·91 14 78·73 Aligar 14 54·90 HIRAPUR POLICE STATION Pratappur Gobinda Chak 15 100·00 23 63·87 Barabai Jhikra 54 79·63 MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: 21 82·87 Kundira Malbahal 61 53·03 44 81}24 Tarasol 64 75·23 1. Santal Ghiadoba 57 75'05 Raghunandanpur 72 78·38 Mahishagram Barathol Seakulberia 61 76·45 73 71-26 35 59-52 Malladih Kanaipur 92 94·32 Chhota Digari 53 62·69 67 57·08 Manoharpur Jamdiha RadhabaUavpur 104 100·00 63 85·50 75 78·18 Madhaichak 81 95·48 MUHAMMAD BAZAR POLICE ASANSqL POLICE STATION STATION MAJOlE\ SCHEDULED TRIBES: MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: DURGAPUR POLICE STATION 1. Santal 1. Santal MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Keshabganja 21 60·14 Hatgacha 1 93·06 Chak Keshabganja 22 63·06 1. Santal Chanda 2 77006 Kotaldihi 38 54·II Pachmi 3 82·61 47 Jethia 4 100·00 Goalara 78* 100.00 Maubeli(l 90'53 7 64'60 *J. L. No. of old Faridpur Police Station 433


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3

MUHAlIMAD BAZAR POLICE SAINTHIA POLICE STATION-cantd. BOLPUR POLICE STATION STATION-contd. lIAJOR SClIEPULED TRIB~S: Kalaipahari 11 95·16 Bankhatipur 183 81-76 Ghagha 17 95·56 Purbba SUlldaJpur 201 85·62 1. Santal Harinsinga 3S 7].08 Suraipur 206 100·00 2. Kora Kusuma Kandar 45 . 100·00 Palasdanga 210 77·97 Muralpur 46 68·53 Dakshin Siur 215 100·00 Gopalllagar 18 55.83 Kamar Naogaon 51 84·69 Purana 52 73·83 Danbaripur 22 100·00 Damodarpllr 59 66·67 Gobilldapala 25 100·00 Debagram 03 80·65 DUBRAJPUR POLICE STATION Langalbhanga 66 55·94 Sarbbanandapur 31 54·51 lIfAJOR SCHEDULEP TRIBES: Dubrajpur 69 61-64 Uttar Gopinathpur 32 81·95 Tajpur 77 50·62 1. Santal Bagalpur 78 51·24 Schalai 33 50·07 Sehala 79 5J.52 Pirojpur 14 100·00 Faridpur 46 59-52 Latapakur ·91 85·71 Kedarbandh 28 100·00 Kalidaha 95 100·00 As&nsuli 44 100·00 Chak Pali 49 100·00 Khayrapara Boskanda 56 100·00 Binodpur 50 99·41 Kalidah& 96 100·00 Metega·on 65 100·00 Nirbh&ypur llO 90·53 Khoshbaspur 77 50·75 D&kshin H&rirampllr 51 67·70 Saharakuri 50·08 III Radhamadhabpur 88 100·00 Asdullapur 59 100·00 Sukna 1I4 57·49 M&niram 102 100·00 Bhejena lIS 51-65 Naoagram 105 92·86 Kamalakalltapnr 61 59.21 Kani&ra 119 100·00 Majuri& 109 65·46 lIIahishdal 70 88-49 K&shthatari 120 86·59 l\{andarhati 184 78·72 Ra.jyadharpur 129 82·78 Natn Sahapur 187 68·13 Pa thargha ta 91 70·49 Baragachha 131 76·92 Ch&udidaspur 19S 89·80 Khoshkadalllbapur 95 53-92 Narasinha pur 137 73·53 Ghoga 228 52·97 Simuli& 138 100·00 Belahari 229 72·22 Chandanpur 110 50·56 Giripur 146 63·69 Kanchannagar 234 100·00 Amaipur 154 100·00 Rasulganjahat 114 58·73 Sugunpur 157 69·10 lIIahuli 119 62·85 KHOYRASOLE POLICE STATION Dakshin Narayanpur 120 73·84 Uparkhara 149 68·63 MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: SAINTHIA POLICE STATION Jahanabad 169 55·97 1. Santal :l'IIAJOR SCHEPULED TRIBES: 2. Unclassified 1. Santal Ahmadpur 56 100·00 Ba.stabpur 59 93-44 LABHPUR POLICE STATION Behira 11 53·66 Tilshur 68 66·67 Domaha Tat Il7 100·00 Amna 12 55·31 l\1AJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: B&ngralll 20 95·68 Bhangaband 132 93-42 Raihat 24 96·20 1. Santal Sibbandhi 56 73·53 Patharghata 57 100·00 ILLAMBAZAR POLICE STATION Sundipur 20 55·78 Hariharpur 64 52·14 Dhobajol 67 68·01 lIIAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Faridpur 21 52·78 r Uttar Hajrapu 72 100·00 22 51·36 Gadarpur llO 50·00 1. Santal Raiarampur Chak l\Iahespur 125 100·00 Srikrishna pur 23 100·00 143 l\Iundir& 67 100·00 Kshatipur 55·32 40 50·S6 Syampur 146 100·00 Nachan Saha 1I3 72·85 Tatinupara Kusumdihi 149 76·02 Chowp&hari Jangal 122 74-45 Sekh&mpur 84 56·72 1I1adhupur 165 81·61 Lakshlllipur 128 75·46 lIIE1danpur l7l 50·70 Kumarpura 131 50·00 Sarp:1J'ujpur 102 65·28 8 (a) RGI/64 28 434


Scheduled Scheduled Soheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per oent No. per oent Total Total Total population population population



1. Santa] Muon SCHEPVLEP TllIBE6 : 1. Santal 1. Santal llIadian 3 52·79 Jnlhari 7 68·66 MuraU 17 58·59 Kendbani S. 63·62 Jamthol 8 73·68 Kumudda 28 53·85 Mamurjuri 6 100·00 Naraahol 11 58·54 Jot Rajchandra 64 56·41 Dhansimul 7 100·00 Bhelani 14 75·95 Kumarpur 218 69·35 Bara Chaka 16 97-14 Rampur 17 97·85 Chhota Kalajhllria 29 10()~0 Radhaballabhpur 24 83·22 Dhobargram 57 100· 0 Jhikuria 27 100·00 Tantkanali 58 98-15 Khaerbani 30 100·00 Dhulkumari 60 53·75 Chakchaki 33 1'9-19 RAMPURHAT POLICE STATION Kasiadoba 61 97·06 Burat 34 74·56 Kamlagara 98 100·00 Benagaria 36 76·07 MAJOR SCIIlIIPULED TRIDES: Rangametya 100 50·64 Paraahia 39 66·28 Anandapur III 97-37 Gopinathpur 40 73·95 1. Santaj Kustara 112 50·93 Kalipahari 41. 85·03 Dhagari1'l 117 66·50 Dhatla 44 99·68 llhatina 19 96·94 Dinargan 124 100·00 Tulsa 49 78·10 Chandpur 20 74·84 Siarbada 133 100·00 Sihikapahari 50 55·56 prahladpur 28 100·00 Golamitl>ra 158 100·00 Karfllso] 58 78·33 Salgaria 29 100·00 Purba Ratanpur 292 50·00 Gopalpur 59 100·00 Chiohunri 30 94·55 Katapesia 311 79·17 Kendua 66 84-29 Khojapur 33 100·00 Jirrakelai 73 70·04 Purandarpur 34 100·00 Jainagar 75 100·00 Nirasia 35 89·02 Shushunia Jaoothol 76 70·55 Tarachua 36 66·00 ONDA POLICE STATION Bagdiha 81 70·29 Garia 38 89·43 Ramnathpur 82 59·07 Bamnigaon 40 59·17 MAJOR SO)1l11DULEP TllIBES: Hapania 83 74·55 Ranipur 43 69·78 Siulibllna 84 100·00 Muradda 49 68·82 1. Santal Gohaldanga 86 52·09 Kutubpur 51 86·49 Gidhuria 96 96·04: Metyala 51 9r.·06 Haribandi 103 69·36 Mukundabati 84 100·00 Mirga 104 65·17 Bhangaba.ndh 91 72·07 Kuludihi 115 65·81 Hatiband h8 88·89 Banagram 118 98·68 NALHATI POLICE STATION Chak Krishnanagar Pinashgarya 119 100·00 Thakurbari 153 100·00 Chawghara 124 83·17 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Aml>tpur 165 74·46 Musibdihi 132 69·23 1. Santal Chak Krishnasingpur 166 100·00 Hansal'ah\l,ri 138 82·39 Dhengasol 173 51·69 Bikpur 149 54·07 Siara 204 100·00 Malpara 151 63·25 Bhola 10 66·03 Churamanipur 216 69·74 Bindajam 157 84·30 Bahadurpur 12 58·93 Bhagabanpur 220 100·00 Guraagra 162 95·93 SlIntoshpur 28 66·61 Pundra 224 100·00 Nllrasinhapur 163 96·19 Jamra Madhabpur 225 73·12 Guniada 164 100·00 Shingargaria 232 100·00 Malbedya 165 91·09 Patharkata 233 96·43 Parashibana 168 100·00 Tunka 235 100·00 Jaoodoba 169 54·36 MURAROI POLICE STATION Hatibari 255 100·00 Barshi 171 • 62·65 Hetemoa 260 100·00 Dumda 172 67017 J'rIAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Jadabnagar 261 100·00 Singergara 175 100·00 Ramarchunpuan 264 77-66 Karkari 176 71-53 1. Santal Chak Tunka 274 72·63 Satkhulia 178 99·28 280 75·47 Dhengagora 183 100·00 3 52·21 Betjhurill. Harinduba Chak Nakaijuri 281 66·23 Baghmara 185 73·18 Chandanpur 4 100·00 Mohanpur 282 100·00 Dhagara 186 100·00 Lakargram 10 100·00 Benabandi 290 100·00 Meghakiota 187 77-24 435


Scheduled Bdled1lled Tribes Scheduled Tribes Tribes Name ofVilllIge J.L. population Name of Village J.t_ popn!a!.jon Nallle of Vinage J.t_ NQ. per oent popula.tiQU No. per cent No. pec cent Total Total population Total population population .3 3 2 S 2 3


MAJOR SClIElllJLED hIDES : Gtlrb8n~ 191 100-00 lIUJQR SCH£D1]LED TIUBDS : 13l1hBr& 195 /i0·16 1. Sankll Bangametia. 21)0 91-117 1. Santa! Sanl)tIl,lpBorI> 209 1lS·1)O Nab~gram 4 69·20 Jlltyardihi 232 .... 96·22 BinQdpur 8 100·00 ]3angopalpur 4 83-05 Suribedia 233 50·00 Fat?pur Rampur 23!l 86·54 Bhadaspllf }{ha,s 10 69·78 10 93-9l Ba.til,"ara 12 64056 Masthol 238 57·89 Udaypur 11 ilH8 Tilaoad Bahir 242 92-56 13 91H3 Lakshankata 15 100-00 Bausol 16 J~mb~ni 256 e3·51 96·15 Maldlhi 16 99·61 Nipa,ni~ 82 8(l·72 Buripam 258 100·00 RangamBti Panjaupahari 284 100·00 ellatin baid 17 73·23 41 10.0·01) Jhapandihi 43 Sareogllphulheria 285 100·00 Mahisaradi IS SIH9 69·69 Manorl! 52 64·23 Dighit 24 10Q·OO Amjhuri 56 74-31 Rajpura. 29 10()·1)0 Bijardihi 57 ltiQ·OO ChaklldQba Krishnapur 30 100·00 58 80-77 GANGAJALGHATI POLICE STATION ItallllLflt 60 77-32 Chandbad 100·00 39 Jflmbeda 64 84·81 lllAJOR SOODIJLEIl 'Ill.llll!S: Chaukhmi 40 99-24 Arjunda 65 85·26 Sahebdang~ 45 100·00 Belkallali 67 60·66 1. Santal Barkania Shalchur 47 62-50 69 100·00 DhairGllara 70 100·0[} Paramanik Kunri 59 100·00 BWlltwakuri 55 81·63 Jllmdahara Chak R&ngametya 110 100-00 71 67-19 Hirerban 62 100·00 Simnlkundi 77 63·(3 Kenthalya 63 77-80 Basudebpur Balikhllo 65 63·50 Chllndipur 66 71·09 79 80·00 Itamara 94 72·34 Sidara. 66 100·00 Bhurknnd&thol 72 !l8'S'!' 'Uganpathar 73 100·00 95 70·79 Bankaj\ll'a Mohallitpara '13 100-00 Benagarya Bamundiha '17 lOO-DO 96 100·00 Sb.uaba&l 80 97·79 Gonss,idihi 77 61-12 Bhubandihi 100 100,00 LalitaKuri 78 97·76 Maitibandh 101 100·00 Diaadihi 102 67-34 Duia.ltll.ra 82 lOO·O() Baragajra 10,3 100-00 Ramjibanpur 85 • 98-~8 Kaliahuta. 105 8!!-75 BORJORA POLICE STATION Thanadumar 89 82-54 Ja.durbankata 106 52·97 K,hllkrakanali 115 86·11 MAJOR SCIlEDULED TRIBES: Pathardihi 95 75']4 Rangibari 1215 75·08 Krifhnapur 96 53·29 1. Bantal Dharramuli lZ,s 69·55 Bamni~hllla 98 98·00 Nityanandapur 137 72·76 Basudebpur 'Uttar 75 Sa-II Simladihi 100 100·00 Banpukhuria 140 61· is Rangamat.i DewBngllty& 81 I 00-00 Fateplll' 141 99·49 103 39·69 Patasilllul 143 100·00 Ek!l.rya 137 100·00 Amjhor JQytunga. lSi) 82·33 104 100·00 Bagjabta 14iJ 79-56 Swargabati 171 98·34 Sebapur 110 88·31 Palashhani 148 91·12 Hllrishpur 172 100,00 Demralllol 1211 57·99 Indpur 1~ tOO·OO 188 Gobarda 152 56-01 Bena~hapra !i7·5S ~lani]lur 131 9CH)O Mathuraberia 189 89·74 Deulilgara. 153 94-51 Tila,baid 132 88-70 Ifflmohani 154 100·00 Maj1ll'akundi 133 100·01) Khandarani 155 75·15 Rajba.ndh 134 65·83 Rajadilli 156 100·00 MEJHIA POLICE STATION SibMlIilllpur 157 62·68 Lechhera. 142 6l-9l) KU!>J;rbahal 159 50·;'54 MAJOR SClllilD1!LED TlIIBllS : Jadabpur 144 96·85 Kharidnngri 172 94·39 Madhabpur 146 100·00 Peripathar 173 66·01 1, Banfa! Dhagara 174 90·39 Bojapathar ]49 57-52 Jambeda 175 100·00 BOllakanali 5 100·00 Khatmara 1M 100-00 Nadupara 177 94,·eS DhlIndQrr, 21 100.00 :1\ethmla ·156 75·8g l\Mlamberia 179 62·79 436


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population p.opulation population

