Royal Commission on the Rebellion in Ireland 1916
j ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE REBELLION IN IRELAND. REPORT OF COMMISSION. Presented te b~th Heases ~f Partlament by Command of Hiz mai~sty. LONDON: PRIN'l'ED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By DARLING AND SON, LIMITED, BACON STREET, E. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN AND SONS, LIMITED, 29, BREAMSBUILDINGS, FETTERLANE, E.C., 28, ABINGDON STREET, S.W., and 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF; or H.M:. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISHBRANCH), 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, LIMITED, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, LIMITED, LONDON, W.C. 1916. [Od. 8279.] Price~2d. ROYAL COMMISSION. GEORGE R.I. GEORGE THE FIFTH, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great;Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, to Our right trusty and well-beloved Oounsellor OHARLES,BARONHARDINGEOFPENSHURST,Knight of Our Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Oross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Oommander of Our Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Commander of Our Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Knight Grand Oross of Our Royal Victorian Order,Oompanion of the Imperial Service Order; and Our trusty and well-beloved: -SIR MONTAGUESHEARMAN,Knight, one of the Judges of Our High Oourt
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