The Chicago Daily News—rapidly grow­ The Prcsbyleriaii .Suiulay school chose Ingham County Democrat the following oOieors last Sunday : B- G- XSITJajTT ing in popularity in this section—sends ns Snporlntendent—T. VaaOstnnd. Coui't in HOflsioii at Lansing; this week. coniplimonta for the new year and a "mem­ Assistant Snperlntondeat—II. F. Perr. Defies Competition rubllshed ovory Tlmmilny Seoretiiiy and Treasuroi-—llatlle Bi-lstul. orandum calfliidar," very convenient for any l.y The (lays ni-e Rettins pereeplibly longer.' Clioi-lstor—II. F. Perr. kind of inemorHndnin use. Organist—Minnie Butler. Assistant Orguiilst—.tossio Thompson. ON TEAS! ID. P. W III T M O R E, Masquerade at the opera hoiiso to. night. Persons expecting to pay their subscrip Lilirarian—Charles Hall. MASOy, m WHIG AN, Assistant Lihrarian—Nannio Sackrider. See notice of Ford's special seven day Read and Learn Economy. tiona to the DE.MOCRAT in wood will please PltlMARV IIKPAIIT.MENT, sate. deliver tho wood. Wo have a large quan Snporlntendent—Mrs. Fmnia Cook. Organist-ICtta Wright. 40 CHESTS. 40 tity scattered Ihroiigh the couiury but it Lilirarian—Miss Amelia Hoed. One Vflor, $1.50 ; Six months, 75 cAnli ; Three Splendid coHtnines at the Donnelly House does not parliciilarly boiiffit us. Choice New Season Japan Tea monthi, 40 cants. today. UuMlueeiM I^ocalN. , worth COc will rjull S. S. Dewey has quite a force of hands POUND Marcus Oregor advertises groat bnrgaitis at work, making arrangements for rebuild­ Suttlo Up. For iic OtirdilvortlHliin nitcn uniSinn pnr column porun- in cloaltin2.s. ^y, I'OUNDS nniii. HiiHiruMH iioticefl fivo cents (nir Uno for imch ing his mill. Ho will locate so that by All notes and accounts and notes due For 81.00 liiMortion. Kdltoriul noiiccK 10 COIIIH. See notice of llillsdale inutiial benefit putting in a side track, liimlior may be nitist be settled by March 1st, or left Ibr g POUNDS IIUHIIKIHH cunli $1,00 por lino pcryn»r. collection. S. P. Sruouii & SON. For 8S.00 MftrriiiRii ami tlmith notlcuH inHortod frofl. Oliltnury fts.socintion. shipped wilhoiil handling by loam. oouini(»ntn,r()rtoln tlonH, cftrdfi of tlmiikw, ntc, will horo- AS-Tliu LiirKUHt KotalfxiH uftur hit clinrKoil fi^ir ul llin nitrt of livn cuntu pur lino. Aftriciilliiral society mooting at the court 25 CHESTS. 25 CorroH[ionilMmTt rontnliiinK lonfil nflwii, in HrtlliHtoil C. S. Clark, dry goods dealer in the Dar- Sale of Teas and other Groncrics over from all piu-ts of Oio cnntil.v, house today. rnw block, lliis cily, iniido an assigiiineiit known in One Diiy in this county, was at Extra Early ?\M Japan Tea AnonymoiiH conimwnicivtlonH nwt iHHtsrtotl iiiiUor E. O. Unnt's ou Saturday hist. Don't fail any circnmriUtncu Pork hroiiglil ii.s bifih as $7.C5 per hun­ last week for the benefit ol his creditors worth 7oc will sell to improve the preaniil Golden Opportunity POUND and the store haS since been closed, the as­ for Me JOB PRINTING! dred on our Htreet.s this week. to lay in supplies. • signee and assirtlatils invoicing the slock. 2POUNDS our niatiirhil is new nnd of tlie latest styles and wo E. G. rinat niukes a lew cliaiifjes and ad Now Saw Mill at ISaun. For 81,2.5 Kuaranteo satisfaction, linlh in pricns nnd A party of niglileen jolly young poopio g POUSDS onalitv of work. ditioiis to Ills price list this week. Owing tn the burning of my mill, three For 82.50 of Lansing, en.joyed themselves at the home and one-half miles east of Eden, 1 sliall Tills paper may ho found on llio at Ooo, P. Rowidl Note Webb & Mead, tho olotliior's, rebuild it at Eduii, anil would riispectfiiUy It Co.'s NewspapHl- Advol-tlsilli; llnreaii (10 Spnice St) of Mr. anil Mrs. .f. M. Hudson of Holt, 50 CASES. 50 ohauHe of adverliseiiiont this week. inform the public that I shall be ready to where iiilvertlsiiiK coiitnicts may he niade for it in Tuesday evening of last weoK. "Joe" says ^lew Yoi'l:. rcsnine business wiihin tliiity days Irom Best Quality Caiiiieft Goods. Don't forget tho a^M-ioultiiral society it's pleasant l.o meet such ii happy, well-be­ date. All those wishing lo draw log.s can 2 Lll CAN CORN, SUPEUIOl! OUALITl' lliisiiiess JHreclorv. iiieetiiiij; at tho court lioiiso to-day. haved party. do so with salety, as I ain ilniwiiig my logs 1 For 10c hero MOW. Will do good work and as cheap 11 LU CAN TOMATOES, SUPEISIOR QUALITY There wore sold Ibr cash ut retail at B. " ATTOnNEVS. Snine of onr correspoiulents still in.sist aa oiliers. S. S. DEWEV. 1 For lOc on dating their oorrespoiideiiee IS8;I. G. Hunt's gronery in this city, last Satur­ 11 Lll CAN PEACIIKS OKo, !M. llnNTi.vnroN. il. P IfKNIlKaBoN. Eden, .fan. !), 1SS4. 1 For 10c IJN'TINT.TON ,t IIESPEltSON, Attortliiiys and day, over $300 worth of grntjeries. This AND ALL OTHER CANNED GOODS KQUALhT Connsolors at Law. Otllco over Eii-Mt National .Stroud it Son liiivu a local elsewhere, of Tho ItlllHilnIo Mutual llunolit A.Hancliilliiii HHank, Maion. Mich. Si'l called for a large nuinher ol packages, and OIIEAI'. iiilcrcst to those who are owing them. Will meet at the store of S. P. Stroud & LB CIlAOKKRa, EXTRA liUALITY Mr, Hunt considers it a very heavy retail Son. Friday evening, .fan. IStli. All mem­ PHYSICIANS. 4'' For ir.e The niiisqiioraile at the opera house this grocery triide; ' bers are requested to be present tnlieiu' the rj LU OIIOIfiE NEW PRUNES aiintial report of Jan. Stli, for I8S3. A For .IDe A. I». .SAMSlS^Biy. M. I». evening promises to ho a grand success. The coroners' jury on the death of Mrs. ay lie ciinsiilli.d at his oHlce in Ilir' IMnnw hlook cordial invitation is extended to all who 12 j*i'^'i'i-'"i'-='. M or call III Ills resldeiuu) nn Asli slreet. (Jarel'iil Frank Vaiidercook has sold the Itliioa Dan, Holcoinh, whom wo aiiiionnced two may wish to come who are not members. For 2ilc attention paid Iu evei-ylliing of a Hiirgiciil nature. -J^^ LBS. WHITE C SUGAR, 'Times and will go into tho newspaper bus weeks ago had coininilted suicide, came to OC'fOR W,-(l. It. JlEAll, Keleelie Physician. Ol- 'fu Aty Ciistuinora : For 81.00 lice III resilience, (IJady liousitj llr.il iionse east inoss at Marion. the coacln.sioii that the liidy died of fatty tiimn REST rCOFFE E IN THE STATU FOR TIIE oDt E. (Jiilvei's. I liave a iiiediiml coiiipntiiid fur llie On aecouiil of poor health I find it T PRICE. Per 111. Vi'/^c degeiioralion ol the heart. lior stomach necessary to leave niy business for a lime, cure uf l'lldieplii: or EiilliiiK sleliiu-sri. No cure, no Tho slateiiieiit of the ociniity's finances, LU GOOD FINE CUT TOBACCO pay. I have a paleiil on Ihis iiiediciil coiiipuiind in was not analyzed, and am compelled lo leave all my outstand­ I Foriliio llio UiiiliMl stales and fJiiiiaila. published in another column, will be inter ing accounts with .1. iM. Dresser Ibr collec­ A Hocioisil LoAii.—.Messrs. Sanders and ^LL UEST GRADES PLUG TOllACCO, Per Cut, 7o- OCTOR 11. A. LOlllCH, lt.iiiieu|«illiic I'liysiciall, esting to many. tion. During my absence Mrs. Culver, as­ D Uult, Mich. OlUce sceuiul duoi-iiurlli olt'liiiin's Michael of Leslie, brought to,this city lust sisted by Mr. Will Soiirl,' a first-class work­ 2g CENT BUOOMS, Hlore. For ISo The new polilicnl party organized by the Thursday with one team and on one sleigh, man, will have charge ol my store ana any LU. GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO, OCTOU A. n. OAMl'llKM,, lMi}niuliin, SnrKonn leinperaiice coiiveiitioii last week, call Ihem- twenty hogs, their a,ii;gregate weight being business transiicted with them will be gniir- For 18c D ' Olllcoovur l*ai'Ulinr»t A Un 'silnij^Htui-u, Mutiun anteed satisfaetory. All goods warranted aelves the "union party." u,,')27 pounds. They sold the same to gYRUP WORTH COc PER GAL. and sold as cheap as the cheapest, llepair- For 45c OCTOU L. A. SNEI.L, llomeopiilhie Physician HE OELEBIIATED JACKET CAN AND Ii GAL. D anil Siirf^eoiiri. Ollleo over i.'ity Bakery, Mason. Annual meeting of the Cenlral Michigan Deiismore & Coy for $403,47. iiig done promptly. T OF OIL, ' For 81.2.5 agricnitiiral society, at Mead's hall, Lan­ Respectfully, GAL. MICH. LEGAL TEST KEROSENE OIL DENTISTS. The January session of the board of su­ For 12c sing, Wednesday, .Ian. 30. E. Cui.vER, Jeweler. 1 P. VANDIJSKN , DKNTJST. OHlco in Darrow pervisors adjourned on Saturday last, mak­ 2 GAL. UEST WATER WHITE 011, A hlnck, MuHUM, iMiuli. Ford, tlio llazaar Stan's T Uay Spoolal Salo. For l.lo S. S. Dewey wii reliiiild his mill at Eden, ing the session a comparatively short one. Commencing Saturday, Jan. 19 and ending OR bus. CELEBRATED ALBION FLOUR and expects to be ready for business in less We have made arraiigemoiils to furnish FINANCIAL. Saturday, Jan. 2G. /CO For OOo, onr readers, the oHioial proceedings com­ ' M. DJtlOSSKU, Intir.-aiico, Iiiiaii anil Oulloctlon than u inontli. See his notice. 750 Pocket iYiiifes, worth frnm lOc tn §1, OK bUs. CELEBRATED ADASTRA FLOUR, « At;;tuit, .\ll liiiHin(!nri proiiiptiv alttinilod tu. Of< J plete, and hope lo lay it before them next each for just one-half that price. These For T.lc Wan ovur LcMVu, Sniuail &. OU.'H Itank, AIIIHUII. A. P. Drake will orgaiiizo a class in vo­ f LBS. ALBA FLOUU week. knives are all American make and war- 20 For 71)0 cal music ill this city alter the close of the INSURANCE. anted the best made ; a job lot and cannot QLOVES ANP MITTENS AT COST AND LESS. special religious services now being held. The yonngesl daughter of Mr, and Mrs, be duplicated. T!AHM10US MUTUAL I-'l UK INSUKANCK OOM- LASSWARE AND CRCCKERY AT COST AND }; puny of I ngliani cDunly . SafuMl, clmapuMt, l)o«t L, M, Ellis of this city, died of diphtheria Tubular Lantern.s worth $1, only 70c. G LESS. li'or Inrurniatiiin wrlto to 0. K. itlitlor, Hocroliiry, Uev. Baldwin of the Baptist church, Flint Lantern Globes Sc. AURER KROUT JIiiHon. .Samiinl SUadan nroHidunt Pansvilli). last week Thursday und was burled ou takes for the subject ol his tie.xt Sunday 50e Velvet Frames only 38c. S Per Gallon, noc Friday, The little one was between one THE AUOVE GOODS ARE WARRANTED STRICT. UNDERTAKING. evening lecture the seventh commandment. 12 doz. Beautiful Glass Spoon Holders 5c and two years of age and was the only case each. LY FIRST-CLASS. .STROUli .t SO.S', Uiidortakers. fn huildiag Samuel Booth of Eden, has sold to Geo. of diphtheria, before or siuoe, in this cily 30o Brooms for 230, 25o Booms only 17o CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE AS USUAL, . 1 door oust of llMsiooii.