ᬝᮻ̎ ˟ᎄ




᱘⁍࣮ᆁ⮰㞦ᱛტ喏ᬌ䃦᭛ܦ⩋κ  ͂㏖θ̵࡭ᎠЏȟผह᭪䊗⮰㞦ᱛ๓ტ喏䔄᭛ᑿ϶㞦ಇ

͙≭ⵑᴝ⮰ ȟ ऺ喏ួᝂᎠ䒧㇪䔇⮰ ȟ ऺ喏ЂИ౔⩋঩͙⮰᳼⃡ᬢ䬠䘩̶̺⊣๓႒ᰵⱬ㉓











㬊⫔㸘  ͙఩㒺ᱛტࡻцޛͧፙ ̶⊣ጮ᪳㖀ͧፙ ̶⊣ጮ㒺ᱛტࡻцͧፙ  Ꭰ  ᰴ

003 Preface ĉ

The Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai University Museum is the debut of the museum in the art circles of Shanghai. Whether they are distinguished masters born during the second and third decades of the 20th century, or the mainstays born in 0s and 0s, or the ambitious generation of their forties and Ņfties, all of the SarticiSating artists are closely related to Shanghai University in means of ZorNing, teaching or studying. Whatģs more, the relationshiS is still tight today, Zhich maNes it Sossible for the teachers and students to communicate kindly and sincerely with each other in order to searching for the Muse of art. As an oSen city, the uniTue nature of Shanghai such as revolutionary, inclusive and fashionable leads to the result of artistic character of Shanghai to be humble and generous, solemn and heroic. 1o matter traditional or modern, eastern or western, Sersistent or creative, the artwork on disSlay shows a coexistence and collision of various and distinguished styles, which gives a comSrehensive Sicture of the uSdate exSloration of artists in Shanghai. )or more than Ņfty years, the )ine Arts &ollege of Shanghai University has raised numerous artists of excellence, therefore Sromoted the develoSment of art in Shanghai. 'eeSly in my heart, I aSSreciate a lot of the guidance given by my Alma Mater, which helSs me to keeS humble and diligent for thirty years as one day in my exSloration of art. /ast but not least, Slease take my sincere wish of Shanghai University to be more Ņrm and determined in the training of artistic talents and the researching of art. %est wishes to Shanghai University Museum to continue collecting masterSieces of Shanghai artists and holding exhibitions of high Tuality.

Shi 'awei  9iceSresident of &hina Artists Association 3resident of Shanghai )ederation of /iterary and Art &ircles President of Shanghai Artists Association May, 2014

004 㿓ⱟ


๓႒⮰㞦ᱛ᪅㗞সⵀ⾢ᰬᬕछБ䔩⏛ݜ  Ꭰ᜼⿷⮰̶⊣ጮ㒺ᱛ̿⻽႒ᵍ喏ࢲ㏻β⹪ц⮰ऄ䓭সᬢЏ⮰⊢̶









㔿⽋ㅽ  ̶⊣๓႒ᵍ䪫  Ꭰ  ᰴ

005 Preface Ċ

Art is the noble Sursuit of life.

The earliest education and study of art in Shanghai University dates back to the Shanghai Fine Arts School established in 1959.

Through the change of society and the test of time, the school has trained a large number of talents sSeciali]ed in the creating,

designing and researching in the field of fine arts for the economic and cultural develoSment of Shanghai as an international


2014 is the 20th anniversary of the founding of new Shanghai University. Shanghai University had set uS an Artwork &ollection

&ommittee to collect and disSlay the masterSieces made by teachers, graduated students and those related to the university in a

sustainable SersSective and a historical order. Some of the artists are the Sredecessors already retired from the university and even

in their eighties, some are among the faculty with remarkable achievements, and some are outstanding and world-famous artists

who started their career from Shanghai University. Under the guidance of contemSorary aesthetics and creative ideas, the artists are

Sainting the haSSy life of SeoSle nowadays with their own thoughts and feelings. There is no doubt about the far-reaching historical

inņuence on art education and creation of Shanghai University exerted by the exhibition.

We would like to thank and honor the artists for their indelible signiŅcant contributions to the education, creation and research of art

for Shanghai University.

Luo Hongjie  President of Shanghai University May, 2014

006 ⥀䍚㦬䈐

ጚ̹ๆ̬Ꭰݹ喏΋ᅝ᭛  Ꭰ⮰᭑๕喏᜽Иᐬ໷もܾ̬⁍䲎ऽᵍࣷ⮰㒺ᱛ҈৭ᒭ䯲≧ߔȠᑿᬢ⮰ᘟ∁᭛౔











⮰ఇ࡭ๆѹ㞦ᱛტ࣮ᆁ喏ЂИ⮰Ꭰ咰䬠䯀ࡶ͖͂㏖喏Ђ⩋ܦ⮰ߖ߇喏᜽И䖬䄣ݜ  ͂㏖  ᎠЏ㜟  ͂㏖  ᎠЏ
















007 &uratorģs Words

About one year ago, namely in the sSring of 201, we started to curate a collection of artworks made by the alumnus and alumna of

the university. The original idea was to hold an exhibition on the anniversary of the founding of new Shanghai University, to Sublish

an exhibition catalogue, and more imSortantly, to collect a number of artworks for Shanghai University Museum.

Shanghai University has a considerable strength in the Ņeld of Ņne arts. For a comSrehensive university, Fine Arts &ollege with such

distinctive characteristics and remarkable achievements is indeed an extremely valuable resource for building a university museum,

and also the basis for holding this exhibition. We hoSe to oSen the door to the art collection of the museum and gradually build the

wealth of art for Shanghai University through our direct contact with the artists.

2ur SroSosal has received fully suSSort from Mr.

Hongjie, the Sresident of Shanghai University. We are Sarticularly grateful that President Luo acted as the director of the Artwork

&ollection &ommittee in Serson and wrote a Sreface for the exhibition catalogue. In addition, the former and current leaders of the

Fine Arts &ollege , including Secretary ;ue =hiliang, 'ean 4iu 5uimin, 'ean =hang Peichu, 'ean Wang 'awei and Secretary &hen

Ai]hen, have all given us very valuable guidances.

Throughout the whole year, we Said visits to renowned old artists and asked for their advices. They are hale and diligent, haSSy to

mix life lessons into creation of art. We visited the active dominant forces of art, who continued to break their boundaries and tried

their best to establish artistic style of their own, desSite of the fact that they had exSerienced many difŅculties in life. We also talked

with a bunch of vigorous young artists who were Sondering over the inheritance and innovation of &hinese Art while seeking uniTue

style of art. After a year of hard work, we invited 44 artists who were born between the 1920s and 1970s to join the exhibition.

Although they are of different generations, they do share one thing in common that they are all related to Shanghai University in

some way. After considering oSinions from all asSects, we decided to name the exhibition Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai

University Museum. The exhibition has gathered various kinds of works together, including &hinese Saintings, oil Saintings,

sculStures and Srint works. Although they are of different themes and styles, the gathering of the works in the same time and sSace

could act as a review of the artistic achievements of Shanghai University as well as an exSloration of art exhibition in the future.

We aSSreciate the trust and suSSort from our elder artists such as Mrs. &hen PeiTiu, Mr. Lin ;iming, Mr. Liao -iongmo, Mr. =hang

=ishen and Mr. =hang

successful without your guidance and SarticiSation. All my museum colleagues and me hereby give our most sincere thanks to you


We also would like to sincerely thank Mr. Shi 'awei, the distinguished alumnus of Shanghai University, the vice-Sresident of

&hinese Artists Association and the Sresident of Shanghai Artists Association, for his SarticiSation in the exhibition and writing a

Sreface for our catalogue, which truly elevated the artistic level of the exhibition.

008 SSecially, we are thankful to Professor =hang Peichu, who carefully guided each crucial Sart of the exhibition. We also want to thank

Professor Wang -ieyin for many of his signiŅcant advices of the designing of catalogue and the curating of exhibition. We would like to thank for all the assistance given by Mr. Tang Hao, who is the director of ;uhui Art Museum and also a graduate from the Fine

Arts &ollege of Shanghai University.

Thanks to the young team comSosed by *uoji, the assistant curator of our museum, Li ;in]hi, He Feng, =hang ;in and &ao Mo for their hard work and wisdom.

Through this exhibition we have every reason to believe that Shanghai University Museum will have a better future with the suSSort from our artist friends.

Tao Feiya

&urator, 'irector of Shanghai University Museum

009 㚠 㔝 Contents

⧣㞆㤐 㩶णܘ᜼ఫ 012 ㆑ギⳃ ᒖ䴢 036

&KHQ3HLTLXHibiscus and Ducks -LQ -LID Colour and Romantic Charm

㑷匹㘘 ⻸↌⍁ͽ 014 䍦㞁⪂ 㝋㯴㔲 038

/LQ;LPLQJ The Joy of Fishing =KDQJ 3HLFKX Snake Charmer

㑯㈝㚄 ᵯ᳄ᆞⅡ 016 㤒㧑㘕 Ⅱ೻ᗲᔭ 040

/LDR-LRQJPR Landscape of Guilin 4LX5XLPLQ of Venice

⯼▜喍݊⽬͸̭喎 018 ⼌ 㯗 ̶͗ຠ႖ 042ژ䍦䓵㪋 す

=KDQJ=LVKHQ The Eighth Miner’s Lamp (Draft) +DQ 6KXR Three Girls

ᕊȠᖖᵩ᫜׼ 020 㔞䐟㸥 ጡ℁Ძḛ᳄ 044ٸ䍣䇡⼧ 侙


⧣コ丗 ᶲ㟞 022 㶖㗰㡇 ᆞⅡगᒭ๴ัⰸ 046

&KHQ-LDOLQJ Plum Blossom :DQJ 0HQJTL Appreciating the Landscape of Qi

⤞㾡㝊 ⮫ඁ͸೻ÿÿጰ៶ᵩ 024 㝬䄌⥞ Ίᄕ⇌䷻ᮜ 048

%X;LQQRQJ Prague: The City of a Hundred Spires 3DQ

㲧㧒⼸ 䉊็㟙⮱ఝᗾ 026 㔍䐯㠞 ⨣䲋⨣͸ρ 050

7DQJ5XLKH Beethoven’s Dilemma /X =KLSLQJ Vase rather than Vase No.5

㶖ߩ䅕 䬨Ძ 028 䍦㞁⧪ ᜼ϧ 052

:DQJ-LH\LQ Hearing the Pines =KDQJ 3HLFKHQJ Characters of Beijing Opera

䂏䎞㾣 Ϛచ⌞⌞ 030 㿍ㅉ㦻 Ⅱ⃬䷻۶ 054

㒉㡕㛟 ᠉䄿ᴠӜ⺍ 032 㔍ⶉ㬆 ప㞟 056

/LQJ 4LQLQJ Visiting the Temple of Liu Zongyuan /X )XVKHQJ The Peony

⫘㘘⭣ ᓰᰟ.2 034 㬊⫔㸘 凔⮱ᩲθ 058

'DL 0LQJGH Innermost Feelings No.2 6KL'DZHL The Story of Gun

010 䐽⺛⢔ ̷⊤ No.14 060 㣹䄜ⴆ ㏬౧ 288 084

=KRX *XRELQ Shanghai No.14 4LQ

⿧➃䐳 䲆➖.ᵹ䲏 062 㶖ㅉ⺛ ᱕▢ ‡ 䨥䕍⮱ज㘪喍̶喎 086

+XDQJ $]KRQJ Still Life: Desktop :DQJ -LDQJXR The Spirit of Wood: the Possibility of Casting No.3

⧣䟧㉞ ๔ᆞ͚⮱ϧ᪴ 064 㾅㯹⽍ Წ಄␯⼨䄡 088

&KHQ ;LHMXQ Humanity among Mountains ;LDR 6XKRQJ Tectonic Plate Theory

㿍㒛⡇ 㟞㩷ఫ 066 ㏏ ⧍ ࢄచ⑘ₒ 090

;X /RQJEDR The Pistil /L&KDR Ramble in the Garden

䍣⭣㘘 侙⮱㈨݄ÿÿ侾ธ 1 068 ➸ 再 䱿ⴠᆞ 092

=KDQJ 'HPLQJ The Series of Horse: Knight No.1 %DL

㓑䯱喍݊⽬喎 070 㗌Ⰽ⿋ ใ⮪⍎ᶒ 094ۈ⌛䍵䄵ⴓ ᓎ䓞ఫᑧ⮱


㎷䎑㸥 ᆞ倅Ⅱ䪬  072 Ⰲ䦎㏓ Ꭰᩦಎ喍ࣹ㖁⩨喎 096

/H =KHQZHQ High as the Mountain, Long as the River 'LQJ %HLOL Transformation of Roof

䍦⼄㠞 ⩝䛻̷ 074 䍦 ボ ᵰ㞟喍ఈ㖁⩨喎 098

=KDQJ +DLSLQJ On the Field =KDQJ -LDQ Peach

ㅋㅉ䐳 䲆➖ 076 䄶㭖コビㆊ 101


䇻㭘⢔ ↌ᆞ䯱ࡰऑ 078 ⽔ エ 146

㏏⧐⿋ 䛺⩌ 080

/L =KDRKXD Reborn

䂏ㅄ㠞 ㏏ᴾ 082

011 ⧣㞆㤐 Peiqiu

012 㩶णܘ᜼ఫ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 78cmf56cm 20 ̓㏗ 70 ᎡА᱘ Hibiscus and Ducks Colors on Paper

013 㑷匹㘘 Lin Ximing

014 ⍁ͽ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 69cmf68cm 2013 The Joy of Fishing Colors on Paper

015 㑯㈝㚄 Liao Jiongmo

016 ᵯ᳄ᆞⅡ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 65cmf81cm 2013 Landscape of Guilin Oil on Canvas

017 䍦䓵㪋 Zhang Zishen

018 ⯼▜喍݊⽬͸̭喎 ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 141cm×112cm 2005ژす The Eighth Miner’s Lamp (Draft) Oil on Canvas

019 䍣䇡⼧ Zhang Yonghao

020 ᕊȠᖖᵩ᫜׼ 䨥䨉䰂ൾ 131cm×54.5cm×37.5cm 1985ٸ侙 Statue of Marx and Engels Cast Copper Sculpture

021 ⧣コ丗 Chen Jialing

022 ᶲ㟞 ㏥᱙䃫㞟 115cmf51cm 2014 Plum Blossom Colors on Paper

023 ⤞㾡㝊 Bu Xinnong

024 ÿÿጰ៶ᵩ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 50cmf60cm 2011 Prague: The City of a Hundred Spires Oil on Canvas

025 㲧㧒⼸ Tang Ruihe

026 䉊็㟙⮱ఝᗾ 䨥䨉䰂ൾ 73cmf38cmf45cm 1998 Beethoven’s Dilemma Cast Copper Sculpture

027 㶖ߩ䅕 Wang Jieyin

028 䬨Ძ ጰ䲏͆☜ 80cmf60cm 2013 Hearing the Pines Acrylic on Canvas

029 䂏䎞㾣 Yang Zhengxin

030 Ϛచ⌞⌞ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 68.5cmf136cm 2012 The Deep Yard Colors on Paper

031 㒉㡕㛟 Ling Qining

032 ᠉䄿ᴠӜ⺍ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 53cmf41cm 2013 Visiting the Temple of Liu Zongyuan Oil on Canvas

033 ⫘㘘⭣ Dai Mingde

034 ᓰᰟ·2 ㏥᱙Ⅱ෕ 68cmf138.5cm 2013 Innermost Feelings No.2 Water and Ink on Paper

035 ㆑ギⳃ Jin Jifa

036 ᒖ䴢 ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 80cmf73cm 2011 Colour and Romantic Charm Oil on Canvas

037 䍦㞁⪂ Zhang Peichu

038 㝋㯴㔲 ㏥᱙䃫㞟 96cmf69cm 2006 Snake Charmer Colors on Paper

039 㤒㧑㘕 Qiu Ruimin

040 Ⅱ೻ᗲᔭ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 60.5cmf80cm 2014 Romanticism of Venice Oil on Canvas

041 ⼌ 㯗 Han Shuo

042 ̶͗ຠ႖ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 97cmf90cm 2013 Three Girls Colors on Paper

043 㔞䐟㸥 Lu Zhiwen

044 ጡ℁Ძḛ᳄ ͚పᒖ෕⩨ 50cmf74cm 2010 Barbizon Forest Colors on Paper

045 㶖㗰㡇 Wang Mengqi

046 ᆞⅡगᒭ๴ัⰸ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 68cmf68cm 2014 Appreciating the Landscape of Qi Colors on Paper

047 㝬䄌⥞ Pan Yaochang

048 Ίᄕ⇌䷻ᮜ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 50.5cmf60cm 2014 View of Jiuzhai Valley Oil on Canvas

049 㔍䐯㠞 Lu Zhiping

050 ⨣䲋⨣͸ρ ͊㑾❵⩨ 93cmf70.5cm 2007 Vase rather than Vase No.5 Silkscreen Print

051 䍦㞁⧪ Zhang Peicheng

052 ᜼ϧ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 70cmf70cm 2013 Characters of Beijing Opera Colors on Paper

053 㿍ㅉ㦻 Xu Jianrong

054 Ⅱ⃬䷻۶ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 68cmf68cm 2011 Water Lily Colors on Paper

055 㔍ⶉ㬆 Lu Fusheng

056 ప㞟 ㏥᱙䃫㞟 69cmf143cm 2007 The Peony Colors on Paper

057 㬊⫔㸘 Shi Dawei

058 凔⮱ᩲθ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 410cmf450cm 2013 Ꭱ The Story of Gun Colors on Paper

059 䐽⺛⢔ Zhou Guobin

060 ̷⊤ No.14 ͊㑾❵⩨ 44cmf94cm 2007 Shanghai No.14 Silkscreen Print

061 ⿧➃䐳 Huang Azhong

062 䲆➖·ᵹ䲏 ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 50cmf60cm 2012 Still Life: Desktop Oil on Canvas

063 ⧣䟧㉞ Chen Xiejun

064 ๔ᆞ͚⮱ϧ᪴ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 65cmf90cm 2014 Humanity among Mountains Oil on Canvas

065 㿍㒛⡇ Xu Longbao

066 㟞㩷ఫ ᱕ݨ❵⩨ 94cmf77cm 2007 The Pistil Wood Engraving

067 䍣⭣㘘 Zhang Deming

068 侙⮱㈨݄úú侾ธ 1 ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 50cmf60cm 2011 The Series of Horse: Knight No.1 Oil on Canvas

069 䍵䄵ⴓ Zhao Yifu

070 㓑䯱喍݊⽬喎 ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 60.5cmf102cm 2011ۈ⌛ᓎ䓞ఫᑧ⮱ Heroes of Huai Jun(Draft) Oil on Canvas

071 ㎷䎑㸥 Le Zhenwen

072 ᆞ倅Ⅱ䪬 ㏥᱙Ⅱ෕ 56cmf138cm 2014 High as the Mountain, Long as the River Water and Ink on Paper

073 䍦⼄㠞 Zhang Haiping

074 ⩝䛻̷ 䨥䨉䰂ൾ 106cmf39cmf20cm 1992 On the Field Cast Copper Sculpture

075 ㅋㅉ䐳 Jiang Jianzhong

076 䲆➖ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 50cmf60cm 2013 Still Life Oil on Canvas

077 䇻㭘⢔ Yu Shubin

078 ᆞ䯱ࡰऑ ㏥᱙Ⅱ෕ 69.5cmf138cm 2013 Landscape Water and Ink on Paper

079 ㏏⧐⿋ Li Zhaohua

080 䛺⩌ ጰ䲏⇦⩨ 146cmf120cm 2008 Reborn Oil on Canvas

081 䂏ㅄ㠞 Yang Jianping

082 ㏏ᴾ ᴾ㘯䰂ൾ 62.5cmf131cmf30cm 2011 Red Tree Resin Sculpture

083 㣹䄜ⴆ Qin Yifeng

084 ㏬౧ 288 ጰ䲏͆☜ 180cmf150cm 1999 The Field of Lines 288 Acrylic on Canvas

085 㶖ㅉ⺛ Wang Jianguo

086 ᱕▢ ‡ 䨥䕍⮱ज㘪喍̶喎 ᱕䰂Ƞ䨉㔨὎ 26cmf54cmf32cm 2013 The Spirit of Wood: the Possibility of Casting No.3 Wood Sculpture, Cast Copper Sculpture

087 㾅㯹⽍ Xiao Suhong

088 ⼨䄡 ㏥᱙䃫㞟 70cmf137cm 2014 Tectonic Plate Theory Colors on Paper

089 ㏏ ⧍ Li Chao

090 చ⑘ₒ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 45cmf45cm 2012 Ramble in the Garden Colors on Paper

091 ➸ 再 Bai Ying

092 䱿ⴠᆞ ㏥᱙䃫㞟 69cmf137cm 2014 Qingshi Mountain Colors on Paper

093 㗌Ⰽ⿋ Mao Donghua

094 ใ⮪⍎ᶒ ㏥᱙Ⅱ෕ 68.5cmf138cm 2014 Garden Bridge Water and Ink on Paper

095 Ⰲ䦎㏓ Ding Beili

096 Ꭰᩦಎ喍ࣹ㖁⩨喎 ㏥᱙Ⅱ෕ 45cmf48cmf2 2006 Transformation of Roof Water and Ink on Paper

097 䍦 ボ Zhang Jian

098 ᵰ㞟喍ఈ㖁⩨喎 ͊㑾❵⩨ 71cmf51cmf4 2012 Peach Silkscreen Print


䄶㭖コビㆊ Introduction of Artists ⧣㞆㤐 Chen Peiqiu

 ࣲၷ̆̈ӯௗ௚Ὂᇲዚෲӯӯ᫺Ǎ Born in 1923 in , Province, with ancestral home in Nanyang, Province.

 ࣲࡃ឴̆᜵ӯᐏՌܸߦǍ Enrolled in National Southwest Associated University in1942. .ቡᓨష˄ሙߦಣǍ Graduated from National College of Arts in 1950ڎ̆ˊࣲඌ  Served as a painter at Institute of Shanghai in 1955. ႇᬓႇ࣎Ǎڎ˗ࣲԪᐐ˞ʽ๒  Taught at Shanghai Art School and served as an adjunct professor at Fine Arts College of ఢ͊ஔʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣὊဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Shanghai University.