2 3 2 3 1 2 3

KHATRA POLICE STATION-cantd. RANIBANDAH POLICE STATION RANIBANDAH POUCE STATION -contd. I1fAJOR SCHJilDUtED TRIBES: Bansnala 182 76·37 Gobindasol 141 100·00 Harangara 185 84·88 Bheduasol 142 100·00 Purandihi 186 100·00 1. Santal l\1uchikata 143 84·27 Guyanala 194 86·05 Churku 144 97-16 Salbani 197 91·80 Gosaindihi 4 83·48 Syamadihi 14!5 84-19 Bhurudanga 198 100·00 Tuman .100·(\0 Haramgara 146 100·00 Q, Phuljhor Kurkut·ia 199 76·61 Basantapur 8 72·83 148 92·11 Rakltajura 203 100·0.0 Nilgiri 12 100·00 Bagdubi 149 100·00 Kawatanga Ruparhir 2M 100·00 Balarampur 13 lQO'OO 150 93·33 Damodarpur 20(l 98·44 Barda 18 5t)·45 Burisal 151 100·00 Goalmuri Tilabani 211 9J.S4 Gholkuri 27 55-41 152 89-57 Maharadihi 215 69·51 Nischintapur 37 93·91 Sutan 153 100'00 Bhulagara Datarampur 221 54·00 Burisol 39 8].82 154 85·64 Baurisol 240 100·00 Chhatar Doha 44 5f).!3 Laladi 155 100'00 Tiring 244 71·58 Bagdubi Kalabani 157 55·95 56 75·74 Huangkhana Katar 245 86·59 Palashbani 53·16 160 57·20 57 Buchiburi Nekrasonda 246 100·00 Sukhla 58 84·95 74·66 Satnala Bagal,hulia 249 70·20 l\faukanali 59 57·00 IG6 80 .. 92 Labdapara 265 100·00 Naranpur 64 85·00 :Murkum Chhotatung *167 83·57 Birk1ham 266 100·00 Kama Sing Lahar 168 76·69 65 56·69 Paryasa Pitadungri 275 100·00 Benkakiocha 66 76·57 169 60·68 Kuchiar l\Iahar 276 62·22 Kulam 72·36 Purnapani Baratullg 171 98·71 67 Kankl'ijharna l\lakhnu 68 83·89 172 63·64 Bagdiha 70 100·00 Dhobakacha 175 100·00 Dangarda Chaltha 71 95·95 177 96·67 Bethuala 58,58 Barikul 179 98·89 72 Lep.am Panijia 70·84 180 81·48 73 Shuknibasa Pithagerya 74 83·09 181 50·51 INDPUR PQLICE STATION :Majgerya Bhurlrura 76 97·88 182 55·46 Birbandh 183 80·00 llIAJOR SOHEDULED -TRIBES: Susunigeria 77 63·54 Chilagara 78 98·41 Kharujhor 186 100,00 Keliapathat 1. Santal 79 80·20 Bhalkadungri 103 71·24 Z. Kara Hakim Sinan 105 90·07 Churapathar 106 99·14 . RAIPUR POLICE STATION Uttar Kendbana 1 77·27 Nachna 107 6].67 Kalipahari 3 62·81 Rajalt'ata III 57·98 MAJOR SCHEPULllD TRIBES: Narasingdhara 4 100·00 Buriam 112 88·99 Saluktdanga 5 84·67 Talgara 114 50·51 1. Sanlal Bhabrigara 6 100·00 Ghagra 115 51·73 Raghudihi 22 100·00 Garra 116 68·16 Karamara 9 100·00 Gilirbona 23 100·00 Jamgerya 117 96·34 Raidihi 12 64·46 Dakl!ihin Kendbana 34 92·50 Katiam 119 58·99 Bankanali 13 100·00 Kalachandpur 36 100·00 Ledapakur 120 97·78 Indrajhor 14 61·86 Belut 38 58·18 :Mahadeb Sinan 121 100·00 Baradikalapathar 15 100·00 Ghusikdanga 49 100·00 Mitha·am 122 95·04 Baradi 16 64·75 Gandlugara 59 100·00 Barapacha 123 100·00 Bhangadeuli 20 52·31 Bhalukbasa 61 100'00 Raygar 125 69·03 Paryasol 30 70·33 Dakshinkamalpur 67 100·00 Guupura 126 74·87 Benachapra 31 94·44 Benahar 72 88019 Khejura 127 78·91 Ela 37 57·23 Kendbana 94 67·19 Ramgar 128 98·16 Malibana 38 80·52 Bandeuli 96 74·14 Sareshbad 132 100·00 Chhota Amlatora 41 57-41 Shialgeria 182 100·00 Kasakend 134 10°·00 Bara Amlatora 43 100·00 Sirishganjal 183 100·00 Serengda 135 97·87 Manipur 57 65·24 Benageria 191 57-05 Tilabani 136 62-45 Tetulchita 58 100·00 Nishchintapur 217 S9·0il Hijli 137 54·24 Jaljura 62 54·61 Kurusthalit\ 219 100·00 l\1adhabpur 138 57·0!) Gumkihata 03 73·30 437


Scheduled Scheduled ~cheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. papulati.an No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total populatiou population ]lopulatian

2 3 2 3 1 2 3 nArPun POLICE STATION-con/d. BAIPUR POLICE STATION-concld. SIl\lLAPAL POLICE STATION-con/d. I1Iadhupur 65 92·05 Barapaya 255 87·0.i.l 70 100·00 Sagarchaka 258 74-49 Tushkutari 20 59·38 Karra·sol 24 71 100·00 Chapa.pal 260 10()·OO Betjharia 75·85 Chaturi Kalapathar 29 94-93 Lachhipuf 74 7(l·97 Dhekikata 261 100·00 Khapmayna Benrebati 52 79-49 Rangasal 79 61·76 Laupara 269 10,0·00 51·69 Kukrajuri 270 100·00 Tilbari 53 57·95 Lohi1111erya 84 Sarasbakra 55 67·31 Bhr;dli 86 100·00 ]\{adhupur 271 100·00 Kathjuria 60 G9·56 Jhari 87 91·50 Saltara 272 65·77 Kenduadangri 273 100·00 Gorakata 66 100·00 Karambera 88 72·46 100,00 77-40 Benasuli 275 100·00 Patharkata 67 JlluI'kulll Bara Tung 90 Bhangabandh 78 100·00 Turubandh 94 79·3B Jadabpur 276 100·00 Nehilya 277 100·00 Bardi 88 5HG Dangarsai 96 87-55 'reutulia 93 100·0() 72-49 Phulberia 27S 100·00 Jllasra 97 Suknabad 94 100,00 Kba,irdullgri 99 80·32 Bandarsol 282 100·00 Jhatipahari 284 100·00 Bhaduldoba 96 68'00 Kotalsol 108 100·00 Sanakanda 105 51·10 Jhola. 110 99·59 Jamsol 285 93·41 Baligura 286 100·00 Banskanali 108 77-14 Dhepua III 5:3·65 109 72·97 Chhota Garra 288 53·25 Jharia Chaknara 112 93·87 115 90.40 290 83·33 Uparsol Narayanpur 114 52·63 Dakharang 116 55·56 Kadma 291 100·00 Kansachora Beolicha 115 100·00 Susuia 118 67-55 Sallkaria 294 100·00 Beliakala 116 85·33 Rambani 125 96·23 Habra 124 100·00 Kharkashuli 300 78·46 135 100,00 301 Jamirdiha J anga,lklhas 126 100,00 Gopalpur 100·00 Kusumdungri 139 93·97 Sirsa 131 100·00 Raghunathpur 303 54·73 145 75·41 304 Bhalukkhunia Bara Maliara 132 100·00 Akhuapal 100·00 Kayma 150 53-49 Katgara 134 88·(17 Shubnabandi 308 67-67 Jaleswar 153 ·81-05 310 Bagjanta 136 91·63 Narayanpur 56·19 Lakshmanpur 154 71-53 Kalllardiha 143 59·13 Chamtabaid 312 56·78 Krishnabati 171 loo·aO Kankrasol 144 78·10 Namosol 314 81·72 Nekratapal 176 100-00 B&npathal'i 146 54-49 Jllandaldiha 315 82·58 Pachaparar 186 100'00 Jagi1nnathpur 151 53·93 Dhau 316 70·26 Bamunpathri 187 92'43 Jarlca 153 73·25 Benagerya. 317 100·00 Barakhulia, 188 100'00 Lakat 161 69-77 Pakadihi 318 100·00 Keotdhara 189 100·00 Ohhota Jamabedya 177 100·00 ~1 urachhara 329 94·43 Parasol 203 100·00 Kusumtikri 178 64'71 Dheko 330 61·63 Bhangadali 181 78·95 Khayerbani 334 66·90 Bh81ukuhira 189 76·36 Jaynagar 335 81-82 Nekrapahari 192 100'00 Bandarbani 338 68·47 Kuchlaghati 197 89-49 Rasunia 347 98·1S TALDANGRA POLICE STATION Sita1pur 198 56'07 Ampata 351 100·00 Phulberia 199 92:55 Jukhanala 366 60·24 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Dll.nrkini 208 56'OS l\furku 210 81-41 Kayma 215 54,90 1. Sanlal Bhadkunl'a 218 78·95 Brahmandhara 4 100'00 Bhalukkhunya 221 100·00 SThILAPAL POLICE STATION Kesia 222 53·85 Balarampur 5 100'00 Nillldangra 226 68·16 Kadamara 17 G7·45 Bara Sal bani 228 100·00 l\IAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Chak Nutangram 19 94·85 Amdani 229 64·18 Pedda. 22 50·62 rvIadanpur 242 96·93 1. Santa! Sulgi 24 100·00 Asurgerya 243 95·}9 Dolbagicha 32 100·00 Belpahari 244 88·]9 Lakhyatapal 3 62·20 Patharkura 37 '83·77 41 100·00 Amritpal 245 81·92 Budhadhara 4 60·61 Sushunia Ka.damara 9 73·95 :Balibandh 43 87·50 248 Garpahar 100'00 Andharia 12 91·67 Aulia, 48 100·00 Bansina,la, 253 99·25 Rajaba,ndh 15 J95·45 Kolsuli 50 100'00 Ha.tkata 254 100'00 Baradhara 17 f 50·99 Jemua 51 88'30 438

APPENDI:X -contd.

Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village .J.L. population Name of Villa go J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total popUlation population popUlation 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

TALDANGRA POLICE STATION KOTALRUR POLICE STATION MIDNAPORE POLICE STATION -contd. -"-oneil. 1.fAJOR SCHEllULED TRIBES: Taltala 52 100·00 Tentulia 106 75·81 1. Santal Faridchak 108 Nachna 55 0 100.00 77'33 Ghaneshwarpur 109 100·00 Bara Lakshanpur 71 100·00 Chaknayan f3& 100·00 Pirra Sol 115 53·23 Telanbandi 73 100·00 Sarenga Sol lI6 85·71 Aanaaundarpur 76 78·57 Tamakbari 117 100·00 Saharghati 79 100·00 Ausabandhi 120 90·00 POLICE STATION Popela 121 100·00 Chenchurya 80 100·00 Bhadule 129 Sl'OO Ata 91 76'49 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIllES : Khas Jangal 130 86·67 Jiakanali 96 100·00 Trailokyapur Asthasol 14:1 72-1S 1. Santal Phulpahari 152 56·16 Uuradanga 153 94-64 Golakpur 145 69·72 Kalyanpur 79 55·48 Bhagabati Chak i59 55'06 Daks-hinso! 81 10Cl·00 KhasJangal 160 69·70 Shuksayer 157 66·67 Kaoamari 196 100·00 BISHNUPUR POLICE STATION Bhabanipur 165 73·53 Narayanpur 201 75·00 RadhakriBhnapur 168 5S'00 Kcshabpur 205 63-41 :tvI.!JOR SCHEDULED TRIllES : Rangasayer 182 80·95 Satgerya 218 86·07 Hurhur Jangal IS7 87·72 Narendrapur 219 66·86 1. Santal Tasarara 224 S0-72 Gobra So! 230 100·0.0 Here Parbbat 19 81·25 ~fagurgerya Chhota 231 90-76 Kuralbari 39 100·00 PATRASAIR POLICE STATION Rani Ohak 233 100·00 Khuliamuri 49 100·00 Mahadeb Chak 234 100·00 , MAJOR SCHEDULED 'l'RIBES : Birampur 238 100·00 Lohari 52 100·00 Jamirara 239 92·59 Hikjmd~nga 59 51'92 1. Santal Agarpara 263 58·76 Baliguma 68 100·00 Bagagerya Asti 266 69-13 Dhabani 70 72-59 Radha Damodarpur 103 74·70 Bindaghalai 268 100·00 Dumni 104 100·00 Udaypur 273 74·00 Kadamdiha 80 ' 100·00 Satgechhe 135' 100·00 Kalinagar 274 94-56 Khanabari 82 D.72·92 Baghll1ara 1~ 100·00 Bargourange, 277 62-75 Hu!mara 94 62·95 Dihilapur 143 73·08 Khaldangi 279 100·00 Banshkopa llO 100·00 Hariharpur 151 100·00 Belpatari 282 59-42 Abhirambati 153 100·00 Gopinathpur 284 80·72 Bankati 126 100·00 Ba!arampur 122 100·00 Sihar Shul 145 100·00 Nangalbhangll. 150 100·00 SALBANI POLICE STATION Tala 161 51·56 MIDNAPORE DISTRICT !IAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: ~IIDNAPORE POLICE STATION JOYl'UR POLICE STATION 1. Santal MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: ]\fAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Kharkharisol 1 86·84 1. Santal Nadaria 2 50·38 1. Santal 2. Unclassified ltupaipur 4 100·00 Panieol 5 58,45 Chanpat.aJa 51·89 Baksibandh 2 100·00 Chanpasol 19 61-02 Nutangram Radha. 37 72'96 Jethantar 27 88·44 Chachgari 20 93·39 mohanpur Putki 57 88·S9 Amlabati 21 5l-52 Dhachati 24 100·00 Radhamadhabpur 50 95·24 KharikasuJi 69 83·II Jamni 87 85·33 Tilaghagri 30 77-60 Adhkata 64 69·08 Nandaria 94 100·00 Bhimpur 35 60·83 Ghoradobi ll9 100·00 Sonakara 104 50·34 Dhengbahara 40 52'27 439


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

2 3 2 3 1 2 3

SALBANI POLICE STATION-con(d. KESHPUR POLICE STATION GARlIBETA POLICE STATION -contd. Rangamatia 63 75·07 MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES : Bhangadalill. 61 85·02 Nanga.lmura 125 100·00 Bhimsol llO 79·14 1. Santal Kushkati 131 62·92 ShyamChak 129 100·00 Gopinathpur 132 100·00 BatsolcGobindapur 139 58·90 Chandmura I 100·00 Hirasol 137 79·55 Bayla 141 65·82 Jorakeundi 10 60-49 Chamtubad 142 70·69 Chakajharia 158 8H8 Ekra Sol 14 100·00 Dhenkineja 147 100·00 Bagaldoba 161 82·29 Indkuri 62 70'34 Lagiluari 148 83·98 Bhaluksol 162 86·54 Ganta 380 100·00 Keshia 151 63·06 Dudruaol 163 64·56 Chandabila 385 66·10 Chatrakhulia 156 100·00 54·24 Kshirkul 394 81-01 Ekaria 160 100·00 Kendasol 170 Mathurabani Karamarasol Urj 215 54·35 397 100·00 Kha8 JangaI 161 58-73 Kalibaaal Chanldghata 422 98-45 Nischintapur J;tra 218., 55·81 Uttar Tasarara 425 100·00 Bara Elageria 173 75·00 JorakuBhma 222 65·94 Chandbar 456 80·72 Babuidanga 180 100·00 Susnibari 223 100·00 MoUya Chak 486 100·00 Chhota Chengsol 182 97-14 Mugardihi 226 67-86 Pindragerya 533 91·76 Bara Chengsol 183 66·22 Khirsnli 228 73·68 Chhota Pasha 535 68'05 Naya-Bankati 185 78·13 Tasarara 229 72·60 Rasun Chak 562 100·00 J\'aya-Ballkati 193 52·66 Bhagabati-Chak 242 7H6 Daud Chak 567 56·14 Dharajuri 201 100·00 243 100·00 Kushpota 568 84·09 Dhitingi 212 52·27 Tangasol Daulat Chak 590 Sadanandapur 261 59·38 8l-l5 Padur.Ballkati 214 92·31 262 100·00 HijJi 592 62'83 Dhabani 224 51·25 Janakpur Bahara Asurkhnli 263 83·75 597 98·06 Sarbot 230 57·08 Naldiha Arjunsol 269 100·00 602 81-31 Taldanga 231 95·{)7 274 78·57 RameBWllr Chak 603 57·78 Ghagra 232 100·00 Benagere Jiagerya Balarampur 277 51·01 608 51·II Banribot 233 76·42 Sirasati 609 56·28 Chekuasol 252 52·70 Bagpichula 279 58·09 Dhobagerya 619 71·73 Dhobasol 253 100·00 Ramchandrapur 292 100·00 Gobiudapur 620 66·67 Namosol 254 100·00 Khairisol 298 100·00 Basdebpur 261 100·00 Jaynagar 801 100·00 Amkopa 281 92·31 Indhri 283 74·79 Barju 302 90·29 Bara~ol 21'.4 88·57 Arabari 303 100·00 GARHBETA POLICE STATION Patharmari 286 83·33 Patharcha~ 300 83·61 Rangametia 287 100·00 MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: Kaohusol 307 100·00 r.Ioldanga 289 100·00 Hiradihi 308 78·26 Bara Bagpichhla 291 50·00 1. Santal Bhaturbandi 293 59-71 Chatibandh 314 100·00 Bankumari 295 74-4.0 Nutandihi 316 81·97 Borobari, Bara 14 100·00 Dhepua 298 100'00 Naya-Bankati 34 78·13 Pathardaha. 333 92·86 Chhota Kadra 299 100·00 Bhuitillsol 38 96·67 303 97-47 Mahamjpur 343 756·82 Hamargora Dobati 40 51·77 Dotlll 314 52·32 Khudimari 358 100·00 lIIetyal 59 97-12 Matalia 327 100·00 Tildanguri 359 60·78 Parakanali 60 78'81 Bandhgora 328 100·00 PitH 64 98·65 Nishchintnpur 332 77·27 Komarband 374 55·93 Chhota Patasol 7() 100·00 Goldahllri Jamdahara 333 89·47 3S1 100·00 Bandrisol 72 63·16 BhugJusoJ "- 340 92·00 Radhllomohanpur 383 62·86 Bankisol 73 85·71 Tilabuka 353 100·00 Bulanpur 396 62·00 Sirisbani 74 99·28 B!lgakhulia 354 100·00 Andharia 75 98·57 Gaighata. 403 70·83 'l'khla 358 60·77 Nishchintapur 83 ~'12 Peruajol 362 100·00 Tarini-chak 404 50·75 Dubrajpur 84 ·19 Bharatpur 388 100·00 Ahammadpur 459 100·00 Benachapra 85 86·81 Chhota Dhadka 415 76'19 Rana 472 51·04 Bathantor 87 56·09 Dumuria 88 79·72 Ketara 433 84·03 Kuchak!tla 497 90·00 'l'ilabani 95 69·20 Majurnacha 436 100'00 Chandua 525 8loil2 Chengsol 119 82-46 Ghagra 450 92'09 440


