Manchester, Conn. Clearing tonight; Monday, April 30, 1984 some sun Tuesday Single copy. 25C — See page 2 iianrljM lpr Mpralb Reagan talk 3 is aired iive in Shanghai 0

By Helen Thomas particularly careful to forestall United Press International Reagan’s repeated efforts to link China with the in SHANGHAI, China —.President condemning Soviet aggression. N Reagan, speaking live for the first White House chief of staff James time, on Chinese television, sought Baker, interviewed in Peking by 'pi once again today to link the United the NBC ’’Today” program, said, States and China in condemning “ I don’t think it’s a big disappoint- the “ evil and unlawful” Soviet ment” that the Chinese would not invasion of Afghanistan. join in condemning its northern The speech at the Fudan Univer- neighbor. sity was broadcast in English in “ I think it's fair to say that the Shanghai, China’s most populous CHinese express an independent city with 12 million residents, but position with respect to the Soviets, there apparently was no simul- but it’s a position that’s parallel to taneous translation into Chinese. It that of the United States,” he said. was the first time during Reagan’s Thick, jostling crowds, esti- six-day state visit, which ends mated by Shanghai police at more Tuesday, that the Chinese govern- than 1 million, lined the streets of ment has permitted a live broad- Reagan’s motorcade route from cast of a Reagan speech. the airport to the university, where Without specifically mentioning he met briefly with a carefully the Soviet Union, Reagan de- selected group of Chinese students clared; "Both the United States and later delivered a major 4nd China oppose the brutal and speech. Herald photo by Pinto illegal occupation of Kampuchea “ I just go home with a dream in (Cambodia). Both the United my heart,” Reagan told the Time to flush the mains States and China have stood students, "that we have started a together in condemning the evil friendship, not (just) an alliance.” Brad Palmer, a employee of the Manchester Water Flushing, required each year by by state regulation, A and unlawful invasion of At a banquet on his last night in Department, flushes out a water line in Highland Street. removes sediment from the the lines. Afghanistan.” China, Reagan proved he has On two previous occasions, the learned to ” gan bei,” — turning his This week the flushing is in progress in that area. broadcasts of Reagan’s speeches glass upside down with expertise were delayed and they were after each ’’bottoms up” toast. heavily edited to delete all referen- “ The famous poet Alfred Lord ces to Soviet aggression, religion Tennyson wrote, ‘I am a part of all and the virtues of democracy. that I have met,” ’ he said in his Economic data indicates siowdown Chinese leaders, who are receiv- toast. ’’The people and places of P China that Nancy and I have met ing a high-level Soviet delegation By Dennis G. Gulino The other lour negative factors place and which interprets a measure what actually happened early next month, have been and seen will always remain a part United Press International were the pace of new claims for slowing as a sign more orders are in March rather than attempt to of us.” unemployment benefits, new arriving than businesses can fill. anticipate what will happen, in- U.S. officials in Peking said WASHINGTON - The govern- orders for consumer goods, busi- Also positive were orders for creased a weak 0.3 percent., privately they were concerned ment’s sensitive leading economic ness formations and a four-month factory equipment, an average of Since an exceptionally strong about the lack of finesse in Earthquakes indicators dropped 1.1 percent in average of raw materials prices. 500 common stock prices and the burst of economic activity in Reagan’s remarks during his visit. March, the first decline in a year The index attempts to sum up the rate of expansion in the money January, when the coincident Chinese sources said the state- and 4 half and another sign the combined influences of a variety of supply. indicators were up 1.5 percent, the rock Italy ments showed a "tremendous economy is slowing down, the volatile economic indicators that As expected, the index for economy has been decelerating. naivete.” They said Reagan’s Commerce Department said usually lead the actual changes in February was revised up to a 1.3 The first quarter's growth of the ASSISI, Italy (U Pl) — A series of earlier remarks were deleted today. the economy by weeks or months. percent increase from the origi- gross national product, a strong 8.3 some 200 earth tremors has shaken because anything aired on state- The reverse follows a strong The index is far from perfectly nally reported 0.7 percent. percent annual rate, rellected central Italy, injuring up to 100 controlled Chinese television series of advances for the compo- reliable, having predicted the last When the widespread revisions mostly January's buying and people, leaving thousands home- would be construed as being site index that has gone up 22.9 recovery while the economy was in the index are taken into account selling. less, damaging ancient churches endorsed by the government. percent in two years. still heading deep into a worse it has been 20 months since the The composite index of leading and interrupting telephone and Before flying to Shanghai, Rea- Six of the 10 available indicators recession. index last went down, a 0.1 percent indicators was 165.5 in March. electricity service. gan wrapped up five days of were negative, led by a shorter Among the four indicators that slippage in August 1982. ' compared to a comparison level of Some 3,000 refugees spent the meetings with Chinese leaders in average workweek and a falling off were positive was one that mea- An accompanying index of so- too in 1967, the department’s night in government-donated tents Peking on a positive note, urging of building permits. sures how fast deliveries take called coincident indicators, which Bureau of Economic Analysis said. and trailers or with family and them to keep differences over friends following the tremors, Taiwan from jeopardizing .im- which began Sunday and were felt proved Sino-American relations. throughout the central province of Reagan and President Li Xian- Umbria. nian signed tax and cultural Feds report rise in spending power Scientists said the last, light accords aimed at increasing U.S. tremor was registered in mid- business investments and ex- moming today. changes with China and witnessed WASHINGTON (U P l) - Spend- ing power — inflation-adjusted income of $12,878, well ahead of the Led by Connecticut’s $14,826 Up to 100 people were injured in the initialing of a controversial ing power rose in 37 states last income — was cut by about 1 national average of $11,675. annual income, the highest of any the tremors, most of them suffer- agreement on nuclear cooperation year, with the East and West percentage point. state in the lower 48, New England The East Coast from New Jersey ing minor cuts or bruises from with the Chinese, which he hailed coasts having a higher average counted four states among the lo Where the nation’s income was through New York also made falling roof tiles or masonry, as a m ajor achievement. income than other regions in the the highest, so were the prices, the states with fastest growing major gains, with its above- rescue workers said. ” My hope is that we are country and the Southeast lagging income. bureau found. average income ranking at $12,871, Doctors in the central region accomplishing something between behind, the Census Bureau "A s usual (the list) shows despite the inclusion of Pennsylva- But the Southwest, which for called off a strike scheduled for ourselves that will also be remem- reported. highest income states are concen- years had been pulling itself nia, which remained below the May 2 to treat the injured. bered 1,000 years from now,” The nation’s income increased trated across the East Coast and further up the rankings on the national average. Three of the province’s most Reagan said at the signing 5.2 percent in 1983, the bureau said West Coast,” bureau analyst Ro- strength of oil industry income, picturesque medieval hilltop cities ceremony. Sunday, better than a percentage bert Bretzfelder said. New England states continued experienced a setback in 1983. 3 — Assisi, Perugia and Gubbio — Reagan returns to the United point higher than the year’s The Western states, mainly their upward trend of the last Income there increased by 2.6 suffered damage. Hardest hit was States Tuesday, stopping in Alaska inflation rate. California, Nevada and Washing- decade, making major income percent, the smallest gain of the Gubbio, where some 400 homes to meet Pope John Paul II before During the 1982 recession, prices ton, remained in the lead last year gains and climbing further above eight census regions of the were damaged. returning to Washington. rose (aster than income, so spend- with their average per capita the national average. country. Mannford under strict curfew 0 Tornado destroys Oklahoma town

M ANNFORD, Okla. (U P l) - The tornado dipped down about Emergency lines provided the troops were called out. National Guard troops today pa- 10:30 a.m. CDT Sunday and ripped only telephone service and two Sunday’s onslaught of severe trolled the d eva sta te streets of a swath 100 yards wide across the emergency shelters were open in weather came just three days after Mannford where a tornado town about 20 miles west ol Tulsa. Mannford, though few residents tornadoes destroyed about 75 per- smashed 100 homes and slashed Mannford Police Chief Oriin took advantage of them. cent of the town of Morris, about 30 through four churches filled with White said he drove up to his house Ms. Anglin said residents were in miles southeast of Mannford, and worshippers, killing one person in time to see it swept away. good spirits, considering the caused heavy damage at Terlton and injuring almost 30 others. “ I saw one of my uniforms devastation. and a number of other locations. -O kM lo n w O 'io v The same tornado, the second hanging in a tree,’.' he said. "M ight as well laugh,” she said. killer storm in Eastern Oklahoma The twister blasted a quarter- ” It don’t help to cry.” oooooooooooooooooooooo in four days, injured another 20 mile-wide path throughnNew As many as a dozen tornadoes, people in a small town 12 miles Prue, about 12 miles northeast of most of them in open areas, were away. Mannford, where another 20 peo- reported to the Highway Patrol Inside Today Most of the houses not damaged ple were injured. and Civil Defense heailquarters 20 pogti, 2 M ctloni OKLiUlDMA by Sunday’s tornado were without Most of the people injured in throughout Sunday morning. power and officials were worried Mannford were in church when the Civil Defense authorities said Advic* ...... 16 the water supply for Mannford’s tornado hit. approximately 150 homes in New B u tlriM t...... 20 1,600 resid en ts had been A man identified as Loren Prue, Mannford, Lake Keystone, CloMlIlxd...... 11-19 contanninated. Athens, about 70, was killed and the Olive area were damaged Comics...... s Entartolnmsnt...... But residents considered them- outside the Assembly of God or destroyed...... 16 Lottorv...... 2 selves fortunate the twister that church when a twister slammed Most electrical, power and Obltuorlts...... 10 also destroyed three schools did his pickup4nick against a building. phone service was disrupted in Opinion...... A not strike during the week. “ The town is uiider a very strict Mannford and officials said the PMPlttOlk ...... 2 “ You Just thank God it wasn’t curfew,” police dispatcher Sandy water supply might have been Soortt...."...... 11-14 Ttltvlslon...... S tomorrow at this time, because it Anglin said early today. " I t ’s not contaminated. Authorities insti- WMAttlMT...... 9 would have been full ol children,” quite as chaotic, but then we don’t tuted an 8 p.m. CDT curfew in said Rick Bruner. have a lot of electricity.” Mannford and National Guard i - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. April 30, 1984 MANCHKSTKR HKRAI-l), Monduy, April 30. 1984 - 3 They set up hotline for help No suitable alternative Water, sewer Manchester Corporal punishment has made some parents frightened rate increases In Brief MMH hasn’t shut VD clinic agencies. ; supplies and the actual VD tests w ho has run the clinic since 1976 — suspension. school board members invariably 8 sw itchi" Bottle law amended By Sarah E. Hall By Patricia McCormack intimidation among students. Herald Reporter are all the state pays tor now. said closing the clinic could Some paddlers punish kids for not Mrs. Berla said corporal punish- back the teacher and principal and The hotline is attended 9-to-5, " I f the punishment is severe, I will air tonight United Press internationai When the Pop Shoppe on Spencer Street Hospital officials have long been discourage those who have a working up to potential. In one ment usually is reserved for the are not responsive to the parents' Mondays through Fridays. Other recommend that they complain to suddenly closed its doors, a number of Manches- More than HA years after seeking to replace the in-hospital sexually transmitted disease Irom second grade, all who did not score disciplining of young students and objections to this type of times callers’ complaints are left the school board," she said. Corporai punishment in schools Manchester residents who use town water and town ter residents got stuck with bottles they could not officials at Manchester Memorial service with another that's eco- seeking treatment. 