定价:360.00元 ბፇॺܾๆዜٷ൪ጁႎฉ࡛ CELEBRATION FOR THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF NEW SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY ᬝᮻ̎ ˟ᎄ TAO FEIYA CHIEF EDITOR 002 㿓䄜 ĄᎲ⺉̶⊣๓႒㏰ᐦθঔᎠ喝̶⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲㞦ᱛ䖬䄣ᆁą᭛̶⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲⇖̶㞦 ᱛ⩸⮰仂⁍ϚⰤȠ ᱘⁍࣮ᆁ⮰㞦ᱛტ喏ᬌ䃦᭛ܦ⩋κ ͂㏖θ̵ᎠЏȟผह᭪䊗⮰㞦ᱛ๓ტ喏䔄᭛ᑿ϶㞦ಇ ͙≭ⵑᴝ⮰ ȟ ऺ喏ួᝂᎠ䒧䔇⮰ ȟ ऺ喏ЂИ⩋͙⮰⃡ᬢ䬠䘩̶̺⊣๓႒ᰵⱬ㉓ ჲ⮰㖀㈧喏ᝂ᭛҈Ч᪅喏ᝂ᭛႒Ό⌝䕌喞Ꭲ̀喏䔅㖀㈧̬Ⱐᐢ㐙ݜβ϶๕喏ጴ⩋ͷ䬠ȟस႒ͷ 䬠⮰㞦ᱛϐ≭Ϟܳ㔸ಒ䄆喏Ⱔᥦ䬚䕿喏Ⅾ㉎̹₎Ƞ ᪇̹ڱ᭛̬Ꮣᐬᩪ⮰ጮ喏Ⴏᝬ⠘ᰵ⮰䲕ᕓȟ࠱ქᕓБࣶᬢᅆᕓ喏ᒎβ̶⊣㒺ᱛ⊢̶ ๓⅀ȟᎰ䛹̹䆖䓴⮰㞦ᱛ৭ᵨȠₐ⁍ᆁܦ⮰҈৭喏ь㐋̺⣜Џȟ͈̺㺫ȟಆႴ̺݇喏ϐ㏳ 䲎ᆁβ̶⊣㞦ᱛტᑿЏᣎ㉎⮰䲎䆸Ƞڔႄ喏Ⱔξⷜ喏ॴ⣜βๆᵣȟ凈ᬺ⮰䷺ᵨ喏䒯ͦڝ β̬๓ឥф⻬⮰㞦ᱛϦ喏ᰵ߇ᣔߔβ̶⊣㒺ᱛη͆ڧπๆᎠᲑ喏̶⊣๓႒㒺ᱛ႒䮎ഥ 喏͆͆ڎڎ⮰ࣽᆁȠ⌝⌝ᙋᔬκᵍ㞦ᱛ̶ᄥ⮰ᠳᑁ喏̵Ꭰຮ̬ᬑ喏㞦ᱛᣎ㉎⮰䕿䌛̶ Ꭲ㏴ႄᰵ᪘⩻ͷᓯȠ স㞦ᱛⵀΌ⮰䕿䌛̶䊜ᓃᰠߌಆȟ⽟֑喏ጸ᱇̶⊣๓႒ڧᰬऺ喏⺉ᙫ̶⊣๓႒㞦ᱛϦഥ ࢆ➕亲̹ᣔܦф⻬ᆁ㻴喏ᠭ㐙ᩢ㫻⊣̶㞦ᱛҟ҈Ƞ 㬊⫔㸘 ͙㒺ᱛტࡻцޛͧፙ ̶⊣ጮ᪳㖀ͧፙ ̶⊣ጮ㒺ᱛტࡻцͧፙ Ꭰ ᰴ 003 Preface ĉ The Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai University Museum is the debut of the museum in the art circles of Shanghai. Whether they are distinguished masters born during the second and third decades of the 20th century, or the mainstays born in 0s and 0s, or the ambitious generation of their forties and Ņfties, all of the SarticiSating artists are closely related to Shanghai University in means of ZorNing, teaching or studying. Whatģs more, the relationshiS is still tight today, Zhich maNes it Sossible for the teachers and students to communicate kindly and sincerely with each other in order to searching for the Muse of art. As an oSen city, the uniTue nature of Shanghai such as revolutionary, inclusive and fashionable leads to the result of artistic character of Shanghai to be humble and generous, solemn and heroic. 1o matter traditional or modern, eastern or western, Sersistent or creative, the artwork on disSlay shows a coexistence and collision of various and distinguished styles, which gives a comSrehensive Sicture of the uSdate exSloration of artists in Shanghai. )or more than Ņfty years, the )ine Arts &ollege of Shanghai University has raised numerous artists of excellence, therefore Sromoted the develoSment of art in Shanghai. 