Ingham County Democrat the Following Ooieors Last Sunday : B- G- Xsitjajtt Ing in Popularity in This Section—Sends Ns Snporlntendent—T

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Ingham County Democrat the Following Ooieors Last Sunday : B- G- Xsitjajtt Ing in Popularity in This Section—Sends Ns Snporlntendent—T VOL. IX. MASON. MIGHIGAN. THURSDAY. JANUARY IT. 1884. NO. 3. The Chicago Daily News—rapidly grow­ The Prcsbyleriaii .Suiulay school chose Ingham County Democrat the following oOieors last Sunday : B- G- XSITJajTT ing in popularity in this section—sends ns Snporlntendent—T. VaaOstnnd. Coui't in HOflsioii at Lansing; this week. coniplimonta for the new year and a "mem­ Assistant Snperlntondeat—II. F. Perr. Defies Competition rubllshed ovory Tlmmilny Seoretiiiy and Treasuroi-—llatlle Bi-lstul. orandum calfliidar," very convenient for any l.y The (lays ni-e Rettins pereeplibly longer.' Clioi-lstor—II. F. Perr. kind of inemorHndnin use. Organist—Minnie Butler. Assistant Orguiilst—.tossio Thompson. ON TEAS! ID. P. W III T M O R E, Masquerade at the opera hoiiso to. night. Persons expecting to pay their subscrip Lilirarian—Charles Hall. MASOy, m WHIG AN, Assistant Lihrarian—Nannio Sackrider. See notice of Ford's special seven day Read and Learn Economy. tiona to the DE.MOCRAT in wood will please PltlMARV IIKPAIIT.MENT, sate. deliver tho wood. Wo have a large quan Snporlntendent—Mrs. Fmnia Cook. Organist-ICtta Wright. 40 CHESTS. 40 tity scattered Ihroiigh the couiury but it Lilirarian—Miss Amelia Hoed. One Vflor, $1.50 ; Six months, 75 cAnli ; Three Splendid coHtnines at the Donnelly House does not parliciilarly boiiffit us. Choice New Season Japan Tea monthi, 40 cants. today. UuMlueeiM I^ocalN. , worth COc will rjull S. S. Dewey has quite a force of hands POUND Marcus Oregor advertises groat bnrgaitis at work, making arrangements for rebuild­ Suttlo Up. For iic OtirdilvortlHliin nitcn uniSinn pnr column porun- in cloaltin2.s. ^y, I'OUNDS nniii. HiiHiruMH iioticefl fivo cents (nir Uno for imch ing his mill. Ho will locate so that by All notes and accounts and notes due For 81.00 liiMortion. Kdltoriul noiiccK 10 COIIIH. See notice of llillsdale inutiial benefit putting in a side track, liimlior may be nitist be settled by March 1st, or left Ibr g POUNDS IIUHIIKIHH cunli $1,00 por lino pcryn»r. collection. S. P. Sruouii & SON. For 8S.00 MftrriiiRii ami tlmith notlcuH inHortod frofl. Oliltnury fts.socintion. shipped wilhoiil handling by loam. oouini(»ntn,r()rtoln tlonH, cftrdfi of tlmiikw, ntc, will horo- AS-Tliu LiirKUHt KotalfxiH uftur hit clinrKoil fi^ir ul llin nitrt of livn cuntu pur lino. Aftriciilliiral society mooting at the court 25 CHESTS. 25 CorroH[ionilMmTt rontnliiinK lonfil nflwii, in HrtlliHtoil C. S. Clark, dry goods dealer in the Dar- Sale of Teas and other Groncrics over from all piu-ts of Oio cnntil.v, house today. rnw block, lliis cily, iniido an assigiiineiit known in One Diiy in this county, was at Extra Early ?