100 on a math test were paddled for suspension is used for older ones. punishment. - - on recording tape. has b ^ n documented in the calls of sewer service will have an opportunity tonight to get refunds for. It easily won't happen again in Hospital announced plans to phase nomical and confidential. Herpes and chlamydia tracho- neglecting to turn in homework. ’ "In cases where the paddling is "In many, schools, teachers Mrs. Bera said she usually Dr. Carl L. Marburger, educator frantic parents to a hotline run by and a policy director of NCCE in Connecticut, thanks to Rep. Elsie Swensson. out the venereal disease clinic Of course, the teenagers who matis. a bacterial disease with • Students having hands taped severe enough to cause bruises or carry their paddles attached to advises parents to confront the comment on proposed rate hikes for the two services. the National Committee for Citi- Columbia, Md., broke down other R-Manchester. there, it's still open. And although make up a large part of the,clinic's gonorrhea-like symptoms, are to their desks to stop fidgeting. other injuries, parents often report their belts. The teachers are teacher or principal and to also ' The Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on zens in Education. hotline calls about school prob- The General Assembly has passed an amend- they say the clinic is a financial clientele could visit the emergency "rampant" among clinic visitors, • Tying boys together with a to child abuse authorities, intend- accustomed to using the paddle on check up on the legality of corporal increases at 7:30 p.m. in the hearing room of Lincoln Parents dialing the toll-free lems. He said they concerned lack ment to the bottle law that would require dealers drain which cannot be borne room or private physicians — at although gonorrhea and syphilis rope so they would stop fighting ing to place charges against the children for petty or trivial behav- punishment in a particular school Center. number. 800-NETWORK (dial let- of service and programs for to give refunds on bottles for 60 days after the last indefinitely, no suitable alterna- higher cost and without a "lips- are rarely seen in Manchester, and learn to get along. teacher or principal who inflict the ior, such as being late to class, not district or state. The town administration has proposed an increase ters of the w ord), during its first sale of that kind of buttle. It would also require tive has been found. are-sealed" guarantee, clinic Shalamon said at the time. • Placing children in cages in paddling," Mrs. Bera said. having the right color pencil, handicapped students, 14 percent; year asked for help in cases where She recommends that Mom or of 65 percent in water rates and 55 percent in sewer use distributors to redeem bottles from dealers for at "Absolutely nothing new" has hackers are quick to point out. the classroom or in windowless "They soon learn that such missing the school bus to go home, placement in class such as being paddling caused welts and bruises. Dad insist that a report on the charges. least 150 days after the last delivery of that kind of developed in the last few months. VD clinics outside Manchester closets. incidents are not legally consi- talking at lunch time, and being out put in second grade when parents They also sought guidance in incident be put in the child's file, . If the water rate hike is approved, most Manchester bottle. David Morgan, an administrative arc available, but pose transporta- Nancy Berla, director of the dered child abuse and cannot be of their seat without permission. think the child belongs in third Driver charged responding to other inappropriate along with a notation that the residential customers will pay $35.51 each quarter for The measure was introduced by the Environ- aide, said this morning. "The tion problems for young people, NCCE hotline project, said 17 investigated or acted upon by the "These offenses could easily grade, 10 percent; about dealing and demeaning punishments, parent objected. mental Committee of the General Assembly at volume ot patients is about the according to Morgan. A fourth percent of the 4000 calls during the agency. have been corrected by repri- with a poor principal or teacher, T the minimum charge instead of the $21.51 they now in Bolton crash including: Mrs. Swensson's suggestion. same, and things remain on a option. Planned Parenthood, first 12-months were about disci- "The parents may appeal to the mands or penalties much less Mrs. Bera said most parents are percent; about parent rights, 6 to 7 pay. The minimum charge for large users of water • Frequent episodes of mild The law would presumably be clear in cases steady level." offers tests for gonorrhea and pline matters and 90 percent dealt school board, charging cruel and severe and less painful than being shocked that they get no imme- percent; about student rights, 6 to 7 will increase by about the same 65 percent. BOLTON — A 59-year-old Man- paddling, a discipline measure where someone simply stops selling a certain For the last decade, the VD clinic syphilis but refers patients else- with corporal punishment or excessive punishment. But the hit with a wooden paddle, a belt or diate assistance from child abuse percent. For the first 10,000 cubic feet in excess of the chester man was charged with creating an atmosphere of fear and kind of bottle. It is not so clear how it would work has provided free ex'aminations where for treatment. It docs minimum, the charge will increase from $1.50 for drunken driving Saturday after his in bankruptcies, like the Pop Shoppe case. and drug treatment to about 500 provide treatment for some other each 100 cubic feet of water, to $2.46. car crossed the center line of Route The law does not mention bankruptcy. patients a year. Morgan has said communicable diseases, such as 6 near the Bolton Ice Palace and A cubic foot of water contains 7.48 gallons. that it costs the hospital about herpes. crashed into the side of another At least one director, Stephen T. Cassano, has said Weather Digan asks for help $8,000 annually to run the "Obviously, we're going to have car. state police said today. he thinks the 65 percent increase is too much in one 'Thursday-night clinic, staffed by a to find something else at some Peopletalk Connecticut law requires that each spring, jump, particularly since the new water treatment physician's aide and a registered point." Morgan said today. "We Arthur Vesho. ol 79 Summer St., local school districts account for all school-age Today’s forecasts flant is not yet in operation, and thus the quality of nurse from 6 to 7:30 p.m. have a commitment to the was released from custody on a children in their jurisdiction. This spring. Youth Connecticut, Massachusetts and town water has not been greatly improved. Most of the state funding used to community." written promise to appear May 14 3 Jones benefits for kids Service Bureau Director Robert J. Digan is Rhode Island: Sunshine giving The proposed sewer use increase may meet start the program dried up in 1978, Earlier this year. Bruce Sha- in Rockville Superior Court, police Movie producer George Lucas and director asking for help from Manchester residents. according to Morgan. He said drug lamon — the physician's associate said. way to cloudy skies today. Scat- opposition from officials of the Eighth Utilities Steven Spielberg are previewing "Indiana Jones His plea: " I f you know of a child between 7 and tered showers or thunderstorms District. They have said they object to paying the full 15 years old who is not enrolled in school or who and the Temple of Doom," the "Raiders of the developing around midday in the Lost A rk" sequel, in 19 cities on the eve of its May amount of the increase if some of the increase is to does not attend school regularly, please notify the west and by evening in the east. finance construction of, or maintenance of, sewer Manchester Youth Service Bureau, 494 Main St.. 23 opening. The screenings will benefit a variety Becoming windy with highs near 60 lines in the system. 647-3494." Calendars of causes involving children's diseases and along the coast 70s inland. Tonight charities. "It's George and Steven's way of giving scattered showers or thunder- ; The district builds and maintains lines within the back to the kids," said a Lucasfilm spokesman, storms ending. Partial clearing district. Sewage from the district is carried in a large Two nurses get CAPped events scheduled in Connecticut for the week 0 who added none of the stars are expected to pipe to the town sewage plant for treatment. District Manchester beginning April 30. Rooms li.sted are in the Capitol developing by midnight west by A pair of Manchester Memorial Hospital nurses appear at any of the benefits. morning east. Lows around 50. officials feel the district should be held responsible for unless otherwise noted. have stepped up to greater responsibility and pay Monday Tuesday variable cloudiness and capital costs connected only with that pipe and with under the Clinical Advancement Program Pension Baord. 3 p.m., Lincoln Center gold room. windy with a chance of afternoon Monday, April 30 the treatment facility. (C AP), a spokeswoman announced late last Board of Directors, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Center showers. Highs 60 to 70. Hartford — The House meets at 10 a.m. in regular : Mayor Barbara Weinberg said last week that the week. hearing room. Maine: Sunny followed by in- session. . Newton just a realist question raised by the district will have to be The two new “ Advanced Staff Nurses" are Tuesday creasing cloudiness today. Highs addressed sometime, if not this year. Patrick Gagnon, R.N., of South Windsor and Anne Comment session. 9 to l(9u.m., Municipal Building, Tuesday, May 1 Entertainer Wayne Newton spends about 65 to 75 except cooler along the Hartford — The Legislature's Government Admin- Becoming cloudy and windy District Counsel John D. LaBelle Jr., said the Cross. R.N.. of Manchester. directors' office. $300,000 a year for security to protect himself and coast. Showers likely and windy i.stralion and Elections Committee will hold a public Today: Sunny. Becoming cloudy and windy this afternoon with a 40 question may become unimportant now if the Gagnon, who graduated from the University of Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park Committee. 3 his wife, Elaine, and 8-year-old daughter, Erin, tonight. Lows in the 40s. Scattered hearing on contracts with Judicial Department Bridgeport, has been with MMH for 10 years. A p.m., Lincoln Center gold room. but he insists he is not paranoid) just a realist. Song for Solidarity showers and continued windy percent chance of late afternoon and evening showers and directors eliminate from the sewer budget a number member of the Connecticut Nurses Association, Hockanum River Linear Park Committee. 7:30 employees at 9 a.m. in Room 408. A meeting of the "Anytime people find out your Achilles' heel — Tuesday. Highs in the mid 50s and thunderstorms. Highs in the 70s. Light variable winds becoming of the capital projects that would be financed by any committee will be held alter the public hearing in Singer Elton John and Lech Walesa, founder of he has helped coordinate a seminar on child abuse p.m., Lincoln Center conference room. your family and surroundings — every creep in 60s. southerly 15 to 25 mph. Tonight: Partial clearing. Lows around 50. sewer rate increase. Poland's outlawed Solidarity union, got along and workshops on violence management. Wednesday Room 408. the world crawls out from under a rock," Newton New Hampshire: Sunny fol- Winds becoming southwest 10 to 20 mph. Tuesday: Sunny in the Hartford — The House meets at 10 a.m. in regular great Saturday in a chat at Walesa's Gdansk Mrs. Cross, a part-time night nurse, has been at Board of Directors. 8 p.m., Lincoln Center hearing said. "F o r two years. I'v e had death threats twice lowed by increasing cloudiness morning. Variable cloudiness in the afternoon with a 30 percent apartment. With interpreters to overcome the MMH three years. A graduate of the Norwalk room. session. a week. It seems to have slowed. My main with a chance of showers by late chance of showers. Windy with highs 60 to 65. Today’s weather Hartford — The Senate meets at 1 p.m. in regular language barrier, they had tea, exchanged Hospital School of Nursing, she has been a Thursday concern never really was for me as it was for my today. Highs in the mid 60s to mid picture was drawn by Jessica Marquez, 9, of Ridgewood Street, a autographs and Elton gave Walesa a tape of his Fire Calls childbirth instructor for several years. Economic Development Commission, 8 am.. se.ssion. family. I have a big place. It's hard to secure. The 70s. Scattered showers and windy latest album. Walesa responded by pinning a fourth-grade student at Verplanck School. h Lincoln Center gold room. Harttord — The State Board of Education will meet only way to secure it properly is with the right tonight and Tuesday. Lows in the at 6 p.m. in Room 307 at the State Office Building. The badge depicting the Blessed Virgin of Czesto- Cheney Historic Di.strict Commi.ssiun. 