“The rise of the networking region: The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world” The rise of the networking region: The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world Harald Baldersheim, Are Vegard Haug, and Morten Øgård (eds.) NORDREGIO 2009 Nordic Council of Ministers Research Programme Report 2009:10 ISSN 1403-2511 Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE-111 86 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected] www.nordregio.se www.norden.se Nordic co-operation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The Nordic Council is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians form the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic co-operation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum of co-operation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic co-operation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for co-operation, the Nordic Committee for co-operation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Stockholm, Sweden 2009 Contents CHAPTER 1 11 The rise of the networking region: The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world 11 Introduction 11 Theoretical foundations 12 Design and data collection 13 Outline of the report 15 Summing up 17 CHAPTER 2 21 ”Regionernas Norden” tio år efteråt. Institutionell utveckling och politisk debatt om den politiska mellannivån i Norden 1996–2009 21 Inledning 21 Den skandinaviska modellen och den finländska modellen förändras 1999–2009 22 Reformförslag och institutionella förändringar under 2000-talet 23 Divergens och konvergens i Norden 26 ”Regionernas Norden” i ljuset av fem dimensioner 29 Slutord: Samma uppgifter – olika mandat: en utmaning för den nordiska regionforskningen 33 CHAPTER 3 37 Knowledge brokerage and institutional retooling.