八天七晚 昆明 / 大理 / 丽江 / 香格里拉 豪华浪漫之旅

艺谋导演的“印象系列”之一。《印象丽江》分“雪 第四天 大理 / 中甸 (早/午/晚) 山篇”和“古城篇”两篇,包含《古道马帮》、《对 特色餐食 酒雪山》、《天上人间》、《打跳组歌》、《鼓 • 野生菌火锅 【三道茶】白族称它为”绍道兆”, 三道茶是云南 白族招待贵宾时的一种饮茶方式,属于茶文化范 舞祭天》和《祈福仪式》六个分部。“ • 传统过桥米线 + 汽锅鸡风味 畴之内,早在明代时就已成了白家待客交友的一 • 传统沙锅鱼风味 种礼仪。【虎跳峡】以“险”名天下,是中国最深的 第七天 丽江 / 楚雄 / 昆明 (早/午/晚) • 新派白族迎宾美食 峡谷之一,是国家AAAA级旅游风景名胜区。虎跳 【南屏步行街】是昆明历史上的老街区,也是昆 • 缸鳟鱼纯味火锅 峡位于香格里拉市虎跳峡镇境内,距香格里拉市 明市古老的商业街,其中南屏街是昆明旧时的 • 纳西风味 96公里,距丽江市80公里,峡谷长17千米,南岸 金融、商业和娱乐中心。【金马碧鸡坊】位于 • 扎西德勒藏式风味 玉龙雪山主峰海拔5596米,北岸中哈巴雪山海拔 昆明市中心三市街与金碧路汇处,高12米,宽18 5396米,中间江流宽仅30-60米。虎跳峡的上峡口 米,雕梁画栋精美绝伦,东坊临金马山而名为金 海拔1800米,下峡口海拔1630米,两岸山岭和江 马坊,西坊靠碧鸡山而名为碧鸡坊,是昆明的象 面相差2500-3000米,谷坡陡峭,蔚为壮观。 新加坡 / 昆明 / 石林 (晚) 征。相传,由于地球、月亮、太阳运转的角度关 第一天 系,”金碧交辉”的奇观要 60年才能出现一次。 抵达昆明,晚餐后送至酒店休息 第五天 中甸 / 丽江 (早/午/晚) 【噶丹·松赞林寺】是云南省规模最大的藏传佛教寺 (早) 石林 / 九乡 / 昆明 (早/午/晚) 第八天 昆明 / 新加坡 第二天 院,也是康区有名的大寺院之一,还是川滇一带的 【七彩花之城】是中国首席花卉主题度假城及云 【九乡风景名胜】以洞穴景观为主,以六绝奇景 黄教中心,在整个藏区都有着举足轻重的地位,被 南地标性旅游胜地,全球最大单体温室花园,云 著称。溶洞分布区内地势上升,河流下切浸蚀的 誉为“小布达拉宫”。由五世达赖喇嘛亲赐名“噶丹·松 南最大4D花卉主题影厅,云南最大的花卉主题商 青幼年期河流地貌景观。张口洞古人类居住遗 赞林”。【藏民家访】是一个很有民族特色的项目, 城。送机,回到温暖的家。 址,代表了我国南方一种独特的旧石器文化,被 进到藏家堂屋内,落座后敬上热腾腾的酥油茶,青 称为”九乡一绝”。天造奇观的【云南石林】是世界 稞炒面,在这里可以零距离感受藏族人民的豪迈与 唯一位于亚热带高原地区的喀斯特地貌风景区, 热情,了解藏族人民的风俗文化。【丽江古城】是 素有”天下第一奇观””石林博物馆”的美誉,是首批 一个以纳西族为主的具有悠久历史的古老城镇,始 中国国家重点风景名胜区、中国国家地质公园、 建于宋末元初(公元13世纪后期),历代为滇川康 世界地质公园,与北京故宫、西安兵马俑、桂林 藏交通要冲,曾繁盛一时。【四方街】是丽江古街 山水齐名,成为中国四大旅游胜地之一。 的代表,位于古城的核心位置,不仅是大研古城的 中心,也是滇西北地区的集贸和商业中心。【丽江 第三天 昆明 / 大理 (早/午/晚) 黑龙潭公园】丽江金沙旅游网重点推荐的丽江旅游 【洱海湿地公园】是云南省大理市洱海南端的一 景点之一,黑龙潭内随势错落的古建筑有龙神祠、 座公园,是游览苍山洱海风景区的第一站。洱海 得月楼、锁翠桥、玉皇阁和后来迁建于此的原明代 水温即使在冬夏最泠的时候也在7°C左右,特别 芝山福国寺解脱林门楼、五凤楼,原知府衙署的明 适宜冬泳。如今,洱海湿地公园已成为滇西重要 代光碧楼及清代听鹂榭、一文亭、文明坊等建筑。 的花卉培育基地。【大理古城】简称榆城, 城 内流淌着清澈的溪水,到处可见古朴雅的白族传 丽江 (早/午/晚) 统民居,这里居民不论贫富,都有在庭院内养花 第六天 种草的习惯。大理古城也就有“家家流水,户户 【云杉坪】是玉龙雪山景区里的一块幽静绿源, 养花”之说。【洋人街】在古城,大理洋人街原 方圆约0.5平方公里,茂密的原始森林被苍茫的雪 名”护国路”,意为民国初云南人民反对袁世凯称 山怀抱,像是一块巨大的绿翡翠镶嵌在天地云雾 帝,起兵护国而得名。 间。当地人把云杉坪称作“游午阁”,意为“殉情之 地”。 【甘海子】 是玉龙雪山东面的一个开阔草 甸,【玉水寨】位于闻名遐迩的玉龙雪山龙头脚 下,海拔2500米。山寨自然纯朴,山水相依,风 景秀丽,是具有民族文化特色的风水宝地。2001 年6月,它被评为国家首批AA级旅游景区,2006 年它又被评为国家AAAA级旅游景区。【白水 河】与【蓝月谷】景点并排,因河床、台地都由 白色大理石、石炭石碎块组成,呈一片灰白色, 保证自费: 九乡溶洞风景区+虎跳峡+云南地道野 清泉从石上流过,亦呈白色,因色得名“白水河” 生菌火锅+杨丽萍·云南印象原生态民族歌舞秀 ,蓝月谷因特殊的地理环境,在非雨季水面显示 =RMB760/人 蓝色,素有“小九寨沟”之称。【印象丽江】是张 不含小费: RMB30/人/天 NO SHOPPING TOUR


SPECIALTY MEALS • Wild Mushroom Hot Pot • Traditional Rice Noodle + Steamed Chicken • Traditional Casserole Fish • Cuisine Crock squid hot pot •Naxi Zhaxi Dele Tibetan flavor

DAY 1 SINGAPORE / KUNMING / SHILIN STONE FOREST (D) Upon arrival in Kunming, head to your hotel for dinner.

DAY 2 SHILIN / JIUXIANG / KUNMING (B/L/D) Visit the Jiuxiang Scenic Spots, a series of beautiful natural spots, famous for their beauty. The highlights amongst these spots include the Karst cave systems, beautiful topographies created through the long years of erosion via limewater, as well as the famous Shilin, or Stone Forest, featuring towering spires of rock that resemble a huge forest of rock.

DAY 3 KUNMING / DALI (B/L/D) Visit a wetland park located near the , your first stop amongst the locales included within the Cangshan Scenic Area. This park is considered a premiere breeding LIJIANG (B/L/D) ground for flowers. Nearby also lies the Dali Ancient City, DAY 6 a relic of the past that is brimming with history. Within the Visit Shushanping, a quiet piece of greenery in the Yulong city, it is customary for all households, rich or poor, to grow Snow Mountain Scenic Area. The area is 500 square meters a myriad of flowers. wide and this virgin forest is embraced by the snow capped mountains in the area, which locals liken to a piece of jade, embedded in the clouds, between the Heaven and Earth. Next (B/L/D) visit Yunshanping, a spruce plateau filled with a vast numbers DAY 4 DALI / ZHONGDIAN of trees and greenery. Following this, check out Whitewater On this day, you will have a rare chance to experience the River and the Blue Moon Valley, two scenic locales located cultural ceremony known as “The Three Teas”, performed close to each other, and each a national treasure in their own only in the presence of distinguished guests. This includes right. a three-step process where cups of tea are made. Each step represents a poignant message, and the essence of life is conveyed through the ceremony. As well, visit the Tiger LIJIANG / CHUXIONG / KUNMING (B/L/D) Leaping Gorge afterward; an accredited national scenic DAY 7 spot located thousands of meters above sea level. Visit the Nanping Pedestrian Street, an old historical street, formerly considered an ancient commercial hub. While there, visit the Jinma Bijifang Archway, an exquisitely hand DAY 5 ZHONGDIAN / LIJIANG (B/L/D) carved and painted archway. The archway is considered a Visit the Ganden Sumtseling Monastery, also known as the symbol of Kunming, and once every 60 years, the shadows Little Potala Palace, a spawling temple that demonstrates of the carvings are said to align, in a beautiful spectacle. the majesty of the Buddhist Faith, with its golden roofs and spiraling towers. Next, visit a local Tibetan family and have a taste of their local fare, with such unique flavors as Butter DAY 8 KUNMING / SINGAPORE (B) Coffee and Green Noodles. Next visit the Linjiang Ancient On this day, visit the Colorful Flower City, ’s premier Compulsory Tour: City, an ancient town built by the Naxi people and once flower-themed resort city, as well as Yunnan’s landmark Jiuxiang Cave Scenic Area + Tiger Leaping Gorge + Yunnan considered a transportation hub. Within and about the city tourist attraction and the world’s largest single greenhouse. native wild mushroom hot pot + Yunnan Original Folk Song also lie various stunning attractions including The Dragon After enjoying the exhibit, head toward the airport for your and Dance Show = RMB 760/person God, the Yueyue building and others. flight back home. Tipping: RMB30/PAX/DAY 无购物

八天七晚 神秘张家界 + 醉美凤凰古城全景游

第六天 张家界 (早/午/晚) 行程特色 【十里画廊】峡谷两旁的峦峰错落有致,呈现如 • 凤凰古城: 中国最美古镇, 独家安排乘坐 诗如画的景致而得名,看起来真似国画长廊。 竹筏欣赏沱江风光 【军声画院】是由著名的土家族青年画家、砂石 • 苗寨: 全方位的体验苗家风情,欣赏苗鼓 画创始人李军声先生所创办的一家集砂石画、及 表演,品尝特色苗王长龙宴,体验一次做 民间特色工艺品的研究、开发、生产和销售为一 苗王的待遇 体科技民营企业。【大峡谷玻璃桥】张家界大峡 • 土司王宫: 品尝土司王宴, 欣赏土家摆手舞, 谷玻璃桥名“云天渡”,是一座景观桥梁,兼具景区 享受土司王待客的最高礼遇 行人通行、游览、蹦极、溜索、T台等功能。主 • 赠送: 赠送农家果园采摘. 自行品尝采摘当 跨430米,一跨过峡谷,桥面长375米,宽6米, 季瓜果等或采摘绿色蔬菜, 体验当地真正 第四天 张家界 (早/午/晚) 桥面距谷底相对高度约300米。这座全透明玻璃 的农家生活 天门山国家森林公园(含门票,必须自理景 桥长度高度世界第一,高度位居世界第一.独家赠 • 赠送张家界特色表演 - 烟雨张家界秀。 区小交通缆车+环保车+手扶电梯+玻璃栈道 送张家界特色表演——烟雨张家界秀。 (赠送项目无退无返) RMB500/人).【鬼谷栈道】位于觅仙奇境景区, • 全程不进店, 景点全览, 无保证自费, 因悬于鬼谷洞上侧的峭壁沿线而得名。栈道全长 张家界 / 长沙 (早/午/晚) 无强制消费, 行程丰富无压力, 第七天 800米,平均海拔为1400米,全线立于万丈悬崖 【黄龙洞+游船】位于湖南省张家界市核心景区 不一样的行程不一样的体验 的中间,由于天门山是国家森林公园,植被特别 武陵源风景名胜区内,是世界自然遗产、世界地 丰富,典型的喀斯特地貌。【天空玻璃栈道】长 质公园张家界的有机组成部分,属典型的喀斯特 约60公尺的透明步道,设于海拔1430公尺高的山 岩溶地貌,被列为国际旅游洞穴会员、全国35个 壁,脚下就是悬崖峭壁,既可饱览美景又充满刺 王牌景点之一、中国首批AAAA级旅游区 (点)、 激震撼,被誉为东方的“天空之路”。【通天大道】 新加坡/长沙 (晚) 中国旅游首批知名品牌、湖南省最佳旅游景区、 第一天 是位于著名的张家界天门山国家森林公园的一条 湖南省著名商标、张家界旅游精品线之一,享有 中国湖南—长沙机场接团。是中国首批历史文化 盘山公路。通天大道共计99道弯,暗合了“天有九 绝世奇观之美誉。2005年被评选为“中国最美的 名城,旅游资源以历史名胜为特色,也是全省政 重,云有九霄”之意。世界上最高海拔的天然穿山 旅游溶洞”。2009年,黄龙洞被评选为“中国最美 治经济文化心和旅游集散地。黄兴路步行街,晚 溶洞-【天门洞】门高131公尺、宽57公尺、深60 的旅游奇洞”。 餐后返回酒店,期待明天的旅程。 公尺。1999年世界特技飞行大师曾架机穿越天门 洞,引起世人关注。天门山寺,自明朝以来就香 第八天 长沙 (早) 长沙 / 常德 / 凤凰 (早/午/晚) 火鼎盛。是湘西的佛教中心。以前游客要想到天 第二天 门洞,必须在半山腰从索道上下来,再改乘环保 【湘绣研究所】湘绣是四大名绣之一。【简牍博 早餐后,游览【橘子洲头】是长沙重要名胜之 车到天门洞前广场,然后再攀爬999级石阶才能到 物馆】(周二闭馆)是目前世界唯一一座集简牍收 一。湘江风光带。车赴常德,观柳叶湖,诗墙, 达洞口。现在带您搭乘【世界第一长~观光隧道 藏、保护、整理、研究和陈列展示于一体的新型 现代化专题博物馆.返回温馨的家园。 车赴凤凰古城,酒吧一条街自由游览,欣赏古城 手扶电梯】轻松到达天门洞,全球首座山体隧道 夜景。 电梯,长692米,“天梯”分成两部分:一部分从天 门洞前广场经过扶梯到达天门洞,另一部分则经 凤凰古城 / 张家界 (早/午/晚) 山顶到达天门洞。游客可以直接坐索道到山顶, 第三天 然后乘电梯直达天门洞,再乘电梯下到天门洞前 凤凰古城,是中国最美丽的小城,如果你想目睹 广场,整个游览既节省了时间,又避免了走回头 真正的湘西风情,就一定要沱江泛舟欣赏古城全 路。下午前往土司王宫,品尝土司王宴,欣赏土 景吊脚楼群,沱江泛舟,东门城楼,虹桥等(含 家摆手舞,体验土司王待客的最高礼遇。 门票,无需自理),凤凰城是湘西土家族苗族自 张家界 (早/午/晚) 治州的凤凰县的县城,桥下的那条潭,自古以来 第五天 早餐后,【百龙天梯上】观哈利路亚山“悬浮山” 就叫“回龙潭”。靠近南岸,以前依山傍水还修建 的原型“乾坤柱”,有世界第一梯之称,少见的户外 有一座“回涛阁”,凤凰古城被喻为中国最美丽的 电梯上山,以“世界最高的户外观光电梯、世界上 小城,也是知名作家沈从文的故乡沿途欣赏土风 载重量最大、速度最快的客运电梯”三项独步全球. 苗韵,感受独特的三苗文化及古朴典雅的苗家风 【缆车下】,【袁家界风景区】等。前往【金鞭 溪】是天然形成的一条美丽的溪流,因金鞭岩而 情。车赴苗寨,体验苗家风情,升级一餐特色苗 得名.下午自行品尝采摘当季瓜果等或采摘绿色蔬 王长龙宴,体验一次做苗王的待遇。苗王宴结束 菜,采摘的食物可现场烹调,体验当地真正的农 后,车赴张家界。 家生活。(此景点属于赠送项目,季节性不退不换)。 不含小费: RMB30/人/天 NO SHOPPING TOUR

8D7N MYSTERIOUS ZHANGJIAJIE + ENCHANTING PHOENIX ANCIENT CITY 1430 meters above sea level, with steep cliffs at it’s foot. to a Chinese art gallery. Then, take a trip to admire Continuing onward, we visit Tongtian Avenue, located some man-made masterpieces by Mr Li Junsheng, at HIGHLIGHTS within the famous ZhangjiaJie Tianmen, followed by a The Military Sound Art Academy, which features his Phoenix Ancient City: China’s most beautiful ancient trip to one of the highest altitude caves in the world, extensive collection of sand and gravel paintings. Head town, exclusive arrangements to take a bamboo raft to the Tianmen Cave, via the world’s longest sightseeing onward to the Grand Canyon Glass Bridge, the longest enjoy the scenery of the Lijiang River. tunnel escalator. transparent glass bridge in the world, followed by a Miao Village: A full range experience of Miao family Yanyu Zhangjiajie Show after dinner. style, appreciate the performance of seedling drums, taste the Miao King Dragon feast, experience the DAY 5 ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) (B/L/D) treatment of Miao King once. After breakfast, check out the amazing Bailong Ladder, DAY 7 ZHANGJIAJIE / CHANGSHA Tusi Palace: taste tusi king banquet, enjoy tujia waving an uphill elevator with the distinction of being the world’s After breakfast, visit the Huanglongdong, a cave located in dance, enjoy the highest hospitality of tusi king. highest outdoor sightseeing elevator, as well as the fastest the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, as well as one of the prime passenger elevator. Then catch a cable car ride to the scenic spots of Zhangjiajie City. Huanglongdong also has Complimentary: Fruits picking.Taste the wonderful the distinction of being a world natural heritage, as well as Yuanjiajie Scenic Area, and afterward, head for Jinbianxi, fruits and vegetables you harvested, experience the a world geological heritage site, and in 2005, it was voted a beautiful natural stream. Enjoy some fruit and vegetable real life of the farmer. China’s most beautiful tourism cave. Bonus Gift: Zhangjiajie Special performance - Yanyu picking afterward, then have an on-the-spot cooking Zhangjiajie Show experience hosted by some local farmers. No Shopping Stops. Full Scenic Tour! No compulsory DAY 8 CHANGSHA (B) tours or hard selling. Relaxing & stress-free tour, (B/L/D) After breakfast, visit an embroidery research institute, experience this unique itinerary. DAY 6 ZHANGJIAJIE followed by the JianBan Museum, the only such museum in After breakfast, visit the Ten Mile Gallery, a beautiful the world. Following this, catch a ride to the airport for your arrangement of mountain peaks flanking two sides flight back home. of a canyon that was so picturesque it was likened DAY 1 SINGAPORE / CHANGSHA (D) Exclude Tipping: RMB30/PAX/DAY Upon arrival at Changsha Airport, head to the Huangxing Road Pedestrian Street for dinner, and head to your hotel afterward for check in. DAY 2 CHANGSHA / CHANGDE / PHOENIX (B/L/D) After breakfast, visit Orange Island, one of Changsha’s most important attractions. Then catch a ride to Changde, the ancient city of the Phoenix, and check out some street bars while enjoying the beautiful night view. DAY 3 PHOENIX ANCIENT CITY / ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) After breakfast, continue exploring the City of The Phoenix, dubbed the most beautiful small city in China. Take a boat ride if you want to experience the true flavor of Xiangxi, and catch a panoramic view of the ancient city, then head toward the “Back To The Dragon” Pond, which has been thusly named since ancient times. Afterward, head to Miao Village by car and while there, experience the culture of the Miao people, followed by an extensive Miao King Dragon feast, a menu fashioned after the diet of ancient kings. After dinner, head for Zhangjiajie.

DAY 4 ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) After breakfast, visit the Tianmenshan National Forest Park, followed by the Guigu plank, located in a stunningly scenic spot, named after the cliff that hangs above the Guigu cave. Then, head for the Sky Glass Trail, a 60 meter long transparent trail that is set at a staggering Tour Code:CSXCKG11


十一天十晚 张家界 + 长江三峡豪华之旅

行程特色 第七天 三峡 (三峡大坝, 西陵峡) • 超六星邮轮: 世纪荣耀-CENTURY GLORY 目前在 船上自助 长江三峡仅有的一艘 船上观赏【西陵峡风光东段】是三峡中最长的一个峡,是 • 凤凰古城: 中国最美古镇, 独家安排乘坐 以滩多水急,礁石林立,道迂回曲折,素有「上控巴夔, 竹筏欣赏沱江风光 下引荆襄」之说,古代长江咽喉,兵家必争之地.上岸游 • 苗寨: 全方位的体验苗家风情, 欣赏苗鼓表演, 览【三峡大坝景区】(上岸时请勿携带打火机、水果刀), 品尝特色苗王长龙宴, 体验一次做苗王的待遇 它采用”一级开发,一次建成,分期蓄水,连续移民”的方 • 土家风情园: 是土司王当年的王宫,游览景点结束 案陆续建成,三峡大坝峻工后,其雄伟壮观的土木工程规 后特别升级体验土司王宴,享受土司王最高的餐 模可比拟中国古代的万里长城。 食待遇,有个不一样的旅程 让您轻轻松松尽览张家界美景. 深入产品全方面包 三峡 (神龙溪或小三峡, 装规划, 精心到无可挑剔; 注重细节中的细节, 尽力 第八天 做到尽善尽美, 带您至尊般享受! 巫峡, 瞿塘峡) 船上自助 早餐后神农溪景区, 位于长江三峡巫峡的腹心, 在著名景区 神女峰对岸. 全长30公里, 乃峡中之奇峡, 景中之绝景, 是人 迹罕见的原始处女谷, 传说七仙女曾在此沐浴. 神女溪的山 张家界 (早/午/晚) 新加坡 / 长沙 / 凤凰古城 (晚) 第四天 水景观令人称绝. 第一天 早餐后,前往中国第一个国家公园-张家界.张家界位于 集合樟宜机场,搭机前往中国湖南—长沙.车赴凤凰古城, 武陵源区南,于1982年成为中国大陆的第一个国家森林公 晚餐后返回酒店,期待明天的旅程. 三峡 (石宝寨) 船上自助 园。续前往【金鞭溪】是天然形成的一条美丽的溪流, 第九天 因金鞭岩而得名.【军声画院】是由著名的土家族青年画 上岸参观【石宝寨】石宝寨塔楼倚玉印山修建,依山耸势, 飞檐展翼,造型十分奇异.整个建筑由寨门、寨身、阁楼(寨 凤凰古城 / 张家界 (早/午/晚) 家、砂石画创始人李军声先生所创办的一家集砂石画、 第二天 顶石刹)组成,共12层,高56米,全系木质结构.顶上3层为1956 及民间特色工艺品的研究、开发、生产和销售为一体科 游览凤凰古城的精华景点, [沱江泛舟] [虹桥] [东门城楼] [吊 年修补建筑时所建,石宝寨作为穿斗结构层数多体构大乃 脚楼群] [石板街]. 凤凰古城排列在白云下的古老的建筑和 技民营企业.【土家风情园】是土司王当年的王宫,探索土 国内罕见,又被称为”世界八大奇异建筑”之一.美国探索 城楼; 它的吊脚楼与鸟翅下的炊烟…… 湘西凤凰古城是一 司王宫的奥秘,欣赏土家摆手舞,游览景点结束后特别升 频道中国七大奇观之一.2015年12月,石宝寨入选长江三峡 座国家历史文化名城, 它位于沱江之畔, 群山环抱, 曾被新 级体验土司王宴,享受土司王最高的餐食待遇,有个不一样 30个最佳旅游新景观之一. 西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城.城内石 的旅程.【袁家界风景区】位于森林公园北面,是一方山台 地.面临幽谷,后依群峰,自东向西延伸,主要游览景点.【百 板街,古代城楼,明清古院;城外沱江蜿蜒,河水清冽, 桨声 三峡 / 重庆 (早) 舟影, 山歌互答, 好一派宁静安详的小城风光.后驱车前往 龙天梯】观哈利路亚山“悬浮山”的原型“乾坤柱”,有世界 第十天 中国第一个国家公园-张家界. 第一梯之称,少见的户外电梯上山,以”世界最高的户外 早餐后,下船.参观游览磁器口,品尝当地特色小吃,解放碑步 观光电梯、世界上载重量最大、速度最快的客运电梯”三 行街,人民广场,洪崖洞. 凤凰 / 张家界 (早/午/晚) 项独步全球.【贺龙公园】此处融合自然及人文景观,建 第三天 有近百年来设计及铸造最大的一尊铜像-贺龙铜像。【天 重庆 / 新加坡 (早) 车赴苗寨,体验苗家风情,升级一餐特色苗王长龙宴,体 第十一天 子山】搭乘环保车前往山顶,此处居峰林如海、谷壑幽 酒店早餐后自由活动,指定时间集合车赴机场送团. 验一次做苗王的待遇。苗王宴结束后,车赴张家界。天门 深、气势雄伟、视野开阔、层次分明。【溪布街】建筑风 山国家森林公园(含门票,必须自理景区小交通缆车+环 格以湘西土风苗韵为基调,以传统土家民居为蓝本,打造 保车+手扶电梯+玻璃栈道RMB500/人).【鬼谷栈道】位 全国唯一集水上酒吧街、中华名特小吃街、湘西民俗购物 于觅仙奇境景区,因悬于鬼谷洞上侧的峭壁沿线而得名。 精品街、休闲客栈、手工体验坊等为一体的大型复合商业 栈道全长800米,平均海拔为1400米,全线立于万丈悬崖 街区. 的中间,由于天门山是国家森林公园,植被特别丰富, 典型的喀斯特地貌。【天空玻璃栈道】长约60公尺的透 明步道,设于海拔1430公尺高的山壁,脚下就是悬崖峭 第五天 张家界 (早/午/晚) 壁,既可饱览美景又充满刺激震撼,被誉为东方的“天空 【宝峰湖】宝峰湖是一个栏峡筑坝而成的人工湖.由于地 之路”。【通天大道】是位于著名的张家界天门山国家森 处高山之间,接纳的都是自然水流,基本没有污染,因而水质 林公园的一条盘山公路。通天大道共计99道弯,暗合了“ 极佳,清澈见底. .【十里画廊】峽谷兩旁的巒峰錯落有致, 天有九重,云有九霄”之意。世界上最高海拔的天然穿山 隨著天氣和光線變化,呈現如詩如畫的景緻而得名,看起 溶洞-【天门洞】1999年世界特技飞行大师曾架机穿越天 來真似國畫長廊..【大峡谷玻璃大桥】张家界大峡谷玻璃 门洞,引起世人关注。天门山寺,自明朝以来就香火鼎 桥名“云天渡”,这座全透明玻璃桥长度高度世界第一,高 盛。是湘西的佛教中心。带您搭乘【世界第一长~观光隧 度位居世界第一.是一座景观桥梁,兼具景区行人通行、 道手扶电梯】轻松到达天门洞,全球首座山体隧道电梯, 游览、蹦极、溜索、T台等功能。晚上欣赏魅力湘西歌舞 长692米,“天梯”分成两部分:一部分从天门洞前广场经 秀。 过扶梯到达天门洞,另一部分则经山顶到达天门洞。游客 可以直接坐索道到山顶,然后乘电梯直达天门洞,再乘电 (早/午/晚) 梯下到天门洞前广场,整个游览既节省了时间,又避免了 第六天 张家界 / 登船 导游小费: RMB40/Pax/day 走回头路。 车赴宜昌,欣赏沿途风景(青山绿水,田园风光)晚餐后登船. 邮轮服务费: RMB150/人




HIGHLIGHTS D6 ZHANGJIAJIE / YICHANG (B/L/D) D8 CRUISING (SHENNV OR SHENNONG STREAM OR 6 Star Cruise - CENTURY GLORY After breakfast, take a coach toward Yichang, admiring the LESSER THREE GORGES) (B/L/D) Currently only one ship in the Three Gorges of scenic views along the way. After dinner, board a cruise at In the morning, participate in Taichi Exercises as the cruise the Yangtze River Maoping Pier. passes by Wu Gorge. Don’t miss your chance to participate Phoenix Ancient City in the exotic excursion of Shennong Stream or Qutang Most beautiful ancient town in China Gorge, one of the Lesser Three Gorges of the Daning D7 CRUISING (, XILING GORGES) River. Afterward, you can even join an optional tour to (B/L/D) White Emperor City in the afternoon. In the morning, take an excursion along the shore and head D1 SINGAPORE / CHANGSHA / PHOENIX ANCIENT CITY (D) for the Three Gorges Dam. While there, join the optional tour to view the Tribes of the Three Gorges. In the afternoon, CRUISING (SHIBAOZHAI) (B/L/D) Gather at Changi International Airport before catching a D9 the cruise will depart Maoping Pier and sail into the western On this day, take a land tour to Shibao Pagoda and have a flight to Changsha. Then, head to the Ancient Phoenix City regions of Xiling gorge. In the early evening, the captain of farewell dinner in the evening, featuring a scrumptious local and have dinner before checking into your hotel. your ship will host a reception and a cabaret performance feast. will be set up for your enjoyment after dinner. D2 PHOENIX ANCIENT CITY / ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) D10 THE THREE GORGE / CHONGQING (B) Visit the popular attractions at the Phoenix Ancient City, well In the morning, disembark at Chongqing and start the tour known for its beautiful landscapes, and unique and archaic with a trip to Ciqikou Ancient Town before proceeding to culture. Such attractions include the Tuojiang River, Phoenix Jingbeifang Pedestrian Street, followed by a photo stop at Hong Bridge, East Gate Tower, Stilted Houses and Shiban the People’s Auditorium. Then, head for the Hongya Cave Street. Thereafter, continue onward to Zhangjiajie. Scenic Area, with a vast history of over 2000 years. Once the site of the earliest and most developed pier in ancient China, the location is now host to a large-scale stilt-housing D3 ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) complex, built along a steep cliff by the riverbank. It is After breakfast, explore the Zhangjiajie National Forest known for its huge variety of delicacies, best enjoyed while Park, the first national park in China. Then, visit Golden gazing at the beautiful Jialing River. Whip Stream, famous for its pristine waters and verdant mountains. Following this, enjoy some art at the Military Sound Painting Gallery, owned by famous artist Li Junsheng D11 CHONGQING / SINGAPORE (B) and featuring his sandstone, plant-based and mineral-based After breakfast, enjoy the day at your leisure until time paintings. End off your day with a visit to the Tujia Folk comes to head to the airport for your flight home. Custom Park, an accurate and amazing replica of a Tujia village, intended to proliferate the spread and understanding of Tujia culture.