4: .30 p.m.. amount of people — 12 to 14 guards." 40s and highs Tuesday in the mid Manchester Saturday, 12; 33 p.m. — Bennet bands to perform meeting will continue at 9 a.m. Wednesday. chowa icon onto the lapel of the entertainer's gray Probate Court. 50s and 60s. grass fire, Vernon Branch jacket. Friday, 4:02 p.m. — gas On Thursday, Bennet Junior High School will Judge's hours. 6:30 p.m.. Probate Court. Vermont: Windy and mild today leak, Spencer Street Road, Coventry (North Wednesday, May 2 The topics of conversation ranged from John's present its Spring Band Concert in the gym at 7:30 Hartford — The Legislature's Executive and and tonight with a chance of ■ I ; (Town). Coventry). days as the owner of a British soccer team to the p.m. Legislative Nominations Committee will hold a public showers and thunderstorms. Highs Friday, 4:40 p.m. — Andover Country's best mom pervasive influence of computers. Walesa asked Saturday. 2:17 p.m. — Performing will be the Concert, Cadet, hearing at 9 a.m. in the Senate chamber. A meeting of today 70 to 75. Lows tonight 40 to 50. reported van fire. Inter- John if he had considered going into politics and car fire. Cross Street, Beginning, and Jazz Bands, as well as the Monday the committee will be held in the chamber after the Barbara Bush, the nation's "second lady,” was Windy and colder Tuesday with state 86 eastbound John quickly said, “ There are too many idiots Coventry (South Percussion Ensemble. The annual awards Regional District 8 Renovation Committee, RHAM named National Outstanding Mother of 1984 by scattered showers. Highs in the public hearing. who push themselves into that and I don't want to (Eighth District). Coventry). presentation to outstanding band students will be High School guidance office. 7 p.m. the National Mother's Day Committee. The 50s. Hartford — The House meets at 10 a.m. in regular be one of them." John invited Walesa to attend his Friday, 5:19 p.m. — made after the concert. announcement comes just in time for Mother's stove fire, 68 Oak St. Saturday, 2:47 p.m. — session. concert in Gdansk — part of his three-city Polish Hartford - The Senate meets at 1 p.m. in regular Day May 13. Asked about her role as a mother of (Town). medical call, Boston A five, Mrs. Bush said she tried to give her children tour — and promised to dedicate one of his songs Extended outlook Turnpike, Bolton (Bolton, Bolton session. to Solidarity. Friday, 6:37 p.m. — Hay will be at PTA bash "humor, support and a lot of love." About her role smoke investigation, 352 Manchester Ambulance). Thursday, May 3 Extended outlook for New Eng- Dr. LeRoy Hay, 1983 National Teacher of the Tuesday Hartford — The Legislature's Program Review as political prognosticator. Mrs. Bush said she Main St. (Town). land Wednesday through Friday: Saturday, 6:01 p.m.— Year from Manchester High School, will speak at Board ol Selectmen. Community Hall. 8 p.m. Committee will meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room 4'A. expects that a mother will someday be the Friday, 8:40 p.m. — Connecticut, Massachusetts and motor vehicle accident, the statewide Parent-Teacher Association Con- Thursday Hartford — The House meets at 10 a m. in regular president of the United States, and, " I expect to standby for mutual aid to Rhode Island: Fair weather near the Bolton Ice P a - vention late this week. Also on the podium will be Board of Library Directors. Bentley Memorial vote for her." Vernon (Eighth District). session. through the period. Highs will be in lace, Bolton (Bolton, Man- Sen. Christopher Dodd and Rep. Bruce Morrison: Library. 7:30 p.m. Hartford — The Senate meets at 1 p.m. in regular Iran crisis doomed Carter . Saturday, 9:09 a.m. — the 50s to lower 60s with lows chester Ambulance). Gerald Tirozzi, state education commissioner: medical call. Division session. Former first lady Rosalynn Carter says she is mostly in the 30s to low 40s. Manya Unger. National PTA vice president for At the Capitol Friday, May 4 convinced her husband would have been Street (Paramedics). Saturday, 6:32 p.m. — P Vermont: Cool and dry Wednes- legislation, and Roger Morrissette, 1984 Connecti- Hartford — The House meets at 10 a.m. in regular Warhol buck for pal Saturday, 11:21 a.m. — chimney fire. Hemlock re-elected if it weren't for the hostage crisis at the day and Thursday, highs in the 50s, cut Teacher of the Yean HARTFORD (U P I) — Here is a list of political session. motor vehicle,accident. Road, South Coventry Andy Warhol came up with a way to help friend U.S. Embassy in Iran. She tells ABC's David lows in the 30s and low 40s. A The two-day event will be held at the Park Summit Street (Town). (Coventry). Athos Pratese, a Rodeo Drive shop owner who Hartman in a taped interview that will air chance of rain Friday. Highs 55 to Salelllte view Plaza Hotel in New Haven. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to Saturday, 11:24 a.m. — recently gave a New York party to launch his new Tuesday on "Good Morning Am erica" that she 65, lows 35 to 45. 6 p.m. on Friday and 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on smoke alarm, Pascal Sunday, 3:48 p.m. — line of babies' bibs, sheets, slippers and other constantly urged Carter to do something. She Maine: Fair Wednesday and Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. EST shows Saturday. For advance registration, call the state Lane (Town). medical call, St. Maurice items. Warhol brought Pratesi one of his says she thought it took a lot of strength for her Thursday. Increasing cloudiness snow and rain-producing clouds wrapped around a storm centered PTA office in East Hartford at 528-9495. Saturday, 11:32 a.m. — Church, Bolton (Bolton, paintings of a dollar sign as a gift. Pratese says he husband to resist the temptation to do something with a chance of showers Friday. over northeastern Iowa. Thunderstorms, along a frontal zone extend motor vehicle accident, Manchester Ambulance). started the give-and-take with Warhol a while drastic in Iran. " I still think we could have Highs in the 50s and 60s dnd lows across the Ohio and Tennessee valleys. High level clouds stretch back by sending the artist a set of diamond- bombed Tehran and won the election — and killed mostly in the 30s. Hartford Road and Fair- from Mexico to Louisiana. Patchy douds produce scattered snow field Street (Town). patterned sheets "inspired by Warhol's diamond- many of the hostages in the process probably and New Hampshire: Fair Wednes- over the Rockies while more widespread cloudiness spreads rain dust paintings." a lot of people," Mrs. Carter says. Saturday, 11:49 a.m. — day and Thursday. Increasing across the Pacific Northwest coast. cloudiness with a chance of show- motor vehicle accident, ers Friday. Highs in the 50s and 60s Waddell Road and West Center Street (Town). /'NCounseUng and lows mostly in the 30s. ' Saturday, 12:34 p.m. — OIJR BI4MiEST SALE OF THE SEASON! Across the nation service call, Branford Street (Town). Vy Affiliates Inc. STARTS NOW THRIT NAY IS Thunderstorms will stretch from Saturday, 7:34 p.m. — northern Florida and the central fence fire, 23 Main St. Gulf Coast to the southern and ! (Eighth District). •Marital & Family Conflicts •Stress Management Huge savings on all the middle Atlantic Coast. Showers ' Saturday, 11:30 p.m. — WeatJiervane tashions brush fire. Camp Meeting •Divorce Mediation and thundershowers will cover the •Hypnosis & Biofeedback SUPER you love. Hurry in now Road and Finley Street Northeast and much of the Ohio •Child & Adolescent Valley and Great Lakes region. (Town). •Emotional Problems for the best selection! Snow will fall over the upper Sunday, 12:44 a.m. — Difficulties •Sexual Problems SANTINGS Mississippi Valley. The Pacific alarm. East Catholic High Northwest will have rain. Snow School, 115 New State •School Problems •Substance Abuse and rain will fall over the central Road (Town). Rockies. Highs will remain below Sunday, 10:10 a.m. — •Psychological Testing •Illness & Disability ON 60 degrees from the northern alarm, Multi-Circuits •Career Decisions & Counseling •Loss & Grief Pacific Coast through the northern Inc., 130 Hartford Road and central high Plains to the (Town). SHIRTS upper Great Lakes region, with 40s Sunday, 12:12 p.m. — from Wyoming through North dumpster fire, 238 N. 677-1182 659-2697 871-6082 763-0419 Suit* m SuHa 18, 8uMa 109, EntlM Dakota to the upper Mississippi Main St. (Eighth AND District). Thm e m h in g o The Madleal Cantar Protaaslonal Bldg. ProfmBlonil Bldg. Valley. Temperatures will warm 270 Firminglon An. 191 Naw London Tpka, 281 Hartford Tp8a. ISO Hararrf An. above 70 degrees from Southern Sunday, 2:02 p.m. — nnmnojCH, ct QUSTONIURY, GT i VERNON, CT ENRELD, CT 3 California through southern New open burning, 180 Green- SKIRTS Mexico and the lower Mississippi Natlohal forecast wood St. (Town). Valley to the Atlantic Coast. The Sunday, 3:08 p.m. — desert Southwest, southern Texas, brush fire. Center Springs For period ending 7 a.m. EST Tuesday. Generally fair weather Is Florida and south Atlantic Coast Park (Town). will have highs in the 80s. forecast for the major part of the nation during Monday night with Sunday, 6:08 p.m. — Camp Shirt skies ranging from clear to partly cloudy. Some rain, however, may be medical call. Interstate Mother's Reg. Bl4. Cotton camp shirt, found over parts of the north Pacific coast and lower Florida. 86, westbound between notch collar, roll sleeve. High and low Minimum temperatures Include: (approximate maxirnum readings In exits 93 and 92 (Eighth Favorite Flowers District, Paramedics). The highest temperature re- parenthesis) Atlanta 49(77), Boston 46(70), Chicago 37(IbO), 0 UPI photo 10.97 ported Sunday by the National Cleveland 40(56), Dallas 51(81), Denver 38(58), Duluth 27(53), Sunday, 7:32 p.m. — grass fire, Jefferson ' Affordably Today In history Weather Service, excluding Houston 58(78), Jacksonville 63(81), Kansas City 44(62), Little Rook priced at Alaska and Hawaii, was 102 48(76), Los Angeles 53(68), 74(85), Minneapolis 30(53), New Street (Eighth District). Blouse degrees at Alice, Texas. The low Orleans 63(80), New York 49(65), Phoenix 56(85), San Francisco Sunday, 7:57 p.m. — $9.75 Reg. $17. Rayon short sleeve On April 30, 1945, Nazi dictator Adolf burned. Here, two Russian soldiers alarm. 111 Highwood Monday morning was 4 degrees at 48(66), Seattle 44(61), St. Louis 46(68), Washington 51(73). blouse, square neck, Hitler took his own life in a bunker under point to spot behind the chancellery Yellcwstone, Wyo. Drive (Town). the chancellery in Berlin. In accordance building that may have been the burial Sunday, 9:44 p.m. — stripes. S,M,L. 9 7 dumpster fire, 45 N. with Hitler's instructions his body was place. School St. (Eighth District). An exquisite orchid Manchester Herald Sunday, 11:40 p.m. — Skirt Lottery pin in subtle tones Richard M. Diamond, Publisher medical call, 151 Oak St. Reg. $24. Madras skiit, (Paramedics). of lavender with Almanac gold toned side button closure. S,M,L. U8l>8 327-500 VOL. CHI, No. 18Q highlights. A rose pin of rich, Connecticut daily Tolland County Today is Monday, April 30, the von Ribbentrop, Hitler's foreign that day, Soviet troops captured satin red color with 18.97 Published-i dolly ‘ “ “ Pt Sondov 121st day of 1984 with 245 days to minister, in 1893, and actress Jill the Reichstag in Berlin. Saturday: 674 ■•tolnloin holMi.,.holldajra w,by the______Mon- Friday, 12:45 p.m. — gold toned leaves follow. Clayburgh in 1944. PubllMlne Co., Mr16 arolnord medical call. Berry and stem. Skirt Play Four: 2405 Monchtstsr, Conn. ----- The moon is approaching its new On this date in history: In 1975, South Vietnam uncondi- Avenue, Coventry (South J.J doss PostoM poldot Mon- Coventry). Each beautifully gift boxed and priced so you can Reg. $16. Weathervunc’sown phase. In 1789, George Washington was tionally surrendered to North PosTMASTea: surprise your favorite ladies. lioplin buttun-lh)nt The morning stars are Mercury, inaugurated as the first president Vietnam, the communists occu- other numbers drawn Saturday Sjnd oddrsss c^nets to ths Mon Friday, 8:31 p.m. — chstlor Harold, ^O . aox 8>1, structure fire, Vernon Venus. Idars, Jupiter and Saturn. of the United States. pied Saigon and re-named it Ho Chi in New England: Monchastar, Conn, tioio. skirt. S,M,L. 1^ 97 Minh City. (Bolton). There is no evening star, In 1803, the United States more Vermont daily: 849. Those bom on this date are under than doubled its land area with the To subacrita, or to report o to S p.m. Mendov throush PrKMv. Friday, 8:53 p.m. — MOTHER'S DAY Maine dally: 388. vary problem, ooll 647-ft46. ______issurUNDAV - ■ the sign of Taurus. They include Louisiana purchase. It obtained all station backup on struc- KVIKh Rhode Island daily: 7473. Offict hours or# 1:30 o.m. to S:30 Tho ManchMiar ^— »-■ i. a. ture fire, Vernon (South emchoA 3 Polish King Casimir the 3rd, French territory west of the p.m. MoMov fbrough Fridm and 7 subKrSiar to United frets Intsnu? TtustedJeweleis Since 1885 founder of Krakow University, in Mississippi R iver for $15 million. A thought for the day: St. New Hampshire dally: 9SSL to• r 10• • o.m.SP.SPSa V Soturdov.W I W 8 W V T . l pollvarvi P V I l W r V tlenol natvt tarylc j^ m o m o . (Coventry). oGlen Lochen, Glastonbury > Eastbrook Mall, Mansfield s l^ ld bo m ^ bv 5 p.m. Mondov Saturday, 3:07 a.m. — mmmtmm 1310, Franz Lehar, Hungarian In 1945, the burned body of Nazi Augustine said, "We make a Massachusetts weekly Meg- tim w h PrMov and bv 7:30 o.m. cSfSSWi.