I July, he instigatedת . program, there was hardly any mention of it . inventing original titles Probably because a few years after its founding another series of perfonnances by and great initial successes, de Rothschild ( mainly) up-and-coming choreographers, which severed her ties with Batsheva and founded (in he called "Hot Dance ". 1967) her "second company," Ba1-Dor, to with a , the first lady of the older , חprovide her protege, Jeannette Ordma company she could run and dance with . generation of dancef5, is always busy doing new things. Apart from presenting her already - ted facts and events are known works such as "Hemia" and the dreamy ח AI I these we ll-documc tionable in the Bat-Dor context. Hence , " An Angel Comes at Night," her dancers ח A DANCE unme hat emerged at the gala premiered a work, "Bang on a Can," that ן the only new true fact f ve duels created by the dancel'sו b m "in consists ofס CRITIC·S was that Batsheva de Rothschild was o music byן London, the year WOI'ld War 1 began;' i.c ,. themselves under her supervision 19 14, which was, until now, a well -kept secret . several composers. Her inf1uence on Ihem is apparenlly so strong that the dueLs looked like . variations or remakes of her own works ,ח Batsheva de Roth schild is a remarkable woma a true pioneer in the tradition of her family, who er רot only in the field of modern Anat Danieli and her company presenled I ת was instrumental dance in and in Un ited States and of beautifuJ, slow and poetic "October," a work one s" is an ח watch more Ihan once. Her "Poppi חca ח o study, bu( also i ן helping Israe Ji dancers fostering scientifi c research and encouraging entertaining rendition of the famous airbome folk-arts . nanny and her umbrel.la . BY GIORA MANOR What a pity this Diaghilev-like power behind Michal Natan is interested in Spanish dance and y one attracted to f1amenco. 8uI her ו THARP!" - AS AMERICAN the scenes was honoured by a rather weak isn't the on" port


1997 KARMIEL FESTIVAL 94 ances, but involves a חזן movement vocabulary is vigorous and the lapes frotn pasl perfo From South Africa thcre came a chamber size staging is rich in in vention. Kolben himself mime, clad in black, wilh a rcd flower in hi s company called "PACT." The white and black appears only tnomel1tarily in the first sccnc , hand, using sign-l