^r otllco, StiiHon —AT— Douglass all that portion of his farm lyiiii; Ibr many iiiontlis. The best $1 Lamp ever sold only 90c. HARDWARE. east of the railroad, beiii.g about 45 acres j Bird Seed only 5e. E. G. HUNT'S. Miss Vina Lou Moslior, tho popular and Dolls and Albums 20 per cent discount. ANNON & DulUlIS, General Hardware Dealers, consideration $2,(100. Miitde street. Mason, Mich. progrcaaive teacher in district No. five of Compare this lo the cost sales advertised Wanted. c and then remember Ford, the Bazaar man, E. tl. Lyndon of Holt, advertises to sell Vevay, will road a paper belbro tlio teach­ What Money you owe mo at once, and REAL ESTATE AQENT. makes a profit. oblige. C. (}. HUNTINGTON. his house and lot and household furniture ers' as.incialion at Lansing, Jan, 20, using For Crockery, Glass, Tinware, Hosiery rOIIN nUNSBAOIv, Itcal Ustate and Loan Agent, nobni* of Kvory Deacrliitlon. I Ash street, west of W SPECIALTY, MRS, N, R. CI.OUGU, f WM. II. ItAVKKIl viclima. _^ At _^, A, L. VANDERCOOK'S, ings every evening except Saturday. Con­ 2 Barnes Block, Masons Triiatoofc-I Tiir.aoN VANOSTRANB 1 H. P. IlRNnitnsoN siderable interest is being manifested. Out of eight applicants for the position, Oront Roductlon In llardware ut SayorH & PlinlpH*. Grout llurKiiliiii In Furiittiire. the council Moiiday evening appointed A. COUNTY OFFICERS There seems to be nothing iiew this week Everything off for 30 days to make room You can save 5 to 10 per cent by getting L. Elhodcs iiightwatchinan in place of. Jos. euorilT .-. Tiios. MOKKRNAN in railroad matters, but the members of the for spring slock. Look nl the prices. my prices before purcliusiiig. Treasurer WiiiT.fKV .loNrji Kernolian, resigned. Mr. Rhodes has held Nails $2-85 rates. J. A. UNDEIIIIILL. Olerk .loHN W. WIIAI,I,O(( committee are doing some good work und Ileglstor T. It. MosiiKB the same position before and discharged Cook Stovea at l5, 10 and 5 per cent dis­ we may confidently look for good results. Boots and Shoes at GEER'S, Dansville. .Indgoof Probate ,.„. fl. F. GII,I.AM his duties in a very satisfactory manner. count on luat reduetion. Pros. Attornov I. K. Niciiots Hanging lamps at the same discount, A The Ingbniii county teachers' association He is honest, temperate and faithful, three Man Suved . Olreu ItOeur, Oom'r. {""i-i-Z-Z^iiliJ'^bSI^S^; large collection of specialties at manufac­ From a horrible death by getting a slick Survoyor L.B. PnrsTos will hold its next session in the high aoliool very desirable points. Mr. Kcrnohnn's turers prices. „ f.... IteNav FKKEMAN hair cut at Birch's parlor barbershop. It room, Lansing, Saturday, ,Tau. 2Gth, Wa resignation lakes effect Jan, 21at, when he Now is tho timo to lake advantage of you have the rheumatism in tho hair call low prices. The goods must bo sold. Come •Oorouors,i SMITH TOOKKII expect to publish prograinine next week. intends to go west. "Joe," as he is famil­ und ace him—shaves loo. and buy while you can. iarly known, haa made one of the very best TO TEACHERS. The Gratiot County Democrat, J. V- - SAYEIIS ife PlIKl.PS, Mustard by the quart at Public exainlnatlona will he hold as follows: Tliiril of olficers, iiii,d wo hear only expressions grade exaliilnallon will he hold at Leslie, March 1-1;ilolnison' s paper ut St. Louis, still lives' Michigan Legal Test Oil for 12}p per A, L, VANPEnCOOK',S. - at Mason. March 28 ; at llansvllle, April II,: and at of regret lhat'he resigns. WHIlnmslon, April 2.1,1S84. nolwillistanding the olTice was recently gn.llon at A, 1^, VANDBltoooic's. Genuine Vermont Maple Syrup—war­ Applications Ibr lirst and second grade cortiflcatca GloverSeed, ranted, ut .1, L. VANDEKCOOK'S. will he received at the Mason eTcaniinations. burned. The Jf)eHJOcra< comes out brightei' The moat sueceaafnl journtdistic venture The hoard lioliove that teaehors derive great benefit and better than ever. Glad to sec it. in the weal for many years is the Detroit A. It. IfAuiir, rreslilont. Pine Lake, Board of Trade ,«B :IIIB most reliable- nnd '".'AV:;:^-;..qi6yeiiiuiilMltteiiit. , , - • largest stock of trunks, nt the lowest prices,,: .1. S; HUSTON, AVilllanistou, ; were throwii out but only slightly iiijuredi satisfActbry'/arraiigeiiient ;of tcoinine Splendid bargains ill this line of goods in the city. Examine hia: immense stock J. J. 0AI.KIN8, Searelury, Leslie, ; , : Board Scliool BiMUinora The cutter WAS badly wrecked. news given to Micblgan readers. ,^ at ' C. F. BUOWN'S. I before purchaslnji elsewhere. A KECEN'r report to the Sl.ato Depart­ MICHIGAN NEWS. Suit has bcou commenced In ha Superior I'ifo'l'rnmpon Niilunilllistorjr.' ] Court at Grand llapidB, by Elizabeth Staal, Ingham; Co. Danocrat. ment by Mr. Du Vorge, Uiiitcd'St.atos ,'*.V:; against the Grand ItaplilB and Indiana KailroaU LttnBlnjj Republican. Consul of St. Paul do Loando. on tho Tliu ICrniicli '1 rn^cd)'. Company for $10,000 damnges for the death of . "I.umortal Scott!" groaned tho west coast of Alricn, thus describes tho lior liuaband, NIeliolaa Staal, wlin was killed tramp, as lie loaned up against the dry- Tho Inquest in tho fmiions Crouch family In that city In September iaat. Garret Staal, goods box and looked as dejected as a D. V. WiiiTMOiti',, I'libllshor. burial.of a native chief: "For llireo a 8011, brings ault for Hllkoaiiiountfor Injurles- murder wus rccunioil In .liickson, on Monthly boardihg-houso steak, "I wish I was montlis tho corpse is kept nbbvc tho received In tho aame accident. NegUpeiieo on the,7i;h Inst, with about 3,000 people crowtled the part ot the company is the ground for gathered in the cold, pulseless embrace ground, sitting in a chair, and daily ev- Into the court room. All the olllcer.s were MASON. MICH. damages. of death. Blamed if I don't. Don't velopeil io now pieces of elotii, which present, and It. E. I'rascr and T. A ffilso,'., aa W, N. I.cvre, formerly postmaaler at Climax, seon.1 !ia if there waa any room for us aro stolen during tho iiiglit by his form­ thehiii-yers to watch the liitcrcBlBot the family who was removed about live monllia ago because old stagers any mure." er sulijects. After the liipso lit time hu anil J, A, Parkinson to look iitler tile licfunse of a shortage in his accounla, has been arrested "Hello'what's wrapping you in the TOPICS) OF THE FIWES. at the instance ot his hondameii. is deposited in his grave, two grown-up of .Julia Kcese. pall of gloom, now?" li wiisenppo.HOil Uiiit rtevolopnicnls wnuli! be William Galarno, a prominent grocer of Bay slaves being deoapilaled and their bod­ City, has made an aBtigneiunt, Liablllles, "'.Phc memory of the pas't stranger. I THE Amoriean consul nl. Uonletitix iii.-iile aa to the manner In which the Bhorill had ies being interruil with liitn, as well a.s treatcil .liilhi .Kcese in onlur to wrIiiK a. con- »IO,IJCO, , ' have been trum'ping around tho country sH.ys thill the winc-proilucinEr tlislricUs for the last month, but a mist seems to a boy and girl, both 'iHvu, tlio fornior .fession from her, tint the teslirnonv' elicited Thn round houae ot Hie Flint ,t IVre Mar­ of France! afc obliged Lo depend upon H-as nil alnml rhe revolver which Mr."l4cyiinhia quette Uallroad ut Manistee was burned a few have come boforo the landmarks of the holding the soba's pipe and the latter a clniina lo have, sold lo Daniel lloleonib. . 'Ciilvin nlirlits ago. olden days, and when tyoarn to behold America fur vines. Tlio phyloxerti. tvre vessel with waier. Allliougli I have OoiipiT, ot I.uoni, who elnlins to liave hoii;^lit a The state oil inapcclor tested irj3,.-J0-t barrels llS-enliliru revolver from Ite.vnnlda, was on Uie them with a palpitating yearn t seo rapidly destroying all nalivo vines, tmd never boon Jill oye-witnuss lo this bar of oil last year, tlie fees oii which amounted to them not. They have gone Neither sliiiiil ami swore posilively that he hoiiyht ll of $21,031,03. , . no remedy for tlie plague litis been ilis- barism, and tliougli it Is oHicially coii- KeyiiolilB. Dan Uej-nohls "ami Knocli Ruynolil?, ciiii 1 Iind my old coiurades of thu long litB fathi r -H-ho keep llie store kiiiiwii iia '-'I'liu Ivoiit county spenda |i,000 a year for the BOYcrpd. American vines are appar­ tradictod, I (irmly boliuve Ibiu it is still care ot its liisane.-and afiiiosl fou'r Mtiiea that ago that I used t'^i greet at the altar of Kair," Oiiriie Scolford mul .Inlla Welder, two friendship and borrow money of, Thoy. ently tiiitouoluid by tbo pliyloxera, twid practiced. Wlialovor iiiiiuovahio goods, liely clerkf, nil swore ns imsillvely lhat It wiia amount for Its poor. lioiisus, etc., bi.'loijg lo thn deceased aro a .TJ-eallbre wciiijoii tliiit waa sold t.o Cooper, If Joneavllle will give a bonus ot »2,fl00 a have .sought the dreamless sloop of it is said it will only bo a short time be­ allowed to fall to ruin, while till mova­ rL„ J Hint the,'18, Miu only ono of that size ever prominent builder will put up a J'20,000 opera death,, or been elected to- ollino, or fore all utitivos vines will bo replaced In the store was fiolfl to Dan Holcomh, The house in that villago. something of tlie sort, and 1 am left ble goods are stolen by his ,subjecls im bv Aiuericati. revolver which Cooper clulineii to have bonKlit The contract for luiillding the Asylum for alone. I, too, shall soon fade away iiKidiiilely alter deatti. i'^or a whole Df MieKeynolils, togeiher Willi llyi earlriil(;c.», criiiilna' Ineano at Ionia above the fouiulatiou like the star-eyed woodland violet, anil yoar the spiril ot thu deceased is siip- wa-s priidiieeil in court, anil It priiveil lo he a will be let to the lowest bidder, the hoard reserv­ A WOOD olioopor'.s wife, Mrs. Hannah .la, 11 Is evident thai either Mr. Cooper or itie ing the right to reject all blda. after I have starved lo death, I shall poced to rulgn, his .successor having have my name in a nice, gill-bound Barnes, .'ilarted from Aslilaad, Whs., on slorUeepers urouriissly nihilaUcn, or ihul there The Dowagiae City Fire Dopartmeni (volun­ no power wiialever; tho whole king­ liius 'lecii cullwslon eoiiiewherc, iiiiil the revolv­ teer) not only look after (Ires, but haa done a volume as ono of Micliigan's pro-emi- Koceniber 2, and arrived at Mihviuilcee ers exchanj.'cil in aoino way. dom or tribe rei.iiiins, tlieretore, in a great deal Ihta winter for the poor of the city. nuntly eminent pioneers. Honestly, il Januarys, having walhed the eiitiro Tlie eoioreil li'.-y Belles wna • exaniincil, tjut On Clirislmaa theinenibera coutrlhnted inoiiey, seems but a day siiiee Liinsiiig "^was ,staleof anarchy. I'liii custom impedes, cynml the stnleiiieiit thai there were things tlour and groceries among the poor widows, naught out a primeval forest, lilleil di.'Jtancc, .•)00 mile.s, carrying her 1-1- to il great exli;l;i;, tlie prosperiiy of tho lie'liiiew tliitl, he would not lell for anything,', and Bince then ihey have given a charity liall, with bears and wolves ;ind .Uetroit mouths-old btiby strapped lo her biick. native tribes, as wlitilever ono chief nolliliiii! coulil lie Ruined, Other wllncaaea the proceeds ot which were used for tile needy were examined aa to Holecmh's wliereabouls poor in llial elly. drummers and otliur ferocious ani­ Part ot the nine the ihovmoniolor wtis may htive dune tor his people, his suc­ on the nlgliL Hie murder wiia coniuilllcil, con- ' A man named McCorinlck,- forcuiaii, and mals." ;'iO dugree.s below i;ero. Tho next day cessor is (il;liirfiil ID aiiniliilate." eernlii!; the reliitlons ot llie Crouch luiil llol eonili fanillli-«, concernlnjr tlie Criuioli property Kiehai-d Wheeler, teamste:-, both employed in "Must have been oxciting tinius for sho slarted out again clioerfully on her a lumber camp at Senev, quarreled over .some ami t'lie illspositioii the olilniiin iiit.eiiiled lo trilling mailer, ^s•hen U'lieeler drew a revolver you old jioinecrs." make of it, Init iiethiiipr that could throw any "It was, stranger, you bet! Society long tramp to moot a sister tit l.>aven- History of tha Ontonagon and und shot McCormIck, Intllcllnc- wouiida which llirlitnpoii I.he inyntery wna hrouKlit out, Wllh- will prove fttlnl. Wheeler was lodged In jail at Wiis in a mighty criiila slate in them uort, la., 200 iiiilts furlher on. Her mil leuvinic I'nelr acuta the jury roiiilered a ver- Brule River Land. Grant, Manlallque, days. A ma'n never dared lo start up funds amounted lo S2. lilot that .Jacob Crouch,ftoiiry and Kuulce VVlilte A bill has recOMtly boon introduced came to their ileath from pistol w-oniuls al the There were 3~,'i failures in Michigan hist year town to his ollice witho.ut carrying a in to tho SMIIIIIO by Sunalor Saw­ liiimla of aoine person or peraons unknown, wlHi $4,;M7,I,9,'5 llabillHea, against ISB in 'lSS3 doiiblo-barrelod shot-gun, or his m'othur- aiid»l,4i)ii Kpurleiiicii. woro so unanimouj, as it were, that tudos m that oily is their lack of recrea­ stale, and in Micliiitaii, The objeol of 037,7L'(! liabilities. Jn tho latter year there they used to moot together on Wash­ At tho aBuiml eonvenllon ot the state sporte- wore 2!!,;i;i(l buslneas concerns in llio siiile tion, and it hopes the SCIIMMIO for biiild- the bill is ,issuinuV|ly to get a title