'eeSly in my heart, I aSSreciate a lot of the guidance given by my Alma Mater, which helSs me to keeS humble and diligent for thirty years as one day in my exSloration of art. /ast but not least, Slease take my sincere wish of Shanghai University to be more Ņrm and determined in the training of artistic talents and the researching of art. %est wishes to Shanghai University Museum to continue collecting masterSieces of Shanghai artists and holding exhibitions of high Tuality. Shi 'awei 9iceSresident of &hina Artists Association 3resident of Shanghai )ederation of /iterary and Art &ircles President of Shanghai Artists Association May, 2014 004 㿓ⱟ 㞦ᱛ喏᭛⩋⮰ሳ倄䔩ⅮȠ ๓႒⮰㞦ᱛ᪅㗞সⵀ⾢ᰬᬕछБ䔩⏛ݜ Ꭰ⿷⮰̶⊣ጮ㒺ᱛ̿႒ᵍ喏ࢲ㏻βц⮰ऄ䓭সᬢЏ⮰⊢̶ ͯڔᰵڣβ๓ឥ㒺ᱛ݇҈ȟ䃪䃍সⵀ⾢Ϧ喏⊸⣜β̬χڧ喏႒ᵍ̶ͦ⊣䭱ࡂ๓䘩ጮ⮰㏻≺স᪳ࡂᐦ䃪ഥ⋍ 㜟䭱ᒝ৹⮰㞦ᱛტ喏݇҈ܦβ๓䛻ф⻬⮰㒺ᱛ̺㞦ᱛ䃪䃍҈৭喏ᄥࡳ̶⊣⮰ጮ᪳ࡂᒎ䆍҈ܦβ䛹㺭䉍⡚Ƞ ϶Ꭰ᭛̶⊣๓႒㏰ᐦθঔᎠ喏̶⊣๓႒㏰㒺ᱛ҈৭ᒭ䯲ༀц喏ጸ᱇ᄲ̶⊣๓႒᪅ጴȟᵍࣷБ̶ࣶ̺⊣ ৭҈ܦȠ᱘⁍ᆁ㻴ᆁܦज़ऺ⮰㻲㻾̷喏ࢲञ⮰Ꮋ͙݃ⅳ㖆সᆁٴᰵ⌶⎼⮰㞦ᱛტИ⮰ᓯͷ҈喏̬͖ឫڣ๓႒ ⣜ᬘ⮰㞦ᱛݹ䒴喏ᰵᵍЧ㕸㐕᪼♢⮰᪅ጴ喏䔄ᰵ䃤ๆϺ̶⊣๓႒䊣ₑ喏ڗ⮰҈㔱喏ᬎᰵጞ㏻䔬нȟ⩆㜟Ꭰ䕪 ጞ㏻ह␍๕̷⮰Ნܦ㞦ᱛტȠ䔅χ㞦ᱛტИБᑿЏჍ㒺㻮স݇䕌߇喏⩔㜖ጝ⮰ᗱসᕉᘟ㐄ⱬ⣜ЏϦИ㒺ຩ⮰ ᰵ⌝䔈⮰ࢲञᘻ͵Ƞڣ喏Б㜖ጝ⠘➥⮰ᐻ㶔䓪ЂИᄥ͂⩸⮰䃐䃲Ƞᬌ⪽䔅͖ᆁ㻴ᄥӯ䔇̶⊣๓႒㞦ᱛ᪅㗞̺݇҈≦⩋ 㶣ᓯᙋ䅎ᝬᰵ̶ͦ⊣๓႒㞦ᱛ᪅㗞ȟ㞦ᱛ݇҈ȟ㞦ᱛⵀ⾢҈ܦ̹छ⸔▙⮰䛹㺭䉍⡚⮰㞦ᱛტИ喏ऽҌИ㜠᪘Ƞ 㔿⽋ㅽ ̶⊣๓႒ᵍ䪫 Ꭰ ᰴ 005 Preface Ċ Art is the noble Sursuit of life. The earliest education and study of art in Shanghai University dates back to the Shanghai Fine Arts School established in 1959. Through the change of society and the test of time, the school has trained a large number of talents sSeciali]ed in the creating, designing and researching in the field of fine arts for the economic and cultural develoSment of Shanghai as an international metroSolis. 