Schetluleo. Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Namo of Village J.L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. pCI' cent No. per cent Total Total Total population popUlation popUlation

9- 3 1 2 3 2 3

GARHBETA POLICE STATION DEBRA POLICE STATION-con!l. POLICE STATION -concld. Puyanpat 133 53-45 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Bhula 476 51·86 Kantapal Pratap 168 67014 Buriami 481 100'00 Chak. 1. Santal Asnasuli 532 100·00 Barabandi 20G 100·00 Amdoba 533 89'47 Chak Radhaballabh 207 55·17 2. ]{ora Bhatmara 553 100'00 Kuthegerya 218 '5,1·76 3. Unclassified Raghunathpur 555 100'00 Haladharbar 222 69·57 Naranchak 620 100·00 Laugerya 231 73.71 Dhanyardiha. 644 88'59 J agadishpur 234 Gl·61 Kunja Chak 4 100·00 Nayabankati G46 88'06 Bhagabanpur 235 77042 Jagannathpur 6 63·64 Garki 648 100·00 !vladi Chak 257 53-42 Shibrampur 8 72·51 :Magurasol 1153 50·00 Khasbar 273 53·13 Abhoyanagar 10 68·94 Tantichua 654 100·00 Brindaban Chak 274 85·07 Khillkona II 51·11l Guaphela 1157 100·00 San Gopinathpur 285 56·10 Kamalpur 63 100·00 U parED 1 Banka (j 661 100·00 Digbarasati 293 57·01 Kumardubi 79 91·29 Kumari 681 54.05 Kuldiha, 2nd Part 302 6(H7 Dewanmara Bsntchati 87 76'53 BuI'amaI'a 688 100·00 Simana Shubhadrapat 359 56·83 Krishnanagar 102 69·85 Durgapur 700 56·72 Samraipur 123 83·89 !vlarchi 703 94·23 11adpur 378 86·67 Hiradihi 148 63·50 Samarmura 715 65·31 Bhallpur 379 59·35 Keshia Sol 149 60·57 Naurasol 717 100·00 Ghia Chak 386 100'00 Dewanmara II 151 67·06 Sanarber 721 99·06 Saraswatipur 394 79·03 Amlachati 160 6li·n Deshbandh 732 100·00 Kritlhnapur 403 54·76 Dihi !vraliuli Urj 163 92·62 Gadasol 741 92·67 Dimouli Jalua 749 100·00 Bhetia, 166 53·71 Jangalpar 750 100·00 Kelyapratappur-UrJ 169 79·48 Simulia 751 100·00 Kalia Dhalma 759 83·44 Shirsi 174 57·78. Tatarbati 760 98·31 Kuchlatari 180 61·43 l\1atalia 764 51-41 SABANO POLICE STATION Khaira Chati 184 100.00 Gamal'kushi 780 100·00 Chari,ral 201 83·19 Chandabila 782 100'00 MAJOR SCHEPULEP TRIBES: Shibanandpur 248 54·55 251 Ananda Nagar 783 100'00 1. Santal Agarpara 84·38 1\1ajurdime, 806 92·59 Ajodhyagar 254 61·68 Chak Parbati 837 85·00 2. Unclassified Rangamatia 255 100·00 Hat Koyarganj 875 53·57 Bagmari 257 94·74 Dukhiawl 910 64·71 Solagerya Ba titaki 124 62·63 Jharia 259 100·00 Narayanpur 911 70-71 Andulia 144 61·74 Angarnali 264 100·00 Kendraisol 931 81'62 Chak :Mukunda 159 Nadlla 266 88·84 Kuarkhal 688}938 76·97 Singpur Batitaki 171 10510° ·00 Napit Chak 272 100·00 Jamjuri 285 100-00 Nachna 290 84-93 Gangadharpur 291 68·60 Amli Chak 313 91·89 lIielera Chak 314 50·54 DEBRA POLICE STATION lCashilIlali 317 100·00 319 50·00 PINOLA POLICE S'rATION Jhajia 1I1AJOR SCHEPULED TRIBES: Digra 322 71·10 325 69·67 1. Santal !vIAJOR SCILEDULED TRIBES: Shalika Kala Chak 327 100·00 2. Unclassified 1. Santal Charda 328 62·30 Sanmaninathpur 350 52·74 Nandeshwar 33 54·73 ~. Bhumij Mantagel'ia 351 81·93 Sinua 38 56·97 Phatemahammad 357 79-17 Ayma Madhuya 53 53090 Chak Sala 16 53·19 Radhanagar 364 66·13 Ayma Kalandar 54 9J.67 Phalashpur 44 56·76 Chansarpur 374 52·31 Jot Mathura 58 55·5G Brahm'tubar 45 SO·OIl Barbets 388 52·70 Manoharpur 68 80'77 Mandalbar 4G 61.15 Amsarpur 390 58·30 Chatragerya 78 100·00 Chak Chanuru ISli 100·00 Baligere 404 I (){)·OO 441

APPENDIX- contd.

Soheduled Soheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name ofVilJage J. L. popUlation Name of Villa go J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population populatiou 2 3 1 2 3 2 3

KHARAGPUR POLroE STATION NARAYANGARlr POLICE STATION DANTAN POLICE STATION -contd. -contd. l\IAJOR. SOHEDULED TR.IBES : Kulidan Batitald 255 96·15 Mrijapur 411 62-16 Chak Paralllananda 258 100·00 1. Santal Junbalida Batltald 412 51·33 Abhiralllpur 260 100·00 . 2. Unclassified Sahabandi 415 100·00 Tulya Chak 262 100·00 Salagerya (1st part) 420 50·00 Praharajpur 1 100·00 Krishllagcrya 431 100·00 Deulya Chak 264 100·00 Rarki Sol 8 100·00 Surunia 454 100·00 Kajla 276 100·00 uttar Alllaria 24 88·37 Krishnacharanpur 459 88·33 Taraf Bara Panda 281 56,81 ChakPansi 107 100·00 Mugar Chak 492 79·10 165 Gajna Kholagerya 50·00 Ramir Chak 496 55·47 322 55'77 Bajargar Haripur 203 100·00 Patgerya 506 50·88 Nayapara 349 95·24 Kismat Khankarpur 529 100'00 Gajlia 353 9]059 Kadamgerya 533 68·69 Jagallllath Chak 545 87-50 Agar 371 100,00 Basantapur 558 64·18 Khatllagar 373 54'87 J\!1adhugere 569 62·32 Nilalllbarpur 375 68'52 Chak Gurai 574 1\1OHANPUR POLICE STATION 50·00 Bail}ha. 376 100·00 San Chak Teure 580 100-00 Durlabh Chak 583 69·23 Sagarnagar 377 94'74 lIIAJOR 'SCHEDULED TR.IBES : Shyam Chak Palasi 588 83·33 Laljhari 379 84-95 1. Santal Chak Sanadhar 600 55·06 Hal~ia 380 78'05 Bar Ghasiram 603 54-93 100,00 626 KaJyanpur 381 95-19 Gohalia 194 Panisiulya 82'79 Panchkonia 368 92-13 Palshya 627 79·04 Fatepur 383 65'09 Jhilillga 644 63-11 Shuria 384 52'88 647 Pallchpara 52·90 Chak Palasia 392 100'00 Uttar Jagatpur 650 100·00 Kanyata 651 54·70 Jethia 397 80'65 Kagli 431 100'00 Chak Panchananda 47) 60'41 POLICE STATION Gopalbar Batitaki 473 100'00 1iIAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES : Pithapura 477 71'22 1. Santa! NARAYANGARH POLICE STATION Trilochanpur 485 97'37 I\Ialigerya 487 68'02 2. Bhumij MAJOR SOHEDULED TBIBES : Shyam.Chak 502 5NI 3. Kora 1. Santal Birbira 510 60'58 Harillagerya 527 9HO Sakalbani 16 59·02 2. Bhlt1nij Srirampur 19 69·12 Mahalllllladpur 528 55·56 3. ](ora Kiarchandra 29 72·37 Kubirpur 530 54'74 Kalta 31 68,75 4. Lorllw, Kheria or Kharia San Barikbar 532 71-03 Chhota Dainmari 33 80·00 lIiangalpur 533 74-05 Baribandku 35 58·99 Bhutkl1ndi 52 56·50 Lalchauria 36 82-67 Pariya Chak 209 100·00 Chak Narottam 540 100·00 I1Iaulachati 37 54·55 Aharmunda 215 54·97 Kunjigerya 546 83·33 Ambi 38 62·79 Khosali 218 99·12 Eraidangar 548 85·04 Patharhuri 39 100·00 Phulgerya 223 62·28 Jagallllathpur 553 66·67 Benakuria 40 97·33 Shitli 226 6<192 lIIahisamura 41 53·57 Uurakata 227 52·52 Duliyabherya 562 100,00 Telipushkarilli 43 61·28 Kandrakhali 230 81-44 Del1lbar 570 100·00 Gobragerya 56 68,78 Daharpur 233 62·07 Hat, l\f akullda 591 5(l·94 lIIandar 58 54·92 Rallballia 237 63·33 96'84 Dakshin Dhanash wari 681 54·39 Belma 59 Ralllpura Batitaki 239 97'50 Kamar Chauki 64 69'50 Ralllpura 240 50·00 Kharsinga 682 100,00 Benageria 66 63·27 Lengabhat 243 7()'27 Bera,shalld 686 100'00 Jhetagerya 69 100·00 Jatirampur 248 100·00 Amda 694 61·13 Singhpur 7()' 50·98 442


Soheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J.IJ. population Nams of Village J.L. popUlation No. per cenG No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total popUlation population population

1 2 3 2 3 2 :I

KESHIARI POLICE STATION JHARGRM'I POLICE STATION POLICE STATION -conta. -cantd. MAJOR SCHEDtLED TR,BES Pathandiha 76 83'33 Chenchurgerya 712 100·00 Chak Bila 93 79·28 1. Santal Kalabani 713 100·00 Hajighat 94 74'07 2. Lodha, Kheria or Kltaria Basantapur 714 55'81 Barada 1I5 67·86 Ga,jipm lJ rj peyalger'ya 715 84-82 67·67 PaSro Pratappur 123 Jamidardaga 334 90·74 718 71'37 Jaypur 124 75'97 Lodhasuli 719 88·76 51·97 Jharagel'ya 34.1 80-S6 Gaini 137 Kutusgerya 100-0{)· Ghatiduba 726 100·00 52·82 344 Kajla Beli 144 Nekraduba 345 81·58 727 100'00 Hajipur 152 69·l6 Brindab3.nl1\lr 730 68-83 81·67 Kismat Bharatpur 349 56'45 Kashia Bhadra 164 Jal'alat 736 60082 61·69 355 100·00 Julko 165 Betkundari 371 65·73 Rajpara 737 57-69 Junbalda 167 55-46 Pathal'chakri 742 77·36 82·35 Xanyaduba 372 64'25 SOl'O Danapur 170 Bindukata 374 743 92·31 65·86 74'87 JangalKbas 75-63 Bangora 171 Talmetal 375 750 174 62·65 83'62 Kbas ,Tangal 754 70·14 Palsita Bil'idanga 386 roO·OO Salbani 176 95·24 Pachakhali 387 Jamira 776 57-14 .52·22 89·90 Payrachali 64·52 Sarisha 177 Shirash Chak 392 81·82 779 Shibda 179 67044 Phulbaria Dhanghari 780 87-13 53·95 397 roO·OO Uriabar 182 Krishnanagar 404 82·19 KbasJangal 782 64'97 64·78 Ohatarpada 54019 Sanlanari 184. }Iadhupur 407 100·00 783 Naraharimunda 185 53·57 Jogitota 786 -100,00 90,91 Khairashuli 408 81·25 Kismat Telichatul 187 411 Taldanga 790 100·00 52·60 UranSol 68·35 100·00 Bagaria 189 Uttar Suli 420 55·74 Bam Hakanda 791 Manushl11urya 196 100·00 Antapati 437 54-84 Kismat Ohhota Hakanda Dakshin Belar 338 67-89 Barpania 445 793 100'00 79·38 82'50 Guji Hakanda 794 Dhekrar 339 Gaurga 447 83057 93'33 Bhul'kunda 342 81·82 Kantashala 448 72·92 Kalbetal 795 100·00 94-23 Kumarduba 810 85·71 IIfurabani 347 Antapati 460 86·01 Tulsibani 812 100·00 TipaSoi 461 lOO·OO PaniSol 462 Gangadharpur 814 100·00 73·08 Rajadihi 817 JangalKbas 466 84·00 100·00 IIIahulbani 471 100·00 . Kolshuli 818 100·00 Baradidiha 821 Chandra 473 69'60 PANSKURA POLICE STATION 100'00 Kismat Baghjhapa 826 100·00 Pansa 480 95'45 Khaerashuli 835 100'00 nriJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Paradiha 481 100·00 486 Kalabani 836 83·72 Elani 57'76 65-Q1) 1. Santa! Baida 490 78·72 G\\uguni 839 Kcndbani 499 100·00 Shalgura 854 100·00 Gokulpur 862 2. Bh'Umij Shalbani 501 83'84 97·33 Champa Sol 503 51-37 GaJaghutia 863 100'00 864 Paschim Gurtala 9 53·92 JangalKhas 507 70'59 Bhandarikata 100-00 Gobindapur II4 50·00 Keshehhola 509 56·90 lIIatihana 866 100'00 Paschim Al'jjunda 121 75-40 Patharghata 556 100'00 lIIanapara 874 75·57 Aror 134 60·30 Kalajharia 558 63'9B Ranidihi S75 8.'3-81 Dewallchak 580 100·00 Harekrishnapllr 600 86·96 Dhangri 876 82·61 Kalabani 615 77-27 Gurbhanga 884 64-56 Brahmandalla 622 100·00 Narda 896 99·06 POLICE STATION Banshtola 656 \"0·64 Pil\(lra Sol 902 61-36 Ghagrabhola 660 100'00 Bhelaijuri 100·00 lIUJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Nutandihi Ba 903 Kalsihhanga 663 100·00 Nimdiha 905 100-00 1. Santal Dainroari 664 100·00 Auligerya 912 58·44 Bhauda 66G 100·00 Debi 917 100·00 Rasiari 38 73-74 Jambani - 676 100·00 HQrogere (H 100·00 KashaplJalya 685 100·00 Bara Parulya 920 66-67 Lalitaganj 97 100'00 Baria 709 100'00 MSlltip .. 923 57083 44:3