D4 ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) In the morning, proceed to the Yuanjiajie Scenic Area. Of special note is the Southern Sky Pillar within the area, which inspired the fantastical floating mountains of Avatar The Movie. Afterward, take a ride on the Bailong Elevator, the Guinness Record Holder for the highest and fastest elevator in the world. Next, visit He Long Park, a memorial park dedicated to the great Marshal He Long and featuring a bronze cast statue of him, one of the largest such statues in China. The last stop of the day will be the famous Ten Mile Natural Gallery, a 5.8km long valley, so named for its dazzling landscapes that are reminiscent of an artistic piece.

D5 ZHANGJIAJIE (B/L/D) Your first stop of this day is the Baofeng Lake, a basin created by the terrain and located in the center of a mountainous area. Then, after enjoying the natural vistas, proceed to Xibu Street, a tourist hotspot with a variety of TIPPING: RMB40/PAX/DAY local snacks, attractions and unique activities. CREW TIPPING ON CRUISE: RMB150/PAX/DAY TOUR CODE:CTUV08


八天七晚 山东 / 青岛 / 威海 / 烟台 / 泰安 / 济南 / 潍坊全览精华游

行程特色 第四天 潍坊 / 泰安 (早/午/晚) 第七天 潍坊 / 青岛 (早/午/晚) • 优质住宿: 全程精选五星酒店,青岛提升 早餐以后,参观【泰山风景区(含双缆】世界文化 早餐以后,参观【小鱼山】是青岛市第一座古典风 一晚国际五星酒店 与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,全国重点文物保 格的山头园林公园。此山原无正名,后因靠近鱼山 路而获”小鱼山”之称.【栈桥】青岛的标志。位于 • 餐餐特色: 八仙宴、孔府宴、饺子宴、鲁菜 护单位,国家重点风景名胜区.【南天门】为岱顶 风味、粤菜风味.鲍鱼个吃+海鲜大咖宴 青岛湾中,与市内最繁华的中山路成一条直线,由 • 特别赠送: 每人每天一支矿泉水; 品尝青岛 门户,后方「未了轩」供奉送子观音,香炉前尽 海岸前伸入海,素有“长虹远引”之美誉.【外观天主 啤酒、啤酒花生: 张裕纪念酒每人1小瓶 是挂満信徒刻字锁头,以表永结同心.【天街】是 教堂】本名圣弥厄尔教堂,由德国设计师毕娄哈依 天上市集,六百公尺的石砌步行道,是岱顶主要 据哥德式和罗马式建筑风格而设计.【劈柴院】是 青岛最有特色的民俗风情街,”置身老街里,寻找儿 的食宿购物区.【玉皇顶】也就是泰山最高峰,正 时回忆,走进劈材院,享受民俗风情”.【八大关】 第一天 新加坡 / 青岛 (晚) 殿供奉玉皇大帝,古代帝王封禅泰山就是在此祭 是最能体现青岛”红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天”特点的风景 抵达青岛,导游接机.游览【五四广场】位于广场中 天,祈求百姓安康. 区,位于汇泉角景区北部.【中山公园】公园三面 心鲜红的雕塑“五月的风”成为现已成为新世纪青 环山,南向大海。园内林木繁茂,枝叶葳蕤,是青 岛的典型标志.【奥帆基地】位于青岛市东部新区 岛市区植被景观最有特色的风景区. 浮山湾畔,北海船厂原址,毗邻五四广场和东海 第五天 泰安 / 曲阜 / 济南 (早/午/晚) (10月中旬 - 11月初可赏枫叶) 路。为了迎接奥运会帆船比赛和打造“帆船之都” 早餐以后,参观【孔府】本名”衍圣公府”,是孔子嫡 (4月中旬 - 5月初增加中山公园可赏樱花 ,青岛市政府把北海船厂整体搬迁到黄岛区的海 裔子孙世代居住的官邸,是世界上保存最完整、历 8月份青岛啤酒节期间安排青岛啤酒城(仅含大门票) 西湾,并将国际帆船中心建成青岛市独具海上运 史最悠久的”衙宅合一”的典型贵族庄园.【泉城广 (一般为8月份的第二个周末开幕, 为期16天) 动特色的建筑区域,充分体现“绿色奥运、科技奥 场】济南城市客厅;拥有山东著名历史人物长廊, 运、人文奥运”的理念.【青岛啤酒厂(含品酒】 让你置身在孔子、孟子、孙子、诸葛亮、扁鹊、 第八天 青岛 / 新加坡 (早) 是青岛啤酒股份有限公司的骨干工厂,占地面积 管仲等著名的历史名人的雕像长廊中体会两千五 结束愉快之旅,搭乘班机返回温暖的家. 十五万平方米,全套引进德国、法国生产设备, 百多年的圣人思想.【黑虎泉】四大名泉之一,此泉 是目前国内自动化程度最高、控制手段最先进的 位于老城区东南,以池南壁有三个石雕虎头,泉水从 现代化啤酒生产工厂之一。 虎口流出而得名.【芙蓉古街】因街临芙蓉泉而得 第二天 青岛 / 威海 / 烟台 (早/午/晚) 名,是济南市的老商业街.也是济南目前老城区仅存 的一条完整的历史街区,是济南历史文化名城的 早餐以后,参观【定远舰景区】是甲午海战中清朝 北洋海军的旗舰,甲午海战中北洋水师提督丁汝 重要体现. 昌就在这艘战舰上指挥战斗.【幸福门】被誉为” 威海之门”,成为威海的标志,代表着威海现代化 济南 / 淄博 / 潍坊 (早/午/晚) 的城市形象.【环翠楼】坐落在威海市区西夸古山 第六天 早餐以后,参观【大明湖】泉城明珠,位于济南市区 东麓,倚山而建,呈上升地势,占地300多亩, 中心,旧城区北部,与趵突泉,千佛山并称济南三大名 始建于1489年,因其在群山环抱、翠绿环绕中, 兼沧海山川之胜,水光山色之美,遂以”环翠”名 胜.【曲水亭巷】是泉城济南一条闻名中外的历史 之. 文化特色老街.【宽厚里】位于济南市泉城路核心 地段,老济南的宽厚所街,是世茂股份为延续老济南 第三天 烟台 / 蓬莱 / 潍坊 (早/午/晚) 建筑、民俗的传统语汇,历史与现代交融的齐鲁大 10月份可安排采摘苹果,并每人赠送2颗苹果 地百年历史街区.【泉城公园】位于济南市区中部, 早餐以后,参观【烟台山】是镶嵌在烟台海滨胸襟上 前身为济南植物园,始建于1986年,1989年9月建成 的一块绿色翡翠,是这座城市历史重要发祥地和象 开放, 园区占地面积46.7公顷.【周村大街】位于 征.【张裕卡斯特酒庄】是集葡萄酒酿造、旅游观 中国活着的古商城—周村,周村区,系山东淄博 光、休闲娱乐多功能于一体的现代化酒庄.【八仙 渡景区】与长山列岛隔海相望,是一个三面环海的 市辖区之一,位于鲁中,距港口城市青岛300公 里,距山东首府济南100公里. 葫芦岛,空气宜人,是一个天然的大氧吧.【风筝博物 保证自费项目: 德国总督府 + 古车博物馆 + 青岛夜街= 馆】(每周一闭馆)建于 1987年,系全国第一座风筝 RMB480元/人 专业性博物馆. (5月初可赏白玉兰、杏花、樱花) 不含小费: RMB30/人/天 NO SHOPPING TOUR

8D7N / / / / TAI’AN / / ESSENCE TOUR hectares and was formerly a botanical garden. End your day off with Zhoucun street, located within a district of the HIGHLIGHTS DAY 4 FANG / TAI’AN (B/L/D) same name. Considered a prime scenic spot , you may enjoy • High-quality accommodation: Whole tour After breakfast, visit the Taishan Scenic area, containing a the blooming of White Magnolia Apricot Flowers, as well as Five-star hotels, Qingdao upgrade to blend of both cultural and natural heritage sites, presenting Cherry Blossoms, at the start of May. one-night international five-star hotel a complete experience. While there, check out the World • Highlight Meal: Eight Immortals cuisine, Geological Park, as well as the National Key Cultural Relics, specifically designated and protected spots of Confucius cuisine, dumpling cuisine, DAY 7 WEIFANG / QINGDAO (B/L/D) beauty and culture. These spots include South Tianmen, or After breakfast, visit Small Fish Mountain, the first classical- , Cantonese cuisine, The Gate Of Heaven as it is locally known, as well as Sky styled Shantou Garden Park in Qingdao. The mountain was one abalone per pax + seafood Street and the Jade Emperor Peak, the highest point of the once nameless but was titled due to its close proximity from • Special gift: One mineral water per person legendary . Yushan Road. Next, head to the area around Qingdao bay per day; Tsingtao beer, beer peanuts: and check out the famous Shallow Bridge, located in line 1 bottle of Changyu commemorative wine (B/L/D) with the most prosperous street in Qingdao. The bridge per person DAY 5 TAI’AN/QUFU / JINAN also stretches from the bay to the sea, thus earning it the After breakfast, visit the Confucius House, the official moniker “Rainbow Bridge”. Next head onward to admire residence of the descendants of Confucius. It is considered some beautiful architecture at St Michaels Church, designed the most completely preserved ancient residence, and through a fusion of German and Roman Architecture. Then, SINGAPORE / QINGDAO (D) showcases the architectural style of aristocratic mansions of catch a glimpse of the Badaguan, a historical mansion area DAY 1 that era. Following this, check out the Spring City Plaza in Upon arrival in Qingdao, you will be picked-up by our located near the coastline in Qingdao. Originally a residential Jinan, a historical promenade featuring a gallery of statues, area for the Germans, the area presents a sharp contrast tour guide. Your first stop is the , a May 4th Square including that of Confucius, Mencius, Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang between traditional Chinese and German architecture, and is famous locale represented by its defining structure, titled and Guan Zhong. While in the area, check out Black Tiger beautifully encapsulated and preserved. “May Wind”. Next, visit the Olympic Sailing Base in Spring, one of the four famous fountains in China, as well Qingdao, located near Fushan Bay, created with cutting as the Furong Ancient Street, the only remaining ancient street in Jinan, embodying and crystallizing its history and (B) edge sailing and marine facilities in order to embody its DAY 8 QINGDAO / SINGAPORE culture. desire to become a capital and hub for sailing. Next, visit This day marks the end of your wonderful journey, and you will be heading for the airport for your flight back home. the Tsingtao Brewery, Tsingtao’s main brewery as well (B/L/D) as its backbone. The tour includes a tasting session and DAY 6 JINAN / / WEIFANG exploration of the 150000 square meter facilities. Visit the in the center of Jinan City as well as the and Thousand Buddha Mountain. Qiushuiting Then, head for , a famous historical and cultural Compulsory Tour: street in Quanzhou, as well as KuanHouLi, located at the DAY 2 QINGDAO / WEIHAI / YANTAI German Government House + Ancient Vehicle Museum + core of Quancheng Road, a hundred year old district. Catch (B/L/D) Qingdao Night Street = RMB 480/personn a breath of fresh air at the Spring City Park also located After breakfast, visit the Dingyuan Battleship District, within Central Jinan. The park spans an impressive 46.7 Tipping: RMB30/PAX/DAY which was the center of the Qing Dynasty Beiyang Navy during the Sino Japanese war. Next, visit the Happiness Gate, also known as the Gate Of Weihai as well as Weihai’s representative symbol. Also located within Weihai is the Wing Tsui House, another unique destination built amongst the mountains.

DAY 3 YANTAI/PENGLAI / WEIFANG (B/L/D) After breakfast visit the Yantai Mountain, a beautiful jade landscape embedded within the center of the Yantai Seashore. Next, visit the Zhangyu Castle Winery, a modern winery integrating a variety of activities, such as winemaking, tourism, leisure and entertainment. Following this, enjoy a trip to the Eight Deities Scenic Spot, opposite the Changshan Islands and surrounded by the sea on three sides. While there, take in the delicious natural air. Then, head onward to the Kite Museum that showcases beautiful handcrafted Kites. If you are here in October, an Apple Picking may be arranged. TOUR CODE: 8D7NKHN


八天七晚 最美江西 / 庐山 / 三清山 / 龙虎山 / 景德镇 / 婺源 / 大觉山

第四天 景德镇 / 婺源 (早/午/晚) 第七天 龙虎山 / 大觉山 / 南昌 行程特色 早餐后,游览婺源景觀橋,婺源縣城北文化廣場處 (早/午/晚) • 中国 “磁器之都” 景德镇 的星江河上,橫跨一座氣勢恢宏的廊式大橋,名 大覺山風景區:大覺山位於江西省撫州市資溪縣 • 世界地质公园及 為景觀橋。中国最美的乡村,篁岭因”晒秋”闻名遐 境內,全境旅遊資源豐富,不僅有優美的自然風 世界文化遗产 庐山 迩,村落“天街”似玉带将经典古建串接,徽式商 生,野生動植物種類多樣,分佈廣,被專家譽為“ 天然氧吧”.大覺山古鎮影視城內建有一河、三街、 • 世界自然遗产 铺林立,前店后坊,一幅流动的缩写版“清明上河 六巷,董永家宅,惡霸吳沖天吳俯,令世人逍遙 • 三清山 图”.演艺小鎮以“主題公園+實景演藝”的模式,規 快活的賞春苑,神奇、神秘的原始森林。太空步 • 江南三大名楼之一 滕王阁 劃有文化展示區、文化互動區、市井風情區、時 廊玻璃吊橋兩座山峰之間橫空架起一座長100米, • 中国最美的乡村 婺源篁岭 空穿越區、系列演藝區五大區域,打造街區演繹 垂直高度100多米的“太空步廊”,行走在全透明的 玻璃棧道上,猶如在懸崖峭壁上懸空通過,挑戰 穿越,重塑尋夢鄉情場景.夢裏老家:大型山水實 者可站在“太空”上。大覺岩寺是佛、道、儒三教合 景演出,演出以婺源真山真水為舞臺,用最絢麗 一宗教朝拜勝地,地處大覺山旅遊區內,蓮花山 的燈光、最震撼的音樂,展示了千年徽州商賈文 山高奇峰獨特,清澈的“聰明泉”,聳立的“雙燭石” 新加坡 / 南昌 (晚) 第一天 化、書鄉文化、茶文化、婚嫁文化、耕讀文化以 ,威武的“將軍石”,神秘的“寶塔”。 抵达南昌接机,晚餐后送往酒店休息. 及歷史名人文化. 第八天 南昌 / 新加坡 (早) 第二天 南昌 / 庐山 (早/午/晚) 早餐后,游览前往滕王閣:江南三大名樓之一,它 (早/午/晚) 早餐后,前往庐山于公元1996年被列为世界文化 第五天 婺源 / 三清山 是唐高祖第二十二子李元嬰被封為滕王時所建, 早餐后,游览三清山位於江西省玉山縣西北部, 景观遗产,庐山雄奇秀拔,云雾 缭绕,山中多 因王勃寫下一首千古膾炙人口的「滕王閣序」而 因三峰突兀而起,直插雲天雄踞群峰之上,由玉 名揚天下。大山人紀念館成立於1959年,是中國第 飞泉瀑布和奇洞怪石,名胜古迹遍布,夏天气候 京、玉虛、玉華三峰並列,拔地摩天,似道教所 一座古代畫家紀念館。世界最大青花瓷建築群震 凉爽宜人,是中国著名旅游风景区和避暑疗养胜 撼亮相,宛如一隻只巨形青花瓷大缸,上面細緻逼 尊的玉清、上清、太清三神並肩端坐其巔,遂得 地.花径花径为一幽静的山间小道,史载白居易 真的繪畫,栩栩如生、惟妙惟肖,顯了中國悠久的 名三清山.(包含山清 车)南清園景区景區內有著名 曾游山至此.锦绣谷中因四时花开灿如锦绣而得 瓷文化,是迄今為止世界最大的青花瓷建築. 的神女峰、巨蟒出山、一線天…等;而在這些石 名.锦绣谷自天桥循左侧石级路前行至仙人洞,为 景中,更有景中「三絕」,它們是「神女峰」、 一段长约1.5公里的秀丽山谷,这便是庐山1980年 「觀音聽琵琶」和「巨蟒出山」.西海岸景区位於 新辟的著名风景点──锦绣谷。仙人洞位于庐山 三清山的西部,是三清山最為開闊的景區,平均 天池山西麓.是一个由砂崖构成的岩石洞.相传唐 海拔1600米.陽光海岸景区陽光海岸景區位於三清 代名道吕洞宾曾在此洞中修炼,直至成仙。后人 山的東部,所以又名東海岸,是三清山新開發的高空 为奉祠吕洞宾,将佛手岩更名为仙人洞。含鄱口 棧道1600米,景區南起三清山中心景區南清園的 位于庐山南面,海拔1211米,五老峰耸立于左, 禹皇頂。 九奇峰拱峙于右,含鄱口横亘其间,中央形凹如 口,势欲含没鄱阳湖,故名「含鄱口」. 第六天 三清山 / 龙虎山 (早/午/晚) 第三天 庐山 / 景德镇 (早/午/晚) 早餐后,游览上清古鎮有「中國道教第一鎮」之 早餐后,前往景德镇,参观瓷立方陶瓷文化创意园為 譽,源遠流長的道教文化和底蘊深厚的文化古 因應中國非物質文化遺產保護政策,所建立起的 跡,構成古鎮豐富的旅遊資源。金枪峰远处如擎 天柱似的山峰就是金枪峰, 金枪峰 高峻雄伟,高 陶瓷文化推廣示範創意園.陶瓷博物館,是國內第 大约70米,尖峰,身陡,屹立在 群山之中,宛如 一家大型陶瓷專題藝術博物館,1954年1月正式建 孙大圣的如意金箍棒被遗落在此地。華泉小村文 館開放,收藏著自新石器時代陶器和漢唐以來各個 化藝術村是龍虎山景區和音樂大師劉家昌歷時10 保证自费:古窑民俗博览区 + 瓷樂表演 + 不同歷史時期的陶瓷名品佳作以及其中國家珍貴 年耗資5億人民幣打造的文化藝術風情小村.古代 演繹小鎮、<夢裏老家> 夜秀 + 觀大地之母探索生 文物500餘件.古窯由風火仙師廟、圓器作坊、琢 懸棺表演從上清碼頭可以乘船,一路上不僅可以 命起源、看懸棺表演解悬棺之谜 = SGD120/人 器作坊、柴垛、窯房、鎮窯等組成,在這裏我們可 看到“十不得”景點,還能看古代懸棺表演,以示 以看到古代景德鎮的瓷工是怎樣生產瓷器的. 升官發財之意. 不含小费: RMB30/人/天 TOUR CODE: 8D7NKHN



DAY 1 SINGAPORE / NANCHANG (D) DAY 4 JINGDEZHEN / WUYUAN (B/L/D) DAY 6 SANQINGSHAN / LONGHUSHAN Upon arriving in Nanchang, head to your hotel for dinner. After breakfast, visit the Wuyuan Landscape Bridge and the (B/L/D) River, located near the Northern Cultural Square After breakfast, visit the ancient town of Shangqing, reputed of Wuyuan County. You will be travelling via a magnificent for being the first town with a heavy emphasis on Chinese DAY 2 NANCHANG / LUSHAN (B/L/D) . The thousand-year history of Taoist culture within corridor bridge to these locations. Following this, visit After breakfast, head for Lushan, listed as a world cultural the town makes it a prime tourist hotspot as you can catch landscape heritage site in 1996. It is surrounded by mountains Guling, famous for its Autumn Sun. Then, head for TianJie a glimpse of historical progress and architecture. In the area and rivers, as well as beautiful waterfalls, and is sure to take Village, adorned with classic ancient buildings, and Huzhou- is the Huaquan Xiaocun Culture and Art Village, built by your breath away. Next visit Jinxiu Valley and walk through Styled Shops. The village is also known for its myriad of Liu Jiachang over a period of 10 years for a whopping 500 the 1.5km long valley to Xianrendong, or Immortal’s Cave. cultural performances, in a variety of styles and flavors. million Yuan. The cave is home to a legend, one wherein the Tang Dynasty Scholar Lu Dongbin practiced within the cave and achieved LONGHUSHAN / DAJUESHAN / immortality. From the area around the cave, you can see the DAY 5 WUYUAN / SANQINGSHAN (B/L/D) DAY 7 Wulaofeng Peaks, and the Nine Qifeng Arches. After breakfast, visit Sanqingshan, located in the NANCHANG (B/L/D) northwestern part of the Yushan County in Jiangxi. There, In the morning, head for the Dajue Mountain Scenic Area LUSHAN / JINGDEZHEN (B/L/D) the three highest peaks tower into the sky and burst through located in Zixi County, Jiangxi. This beautiful natural area is DAY 3 the clouds, resembling the three gods, Qing, Shangqing and filled to the brim with flora and fauna, as well as a plethora After breakfast vising Jingdezhen and check out the Ceramic Taiqing sitting side by side in the sky, earning it its name. of wildlife, and some of the freshest air in the world. Then, Culture Industrial Park, which includes demonstrations of Head onward to the Nanqingyuan Scenic Spots, and head for the Dajueyan Temple, a destination of worship for ceramic crafting, as well as a museum that contains ceramic those of Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian faiths. masterpieces from the Neolithic Period all the way up to catch a glimpse of the stunning landscapes, including the the Han and Tang Dynasties, alongside 500 selected pieces Giant Python, Eastern Goddess and One-line Heavens, all considered national cultural relics. considered natural wonders. DAY 8 NANCHANG / SINGAPORE (B) After breakfast, visit the Tengwang Pavillion, one of the three most famous buildings in Jiangnan. The 22nd son of Tang Gaozuo built the pavilion when he was crowned prince and created this masterpiece, named after him. After enjoying the sights and sounds there, head for the Bada Shanren Memorial, the first memorial created for an ancient artist, followed by the Nanchang Wanda Mall, a porcelain themed mall, with towering structures in the shape of pottery vases.

At the end of your journey, we head for the airport for your return flight back home.

COMPULSORY TOUR: Ancient Kiln Folk Exhibition Area + Porcelain music performance + Township performance, “Dream Home” Night Show + Mother of View Earth Explore the origin of life, Suspended Coffin performance = SGD120/person EXCLUDE TIPPINGS: RMB30/pax/day 无购物

九天八晚 河南王朝 + 西安古都精彩之旅

特別安排: 第七天 延安 / 黄陵 / 西安 (早/午/晚) • 参观 [清明上河园] • 中国石刻艺术宝库 [龙门石窟 + 电瓶车] 【黄帝陵+电瓶车】黄帝陵,是中华民族始祖轩 • 国家级风景名胜区 [壶口瀑布] 辕黄帝的陵寝,是《史记》记载的唯一一座黄帝 • 西安兵马俑单程电瓶车 陵,第一批全国重点文物保护单位,第一批国家 AAAAA级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,第一批 特色餐食 全国爱国主义教育示范基地。号称“天下第一陵”, • 桶子鸡风味 • 肉夹馍风味 又称“华夏第一陵”,“中华第一陵”。游览结束后, • 延安风味 • 饺子宴 入住酒店休息。

第八天 西安 / 临潼 (早/午/晚) 第一天 新加坡 / 郑州 (晚) 【古城墙(含登城墙)】西安城墙又称西安明城 抵达【郑州】车游【郑东新区】,外观【河南省艺 墙,是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代城 术中心】位于河南省郑州市郑东新区CBD核心区。 垣。广义的西安城墙包括西安唐城墙和西安明城 由加拿大国际著名设计大师卡洛斯 ·奥特设计。晚餐 墙,但一般特指狭义上的西安明城墙。【钟鼓楼广 之后,入住酒店. 场】西安钟鼓楼广场位于东西南北四条大街的交汇 郑州 / 开封 / 郑州 (早/午/晚) 处,屹立目前所存在全国最大的鼓楼。【回民街】 第二天 西安回民街是西安著名的美食文化街区,是西安小 【清明上河园】早餐后前往开封参观清明上河园是 吃街区。回民街所在北院门,为清代官署区,因陕 以画家张择端的写实画作《清明上河图》为蓝本, 西巡抚衙门在鼓楼之北,故名北院。【兵马俑含单 按照《营造法式》为建设标准,以宋朝市井文化、 程电瓶车, 1.2.3号坑+铜车马展馆】是古代墓葬雕 民俗风情、皇家园林和古代娱乐为题材,以游客参 塑的一个类别。古代实行人殉,奴隶是奴隶主生前 与体验为特点的文化主题公园。【宋都御街】是位 的附属品,奴隶主死后奴隶要作为殉葬品为奴隶主 于开封市中山路北段的一条仿宋商业街,是为再现 陪葬。1974年3月,兵马俑被发现;1987年,秦始皇 宋代御街风貌,于1988 年建成。【包公祠】是纪念 第四天 洛阳 / 运城 陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界 宋龙图阁直学士、礼部侍郎、开封府尹包文拯的公 遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”。 祠。 游览结束后,入住酒店休息。 [4月份特别增加洛阳牡丹园] (早/午/晚) 【龙门石窟+电瓶车】是中国石刻艺术宝库之一, 西安 / 新加坡 (早) 郑州 / 登封 / 洛阳 (早/午/晚) 位于河南省洛阳市洛龙区伊河两岸的龙门山与香山 第九天 第三天 早餐后自由行送机,返回温馨的家。 【少林寺+电瓶车、塔林、武术表演】早餐后前往 上。龙门石窟与莫高窟、云冈石窟、麦积山石窟并 前往登封,少林寺位于河南省郑州市嵩山五乳峰 称中国四大石窟。【4月份特别增加洛阳牡丹园】 下,因坐落于嵩山腹地少室山茂密丛林之中,故名“ 洛阳国家牡丹园所在区域为洛阳牡丹的原生地, 少林寺”,少林寺是世界著名的佛教寺院,是汉传 是隋朝西苑、唐朝神都园的旧址,是中国最早的牡 佛教的禅宗祖庭,在中国佛教史上占有重要地位, 丹种植区。每年4月1日-5月10日都可观赏到多姿艳 被誉为“天下第一名刹”。【丽景门(不含登门)+明 丽,国色天香的牡丹花,花期长达月余. 清街】 丽景门始建于隋朝,整个丽景门景区由城门 (早/午/晚) 楼、瓮城、箭楼、城墙和丽景桥(古时为吊桥).游览 第五天 运城 / 壶口 / 延安 结束后,入住酒店休息。 早餐后,前往【壶口瀑布】壶口瀑布是国家级风景名 胜区,国家AAAA级旅游景区 。西临陕西省延安市 宜川县壶口乡,东濒山西省临汾市吉县壶口镇,为 两省共有旅游景区。南距陕西西安350千米;北距 山西太原387千米。

第六天 延安 / 靖边 / 延安 (早/午/晚) 【远观宝塔山】宝塔山始建于唐,现为明代建筑。 中共中央进驻延安后,这座古塔成为革命圣地的标 志和象征。【枣园革命旧址】枣园位于延安城西 北8公里处,是一个园林式的革命纪念地。【波浪 保证自费: 洛阳按摩一小时 + 西安仿唐歌舞秀 + 谷】波浪谷岩石叫红砂岩,学术上被称为”砒砂岩” 曲江遗址公园 + 大唐不夜城一条街 = RMB550/人 ,成于古生代二叠纪和中生代三叠纪、侏罗纪、白 垩纪之间。 小费: 30RMB/人/天 TOUR CODE : XIYCGO0517



HIGHLIGHTS DAY 3 ZHENGZHOU / DENGFENG / LUOYANG DAY 6 YAN’AN (B/L/D) • Qing Ming Shang He Yuan (Millennium City Park (B/L/D) After breakfast, head toward Yan An Pagoda Hill, followed • China stone carving art treasure house In the morning, depart for Dengfeng, and drop by the Shaolin by the Date Garden. The Garden was once the territory of a warlord, and was used as the site of the CCP secretariat in 1943 • + battery car Temple as your first stop. The famous Shaolin Temple is not only • National scenic are • Hukou waterfalls • Xi ‘an for a period of time. After exploring the garden, head to The one of the most famous Buddhist Temples in China, but is also Valley of the Waves, a natural formation born from millions of terra-cotta warriors electric car the center of Chinese Kung Fu, having a history of more than years of sandstone erosion. MEALS HIGHLIGHT 1500 years. For this reason, the Temple is also known by the • Barrel chicken flavor lofty title of “Number One Temple Under Heaven”. After lunch, (B/L/D) • Marmo Yanan flavor Dumpling feast head for Luoyang and upon arrival, visit the Lijing City Gate, the DAY 7 YAN’AN / XIAN Start your day with a visit to the Emperor’s Mausoleum, the most striking landmark of Luoyang Old Town. After the Gate, tomb of Huangdi. This tomb is considered the first Mausoleum head for Mingqing Street for a shopping spree. in China, and is dedicated to the legendary Yellow Emperor, who brought civilization to China. Then, head for the Daci’en Temple, (D) a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, followed by the North DAY 1 SINGAPORE / ZHENGZHOU (B/L/D) Assemble at Changi Airport for your flight to Zhengzhou. Upon DAY 4 LUOYANG / YUNCHENG Square of the Wild Goose Pagoda. After visiting these beautiful arrival, you will be greeted by a local guide, and ferried to the Today, visit Longmen Grotto, one of the 4 famous grottoes. spots, have dinner before heading back to your hotel to rest. Zhengdong New District as well as the Henan Art Centre. Your Considered a treasure house of ancient stone carvings, it is filled final destination of the day will be the Dannisi Walking District to the brim with an extensive collection of over 100,000 stone where you can enjoy some shopping before heading to the statues and carvings. After admiring this ancient art, depart for DAY 8 XIAN (B/L/D) hotel for check in. Yucheng for check in. After breakfast, head for the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang, containing the famous Terra-Cotta Warriors, If you are visiting in April, there is a special tour of Peony park considered one of the greatest wonders of the world. Following DAY 2 ZHENGZHOU / KAIFENG / ZHENGZHOU that you may partake in. During this period of time, the peonies this, head for the Ancient City Walls, one of the most well (B/L/D) are in full bloom, creating an unforgettable spectacle of beautiful preserved pieces in the country. Proceed to visit The Bell and flowers, and an annual festival is held for all to admire their Drum Tower Square and then the Museum Street, a famous After breakfast, head to Kaifeng. Upon arrival, proceed to the beauty. Millennium City Park, a historically and culturally rich theme tourist spot where you can have a taste of Muslim food in China. park that recreates the famous Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival. The park is famous for its heavy emphasis on water, YUNCHENG / YAN’AN (B/L/D) (B) with over 50 ancient ships of various sizes. Then, visit the DAY 5 DAY 9 XIAN / SINGAPORE We start the tour today with a trip to the Hukou Waterfall, which Song Dynasty Imperial Street, a culture and entertainment After breakfast, enjoy free time at your own leisure until time center where tourists can explore all the dining shopping and lies upon the natural boundary of Yichuan County, within Yan comes to head to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. amusement options the area has to offer. Following this, head City. This waterfall is tinted a magnificent yellow color, and is for the Baigong Memorial Temple, devoted to the morally the only such waterfall in the world. It is also the second largest righteous Song Dynasty official, Bao Zheng. waterfall in the world.