\M Japan Tea AnonymoiiH conimwnicivtlonH nwt iHHtsrtotl iiiiUor E. O. Unnt's ou Saturday hist. Don't fail any circnmriUtncu Pork hroiiglil ii.s bifih as $7.C5 per hun­ last week for the benefit ol his creditors worth 7oc will sell to improve the preaniil Golden Opportunity POUND and the store haS since been closed, the as­ for Me JOB PRINTING! dred on our Htreet.s this week. to lay in supplies. • signee and assirtlatils invoicing the slock. 2POUNDS our niatiirhil is new nnd of tlie latest styles and wo E. G. rinat niukes a lew cliaiifjes and ad Now Saw Mill at ISaun. For 81,2.5 Kuaranteo satisfaction, linlh in pricns nnd A party of niglileen jolly young poopio g POUSDS onalitv of work. ditioiis to Ills price list this week. Owing tn the burning of my mill, three For 82.50 of Lansing, en.joyed themselves at the home and one-half miles east of Eden, 1 sliall Tills paper may ho found on llio at Ooo, P. Rowidl Note Webb & Mead, tho olotliior's, rebuild it at Eduii, anil would riispectfiiUy It Co.'s NewspapHl- Advol-tlsilli; llnreaii (10 Spnice St) of Mr. anil Mrs. .f. M. Hudson of Holt, 50 CASES. 50 ohauHe of adverliseiiiont this week. inform the public that I shall be ready to where iiilvertlsiiiK coiitnicts may he niade for it in Tuesday evening of last weoK. "Joe" says ^lew Yoi'l:. rcsnine business wiihin tliiity days Irom Best Quality Caiiiieft Goods. Don't forget tho a^M-ioultiiral society it's pleasant l.o meet such ii happy, well-be­ date. All those wishing lo draw log.s can 2 Lll CAN CORN, SUPEUIOl! OUALITl' lliisiiiess JHreclorv. iiieetiiiij; at tho court lioiiso to-day. haved party. do so with salety, as I ain ilniwiiig my logs 1 For 10c hero MOW. Will do good work and as cheap 11 LU CAN TOMATOES, SUPEISIOR QUALITY There wore sold Ibr cash ut retail at B. " ATTOnNEVS. Snine of onr correspoiulents still in.sist aa oiliers. S. S. DEWEV. 1 For lOc on dating their oorrespoiideiiee IS8;I. G. Hunt's gronery in this city, last Satur­ 11 Lll CAN PEACIIKS OKo, !M. llnNTi.vnroN. il. P IfKNIlKaBoN. Eden, .fan. !), 1SS4. 1 For 10c IJN'TINT.TON ,t IIESPEltSON, Attortliiiys and day, over $300 worth of grntjeries. This AND ALL OTHER CANNED GOODS KQUALhT Connsolors at Law. Otllco over Eii-Mt National .Stroud it Son liiivu a local elsewhere, of Tho ItlllHilnIo Mutual llunolit A.Hancliilliiii HHank, Maion. Mich. Si'l called for a large nuinher ol packages, and OIIEAI'. iiilcrcst to those who are owing them. Will meet at the store of S. P. Stroud & LB CIlAOKKRa, EXTRA liUALITY Mr, Hunt considers it a very heavy retail Son. Friday evening, .fan. IStli. All mem­ PHYSICIANS. 4'' For ir.e The niiisqiioraile at the opera house this grocery triide; ' bers are requested to be present tnlieiu' the rj LU OIIOIfiE NEW PRUNES aiintial report of Jan. Stli, for I8S3. A For .IDe A. I». .SAMSlS^Biy. M. I». evening promises to ho a grand success. The coroners' jury on the death of Mrs. ay lie ciinsiilli.d at his oHlce in Ilir' IMnnw hlook cordial invitation is extended to all who 12 j*i'^'i'i-'"i'-='. M or call III Ills resldeiuu) nn Asli slreet. (Jarel'iil Frank Vaiidercook has sold the Itliioa Dan, Holcoinh, whom wo aiiiionnced two may wish to come who are not members. For 2ilc attention paid Iu evei-ylliing of a Hiirgiciil nature. -J^^ LBS. WHITE C SUGAR, 'Times and will go into tho newspaper bus weeks ago had coininilted suicide, came