Current honorary counselor of Shanghai Artists Association, member of the Chinese ڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒ڎ˗ဘ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ᕦ᝘ᮏ᫈nj Artists Association, painter of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, librarian of the ႇᬓႇ࣎njʽ๒࣊஡ԾᆑቃᯞᯞրǍ Shanghai Research Institute of Culture and History.

1956 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition (1st Prize) ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆ʷ኎ݒ὇  1956 National Youth Art Exhibition (2nd Prize) (᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆̄኎ݒ὇ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition (Bronze Prizeڎࣲ Л  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᨷݒ὇ 1994 Shanghai Contemporary Ink Painting by Four Famous ArtistsڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  2000 The 3rd Shanghai Biennale Րࠒᐏ࡙ܸپܛࣲʽ๒े̽ඵ  2002 Award nomination of Outstanding Contribution Prize of the 5th Shanghai  ࣲ๒ʽeʽ๒úú ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒ԥࣲ࡙ Literature and Art Award (ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒஡ߦᓨషݒeౕѣ᠈࿹ݒଢՐ 2003 Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies Exhibition (Korea  2004 Awarded the Outstanding Individual Prize by China Ministry of Culture ὇ڎႇᓨష࡙὆᭾˺ڎ˗ࣲ  2007 Served as the honorary president of the Paintings and Calligraphies Institute of ஡ӑᦊЏᤉ˔̡ݒÿ Shanghai All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chineseڎࣲᕦᖍþ˗Ө̡ඟС֗   ࣲԪᐐ˞ʽ๒Πᐏ˺ႇᬓՐ᝘᫂͘ 2008 Served as a counselor of the World Chinese Collectors Convention 2008 Held and Chen Peiqiu Art Exhibition and solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Nanjing,  ࣲԪᐐ˞ʽ๒  ˇႍӨ̡ஆᘩࠒܸ͘ᮏ᫈ Hefei, Shenyang, Hong Kong, Macao, etc. ˡҩþ៙ሳಐᬈ΄ሗႇ࡙ÿڡʽ๒njӯ̛njՌᐪnjෛ᫺njᯮມnj༌᫃኎ښ .࡙᜿Ǎ The Collection of Xie Zhiliu and Chen Peiqiu, Artists Press, 1980̡˔֗ The Collection of Chen Peiqiu’s Calligraphy and Painting, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1994. ǒ៙ሳಐᬈ΄ሗႇᬷǓὊᎿషࠒѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Series of Artists of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai: Chen Peiqiu, Shanghai Pictorial ǒᬈ΄ሗ˺ႇᬷǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Publishing House, 1998. The Collection of Chen Peiqiu’s Painting, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2000. ႇᬓႇࠒͻֶˋ˺eᬈ΄ሗǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒʽ๒ Modern Masters of Chinese Painting: Chen Peiqiu, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2006. ǒᬈ΄ሗႇᬷǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ႇՐࠒeᬈ΄ሗǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒᤃဘ̽

102 㑷匹㘘 Lin Ximing

.Ǎ Born in Feb. 1926 as a native of Yongjia, Zhejiang Province̡يࣲ  థၷὊๆ෈භ 

Former director of the Creation and Research Office of Chinese Painting Institute of ႇᬓѹᆑࠉ˟͊nj࠶ࣲЈቨѣྠᇫᎿషᎄᣤnjʽ๒੆ Shanghai, art editor of the Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House, professor of theڎ˗ఢ͊ʽ๒ қߦᬓᎿషጇஔ૿Ὂဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Department of Fine Arts of Shanghai Theatre Academy. Served as an adjunct professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

-ႇᬓ Current member of the Chinese Artists Association, honorary president of the Paperڎ˗ҝጮߦ͘Ր᝘᫂͘njʽ๒ڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ ႇ࣎njๆ෈ႇᬓᕦ᝘ႇ࣎njʽ๒լ௙ᆰᓨషᆑቃ͘Ҟ᫂͘njʽ๒౤ Cut Society of China, painter of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, honorary painter of Zhejiang Painting Academy, vice-president of Wu Changshuo Art Research Council of ࠒጟ᭤ྭ᠏஡ӑ᥌̗þʽ๒ҝጮÿ͜੾̡njڎ᮳ᄿᓨషᆑቃ͘Ҟ᫂͘nj Shanghai, vice-president of Art Research Council of Shanghai, the inheritor .ࠒʷጟᎿష࣎Ǎ of “Shanghai Paper-Cut”, National Class I Artistڎ

1946 Solo Exhibition of Lin Ximing, Shenzhou Gallery, Wenzhou ພࢷþᇸࢷႇᔛÿˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿ښࣲ  1954 The 1st Art Exhibition of Zhejiang Province ࣲๆ෈ᄵᯫࡓᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1959 The Art Exhibition for the 10th Anniversary of the Liberation of Shanghai   ࣲʽ๒ᝍஊӡևࣲႇ࡙ 1960 The 3rd National Art Exhibition 1973 The 5th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ  1982 The Chinese Painting Exploration Exhibition (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Awardڎࣲኄ̋ࡓЛ  ”ႇଊழ࡙ 1986 Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition of “The Year of Peaceڎ˗ࣲ  1991 The 1st National Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Landscape Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ʽ๒࣊஡ߦᓨషΈͻݒ὇ڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  Painting ᬅࣱࣲ֗Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1992 The 8th Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Bird and Flower Paintingڎࣲʽ๒  ࡣඵႇᥙឰ࡙ 1994 International Exhibition of Lin Ximing’s Award–Winning Artworksڎ˗ᯫࡓे̽ڎࣲЛ  2000 The Exhibition of 100 Years’ Chinese Paintings ᔉᲚႇᥙឰ࡙̽ेڎ˗ࣲኄМࡓ  2006 The Ease of Mind—Lin Ximing’s Impressionistic Flower and Bird Painting ᬅᖍݒͻֶ࡙ Exhibitionڎࣲ౤ఙ௚  ႇܸ࡙ 2011 The Character of Academics—Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Paintings by Famousڎ˗ࣲᄈࣲ  Artists  ࣲႊᇸúú౤ఙ௚иਓᔉᲚႇ࡙

.ᎿషՐࠒͻֶᥙឰ࡙ A Guide to Paper-Cutting, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1974ڎ˗ࣲߦషᄊֶಫúú  Anthology of Lin Ximing’s Paper-Cutting Works, Shanghai Joint Publishing Press, 1991. Famous Contemporary Chinese Painting Artists: Lin Ximing’s Volume, Shanghai Education ǒটನҝጮǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Publishing House, 1995. ǒ౤ఙ௚ҝጮᤥᬷǓὊʽ๒ʼᐏ˺इ  ࣲྠǍ Collection of Lin Ximing’s Poems, Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 1996. .ႇႇࠒe౤ఙ௚˄ᬷǓὊʽ๒ஔᐲѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Anthology of Lin Ximing’s Artworks: Volume of Landscapes, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1998ڎ˗ǒे̽ᗃՐ ǒ౤ఙ௚ទᬷǓὊๆ෈Աዚѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒ౤ఙ௚ͻֶᤥᬷúúࡣඵԄǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 103 㑯㈝㚄 Liao Jiongmo

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ሉथԘ᫃ὊᇲዚԼາԼӒǍ Born in Feb. 1932 in Xiamen, Fujian Province, with ancestral home in Taipei, Taiwan Province.

 ࣲඌˊ̆᱕᣾Ꮏషߦᬓࣳ႑ಣ͊ஔǍ Graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1955 and served as a teacher of the  ࣲᡑ͊ʽ๒੆қߦᬓᎿషጇҞஔ૿nj෴ႇஔᆑࠉ˟͊njᓂᎿጇ Academy. Transferred to Shanghai Theatre Academy and appointed as the head of the Oil Painting ፋႇஔᆑࠉ˟͊Ǎ Teaching Research Section of the Department of Fine Arts in 1975. ႇ˄ˊ὇Ὂ͊෴ Prepared to establish the Department of Painting (oil painting and traditional Chineseڎࣲᡑኢथʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓፋႇጇ὆෴ႇnj  ႇጇ˟͊njஔ૿Ǎ painting majors) of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1984. Served as a professor at Fine Arts College, the dean of the Oil Painting Department in Shanghai university. րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃ǍނᎿషࠒө͘ေ̃njʽ๒࣊஡ᐏڎ˗ఢ͊ ᬓྲ Former council member of China Artists Association, committee member of Shanghai܈෴ႇߦ͘ေ̃njʽ๒෴ႇᬿڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ Federation of Literary and Art Circles, council member of Shanghai Artists Association. ᐐᓨషࠒnjʽ๒࣊˺ขࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊஡ԾᆑቃᯞᯞրὊ̚Ԫ Current member of China Artists Association, council member of China Oil Painting Ҭᬓᮒԧᄊቊѣ᠈࿹஋ऊྲ൴ษ᠛Ǎ Society, distinguished artist of Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute, member ofڎ Shanghai Calligraphers Association, member of the Shanghai Research Institute of Culture and History . Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  Received the Special Government Allowances of the State Council.  ࣲǒጚܺ᫺Ǔႇ࡙

෴ႇ࡙ 1955 The 2nd National Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  ὇ 1967 The Red Sun Art Exhibitionڎᬅႃॖࠈ͜ႇድֶ࡙὆ขڎࣲ  1987 The 1st National Oil Painting Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1988 The International Movie Poster Exhibition (France) Ꮏ࡙͖ሒͻֶ࡙ 1989 The 12th National Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  ᓨషܸ࡙úúे̽෴ႇᓨష࡙ 1994 The 8th National Excellent Artworks Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ  1997 Contemporary Oil Painting Art Display of the Chinese Great Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition  ࣲᯫࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2001 The 1st Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 2003 The 3rd National Oil Painting ExhibitionڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ  2003 Ancestral Home—Solo Exhibition of Liao Jiongmo  ࣲ Ԕ˹úúञ༽വႇ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒݒ὇ 2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Jury AwardڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  ݒ὇ 2006 The Exhibition of 100 Years’ Watercolor Paintings of Chinaނࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ក  2009 The Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Paintings by the Famous Artists in Shanghai ᄈࣲඵ॑ႇͻֶ࡙ڎ˗ࣲ  2011 The 6th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition ࣲʽ๒े̽෴ႇՐࠒͻֶ࡙ 2012 The Art Exhibition for the 70th Anniversary of Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art   ࣲኄОࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ and Literature 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing ण߷஡ᓨऐេ͘ʽᄊᝯភǓԧ᛫  ևښࣲጢঐඐ˟ࣞǒ  2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Specially Invited)    ࣲᎿ࡙ 2013 The Exhibition of Oil Paintings by 5 Famous Artists of Shanghai  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙  ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ྲᥙ὇  ࣲ๒ึ෴ႇՐࠒ̡࡙̋

104 䍦䓵㪋 Zhang Zishen

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1933 as a native of Shanghai.

Enrolled in the Academy of Arts of PLA’s South-Central Army in 1949. ඟᝍஊй˗ӯᦊ᫳ᓨషߦᬓǍ Graduated from Wu Zuoren’s Studio at the Oil Painting Department of China Central̡ڎ˗ࣲԠҫ   ࣲඌˊ̆˗ܽᎿషߦᬓ෴ႇጇլͻ̡ࢺͻࠉǍ Academy of Fine Arts in 1961. Served as an associated professor Anhui Normal College and Anhui Normal University  ࣲᡑ͊߷ॶ࣎ᔵߦᬓnj߷ॶ࣎ᔵܸߦҞஔ૿Ǎ since 1961.  ࣲᡑ͊ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ෴ႇጇஔ૿njҞᬓ᫂὆˟ેࢺͻ὇Ǎ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1984. Served as a professor at Fine Arts College, the vice-president of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ෴ႇߦ͘ေ̃Ǎڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊

Current member of Chinese Artists Association, council member of China Oil Painting  ࣲӒ̛᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ Society. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ  1959 Beijing Youth Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࡓЛپࣲኄ  1960 The 3rd National Art Exhibition  ࣲЛй  ևࣲᎿ࡙ 1964 The 4th National Art Exhibition ፋႇᓨష࡙὆˝᳡὇ 1977 The Military Art Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of PLAڎ˗ࣲ  1986 The Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting (Denmark)  ࣲЛй  ևࣲᎿ࡙ 1987 The Military Art Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of PLA (὇ 1990 Chicago International Art Exposition (United StatesڎᬅᓨషӰ᜿͘὆Ꮏڎᓺҫ׎ڎࣲᎿ  ࣲʽ๒e۳ᣙे̽ፋႇͻֶ࡙ 2001 Shanghai—Kiev Contemporary Paintings Exhibition  2003 Portraiture Art Exhibition ᐟϸᓨషᬷዲ࡙̽ेڎ˗ࣲ  2006 Never to Forget—Exhibition of Artworks by Zhang Zishen and Xu Weixin ࣲˀᑟ঄Ԃúúसᒭႂnj१׭ᣭͻֶᐏ࡙ 2007 Different Faces—Invitation Exhibition of Portrait Oil Paintings by 12 Artists of   ࣲˀʷನᄊ᭧ߘúúʽ๒  ̡ͯྭᐟϸ෴ႇᓨషࠒᥙឰ࡙ Shanghai 2008 The Hidden View—Oil Painting Exhibition  ࣲþᘩͱᄊ᮳ఀÿ෴ႇ࡙ 2010 This is Homeland—Art Exhibition of Artworks by Zhang Zishen and Cen Zhenping सᒭႂnj࡭૝ࣱᓨష࡙ 2010 Silence is Power—Exhibition of Still Life Artworks of Oil Painting by Famousڇࣲ ᤈ᧗௧ࠒ   ࣲ ߷᭢ࡃ௧ҧ᧚úúՐࠒ᭢ྭ෴ႇ࡙ Artists 2013 The Exhibition of Oil Paintings by 5 Famous Artists of Shanghai  ࣲ ๒ึ෴ႇՐࠒ̡࡙̋ The series of The Eighth Miner’s Lamp, were on an exhibition tour at places including .Ӓ̛nj Beijing, Shanghai, Anhui , Nanjing and so on from 2006 to 2007ښࣲᒰ  ࣲὊ཰ᆈ˟ᮥͻֶþኄМᄡ༥ÿጇѵ˔̡࡙᜿  . (࡙᜿Ǎ Held solo exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Gunma-ken (Japan) and Maebashi (Japanڀࢸڡʽ๒nj߷ॶnjӯ̛኎ ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿ǍڡӒ̛njʽ๒njԼӒὊ̿ԣெవᏆᯱnjҒೄ኎ܳښ Zhang Zishen: The Eighth Miner’s Lamp, The Great Wall Press, 2006.

ǒसᒭႂúúǐኄМᄡ༥ǑǓὊ᫂ۢѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 105 䍣䇡⼧ Zhang Yonghao

 ࣲ  థၷὊๆ෈౓ࢷ̡Ǎ Born in Dec. 1933 as a native of , Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from the Sculpture Department at the East China Division of Central Academy  ࣲඌˊ̆˗ܽᎿషߦᬓӨˌѬᬓᬿ܈ጇࣳ႑ಣ឴ᆑὊ ࣲ of Fine Arts and proceeded with graduate study in 1954. ᆑቃၷඌˊὊᖍᆰܣߦͯǍ Graduated from postgraduate school and granted with a Master’s Degree in 1956. Served in Shanghai Sculpture Studio (Now Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute)  ࣲᡑ͊ᐌʽ๒ᬿ܈ࢺͻࠉ὆ဘʽ๒෴ႇᬿ܈ᬓ὇Ǎ in 1956.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣǍ Taught in Shanghai Art School since 1962.  ࣲᡑኢथʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᬿ܈ጇὊ͊ᬿ܈ጇ˟͊njஔ૿Ǎ Prepared to establish the Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. Served as a professor and the dean of the Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of .ր͘࣢Ҭ Shanghai Universityނ܈րnjʽ๒࣊ۢ࣊ᬿނ͘ނᓨ܈Ꮏషࠒө͘ᬿڎ˗ఢ͊ ߦ܈ᬿڎ˗րnjނր͘ނᬿૉ࠮ᓨషۢڎ͘˟͊njЛނҞ˟͊Ъᓨ Former committee member of the Sculpture Art Committee of Chinese Artists ͘࣢Ҭေ̃njʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ъᬿ܈ᓨނ͘ނրnjʽ๒࣊थ Association, vice standing director of the Urban Sculpture Committee of Shanghai and ᝺ނր͘ဗܒᓨషނրǍ the director of the Arts Council, committee member of the National Urban Sculpture Ҭᬓᮒԧᄊቊѣ᠈࿹஋ऊྲ൴ษ᠛Ǎ Direction Arts Council, standing council member of China Sculpture Institute, councilڎԪ̚ member of Shanghai Artists Association and a committee member of the Statuary Art Committee, member of Environmental Art committee of Shanghai Construction ڇУНܭࣲǒᯱБনnjেಫளϸǓᗀੇ̆ʽ๒  Committee. .஡ߦᓨషࠒᐏՌ͖͘ሒͻֶʼ኎ݒÿ Received the Special Government Allowances of the State Councilڎ˗ࣲᕦᖍþ  ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇܈࣊ᬿۢڎࣲᯫࡓЛ  1985 Statue of Marx and Engels was installed in Fuxing Park in Shanghai. ࣲࣼᇷʽ๒ᝍஊ  ևࣲᎿషͻֶ࡙  1986 Awarded the 3rd Excellent Work Prize by China Federation of Literary and Art ᐲᎿ࡙ Circlesʹڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  (ࣲǒʽ๒ЈݙǓᗀੇ̆ʽ๒ܱໞ 1987 The 1st National Urban Sculpture Exhibition (Excellence Award  1989 The Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Liberation of  ࣲǒᬈඅ࣊᫂Ǔᗀੇ̆ʽ๒ܱໞ Shanghai Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1990 The 2nd National Sports Art Exhibitionڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  .ᬿᥙឰ࡙ 1992 Children of Shanghai was installed in the Bund of Shanghaiۢڎࣲᥟ࠵ࣱúúЛ  1993 Mayor ChenYi was installed in the Bund of Shanghai. ࡙ܸ܈ᯫࡓᬿڎࣲЛ  1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition थ᝺ੇࡃݒ 2005 Deng Xiaoping—National Invitation Exhibition of Urban Sculpture܈Оӡևࣲۢ࣊ᬿڎ˗ࣲழ  2008 The 1st National Sculpture Exhibition ǒဘ̽ᔚᐏᬿ܈ǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 2010 Awarded the Urban Sculpture Construction Achievement Prize

Modern Sculptures of the Soviet Union, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1988.

106 ⧣コ丗 Chen Jialing

 ࣲ  థၷὊๆ෈౓ࢷ̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1937 as a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (Now ) in 1963, .ႇጇὊ̰࣎໷ taught by Mr. Pan Tianshouڎ˗Ꮏషߦᬓ὇ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓ὆ဘ  ܹ࠯ЏၷǍ Taught at Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Shanghai Art School since 1963, taught by Mr. Lu Yanshao. ႇጇὊ̰࣎ᬆκ࠶ЏၷǍڎ˗ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ  Served as a professor at the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College .ႇጇஔ૿Ǎ of Shanghai University since 1983ڎ˗ࣲᡑ͊ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ 

Current member of the Chinese Artists Association, researcher at China National Academy ࠒႇᬓᆑቃրnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒөڎڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ of Painting, council member of Shanghai Artists Association. ͘ေ̃Ǎ 1978 The Figure Paintings Exhibition in East China 1983 Shanghai—Yokohama Sister Cities Art Group Exhibition  ࣲӨˌОᄵʷ࣊ᐟϸႇ࡙ 1986 The Painting Art Exhibition of China (ࣲʽ๒eഷໝԤݞۢ࣊ᐏ࡙ 1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prize  (ፋႇᓨష࡙ 1990 The New Generation of (United Statesڎ˗ࣲ  1991 Asian Aesthetics—The Contemporary Painting of China (United States) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1994 The Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition ὇ 1996 Shanghai Ink Painting Exhibitionڎᓨషழၷ̽὆Ꮏڎ˗ࣲ  ὇ 1998 The 1st International Ink Painting Biennial Exhibitionڎဘ̽ፋႇ὆Ꮏڎ˗ࣲ̎ฯᎿߦúú  2000 The Asian Art Group Exhibition ႇܸ࡙ܛဘ̽ඵڎ˗ࣲ  2002 The Exhibition of Excellent Contemporary Chinese Paintings of Shanghai  ࣲʽ๒ඵܛႇ࡙ 2006 2006 The Rebirth of Ink Painting—New Ink Painting Exhibition of Shanghai ԥࣲ࡙ 2008 2008 Art China—Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Paintingsܛᬅඵڎࣲᯫࡓ  (Spain)  ࣲ̎ฯᓨషᐏ࡙ 2011 New Vision—The Exhibition of Influential Artworks of Shanghai and Tianjin ႇ͖ሒͻֶ࡙úúʽ๒ͻֶ࡙ 2012 The Group Exhibition of Artworks of Famous Chinese Artistsڎࣲे̽   ࣲඵܛгၷúú ʽ๒ழඵܛܸ࡙ 2013 Contemporary Life: Aspirations in Ink and Wash—The 2nd “Reconstructiong Oriental Beauty” Painting Exhibition ႇ࡙὆᜵ိྥ὇ܛඵ̽ेڎ˗úúڎ˗ࣲ ᓨష  Held solo exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Hefei, Hong .ࣲழ᜽ጳúúʽ๒njܹษᎿషድֶ࡙ Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Seoul (Korea) and Tokyo (Japan) ,etc  Րࠒᓨషͻֶᐏ࡙ڎ˗ࣲ  Collection of Chen Jialing’s Artworks, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2007.  ࣲဘ̽ၷำeඵܛॷӿúúኄ̄ࡓ᧘܈ˌவᎿႇ࡙ Collection of Chinese Modern Masters: Chen Jialing, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009. .nj The Collection of Chen Jialing’s Painting, Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2012ڹӒ̛njʽ๒nj౓ࢷnjࣹࢷnj᜵߷njՌᐪnjᯮມnjԼӒὊ̿ԣழҫښ .ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿Ǎ Art: The Keyword of Life, Shanghai Brilliant Publishing House, 2013ڡᯫ࠷njெవˌ̛኎ڎ᭾

ǒᬈࠒงͻֶᬷǓὊ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ᤃဘ̽ՐࠒႇᬷeᬈࠒงǓὊ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ ǒᬈࠒงႇᬷǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒᓨష௧ၷ֑ᄊࠛᆊǓὊʽ๒᩽ፖ஡ቦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 107 ⤞㾡㝊 Bu Xinnong

 ࣲ  థၷὊๆ෈๒ᄢ̡Ǎ Born in Apr. 1938 as a native of Haiyan, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now .Ꮏషߦᬓ὇෴ႇጇὊ͊ᐌʽ๒ China Academy of Art) in 1963 and served in Shanghai Museum of Natural Historyڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓ὆ဘ  ᒭཀྵӰྭᯞǍ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 1984. Served as a professor, the vice-dean of the Oil Painting Department, the vice-president  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊෴ႇጇҞ˟͊njஔ૿njҞᬓ᫂nj and the president of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee of Fine Arts College in ᬓߦͯកࠀނր͘˟ࣞǍ Shanghai University.

