Private Residents. Coa 311

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Private Residents. Coa 311 BERKSHIRE.) PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COA 311 Chamberlin ·James William,Barna:rds, Chisman Rerbert F. A.. B.A.Can- Olarke Henry Yilford M.B. .)$ Appleford, Abingdon tab. 10 Craufurd rise, Maidenhead London street, Reading Chambers :Miss, 57 Ray Park aven. Chivers Oyril Elliot, The Meads,Gros. Clarko Jsph. 7 Castle cres. Reading Maidenhead venor road, Caversham, Reading Clarke Metford Robert, 12 RarrogaW Chambeu Mrs. : Raremore, Litrt:le- Chi,·ers Rerbert, The Bungalow, road, Oaversham, Reading worth, Faringdon Oxford road, Abingdon Clarke Miss, Icknield, South Rink- Chambers Mrs. William, Rivermead, Chivers Thomas Grant J.P. 8 Derbv sey, Oxford - Sandhurst, Camberley road, Caversham, Reading · Clarke Miss, 16 Waylen st. Reading Champion Miss,1o8 King's rd. Windsr Choate Miss, Bear hill, Kiln Green, Clarke Mrs. Barbon, Ravenswood aV) Champion· Mrs. Stanway house, St. Twyford Wellington College Station Barnabas rd. Caversham, Reading Chorley F. 0. go Hamilton rd.Readng Clarke Mrs. Cheltenham villa, Sehovl .Chance Ernest, The Poplars, Burgh· Chri.stie Mrs. 23 Prospect st. Reading road, Tilehurst, Reading field, Mortimer Christie-Miller Charles William, The Clarke Mrs. 17 College rd. Reading Chandler Frank, 14 Baker st.Reading Deanery. Sonning. Rr,ading . larke R. L. 30 Bath road, ,Reading Chandlel' Frederick Stair, .!ubrey, Chubh Nicholas Drew, Larchwood, Clarke Sydney George, Oulbone, Park Tilehursi, Heading C:nridge, Newbury roacl, Wokingham Chandle1' Misses, 3 Christ Church Church F. \f. Church croft,Hungrfrd Clarl<e Thomas, 57 Alma rd.Windsor gardens, Reading Church Miss, Park st. Hungerford Clarke Waiter B. Briar meade, Chandler Mrs.57 Craven rd.Newbun Church William Napier, Snaprails. Drayton, .~bingdon Chandler Nirs. 121 London rd.Readiug Sandhurst, Cam berley Clarke-J ervoise Lady, Kirby house1 ChandlerW.2W·estern Elms av.Readng Churchill Lady Edward Spencer, Inkpen, Hungerford .Chandler W.G.4 Warwick rd.Readng Queen's mead, King's rd. Windsor· Clayton Harold, Fyfteld house, Fifield, Chaplin Frank, St., Lamhrn Churcher Capt. Bryan Thomas, Hill Maidenhead Chaplin Mrs. 73 Alexandra rd.Readng house, Wargrave Clayton William Henry, 27 Alberi I'd. Chapman Rev. l'rederic John, Churchill Francis James, Cranmere, Cav.,rsham, Reading Vicarage, Drayton, Abingdon Woodcote rd. Caversham, Reading Clayton William John,g2 WokinghaDI Chapman Rev. 0. D. S., .A.K.C. Chmcbill H.A-47 Hamilton rd.Readng road, Reading Clergy ho. Boyne Hill, Maidenhead Uhurehill Mi<s. Holly bank, Fair- Cleave L. W. :;6 St. Leonard's road, <Jhapman A. E. 61 Erleigh rd.Readng view road, Wokingham Windsor Uhapman Ernest, Leyburn, St. An- Churchill Mrs. Woodstock cottage, Cleave William, 12 Albert road, drew's road, Caversham, Reading Reading road, Wallingford Caversham, Reading Chapman John, 42 Grove rd.Windsr Churton ·Mrs. Speen court, Speen Cleaver Rev. Charles William Euseby Chapman Miss, 3 Crescent road, hill. Newbury M.A. Vicar11ge, Church rd. Cavers- Wokingham Civil H. G. V., :B.A.. Wellington col- ham, Reading Chapman Mrs.21Addington rd.Readng' lege, Wellington College Station C!egg Mrs. 84 London road, Reading Chapman •r. 18 Thames side,Reading Clabby W. 10 Donnington sq.Newbury Cle~;g Richard, Farley lodge, Ray Chapman Waiter George, Trescoe, Clacey A. H. 10 Melrose av. Reading Park avenue, Maidenhead Oakley :road, Caversham, Reading Clacey Miss, 17 Bulmershe rd.Readng Clement Mrs. Audley cottage, Chard Capt. Charles, 8o Albert road., Clack Rev. Geo.R<>ginald Sadler M.A. Clementi-Smith Rev. Algernon E., Caversham, Reading 6o Langborough road, Wokingham iM. A. Fir (!rove, Sunninghill, .!scot Charlton A.J.Harmsworth,Botley,Oxfd \lack Mrs. Springdale house, Stan- Clemetson Mrs. 26 Kendrick road, Charlton George, Woodlands, Ken· ford-in-the-Vale, Faringdon Reading nington, Oxford Clacy E. H. 70 London rd. Reading Clennell . Percival F. 17 Chri~t Charlton Miss, 17 All Saints' avenue, c:Jacy Mrs. H. 74 London rd.Reading Church gardens, Reading Maidenhead Clairmonte