*’' ELi‘ '.1 medical call. Notch Road, Maneboftor, Conn. 06040 Tel. 643-2741 o Hartford Civic Center > M a n c h e s t e r P a r k a d e cpmposer of "The Merry Widow.” dictator Adolf Hitler was found in a ladder of our vices, if we trample abucks: S-I4-I8-84-31-38. Soturdov. MrctiMtacrwoeAiMtar CwdfViia/ArTwican Exptmi Bolton (Bolton, Manches- in 1870, German diplomat Joachim bunker in the ruins of Berlin. Also those same vices underfoot." Massachusetts daily: 1878. ter Ambulance). 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, April 30. 1984 MANCHtSTER HERALD. Monda> . April 3>, 491 - S V.S./World H a rt b a c k s Isra elis d e tain settlers in w a k e o f W e st B a n k a tta ck disaster — a big tragedy irom the human poim ol have been caused in a tragedy that also would have occupied region. Meeting m «nei^ncy sessio^ In Brief B y An o n K . Safadi view ’’ Meridor quoted Prime Minister Yitzhak resulted in inestimable damage to the stale of Israel leaders ot Jewish seulemenis in the West Bank s^M re form of Unit e d Pre ss Int ern a tion al Shamir as telling the Cabinet. and to its diplomatic moves." Shamir said. I he majority ol those detained had no connett ton So the “The death ot a very large number of people could The arrests in the West Bank stunned renters in the terror attempt. JERUSALEM — Israeli security authorities British w a rn Liby a ns reportedly are focusing an investigation of suspected . TRIPOLI. Libya — A British diplomat urged im m igra tio n Jewish terrorism on previous unsolved attacks Libya not to damage the vacated British against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. I Emba.ssy today, hours after Col. Moammar . As of late Sunday, police had detained 35 Jewish Khadafy accused Britain of protecting "terror- By Laurence McQuillan suspects for questioning in the attempted bombing of ists and enemies" of Libya. United Press International Arab buses in east Jerusalem Friday, security Khadafy also repeated his threat to open formal sources said. Many of the detainees were settlers relations with the outlawed Irish Republican Courting Hispanic voters in Texas, Gary Hart says from the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Army unless Britain re.storesdiplomatic ties with he favors granting amnesty to illegal aliens who Leaders of Jewish settlement movements and CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN Libya, broken off following the killing of a British entered the United States many years ago and high-ranking reserve army officers, including one on policewoman that sparked a 10-day siege at the "settled down" to become "productive citizens." active duty, were among those pickeid up by police, the Libyan mission in London. Former Vice President Walter Mondale Sunday did sources said. "We declare our complete support for the his campaigning in the District of Columbia, which State-owned Israel Television Sunday quoted an independence and unification of Ireland," said holds a primary Tuesday , while Jesse Jackson took a unidentified senior police source who said investiga- ____ DELI HUT Khadafy in an interview broadcast on French sweep through Qhio, Indiana and Tennesee. tors would now concentrate on solving previous terror national television. All three were gearing up for a major onslaught in attacks — a 1980 car bombing that maimed two Arab BUTCHER SHOP "We will support (the IRA) and, as a first step, the next nine days, during which voters in several mayors and last summer's assault on the Hebron U S M O K N C i - K P P n O NI or SAUSAGE the IRA will have bureaus open unless there is states choose more than 700 delegates to the Islamic College in which three Palestinians were ' t i i i a s **2.29 agreement reached between Great Britain and Democratic National Convention in San Francisco killed and 80 wounded. URIOIN ROAST us." said Khadafy in the interview taped this July. Interior Minister Josef BUrg told Israel Radio “it is [SPOON ROAST) II. Saturday in Tripoli. The latest United Press International delegate now possible proof exists" of a well-organized Jewish ' <3.39 {AgjytpE A PEPPEUS **3.29 totals — including Saturday's completion of Michi- terrorist underground. U S M C N M C E — B O N E I E S S gan's 155-member delegation — shows 1,171 for But Cabinet Secretary Dan Meridor said it was too SIRIOIN **3.89 Em b a ssy s e arch pla nn e d Mondale. 620 for Hart, 181 for Jackson, 338 early "to pass judgment.” LONDON — Police with bomb-sniffing dogs uncommitted and 58 committed to others. The Israeli news reports described the investigation into ’ STEAK ih. <3.49 N .^ O T DOGS **1.99 prepared today to search the Libyan embassy nomination requires 1,%7 of the 3,933 convention the attempted bombings as the first serious attempt to F I E S N — 2 K 4 L B . 6 V E M G E Husunt building that authorities feared might be rigged delegates. uncover the scope of Jewish underground activity in "I view the illegal alien problem as both good and UPl photo **2.29 3 with explosives after a 10-day siege. the occupied territories. PORK S W IH E nJIN D "It is a risky business. I personally wouldn't bad," Hart said Sunday in El Paso, Texas, where he At its weekly meeting Sunday, the Cabinet was like to be the first one through the door," police was campaigning for the state's caucuses on A bord er p a trolm an (righ t) at the tressle wh e n a train traveling south met briefed by the chief of the General Security Services, SPARERIBS ih. <1.69 SWISS CHEESE **2.79 wITN MUSHROOMS inspector Alex Fish said. Saturday. There are 169 delegates at stake in that Kingsville, Te x a s bord er patrol office th e gro u p h e a d-on on th e tra ck n e ar the Israeli equivalent of the FBI, on Friday's bombing F B E S M — P E R i r S N O T O B S W E E T A police spokesman at the scene in St. James' contest. int erviews a Sa lva dora n na tional who Riviera, Te x a s. Th e wom a n (c e nt e r) w as attempt. GEMIAN BRIE **3.49 Details of the briefing were withheld for security iK SII CHOUM) Square said: "We are going in this afternoon, "Many hard-working people have come into this also a m e mb er of th e gro u p of aliens probably between 3 and 4 p.m. (10 a.m. and II was involved in a train a ccid e nt Su nd a y reasons and no official statement was issued by the SAUSAGE Ik country and taken jobs that no one else has wanted to which killed four a nd injured e ight of a w hich e ncount e re d the Missouri-P a cific <1.79 AMEIETTO COFFEE KANS **4.99 a.m. EDT)." do. They have settled here, paid taxes and have police. Israeli news reports said bombs found on four W p a tnr D a ld i F iy t t r B a tter Dipped A Saudi Arabian diplomat was expected to become productive citizens. It would be very b and of Sa lva dora ns traveling across a train. to six Arab buses had been timed to explode during the 0 accompany police inside, since Saudi Arabia now afternoon rush hour Friday. DRUMSTICKS disruptive to force them to return to the country of •'The security forces ... prevented a very heavy PRODUCE handles Libya's affairs in Britain. their origin." r Diplomatic immunity for the five-story town- Speaking from the steps of the Ysleta Mission, the & THIGHS<. <2.99 Large Size C«Ro Icebarg ------house ran out at midnight and police and army oldest building in Texas, however. Hart said he is R io G r a n d e V a lle y tra in a c c id e n t .R I.59C experts just before noon prepared to search for Large S h e R erid a Oreea Pepper (C re e l te r S t e f.)------concerned that a large influx of illegal aliens poses a SEA COVE Fresh Seethera Green Sqe e th------Ik . 4SC clues into the killing of a policewoman who was threat to jobs for U.S. citizens. hit April 17 by gunfire from an embassy window. F ig h tin g bio c k s Fresh C aM . Carrate 1# CeRe h ag------?/ • ** Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist chief, Cmdr. "An immigration reform policy for the United kills f o u r a lie ns fro m S a lv a d o r F B E S H Extra Faece hajae Pe ers------^ *** William Hucklesby took charge of the operation. States needs to be balanced," he said. "We need to Explosives experts with Labrador Retriever dogs control our borders, but we must realize the problem SARITA, Texas (UPI) — A \ over to an uncle in Houston late search lor more aliens was called e ffort to form BAY SCAllOPS .<2.99 Large Size Navel Oranges 72 s h e ------S/OS* trained to sniff out dynamite were to lead the will not be solved until Mexico's economy turns back group of Salvadoran illegal immi- Sunday. off Sunday night. Extra FM cy W asHagte e State Rad a r CaldMi DaHda as Rpptes C(S1.4S potentially hazardous search of the 70-room up." grants following a well-traveled The smugglers who brought the. mansion in case the Libyans rigged up booby-trap smuggler's route through the Rio “They'll be turned over to Salvadorans across the border- B e iru t co a iition F R E S H B O S T O N B L U E F IS M BAKERY DEPT. bombs before they left. Mondale spoke to some 50 delegate candidates in a Grande Valley jum|wd from a Immigration (and Naturalization were not apprehended, authorities sweltering room at his Washington campaign railroad trestle, terrified at the Service) for deportation," he said. said. B y Hugh Pope POLIOCK FILIETS .<1.69 Honey & Egg Rolls 6/69C headquarters. He approvingly borrowed quotes from sight of a freight train rounding a “Some of the family members Train accidents involving illegal Unite d Press Int ern ational P arole d m a n no p ara plegic Jackson, did not mention Hart, and attacked corner at 40 mph. Four were killed are pretty hysterical, some of aliens are not uncommon along the Fresh Italian Bread 2/’ 1.00 CHICAGO — A man who was granted clemency President Reagan's qualifications to conduct foreign and seven injured. them lost kids. The others are not south Texas border. BEIRUT, Lebanon — Battles between Moslem and policy. Fresh Baked Brownies ea. 39C after serving only five months of a five-year Although Kenedy County Sheriff in too bad shape. We’ve got one The area from the lower Rio Christian militiamen in downtown Beirut are prison sentence for cocaine possession may be He said the president's trip to China is a success but Jimmy Chandler said it was husband here who lost a wife and Grande Valley north through overshadowing political efforts to unite Lebanon's put back behind burs for taking a stroll through only because Reagan "suddenly realized he has been unclear how many of the refugees two kids," he said. Kingsville is the main route for- warring factions in a new government. town. The parole board thought he was a wrong for 30 years" about siding only with Taiwan. were struck by the train and how The Salvadorans reportedly had Central Americans entering the Despite the clashes. Prime Minister-designate paraplegic. The nation needs a president who has "read and many were killed or injured in the paid $600 apiece to smugglers, United States, authorities said. Rashid Karami resumes talks today with Christian Gov. James R. Thompson has ordered the understood history and knows the complexities and fall to a rocky creek 30 feet below, a called coyotes, who were supposed About 10 percent of the aliens' President Amin Gemayel on forming a new executive clemency granted to John Irpino, 39, be dangers of the world that we're in," he said. spokesman for the Turcotte Mortu- to take them to Houston. They had caught entering the country are government to give Lebanon's Moslem majority IUfAYBEST CHICKEN LEGS lb# .70 revoked and the Illinois Prisoner Review Board ary in Kingsville, where the bodies traveled about 85 miles into the captured along that border area, equal power. reopen the case to review new evidence. Jackson Sunday criticized the Carter-Mondale were taken, said most of the United States when the accident representing the highest percen- Beirut radio said Karami would travel from the WAYBEST CHICKEN BREASTS------fc l M S Irpino rolled into his clemency hearing last administration for allowing unemployment to in- victims appeared to have died occurred. tage in the nation. northern port city of Tripoli to the capital to “talk of JanuarV in a wheelchair. The Chicago Tribune crease while expanding the military budget. from the fall. As they were crossing a train "Over the years we’ve had the positions taken by the various factions about reported Sunday. “Plant closings, layoffs, concessions, rising utility trestle 4 miles north of Sarita about several (train) incidents, all in- sharing in the government." Gemayel and Karami He told the Prisoner Review Board he had been rates, a shrinking tax base, cumbling cities — an "Some of them did jump. That's 9 p.m. CST Saturday, a Missouri volving illegal aliens," said last met on Saturday. A a paraplegic since 1982 when he suffered a spinal endless cycle of poverty and pain for the people of what killed some of them," said Pacilic freight train rounded a Chandler. Christian and Moslem militiamen exchanged injury in a 15-foot fall from a construction site. Ohio." he told 1,400 at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. Chandler. curve at 40 mph. "We’ve had four or five killed machine-gun and rocket fire Sunday along the Green Irpino was grunted executive clemency and he "We can come together and move the cycle of pain to a Four of the injured were in Authorities said the engineer before...,’’ he said. Line dividing the capital. Dnize Moslem radio said moved to Deerfield, 111, cycle of prosperity." critical condition today at a Corpus was unable to see the refugees until "Most times, they give out and one Druze militiaman was killed and a number were But Deerfield police kept an eye on him and Christ! hospital. Two were in he was about 200 feet from them. go to sleep on the tracks thinking' injured on both sides. MUCKE'S BOLOGNA...... ;.