Current member of Chinese Artists Association, vice-president of Shanghai Yan Wenliang’s Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րὊʽ๒ᮨ஡ῥᓨషΨᤉ͘Ҟ᫂͘Ǎڎ˗ဘ͊ Art Promotional Association.

ևࣲᎿష࡙ 1979 The Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of PRC  ڎࣲࣼᇷथ  1990 Los Angeles Art Show (United States) ὇ڎᬅᓨషӰ᜿͘὆Ꮏڎࣲวూᆄ  1992 The Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art and ण߷஡ᓨऐេ͘ʽᄊᝯភǓԧ᛫  և Literatureښࣲጢঐඐ˟ࣞǒ  ࣲᎿ࡙ 1993 The 3rd National Sports Art Exhibition 1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ᐲᎿ࡙ʹڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ  1995 Solo Exhibition of Bu Xinnong’s Oil Paintings (Japan) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  ࣲ൦ൕк෴ႇͻֶ˔࡙὆ெవ὇ 2006 View and Feeling—Exhibition of China Small-sized Oil Paintings  2006 Review and Prospective—The Exhibition of 20 Years’ Gouache of Shanghai ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶܸ࡙  2008 Solo Exhibition of Bu Xinnong’s Oil Paintings ࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙ 2009 The Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of PRCڎࣲ᮳ఀe᮳ৱúúЛ  ᅉˁҒᅳúúʽ๒ዠႇ̄ӡࣲͻֶ࡙ 2010 Chirography—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibitionڀࣲ  2011 Intuition—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition ࣲ൦ൕк෴ႇͻֶ˔࡙  2013 Face—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition ևࣲᎿష࡙  ڎࣲࣼᇷथ   ࣲቸᤜ᮪᮪ʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙ Shanghai Artists’ Works Collection: Bu Xinnong, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 2006. Steps for Sketches: Figures and Scenery, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2011.  ࣲᄰᝀúúʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙  ࣲ᭧ߘúúʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙

ǒʽ๒Ꮏషࠒႇःe൦ൕкǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒᤴи᫽೙὘̡ྭˁ᮳ఀǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

108 㲧㧒⼸ Tang Ruihe

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Dec. 1938 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China .ጇǍ Academy of Art) in 1965܈Ꮏషߦᬓ὇ᬿڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓ὆ဘ   ࣲ˗ܽᎿషߦᬓᬿ܈ጇᆑቃၷඌˊὊᖍᆰܣߦͯǍ Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a Master’s Degree in 1981.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊ᬿ܈ጇ˟͊njஔ૿Ǎ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1985. Served as a professor and the dean of the Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of .րǍ Shanghai Universityނ͘ނᓨ܈Ꮏషࠒө͘ᬿڎ˗ఢ͊

Former committee member of Sculpture Art Committee of the Chinese Artists .Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ AssociationڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  తᰴݒ὇܈ࣲʽ๒ᯫࡓ஡ᓨѹͻ̄኎ݒ὆ᬿ  1985 The 6th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prize) ὇ڎࣲʽܸᎿᬓᡎᎿᓨషͻֶ࡙὆Ꮏ  1985 The 1st Literary and Art Creation of Shanghai (2nd Prize) (ࣲʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᎿషͻֶ࡙὆ெవ὇ 1986 The Exhibition of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University (United States  (ᬅࣱࣲ֗Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1987 The Exhibition of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University (Japanڎࣲʽ๒  1987 Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition of “The Year of Peace” Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition Ꮏ࡙὆ᨷݒ὇ 1991 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of CPC (BronzeڎС̗Зੇቡ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  (С̗Зੇቡ  ևࣲʽ๒Ꮏష࡙᜿὆̄኎ݒ὇ Prizeڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  1991 Shanghai Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of CPC (2nd ᬅ̔ืႇ࡙὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ڎڎ˗ࣲʽ๒eܸ᫶थ̔  ևࣲ  Prize) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1992 Shanghai—Osaka Sister Cities International Art Exhibition for the 20thڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  (ᓨషႍՐ̡ͻֶ࡙ᇨ͘ጇѵܸ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relation (Excellence Awardڎ˗ࣲ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ᓨషͻֶ࡙܈ᩩ᳋ᬿסࣲ  1994 The Exhibition of Artworks by Famous Artists of China (Excellence Award) ࣲˇႍӨ̡ᓨషܸݒᠿ὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ 1995 Solo Exhibition of Tang Ruihe’s Sculpture  (὇ 1998 Grand Art Contest of Chinese around the World (Excellence Awardڎᬅᬿ҉̔ื࡙὆᭾ڎࣲ  1999 International Sculpture Exchange Exhibition (Korea) Ꮏ࡙ڎС̗ЗथЗ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  2001 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CPC  ࣲ௣Өሗࠄúú˗ܽᎿషߦᬓ  ጟᆑቃၷੇ౧࡙͘ 2005 The Progression of Seasons—Achievement Exhibition for the 1978 Graduate Students of China Central Academy of Fine Arts ǒ̡ྭᬿ܈ѹͻˁ੿ขǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Creation and Techniques of Figure Sculpture, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2002.

㞧ᱜუキϸ 109 䅕 Wang Jieyinڣ㶖

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Jan. 1941 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from Shanghai Art School in 1966.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣǍ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1983.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊෴ႇጇஔ૿Ǎ Served as a professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Former vice-president of Shanghai Artists Association. ఢ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞǍ Current counselor of Shanghai Artists Association. ဘ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ᮏ᫈Ǎ 1994 The 12th National Exhibition of Print Works (Gold Prize) 2000 20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibition (ႇͻֶ࡙᜿὆᧛ݒ὇ 2001 National Exhibition of Chinese Small Oil Paintings (Arts Awardྠڎࣲኄӡ̄ࡓЛ  ෴ႇ࡙ 2003 The 3th Chinese Elabovate Oil Paintings Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ ˇጢ  2003 New Expressionism Oil Panting of Chinese Masters ࠵ࣨ෴ႇͻֶܸ࡙὆ᓨషݒ὇ڎ˗ࣲ  2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) ෴ႇ࡙ድᤥͻֶ࡙ 2005 History of River—The Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in New Eraڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓ  ழ᛫ဘЦ៶෴ႇՐࠒᥙឰ࡙ 2005 Alien and Illusionڎ˗ࣲႊᇸúú  2006 Shanghai Abstract Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒݒ὇ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2007 Arte Chino—Institut Valencia D’ Art Modern (Spain) (ᮏ࡙ 2008 China Blue—Swedish Cultural Festival (Swedenڀ෴ႇڎ˗ࣲܸෲʽʾúúழ௑ర   ࣲपॎˁࣶਇ 2010 The 7th International Ink Art Biennale of Shenzhen 2012 The Picturesque China—Developing Chinese Fine Art in the New Century  ࣲʽ๒ચ៶ᓨషܸ࡙ 2013 The 9th Florence Biennial (Italy) ὆᜵ိྥ὇ 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijingڎ˗ࣲ ᓨష  ᗰúú၌Ч஡ӑᓬ὆၌Ч὇ڎ˗ ࣲ  The View of Spirit: 2007 Exhibition of Wang Jieyin’s Artworks, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing ԥࣲ࡙ܛᬅඵڎڢࣲ ኄʹࡓງ  House, 2007. Ꮏషڎ˗ࣲ ᩽ፖ˗Өúúᛡᤉ˗ᄊழˇጢ   ࣲ ኄ˵ࡓͺᎭ͠ᖼԥࣲ࡙὆ਓܸѾ὇  ࣲ ʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙

ǒድᇸᄊ᮳ఀ὘ ဍ࢐ᮃͻֶ࡙ǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

110 䂏䎞㾣 Yang Zhengxin

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Dec. 1942 as a native of Shanghai.

Taught by Mr. Jiang Hanting since 1958.  ࣲ઱࣎෈ࠟඹЏၷǍ Graduated from Shanghai Arts School and served as a painter at Chinese Painting Institute .ႇ of Shanghai in 1965ڎ˗ႇጇ὆వሙ὇Ὂ͊ʽ๒ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ  Served as an adjunct professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ᬓႇ࣎Ǎ

ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Former director of Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Current member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Shanghai Artists Association, painter of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, the Deputy Director of Siyuan ఢ͊ʽ๒˺ႇᬓᬓ᫂Ǎ Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University, National Class I Artist. ႇᬓڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒ڎ˗ဘ͊ ࠒʷጟᎿష࣎Ǎ 1980 The 5th National Art Exhibitionڎႇ࣎njʽ๒̔ᤰܸߦনᤊ˺ႇᆑቃਫ਼Ҟਫ਼᫂nj 1982 The Shanghai Art Exhibition 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1984 Awarded the 2nd Prize of Shanghai Literature and Artڎࣲኄ̋ࡓЛ  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1985 Shanghai Art Exhibition  1986 The 1st China Shanghai and Japan Showa Friendly Exchanges Joint Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  (Japan) (ࣲʽ๒஡ߦᓨష̄኎ݒ 1988 China Cup Chinese Painting Grand Contest (Excellence Award  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition  1992 Beijing and Shanghai—The Modern Art from China (Germany) ࣲெవ௦֗Ꮏష͘ͻֶᐏ࡙὆ெవ὇  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ႇܸݒᠿ὆Έͻݒ὇ 1996 The Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting (Excellenceڎ˗ࣲ˗Ө౔  (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ AwardڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition ὇ڎᄊဘ̽ᓨష὆ॴڎ˗ࣲӒ̛njʽ๒úú౏ᒭ  2001 The Exhibition of 100 Years’ Chinese Paintings Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2002 The Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art andڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  ᗃՐᔉᲚႇࠒͻֶ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ Literature̽ेڎ˗ࣲ  2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Jury Award) ႇܸ࡙ 2007 The 4th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲᄈࣲ  ण߷஡ᓨऐេ͘ʽᄊᝯភǓԧ᛫  և 2008 2008 Art China—Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Paintingsښࣲጢঐඐ˟ࣞǒ  (Spain) ࣲᎿ࡙ Held solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo (Japan), etc. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  .ݒ὇ Selected Paintings of Yang Zhengxin, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1990ނࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ក  Series of Artists of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai: Yang Zhengxin, Shanghai Pictorial ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙پࣲኄ  Publishing House, 1998. ,ႇ࡙὆᜵ိྥ὇ Collection of Chinese Modern Masters: Yang Zhengxin, People’s Fine Arts Publishing Houseܛඵ̽ेڎ˗úúڎ˗ࣲ ᓨష  .ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿Ǎ 2012ڡnjெవˌ̛኎ڹʽ๒njᯮມὊ̿ԣழҫښ

ǒ౐൤ழႇᤥǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ႇᬓႇࠒͻֶˋ˺e౐൤ழǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒʽ๒ ᤃဘ̽Րࠒႇᬷúú౐൤ழǓὊ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 111 㒉㡕㛟 Ling Qining

ࢶὊᇲዚๆ෈ຬࢷǍ Born in Mar. 1943 in Sichuan Province, with ancestral home in Huzhou, Zhejiangپࣲ  థၷ̆  Province.

 ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ෴ႇጇࣳ႑ಣ͊ஔǍ Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shanghai Art School in 1965 and served  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊෴ႇጇ˟͊njஔ૿Ǎ as a teacher of the school. Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1983. Served as a professor and the dean of the Oil Painting Department in Shanghai University. ఢ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘࣢Ҭေ̃Ǎ .෴ႇߦ͘ေ̃njʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ Former standing council member of Shanghai Artists Associationڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ Current member of China Artists Association, council member of China Oil Painting ෴ႇᓨނ͘ނրnjʽ๒࣊෴ႇᬿ܈ᬓྲᐐᓨషࠒǍ Society, committee member of the Oil Painting Art Committee of Shanghai Artists Association, distinguished artist of Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᨷݒ὇ڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition (Bronze Prize) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 1994 The 2nd National Oil Painting Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓ  ෴ႇߦ࡙͘ 1996 The 1st Chinese Oil Painting Society Group Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  2000 20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲ ˇጢ  2003 The 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2005 History of River—The Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in New EraڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Jury Award) ᮏ࡙ڀ෴ႇڎ˗ࣲܸෲʽʾúúழ௑ర  2006 Tranquil Forest—Solo Exhibition of Ling Qining ݒ὇ 2006 Research and Exceed—National Exhibition of Chinese Small Oil Paintings (Artsނࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ក   ࣲৣཀྵ౤ᫎúúђթ߱˔̡࡙᜿ Award) 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition ࠵ࣨ෴ႇͻֶܸ࡙὆ᓨషݒ὇ڎ˗ࣲᆑቃˁᡔᡕúú  2010 Centennial Celebration of Women in the Art World Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2011 Serenity · Conception—Exhibition of Artworks by Wang Jieyin, Ling Qining andڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  ࣲᄈࣲ·ݙভúú˗ܱݙᓨషࠒͻֶᥙឰ࡙ Zha Guojun  2012 On Canvas · Freehand—Invitation Exhibition of Famous Shanghai Oil Painters ᨇͻֶ࡙ڎ὘ဍ࢐ᮃnjђթ߱njಊܒ·ࣲ᭢  2013 The Exhibition of Oil Paintings by 5 Famous Artists of Shanghai  ࣲ౶ʽ·иਓúú๒ʽ෴ႇՐࠒᥙឰ࡙ 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing  ࣲ๒ึ෴ႇՐࠒ̡࡙̋ The Collection of Ling Qining’s Painting, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 1995.  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙

ǒђթ߱ႇᬷǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

112 ⫘㘘⭣ Dai Mingde

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚๆ෈๒߱Ǎ Born in Apr. 1943 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Haining, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from Shanghai Art School in 1966.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣǍ Taught at the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Shanghai Art School since 1977. .ႇጇǍ Served as a professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1983ڎ˗ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒࣊Ꮏషߦಣ  ႇጇὊ͊ஔ૿Ǎڎ˗ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  Current member of China Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association. Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ǎڎ˗ဘ͊ 1963 Graduation Exhibition of Artworks by Students of the Preparatory Course of Shanghai Art School  ࣲʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣᮕሙߦၷඌˊලઑ࡙᜿͘ 1986 The Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting (Denmark) ፋႇᓨష࡙὆˝᳡὇ 1987 Exhibition of Painting Collections at College of Fine Arts in Shanghai Universityڎ˗ࣲ  (Japan)  ࣲʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᘩႇ࡙὆ெవ὇ 1993 The 3rd National Sports Art Exhibition ᐲᎿ࡙ 1999 Awarded Prize of the US Freeman Foundation and held solo exhibition (UnitedʹڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ  (SFFNBO'PVOEBUJPO ᓨష۳᧛ܸ͘ݒÿὊˡ States' ڎࣲᕦᖍþᎿ  2003 Cool Air in July—Post-SARS Artistic Utterance ὇ڎҩ˔̡࡙᜿὆Ꮏ     2004 Exhibition of Chinese Paintings by Nine Teachers of the Academies of Fine Arts  ࣲʹథຍѐúúþՑ᭤Чÿ௑రᄊᓨషភឦ 2008 Art China—Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Paintings (Spain) ႇጇஔ࣎ͻֶ࡙ 2009 Exhibition of Chinese Paintings by the Teachers of the Traditional Chinese PaintingڎᎿᬓܸ˵ڎࣲЛ  Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University ႇ࡙὆᜵ိྥ὇ܛඵ̽ेڎ˗úúڎ˗ࣲ ᓨష  2011 Representation of Ink and Water—World Exhibition Tour of Contemporary Ink (.ႇጇஔ࣎ͻֶ࡙ Painting (United States, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, etcڎ˗ࣲʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  (njெవnj 2011 Art Gather in Singapore-China Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition (Singaporeڎnjॴڎᓨషˇႍࢸ࡙὆Ꮏܛгဘúúे̽ඵܛࣲඵ  2012 Crisscrossed Ink Painting—Shanghai New Ink Painting njᯱ౏᜵̎኎὇ڹழҫ    2012 Painting Exhibition of Chinese Opera Figures ὇ 2013 2013 Chinese Opera Figure Painting Exhibitionڹᓨష࡙὆ழҫܛඵ̽ेڎ˗ࣲᓨල࿚ۢúú   ࣲඵܛጫഷúú ʽ๒ழඵܛܸ࡙ A Guide to Fine Line and Freehand-style Figure Painting, Tomorrow Publishing House, 1992. ੆జ̡ྭႇ࡙ڎ˗иਓúúܛࣲዠ  Skills of Freehand Line Drawing Figure, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 1995. ੆జ̡ྭႇࣲ࡙ Series of Contemporary Artists of Chinese Painting: Dai Mingde, Tianjin People’s Fine Artsڎ˗ ࣲ  Publishing House, 1997. Shanghai Artists’ Works Collection: Dai Mingde, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 2005. ǒটನႇࢺቸnjਓቸ̡ྭǓὊ௚ܹѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒਓቸᄇଡ̡ྭႇ੿ขǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ႇࠒጇѵ·ਖ਼௚ॴႇᬷǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎǒे̽ ǒʽ๒Ꮏషࠒႇः·ਖ਼௚ॴǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 113 ㆑ギⳃ Jin Jifa

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Bron in Apr. 1943 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Technical Secondary of Shanghai Art School in 1961.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ˗˄ᦊǍ Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shanghai Art School in 1965.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ෴ႇጇǍ Taught at the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1984.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊෴ႇጇஔ૿Ǎ Served as a professor at the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րὊʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ǎڎ˗ဘ͊ Current member of Chinese Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association. ण߷஡ᓨऐេ͘ʽᄊᝯភǓԧ᛫  ևࣲښࣲ ጢঐඐ˟ࣞǒ     Ꮏ࡙ 1992 The Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art and Literature  ࣲ ʽ๒๒ࣱጳፋႇᬿ܈ᐏ࡙ 1992 92 Sea Level: Paintings and Sculpture Exhibition of Shanghai ෴ႇ࡙ 1994 The 2nd National Oil Painting Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1994 The 8th National Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1995 Solo Exhibition of Jin Jifa’s Oil Paintings  ࣲ᧛ጢԧ෴ႇ࡙὆ᯮມ὇ 1997 Contemporary Oil Painting Art Display of the Chinese Great Exhibition ᓨషܸ࡙úúे̽෴ႇᓨష࡙ 1998 Exhibition of Artwork by 100 Shanghai Artistsڎ˗ࣲ  ࣲʽ๒ᄈࠒᓨషድֶ࡙ 2000 Solo Exhibition of Jin Jifa’s Oil Paintings  2003 The 3rd Oil Painting Exhibition of China  ࣲ᧛ጢԧ෴ႇ࡙ 2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition .෴ႇ࡙ Held solo exhibitions in Singapore, etcڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓ   ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ Painting of Jin Jifa, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2000. ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿Ǎڡ኎ڹழҫښ

ǒ᧛ጢԧ෴ႇᬷǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

114 䍦㞁⪂ Zhang Peichu

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚ෈ᔚ̲ܺǍ Born in Jan. 1944 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Taicang, Province.