2014 is the 20th anniversary of the founding of new Shanghai University. Shanghai University had set uS an Artwork &ollection &ommittee to collect and disSlay the masterSieces made by teachers, graduated students and those related to the university in a sustainable SersSective and a historical order. Some of the artists are the Sredecessors already retired from the university and even in their eighties, some are among the faculty with remarkable achievements, and some are outstanding and world-famous artists who started their career from Shanghai University. Under the guidance of contemSorary aesthetics and creative ideas, the artists are Sainting the haSSy life of SeoSle nowadays with their own thoughts and feelings. There is no doubt about the far-reaching historical inņuence on art education and creation of Shanghai University exerted by the exhibition. We would like to thank and honor the artists for their indelible signiŅcant contributions to the education, creation and research of art for Shanghai University. Luo Hongjie President of Shanghai University May, 2014 006 ⥀䍚㦬䈐 ጚ̹ๆ̬Ꭰݹ喏ᅝ᭛ Ꭰ⮰᭑๕喏Иᐬもܾ̬⁍䲎ऽᵍࣷ⮰㒺ᱛ҈৭ᒭ䯲≧ߔȠᑿᬢ⮰ᘟ∁᭛ 喏ᰠ䛹㺭⮰᭛̶ͦ⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲ᩢ㫻̬ឥ㞦ᱛ҈৭Ƞڸ⩧᱘̬❵ܦ๓႒ᵍᎲͷ䭱ͪߊ̬⁍ᆁ㻴ȟ⊢̶ ำⰤᑿ⮰߇喏ᄥκ̬Ꮣ㐨ऴᕓ⮰๓႒㔸㼬喏᠑ᰵ㒺ᱛ႒䮎䔅ᵣ̬͖➥㞞凈ᬺ̀ᅝࡿڣ๓႒㒺ᱛ䲎⊢̶ 㦃᪼♢⮰႒䮎喏᭛ᐦ䃪႒ᵍࢆ➕亲⮰Ჭͦछ䉡⮰䉰⎼喏᭛Иもܾ᱘⁍ᆁ㻴⮰ദȠИጸ᱇㘩๋䕆䓳̬⁍̺㞦 ᱛტ⮰Ⱐ䲎ᣑ㼒喏ᐬज़ࢆ➕亲㞦ᱛᩢ㫻⮰๓䬔喏䔼⌼̶ͦ⊣๓႒⼛㉛䊣㞦ᱛ䉎ჸȠ Ч㒺ᱛ҈৭ᒭ䯲ༀцͧЧ喏Ꭲܦ߇ᩛᠭ喏➥ݗᙋ䅎㒃ᵍ䪫Ϟ㜖ڔИ⮰䃪ᘟᓃݜκԍⅳΒ䃜ȟ㒃ႻᲜᵍ䪫⮰ ᎻȠᰪЧᝂ⣜Ч㒺ᱛ႒䮎䶲ᄨ⮰㫇ᔃ㞛Β䃜ȟ䗝⦊᩻䮎䪫ȟᑌഥ䮎䪫ȟ↖๓ы䮎䪫ȟ䭴❝⣹Β䃜ふ喏҈ڸ⩧ᆁ㻴ͦ 䘩㐅δИ䲊፤छ䉡⮰ᠳ᪅Ƞ 㞦ᱛ݇҈喞ڑ䔅̬Ꭰ䛸喏И⮧䬔ऽϗ㾵㞦ಇ⮰㔭㞦ᱛტⅮ᪅喏ЂИ⺊⳹䧰喏㕁㕄̹Ւ喏ᄲϦ⩋⮰ਞ⤲㲹 И᠈䃫β≧䋯⮰㞦ಇ͙ಆ喏ЂИ⮰Ϧ⩋㏻ࢲ᭛ຮₐ㞜䓇喏ѲϹ̹⾭ⵠ㜖喏߇ప⣜⠘ᴽ̬ፈ⮰㞦ᱛ䷺ᵨ喞 И䔄̺̬㓐ᘻ⅀䷺ࣽ⮰Ꭰ䒧㞦ᱛტӯ㛉ϐ≭喏ЂИ⌝ᕉ͙㞦ᱛ⮰ᐢ㐙݇喏ᄧឪऴ䔮⮰㞦ᱛࣽᆁ䕿䌛Ƞ㏻䓳̬Ꭰ ⮰ఇๆѹ㞦ᱛტ࣮ᆁ喏ЂИ⮰Ꭰ咰䬠䯀ࡶ͖͂㏖喏Ђ⩋ܦ⮰ߖ߇喏И䖬䄣ݜ ͂㏖ ᎠЏ㜟 ͂㏖ ᎠЏ ᭛㞦⩸ݹ䒴И⮰ᐦ䃚ऺ喏Иᄲ᱘⁍ᆁ㻴ڢसͷะ᭛ᝂๆᝂᄽ䘩̶̺⊣๓႒ᰵⱬ㖀㈧Ƞक़ंरᘻ㻭ȟᅐڝИ⮰ ⮰҈৭喏㮩♢ͧ䷄̹̬ȟ䷺ᵨरᐮ喏ڱहͦĄ̶⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲㞦ᱛ䖬䄣ᆁąȠᆁ㻴ⅳ㖆͙⩧ȟ⇥⩧ȟ䰁ൽȟ❴⩧ 䯲͙ᆁЂИ⮰҈৭喏᭛ᄥ̶⊣๓႒㒺ᱛᅝ⮰̬⁍ఊ䶪喏᭛ᄥ̶⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲᱖Ბ㞦ᱛᆁڱ⾦Ѳ䔅ᵣ̬͖ᬢ ⮰̬⁍ᕉ㔯Ƞ ふݹ䒴㞦ᱛტ喏Бࣶᝬᰵ࣮ᆁ⮰ᵍࣷ㞦⩋ٴ⊕ȟ「Ⅴ⩋ٴ⩟ȟᑌ㜖⩋ٴȟᐂ◛Ὅ⩋ٴȟ᳃ᰒᬺ⩋ٴᙋ䅎䭴ҕ ѿसϭ㶣ᓯᙋ䅎ҌИ善ڔᱛტᄥИ⮰ԍЧসᩛᠭȠ⇍ᰵҌИᠳᄨস࣮̺喏ᅝ⇍ᰵ䔅⁍ߋ⮰⩧ᆁȠࢆ➕亲 ⩋ٴ⩻ፙȟ̶⊣ጮ᪳㖀ͧፙȟ̶⊣ጮ㒺ᱛტࡻцͧፙ๓ͧޛᵍࣷ喏͙㒺ᱛტࡻцܦᙋ䅎̶⊣๓႒⮰Ნڢᅐ Ꮋ喏ҫ᱘⁍ᆁ㻴䓪ݜᒴ倄⮰㞦ᱛⅠ۲Ƞ҈ڸ⩧ͦۃ⮪ᔅͷ͙࣮ᆁᎢ᠔ И䔄㺭ऽᑌഥ᪅ᢴ㜠Б䄆ᡆ⮰䅎ᘻ喏ᑌ᪅ᢴᄥИもᆁ͙⮰̬͖䛹㺭⣛㞮䘩㐅δβᖵᓯᠳᄨȠᙋ䅎⢷ߨ 喏ͦ⩋ٴ⊕⮰䃪䃍もܾӇβ䄤ๆ䉡⮰ᘻ㻭Ƞᙋ䅎ᒼⅳ㞦ᱛ亲亲䪫喏᭛̶๓㒺䮎ᵍࣷ⮰਼ڸ⩧䴟᪅ᢴͦᆁ㻴ȟ ᱘⁍ᆁ㻴⮰䶦ݕᐬᎁӇर䲎⮰ፚߕȠ सᵣᙋ䅎亲䪫ߕ⤲䘙俑喏Бࣶᱺԍͷȟҁሜȟᑌ⁏ȟᰥ各㏰⮰Ꭰ䒧ఎ䭋喏ͦ᱘⁍ᆁ㻴ᝬЄܦ⮰䓇ߟসᮦᚓȠ 䕆䓳᱘⁍ᆁ㻴Иᰵ⤲⩝Ⱔԍ喏ᵍࣷИ⮰ᩛᠭ̷̶⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲ᄲ䓺Ბ㒺ຩ⮰᱖ᲑȠ 㲶⳪䁨 もᆁϦȟ̶⊣๓႒ࢆ➕亲喋ゥ喌亲䪫 007 &uratorģs Words About one year ago, namely in the sSring of 201, we started to curate a collection of artworks made by the alumnus and alumna of the university. The original idea was to hold an exhibition on the anniversary of the founding of new Shanghai University, to Sublish an exhibition catalogue, and more imSortantly, to collect a number of artworks for Shanghai University Museum. Shanghai University has a considerable strength in the Ņeld of Ņne arts. For a comSrehensive university, Fine Arts &ollege with such distinctive characteristics and remarkable achievements is indeed an extremely valuable resource for building a university museum, and also the basis for holding this exhibition. We hoSe to oSen the door to the art collection of the museum and gradually build the wealth of art for Shanghai University through our direct contact with the artists. 2ur SroSosal has received fully suSSort from Mr. <u ;inhui, the secretary of &P& &ommittee of Shanghai University, and Mr. Luo Hongjie, the Sresident of Shanghai University. We are Sarticularly grateful that President Luo acted as the director of the Artwork &ollection &ommittee in Serson and wrote a Sreface for the exhibition catalogue. In addition, the former and current leaders of the Fine Arts &ollege , including Secretary ;ue =hiliang, 'ean 4iu 5uimin, 'ean =hang Peichu, 'ean Wang 'awei and Secretary &hen Ai]hen, have all given us very valuable guidances. Throughout the whole year, we Said visits to renowned old artists and asked for their advices. They are hale and diligent, haSSy to mix life lessons into creation of art. We visited the active