COMPULSORY TOUR: RMB550/pax Luoyang Massage one hour + Xian Fang Tong Show + Dateng Night Street EXCLUDE TIPPING: RMB30/pax/day TOUR CODE: 8KWECKG


八天七晚 巴渝重庆 / 贵州之旅

径结合在一起,从而成全你全方位多立体的享受犹 如身临其境.(天星桥景区)位于黄果树大瀑布下游6 第七天 遵义 / 重庆 (早/午) 行程特色 公里处,这里主要观赏石、树、水的美妙结合,是水 早餐后前往参观(遵义会议会址)(含耳机、电瓶 • 重庆直辖市 • 黄果树瀑布景区 上石林变化而成的天然盆景区.银链坠潭瀑布—黄 车、讲解费)红军总政治部旧址,长征纪念馆等,登 果树瀑布群中形态最美的瀑布. 365级石阶,(红军山烈士陵园)缅怀苍松翠柏下的红 • 遵义会议旧址 • 龙宫风景区 军长征英雄,逛红军街了解遵义特色 晚上自费品尝 • 黄果树6D电影 重庆火锅(RMB100/人). 第四天 安顺 (早/午/晚) 特色餐食 早餐后游览(龙宫风景区)(含游船、含电梯)是以暗 重庆 / 新加坡 (早) • 六盘水坝坝宴 • 黔味长寿药膳 河溶洞为主称奇、并集旱溶洞、峡谷、瀑布、峰 第八天 早餐后游览重庆(洪崖洞)历史民俗文化风景区,它 林、绝壁、溪河、石林等多种喀斯特地质地貌景 • 苗家特色酸汤鱼 • 辣子鸡风味 位于嘉陵江、长江的交汇处,座拥城市旅游景观与 观为一体的国家重点风景名胜区.有着中国最长、 商务休闲景观以及城市人文景观于一体.以古巴渝 最美丽的水溶洞、中国最大的洞穴佛堂、中国最 原始吊脚楼风貌为主体,沿江而立.(解放碑步行街) 大的洞中瀑布、全世界最低的天然辐射剂量率、 位于重庆市渝中区,以解放碑为中心,包括周边的民 全世界最多、最为集中的水旱溶洞等高品位风景 权路、邹容路和八一、五一路等处,是重庆最繁华 新加坡 / 贵阳 (晚) 资源.游览(天龙屯堡)(含电瓶、地戏表演)屯堡妇 第一天 的商业圈.送机返回温暖的家园. 新加坡飞贵阳. 抵达后, 游览(黔灵山公园)是一座综 女保持祖制,依旧是宝蓝色的长衣大袖,精致的花 合性的游览公园,不仅是国内著名风景区,而且是国 边体现了江南刺绣的神韵;一双尖头的绣花鞋,透 家AAAA级旅游区,位于贵阳市中心区西北.(甲秀楼) 着屯堡妇女的才思,典雅而高贵.屯堡妇女的服饰已 成为研究明代服饰的活资料. 在贵州省贵阳市城南的南明河上,以河中一块巨石为 基而建.始建于明,后楼毁重建,改名”来凤阁”. 第五天 安顺 / 贵阳 (早/午/晚) 贵阳 / 六盘水 (早/午/晚) 早餐后游览(苗岭屯堡)贵州典型的屯堡文化遗存 第二天 地。这一文化底蕴,为小镇注入了灵魂与魅力.前 早餐后,乘车前往六盘水最具有文化底蕴和原生态 往花溪区.游览云贵高原明珠—(花溪湿地公园)( 特色的彝族文化旅游小镇(海坪彝族风情小镇)、 含观光车),感受”十里河滩明如镜、几步花圃几农 依托海坪优美雅致的山林环境、火一样的热情和 田”的美丽风光,竹树繁茂、四季花香.游完之后到 魅力的彝族文化.之后游览(彝家彝银文化展览馆) 达青岩(青岩古镇为半自助游体验式购票,票款 后游览(玉舍国家森林公园)(含电瓶车)该公园以浩 由导游统一发放,由客人自行排队购买)进入自由 瀚的”林海”为主,-有300亩保存完好的原始林,拥有 游览,全程客人自行安排无导游带领,请按导游 光叶珙桐、西康玉兰、水青树、十齿花、南方红 安排的时间准时在统一集合地点集合上车.游客 可品尝当地风味小吃:状元蹄,玫瑰糖,糕粑稀饭、 豆衫等多种国家一、二级珍稀植物,晚餐特色色坝 青岩小豆腐等)游览贵州保存最完整的明清古镇, 坝宴. 建于明洪武十一年(公元1378年)的(青岩古镇),他 以密集的古建筑群、保存完好的古民居和浓厚的 第三天 六盘水六 / 安顺 (早/午/晚) 历史文化氛围而享誉海内外,也是电影((寻枪)拍 早餐后前往游览亚洲最大的瀑布(黄果树大瀑布)( 摄地. 含电瓶车+单程扶梯),黄果树大瀑布位于镇宁布依 族苗族自治县县城西南十五公里白水河.(水帘洞) 第六天 贵阳 / 遵义 (早/午/晚) 长一百三十四米,六个洞窗,五个洞厅,穿越水帘洞, 早餐后游览龙里县和贵阳龙洞堡交界处而得名的双 还有一个绝妙奇景,从各个洞窗中观赏到犀牛潭上 龙镇,游览国家AAAA旅游度假区(双龙镇.巫山峡谷 的彩虹,这里的彩虹不仅是七彩俱全的双道而且是 风景区)(含玻璃栈道+观光电梯),双龙镇.巫山峡谷风 动态的,只要天晴,从上午九时至下午五时,都能看 景区景观丰富.悬崖峭壁上居然是几千年前的岩石 岩画和千百年来商旅马帮的古栈道,现在古栈道上修 到,并随你的走动而变化和移动.(陡坡塘瀑布)位于 起了一条全省最长、离贵阳最近的玻璃栈道.走完 黄果树瀑布上游1公里处,瀑顶宽105米位于黄果树 大峡谷,峡谷上的小镇——双龙镇,早已经是贵州省 瀑布上游1公里处,瀑顶宽105米,高21米,是黄果树瀑 有名的最佳休闲旅游胜地,吃喝玩乐一应俱全.中餐 布群中瀑顶最宽的瀑布.体验位于陡坡塘景区内的 后游览(息烽集中营旧址)(含讲解费)位于息烽县城 科普体验馆里的(6D电影)6D电影不仅让你在三维 南6公里处,是抗战期间国民党关押共产党人和爱国 不含小费: RMB30/人/天 空间得到了视觉上的满足,更是把多种的感知途 进步人士的秘密监狱.晚餐后入住酒店. 保证自费: 龙宫+陡坡塘+贵阳侗家食府特色高山流水宴+ 巫山峡谷景区+玻璃栈道 = 600RMB/PAX ) TOUR CODE: 8CKGKWE


8D7N WONDERFUL CHONGQING / GUIZHOU of the Huangguoshu waterfall. Here, ornamental stones, trees canyon, Shuanglong Town, has always been the best leisure HIGHLIGHTS and water combine to become a natural bonsai painting. If the resort in Guizhou province. It has everything, from foods to • Chongqing Municipality Huangguoshu waterfalls are characterized as being magnificent, drinks and other forms of leisure and entertainment. After • Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area the Tianxingqiao district is considered delicate, exquisite and lunch,head to the the site of the ( Xifeng Concentration Camp • Zunyi Conference Site • Longgong Scenic Area beautiful, known colloquially as “Karst’s fairytale world.” Silver ) ( Including the explanation fee ) located 6 kilometers in the • Huangguoshu 6D Movie Pendant Lake Falls – Huangguoshu waterfall in the most beautiful south of Xifeng county. It was a secret prison for the national SPECIALTY CUISINE form of waterfall. party to hold communists and patriotic progressives during • Liupanshui Dam Banquet the resistance war. After dinner, spend the night at the hotel. • Longevity Chinese Herbal Cuisine (B/L/D) • Miaojia Sour Soup Fish DAY 4 ANSHUN • Spicy Chicken Flavor After breakfast, visit the Dragon Palace Scenic Area( Includes DAY 7 ZHUNYI / CHONGQING (B/L) a ride on a cruise ship and elevator ). The area’s allure is After breakfast, visit the ( Zunyi Conference Site ) ( Including based on its dark river caves, and set dry caves, valleys, earphones, battery car and explanation fee ),this was the waterfalls, peaks, cliffs, rivers,as well as Stone forests former site of the red army general’s political department. DAY 1 SINGAPORE / GUIYANG (D) and other karst geological landscapes. It is considered a At the Long March Memorial Hall, you may go up 365 stone Fly to Guiyang. Upon arrival, visit Qilinggshan Park, a national key scenic spot, home to China’s longest and most steps to the ( Red Army Mountain Martyrs Cemetery ) built in comprehensive tourist park. Not only a famous sightseeing spot beautiful water-soluble cave, China’s largest cave temple, rememberance of the red army’s long march under the pines in China, it is also a 4A Graded national tourist area. It is located China’s largest cave waterfall, as well as the world’s lowest and cypresses. Then, visit red army street to understand the northwest of the Guiyang downtown area. Then visit the Jiaxiu natural radiation dosage rate. Moving onward, catch a culture of Zhunyi. At night,have dinner at your own expense Building in the Guizhou province, located on the Nanming river tour to ( Tianlongtunbao ) ( Including batteries and theater before heading onward to taste some Chongqing hot pot at south of Guiyang city, it was built on the base of a huge stone performances ) Observe the Tunpu women that maintain RMB100 / person. in the river during the Ming Dynasty, and the rear building was their traditions into this day and age. Be enamored by their once destroyed and renamed to”Laifeng Pavilion”. beautiful embroidery, featuring delicate laced patterns on their clothes, as well as deftly embroidered shoes which CHONGQING / SINGAPORE (B) reveal the genius of the elegant Tunpu women. Tunpu DAY 8 After breakfast visit the Chongqing Hongyadong historical and (B/L/D) women’s clothing have become living examples in the study DAY 2 GUIYANG / LIUPANSHUI cultural scenic area, located by the Jialing river, the confluence of the Ming Dynasty clothing. After breakfast, drive to a Yi tourism town, featuring their deep of the Yangtze river. Enjoy the city’s touristy landscape and cultural heritage and the untouched ecology of Liupanshui, admire the fusion of business, leisure and urban cultural featuring the beautifully elegant mountainous environment. (B/L/D) landscapes. Then check out the BaYu original hanging foot, After that will be visiting the Yujiayu Silver Culture Exhibition DAY 5 ANSHUN / GUIYANG then stand along the river.Travel to the ( Jiefangbei Pedestrian Hall followed by the ( Yushe National Forest Park ) ( Includes After breakfast, visit Miao Ling Tunpu, Guizhou’s premiere Street ) located at Chongqing Yuzhong district, with Jiefangbei battery-car ride ). The vast “Linhai” dominates the park and cultural relics. After enjoying their cultural heritage, head to as center. It is surrounded by Civil Rights road, Zou Rong the area features 300 acres of well-preserved original forest, Flower Creek district. Visit the Pearl of the Yunnan-Guizhou road and Bayi, Wuyi road and etc. it is considered the busiest with phoenix phoenix and Xikang magnolia, water green trees, plateau, the( Huaxi Wetland Park ) ( Includes sightseeing commercial place in Chongqing circle. Lastly, will head to ten-toothed flowers, southern red bean shirts and other car ride ), enjoy the beautiful scenery, luxuriantly sprouting the airport to end this wonderful holiday and return home nationally graded rare plants. Stop for dinner and partake in a bamboo as well as flowers that encompass all four seasons. to Singapore. special color-dam banquet. After touring Qingyan ( Qingyan town for the semi-self-help travel experiential tickets, tickets issued by the guide system, carefree excursion, the entire guests to arrange their own DAY 3 LIUPANSHUI / ANSHUN (B/L/D) non-guided tour. Visitors can taste the local snacks: champion After breakfast, visit the largest waterfall in Asia, the( hoof, rose sugar, cake gizzard porridge, Qingyan tofu, etc. ) Huangguoshu Waterfall ) (Which will include a battery car Tour Guizhou’s most completely preserved Ming and Qing ride +return escalator ), Huangguoshu waterfall is located in Dynasty towns, ( Qingyan Old Town ), which feature dense the Zhenning Buyi Miao autonomous county, 15 kilometers ancient buildings, well-preserved ancient houses and a southwest of the Baishui river. The largest section of the falls strong ancient air. This was also the place that the movie ( is called( Water Curtain Cave ) and it spans a whopping one Search For Guns) was shot. hundred and thirty-four meters long,featuring six hole windows, five hole hall. Through the holes of the water curtain, you may catch a wonderful spectacle, the rhino lake’s beautiful rainbows. DAY 6 GUIYANG / ZHUNYI (B/L/D) During clear weather, you will be able to watch the rainbows After breakfast, visit Shuanglong town, a famous junction of move about. Then, visit Steep Slope Pond Waterfall,Located 1 the Longli county and Guiyang Longdongbao, and visit the km upstream of the waterfall. The top of the area has a width of 4A graded tourist resort, Shuanglong Town.Then, visit the 105 meters and is 21 meters high making it largest single waterfall Wushan Canyon Scenic Area. ( Including glass plank road COMPULSORY TOUR: Dragon Palace + Steep slope pond within the Huangguoshu waterfall area. It is said that the top + sightseeing elevator ). The Wushan canyon scenic area’s + Guiyang Dong Restaurant Mountain Stream Cuisine + of the waterfall is an area of 15,000 square feet and houses a landscape is rich and The cliffs are filled with rock paintings Wushan Canyon scenic district + Glass Pathway = RMB600 dissolute pool. Inside the scenic spot, experience a popular 6D from thousands of years ago as well as ancient plank roads / person movie within the science museum which not only allows you to for business caravans from thousands of years ago. Now the enjoy the movie visually, but also in a variety of perceived ways. ancient plank road has been repaired and replaced with the EXCLUDE TIPPINGS: Then, visit the Tianxingqiao Scenic Area, located downstream longest glass path in the province. The town that sits on the RMB30/pax/day 无购物

十天九晚 多彩贵州深度浪漫游

行程特色 第八天 镇 远 / 雙 龍 鎮 / 貴 陽 • 黄果树大瀑布 • 兴义景区 • 荔波小七孔 (早/午/晚) • 西江千户苗寨 • 巫山峡谷 • 花溪湿地公园 雙龍鎮.巫山峽谷風景區(含玻璃棧道費用)。 • 镇远古城 雙龍鎮 - 國家AAAA旅遊度假區.景觀豐富,為遊 客呈現了一臺豐富的饕餮盛宴,景區內的天然大 餐食特色 峽谷獨特的風景讓人目不暇接,現在古棧道上修 • 贵阳侗家特色餐 • 西江千戶苗寨高山流水宴 起了一條全省最長、離貴陽最近的玻璃棧道。走 • 安順土雞養身宴 • 興義八大碗 完大峽谷,峽谷上的小鎮——雙龍鎮. 第九天 貴陽 / 花溪公园 / 青岩古镇 第一天 新加坡 / 贵阳 (晚) (早/午/晚) 今日乘豪华飞机前往贵阳,抵达后专业导游带领 青岩古鎮 - 貴州保存最完整的清明古鎮,以保存完 大家吃晚餐入住酒店。 好的古名居和濃厚的歷史文化氛圍享譽海內外。 花溪公園 - 是貴陽歷史悠久的自然景觀公園。花 第二天 貴陽 / 黃果樹 / 鎮寧 溪公園融山水田園和民俗風情於一體,這裡景色 (早/午/晚) 四季皆美,尤以春季群花與秋季梧桐夾道的黃金 黃果樹瀑布 /包含(景區環保車 + 雙程扶梯) 大道最迷人,而蜿蜒於花溪河上的百步橋也是一 黃果樹瀑布 - 黃果樹景區是國家重點風景名勝 道美景。 區,國家AAAAA級景區全國文明旅遊區示範點, 擁有亞洲第一大瀑布之稱,瀑布高度為77.8米, 第十天 貴陽 / 新加坡 (早) 感受飛流直下三千尺,似銀河落九天之氣魄。水 早餐後前往機場,結束愉快的旅程,帶著贵州人 簾洞 - 為黃果樹大瀑布裏面景點。可步行參觀( 民滿滿的愛與祝福,乘坐航班返回溫馨的家! 瀑布水流量較大時根據情況開放和關閉)。天星橋 景區 - 擁有綠色喀斯特,水上石林,天然盆景之 稱。陡坡塘景區 - 是黃果樹瀑布群中瀑頂最寬的 瀑布。85版西遊記主題曲唐僧師徒四人過河的外 第五天 貴陽 / 荔波 (早/午/晚) 景就是在這拍攝的 荔波小七孔/包含(景區小交通)。小七孔 - 被聯合 國教科文組織譽為“地球上同緯度的最後 - 顆綠寶 第三天 鎮寧 / 興義 (早/午/晚) 石”的黔南荔波。景區被稱之為“超級盆景”,集山、 興 義 / 馬 嶺 河 大 峽 谷 ( 往 返 觀 光 電 梯 ) / 天 星 畫 廊 。 水、洞、林、湖、瀑布等為一體, 在長不到2公里 馬嶺河大峽谷 - 是中國著名的漂流勝地,被譽為 的峽穀內,起迭著68級瀑布,順勢而下, 奔瀉而去。拉 “中華第一漂”。(包含往返觀光電梯)。百里畫廊 雅瀑布精巧醉人, 水珠飛濺。 - 是馬嶺河大峽谷景區的精華核心部分。以規模 宏大的瀑布群河岩頁壁掛形成主要景觀特色。 第六天 荔波 / 西江 (早/午/晚) 凱裏文化宮苗族博物館 - 體驗和瞭解少數民族特 第四天 興義 / 貴陽 (早/午/晚) 色文化和名族風情。西江千戶苗寨——中國第一 興義 - 萬峰湖(含遊船)/萬峰林(含 電瓶車, 小火車). 大苗寨,觀譽有“苗族露天博物館”之稱的吊腳樓; 萬峰湖 - 是中國重點水電工程, 天生橋高壩電站, 建 參觀原始的民族建築,吊腳樓群、苗寨梯田, 成蓄水後形成的人工湖, 位居五大淡水湖之列。萬 深入苗寨,瞭解苗家人的生活以及風俗習慣。梯 峰林景區 - 是中國西南三大喀斯特地貌之一, 堪稱 田,深入苗寨,走家串戶,瞭解苗家人的生活以 中國錐狀喀斯特博物館, 被稱譽為 “天下奇觀”。 及風俗習慣。特色餐:舌尖上的美味——苗家特 色長桌宴。

第七天 西江 / 镇远 (早/午/晚) 镇远古镇,这里是湘黔咽喉、滇黔锁钥,古代连 接中原与西南边陲最重要的军事重镇,是中国古 保证自费: 万峰湖+游船 + 西江千户苗寨 + 代南方水上丝路的中心驿站,古代云贵高原重要 高山流水长桌宴 = RMB600元/人 的军事、经济、文化、商业中心,也是中国内陆 最早的移民城市、开放城市。 导游小费: RMB/30/PAX/DAY NO SHOPPING TOUR


DAY 1 SINGAPORE / GUIYANG (D) Assemble at Changi Airport and catch a flight to Guiyang. Upon arrival, proceed to a local restaurant for dinner before checking in at your hotel. DAY 2 GUIYANG / HUANGGUOSHU WATERFALL / ZHENNING (B/L/D) Head for the Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in China and Asia. Upon arrival, check out the cave behind the curtain of water, from which you can touch and view the waterfall up close. After enjoying this majestic locale, we proceed toward the Daopotang Waterfall, at the top LIBO / KAILI / XIJIANG (B/L/D) GUIYANG (B/L/D) of which lies a beautiful 15000 square meter watery plain. DAY 5 DAY 9 After breakfast, head from Guiyang to the Libo Xiaoqikong After breakfast, visit Huaxi Park, which forms the center of the Thereafter, head to the Tianxingqiao Scenic area, featuring Scenic Spot, likened to the famous Jiuzhaigou Valley due Flower Stream Scenic Area. Featuring a blend of natural hills various limestone formations, caves, waterfalls and forests, to its serenity and elegance. We then catch a shuttle bus to and rivers together with ethnic flair, the area is an absolute joy as well as the famous Heavenly Star Bridge, a slab of stone traverse the beautiful surroundings, filled to the brim with to explore. Following the park, visit Qingyan Ancient Town, spanning across the gorge. Following the waterfall tour, natural formations, caves, rivers and waterfalls. located south of Guizhou. It has a well-planned architectural head onward to Zhenning. style and is host to hundreds of relic sites, making it a huge CHANGCHUN / DUNHUA / influence on local culture. Being a former ancient military camp, DAY 3 ZHENNING / XINGYI (B/L/D) DAY 6 the town is also crafted of stone. After breakfast, proceed to Xingyi, and visit the Maling CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN (B/L/D) River Grand Canyon, designated a national scenic area. On this day, get up close and personal with one of the most DAY 10 GUIYANG / SINGAPORE (B) Then, explore the Star Gallery, the central portion of the culturally rich minority groups in Guizhou, the Miao people. After breakfast, enjoy the day at your leisure before assembling canyon featuring vast cliff faces dotted with scars that make Spend your day learning about their traditions, observing at the hotel lobby to await your transportation to the airport. it look akin to a galaxy of rock. their architecture, and appreciating their rustic lifestyle, disconnected from modern society. First, catch a ride to the Kaili National Cultural Museum, where you can observe DAY 4 XINGYI / GUIYANG (B/L/D) the clothes and tools of a huge array of minority tribes, and In the morning, visit the Million Peak Lake, a vast, sparkling expand your knowledge of their practices. Then, head onward lake, and catch a boat ride along its beautiful waters. After to the Xinjiang Miao Village, the largest gathering of Miao the scenic ride, take a tour to the Million Peak Scenic Area, tribes in the world, consisting of over 10 villages coexisting known as the largest tract of peaks in China. In particular, and preserving perfectly their ancient culture and practices. we will be exploring the West Peak Forest, with its luscious In the evening, get a unique chance to feast on traditional greenery, winding rivers and quaint villages. Afterward, Miao cuisine, featuring their famous Long Table Banquet. proceed to Guiyang. DAY 7 XIJIANG / ZHENYUAN (B/L/D) After breakfast, proceed to the Zhenyuan Ancient Town, a delightful town situated on the scenic Wuyang River. Combining traditional Chinese architecture and the unique influence of the minority groups, the ancient town is a spectacle to behold. Every night, all the lights decorating the town light up, bathing the town in a golden halo. The town is so beautiful that many visitors are dumbfounded that it is not better known. DAY 8 ZHENYUAN / SHUANGLONG TOWN / GUIYANG (B/L/D) OPTIONAL TOUR: Spend this day at the Wushan Scenic area, and take a trip along Million Peaks Boat Ride / Xijiang Miao Village and Gaoshan the Grass Skyway as well as catch an elevator ride to get a Liushui Yan Banquet RMB600/pax panoramic view. In the evening, enjoy a delectable local dinner. TIPPING: RMB30/PAX/DAY 无购物

八天七晚 海螺沟冰川森林公园 / 康定 / 木格措 / 甲居藏寨 / 蜀山皇后 / 四姑娘山双桥沟风景区

第一天 新加坡 / 成都 第四天 海螺沟 / 泸定桥 / 集合樟宜机场搭乘豪华客人飞往成都双流国际机 木格措风景区 / 康定溜溜的城 场接团,乘车前往酒店,入住休息。 (早/午/晚) 餐后前往泸定桥,之后前往康定情歌发源地木格 第二天 成都 / 上里古镇 / 措景区,尽情欣赏木格措风景区,晚抵达康定入 住酒店休息。【泸定桥】泸定桥横跨大渡河上, 大渡河谷 / 磨西小镇老街 (早/午/晚) 是一座由清朝康熙帝御批建造的悬索桥。之自此 早餐后乘车前往水墨古镇之称的上里古镇,经雅 之后泸定桥便成为连接藏汉交通的纽带。【木 安沿大渡河来到磨西古镇老街走一走,晚入住酒 格措】又叫野人海,有小九寨之称,海拔2900 店休息。【上里古镇】四川历史文化名镇,古镇 -3800米,是四川海拔2000米以上地区最大的 特具历史和自然生态两大优势,二水环绕的镇 高山湖泊,长5公里,宽1.5公里,水深70余米。 内,古桥、古树、古场镇,古塔、古洞、古牌 面积4平方公里,以高山湖泊及温泉为主要特色. 坊,向世人展示她朴实无华的千百年的风韵!【 磨西镇】磨西古镇位于摩岗岭以西,有蜀山之王 之称的贡嘎山以东,曾是茶马古道的必经之路和 第五天 康定 / 丹巴 / 重要驿站,这里还是康定情歌的发源地,民风淳 中国最美的乡 / 甲居藏寨 丹巴 / 梭坡古碉楼群 / 朴,风景宜人。 (早/午/晚) 第六天 (早/午/晚) 早餐后前往丹巴美人谷,来到最美乡村甲居藏 小金 / 四姑娘山 / 双桥沟风景区 寨,晚入住丹巴县酒店休息。【甲居藏寨】甲居 早餐后前往四姑娘山,经梭坡乡观大渡河对岸最 第三天 海螺沟国家冰川森林公园 密集的梭坡古碉群,后来到双桥沟风景区,晚入住 藏寨位于丹巴县城的西北部,是康巴高原上一张 [环保车 + 索道 + 电瓶车] (早/午/晚) 酒店休息。【梭坡古碉】丹巴碉楼主要集中在大渡 靓丽的民俗风情名片。“甲藏寨对岸,但见万丈 早餐后,乘坐景区观光车进入海螺沟景区游览。 河河谷两岸,很多是三五个一组相互呼应,梭坡乡 绝壁凌空笔立,纵横连绵的群峰象征一幅幅看不 搭乘景区观光车进入海螺沟冰川森林公园,经 境内的碉楼最多也最出名,有世界上最集中的古碉 尽的画廊,每座山峰都有一个美丽动人的神话传 一、二营到达三号营地,乘坐观光索道抵达大冰 群,,有“千碉之乡”的美誉。【双桥沟】双桥沟全 瀑布观景平台。是海螺沟最为壮观的景色。 说。 长34.8公里,进入沟内,阴阳谷山势陡峭,曲折幽 深,别有洞天,置身其中,宛若仙境。 第七天 猫鼻梁观四姑娘山日照金 山全景 / 宽窄巷子 (早/午/晚) 早餐后前往猫鼻梁观四姑娘山日照金山,后穿越 巴郎山隧道,返回成都,前往宽窄巷子,看一场 精彩绝伦的川剧表演 【自费280元/位】,晚入 住酒店休息。【猫鼻梁】猫鼻梁是观赏四姑娘山 全景的最佳位置。在这里远眺四姑娘山,四座山 峰依次排列,每当风起云涌之时,四姑娘山在云 雾充满神秘色彩,日落之时的日照金山则别具神 韵气势恢宏,堪与贡嘎比美。【宽窄巷子】这里 向来是走访成都的自助旅人必访的地方,在一盏 盏茶碗和极具历史感的青石路板无处不透出闲适 的成都风情。一幢幢宽窄巷子至今遗留着「老成 都」的风韵,展现成都人几百年来的生活以及情 趣。【川剧变脸】川剧是四川文化的象征,而“变 脸”作为川剧的招牌绝技,【自费280元/位】。

第八天 成都 / 新加坡 (早) 早起前往彭镇观音阁百年老茶馆拍摄耍茶·竹艺, 曾经作为有着悠久历史的本土文化——成都茶 馆,后前往机场送机,结束愉快之旅!