Enrolled in the Figure Painting Major (undergraduate course) of the Traditional Chinese .ႇጇ̡ྭሙ὆వሙ὇Ǎ Painting Department of Shanghai Art School in 1960ڎ˗ࣲࡃ឴̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ   ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒੆қߦᬓᎿషጇnjᓂԼᎿషጇὊઞ͊ፋႇஔᆑࠉ Taught at the Stage Design Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy since 1978, served as head of the Painting Teaching and Research Section. ˟͊Ǎ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1994. ႇጇ˟͊njஔ૿njҞᬓ᫂Ǎ Served as a professor and the dean of the Traditional Chinese Painting Department, theڎࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊  vice-president of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ఢ͊ʽ๒Ꮏషࠒө͘࣢Ҭေ̃Ǎ Former standing council member of Shanghai Artists Association. ͘Ҟ˟͊nj Current member of Chinese Artists Association, deputy director of Traditional Chineseނႇᓨڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ڎ˗ဘ͊ ႇᬓЪᐌႇ࣎njʽ๒ඟᄪ˺ႇᬓҞᬓ᫂njʽ๒஡Ծᆑቃᯞ Painting Art committee of Shanghai Artists Association, part-time painter of Chineseڎ˗ʽ๒ Painting Institute of Shanghai, the vice-president of Shanghai Democratic League Painting ᯞրnjʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓඵܛᎆࢺͻࠉ˟͊njՏเܸߦࠇऐஔ૿nj and Calligraphy, member of Shanghai Research Institute of Culture and History, the Өˌ஋ขܸߦࠇऐஔ૿Ǎ director of Ink Wash Lot Painting Studio at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University, visiting professor of Tongji University and East China University of Political Science and Law. ࣲኄʼࡓЛйᎿ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 

(ႇ࡙᜿ 1964 The 3rd Military Art Exhibition (Excellence Awardڎ˗ᤌဗႇnjڎࣲЛ   ࣲЛй  ևࣲᎿ࡙ 1973 The National Comic Strip and Chinese Painting Exhibition 1977 The Military Art Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of PLA ὇ڎࣲस۲ᆩnjस۲ੇЌष࡙὆ॴ  1994 Joint Exhibition of Brother Zhang Peichu and Zhang Peicheng (Germany) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibitionڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  ᎆúúस۲ᆩ࣎ၷͻֶ࡙ 2003 Ink Wash Lot—Exhibition of Works by Zhang Peichu and His Studentsܛࣲඵ  2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition—Shanghai (Arts Award) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ʽ๒࡙὆ᓨషݒ὇ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2008 2008 Shanghai Figure Ink Painting Exhibition  ࣲ ʽ๒ඵܛ̡ྭႇᓨష࡙ 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition (Award Nomination) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᖍݒଢՐ὇ 2009 Red Memory—Invitation Exhibition of Military Artists from PLAڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  2012 North-South Dialogue—Achievement Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artists й஻ႇࠒᥙڎ˗ᄊڳᬅႇڎࣲጚᓤᝮॺúṵ́ण߷ᡌՔ  Creation    ឰ࡙ 2012 Artwork Exchanges—Group Exhibition of the Ink Wash Lot Painting Studio of the ႇࠒѹͻੇࡃ࡙ Fine Arts College of Shanghai University, and the Figure Painting Studio at the̽ेڎ˗ࣲӯӒࠫភúú  Traditional Chinese Painting Department of China Academy of Art Ꮏషڎ˗ᎆࢺͻࠉnjܛࣲ ࠫႇúúʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓඵ  2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing ႇጇ̡ྭႇࢺͻࠉᐏ࡙ 2013 Art Invitation Exhibition for the 10th Anniversary of Ink Wash Lot Paintingڎߦᬓ  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙ Studio  ࣲඵܛᎆӡࣲúúʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓඵܛᎆࢺͻࠉᓨష Sketch of Zhang Peichu, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2007. ᥙឰ࡙ Classic Style—Contemporary Chinese Core Artists Collection: Zhang Peichu, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2013. ǒस۲ᆩᤴиǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ಩ॷႇࠒͻֶᬷeस۲ᆩǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿ̽ेڎ˗ǒፃЧ᮳ᔵúú షѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 115 㤒㧑㘕 Qiu Ruimin

 ࣲၷ̆ʽ๒ὊᇲዚሉथᴝࡸǍ Born in 1944 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Longyan, Fujian Province.

Graduated from the Technical Secondary School of Shanghai Art School in 1961.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ˗˄ᦊǍ Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shanghai Arts Junior School in 1965.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊Ꮏష˄ሙߦಣ෴ႇጇǍ Served as visiting scholar at Pratt Institute in New York from 1986 to 1987 and 1988 to 1990. ጱጞ௿ઢྲߦᬓ᝻᫈ߦᏨǍڎú ࣲnjúࣲᫎὊ͊Ꮏ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1999.  ࣲᡑ͊ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᬓ᫂njஔ૿Ǎ Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College, the president of Fine Arts ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓߦషނր͘˟͊njஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ College, the director of the Academic Board of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Former the 5th and 6th vice-president of Shanghai Artists Association. ఢ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ኄ̋njኄОࡓҞ˟ࣞǍ Current counselor of Shanghai Artists Association, the vice-chairman of the U.S. Branch of ဘ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ᮏ᫈njʽ๒ൗᎿՏߦ͘႑ᎿѬ͘Ҟ᫂͘Ǎ Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association.

1974 The 5th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1976 The National Artworks Exhibitionڎࣲኄ̋ࡓЛ  (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1986 Solo exhibition at Jeder el Gallery in New York (United StatesڎࣲЛ  1993 The Annual Oil Painting Exhibition of China (Bronze Prize) ὇ڎጱጞౕ̽࠷ႇचˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿὆ᎿڎࣲᎿ  1998 Review of the Century—Exhibition of Oil Painting Classics in China (෴ႇࣲ࡙὆ᨷݒ὇ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prizeڎ˗ࣲ  ෴ႇፃЧ࡙ 2000 20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibitionڎ˗ᅉúúڀࣲˇጢ  2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  2010 The National Outstanding Artworks Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijingڎ˗ࣲ ˇጢ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  Collection of Qiu Ruimin’s Sketch and Drawing, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2005. ሒᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿͖ڎࣲЛ  Selected Oil Paintings of Qiu Ruimin, Shanghai Education Publishing House, 2006.  ࣲ ʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙

ǒ᥮၌ஐጉଡᤴиᬷǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒ᥮၌ஐ෴ႇᤥǓὊʽ๒ஔᐲѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

116 ⼌ 㯗 Han Shuo

 ࣲ  థၷὊๆ෈౓ࢷ̡Ǎ Born in Jul. 1945 as a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department at Fine Arts College of .ႇጇǍ Shanghai University in 1986ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Served as and adjunct professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Former council member of China Artists Association, standing council member of Shanghai Artists Association, vice-president of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, chief ڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃njʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘࣢Ҭေ̃njʽ๒ڎ˗ఢ͊ ႇᬓҞᬓ᫂nj࠶ࣲЈቨѣྠᇫ঴ᎄǍ editor of Juvenile and Children's Publishing House. Current committee member of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of China Artists ႇڎ˗րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ނ͘ނႇᓨڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘ڎ˗ဘ͊ Association, director of Traditional Chinese Painting Art Committee of Shanghai Artists ր͘˟͊nj Association, vice-chairman of Chinese Painting Institute, Director of Art Committeeނႇᬓᓨషڎ˗ႇߦ͘Ҟ᫂͘njʽ๒ڎ˗͘˟͊njނᓨ Ҭᬓᮒ of Shanghai Institute of Chinese Painting, the adjunct professor of Shanghai NormalڎࠒʷጟᎿష࣎Ὂ̚Ԫڎʽ๒࣎ᔵܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿nj University, National Class I Artist. ԧᄊቊѣ᠈࿹஋ऊྲ൴ษ᠛Ǎ Received the Special Government Allowances of the State Council.

(᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆̄኎ݒ὇ 1981 The 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition (2nd Prizeڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  1984 The 6th National Artworks Exhibition (Excellent Work Prize) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆Έͻݒ὇ڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ 1984 Awarded the 2nd Prize of Shanghai Literature and ArtڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  ࣲᕦᖍþᯫࡓʽ๒஡ߦᓨషݒ὆̄኎ݒ὇ÿ 1986 Sea Level—The 1st Paintings Exhibition of Shanghai  1994 Sea Level—The 6th Paintings Exhibition of Shanghai  ࣲᯫࡓʽ๒๒ࣱጳፋႇᐏ࡙ 1998 Exhibition of Artwork by 100 Shanghai Artists  ࣲኄОࡓʽ๒๒ࣱጳፋႇᐏ࡙ 1999 Wonder of Times—The Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary (ࣲʽ๒ᄈࠒᓨషድֶ࡙ of Liberation of Shanghai (1st Prize  1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition (Gold Prize) ࣲ௑̽᮳᧔úúࣼᇷʽ๒ᝍஊ  ևࣲᎿషͻֶ࡙὆ʷ኎ݒ὇  2001 The National Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CPC (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆᧛ݒ὇ (Excellence Awardڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  Ꮏ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 2001 Shanghai Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CPC (2ndڎС̗ЗथЗ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  Prize) С̗ЗथЗ  ևࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆̄኎ݒ὇ڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  2002 Awarded the 5th Shanghai Literature and Art Excellent Achievements Prize ࣲᕦᖍþኄ̋ࡓʽ๒஡ߦᓨష͖ሒੇ౧ݒÿ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2009 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the ArtworksڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  Featuring National Significant Historical Themes ࠒ᧘ܸԋԾᮥెᎿషѹͻࢺሮͻֶ࡙ڎࣲ  2011 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworks  ࣲʽ๒ԋԾ஡ᑢᎿషѹͻࢺሮੇ౧࡙ Featuring Shanghai’s Historical and Cultural Development

Series of Artists of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai: Han Shuo, Shanghai Pictorial ႇᬓႇࠒͻֶˋ˺e᭾ᆰǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒʽ๒ Publishing House, 1998. .ஆᘩѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Peaceful Harbor: Paintings of Han Shuo, China Collection Publishing House, 2001ڎ˗ǒ߱᭢ᄊມາúú᭾ᆰǓὊ ǒᡌᤃႇࠒúú᭾ᆰǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Approaching Artists: Han Shuo, Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004.

㞧ᱜუキϸ 117 㔞䐟㸥 Lu Zhiwen

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚ෈ᔚᔚࢷǍ Born in Feb. 1946 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in , Jiangsu Province.

Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of .ႇጇǍ Shanghai University in 1986ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  .ႇጇஔ૿Ǎ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1986ڎ˗ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊  Served as a professor of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

ဘ͊ʽ๒Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒፯ฯႇᬓᬓ᫂Ǎ Current member of Shanghai Artists Association, director of the Oasis Painting Academy of Shanghai.  ࣲᬆঃ஡ႇ࡙ 1989 Solo Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen ᮳ႇ࡙ 1992 Chinese-Style Paintings Exhibition of Lu Zhiwenڎ˗ࣲᬆঃ஡   ࣲᬆঃ஡ൗᛡႇ࡙ 2001 Solo Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen’s Paintings about Europe 2004 Shanghai Gate and European Style—Art Exhibition  ࣲᆃः᫃eൗᎭࣅ᮳ৱ 2005 Solo Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen’s Paintings about Shanghai and Europe ࣲʷ˔ႇࠒቸʾᄊʽ๒֗ൗฯ࡙ 2005 Marine Style—Solo Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen   ࣲ๒ʽ᮳ৱúúᬆঃ஡ႇ࡙ 2009 A Century over the Sea: Former Residences of Celebrities of Jing’an—Solo Art Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen’s Paintings  ࣲˇጢ๒ʽúúᬆঃ஡ቸʾᄊ᭢߷Ր̡஌ࡐႇ࡙ 2009 Solo Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen’s Paintings about Europe  ࣲᬆঃ஡ൗᛡႇ࡙ 2009 Former Residences of the Historical Celebrities in Shanghai  ࣲʽ๒Ր̡஌ࡐႇ࡙ 2011 Life Like Summer Flowers—New Ink and Color Painting Exhibition of Lu Zhiwen 2012 Jin Li Si and European Style—The New Watercolours of Europe Series ႇ࡙ܛᔉúúᬆঃ஡ழ॑ܮࣲၷݠ 

 ࣲ᩽ˠளeൗᎭࣅ᮳ৱúúᬆঃ஡ൗᛡጇѵፋႇழͻ࡙ The Collection of Lu Zhiwen’s Painting, Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1998. Collection of Former Residences of the Historical Celebrities in Shanghai, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009. ǒᬆঃ஡ႇᬷǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒʽ๒Ր̡஌ࡐႇᬷǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

118 㶖㗰㡇 Wang Mengqi

 ࣲ  థၷὊ෈ᔚ௄̡᩸Ǎ Born in Mar. 1947 as a native of , Jiangsu Province.

Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Nanjing University of the .ႇጇǍ Arts in 1977ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ӯ̛ᓨషߦᬓ  .ၷ࠮࣎Ǎ Transferred to Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 2000ܣႇጇஔ૿njӰڎࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊  Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

ႇᬓႇ࣎Ǎ Former director of the Chinese Painting Teaching and Research Section in Nanjingڢႇஔᆑࠉ˟͊Ὂࣹˌႇᬓnjງڎ˗ఢ͊ӯ̛ᓨషߦᬓ ႇߦ͘ѹ͘ University of the Arts, painter of Guangdong Painting Institute and Shenzhen Fine Artڎ˗ࠒႇᬓᆑቃրnjڎڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ Institute. ႇᬓႇ࣎njӯ̛ᓨషڎ˗ေ̃njʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘࣢Ҭေ̃njʽ๒ Current member of China Artists Association, Researcher at China National Academy of ࠒʷጟᎿష࣎Ǎ Painting, founding council member of Chinese Painting Institute, standing council memberڎߦᬓࠇऐஔ૿njᯮມ๓ܸ͘ߦ᜽ᝀᓨషᬓࠇऐஔ૿nj of Shanghai Artists Association, painter of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, visiting professor in Nanjing University of the Arts, visiting professor at Academy of Visual Arts in ႇ࡙᜿ڎ˗ᤌဗႇnjڎࣲЛ  Hong Kong Baptist University, National Class I Artist. ᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1973 The National Exhibition of Comic Strip and Chinese PaintingڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  1980 The 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition ழ஡̡ႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1989 The 1st Exhibition of China new literati paintingڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  ὇ 1994 The 8th National Art ExhibitionڎӢࣲ஡௚ᓨష࡙὆Ꮏ̋ڎ˗ࣲ  1998 China: 5,000 Years, Innovation and Transformation in the Arts (United States) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒݒ὇ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) С̗ЗथЗ  ևࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆̄኎ݒ὇ 2001 Shanghai Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CPC (2ndڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  (Ꮏషᯞथᯞ  ևࣲ࡙ Prizeڎ˗ࣲनஊᄊ௑̽úú  2003 The Open Times—Exhibition in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the ႇͻֶ࡙ڎ˗ࣲဍߡ݉  National Art Museum of China Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2007 Solo Exhibition of Wang Mengqi’s Chinese PaintingsڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ   ࣲႇ˨ܸᬥúúဍߡ݉ழͻ࡙ 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition 2011 The Great Hermit of Painting—Solo Exhibition of Wang Mengqi’s New Artworks ࠒႇᬓᎿషͻֶ࡙ڎڎ˗ࣲᓨషeፃЧúú  2012 Art · Classics—Art Collections of China National Academy of Painting ႇͻֶ࡙ 2013 Old Acquaintances from My Paintbrush—Solo Exhibition of Wang Mengqi’s Newڎ˗ࣲቸअைᄱគúúဍߡ݉   ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙ Artworks 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing

.ǒழ஡̡ႇࠒͻֶᬷ὘ဍߡ݉ԄǓὊෲӒஔᐲѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Collection of New Literati Painters: Volume of Wang Mengqi, Hebei Education Press, 1996 ǒဍߡ݉ႇᬷǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The Collection of Wang Mengqi’s Painting, Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2001. Paintings of Figure Painter : Wang Mengqi, Heinan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004. ǒ̡ྭႇࠒ࠵ֶeဍߡ݉ǓὊෲӯᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Series of Great Talents: Wang Mengqi, Hebei Education Press, 2004. úúဍߡ݉ǓὊෲӒஔᐲѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ˺ˋǒܸ٨

㞧ᱜუキϸ 119 㝬䄌⥞ Pan Yaochang

 ࣲ  థၷὊࣹˌழ̡͘Ǎ Born in May. 1947 as a native of Xinhui, Guangdong Province.

Graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (Now China Academy of Art) in 1981, Ꮏషߦᬓ὇ࣳ႑ಣ͊ஔὊԠˁ served as a teacher of the Academy and participated in preparing for establishment of theڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓ὆ဘ  ኢथԾ᝷ጇǍ Department of Art History and Theory. Graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts with a Master’s Degree in 1985.  ࣲๆ෈ᎿషߦᬓᆑቃၷඌˊὊᖍᆰܣߦͯǍ Served as a visiting scholar of University of California, Berkeley from 1988 to 1990. .ҫࢷܸߦͤБѾѬಣ᝻᫈ߦᏨǍ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1998ڎࣲᒰ  ࣲὊ͊Ꮏ  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊۳ᆩᦊ˟͊ὊኢथᎿషԾ᝷ጇǍ Served as the director of the Department of Fundamental Course, and participated in  preparing for establishing the Art History Deparment. Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of the Art History Department at Fine Arts ,ր College, committee member of the Academic Degrees Committee of Shanghai Universityނրnjʽ๒ܸߦᐌሦͅᜇ֗ߦష᜻ᔵނր͘ނဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦߦͯ ͘ނրnjʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓԾ᝷ጇஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ committee member of Professional Title Arbitration and Academic Norms Committee of Shanghai University. րނᎿషߦᬓߦషnjߦͯڎ˗ᎿషߦᬓᎿషԾ᝷ጇ˟͊Ὂڎ˗ఢ͊

͘ނրЪᆑቃߦᦊҞ˟͊njǒᎿషઑǓѹѯ̡˨ʷnjҞ঴ᎄᣤὊๆ Former dean of the Department of Art History and Theory of China Academy of Art, ෈ᄵᎿషក᝷ᆑቃ͘Ҟ᫂͘Ǎ committee member of the Academic and Degree Committee and deputy director of the Research Department at China Academy of Art, one of the founders and former deputy ࠒᤃဘ̽Ꮏషᆑቃ˗ॷ chief editor of China Art Weekly, vice-director of Zhejiang Art Criticism and ResearchڎᎿషࠒө͘͘րnj஡ӑᦊᓨషՃڎ˗ဘ͊ .րnj໷ܹ࠯۳᧛͘͘րnjʽ๒౤᮳ᄿᆑቃ͘࣢Ҭေ̃nj Societyނր͘ނࠒ˄ Current member of China Artists Association, member of the Committee of Experts of  ࣲˇႍᎿషԾܸ͘὆$*)"὇ኢܬނր͘ނրnjǒᣯ๒Ǔᎄᣤ National Research Center for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Art Department of ᓨషሙߦþӡ̋ÿnjþӡʷ̋ÿ the Ministry of Culture, member of Pan Tianshou Foundation, standing council memberڎր͘Ѭሙ὆Ꮏష὇˟ᎄǍ˟ેЛނ ࠒ᧘གᮊᄬ of Shanghai Lin Fengmian Research Society, committee member of the Preparatoryڎࠒጟѣྠᮊᄬþӡ̄̋ÿڎࠒࣲएិᮥὊઞ͊ڎ᜻ѳ Committee for CIHA 2016, chief editor of the (Fine Arts) Branch of Ci Hai Editorial Ԅ୩ሽ̡ǍپᎿషԾǓኄڎ˗ǒ̄ӡˇጢ Committee. Carry the projects of the year for the 10th Five-year Plan and the 11th Five-year Plan ,for National Science of Art, the writer of Volume VI of the State level publishing project ڎ˗ࣲՌͻ୩иǒˇႍᎿషԾǓ὆సͤᬵ˟ᎄ὇ᕦᖍþᯫࡓ  Chinese Art History in the 20th Century, one of the key State projects of the 12th Five-year ݒᨷݒÿ˺ڏሒᎿష͖ Plan.  ࣲþ౏ᒭൗฯᄊ๗ৌÿ࡙᜿  ࣲᄰᝀúúʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙ 1991 The co-authored World History of Fine Arts (chief editor: Zhu Boxiong) won the Bronze Prize of the First Awards of China Excellent Books of Fine Arts ࣲ᭢ඵืງúúʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᏥஔ૿ͻֶᐏ࡙  2000 Message from the Europe—Art Exhibition ࣲื᧛ࡧథúúʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᏥஔ૿ͻֶᐏ࡙ 2011 Intuition—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition  2012 Still Waters Run Deep—Group Exhibition of Artworks by Old Professors of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University ᎿషஔᐲǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ ˇጢ 2014 Precious Times of the Past—Group Exhibition of Artworks by Old Professors of Ꮏషߦᬓѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Fine Arts College of Shanghai Universityڎ˗ᤃဘ̽ᎿషஔᐲԾǓὊڎ˗ǒ ᤃဘ̽ᎿషԾǓὊᄈࠒѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ The Fine Arts Eduction of China in 20th Century, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1999. .ඟܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ History of Modern Chinese Art Education, China Academy of Art Press, 2002̡ڎ˗ǒᡌѣࣅ᠅࠷὘ᚸՌ˗ᄊфቊǓὊ .ᎿషእԾǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The History of Chinese Modern Fine Arts, Baijia Publishing House, 2004ڎǒܱ :DONRXWRI%DEHOWKH)XVLRQLQWKH&RQÁLFW .ඵ॑ႇ᜺ঐԾǓὊʽ๒᩽ፖ஡ቦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ , China Renmin University Press, 2004ڎ˗ǒ The Brief History of Foreign Fine Arts, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005. ,ᏢឋѣྠǒᎿషԾᄊ۳వഐঐǓ὆Ӓ̛ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠ὇኎ The Conception History of Chinese Watercolor Painting, Shanghai Brilliant Publishing House ܳᦊܱ஡ᗃͻǍ 2013. Translated many academic books of foreign languages into Chinese, such as Principles of Art History, Peking University Press, 2011, etc.

120 㔍䐯㠞 Lu Zhiping

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚࣹˌழ͘Ǎ Born in Jun. 1947 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Xinhui, Guangdong Province.

Graduated from Art Design Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᎿష᝺ᝠጇǍ 1987.

Current committee member of the Printmaking Art Committee of China Artists րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘࣢Ҭေ̃ނ͘ނᎿషࠒө͘ྠႇᓨڎ˗ဘ͊ Association, standing director of Shanghai Artists Association, council member of the Ъྠႇᓨނ͘˟͊njʽ๒෴ႇᬿ܈ᬓႇ࣎njʽ๒ӧࡴྠႇࢺͻࠉᓨ Printmaking Art Committee of Shanghai Artists Association, artist of Shanghai Oil Painting ,ࠒʷጟᎿష࣎Ǎ and Sculpture Institute, artistic director of Shanghai Peninsula Printmaking Studioڎష˟ેnj National Class I Artist.

Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1984 The 6th National Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᨷݒ὇ 1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition (Bronze PrizeڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1991 Awarded the Bronze Prize of Shanghai Literature and Art Award ࣲᕦᖍþᯫࡓʽ๒஡ߦᓨషݒ὆ᨷݒ὇ÿ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1999 Shanghai Art Exhibition (1st PrizeڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆ʷ኎ݒ὇ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition  2000 Tokyo International Invitation Exhibition of Print Works (Japan) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  2001 Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Silver Prize) ᬅྠႇᥙឰ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibitionڎ̛ˌࣲ  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆ᩐݒ὇ 2005 The 17th National Exhibition of Print Works  2006 National Printmaking Invitation Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2007 Tokyo International Printmaking Exhibition (Japan) ႇͻֶ࡙᜿ 2007 The 18th National Exhibition of Print WorksྠڎࣲኄӡʹࡓЛ  (ႇᥙឰ࡙ 2008 Olympic Fine Arts 2008 (Beijing) (Bronze PrizeྠڎࣲЛ  2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition ᬅྠႇ࡙὆ெవ὇ڎ̛ˌࣲ  2009 13th International Printmaking Biennial in Taipei ႇͻֶ࡙᜿ 2010 Viewing City—2010 Shanghai International Printmaking ExhibitionྠڎࣲኄӡМࡓЛ  ,ࣲӒ̛ݘ౤ӜБᎿషܸ͘὆ᨷݒ὇ 2013 China: Freehand Brushwork—2013 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting  Calligraphy and Printmaking of the China National Academy of Painting Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  Held solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Tokyo (Japan) and South Carolina (United Stated), etc. ᬅྠႇԥࣲ࡙ڎࣲԼӒኄ  ࡓ  ,ᬅྠႇ࡙ Memoir of Famous Contemporary Chinese Print Artists: Lu Zhiping, Shanghai Publishing Houseڎࣲ᜺ۢúú ʽ๒  2004. ႇnj˺ขnjྠႇᥙڎࠒႇᬓڎڎ˗ úúڎ˗ࣲиਓ  Visual Musical Instruments: Selected Print Works of Lu Zhiping, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers,    ឰ࡙ 2011. ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿ǍڡӯӵᎭ౏ጪࢷ኎ڎʽ๒̿ԣெవˌ̛njᎿښ

ႇՐࠒࠄैúúӶ෵ࣱǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍྠ̽ेڎ˗ǒ ٨὘Ӷ෵ࣱྠႇͻֶᤥǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ˭ǒ᜽ᝀ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 121 䍦㞁⧪ Zhang Peicheng

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚ෈ᔚ̲ܺǍ Born in Aug. 1948 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Taicang, Jiangsu Province.

Graduated from the Art Department of Shanghai Normal University in 1972 and serve as .ႇጇҞ˟͊nj a teacher at the schoolڎࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣎ᔵܸߦᓨషጇࣳ႑ಣ͊ஔὊઞ͊  ႇஔᆑࠉ˟͊Ǎ Serve as the vice-dean of Traditional Chinese Painting Department in Shanghai Normalڎ University. ႇጇᤉξǍڎࣲᡎ˗ܽᎿషߦᬓ  Enrolled in the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of China Central Academy of .ႇጇǍ Fine Arts in 1982ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 1986. Served as an adjunct professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ఢ͊Ѷ๒ዩᎿషᯞᯞ᫂Ǎ .Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞnjʽ๒࣊஡ᐏ Former director of Art Museumڎ˗ဘ͊ Current member of Chinese Artists Association, vice-president of Shanghai Artists ࠒʷጟᎿష࣎ǍڎႇᬓЪᐌႇ࣎njڎ˗րnjʽ๒ނ Association, member of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, committee member of National Literature Federation, part-time painter of Chinese Painting Institute .Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ of Shanghai, National Class I ArtistڎࣲኄОࡓЛ   ࣲᯫࡓ๒ࣱጳፋႇᐏ࡙ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᨷݒ὇ 1986 Sea Level—The 1st Paintings Exhibition of ShanghaiڎࣲЛ  (ழ஡̡ႇ࡙ 1989 The National Art Exhibition (Bronze Prizeڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  1989 The 1st Exhibition of China new literati painting Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) Ꮏ࡙͖ሒͻֶᤥ࡙ 1996 Exhibition of Selected Outstanding Artworks from the 8th National Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᨷݒ὇ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition (Bronze Prizeڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  2001 The 32nd Dusseldorf International Art Exhibition Germany ( ) ڎ ॴ ᬅᓨష࡙ڎ࠷ܻܳ܋ࣲኄ  ࡓొ  2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition (Prize of Outstanding Work) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ 2008 The Road for Traditional Chinese Paintings in New EraڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  (ᮏ࡙ 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition (Award Nominationڀႇ˨᡹úúú ͻֶڎ˗ࣲழ௑ర  2009 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworks Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ଢՐݒ὇ڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  Featuring National Significant Historical Themes ࠒ᧘ܸԋԾᮥెᎿషѹͻࢺሮͻֶ࡙ 2010 The National Outstanding Artworks Exhibitionڎࣲ  ሒᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2011 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworks͖ڎࣲЛ  Featuring Shanghai’s Historical and Cultural Development  ࣲʽ๒ԋԾ஡ᑢᎿషѹͻࢺሮੇ౧࡙ 2011 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of CPC С̗Зੇቡ  ևࣲᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2012 The Picturesque China—Developing Chinese Fine Art in the New Centuryڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  Ꮏష 2013 Along with the Times—Collection of the National Art Museum of China in 50ڎ˗ࣲ᩽ፖ˗Өúúᛡᤉ˗ᄊழˇጢ  Years Ꮏషᯞथᯞ  ևࣲᘩֶܸ࡙ڎ˗ࣲˁ௑̽Տᛡúú  Held solo exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan and Mannheim (Germany), etc. ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿Ǎڡడ๒ݻ኎ܳڎ ̿ԣॴ Ӓ̛njʽ๒njԼາښ Series of Artists of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai: Zhang Peicheng, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 1998. ႇᬓႇࠒͻֶˋ˺eस۲ੇǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒʽ๒ Presenting Skills of Contemporary Ink Painting, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2002. ǒဘ̽ඵܛѹͻ᛫ဘ੿ขǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The Collection of Zhang Peicheng’s Painting, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, .ǒस۲ੇႇᬷǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 2007 Playing the Game of Ink, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2008. ǒ੆ܛeܛ੆ǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

122 㿍ㅉ㦻 Xu Jianrong

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Sep. 1949 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Physics Department of Shanghai Normal University in 1980.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣎ᔵܸߦྭေጇǍ Graduated from the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (Now China Academy of Art) with a .ߦͯǍ Master’s Degree in 1984ܣᎿషߦᬓ὇ᆑቃၷඌˊὊᖍᆰڎ˗ࣲๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓ὆ဘ  Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1984.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊ஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

ఢ͊ʽ๒࣊ӡ̋᜻ѳ஡ߦnjᓨషnjழ᫕ߦሙកࠆނրὊኄ˵ࡓnjኄ Former judge committee member of the Literature, Art and News Disciplines of Shanghai’s 10th 5-Year Plan, the 9th and 10th council member of Shanghai Committee. ӡࡓʽ๒࣊஋өނրǍ Current researcher at Beijing Fine Art Academy, member of Shanghai Research Institute ဘ͊Ӓ̛ႇᬓᆑቃրnjʽ๒஡ԾᆑቃᯞᯞրnjӯनܸߦЪᐌஔ૿njǒܸ of Culture and History, adjunct professor of Nankai University, chief editor of editorial .Ҭᬓᮒԧᄊቊѣ᠈࿹஋ऊྲ൴ษ᠛Ǎ committee of the Art Volume of Da Ci HaiڎఐᎿషԄ˟ᎄὊ̚Ԫނᣯ๒Ǔᎄ Received the Special Government Allowances of the State Council.

2005 The Breeze over the East China Sea—Solo Exhibition of Xu Jianrong’s Artworks  ࣲˌ๒᫂᮳úú१थᚸߦషᓨష࡙ 2007 Inhering, Exploring and Innovating—Sea Changfeng Gallery, 2007 Invitational Chinese Painting Exhibition ႇᥙڎ˗ࣲ͜੾ፃЧnjन઩ѹழúúˌ๒᫂᮳۶  ࣲ  2009 The South-North Exchange Exhibition of Xu Jianrong and Liu Bo’s Chinese ឰ࡙ Paintings and Calligraphies ႇӯӒ̔ื࡙ 2012 The Breeze over the East China Sea—Solo Exhibition of Xu Jianrong’s Artworks˺ڎ˗ࣲ१थᚸnjѶฉ  2013 Inheritance · Tradition—Exchange Exhibition of Chinese Painting Gallery of the ႇႇᬓੇቡʷևڎ˗ˌࣲˌ๒᫂᮳úú१थᚸͻֶ࡙ఐ์  Breeze—Exhibition of the Artworks about Ancient Town ࣲ˗᭟ࣲᓨషࠒͻֶଢՐ࡙ 2013 The 2013 Annual Exhibition of Painters of Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy ߸ߦషᓨష̔ื࡙ Academyסႇఐڎ˗ࣲ͜eፒúú   ࣲ᫂᮳ᬶᬷúúᓨషࠒˁԱ᪚Տᛡ Zen Art of Fa Chang, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1989.  ࣲʽ๒˺ႇᬓႇࣲ࡙࣎ Anthropology of Fine Arts, Heilongjiang Art Publishing House, 1994. 10 Discussions on Painting Research of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty, Fudan University Press, 2004. ǒข࣢ሇႇᓨషǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Record of Enjoying Calligraphy and Painting: 20 Lectures on Connoisseurship of Calligraphy and ǒᎿష̡ዝߦǓὊᳬᴝ෈Ꮏషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Painting by Xu Jianrong, Xuelin Publishing House, 2007. ǒЋ௚ຍፋႇᆑቃӡ᝷ǓὊܭேܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The Tradition of Chinese Painting and the 21st Century, Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2007. ǒ˺ႇॷᠶैe१थᚸ˺ႇ᧝ࠀ̄ӡᝯǓὊߦ౤ѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 10 Discussions on Painting Research of Song Dynasty, Shanghai University Press, 2008. .ႇᄊ͜ፒˁ̄ӡʷˇጢǓὊܹษ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 10 Discussions on Art History of Late Ming Dynasty, Shanghai University Press, 2009ڎ˗ǒ ǒ߸̽ፋႇᆑቃӡ᝷ǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 10 Discussions on the Practical Art History, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2010. ǒ௹௚ᎿషԾӡ᝷ǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 10 Discussions on Art History of Jin and Tang Dynasty, Shanghai University Press, 2011. ǒࠄ᡻ᎿషԾߦӡ᝷ǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ᎿషԾᆑቃӡ᝷ǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍסǒ௰

㞧ᱜუキϸ 123 㔍ⶉ㬆 Lu Fusheng

 ࣲ  థၷὊๆ෈ˌ᫺̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1949 as a native of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from Traditional Chinese Painting Department of of Zhejiang Academy of Fine .ႇጇὙ Arts (now China Academy of Art) in 1982ڎ˗Ꮏషߦᬓ὇ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓ὆ဘ  ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ Severed as an adjunct professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃njʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞnjʽ๒࣊˺ขڎ˗ဘ͊ Current council member of China Artists Association, vice-president of Shanghai Artists ႇᬓႇ࣎nj˗ Association, standing council member of Shanghai Calligraphers Association, chief editorڎ˗ࠒө͘࣢Ҭေ̃njʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ঴ᎄᣤnjʽ๒ ,ၷ࠮࣎Ǎ of Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Press, painter of Shanghai Chinese Painting AcademyܣᎿషߦᬓӰڎ Ph.D. supervisor of China Academy of Art.

(Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prizeڎࣲ ኄОࡓЛ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1994 The 8th National Art Exhibitionڎࣲ ኄМࡓЛ  1997 The Chinese Great Exhibition ᓨషܸ࡙ڎ˗ ࣲ  2001 The Exhibition of 100 Years’ Chinese Paintings ႇܸ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ ᄈࣲ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 2006 2006 The Rebirth of Ink Painting - New Ink Painting Exhibition of ShanghaiڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2006 The 5th International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen  ࣲඵܛгၷúú ʽ๒ழඵܛܸ࡙ 2007 Solo Exhibition of Lu Fusheng’s Artworks ԥࣲ࡙ 2007 The 3rd Chengdu Biennaleܛᬅඵڎڢ͜੾úúኄ̋ࡓງܛࣲቸ  ᓨష࡙ 2008 2008 Art China—Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Ink and Wash Paintingsڙᄺ̈ᡑúúӶᣙگࣲ  (Spain)  ࣲ᧘ழթүúúኄʼࡓੇᦐԥࣲ࡙ 2009 Exhibition of Selective Artworks by Distinguished Chinese Contemporary Figure ႇ࡙὆᜵ိྥ὇ Painting Mastersܛඵ̽ेڎ˗úúڎ˗ࣲ ᓨష  ѣ̡ྭႇՐࠒድֶܸ࡙ 2011 New Vision – The Exhibition of Influential Artworks of Shanghai & Tianjinౕ̽ेڎ˗ࣲ  2011 Lu Fusheng Art Exhibition ࣲழ᜽ጳúúʽ๒njܹษᎿషድֶ࡙  2013 A Conversation with Ming Dynasty Lu Fusheng Art Exhibition ᓨష࡙ 2013 Lu Fusheng Art Exhibitionڙࣲ᜽Ꮻ᭤᜹úúӶᣙ  ଢՐ࡙ 2014 Existance and Space: Lu Fusheng Art Exhibitionڡᓨష۳ܛࣲˁ௚̡ࠫភúú ʽ๒ழඵ  ᓨష࡙ڙࣲᅼʷᅼ̄˨ᫎúúӶᣙ  Theory on Nature and Man: Spherical Theory: A Hypothesis on Historical Development, Shanghai ᓨష࡙ڙˁቇᫎúúӶᣙښࣲߛ  Joint Publishing Press, 1990. Calligraphy Ecology, Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Press, 1990. ǒ̡ܹ᝷eုʹឭ὘ʷ˔Т̆ԋԾԧ࡙ᄊϜឭǓὊʽ๒ʼᐏ˺इ A Comprehensive Research on Chinese Literati Painting, Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002.  ࣲྠǍ Historical Quadrant (co-authored), Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2003. ǒ˺ขၷগ᝷ǓὊๆ෈Ꮏషߦᬓѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The History of Chinese Literati Painting, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2012. ஡̡ႇᤰ᧝ǓὊෲӒᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ ǒԋԾᄊ៶ᬍǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ஡̡ႇԾǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ

124 㬊⫔㸘 Shi Dawei

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚๆ෈ຬࢷǍ Born in Jul. 1950 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai .ႇጇὊఢ͊ߦᬓᯫࡓߦၷ͘˟ University in 1986, served as the 1st President of the Students’ Union of the collegeڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  .ႇᬓ͊ႇ࣎Ǎ Redeployed as a painter of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai in 1986ڎ˗ࣞὊՏࣲូКʽ๒ Awarded the title of National Outstanding Expert by the Ministry of Culture, People’s ሒ˄ࠒÿሦՂǍ͖ڎ஡ӑᦊþЛڎࣲᕦᖍ˗Ө̡ඟС֗  Republic of China in 2000. րǍނր͘ᕦ᝘ނႇᓨషڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘ڎ˗ࣲԪᐐኄʼࡓ  Employed as an honorable member of the Traditional Chinese Painting Council of the 3rd ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Chinese Artists Association in 2006. Severed as an adjunct professor of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞnj˗ Former vice-president of the 6th China Artists Association and member of its Chineseڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃ὊኄОࡓڎ˗ఢ͊ኄ̋ࡓ րὊኄОnjኄʹࡓ˗Ө Painting Art Committee, member of the 10th and 11th National Committee of Chineseނ஋өڎրὊኄӡnjኄӡʷࡓЛނ͘ނႇᓨڎ ࡓʽ๒࣊ People’s Political Consultative Conference, member of the 6th and 7th All-China YouthپրὊኄʼࡓʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ὂኄނ᭟ࣲᐏՌ͘ڎЛ Federation, vice-president of the 5th Shanghai Artists Association, president of the 6th րὊኄ̋ࡓʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞὊኄОࡓʽނڄᎿషࠒө͘˟ࣞ Shanghai Artists Association. ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘˟ࣞǍ Current vice-president of China Artists Association, member of the 12th National ஡ Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, member of the 9thڎրnjኄ˵ࡓЛނ஋өڎᎿషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞnjኄӡ̄ࡓЛڎ˗ဘ͊ ႇᬓᬓ᫂nj China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, president of the 7th Shanghai Federationڎ˗րnjʽ๒࣊஡ᐏ˟ࣞnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘˟ࣞnjʽ๒ނᐏ of Literary and Art Circles, president of the 7th Shanghai Artists Association, director of Ҭᬓᮒԧᄊቊѣ᠈࿹஋ऊڎࠒʷጟᎿష࣎Ὂ̚ԪڎӨᓨషࠍᯞ᫂nj˗ Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, director of China Art Museum, Shanghai, National ྲ൴ษ᠛Ǎ Class I Artist, received the Special Government Allowances of the State Council.

(᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆̄኎ݒ὇ 1981 The 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition (2nd Prizeڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  1991 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of CPC (Bronze Prize) Ꮏ࡙὆ᨷ᠏ݒ὇ڎС̗Зੇቡ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  1996 Expanding of Ink Painting—the International Invited Exhibition of Character-Painting (ᬅᓨᔛ̡ྭႇᥙឰ࡙eӒ̛ 1998 China: 5,000 Years, Innovation and Transformation in the Arts (United States, Spainڎणͩúúܛࣲඵ  nj᜵ိྥ὇ 2000 Shi Dawei’s Exhibition for ObservationڎӢࣲ஡௚ᓨష࡙὆Ꮏ̋ڎ˗ࣲ  ࣲஷܸႏͻֶ᜺୕࡙ 2001 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CPC  (Excellence Award) Ꮏ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ڎС̗ЗथЗ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  2002 Exhibition of Contemporary Excellent Artworks of Shanghai ࣲʽ๒े͖̽ሒͻֶ࡙᜿ 2007 The Harvest of Spring Blossoms: Selections from the Shanghai Chinese Painting  (὇ Academy (United Statesڎႇᬓᘩႇ࡙὆Ꮏڎ˗ࣲ௣Өሗࠄeʽ๒  ࠒ᧘ܸԋԾᮥెᎿషѹͻࢺሮͻֶ࡙ 2007 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworksڎࣲ  Featuring National Significant Historical Themes  ࣲʽ๒ԋԾ஡ᑢᎿషѹͻࢺሮੇ౧࡙ 2011 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworks  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙ Featuring Shanghai’s Historical and Cultural Development nj 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in BeijingނᎿ࡙កڎᎿ࡙ࣳᖍݒὊेᤥኄ˵ࡓЛڎԠҫኄОᒰኄӡʷࡓЛ .ఐ Participated continuously in the 6th to 11th National Fine Art Exhibition and got awardedނᎿ࡙঴កڎnjኄӡʷࡓЛނႇកڎ˗ఐނᎿ࡙঴កڎኄӡࡓЛ Elected the judge-in-chief of the 10th and 11th National Fine Arts Exhibition. ͘Ҟ˟͊Ǎނႇកڎ˗ Held solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Milan (Italy), etc. ൓ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿ǍܳڡnjਓܸѾዛР኎ڹʽ๒njᯮມὊ̿ԣழҫښ The Series of Character-Paintings of the Mainstream Painters in the 21th Century: Shi Dawei, ǒ̄ӡʷˇጢ˟ืႇࠒ̡ྭႇѹͻˋ˺úúஷܸႏǓὊܸ៶ѣྠᇫ Daxiang Press, 2003. Details 1·2·3, Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2007.  ࣲྠǍ Details 4·5·6, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2011. ǒࡍᦊͻֶ eeǓὊʽ๒Աዚѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Immortal—Creation Record of The Southern Anhui Incident 1941.1.14, Henan Fine Arts .ǒࡍᦊͻֶ eeǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Publishing House, 2011 ǒභၷúúᄒӯ̃ԫѹͻᝮैǓὊෲӯᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 125 䐽⺛⢔ Zhou Guobin

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚ෈ᔚ௄᩸Ǎ Born in Dec. 1951 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.

Graduated from Harbin University in 1982. .ࣲඌˊֻ̆࠷ໝ࣎ᔵܸߦǍ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 1983   ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓǍ Served as a professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓྠႇጇஔ૿Ǎ Current member of the Chinese Artists Association, vice-director of the Printmaking Arts Council of Shanghai Artists Association. ͘Ҟ˟͊ǍނᎿషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ྠႇᓨڎ˗ဘ͊ 1991 Awarded the 3rd Prize of Shanghai Art Creation 1992 Awarded the Creation Prize of Shanghai Artworks ࣲᕦᖍþʽ๒࣊Ꮏషѹͻʼ኎ݒÿ 1994 The 12th National Exhibition of Print Works  ࣲᕦᖍþʽ๒࣊Ꮏషͻֶѹͻݒÿ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition  2003 The 16th National Exhibition of Print Works (Arts Award) ႇͻֶ࡙᜿ྠڎࣲኄӡ̄ࡓЛ  2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition Ꮏ࡙ 2006 Speech of Engravings Exhibitionڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  (ႇͻֶ࡙᜿὆ྠႇᓨషݒ὇ 2007 The 18th National Exhibition of Print Works (Award NominationྠڎࣲኄӡОࡓЛ  2007 Shanghai Invitation Exhibition of Print Works  ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2008 The Oil Painting Exhibition by the School Graduates in China  ࣲྠႇᝓឭ࡙ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (3rd Prize) (ᎿషଢՐݒ὇ 2009 Chinese Art Exhibition at Expo 2010 (Excellence Awardڎ˗ႇͻֶ࡙᜿὆ྠڎࣲኄӡМࡓЛ  2010 Cross the Border—Exhibition of Works by Zhou Guobin and His Students  ࣲʽ๒ྠႇᥙឰ࡙ 2011 The 6th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Shen Roujian Art Fundation Prize) ᅼ᭟෴ႇ࡙ 2012 Art·Classics—Art Collections of China National Academy of PaintingڎࣲЛ  ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ᎿషᄇဌРݒʼ኎ݒ὇ 2013 The 1st Exhibition of Oil Paintings and Print Works by the members of China  Artists Association (Excellence Award) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ڎ˗ࣲʽ๒ˇӰ͘  2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing ண࣎ၷͻֶ࡙ڎࣲᡕႍúúʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓྠႇጇև  ᓨష۳᧛ݒ὇ڲࣲኄОࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ෛಁ  ࠒႇᬓᎿషͻֶ࡙ڎڎ˗ࣲᓨషeፃЧúú  Ꮏө͘ր෴ႇྠႇድֶ࡙὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ   ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙

126 ⿧➃䐳 Huang Azhong

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Apr. 1952 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1976.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒੆қߦᬓǍ Served as the vice-director of Fine Arts Creation Institute of Shanghai University since  ࣲੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊Ꮏషѹͻᆑቃਫ਼Ҟ˟͊nj෴ႇ 1988. Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ጇஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ

Current member of Chinese Artists Association, member of China Oil Painting Society, ෴ႇߦ͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ standing council member of Shanghai Artists Association, vice-director of the Oil Paintingڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ Council of Shanghai Artists Association, member of Shanghai Writers Association. ࣢Ҭေ̃njʽ๒࣊Ꮏө෴ႇᓨނ͘Ҟ˟͊njʽ๒࣊ͻࠒө͘͘րǍ

1987 The 1st National Oil Painting Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 1987 The 1st National Exhibition of Works of Watercolor and Gouache of Chinaڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition ඵ॑njඵዠႇ࡙ڎࣲᯫࡓЛ  1993 The 2nd National Exhibition of Works of Watercolor and Gouache of China (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ (Excellence AwardڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  (ඵ॑njඵዠႇ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Awardڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  1994 The 2nd National Oil Painting Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1997 Contemporary Oil Painting Art Display of the Chinese Great Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓ  ᓨషܸ࡙úúे̽෴ႇᓨష࡙ 2001 The 1st Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ  2003 The 3rd National Oil Painting Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  Held solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Fuzhou, Seoul (Korea), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Tokyo .ࣲᯫࡓʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶܸ࡙ (Japan) and Gunma-ken (Japan), etc  ෴ႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓ  Still Life Skills of Oil Painting by Huang Azhong, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1999. njெవˌ̛njᏆᯱڹᯫ࠷njᯱ౏᜵̎Սᬠڎʽ๒njሉࢷὊ̿ԣ᭾ښ Selected Masterpieces of Contemporary Oil Painting: Huang Azhong, Anhui Fine Arts Publishing .ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿Ǎ House, 2000ڡ኎ Collections of Top 10 Masters of Chinese Ink Painting: Volume of Huang Azhong, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2002. ǒ᳧ᬁই෴ႇ᭢ྭ੿ขǓὊ̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Impression and Intention: the Collection of Huang Azhong’s Oil Painting, Shanghai People’s Fine ǒे̽෴ႇՐͻᤥe᳧ᬁইǓὊ߷ॶᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Arts Publishing House, 2005. Րࠒӡ̡ᬷe᳧ᬁইԄǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍܛඵڎ˗ǒ ǒӿ៶ˁॷ៶e᳧ᬁই෴ႇͻֶᬷǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 127 ⧣䟧㉞ Chen Xiejun

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚๆ෈߱ฉǍ Born in Jul. 1952 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.