to OC'fOR W,-(l. It. JlEAll, Keleelie Physician. Ol- 'fu Aty Ciistuinora : For 81.00 lice III resilience, (IJady liousitj iionse east inoss at Marion. the coacln.sioii that the liidy died of fatty tiimn REST rCOFFE E IN THE STATU FOR TIIE oDt E. (Jiilvei's. I liave a iiiediiml coiiipntiiid fur llie On aecouiil of poor health I find it T PRICE. Per 111. Vi'/^c degeiioralion ol the heart. lior stomach necessary to leave niy business for a lime, cure uf l'lldieplii: or EiilliiiK sleliiu-sri. No cure, no Tho slateiiieiit of the ociniity's finances, LU GOOD FINE CUT TOBACCO pay. I have a paleiil on Ihis iiiediciil coiiipuiind in was not analyzed, and am compelled lo leave all my outstand­ I Foriliio llio UiiiliMl stales and fJiiiiaila. published in another column, will be inter ing accounts with .1. iM. Dresser Ibr collec­ A Hocioisil LoAii.—.Messrs. Sanders and ^LL UEST GRADES PLUG TOllACCO, Per Cut, 7o- OCTOR 11. A. LOlllCH, lt.iiiieu|«illiic I'liysiciall, esting to many. tion. During my absence Mrs. Culver, as­ D Uult, Mich. OlUce sceuiul duoi-iiurlli olt'liiiin's Michael of Leslie, brought to,this city lust sisted by Mr. Will Soiirl,' a first-class work­ 2g CENT BUOOMS, Hlore. For ISo The new polilicnl party organized by the Thursday with one team and on one sleigh, man, will have charge ol my store ana any LU. GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO, OCTOU A. n. OAMl'llKM,, lMi}niuliin, SnrKonn leinperaiice coiiveiitioii last week, call Ihem- twenty hogs, their a,ii;gregate weight being business transiicted with them will be gniir- For 18c D ' Olllcoovur l*ai'Ulinr»t A Un 'silnij^Htui-u, Mutiun anteed satisfaetory. All goods warranted aelves the "union party." u,,')27 pounds. They sold the same to gYRUP WORTH COc PER GAL. and sold as cheap as the cheapest, llepair- For 45c OCTOU L. A. SNEI.L, llomeopiilhie Physician HE OELEBIIATED JACKET CAN AND Ii GAL. D anil Siirf^eoiiri. Ollleo over i.'ity Bakery, Mason. Annual meeting of the Cenlral Michigan Deiismore & Coy for $403,47. iiig done promptly. T OF OIL, ' For 81.2.5 agricnitiiral society, at Mead's hall, Lan­ Respectfully, GAL. MICH. LEGAL TEST KEROSENE OIL DENTISTS. The January session of the board of su­ For 12c sing, Wednesday, .Ian. 30. E. Cui.vER, Jeweler. 1 P. VANDIJSKN , DKNTJST. OHlco in Darrow pervisors adjourned on Saturday last, mak­ 2 GAL. UEST WATER WHITE 011, A hlnck, MuHUM, iMiuli. Ford, tlio llazaar Stan's T Uay Spoolal Salo. For l.lo S. S. Dewey wii reliiiild his mill at Eden, ing the session a comparatively short one. Commencing Saturday, Jan. 19 and ending OR bus. CELEBRATED ALBION FLOUR and expects to be ready for business in less We have made arraiigemoiils to furnish FINANCIAL. Saturday, Jan. 2G. /CO For OOo, onr readers, the oHioial proceedings com­ ' M. DJtlOSSKU, Intir.-aiico, Iiiiaii anil Oulloctlon than u inontli. See his notice. 750 Pocket iYiiifes, worth frnm lOc tn §1, OK bUs. CELEBRATED ADASTRA FLOUR, « At;;tuit, .\ll liiiHin(!nri proiiiptiv alttinilod tu. Of< J plete, and hope lo lay it before them next each for just one-half that price. These For Wan ovur LcMVu, Sniuail &.
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