不含小费: 人民币30/人/天 NO SHOPPING TOUR

8D7N HAILUOGOU GLACIER FOREST PARK / KANGDING / MUGECAO / JIAJU TIBETAN VILLAGE DAY 1 SINGAPORE / CHENGDU DAY 7 MAOBINIANG OBSERVATION DECK / Assemble at Changi Airport for your direct flight to Chengdu, CHENGDU (B/L/D) the capital of Sichuan. Upon arrival, your local guide will This morning, we start our tour at Maobiniang Observation greet you before you head for the hotel. deck, from which we can view the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Four Princess Mountains. After taking in the sights and sounds, head back to Chengdu and visit DAY 2 CHENGDU / SHANGLI ANCIENT Kuanzhaixiangzi, also known as the Kuanzhai Alley, TOWN / MOXI ANCIENT TOWN (B/L/D) which consists of 3 historic paralleled alleys from the Qing After breakfast, head for the Shangli Ancient Town, which Dynasty, containing beautiful architecture, local fare and exists between two rivers. The town faces the vast plains exquisite handicrafts. This has turned the area into one of and hills, and is decorated with a beautiful bamboo grove, the most attractive locales in all of Chengdu. as well as myriad streams and bridges, emanating a quiet dignity and beauty. After your visit to Shangli, head to Moxi Ancient town, south of Luding County. This town lies at the DAY 8 CHENGDU / SINGAPORE (B) entrance of the Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park, and is an After breakfast visit the hundred-year-old Guanyin Pavilion enclave for various minority ethnic groups. Within the town Tea House, and head to the airport for your return flight there is a Gothic Church built by French Missionaries, afterward. creating a jarring juxtaposition between local and foreign architecture. DAY 4 MOXI / LUDING BRIDGE / MUGECUO LAKE / KANGDING (B/L/D) DAY 3 HAILUOGOU GLACIER FOREST PARK In the morning, proceed to the Luding Bridge. Built during INCLUSIVE OF ECO BUS, CABLE CAR & TRAM RIDE (B/L/D) the Qing Dynasty, it was constructed for the purpose of On this day, we’ll be exploring the Hailuogou Glacier strengthening the unity between nations and proliferate forest park. Once you arrive, hop onto an Eco bus within economic and cultural exchange between the Tibetans and the park, and take a tram ride partway through, to catch a the Chinese. Next, head to the Mugecuo Scenic Area, closer glimpse at modern glaciers, as well as the Primeval famous for its fantastic springs, alpine lakes, sprawling Forest. Hot Springs and Gongga Snow mountain. After forests and snowy mountains. Upon arrival, we head toward reaching camp no.3, catch a cable car to observe a huge the Mugecuo Lake; the largest and highest elevated lake ice waterfall, towering at an immense 1080 meters high and in Sichuan. 1.1km wide and measuring in as one of the biggest waterfalls in the world. DAY 5 KANGDING / DANBA / JIAJU TIBETAN VILLAGE (B/L/D) Begin your day at Danba and upon arrival, head for the Jiaju Tibetan Village. Known as the Tibetan Fairyland, Jiaju in Tibetan, means “Hundred Households”. Within the village are 140 Tibetan Styled houses, distinctively crafted with crown shaped roofs, read eaves and white walls. This beautiful village is dubbed as the most beautiful village in all of China, and for good reason. DAY 6 DANBA / SUOPO WATCHTOWERS / SIGUNIANGSHAN / SHUANGQIAOGOU VALLEY SCENIC RESERVE (B/L/D) In the morning, we will be passing by the Wolong National Nature Reserve and the Four Princess Mountain. Afterward, head for Suopo Village, a small mountain community where squat stone buildings and ancient stone towers dot the landscape. Following this, we head for the Shuangqiao Valley Scenic Reserve, which extends an impressive 216.6 Km, and consists of 3 segments, one of which features a view of over 10 mountains each towering more than 4000 meters above sea level. EXCLUDE TIPPINGS: RMB30/pax/day 无购物

探访最后的香格里拉和蓝色星球上最后一片净土 十一天十晚 成都 / 丹巴甲居藏寨 / 海螺沟冰川 / 稻城亚丁 / 新都桥川西摄影之旅

新都桥 / 折多山 / 康定 / 行程特色 第四天 泸定桥 / 海螺沟磨西古镇 (早/午/晚餐) • 中国贡嘎山海螺沟冰川森林公园 早餐后前往磨西古镇,乘车翻越折多山,垭口海 • 稻城亚丁: 地球上最后一片蓝色 拔: 4298M。是国道318线通往西藏的必经之道,也 的净土 称进藏第一关。在山顶环视贡嘎群峰,山峦叠嶂, • 拍摄天堂新都桥 白雪皑皑,折多山又是318国道(川藏线)从成都进西 藏需要翻越的第2座大山(第1座是二郎山),为川藏 线上的第一座具有挑战性的高山。下山抵达康定溜 溜的城,后来到 “宝地” 泸定,素有甘孜州东大门 第一天 新加坡 / 成都 之称1935年我国工农红军曾在此“飞夺泸定桥、强 集合机场飞往四川省省会成都市,机场导游接机,送 渡大渡河”从而使该地得以出名。自此之后泸定桥 回酒店. 便成为连接藏汉交通的纽带。晚抵达磨西古镇,入 住酒店休息。 第二天 成都 / 猫鼻梁 / 小金 / 梭坡碉楼 / 丹巴 (早/午/晚餐) 前往四姑娘山,途径卧龙自然保护区和四姑娘山最 佳观景台-猫鼻梁。站在猫鼻梁放眼望去,四座山 峰依次整齐排列,最高的幺妹峰雪白圣洁,静静的 矗立在东北方,那陡立的峭壁,直插云霄,气势非 凡!常说的“四姑娘”就是指这座最高最美的雪峰。 后前往丹巴,途径梭坡乡,这里碉楼集中,数十 座碉楼连绵起伏,形成蔚为壮观的碉楼群。梭坡乡 境内的碉楼最多也最出名,有世界上最集中的古碉 群,共84座,堪称碉楼博物馆,有“千碉之乡”的美 誉。晚抵达丹巴,入住酒店休息。 第三天 丹巴 / 甲居藏寨 / 八美 / 塔公草原 / 新都桥 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后前往中国最美的乡村-甲居藏寨,位于丹巴 县城的西北部,距县城7公里,是康巴高原上一张 靓丽的民俗风情名片。“甲居”,藏语是百户人家之 意,藏寨现有住户140余家,共600多人。甲居的建 筑与自然环境完美结合,具有极高的观赏价值和艺 全天漫游海螺沟冰川 术价值。前往新都桥镇。先后经过百里画廊 - 牦 第五天 森林公园 (早/午/晚餐) 牛谷、塔公草原。在一段夹峙的峡谷中,牦牛河贯 海螺沟发源于贡嘎山主峰东坡一条冰融河谷,旅 穿全境,距县城20公里处以上(“天然盆景树”—热 游资源有三大特色:一是海螺沟身处山脚,在阳光 水塘一带),整个天然盆景全长达64公里.牦牛谷中 照耀下,远望终年积雪不化的贡嘎雪山。二是海 还有着亘古不变的 “红石” 奇观,它没有丝毫的人工 螺沟冰川在国内同纬度冰川中海拔最低,最低点 雕饰,一切都是浑然天成。塔公草原,位于新都桥西 为海拔2850米,冰川舌伸入原始森林6公里,冰 北30多公里处,“塔公” 为藏语,意为 “菩萨喜欢的地 川与森林共生。海螺沟冰川是现代冰川,形成于 方”。无垠的草原上,囊括了青藏高原上主要风景 1600年前。沟内有一宽1000多米的大冰瀑布,直 落1080米,举世无双。堪称自然界一大奇观。三 元素。晚抵达摄影天堂新都桥,只见一个个典型的 是在这冰天雪地的冰川世界里,有温泉点数十处, 藏族村落依山傍水地散布在公路两旁,民居的屋顶 游人可在冰川上洗温泉浴。水温介于40摄氏度至 上冒出缕缕炊烟,绿色的山坡上牛羊在安详地吃草 80摄氏度之间,其中更有一股水温高达90摄氏度 怪不得这里被誉为“光与影的世界”、“摄影家的天 的沸泉。冷热集于一地,甚为神奇的是有“神汤” 堂” “外景婚纱摄影的走廊”。 之称的贡嘎神汤,可上溯到三国时代。 无购物

第六天 磨西 / 木格措 / 第九天 亚丁核心风景区 (早/午/晚餐) 新都桥 / 雅江 (早/午/晚餐) 搭乘景区观光车再次前往亚丁景区,抵达扎灌崩站 早餐后乘车出发,前往木格措风景区,木格措湖是 点站后徒步500米至电瓶车站,乘电瓶车进入核心 四川海拔2000米以上地区最大的高山湖泊,长5公 景区。三座神山:在青藏高原南缘、横断山脉东侧 里,宽1。5公里,水深70余米。面积4平方公里, 的莽莽群山之中,有三座呈“品”字形的雪山格外醒 以高山湖泊及温泉为主要特色,融原始森林、草 目,它们就是稻城亚丁三神山-仙乃日、央迈勇和 原、雪山为一体,互相映衬,一派原始古朴而幽静的 夏洛多吉。三神山合称“念青贡嘎日松贡布”,自古 自然景色,使人们仿佛置身于“瑶池仙境”。木格措 就是藏传佛教中的圣地.度过了寂寞漫长的冰期, 风景区由杜鹃峡、赛马坪、七色海、药池沸泉、木 覆盖着大地的冰川开始消退,沉睡万年的三座雪 格措和红海草原六个小景区组成。之后又经过摄影 山仿佛从冬眠中苏醒。亚丁的三座雪山之所以能在 天堂新都桥,抵达雅江入户酒店休息。 众多的兄弟姊妹中脱颖而出,皆因其具有秀外而慧 中的优秀品质。“秀外”源于自然造化,丽质天成; “慧中”则得益于“佛主”的恩赐与点化。洛绒牛场, 正是美国探险家约瑟夫。洛克先生曾经住过的地 方。亚丁神山像一首创世的古歌,使神灵回归到了 自然。晚餐之后入住酒店。 第十天 稻城 / 成都 / 大熊猫繁育基地 / 远洋太古里 / 宽窄巷子 (早/午/晚餐) 早起前往世界上海拔最高的民用机场亚丁机场, 搭乘飞机前往成都,抵达双流机场后,乘车前往 熊猫基地,其地位于成都市北郊,距市区约10公 成都 / 送机 (早餐) 里,基地建设完全模拟大熊猫野外生活环境。与 第十一天 大熊猫亲密接触是基地最大的特色,游客在基地 早餐后前往 [观音阁老茶馆],位于成都市双流区彭 内,可近距离观看大熊猫的生活状态。一般在下 镇杨柳河畔。这是一家有着百年历史且保留着原汁 午的2-4点左右,不定时会有新生儿熊猫宝宝见面 原味的老茶馆,其独特的建筑风格和人文环境, 再现了川西坝子的历史文化,走进茶馆仿佛是进 雅江 / 理塘长青春科尔寺 / 会。此外,园内还养殖着小熊猫、孔雀、天鹅等 第七天 珍稀动物,被誉为“与国宝亲密接触的最佳旅游目 行了一次回到过去的时间旅行。茶馆中,袍哥大 (早/午/晚餐) 稻城白塔 / 万亩杨林 的地”。后前往坐落成都中心地带-太古里商区, 爷出没,乡党邻人闲坐,上演了一出出精彩的人间 早餐后乘车出发,前往最后的香格里拉-稻城,经 位于春熙路,汇聚一系列国际一线奢侈品牌、潮 活剧。茶馆也是蜀地社会形态和社会生活的一个缩 过世界高城理塘,前往长青春科尔寺,又称理塘 流服饰品牌、米其林星级餐厅以及国内外知名食 影,茶馆文化更是巴蜀文化的一个重要支点。如 寺,于1580年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建, 府。后前往宽窄巷子,这里向来是走访成都的自 今,在观音阁老茶馆里,人们依然还能聆听到这种 是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教黄教寺 助旅人必访的地方,在一盏盏茶碗和极具历史感 渐行渐远的历史回声。送机返回温暖的家。 庙。长青春科尔为藏语译音,“长青”意为弥勒佛 的青石路板无处不透出闲适的成都风情。晚餐后 (即未来佛)“春科尔”意为法轮,“长青春科尔”意为 酒店入住休息。 不含小费:人民币30/人/天 弥勒佛法轮(标志着法轮常转、妙谛永存)。晚抵达 稻城,经过庄严的白塔,又称尊胜塔林、胜利塔, 藏语叫郎杰曲登。后抵达酒店休息。

第八天 亚丁核心风景区 (早/午/晚餐) 稻城出发抵达亚丁景区,搭乘景区观光车再次进入亚 丁景区。先后游览冲古草场、冲古寺、贡嘎朗吉岭 寺,下午返回稻城县。冲古草场,在冲古寺左侧, 是山谷中很难得的一处小平原,草地、森林、小溪 和玛尼堆构成了这里的景观精华。冲古寺海拔3900 米,始建于元朝,至今有800多年的历史。卓玛拉 措(珍珠海):海拔4100米,面积0。75公顷。美丽的卓 玛拉措,像一颗镶嵌在莲花宝座上的绿宝石,景色 宜人.晚餐之后入住酒店。 TOUR CODE : CTUDY11 Tour Code : CTUDY11



HIGHLIGHTS DAY 3 JIAJU TIBETAN VILLAGE / DAY 4 XINDUQIAO / MT. ZHEDUO / •Hailuo Gorge Glacier Park TAGONG GRASSLAND / XINDUQIAOE (B/L/D) KANGDING / LUDINGQIAO / HAILUOGOU •Daocheng Yading: The last paradise Begin your day at the Jiaju Tibetan Village, known (B/L/D) Photographic Xinduqiao MOXI ANCIENT TOWN colloquially as the Tibetan Fairyland. Within the After breakfast, depart for Moxi Ancient Town via village, there are over a hundred Tibetan Styled coach. On the way, we will climb over Mt Zhehuo, houses, featuring crown shaped roofs, red eaves and known as the first gate to Tibet, followed by Kangding, white walls. This gorgeous collection of beautifully the Town Of Love Songs, finally reaching Luding DAY 1 SINGAPORE / CHENGDU painted buildings has earned the village the title of Assemble at Changi Airport for your flight to Chengdu, Bridge, an ancient bridge built during the Qing Dynasty “Most Beautiful Village In China”. Moving onward, the capital of Sichuan. Upon arrival, you will be greeted for the purposes of strengthening unity between the we check out Maoniugu Valley, the most beautiful by our local guides before heading to the hotel for Tibetans and Chinese. In the evening, the coach will locale in the area as well as one of the premiere sights check in. arrive in Moxi Ancient Town, and you will proceed to on the Tibetan Plateau. In the evening, we arrive in check-in. Xinduqiao Town, a fairyland known as the “Light DAY 2 CHENGDU / and Shadow World” a prime spot for those into photography, for its deep contrasting scenery. DAY 5 HAILUOGOU GLACIER FOREST PARK MAOBINIANG OBSERVATION DECK / (B/L/D) SUOPO WATCHTOWERS / DANBA (B/L/D) Today, explore Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park, where In the morning, pass by Wolong National Nature you can enjoy the sight of glaciers, primeval forests, hot Reserve as well as the Siguniangshan, meaning springs and the Gongga Snow Mountain. Within the the Four Princess Mountains. It is so named park lies an enormous ice waterfall, one of the biggest for its four beautiful peaks. We will head for the in the world. The area also features hot springs that are Maobiniang Observation Deck, where you can catch of great benefit to general health. a panoramic, high altitude view of the four gorgeous peaks, after which we will continue onward to Suopo Village. Here lies a small mountain community, with squat stone buildings and ancient stone watchtowers scattered throughout the territory. After experiencing the rustic vibe of times past, head back to Danba and check into your hotel.

DAY 6 MOXI / MUGECUO LAKE / XINDUQIAO / YAJIANG (B/L/D) In the morning, head to the Mugecuo Scenic Area, famous for its fantastic springs, alpine lakes, vast forests and grasslands. Upon arrival, catch an amazing view of Mugecuo Lake, the largest high altitude lake in the area. Thereafter, continue onward to Xinduqiao and cross Mt Zheduo, heading in the direction of Yajiang. TOUR CODE : CTUDY11


are considered holy mountains to the locals and DAY 7 YAJIANG / LITANG / DAOCHENG are said to grant protection, with their snowy peaks DAY 11 CHENGDU / SINGAPORE (B) (B/L/D) piercing through the clouds, akin to great swords slicing through mist. Within the nature reserve also After breakfast, head to the hundred year old Guanyin After breakfast, depart via coach to Litang and visit lies other landscapes such as snowy mountains, steep Pavilion Tea House. Thereafter, we head to the airport the Ganden Thubchen Choekhorling Monastery, the cliffs, glaciers and grassy plains, emanating a feeling for your return flight back home. largest Gelupa Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Kham. of Zen. Afterward, take a tram ride and head through The 3rd Dalai Lama constructed the monastery in 1580. the forests, passing by attractions such as the Luorong After the monastery, head for Daocheng, and arrive in Cattle Farm. the evening.

DAOCHENG / CHENGDU (B/L/D) YADING NATURE RESERVE (B/L/D) DAY 10 DAY 8 After breakfast, travel to the Daocheng Airport, where In the morning, take a drive to the Yading Nature Reserve, enjoying the charming scenery on the you will catch a flight to Chengdu. Upon arrival, proceed to way. Then, visit the Chonggu Temple, followed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, the Gongga Lanjing Temple, with a long history of a state-of-the-art facility at the forefront of Giant Panda over 300 years and dating back to the Yuan Dynasty. conservation. While there, learn the intricacies of this Onward, we visit the Chonggu Grassland to enjoy undertaking as well as meet curious Pandas of all ages. the crystal clear waters that flow along the plains, creating both a visual and auditory feast of absolute After leaving, head for Taiguli for a shopping spree, tranquility. followed by the Kuanzhaixiangzi, consisting of three parallel alleys featuring Qing Dynasty architecture and DAY 9 YADING NATURE RESERVE (B/L/D) styling. Be transported back in time as you enjoy the Explore the more scenic spots of the Yading Nature ancient atmosphere, coupled with opportunities to shop Reserve, with its 3 main mountains, Xiannairi, for handicrafts and taste local fare, all of which make this Yangmaiyong and Xianuoduoji. These three mountains one of the most attractive places in Chengdu.


十二天十一晚 神秘西藏青藏高原铁 路+熊猫之乡成都至尊游

第五天 晚上抵达拉萨: 拉萨火车站接车 第六天 拉萨游览布达拉宫 / 大昭寺 / 八 特别安排 敬献哈达迎客, 高原适应休息 (海拔3650) 角街 (早/午/晚餐) • 特别安排观赏茶卡盐湖,解开亿万年地壳运 (晚餐) 上午参观坐落在市中心红山上达赖喇嘛的冬宫,当 动远古海洋沉淀为无尽盐湖的神秘面纱 全日搭乘世界海拔最高的青藏铁路专线列车前往 今世界海拔最高的古代宫堡式建筑群[布达拉宫].布 • 特别安排夜游布达拉宫广场感受藏传佛教 拉萨,火车上(用餐自理列车挂有餐车),沿着世界海 达拉梵语意为观世音圣地,为自公元七世纪以来历 千年秘密的布达拉宫在夜幕中的神秘庄严 拔最高、里程最长、景色最壮观的高原铁路,在风 世达赖喇嘛驻地和西藏政教权力的中心.下午前往 的魅力 驰电掣般奔驰的铁路列车中观赏全景画般的青藏 藏传佛教信徒心中的圣地吐蕃古寺[大昭寺],接着赴 • 特别安排参观玛吉阿米,传说中六世达赖的 高原雪域风光,抵达拉萨后作高原气候适应性休息, 拉萨最热闹的步行街八角街手工艺品市场游览,浏 秘会之所 以平稳渡过高原气候适应期,拉萨是一座有着1300 览各式充满民族特色和异域风情的手工制品.晚餐 多年历史的古城,拉萨在藏语的意思为圣地,市内名 特别安排品尝别致的藏式雪域风味餐饮,观赏高原 高原藏区风味美食 胜古迹繁多. 独特的藏族歌舞表演与藏民联欢. 青海清真风味/拉萨养生菌汤锅/藏族主题歌 舞宴:聆听藏区儿女的天籁之音糌粑/酥油 茶/酸奶/牦牛肉/青稞酒

贴心高原服 西藏拉萨段酒店特别安排专业高原医生提 供高原旅游医疗巡诊服务拉萨段旅游车上 免费提供专业氧气钢瓶供应氧气

第一天 新加坡 / 成都 新加坡乘機抵達天府之都-成都,服务人员接机後入 住酒店. 第二天 成都/西宁 (或兰州) (晚餐) 成都飞往西宁,导游接团后,参观藏传佛教六大寺 院之一的著名寺院[塔尔寺].沿途接着游览融生态 园林、历史文化为一体,结构清晰明快的新宁广 场,浏览高原城市独特风光.

第三天 西宁 / 青海湖 / 西宁 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后抵达茶卡后参观[茶卡盐湖].茶卡盐湖也叫茶 卡或达布逊淖尔,茶卡是藏语,达布逊淖尔是蒙古语, 都是盐湖之意.而后观赏面积4500多平方公里,我国 最大的内陆咸水湖-[青海湖二郎剑景区].青海湖湖 面碧波万顷,湖畔草原辽阔,雪山巍峨,充满诗情画意 而又无比壮丽辉煌. 第四天 青藏火车 / 拉萨 (软卧VIP列车) (早/午餐) 早餐后贵宾们自由准备好行装,午餐后搭乘世界海 拔最高的青藏铁路专线列车前往拉萨,青藏铁路西 宁至拉萨段总长1956公里,约下午发车,次日抵达 拉萨,行驶约计23小时. TOUR CODE:TB12 GV10

第七天 拉 萨 游 览 药 王 山 / 赠 游 扎 基 寺 (早/午/晚餐) 早晨游览药王山,[药王山]与布达拉宫咫尺相对,是拍 摄布达拉宫最好的角度所在地,尤其是半山腰.清晨 的药王山,经常可见些许摄影爱好者汇集与此等待 第一缕光线照亮布达拉宫的瞬间.药王山东侧有个 洞窟式的小庙宇,是一座造型奇特的石窟寺庙,坐落 在药王山东麓陡峭的山腰上叫查拉鲁普.下午游览 第十天 拉萨 / 成都 馆藏无数美轮美奂艺术珍藏,随后参观[扎基寺]全藏 (早/晚餐) 唯一的一座财神庙.夜幕降临,传递着藏传佛教千年 早餐后前往贡嘎机场乘机飞离拉萨,抵成都机场后 秘密的布达拉宫,更散发着无法言语的神秘魅力. 专业导游接机,享用晚餐后入住酒店. 第八天 拉萨 / 羊卓雍措湖 / 江孜 / 日喀则 第十一天 成都 (早/午/晚餐) (早/午/晚餐) 观赏(熊猫基地)(不含电瓶车)是中国政府实施大熊 拉萨启程翻越海拔4900米的冈巴拉雪山,远眺冈 猫等濒危野生动物迁地保护工程的主要研究基地 巴拉雷达站,前往世界上最高的淡水湖有天上圣湖 之一,国家AAAA级旅游景区.(漫花庄园)是成都的欧 之美誉的[羊卓雍湖]。清澈的湖水、巍峨的雪山和 洲花海,老百姓的后花园.总占地面积500余亩,以乐 如洗的蓝天融为一体,陶醉、震撼并涤荡着你的灵 享花生活主题.宽窄巷子-由宽巷子、窄巷子、井巷 魂。观赏世纪冰川卡惹拉冰川,远眺白居寺十万佛 子平行排列组成,全为青黛砖瓦的仿古四合院落. 塔、宗山抗英炮台后前往后藏重镇――日喀则。 第十二天 成都 / 新加坡 (早餐) 第九天 日喀则沿雅鲁藏布江河谷 / 拉萨 早餐后自由活动,指定时间集合前往机场,结束愉快 (早/午/晚餐) 的旅程,返回温馨的家园. 早餐后参观班禅大师灵魂安息地,黄教六大寺之一 的(扎什伦布寺).扎什伦布寺由一世达赖喇嘛根顿 保证自费: 西藏歌舞秀”文成公主”, 藏獒基地,藏民 珠巴主持修建于1447年,后成为历代班禅额尔德 居家訪, 西藏民族特色甜茶館 =RMB580人 尼驻锡地.下午沿雅鲁藏布江回拉萨,沿途欣赏雅鲁 藏布江草地峡谷后藏大漠风光. 导游小费: RMB/30/PAX/DAY TOUR CODE:TB12 GV10


SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS DAY 3 XINING / / XINING DAY 6 LHASA TOUR OF POTALA PALACE / • Special arrangements for viewing the (B/L/D) JOKHANG TEMPLE / BAJIAO STREET (B/L/D) tea card salt lake, unraveling the After breakfast, arrive at the Chaka and visit In the morning, visit the Winter Palace of the Dalai mysterious veil of the endless salt lakes [Chaka Salt Lake]. The lake is also called chaka or Lama on the Red Mountain in the city center. The of the ancient oceans of the billion- Dabson Muir. The Chaka is Tibetan. Dabson Muir is ancient palace-style building complex of the world’s year-old crustal movement Mongolian and is the meaning of the salt lake. The highest altitude [Buda Palace]. The Potala Sanskrit • Special arrangements for the night viewing area is 4500. More than square kilometers, means the Guanyin Sacred, which has been in tour of the Potala Palace to experience China’s largest inland saltwater lake - [Qinghai Lake existence since the 7th century. The Dalai Lama’s the mysterious and solemn charm of the Erlang Jianjing District]. Qinghai Lake has a vast resident and the center of Tibetan political and Potala Palace in the night expanse of blue waters, vast lakeside grasslands, religious power. In the afternoon, go to the ancient • Special arrangements to visit Maggie snow-capped mountains, full of poetic and artistic temple of the Tibetan Buddhism in the heart of Ami, the legendary secret of the Sixth and extremely magnificent. Tibetan Buddhism believers, the Jokhang Temple, Dalai Lama and then go to the Lhasa Street, the most lively PLATEAU TIBETAN CUISINE QINGZANG TRAIN / LHASA (SOFT pedestrian street in Lhasa, to explore the various Qinghai Halal Flavor / Lhasa Health Mush- DAY 4 ethnic and exotic customs. Handmade products. room Soup Pot / Tibetan Theme Song and SLEEPER VIP TRAIN) (B/L) Dinner is specially arranged to taste the chic Tibetan- Dance Banquet: Listen to the sounds of the After breakfast, all VIPs packing the luggage and style snow-flavored dining, and to watch the unique children of Tibetan / butter tea / yogurt / start the trip. After lunch, take the Qinghai-Tibet Tibetan song and dance performances of the plateau yak meat / barley wine Railway train with the highest altitude in the world to and Tibetans. Lhasa. The total length of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway INTIMATE PLATEAU SERVICE Xining-Lhasa section is 1956 km. It will depart in the • Tibet Lhasa Section Hotel specially afternoon and arrive in Lhasa the next day for about arranges professional plateau doctors 23 hours. to provide high altitude tourism medical inspection service • Free oxygen cylinders are supplied free DAY 5 ARRIVE IN LHASA AT NIGHT: of charge on the Lhasa section of the LHASA RAILWAY STATION PICKS UP THE coach CAR AND WELCOMES HADA TO WELCOME GUESTS. THE PLATEAU ADAPTS TO REST (3650 ABOVE SEA LEVEL) (D) DAY 1 SINGAPORE / CHENGDU Take the Qinghai-Tibet Railway train with the highest Arrival in Chengdu Airport, meet and greet with guide altitude in the world to Lhasa on the train. On the train transfer to hotel. (with a dining car on the self-care train), you can watch the high-altitude, longest-distance and most spectacular plateau railway in the galloping railway train. The DAY 2 CHENGDU / XINING (OR LANZHOU) (D) panorama of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau snowy scenery, Chengdu flying to Xining, visit the famous temple arrived in Lhasa, and made a plateau climate adaptive (Taer Temple), one of the six monasteries of Tibetan rest, to smoothly pass the plateau climate adaptation Buddhism. Follow the path to explore the ecological period, Lhasa is an ancient city with more than 1,300 garden, history and culture and the XiNing Square years of history, Lhasa means in the Tibetan is the holy with clear structure and clear view. Unique scenery land. There are many places of historic interest and of the city. scenic beauty. TOUR CODE:TB12 GV10