Doctoral Candidate of Philosophy Department of Washington University in St. Louis. ᆑቃၷិሮǍ Serve as an adjunct professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Fine Arts College of Shanghaiܣߦጇߦ˸Ӱז᡹௜ளӨᄩᮐܸߦڙڎᎿ ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ὂʽ๒ӰྭᯞᆑቃրǍ University, researcher of Shanghai Museum.

Former party secretary of Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and ᯞnjʽ๒ሙߦ TV, vice party secretary and vice-director of Shanghai Library and Institute of Scientific and˺ڏᝮὊʽ๒˺ނఢ͊ʽ๒࣊஡ӑࣹ୧ॖ᜽ኮေࡍЗ րὊ Technical Information of Shanghai, member of All-China Youth Federation, vice-presidentނ᭟ࣲᐏՌ͘ڎҞ˺ᝮnjҞᯞ᫂njҞਫ਼᫂ὊЛނ੿షৱઑᆑቃਫ਼З of Shanghai Youth Federation, vice-director of Institute of Information of Shanghai ڏʽ๒᭟ࣲᐏՌ͘Ҟ˟ࣞὊʽ๒ᇫሙᬓηৌᆑቃਫ਼Ҟਫ਼᫂Ъᇫሙᬓ Academy of Social Sciences, director of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Library, chief ˺ᯞᯞ᫂Ὂ ࣲʽ๒ˇӰ͘˟ᮥ໦ፂᮏ᫈nj঴ኖѳ࣎Ǎ planner and consultant of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo theme development. Current vice-director of Shanghai Municipal Administration Commission of Cultural Heritage, director and research fellow of Shanghai Museum, standing member of Shanghai ဘ͊ʽ๒࣊஡ྭኮေނր͘Ҟ˟͊njʽ๒Ӱྭᯞᯞ᫂njʽ๒̡ܸ࣊ Municipal People’s Congress and vice-director of its Education, Science, Culture and nj Public Health Committee, executive member of The Museum Association of Asia-EuropeނրὊЪ̎ൗ۳᧛͘Ӱྭᯞө͘ੰނ͊˟ր͘Ҟނnjஔሙ஡Ӽނ࣢ ր͘Ҟ˟ࣞnj Foundation, council member of International Council of Asia Society, vice-presidentނࠒڎڎ˗ᬅӰөڎᬅေ̃͘ေ̃njڎฯө̎͘ڎᎿ of ICOM China, vice-director of Chinese Society of Museums, director of Shanghai ஡ڎ˗ேܸߦܭӰྭᯞө͘Ҟေ̃᫂njʽ๒஡Ӱߦ͘ေ̃᫂njڎ˗ Culture and Museum Society, researcher of Fudan University, member of China Artists Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒ Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association, committee member of Chinaڎ˗ขఐᆃᴂ஡ᆑቃ˗ॷྲᐐᆑቃրnj˺̡ ,րnjʽ๒࣊˺ขࠒө͘˟ࣞ Calligraphers Association, member of Shanghai Calligraphers Association Presidiumނขࠒө͘˺ڎ˗࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃nj council member of Shanghai Writers Association 。 Ҭᬓᮒԧᄊቊѣ᠈࿹஋ऊྲڎրnjʽ๒࣊ͻࠒө͘ေ̃Ὂ̚Ԫੇڄ Received the Special Government Allowances of the State Council. ൴ษ᠛Ǎ 1991 Exhibition of Chen Xiejun’s Paintings during American Trip (United States) 1999 Impression of Jin Mao Tower—Chen Xiejun’s Ink Sketching Exhibition ὇ڎࣲ ᬈྎ՚஻Ꮏႇ࡙὆Ꮏ  2000 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Chen Xiejun  ࣲ ᧛ᔴӿ៶úúᬈྎ՚ඵܛиၷ࡙ 2001 Xiejun’s Paintings of the Trip in Salzburg  ࣲ ᬈྎ՚˺ႇ࡙ 2002 Shangri-la in Shanghai—Chen Xiejun’s Ink Sketching of Chongming Island 2002 Journey to Tibet—Ink Sketching of Chen Xiejun and Chen Ying  ࣲ ᬈྎ՚ᖼ࠷Ш܀˨஻ႇ࡙ 2007 Eastward, Westward—2007 Research Exhibition of Shanghai Oil Painting and иᄾͻֶ࡙ Sculpture Instituteܛࣲ ʽ๒ᄊᯮಫ᧗ઢúúᬈྎ՚࢔௚ඵ  иᄾͻֶ࡙ 2007 Shanghai Elite Oil Painting Group Exhibitionܛࣲ ᜵ᘩ˨஻úúᬈྎ՚njᬈᮣ᜵ᘩඵ  2011 Ink Art, a World without Rules—Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Painting  ࣲ ड़ˌὊड़᜵úú ʽ๒෴ႇᬿ܈ᬓቃ࡙ 2012 Visual Images—Oil Painting Exhibition of Chen Xiejun  ࣲ ๒ʽe౶ʽúúʽ๒෴ႇድᔮᐏ࡙ 2012 Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition  ࣲ ܛ௄ੇ᜻὘े̽ඵܛЋጉ࡙ 2013 Series of Artworks Exhibition: the Source of Life—Water  ࣲ ᄰᝀúúʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙

 ࣲ ᜽ᝀਓ៶úúᬈྎ՚෴ႇ࡙ Introduction to Study of Discipline—Exploring the Theory of Discipline Development, Shanghai .Joint Publishing Press, 1991 ނᬅඵ॑ႇԥࣲ࡙Ὂ͊঴កڎࣲ ʽ๒సࠒᝈ  Timelogy (co-auther) Zhejiang People’s Publishing House, 1992. , ࣲþၷ֑˨ູúúඵÿጇѵͻֶႇ࡙  Visual Imagery—Chen Xiejun’s Oil Painting, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2012. ǒߦሙߦ࠮᝷úúߦሙԧ࡙ေ᝷ଊጊǓὊʽ๒ʼᐏѣྠᇫὊࣲྠǍ ǒ௑ᫎߦǓ὆Ռᗃ὇Ὂๆ෈̡ඟѣྠᇫὊ ࣲྠǍ ǒ᜽ᝀਓ៶úúᬈྎ՚෴ႇǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫὊ ࣲྠǍ

128 㿍㒛⡇ Xu Longbao

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1952 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from Fudan University in 1986.  ࣲඌˊ̆ܭேܸߦǍ Served as a professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓྠႇጇஔ૿Ǎ Current member of Chinese Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association, vice-director of Engravings Art Council, vice-director of the Print Works .͘Ҟ committeeނᎿషࠒө͘͘րὊʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃njྠႇᓨڎ˗ဘ͊ ˟͊njྠႇࢺނ͘Ҟ˟͊Ǎ 1973 The Shanghai Art Exhibition 1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prize) (ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1992 Shanghai Art Exhibition (2nd Prize  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ 1994 The 8th National Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1996 The 6th National Exlibris and Prints Exhibition (Gold Prize) ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆̄኎ݒ὇  1998 The 27th International Bookplate Art Exhibition (Russia) (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2000 The 8th National Exlibris and Prints Exhibition (Excellence AwardڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  (ႇᘩ˺ᇾᓨష࡙὆᧛ݒ὇ 2000 The 28th International Bookplate Art Exhibition (United StatedྠڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  2002 The 16th National Exhibition of Print Works ᬅᘩ˺ᇾᓨష࡙὆ΩᎭள὇ڎࣲኄ̄ӡʹࡓ  2003 The Exhibition of Shenzhou V Spacecraft Aerospace Engraving Bookplates Donation (ᘩ˺ᇾᓨష࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 2003 The 10th National Exlibris andPrints Exhibition (Bronze PrizeڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  ὇ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibitionڎᬅᘩ˺ᇾᓨష࡙὆Ꮏڎࣲኄ̄ӡМࡓ  2005 The 17th National Exhibition of Print Works ႇͻֶ࡙᜿ྠڎࣲኄӡОࡓЛ  2007 The 18th National Exhibition of Print Works (Award Nomination)  ࣲᇸᓃ  Ղܺቇྠႇᘩ˺ᇾ૬ᡃጢঐྲ࡙ 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition ႇᘩ˺ᇾܸ࡙὆ᨷݒ὇ 2010 The 14th International Print BiennialྠڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2011 The 19th National Exhibition of Print Works Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2012 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Korea (Korea) (ႇͻֶ࡙᜿ 2014 The 15th National Exlibris and Mini-Prints Exhibition (Excellence AwardྠڎࣲኄӡʹࡓЛ  ᎿషଢՐݒ὇ڎ˗ႇͻֶ࡙᜿὆ྠڎࣲኄӡМࡓЛ  Wood Engraving Bookplate Collection of Xu Longbao, Shanghai University Press, 2003. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  Memoir of Famous Contemporary Chinese Print Artists: Xu Longbao, Shanghai Bookstore .ᬅྠႇԥࣲ࡙ Publishing House, 2004ڎࡓپࣲኄӡ  ႇͻֶ࡙᜿ To See A World in A Flower: Collection of Wood Engravings by Xu Longbao, Shanghai Universityྠڎࣲኄӡ˵ࡓЛ  Press, 2008. ὇ڎ࡙὆᭾ื̔ڎࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶᡎ᭾  Heavenly Creations, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2012. .ᘩ˺ᇾఐ࠵ྠႇᓨష࡙὆తΈͻֶݒ὇ Spend a Smile: Wood-Cut by Xu Longbao: Bookplate, Shanghai University Press, 2013ڎࣲኄӡ̋ࡓЛ 

ǒ१ᴝࠃྠႇᘩ˺ᇾᬷǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ႇՐࠒࠄैe१ᴝࠃǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍྠ̽ेڎ˗ǒ ǒʷᔉʷˇႍe१ᴝࠃల԰ల҉ͻֶᬷǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ ࣲྠǍ ǒܹࢺनྭǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒડᔉʷቷeᴝࠃ࠵ࣨల҉eᘩ˺ᇾǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 129 䍣⭣㘘 Zhang Deming

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1955 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in  ࣲඌˊ̆˗ܽᎿషߦᬓ෴ႇጇǍ 1984.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊઞ͊෴ႇጇ˟͊njஔ૿njӰܣၷ Taught at the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1984. ࠮࣎Ǎ Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor and dean of the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. րǍނ͘ނᎿషࠒө͘͘րὊʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃nj෴ႇᓨڎ˗ဘ͊ Current member of the Chinese Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association, member of the Oil Painting Arts Council. ᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  Ꮏ࡙ 1981 The 2nd National Youth Art ExhibitionڎС̗Зੇቡ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  1991 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of CPC Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᯞे̽Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 1996 The Contemporary Art Works Exhibition in Shanghai Art Museum  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibitionڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  2001 The 1st Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  ࣲᯫࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2003 The 3rd National Oil Painting Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2005 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2005 Solo Exhibition of Zhang Deming’s Oil Paintings  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2008 Walking with the Epoch—The Exhibition of Outstanding Artworks of the  ࣲቦॴ௚෴ႇᓨష࡙ 2008 Yangtze River Delta for the 30th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening Up ࣲˁ௑̽Տᛡúúጢঐஈ᭩नஊ  ևࣲ᫂ʼᝈᎿషͻֶ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition ᐏ࡙ 2010 East Shape West Style—Shanghai and Sichuan Oil Painting Communication  ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2011 The 6th Shanghai Fine Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  2012 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworks ࢶ෴ႇͻֶ̔ื࡙پࣲˌॎ᜵रúúʽ๒e  Featuring Shanghai’s Historical and Cultural Development  ࣲኄОࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒ԋԾ஡ᑢᎿషѹͻࢺሮੇ౧࡙ 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing  ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ Shanghai Artists’ Works Collection: Zhang Deming, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 2006.  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙

ǒʽ๒Ꮏషࠒႇःeቦॴ௚ǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

130 䍵䄵ⴓ Zhao Yifu

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Jan. 1956 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Painting Department of Shanghai Art School in 1981.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊ᎿషߦಣፋႇጇǍ Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ෴ႇጇǍ in 1986. Enrolled in the School of Arts of Tsukuba University in 1989.  ࣲࡃ឴̆ெవናฉܸߦᓨషߦᬓ෴ႇᆑቃၷိǍ Enrolled in the San Francisco Art Institute in 1991. .Ǎ Served as an adjunct professor at College of Fine Arts in Shanghai Universityိܣை᧛ࡣᎿషߦᬓ෴ႇᆰڎࣲࡃ឴̆Ꮏ  ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ Current artistic consultant of California Artwork Collection Association, adjunct professor at the School of Media and Design of Shanghai Jiaotong University. ҫࢷᓨషֶஆᘩө͘ᓨషᮏ᫈njʽ๒̔ᤰܸߦ޵ʹˁ᝺ᝠڎဘ͊Ꮏ ߦᬓЪᐌஔ૿Ǎ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition (Excellent Work Prize) 1985 Shanghai and Fujian Youth Art Exhibition 1986 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition (3rd Prize) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆Έͻݒ὇ 2002 Venice in May—Solo Art Exhibition of Zhao YifuڎࣲኄОࡓЛ   ࣲ෬᫗᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ 2003 The Exhibition of Zhao Yifu’s New Oil Paintings 2004 Early Spring of China—Solo Art Exhibition of Zhao Yifu ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿషܸ࡙὆ʼ኎ݒ὇  2008 Poems of Water Town—The Exhibition of Zhao Yifu’s New Oil Paintings, an artist  ࣲ̋థᄊޏࡉளúúᡏܻ̿˔̡ႇ࡙ living in US  ࣲᡏܻ̿ழͻ෴ႇ࡙ 2012 Visual Tang Dynasty—Invitation Exhibition of Shanghai Oil Painters Held solo exhibitions in China, Canada, United States and Japan, etc. ொ௣úúᡏܻ̿˔̡ႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲ 

 ࣲទᡑඵ˹úú஻Ꮏႇࠒᡏܻ̿ழͻ࡙ Oil Painting Art of ZhaoYifu , Tianjin Yangliuqing Fine Arts Press, 2009. యúúʽ๒෴ႇࠒᥙឰ࡙סࣲ᜽ᝀ  ጱጞ࣊njை᧛ࡣ࣊njวూᆄ࣊njЯӨ᣺ࢷnjڎnjҫ૆ܸ̿ԣᎿڎ˗ښ ˡҩႇ࡙ǍڡҫѾሉࡉ̎ࢷὊெవˌ̛njᇸ݊ࢶԞ኎

ǒᡏܻ̿෴ႇᓨషǓὊܹษ౐ಐ᭟ႇᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 131 ㎷䎑㸥 Le Zhenwen

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Mar. 1956 as a native of Shanghai.

Taught at the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai .ႇጇҞ˟͊njஔ૿Ǎ University since 1995ڎ˗ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊  Served as a professor and vice-director of the Traditional Chinese Painting Department in Shanghai University. Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒˺ႇᬓੰᛡᬓ᫂njʽ๒๒ܸ̃ߦ१ڎ˗ဘ͊

ႇᬓЪᐌႇ࣎Ǎ Current member of Chinese Artists Association, executive director of Shanghai Paintingڎ˗৬Ჳᓨషߦᬓᬓ᫂njʽ๒ and Calligraphy Academy, president of Art Academy of Shanghai Marine University, part-time painter at Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄОࡓЛ 

᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲҒᤉ˗ᄊ  ႇ࡙ 1985 Progressing Chinese Youth Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ๒᮳  1991 The Sea Breeze—Chinese Painting Exhibition ࡣඵႇ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  1993 The 1st National Exhibition of Chinese Landscape Painting (Excellence Award) ࣲʽ๒ᄈࠒᓨషድֶ࡙ 1998 1998 Exhibition of 100 Shanghai Artists  ὇ 1999 Era of Elegance—Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Shanghai’s Liberation Fineڹࣲʽ๒௑̽᮳᧔ႇ࡙὆ழҫ  Art Exhibition (Singapore)  ࣲЛெవܸፋႇ࡙὆ெవ὇ 2000 The Art Exhibition of Japan (Japan)  ࣲᯫࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2001 The 1st Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition ႇՐࠒᥙឰ࡙ 2002 The State of Ink and Wash—2002 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Paintingڎ˗ ࿄গúúܛࣲඵ  Masters  ࣲ౤᮳ᄿᓨషᆑቃ͘ᓨషଊጊ࡙ 2005 Joint Art Exhibition of Lin Fengmian Research Society  ࣲܸᒭཀྵ˨ទúú˭᭎஡eसश̡࡙̄὆ெవ὇ 2006 The Poem of Nature—Joint Exhibition of Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi’s Paintings .ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿Ǎ Held solo exhibitions in Tokyo (Japan), Sapporo (Japan) and Singapore, etcڡ኎ڹெవˌ̛njశࣩὊ̿ԣழҫښ

A Guide of Drawing Trees, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1989. ǒটನႇಞǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ A Guide of Drawing Waterfall, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1989. ǒটನႇ༙࣋ǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The Collection of Le Zhenwen’s Painting, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2006. Poetic Teapot of Chen Mansheng Style, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2013. ǒ˭᭎஡ႇᬷǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍܨទਓ̡סǒడၷழᮄúú

132 䍦⼄㠞 Zhang Haiping

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1956 as a native of Shanghai.

Taught at the Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊ᬿ܈ጇҞ˟͊njஔ૿njӰܣၷ 1985. ࠮࣎Ǎ Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor, and the vice-director of the Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

ߦ͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ Current committee member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of China܈ᬿڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ ᬿ܈ᓨނ͘ނրǍ Sculpture Institute, member of the Sculpture Arts Council of Shanghai Artists Association.