Tour FolkN nad Our FalkN. With ibc beginning nf the yeiir the Do- Iroil .Keeiiiiip Jimriial congriitiilnloa itself Will Searl of Leslie, is iniiployod at Cul­ upon the marked siiceca-s il Inis aeliiuved, and priJiiiiai'S lo give its reinler.s llie Inmi'lit ADDITIOKAL. VOVAL.. ver's jewelry store, Great Bargains ! of every dollar it minis fur the next twelve L.M, Ellis liH8 b«en confined to hiti houiio monlliH. The Eueiwir/ Journal aims In -AT- liorii. by illness for several days, meet the long-fell wiiiil for a clenn, spicy ELLIOTT—To Mr, and Mr.s. B. T. Klliolt, and oiileriirisiiig newfpiiper, it iivoid.s Alaiedon, .fan, 1(J, 1884, a son ; weiftlit Mrs, Dr,Hoot ia visiling relalives and seiisatioiialiam, and all inatiera nf an oli 10:|- poiiiicl.s. friends,ill the state of New York. jectionable cliariietor are e.xcliided from its columns. This may bo anfely said to be one MARCUS GREGOR'S Horace B. .Stevcna of Alaiedon, has gone Ono of Wni. Soinervillo, Jr.'s, worh horses of the great socrels of its .Mieee.ss, mid as a was Uickedby its male in the stable Inst to Ohio to be ab.soiit several inoiiilia. family paper it i.s now a recogiii'/i.-il favor- Saturday iiij,'lit, and Sunday moriilnf; Will Cbns, M, Marshall started last cv«iiin<; lle. It prints more reading mutter than FOR ^^HE NEXT TEN DAYS found the large bono in the iioor brute's for southern Kaiisati, on a business trip, any evening paper in DiMroii, iiiid gives all the news of the day in an nllraciive Inrin -IN- hind leg was brolsen below tbo Icnee. It Frank Sayers will go to Detroit ne.xt It is Ihe slave of nn party, and ilie serviiiil wait not a bad rriioturo, however, and ho is v.'eek, to take a course in the Miiyhew busi­ of no man nr set of iiioii, but sliiiids us a trj'iiif,' to savn it. Will's f'alhor very gener­ ness college, thoroughly iiKiepiiiidoiit journal, devoted ously ^avo him a jfood solid tliree-yfiiir-old only lo what it lielievoa to ho for the beat drove Tiu'williger of Norris, formerly of interests of .Mieliigan, CLOAKINGS ! colt oti learning of the ini.sfortnne. this city, IS homo visiting his parents and Kcsoliitioiis of Uuspoct. It is not only evident from l-lio reports friends in this city. from our oily schools that Mason isliiereas- lii. Culver, our eiilerprisitig jewoldr, starts WiiMliiiAff, 11 liiiH pliiiscil lliotireal iircliiteel nf tho iilitvcrse In ntiiiove rroiii oiir midst our tiile lirollier, iiif,' in population hut also that our seliools on II woslern trip iicvt week, hoping to ben- ,lotiii '1', .^loslior, nad Great itelloii li ffoolen Hosw, Flaiels, DMenarB, Wlll'.aKAM. It Is hut Just that a ntliiis; i-ei-ocnllhiii of nro in a prosperous ami healtby condition, etit his failing lieallli. his many good (iiialilies HIIOUM lie had ; ilierufor.' there boiiij,' at present at least ;>0 more pu­ he it Waterproofs, Dress Goods, Shawls. S, A. Greer and wife of Gniiada, wore Ittutolvfil; liy the OiiKl^r Ciiuiiell of the Iloyiil. Arov pils enrolled than over bul'oro—the nuinlior aiini, llial U-IIIIR we how Willi laiailde salniiiHshiii lo tlio guests of their cousin. Dr. A. B. Camp­ Ihe wHl lit llie .Most llli^li, we do iiiit the li^ss iiioiirn BeJ Quilts Less tliau Cost, 100 Pieces Prints Jnst Receiyeil, reaohinsj about 400, There aro now, at the bell, tho fir.st of the week, for our Ill-other wlie tins been taken I'roiii us. sceoud weolv of the winter term. So enrolled Itt'Mlvfil; Hint 111 the ik'iilli III' .liihii 'P. tltcisher Hits .1, II, .Siiyors and ,Viio- C, Cannon aro in eoaiieil liiiiintils the less of a lirotlier wlie, was e\er Large Lot Brof ii aud Bleaclieil Cottons to lie sold cheap. in the Iiiall room a;,'ainst 95 nt tho fall roaiiy lo iirotver Iho linad ol aid, tind tho video of syiii Detroit ihis week, dolegales to the Michigan [iiilliy III lho iiemly of the rriiloniitv, an aclive nn-iti term of 'S3, 49 al the sprini; tortn, 72 at her of this eiiiiiieil wliiiHo iitiiiost endeavors wr.ra o.v Call and yoii will be pleased. grand chapter, F, and A, .M. ertcil for ila wi-irurn and proHpiirlly; it rriuial and tlio winter term, 81 at the fall term of '8'2, eoiiipiuiioii who was ih-ar lo lis all. Misse-s lloloii I'luldoek ol Concord and Kmili'iul; lliHl Iliii hi.'nrirell rfyiaiialliyof ihiii coiiii- MARCUS GaEGOR. 40 at the spring turiii, ul at llio winter lerni ell lie e.vliiiided to his I'ainily In llietr nitiielloii, niul (iO at the fall term of '81, The o.\'uul- Loiiii Calkins of Leslie, aro the guests of Jfi'udlml ; that lho limllks of this eoillleil ho ex tended lo the Miisiin Iodide ill K. .i,; A. ,M . for Ilie aid leat reputation it is tciiiniiifr tlii'oiif,'hoiil lho Miss Minnie Paddock of this city. f^iven oiir late lii'olhiir during liis Inst siekiiess and synipatliy HIIOVVII Ills raiiiily in Itieir grrat lioreav. comity is iittostcKt by the conslanlly itioreiis- C, F, Brown sinrtod yesterday morning meat. ini; alteudanoc ol lorei;;ti scholar-^ und /(.'No/r.-',/; Hint thiiHe rosoliilioii he sjirimd upon the lor New Bnltiinore, liaviiig received a dis­ records of lilts council and a ecijiy iliitreol' he trans oviuoos the e.\celleiit work beiiiK done by aiilti'd to the I'niiiilv of our deceased htolher and a patch Tuesday oveiiiti.g notifying biin of copy to each of the clly pnpiirs for palilteiilion. Prof, IT- l"". Derr mid his as,sislaiits, Dnr- tho death of his father. 0. K. M i:n. iiif; last falls' l(>rin llioro were 17 pupils |i\ T. Al.llUKIllT, Mr. and Mrs, •!, B. Dwinell, who are from lho township of Aurolius—9 of lliom ,1, 1!. .Jov. making a tour ol the cast, o-tpoct to recoivn liviiip; ill Olio school district. At the priisoiil IIAI.I.'S Vi-;nE'fAni.E SICILIAN HAIR the Di-;.M0C'aAT lliis week at l.ialtiinoro, -Mil,, DI-;.N'E\VI-:K is a scieiitillc coiiiliiiiatioii ralo of increase it will not bo long before and next week at Passaic, N, ,1, They will of ,some of the most poivorl'iil restorii- tlicro will havo to be iinot.lier partition plac­ make quite an o.xtendoil trip before return- tivo ,agciit.s iu the vegotiible kiiio'doni. ed ill the Iiiall school room or aiiolhor huild- It restores gray liair to its original iiifr provided, color. It makes tbu scalp white and TlIK CKOIJCII CASK. clean. It cures daiidriitl' and humors, VcvKy licctiiie C«iir,sn. and falling-oiit'of the hair. It I'liriiislios Tho Supervisors -wlUinE to Pay tho EilLs the nutritive priiiciplo by which tho .lolin M, Dresser's lecture before the —Tho Detootivos on tho Case—Julia hair is nourished and supported. It; .South East Vovay Lecture Association, on BeoRO. makes the hair moist, soft and .glossy, Tliiirsdiiy evciiiii<; last, attracted llie largest nnd is uusurpaasod us a hair dressing. Corresiiondeiico to Detroit J-Vcii Pre-a, WINTER SUITS It; is the most economical preparation aiidionco yot broui;lil out during the course. ,IAIIKSON, .liinuary 11,—The supervisors ever olferod to tlio public, as its olt'octs The address was iiilcrostiiig in the o.\U'Oiiio, of tlii.s county, now in sesnion havo done remain a long time, making only an For nearly two hours he hold tho altculion some iiif|iiii'y into the course piir.siiod by occasional application necessary. It is of his lieiirers, and canv.ed lliem, in fancy, llie slieriir and tho work itcoomplisliod by the detoclivos in the Crouch miirder. At recommended and used by oiniuent; nccross the broad Atlantic in that stniiiicb the special session of the hoard in Deoeni- medical men, and odlcinlly cndorsetl by old erafl, "The City of Koino," to our bor they dolegatod full power to the slieritV the State Assayor of AEassacliusetts. niothor country, and iiitroduciii)T ibeni to to o-vpeiid all that ho saw lit, to procure the The popularity of Hall's Hair lleiiower OVERCOATS! liorons and ruins of the storied piisl, ucross best deloclive skill to carry on the search. has increased'with tlio tost of many It ia uiiderstood that iu hia trip to Chicago years, both in lliis country and lii the channel lo boiuilifiil Paris, and solid the shorifl" was to hire two detectives—one foreign liuuls, and it is iio\v known antl Germany, to criifri,'y Switzerland and sunny to be paid by the coiiiit.y ami one by the used ill all the civilized countries ot We don't give to every Twentieth cus­ Crouch lieira. In his statement before the , baek- ugalii to lho fiiSlness of Ihe the world. "Douglass"; then home iigniii to our land supervisors on Ihe 9tb the slierifl' said thai tomer a suit, for nothing, as some oth­ liyron Crouch has thus far paid all the ex­ For sale by all dealers. of liberty and lii^ht, Mr. Dresser's happy penses himself, being dosiriiiis that the descriptive faciilly added inuoli to the en­ cniinly should be relieved from all obliga. Miisoii ,Wiii'Kel8. ers do. but we give to EVERYONE who buys a lion ill llial direction. The amount e.tpeiid. OaAIK. joyment of the occiisioii, Will-;AT Bod No. 2 Per hiisliol fi? SUIT or OVERCOAT from January 10th to Feb­ ed 10 the present is about SSOO. This is WHEAT •.Vhltn, No 1, pel-hlishol ® '.I'lio last reguhir lecture of the course what .Mr. Piiikerlon's men have boen paid. WHEAT Wiilto, Ne-2, Per Itiisliol @ will be by Miss E. Clara Sriiiier ne.