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. popul&tion Name ofVilla.ge J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per ccnt Tot&l Total Total population population population

2 3 2 3 1 2 3


MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Kanai Sol 137 6Hl2 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Tentala 138 81'72 1. Santal Nargi 142 55'97 1. Santal Parashya 143 100·00 100·00 Chhota Enyata I 80-43 Haludba.ni 145 Dhenkia. I 82-73 Domahani 3 100·00 Uphala 147 100·00 Bhimarjun 2 100·00 Kadodiha 4 78·53 Jorsa 150 100·00 Bidri 6 67-61 Ladhanbani 5 100·00 Bagda 152 50·00 Khariyarata. 7 73·51 Dudhia Sol 7 100·00 Deshmul 8 88·76 Loadi 8 100·00 Panrusuli 153 100·00 Chitamati 9 87-80 Kukrakhonpi 11 SO·95 Gagnasu!i 154 88'19 Kaladabar 10 " 56·00 Poradiha 14 100·00 Ku1.'1lrmuri 161 58'59 Dharampur 11 • 83·90 Gobinda Sol 17 7()O74 Kashmar Baghghari 162 90·00 12 60-89 KanlmrRmna 18 100·00 Chakadoba 13 81·02 Bam Bankata 20 100·00 Rakhalmara. 16G 90·65 Lagadari 14 98'79 Chhota Bankata 22 100·00 Bodakata 167 90-38 Girulia 17 78'95 Guri Pukhuria 23 ; 77·78 Kenduasuli 168 82·77 lIauiyadi 22 100·00 !lIeghrajpur 27 100·00 Bagdoba Purnapani 169 81·90 23 100·00 Kushpoka 28 100·00 Amjharna. 24 90·38 Kulbadia 29 68·07 Amlatina 177 78·86 Amlasol 25 92-49 KhaYl'asholi 30 100·00 Darkhola 178 100·00 Kankrajhor 27 73013 Chhota Banaaru 31 81'29 Gopalpur 182 94·44 Jujardhara 28 80·33 Bara Bausaru 32 " 79'59 Jabla 29 79-10 Ballbhum (10'91 Nagdi 36 96'67 184 Telighana 30 100-00 Barakala 43 100·00 Jarka Sol 186 92·31 Singlahar 33 100·00 Panchberia 44 50'00 Bodakata 187 91043 Pataghar 35 : 75041 Gamaria 45 88'46 Dhaniapal 206 100'00 Srinathpur orafe Bhelaitik11 46 65'47 Kuldiha 36 100·00 Satighata Bamdla 47 78·03 207 83·05 Gidighati 38 62·13 Mamurda 48 69·43 Kalaberia. 211 H)I}()O lIfajugara 41 70·24 Baliaguri 54 100·00 Balidiha 212 76·10 Jamjurki 46 -63·04 Chan1'sar 55 100·00 JuaSol 238 72'73 lIIakarbhula 49 · 85'!l2 Beldungri 58 94012 Kadamdiha 50 · 79-49 Dhunamari 61 100·00 ChauliSol 250 100·00 Pirragerya 51 100-00 Harpa Sol 63 62·79 Bandgora 25G 73·91 13urijhor 52 87·83 Sonahara Pal 64 78·64 BaraPindl'1L 287 81·82 Singaduba 53 58-40 Satpati 67 100·00 Shuanijubi Jatiabandi 289 85-47 54 100·00 Pb.a.guyaSol 70 100·00 13engbuta 55 57045 Sa.1bam 74 98·36 Dharardihi 290 67-7-1 Dangardiha 56 54-10 Mahadan 79 100·00 Chakbaram 297 G6·G7 13i1'gi 57 78·07 BaghakhondaJ 81 53·23 ~Iaupal Urf Sendapal 304 51·09 Baksol 61 78·69 Kadma Sol 85 100·00 Jaypur 63 Bara Sol 306 56·98 80·65 Ranijhor 88 02·31 Kashijora 66 100'00 Ga.ida lJO 69·12 Beldangri 309 53'57 Kendi Sol 69 6Jol8 Bhalukkhulya 91 1)5·10 Ranipal 310. 88·10 Pukhuria 71 75·76 Nuniachatri 100·00 96 Bangarnetya. 313 92·9G Ganjuam 72 100·00 Akhuyabadha. 101 52-45 Lekra Achhra 76 67·76 Nakdi no 100·00 Chaltha 314 92·00 Bhuladhara 78 100·00 Khatgerya 114 50·00 Mohanpur 321 87-18 Gochgiri 79 100-00 Paradiha 120 100W Nimdiha. 325 100·00 Chirugara oraJe 80 90·74 Dhanaiam 121 1()/}OO Shanrdha1'a 326 57·98 Kuilapal Benadiha 122 60·00 Sinduria 81 78·21 Pbulbahara 123 100·00 l\!Iurakati 330 100·00 Barighati 82 96·83 Kuldiha 125 100·00 Kaima 333 67-12 Ukhuldoba 84 68·00 Pukhurya Sol 127 100-00 Bhadai 335 65·85 Amrola 85 82·76 Khasibandh 129 .88·06 Odolchua 88 90'98 Uttara Sol 133 82'67 Khatkhura 337 71·35 Dhobakacha 89 8J057 Parulia 134 100·00 Banna:,:ajar 33S 100·00 Bimradanl:a 90 65·35 444

APPENDIX-contd. Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Scheduled Name of Village J.L. Tribes population Name of Vlilage J.L. Tribes No. per cent population Name of Village J.L. No. population Total per cent No. per cent population Total Total population population 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 BINPUR POLICE STATION-contd. BINPUR POLICE STATION-contd. BINPUR POLICE STATION-conta. Chirakuti 91 100'00 Kusmora . Banshpahari 203 85·44 Lakshmanpur 360 92 64-88 Rajdaha 212 93·55 Amla Sol 94 100·00 82·67 Shukunibasa 364 100·00 Banshgar 214 78-74 Kankrichna 95 100'00 Adgari Panchtakarpal 365 100·00 2W 87'63 Kuila Chirugora 97 82·78 Mugberia 367 84·75 lIIajgeria 220 '7(H3 Agyapal 368 98 100'00 Jabarpur 221 100·00 Dhangichua 99 100'OQ Tilabani 373 85·19 Dumurkunda 225 89·72 Dulungdiha 100 100·00 100'00 Jadabpur 374 100'00 Enthela 227 71-62 Balichua 101 53-45 Lodasuli ·Ohushingdanga- 375 67-62 Kusmudallga 102 228 74-62 chhota 69·34 Bara Ara 230 Tulsibani 103 72·22 83·61 Ghushillgdallga Bara 376 80·00 Dhuapahari 231 89·08 Joana lIIahulballi 105 84·80 Champati 378 91·88 Aguibil 232 100,00 Nischintpur 379 106 85·57 ParusaJi 233 87-G5 Gohalberya 107 100·00 Kendbani 381 72·41 84·68 Khayrasuli 245 Challdabila 110 100·00 68-44 Ghorai Soli 386 100·00 Jamda 250 73·91 Borarganj Kushbhula III 100·00 Dhuliapara 390 76'09 ShyamMgar 251 8H3 Baishna bpur 392 87,32 ll2 94,·23 Panichubki 252 Kapatkata 117 76·90 54·85 Beniadihi 395 100·00 Jhatiara 253 82'89 Birgeria Hariharpur 119 62·03 Pukhuriapara 396 100·00 Afahulbani 254 94'83 lIfcdni 397 97,70 121 100'00 Chhota Jam Sol 257 Jamdahari 123 80·82 60·00 Khorikabad 398 54,33 Kulgiri 260 . 91-59 Chianpara Hamirpur 125 100·00 Derangsai 399 76·92 Patirajgora 264 100·00 Kalaberia 409 100·00 126 62·17 Dhundupai 270 Kcndbani 127 100·00 100'00 Sarallgasuli 412 61·16 Talbera 271 73·91 Kitajhuri Bank Sol 128 91·96 Baram Sol 413 100·00 Hatidoba 272 64·71 Bandhgora 419 56·31 130 100·00 Indpahari 273 Ghagra 132 75'25 Khanamura 430 94·32 100·00 Bhalkachua 274 61·82 Krishllapur 133 66·76 Derahari 431 100'00 Jhctyara 275 95·24 Chhota Dhadka Chholagara 134 57-47 Amlagura 432 100·00 278 63·93 Bhaluka 433 Nayanagara 135 54·03 Kumarda 291 100'00 Astajuri 137 83-63 70'59 Rangametya 434 98·65 1I1ahutdanga 292 74-63 Galasuli Kalapathar 138 83·00 Shyamsundarpur 436 51·74 Kuldiha 300 74·03 Bara Sal bani 438 58·75 139 100·00 Kamarballdhi 307 Banshketya 140 74·92 Shalllkdoba 440 60·20 91·30 Dakai Sol 308 64·34 Turupahari 141 89·01 Thakurpara 441 85·59 Kalparashi 310 90·91 Dholbhanga Domgar 142 65·08 Samar bhola 455 95-12 311 100·00 BijIi 458 100'00 Kodapura 144 100'00 Shyampur 315 Natachua 145 63.98 51·32 Nandalalpur 459 61,04 Banshirganj 317 100·00 Bahadurpur 460 l\Iachhkandna 147 71·76 Nelakata 60·65 318 87-65 Kamladanga 466 100·00 Thakuranpahari 150 78·91 Madhabpur 320 Katuchua 151 86'56 Akana 473 53·93 98·02 Bhulagara 321 87·73 Kochagol'a 153 100·00 Dhapahari 475 92·06 Bhalukkhulia 322 90'34 Birmada,i 154 76'39 Urlidanga 476 87·10 Jhetiara 325 79·05 Pachagerya 490 Jantlaberya 156 100·00 Palashbani 50·32 326 61'90 Jagannathpur 494 100·00 Shallkhabhanga 157 78·10 Kaliam 327 Patharchakri 159 63·77 Hanrule 499 74-49 87'72 Dhenganadar 328 91·04 Jarma 160 70·49 Chhota Shirshi 505 88·95 Krishnanagar 330 85'06 Chhalldpara L[\bani 161 91'02 506 86·96 Tura 333 52·04 Loapara 509 Dakai 162 59·27 Baghghori .59·75 335 100·00 Rautara 517 100·00 Loyada 165 97·35 Kishoripur 339 53,26 Chutia Bhadri 167 Ankro 519 52·14 64·91 Gopalpur 340 92'78 JlIadhupur 169 55·71 Salpatra 520 100·00 Bibarda 342 66·04 Nandalalpur 523 50·00 Sahispara 174 100·00 Amakuli 346 99,19 182 :tIIeghabandi 524 56·19 Garpahar .~9·84 Pllsda 348 100'00 Radhamohallpur 183 56·18 Loagaoll 525 53·00 Parulia 352 100·00 Chaltakanali 527 51-20 Katkl· 185 100·00 Khanripahari 353 55·17 Nanda 528 62·39 Gandap;LI 192 54·03 Bhanraru 356 61·82 Khayerbani 532 100·00 Dulki 1913 55,05 I\Iohanpur 359 92,81 Pindra 533 85·16 445


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Name ofVilJage J.1. population Name of Village J.1. population Name of Village J.1. population No. per ceut No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population popluation

2 3 2 3 1 2 3 BINPVR POLlCE STATION-concld. BINPUR POLICE STATION-contcl. BINPUR POLICE STATION-contd. Kadamkhundi 816 57-40 Jambaid 539 84-85 Mohanpur 683 100·00 Baharabani 819 92·22 Radhamohanpur 541 92·54 Shushna 684 100·00 KaHokal 820 82·98 Ghutbani 549 100·00 Jangal Khas 685 100·00 Chhota Brindabanpur 822 100·00 Bholadanga 574 82·50 Burisal 686 ]00·00 Bara Brindabanpur 823 89·01 Darigeria 575 '84·97 Benageria 687 ]00·00 Kargallala 825 53·92 Saraabedia 576 100·00 JallgalKhas 688 87·20 lIohanpur 826 88-46 ~iadhabpur 578 82·20 lIanrulia 690 61·04 Harillaganj 827 73·68 Narcha 579 82·53 Bandhgara 692 66·67 Badha nagar 833 54-41 Dolelpur 582 70·55 Jaypur 693 54084 lIahulbani 834 65·22 Chhota Pirra 584 65'52 Kumarbandh 694 57-14 Dhengbahara 836 100·00 Bagnada 585 61·94 Melkharia 696 74·71 Jankipur 841 100·00 Panpurya 587 61·30 Chhota Palia 697 52·98 Bamankata 844 100·00 Guriapara 588 74·80 Bam Palia 698 66·17 Kododanga 846 100·00 Kamladanga 589 70·83 Khayarasoli 700 77·78 Beldanga 848 96·67 JangalKhas 594 82·14 Tanti Sol 701 64·23 Durllabhpur 849 51-43 Gopalnagar 597 78·57 Kiamachha 711 100·00 Pirrakuli 855 100·00 Garra 712 100·00 598 90·58 Bhaluksoth KJaramsol Teshabandh 601 100·00 Ghagra 718 100·00 858 50·79 Sitarampur 602 91·04 Ramnagar 724 58·51 Kankradara 863 63·22 Natighasa 603 92·86 Jhatibani 726 62·84 Dumurkata 866 65·71 BankiSol 727 65·77 604 88·89 Salpatra Jhatiara 870 68·84: Benachapra 605 93-46 Rasikpur 728 88·24 Arma 606 100·00 Banshbera 729 88·51 Gopalpur 873 60·17 Jangal Khas 607 93·33 Bam Shamnagar 730 82·09 Baranala 911 63·64 Banchandabila 608 100·00 Chhota Shyamnagar 731 82·26 Raghunathpur 913 56·93 Lalgaria 732 88·62 609 100·00 Agaya Ranabandh 914 Ballpukhpria 610 57-85 Jagannathpur 733 83·33 81·71 Bagbasa ~Ieghibari 612 96·43 Baralala 734 100·00 917 78·26 Bankati 613 96·38 Ranarani 735 82·09 I\Ianpur 918 73·72 Bagmari 615 56·67 Amainagar 736 90·48 Kamarbandi 919 741 100·00 81·82 Shyamcharandanga 617 89·]3 Dahapal Karanja Payrabila 618 86·27 !YLetial 746 70·91 929 100·[)0 Tara 619 JOO'OO Dhanghari 748 73·20 Gopinathpur 932 63·83 Phutibaria 620 88·89 Bandarbani 750 93·06 Anandapur 933 94-62 Ohandabila 751 70·00 621 63·43 Amlajora Chhota Jibanpur 934 Bhepull 630 Raghunathpur 752 100·00 79·75 100·00 phuljhari Kalya Sol 631 100·00 Saldanga 755 100·00 935 70·00 Chunpara 637 100·00 Ghushkadanga 756 100·00 Shiarkata 937 75·00 Chandramohanpur 69·84 639 78·57 Gopalpur 757 Chuashuli 942 53·76 Benakharang 649 85·71 Bharatpur 758 79·17 Nalbani Durllabhpur 650 100·00 Gangadhari 759 70·99 944 86·61 Chamtukanda 651 100·00 Bhangabandh 761 91·07 Shankhahar !l59 88·24 Thakurpara 659 91·67 Payarabila 768 71·88 Bara Jhariamura 960 67·11 Chhagalpota 771 80·00 660 100·00 Birkanr Dih Bankati 963 Buriaal 661 67048 Krishnakumari 775 100·00 68·22 :l.Ietyal Soi 663 100·00 Bhumij Dhan Sol 780 86·12 Lakshmisagar 973 87·34 Alamdanga 665 ]00·00 Saontal Dhan Sol 781 80·21 Kislllat Sunka 976 74-07 Shiyartola 666 100·00 Jhitka 782 79·41 Palashbani 980 Chaukieal 783 100·00 72'59 668 100·00 Bhangadali Bara Tilabani Jangal Khas 669 100·00 Dolkunda 784 89·09 981 69·23 Badhagara 670 100·00 Jangal Khas 785 61·94 Shashageria. 982 55·56 Sakhi Sol 673 83·74 Kalabaria 786 100·00 Titiali 984 56·:ll Dubrajpur 788 76·36 674 100·00 Padiha Tentuldanga 990 Ratanpur 676 82-14 Nutondi 789 100·00 62·91 Banshkona ~fohulbani 677 100·00 Sakhi Sol 791 ]00·00 1,002 87·10 Kushumasoli 678 72·92 Pirrabani 810 100·00 Ramjibanpur 1,018 85·96 Bandgora 679 81H1 Damujana 811 80·77 Tikarampur 1,019 79·8[) Belbani 681 82'81 Narendrupur 812 73'82 Phiringitola 1,023 88·57 446