dominant forces of art, who continued to break their boundaries and tried their best to establish artistic style of their own, desSite of the fact that they had exSerienced many difŅculties in life. We also talked with a bunch of vigorous young artists who were Sondering over the inheritance and innovation of &hinese Art while seeking uniTue style of art. After a year of hard work, we invited 44 artists who were born between the 1920s and 1970s to join the exhibition. Although they are of different generations, they do share one thing in common that they are all related to Shanghai University in some way. After considering oSinions from all asSects, we decided to name the exhibition Invitation Art Exhibition of Shanghai University Museum. The exhibition has gathered various kinds of works together, including &hinese Saintings, oil Saintings, sculStures and Srint works. Although they are of different themes and styles, the gathering of the works in the same time and sSace could act as a review of the artistic achievements of Shanghai University as well as an exSloration of art exhibition in the future. We aSSreciate the trust and suSSort from our elder artists such as Mrs. &hen PeiTiu, Mr. Lin ;iming, Mr. Liao -iongmo, Mr. =hang =ishen and Mr. =hang <onghao, as well as the other artists who joined the exhibition. The exhibition would have not been so successful without your guidance and SarticiSation. All my museum colleagues and me hereby give our most sincere thanks to you all! We also would like to sincerely thank Mr. Shi 'awei, the distinguished alumnus of Shanghai University, the vice-Sresident of &hinese Artists Association and the Sresident of Shanghai Artists Association, for his SarticiSation in the exhibition and writing a Sreface for our catalogue, which truly elevated the artistic level of the exhibition.
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