\t Fri­ W II EAT While. No, ;l, per hiwhel (ill ruary 16th, for Cash, Of course the amateurs got soinetliiiig. At WHEAT Ue.iw.ted, per hilHllei ® day evetiini,', Thome ; "Uduoatiisn vs, Jg. any rate their expenses will be a nice sum OA'l'S Per Bushel to pay. Tlii> amount for livery alone for CORX 111 the ear, per hiishcil. noranoc." TIMUTHVSEEI) Per liiiahol @2 (JU llieae is over !!i400. The sheriff said that oaoor.air.s ASU raovisio.s's. , It lias boon dotorni'ined to e.vtend the ono of the detectives received !i;8 and the SALT SaKinaw.iiertiiirrel (tA 2: course, lor a few leeliires at least, iillhough oilier SIO per day, A resolution was Intro, UEANS White,per linshel... f'i'iCili OU BEANS Whim, hand picked, por liiisliel...l .Wl@l 7.5 diiced rescinding the iiclioii of the board in 20 Per Gent Discount, dufiiiite arrangemenls aro not purfecled, POTATOES .New, Per bushel.... ® -Id Decoiuber, allowing SherilV Wiiiney carlo KLOIIK Pernio lioiMids .' 1^2 SO iTob, T, Oaniphc.ll, of the Leslie Load, BUOKWII EAT KLOUlt Por 1011 pona.ls.,.'i 00(8)1! DO blanche nf Ihe coiiiily fiiiids in the Crouclll EOfiS Fresh, nor do-/.el (a, 21 Which will save you from $1.60 to $4.40 on a Suit of has consented to address the people during iiuirder, lint this did not pass, and tho liUTTEIl 17® IS the early part of February, and lias an­ matter has finally been relerred to a' coin- LAUD Per pound , , ® Clothes and from 60 cents to $3.60 on an Overcoat. APPLES Dried , per pound .., ® Ii nounced as Ilia subject, "Two Thrones." mitl.oe of ai.\, and il is understood that they PEACHES Dried, per poiual (1® 10 will, for lho present, allow the sheriff very I.IVK IITOUK .\.MJ BIIIA'r ' noiii'ly the same power as before, except CATTLK Per 11.10 penilila 11 Odfri'.-l (Ifl Coiiiiiioii Council I'roeuctliiiif.s. BEEE Dronsed, per liiO pounds n D(l@7 0(1 Beiier tU!! Sale Closes oo SaMay, Felreaiy 161. that a coininittee of three will bo appoint­ IlOas PerldO pound ^.1 on ed, lo whom the sheriff will have to report, I'OUIC Dressed, per IIIU poaiirt 7 00:(«7 ,S0 MONDAY Fvoiiiiig, ,Tnn. Dt, 1884. only ill case something e-\lra ordinary shall OlIIOIvENS Dressed.periioiind ® 10 OIIICIICEN'S Live, per pound fa) 0 Council met and was called lo order hy happen calling for Iho outlay of an unusual TURKEYS Live, per ponllil 10 president pro teiii Brown. aiiiiiunt ot funds. TURKUVS l.)ros«eil,perpiilliMl ® 12 BUlLniNa MATKBlAl,. We have also a nice line of MASON BUF­ Present, Aid. Brown, Clark, Muliaii,Ray- WATEU LIMK Perharrel 1 7.1®! 8.^ The sheriir also said to the board's in­ iiALCINEn PLASTEU Per barrel '2 £1U(S;2 76 nor and llussell. quiry as lo what had been done, that while PLASTEltINQ HAIR Pur hllsllid @ 10 FALO ROBES to close out this month. Minutes of last ineoting road and dis­ ho could not say that aiiytliing irroat had SlirNOLES Pertlionsand 1 fiO®-! ,'iO LIMK Kood Per barrel 1 2U®1 25 pensed with, been auliievod, still snmethitig had been ac- LATH Por M,feet. , ®& 00 coinplialiod, which he did not wish lo di.; MIsOKI.I.ANltOUS. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, A petition with 74 names was received viilge, or al least make public at this time. LAND PLASTEll Per Ton f. 5000 00 asking for tho appoiiiltneiit of ,1, VV, Pil-The board of supervisors are still willing •AT- beam as niglilwatcli in place of •!, Uveriin- ihnl ihii eoiiiily shall oxpeiid all the money hail resisncd. that is needed in tracing tho murderers, evoii if it should haiiUrupt the treasury ol PATENTS ! On motion peliiion was laid on the table. K. A. Leliniana, Solicitor of Aineidiniil and Koreiun lliG einiiity in doing it, and their desire is Patents, WiwhInKton, ]). 0. All laisino.ss oonlioclod By Aid, Brown — only to see that it is paid out judiciously. with Pateiils, whellier before tlic Patoiit Olllce or the Resolved ; Courts, proniplly attended to, NooliarKo made unless that Albert Rhodes be and he Dutoctive Harris came on the case .fanii- a patent IM secured; send fur circular, if. 'is hereby appniutiiil niglilwatcli for the city ary 1. Ho ia eonaidered one of the shrewd of Mason, to tako ell'ect on .fan, 21, 1884, eat and ableat men in murder cases in the MAIN STREET, MASON. Adopted as follows : Yeas, Aid, Brown, country. Harris, il will be roinoiiibored, was.tlie iniin who worked the Atkiiiaoii case Clark, llaytier and llussell—4; nays. Me- in Indiana to a successful issue, which led lian—1. to Nelliiig's confession and subsequent On motion council adjourned two weeks. hiiiigiiig by a mob. It was to Detective CiiAS, H, IIAI.L, Clerk. Harris that old Jacob NoUiiig made his con­ DON'T DELAY. fession. It may bo that this detective, with A Struct.iiro of Mtroiigrtli. Ilia great sngncily and knowledge of crime, may find the clue ihiit has escaped his col- THE GREAT Manager Finney, of the Wisconsin Cen­ lea.yucs. tral, has just relnrnod from a trip to Niag Pat O'Neil came up from Detroit on lira Palls, the visit being made principally Wednesday evening to have a consultation FREEI. for the mrpose of e.'iaininiiKr the new can with the Whites, The result is that Pat ti-lever bridge of the Michigan Central just goes on the case ngiiiii at once. Dr. White ILESErailE A favorite preapriptlpn of one of llio Bankrupt Sale of Clothing! completed lliero. He considers-the striie. und his father both have the utmost confi­ most noted and siioeeasful BDeclallBts ill the tJ,S. ture ft grand piece of work. Ho is profu.se dence in Detective O'Neil's ability, und will (now rotlrocl)iortlioeiiroofJVert)o««ii*eo"»tt/j in praise of the engineer and contractor for not allow him to take any oilier work until ioiKt Manhood, Weaknemiand neeay.Sent Inpliilnaealeiloiivolope/lrofl.UriiitKlatacaufllU;. HAS ARRIVED. their skill, and in congraUilalinns to the they deinonslrale something satisfactory on Addmt DR. WARD A CO. toulilina, Mo. railway gentlemen iiitGrestod for having se­ this case. cured 80 desirable ft property. The first Julia Reese, through her first altornoys, At Parkhurst's New Store, Mason, Mich. trip over Iho bridge with n locomoiiyo was Messrs. Hewlett and, Freeman, will bring made ThniaJnv, Among those making the suit for false iin prison men t, as hor iillorneyB passage on the engine were Snperiutenden t think her arrest and treatment while in juil 1&5 Baudolnh Bt., CHICAGO, IU. llyland of tho bridge' company, ISiigineer enlirelv unwarranted. Specialty Ealaliirshed 1097! A reuiilar PhyaU Having leased this store for a term of years, clan, Ouri« all rrlvato.T»orvoit«,H ouil.Skhi and Schneider and wife, Engiiieera True and Urinary itlacivsosrroiaYoulhfiilliidiBei'Otionsuix. and the buying of Bankrupt Stocks being our Advertiscd Letter List. oei-ses and oxpo6Ui'eB,prodiioiii(f Nervous JJcbl; Son, Mr. Mitchell contractor, .A.ttoniey tty.Lost Manhoo(l,>Iiirrlugo liiipeilliiients.unu uU Grimes of the New York Central, A, S, Soxiial Ulaoaaea. Onll or wrlto lull ayniptoma Specialty, running,several stores. New York. Coasiiltiitioii aiidopniloii fre«. Treatmontoonil. Weston roadmiisler, ropreseiitatives of the MASON, .IAXUARY 14, 1884, i iluntlul.aul'o.aetontmo. Mctllclno aent cverwliero. Flint, Detroit and Lowell, and being large buy- press und others. It seoinod lis firm un­ Liat of letters remaining uncalled for at the above named ofiiee; ers, we are prepared to der the ciiijine as if built oil solid ground. niirkeri D, B. . IlaHie, Mr, Jacob, Shortly, afterward a work-train of si.K cars NEURALGIA, and an engine, with probably 200 persons Bontley, .Mr,,Fames, Jlillor, Mr, Isaac, . on board, passed over without tho slightest, nishop, Mr,,Tack, I'liillliis, Mr, Albert, Rheumatism "pSilhriTomM Ilnri'oyRha,Mr, Ohaa, H, Flckurd, Mr, Olyile, ABHetisilS, .Acuta or Chronic, ;, swaying motion. The worlc wna carefully Ohlttoiul«n,N, or Boi'noUa, Bert, inspected by Suporiiilondent Burrows and Lumbago, Sciatica and 1 IJrockntt, Mr, James A, Snoilakor, Mr. Henry Ti., 3 Than anvotlicr denlcra in this or any other Ninto. Don't for­ the engineers as lho trip Aviis. boinf» made, lioan, Mrai F, 1', Snodiil'er, Mr,X»f»yolto, itK/ Nervous He a d ac h e. get the Great Bankrupt Sale* Capital unlimited. tind everylhinK > pronounced satisfactory. Doiinlda, Joseph, ;V»nO»nip,'Mrs, Kainia. *|~i7~;Thclrcompleieand perfect cti re hcc^ The fovmaloponing is announced tO'occur Hall, Mm. Goo. A.': - :;''::''r^;: MSBVIHS pliahcd In a few houra, with a desrea; • Persons calling for any oftho, above lay of eertaintytnat challengei diipiiie.: Foriale by Dec. "m.—MUlwaukw Smiunl, Dec, ith. (11 druEginia. Pricetl.AakforclrculM* Parkhurst's New Store, MASON, MICH. atlvertised. R. C. KriiiaaviV^i)l,(^ JAUSS £. DAVIS & CO..A8enu, DSTKOIT. ,. adopted. Mr. Vance, clialrraanof thccoiiiin t- I'AYiMK N»lraiN.t.'ri<:» •JThc total coinage of the mints during 1S83, of a irec BtrlKlu'.; nun ou tlie liead DroaKliig t: on putcntfi, ..cportJd a bill to allow the Unit, amounted to |0l),09,'>.749. his neck. : ; .; ' . cd StiUea in case patents were Improperly An iNonator Prom Ohio to Siiceocd tliR Pofitinaster-Geiieral Greshiim has iiotllled A wealtiiy London lady has brqueaMied the granted by reason ot fr.iud of '"isr.pre- Iloii. Raortcii 11. I>cn(llrouiid tiiat the iiiiroiii'ieeii a bill a.ikluu'for an app'oprialioa the po.stniaat.era nt Detroit, .Mich., and Wash­ •1SS3, it WOK fi.ilttl.Oill liiiT, bhuwln;; a riaiuc- newspapers would picture the thing according ington, D. C. . . JM. Watermiiii ifc Uo., exien.slve grain dealers liuninlhi' (lent, inelionn.. InU'reht, less cash ot .'flliO.OOd for llm niirllioldiataUm to be ereut lo tlioir nwii iiuaginatlon. The iiictloii was lost. ot .-Siiii Franelseo have tailed lor Jl.fiOtl.tlOO. ed in New Vorlc liarbor.. A bill was piissed for tn Mui in-nnurv, ol *l »'5 n-in,!!!);!; ot «15i,li,>,- The coniralttee anpuinti^d 1.0 report the rules The Onloniigon and Brule river land gratit Gen. Uiimaiel.-, tlm hero ot Gellysliurg, was Syamuru tliiiii wiiuki liavo l)ii(iiisnp;.;lhj'l n.V the llmiioldliigor United Stales cireuH and die- (fuestion ie being vigorously fouglit. l.rlet courts In tlm iiorUiern tllstrict of lown. governing the caucus made a mnjority and a given a niosteiil.lin.slaslie reuepMon in Galvea- siiikliii: rumi, unilcr l.liu priiviBlriiia ul liOyi ami minority report. Tlie minority 'eport waa re­ The funeral of thu vleltma of the Grnnil loii the ui.lier iiii:lit. sBiige Bubinilliiig IJCliO riivlwl hiatuies, liuil tin- ri ciinn-iiiiuils cil Th ot the I'resident the jected, and tbe ruport of the majority waa Trunk disaster of the 2d lin-t. was held In aiiiiual reiiort of Mm Wlsslfslppi river eoni- The liidebtediiees nf New York city and inu hliiKliig fuiiil acts, I in'u iilii'il In tlk-se fii'C- ailoiitid. After eonslderiible diseu.ssloii over Toronto,on tho .Mb inat. Nineteen beiirBes ciiunty aiiiouiiia to i',13(),(lilii,000. tiolis hi:i-n r-irioily O'lmlilieil wllli. 