Scheduled Soheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribee Namo of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of VlJIage J.L. population No. per cent ·No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


M.lJo:a SOJIlilPULlIiP TRIBES: Patbandha 266 70·45 Ohithamatia 481) 60·00 Chunghati 267 61·18 Shirisbani 491 100·00 1. Bantal Mathasahi 271 100·00 Dumuria 492 67·61 2. Munda Andharkuli 272 78-49 Kadam khandi 496 63·52 Swargachhira 273 ~4·73 Tenlat 497 86078 Pani Sol 18 96·65 Narddamadihi 274 100·00 Purnapani 499 97·81 Pairakuli 21 57·25 Betnal 279 75·16, Chitamatia 500 72·12 Moubha.ndar 23 61-54 Suliapada 281 100·00 Reharaghutu 501 88·35 Ra,mbhagaon 30 79·04 Narl Sol 282 55-49 'Baril. Sol 502 100·00 Chandpura 283 76·74 Chullgora. 4S 57-81 Baril. Jhauri 503 93·33 Purnapani 288 100·00 Kantale 83 76·27 Chhota Jhauri 504 100·00 Murakata 86 100·00 Mahulbani 290 94·70 Na,ukha,la 89 100·00 Paikra Sol 292 81·63 Khandi Sol 505 100·00 Bansbia 90 100·00 Asanbani 309 95·35 !I1riginidahi 507 100·00 Chandias 315 67-70 Bhaliadihi 91 100·00 Chaulbanta 510 96·60 92 100·00 Chingra 316 68·87 Gohalbura r 515 Asurara 93 100·00 Sa,nkalbani 317 61-54 Gohindanaga 100·00 Taltikri 94 100·00 Balidiha. 322 100·00 Bhera 517 100·00 Poradiha 323 Dllkhina Sol 96 76·09 60·57 Chhota Dhankamra 518 100·00 Bangalisai 324 66·67 Jamagara 98 100·00 Pindrageria 519 100·00 Damgram 106 100·00 Jagannathpur 326 100·00 Lutijhuri 107 96·46 Garigan 343 99·57 Pandapata 520 100·00 Jauri Sol 108 61·32 Shlbanandapur 380 83·70 Bara Dhankamra 521 59·79 l\{ahulbani 109 100·1)0 Patajania 383 100·00 Banda,rchhara 386 73·68 Chhota Tarki 522 93·33 Talpada 120 50·00 Bara Tarki 523 94·09 Panokahalil1 123 55·56 Garar Sol 415 63·64 Khariparia. 128 54·55 Kaya Sol 416 98·91 Matihana 551 50·21 Phenga Sol 130 100·00 Kurchibani 417 97044 Paramahuli 556 100·00 Dudhia 418 100·00 Bhadua 146 100·00 Muchinala 566 96·51 147 100·00 Daldali 419 100·00 Gordoar Pitanau Ranjia 567 95·69 Indibura. 148 420 76·78 100·00 Kandna Sol 421 Hatimara. 149 79·94 80·35 Kayma 568 65·43 Dhanghori 151 100·00 Phulakendu 422 100·00 569 Sonarimara 423 91·69 Bhadua 74:-65 Upar Panija 152 100·00 l\{ahuli 570 79·10 Dengakoem 178 65·85 Putulia 424 87-62 190 7].67 Patharnasha 426 100·00 Dahi 571 77-78 Nayagan Jhatiara Talgan 195 61·06 427 63·26 Phutipal 579 81048 Pandi Sol 428 81·37 Bora 197 56·12 ' Dainmari 583 81·36 199 Dha.n Sol 429 100·00 Gokulpur 90·00 431 Gohalma.ra 584 93·97 Damrasol 203 74·36 Bhandadihi 100·00 204 Pindra Sol 432 75·81 Khamar 585 66·89 Gundurughura 100·00 Kendugeria - 433 Barama.nia 207 63·75 57·77 Dhabani 587 100·00 208 72-41 Bhila 434 64-74 Gurma Shalgerya 436 88-46 Nakoijuri 588 91·88 NyllJtragunji or Taldangri Kalabaria. 614 91·01 Thakurganj 210 100·00 437 94012 214 l\Iahlshanata 440 59·52 Bara Asanbani 615 53·99 Khe.rika Sol 50·65 Panihamara or 442 Tikaitpur 216 97·03 74·73 616 65·99 Phania.ma.ra Sol Phulberia 219 1O{}.{}{} Baramchati 623 100·00 227 100·00 Parashia 456 62·94 Nimiangrs. Shashan 461 59·57 628 Jamul!. 234 6048 Krishnanagar 100·00 Dhakundi 241 69·80 Chhatinll Sol 462 73·02 Kajla 638 85·06 Sonahara 463 100·00 Ba.ndhgara 253 100·00 Nohamalia 464 100·00 Baghagerya 640 53·87 Khairbani 257 100·00 l\Iahuli 466 59·60 Chhota Asanbani 644 100·00 Jagannathpur 258 9].67 Sasa Sol 467 50·00 Marunia. 645 100·00 Guhis. Sol 262 &i-23 Khusunia 477 100·00 Ramchandrapur 653 78·53 KapttSol 26" IiQ042 I


Scheduled Scheduled Sohedulecl Tribes Tribes Tribes Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J. L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population population

2 3 1 2 3 2 3

SANKRAIL POLICE STATION SANKRAIL POLICE STATION-contd. NAYAGRAlI POLICE STATION -tontd. MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Taradiha 916 85·37 Tungadhna 1,023 100·00 Birkanda 917 62·50 Amlakora 1,028 71·06 1. Santal Amjhatia 919 66·19 Bhalukghara 1,088 79·61 2. Munda Kusumtikri 921 86·21 Bara Jharia 1,036 50·28 Dangarsai 929 71·05 Athelpur 1,037 100·00 3. Unclassified Chheliasinga 932 58·03 Kanthi 1,089 100·00 Bhur Kundi 943 65·79 Babuichati 1,040 100·00 Gaighata 595 100·00 Paharajpur 947 86-41 Bagdoba 1,041 87·23 Durgapur 597 78·72 Bishnupur 950 54-41 Bhaliachati 1,043 100·00 Kaptidanga 598 63·96 Parulia 954 90·00 Kukrakhupi 1,050 85·05 Jashua 599 100·00 Dhitpur 955 100·00 Chunpara 1,051 100·00 Bamunma,ra 601 55·56 Salbani 956 85·22 Uthan Nayagram 1,056 100·00' Bank Sol 650 5(\·00 Baburbani 959 85·19 Khas Jangal 1,057 100·00 Shirshi 670 60·61 Olda 961 77066 Kaptibhol 1,059 88·57 Pac,hakhali 678 91·76 Nayagan 962 67·42 Hanrimari 1,060 100·00 Kuraria 679 88·52 Naldam 963 92·55 JangaI Khas 1,061 100·00 Haripal 682 70·63 Nehar 964 88·44 Benashuli 1,062 100·00 Rangamatia 685 100·00 Mujra 965 81·65 Chhota Khakri 1,063 52·98 Kendugari 686 9B·61 Satkuli 967 56·5B Jangal Khas 1,064 100·00 Shaltaria 697 100·00 Ghorapara 968 87·38 Chirapiti 1,065 100·00 Kuchladanri 700 100·00 Dehaganj 971 100·00 Banshia Sol 1,066 57·39 Gordhara. 711 64·22 JhiJimili 975 50·00 Ambi Sol 1,067 96·88 Bidyadharpur 721 85·31 Tal Ghorapara 976 94·85 Rangiyam 1,068 52·26 DhanghBri 723 100·00 Panchkahania 1,070 98·37 Telkand 727 97·11 Parashia 1,071 96·17 Upar Katmundi 736 96·98 . Haripura 1,076 100·00 Kendudanga 742 50·00 Tentnlia 1,077 64·83 NAYAGRAM POLICE STATION Gokulpur 744 74·21 Chhota Talpada 1,078 83·34 Bhangaband 770 100·00 Astia 1,079 98·70 Shushanigeria 785 70·83 MAJOR SCHEJ)ULEJ) TRIBES: Bani Sol 1,080 100·00 Bamda 787 83·33 Bhurkundi Sol 1,081 100·00 Darkhuli 789 90·63 1. Santal Rangametia 1,084 55·62 Talai 800 100·00 Ramchandrapur 1,086 92·86 Bhalki Sol 808 77·78 Barapat 524 91·18 Bank Sol 1,089 52·3S Mechya 821 83·95 Chandalbandh 525 51·75 Srirampur 1,094 100·00 Bankati 823 85·87 (Chamarbandh) Tikrapara 1,095 84·88 Parasuli 834 57-14 Kadokota 526 100·00 Raipal 1,097 84·62 Gohaldiha 849 94·20 Singdhui 530 52·80 Telia 1,098 100·00 Chiraknti 850 79·67 Rukhni 531 100·00 Bhola 1,099 100·00 Bhaluk·khulya 851 56·86 Bihankunria 536 67·35 Kendubani (Chhota) 1,100 100·00 Gurigot 852 100·00 Damudarpur 537 68·31 Khas Jangal No. 49 1,101 100·00 Bhangagar 856 100·00 Rangamatia 988 73·73 Pathra Sol 1,102 95078 Pairaguri 858 100·00 Tiyakati 989 80·92 Madhupura 1,103 97-44 Gopalpur 859 96·77 Raghunathpur 992 65-15 KuiJi suta 1,104 95·77 Tilakhghagra 860 53·38 Kiajharia 993 64·67 Chandarrekha 1,106 65·68 Bara Barani 866 100·00 Khandarpara 994 : 90·82 Lohabaria 1,107 100·00 Kiamat Jordiha 867 100·00 Bhaliaghati 996 74·03 Kuldiha 1,108 80·77 Nishchinta 872 77-19 Rukhnimara 998 70·19 Hatitop 1.ll3 86·55 Mundakati 874 51·46 Tapoban 999 88·96 Balimuri I,Il5 91·62 Talbarni 877 79·25 Pratappur 1,001 63·44 Panchami 1,120 100·00 Guji Sol 878 100·00 Bashiabhol 1,002 97-62 Bamdiha 1,122 90·53 Kusumbandhi 884 98·90 ]\{urakati 1,004 51·25 Bamanda 1,123 90·18 Bikrampur 885 80·41 Chilimda 1,005 100·00 Kesharrekha 1,124 66·67 Asnabani 895 70·78 Gulpha 1,007 100·00 Dhobani Sol 1,127 97047 Jangalkuracbi 897 74·16 Kuldiha 1,008 61·51 Jambani 1,133 74·60 898 100·00 Dulki Pata Sol 1,009 94·63 1,134 Phulbani 911 71·38 Upar Bankinala 1,017 60·55 Baramara 100·00 Baghua Sol 914 88-46 Damda Sol 1,022 100·00 Jhanuri Sol 1,135 68·34 448


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes Na.me of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent No. per cent Total Total Total population population popnlation

1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3

NAYAGRAM POLICE STATION NAYAGRAr.f POLICE STATION BAG,HMUNDI POLICE STATION -coned. -concld. :MAJOR SOHllDULED TRIBES: Salbani 1,136 83-95 Paib 1,137 71·80 Banspat 1,258 54042 1. Bhumij Baligeria 1,139 94041 Jadukota 1,259 100·00 2. Santal Bhaluk Chua 1,140 77·04 .Methya 1,2~0 100·00 Rangamatia 1,141 78·57 Kusumkurya 1,261 78·43 1,142 95·83 Bagmacha 1,268 100·00 Rangamati 1 84-47 Jangal Khas 2 90·06 1,143 100·OU Jagannathpur 1,269 . 72·62 .Mukurub Banshkhali Simali 17 58·51 Pinrrachuni Uri 1,144 100·00 Dojala 1,276 66·19 Bhuyasai 1,277 97·33 ChatuYI1 30 100·00 Dhiral :1tlauniya 35 67·25 Tasarbani 1,l4~ 84·87 Angragerya 1,278 100·00 1,150 51·35 Suknakhali 1,279 100'00 Rurudi 36 80-09 Gambharia Naindi 44 100-00 Khudgar 1,151 100·00 Jambani 1,282 100·00 1,157 61·18 Junbani 1,284 70·27 Relakurm 48 74-57 Garduyara. Sarmali 49 60·22 1,162 89·58 Gengtabani 1,294 63·08 Andhari Sol 63 80-77 1,163 100·00 Bhangaband 1,295 100·00 Nischintpur Pa.nchgachhia Urf Ultamdi alia8 64 67-94 Gachhia Lakhaidahi 1,114 81·82 1,164 Rengthudi Chandua 93-47 1,302 69 1,165 Dungridi 100·00 Palasia 100·00 Susuidi 70 100·00 Rokhni 1,166 89·43 100·00 1,167 Saramrhaki .71 Bhumrbani 65·42 PURULIA DISTRICT Babnijora 72 100·00 Jharabani 1,16S 100·00 Pitidiri 73 100·00 1,169 Benachuni 84·62 ARSHA POLICE STATION Kushumtikri 74 100·00 Kusumkuti 1,171 100·00 Hesadi 75 90·25 Bara Talpada 1,172 97-4S MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Soharyuir 76 93·36 SaJbani 1,173 56·12 1. Santal ~angada 77 100·00 Saripura 1,176 94-67 Sonahara 78 100·00 Charpada 1,178 100·00 2. )Jkumij Kalha 79 100·00 Barakati 1,179 62·95 Bhunighara 80 100·00 Baligeria 1,IS0 60·49 Mudali 95 50·72 Teliya Bhasa &1 100-00 BeJajhor 1,184 74·59 Kumirdiha 96 50·23 Saldi 82 100·00 Baramchati 1,185 57-66 Piskapathari 97 85·96 Bhitpani 83 100·00 KhemaSol 1,186 71·75 Chatuhansa 98 57-11 Alkusi 84 100·00 Gopalpur 1,189 100·00 Rajpati 100 61·37 Kurupahar 85 100·00 Pitambarpur 1,190 94·62 KultanraZias Patharpur 102 100-00 Gbaghra 91 100·00 ur! Chitllmpur Gurahata 103 58·07 Tantan 99 84062 Sitarampur 1,193 58·82 Rhuda 105 100·00 Basudi 100 64-80 SaJpatra 1,198 86·30 Pattanr 106 100·00 Matiyala 101 90·74 Sathatia 1,201 58·72 Bandudih 107 100·00 Gosaidi 104 62·83 Babuidanga 1,205 100·00 Kalabani 108 100·00 Ranga 106 \)9·22 Bhaluktara 1,206 100·00 Bhelaldih 109 91·67 Andhra alias Halhindda 107 100·00 Goursai 1,207 72·84 Tanasi 113 100·00 Ajodhya 108 71-88 Salbani 1,209 55·42 Gayali Kooha 115 60·43 Kunchorirakha IO!) 100·00 Ketakineshina 1,216 85·23 Bhuiyandih ll6 76·53 Puniasasan 110 100'00 Chaukapathra 1,219 100·00 Parsiya ll8 93·62 Chhatni III 100·00 Guriyani Sol 1,220 WO·OO Kanriyardih II9 lOO·OO LohadlQ!gri 112 100·00 Marapada 1,225 50·65 GhatiyaH 120 93·46 Shitingda 113 100·00 Kharsola 1,226 100·00 Bamni 121 100-00 Ushudungri 114 100·00 Kadokota 1,235 93·86 Gondiligora 129 100·00 Chhatarayara 115 100·00 Rayabera 1,241 100·00 Chakladarerdih 134 83·78 Kalijharn:1 117 100·00 Kamalatota 1,242 100-00 alias Ghattan Edelbel'a alias 119 100-00 Dalki Sol 1,243 93-7;5 Harda 143 77-38 Simulbera Jarka 1,250 !l4-94 Torang 151 53·50 Pardi 123 75·08 124 Tuphria 1,251 69·80 Kanchanpur 158 64·07 Sukridhoba 89·74 Hethiambad 165 71·02 Charka Palhar 128 100·00 Khana,muri 1,253 78·13 Thariadi 173 56·38 Lawakui 129 100·00 Amjam 1,254 64.19 Pithati 325 59·29 Munbem 130 65·63 S,irishhani 1,257 65·45 Juri 326 73044 Matha 131 67·29 440