------*L Police Chief Richard Brandt became suspicious Jackson pointed out that in 1977, when Mondale was serious condition and the seventh Tim Hogan of Missouri Pacific they can hear a train when it comes The battles across the Green Line, a buffer zone |2 when he read Irpino had been granted clemency. vice president. 5,000 workers were laid off . when was in stable condition. said the engineer braked as soon as and, of course, they don’t. between Christian east Beirut and the Moslem west, BOARSWe Give HEAD Old Fashioned BACON# 1 Ib. pocko^H !So S u*02 b stitu te Youngstown Sheet & Tube closed. Four women and nine men who he saw them, but “it was impossi- The victims were identified as followed similar clashes on Saturday that killed five For Quality "We cannot eat missiles, or heat our homes with were not hurt were apprehended ble for him to stop that quickly." Delia Rosales Alvares, 21, Jose G. people. FROZENButcher SWORDFISH....;...... Serv ------lb- P An e sth e sia link ed to de ath them, or teach our children to read with them," he told and placed in jail in Sarita, Chandler said many of the aliens Mancias, about 30, Petronila Co- A neutral security force began patrolling the HOUSTON — The president of Baylor College the crowd. "We can only pray that we never need to Chandler said. A 15-year-old boy on the bridge scattered as the train reas, 38, and her 7-year-old son, no-man's land a week ago. FRESH BAKED KAISER ROLLS. 6 for------59 of Medicine acknowledged that one death and two use then)." who was uninjured was turned passed, but he rounded up 13. The Moises Martin Coreas. The continued sectarian violence came as Karami, cases of brain damage at Ben Taub Hospital in a veteran Sunni Moslem and pro-Syrian politician, STORE HOURS: 1983 may have resulted from improperly Called Florida 'hIgh-roUer prepared to form his 10th Cabinet in 29 years. anesthetizing patients, a newspaper reports. He spent Sunday in his hometown of Tripoli, where Mon. & Tiies. 'til 6:00 317 HlgMand St he stressed his new government would concentrate on In a copyrighted story, the Houston Chronicle W e d, Thurs., & Fri. til 9:00 said Sunday that its investigation also indicated recovering south Lebanon and the eastern Bekaa that in at least one other case, a woman's family Valley from Israeli occupation. Sat. & Sunday was told by doctors that her death was D ru g susp e ct s o u g h t in K e n n e d y d e a th “We will do anything to recover the south," he said. til 6:00 anesthesia-related. "Only when justice is done will peace take root." The Chronicle reported that in both cases "Israel must open the road for a compromise and a £ i : a n u i T s involving death, doctors played down or denied Bv Jane Taylor a drug overdose was "a strong County Sheriff's office were still testing Kennedy's movements, trying to find comprehensive peaceful solution in the region,” he V 646-4277 anesthesia problems. United Press International possibility." blood and tissue samples to determine the source of the 1.3 grams of said. Some 10,000 Israeli troops occupy south Ben Taub is operated by the Harris County "He (Wolkind) throws hundred- whether the dosage of cocaine and the high-grade cocaine found in his room Lebanon. Hospital District and serves mostly indigent PALM BEACH, Fia. - Police say dollar bills around like confetti," one painkiller Demoral found in his body several hours after his body was Other goals of his program, which must be accepted patients who cannot afford private hospitals. they want to question a high roller who investigator said. “He hasn't been seen were sufficient to cause his death. discovered Wednesday. by Parliament, include revising the governmental f i f i f l l l f f f f f f i Baylor provides doctors for Ben Taub at an frequented the same bars David recently and we're looking for him." Kennedy had undergone treatment The cocaine was 70 percent pure, structure to give equal power to Moslems, army annual cost of $20 million and uses it as its Kennedy did before he died because the Palm Beach County Circuit Judge for chemical dependency in Minneapo- "pretty strong even for someone with a reform and stabilization of the cease-fire. primary teaching hospital. man was suspected in a similar death William R. Rutter Jr. said he will lis and was released just a week before heavy tolerance," said a narcotics Karami, who said he wanted all factions to share in FROZEJS & DAIRY last year involving a polo player. decide whether the public will be privy he died. detective. "Too much of it could kill his government when Gemayel offered him the r GROCERY SPECIALS \ Authorities said Sunday they were to further information surrounding the Police Sunday were tracing you.” premiership Thursday, is still challenged by the WEIGHT WATCHERS N o quic k P A C d e cision seeking Harry L. Wolkind, identified by death of the 28-year-oId Kennedy, son of ambiguous public stance of at least one major rival. Ice Cream Bars .a*1.09 police as the man who provided cocaine the late Sen. Robert Kennedy. Christian leader Camille Chamoun has already said UHCOLN AUNTKJMAA WASHINGTON. — The Supreme Court today for Billy Ylvisaker, a polo player found he will not sit in the Cabinet, and that his party will rejected pleas to decide quickly if the government The judge has ordered the county « « 9 9 < m dead of an overdose in West Palm medical examiner to turn the final have to decide whether any other member will take a Apple Juice WafflM 15 . 99C can limit political action committee spending on Beach’s posh Wellington suburb March DEL HONTE CUT t r FRENCH STYLE lEUO presidential campaigns, leaving PACs free to autopsy report over to him within 24 position. 28, 1983. hours after it is completed. Gre en Beans or Pudding Pops 12 cL spend $20 million on the 1894 election. Officials said Ylvisaker, 27, had *1.99 Justices also took up a key environmental The order also permits law enforce- CITIHISHIU snorted enough cocaine to kill four ment and medical officials to release Stewed Tomatoes Moz-ee / C l dispute over the government's right to grant people and had injected some intraven- Orange Juice 16 oz.^ exemptions to national water pollution standards only documents that include the time, Cr. Style or Wk Corn 17 0 1 .2 / ^ 1 *1.09 ously. Wolkind was charged with date and location of Kennedy’s death. Want to share your ‘R e a g a n ’ tro o p s CARLA’S and, in a 6-3 ruling, protected the media's ability possession of cocaine and narcotics CAN P KLL’S Pronto Pastes . « 8 9 < to defend itself against libel suits. paraphernalia, but the charges were When the autopsy report is given to Chunky Clam Chowder „ » 8 9 < The court also opened the way for former dropped in December. him, Rutter said he will review it c o n d u c t sw e e p HSOirS lONEpSS Attorney General Edward Levi and three other Wolkind, 29, was described as a high behind closed doors to determine if a faith m ore na tu ra l^ SWEET UFE icken Dinners ITNm . top federal law enforcement officials to face trial *1.99 roller who frequents the bars in Palm criminal investigation should continue. Whit e Tun a in W a t er , . . 8 3 < M H UTE IIA H ) in a $20 million suit over discrimination in police Beach — the same bars Kennedy If so. the report will be withheld from SAN FRANCISCO GOTERA, El Salvador (UPI) — 3 KELLOGG'S 12 M.' departments. visited before his death. He is being the public, he said. The newly formed Ronald Reagan Battalion swept Apple Juice 89< The justices rejected the officials' arguments OREEH OIAHT — 4 VA R KTKS sought for questioning because the Test results were expected to be northeastern Morazan province in a stepped-up effort C-3 PO's . , „ * ! . 6 9 that are immune from prosecution for failing to deaths of Kennedy and Ylvisaker were to rout leftist rebels who have dominate the region PETER PAN 10 M. i cut off federal aid to police departments that ready today. Police said Sunday Harvest Fresh Vegetables 79C similar. neither the cause of Kennedy’s death for more than two years. . . J 1 . 2 9 discriminated against blacks and women. Initial tests showed "significant Armed with U.S.-supplied M-16 automatic rifles, Pe anut Butt er The justices, without comment, turned down nor the source of high-grade cocaine English Slices S 01. amounts” of cocaine and Demerol in found in his room at the Brazilian Court i u naortars, bazookas and rifle-mounted grenades, 70 WALDORF *1.29 Democrats' pleas to decide the PAC case before .Kennedy’s body, and investigators hotel had been determined. soWers of the new battalion, named in honor of Ba th Tissue , * 7 9 < HOOD the Nov. 6 election. They said they will stick to I with the medical examiner’s office said President Reagan, were deployed to sweep around the 24 01. their original schedule, which calls for them to Toxicologists with the Palm Beach r o t t h e PAUEMWE Cottage Cheese *1.39 village of Yoloaiquin, 75 niiles east of San Salvador, HOOD 0 hear arguments this winter and rule by July of military spokesmen said Sunday. Dish Detergent x t » * 1 . 0 9 1985. . The battalion is fighting leftist rebels who have Orange Juice ,**1.99 dominated the province for more than two years and fllK V NIKE FlEISCHMAHR’S frequently overrun villages like Yoloaiquin for Fruit Drinks « J I 9 < Light Soft Margarine Mia mi tops In ce nsus gain S A L TS H A K E B months at a time. 2is*1.19 No casualty reports were available for the sweep ^ - WASHINGTON - Miami, and W« hovtP tM«nU comBmliLNonItdC to l lquiAdofo UlorooC InvoTntorIy oOf orloNlnol root ond that began earlier last weekend. Anchorage. Alaska, were among the cities that i bronit sculDturo Includino mony Invottmont ouolity Ittmt. Orltntol rvgo: To* The 350-man battalion was formed and named by showed the largest gains in population between \ brii, Kothon, Ktrmon, Mo shod* Koiok, Chlntto. Bokkoro ond moro. Wottorn 1 ond Europoon bronto oftor: Boryo, Fortoy. Montr Romlnoton, Ru m o II oil mu* Lt. Col. Jorge Adalberto Cruz, commander of the l i f l B i i B M M M f t980 and 1982, the Census Bureau reported. f toum ropllco. garrison at San Francisco Gotera, the provincial The bureau ranked the 176 American cities with featuring Rebecca Pippert capital of Morazan province, 74VniIes northeast of San NHAMiwraAEiaJOpimAae ^ ■■ DM A ElM I | populations of 100,000 or more, a supplement to a REGARDIESS OF PRICE UM1 eeepee p«r cenHwr LhnII I ceepee ear Thitouctlon Is opon to D toltf t. Dtcorofors,ondtht Pu m I c Ruos will b t sold In Salvador. list of the top 25 released several weeks ago that sinolt lots. Slits vory from smotl to poloct slits. Cruz, widely considered to be one of the Salvadoran CHOCK FULL 0 NUTS named New York. Los Angeles and Chicago as the Him One - Evangelism as a V(^y of life army’s most independent officers, formed the ! SEALTEST \ C O R O N ET I i PURINA PRAISE , three largest cities in the country. Getting the Story Straight battalion without the authority of the army chief of COFFEE The survey showed that cities showing the PERSIAN AND OTHER ORIENTAL RUGS Him Tno - staff, official sources said. I I C E C R E A M • IP A P ER TOWELS} I D G G F D D D > largest gains were in the West and Southwest. Sculpture Bro nz e Him Three - Learning to Love Reagan has pushed for military and economic help I L & C A N ! I S L B . B A G H Miami, which moved from 41st to 34th place for El Salvador, but Congress recently turned down between July 1980 and July 1982, had an increase AUCTIO N A T: Him Four — Sharing the Message Us request for an additional $62 million in military of 10,3 percent to 382,726, and Las Vegas, which aid. $199 ! gained 9 percent, moved from 90th to 80th place. . Administration officials say that security forces Anchorage grew 11.6 percent to 194,675, moving RAMADA INN OF E. WmOSOR j <1” ! 2/<1 i l l !<2 o f f ! 1 6 1 B r M g * S t , E x H 4 S o f f M l , W s d t o r will be using reserve ammunition to protect voting in from 78th to 72nd place. East I a p m a M V i a i , u o 4 I n p a n m v s t k , t M 4 I n p w n i H T B e v M A 4 I I EXP«aMVSW,18a4 Ij When: Film one will be shown May 2nd at 7:00 p.m. May 6 presidential elections and call the need for J t l M I ^ P M K H U R K E T | I H K H t A N D P A R K N M K E T | I M O H IA N D P A R K N A R K E T The population of Aurora, Colo., leaped 16 FRI MAY 4 AT 8 PM furtlier help urgent. percent to 184,372 and the city moved from 97th to Vtow a t 7 PM , In Honduras, Nicaraguan rebels claimed Sunday 76th place. Arlington, Texas increased by 14.3 Where: The Church of the Living God . Auctlonttr LIquIdotors/Dryus (901) a7-4404 they killed 67 Nicaraguan army troops in recent percent to 182,975, moving from 95th to 77th place. ' Ttrm s: Cosh or Chock Robertson School, Manchester fighting. And Meza, Ariz., grew 12.6 percent to 171,695, on N. School St. (off N. Main) , . A leader of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force said moving from 102nd to 89th place. the Sandlnlsta troops died in several battles April K-26 in the towns of Yaosca, Ocote, Tuma, Santa Rosa f f f f f f f l f f f f f f l f f f a n d M a t lg u a s . a l l i b northern M a u e a l p a province. t - M A X i HK&TKK H KR ALP. IBuettoy. ApcU3», t9