't hi) prliicl- inltlee wn» laid liefore the House, anil oiicited minor matters the caucus l)y vole of 2S to .W were in the proccBSion, and it Is istiinaled thai pul (if ilii! piillllc lie.ln has l-eon ilem'nsiil-.iu niueli ditcuc-sion, and wiia llnally referred tu decidi-d to liuv'e a Bccond ballot. Messrs. Addi­ 40,000 people joined in the servicefi. Hon. D'lVlii Saiikey. fiilliernf tlm evangelist, the eon.niiitceij ou rivers and hurliora. died at Kewcaatle, IVnn., reeenlly, aged Tii Ihurtnimi p..rn.al>vSl'Gl.4;7,;il)3 nr *u'll),'2iW,- son, Ueed, Cumiliiglmni, •(ulinson and I'ieree, Dense fogs have prevailed on the English SOS li..yoiiil llu'nin.'Uiit, i-iiiie as rMinir, il liir declared thi ir iiitenlioii ot wanting to vole years. .lANUAUY 10. coast for BeveriU days, and a iiuriiber of vesaela lin-slnliiim riind. Thr fceretiiry siiju; Ihe openly, whieli Mm ciuicus decided olbcrwlBC. lind nianagenmnt In Idie llniiai delays ooti- SnXATB—Mr. Shenniiu presonteci a peliticm 'I'lic eaueus tlieii proceeded tn ballot for senator have liueii lost,. renHlreini-iiIBof law Ilnil. tlx.d llin prininrllmi alderatiiiu of tlm Fitz Jolin Pcrter bill, iiiueh from a large number ot soidiera and sailors, of tiai i-xlsl,liiKils of tin; treasury iupiiy Mary N,, seventeeulb wife ot Mie hue Brig- • •quuli'/.o tho bniiiit.y ot Union aoldlora. OppiiiiMon to extenuiiig the bonded perlnil mi-iil of llu' pulilii'. (ii-ht. Olf un 13. liaiii young, died at Salt Lake City ti fev diiys reauluiioii requi-Bting the fiecretaryo f the in upon dial illed spiriis growa fitrnugir,an d ihe A .VKW J'll.SSlOX 1111.1.. coxifK.'jsjo.N' or A nitUTK. ago, In her 40tii year. Sixteen oilier widows lerior lo suapeiid aelioii in issuing cerlilleatei, survive . im. cliances are iiiiqiiealiiiinibly agalhsl the , paa- Se.natnr Liiuni.'s hill I" increase peusioiis or pnients to tbe New Orleans A I'exas Pncillc sage nt the bill. nriivliles iliai. nil wlio now reoeiviKirshali liere- George Jellrey, nf Klverliead, L. I,, indicted A lerrilile boiler exploalon Is reported from railroad were aurced to. Mr. Voorliees intro­ wltli Ilia wife for the inuriler of Ihechlld ot Mm The elect Inn nf a Proalilent prn-tem of Ihc iifter tic; Mraiitoil pmsions for iiillltary or naval Bourucville, near Cliillicoilie, Ohio, in which duce.! a ri-soiulion, whieli was agreed to, iisk- latter bv li former liusban'J, makes a statement Seiniti; lias been delayed from lime lo Mmi", ai-rvic'is, Willi have lost an arm i.r k-ir, sliull bci liiL'for infnriniiUon fioin ihe fiecretary ot the three men »;ere blown to pieces. enillli;n In a peoRl'in (if *.t(l piTinonih, un I this Mint lie'Uillcd the child liy holding its tiody be- prlnelpiilly tn wait until Senator AtiMiony ahall treasury ns to wliellier utntulliori;(ed tonnage tweiui his kneea ami twisting the elilld's head Mrs. Hii>coel,-, the head cook at the Auburn have sutllelently recovered. Bliuil uiil iiri-vini ihcni fnini roci-lving puiiBion dui-a liiid been eolieeted from steam vessels House, in Jnliet, III., wlio waa so brutally as- foriither wiiniiils or ilisabillty; ami nil pernoiiB upi' way unlH he Ihougiit be had broiicii its Geo. Deiioblga, the eriiiik who wanted to Biiice 1^C+. He also oUared a ri'Solutiou, neck, and then twisted the liead ihe other way aaulted by her lover George :Frestiine, has who have an anipninilnii at tlic I'luiuuler or wliie.il was agreed to, dircetlng the secretary since recovered, and now she wuiito to marry marry Gen. Sherinaii'sdanghter or Miil.le 0»r- hip juLitHliall lie la liUi-il to *.'iO per nioiilh; to miike Biire he had killed Jeftrey eoutcmplat- of war to inform tbe Senate as to Uie number eil killlnuthe child for a long Mine, aud thnuglit the vllluiu. lleld, has escaped from the asylum ai Clevelainl. Kiiil ail pureo.ii who Khali havi; lost nn arm uuil leg ahull be ciiliiicil lo «T2 pur incinlli. of BOldiera wtio served one, two and three he could do ^o bv coulluual cru ItleB, aud not William lilnclr, tiie novelist. Is nerlously ill. J. W. Dent, aeoiiain of Mrs. Grant, suicided yeurfiinllie late war; Mie amount of bounty ho held guilty of tlm crime. Failing, heal A health, food and education exhibition is at tlie Aivord iiiiiie. near IJai-'gett, Cai., Iiecaufo paid to eaeh, and the approximate nmoiint of last broke Its neck, lie lialed the elilld becniise ot iNJVerty and slekncBB. His wife is lu poor lo be held iu Loiidou in May next. C:OIS«iKI<.l4K. money required to cqna'lze the bounties of lie was not its father, an.l its cilsteiico InlLr- clrcumBtanccB at Si.n Fransiseo. thiise Boldh-r*. The lower houae of tlm Hungarian diet )>Kxrri!.NTiAi(T,iiuaNmi. CoiisiaeraUon ot tlie new lerred more or less with his wife earning nion- ProhlhltUin ot Anicrlean pork has seriouBly rules was reBuined. *iy fur iiim. He had no other motive for ilie recently piisseda bill i-ermltUiigeivil marrhigeB Jti-riii;iirCiiinpHny -.v.-is* 150,000. Suite .lANCAKt ir. fiuuw In the nioiintalns the pnrlieulura weie still in the rnlus. Gen. Gran'' says tbe reiiBon he eoi.iieel^d hliuaelf wlUi the .Mexican cable company, was loss, fTS.OOO; Insurauer, 113 llOO. SKMATH.—Mr. Edr.'iunds intrndueed i not received for fieveriil days. E, D. Atcliibon was ennllned to tlm jail fur slabbing Sidney Ariibl I'ushii, In exile at Ceylon, says Egypt beeiiuse im desired to sue closer eommereial bill priivhiing for Mm relief nt the ani- will be much stronger wltli tlie loss of the ' JAXllAKV 7. Knckniaii,a proiniiient re-adjuster, ou Chrlst- relations liEtalilisliud between tliat cuuutryaud vivors of the .leanimtte; Mr. Call of Jflorld* .Soudan. miiB day while limy were drinking itjgelher. the Unlied Slates. Sny*Ti!-Tlii' eliair laid lieforc Uie seiiatore (UIO iiroviding for the eBtublisiiineut of a uul- Atchison was a Veriiiunter aud u desperate A flpeciiil session of the Tex.is legislature .^ iiiiiiiher iif diiciiiiii.nifl, nulling whleli were a versal nmilleal college in W.ishiugtoii to be .Law abiding cltiiuiiis of Ut.Ui have assured eonimunlcnMiiii Inini tlie suereUry of war re- cliariieler. 13.0 was arresteii agamat tl.ie jiro- liaa been ualled to enact iiieaBures for the Bup- Mie governor ot Mieir support iu his eftorta to open to all selioolsot medielne. Tlie liill pru- presalon ot fence-cutting outrages. gariliiiii 111!'iiispi cUoii of rlvirs and harbors; vnli'K lor the appropriation of $l,0()0,nOi) as an test uf Uuektuan, -svlio waa recovering. Atelii- enforce the laws. OIK! fnuii Mm putMmisli.r (.'uimriil, Iransiiiil tiiiu anii was liearil lo make some threats to Mie einluwim-iit fund, and an adililloiia' appropriu- .V lire in Muadville, Pa,, destroyed Mm opera Mnrqiila Tseng, Cliineseambassador, siiva he tlii^ repuri of till-ciiiiiiiilssloii on ruiiway in.ill eltect Unit when he .got out ot jail be would liun ot ?;itH).(iOO for the purchase ot grounilB liouae block at a luoS of f *)0,000. has great eoslidencc in Ciiiimae soldiery. si-rviei-, nnd a eniui.iniile.iMdii from Ilu'. -I'C- killBonieot Mm ni'.Mi who had procured ids and MicereeiiDii of buildings, also one for Mm It is now stated that .Mliilstor .Lowell re- relary ol ilse iiileriiir iriiii>iiiilMi.g eoidi-s of all arrest, '['he oiher night ten rough fellows with ! CijiigresBiiiaii Wemplenf New Yuri: waula (•BiiibMshnmiir. of postal siivin.sjs banks. Mr. pnpi-is relaiiiij; lo llm Irniishriil 1 He liuul gram nniaks on, eanie lo Mm jail alioiit midnight and •signed tbe rectorship of St. Andrew's UniverBil.y goverrimeiit aid for the Eric canal Van W)elc of Nelirasiia eulJinitteil a .ioint reao- because ot a peieniplory note from Mm state ol Mn Nrw Orlenii.-.-, Ibiuiii Koii^.e Si V.ekebnrg dein iiided tin- liey of J. J'llner tlie jiiiler in Tlm moycnmnt in Germany for the eRtabliiih- hillon lor tlm ai)|iioprlalhiii of nO.ODi) to dejiarlmeiit that hi.s aeeeptanco «f tlm odlee nillniiiil. A. iiiiiiibrr ol' pi-i.tbuis wen- eliarge. lie saiil it was net hi ilia possesiiioii. iiiiMit (if worklnginen'B eoluniefi, ia nu-etlng eonilium iinpn.veim'Uta already b-gun on the wiiB iiicoii.sistent wIMi his obligatioiiM as tlm pri-Beiil. d from \.vl..ufi .seeiiiilis of Mat country Tim mob then eoiunieiiced to baiter down Mm wilh greatfavor."" . Mii-slssippi river The rcBolutinn was niiionileil represenlaMve of the'Anmrliian people at a foi- in ri l ilbiii lo a relnilo on tobneeii. AiuDiigMie lioor, iimanwiiim aliouting with pistols and to Hire It tlm form of ablll, which piifiscd. The eign court. Senator Anthony duellui'o the presidency bilin iiiiroiineeii was one l.o Ineiiilaii; ilie re i:iiiis iliruugli thu iluurs aiul wiiidowa. Atelii Uiiil) qnceliuii vvas discussed at great icnglli. pro-leiii ot tlm Senate. roriii of llii-o vil -ervie.., and a ioiiii- res.iliiUoii ton I'ouiilit fiirh iiBly in.'^iile for Ids lite, though Sneretnry Folger la very anxiona to increase mill nfi.er a Bliorc ex'eeiilivo sesBlun llie .S.uui,.. for I he iiiiniciiliilc; i.p,.ro|irliiii..n of. *l,()i 0,0(111 sliot three or lour tiincB. The desperadoea the circulation.lif Biiinll hllla. 'i'lie lirsl proseeulion under the 10'hour law, for Mill pn Brrva-iion nnd repair ol: euriaiii iiiljourned uiilll ,Vloiiday. were two hours 111 forcing tlieir way into liis in MasaaehiiseMs, resulted in tlie eimvlei Ion of worlvs ri-liili'g 10 iiii|'ri,veiiu'iils aloiar Llie The court houae and jail at .Jerseyville, HI., the defeiiduut, who was llnefl ^iiO and . lVKWS Nai'i'KS ' ee;l, and the diwiued man. Al.chiaon, waa llnal­ were buriicil ou the night ot Mm Ttli inst. .Four !Mi!.fii.~slpid river, .\ n soliii ion wiis aarei d l.o, ly Si-eureil, Isieeilnig from four W'ounns, aliiiost prisoners In the j.ill were Biitlocatud to death. A. lire-damp explosion in Ferfiiy ennl mine in dm c-liiiii tin- s. |.|-i.iary ol' llm 1 n-a.-ury lo iran.s- A •WnOl.li FAMILV CalJMATKI). dead ami unable to walk. He was lied and Arras .Frnnce, killed BCVUU men n-ad iii.|ured niltall diicinneiilrirv ii f,iriinU.inii in liia possc.-i- In plain Engiieli tlie plan proposed by Eng­ On a reci-nt iiiglit on the pLiiitatloii ot W. ilragmid away. Abo'it tivo or three o'elocli in many oihers. Bi'iii re.laiinii'lo the exeeiiilon ol' Ihe CliineSL- land lor the relief of H.gypl means to all out­ (;. Tnyliir.I.eiioir eiiinitsN G.,iiii entire family the niorning the liiielmrs told Ida g'nird that Ilia i-e|iorted Mint Mm Egyptinn Inmpa are liiiiiil, ni':oii net. of Neirroes, Wm. Ijriaun, wife ami BIX (•lilldren, siders, "iiilnrt yiiur own business." lie would lind iheir prisoner at a certain tree loeyncniile Kliarlinin, If so, 11.lll'O Cliristlnus Iluo.sii—.V ri'soluiinn was adopied reeitlng were liiirtieil lo deaih. The weallmr lhat iiigbl about luilt a mile Irom town. After daylight Callforiila fnrnmra are happy licenit,sc .Judge will be left tn llm nmrey of Moslem fiinaiies. WHS tlie coldest in twi iity years. It ia suproaeil Sawyer ot the UiiileU States circuit court has Mini 11 liiis lir-en alh..i;iil ihni, clrenlms .:'jillliif.' he f.illowed the iraek wiiere the uiifurtunate liu'gi- lire WUB IU ide betore and rendered a deelBioti granting a ]icrpeiual in- Durln.g IS'S.'i over 4,000 pereons eoninillted for p..liileul iiSMBBiiieiils have Ineii liialrUiuled a ri.tiriiig, iLe man luid been dragged through Mm snow and the jiinetlon ag.iinst hydraulic" inlning in tiiat suicide In I'lirl?. in fioiiied.iiar(nn-ols , niiii eiilliii;.; upon lmiuls houi-e eiiugiit tr, m lirands rolling on Hour, lounil him liinmiiig irom tlie tree indloaled. slate. of ilirp.irtiiieiits for liirornmtioii iu reliili.iii No news renelieil Mm iiuigliliors till noon Mii KucUniaii is the snperiiiteiidentot the B''liools 'I'lie Senate cn;i.inil,te on foreign rulatiniiB are Ihenli). A nBoiiKioii n as mlopiid iinlliiig lip III xt day. Then a iieielilnir Willi weul. to-vt.sit of Hiiihland county, whose appolutnieiit the All Ihosaloons In WIelilta, Ks,, liave closed con.sideriug the advisuhilitv of inirodu.