RAYALASEEMA UNIVERSITY (A State University established by Government of A.P) KURNOOL CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Office No.: 08518 – 280603 E-mail:
[email protected] No.RU/ U.G. Exams/Examination centres/Mar-2018 Date:07.03.2018 To All the Principals of U.G. affiliated colleges, Rayalaseema University , Kurnool. Sir, Sub: - Information about U.G. examination centres for Mar/April-2018 examinations Ref:-U.G. Examinations scheduled from 23-03-2018. The following are U.G. examination centres for 2nd,4th,5th and 6th semester end regular & supplementary and 1st,2nd and 3rd year end supplementary examinations to be conducted from 23-03-2018. All the Principals of the proposed examination centres are requested to make proper arrangements for smooth conduction of examinations. Ru Ug Semester's & Year End College Wise examinaion centres -Mar-2018 Exams. COLLNAME COURSENAME cent COD re E centre name cod e B.A. 013 RAVINDRA DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, KURNOOL KVR GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE 001 B.COM. 013 RAVINDRA DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, KURNOOL FOR WOMEN, KURNOOL B.SC. 013 RAVINDRA DEGREE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, KURNOOL B.A. 008 SRI SANKARA'S DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL GOVT. DEGREE COLLEGE FOR 002 MEN, KURNOOL B.COM. 016 STBC COLLEGE, KURNOOL B.SC. 011 ST.JOSEPH'S DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL B.A. 008 SRI SANKARA'S DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL SBSYM DEGREE COLLEGE, 006 KURNOOL B.COM. 008 SRI SANKARA'S DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL B.SC. 008 SRI SANKARA'S DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL B.B.A. 098 N M R DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL B.B.M. 098 N M R DEGREE COLLEGE, KURNOOL SRI VIJAYADURGA DEGREE 007 B.C.A.