HARTFORD (UPI) - A select House was "consistent with what we'd hoped Tr a in hite G ro to n w o m a n for a month ago — to have the committee plans to continue debates GROTON — An 18-year-old Groton woman was committee be in a position recommend- today on whether to recommend the struck and killed Sunday by an Amtrak train near full House impeach Hartford Probate ing something in time for the legisla- the School Street crossing, police said. Judge JamesH. Kinsella, following two ture to act." The legislature adjourns Judith K. Anderson was walking along the days of nonconclusive meetings. this term May 9. Ch a m b er banquet lacked ‘M’ award tracks when she was struck by an eastbound train The eight-member, bipartisan com- Before the committee went into just before 5 p.m., said Groton Town Police Lt. mittee recessed Sunday after meeting executive session at 10: IS a.m. Satur- V M M hing fo o David Vanasse. She was pronounced dead at the language WeareoftentranslatorscatherthaiiiirepoBtens. five hours in executive session in the day to begin the historic discussions, At its aBjauiit bamiut't this year. tl«f Greater btorry>(3o>nound' scene at 5:34 p.m. first impeachment inquiry in more the panel received brief instructions Manebester Chamber ot CiwnmeTee pul asiide the And tdte ail Iramlators. we are in danger of becoming Vanasse said he didn’t know why Ms. Anderson than 300 years of judicial history in from attorney Jacob Zeldes, who has praetice el gtvinig awards to ciliateos for outslaraliBg traitors, was walking in the area. Police were continuing N a n c li e s t e r Connecticut. served as special counsel to the panel. Sonaetinaes our transiatiDn is called an oversinspUficatio to interview witnesses. eivie cwjlnbtiliions. Some of us missed it. Committee co-chairman Rep. Robert Zeldes reminded the committee its n when is s ^ s something tooi fercefulty. Sometinoes, we Perhaps it was a good idea t® set the cwstoim aside lor S p o t U g h t G. Jaekle, R-Stratford, said after the job was only to recommend to the full N e w A ir a n n o u n c e s g a in awhde. hut 1 hope the ehamber does tiot ahamtoo it cop out and pass aloag information to readers in the Sunday meeting that the panel was still House whether it should impeach entire!). origim i language, asking them to thai^tate ' goal-hased reviewing the evidence and had not Kinsella. Any trial for the veteran NEW HAVEN— NewAir, a regional airline Tin»schange. Those of us whodonT want toehaoi^ Alex Giireiiit — H efi^ Repoftet reafostie service’" or som ething sinsilmr. drawn close to a vote in the inquiry. probate judge would be before the operating out of Npw Haven, says it has posted its with tt^m often get tell behind. To suggest a return to That’s obviously part ol what Newamn had to say, but "Members have expressed feelings Senate, Zeldes said. best traffic year ever. an old praeliee is to make yourself vulnerable to the some of us fett there were too many exaaoples and too or concerns but nothing like an “You are not the ultimate fact- The company said today 135,000 passengers charge that you are living in the past. tittle analysis. brother informal vote has been taken," said finder, but you must evaluate" whether flew N ew Air’s routes in the fiscal year ending the offenses are impeachable, the Nevertheless. I'd tike to see a return to the lorinal of write about language. Jaekle, after the committee adjourned March 31. The traffic represents an increase ol 65 at 9 p.m. "We are reviewing the Bridgeport lawyer told the committee percent over the previous year's total. the single secret award. So'in a sense, w e IumI heard it alt before — or most of evidence as presented." in a brief open session prior to the start The company also began weekend service to I ’nder that format only one award was presented and it. aoyway. W e were probably looksD^ to Mr. N ew m an is w a iling The committee was created last May of deliberations Saturday. Atlantic City on Sunday. New Air's marketing for a patuMrea. some sim|de cure that would prevetR us very lew knew in advance who would get it. Sometime to investigate possible impeachment The estate of Ethel A. Donaghue, the director Frank Arciuolo said the new destination e v e r again from doing to Englksh. O fcoitrseh e Manchester has grown a httle weary of waitii^ for the reci|Ment would sus|wct. but m ore often not. WAIMlINGTtHS. — M any man after Kinsella was censured by the largest ever bandied by the Hartford brings to 10 the number of airports NewAir serves The presentation ceremony was scripted in such a could not offer that. the first concrete evidence of progress toward can he said: to have wrecked tile state Council on Probate Judicial Probate Court, is now estimated to be in the Northeast. way that as the award speech progressed, clue by clue, But be could have giveu us some more advice, 1 converting the mills in the Cheney Hisforie Ihstrict to Conduct for his handling of the worth about $38 million. Reagan adaunistratiimi’s hopes for 3 more and more people in the audience began to guess thought. Instead he gave a tong catalogue oi t h e da y - residences $38-million estate of an elderly West "You must decide whether he M ilford m a n files suit Lebanon, it would be A s s a A to^day sins a g a i ^ the ta n g w ^ e that w e know so well. Babtz Hartford heiress. (Kinsella) did certain things and do w bo was being honored. It took a lot of chiing and Cheney HalL the pidriic restoration project in the MILFORD — A lawsuit seeking $1 million has the stubborn ^ rian strong man. The council found that Kinsella had they amount to impeachableoffenses," deceiving, as w ilh all surprise parties, but it was worth All of us are too familiar with the practice of sayua^ (hstrict that Mis actually commenced, has progressed been liled by the Milford father of two small Be outfoxed and outwaited the repeatedly violated ethical standards Zeldes said, adding the committee had the effort. th ii^ the hard way, the fancy way. the v^ue way, and to the point wM re its sponsors are planning to open the chilren killed in a three-car accident March 25 in American peacemakers at every by trying to help two friends, lawyers to establish if there was "sufficient On the other hand, it probably appealed to a lim ited the wrong way. Too often we have to look only as far are hall up to the public foroneday on June 2S. The private turn until be got what be wantetk. Alexander A. Goldfarb and Paul J. evidence" to warrant a Senate trial. Bethany. our own writing for embarrassii^ examples. The suit names Karen Decker, 18. of Naugatuck audience of people deeply engrossed in Manchester rehaMitatfons. meamuMle. have seem to be b t^ ^ d Aparo, gain control of the elderly, "You are here to exercise political It's amazing how a phrase that looks perfectly Syrian dominance in Beirut. and asserts she was speeding and ran a stop sign affairs and it might not go over well now. down in financing probtenrs. ailing woman. judgment." he said. "You can't act as But Assad may not have long fo at the intersection of Routes 42 and 69. It said she innocem when you see it on the screen a word Firally. it seems, tMse problems have been resolved. After deliberating seven hours Satur- computers," but must decide the entire gloat. V.S. and Israeli inteiligence first hit a van and both her car and the van then hit WHAT DID GO OVER W ELL, as least for most of the processor makes you cringe when it appears in prmt in The town hns decided to permit tax-a^essment day, the panel adjourned its secret case with fair and accurate sources agree that his health is so the third vehicle containing the children. audience at the lK.m4)uet. was the talk by Edwin the newspaper, (htr readers sometimes c r ii^ , too, and d eferra l on the rehabilitations 'The Board of Directors session and agreed to meet Sunday deliberations. Four-year-old Austin Converse died ol brain stxne of them let us know about it. poor he could soon die. afternoon, vowing to take as much time A majority vote of the committee is Newman, broadcast journalist and critic of language did so with some refoctance and only after its members injuries at Yale-New Haven Hospital. His When Assad goes to his duhioiig as necessary to resolve the case. needed to approve a recommendation abuse. were convinced the developers would not get financing 15-month old sister, Jordan, was dead at the reward, l^ria eouJd revert fo the “ We need time to deliberate fully all to the House.If impeached by the A couple of guests commented afterwards that WE r a c r r r BY THE C m n aaM . but we also need witMttt the deferrals scene. Both were wearing seat restraints. state of coups and chaos thM aspects'of the case." said the other House, Kinsella would face a trial in the Newman's talk was too short because be was delayed a little support BOW £ind then to give the courage to First Hartford R e e ^ , devetoper of the Manchester reigned before Assad took control committee co-chairman Robert Fran- Senate, where a two-thirds vote would loo long by ceremonies before he finally got to the continue t ^ good fight for effective language. We have Modes plant conversion to rentM apartments, is reai^ tS years ago. Even if there is a kel, D-Stratford. be needed for conviction and his F a rm in g to n yo u th kille d podium. become comlittoaed to a world in which Moated and to get to work soon after it sigis. a coidract with the peaceful succession — which Jaekle also said the panel's progress removal from office. Some of Newman's fellow journalists were not so gassy English is alnuist the iwrm. town for deferraL U M photo FARM INGTON — A 17-year-old Farmington seems doubtful — the new Syrian youth died Sunday after the car he was driving impressed with wluit Newman had to say as others in We deal regularly with petite in government and There seem to be no further oMtacIes but many leader will probably be too busy Some of about 70 anti-Ku Klux Ktan protestors stand outside eastbound on Interstate 84 ran off the highway the audience We tend to read books by Newman, by politics, in education, and in social services, who often MancMster residents will not be fully convinced until consolidating bis position in Da- and overturned on an embankment, state police William Safire. and by other journalists who like to write and speak in what atanost constitutes a foreign they see Mick and mortar work in progeess. New Britain’s Willow Brook Park Sunday while less than 20 State decision on G T B mascus to pursue l^rian ambi- members of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan members conduct a said. tions in Lebanon. John W. Phelps was apparently speeding when rally inside the stadium. The New Brirein rally wa^ one of four in his car ran off the right side of the highway near In M a nch e ste r The power struggle has already the state over the weekend. is e xpected this w e e k Exit 39 just after midnight, destroying 43 feet of begun among Assad’s would-be guard rail, and rolled down an embankment, HARTFORD (U P I) - A grants, additional money ing on education in re- heirs. "The vultures are circling.’’ overturning and pinning him between the roof judge's order to speed up from the state would go to sponse to a state Supreme a State Department source toht Vo You MMP I f I BURR a Hote iN YouR the state's efforts to bal- 146 cities and towns while Court ruling that the and a door, police said. N o -s m o k in g p o lic y associate Lucette Lagnado. "Peo^ F o ur state Kla n rallies ance local school budgets 23 wealthier communities state's heavy reliance on Ma are striking out fo position has been given cautious would lose about $8.6 property taxes to finance C h ip m a n is ch a rg e d gHiRT, SPiLL aSHeg iN YouR CoFFee, themselves when keels Assadk approval by state’s school million. education was HARTFORD — A top official in the former h u m a n e , h e a lth ful over." are held without trouble boards but no reaction Canzonetti said the unconstitutional. Hartford Hellions indoor soccer team was free on CouSHoN YouR Fo o d , gM6LL up from the state. order to eliminate the The Legislature, how- $10,000 bond facing charges he embezzled $169,000 THE END AH>EAKS imminent. Klansmen drove off to attend a second The Connecticut Associ- minimum grants “ ig- ever, has delayed the Three cheers for the folks ness. Town employees were GROTON (UPi) — WMte-robed Klu from a limited partnership he arranged. Assad has always been known as a Klux Klan members rallied quietly in rally at Washington Park in Groton, ation of Boards of Educa- nores the obligation of the phase-in to full funding of William E. Chipman, 38, of Glastonbury was w h o w o rk at tow n o ffic e s . T h e given a copy of an ad which You r HaiR aNo cuo-ntes, aNp pouBLe meticulous “detail man"; now he four Connecticut towns over the where State Police spokesman Adam tion said it was pleased state to provide some the GTB program beyond arrested Friday and charged with first- degree with Superior Court Judge financial support for the the original time period air is going to be a lot purer showed where they could has been forced to delegate some of weekend, as hundreds of police main- Berluti said there were no incidents or larceny, sale of unregistered securities and oF Arthur Spada’s order de- education of ail Connecti- set when the program was starting Jan. 1. thanks to a purchase an inexpensive YouR CHaNCe GeTltNS caNCeR? his (htties. B e puts in only a few tained peace between Klan and anti- arrests made and everything “ went failure to register as a broker-dealer, officials lUan groups. quietly.” manding the state com- cut's public school enacted. said. new policy announced on purifier. hoursaday at Ms office, andthxtps plete the phase-in of the children." A Imperial Wizard Bill Wilkinson led About 10 members of the Klan Canonetti also critic- He was released Saturday after posting a entirely from sight for weeks at a "Should there not be a Friday. This isn’t to minimize the quiet rallies of about 15 KK K members handed out literature to about 200 Guaranteed Tax Base ized Spada's order for $10,000 bond and will be arraigned May 9 in floor below which no Starting the first of the new pain this new policy is going tinoe. His iron grip is dea rly not as in West Haven and Wallingford Satur- onlookers — mostly teena^rs — grants program. enactment of a statewide Manchester Superior Court, authorities said. stro i^ as d used fo be. But Gov. W illiam town's basic state grant year, smoking in all town to cause to many smokers. day, and then spoke to a small group in. milling around the ballpark. “God core curriculum of study Chipman, who sold the Hellions in May 1981 to ' ^ e greediest, most hloo to one full year before eiXering. CHAPLAIN CRUNCH: Six Ask your local recruiter about the DEP program. administration has had trouble not That same week, Reagan deli- The Manchester Herald ars ago I reported on the shortalk It gives you more to look forward to than a ctn and only formulating an effective vered a m ajor speech in which he welcomes letters to the editor. of military chaplains because |fl g p w n j^ ^ begfflduatiiig to die Marines. Cafl us toll foreign policy, but also in project- bashed Congress with one hand for .ilANCHEStER PARKADE R-MAIIT PIAZA Letters should be brief and the armed services’ policy of “ gp ing problems of its own making meddling in foreign affairs and hi ■■d ni tir c d l to the point. They should be or out," meaning that rhapinty 113 MAIN ST, MANCHESTER Hartford Turnpikt and indecision once forced to cope extended an olive branch with the typed or neatly hand-written, who were passed over for pronw- arkil ■I Cwmy 4S8-MW 340 Broad St. 646-9424 with them. other — embracing bipartisan and; for ease in editing, tion were kicked out of the servido. Routos 30 6 83 In two cases — the furor over the cooperation, but suggesting Con- should be double-spaced. 647-0469 Mon.-Frl., 10-9, Sat., 1041, Sun., 12-5 The Rev. Joe Turner, a fonnfr Gl 9S4byNEA. CIA-assisted mining of Nicara- D«v« Lelkowitz, Ph.D. Vomon gress should keep quiet once policy The Herald reserves the Army chaplain, says the proMedt guan harbors and the disclosure right to edit letters in the " B e tt e r st a n d back, this Is a N IC A R A G U A N has been set in the Oval Office. still exists, and has created ;g iKrtiogg D M CoulWBlori | * that Reagan had signed a tough Interests of brevity, clarity eoapylIgM MS*. robitOnnlan ot Anwitoo, kw. h a rb o r!" Seventy-two hours later, bis call "faith imbalance” wilh notenou^ directive endorsing pre-emptive and taste. for cooperation and consultation chaplains for certain faiths. » - M A N C H E S T E R H E R A L D . Mond ay. A pril 30. 1984 M A N C H E S TE R H E R A L D , Mond ay, A uril 3U, 19114 - 9 Monday TV New England M urd e r susp e ct

C D - T w d 1 2:3 0 A .M . - h t a ld . B a a aball G D - E e m ily F e u d 6:0 0 P.M. CD - T h i c k , o f t h . M g h t O - M o n a y k n a In Brief to use Vie tn a m ( D - L M B h - l n G D ~ B e rtny H ill S h o w CD (X) QD ® ® ®l - N«wm ( 9 ) - O d d C o u p t o CD-NighllbM 3 :0 0 A .M . G 9 ) *- In d e p e n d e n t N e t w o r k C£ - T h i M ' s C o m p a n y ( a - S p o m C w i M r . 9 - E n t w t M n m w t l T o n ip h t ( D - M O V I E : 'l a g a c y o f B lo o d' Po e t rips ‘U .S . ra cism ” G D - V a g a 9 - A M w i H t t o h o o c h H o u r A n insura nc e m a n b e c o m e s In- as his d e fense ® > F r a g g l e R o c k d a b t a d t o a crtminBi m o n a y- RINDGE, N.H. — Dennis Brutus, a South ( 9 ) - A U c o LMtMtnMi ( » - Dre grt e t 9 - B w m y H M S h o w I m l a r . J o n e S . A Ken, Ffanc'es African political refugee, said Sunday the 0 2 - M a z d a S p o rt a Lo o k 9 - M o n . y N t w 1 2:4 5 A .M . , F o m w , Clif to n O a vis. 1 9 7 4. CONCORD, N.H. — The first-degree murder trial i S ) ' C r o M f lr e question of “ how many must die and how much o - U S A C a rt o o n E x pr a s a M ATE tM A LW O m M E S 9 - Mmto SpcrtaLock was to begin today in the case of Gary Place, a former ( 8 ) - M * A * S * H 9 - D r . W h o 9 U S F L F o o tb a N; destruction” there will be among non-whites in O - D r. G a n a S c o t t W t a a M n g t o n a t T a m p a B a y • Marine who claims he couldn't leave the battlefields ® - B e t t e r H e a lt h 9 - T w W g h t Z o n . 1:0 0 A .M . South Africa is in the hands of Americans. < S I ~ M * A * S «H Allle (Jan e Curtin) Is alraid 9 - M O V I E : T h a O o d f a t h a r. The United States is more involved than of Vietnam behind. (SI “ W h e e l o f F o rturt e 1 1:1 5 P .M . CD - l«M n. m l Miktey S - M O V I E : 'E n c h a n t m a n t' A her possessions mean more to P a r t II’ T h a o a w g o d f a th e r a t- I / Americans realize in supporting the apartheid, or Place, 36, of Concord, will use an insanity defense ( r a i d . B h M m H CD - Cdumbo retired genera l te a ch e s his yo ung 8 D *- B a rn e y M H I e r her than she had realized on 9 - l a m p i a t o k a a p th e fa mily o n t o p based on post traumatic stress disorder, a recognized ( D - SMnt d a a pit a g o v a m m a n t im e n fe ntion. separationist government in South Africa, said gra ndnie c e a le sson in lo v e . D a vid ® - P e o p l e 's C o u r t " K a t e & A lli e , " airing 9 - Rwomr 41 mental illness psychiatrists claim is common among Niv e n. Ev e lyn K e y e s . F a d e y Gra n 9 - TwMght Zon. A l P a cin o, R o b e rt D e N k o , Ta lia Brutus, an exiled poet who received asylum from @ - D r. W h o MONDAY, APRIL 30 on CBS. 1 1 :3 0 P .M . S h k a . 1 9 7 4. R a t a d R. veterans of the Vietnam war. The trial will be the first g e r 1 94 9. 9 - CroMflr. the U.S. last year. C D - B w TM y M B t o r - AM A m a r ic a n W r a a t H n g murder case to use the defense in New Hampshire. ( S i - M a c N a U / L a tH a f N a w a h - 8:0 0 P.M. 9 , Brutus, a professor at Northwestern University o u r C H E C K LISTIN G S F O R E X A C T TIM E C D - S t m k y m i H u t c h 1:1 5 A .M . - Fr a a m a n Wa p ort a CD GD - S c a r e c r o w and M r s . in Chicago, alluded several times to worsening Place is accused of strangling and stabbing his - R a p o f t o r 4 1 C D - B w m y H M S h o w 9 - ESPN'* WM. World of K i n g A n Italian scie ntist is spir ChmpkmMtip Skiing 3 :1 5 A .M . conditions in South Africa under the Reagan girlfriend, Wanda Olsen, 32, lust July 21 in Concord. ited out o f Russia b y the agerrcy m ( O ) - 3 . 2 - I , C o n t a c t C D - R o c M o r d FH - M O V I E : ‘ B l a c k B m i t y ' administration’s policy of “ constructive His lawyers will argue that his combat experiences iii a nd pla c e d und er L e e ’ s pro t e c 9 - MOVIE: 'Toochwr D«w- 9 C D - T o p 4 0 V k t o o L a o W a a l, Jo h n n y Cr a w f o rd . engagement.” 6:3 0 P.M. tion. (R) (6 0 min.) m k w d t o m r i i . s o m a th ing o f h k n- Vietnam caused him to suffer mental illness. M k n i G ib s a n. R a t a d 6 . C53 - O n e D a y a t a T i m e ® - H o o .y m o o n .ra sa lf, a n w n t a l p a t iw it u c a p m m l He urged Americans to end the arms, money GD ~ ^ MegMine a ssu m e s a n e w id m t i t y . Rob ert As many as six of Place’s former combat buddies C £ - C B S N a w a 9 - M O V I E : 'H i g h R o w l T o 3 :3 0 A .M . and political support this country is giving to GD ® - T h e t 's In cr e d ib lo l T o C h i n a ' A fl appe r hire s a f orm er H a y s. K a thle e n B e llw , N a d from Khe Sahn — one of the bloodiest battlefields in d D - S a n f o rd a n d S o n nigh t's pro gra m fe ature s a ( D - O f f t h a S a t South Africa's racist government. W o rl d W a r I a c e t o h elp find her B e a tty. 1 9 8 3 . R a t e d R. Vietnam — are expected to testify during the - S p o r t e C a n t a r ha ndic a pp e d b o y com p e ting in a m e n a c e d father. T o m S elle ck, 9 - O n a S t a p B a y o n d “ Since (President) Reagan came into power, triathlon, a m a nn e quin w h o helps 1:3 0 A .M . the U.S. has sold $28 million in military three-week trial. The prosecution was to present its l a - H o g a n 's H a r oa s B e ss Arm s tro n g . J a c k W e s t o n . 4 :0 0 A .M . he art pa ti ents a nd the t o w n of 1 9 8 3 . R a t e d PG. ® - Great Racord/ ...CoNac- equipment” to South Africa, said Brutus, who opening arguments today. I S ) - A a k C N N Tw in s b u rg , O H . (R) (6 0 min.) 9 - U f a o f R l l a y S " L a a v a It t o B a a v a r was shot in the back when he tried to escape from (S a ® - N B C N a w a C D - N m n (fi) - Indapandant Network 9 - M O V I E : 'U p i n t h . W o r l d ' "This is a very important case legally in New 9 - S p o r t s T o n i g h t a South African prison in the 1960s. I S ) - N o li c i o ro N a cio n a l S IN ( 9 ) - M O V I E : M w i w n a X ' A N o rm a n W i s d ^ , M a urV e n Hampshire,” said Stuart Steinberg, a Concord lawyer p o s e d w ith an off-scre e n c ov e r that th ey care m ore a bout f orm er airline s t e w a rd e ss marries GD - N e w s ® ( 8 - T o n i g h t S h o w Sw a n s o n . In addition, he said, there are 350 American ( J S - Ja f f a r a o n a rom a nc e w ith her le ading m a n. their p o ss e ssio ns than th e y ( 8 - M O V I E : T w o W o m e n ' In who is assisting Place's defense lawyers. In New into a w e a lt hy politica l family, but G D - IrM top e nd e nt N e t w o r k ® " N o c h a a N o c h a Pro gr a m s corporations based in that country where they M e ryl Stre e p, Je r e m y Irons. though t. It a ly during W o r i d W a r II. a 8 - N o w s O v e r n ig h t Hampshire, “ There is no rule on what insanity is. ® - A B C N a w a a tragic a ccid e nt forc e s her to music sl e n el cua l s e pre s e nt a n 198 1 R at e d R. m o th e r a n d h er y o u n g d a ught e r can take advantage of "cheap black labor” paid (5]6 - B u a Ht a a a R a p o rt a b a ndon her b e lov e d h u s b a n d . C 5 ) - T h e M e r v S h o w 4 :3 0 A .M . That's what makes this a very important case.” ® - K e a n artiste s d e r e n om bre e n c in e m a y a re a tt a ck e d a r ^ ra p e d b y a one-seventeeth the wages of white people. a nd d aughter. Tu e s d a y W e ld. (® ) - Fro n tlin e A ir Cra sh.' ® ® - M O V I E : 'P l a y e rs' A n music a popula r. L o c o V a ld e z. (S) - A b b o t t a n d C o s t e llo 3 g ro u p o f re tre a ting G e rm a n s. S o 7:0 0 P.M. To n ig h t's pro gra m e x a min e s the T w i l i g h t Z o n e Under New Hampshire's insanity law. Place's 1 98 1. up-a n d-c o m ing player & - phia Lo r e n, Je a n-P a ul B e lm o n d o. plight o f the air cra sh survivors of 9 - B o b N m v i w r t S h o w 8 - M O V I E : 'U s e d C e r s ' In o r CD - C B S N a w a c o urts a myst erious old er ' 8 ) > F r e e m a n R e p o rt s R a f V a U o n e . 1 9 6 1. lawyers will have to prove to 12 jurors and four ( 9 - U S F L F o o tb a ll: Lo s Pan A m Flight 7 5 9 as th ey b e 9 - N l g h t l i n . d e r t o g e t a h e a d in th e us e d c ar V t. p o w e r lin e a pprove d ® - M * A * S * H w o m a n D e a n-Pa ul M artin, Ali D P I p h o t o CD A rt g s l e s a t H o u s t o n c o m e the foc al point of an arra y l 8 ) - M O V I E : 'A d a m 's W o m a n ' ® - N e w s W r a p -U p w o rld , m d y sells ra ttling w r e c k s alternates that their client was insane when he M a c G r a w . 