Mountain, called Charalup. In the afternoon, visit the museum to collect countless beautiful art SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS LHASA / CHENGDU (B/L) collections, and then visit the only Zhaji Temple DAY 10 • Special arrangements for viewing the After breakfast, head to Gongga Airport to fly to Lhasa. in Zhaji Temple. The night falls, the Potala Palace, tea card salt lake, unraveling the After arriving at Chengdu Airport, take a professional which conveys the millennium secrets of Tibetan mysterious veil of the endless salt lakes tour guide and pick up your meal. After dinner, check Buddhism, exudes a mystery that cannot be said. of the ancient oceans of the billion- in at the hotel. charm. year-old crustal movement • Special arrangements for the night CHENGDU (B/L/D) tour of the Potala Palace to experience DAY 8 LHASA / / DAY 11 the mysterious and solemn charm of the Watching [Panda Base] (excluding battery car) is (B/L/D) Potala Palace in the night GYANGZE / SHIGATSE one of the main research bases for the Chinese • Special arrangements to visit Maggie Lhasa set off over the 4,900-meter-high Gunbara Snow government to implement ex situ conservation Ami, the legendary secret of the Sixth Mountain and overlooked the Gunbara Radar Station. projects for endangered wild animals such as Dalai Lama Travel to the world’s tallest freshwater lake with the giant pandas. The national AAAA-level tourist reputation of the holy lake in the sky [Yamazhuo Lake]. scenic spot. [Manhua Manor] is the European PLATEAU TIBETAN CUISINE Watch the Century Glacier Kajala Glacier, far away flower sea in Chengdu, the common people The Qinghai Halal Flavor / Lhasa Health Mush- After the 100,000 pagodas of the Baiju Temple and the back garden. The total area of the park covers an room Soup Pot / Tibetan Theme Song and Zongshan Anti-British Fort, they went to the Houzang area of more than 500 acres. It enjoys the theme Dance Banquet: Listen to the sounds of the Town, Shigatse. of life. The wide and narrow alleys are composed children of Tibetan / butter tea / yogurt / of wide alleys, narrow alleys and wells arranged in yak meat / barley wine parallel, all of which are antique courtyards with DAY 9 SHIGATSE ALONG THE YARLUNG green tiles. INTIMATE PLATEAU SERVICE ZANGBO RIVER VALLEY / LHASA (B/L/D) • Tibet Lhasa Section Hotel specially After breakfast, visit the soul of the Panchen Lama, (B) arranges professional plateau doctors one of the six major temples of the Yellow Church, DAY 12 CHENGDU / SINGAPORE to provide high altitude tourism medical Tashilhunpo Monastery. The Tashilhunpo Monastery Free time after breakfast, set the time to go to the inspection service was built in 1447 by the First Dalai Lama, Gendenzhu, airport, end the pleasant journey and return to the • Free oxygen cylinders are supplied free and later became the Panchen Erde In the afternoon, warm home. of charge on the Lhasa section of the I will return to Lhasa along the Yarlung Zangbo River coach and enjoy the scenery of the desert after the Yarlung Zangbo River grassland. DAY 7 LHASA TOUR YAOWANGSHAN/GIFT TOUR ZAKI TEMPLE (B/L/D) In the morning, visit Yaowang Mountain. [Kingwang Mountain] is opposite to the Potala Palace. It is the best angle for shooting the Potala Palace, especially in the middle of the mountain. In the early morning, Yaowang Mountain is often seen by some photographers. Waiting for the COMPULSORY TOUR: first light to illuminate the Potala Palace. There Tibetan song and dance show “Princess Wencheng”, Tibetan is a cave-style small temple on the east side Mastiff base, Tibetan home visit, Tibetan national sweet tea of Yaowang. It is a peculiar cave temple. It is house =RMB580 people located on the steep mountainside of Yaowang EXCLUDING TIPPING: RMB30/person/day TOUR CODE: HRBDLC


八天七晚 雪舞東北 / 俄式庄园 / 童话雪乡 / 冬捕 / 冰雪世界浪漫游

第三天 亚布力 [亚布力滑雪场 (含大门 第六天 长白山 [长白岛观秋沙鸭 / 世纪 行程特色 票) 滑雪及娱雪活动费用自理] > 雪乡 [雪乡 广场 / 车游松江中路 / 天主教堂外观] > 吉林 • 世界上最大的冰雪狂歡嘉年華 风景区 (环线车) 雪乡夜景] (早/午/晚) (早/午/晚) • 中國雪雕艺术的发源地太阳島雪博會 【亚布力滑雪中心】位于亚布力境内的长白山山脉.居中、 【吉林】前往有”江城”之称的吉林,市内松花江流贯市 • 特色冰雪主題遊樂園 一座天然博物馆长白山 低山近区,整个地势由东南向西北倾斜,总趋向为东南高、西 区,更有四座名山环绕,是一个有山有水的美丽城市.【 俄羅斯文化為主題的園林-伏爾加莊園 北低.当年《林海雪原》中的故事就发生在这里.由于这里 长白岛】位于吉林市松花江沿岸,松江大桥与清源大桥之 • 民风淳朴气候独特的”中国雪乡” 山形地貌独特,雪质丰厚,硬度适中,积雪期长,积雪最深可达 间,是吉林市重要的越冬水禽栖息地及雾凇最佳观赏点.【 长白山山脉亚布力滑雪场 1米以上.硬件必知:亚布力有11条高山滑雪道.总长2 世纪广场】位于吉林市博物馆和松花江南岸之间,是吉林 特色餐食 特别的礼物 7公里,雪道面积40万平方米.最小平均坡度3度,最大平 市一座反映城市特色的风景园林.【松花江畔】松花江是满 • 哈爾濱醬骨頭風味 均坡度18度,分别适合初、中、高级滑雪者使用.初级滑 语“松阿里乌拉”的转译,就是“天河”的意思。把松花江比 • 鐵鍋燉魚風味 雪道有灯光照明,可夜间滑雪.有3条吊椅索道,2条拖牵索 作从九天落到地上的天河,概括了它的宽广绵长、富饶美 • 东北火鍋(体验東北特色) 道,系进口设备,运行稳定.【雪乡】雪乡拥着层层叠叠的积 丽和神奇风光,其蕴意深远、引人遐想. 雪,百余户的居民区犹如一座相连的”雪屋”,房舍随物具形的 特别礼物 积雪在风力的作用下可达1米厚,雪乡从初冬冰花乍放的清 • 贈送俄羅斯套娃 晰到早春雾淞涓流的婉约,无时无刻不散发着雪的神韵,因此 第七天 吉林 [雾凇岛/观雾淞 (视天气情 得名-中国雪乡.雪乡双峰林场藏于深山,由于取景此地的 况而定)] > 哈尔滨 [太阳岛雪雕] (含电瓶车), 摄影作品频频获国际大奖.【雪韵大街】为当地的唯一主要 干道, 在此您可以自由地赏雪, 打雪仗, 更可进行摄影创作, 圣索菲亚大教堂广场, 冰雪大世界] (早/午/晚) 让瞬间的美丽留在您的永恒回忆中. 【雾凇岛】它离吉林市近40公里,地势较吉林市区低,又 第一天 新加坡 / 哈尔滨 [防洪纪念塔 / 有江水环抱,冷热空气在这里相交,冬季升腾起的大雾常 斯达林公园 / 中央大街 / 赠送百年历史马迭 常笼罩着这个近6平方公里的小岛,有时竟一天也见不到 第四天 雪乡 [雪乡观光栈道] > 镜泊湖 太阳.【太阳岛雪博会(含电瓶车)】位于松花江北岸,占地面 尔冰棍] (晚) [镜泊湖风景区, 吊水楼冰瀑布, 观冬捕] > 敦化 积120万平方米,这里的冬天则是东北著名雪雕艺术博览会 抵达哈尔滨导游接机,地处东北边陲的黑龙江就像一只振翅 (早/午/晚) 场所.冬季的太阳岛每年都举办闻名中外的雪雕博览会.近 欲飞的天鹅,而省会城市──哈尔滨,就是这只天鹅项下 几年更与日本、加拿大、法国等世界著名冰雪国家联合 一颗璀璨的明珠.【防洪胜利纪念塔】位于中央大街北端 【雪景观光栈道】雪乡新建3.2公里的观光栈道,站在这 举办,其中很多大型雪塑作品都曾冲击金氏世界纪录.【圣 尽头,其象征着哈尔滨精神,塔底上部下有一个刻着1998 里可以看到美伦美免的雪景,雪松、雪挂让您尽收眼底、 索菲亚教堂广场】是远东地区最大的东正教堂,是拜占庭 年洪水高度的标示板,时时提醒着市民不要忘记抗洪的重 在雪景笼罩下的村庄,宛如一幅美丽的图画,一片银色的 式建筑的典型代表.1996年11月,被列为全国重点文物保护单 要。【中央大街】全长1,450公尺的步行街,吸引了来往的 世界.【镜泊湖风景区】为万年前火山喷发堰塞牡丹江而形 位.【晚观冰雪大世界】是全球规模最大的冰雕展之一.到 行人,成为哈尔滨最主要的商业街。赠送百年历史-马迭 成的火山堰塞湖,此地还流传着红罗女宝镜化湖的美丽传 了夜晚衬着数以万计的 LED 灯,展现五光十色的姿态,照亮 尔冰棍:马迭尔冰棒几乎是哈尔滨的象征了,距今也有100 说.【冬捕】镜泊湖是我国维度最靠北的淡水湖之一,十一 在松花江畔.这里是黑龙江著名 冰雕雪景主题公园,也是 多年的历史,“甜而不腻,冰中带香” 是它的特色,牛奶味 月下旬开始结冰,冰冻可达到70厘米的厚度.人们先在冰上 中国哈尔滨国际冰雪节展场之一,更是哈尔滨冬季旅游的 很浓,不含膨化剂,健康美味.不仅夏天是吃冰棒的季节, 打眼凿一个洞,在在冰面上下网,把网纲在冰下穿过,然后逐 的亮点. 在这里冬天吃冰棒的人更多! 渐围拢,最后在出网口把冰下的渔网拉到冰面上.镜泊湖里 的鱼就这样在冬季中被捕上来了.【吊水楼冰瀑布】吊水楼 瀑布,又称镜泊湖瀑布,位于黑龙江省宁安县西南方.它形状 第八天 哈尔滨 > 新加坡 (早) 第二天 哈尔滨 [伏尔加庄园 / 圣尼古拉 好像加拿大尼亚加拉大瀑布,是世界最大的玄武岩瀑布. 大教堂 / 普希金沙龙 / 巴甫洛夫城堡 / 小白桦 早餐后,自由活动,送机,返回温暖的家园. 林餐厅 / 越野滑雪 / 高山雪圈一次] > 亚布力 第五天 敦化>2.5H长白山 [长白山风景 (早/午/晚) 区 / 含环保车 + 倒站车 / 天池 / 长白瀑布 / 温 泉群] (早/午/晚) 【伏尔加庄园】庄园风景秀丽,有大片的园林和滩涂湿 地;蜿蜒曲折的阿什河流过庄园,水连水、桥连桥,一派 【长白山风景区+含环保车】长白山是一座休眠火山,曾有 优美的田园风光;庄园复建圣尼古拉教堂作为建筑艺术 过三次喷发,由此形成了长白山独特的地质地貌,使其自然 馆,复建米尼阿久尔餐厅及建设30多座精典的俄式建筑.【 景观极其绚丽多姿.【天池+含到站车】游览(视天气而定) 圣尼古拉大教堂】是一座俄罗斯东正教教堂。随着1898年 天池是火山喷发自然形成的我国最大的火山口湖,也是松 中东铁路的修建,俄罗斯人进入哈尔滨,东正教也随之而 花江、图们江、鸭绿江三江之源。因它所处的位置高,水 来。圣尼古拉大教堂于1899年10月13日奠基,1900年春动 面海拔达2150米,所以被称为“天池”.其实在中国叫做「天 工,至1900年12月竣工.教堂建成后被誉为《远东第一东正 池」的景点高达15座,其中长白山的这座是海拔最高,也 教堂》,被哈尔滨人称为《喇嘛台》.【普希金沙龙(米莎商 是面积最大的.【长白瀑布】高达60余米,很壮观,是松 店) 】按照19世纪末俄罗斯建筑风格建成,独特的砖结构 花江的一个源头,是瀑布群中最为壮观的一个,位于天池 墙面、对比强烈的配色向人们展示着它别具一格的魅力.【 北侧,系长白山名胜佳景.【温泉群】长白温泉有「神水之 建议自费: 俄罗斯家访+大剧院外观+马拉爬犁+松花江缆 巴甫洛夫城堡】庄园最有吸引力的建筑之一,也是新人们 称」,长白山温泉属于高热温泉,多数泉水温度在摄氏60 最期盼的婚礼场地.巴甫洛夫城堡由俄罗斯著名设计师弗‧ 车 600RMB/人 度以上,最热泉眼可达82度,放入鸡蛋顷刻即熟,在此可 不含小费:RMB30/人/天 弗‧布列恩于1795-1797年设计. 品尝东北的温泉蛋及玉米. TOUR CODE: CSX08



SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS JILIN / HARBIN (B/L/D) • The world’s largest ice carnival DAY 7 • Chinese snow sculpture art Sun Island Snow Expo Nearly 40 kilometres away from Jilin City, surrounded by rivers, the rising fog often envelopes this small island of nearly 6 square • Natural Museum Changbai Mountain Russian kilometres. [Sun Island Snow Expo (including battery car)] is Culture Themed Garden - Volga Manor located on the northern shore of the Songhua River and covers SPECIAL MEALS an area of 120 thousand square meters. During Winter, host the • Harbin sauce bone cuisine • Wok tew fish cuisine famous Snow Sculpture Art Exhibition in the Northeast. Every year, Sun Island hosts famous snow sculpture exhibitions both • Northeastern specialty hot pot at home and abroad. In collaboration, many of the large-scale SPECIAL GIFT snow-clad works have hit the Golden World Records [St. Sophia • Russian doll Church Square]. The Orthodox Church is a typical representative DAY 4 SNOW VILLAGE / of Byzantine architecture. Ice and Snow World is one of the largest ice sculpture exhibitions in the world. At night, it is lined /DUNHUA (B/L/D) with tens of thousands of LED lights. Here is Heilongjiang famous [Snow landscape light path] Snow Village builds a new 3.2km ice sculpture theme park. One of the exhibition venues is the DAY 1 SINGAPORE / HARBIN (D) sightseeing boardwalk and you can stand here to see snow-free highlight of Harbin’s winter tourism. Arrived in Harbin, the tour guide pick up at the airport. landscape, cedar, and snowfall, a panoramic view of the village Heilongjiang is located on the northeast side of the country. The under the snow scene, resemblance a beautiful picture; a silver “Flood Prevention Victory Tower” is located at the northern world Jingbo Lake Scenic Area】formed by volcano eruption of DAY 8 HARBIN / SINGAPORE (B) end of Central Avenue, symbolizing the spirit of Harbin. On Mudanjiang was formed. Jingpo Lake is one of the freshwater lakes with the most northerly dimension in China. People first After breakfast, free activities, transfer to airport and catch the bottom of the tower there is a signboard carved with the the return flight back. height of the flood in 1998, reminding the public not to forget the drill on the ice and cast the net to the surface of the ice, the importance of flood control. [Central Avenue] The 1.450-meter- fish in Jingpo Lake was trapped in the winter. [Dangshuilou Ice long walking street attracts tourists and becomes the most Waterfall] Dang Shui Lou Waterfall, also known as Jingpo Lake important commercial street in Harbin. Free gift: hundred years Waterfall, located southwest of Ning’an County in Heilongjiang history - Madal Ice Stick: The Mader Ice Stick is almost a symbol Province, is shaped like the Niagara Falls in Canada and is the of Harbin, and it has a history of more than 100 years. largest basalt waterfall in the world.

HARBIN / YABULI (B/L/D) DAY 5 DUNHUA / CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN DAY 2 (B/L/D) [Volga Manor] The Manor is beautifully landscaped with large gardens and tidal flats.The manor reconstructed the Church Changbai Mountain Scenic Area + Eco Cars. Changbai Mountain of St. Nicholas as an architectural art gallery. [Saint Nicholas is a dormant volcano with three huge eruptions before, resulting Cathedral] is a Russian Orthodox Church. With the construction in the unique geology of Changbai Mountain. [Tianchi + Station of the Middle East Railway in 1898, Russians entered Harbin, car] Tour (depending on the weather) Tianchi is naturally formed and the Orthodox Church also followedAfter its completion, by volcanic eruptions. The largest Crater Lake in China is also the the church was hailed as the “First Orthodox Church in the Far source of the three rivers of the Songhua River, Tumen River and East,” and was called by the Harbinite as the”The Lamatai.” Yalu River. There are 15 scenic spots in China called “Tianchi,” The Higgins Salon (Misha Store) was built according to the but the highest elevation is the Changbai Mountain Tianchi.It is architectural style of Russia at the end of the 19th century. also the largest area. Changbai Waterfall is more than 60 meters high and it is spectacular. Changbai Hot Springs are among the high temperature spring. Most spring water temperatures are above 60 degrees Celsius, and the hottest springs can reach 82 (B/L/D) DAY 3 YABULI / SNOW VILLAGE degrees. Putting eggs into place instantly becomes cooked. Yabuli Ski Center is located in the Changbai Mountains. You can ski at night, there are 3 chairlifts, 2 trails, ropes, imported equipment, stable operation. [Snow Township] The snow- DAY 6 CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN / JILIN capped countryside is surrounded by snow, and the residential (B/L/D) area of more than 100 households is like a connected “snow house”. Snow Village. Shuangfeng Forest Farm is hidden in the [Jilin] goes to Jilin, which is called “Jiangcheng”. [Land White mountains, excellent photographic works winning international Island] is located along the Songhua River coast of Jilin City. SUGGEST OPTIONAL: awards. Xueyun Street is the only main road in the area where Natural habitat for winter wildlife and haze are the best viewing Russian home visit + Grand Theatre appearance + you can freely enjoy the snow, let the beauty of the moment stay points. [Century Square] is located between Jilin City Museum Marathon plow + Songhua River cable car 600RMB/person and the south bank of Songhua River. [The Songhua River] The in your eternal memories. It is suitable for junior, intermediate EXCLUDING TIPPING: RMB30/person/day and senior skiers respectively. Songhua River is the translation of the Manchu “Song Ali Mara”. TOUR CODE: DB17

行程特色 无购物 • 东北三省精华美景 • 中朝边境风光 • 天上仙山长白山 • 俄罗斯文化之都哈尔滨 特色餐食 • 朝鲜风味餐 • 盘锦河蟹 • 原味斋烤鸭 • 人参汽锅鸡 • 满族风味 • 东北农家宴 酒店住宿 5星酒店 建议自费项目 满族博物馆 + 关东古巷 + 大商步行街 + 张氏帅府 + 十天九晚 金融博物馆 + 草原乘马车 +中东铁路桥(含玻璃栈道) = 人民币600元 东北红海滩 + 长白山精华游 导游小费 RMB30/pax/day 塔敏查干沙漠、漫步草原-科尔沁大草原

第一天 新加坡 / 大连 (晚) 第五天 通辽 / 科尔沁草原 / 长春 (早/午/晚) 第七天 长白山 (早/午/晚) 于樟宜国际机场集合后乘坐国际航班前往东北著 早餐后您将前往科尔沁草原珠日河旅游区, 抵达后 早餐后前往长白山于山门处乘景区内环保车前往 名海滨城市大连, 抵达后游览星海湾广场, 广场上 您将接受科尔沁草原的最尊贵迎宾仪式-下马酒、 各主要景点, 饱览关东第一名山长白山自然奇景, 敬献哈达这是蒙古传统的礼仪, 表示对远道而来的 的百年城雕如同一本无字天书是大连建市百年纪 乘倒站车前往位于主峰顶部海拔2189米的长白山 客人们的尊重和祝福。之后前往祭敖包极富蒙古 天池是我国最高的火山口湖, 有万水之源之称的长 念, 之后您将前往大商商业圈这里是东北著名的商 特色的祭敖包仪式为您祈福吉祥如意。你还可以 白瀑布更是东北三江源头 (松花江、鸭绿江、图门 业中心之一, 自由逛街之后, 用晚餐入住酒店。 漫步草原参加丰富多彩的草原活动, 骑上蒙古骏马 奔驰在辽阔的大草原,登上骆驼车做一回真正的 江) 孕育东北近一亿人口, 风景如画的绿渊潭、长 游牧民族。喝一杯奶茶品尝浓浓蒙古风味。之后 年喷涌雾气腾腾的温泉群、无一不似童话仙境天 (早/午) 第二天 大连 / 红海滩 / 沈阳 前往长春市游览将风声雨声读书声声声入耳、家 地有大美尽在长白山!晚餐后入住酒店。 早餐后前往盘锦,游览红海滩国家风景廊道,红 事国事天下事事事关心这一千古绝对在您面前重 海滩满眼所及红彤彤一片,海滩经过了千百年的 现的孔子文化园。乘车游览伪满时期的政府职能 注: 如遇长白山景区旺季期间因景区内游客过多, 为保证顺利参观 部门 - 伪满八大部后, 用晚餐入住酒店。 冲刷与沉积,形成了这块咸淡相容的滨海湿地。 需早起出发, 早餐有可能改为打包餐食, 敬请谅解。 在这片湿地上,一棵棵纤弱的碱蓬草在盐碱土质 注:草原自由活动属于剧烈运动因此设为自费项目请客人视乎自 身身体状况选择参加。 上,织出了成片的天锦,随着季节变化,由嫩红 第八天 长白山 / 吉林 (早/午/晚) 到火红再到紫红。红海滩国家风景廊道全长18公 第六天 长春 / 敦化 / 长白山 (早/午/晚) 早餐后乘车前往北国江城吉林市, 赴长白岛观赏野 里,以举世罕见的红海滩为特色,以全球保存最 早餐后前往敦化六鼎山文化旅游区抵达后前往金 生水禽, 后前往吉林市内最大的园林式公园北山公 鼎不夜城这里汇集各地名小吃(午餐后游览世界 完好的湿地为依托,以世界最大的芦苇荡为背 园 - 这里有东北著名的集佛、道、药教于一山的 知名尼众道场正觉寺,正觉寺中轴线上五大殿巍 北山庙宇群。前往鑫瑞祥东北三宝馆购买土产之后 景,与数以万计的珍稀水禽和一望无际的浅海滩 峨耸立气势恢宏。之后您将前往世界最高的释迦 前往松花江畔欣赏龙潭山夜景之后晚餐入住酒店。 涂构成了一条生态风景廊道。之后前往沈阳,今 牟尼佛传青铜坐像-金鼎大佛是新五方五佛的北方 晚您将前往国内最大的夜市沈阳兴顺街夜市品尝 佛,佛体总高48米,仪态端美,法相庄严。与南 方香港天坛大佛一佛两体共佑中华。佛教文化艺 注: 长白岛观赏水禽属于自然生态现象, 故鸟类多寡视乎当时 地道小吃。 术馆是国内顶尖的佛教文化展示中心美轮美奂, 天气而定。 工艺精湛。玉佛苑位于圣莲湖东岸气势恢宏供奉 第三天 沈阳 (早/午/晚) 由一整块缅玉精雕而成的体长7.6米的释迦牟尼涅 第九天 吉林 / 哈尔滨 (早/午/晚) 槃像堪称世界之最。作为清皇室的发祥地清祖祠 早餐后前往沈阳午餐后游览中国现存的两大故宫建 早餐后我们出发前往哈尔滨,午餐后游览哈尔滨市 融汇了萨满祭司等非物质文化遗产,传承者异彩 筑群之一的沈阳故宫,这里是清朝入关前的宫殿所 标防洪纪念塔,它坐落在中苏友谊公园斯大林公园 斑斓的民俗民风。之后前往长白山观赏美人松公 在地,及充满满族特色建筑的满清一条街,午餐后 园后入住酒店并品尝长白山珍。 内,这里位于松花江畔夏季绿草青青,冬季千里冰 游览九一八事变纪念馆这里记载了日本侵略东北的 封,举世闻名的哈尔滨冰灯就是在这里采出的天然 血泪史,晚餐品尝原味斋烤鸭后入住酒店。 冰块制成的。继而前往欣赏索菲亚大教堂是如今中 国保存最完美的典型拜占庭建筑,之后前往百年俄 第四天 沈阳 / 罗斯风情老街中央大街游逛之后前往俄罗斯商场购 塔敏查干沙漠 / 通辽 (早/午/晚) 物之后晚餐前往中国最大的俄罗斯风情主题公园伏 尔加庄园入住俄罗斯风情酒店。 早餐后前往塔敏查干沙漠,蒙语为魔鬼,号称八 百里瀚海。您将乘坐沙漠越野车深入沙漠腹地饱 哈尔滨 / 新加坡 (早) 览一望无际的沙海,更可乘坐沙漠四驱车尝试在 第十天 早餐后中国最大的俄罗斯风情庄园 - 伏尔加庄园, 无尽的沙海驰骋,亦可骑上憨态可掬的骆驼优哉 伏尔加庄园是一个以俄罗斯文化为依托的主题公 游哉漫游无边沙海体会不一样的沙漠景致。之后 园, 位于美丽的阿什河畔, 由东建集团与著名的俄 前往通辽市您将前往科尔沁博物馆深入了解科尔 罗斯设计师共同创造, 占地面积60万平方米。园区 沁草原神秘的历史传奇。晚餐后入住酒店。 复制了包括在老哈尔滨人心里位置特殊、被拆毁 的圣尼古拉教堂、太阳岛江上餐厅米尼阿久尔等 注: 沙漠内部分活动属于剧烈运动因此设为自费项目请客人视乎自身 数十座俄罗斯古典建筑, 将让您在这里领略到难以 身体状况选择参加。科尔沁博物馆逢周一闭关无法参观敬请留意。 寻觅的欧陆文化和异域风情。后前往机场。 GV10 TOUR CODE: DB17



Today, we visit the Tamin Chagan Desert, also known as the Chinese culture with Buddhism, Taoism, and Folk HIGHLIGHTS Devil’s Desert. Considered one of the most beautiful sandy Culture. It has a complex landscape as well, being dotted with plains in the country, the area is host to attractions such as off- Temples, pavilions, lakes, buildings and bridges. Then, proceed • Three Provinces located at North-Eastern China road racing and SUV driving, so you can explore the area at to the Dongbei Three Treasure Pavilion, which is famous for its • Border of China & North Korea your own speed. Afterward, head for the Ke’erqin Museum, 3 treasures of Northeast China, Ginseng, Marten Fur and Deer • Fairyland Mount Changbai featuring the deep history of the Ke’erqin Grasslands. Antler. • City of Russia Culture - Harbin

