Issue 2 2019 Volume 23 @sportsmag ON THE COVER JANE The NICKERSON As Swim England celebrates 150 years, its Murray CEO looks forward p28 Factor Ambition Can Scotland capitalise needed on Andy and Jamie’s Andy Reed says the sports sector needs to success? p16 raise its game p27 Active Lives 2019 Physical activity levels are up, but team sports are struggling p58 Did you know Myzone increases member club Myzone is a leading wearable and visits by technology solution designed and built for WKHȴWQHVVLQGXVWU\0\]RQHDPSOLȴHVWKH Source: Mid-Town Athletic Club, N.America JURXSH[HUFLVHH[SHULHQFHDQGSURYLGHV valuable data for clubs with built-in FKDOOHQJHVSHUVRQDOJRDOVJDPLȴFDWLRQ 33% and an online social community. Gamify your club. Your customers will love you for it! @myzonemoves | #myzonemoves | #myzonecommunity
[email protected] 2 ISSUE 1 2019 EDITOR’S LETTER Getting more ambitious It’s time to step up and challenge ourselves to take a more strategic look at how sport can raise its game if we are to make a meaningful impact on society and on the lives of all citizens he he sports sector has the opportunity to identify a new and vital role for itself and to develop a world-changing, meaningful plan, says industry thought leader, Andy Reed. So what’s the big idea? Should we make T Writing on page 27, Reed says other areas of public life are being ambitious in their thinking in terms sport free at the point of use, like the of impact, scope and vision and urges the sports sector to NHS, pay people to take part or become follow suit and imagine more audaciously.