-lng on till- iiri-.-lili.|n. for inf irnnilion in relull jii lo the faintly found uoihiiig bill usbes of houses atiite seiiaie n-fuaed 10 eonlirm. and are s,ild to he going out of the business. iinuMier bill tn remedy Mm defects ot tho pre»- Mil-1 iiieliiBtiiii of Aniericjii hog proilnein Irom and reiniiius of eiiilit liuiniui heing-i. Tin; ent ChiuCBU bill. UXOllUIDI! ANO EUICIDU. t faiim-'and mother were t'onnd iieur uigetliei, Henry 15. Payne is the cnndidatc nt he deni- Friiiie.. anil Girii .V. The eall of Ktiii.-s for ouralie legiahitlve caucua ill Oliki fnr United A rise in Mm Ell; river, a branch of the Kniis- au infant bi tweeii I Iu m, wliere ils bed liad A fearful tragedy iranspirert the other after­ llm iiilr.iiUlelioil • f bills iiinl jnint. rehiilulions wha, caused a loss ot not less than St0U,0O0 stood. Tbe others were In their usual pla'jes noon ut Georgevllle, R. J. .John Shea, his wife Slates senator to succeed Geo. H. Peu'lleton. bi-uaii, and li'llsi poiiri-d in a lib as nineli worth ot staves, bark and Ininlier. uf rest. .Mary ami .Mr.s. .MeLi'iiriand liad a drunken ca Woman sall'riigists ot New York arc loud in vdiiiim as nil the lirsi In 1 day ol the .•;i.|.'«loii. rouaal tlm prevhais night. He wont to wjric I'he jury holding an Inqiieat on the Bellvlllc Hieliiu'un'n r.'i'i'esentiiliviis E'nlriilg'.' and Ynplii WlXn AND WAVH their rteiiunciatioiis ot Suuator Edmund's lilli in tlie tuorniiig all right, had dinner at noon to diBtrauchise the wo.uiun of Utali. convent [ire bluine the iiiiinagi'nmnt nl the In- iiitroducid bills to re ve the ilniy ou all Worked great damage all along the Atian- and Went bauk to tils loom in the Vernon tuiil. Mendvllle's (Pa.) oiiera liouse destroyed by ftilnllon for not taking liie pn-cnnMon which ' kiml.s of iniuhi.r-, ami lo ali.ilisii lliu duty on tle cuaBt t;lie oilier morning. It eauieup along He liad been at work an liour, when lie Budden- lire nt a loss nt half a iiillllon dollars. Uiucizcaiid eliar..cter of Mm building aud thu Irlcliuu or luulfer mnielns. tlm eoa^l, ami apparently divided into two I.V went lio'j:,e anil found Ills wile cm the bed number of inmutea required. sictioiiBal New York Uliy, so lhat the Btoriii iisltep. Ho look a riueir aii.tl almoat .severed A new Eg.vptloi: ndnistry haa been formed j,iNU.Mty S. Tim judiciary cninmitteeof tlm T.?xiis Icuis- t), eaiim a terrilie eicliuie. In Western MitB,';a- her Imiul rroni her body. He then cut his own with Nubar I'ashaas proinier. SiJK,\'rM.—Mr. Vail W.>eKof Xi'liraskiiollci-cd reported feime eliiisetta auil Vermont, a burrienne along Cape tlirtiiit and (3ied in 10 niiiiiiies. 'J'woyears ago lature billa iniikliig eulilug a a ri.B.iiniinii K lileli was aeretd l.o iliiiellin; Keshub Suuder Sen, the famous EiiBt ludian felony, wiMi a penalty ot tivn to live yearn in Cod and Mm West 01 Itaiiie, wliile in Ceiitral SIma slalibeii his wife In ihree places, but was tlm soeretary olilm interior to siiS|jend iiciini philaiithi'opiiil;, is dead. the peuilentjary, llm a I'eiiee- Nl w liiigliiiid lt was less Bcverc. From WetV pri.vented from Killing her liy her son. for and killing of In ls.iniiii>: ei'-rlinrnti-s of pnleiils lininled to eutter ot juBlitiablB ern Vorinoiit tliu worst damaL'u on laiiil Is re widen be served IS liiouMis' imprisonment. in the aet iipplylii.g nijipera tlm New "Orleniie ami I'ueilie riiilroiid eonip.iu.y, The .ficarilas Indians of Netv Mexlen want l.o liondcUlc. purled. The gale increased in violeime from Four weelvS aeo he waa discovered Htaiidiiig bo returned tu their refiervatlon in Northern uiKil all qni'St'ous iiivolvinl in tlie grants i-liall luldiilelit toll a 111, wiieii tim wind was blow­ liesliie her bed with a , razor in ids liaiiil, Iti- New Mexico. . A bill correcting the ilefccts of the present liiiVi- liet-ii ileli.niiined liy ctinuri-Bs. ,Vlr. Hide ing sevanty miles au hour. At CaSlletOii, Vt , teiidit'g to kill tier, but she awakened and got A.nna Stump, aged SO,'Uvlng near Cinehmatl Chliieae law will soon be reported to the Senate. ot Miiii.e olL-riiil a n-Boluiiiui ilirceliiia' llii; tin.- rout uf llm lium'arz.i Mouse, in wliieb then- nway irom hiui. Hum was the ciiuic of "the suiolded the other day. Prominent fclentists assert that clucusu eou- aeenitary ot the nuvy to inform llie Si mite were thirty BteeDliie buuniers, was bluwti oil, il.me. _ taliiB no Injurious aubatanee. what wastllMOrl) iiiul eostol tbe Vessils louiiil nllliough It is StIxlOO feet in sir.u. As it fell to Fire in the iicnltentlary yards at SMllwntcr, In llio naval reglati-r of 18d3, togetiier with tile the ground it cut one building in two and seri­ The eeiebrallon ot tlic fittieHi ordlnatinn iroKlittiiN tt-mAIKM. Minn., burned at a loss of tUtl,0()O. Fire set total I'lir repairs siiieu eDiiBiriiuliiui. .Mr Saw­ ously diunagid two oiln-ro ~ Fortuiiatelv uo liy coiiviets, lumu nf whom escaped howeycr. ot Cardinal McClosky as a prhist was observed yer of Wi.-coiisin asUeil for iiiforiiiatioii as to luie was hurt. Tlie cupola of the Norniai BNOLANO SAVS WHAT SUB WILL CO. ill New York hy the inost imposing ecreiuouleg what II gr-ia'tiin is in ei'ssary for the innnedt Sebool, Ihe roof of Carlos Sinfoid's house and Altairsin Egypt, are appareuMy approaching G. D. Giltnoro, a Wasliiugton lawyer, watits ever witnessed in Milseoiiiitry. He c«rr,\liiu: out of liu- p''ovisloiui in i.lie ap Beveii other bulldlni;a and part ot tlio.deuut a crisis. Three olllciul dlspateliea have been ifaOO.OOO ot Carl Selmrz' money. When Scliurz propriatmii iniiilt: for the iniprovi'inent of llm wet'., blown oil, and several iiarns wore utterly aent out from the foreign ofllee in Lntulon. was Bucretary of the luturlor he prohibited the •J. HO valiio of the willow crop of Wj- Fill and Wiseonsiu rivi-rs. Mr. Miller of Call deinollaiu'd. Numerous Bnmli buildings were The lirBt asaured tlm kliedive that England saldOilinore from praeticiug before the in­ oniinij; couuty, N. Y. is estimated at ,upset and hardly a liouse in town reaped liiriil.i olleri-il a ri'Boliiliou n iiiieslliiii tbe I'reel- would maintain her ,iosiMon lu Egypt; the sec terior department. $120,000.. The lioaviost crois itrc fouuti duiit 111 furnish ttie Senaie copies of tlm cor- Bunie damage. The cyclone eaine BWeeping Iiud guaranteed that England would undertake down a -iiariow valley from the On en to risist anv iiltninpt at "the Invasion of lower Sever'il iron establishments in I'ittsburgli ill the lowm of Porty, G:i usville :inU nspiiiileneu rehiiinij; to tlm negotiatinu wiMi aud Kuailing, I'a., liave resumed operations, the ti|iaiiiah uovernmrul ou llie Bunjuct of Mountulus to ljuke Champhilii, wbleh Is Egypt by El Mahdl, but aaid this guaranty "Wiu'saw, antl the willows uro shipped shut In Ijy high luouutaiua, iiud carried meiintiio more thau that she would assume to the men iicceplnH a reduction of wages rang­ couinmrce benu-iii tlm Uiilieii Slates and ing frotu.]3>|Jto2.5 pur cent. to Syracuse; Uuirtvlo and Now York t* Cutjiiaiid l^orio i-tico. .Vler-sai^es were reeeivud devastation iu a tract some four miles wide. eouhueEl Mabdl's uperatious to the Snndan At t4utlaiid,Vt., the roof ot thu Uaptist church German biiskot makers, where ihef fiiiin Ihe Preeldeu reliitiiig lo llie I llnoia and and must not be construed as proiulsiii;; any A coniinlltee of tho Montreal corn cxeli.mge htichlgaii Biiml.imi thu work of .lie Mississippi and spire of the Cuunregatioual elmreh Were assisliuioe in realstltig Uiose operations si • loni: command irom $-1 lo $24 per ion. Uu- blown sway. Suycral barns wep' dint llshed us they were not un actual attack on Kgypt thinks that taxes au all bread otults should be river coir.iuisaloii. I'miding thu diseuBsion abolished, and au untrammelled iuterchangu foro 1870 the willows had to be stripped and lly'j or six houses badly damaged. At proper; thu third Instructed the Uritlsh Coiiitul of thoir bark where thoy worii grown, ttf tlui uuw rules thu Seiinlu adjiiurneU, Nortlihanipton, Mass., the most peculiar fea­ at Masaourah to niit.iiy the king of Abyssinia ol national productloiiB he allowed between the United States and Canada. which wtis nccomplished by slaniiing nouvK —Mr. Hunt, of X.,ouli4ini)a, iiitroiluecil ture of the aiorui was observed. A llerce cy that Euiilaiid would not approve of any mili­ ajoint ruaiilutliiii uaking for »u iiuiiiudmte ap- clonic gust at li a m., was followed by a hard tary operations by Abyssinian troops' in the Frank JanicBj tho outlaw, is seriously 111 the bunches iu runninij water. .Since propriallon of 11, 00,000, In uec..ntaiice wliu raiu, which cuutliiued four or live liuurs. Af­ Soudan, and would resent any attack upon with' pneumonia at his home in Independence, 1879.buyers tako them bark and nil and AU urgent n que»l of ilw MifslBBippi rivercoiu- ter the ruin ceased Imiumcrub e small Ushfrum Egyptian troops which might be operating in Mo. halt an Inch tn UU inch iu leUi^lh were founn lhat region to maintain the authority of tlic strip the stalk by stoatn power, whict ialB»iou. Tlie mutter wu» referred. Mr. Biug- makes more profit lor the producer. iiaiii, from tliu cuiuinitt<' buU5•::/• - eouatr, Ont, WM iuitaaUy killed by tb« limb ino«»mtne<:omitrT.-/>*/«//C<»«.