E. George, Thatched Cleriheev F. G. S. Quarry Wood hell, Charm an John Saunders, 33 High house, Wargrave Bisham, Marlow Town road, Maidenhead Clapham Charles, Hillcote, Oalr Tree Clifford Joseph, z6 High st.Abingdon Charnocli Rev. John S.J. Beaumont road, 'rilehurst, Reading Clifton John Hy. Elliston, Glendowerl . college, Old Windsor, Windsor f:Japshaw Mark.8 Trinity pi. Windsor Crescent road, Wokingharn Charrington Commander EricD.S.O., C! N. 124 Grenfell rd. Maidenhead Cliftol) T. Th& Firs, Reading road; R.N. Worms~all, Kintbury, Hun· r'Jaridge Wm. n8 Whitley st.Reading. Wallingford .. gerford Cl ark Relen. Lady, Binfield lodge. Clinton Rev. William Osbert M. A. Chatsworthy Jesse Pitt, 12 New rd. Binfield, Bracknell . Rectory, Padworth, Reading Reading · Cl"rk Col. Sir J. R -~- bart. O.B .. Olinton Miss, Bella Vista, Maidenhead Chattaway Miss,·. Revel!, Shinfield Braywick ha. Bray Wick, Maidenhd court, Maidenhead road, Reading Clark Albert Edward, The Crest, Clitherow Alfred, 8 St. Anne's road, Chatterton F.<;Cookham rd.Maidenhd Elm road, Earley, Reading Oaversham, Reading Chatwell Archer William, · Bogley Clark A. 6 <iraufurd rise, Maidenhead Cloche Edward, Grovelands, . Ccld . Wood, Kennington, Oxford Glark Artbur Charlton, St. Mar- Ash, Newbury Cheer Chas. Hy. 4 New rd. Reading !!:Het's house, Binfield, Bracknell Clode Arthu~, 6 The Mount, CaTers- _Chellenger Miss, rr Brunswick hill, Clark A. F. 53 Alexandra rd. Reading ha-.:n, Readmg Reading Clark F. 23 St. Luke's rd. Maidenhd Olode Miss. 5 Clarence rd. Windsot .Cherry Vice-Admiral- George Henry, Clark G. M., M.A. The College, Brad- Close Rugh, 30 Western Elms aven. Highfield, Brimpton common, field, Reading , Reading Brimpton, Reading; & ~aval & Clark George, 18 Milman rd.Readng Close P. J. Hamilton. Stapletons . Military club, London W Clark Harry Thomas, Wastecourt, Ch"1mtrey, North Moreton, Wal- Cherry John Wm. Brimpton, Reading Bath street, Abingdon lingford Cheshire John Cord<>roy, 6 St. Anne's Clark Henry Francis, Upwey, Furze Clowes Lieut.-Col. Frederic, Forest .. road, Caversham, Reading platt, Maidenhead . · cottage, Clewer green, Windsor Chetwynd 'l'he Hon. Mrs. Cissbnry, Clark Mios, Cleave cottage, Blew- Clowes Miss, Fernda!e, Sunningdale, . Ascot bury, Didcot Chewett James Henry, .Foibrian, Clark Miss, White lodge, Kintbury, Clowes Mrs.· The Cottage, Streailey, Cold Ash, -N ewbury Hnngerford ·. Reading r/leyney Frank Robert, 104 Basing- Clark Miss Maria, Ingleside,Belmont, Clowes N. B. 2J Bath road, Reading stoke road, Reading Wantage Cluer His Honour Al.bert Rowland, ,Cheyney George Hammond, 2 Hem- Clark Misses, 86 Alexandra T<l..Windsr Wolvelye, Cox green, Maidenhead . dean road, Caversham, Reading. Olark Mrs. Dawson,: St. Relen's· M:ill C!utterbuck Rear-Admiral W. · B., ()hichester- Lady Emily, Lambrenny, house, Abingdon J.P. Manorhouse;Long-Wittenham, Wellington College Station Oiark Percy, Emerald hill, St. Mary's Abingdon Child T. H.99 Connaught ,.d.Readng hill, Wantage Clntterbuck Mrs. Manor house, Long Childs Miss, Brooklands, Marcham Olark Thomas J.P. The Elms, Grove Wittenham, Abingdon , road, Abingdon street, Wai>tage Clutterbuck Waiter Sweating,' 't Ohilds William Macbride :M.A. C'lark W. 14 Basingstoke rd.. Reading Southcote road, Reading J Principal's lodge, Wantage .hall, Ctark W. B. 54 Addington rd.Reading Clyne Frederick, · Faidawn cottage, •. Uppmo Redlands road, Reading Olark W. A. 8 Cla'I'8nce rd. Windsor . Hare Hatch, Twyford Chinneck S. T. E., B. A. The College,. Olark Wrn. R. 15 Crave,_ rd. Reading Coale William Frank, Oameron, Ox- . Bradfielo, Reading · Qlarke Alaxander Felix J.P. Midg· ford :road, Tilehurst, Reading. qhinnery Henry, The Firs, Kintbury, ham house, Reading Coales Frank, 7 Broadway buildmgs, Hungerford Clarke Cecil S. The Arche•,Wargrave Station road, Reading · -- Q.bishohne .John Arthur, Sowberry Clarke Charles Carlos, Woodlands, Coates Waiter, Southernwood, ENt court, Moulsford, Wallin)!"ford Snnninghill, Ascot Hendred, Steventon , Clar:.:" l'irJdi1,1g, .3 ~raven rd.Rea.ding .

—— Preview end. ——

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