GOURMET INCLUSION DAY 5 TONGLIAO / CHANGCHUN (B/L/D) DAY 9 JILIN / HARBIN (B/L/D) • North Korea Meals • Ginseng Gas Pot Chicken Your first stop of the day is the Ke’erqin Grassland Zurihe Today, depart toward Harbin and upon arrival, visit the local • Traditional Roast Duck • Dumplings Scenic Area, a comprehensive attraction combining a Flood Control Success Memorial Tower. This monument was magnificent pastoral view, as well asMongolian Folklore erected in commemoration of the efforts of the Harbin people • Panjin Crab • Changbai Specialties and unique local flavors. Upon arrival, you will be greeted and their fight against the huge flood in 1952. Next, we head in an exciting VIP ceremony and served a cup of traditional over to the largest Orthodox Church building in the Far East, wine. Next, head for the Aobao Worship Ceremony, where now home to the Harbin Architectural Art Museum. Before attendees pray for good health and harvest. Following this, head ending off the day, visit the Pedestrian Walkway at Central DAY 1 SINAGPORE / DALIAN (D) to Changchun and visit the Confucius Temple. Street, where you will find a variety of shops advertising Upon arrival at Harbin, our local guides will greet you at the Russian goods. The length of the street is 1450 meters, making airport. Afterward, you will pass by Binhai Lu, Beida Bridge, it the longest pedestrian street in China. Hutanqundiao as well as Bainianchengdiao. We then head DAY 6 CHANGCHUN / DUNHUA / for Xing Hai Square, the largest city square in Asia, built to (B/L/D) CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN (B) celebrate the return of Hong Kong to China, a hotly contested Your first stop of the day will be the Dunhua Liudingshan DAY 10 HARBIN / SINGAOPRE issue to this day. Next, we visit Russian Street to enjoy some Scenic Area. After lunch, visit the Zhengjue Temple, built Proceed to the Russian Culture Themed Garden, the Volga shopping after dinner. You will also be able to admire the during the reign of Emperor Guangxu during the Qing Dynasty Manor. This locale is a stunning country park located in the beautiful night view of Dalian before heading to your hotel for and rebuilt in 1992. Next, proceed to The Giant Buddha, banks of the Ashihe River. It replicates the buildings, churches check in. comparable to the Big Buddha in Hong Kong. Sitting in Northern and restaurants of Russia, and its landscape is beautifully crafted and Southern China respectively, these two Buddha are said to from top to bottom, creating an exquisite sight to behold. bless the land. Next, head to the Jade Buddha Hall located on The Volga Manor is also the location of the Saint Nicholas (B/L) Cathedral, and under the bright sun, the church and square are DAY 2 DALIAN / SHENYANG the Southern bank of the Holy Lotus Pool, surrounded by white In the morning, we depart for Panjin Red Beach, renowned guard and decorated with 18 large lotus flowers. Next, head reminiscent of the Red Square in Russia. After exploring these for its fantastic crimson Sand. It is considered a splendidly onward to the Ancestral Hall of the Qing Dynasty and explore locales, head toward Volga Manor Pavlov Castle, one of the well-preserved wetland, to a degree that is almost unmatched the beautiful Hall of Fairies and the Exhibition Hall of Qing most beautiful buildings amongst the cluster, as well as a choice globally, and contains 266 kinds of precious birds, including the Ancestors. While here, you may also learn about the interesting location for couples to get married. Thereafter, head to the Red-Crowned Crane. The Red Beach Scenic Area comprises and extensive history of Shamanic culture and their worship airport and catch your return flight back home. of three sites of exceptional note, namely the Red Beach ceremonies. The last stop of your day will be Meirensong Park, Dock, Reed Sea Crane-Watching Area, as well as the Moon and afterward, partake in dinner before heading back to your Bay Wetland Park. Thereafter, we will proceed to Shenyang hotel, where you can soak in the Hot Spring. and upon arrival, head for Xingshun Street Night Market to taste the local delights. DAY 7 CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN (B/L/D) Visit the Changbai Mountain and take a walk though (B/L/D) DAY 3 SHENYANG the beautiful area, followed by a cable car ride across the After breakfast, catch a coach ride to the Shenyang Imperial mountain peaks. Then, head for the Changbai Waterfall Palace, designed with a heavy Manchurian influence, the located at the end of the Weihe River. The day ends with palace is vastly distinct from its predecessor and is considered a visit to the Changbai Hot Spring, one of the highest a miniature of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Onward, we head temperature springs with temperatures maintained at around for Manqing Street, where the buildings were constructed in 60 degrees Celsius and reaching a whopping 82 degrees. You the traditional Qing Dynasty style. Then, head onward to the can even enjoy a taste of the famous hot spring eggs. Historical Museum, built to commemorate the September 18th Mukden Incident. It is the only museum in the world dedicated to the incident, and showcases all the facts of the DAY 8 CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN / JILIN matter in full detail. In the evening, get a taste of delicious local (B/L/D) OPTIONAL TOUR: RMB600/pax BBQ Duck for dinner. In the morning, proceed to Jilin, a scenic spot with a river Museum of Manchu + Guandong Ancient Street + Dasheng passing through the city and the surrounding 4 mountains, Walking Street + Marshal Zhang’s Mansion + Grassland creating a magnificent sight. Then, head to Beishan Park, and Horse Cart Ride + ZhongdongRailway Bridge SHENYANG / TONGLIAO (B/L/D) DAY 4 visit the Scenic area in the vicinity, which blends traditional EXCLUDE TIPPING: RMB30/pax/day TOUR CODE: MH11



行程特色 • 特殊行程安排深入边境。 • 体验中国东北边境的鄂温克族、 俄罗斯族特有民族风情。 • 观赏哈尔滨之文艺复兴, 巴洛克, 折衷主义 及现代多种风格的特色建 筑。 • 前往 [黑河市] 地处黑龙江省北部, 与俄罗 斯阿穆尔州首府布拉戈维申斯克市隔黑 龙江相望, 是中俄边境在线规模最大, 距离 最近, 规格最高, 功能最全的对应城市。 • [船游黑龙江], 在黑河乘坐游船游黑龙江, 看两国两岸风光。 • 被誉为 [仅存的一块净土] 素有 [绿色宝库] 之美称 [大兴安岭] 。 • 漠河镇, 位居中国的最北端, 素有“中国的 北极村”之称。满洲里套娃广场。

保证自费: 冰雪大世界室内主题乐园+湿地 游船+牧民家坊+满洲里夜景=600RMB/PAX

导游小费: RMB30/pax/day

第一天 新加坡 / 哈尔滨 (晚) 集合于新加坡国际机场搭机前往中国黑龙江省的 省会-哈尔滨市。抵达后,前往游览[关东古巷] 五大连池 / 黑河 (早/午/晚) 塔河 / 北极村 (早/午/晚) 清砖黛瓦,白灰勾缝,雕花围檐,回廊连环,这 第三天 第五天 早餐后乘车前往 [黑河市],地处黑龙江省北部, [北极村]是漠河县的一个美丽的小村庄,是中国 是用文字白描出的关东古巷,尽览哈尔滨文化。 与俄罗斯阿穆尔州首府布拉戈维申斯克市隔黑龙 大陆最北端的临江小镇,中国最北的界碑就在这 [圣索非亚教堂广场] 是远东地区最大的东正教堂, 个小村庄附近。北极村位于大兴安岭山脉北麓的 是拜占庭式建筑的典型代表。圣索非亚教堂气势 江相望,是中俄边境在线规模最大、距离最近、 七星山脚下,纬度高达53°33′30″,与俄罗斯 恢弘,精美绝伦。 规格最高、功能最全的对应城市。[瑷珲古城] 位 阿穆尔州的伊格娜恩依诺村隔江相望。[神州北极 于黑河市的瑷珲镇,中俄<瑷珲条约>便是在这签 碑],位于黑龙江畔,1994年竖立,碑高2.8米,碑 第二天 哈尔滨 / 五大连池 (早/午/晚) 质为天然花岗岩,重约7吨,正面刻有”神州北极” 定的,城中的一裸老松是为纪念这次会议而种下 早餐后,前往五大连池风景区,参观具有药效的 四个大字,是中国北极村的标志性建筑。[北陲哨 [北饮泉],北洗泉据说可以治疗高血压,游客可以 的,又称为耻辱松。[船游黑龙江],在黑河乘坐 兵],1984年建成,高三米,基台高两米,塑像是 把头埋在泉水里试试是否真有疗效。根据研究, 游船游黑龙江,看两国两岸风光,这里是黑龙江 一尊身着冬装,手握钢枪,英姿威武的边防兵一 同来守卫北疆。[最北邮政局],中国最北的邮政局 冷泉里还有将近40多种人体所必须的微量元素, 上同时可以看到两个城市风光唯一的江段,俄罗 位于黑龙江省漠河县,在中国最北的村落北极村 与法国的[维希]矿泉、俄罗斯的「高加索」矿泉并 斯风情尽收眼底。[大黑河岛贸易城] 中俄商品交 之内。每位来此的游客都会买纪念品和明信片, 列为世界三大名泉,因此每年农历的五月初五, 易中心。 写上祝福的话语,再让工作人员盖上最北邮局的 当地人都会饮用「零点水」据说可强身去病。[黑 戳,从中国最北的地方寄回家,给自己的旅途添 黑河 (早/午/晚) 龙山(含环线车)]为我国典型火山之一,是14座火山 第四天 上一抹独特的意义。[北极亭],留个影,古水井前 [塔河]塔河县名源于驻地塔河镇名。“塔河”当地 了解漠河的历史,俄式农院里来了解北极村民俗 中最高的一座。山势高耸,海拔515.9米,山林多 鄂伦春人称“小故其固”,意为“小河”;1954年进 民风。[中国最北之家],黑龙江边,漠河县北极村 由黑色浮石组成,又称“老黑山”。[水晶洞]如玉的 最北部,是居住在中国纬度最北的中国第一户人 行森林调查时,因此地位于塔河口,定名为“塔 霜花遍布洞内,晶莹剔透,给粗犷的地下熔洞增 家,其居住房屋为”木刻楞”式的小木屋,面南背 添了几分纤柔、细腻之美,洞底寒冰终年不化, 河”,原属呼玛县管辖,1960年8月,由黑龙江省 北。屋前有菜园,院大门朝东。居住房屋三间, 彩色冰雕使您如入仙境。五大连池的四奇四怪 “三 人民委员会批准,设立塔河镇;沿途可欣赏森林 其中一间为厨房,住房西侧为仓房,主要存放杂 物。 伏赏冰雪”,指的就是这里。 林场及大兴安岭风貌。 无购物

第六天 北极村 / 满归 / 根河 (早/午/晚) 第九天 :海拉尔 / 齐齐哈尔 (早/午/晚) [满归镇]属寒温带原始林区,春夏秋气候湿润凉 [扎龙自然保护区]中国最美湿地,扎龙自然保护区 爽,空气清新,特别适宜于旅游休闲渡假避暑, 位于黑龙江省西部松嫩平原、乌裕尔河下游,地 被誉为“中国第二北极村”,“不夜城”,位于大兴 处齐齐哈尔市铁锋区、昂昂溪区、富裕县、泰来 安岭腹地北部牙林线终点。[大兴安岭]位于中国 县和大庆市所辖林甸县、杜蒙县的交界地域,总 最北部边陲,东与小兴安岭毗邻,西以大兴安岭 面积21万公顷。湿地生态保持良好。全世界共有 山脉为界与内蒙古自治区接壤,南濒广阔的松嫩 15 种鹤,在扎龙自然保护区可以找到6种。真可谓 平原,北以黑龙江主航道中心线与苏联为邻,在 野生珍禽的王国。扎龙自然保护区一年四季都可 北纬50度的地平在线,犹如一块绿色的翡翠, 以欣赏到美丽的丹顶鹤。原来丹顶鹤每年定期迁 镶嵌在祖国的北部边疆。被誉为『仅存的一块净 徙并不是惧怕严寒,而是因为冬季缺少食物。 土』,素有『绿色宝库』之美称。[根河]位于大 兴安岭山地,多阴雨天气,纬度高,日照少。[鄂 第十天 齐齐哈尔 / 大庆 / 哈尔滨 (早/午/晚) 温克森林驯鹿部落巡礼]中国最后一个狩猎民族鄂 [中央大街] 全街建有欧式及仿欧式建筑71栋,并汇 温克族的聚居地也是中国最少的少数民族,人口 集了文艺复兴、巴洛克、折衷主义及现代多种风格 仅234人(也是北极圈内以放养驯鹿为生的北欧民 市级保护建筑13栋,是中国罕见的一条建筑艺术长 族同种同语后裔) (驯鹿身躯强健是拖曳圣诞老人 廊。为哈尔滨市最繁华的商业街。大街北起松花江 雪橇的动物,以白褐色最多见,生性耐寒,很适 防洪纪念塔,南至经纬街。[防洪胜利纪念塔]位于 合在高寒地区生活,温驯善良性喜与人相处)。 哈尔滨市道里江岸中央大街终点广场。建于1958年 的防洪纪念塔,为了纪录历年来松花江洪水。 第七天 根河 / 满洲里 (早/午/晚) [根河湿地(含电瓶车)]被誉为「亚洲第一湿地」自 第十一天 哈尔滨 / 新加坡 (早) 然景观。为中国现今原生态保持最完整,也是面积 早餐后前往哈尔滨机场搭机返回新加坡机场,结 最大的湿地,全长970公里,她的总流域面积15万 束此一特别又令人难忘的边疆千里行之旅。 平方公里,相当于4个台湾那么大。[满洲里]童话王 国般的边境城市—满洲里! 它是中俄边境上的中国 和俄罗斯互市贸易区。[猛犸象公园]以扎赉诺尔“猛 犸故乡”文化为主题,2013年被全国旅游景区质量 等级评定会员会,授予国家AAAA级景区,2013年 荣获上海大世界基尼斯总部”规模最大的猛犸雕塑 群”,2014年列入内蒙古“重点公园”。[中苏金街]有 名的南北一条路,从五道街到一道街,步行街,两 第八天 满洲里 / 海拉尔 / 边都是饭店商店餐厅,最南端就是铁路桥,有周恩 呼伦贝尔大草原 (早/午/晚) 来塑像,最北边有熊猫和白熊的雕塑。金街上随处 [满州里国门外观]位于满市西部中俄边境处我方一 可见俄罗斯店铺和美女帅哥,充满了俄罗斯风情, 侧的乳白色建筑。国门总长105米,高43.7米,宽 走在街上有一种身在俄罗斯的感觉,可以说是到满 46.6米,2008年建成。[套娃广场外观]独特异国风 洲里来必逛的购物街,算得上是这里的地标之一。 情的俄罗斯套娃广场是中国唯一的以俄罗斯传统 工艺品套娃为主题的旅游休闲娱乐广场,是满洲 里标志性旅游景区,广场集中体现了满洲里中、 俄、蒙三国交界地域特色和三国风情交融的特 点。[互市贸易区]来自全国各地的游人、商人与金 发碧眼的俄罗斯人摩肩接踵,打着手势与中俄两 国商人购买商品,如同置身异国。[呼伦贝尔大草 原],天堂草原旅游景区位于呼和诺尔湖湖畔,距 海拉尔市区45公里,占地面积20平方公里每逢盛 夏,处处“风吹草低见牛羊”;蓝天白云之下,一望 无际的草原、成群的牛羊、奔腾的骏马和牧民挥 动马鞍、策马驰骋的英姿尽收眼底,抵达后接受 蒙古族最崇高的迎宾仪式-下马酒,参加最隆重祭 祀活动 - 祭祀敖包。 TOUR CODE: MH11


11D10N THOUSAND MILE FRONTIER MOHE ARCTIC VILLAGE enjoying both the scenery of Russia, as well as China. Thereafter, HIGHLIGHTS end your day at the Daheihe Island International Trading City, where Russian traders used to flock across the border in search • Special border trip arrangements of cheap Chinese goods. • Experience the unique ethnic customs of the Ewenki and Russian ethnic groups in the HEIHE (B/L/D) northeastern border of China D4 • Watch Harbin’s Renaissance, Baroque, On this day, we depart for Tahe County where you can enjoy Eclecticism and Modern Characteristic the beautiful forested scenery along the way. buildings • Travel to Heihe City in the north of Heilongjiang Province, view the capital of D5 TAHE / ARCTIC VILLAGE (B/L/D) Amur, Russia. The city of Govetshchensk Begin your day with a trip to the Arctic Village, known faces each other across the Heilongjiang colloquially as China’s North Pole due to its splendor and thick River and is the largest and nearest distance blanket of snow. Then, head for the Shenzhou Arctic Stone between China and Russia Monument, towering at 2.8 meters and formed entirely of • Boat Tour Heilongjiang - Take a cruise on natural granite. Next, head for China’s northernmost post office, Heihe River to visit Heilongjiang. See the located at Mohe. While there, you can even grab a postcard cross-strait scenery of the two countries. and mail it back home, adding a unique twist on your journey. • “The only piece of pure land” - known as the Then, visit the Arctic Pavilion, where you can learn the deep “Green Treasure” reputation [Daxinganling] history of the Mohe River as well as the local folk culture. End • Mohe Town - located in the northernmost your day off by checking out China’s northernmost home, part of China, commonly known as “China’s where the first household of the far north settled down. Arctic Village”. Manchuria Litaowa Square.

OPTIONAL TOUR: RMB600/pax Ice and Snow World Indoor Theme Park + Wetland cruise + Herdsmen’s home + Manzhouli night view


D1 SINGAPORE / HARBIN (D) Catch a flight from Changi Airport to Harbin. Upon arrival, visit the Guangdong Ancient Lane, famous for its cultural displays that feature the Guangdong Migration Period. Moving on, we head over to The Church of St Sophia, the largest Orthodox Church building in the Far East, now home to the Harbin Architectural Art Museum.

D2 HARBIN / WUDALIANCHI (B/L/D) After breakfast, head to the Wudalianchi Scenic Area and visit Beiyinquan, a spring said to aid in treating high blood pressure. Then, proceed to Heilong Mountain, a core area of the scenic area as well as one of the youngest volcanoes in China. Onward, we head for the Crystal Palace within Bailong Cave, composed of a fusion between lava rock and crystalline ice flowers. The lower areas of the cave are paved with glaciers that never melt.

D3 WUDALIANCHI / HEIHE (B/L/D) In the morning, head for Heihe, located along the Russian border. Then, head for Aigun Ancient Town, situated on right bank of the Amur River. Here, the treaty between the Russian Empire and the Qing Dynasty was signed in 1858. Heading onward, take a boat tour, cruising down Heilongjiang and NO SHOPPING TOUR

D6 ARCTIC VILLAGE / MANGUI / GEN RIVER (B/L/D) D9 HAILAR / QIQIHAR (B/L/D) On this day, you will be passing by Manguizhen and On this day, visit Qiaihar, your first stop being the Zhaolong Daxinganling, eventually stopping at Genhe. Manguizhen is Nature Wetland Reserve, which serves as a stopover and a primeval forest, its cold temperatures making it ideal as an nesting area for storks, swans, heron, grebes as well as a escape from the summer heat. Daxing’anling is known as the myriad of other species. While there, stop by the reserve northernmost Chinese prefecture as well as having the moniker park, which features a flock of red crowned cranes, held in of Second Arctic Village. Upon reaching Genhe, visit the Ewenki captivity as part of conservation efforts. Forest Reindeer Tribe, the last hunting tribe in China, as well as the smallest remaining minority group, with a miniscule population of 234 members. D10 QIQIHAR / DAQING / HARBIN (B/L/D) On the final day of the tour, we head past Daqing and back to Harbin. Upon arrival, proceed to the Central Street pedestrian D7 GEN RIVER / MANZHOULI (B/L/D) walkway, stretching an impressive 1450 meters, making it the Begin the day with a visit to the Genhe Wetland, known as longest pedestrian street in China. End off this day with a visit Asia’s number 1 wetland with a staggering total area of 970km. to the Flood Control Success Memorial Tower, erected in After exploring the wetland, depart for Manzhouli, a commemoration of the Harbin people’s success in combating scenic border straight out of a fairytale, with its beautiful a huge flood in 1952. surroundings. It also has the distinction of being a trading hub between Russia and China. Then, head for Mammoth Park to view their intricate carving of Mammoths followed by the D11 HARBIN / SINGAPORE (B) Sino-Russia Gold Street, where you can experience authentic After breakfast, check out of the hotel and head to the Russian culture, featuring beautiful crafts and Russian delicacies. airport for your return flight back home.

D8 ANZHOULI / HAILAR / HULUNBEIER GRASSLAND (B/L/D) Visit the Sino-Russian Border Crossing, located approximately 9km west of the Manzhouli City Center. Standing on top of the crossing gates, you can see the Russian side of the border, as well as catch a panoramic view of the bustling trade center. Heading onward, we visit the Russian Matryoshka Doll Plaza. The square features a unique blend of Russian, Chinese as well as Mongolian influences, making it an exotic paradise. Within the Plaza is also the largest Matryoshka Doll in the world, holding the Guinness world record. Then, visit the actual Trade Zones and mutual markets, and watch the bustling crowds or do some shopping yourself. End off the day with a trip to the Hulunbuir Grassland, known as one of the most plentiful pastures in China. While there, you will be greeted with a traditional Mongolian welcome ceremony, and get a taste of Xiama Wine. TOUR CODE:NMG17


十天九晚 草原大漠风情游

第三天 拉穆仁草原 / 呼和浩特 第五天 萨拉齐 / 响沙湾 / 鄂尔多斯 特别安排 (早/中/晚餐) (早/中/晚餐) • 希拉穆仁草原 • 银肯响沙湾 • 西夏王陵 • 成吉思汗陵景区 大召寺:是中国内蒙古呼和浩特玉泉区南部的一 银肯响沙湾:5A级旅游景区,“银肯”为蒙语,汉 座大藏传佛教寺院,属于格鲁派(黄教)。蒙语俗 译为“永久”之意,为中国三大鸣沙山之一,融汇 特别爱心赠送 称”伊克召”意为”大寺庙”,其中”召”为藏语寺庙之 了雄浑的大漠文化和深厚的蒙古底蕴,汇萃了激情 • 草原手把肉 • 德隆楼涮羊肉 的沙漠活动与独特的民族风情,拥有世界第一条沙 意.汉名原为”弘慈寺”,后改为”无量寺”.因为寺内 • 西北风味 • 回族小吃 漠索道、中国最大的骆驼群、中国一流的蒙古民 供奉一座银佛,又称“银佛寺”.塞上老街:是条具 族艺术团.进行沙漠活动:鄂尔多斯婚礼、小火 有明清建筑风格的古街,是市政府花两年时间重 车、冲浪车、骑骆驼、滑沙、沙袜. 新修缮,体现历史文化名城亮点的一条街道,全 贴心提醒:◎沙漠日晒强烈,做好防晒保护,参加活动 第一天 新加坡 / 呼和浩特 部建筑充分体现明清时期特点,被誉为老呼和浩 (蒙牛工业园区) (伊斯兰风情一条街) (晚餐) 身体力行,注意安全。成吉思汗陵地处鄂尔多斯高原, 特的旧影浓缩. 海拔约1500公尺,正常情况下不会出现高原反应,如有 呼和浩特:内蒙古位于蒙古高原东南部,地势高 身体不适一定及时告知领队. 而平坦。境内有上千个大小湖泊.在广阔平坦的蒙 将军衙署:设于城内中心鼓楼西侧。按一品封疆 成吉思汗陵景区:这里蓝天如碧,苍松翠柏,绿草如 古高原上,没有黄土高原的深沟等地貌.微风过, 大吏规格建造,砖木构制,占地面积约三万平方 茵,牧马嘶鸣,牛羊成群,簇拥着圣主的陵寝,巴音 羊群如流云飞絮,点缀其间,草原风光极为绮 米,共有一百三十二间房屋。清代曾有七十八位 昌呼格河的涓涓溪水环绕着耸立在阿拉腾甘德尔 丽,令人真真实实地体验到『天苍苍,野茫茫,风 将军在此任职,是管辖绥远城驻防八旗、归化城 敖包旁边的陵园,主体建筑是三座蒙古包式的大 殿,正殿内有一座高约5米的成吉思汗塑像,后 土默特旗,乌兰察布盟、伊克昭盟和节制宣化和 吹草低见牛羊』的意境. 蒙牛乳业集团工业园区: 面的寝宫里有三个黄缎子覆顶的蒙古包,西殿里 参观样板车间,了解优质奶制品生产程序,蒙牛乳 大同绿旗兵事务的机构。 陈列有成吉思汗当年用过的兵器. 业集团的三期工程被国际著名的液体奶生产设备 内蒙古博物院(周一闭馆):位于呼和浩特市东二 供应商瑞典利乐公司誉为”瑞典利乐公司全球样 环与新华东街交汇处西北侧,与内蒙古乌兰恰特建 板工厂”.伊斯兰风情一条街:这里回族群众聚居、 筑毗邻,主体建筑面积5万余平方米,造型独特,设备 伊斯兰风格建筑集中、穆斯林商业繁荣,特别是因 先进. 有着千百年浓厚的伊斯兰文化积淀,浑厚饱满的绿 色或黄色的球形殿顶,高耸的柱式塔楼,以沙漠黄 第四天 呼和浩特 / 包头 (早/中/晚餐) 为主的色调,让人领略到浓郁的伊斯兰风情. 和硕恪靖公主府(逢周一闭馆):是康熙皇帝的六 女儿固伦恪靖公主的府邸,其规格类似清朝京 第二天 呼和浩特 / 希拉穆仁草原 地的王府。此公主在康熙三十六年(1697)下 (早/中/晚餐) 嫁喀尔喀蒙古郡王敦多布多尔济(喀尔喀蒙古 希拉穆仁草原:位居包头市达茂旗的东南部,是蜚 是成吉思汗第15世孙的游牧地,敦多布多尔济是 声海内外的旅游避暑胜地,又因希拉穆仁河畔有座 成吉思汗的第23代孙)现在公主府亦是呼和浩特 历史久远的席力图召,故又名”召河”.希拉穆仁, 市博物院. 蒙语意为”黄色的河”.品尝蒙古族传统美食——希 美岱召: 依山傍水,是阿拉坦汗和三娘子的”皇 拉穆仁,蒙语意为”黄色的河”,距离呼和浩特向北 城”,又是喇嘛教传入蒙古时期的一个重要弘法中 100公里.昼夜温较大,盛夏之夜,也凉爽似秋.观蒙 心、藏传佛教圣地,在建筑上更有独特的风格. 古族赛马及博克(摔跤)表演 [30分钟左右], 晚餐用餐席间蒙古族歌手向您致以蒙古族最高礼 五当召:藏式喇嘛庙,内蒙古地区“藏传佛教寺 节——哈达银碗敬酒仪式,敬献最尊贵的蓝色 庙的大学”、有塞外小布达拉宫之美誉,是国家 贵宾哈达;夜晚的星空下举行“草原之夜”篝火晚 重点文物保护单位.它与西藏的布达拉宫、青海的 会,同蒙古族姑娘小伙载歌载舞,晴朗的天气 塔尔寺和甘肃的抗卜楞寺齐名,是我国喇嘛教的 里,可以仰望天空,遥望星轨. 四大名寺之一. TOUR CODE:NMG17


第六天 鄂尔多斯 / 银川 (早/中/晚餐) 第七天 银川 (早/中/晚餐) 第九天 银川 (早/中/晚餐) 沙湖:被誉为”鱼的世界、鸟的天堂、游人乐 西夏王陵:被称为被世人誉为”神秘的奇迹”、”东 中华回乡文化园:位于银川市永宁县纳家户清真大 园”.沙湖是国家首批5A级景区(含大船,观光塔,沙 方金字塔”(含观光车).西夏王陵是西夏王朝的皇 寺北侧,紧临京藏高速公路永宁出口处,依托古 雕园),以自然景观为主体,是一处融江南水乡与 家陵寝,在方圆53平方公里的陵区内,分布着九座 老的纳家户清真大寺和回族风情浓郁的纳家户村所 大漠风光为一体的生态旅游景区.”金沙、碧水、 帝陵,253座陪葬墓,是中国现存规模最大、地面遗 建,以展示回族、伊斯兰建筑文化、礼俗文化、饮 翠苇、飞鸟、游鱼、远山、彩荷”几大景源有机 址最完整的帝王陵园之一. 食文化、宗教文化、农耕与商贸文化为特色. 结合,构成独具特色的秀丽景观.沙湖生态旅游区 水洞沟:古人类文化遗址,位于宁夏灵武市临河镇 中华黄河楼:内设黄河中国历史文化展览馆、黄河 地处内陆,属典型的大陆性气候,属中湿带,沙湖独 水洞沟村,距银川市19公里,占地7.8平方公里.民国 宁夏历史文化展览馆、黄河印象展览馆、黄河文 特秀美的自然景观和得天独厚的旅游资源,是西部 十二年(1923年),由法国古生物学家德日进、 化演艺厅等。是全方位展示黄河五千年灿烂文明 丝绸之路上埋藏的宝藏,静静地等待人们的发掘. 桑志华在这里发现.水洞沟因此而成为中国最早发 的博物馆、黄河文化汇宁夏的重要载体和西部乃 掘旧石器时代的古人类文化遗址,被誉为“中国 至全国的知名旅游景点. 史前考古的发祥地”、“中西方文化交流的历史见 证”,被国家列为“最具中华文明意义的百项考古 第十天 银川 / 新加坡 (早餐) 发现”之一。 早餐后,前往机场乘机返回温暖的家. 第八天 银川 (早/中/晚餐) 影视城:在中国众多的影视城中,西部影城以其 古朴、原始、粗犷、荒凉、民间化为特色,是中 国三大影视城之一,也是中国西部唯一著名影视 城。在此摄制影片之多,升起明星之多,获得国 际,国内影视大奖之多,皆为中国各地影视城之 冠,《红高粱》《大话西游》《新龙门客栈》等 众多著名获奖影片均在此拍摄. 贺兰山岩画:属全国重点文物保护单位,是中国游 牧民族的艺术画廊.贺兰山在古代是匈奴、鲜卑、 突厥、回鹘、吐蕃、党项等北方少数民族驻牧游 猎、生息繁衍的地方. 万亩枸杞观光园:距中宁县城约8公里的舟塔乡万 亩无公害枸杞示范园,是集生产、旅游、观光于 一体的综合无公害枸杞种植示范园区.