APPENDIX-contd. scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes J.L. population J. L. population Name of Village J. L. populat'ion Name of Village No. per cent Name of Village No. per cent No. per cent Total Total population Total population population 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 BUNDUAN POLICE STATION BARABAZAR POLICE STATION BAGHMUNDI POLICE STATION --contd. -contd. MAJOR SOHEDULED TRllJES : Pargora 420 66'22 132 100·00 Patkita 421 99·13 Madhupllr 1. Santal 67'40 Bandlldi 136 66;52 Ghamragorah 425 69'83 Kanarda 137 88·52 2. Nunda Kunhiya 426 140 50·34 427 96'58 KPundidi 3. Kora Asanpani 141 100·00 Lukapani 428 100'00 Dhaskll 69·74 Chirugora alias Chinudi 142 74-77 4. Oraon Pachapani 429 96'36 Chaunia 143 100·00 Salidhi 430 144 100·00 Dubrajpur 2 56'70 Bangrisamil 431 100·00 Banshidi 98'84 Panra 145 52-49 Japangdih 21 100'00 Jamjora 432 433 83'l5 Bhaludungri 23 100'00 Dangarjuri 100,00 Salghati 31 100'00 434 Korpa 100'00 Satsayrdih 35 89'95 Ledasol 438 77 97'31 439 88'04 Ranipukur Ghaghra 100'00 Bonabir 83 68·13 Panrra 440 92 66'09 441 100'00 BALARA'MP'UR POLICE STATION Tuima Kushbani 100'00 Suraidih 102 100'00 Janijhor 442 60·76 448 100'00 Bhikari Chilema 107 Digha 50'56 'MAJOB SOHEDULED TRIBES: 109 100'00 449 Dumurbera Gholhunra 54'86 193 94'55 'Mirgichami 450 1. Santa I Anagara 100'00 Degharia dih 201 74042 Burijhor 451 215 85'00 452 91'80 2. Bh71mij Khawasdih Kadru 96'76 Sankhari 217 52'30 Satara 453 219 82·14 454 100'00 16 96·74 Tilabani Chanora 100'00 Banbandha Kalachandpur 220 100'00 Mahulbani 455 Bara Godo alias 17 58·85 223 75'73 456 81'22 Barra Rajgram 100'00 Hetyadih Dhadkidih 225 54'95 Golkata 457 460 80·95 Amruhasa 19 100·00 Bamnidih 226 57'35 Dulukdhi-Samil 227 69·78 ra Gobindpur 26 72·24 Gobindpllr Kendapa 91·35 Nilmohanpllr 229 73'55 Ghoratika 461 27 100·00 462 100'00 Gergedih Fagudih 230 100'00 Barakhula 32 60·12 231 100'00 463 100'00 Kadamdih 'Mllrgabani Punsa 85·06 44 64·53 232 68'35 Madhuban 464 Burudih Harbana 465 99'69 45 8(}·73 Bhllrudih 236 100·00 Kantagora Juradih 244 63'93 467 97'50 49 52·36 Agajhor Ledam 100·00 Sunridih 255 68'86 Bamandera 468 69·06 Hatnadih 469 98·43 Biramdih 54 Fuljhori 258 90'23 Rajauli 97·43 260 93'37 471 93·98 BhalllbaBsa 57 Bablli Harada 261 66'09 473 77·24 58 66·23 Jharnakocha Kumra 100·00 Detya 319 95'93 Barshol 475 59 89·88 Narayanpur 476 54-44 'Maiti Jaspur 60 100·00 477 100·00 Baralia Chatrama Sursinga 100'00 62 100·00 Sarga 479 Inchadih 480 96·23 63 100·00 Tasgan 100·00 Erka Lailamdi 482 59·53 95·79 Rllgri 67 BUNDUAN POLICE S'IATION Hargara 485 74·21 486 66'88 Garga 70 Laupal 100'00 'MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: Jharibad 487 Karma 71 50·18 489 96·65 74 89·23 Sirugaru 98·86 Ulidi 1. Santal Sesra 490 76 100·00 491 59·27 Gitinglahar Shamnagar 100·00 82 77·42 Chhota Parasia 354 53'41 Poabad 495 DanduJi 90'74 496 50·50 87 72·04 Rithllgora 385 Karmatanr Bhaluka 410 65'90 498 63·98 90 100·00 Aspara Chirudi 95·02 Parbad·Kashitanr Dabladih 411 100'00 Katgora 501 91 57·69 413 80'31 64·75 Dumadbera Sirisgora Chhota Karma 503 92 53'91 Kendapara 415 65'68 50·72 Soranghatll 94-76 Banbahal 504 94 92·19 Kuriapara 418 Gohaldang ~Il 8(a) RGI/64 TABLES ON SCHEDULED TRIBES

THE CONSTITUTION provides special safe­ guards for the communities listed as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. At the 1951 Census there was no union table devoted particularly to them, except one giving their total numbers with economic classificatioJI. The 1961 Census has endeavoured to produce the population figure for each Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and their cross classification by age, marital status, (lucation, religion and industrial category. Hence these Special Tables. Included in these is also a table on household cultivation confined to the total Scheduled Tribes, one on distribution of each tribe by mother tongue and subsidiary language and another on classification of non­ wor~~rs of each tribe by sex and type of activity. A complete list of villages predominantly popu­ lated by the Scheduled Tribes is given in the Appendix.

The Special Tables on Scheduled Castes have already been published in Part V-A(i). The total figures of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for 'each village and town have been given in the Primary Census Abstract. The figures for the police stations and to wns will be found in Part II-A of the West Bengal Census Report, and for villages in the District Census Handbooks. Table C-VIII printed in Part II-C(i) of the Report c51ssifies the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population of the districts by literacy and industrial categories of workers and non-workers. Ethnographic Notes on Sche­ duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes based on studies undertaken as ancillaries to the 1961 Cen­ sus enumeration will be found in Part V-B.

For an account of the treatment of castes and tribes in earlier Censuses, reference is invited to the Introduction to Part V-A(i). AS NO CAST~ OR TRIBE IS 'SCHEDULED' IN SIKKIM, PART V (IN ALL ITS SUB-PARTS) OF VOLUME XVI WILL RELATE TO WEST BENGAL ONLY 451


Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Tribes Tribes population . Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J.L. population Name of Village J. I,. p~r cent No. per cent No. p~r cent No. Total Total Total population population population

2 3 2 3 2 3

KASRIPUR POLICE STATION MANBAZAR POLICE STATTON MANBAZAR POLICE STATION -canta. -contd. -concld. Chaka 192 100·00 Bhutadi 183 100·00 Tentla 336 100·00 Pokhariatol 196 100·00 Chholagora 184 100·00 Rn,tYDkacha 344 76·61 Ledagora 203 100·00 Ukamgar 185 100'00 Gopalpur 347 100·00 Kaliyada 205 81·28 Chirubhita 195 100'00 Burudi 350 81'40 Lara 206 50·25 Phatepur 198 58·10 Kudyapara 353 70·68 Parasiada 207 95·86 Patharkata 109 82·22 Shushina 355 60·00 Gopal Chak 210 100·00 Govindpur 204 87·37 Sankura 360 92·60 Nut[ln Indkuri 206 63·04 Bindungri 361 100·00 Puratan Indkuri 208 100·00 RaYl>nakara Kuru 362 90·02 Kcsardi 209 100·00 Bar Ranja 363 95-45 Akshyapur 214 55·50 Bardahi 364 98·19 Pratappur 215 86·32 Baghabad 365 65·12 MANBAZAR POLICE STATION Leknikhanda 217 100·00 Phulbera 366 50·73 Kadlagora 220 100'00 Makundpur 367 91·35 MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: Sinduradi 231 82'84 Jamtaria 368 75-72 100·00 Chat Ranga 369 100·00 1. San tal Jamunabfld 238 lCultar alias Barnnda 242 60'44 Barajaraypur 371 100·00 2. Bh~mij Dundli 248 100·00 Telighana 372 100-00 Tamakhun 249 53·24 Baridi 373 75·78 Tukya 6 52·84 Poeh 250 100·00 Janipur 374 96'22 Kaparra 18 91.60 Basantpur 251 98·26 Taldabara 375 54-03 Hullung 29 76·11 Purdaha 253 88'77 Golapara 376 92·6B Amakocha 49 100·00 Kutni 254 89·73 Chakuya 377 100'01) Kundra 50 100·00 Jhariyadi 255 98·52 Kalapatti 318 97·2!) Sitarampur 52 100,00 I1esla 257 54'79 Kalajharna 380 100.00 Panrkidi 57 100·00 Chutya 259 57'81 Bouka 58 80·50 Chandanpur 264 69·06 Maujadi .- 59 71·72 Goalapara 265 83·30 NETURIA POLICE STATION Patharkata 60 92·11 Rampur / 267 86·71 MAJOR SCIIEDULED TRIBES·: Asanbani 61 79·22 Simtnni 270 100·00 Kurkuta 63 100·00 Khayerbllni 274 100·00 1. Santal Puruldiha 78 86·76 Jamria 276 99·20 Hirapur. alias 83 60·76 Lakra 277 56'59 Bhaldubi 231 95·96 Bankata Barkndam 280 73·5(1 Hansapathar 232 51-45 Tall1ndMa 91 100·00 Singraidi 284 100·00 Jarberya 235 80·85 Ratnardi alias 92 100·00 Durjoypara 285 68.26 Bharramahal 237 100·00 Banlrata Jharibad 287 100·00 Bakbari 243 77'08 Bhliluk Khundi 93 100·00 Jayapur 288 69·55 Kulbana 250 65·87 Dhuliyapara 96 100·00 Dharanagar 290 92·86 Ajodhya 257 57·39 Baraghutu 97 100·00 Burudi 292 77-l7 Alkusa 261 76'09 Benagaria 98 99·62 Da,ngardi 295 72·78 Durgapur 262 100·00 Nimdiha 101 99·08 Shushillil 296 69·71 Hariraydih 263 83·87 Barsagllin 102 94·24 Panrra 297 87'03 Gandapur alias 264 86·82 Ghhotasagen 103 100·00 1Iianikdi 300 83·94 Amaidih Bhagara 106 100·00 Kishto.pur 304 74017 Kalipathi1r 265 100·00 Dulapur III 100·00 Olgaro, 305 100·00 Bhurlmnrabari 267 91·94 Dhabani 112 92'98 Kumari 306 50'18 Salchura 270 81-58 Pllnieagora 113 94-19 Chalka 309 100·00 , Khllrbl111a 271 100·00 Jaysingpur 116 100·00 Doldenrya 310 100·00 Bl1thanbari 272 64·51 Bagsakra 123 100·00 SUkl1pata 315 77·31 Kristapur 273 100·00 Darasol 126 78·06 Jamda 321 87·86 Shihulibari 274 100·00 Monbl1dyardi 130 89-47 Doshyardi 323 77-89 Ll1khanpur 275 99·07 Bar Jagunnathpur 135 100·00 Baghkhundi 324 100'00 Kajbal alias Hachbal 280 67·78 Rariharpur 153 li9·84 Dhanara 326 50.55 Anlrduara 281 100·00 Bargajari 161 100·00 Parashya 329 59·04 Maharajnagar 283 64'06 Basudi 164 53·13 Dhngara 330 82·72 Purnapanch Kot 288 100·00 Mahulbana lG5 71-78 Dolndnngn 331 100·00 Erckusum 291 100·00 PatIlIlr KllUuya 16/3 77-48 ltfirgichaudu 335 9[1'06 Khoyar 292 100·00 452


Scheduled Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Name of Village Tribes Tribes J.L. population Name of Village J. L. population No. per cent Name of Village J.L. population No. per cent No. per cent Total Total population Total popUlation population 2 3 2 3 1 2 3

NETURIA POLICE STATION PUNCHA POLICE STATION -Conld. RAGHUNATHPUR POLICE -COntd. STATION-con/d. Gorhpanch Kot 294 74·73 Ohakaltagora 631 Baghmara 100·00 Madherjor alias 178 85·03 303 50·30 Raghunathpur 636 98·36 Chokaltabari 304 Nunirdih 80·20 Arali 637 96·55 Daikiary Kelyasota 306 52·51 Badra 181 54-35 Phariabera 644 59·89 Laikdih 182 322 81·07 Parbad 649 100·00 Radhamadhalpur 80·88 Borradih 194 100·00 324 58·90 Raghunathpur 650 67·10 Gopaldang 327 Barabari 195 100·00 81-03 Birdang 651 100·00 Bundhla Bhaska 328 69·21 197 63·40 Santhalmutha 331 Joradih 200 100·00 95·36 Muchkanda Dhangajore 333 79·29 204 84053 Pathardiha Kendbathan 216 346 100·00 PURULIA MUFFASSIL 98·13 Gosaindih 348 Pratappur 219 96·36 100·00 Charanband MAJOR SOHEDULED TIllBES : 223 51·87 Rangamatya 224 100·00 1. Santal PARA POLICE STATION 2. Makli 3. Munda MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: SANTURI POLICE ST~TION 4. Bhumij I. Santal MAJOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 2. Bkumij Karchanpur 233 88·98 I. Santal Dabrajpur 237 56·62 Dumdumi 3. Kora Chepri 242 90·86 358 77·76 Palaskala 268 Jaganathdihi 363 97·84 Chalka 52·05 Kharbona 44 100·00 Lusabura 278 92·45 365 76·71 Kashibernia 85 51·77 Kalipur 288 Belghota 371 100·00 BaraBandya 100·00 Kalikapur 109 100·00 Karmara. 318 91·21 372 57·89 Sidhabari lID 100·00 Ulidi 339 Kaldih 373 100·00 Duaramhul 94·09 Parasigora lIS 85·37 Gosanidi 353 100·00 386 91·38 Palaskura 1I8 67·94 Kuniya 358 Dhuluri 394 55·67 Dhagora 100·00 Muktipur 135 100·116' ~Ba1"!tghlItu 361 100·00 400 100·00 Tilalgara, 373 Bidhakata 403 71-60 100·00 Dubraypur Ranipur 374 100·00 405 87·62 Dumardi Mabbaua 406 PUNCHA POLICE ?T4,TION 375 100·00 81·54 Jibanpur 411 80·00 Nimtikusi 412 MA.JOR SCHEDULED TRIBES: 52·82 Manjor 413 100·00 RAG.ttuNATHPUR POLICE Bhagadbor 1. Santal STATION 414 100·00 Perorgoria 415 56·21 2. Munda MAJOR SOHEDULED TRIBES: Kusunda 417 85·20 Chhato Pathar' 1. Santal 419 100·00 Shyamdi 545 100·00 Kalipahari 420 Anandbazar 2. Kora 59·77 565 53·27 Marbadya 421 71·04 Dharampur Khanbar 575 87·69 Dignagar 423 72-10 Gopinathpur 579 57 100·00 Kanthal 424 97·08 Chauguria 68 100·00 Bahadurpur '591 98·57 53·68 Amberi 430 Kendadi Narendrapur 69 81·91 592 58·37 100·00 Ziathole 431 99·73 Bishpuria Shyamsundarpur 88 59·39 Ohhayrabari 606 56'81 Jawdih 435 100·00 Kalapathar alias Run- 607 89 100·00 Tarabari 436 61·03 Jorabel 92 58·05 ajhun 85·07 Benagoria 438 100·00 Patkua Bara-msya 93 100·00 Gurora 609 100·00 Nandaha 439 83·11 Sargara 617 121 68·47 Lahapahari 441 75·58 Jairanddih 134 91·12 Samakata 618 100·00 57-89 Moraldih 443 73·46 Gadasal Badurdih 153 100·00 621 94·26 'Sija Gbatgoria 447 100·00 Haridi 625 154 100·00 Latulbad 449 100·00 Simulkendi 156 69·44 Chakia 626 92·54 52·46 Dulalgora 450 73·33 Kendbani Nutandih 167 100·00 Kherad 628 59·51 Dugardih 452 85·04 Layamara 629 100·00 171 100·00 Matidundra 453 51·75 Namabathan 174 85·14 G\)alberia 454 67010 List of Agents for the sale