«»«rrf IN TIIU W001),S." mothor'H euro 'em." • through all tho days and nights that s'tioutol, proudly, amid the tumult 'of perior, and would lead tliem fivrllieraud So they sot out on thoir journey, eat­ Ihov Had spent in the woods, and ho sounJ. "1 liko to bo out in the rain." farther Irom homo; but tho boy stout­ (A TRUE STOIiV.) ing tho big ripo huclvloberrios from tho hiufovea thought out, a way of escape, "I liko to get wot, too," Arminda ly, maintained that all the water ou bushes as thoy walked, filling their oe- and planned a route which ho folt answered, weakly. "It makes my thatside of Koweetiaw Point llowed into Ilnapmucli as tlio followhiK attiinlly pails, in caoo they .should coino to onriMiln Michlpran, it will ho of mint; thnn must IJi-ing thom out of thoir prison— skector-bites feel good." Torch Lake. Atliist, persuaded by his places where thoro were no berries, and paffiiiL' interi;st U< oiir reailorB. The »lor,y np- for the vaslnessand shadow of, a Tho lightning by degrees grow fiiinlor entreaties, trod aware of tlieir own' ig­ nimritiriii ii reiicnt nuniliui-of S3t Nielu)lii«, fur i|uonching their thirst nt tho creeks and n.iglitv forest can form as strong and !ind tho thunder farther awav; but all norance of the lucidity, the men yielded, which niaeiiKlno it was written by Mary J. Saf- small streams which they chanced up­ gloomy a prison, if yon do not know night long till! wind anil rain kejit on antl slowly forcetl a [laili along the bank fori! aaii Holun ./. lirowu.] on at intervals. This dtiy, too, wore some way out from it, as was o.yor together. Tho children clung to each down tho stream, a course which lo t'av 11 |i in llio iiortliorii part of the slowly awiiy, iind once more thoy made niado by stono walls and iron bars. ' other and wliisperoil that they wore not their, groat ilolight, brought iliiini ore stnto of Michigan, iv p(niin.sii!a, called a ruile boll at the spot ivhorc darkness As ho lolled painfully along on that afraid. , ' king to a region where tliuy rocogiiized overlook Ihcni, antl slept as best they Kuivuen.'iw I'oint, oxlemh for fifty afternoon, with vision strained to catch Morning camo at last, liiit still severtil lamlmurks, and. whence tlicy cciuUI. Sunday oanio and passed. The niilcs into Lal«j Sti|)C!rior. Along its some break in tho endless rows of trees the tempest raged. ..Theodore soon iuul easily made their way lo Cal­ little ones, wtilkiug liand-ih-liand western .shore runs 'he iimiii I'otiil, fruiii that sirclchcd in every diioclion, ho looked ruefully about him when umet. kept revolving in liW mind a plan which through tho dense underbrush, could wiiioli Iji-anelrmany others loniling to ho arose, and resorted immediately for Meantime, in tho town, parties wero ho had luttde, and wtis as, happy as a Iind no clue to guide theip out of the llie miiiierons copper minus in this comforL to the of berries lie had sadly preparing to rosiiiiio the apvji.r- lost boy can bo when he found, by and wilderness. Yet all day thoy kept inov- wisol.y shelturcd. '•I'm goLLiiig sick t.f onLly hopeless searuli, when the news ,.c„ion—iiiiioiiir which llio Uitliinict iiiiil by, that iho plan was working well. In ingon. When they looked up lotlio lops this," ho remarked to ArinintUi, / "Wc Hew from mouth to mouth thitt the lost lleolii. Alloiiez, Pliienix, Delaware, and otlier words, he had resolved tho day oftho tall trees they felt lost and lonely; must get liomo to-dny." ones had been foiiiiil. At lirst, the re­ Schooleriitt aro most fiiinoiis. i'lui before to follow steadily tho course of a null when they grow tired, tho great But alas for such hopes!- Tlui whole port was not believed; but before night­ small sireani which thoy had chanced stillness subdued tliom, liko Lho height eaBluni sliore, being still covoreil witli day was spent in patient but friiilless fall the miners, carrying tho childfon upon, as ho knew that it must flow into of lite trees, Now and thee, the chirp wild woods, is overgrown with llilck plotldiiig over tlic wet leaves, with the on their sliou'ders, came in sight, and a larger stream, aud that in turn into.a of 11 bird or tlie crackle of a dead • ndiJi'linish, anil iiilursiici.cd here and branch made littlo Arniiiiila shiver and rain still, falling, and tliatnight they Ihc crowd burst into shoiitM and' cheers still larger, until at last some ono of had to seek tiieir rest upon si huge, there by sliurl, swift stnmnis. sink hor voice lo a low whisper, of joy. A gentleman took the little them would lead him put of tho forest! sloping stone under the projecting D'lring lho week tlio ineii of this ones into liis buggy, antl drove along •So lunch hi.s wiseyoiiiii; head had taught But that night—the tliirtl which thoy boughs of a thick-leaved tree—since poninsiilii aro almost;all nt work iiiidor Llie street toward their home wliilo the him; and the reason of hi.s joy that at had passed in the woods—tlicy hcarti this was the driest bed thoy could find. Hio ciirlli. niid llio coiinlry sooiii.s another sound far away in the il'istance. crowd thronged about the horse and tornooii was' that tho little stroam had By this lime, you may be sure, they elcsorteil, tlioiiih many •'it'-lo wooden "O-ho! 0-ho-o! b-lio-o-o!" vehicle clamoring for a sight of the justfultillcd hia expectation and brought weru in a sorry pliglitr, I'lieir hands antl houses and log-liuts wiili sliingle, roofs Theodore recognizeu his brother's ehildreii, who liati to he constantly held him to theetlgeofa larger one—in fact, lioads fairly ached from tliu bites of •lot llio region neiir the mines But on voice and shouted loudly in answer, 11)) !o thoir vii»w and httliiteil' with to a river. Dut, after reaching it, ho swarming mosquitoes; thoy wero •SiuKiay.s men literally spring up out of Arminda joining. Tliey. called tigain cheers. A friend had run forwarti to felt that he could make iio ofl'ort to fol­ scratched and bruised In' thoir scram­ lho ground, and groups ot iiiiiiei-a tip- and again. But tho wind was tigaiust inform tho almost frenzied parents, who low it tbat day for his sister was too bles through tho t;an.glu of tho iiuder- penr evevvtvliero, enjoying lho only day them. The sounil Ihcy had heard grow wept with joy on hearing ihe news; antl weak and tired to walk, aud ho himself brnsh; and though they mantiu'cd to they have" to see Llie siiiisliiiie, the laUo, fainter—their brother was eviduntly in a few niitiiites the father and iiiotliei so weary and foot-sore that !iis kueos keep tlieir p.-iils lilled'with herricsl they llio'u-ooa, .Mid the flowers. moving away. At last, only a poor clasped to llieir hearts the lo.st ones soeiuetl ready to sink under him. wore becoming very hungry for somo Amid the dense forests to tliii south littlo echo answered their cry, and whom they hail begun to mourn as He saw a fallen troo-trunk nearby, moro satisfyiiig food, Arminda was .mil oast grow (pmniitics of herries and then the great woods seometl more dead. and, making a bed of dry loaves against now too fool-sore to walk moro than wild sniail fniiis; and on tlio morning silonttlian over. one sitle of it, ho |)lacod his sister upon a few slops at a time, and Theodore had Theodore's boots could bo taken off . of li'riilay, .inly 21, IS.S2. a merry party it, while hesat down upon the log Po- The next day, while thoy were walk-- to carry hor. Their clothes had be­ only by cutting them away from his of four c'liildrcp stiiried into tho wood.s, sido hor. And so thoy rested, while the ing along, Theodore thought he heard come so soaked that they wore a lioav.y feet with a knife, and, as tlio poor boy «xpi;utiiig lo MM thoir Iin pails with shadows grew longer and darker among a call, and thoy stopped to listen. "It burden; even thendoro was loo weary had had hiu leg broken hardly a year bliieherries before many hours. Tin; Lho trees. They spoko but little; but W!i.s over yonder," ^aaid ilic boy. "You to Iraiup very farina tiny; and poor before, it seemed iiiarvelou.s' that he children wore Miiry Palson, n ^n'rl of whenever Arniinda seemed frightened wait hero a minute, and I'll g'o'and see littlo Arminda was almost sick from fa- could have endured all lie did. Both thinceii; Iter younger sister, Miirgarct or really to cry, Theodore took hor if I can gel a sight of .'em." He rush­ liguo and hunger. chiliheii wero terribly fool-sore, anil i^tilsoii; Tliuodoro ijiirro, a boy of nine; ed through the brake a foiv rotis, shout­ .sovor.al days passed before ilin bravo hand in his and'cheorcd lior by encour- 'Ou the next day, Iio-.vevcr, Llioy itnd his sister, Arminda. i.orre, who was iigin.g words. ing and calling, and at last thought lie lad could leave his bed. .For eight long but seven yours old. They proceeded saw a man moving among the trees in camo upon a brook ami began to follow ••Hut," you will ask, "how did they days antl nights he luul Witnilori'tl with on tlieir journey in gay spirits lud camo the dim distance. Hut the ligiire .soon it aa Theodore had planned, and miidu live? Wliat had they to eat?" his liltio sistor, rofiising, even lo save eni long to lho mouth of ono of tlie faded from sight, and, as Theodore what prf) 'ross they could. Tlio wind In order to answor those questions his life, to leave her a inotneut, lost she mines, ciilluil '-The Woiverine," where tiirnctl to go" back to his sister, ho had tlied i own, antl, save for the "drip., fully, wo must retrace their wander­ slunilil bo hopelessly lost. And during Lho father of the Lorres was employed. found that, in hia eagerness, ho liiid tlrip" of tho ilronclied irocii, the great ings. the last two d.tys. hardly able lo tirag Alns, for llieir ilay's sport! The father gone much farther away from her than storm was over. It left thu little himself along, lie carried her on Ins After parting from tlio Palson sisters liii]-ipeno(l lo see his childfeii, and, fear­ ho supposed. Ho called and called, wanderers pitiably weak tiiid .sore, back. He luid show ii through all that (ono wliolo week before thoy arrived at ful of Llieir gelling lost in Llie dense but got no answor. Ho looked about but still brave and hopeful, antl had happunoti acoitriige anireiiduranco the resting place wiioro wo havo just woods, he bade llieiii go buck lo llieir him, faltered, sloppcdshort. How far ho they kept on thoir way along the bank that many a man might envy, and il is soon them), Theodore and Arminda home. All four of the cliiidreii obeyed had run he,could not tell, .-tnd the way of tho brook, until, in the afternoon of :rood to know that, in the days follow­ wandered on, seeking eonstaiilly for his injiincLion; but on the roLiirn jour­ buck to his littlo sistor w.as lost coni- .l''rida.y, lliey reached the ctlge of a ing his return, hundreds of f'riohils and some path or road until day began to ney thoy inistiikioily followed aiioiher pleloly iu tho bewildoriiig sameness of larger stfcam. Content with Lliis neighbors visited tlio f.amily, and in fade. As the darkness closed in upon road Lhiin thai, by which Lliey had come, tho forest. Ho plungctl into tlie bushes, triuraj:h of hia new plan, 'Theodoro many w.iys tcsiilied llieir .ippreciaiion ihein, little Arminda could not keep MiiLiI Ihoy linally discovered Lliiit, iti- (irst ill one direction, then in another, prepared the liLlIo conch of loaves of the children's bravery. back lho Leiirs, and hor heart was lilleil sload of bringing llieiii nearer home, but seemed to got no nearer to the spot for his sistor to rest upon, as al­ vvitli dread. But Tlieodore wiis not IL was really Icadiiiif them JarUier .'iial ho had left Ho loaned at last against ready described, and sat down ou Uio T'hrougli tlin kind assistance ot a easily frightened. "Cheer up, .Sis," he fiirlher iiilo llie fcresL. a tree, dashing his (ist across his eyes, log beside hor. And when she dropjied friendly' correspondent. Si. Nicholas said; it'll be just like campin' out—that's and with a great gulp cried hoarsely, asleep from weariness, lie began to was enabled to show photographs of After pliiikliiig. patieiiLly on for an all," and he t»ok out his pocket-knife "I hivvo lost ber!" wonder how long it would lake thom to the two children in lho eloth'e.s which noiir, the lioy askeil the three girls lo and proocedecl to cut so.mc bushes for get home by following tho river shore, Llioy wore tluring iheir wanderings in • it down !iiii.l wait