1981 The 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition (᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ 1981 Shanghai Art Works Exhibition (Excellence Awardڎࣲኄ̄ࡓЛ  ࣲʽ๒࣊Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition  1991 The National Exhibition for the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of CPC Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  1991 Shanghai Art Works Exhibition (2nd Prize) (Ꮏ࡙ 1993 The 3rd National Sports Art Exhibition (3rd PrizeڎС̗Зੇቡ  ևࣲЛڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ  (ࣲʽ๒࣊Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆̄኎ݒ὇ 1993 Shanghai Sports Art Exhibition (Excellence Award  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ᐲᎿ࡙὆ʼ኎ݒ὇ʹڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ  1997 The 4th National Sports Art Exhibition ࣲʽ๒࣊ʹᐲᎿషͻֶ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1999 The Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Shanghai ArtsڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  2003 Shanghai 1st International Environment and Sculpture Art Exhibition ᐲᎿషͻֶ࡙ʹڎࡓЛپࣲኄ  2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 2005 Shanghai International Biennial Urban Sculpture Exhibitionڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏష  ࣲ͖ሒͻֶ࡙᜿ 2007 Shanghai·Inchon—Sino-Korea Art Exchange Exhibition of Sculptures  2009 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition ᓨషܸ࡙܈ˁᬿܒᬅဗڎࣲᯫࡓʽ๒  2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition  ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2011 The 6th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition ᬅۢᬿԥࣲ࡙ڎࣲʽ๒  Series of Chinese Contemporary Artists: Zhang Haiping, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, ᬅᬿ҉̔ื࡙ڎʽ๒ڎ˗ࢶe̥ڎࣲ᭾  1999.  ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ The Collection of Zhang Haiping’s Sculpture, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, .Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ 2008ڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  Chinese Fine Arts Chronicle: Zhang Haiping’s Art Creation State, Chinese Literature Press, 2011.  ࣲኄОࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙

ᓨషࠒጇѵúúस๒ࣱǓὊຬӯᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ̽ेڎ˗ǒ ͻֶᬷǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ܈ǒस๒ࣱᬿ  ஡Ծѣྠᇫڎ˗Ꮏషܸ̃ᝮ὘स๒ࣱᓨషѹͻ࿄গǓὊڎ˗ǒ ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 133 ㅋㅉ䐳 Jiang Jianzhong

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Aug. 1957 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of People’s Liberation Army Arts College in .ඟᝍஊйᓨషߦᬓᎿషጇǍ Beijing in 1983̡ڎ˗̆ˊࣲඌ  ᓂᎿ᝺ᝠǍ Served as a stage artistic designer for the Song and Dance Troupe of the Central Politicalڄࣲᡑ͊Ӓ̛঴஋ൡᓂ  Department in Beijing since 1983.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊෴ႇጇஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ Taught at the Oil Painting Department in Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1986. .෴ႇࠒө͘ေ̃njʽ๒Ꮏషࠒө͘ Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai Universityڎ˗Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjڎ˗ဘ͊ ෴ႇᓨނ͘Ҟ˟͊Ǎ Current member of the Chinese Artist Association, council member of the Oil Painters Association of China, vice-director of the Oil Painting Arts Council of Shanghai Artists .෴ႇድֶ࡙ Associationڎ˗ࣲ   ࣲࣹࢷԥࣲ࡙ 1990 Exhibition of Outstanding Chinese Oil Paintings  ࣲழ౶ʽፋႇ࡙ 1990 The Annual World Expo of Chicago  ࣲெవܸ᫶࡙὆ெవ὇ 1992 Guangzhou Biennale 1994 New Easel Painting Exhibition ᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ڎࣲЛ  1996 Osaka Exhibition (Japan) ᓨషܸ࡙úúे̽෴ႇᓨష࡙ 1997 National Youth Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ   ࣲΩᎭள෴ႇᥙឰ࡙὆ΩᎭள὇ 1997 Contemporary Oil Painting Art Display of the Chinese Great Exhibition 1998 Invitation Exhibition of Oil Paintings (Russian) ὇ڎᥙឰ࡙὆ॴ܀඾ڎࣲॴ  1999 Invitation Exhibition in Hamburg (Germany) иࠄ෴ႇᆑቃ࡙ 2007 Contemporary Chinese Realism̽ेڎ˗ࣲ  ࠒ᧘ܸԋԾᮥెᎿషѹͻࢺሮͻֶ࡙ 2009 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworksڎࣲ  Featuring National Significant Historical Themes ளकᣭࢷܸߦߦషᥙឰ࡙ޏڎࣲᎿ  2010 University of Wisconsin-Madison Academic Invitation Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒ԋԾ஡ᑢᎿషѹͻࢺሮੇ౧࡙ 2012 The Exhibition for the Achievement of the Project for the Creation the Artworks  ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ Featuring Shanghai’s Historical and Cultural Development 2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙ 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing ᓨషࠒͻֶࣅᳪᥙ 2014 The 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between China and France— Theڎ˗ͯ ࣲጢঐ˗ขथ̔  ևࣲúú     ឰ࡙ Paris Invitation Exhibition of the Artworks by 50 Chinese Artists

Portrait Sketch, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003. ǒጉଡ̡ϸǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Shanghai Artists’ Works Collection: Jiang Jianzhong, Shanghai Pictorial Press, 2006. ǒʽ๒ᎿషࠒႇःeކथইǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ New Concept of Sketch, Shanghai University Press, 2007. ǒጉଡழഐঐǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

134 䇻㭘⢔ Yu Shubin

 ࣲ  థѣၷὊᳬᴝ෈Έలள̡Ǎ Born in Dec. 1957 as a native of Jia Mu Si, Heilongjiang Province.

Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Academy of Arts of Harbin Normal .ࣲඌˊֻ̆࠷ໝ࣎ᔵܸߦᓨషߦᬓᎿషጇǍ University in 1985  ႇጇǍ Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of China Academy of Art inڎᎿషߦᬓڎ˗̆ˊࣲፇ  1991.  ࣲੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓǍ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 2003. ఢ͊ຬӒӡ܃ܸߦᎿషጇnjᳬᴝ෈ΈలளܸߦᎿషߦᬓஔ૿Ὂဘ˞ Served as a professor at Fine Art department of Hubei Industrial Polytechnic University, ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓஔ૿Ǎ Fine Art College of Jia Mu Si University, Heilongjiang Province, and currently the professor of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

ఢ͊ᳬᴝ෈ᄵΈలள࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞǍ Former vice-president of Heilongjiang Jiamusi Artists Association. .Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րǍ Present member of Chinese Artists Associationڎ˗ဘ͊

1984 The 6th Art Exhibition of Heilongjiang Province ࣲᳬᴝ෈ᄵኄОࡓᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1989 The Exhibition of Chinese Painting by the Young and Middle Aged Artists of China  ႇ࡙ 1993 The 2nd Contemporary Chinese Landscape Paintings Exhibitionڎ᭟ࣲ˗ڎ˗ࣲ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition ࡣඵႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓे̽  1994 The 8th Art Exhibition of Heilongjiang Province (Silver Prize) ኄМࡓᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1995 Exhibition of Contemporary Landscape Paintings by Yu ShubinڎࣲЛ  (ࣲᳬᴝ෈ᄵኄМࡓᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ 1995 The 4th Youth Art Exhibition of Heilongjiang Province (Silver Prize  1998 The 9th Art Exhibition of Heilongjiang Province (Excellence Award)  ࣲ̆ಞணဘ̽ࡣඵႇ࡙ 2001 The National Chinese Painting Artworks Exhibition 2001(Honorable Mention) ࡓ᭟ࣲᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ 2002 The Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Art andپࣲᳬᴝ෈ᄵኄ  ևࣲఐᳬᴝ෈ᄵኄ˵ࡓᎿషͻֶ࡙᜿὆Έ Literature—Heilongjiang  ڎࣲࣼᇷथ  2004 The 2nd National Art Exhibition of the Chinese Art Gold Color Award (Prize of ͻݒ὇    Outstanding Work) ႇͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒݒ὇ 2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionڎ˗ڎࣲЛ  ण߷஡ᓨऐេ͘ʽᄊᝯភǓ ևࣲᎿ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionښࣲጢঐඐ˟ࣞǒ  2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition    ࡙὆ᳬᴝ෈࡙ӝ὇ Attended Commune with Ink and water: Exhibition of 10 Contemporary Chinese Ink .Ꮏషͻֶ࡙὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ Painting Artist from 2011 to 2013ڎᎿష᧛॑ݒЛڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓ   ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ Examples of Teaching Drawing, Heilongjiang Education Press, 1998.  ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ From Figure Photos to Head Portrait Sketch (co-author), Shanghai University Press, 2006. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ Collection Works by Faculty of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University: Yu Shubin, ShanghaiڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  .ႇӡࠒͻֶ࡙ÿǍ Brilliant Publishing House, 2012ڎ˗eे̽ܛࣲᒰ  ࣲὊԠҫþ᫈᥋ඵ 

ǒஔߦጉଡᔵΓǓὊᳬᴝ෈ᄵஔᐲѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒ̡̰ྭིྟ҂ጉଡ݀ϸǓ὆Ռᗃ὇Ὂʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓஔ࣎ͻֶᬷúú̆ಞணǓὊʽ๒᩽ፖ஡ቦѣྠ ᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 135 ㏏⧐⿋ Li Zhaohua

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚࣹˌ႗ሎǍ Born in Feb. 1958 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Fanyu, Guangdong Province.

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ෴ႇጇࣳ႑ಣ͊ஔὊဘ˞෴ႇጇҞ and served as a teacher of the college in 1984. ஔ૿Ǎ Served as an associate professor at the Oil Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.

Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ǎ Current member of Chinese Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artistsڎ˗ဘ͊ Association. ෴ႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  1987 The 1st National Oil Painting Exhibition Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 1989 The 7th National Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  (Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ 1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition (Excellence AwardڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1994 The 2nd National Oil Painting Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓ  1995 National Female Artists Exhibition ݙᎿషࠒͻֶ࡙ 1998 1998 Exhibition of 100 Shanghai ArtistsڎࣲЛ  ࣲʽ๒ᄈࠒᓨషድֶ࡙ 2001 The First Shanghai Art Exhibition  2003 The 3rd National Oil Painting Exhibition  ࣲᯫࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition ෴ႇ࡙ 2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art ExhibitionڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙

 ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ Shanghai Artists’ Works Collection: Li Zhaohua, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 2006.  ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙

ǒʽ๒ᎿషࠒႇःeౄయӨǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

136 䂏ㅄ㠞 Yang Jianping

 ࣲ  థၷὊ෈᜵ʽᯔ̡Ǎ Born in Jan. 1961 as a native of Shangrao, Jiangxi Province.  Graduated from Sculpture Major of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute in Jiangxi Province in  ࣲඌˊ̆෈᜵ఀॴ᪚ᬝၬߦᬓᬿ܈˄ˊǍ 1982.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓǍဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓҞᬓ᫂nj Taught at the College of Fine Arts in Shanghai University since 1989. Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College, the vice-president of the ᬿ܈ጇ˟͊njஔ૿njӰܣၷ࠮࣎Ǎ College, and the director of the Sculpture Department.

ᓨష঴ᄣǍ Former art director responsible for the public sculptures in the China Pavilion, the Expo܈ᯞnjˇӰ˗ॷnj˟ᮥᯞНСᬿڎ˗ఢ͊ʽ๒  ˇӰ͘ Center and the Theme Pavilion in Expo 2010 Shanghai. ͘ނᓨ܈ߦ͘Ҟ᫂͘njʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘Ҟ˟ࣞЪᬿ܈ᬿڎ˗ဘ͊ Current vice-president of China Sculpture Institute, vice-president of Shanghai Artists րǍ Association, vice-director of Shanghai sculpture Arts Council, member of the Nationalނր͘ނᓨష܈࣊ᬿۢڎҞ˟͊njЛ Urban Statuary Arts Council. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄʹࡓЛ  1989 The 7th National Art Exhibition (ᐲᎿ࡙὆᧛ݒ὇ 1990 The 2nd National Sports Art Exhibition (Gold PrizeʹڎࣲЛ  (ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆ʼл౔ܸݒ὇ 1990 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition (The Triple-Champion Cup Prize  1991 The 1st Bai Yulan Award for Outstanding Artworks of Shanghai Literature and Art ࣲᕦᖍþʽ๒ᯫࡓᄇဌР͖ሒ஡ߦᓨషͻֶଢՐݒÿ  (Nomination Award)  ࣲ ʽ๒๒ࣱጳፋႇᬿ܈ᐏ࡙ 1992 92 Sea Level—Paintings and Sculpture Exhibition of Shanghai ဘ̽ᓨష࡙ 1996 The Chinese Modern Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ  1997 Yang Jianping’s Sculpture Exhibition  ࣲ౐Ҕࣱᬿ܈࡙ 1999 The International Contemporary Sculpures Invitation Exhibition ᥙឰ࡙ 2002 The East and The West—Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition܈ᬅဘ̽ᬿڎࣲ  ᓨష࡙ 2003 The 1st Beijing International Art Biennial̽ेڎ˗ࣲˌவˁ᜵வúú  2004 Contemporary Fine Arts Document Exhibition (The Fine Arts Document Prize) ᬅᎿషԥࣲ࡙ڎӒ̛ڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  2006 Austria Biennial Exhibition (Austria) (ࣲे̽Ꮏష஡࿹࡙὆Ꮏష஡࿹ݒ὇ 2006 Italy Carrara International Sculpture Biennial Exhibition (Italy  Ѿԥࣲ࡙ 2007 Status 2007—Yang Jianping’s Sculpture Exhibitionڡࣲݘ  2010 Solo Exhibition “The Circle of Life” ԥࣲ࡙܈ᬅᬿڎࣲਓܸѾӵઢઢ  2011 Nature of Matter—2011 Shanghai Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition  ࣲ ࿄গúú౐Ҕࣱᬿ܈࡙ 2011 Chinese Sculpture in the 20th Century  ࣲˡҩ˔࡙þၷၷˀৌÿ 2013 The Faces of Our Times—The 30 Years of Contemporary Art 2013 The 55th International Art Exhibition Voice of the Unseen  ࣲྭভúú ʽ๒े̽ᓨషᥙឰ࡙

.࡙ Sculpture in China, China Building Industry Press, 2010܈ᬿڎ˗ࣲᄈࣲ   ࣲ௑̽ᐟϸúúे̽ᓨష  ࣲ ेڎ˗ᮃúúܦࡉளԥࣱࣲ࡙ᛡ࡙þళఢնဘᄊޏࣲ ࡓ  ̽ᓨష࡙ÿ

थናࢺˊѣྠᇫ  ྠǍڎ˗ǓὊ܈ᬿڎ˗ǒ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 137 㣹䄜ⴆ Qin Yifeng

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1961 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from Shanghai Arts and Crafts College in 1983.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ࢺᓨᎿషߦಣǍ Graduated from Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 1989.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓǍ Served as an associate professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓҞஔ૿Ǎ 1986 The Inaugural Exhibition at Shanghai Art Museum after its completion 1989 Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᯞᗀੇᯫ࡙ 1998 20+1 Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art 2000 Control and Random ᓨష࡙̽ेڎ˗ࣲ  2002 Metaphysics 2002—Shanghai Abstract Art Exhibition ဘ̽ᓨష࡙ 2003 The 1st Beijing International Art Biennialڎ˗ࣲ  ᚸՌˁࣀपúú   ࣲ଍҄ˁᬤ఻ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition 2006 Shanghai Modern Art Exhibition (France)  ࣲॎᏫʽ úúʽ๒ચ៶ᓨష࡙ 2007 Dialogue ᬅᎿషԥࣲ࡙ 2011 Nature of Matter—2011 Shanghai Contemporary Art Invitation ExhibitionڎӒ̛ڎ˗ࣲᯫࡓ  Ꮏ࡙ 2012 Culture Shanghai—A Return Oriented Towards the FutureڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2012 The Story ࣅᳪழќ஽᫃ʽ๒े̽ᓨషͻֶ࡙ڎࣲข  2013 Talking Objects  ࣲࠫភ Held solo exhibition and exhibition of the Field of Lines.  ࣲྭভúú ʽ๒े̽ᓨషᥙឰ࡙ The Structure of Neat Ming-Style Rounded-Corner Furniture, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts ॆڀࣲ஡ӑʽ๒úúయՔళ౏ᄊ  Publishing House, 2009.  ࣲྭឦ  ࣲࠫ᜽ ÿͻֶ࡙ڤ൓ˡҩ˔̡࡙᜿njþጳܳ

வॎ҄ǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍړǒ௚रጉࢺ

138 㶖ㅉ⺛ Wang Jianguo

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Dec. 1961 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from Shanghai Art School in 1983.  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒࣊ᎿషߦಣǍ Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᬿ܈ጇǍ 1989. Taught at the Sculpture Department at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 1990.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊Ҟᬓ᫂njᬿ܈ጇ˟͊njஔ૿Ǎ Serve as a professor and the dean of Sculpture Department, the vice president of Sculpture Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄ˵ࡓЛ  1999 The 9th National Art Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᯞᗀੇᥙឰ࡙ 2000 Inaugural Exhibition for Shanghai Art Museum  ࣲ̉᜽úúʽ๒ဘ̽ᓨష࡙὆༌ܸѾ̎὇ 2001 Staring at Each Other—Shanghai Modern Art Exhibition (Australia) ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶܸ࡙ 2002 Shanghai Art Exhibition  2002 Overview of Sculptures Exhibition (Australia)  ࣲᬿ܈ጫ᜿࡙὆༌ܸѾ̎὇ 2002 Metaphysics 2002—Shanghai Abstract Art Exhibition  ࣲॎᏫʽ úúʽ๒ચ៶ᓨష࡙ 2003 Shanghai International Sculpture Exhibition ࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibitionܸ܈ᬅᬿڎࣲʽ๒  2004 The 3rd National Urban Sculpture Achievement Exhibition (Excellence Award) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2005 Sculpture Exhibition of 20th Century थ᝺ੇࡃ࡙᜿὆͖ሒவವݒ὇ 2006 Harmonious But Different܈࣊ᬿۢڎࣲኄʼࡓЛ   ࣲᬿ܈ᄈࣲ࡙ 2006 In the Name of Objects–Sculpture Nomination Exhibition 2007 The National Sculpture Invitation Exhibition for Welcoming the 2010 Expo ࡙܈ࣲþ֗ᏫˀՏÿᬿ  2008 Shanghai·Inchon—Sino-Korea Art Exchange Exhibition of Sculptures  ࣲþ̿ྭ˨Րÿᬿ܈ଢՐ࡙ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) ᥙឰ࡙ 2013 The Dialogue of Life—Wang Jianguo’s Sculptures܈ᬿڎࣲᤁˇӰЛ  2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (3rd Prize) ᬅᬿ҉̔ื࡙ڎࣲʽ๒e̥ࢶ  ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ᄇဌРᎿషݒ͖ሒͻֶݒ὇  ͻֶ࡙܈ᬿڎࣲၷ֑ᄊࠫភúúဍथ  ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ᄇဌРᎿషݒʼ኎ݒ὇ 

㞧ᱜუキϸ 139 㾅㯹⽍ Xiao Suhong

,ࣲ  థၷ̆ᳬᴝ෈Ნ᜵࣊Ὂᇲዚᳬᴝ෈ֻ࠷ໝǍ Born in Apr. 1962 in Jixi, Heilongjiang Province, with ancestral home in Harbin  Heilongjiang Province.

.ࣲඌˊֻ̆࠷ໝ࣎ᔵܸߦᎿషጇǍ Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Harbin Normal University in 1985  ႇጇǍ Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of China Academy of Art inڎᎿషߦᬓڎ˗̆ˊࣲፇ  1990. ߦͯǍܣႇጇὊᖍᆰڎࣲඌˊܹ̆ษᎿషߦᬓ  Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine .ႇጇஔ૿Ǎ Arts with a Master’s Degree in 1999ڎ˗ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊ͊  Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in 2000. Serve as a professor at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րǍڎ˗ဘ͊

Current member of the Chinese Artists Association. Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄМࡓЛ  1994 The 8th National Art Exhibition  ࣲᐟጉጚඵܛ̡ྭႇ࡙ 1996 Xiao Suhong Chinese Figure Painting Exhibition ႇͻֶ࡙ 2000 The National Chinese Painting Exhibitionڎ˗ڎࣲЛ  (Ꮏష᧛॑ݒ὆ᨷݒ὇ 2001 The Gold Color Award of Chinese Art (Bronze Prizeڎ˗ࣲ  2005 The 3rd Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  ࣲኄʼࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2006 Sea Level—Paintings and Sculpture Exhibition of Shanghai  ࣲʽ๒๒ࣱጳፋႇᬿ܈ᐏ࡙ 2007 Exploration: New Ink Art Shanghai ࡙ 2009 Modern Ink Art Exhibition of Xiao Suhongܸܛ᤭úúʽ๒ழඵښܛࣲඵ  2009 Shanghai Abstract Painter Community Invitation Exhibition  ࣲᐟጉጚဘ̽ඵܛᓨష࡙ 2010 Centennial Celebration of Women in the Art World  ࣲʽ๒ચ៶ႇࠒᏆʹᥙឰ࡙ ࣲᄈࣲeݙভúú˗ܱݙᓨషࠒͻֶᥙឰ࡙  Breakthrough the barriers: Sketches, Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004. From Figure Photos to Head Portrait Sketch (Co-Author), Shanghai University Press, 2006. ǒቊᆡᬲТeᤴиǓὊ߷ॶᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Collection Works by Faculty of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University: Xiao Suhong, Shanghai ǒ̡̰ྭིྟ҂ጉଡ݀ϸǓ὆Ռᗃ὇Ὂʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Brilliant Publishing House, 2012. ǒʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓஔ࣎ͻֶᬷúúᐟጉጚǓὊʽ๒᩽ፖ஡ቦѣྠ ᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

140 ㏏ ⧍ Li Chao

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Nov. 1962 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Chinese Language and Literature Department of Fudan University in  ࣲඌˊ̆ܭேܸߦ˗஡ጇὊ႑͊ܭேܸߦಣ᫂ҩНࠉሜ˺Ǎ July 1984, and served as the secretary at the President’s Office of Fudan University.  ࣲᡑੰஔʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓǍ Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1986. Graduated from the Art Theory Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a  ࣲඌˊ̆˗ܽᎿషߦᬓᎿషԾ᝷ጇᆑቃၷိὊᖍᆰܣߦͯǍ Master’s Degree in 1991.  ࣲ͊ᐌʽ๒෴ႇᬿ܈ᬓǍ Served at Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute since 1992. .ߦͯǍ Graduated from the China Academy of Art with a Doctor’s DegreeܣᎿషߦᬓὊᖍӰڎ˗̆ˊࣲඌ  Served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Fine Arts College, cooperation supervisor at  ࣲᡑ͊ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓԾ᝷ጇஔ૿njӰܣᆑቃၷ࠮࣎njʽ๒ the Post-Doctoral Research Station of Fine Arts in Shanghai University. ܸߦᎿషߦӰܣՑืүባՌͻ࠮࣎Ǎ Current member of Chinese Artists Association, council member of Shanghai Artists Association. Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ǎڎ˗ဘ͊

1989 Don’t Play Cards with Cezanne—Contemporary Avant Garde Painting Exhibition ҒӼፋႇ࡙ of China̽ेڎ˗࠻နྡúú܋ࣲˀˁ  1990 Art Exhibition of China ᓨషܸ࡙ڎ˗ࣲ  1995 Served as the curator for the “Retrospective Exhibition of the Oil Painting History ᮏ࡙ÿኖ̡࡙ of Shanghai” at Shanghai Art Museumڀࣲઞ͊ʽ๒Ꮏషᯞþʽ๒෴ႇԾ   ࣲᄰᝀúúʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙ 2011 Intuition—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition 2012 Image—Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition ϸúúʽ๒࠵ࣨ෴ႇ࡙ڏࣲ  2012 Served as co-curator of the Exhibition of The Bright Moon Rises from the sea– the ᤃဘ̽Ꮏష˨ Origin of the Chinese Modern and Contemporary Artڎ˗ࣲԠˁ˗Өᓨషࠍþ๒ʽၷ௚థúú     ູÿኖ࡙ࢺͻ 2013 Lotuses in the Clouds—Exhibition of Paintings of Li Chao 2013 Served as the curator of Exhibition of Long-lasting Fragrance: Study on Li ࣲ̈ᫎӢᘎúúౄᡔፋႇͻֶ࡙  Shutong’s Oil Painting ࣲઞ͊þౄԨՏ෴ႇဣֶᆑቃ࡙ÿኖ̡࡙  A History of Oil Painting in Shanghai, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 1995. Muse on the Easel, Fudan University Press, 1998. ǒʽ๒෴ႇԾǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ A History of Early Period Oil Painting in China, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2004. (Won ǒ౶ʽᄊ᎗ளǓὊܭேܸߦѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The First Art Award of China: Art Theory and Criticism Award in 2009.) .ொర෴ႇԾǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠ὆ ࣲᖍᯫࡓ The History of Chinese Modern Oil Painting, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2007ڎ˗ǒ The Chinese Oil Painting Research Series: Tang Yunyu, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing ᎿషݒeᎿషေ᝷ក᝷ݒÿ὇Ǎڎ˗þ House, 2009. .ဘ̽෴ႇԾǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ The History of Art by Immigrants in China, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 2012ڎ˗ǒ ᘔဌǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍס෴ႇᆑቃጇѵeڎ˗ǒ ᤃܱ̽ዚረඟᎿషԾǓὊʽ๒˺ႇѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍڎ˗ǒ

㞧ᱜუキϸ 141 ➸ 再 Bai Ying

 ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚๆ෈᪚๒Ǎ Born in Jan. 1970 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Zhenhai, Zhejiang Province.

