
PLANNING REF : 182764 PROPERTY ADDRESS : Copse Mead : Scarletts Lane, Kiln Green, : RG10 9XD SUBMITTED BY : Penny Kunzig Scarletts Lane Residents Association DATE SUBMITTED : 23/11/2018

COMMENTS: I write as the Secretary to the Residents Association of Scarletts Lane which represents the 17 households in Scarletts Lane. Following a meeting of the residents on Sunday 18th November we can confirm that some of our residents have lived in the lane f or over 20 years. The Application states the site address: Bears Corner Milley Lane RG10 9TL, yet the supporting statement suggests Land at Scarletts Stables, Scarletts Lane, Hare Hatch, . The entrance to the site is actual ly on Scarletts Lane not Milley Lane and therefore we could be grateful if you could confirm the site address. Our understanding is that the current official classification of the land is agricultural, we would be grateful for clarification of this. As residents we agree horses have been on this site for the last 10 years, although over the last 3 years only one horse has been in evidence. Dog training, it?s our understating the owner has used the field to exercise her own dogs not as a dog training bu siness. Within the last 2 years there has been some additional fencing put up that looks like dog training facilities, however we do not believe that the training of dogs has been consistentregular over the last 10 years. Could you confirm if Wokingham Borough Council requires dog training facilities to be registered and monitored? Over the last 2 years the following has happened on the site? ( google maps can confirm our points below) ?2 garden summerhouses installed on the site ?New Stables mo ved to a central point on the plot ?Building to the left of main entrance has been completely refurbished inc; new patio doors, blockwork, Windows, roof etc ?New entrance created, we understand originally there was only one entrance ?Motorhome regu larly parked on site ?New driveway created with MOT type material. ?Mains electrical supply installed As we understand none of the above has planning permission. In our view the site has become an eyesore, its detrimental to the street scene and goe s against the green belt polices relating to this site.