AGAll.TALA-Laxmi Bban dar Books & Scientific Sales (Rest.). BOMBAY-Col/rd. Lakkani Book Depot, Girgaum (Res.). AGRA_ Elpees Agencies. 24, Bhangwadi,Kalbadevi (Reg.). National Book House, Jeoni Mandi(Reg.l. P. P.H, Book Stall, 190_B,J(hetwadiMain Road (Reg.). Wadhawa & Cc .• 45, Civil Lines (Reg.) New Book Co., 188_190,Dr.DadabhaiNaorojiRoad (Reg.). Bafl'l!,ari Lal Jain,Publishers. MotiKatra (Rest.). popUlar Book Depot,Lamington Road (Reg.). Enghs h Book Depot, Sadar Bazar, Agra Cantt. (Rect .). SunderDas Gian Chand, 601, Girgaum Road, Near Princess St. (Reg.). D. B. Taraporewala Sons and Co. (P) Ltd.,210, Dr. Dadabhai AHMADNAGAR_V. T. Jorakar, Prop., Rama General Stores, Navi Naoroji Road (Reg.). Path (Rest.). Thacker and Co., Rampart Row (Reg.). N. M. Tripatbi Private Ltd., Princess Street (Reg.). AHMEDABAD- The Kothari Book Depot, King Edward Road (Rgg.). Balgovind Kuber Dass & Co., Gandhi Road (ReE.). P. H. Rama Krishna and Sons, 147, Rajaram Bhuvan, Shivaji Park Chandra Kant Chiman Lal Vora, Gandhi Ro~d (ReE.). Road No.5 (Rest.). New Order Book Co., Ellis Bridge (Reg.). C. lamnadas and Co., Booksellers, 146-C, P!incess SI. (Reg.) .. Mahaja~ Bros., OpP. Khadia Police Gate (Re,t.). Indo Nath and Co. A-6, Daulat N~gar Boml! (Reg.). Sastu K!tab Ghar, Near Relief Talkies, Pattbar KUla. Relief Road Minerva Book Shop Shop No. 1}80, N. Subhas Road (Reg.). (Reg.). Academic Book Co. 'Assoc iatien BuiIding,Girgaum Road(Resl.). Dominion Publishe;s, 23, Bell Building, Sir P. M. Road (Rest,). AJMER- Bombay National History Society, 91, Walkeshwar Road, (Rest.). Book-Land, 663, Madar Gate (Reg.). Dowamadeo and Co., 16, Naziria BuiIding, Ballard Estate (Rest.). Rajputana Book House, St~tion Road (Ree.). Asian Trading Co., 310, the Miraball, P. B.1505(Rest.). L~.w Book House, 271, Hathi Bhata (Reg.). V!Jay Bros., Kutchery Road (Rest). CALCUTTA- Krishna Bros., Kutchery Road (Res!.). Chltterjee and Co. 3/1, Bacharam Chatterj« Lane(Reg.) Dass Gupta and C~., Ltd., 54/3, College Street (Reg.). ALIGARH-Friends' Book House, Muslim Uuiv.roity M~rket (.lte:.). Hindu Library. 69 A, Bolaram De Stleet (Reg.). S. K. Lahiri and Co. Privale Ltd., College Street.(Reg.). ALLAHABAD_ M. C. Sarkar and Sons Private Ltd., 14, Banklm Chatterjee Slr«t Superintendent, Printing & Stationery, U. P. (Reg.). R Kitabistan, 17-A, Kamla Nehru Road (Reg.). W. Newman and Co. Ltd., 3, Old Court House SITeet ( e£.). Law Book Co., Sardar Patel Marg., P. Box. 4 (Rell.). Oxford Book and Stationery Co., 17, Park Street (Reg I. Ram Narain Lal Ben Madho, 2-A, Katra Road (Reg.). R. Chambray and Ca. Ltd.,Rent House. P. 33, Mission Road Exter._ Universal Book Co., 20, M. G. Road (Reg.). .ion (Reg.). 0 (R) The University Book Agency (ofLahore).Elgin Road (Re~.). S. C. Sarkar and Sons Private Ltd., 1. C. College "q~ale eE .. Wadbwa & Co., 23, M. G. Marg (Res!.) Thacker Spink and Co. (1935) P. Ltd., 3, Esplanade last (Reg.). Bharat Law House, 15, Mahatma Gandhi Marg. (Rest.). FirmaK 1. Mukhopadhya, 6/IA, Band.po Ram Akrar Lane (Reg.). Ram Narain Lal Beni Prashad, 2-A, Katra Road (Rest.). K. K. Roy, p. Box No. 10210, Calcutta-19 (Rest.). Sm. P. D. Vpadhyay, 77, Mukta~am Babu Street (Rest.). AMBALA- VniversalBook Distts.. 8}2, H.,tmgs Street (Rest.). English Book Depot, Ambala Cantt. (Reg.). Modern Book Depot, 9, Chowringhee Centre (Rest.). Seth Law House, 8719, Railway Road, Ambal. Cantt, (R~'t.). Soor and Co , 125. Canning Street (Reg.). S. Bhatt.charjee, 49, Dharamtala Stleet, (Rest.). AMRITSAR- Mukherjee Library, 10, Sarba Khan Road (Reg.). The Law Book Agency, G. T. Road, Putligerb (Reg.). Current Literature Co .,208, Mahatma Gna.dh!Road(Reg.). S. Gupta, Agent, Government Publications, Near P. O. Majitb },hadi The Book Depository, 4/1, :Madan Street (l st Fleor) (Rest). (Reg.). Scientific Book Agency, Netajl Subhas Road (Rest.). . . AmarNath & Sons, Near P. O. Majith Mandi (Reg,). Reliance Trading Co., 17/1, Banku Bihari Ghose Lane, D!stnct Howrah (Rest.). . Indian Book Dist, Co., 6512, Mabatma Gandh! Road (Rest.). ANAND- Vij,ya Stom, Station Road (Rest.). Charta Book Stall, Tulsi Sadan, Stn. Road (Rest.). CALlCUT_Tourins Book Stall (Rest.). t\SANSOL-D. N. Roy & R.K. Roy,Booksellero,At'll'aIBuilding(l'test.). CHANDIGARH- • . Supdt., Govt. Printing and Stationery, Punjab. BANGALORE- Jain Law AgencY, Flat No 8, Sector No. 22 (Reg.). The Bangalore Legal Practitioner Co-op. Society Ltd., Bar Associa- Rama News Agency. Bookseller. Sector No. 22 (Reg.). tion Building (Reg.). Universal Book Store, Booth25, Sector22 D (Reg.). S. S. Book Emporium, 118, Mount Joy Road (Reg.). English Book Shop, 34.Sector 22 D (Rest.). The Bang.lore Press, Lake View,Mysore Road, P. O. Box. 507 (Reg.). Mehta Bros .. 15-Z, Sector 22 B (Rest.)_ The Standard Book Depot, Avenue Road (Reg.). Tandan Book Depot, Shopping Centre, Sector 16 (Rest.). Vichara Sahitya Private Ltd., Balepet (Reg.). Kai1asb Law Publishers, Sector22B (Rest.). Makkala Pustaka Press, Balamandira, Gandhinagal (Reg.), Maruthi Book Depot, Avenue Road (Rest.). . CHHINDWARA-The Verma Book Depot (Regt.). InternationalBookHouseP. Ltd.,4-F, MahatmaGnndh!Road (Reg.). Navakarnatak. Pubns. Private Ltd., Majestic Circle (Rest.). COCHIN_Saraswat Corporaticn Ltd.,Palliarakav Road (Reg.).

BAREILLY _Agarwal Brothers, Bara Bazar (Reg.). CUTTACK- PreIS Officer, Orissa Sectt. BARODA- Cultack Law Times (Reg.). Shri Chandrakant Mohan Lal Shah, Raopura (Rest.). prabhat K. Mahapatra, Mangalabag,P. B. 35 (Reg.l. Good Companions Booksellers, Publishers & Sub-Agent (Rest.). D. P. Sur & Sons, Mangalabag(Rest.). New Medical Book Hause, 540, Madan Zampa Road (Rest.). Utkal Stores, Balu Bazar (Rest.). BEA WAR_The Secretary, S. D. College, Co-operative Stores Ltd DEHRADUN- JugalKishore & Co., Raipur Road (Reg.). (Rest.). National News Agency, P,tlt.n B~zar (Reg_). BELGHARIA-Grantblok, Antiquarian Bool:eeJlers & Publishers Bishan Singh and MahenliraPal S1Ogh, 31~, Chukhuwala(Reg.). (24-Parganas),5/1, Amlica Mukherjee Road (Reg.). UtamPustakBhandar,PaltanBazar (Rest.). BHAGALPUR-Paper Statonery Stores, D. N. Sineh Road (Re~.). DELHI- J. M. Jaina 8< Brothers, Mori Gate (Reg.). Atma Ram & Sons, Kashmere Gate (Reg.). BHOPAL- Superintendent, State Government Press. Federal La w Book Depot, Kashmere Gale (Reg.). Lyall Book Depot, Mohd.Din Bldg.,Sultanil Road (Reg.). Babri Bros., 188. LajpatRai Market (Reg.). . BawaHarkisbanDassBedi (Vijaya General Agenctes),P. B. 2027, Delite Book" Opp. Bhopal Talkies (Rest.). Abata Kedara, Cbamalian Road (Reg.). BHUBANESWAR-Ekamra Vidyabhaball, Eastern Tower, RooJII No.3 Book-Well, 4, SantNarankari Colony, P. B.1565 (Reg.). Imperial Publishing Co., 3, Faiz llazar,DaryaganJ(Reg.). (Rest.). Metropolitan Book Co., I, FaizBazar(Reg.). BIJAPUR-Shri D. V. Deshpande, Recognised Law Booksellen, Publication Centre, Subziman~i (Reg.). Prop. Vinod Book Depot, Near Shiralshetti Choll'k (Rest.). Youngman & Co., Nai Sarak (Reg.). . Indian Army Book Depot, 3, DaryaganJ <:Reg.). .. All India Educational Supply Co., Shn Ram Blllidm gs, Jawahat BIKANER-Bhandani Bors. (Rest.). Nagar (Rest ). 2 L' R'M k t(R t) DhanwantMedical&LawBOokHouse,152 , aJpat ., ar e es .. BILASHPUR-Sharma Book Stall, Sadar I!azor (Rest.). University Book House, 15, U. B. Bangalore Road, Jawahar Nagar BOMBAY- (Rest.). l' (R I) Supdt. Printing and Stationery, Queens Road. Law Literature House, 2646, B~ lInaran es .• Charle; Lambert and Co, 101, Mahatma G~ndhi Road (Reg.). Summer Brothers, P. O. Birla Lmes (Res!.). Co-operator'. Book Depot, 5/32, Ahmed SaIlor (Reg.). Universal Book & Stationery Co., 16. Netaji'Su~has Marg (Reg.). Bld~:,Dadar B. Nath .& Bros., 3808, Charkha'Y.lan (Chown Bazar) (Rest.). Current Book House, M.ruti Lane, Raghunath ~adaJI St. (Reg.). RajkamalPrakasban P. Ltd., 8, ~a1zBazar (Reg.). ,. Current Technical Literature Co. P. Ltd., Ind!a House, 1st Floor Premier Book Co.,Printers, pubbshers &Bookseller., Na! Sarak (Rest.). (Reg.). G R d (R ) International Book House Ltd., 9, Ash Lane, M. • oa ego • Vniver~al Book Traders, ~o,Gokhale Market lReg.). List of Agents for the sale of Government of India Publications as on 17-2-64-contd.

DELHI-contd. KARUR-Shri V. Nagaraja Rao, 26, Srinivasapuram (Rest.), Tech. & Commercial Book Coy., 75, Gokhale Market (Res!.). Saini Law Publishing Co., 1416, Chabiganj, Kashmere Gate (Rest.). KODARMA-The Bhagwati Press, P. O. Jbumri TIlaiya, D!. Hazari. G. M. Ahuja. Booksellers & Stationers, 309, Nehru Bazar (I\est.). bagh (Reg.). Sat Narain & Son s. 3141, Mohd. AliBnzar, Mori Gate (Reg.). Kitab Mahal (Wholesale Div.) P. Ltd., 28, Faiz Bazar (Reg.). KOLHAPUR-Maharashtra Granth Bhandar, Mahadwar Road (Rest.). Hindu Sahitya Samsar, Nai Sarak (Res.). Muoshi Ram Manoha, Lal, Oriental Booksellers & Publishers, P. B. KOTA-Kota Book Depot (Rest.). 1155, Nai Sarak (Rest.). K. L. Seth, Suppliers of Law, Commercial Tech. Books, Shanti Nagar KUMTA-S. V. Kamat, Booksellers & Stationers (N. Kanara) (Reg.). Ganeshpura (Rest.). Adarob Publishing Service, SA/IO, Ansari Road (Res!.). LUCKNOW- Sooc1ma Saltity. Depot (State Book Depot). - Balkrishna Book Co., Ltd., Hazratganj (Reg.). Ismag Co·operative Stores Ltd., P. O. Indian School of Mines (Res.). Britisb Book Depot, 84, Hazaratgani'{Reg.). New Sketch Press, Post Box-26 (Rest.). Ra'!1 Advani, Hazaratganj, P. B. 154 (Reg.). Umversal Publishers (1') Ltd., Hazratg.nj (Reg.). DHARWAR- Eastern Book Co., Lalbagh Road (Reg.). The Agricultural College Consumers Co·op. Society (Rest.). Civil & Military Educational Stores, 106/B, Sadar Bazar (Rest.). Rameshraya Book Depot, Subha. Road (Rest.). Acquarium Snpply Co., 213, Faizabad Road (Rest.). Karnatakay. Sahitya Mandir. of Publishers and Booksellers Law Book Mart, Amin·Ud·Daula Park (Rest.). ERNAKULAM- LUDHINA_ Pai & Co., Cloth Bazar Road (Rest.). Lyall Book Depot, Chanra Bazar (Reg.). South India Traders, C/o. Constitutional lournal (Rer.). Mohindra Brothers, Katcheri Road, (Rest.).· Nanda Stationery Bhandar, Pustak Bazar (Rest.). FEROZEPUR-English Book Depot, 78, Jhoke Road (ReB.). The Pharmacy News, Pindi Street (Rest.). GAUHATI-Mobbada Pustakalay. (Reg.). MADRAS- Supdt., Gov!. Press, Mount Road. GAYA-Sahitya Sadan, Gautam Budh. MarB (Reg.). Acc'ount Test Institute, P. O. 760 Egmore (Reg.). C. Subbiah Chetty 11< Go.,.Triplicane (Reg.). GHAZIABAD-Jayana Book Agency (Rest.). K. Krishnamurty, Post Box 384 (Reg.). Presidency Book Suppliers, 8, Pycrofts Road, Triplicane (Reg.). GORAKHPUR-Visbwa Vidyalay. Prabshan, N.khes RQad(Re~.). P. Vardhachary & Co., 8, Unghi Chetty Street.(Reg.). Palani Parchuram, 3, Pycrofts Road, Triplicane (Reg.). GUDUR--;-The General Manager, The N. D. C. Publishing & rtg. NCBH Private Ltd., 199, Mount Road (Rest). Society Ltd. (Rest.). V. Sad anand, The Personal Bookshop, 10, Congress BuildiRg, 11, Mount Road (Rest.). GUNTUR-Book Lovers Prival. Ltd., Kadriguda, Choma,tn (Re~.). MADURAI- GWALIOR- Oriental Book House. 258, West Masi Street (Reg.). Supdt.. Printing & Stationery, M.B. Vivekananda Press, 48, We,t Masi Street (Reg.). Loyal Book Depot, Pat.nkar Bazar, Laskllar (Reg.). M. C. Daftri, Prop. M. B. Jain & Bros., Booksellers, Sarafa, Lashkar MANDYA SUGAR TOWN-K. N. Narimhe Gowda & Son, (Rest.). (Rest.). MANGALORE--U. R. Shenoye Sons, Car Street, P. Box 128 (Reg.). HUBLI-Pervajc's Book House, Koppikar Road (Re~.). MANJESHWAR-Mukenda Krishna Nayak (Rest.). HYDERABAD- Director, Govt. Press MATHURA-Ratb & Co., Tilchi Building, Bengali Ghat (Rest.). The Swaraj Book Depot, Lakdikapul (Reg.). Book Lovers Private Ltd. (Rest.). MEERUT- Labour Law Publications, 873, Sultan Bazar (Rest.). Prakash Educational Stores, Subhas Bazar (Reg.). Hind Chitra Press, West Kutchery Road (Reg.). IMPHAL-Tikendra & Sons, Booksellers (Rest.). Loyal Book Depot, Chhipi Tank (Reg.). Bharat !:!ducational Stores, Chhippi Tank (Rest). INDORE- Universal Book Depot, Booksellers & News Agents (Rest,). Wadhawa & Co., Sr., M. G. Road (Reg.). Swarup Brothers, Kllajuri Bazar (Rest.). MONGHYR-Anusandhan, Minerva Press Building (Rest.). Madhya Pradesh Book Centre, 41, Ahilya Pura (Rest.). Modern Book House, Shiv Vilas Palace (Rest.). MUSSOORIE- Navyug Sahitya Sadan, Publishers & Booksellers, 10, Khajuri Bazar Cambridge Book Depot, The Mal (Rest.). (Rest.). Hind Traders (Rest.). lABALPUR- MUZAFFARNAGAR- Modern Book House, 286, Jawaharganj (Reg.). Mittal & Co., 8S·C, New Mandi Rest.). National Book House, 135, lai Prakash Narain Marg (R). B. S. Jain & Co., 71 I , Abupura.< (Rest.). JAIPUR- MUZAFFARPUR- Goverumenl Printing and Stationery Department, Rajasthan. Scientific & Educational Supply Syndicate (Reg.). Bharat Law House,Booksellers & Publishers, Opp. Prem Prakash Legal Corner, Tikmanio House, Amgola Road (Rest.). Cinema (Reg.). Tirhut Book Depot (Rest.).