导游小费: RMB30/Pax/Day TOUR CODE: NMG17


10D9N AMAZING INNER MONGOLIA the General Government Office, built during the Qing Dynasty to strengthen their northern border. Thereafter we visit the Inner Mongolia Museum HIGHLIGHTS located at the city center of Hohhot. Spanning 7000 • Xilamuren Grassland square meters, the museum features a vast array of • Kubuqi Desert Mongolian items and recounts the historical lineage • West Xia Imperial Tombs of the vast grassy plains of Mongolia. • Mausoleum of Genghis Khan GOURMET INCLUSION DAY 4 HOHHOT / BAOTOU (B/L/D) • Greenland BBQ meal Today we visit the Residence of the Gurun Princess • “Hui” Featured Dishes Kejing, a Qing Era Courtyard house. The former residence is now home to the Hohhot Municipal • Steamboat • Fish head Dishes Museum, which you will be exploring. Following this, proceed to the Meidaizhao Lamasery, a remarkably well-preserved vestige of Altan Khan’s reign. While its outer appearance is that of a sturdy DAY 1 SINAGPORE / HOHHOT (D) fortress, its inner sanctuary presents a strong Upon arrival be welcomed by the local guide at juxtaposition, containing a splendid set of Buddhist Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia. Then, visit Temples and opulent palaces. Our next stop will the China Mengnui Dairy Industrial Park, known for be the Badekar Monastery, also known as the its Manufacturing and distribution of dairy products Wudang Temple. It is the largest Tibetan Monastery and ice cream. After this, visit Islamic street, located in Inner Mongolia, and was designated a protected within the Residential area of the Hui People and national site in 1996. while there, catch a taste of unique local flavors with a muslim twist. DAY 2 HOHHOT / XILAMUREN GRASSLAND (B/L/D) In the morning, visit the Xilamuren Grassland, located within Batou City, part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. While in the area, catch a Wrestling and Horse racing performance before dinner. During your meal, you will be greeted with the region’s greatest honor, the Hada Silver Bowl Toast. After enjoying your meal, experience the festivities of Mongolian Folk Dancing and join in on their Campfire Party. DAY 3 XILAMUREN GRASSLAND / HOHHOT (B/L/D) The first stop of the day will be the Dazhao Temple, also known as the Infinite Temple in Chinese. It is the oldest building, as well as the largest temple in Hohhot. The locals refer to this grand temple as the Silver Buddha Temple for it contains a rare silver statue of Sakyamuni Buddha. Onward we head for TOUR CODE: NMG17


China. Afterward, head back to Helan Mountain’s famous Rock Carving Site to take a look at the SALAQI / ORDOS (B/L/D) YINCHUAN / XIXIA IMPERIAL DAY 5 DAY 7 series of rock paintings distributed widely around After breakfast, we start our journey to Resonant TOMBS / SHUIDONGGOU (B/L/D) Helan Mountain. Proceed to the pollution-free Sand Bay, located in the Kubuqi Desert. There, Your first location of the day is the Xixia Imperial Wanmu Chinese Wolfberry farm, where farming you can experience exotic activities such as horse- Tombs, which you will be traversing via Tram. The demonstrations are integrated into their routine, riding, Camel-riding, sand surfing and desert tomb covers an area of 50 square kilometers and allowing tourists to view the intricate processes up paragliding. While in Mongolia, the next location is is located west of Yinchuan, on the east side of the close. of vital importance. Considered the most reputed Helan Mountain. Since 1972, excavation efforts here attraction in Mongolia, your next stop is the Tomb have uncovered 9 imperial tombs and 250 imperial of the legendary conqueror Genghis Khan, relative burial sites. Moving on, we head to the DAY 9 YINCHUAN (B/L/D) surrounded by beautiful grassy plains. Shuidonggou Ruins, one of the earliest excavation On this day, visit the China Huixing Culture Garden, sites in China, with relics dating back to the Paleolithic a scenic locale featuring the Hui people and their era. There, you can find remnants of early civilization, Islamic architecture and culture. Before ending the DAY 6 ORDOS / SAND LAKE / YINCHUAN day, we head over to the China Yellow River Tower, (B/L/D) with estimates putting them at over 30000 years old. Then, head to the Great Wall Military Defense System, a landmark on the golden banks of the Great Yellow On this day, proceed to Yinchuan and spend River in Ningxia. most of your day at the Shahu Lake Scenic Area, a Ming Dynasty construct that consists of clusters including attractions such as a boat ride, a trip up of beacon stations, barriers, troop camps and even the observation tower and even admission into the emergency evacuation and hiding caves. DAY 10 YINCHUAN / SINGAPORE (B) Sand Sculpture Park. The Park is beyond ordinary, After breakfast, head to the airport for your return featuring natural landscapes as your play area and DAY 8 YINCHUAN / HELAN MOUNTAIN flight back home. combining organic terrain alongside manmade (B/L/D) attractions to create a seamless and unique blend of This day starts with a trip to the Zhenbeipu West enjoyment. This has earned the park a 5A rating by Xia Studio City, one of the premiere film cities in the National Tourism Administration of China, the first China as well as the most famous one in Western attraction to have this distinction.

Exclude Tipping: RMB30/pax/day TOUR CODE: 8D7NKHN


八天七晚 武汉 / 恩施 / 龙缸精华游

武汉 / 荆州 / 宜昌 (早/午/晚) 恩施 / 当阳 (早/午/晚) 行程特色 第二天 第六天 (荆州古城外观)荆州城又称江陵城,是因此地在秦 (玉泉寺)玉泉寺位于湖北省当阳市城西南12公里的 • (恩施大峡谷) 恩施大峡谷是国 破郢后置江陵县,江陵作为地名,历代沿用,故有一 玉泉山东麓,中心景区面积8.9平方公里.玉泉寺大雄 家AAAAA级旅游景区,被专家 城二名,荆州城历史悠久.(荆州博物馆周一闭馆)是 宝殿为中国南方最大的一座古建筑.被誉为“三楚名 赞誉可与美国科罗拉多大峡谷 一座地方综合性博物馆,为国家AAAA级旅游景区, 山”.(关陵)关陵是埋葬关羽身躯的地方.《三国志》 媲美,是清江大峡谷一段 有西汉男尸.该馆配合各种基本建设,先后发掘了 载:建安二十四年,关羽大意失荆州,败走麦城,但仍 7000多座古墓葬和近20万平方米的古文化遗址. 保留着明代的建筑风格. • (云龙地缝) 云龙地缝至少形成 于5千万年前,成为恩施大峡谷 第三天 宜昌 / 恩施 (早/午/晚) 第七天 当阳 / 武汉 (早/午/晚) 一大奇观 (土司城)土家族历史悠久,为远古巴人的后裔.巴人 (莫愁村)莫愁村位于湖北省钟祥市,北邻世界文化遗 • (龙缸) 云阳龙缸风景区:国家 退入现在叫清江古称为夷水的一带,沿夷水西进,势 产明显陵,南依莫愁湖国家级湿地公园.因楚国歌舞 AAAAA级旅游景区、国家地质 力达到川东地区.形成土家族.(女儿城)世间男子不 艺术家莫愁女生长于此而得名.在古郢荆楚传诵着 公园,享有“天下第一缸”的美誉 二心,天下女儿第一城!中国恩施土家女儿城,位于湖 许多美丽动人的故事.(莫愁湖)莫愁湖指钟祥莫愁湖, 北省恩施市区七里坪,是全国土家族文化集聚地,也 莫愁湖景区融山水资源、人文资源于一体,是荆楚 • (荆州古城) 荆州城又称江陵 是武陵地区城市娱乐消费中心和旅游集散地. 大地上一颗璀璨的明珠!(江汉路步行街)是中国最长 城,是因此地在秦破郢后置江 的步行街,有“天下第一步行街”的美誉,是武汉著名 陵县,作为县城而得名 第四天 恩施 / 利川 (早/午/晚) 的百年商业老街,也是“武汉二十世纪建筑博物馆”. (恩施大峡谷)位于世界硒都—湖北省恩施市境内, ☆优质住宿安排全程准5星酒店 是国家AAAAA级旅游景区,峡谷中的百里绝壁、千 第八天 武汉 / 新加坡 (早/午) 丈瀑布、傲啸独峰、原始森林、远古村寨等景点 早餐后游览江南三大名楼之一黄鹤楼,东湖(听涛景 美不胜收.(云龙地缝)云龙地缝至少形成于5千万 区),中餐后前往机场返回温馨的家.(黄鹤楼)是唐代 ☆贴心好礼: 年前,从地缝顶部到地缝底部的地层主要为形成于 诗人崔颢创作的一首七言律诗,此诗描写了在黄鹤 • 赠送恩施大峡谷(上行缆车, 2.1-2.9亿年间、地缝上共有7条半瀑布,成为恩施 楼上远眺的美好景色,是一首吊古怀乡之佳作.(东 下行手扶梯) 大峡谷一大奇观. 湖)武汉东湖生态旅游风景区,位于湖北省武汉市中 • 每人每天矿泉水 心城区,是国家5A级旅游景区、全国文明风景旅游 第五天 利川 / 云阳 / 恩施 (早/午/晚) 区示范点、首批国家重点风景名胜区. 【龙缸】云阳龙缸风景区:国家AAAAA级旅游景 ☆全程不走购物店 旅游品质有保 区、国家地质公园、2016国庆“旅游服务最佳景区” 障,让您玩的安心无忧 ,被旅行者称为长江三峡最后的“香格里拉”,被 户外爱好者誉为重庆版的“小华山”.主要景点有龙 缸天坑、云端廊桥、龙洞风光、龙窟峡、岐山草 第一天 新加坡 / 武汉 (晚) 场、蔈草古长城、岐阳关古道遗址、盖下坝湖泊 搭乘豪华客机飞往武汉天河国际机场导游接团, 等。这种直上直下的形态在世界上极为罕见,享 享用晚餐后入住酒店. 有“天下第一缸”的美誉.

保证自费:龙缸(含玻璃廊橋.電瓶車)+黄鹤楼 =500RMB/人 不含小费: RMB30/Pax/Day TOUR CODE: 8D7NKHN



HIGHLIGHTS DAY 3 YICHANG/ENSHI (B/L/D) DAY 7 DANGYANG / WUHAN (B/L/D) • [Enshi Grand Canyon] is a national AAAAA- [Tusi City] The Tujia people have a long history and are [Mo愁 Village] Mozhen Village is located in Zhongxiang City, level tourist attraction. It is praised by descendants of far Cubans. The Ba people retreat into the Hubei Province, bordering the world’s cultural heritage and experts and comparable to the Colorado area known as the Yishui River in the Qing Dynasty, and the south of the Momo Lake National Wetland Park. It is Grand Canyon. It is a section of the Qingjiang along the west of Yishui, the forces reached the eastern named after the song and dance artist Mo Mou, who grew Grand Canyon part of Sichuan. Formed a Tujia family. [Daughter City] The up in Chu. There are many beautiful and touching stories in • [Yunlong Sediment] The Yunlong seam has world’s men are not the same, the world’s daughter first the ancient Jing Jing Chu. [Mo愁 Lake] Mochou Lake refers city! China Enshi Tujia Daughter City, located in Qiliping, to Zhongxiang Mocho Lake. The Mohu Lake Scenic Area been formed at least 50 million years ago integrates mountain water resources and human resources and has become a wonder of the Enshi Grand Enshi City, Hubei Province, is an national Tujia cultural gathering place, and also a city entertainment consumption into one, which is a bright pearl on the land of Jingchu! [Ji- Canyon center and tourist distribution center in Wuling area. anghan Road Pedestrian Street] is the longest pedestrian • [Dragon Cylinder] Yunyang Longchong street in China. It has the reputation of “the first pedestrian Scenic Area: National AAAAA-level tourist street in the world”. It is the famous century-old commercial scenic spot and National Geological Park ENSHI / ICHEON (B/L/D) street in Wuhan and the “Wuhan 20th Century Architecture DAY 4 Museum”. enjoy the reputation of “the first cylinder in [Enshi Grand Canyon] is located in the world of Selenium the world” - Enshi City, Hubei Province, is the national AAAAA level • [Jingzhou Ancient City] Jingzhou City, also tourist attractions, the valley in the Baili cliff, Qianzhang DAY 8 WUHAN / SINGAPORE (B/L) known as Gangneung City, is named after the Waterfall, proud Xiaodufeng, virgin forest, ancient villages After breakfast, visit one of the three famous buildings in city of Gangneung, which is named after the and other attractions are beautiful. [Yunlong Sediment] The Jiangnan - Yellow Crane Tower, (Tingtao Scenic county Yunlong seam is formed at least 50 million years ago. The Area), and return to the warm home after the Chinese meal. stratum from the top of the seam to the bottom of the seam [Yellow Crane Tower] is a seven-character poem written by > Quality accommodation arrangement 5 star is mainly formed between 2.1 and 290 million years. There Cui Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem describes the beautiful scenery on the Yellow Crane Tower and is a hotel are 7 and a half waterfalls on the ground and become the Enshi Grand Canyon. A big spectacle. masterpiece of the ancient nostalgia. [Donghu] Wuhan East > Intimate gift: Lake Eco-tourism Scenic Area, located in the downtown area • Give Enshi Grand Canyon (uphill cable car, of Wuhan, Hubei Province, is a national 5A-level tourist scenic down escalator) DAY 5 LICHUAN / YUNYANG / ENSHI spot, a national civilized scenic tourist area demonstration • Mineral water per person per day (B/L/D) site, and the first batch of national key scenic spots. > No shopping tour in the whole journey. The [Dragon Cylinder] Yunyang Longchong Scenic Area: National quality of travel is guaranteed and enjoy AAAAA-level tourist scenic spot, National Geological Park, peace of mind 2016 National Day “Best Scenic Spot for Tourist Service”, known as the “Shangri-La” of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, and was praised by outdoor enthusiasts as Chongqing version of “Xiaohuashan”. The main attractions DAY 1 WUHAN (D) are Longchong Tiankeng, Yunduan Covered Bridge, Take the airline flight to the Wuhan Tianhe International Longdong Scenery, Longjiao Gorge, Lushan Grassland, Airport. Meet and greet with the guide,having the dinner Lishi Ancient Great Wall, Yuyangguan Ancient Road Site, before send to hotel. Gaixia Dam Lake. This straight-up form is extremely rare in the world and enjoys the reputation of “the first tank in the DAY 2 WUHAN / JINGZHOU / YICHANG world”. (B/L/D) (B/L/D) [Exhibition of Jingzhou Ancient City] Jingzhou City is also DAY 6 ENSHI / DANGYANG [Yuquan Temple] Yuquan Temple is located in Yuquan known as Jiangling City. Therefore, it was located in Jiangling Mountain, 12 kilometers southwest of Dangyang City, Hubei County after the Qin Dynasty, and Jiangling was used as a Province. The central scenic spot covers an area of 8.9 place name. It has been used in two generations. Therefore, square kilometers. The Yuxiong Temple of Yuquan Temple Jingzhou City has a long history. [Jingzhou Museum closed is the largest ancient building in southern China. Known as on Monday] is a local comprehensive museum, a national “three Chu famous mountains”. [Guanling] Guanling is the AAAA-level tourist attraction, with Western Han men. In place where the body of Guan Yu was buried. The “Three COMPULSORY TOUR: conjunction with various basic constructions, the museum Kingdoms” contains: Jian’an twenty-four years, Guan Yu Dragon Cylinder (including glass bridge. Battery car) + Yellow Crane Tower = 500RMB / person has discovered more than 7,000 ancient tombs and nearly lost the Jingzhou, lost the Maicheng, but still retains the 200,000 square meters of ancient cultural sites. architectural style of the Ming Dynasty. TIPPINGS: RMB30/Pax/Day TOUR CODE: BJ06019


十二天/十四天 北疆风光东方瑞士 + 武汉欢乐游

素有伊犁第一景之称,全长 28 公里,风光峻奇.(中哈 富蕴 / 可可托海风景区 / 边境霍尔果斯口岸含电瓶车)霍尔果斯口岸地处国 行程特色 第三天 (早/午/晚餐) 道312线(上海-霍尔果斯口岸)的西端,.它是新疆与 • 喀纳斯游览三道湾 布尔津 (可可托海景区含区间车)每年夏秋季节,成千上万的 中亚各国通商的重要口岸.(解忧公主熏衣草观光基 • 卧虎藏龙拍摄地五彩湾 野鸭、红雁、白天鹅等云集在此,繁衍生息.山风缥 地)伊犁是我国的熏衣草之乡,与法国的普罗旺斯、 • 地质奇观可可托海 缈,让广大摄影爱好者驻足、流连.(额尔齐斯峡谷风 日本的北海道齐名为世界级的熏衣草种植基地. • 新疆最美的摄影取景地禾木村 景区)从可可托海镇沿额河而上,继续前行便进入开 • 中哈边境神秘的喀纳斯湖 阔的景区广场,让你不出国门就可以享受莫斯科郊 • 雅丹地貌代表景观魔鬼城 外的夜晚.(神钟山)又称阿米尔萨拉峰,气势逼人,叹 • 新疆最大的高山湖泊赛里木湖 为观止的时刻,山间回荡着阿米尔和萨拉姑娘爱情 • 花团锦簇的丰美草原那拉提 的故事. • 天鹅栖息的仙境巴音布鲁克 • 草田宛如深紫色解忧公主熏衣草 第四天 布尔津 / 喀斯湖 / 贾登峪 (早/午/晚餐) • 婷婷玉立隨風搖曳白樺林 (喀纳斯自然景观保护区含区间车)喀纳斯自然景 观保护区沿途观《金山》阿尔泰山的雄伟与秀丽; 报团者可以拥有新疆戈壁玉挂件一个 《银水》额尔齐斯河(中国唯一流入北冰洋)的自 (市场价值RMB988) 然风光,(卧龙湾).(月亮湾).(神仙湾)在通往喀纳斯 特别赠送价值388元RMB大礼包 湖区的途中,必经卧龙湾和月亮湾.它们都是喀纳 斯风景区中的经典风景.(自费乘坐游船)乘坐游船 • 维吾尔族小挂饰 游览喀纳斯湖美景.由水路亲密感受(喀纳斯湖)神 • 维吾尔小花帽每人一顶 秘感。(观鱼亭含区间车)海拔2048公尺,峰顶可鸟 • 每人每天500毫升矿泉水1瓶 瞰喀纳斯湖下游的鸭泽湖.神仙湾.喀纳斯湖 1~3 • 客人免费品尝1串烤羊肉 道湾. • 免费品尝新疆各种干果 第五天 贾登峪 / 途經圖瓦人部落 / 新疆独家安排 禾木村 / 哈巴河县 (早/午/晚餐) 迎接贵宾: (禾木鄉)中國最美的鄉村及中國西部最北端的鄉; • 维吾尔族歌舞接机仪式 這裡住著保持著最完整民族傳統的圖瓦人.(自费游 • 我们特别安排接机时准备新疆馕饼 览五彩滩)阿克图别克的额尔齐斯河五彩滩,兼有火 • 时令水果供各位贵宾享用 (日出日落)、土(雅丹地貌)、金(巨型风车)、水(碧 蓝河流)、木 (河谷秋林)之美.在一片戈壁荒漠中有 一个五彩滨纷的世界.(白樺林)徒步游览白樺樹的造 第一天 新加坡 / 乌鲁木齐 (晚餐) 型千姿百態,仿佛少女的身姿婷婷玉立,隨風搖曳,樹 今天集合於机场櫃台前辦理登機手續,搭乘客機 蔭婆娑,站在樹下抬頭仰望,令人心曠神怡,無盡遐想. 中转前往美丽的新疆首府乌鲁木齐,开始愉快的旅 第六天 哈巴河 / 克拉玛依 / 奎屯 程!新疆维吾尔自治区是中国五个自治区中面积最 (早/午/晚餐) 大,少数民族最多,也是丝绸之路必游览城市. (乌尔禾魔鬼城含电瓶火车)又称乌尔禾风城,在准 噶尔盆地西部,位于克拉玛依市东北一百二十公里 第二天 乌鲁木齐 / 富蕴 (早/午/晚餐) 的乌尔禾矿区,有罕见的风蚀地貌,原黄沙弥漫,发 (卡拉麦里有蹄类自然保护区)卡拉麦里哈萨克语意 出惨厉的叫声,有如鬼哭神嚎,神秘恐怖.(百里 油 田)开始展现在大家眼前,一望无际的油田,密密麻 为「黑色的大地」之意,该自然保护区面积是中国 麻的钻井塔不停上下摆动着. 最大的有蹄类野生动物保护区.(火烧山)这里连绵 起伏的山丘是一片红色,全是风蚀地貌构成,后专车 第七天 奎屯 / 赛里木湖 / 伊宁 (早/午/晚餐) 路过卡拉麦里有蹄类自然保护区,这里属国家保护 (塞里木湖含门票)蒙古语意为「山脊梁上的湖泊」, 的珍稀动物,晚抵达边境小城-(富蕴) 是新疆海拔最高、面积最大的高山湖.(途观果子沟) TOUR CODE: BJ06019


第八天 伊宁 / 那拉提 (早/午/晚餐) 第十天 巴音布鲁克 / 库尔勒 伊宁,号称塞外江南,有着和伊帕尔汗薰衣草的原产 (早/午/晚餐) 地相似的气候温度条件,十分适合薰衣草种植,造就 (天山山脉风光)天山是亚洲中部(主要在中国新疆) 了伊宁成为中国几大薰衣草产地之一,弥漫着浓郁 的一条大山脉(库尔勒)香梨的故乡,很多人没到过 十四天行程 新疆,没到过库尔勒,但都知道闻名遐迩的库尔勒香 的薰衣草香气,美不胜收!(伊犁河风光)位于伊宁 梨.库尔勒綠洲,是全国著名的库尔勒香梨产地.(铁门 第十二天 乌鲁木齐 / 武汉 市郊16公里处,它是新疆流量最大的内陆河.(那拉提 (早/晚餐) 关)「一夫当关,万夫莫敌」的古代关隘-铁门关,位 草原含空中草原区间车)那拉提草原地处南北疆交 于库尔勒市北郊8公里处.古代「丝绸之路」中道的 今早整理好行装后,让我们前往机场搭机抵达 通要道上,西接新源县城东面沿着古道接巴伦台的 咽喉,列为中国古代二十六名关之一.(孔雀河夜景) 武汉,参观(江滩公园):汉口江滩公园上起武汉 公路.那拉提草原是世界四大草原之一的亚高山草 亦称饮马河,传说东汉班超曾饮马.于此故称孔雀河. 客运港,江滩公园保持了亲水、生态、休闲的 甸植物区. 特色.(江汉路步行街):是中国最长的步行街, 库尔勒 / 乌鲁木齐 有“天下第一步行街”的美誉,是武汉著名的百 第十一天 年商业老街. 第九天 那拉提 / 巴音布鲁克 (早/午/晚餐) (早/午/晚餐) (博斯腾湖风景区含门票)博斯腾湖古称“西海”,唐 武汉 (早/午/晚餐) (巴音布鲁克草原含区间车)巴音布鲁克蒙古语意 谓“鱼海”.位于焉耆盆是中国最大的内陆淡水吞 吐 第十三天 为“富饶的泉水”.巴音布鲁克草原,蒙古语意为“泉源 湖.(达阪城风力发电站)在通往丝路重镇达阪城的 (黄鹤楼):是国家5A级旅游景区,“江南三大 名楼”之一,黄鹤楼是武汉市标志性建筑,与( 丰富”,中部天山南是典型的禾草草甸草原,也是天 道路两旁,上百台风力发电机擎天而立,这里就是目 前我国最大的风能基地.(新疆国际大巴扎)新疆国 晴川阁).(古琴台)并称“武汉三大名胜”.(辛 山南麓最肥美的夏牧场.(天鹅自然保护区含骑马往 际大巴扎是新疆商业与旅游繁荣的象征,也是乌鲁 亥革命纪念馆):是依托中华民国军政府鄂 返)每年春天都有成千上万只白天鹅,从南方飞到这 木齐作为少数民族城市的景观建筑,又是一坐标志 军都督府旧址而建立的纪念性博物馆.(大 里栖息繁衍,因而得名「天鹅湖」.此地湖水清澈,雪 性建筑.体现重现了古丝绸之路的商业繁华. 禹神话园):大禹神话园是武汉市汉阳江滩 山掩映其中,己成为中国唯一、亚洲最大的天鹅自 的一部分,是以大禹神话雕雕塑为主题的景 然保护区.(九曲十八湾电瓶车往返)巴音布鲁克草 第十二天 乌鲁木齐 / 新加坡 (早餐) 观园. 原最著名的风景之一就是“九曲 十八弯”,它是开都 早整理好行装后,为此次神秘新疆之旅画上完美的 河的发源地,其九曲十八弯的迷人身姿常常成为旅 句点,结束此次愉快,难忘的深度之旅,前往机场返回 第十四天 武汉 / 新加坡 (早餐) 游者难忘的记忆. 温馨的家园. 早餐后自由活动,中餐自理,整理好行装后酒 店集合前往武汉天河机场返回温馨的家.

不含小费: RMB30/Pax/Day



12D/14D NORTHERN XIN JIANG + WUHAN HAPPY TOUR landforms. Afterwards, passes through the Kalamaili sand shrieks with fierce cries akin to angry ghosts, when hoofed nature reserve, which features rare animals the wind roars. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS protected by the state. In the evening, arrive at the • Kanas visits Sandaowan Crouching Tiger Hidden border town. Dragon, photographing the Cocoto Sea DAY 7 KUITUN / / • The most beautiful Xinjiang’s location : YINNING (B/L/D) Hemu Village DAY 3 FUYUN / KEKETUOHAI / BURQIN Visit Sayram Lake, its name meaning “lake on the • The mysterious on the border of (B/L/D) ridges of the mountains”, the highest mountain China and Kazakhstan. After breakfast, depart to Keketuohai and visit the in Xinjiang with the largest area. Then head to the The Yadan landform represents the landscape of mysterious Irtysh Grand Canyon Scenic Area. Then visit “Tuanguan Fruit Ditch” known as the first scene of the Devil City to Hualin Park,a botanical garden mainly composed of Yili, with a total length of 28 kilometers. [The Sino- • The largest mountain lake in Xinjiang are natural birch trees. It is famous for its white birch trees. Kazakh border Khorgos port contains battery car] Sailimu Lake Flowery and beautiful grassland Proceed onward to the visit Shenzhong Mountain. This Khorgos port is located at the western end of the Nalati Swan perched on the mountain is known as “Amiersala Peak” by the local National Highway 312 (Shanghai-Horgos port). It is fairyland Bayinbulak Grassland like a deep people. Continue your journey to Burqin. an important port for trade between Xinjiang and purple solution to the princess lavender Tingting Central Asian countries. [Worrying Princess Lavender Yuli swaying the white birch forest Sightseeing Base] Yili is the hometown of lavender in DAY 4 BURQIN / KANAS LAKE / JIADENGYU China and has been likened to Provence, France and REGISTER NOW CAN GET AN XINJIANG GOBI (B/L/D) JADE PENDANT (MARKET VALUE RMB988) Hokkaido, similarly famous for their lavender. [Kanas Natural Landscape Reserve with shuttle bus] along the way to the “Jinshan” Altai Mountains’ majesty SPECIAL GIFT VALUE OF 388RMB and beauty; visit the famousIrtysh River known for its • Uygur small ornaments “Silver Water” (the only Chinese lake that inflows • One Uighur flower hat per person into the Arctic Ocean) . Pass by[Wolong Bay]. [Moon • One bottle of 500 ml mineral water per person Bay] and [Shenxian Bay] on the way to the Kanas Lake per day District, all classic sceneries of the Kanas Scenic Area. • Guests can taste 1 string of roast lamb for free [Charge at your own expense] take a boat trip to explore • Free taste of various dried fruits in Xinjiang the beautiful Kanas Lake. Then head to [Guanyuting by shuttle bus] at an altitude of 2048 meters, the peak can EXCLUSIVE ARRANGEMENT IN XINJIANG be seen from the bottom of Kanas Lake, the lake of the Greet VIPs: gods. Uygur song and dance pick-up ceremony. Specially arrange for Xinjiang to prepare cakes. DAY 5 JIADENGGU / HABAHE COUNTY Seasonal fruits are available for VIPs (B/L/D) [Hemu Township] one of the most beautiful towns in China as well as its northernmost township. Here you can visit the Tuva who maintain the most complete set of DAY 1 SINGAPORE / URUMQI (D) traditions of any tribe.[Explore the colorful beach at your Assemble at Changi Airport for your flight to own expense]Then visit Aktobec’s Irtysh River colorful Urumqi. Urumqi is the capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur beach, It has the beauty of fire (sunrise and sunset), Autonomous Region, China’s largest region (a sixth earth (Yadan landform), gold (giant windmill), water of China’s total area.) Here lives the largest ethnic (blue river), wood (river valley), five of the anicent basic minority (total 47 communities). Upon arrival, meet elements of Chinese legend. up with, and greet your guide before heading to your hotel for check in. DAY 6 HABAHE RIVER / KARAMAY / KUITUN (B/L/D) (B/L/D) DAY 2 URUMQI / FUYUN Visit the Urhe Devil City by battery train. Also known [Kalamiri Hoofed Nature Reserve] Kalamali Kazakh as Wuerhe Wind City,it is located in the western part of means “black earth”, which is the largest ungulate the Junggar Basin, in the Wuerhe area, 120 kilometers wildlife sanctuary in China. [Fire Mountain] is located northeast of Karamay City. Thereyou can catch a glimpse here. The hills are red, as they are all wind-eroded of rare wind erosion landforms. The billowing yellow



