THE MAGAZINE OF THE HAAS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BerkeleyHaasFall 2012 5 AMBITIOUS MBA FOR EXECS 13 AUDACIOUS MISSION IN AFRICA 16 AT THE FORE OF FINANCE The new Berkeley MBA for Executives Patrick Awuah, MBA 99, aims to transform Prof. Mark Rubinstein plays a crucial role in will begin classes in May 2013. a continent through higher education. understanding options. A Force at the Fed Vice Chair and Haas Prof. Janet Yellen Leads in Extraordinary Times The Berkeley-Haas Advantage Step outside of your day-to-day and return to one of the most stimulating business environments in the world. UPCOMING PROGRAMS Negotiations and Influence December 3-5, 2012 High-Impact Leadership December 3-4, 2012 Venture Capital Program December 3-7, 2012 Boot Camp for Experienced Managers December 10-13, 2012 Product Management January 28-February 1, 2013 Berkeley Advanced Global Management March 4-15, 2013 All Berkeley-Haas alumni enjoy special pricing for open-enrollment programs. To find the right opportunity for you, contact: Kristina Susac, Director of Marketing and Open Programs +1.510.642.9167 |
[email protected] Fall 2012 FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS The Leadership Issue EDITOR IN CHIEF Ronna Kelly, BS 92 UP FRONT EXECUTIVE EDITORS Richard Kurovsky Ute Frey DESIGN Cuttriss & Hambleton, Berkeley STAFF WRITERS Valerie Gilbert, Jennifer Ruppert, Pamela Tom CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cari Carlson, Susan Chandler, 2 Haas List Victoria Chang, Deanna Duff, Top execs welcome Russ Mitchell, Jonathan new students. Rabinovitz, Stacie Stukin 4 Haas News PHOTOGRAPHERS An ambitious new Eric Don Arthur, Jim Block, Berkeley MBA for Cameron Davidson, executives.