Graduated from the High School Affiliated to Fine Arts College of Shanghai University in  ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᬄ˗Ǎ 1990. ႇጇࣳ႑ಣ͊ஔǍ Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College ofڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  Shanghai University in 1994 and served as a teacher of the college. ߦͯǍܣႇጇᆑቃၷඌˊὊᖍᆰڎ˗ࣲʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of .ႇጇҞஔ૿Ǎ Shanghai University with a Master’s Degree in 2002ڎ˗ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ Served as an associate professor at the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ဘ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րǍ

Current member of Shanghai Artists Association. ࣲ௑̽᮳᧔úúࣼᇷʽ๒ᝍஊ  ևࣲᎿషͻֶ࡙  1999 Wonder of Times—The Art Exhibition for the Celebration for the 50th Anniversary ႇழሒͻֶ࡙὆᧛ηݒ὇ڎ˗᳧ࣲࠖᙆݒeᰴ኎Ꮏషᬓಣ  of Liberation of Shanghai С̗ЗथЗ  ևࣲʽ๒Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ 2001 Huang Binhong Award Exhibition of New Artworks of Traditional Chineseڎ˗ࣲࣼᇷ   ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿ࡙ Paintings of Fine Arts Academies (Jin Xin Prize) 2001 Shanghai Art Exhibition for the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CPC ࣲʽ๒ᰴಣ᭟ࣲஔ࣎Ꮏషͻֶ࡙  2001 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition ႇͻֶܸ࡙ 2004 Exhibition of Art Works by Young Teachers of Shanghai Colleges and Universitiesڎᓨషᬓಣ᭟ࣲஔ͖࣎ሒڎࣲЛ  ႇࠒᥙឰ࡙ 2005 National Exhibition of Excellent Traditional Chinese Paintings by Young Teachers inڎ᭟ࣲ̽ेڎጮᆕúúЛܛࣲቸ  Art Academies ႇࠒͻֶ࡙ڎ˗ࣲ๒ʽeे̽e᭟ࣲúúʽ๒͖ሒ᭟ࣲ  2006 Brush, Ink Stick, Paper and Inkstone—National Invitation Exhibition of  ࣲ ʽ๒๒ࣱጳፋႇᬿ܈ᐏ࡙ Contemporary Young Traditional Chinese Artists  ࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2007 Shanghai Contemporary Youth—Exhibition of Artworks by Excellent Shanghai Young Traditional Chinese Painting Artists Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿ڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  2008 2008 Sea Level—Paintings and Sculpture Exhibition of Shanghai ႇՐࠒழͻ࡙ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲߦᬓழவ᫼úúे̽   ࣲኄОࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition 2010 New Teams of Academy-Chinese Contemporary Art Masters' Work  ࣲʽ๒Ꮏషᤉ̛࡙ 2011 The 6th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition  ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙ 2013 Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing ႇᬓ˗᭟ࣲᓨష෢ᴝᥙឰ࡙ 2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲʽ๒  2014 Invitation Exhibition of the Young and Middle-Aged Artists Salon of Shanghai Institute of Chinese Painting ǒጉଡ̡ྭ݀ϸǓὊʽ๒˺इѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒᓨషˁ᝺ᝠᤩ᜽ߦǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Head Portrait Sketch, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2005. Theory of Art and Design Perspective, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005. ǒᤴи੿ขᔵవǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Models of Sketching Skills, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2006. ǒፋႇᤩ᜽ߦǓὊʽ๒̡ඟᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Theory of Painting Perspective, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2014.

142 㗌Ⰽ⿋ Mao Donghua

Born in Dec. 1971 in Shanghai, with ancestral home in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province.  ࣲ  థၷ̆ʽ๒Ὂᇲዚๆ෈݋ӑǍ Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of .ႇጇǍ Shanghai University in 1995ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  Served as a lecturer and the headmaster of High School Affiliated to Fine Arts College of ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᝯ࣎Ὂʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓᬄ˗ಣ᫂Ǎ Shanghai University.

ఢ͊Ѷ๒ዩᎿషᯞᆑቃᦊҞ˟͊Ъ࡙᜿ᦊ᠇᠊̡Ǎ Former deputy Director of the Research Department and the Head of the Exhibition Department of Liu Haisu Art Museum. Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnj Current deputy Secretary General of the Fine Arts Specialty Committee of Shanghaiڎ˗ր͘Ҟࣰ̃᫂njނˊ˄ဘ͊ʽ๒᭟ࣲ஡ᐏᎿష ,ႇ Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Youths, member of China Artists Associationڎ˗ʽ๒Ꮏషࠒө͘͘րnjʽ๒ঽູᇼᯮࡣႇᬓЪᐌႇ࣎njʽ๒ ᬓ᭟ࣲᓨషࠒ෢ᴝ͘րnjʽ๒ඵܛᎆࢺͻࠉੇրnjʽ๒˺ႇᬓႇ࣎Ǎ member of Shanghai Artists Association, part-time painter of Shanghai Hengyuanxiang Xiangshan Painting Institute, member of the Young Artists Salon of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai, member of the Ink Wash Lot Studio, painter of Shanghai Painting and .ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆ʼ኎ݒ὇ Calligraphy Academy   ࣲභঽᄊᝮॺúúጢঐઈெ੍̂ᑈѾ  ևࣲ̛෬Ꮏషᐏ࡙ 2001 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition (3rd Prize) ᐲᎿ࡙὆͖ሒݒ὇ 2005 Eternal Memory—the 60th Anniversary of Anti-Japanese War VictoryʹڎࣲኄОࡓЛ  (ᎆழሒݙႇࠒᐏ࡙ 2005 The 6th National Sports Art Exhibition (3rd PrizeܛeΈ̡úúඵܛࣲඵ  थй  ևࣲፋႇ࡙ 2006 Ink Painting · Beauty—Group Exhibition of Artworks by Female Artists from InkڎࣲЛ  Wash Lot Studio Ꮏషྲ࡙ 2007 The Military Art Exhibition for the 80th Anniversary of PLAڎࣲිࢶ˨АЛ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᖍݒଢՐ὇ 2008 Hope of Wenchuan—National Fine Arts Special ExhibitionڎࣲኄӡʷࡓЛ  (ႇ࡙ 2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition (Award Nominationڎ˗ࣲܱᄇບೄᄊ௑ቇúúඐрӨ  2012 The Space-Time of Wai Bai Du Bridge—Mao Donghua’s Chinese Painting ࣲݞᓨషúúʽ๒ݙᓨషࠒͻֶ࡙὆˩БР὇ Exhibition  (ࣲኄʹࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ᄇဌРᎿషݒ͖ሒݒ὇ 2012 Good Arts—Shanghai Exhibition of Artworks by Women Artists (Ukraine  (὇ 2013 The 7th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Excellence Awardڎ๒ึႇ࡙὆Ꮏ̽ेڎ˗ ࣲ᱋ҧʽ๒úú  2013 Chinese Painting Exhibition with Shanghai Elements (United States) ႇᬓ˗᭟ࣲᓨషࠒ෢ᴝᥙឰ࡙ 2014 Invitation Exhibition of the Young and Middle-Aged Artists Salon of Shanghaiڎ˗úúʽ๒ܒeܛࣲ  Institute of Chinese Painting ǒ᭟ࣲᎿషࠒˋ˺úúඐрӨǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

.ǒʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓஔ࣎ͻֶᬷúúඐрӨǓὊʽ๒᩽ፖ஡ቦѣྠ Collection of Young Artists Works: Mao Donghua, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 2003 ᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Collection Works by Faculty of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University: Mao Donghua, Shanghai Brilliant Publishing House, 2012.

㞧ᱜუキϸ 143 Ⰲ䦎㏓ Ding Beili

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Jun. 1972 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of .ႇጇవሙǍ Shanghai University in 1995ڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  ߦͯὊՏࣲੰஔ Graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College ofܣႇጇὊᖍᆰڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ  Shanghai University with a Master’s Degree and served as a teacher of the college in 2000. ႇጇǍڎ˗ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ Served as an associate professor of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University. ႇጇҞஔ૿Ǎڎ˗ဘ˞ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ Current council member of Shanghai Artists Association. ဘ͊ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ေ̃Ǎ 1999 Shanghai New Vision—Shanghai Youth Art Group Exhibition 2000 Shanghai Youth Art Invitation Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒ழ᜽ᝀúúʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿషᐏ࡙ 2001 Shanghai · Inchon Sino-Korea Art Exchange Exhibition 2003 International Contemporary Drawing Art Exhibition  ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿషᥙឰ࡙ 2003 Our Vision—2003 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition (2nd Prize) (ࣲʽ๒e̥ࢶᎿషͻֶ̔ื࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition (Silver Prize  (ᬅे̽ጉଡᓨష࡙ 2004 The 10th National Art Exhibition—Shanghai (Arts Awardڎࣲ  2004 The Excellent Prize of Shanghai Art Creation ࣲੈ̓ᄊ᜽᧙úú ʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆̄኎ݒ὇  2005 China’s Fine Arts Today (Korea) Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆ᩐݒ὇ 2006 Youth of Ink and WashڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  Ꮏషͻֶ࡙ʽ๒࡙὆ᓨషݒ὇ 2007 New Power of Ink and Wash Painting 2007ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2008 New College Square—Contemporary Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Youth Ink ࣲᕦᖍþʽ๒஡ᓨѹͻֶ͖ݒÿ  and Water Painting Artists ὇ 2008 Ink Non Ink—China Contemporary Ink and Water Painting Invitational ExhibitionڎᎿష˨̭ெ὆᭾ڎ˗ࣲ   ࣲඵܛ᭟௣ 2009 The 5th Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition (Shen Roujian’s Art Fund Prize) 2010 The 3rd Academic Forum of Contemporary Chinese Painting—Current Works  ࣲඵܛழᩩ  ࣲ࡙ 2011 Out of Image—Contemporary Chinese ink Paintings Nomination Exhibition ႇࠒଢՐ࡙ 2012 Crisscrossed Ink Painting—Shanghai New Ink Paintingܛ᭟ࣲඵڎ˗ࣲߦᬓழவ᫼úúे̽  ᥙឰ࡙ 2013 Changing View Round 3ܛඵ̽ेڎ˗úúܛ᭤ܛࣲ  ᓨష۳᧛ݒ὇ڲࣲኄ̋ࡓʽ๒Ꮏషܸ࡙὆ෛಁ 

.ͻֶ࡙ Collection of Young Artists Works: Ding Beili, Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House, 2003ڳႇߦష᝷ڎ˗ࣲኄʼࡓे̽  .ႇଢՐ࡙ 2004 Sea Level: Paintings and Sculpture Exhibition: Ding Beili, Shanghai University Press, 2005ܛඵ̽ेڎ˗ࣲ៶ܱe៶úú   ࣲඵܛጫഷúú ʽ๒ழඵܛᓨషܸ࡙ ࡙ڀࣲþ௜᜺ÿኄʼ 

ǒ᭟ࣲᎿషࠒˋ˺úúʸᗮᕺǓὊʽ๒ႇઑѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ ǒ ๒ࣱጳፋႇᬿ܈ᐏ࡙ᓨషࠒˋ˺eʸᗮᕺǓὊʽ๒ܸߦѣྠ ᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

144 䍦 ボ Zhang Jian

 ࣲ  థၷὊʽ๒̡Ǎ Born in Sep. 1972 as a native of Shanghai.

Graduated from Fine Arts Department of Nanjing University of the Arts in 1995. ߦͯǍ Graduated from Fine Arts Department of Nanjing University of the Arts with a Master’sܣႇ˄ˊὊᖍߦڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ӯ̛ᓨషߦᬓᎿషጇ  .ߦͯǍ Degree in 1999ܣႇ˄ˊὊᖍᆰڎ˗ࣲඌˊ̆ӯ̛ᓨషߦᬓᎿషጇ  Taught at Fine Arts College of Shanghai University since 1999. ႇጇҞڎࣲ͊ஔ̆ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓὊఢࣹ͊շߦጇҞ˟͊Ὂ  Served as the vice-director of the Advertising Department and the Traditional Chinese ˟͊Ǎ Painting Department. .ߦͯǍ Graduated from Chinese National Academy of Arts with a Doctor’s Degree in 2008ܣᓨషᆑቃᬓὊᖍӰڎ˗̆ˊࣲඌ 

Current vice-president of the Traditional Chinese Painting College of the Chinese National .ႇᬓҞᬓ᫂Ǎ Academy of Artsڎ˗ᓨషᆑቃᬓڎ˗ဘ͊

2001 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition (1st Prize) ࣲʽ๒᭟ࣲᎿ࡙὆ʷ኎ݒ὇  2003 The Serial Invitation Exhibition of the Department of Painting of the Fine Arts  ࣲຍӨܸߦᎿషߦᬓፋႇጇѵᥙឰ࡙úúस᜹ࢺቸႇ࡙ School of Tsinghua University—Zhangjian’s Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting Ꮏషᯞᯞᘩͻֶ࡙ Exhibitionڎ˗ࣲ  2005 Exhibition of Art Collection of National Art Museum of China Ꮏషͻֶ࡙᜿὆͖ሒͻֶݒ὇ڎࣲኄӡࡓЛ  2005 The 10th National Art Exhibition (Excellence Award) (ႇ࡙὆ᨷݒ὇ 2005 The 2nd Chinese Figure Painting Exhibition (Bronze Prizeྭ̡ڎ˗ࣲኄ̄ࡓ  ᓨష࡙ 2005 Dreaming of the Dragon’s Nation—Contemporary Art Exhibition from China̽ेڎ˗ࣲᴝீ˨ೕúú  2007 A Dialogue of Images—Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting, Heavy Color Gongbi ᐟϸ࡙ܛ෴ႇὊࢺቸ᧘॑Ὂඵڎ˗ࣲॎ៶ࠫភúú  Painting and Water and Ink Figure Painting ࢺቸႇþे̽ভÿଊጊ࡙ 2008 Illusion—Exploring the Possible Contemporariness of Chinese Gongbi Artڎ˗ࣲࣶ៶úú  Change View Round One—Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary 2010 ڀࣲ௜e᜺úúழࢺቸፋႇଢՐ࡙ኄʷ  Gongbi Art  ࣲгဘиࠄ὘౶ʽፋႇ࡙úú ኄ̋ࡓੇᦐԥࣲ࡙ 2011 Representation of Realistic Art—Exhibition of Paint, 2011 Chengdu Biennale ࢺቸႇଢՐ࡙ 2012 Multi-Layered: 2012 Contemporary Traditional Chinese Elaborate-style̽ेڎ˗ ࣲʼᆇ˵ಀúú   ࣲഐঐᡔᡕúúழࢺቸ஡࿹࡙ 2012 Surpass Conception—New Fine Line Painting Literature Exhibition 2012 Onward from Concepts: 2012 New Chinese Literature Exhibition Works ᓨష࡙ڎ˗ࣲ  2012 The 2012 Chinese Art Exhibition ᬅᎿషԥࣲ࡙ 2012 The 5th Beijing International Art Biennialڎࣲኄ̋ࡓӒ̛   ࣲ௑̽ᐟϸúúे̽ᓨషʼӡࣲ 2013 Portrait of the Times: 30 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art 2013 The 8th International Ink Art Biennale of Shenzhen ԥࣲ࡙ܛᬅඵڎڢࣲኄМࡓງ  2013 The Revival of Tradition—Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition ᓨష࡙ 2013 The 9th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings̽ेڎ˗ำúúܭࣲ͜ፒᄊ  ࢺቸႇ࡙ڎ˗úú ኄ˵ࡓ̽ेښࣲࢺ  Analysis of Fine Line Figure Painting of Zhang Jian, Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005. New Fine Line Painting Literature Books: Zhang Jian Volume, Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House, ǒस᜹ࢺቸ̡ྭѹͻᝍౢǓὊሉथᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ 2010. ǒழࢺቸ஡࿹ˋ˺úúस᜹ԄǓὊ߷ॶᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ Picturesque Realm: Exploring the Fine Line Figure Painting of Zhang Jian, Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House, 2011. ǒႇܒ὘स᜹ࢺቸ̡ྭႇଊॲǓὊ߷ॶᎿషѣྠᇫ  ࣲྠǍ

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146 Afterword

The Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai University Museum is an attempt of the museum in collecting artworks. Although the artistic achievements made by alumni of Fine Arts College of Shanghai University are deŅnitely beyond what we can see on display, it is a pity that we didn t invite many other outstanding artists for limitation of time or space. However, it is lucky that the exhibition is just a beginning. We will certainly continue to collect artworks and therefore curate a series of new exhibitions.

We visited every participating artist during the preparation of the exhibition, and heard the most common words by them I will always support the affairs of the university. We are deeply respectful and grateful to such kindness.

In their studios, houses and solo exhibitions, we hever listened to artists presentation of their life experiences, art careers and creation concepts, including stories of narrow escape and legendary fate. More importantly, they interpreted the uniTue ideas towards life, philosophy and beauty underlying in their works.

Therefore, we came up with the idea of recording all these down for it s also an important part of the museum s collection.

So we held the exhibition to display works of those artists. Further, our next plan is to present visitors with their works as well as their art experiences and creation concepts.

Last year, Shanghai University Museum received Ņnancial and political support from Shanghai Education Committee by which we were extremely inspired. In particular, during the digital museum construction, artists materials will be collected and organi]ed in forms of word, picture, audio and video, and then represented in further exhibitions of the museum. In about two years, the construction of Shanghai University Museum will be completed in the university campus, and then the museum will become an important platform for collection, exhibition and research of art.

May, 2014

147 Ꮃ⺊᫝̷⊤๔႓㏱ᐧι࡮কᎡ喟 Celebration for the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of New Shanghai University: Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai University Museum ʽ๒ܸߦӰྭᯞᓨషᥙឰ࡙

ᆂ㻵䶫䬛喟स۲ᆩ ဍ࢐ᮃ Consultant: Zhang Peichu Wang Jieyin ゃ ᆂ ϧ喟ᬝᮻ̎ Curator: Tao Feiya ប㵹ゃᆂϧ喟 ᦌ ᰢ Executive Curator: Guo Ji ゃᆂߖ⤳喟ౄη˨ ͵ ࢏ Assistant Curator: Li Xinzhi He Feng

ǒ ʽ๒ܸߦӰྭᯞᓨషᥙឰ࡙ͻֶᬷǓ Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai University Museum Collection

ͨ 㑃喟 ᬝᮻ̎ Chief Editor: Tao Feiya ޜ ͨ 㑃喟 ᦌ ᰢ Associate Editor: Guo Ji 㑃 ༁喟 ౄη˨ ͵ ࢏ स ൕ ఠ ᳮ Editorial Board: Li Xinzhi He Feng Zhang Xin Cao Mo 㔨 䃾喟 ᦌ ᰢ ౄη˨ ͵ ࢏ Translator: Guo Ji Li Xinzhi He Feng ჎ 䄨喟 ͵ ࢏ Examination: He Feng

௿ ႇ Thanks to ὆ଆՐˀѬЏՑ὇

ʽ๒࣊Ꮏషࠒө͘ Shanghai Artists Association १ලᓨషᯞ Xuhui Art Museum ႇᬓ Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghaiڎ˗ʽ๒ ๒ʽ˺ႇՐࠒՑᜎᐏែ͘ Association of Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Masters’ Descendants

ʽ๒ܸߦЗނࠈ͜ᦊ Propaganda Department of the CPC of Shanghai University ʽ๒ܸߦᎿషߦᬓ Fine Arts College of Shanghai University ʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫ Shanghai University Press ೒к೼⠜㓪Ⳃ˄&,3˅᭄᥂ ʽ๒ܸߦӰྭᯞᓨషᥙឰ࡙ͻֶᬷ  ᬝᮻ̎˟ᎄ  ʽ๒὘   ʽ๒ܸߦѣྠᇫὊ   *4#/

úڎ˗Ĉŀʽ⋯ĉŀᬝ⋯Ċ ŀᎿషúͻֶ፬Ռᬷú   ဘ̽ċ  ŀ +

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2014)第 078780 号

责任编辑 柯国富 封面设计 薛俊华 技术编辑 章 斐

㩰⼄⫔䁈⤊㹐⹾䄶㭖䂜㤌䍚䔘㠘ゐ 㲶⳪䁨 䑘⢁

出版发行 上海大学出版社 社 址 上海市上大路 99 号 邮政编码 200444 网 址 www.shangdapress.com 发行热线 021-66135110 出版人 郭纯生

印 刷 上海雅昌彩色印刷有限公司 经 销 各地新华书店 开 本 889×1194 1/8 印 张 18.75 字 数 370 千 版 次 2014年5月第1版 印 次 2014年5月第1次 书 号 ISBN 978-7-81118-354-2/J·324 定 价 360.00 元 定价:360.00元