DAY 8 YINING / NALATI GRASSLAND DAY 11 / URUMQI (B/L/D) Please refer to the itinerary below (B/L/D) Visit Bosten Lake, once called “Xihai” in ancient for 14 days program: Yining, known as the outer Jiangnan, has the same times. It is located in China’s largest inland freshwater climate conditions as the original cultivation location of lake.Next, visit the [Dahan City Wind Power Station] URUMQI / WUHAN (B/D) Ipar Khan Lavender, which thusly makes it very suitable DAY 12 in Dacheng City.It was once a hub of the Silk Road and After packing is complete, transfer to the for lavender cultivation. This has made Yining one of the on both sides of the road, hundreds of wind turbines airport and arrive in Wuhan to visit [Jiangtan major lavender producing areas in China, filled with the stand tall. It is also the largest wind energy base in Park]: featuring a fusion of hydrophilicity, rich scent of lavender. While there, enjou the beautiful. China.Head onward to the [Xinjiang International ecology and leisure. Then head to the[Jianghan [Yili River Scenery] Located 16 kilometers away from Grand Bazaar], a symbol of Xinjiang’s business Road Pedestrian Street] known as the longest the suburb of Yining City. It is the largest inland river and tourism prosperity, as well as the landscape of pedestrian street in China. It has the reputation of being “the first pedestrian street in the world” in Xinjiang. [Nalati Grassland with airborne grassland Urumqi as a minority city. Architecture is another and is a famous century-old commercial street shuttle car] Nalati grassland is located on the main road iconic building. It reflects the commercial prosperity in Wuhan. of the north and south Xinjiang, at Balun Terrace. The of the ancient Silk Road. Grassland is one of the four sub-savannahs of the world. DAY 13 WUHAN (B/L/D) DAY 12 URUMQI / SINGAPORE (B) Visit the Yellow Crane Tower, a national DAY 9 NALATI / BAYANBULAK (B/L/D) The guide will arrange for transportation to the 5A-level tourist scenic spot as well as one Visit Bayinbulak Prairie via shuttle bus. In Mongolian airport and you may board your flight back home of the “three famous buildings in Jiangnan”. this means “rich spring water”. Then visit the [Swan sweet home. The Yellow Crane Tower is also the landmark Nature Reserve which will include horseback riding] building in Wuhan, alongside[Qingchuan every spring thousands of white swans fly from Pavilion]. Then visit [Guqintai],also known the south to the place where it is inhabited, hence as “the three major scenic spots in Wuhan.” the name “Swan Lake”. The lake is clear and clean Followed by “The Memorial Hall of the and from there you can gaze at the snow-capped Revolution of 1911, a monumental museum mountains. It has become the only swan nature established by relying on the former site of reserve in China as well as one of the largest in the the Edu Dudu Government of the Republic world. One of the most famous sceneries in the of China Military Government. Onward, we Bayinbulak Prairie is the “Nine Curves and Eighteen head for the [Dayu Mythology Garden, part of Bends”, which is the birthplace of the . the Wuhan Hanyang River Beach. The park is The fascinating figure of the nine-curve and eighteen filled with Mythologically themed sculptures. bends often becomes an unforgettable memory for tourists. DAY 14 WUHAN / SINGAPORE (B) After breakfast, head to the airport for your DAY 10 BAYINBULAK / KORLA (B/L/D) flight back home. Tianshan is the hometown of a large mountain range in central Asia (mainly in Xinjiang, China) and is famous for their [Korla] pears.many people have not been to Xinjiang nor Korla, but all know the famous Korla pear. Korla Pazhou is the production area of the famous pears. Tiemenguan, The ancient Guanyu- Tiemen Pass, located in the northern suburb of Korla City, is located 8 km away from the northern suburb of Korla. The throat of the Tao is listed as one of the twenty-six Guanzhong in ancient China. Then, enjoy the views of the [Peacock River Night Scene]. Also known as the Yinma River, it is said that Ban Chao of Eastern Han once drank a horse here. Exclude Tipping: RMB30/pax/day TOUR CODE: SCXJXY17


十三天十一晚 【來去絲路】西安麥 積山蘭州河西走廊烏魯木齊浪漫之旅

行程特色 第四天 天水 (麥積山石窟+電瓶 第八天 敦煌 (莫高窟+区间车) / 吐 ★ 全程不走購物站,旅遊品質更有保障,讓您 車) / 蘭州 (黃河母親像, 黃河第一橋) 鲁番 (动车: 柳园—吐鲁番) (早/午/晚餐) 玩的放心 (早/午/晚餐) (莫高窟)中國三大石窟之首:是集繪畫、建築、雕 ★ 西安進、烏魯木齊出,全程不走回頭路,不 (麥積山石窟)中國四大名窟之一,它是典型的丹霞 塑為一體的立體藝術.(吐魯番)位於中國新疆天山 浪費您寶貴的休假時間,讓您一路暢遊絲 山地貌,因形如農家麥垛而得名.(蘭州)簡稱蘭,別 東部山間盆地,是中國內地連接中國新疆.中亞地 路沿途風光 稱金城,是中華人民共和國甘肅省省會,市區依山 區及南北疆的交通樞紐. • (天池、法門寺、麥積山、嘉峪關、兵馬 傍水,山靜水動,形成了獨特而美麗的城市景觀.(黃 俑)景點的電瓶車,節省您的體力 • 參觀兩大佛教寶窟,(中國四大石窟之首)的 河第一橋)又名黃河鐵橋(中山橋),鐵橋於光緒三十 莫高窟、天水(麥積山石窟) 四年(1908年)四月十日開工,於次年七月初四日竣 • 遊覽鳴沙山+月牙泉,體會沙漠的風光.(坎 工,耗銀三十萬六千六百九十一兩.(黃河母親塑像) 兒井)(七彩丹霞地貌)(國際大巴紮) 其象徵了哺育中華民族生生不息、不屈不撓的黃 聚集維吾爾族及其它少數民族的各種手工 河母親,和快樂幸福、茁壯成長的華夏子孫. 藝品及傳統服飾及新疆特產的市集 第五天 蘭州 (水車園) / 武威 (海藏 寺、鳩摩羅什寺) (早/午/晚餐) 第一天 新加坡 / 西安 (回民街) (黃河水車園)水車歷史悠久,外形奇特,是蘭州市古 (晚餐) 今天集合於机场櫃台前辦理登機手續,搭乘客機转 代黃河沿岸最古老的提灌工具.(武威)河西四郡第 成前往中國歷史文化古都-西安.(回民街)位於鼓樓 一郡,位於中國甘肅省的中部,河西走廊東端,是甘 北側,是西安獨具古城風貌與現代文明的歷史文化 肅省下轄的一個地級市.(海藏寺)位於武威市西北 旅遊街區,回民街作為飲食集中的街區而出名. 2.5公里處的參觀,該寺是在原靈鈞台的基礎上,經 明、清兩代擴建而成的寺院,山門牌坊,典雅古樸、 第二天 西安 (兵馬俑+電瓶車) 白楊參天、垂柳婆娑,給古剎增添神奇絕妙之景. (早/午/晚餐) (兵馬俑博物館)有世界第八奇景稱譽,秦始皇自十三 第六天 武威 / 張掖 (七彩丹霞地 歲開始已為自已建造陵墓,在一九七四年發現了陵 貌) / 酒泉 (早/午/晚餐) 墓地下的兵馬俑,出土了大量製兵馬及各式兵器戰 (七彩丹霞地貌)丹霞地貌奇觀形成於600萬年前,位 車,遂成立秦始皇陵兵馬俑博物館.外观(古城墻)建 於張掖市臨澤、肅南縣境內,面積約510多這裏是國 於明洪武三年(西元1370年),自唐朝安史之亂後,長 內唯一的丹霞地貌與彩色丘陵景觀. 安城幾乎毀了一大半,到了五代以後,因駐守長安的 將領覺得長安城地廣人稀難于防守,于是就將長安 酒泉 (嘉峪關城樓+電瓶 城縮爲新城.(大唐不夜城)位於西安市大雁塔腳下, 第七天 車、天下第一墩) / 敦煌 (鳴沙山+月牙 是中國第一個全景式展現大唐盛世文化的大型景 (早/午/晚餐) 觀步行街,成為西安公共文化建設的重大亮點,展現 泉) 早餐后参观(紫轩葡萄酒庄园),品尝当地的红葡萄 了人文、活力、和諧西安的絢麗畫卷. 酒.(嘉峪關市)位於甘肅省的西北部,是甘肅省的一 第三天 西安 / 法門寺+電瓶車 / 天 個地級市,是以萬裏長城西端嘉峪關命名的.(嘉峪關 水 (伏羲廟) (早/午/晚餐) 城樓)嘉峪關位於河西走廊中部偏西,距今已有600 (法門寺)現在的法門寺以真身寶塔為寺院中軸,塔 多年的歷史.(天下第一墩)其為明代萬里長城最西 前是山門、前殿,塔後是大雄寶殿,這是中國早期佛 端的關口,自古為河西第一隘口(長城西端起點起能 教寺院的典型格局,同時也成為中國國寶.(天水)位 錯過).(敦煌)是甘肅省酒泉市轄的一個縣級市,中國 於甘肅東南部的,它是隴東南地區最大的政治、經 濟、文化中心,貫通陜、甘、川三省的交通要道,更 的國家歷史文化名城.(鳴沙山)為一處廣大的沙漠 是絲路的重鎮.(伏羲廟)本名太昊宮,俗稱人宗廟,是 地帶,我們將(自费騎乘沙漠之舟-駱駝),欣賞沙漠 目前我國規模最宏大、保存最完整的紀念上古〝 的特殊風景,並前往(月牙泉)位處沙漠之中,在鳴沙 三皇〞之一伏羲氏的明代建築群. 山懷抱之中,因其形似月牙而得. TOUR CODE: SCXJXY17


水清澈碧透,周圍雲杉茂密,背後是白雪皚皚的柏格 第九天 吐鲁番 / 市区 (途观火焰 達峰.(昌吉回民美食一條街)昌吉州優越的地理環 山、坎儿井、高昌古城+电瓶车、葡萄 境,昌吉回族自治州形成了自己獨特的民族文化和 飲食特色-昌吉回民街的美食,今日您可在此自由享 溝、維族歌舞表演) (早/午/晚餐) 用喜愛的新疆美食小吃.(烏魯木齊)新疆維吾爾自 (途径火燄山)乃六百多年前唐僧玄奘三藏法師前 治區的首府烏魯木齊是世界上離海洋最遠的城市, 往印度,路過此地請授佛經之處,是描寫西遊記舞 是亞洲的地理中心,也是維吾爾、漢、回、哈薩克 臺之地.(坎兒井博物馆)新疆地區特殊灌溉系統,利 等民族生活在這裏,構成了烏魯木齊的奇特風情. 用地形,無需動力,即可弔水灌溉.(高昌故城)此地 由廟宇、官署、塔群、民居和作坊等建築組成,是 第十一天 烏魯木齊 / 市区 (自治 車師前國國王的治地.(葡萄溝)新疆有一首民謠(吐 區博物館、國際大巴紮) (早/午/晚餐) 魯番的葡萄、哈密的瓜、庫爾勒的香梨人人誇、 (自治區博物館)“新疆維吾爾自治區博物館”館名 葉城的石榴頂呱呱),吐魯番多葡萄、水果乃是此 是老一代革命家朱德委員長1959年來新疆視察工 地的特色.(維吾爾族歌舞表演)讓您瞭解維吾爾族 作時為博物館題寫的.之後前往烏魯木齊(國際大 人民能歌善舞的熱情,感受到維吾爾族人輕鬆活潑 巴紮)在新疆[大巴紮]有市集的意思;而這個國際大 的民風. 巴紮,就座落在烏魯木齊的二道橋地區,也是烏魯 第十天 吐魯番 / 天山天池+区间车 木齊最富維吾爾族民族特色的市集. +電瓶車 / 昌吉回民美食一條街 / 烏魯木 齊 (早/午餐) 第十二天 / 第十三天 (天池風景區)傳說這裡曾是王母娘娘的沐浴池,天池 烏魯木齊/新加坡 (早餐) 海拔1980公尺,長約4公里,最寬處為2公里,湖 享用早餐后前往国际机场 结束难忘的丝路之旅!

不含小费: RMB30/Pax/Day



13D11N XI’AN MAIJI MOUNTAIN LANZHOU HEXI URUMQI ROMANTIC TOUR First Qin Emperor. [Ancient City Wall] was built in following year, with a consumption of 306,000. Six Ming Hongwu three years (AD 1370). After the Anshi hundred ninety two [Yellow River Mother Statue] It Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, Chang’an City was symbolizes the mother of the Yellow River who feeds HIGHLIGHTS almost ruined. After the Five Dynasties, the generals the Chinese nation, the unyielding and indomitable, • No shopping tour, quality of travel stationed in Chang’an felt that Chang’an City was very and the happy and happy Chinese grandchildren. protection, rest assured difficult. Defensive, so Chang An City was became • In Xi’an, out Urumiqi, no waste your to a new city. [Datang Ever Sleeping City] is located precious time, enjoy the scenery at the foot of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi’an. DAY 5 LANZHOU (WATERWHEEL PARK) / along the Silk Road all the way It is the first large-scale scenic pedestrian street in WUWEI (HAI ZANG TEMPLE, PHARMA TEMPLE) • [Tianchi, Famen Temple, Maiji China that displays the culture of the Tang Dynasty. (B/L/D) Mountain, Jiayuguan, Terracotta It has become a major highlight of Xi’an ‘s public [Yellow River Waterwheel Park] The waterwheel has cultural construction, showing the beautiful picture of a long history and a strange shape. It is the oldest Warriors] included battery car humanity, vitality and harmonious Xi’an. • Visit the two Buddhist treasure irrigation tool along the ancient Yellow River in Lanzhou. [Wuwei] The first county of Hexi County, caves, “Top Four Grottoes in XI’AN / FAMEN TEMPLE + BATTERY located in the central part of Province, China” and the “Maiji Mountain DAY 3 China, at the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor, is a (B/L/D) Grottoes” in Tianshui CAR / TIANSHUI (FUXI TEMPLE) prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Gansu • Take the Mingsha Mountain + [Famen Temple] The current Famen Temple uses the Province. [Hai Zang Temple] is located 2.5 kilometers Crescent Moon Spring to real pagoda as the central axis of the temple. The front northwest of Wuwei City. It is a temple built on the experience the scenery of the of the tower is the mountain gate and the front hall. basis of the original Lingtai, expanded by the Ming The tower is the Daxiong Hall. This is the typical pattern and Qing dynasties, the mountain gate archway, desert. [Kaner Well] [Colorful of the early Buddhist temples in China, and it has also Danxia Landform] elegant and simple, white poplar, and weeping willow become the national treasure of China. [Tianshui] add a magical scene to the ancient temple. • [International Bazaar] gathering is located in the southeast of Gansu Province. It is various handicrafts and traditional the largest political, economic and cultural center in costumes of Uygur and other the southeastern part of Yunnan Province. It is the DAY 6 WUWEI / ZHANGYE (COLORFUL ethnic minorities and the market of main thoroughfare of the three provinces of Shaanxi, DANXIA LANDFORM) / JIUQUAN (B/L/D) Xinjiang Gansu and Sichuan. [Fuxi Temple] The name of the [Colorful Danxia landform] The Danxia landform Taixuan Palace, commonly known as the People’s wonder was formed 6 million years ago. It is located Ancestral Temple, is currently the most ambitious and in Linze and Sunan County of Zhangye City, with an best-preserved commemoration of the Ming Dynasty area of more than 510. It is the only Danxia landform architectural complex of Fuxi, one of the three ancient and colored hilly landscape in China. DAY 1 SINGAPORE / XI’AN (D) emperors. Check in at Changi airport and take an flight to the ancient Chinese historical and cultural capital - Xi’an. [Huimin Street] is located on the north side of the DAY 4 Tianshui (Maiji Mountain Grottoes Drum Tower. It is a historical and cultural tourist + Battery Car) / Lanzhou (Yellow River district with unique ancient city features and modern Mother Image, Yellow River First Bridge) civilization in Xi’an. Huimin Street is an focus point of (B/L/D) famous food street. [Maiji Mountain Grottoes] One of the four famous caves in China. It is a typical Danxia mountain DAY 2 XI’AN (TERRACOTTA HORSE + landform. It is named after the farmhouse. [Lanzhou] BATTERY CAR) (B/L/D) is referred to as Lan, not to mention Jincheng. It is [Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum] has the the capital of Gansu Province of the People’s Republic reputation of the eighth wonderland in the world. of China. The urban area is surrounded by mountains Since the age of thirteen, Qin Shihuang has built a and rivers, and the mountains and rivers move, mausoleum for himself. In 1974, he discovered the forming a unique and beautiful urban landscape. [The terracotta warriors and horses in the underground of First Bridge of the Yellow River] known as the Yellow the mausoleum. A large number of terracotta warriors River Iron Bridge (Zhongshan Bridge), the Iron Bridge and various weapons were unearthed. Established was started on April 10th in the 30th year of Guangxu the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum of the (1908), and completed on the fourth day of July of the



DAY 7 JIUQUAN (JIAYUGUAN CITY TOW- DAY 9 TURPAN / URBAN (TOUR VIEW DAY 11 URUMQI/URBAN (AUTONOMOUS ER + BATTERY CAR, THE FIRST PIER IN THE FLAME MOUNTAIN, KANER WELL, GAOCHANG REGION MUSEUM, INTERNATIONAL GRAND WORLD) / (MINGSHA MOUNTAIN ANCIENT CITY + BATTERY CAR, GRAPE DITCH, BAZAAR) (B/L/D) + CRESCENT MOON SPRING) UIGHUR SONG AND DANCE PERFORMANCE) [Autonomous Region Museum] The name of the (B/L/D) (B/L/D) “Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum” is the name of the old generation revolutionary Zhu After breakfast, visit the [Zixuan Wine Estate] and [Pathway to the Flame Mountain] It was the Tang De, who wrote the museum for the inspection work taste the local red wine. [Jiayuguan City] Located Dynasty Xuanzang Sanzang Master who traveled in Xinjiang in 1959. After that, he went to Urumqi in the northwestern part of Gansu Province, it is a to India more than 600 years ago. The place where [International Grand Bazaar] to have a market in prefecture-level city in Gansu Province. It is named the Buddhist scriptures were given by this place is after Jiayuguan, the western end of the Great Wall. Xinjiang “Baba”. The international Grand Bazaar the place to describe the stage of the Journey to the [Jiayuguan City Tower] Jiayuguan is located in the is located in the Erdaoqiao area of Urumqi and is west of the Hexi Corridor. It has a history of more West. [Kanerjing Museum] Special irrigation system also the market of the most Uighur ethnic group in than 600 years. [The first pier in the world] It is the in Xinjiang area, using terrain, without power, can be Urumqi. gateway to the western end of the Great Wall of irrigated. [Gaochang Old City] This place is composed the Ming Dynasty. It has been the first pass of Hexi of temples, government offices, towers, houses and URUMQI / SINGAPORE since ancient times [Dunhuang] is a county-level workshops. It is the land of the king of the former DAY 12 / Day 13 city under the jurisdiction of Jiuquan City, Gansu (B) division of the car division. [Grape Ditch] There is Province, China’s national historical and cultural city. After breakfast, head to the international airport and a folk song in Xinjiang (the grapes of Turpan, the [Mingsha Mountain] is a vast desert area. We will end your unforgettable Silk Road tour! (own expense of riding a desert boat - camel), enjoy melon of Hami, the pear of Korla, the pomegranate the special scenery of the desert, and go to the of Yecheng), and the grapes and fruits of Turpan are [Moon Spring] in the desert, embraced in Mingsha the characteristics of this place. [Uyghur singing and Mountain. In the middle, it is named for its shape dancing performance]Let you know the enthusiasm like a crescent. of the Uighur people to sing and dance, and feel the relaxed and lively folk style of the Uighurs. DAY 8 DUNHUANG (MOGAO GROTTO + SHUTTLE) / TULUFAN (MOTORCYCLE: LIUYU- TURPAN / TIANSHAN TIANCHI AN-TURPAN) (B/L/D) DAY 10 [Mogao Grottoes] The first of the three major + SHUTTLE CAR + BATTERY CAR / CHANGJI grottoes in China: It is a three-dimensional art HUIMIN FOOD STREET / URUMQI (B/L) integrating painting, architecture and sculpture. [Tianchi Scenic Area] Legend has it that it was the [Turpan] is located in the eastern mountain basin bathing pool of the Queen Mother. The Tianchi is of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, China. It is 800 meters above sea level, about 4 kilometers long the transportation hub connecting China’s Xinjiang, and 2 kilometers wide. The lake is clear and clear, Central Asia and the North and South. surrounded by spruce, behind the snowy Berga peak. [Changji Huimin Food Street] The superior geographical environment of Changji Prefecture, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture has formed its own unique national culture and food characteristics - Changji Huimin Street cuisine, today you can enjoy your favorite Xinjiang food snacks. [Urumqi] The capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Urumqi is the farthest city in the world from the ocean. It is the geographical center of Asia. It is also the Uighur, Han, Hui, Kazakh and other ethnic groups living here, which constitutes the unique style of Urumqi. TOUR CODE: 8D7NKHN


八天七晚 真惠游山西 五臺山、懸空寺、雲岡石窟、萬年冰洞、平遙古城、壺口瀑布、雲丘山

(早/午/晚) 行程亮點 第六天 平遥 / 云丘山 / 壶口 • 精選山西知名特色景點 雲丘山+景区交通】中和養生地,神奇雲丘山, • 三大世界遺產: 雲岡石窟, 五臺山, 平遙古城 生态环境极佳,森林覆盖率高达89%,负氧离子 • 三大風景奇觀: 懸空寺, 萬年冰洞, 壺口瀑布 含量高达25000个/cm3。各类珍稀古树、药材遍 • 三大特色景區: 雲丘山, 晉祠, 王家大院 布山中,是难得的自然基因宝库。塔爾坡千年古 村落建築群完整的保留了古先民的居住理念,唐 精緻好餐: 代古縣城保留了古城的原始風貌。國家級非物質 • 五臺山靜心齋筵 文化遺產雲丘山中和節始於唐代,綿延千年而不 • 大同自助火鍋 衰。在道教聖地,感受聖人意境。 • 寧武冰火山珍 • 平遙晉商家宴 壶口 / 灵石 / 太原 (早/午/晚) • 雲丘山養生風味 第七天 • 太原烤羊排歡送晚宴 + 山西白酒每桌一瓶 【壺口瀑布+電瓶車】世界第一大黃色瀑布。滾 滾黃水奔流至此,倒懸傾注,若奔馬直入河溝, 波浪翻滾,驚濤怒吼,震聲數裏可聞。親身體 驗“黃河之水天上來”之氣勢,感受黃河母親的神 第一天 新加坡 / 太原 (晚) 秘氣息。【王家大院】作為中國優秀的傳統建築 文化遺產和民居藝術珍品,被廣譽為“華夏民居 【柳巷食品街】山西美食聚集地,承載著老山西 第一宅”、“中國民間故宮”和 “山西的紫禁城”。 人美食回憶的“舌尖上的地標”。體現山西麵食特 色的雕塑,仿古休閒坐椅在由青石條鋪就的道路 太原 / 新加坡 (早) 上錯落有致地擺放著,光潔的大理石路面上, 第八天 早餐後前往機場,結束愉快的旅程,帶著山西人 “酸、甜、苦、辣、鹹”五味人生古體字跳躍著出 民滿滿的愛與祝福,乘坐航班返回溫馨的家! 現,標示著這條街道的與眾不同之處。 晚餐特意 為您安排迎賓宴,讓您在暢遊山西美景的同時, 更有舒適溫馨家一般的享受!

第二天 太原 / 五臺山 (早/午/晚) 【五臺山】與四川峨嵋山、安徽九華山、浙江普 大同 / 宁武 (早/午/晚) 陀山共稱“中國佛教四大名山”。【菩薩頂】五臺山 第四天 【萬年冰洞+電瓶車】形成於第四紀冰川期,距 黃廟領袖寺,建築之華麗居山中諸寺之冠。【顯 今約三百萬年,故名萬年冰洞。 該冰洞位列全 通寺】爲中國最早的寺廟之一,也是五臺山歷史 國一萬多個洞穴中僅有的九個冰洞之首。洞內製 最久遠、影響最廣的寺廟。【塔院寺】寺內釋迦 冷機制最強、冰儲量最多,現開發近百米。已開 牟尼舍利塔高聳雲霄,252 枚風鈴,微風吹過, 發部分分三層,有冰簾、冰鐘、冰花、冰人、冰 叮噹作響,極富古刹情趣。【萬佛閣】俗稱五爺 菩薩等,不一而足。洞內壁上皆冰,堪稱一個冰 廟,五臺山香火最旺盛的寺廟。 的世界。【水景观步道】鸟语、花香、小桥、流 水,如影随形,心旷神怡,如身在世外桃源般。 第三天 五臺山 / 渾源 / 大同 (早/午/晚) 第五天 宁武 / 平遙 (早/午/晚) 【懸空寺含首道門票,不含登临】是國內僅存的 【平遙古城+进出城电瓶车】四大街,八小街, 佛、道、儒三教合一的獨特寺廟。恒山懸空寺始 七十二條蚰蜒巷,滿巷飄香,只因爲古城之中 建於1400多年前的北魏王朝後期,古代工匠根據 有人家。漫步於平遙古城,商販的叫賣聲不絕於 道家“不聞雞鳴犬吠之聲”的要求建設了懸空寺,是 耳,城中洋溢著濃濃的人情味。漫步 【明清街】 中國古代建築精華的體現。【雲岡石窟+電瓶車】 品美食賞美景。【縣衙】保存完整的縣衙建築;【 建於北魏距今1500年。洞窟45個,大小造像51000 古城牆】為中國四大古城牆之一,被譽為“華北 餘尊,為我國規模最大的石窟群之一。是中國佛 第一城”;【日升昌票號】是中國第一家私人金 教藝術第一個巔峰時期的經典傑作。 融機構,是中國現代銀行的鄉下祖父。 不含小费: 人民币30/人/天 TOUR CODE: 8D7NKHN



DAY 1 SINGAPORE / TAIYUAN (D) DAY 4 DATONG / NINGWU (B/L/D) DAY 7 HUKOU / LINGSHI / TAIYUAN (B/L/D) Upon arrival in Taiyuan, we proceed to the Taiyuan Liuxiang On this day, we will start our tour to the Ningwu Ice Caves This morning, we will be visiting the Hukou Waterfall. While Food Street. This street is situated in the center of the city (The trip includes a scenic car ride). The ice caves are the there, catch a scenic car ride around the area to take in and is home to a huge variety of local snacks. The Antique largest in China, and has the amazing distinction of being all the sights and sounds. Thereafter, visit the Wang Family pavilions and memorial archways on this street imitate able to stay frozen all year round, even through the blazing Compound, built in the 1600s in the Qing Dynasty Style. the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties and heat of summer. The Ningwu Cave is 280 feet (85 meters) Then, head back to Taiyuan. contribute greatly to the rustic atmosphere of the area. deep and is situated on the side of a mountain towering more than 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) above sea level. Its walls and floors are coated with ice slicks, and it’s frozen DAY 8 TAIYUAN / SINGAPORE (B) DAY 2 TAIYUAN / MT. WUTAISHAN (B/L/D) stalactites stretch from ceiling to floor. There will also be After breakfast, enjoy free time at your leisure until it is time After breakfast, we will head toward Mt. Wutai. Upon a beautiful forest trail where you can enjoy the beauty of to assemble and head for the airport for your flight. arrival, we will visit the Bodhisattva Summit Temple, which your surroundings. is the most architecturally complete Buddhist Temple at Wutai Mountain. Inside are a myriad of monuments and tablets inscribed by emperors from different dynasties. After DAY 5 NINGWU / PINGYAO (B/L/D) we move on, we will visit the Xiantong Temple, the oldest After Breakfast, visit the ancient city of Pingyao, declared temple on the mountain, built in the year 68 of the Eastern a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1997. Then, head for Han Dynasty as well as a designated state preservation the Ancient City Wall, as well as a street dedicated to the site. Then continue onward to the Wanfosi and Tayuansii Ming and Ching dynasties and filled with architecture and Temples. artwork from those eras. Before the day ends, also take a trip to the Pingyao City Government Office, as well as the DAY 3 UTAISHAN / YUNYUAN / DATONG Rishengchang Draft bank. (B/L/D) In the morning, we will visit Xuankong Temple (package DAY 6 PINGYAO / includes main entrance ticket only). The temple is said to MT. YUNQIUSHAN / HUKOU (B/L/D) have been built by a monk named Liao Ran during the late At the start of the day, visit Yunqiushan within the Xingning Dynasty (386-534), and was restored in 1900. County near Lifen. It is considered a highly popular mountain It was constructed by drilling holes into the cliff-side into for its beauty, and has been lauded in old Chinese texts and which the poles that hold up the temple were set. After that, sayings, which claim it is China’s Loveliest Mountain. Next we head to the Yungang Grottoes, taking a picturesque up, take a visit to Hukou and explore the area. ride through the area. The carvings there Present depictions of the clothing, buildings, musical instruments, dances and decorations of ancient times, providing important insight and information which have contributed greatly to research concerning China’s ancient culture and arts. There are buddhist grottoes cut along the slope at the foot of Zhoushan, and on the kilometer-long carved area, there are still 45 well-preserved caves, containing over 51000 carved buddhis’ statues. After taking in the majestic sight, we continue our journey to Datong.

EXCLUDE TIPPING: RMB 30/pax/day TEL: 6438 5633 TERMS & CONDITIONS Travel Star Pte Ltd, 1 Park Road, People’s Park Complex, #02-12, Singapore 059108 TA-01432 [email protected] TravelstarSingapore TravelStarSG