SENATE ·: · 2447 for Printing and Reference to the Proper PUBLIC BILLS and RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE ·: · 2447 for Printing and Reference to the Proper PUBLIC BILLS and RESOLUTIONS 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE ·: · 2447 for printing and reference to the proper PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS . 345. Also, resolution of International As· calendar, as follows: sociation of Cleaning and Dye House Workers, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public Local No. 7, relative to amending the Social Mr. SPARKMAN: Committee on Military bills and resolutions were introduced and Security Act so as to include all cemetery Affairs. H. R. 1857. A b111 to provide for the severally referred as follows: employees within the benefits and pro­ appointment of female physicians and sur­ By Mr. BARRY: visions of the act; to the Committee on Ways geons in the Medical Corps of the Army and and Means. Navy; with amendment (Rept. No. 295). Re­ H. R. 2291. A bill to amend further the ferred to the Committee of the Whole House Civil Service Retirement Act approved May on the state of the Union. 29, 1930, as amended; to the Committee on Mr. BLOOM: Committee on Foreign Af­ the Civil Service. fairs. House Joint Resolution 15. Joint res­ By Mr. BLOOM: SENATE olution authorizing the appropriation of such H. R. 2292. A bill to amend an act entitled sums as may be necessary to pay the propor­ "An act to provide for the use of the Ameri­ THURSDAY, l\'IARCH 25, 1943 tionate share of the United States in the an­ can National Red Cross in aid of the land and nual expenses of the Inter-American Finan­ naval forces in time of actual or threatened (Legislative day of Tuesday, March 23, cial and Economic Advisory Committee; with­ war"; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 1943) out amendment (Rept. No. 298). Referred By Mr. SASSCER: H. R. 2293. A bill to provide disability and to the Committee of the Whole House on the The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on state of the Union. death compensation or pension in the case of certain members of the Naval Enlisted the expiration of the recess. Mr. BLOOM: Committee on Foreign Af­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown fairs. House Joint Resolution 16. Joint res­ Reserve who received Civil Aeronautics Ad­ olution providing for participation by the ministration war training prior to December Harris, D. D., offered the following United States in the Emergency Advisory 15, 1942; to the Committee on ~val Affairs. prayer: By Mr. BATES of Kentucky: Committee for Political Defense, and author­ 0 God, Thy word is hidden in the very izing an appropriation therefor; without H. R. 2294. A bill to grant service pension amendment (Rept. No. 299). Referred to the to certain veterans and widows and children framework of the world; Thy image is Committee of the Whole House on the state of deceased veterans of the Spanish-Ameri­ stamped in the very core of our being; of _the Union. can War, Boxer Rebell1on, and Philippine In­ Tl:y voice soundeth in experiences which surrection, based upon service which termi­ sing, and sob, and sigh across life's nated honorably notwithstanding any prior changing scenes. Bowing in this hushed REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE or subsequent period of service which termi­ moment, we would discard every mask BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS nated other than honorably; to the Commit- tee (m Pensions. · and disguise of pretense which, ·alas, too · Under clause 2 of rule XIII, repor.ts of By Mr. DIMOND: often we wear before the face of man. committees were delivered to the Clerk H. J. Res. 105. Joint resolution to name the To give Thee back .the life .we owe is but for printing and reference to the proper Alaska highway; to the Committee on Roads. to exchange the shallow pools of our vain calendar, as follows: By Mr. GATHINGS: designs and desires for-the ocean depths Mr. PITTENGER: Committee on Claims. H. Res.184. Resolution providing for an of Thy eternal purpose in us and through S. 52. A n act for the rellef of Hazel M. Lewis; investigation of all loaning agencies of the us. without amendment. (Rept. No. 285) . Re­ United States under the jurisdiction· of the ­ May the fretful fears tnat film our ferred to the Committee of the Whole House. Department of Agriculture; to the Commit­ tee on Rules. sight be · cast out by a love that -takes . Mr. FERNANDEZ: Committee on Claims. the dimness of our souls. away. With 8. 404. An act for the relief of Richard new eyes may we see Thee as our Father, Barker; without amendment (Rept. No. 286). PETITIONS, ETC. our fellows as our neighbors, and our-· Referred to the Committee of the Whole Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Hou~. selves as our brothers' keepers. _In that Mr. MANASCO: Committee on Claims. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ·vision of- Divine Fatherhood H. R. 235. A bill for the relief of Forrest. W. · and re~erred as follow~: and of human brotherhood may we Dickey; with · amendment (Rept. ·No. 287). 338.' By Mr. ANDREWS: Resolutions adop_t­ dream our dreains, mold our lives, enact Referred to the Committee of the Whole ~d '!JY the Niagara County (N. _Y.) Pomona;ws, btiild our Nation, and plan our House. Grange, covering ce111ng prices on agricul.: world, 'until' this shadowed earth which Mr. PATrON: Committee on Claims. H. R. tural products; to the Committee on Agri-. is our home rolls out of the darkness into 292. A bill for the relief of Mrs . ..Lila A. culture. the light and it is· daybreak everywhere. Wemp; without amendment (Rept. No. 288). 339. By Mr .. BLAND: Petition ·of 559 em­ Amet:J,. - Referred to the Committee of the Whole ployees of the Newport News Shipbuilding & House. • Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va., urging-sup.: THE JOURNAL Mr. ABERNETHY: Committee on Claims. port of a compulsory pay-as-we-earn income­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by H. R. 1160. A bill for the relief of Alva Burton tax plan, and the making possible under the unanimous· consent, the reading of the Rickey; with amendment (Rept. No. 289). plan abatement of some part of 1942 taxes; to the Committee ori Ways and Means: · - Journal of the·· proceedings of the calen.;. Referred to the Committee of the ·Whole · dar day Tuesday, March 23; 1943, was House. _ . _340. By Mr. ENGLEBRIGHT: Assembly • l Mr. ABERNETHY: Committee on Claims. ~qlnt Resolutio~ _No. 25 pf the Cali!orni!'o Leg~ . dispensed with, and - the. JoUrnal was H. R. 1557. A -b111 for tile ';relief of Rqbert H. tslature, Assembly _of California, concerning ~pproved. · tecipro'cal' trad·e ·agreement; 'to the CoJnmlt­ Pulli.,m; with. amen_dm~n.:t (Rept_. No ..•.2QO)! ~SSA9~ 'FROM. ~E PRESIDENT-· tee on Interstate a~d Foreig~ .co~merce . Referred to the Committee of the Whole ._ " .. · APP~OV-~ OF BILLS House. ! '· · 341. Also, · Senate ·Resolution No. 65 of the Mr. DiCKSTEIN: .- Conlm.i ttee oil Clatms. · Legislative Department ·of the· State Sehate· · · Messages in writing 'from. the President H. R. 1597. A b1ll tor· the relief of JOSeph of <:Jallfornia, relating to 'the growing ' of of the U'nited.States were communicated Spear; with amendment (Rept. No. 291): Re· guayule fa~ rubber . produttion; to the C9m· :to the s~riate ' ·by -Mf. MilleZ:, -· one· of his terred to the Committee of the Whole House. mittee on Ways an.d Means. · : ·· t · :- h ' · 1· .- · ~' · t · Mr. PATrON:· Committee on ClaimS. H. R. 342. Also, ~S!lembly Jo,in~ Resolution No. SS seer~ aries, W 0 a SO an~ounce~ th~ th~ 1837. A bill for the relief o:f Manuel G. _Souza of _the CalJ!ornia Legislature,- ,Ass~mbly . of ~resid~nt had. approved and signed .t~e and Manuel Souza, Jr.; with amendment .C~lifornia, . membt:ializ~g qongres~ to· en~ follQwmg acts. · (Rept. -No. 292) ~ .Referred to the Commit~ee act legislation providing a Federal system _ On March 23, 1943: . · _ v •• of the Whole House. of workmen's compensation ·{or civman de- S. 677. An act to amena the National Hous- _ Mr. ROWAN: Committee on Claims. H. R. .fense volunteers injured in course of duty; ing Act, as amended. 206'1. A bill conferring jurisdiction upon the to the Committee on Labor. ~ On March 24, 1943: · United States District Court for the Middle 343. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the S. 405.-An act for the relief of. Mrs. Ernes• District of Georgia to iiear, determine, and San Francisco-Oakland -Photo Engravers tine FUselier Sigler; - - render ·judgment upon the claim of H. M. Union No. 8, of San Francisco, relative to S. 517. An act for the relief of Vodie Jack- ·Reid & Co.; of Macon, Ga.; with amendment rationing program of the Oftlce of Price Ad~ son;. (Il~ept. No. 293). Referred to the Committee ministration; to the Committee on Banking . S. 518, An . act for the relief · o! &obert T. of the Whole House. and Currency. Groom, Daisy Groom, and, Margaret Groom Mr. DICKSTEIN: Committee on Claims. 344. Also, resolution of the United Garment Turpin; H. R. 2089. A bill for the relief of Jennie Workers' Local No. 131 of San Francisco, rela- - S. 171. An act for the relief of Arthur A. Walker; without amendment (Rept. No. 294) ·, t~ve to the rationing program of th~ Oftlce of Schipke; and · Referred to the Committee of the Whole Price Administration; to -the Committee on S. 786. An act to amend title I of · Publlc House. Banking and Currency, Law ;No.2, Seventy-third Congress, March 20, 2448 CONGRESSIONAL-RECORD~SENATE MARCH 25- 1933, and the Veterans Regulations to pro­ $4,500 per annum or more; to the Commit­ substitute products; and that the lend-lease vide for rehabtlltation of disabled veterans, tee on the Judiciary.
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