Gar~~o<1k Co., Tripolia Bazar (Reg.). MYSORE- Val)) Mandir, Sawai Mansingh Highway (Reg.). H. Venkataramiah & Sons, New &tatue Circle (Reg.). Ka1llltlJ.!l1al & Sons, Tripolia Bazar (Rest.). Peoples Book House, Opp. Jagan Mohan Palace (Reg.). Popillar.Jlook Depot, Chaura Rasta (Reg.). Geeta Book House, Booksellers & Publishers Kirshnamurthipuram Krishh~Book Depot, Chaura R ..la (Rest.). (Rest.). Domit{lh!1 Law Depot, Shah Building, p. B. No. 23 (Rest.). News Paper House, Lansdowne Building (Res!.). Indian Mercantile Corporation, Toy Palace Ramvilas (Res!.). JAMNAGAR-Swadeshi Vastu Bhandar(Reg.). NADIAD-R, S. Desay, Station Road (Rest,). IAMSHEDPUR- Ama, Kitab Ghar, Diagonal Road, P. B. 78 (Reg.). NAGPUR- Gnpta Slores, Dhatikidih (Reg.). Supdt., Govt. Press & Book Depot. Sanyal Bros., Booksellers & News Agents, Bistapur Market (Rest). Western Book Depot, Residency Road (Reg.). The Asslt. Secretary, Mineral Industry Association, Mineral House 1A WALAPUR-Sahyog Book Depot (Rest.). (Rest.). JHUNUJHUNU- NAINITAL-Coural Book Depot, Bara Ba?ar (Rest.). Shashi Kumar Sarat Chand (Rest.). Kapram Prakashan Prasaran, 1/90, N.landha Niwas,Azad Marg (R). NANDED- Book Centre, College, Law General Books, Station Road (Rest.). JODHPUR- Hindustan General Stores, Paper & Stationery Merchants, P. B. Dwarka Das Rathi, Wholesale Books and News Agents (Reg.). No. 51 (Res.). Kitab·Ghar, Sojati Gate (Reg.). Sanjoy Book Agency, Vazirabad (Rest.). Choppra Brothers, Tripolia Bazar (Reg.). NEW DELHI- lULLUNDUR- Amrit Book Co., Connaught Circus (Reg.). Hazooria Bros., Mai Hiran Gate (Rest.). llhawan; & Sons, 8F, Connaught Place (Reg.). lain General House, Bazar Bansnnwala (Reg.). Central News Agency, 23)90, Connaught Circus (Reg.). University Publishers, Railway Road (Rest,), Emp!re Book Depot, 278, Aliganj (Reg.) .. KANPUR- English Book Stores, 7·A, Connaught Circu" P.O.B. 328 (Re~.). Advani & Co., P ·Box 100, The Mall (Reg.). Faqir Chand & Sons, 15·,\, Khan Market (Reg.). Sahitya Niketan, Shradhanand Park (Reg.). Jain Book Agency, C·9, Prem House, Connaught Place (Reg.). The Universal Book Stall, The Mall (Reg.). O.fol'd Book & Stationery Co., ScindiaHouse(Reg,). Raj Corporation, Raj House, P. B. 200, Chowk (Rest.). Ram Krishna & Sons (of Lahore), 16/B, Connaught Place (R List of Agents for the sale of Government of India Publications as on 17~2~64-concld.

NBW DBLH!-'ontd. Sikh Publishing House, 7·C, Connaught Place (Reg.). VARANASI- Suneja Book Centre, 24/90, Connaught Circus (Reg.). Students Friends & Co., Lanka (Rest.). United Book Agency, 31, Municipal Market, Connaught Circus (Reg.). Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Gopal Mandir Road, P.B.S (Reg.). Jayana Baal.. Depot, Chaparwala Kuan, Karol Bagh (Reg.). Glob Book Centre (Rest.). l''.avayug Traders, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road, Dev Nagar (Reg.). Kohinoor Stores, University Road, Lanka (Reg.). Saraswati Book Depot. 15, Lady Harding Road (Reg.). B. H. U. Book Depot (Rest .). The Secretary, Indian Met. Society, Lodi Road (Reg.). New Book Depot, Latest Books, Periodicals, Sty. & Novelles, P. B. VELLORE-A. Venkatasubhan, Law Book ••I1ers (Reg.). ..,6, Conflaught Place (Reg.). Mehra Brothers, 50-G, Kalkaji (Reg.). VIJAY A'IV, ADA-The Book & Review Centre, Elum Road, Governmet Luxmi Book Stores, 42, Janpath (Rest.). (Rest.). Hindi Book House, 82, Janpoth (Rest.). People Publishing House (P) Ltd., Rani Jhansi Road (Reg.). VISAKHAPATNAM_ R. K. Publishers, 23, Beadon Pura, Karol Bagh (Rest.). Gupta Brothers, Vizia Building (Reg.). Sharma Bro,., 17, New Market, Mali Nagar (Reg.). Book Centre, 11197, Main Road (Reg.). Aapki Dukan,5/5777, Dev Nagar (Rest.). The Seey., Andhra University, General Co-op. Stores Ltd. (Rest.). Sarvodaya Service, 66A-I, Rohtak Road, P. B. 2521 (Rest.). H. Chandson, P. B. No. 3034 (Re,t.). fc VIZIANAGRAM-Sarda & Co. (Res!.). . The Secretary, Federation of Association of Small Industry 6r India, 23· BI2, Rohtak Road (Rest.). WARDHA-Swarajeya Bhandar, Bhorji Market (Reg.). Standard Booksellers & Stationers, Pallm Enclave (Rest.). Lakshmi Book Depot, 57, Regarpura(Rest.). For Local Sa/e. Sant Ram Booksellers, 16, New Municipai Market,LodyColony (Rest.). Govt. o,f India Kitab Mahal, J.npath, OpP. India Colfee House, New . DelhI. PANJIM- . ._.; G~lVt. of Inaia Book Depot, 8, Hastings Street, Calculla. Singhals Book House, P.O.B. 70, Near the Church (Rest.). HIgh Commissioner for India in London, India House, London, Sagoon Gaydev Dhoud, Booksellers, 5-7 Rua, 3 Ide Jamoria (Rest.). W.C.2. PATHANKO'T-The Krishna Book Depot, Main Bazar (Rest.). Railway Bookstall Holders. PATIALA- SIS. A. H. Wheeler & Cp., 15, Elgin Road, Allahabad. Supdt .. Bhupendra State Press. Gahlot Bros., K. E. M. Road Bikainer. Jain & Co., 17, Shah Nashin Bazar (Reg.). Higginbothams & Co. Ltd., Mount Road, Madras. M. Gulab Singh & Sons Private Ltd., Mathura Road, New Delhi. PATNA- Supdt., Govt. Printing (Bihar) Fcrtign. J. N. P. Agarwal & Co .. Padri-Ki-Haveli, Raghunath Bhawan (Reg.). SIS. Ed~cation Enterprise Private Ltd., Kathumandu (Nepal). Luxmi Trading Co., Padri-Ki-Haveli (Reg.). SIS. Aktle Bologat, C. E., Fritzes Kungl, Hovodokhandel, Fredsgation. Mali Lal Banarsi Dass, Bankipore (Reg.), 2, Box 1656, Stockholom-16 (Sweden). Bengal Law Hou~e, Chowhatta (Rest.). Reise-und Verkehrsverlag Stuttgart, Post 730, Gutenbergstra.2l, S!uttgart No. 11245, Stuttgart den (Germany West). PITHORAGARH-Maniram Punetha & Sons (Rest). Shn Iswar Subramanyam, 452, Reversite Driv Apt. 6 New York 27·NW¥. ' PONDICHERRY -Messrs. Honesty Book House, 9, Rue Duplix (R.). The Proprietor, Book Centre, Laksbmi Mansons 49, The Mall, Lahore, (Pakistan). ' POONA- Deccan Book Stall, Deccan Gymkhana (Reg.). Imperial Book Depot, 266, M. G. Road (Reg.). On S. and R. Basis. International Book Service, Deccan Gymkhana (Reg.). The Head Clerk, Govt Book Depot, Ahmedabad. Raka Book Agency, Opp. Natu', Chawl, Ncar Appa Balwant Chowk The Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, Kapielswar Road, Belgaum. (Reg.). The Employment Officer, Employment Exchange, Dhar. Utility Book Depot, 1339, Shivaji Nagar (Rest.). The Asstt. Director, Footwear Extension Centre ,Polo Ground No. I, Jodhpur. PUDUKOTTAI-Shri P. N. Swaminathan Sivam & Co., East Main The O.yc" Extens,ion Centr", Club Road, Muzaffarpur. Road (Rest.). The DIrector, IndIan Bureau of Mines Govt. of India Ministry of M.JKOT-Mohan Lal Dossabhai Shah, Booksellers and Sub·Agents Mines and Fuel, Nagpur. ' , The Asst!. Director, Industrial Extension Centre, Nadiad (Guiara!). (Reg.). The Head. C!erk, Photoz!ncographic Press, 5, Finance Road, Poona. Govt. Pnntmg & StatIOnery, Rajkot. - Crown Book Depot, Upper Bazar (Reg;). The O.I/C., Extension Centre, Industrial Estate, Kokar, Ranchi. Pustak Mah.l, Upper Bazar (Rest.). The Director, S. I. S. Industrial Extension Centre, Udhna, Surat. The Registrar of Companies, Narayani Building, 27, Brabourne Road REWA-Supdt., Govt. State Emporium, V. P. Calcutta-I. ' The Registrar of Companies, Kerala, 50, Feet Road Ernakulam. ROURKELA-The Rourkel. Review (Rest.). The .Registrar of Companies, H. No. 3·5-53, Hyderguda, Hyderabad. Reg!strar of Companies, Assam, Manipur and , ShiIlong. SAHARANPUR-Chandra Bharat Pustak Bhandar, Court Road (Rest.). RegIStrar of Companies, Sunlight Insurance Bldg.,Ajmeri Gate Exten- sion, New Delhi. • SECUNDERABAD-Hindustan Diary Publishers, Market Street (Reg.). Registrar of Companies, Punjab and Link Road, SILCHAR-Shri Nishitto Sen, Nazirpatti (Rest,). Jullundur City. ' Registrar of Companies, Bihar, Jamal Road, Patna-I, SIMLA- Registrar of Companies, Raj. & Ajmeri, Shri Kamta Prasad Honse Supdt., Himachal Pradesh Govt. 1st Floor, • C' Scheme, Ashok Marg, Jaipur. ' Minerva Book Shop, The Mall (Reg.). The Registrar of Companies, Andhra Bank Bldg., 6, Linyl.ti Chetty St. The New Book Depot, 79, The Mall (Reg.), P. B. 1530, Madras. , - The Registrar of Companies, Mahatma Gandhi Road West Cott SINNAR-Shri N. N. Jakhadi, Agent, Times of India Sinner (Nasik,\ Bldg., P. B. 334, Kanpur. '. \' f The Registrar of Companies, Everest 100, Marine Drive Bombay. (Rest.). • The Registrar of Companies, 162, Brigade Road, Bangalore. SHILLONG- The Registrar of Companies, Gwalior. The Officer-in-Charge, Ass.am Govt., B. D. Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, Bhuli Road, Dbanbad. Chapla Bookstall, P. B. No. I (Rest.). Registrar of Companies, Orissa, Cultack Chandi, Cuttack. t' The Registrar of Campanies, Gujarat State, Gujarat Samachar Bldg SONEPAT-United Bookll\gency (Reg.). Ahmedabad, .. Publicatlon Division, Sale Depot, North Block, New Delhi. SRINAGAR-The Kashmir Bookshop, Residency Road (Reg.). The Developme_nt C?mmissioner, Small Scale Industries, New Delhi. The O:IIC., Umverslty Employment Bureau, Lucknow. SURAT-Shri Gajanan PustakaJaya, Tower Road (Reg.). O.IIC., S. I. S. I. Extension Centre, MaIda. o. IIC., S. I. S. I. Extension Centre, Habra, Tabaluria, 24-Parganas. TIRUCHIRAPALLI- O.l/C.,. S. I. S. I. Model Carpentry Workshop, Piyali Nagar, P. O. Kalpana Publishers, Wosiur (Reg.). Burmpur. S. Krishnaswami & Co., 35, Subhash Chandra Bose Road (Reg.). O.I/C., S. I. S. I., Chrontanning Extension Centre, Tangra 33 North Palamiappa Bros. (Rest.). Topsia, Road, Calcutta-46. ' O.I/C., s. I. S. I" Extension Centre (Footwear). Calcutta. TRIVANr:RUM- Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, Hyderabad. International Book Depot, Main Road (Reg.). Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, Krishna Dislt. (A.P.). Reddear Press & Book Depot) P. B. No.4 (Rest.), Employment Officer, Employment Exchange, Jhabua. Dy. Director Incharge, S. I. S. I., C/o. Chief Civil Admn., Goa, PanjinI TUTICORIN-Shri K. Thiagarajan, IO-C, Frencb Chapal Road (Rest.). The Registrar of Trade Unions, Kanpur. ' Thtr,!n'::f.IOyment Officer. Employment Exchange, Gopal Bhavan, UDAIPUR- Jagdish & Co.. Inside Surajapole (Rest.). The O.I/C., State Information Centre, Hyderabad Book Centre, Maharana, Bhopal Consumers, Co-op. Society Ltd. The Registrar of Companies, Pondicherry. (Rest.J. The Asstt. Director of Publicity and Information, Vidhana !)ubha UJJAIN-Manak Chand Book Depot, Sati Gate (Rest.). (p. B. 271), Bangalore.