wliilc ho suarulied a bed But ho would not give up; ho set to and whether his poor little sistor would the woods; tvnd, looking at. them, one for tlie riirht roatl. But iiis little sister "Alotlier wont like it and will ba work to find the path he. had laken have strengtli to stand the journey, or could sec in lho fiices something clung to his hand, preferring lo go lireadfully scared,'' said Arminda: through the thicket after leaving her. ho to carry her. of the brave antl patient en- along Willi him; ami so Lho cliiUlreii "Well,1 don't know as [ like it any Wliilo sockinsr this, he caiight sight of duriiiice Vhat carried them safely KOiiaraled in paiis. Tlie I'nlson sisters But a speedier delivcranco was oven botter'n mother." said Theodore. But a llultering bit ot rng on a bush a few through lhat torrilile wook. IV.rliiips eliose a palh leading lo the north, antl then at hand. It was on that day that I'm not going Lo l)o scared." rods away,' It llaslicd upon Theodore they were rombering it all iu those few followed it all day ami until Ihoy came the grciit woods re-echoed in all tllroc- Arminda. however, seemed to havo thill here w.as a guide; those bits of minutes when thoy slood liefore tho .It List lo the bank of a river," where culico belonged l;o Arminda's dress,and tioiis with the calls and .shonls of thir­ soraelliing on Iter mind. teen hundred men; yet none of their camera.; but, whcll'ier that wei-e true Ihoy wero found on the evening of Llie. ho bad only to follow their Icatl to lind or not, the dovotioii aud coiiriige shown ne.xt day, and rouiriied in safeLy lo "Did you ever see a boar?" sho whis­ loud hitUoos hatl reached Theodore, as pered, as if she feared that Mr. Bruin his sistor. Ho look the poor littto rags oy this boy of nine aro truly remarka- their liorae. tenderly from Lho bRshos, ami when at ho sat upon the lo'^ that afternoon, all migiit oven llien be in tlic thicket and unconscious that h'e antl Ins sister wero taio iiml worthy of all praise."^And when iiuLllie r..orr«Hi^ They hart not lo- last he did find his sister, the thrifty overhear what she said. "I saw tv pic­ the objects of sueh a great expedition. wo remember that his own wi.vo little turned when their late companions wero littlo soul insisted on putting lliem, ture of ono. once," sho went on, ".•iiid Indeetl, it was late in the day, and the head had roitUy discoyoreil a way out brought ill, nor had any news been with other pieces that she had preserv­ ho was catin' np a groat big man. I tu'my liail really failed liko the. other of the woods btiforo he was found by the licard of thom. Mary and Margaret ed, in her own pockov, "as Mother guess that niau was soared, i guess he small searching'parties, having passed minors, and that he in factguidcd them could only indiealo vaguely the locstiilv would need thom when sho mended the was." beyond or far lo the side of the spot out aflerwarti by porsuaditig Ihem to of lho snot in the woods where Lhoy had dress." "Well, I don't lot old mako-beliove where tlio children wero now rosLiog;— follow the route ho litid dotormined up­ last seen the brother iinil'sisLev, as they picliiVes scare me," said Theodore. 1« the early dawn of the next iiiorii- anil yd. it hud not failed oilhur, a's you on, v^o could not blame t'.io sturtly latl bade Lliem good-byo; biiLsevei';i.l parties NovcrLlieless, Arrainda's words reoall- ing, Theodore leapoil suddenly from the shall' see. It so happoiied Lhat four f'lr hosiiating lo admit tiiat he was real­ imniedialely aliiried out in sciroli. The ed lo Tiieodoro a certain bear story lhat bed of loaves whore he was lying, and mon belonging to tho searching regi­ ly /out in the woods. father and older liruLhef of ilie cliiUlfeii, a few days before had lilled him witli looked wildly about hini in every di­ ment laggctl behind their compiinions, in eonipitny with friends, had been seek­ delight. It wiis not .so pleasant now to rection. Ho had licanl it asrain, that and, failing tooatal; up withthcni, went ing the missing ones during Siitip'day, FaillituhiOBS Ls ncccfifaryln all kiiul.s of vwork . think of the great brown bo;ir that, ac­ far-olV "O-ho-o! Oho-o!" And what straying hither and thither, forgetting .tnd on Siimlay' iiigliL a party disoovereii Espf--einll.y If, It iieees.sary, in Lri'i.Mrio„; a coco lli to cording lo tlio story, had orossoii thif was that, now up, now down, tlane- tlie children onl.ircly in thoir desire to lho cliildfotrs iraeks in the .-o t s;ro nd prccnre the heat i-onifdv, whidi i.s Allen's Lung forest roatl and frightened a woman al­ iiig in and ont among tho dark rejoin their follows. But boin,gminers, Balsam, lunl take It fiiti.lifully (icuorilliit! to ill- no.ara river. Hut Lliov were soon lost most out of her wits, as sho w.as driving trues? Could ir, boa light? Could it and having little knowledge of wood­ reclionB, ami ir. will cure a eokl tiviiry tiniii and in Llie mud,and Lho most thoronjrii search prevent fntal ri;siilti5. Sold hy all ilriigglsts. over to Lho Wolveriiio mine. be till! light of his lather's lantern? craft, they soon found themselves liopc- in the neighboring woods prot'eil fnilt- The woods wore fast growing dark, Yes, it was! As thu day-light grew, lie lessl.y bcwildcrctl, and had to confess less, while Ijiid and repealed liallows CoL'oiis AVn FloAiianNnss. — The irritation and liLLleAi'miuda clung closer' to her could distinctly sec his father with a that,'instead of lindiiig tho lost child­ broiio;hL no response. lantern in tho distance. But all ids which Induces coiujhiii.,' Iiiiinfiillntciv rtillevod brollier lill at last they lay down on ren, thc.y wufc in the unpleasant prc- hy tiBO of '•Jlrowii'x JJronchinl Trocha." Sold Muiiday luoniiiig came luui Ihc chil­ some soft moss and loaves which 'I'hoo- frantic shontsfailed lo retteh the search­ dicmcnt'ijf being thotnselvos lost in Lite only in hoxti.s. dren haci not fieeti found. Mut now, dore had .galhored, and ho'told his sister er's car, lind, in his terror itt losing woods. large parlies of iiieii, .syrapiiLliizing lo go to sleep. He •.vatchcd tho stars antl his sistor tho day before, Theodore had It cannot, be .said that, uonsirtoring wilTi liieparenLs' agony, began lo soiirch mijoii—thu sanio moon that was looking resolved that notliing shoiilil tempt how much (ilder they wore, • thoy bore the foresL in all dirocLioiis Most of J down into the door-yard at home,—and him to leave hor again. And Litis de­ this discovery with any better courage these, luiwevor, were miners, igiioraut ' wished that it could somehow show him termination ho kept now, since ho prc- G than tho children hnd'showu. But till S of wootioraft, and knowing liiile of tho tho way thither, , , fcrrctl to starve in the terrible ^voods —ISl- upper world, tttid so ihey discovoreil no ratjicr than save his life by tlcserting tlroy could tlo was to keep upacon- Meantime, the littlo sistor was breath­ .sign of Lho children, and many even her. ,3tant halloo, in the hope that some of ing softly; aiul soon these .monlern babes , .MtKANSAS. : lost llieir own way, aud I'ouiid Lho path lho returning parties would hear them, in the wood, wcarietl with lho day's In tho evening of the noxt day came This, therefore, thoy set about tloing as In accnLnil i;otiiitry, liuvlnnTowns, C'hiirchos, SO' home vvitli dilKouli.y, tho storm The stillness of the forest clotioH, U, S. MiillH. NowsimporJi. 'r«lo(,'nii*li,iin(l ROOCI travel, wore last asleep. lustly as possible, but for a long ti'me puopio; with 11 ml'il cllmiU.o, null HOUH, iriiiiy cniiiM, On Tuestlay, hyu generous acLion of Thu morning sunlight was just creep­ began to bo broken by ilio siirring and irondwaior, Iroo niiiuro, iliih und iiumo. tino tlinhor, Lho proprietors, all tlie employes of the without repl}', At last, howeyer, tis rich mines, oholcn iruils, on IIIKII lands nnd low ing into lho forest when Theodore riistlinft of loaves, and then by long th'cy stootl silent,- listening after ono of liindu, noar wjitcr-powern, nulroiidM, tird KOud Alouoz mine wore given permission lo awoke. • sighs ot the wind, that deepened into "a nmi'ltets. share in tho search, and larjio numbers ],their loud calls, one of tho mens.aid^ '•Halloo!" said ho, looking about him groaning and grumbling. Every luo- Whuiit, Mfiizo nnd Totton tlourlHli in tho Hftrno from lho Calumet and Ked Jacket "Hark! "Wliat was that P" .FaintJind Hold. Hi.v J^iivliiiiblG Itivors orowH tlio hind /jr.int. in confusion ut tho strange sin-roimdiugs, ment the sky grow blacker, .antl'down L'rlcca low. ]U Yoars' Crodit, If dosirod joined them. weak through llie far tlisLanee camo an Littlo Arminda stitrtocl, and opened among tho shatlows of the great trcas answering '•Halloo—oo I" Thoy moved ThlH 8. Mior's Kama, Vlieiiinclil. School social next week. At Wholesale and Retail. Andrew Hunt and wife have returned .JANUAUV li), 1884, from Now York, where they have been Everyone buying a Robe from $10.00 up, can have a Foot Pad C. Collar is getting the material together FREE OP CHARGE. Wholesale price $2 from now out, and over visiting friends. 750 Robes to select from. for a new barn, which he intends to build On Monday afternoon, Jan. 14, 1884, during the coining suinmer. Mi.s.s Martha Haniia celebrated her lOtli You all know who and where we are, at. Tliero is some talk iiboiil building a birthday, only a few ol her most intimate union oliiircli in this vicinity. AVe think friends being present. She received some WEBB & MEAD'S, it will be completed about the time Dans­ very nice and appropriate presents, aiiioiig ville gets ils railroad. which was one which for iisefnlncss and Mr.H. Teiunnn is visiting friends in and adaptaliou stood above all the rest in the 3 TIMES THE LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE CITY. near Mason. estimation of Miss Manila. The presenta­ Miaa Dora Phelps is on the sick list. tion was made by Uev. D. J. Odell. of the town, is very sick and has been lor Coininilcc Kcpttrt of Soil lenient with tho County Troasnicr. Many of our farmers are paying out all Would you like to know what or who this about four weeks. To l/ei linmriibta, the Uaard of Snpcnum-H of tfi" Cniinhi o/ [nfjhinn ; their surplus iiionoy in buying grain to present was. It was none oilier nor noth­ Your coniinlltee on sell lenient with llm Ciniiily Treasurer and Clerk wonlil respectrillly submit Hie fol­ Arthur Emmons of White Oiik, has inov lowing e.\hllilt as Ihe result id' ils iiivestlgalieii, and ileoiaro Ihe Haiiie to be ii true and corr.''ot traiiHcidpt us keep Ibcir sloclc thrniigli llio winter. ing less than one Slaiiton McLaugliliii of appears hy the records and tiles in saiil ollleeri, Voiir coinniiltee have careriilly e.vaniined tho court I'econls- ed into ,1. Vaughn's lioiise in Tiighani; in rot'erenee to lliu aiimiiiit ilnu tho oeiinty and lind uo cim'H in wliieli the fees huve not been paid lotlioclerk, There is a young man from Mason try­ Dansville. The present was married to Miss Some ono will be liiiblu lo get a now ,