1979. A n A m e ric a n b a ttle s cru e lty and ® - T w ) O 'c lo c k N . W . a t f a n cy pric e s. K urt R usse ll, J a c k RUTLAND, Vt. - The U.S. Department of CD - T i c T a c D o u g h (9 - N o t N s c s s s s ri t y T h e of legal m a n e uv ers. (R) (6 0 min.) 8 - M O V I E ; 'N a n a ' O n e o f P ar strangled and stabbed Ms. Olsen. 9 ( 1 2 - M O V I E : ' A d « n ' A m a n injustice in a n Australia n p en al c o Vifarde n. 1 9 7 9 . R a t e d R. A Dog’s Day - A B C N a w a (Clos e d C a ption e d) 1 1:4 5 P .M . is’s m o s t c e le bra t e d s e d u c- Energy has given final approval for construction CD a nd a w o m a n , w h o h av e h ad their lony. Be a u Bridg e s, Ja n e M o r To prove its first-degree murder charge, the state 9 - M O V I E : S h a ri f f O f tre s s e s c a p tiv a t e s s o m e n e w of a huge power line through the northeastern CD - B o a t o f S a t u rd a y N ig h t - E l M a l e f tcio so n a bd uct e d, tra nsc e nd their ro w . Ja m e s B ooth. 1 97 0. 02 - E S P N S p w M : 1 9 8 4 N F L will have to convince juors that not only that Place F r a c t u r e d J a w ' A te nd erfoot 9 - M O V I E : 'M r . M a j e s t y k ' A p erso n a l grief a nd m ount a n a D r a f t P r e v i e w w e a lth y lov e rs. K a ty a B erg er, com er of Vermont. L it t l e K a t i e B o w l e r (r i g h t ), 3, o f N o r t h w e l c o m e r e t u rn o f s p rin g b r o u g h t m a n y (JJ) - Ja f f a r a o n a from Er>gland mist a k e n for a ruth farm er de fies the m o b b y giving tional c a mp a ign to assist th e p a r Je a n-Pi e rre A t m io n t. SMrin T a y The Vermont Electric Power Co. said in a committed the crime, but also that he thought about it (1 2 - E S P N S p a c i a l: 1 9 8 4 N F L 1 2:0 0 A .M . H a nria h sign e d i Q u i n c y , M a s s , p l a c e s s trr a w h a t o n p e o p l e o u t s id e a s t e m p e r a t u r e s in N e w le ss gun fight er b e h a v e s w ith the w ork to the n e e dy. Cha rle s B ro n e nts o f oth e r missing childre n. 1 0:1 5 P .M . lor. 1 9 8 2. R a t e d R. ahead of time. D r a f t P r a v i a w bra v e ry of ignora nc e w h e n he prepared statement Saturday the presidential so n, A l Le ttieri, Linda Cristal. Daniel J . Tr a v a n ti, Jo B e th W i l G $ - M u r d e r: N o A p p a r e n t ( D C D - H m n l l F h r a -O 9 - O n i M d i d . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - j A conviction of first-degree murder carries a p a ti e n t " K e lly's " h e a (j d u r i n g visit to E n g l a n d f lirt e d n e a r t h e 80's. finds himself installe d as sheriff of permit issued last week was the last major 0 (] j | - R a d io 1 9 9 0 To d a y 's pro 1974 lia ms. M a s o n A d a m s . 1 98 3. ^ M o t iv e Th is d ocum e n t a ry s tu C D - H w t t o H a rt Daryl Hannah, the en-| gra m lo o k s at ho tt e st tre nds a t o w n . K e nn e th M o r e , Ja y n e dies the e pid e mic o f serial m ur 2 :0 0 A .M . federal hurdle for the 450-kilovolt line. sentence of life in prison. B o s t o n ’s P u b lic G a r d e n S u n d a y . T h e ( 8 ) ® - G r e a t P e rf o rm a n c e s ® - S u r T r M ( a nd p erf orm ers in th e w o rld of M a nsfie ld, H e nry Hull. 1 959. 8:3 0 P.M. d ers m the U .S . dearing mermaid of the! 'G us t a v M a hl er S ym p h o n y No. CD - C B S N e w * N i g h t w a t c h VELCO is the distribution and transmission e nt erta inm e nt. ® - M O V I E : H o u a a o f W a x ' A 9 - D a y t o n . S p M d W M k hit movie, “ Splash,” hasj C S ) - C a ro l B urrt e t t a n d F ri e iu ls 6 ' Le on ard B ernst ein c o n du cts CD-Rm PMtoI arm for the state's electric companies. mus e um fire turns a h a ndsom e 1 0:3 0 P.M. M o t o rc y c l e R a c in g I ® - S t a r Tr o k ( ® - M O V I E : 'E x p e rim e n t In the Vie nh a Philh armonic in this been signed to star ini m a n into a d era ng e d m on st e r GD - N e w s - D r. G a n a S c o t t CD - J o . F r a n k lin S h o w The $155 million high voltage line, which will go ( S ) * M o n s ylirt o T e rr o r' FBI m e n rely on a terrified p erform a nc e o f M a hle r's 'Tr a g ic 9 "The Clan of the Cavef w h o ste als b o die s from the ba n k te ller's coura ge to trap a - A l f r e d H lt c h a > c k ® ® - T h i c k a o f t h e N ig h t 9 - M O V I E : 'B o h a m i a n G irt' from Norton to Monroe, N .H., is designed to carry V o n B u lo w lik e n s tria l to N a z i h o rro rs S y m p h o n y.' (9 0 min.) - N e w s m orgu e to cre at e life-lik e im a g e s ' T h e fa m e d com e d i a n s a re in the Bear," based on the best- J m a st er criminal. Gle nn Ford, Le e & - L iv in g w i t h G r a c e 690 megawatts of relatively low-cost power from Von Bulow said he would not have in w a x . Vinc e nt Pric e. Fra nk Lo- A l p s w it h a b a n d o f gyp s ie s a nd a selling novel by Jean M. f Supreme Court, would not discuss any panel governing his wile's estate. I S - B u s in e s s R e p o rt R emick, Stef ani e P ow ers. 1962 9:3 0 P.M. To n ig h t's pro gra m f o llo w s the Hydro-(}uebec to southern New England. BOSTON (UPI) — Claus von Bulow, v e joy, Phyllis Kirk. 1 95 3. S t. B ern ard d o g . S t a n La ure l. surviv e d the orde al of the tri a l without (3D (3D “ N e w h a r t St epha nie life o f a w o m a n suffering f rom A l Auel. • whose conviction for the attempted of the issues on which the court based “ Kuh is as good as D r. Go ebb els," I S ) - B a ila C o n m i g o 0 $ - M O V I E ; 'T h e B l a c k ( 8 ) * N e w M i i g h t O liv e r H a rdy. 1 9 3 6. Clearing of the 52-mile line has already begun. Cosim a and " th e support of friends i S ) - P rim s N e w s St a llio n R e t u rn s ’ A yo u n g b oy runs a w a y from h om e to the zh e im e r's Dis e a se. "The Clan of the Cave; murder of his wife was overturned, its decision. von Bulow said. - E n t e rt a in m e n t To n ig h t Stra t f ord Inn a nd Dick is pro p o si & - M O V I E : T h e P r o w l a f' A f 9 - O u r M i a a B ro o k a The line, which could eventually be expanded to around the world and a genera l reeling ( 8 ) ~ T V ' s B lo o p e rs a n d s e ts ou t for N orth A fric a in se arch 9 - 2 4 H o n . Bear" and its sequel, j compared the strain of the trial to “ the He compared Richard Kuh, the Von Bulow claims Cosim a. his ® - F a m ily F e u d P r a c t ic s l Jo k e s Dic k Clark a nd o f his stolen horse. T e n Ga rr, tion e d b y a n otorious a ctress. (R) ter 3 5 y e a rs o f d e c e p tiv e c a lm , a 2.000 megawatts, will be the first major conduit of public support. ' 9 - In d e p w i d e n t N m v w h Ii p syc h o p a th ic kilter re a pp e a rs x o 2 :1 5 A .M . “The Valley of Horses,” • three years I spent in Nazi-occupied lawyer for his wife's children and a 16-ye ar-old da ughter by Sunny, suc @ ) - W i l d W o r i d o f A n im a ls Ed M cM a h o n h o s ts this too k at Ke lly Re no, Vince nt Sp a no. between New England utilities and Hydro H e would not na me the " in n e r circ l e " N e w s e m b a rk u p o n a noth er m u rd e rw is 9 - S p o r t a C a n t a r was on the New York; Denmark." former New York district atlorney, to cessfully asked the court to appoint a s om e sc e n e s th at w e r e n e v e r in 1 98 3. Rate d PG '' 1 0:0 0 P.M. Quebec. of friends who bolstered his morale t e nd e d for vie w in g b y an a udi ® • M a c N e il / L e h r e r N e w s h - spre e . Fa rte y Gra ng er. R at e d R. Times's bestseller list 149 J "1 relived my youth, the extraordi- Nazi propoganda chief Joseph Goeb- third cons erva tor to represent her on 7:3 0 P.M. - S err a rit a P u e rt o R ic o ® ® - C a g n e y & L a c e y A 2 :3 0 A .M . during the tri al. ence. (6 0 min.) s e a m y busin e ss in b a by selling o u r I S - M O V I E : 'L o s t W a a k a n d ' weeks. Both books are set • nary claims made by the Nazis ... that bels. He likened his own lawyer. m a tt ers involving h er estate. Con trary C3D - P M M a g a zirt e 9:0 0 P.M. T h e brut a l life o f a n a lcoholic is CD - B a a l of M i d d a y Von Bulow also said his religious 9 - M O V I E : 'T h e F r e n c h p u ts pre ssure o n Chris a nd M a ry 1 1:0 0 P .M . 50,000 years after the I Strip e d bass d e clin e white is black and black is white, and Harvard Professor Alan Dershowilz, to to K u h's charges. Von Bulow said he CSD - A l l In t h e F a m ily Li e u t e n a n t's W o m e n ' A n a c CSD - K a t e Bi A lli e K a t e and Both b o th at w o r k a nd at hom e . d e p ic t e d. R a y Miit and, Ja n e W y CD - C B S N a w a N i g h t w a t c h Luth era n ba ckground comfort ed him. CD CD CD 9 9 9 - nwms J I P search for fire. • nobody cares," von Bulow told the the British lord chancellor, Lord was not a p arty to the case. C £ - M u p p e t S h o w tre ss' o n-s cre e n tra g e dy is jux ta Allie are a sh a m e d w h e n th ey d is (6 0 m m .) m a n. f ^ i l T e rry . 1 94 5. PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Sen. John H. Chafee, He denied reports he knew the Rhode i Boston Globe in a telephone interview Hailsham. His wife's estate is worth about $30 R-R.I., says the results of a new study on the Island high court intended to overturn from New York, published Sunday. Von Bulow once trained in Lord million with another $45 million held in decline of the striped bass population in Atlantic the convictions, but a dmitted he knew Von Bulow, whose conviction two Hailsham's law chambers. trusts. coastal waters shows the federal government " th e judge s were concerned about BRIDGE ASTRO I years ago of twice trying to kill his wife He said Kuh managed to convince the Mrs. von Bulow has been comatose in must take action to protect the species from some aspects of the c a s e l a s t Octob er Martha "Sunny” von Bulow, was media that von Bulow had lost his a hospital since 1980 and is not expected further destruction. attempt to name a representative on a to recover. when D ershowitz moved for a re tria l. GRAPH I The study shows the decline in the striped bass overturned Friday by the Rhode Island N o pro b l e m for e x p e rts catch since 1974 "may have cost the Northeast 7.000 jobs and over $220 million in economic Jim: “This hand is taken q f o u f I activity in 1980,” Chafee said. P olic e vo w e xte nsive s e arch for slain prostitute from a catch-as-catch-can Chafee said he would introduce legislation that NORTH 4-M-84 would impose a federal moratorium on all fishing rubber game. You sat South ^Birthday! PROVIDENCE, R.f. (UPI) — Rhode Island state Delahunt. A2 for striped bass within all waters of the Atlantic Noting the disposal look place " a y e a r a go," McGe e and opened two spades. police say they are ready to go through "tons of “ It's our intention just to procede and to request WK964 North made a very siUy bid coast. The moratorium could only be lifted as said the se arch would involve digging through " tons of M a y 1 ,1 9 8 4 ; garbage” searching for the body of Boston prostitute assistance from Rhode Island authoritie s, and garb age. J107 of four, but you broke into states adopted an interstate conservation and #9843 H a p p y tim e s a r e a h e a d f or y o u j Robin Benedict after her admitted killer said he a tte mpt to secure the re m ains of Robin Benedict as A Blackwood and assumed management plan to protect the striped bass, he Douglas. 42, held in the D e dh a m House of th is c o m in g y e a r, b u t yo u m u s t« stuffed the remains into a dumpster. priv a t e ly and in as good taste as possible," Del'ahunt WEST EAST that the ace and king shown said. Correction, stunned a courtroom F rid a y by a dmitting m a in t a in a s e ns e o f o rd e r a n d j William Douglas, the former Tufts Medical School said in an intervie w with W N E V -T V in Boston. 4K 9754 by your partner were the The Emergency Striped Bass Research Study he killed 21-ye ar-old Ms. Bene dict with a h a mm er. b a la n c e In y o u r Hie. N e ith e r • professor who admitted he killed Ms. Benedict with a eOJlOT WA8532 ace and king of trumps. w o r k n o r p l a y t o o h a rd. is being conducted by the departments of Interior Authoritie s must d e termin e which la ndtill the Th e wom a n, a prostitute in Boston's Comb a t Zone, hammer, ied investigators to Westminster Mall in 9643 48 Anyway, as Karpin points T A U R U S (A p r H 2 0 -M a y 2 0 ) and Commerce. The latest installation of the shopping m a ll usc-d in M arch 1983, but McG e e said the disappe ared M arch 5, 1983, but h er body was n ever J652 4Q107 out, you always overbid and Providence Saturday where he said he disposed of the B e in g t o o c o n c e rn e d a b o u t study is scheduled to be released officially today, most lik e ly are a will be the Ce ntra l La nd fill in found. SOUTH then make thie best of your g u a rd in g y o u r o w n int ere st body. Johnston, used by Provid e nce and 28 other Rhode overbid. The dummy wasn’t Chafee said Saturday. Judg e Roger Donahue scheduled sentencing for QJ10863 t o d a y c o u ld c a u s e yo u to tall toj^ Investigators did not find the dumpster, but now Island communitie s. at all what you bad noped to r e c o g n iz e th e n e e d s a n d w a n t s i believe Ms. Benedict's body is buried in a landfill used M a y 7. AKQ52 see, but the slam was there o f a ssocia t e s. B ro a d e n your* Stu d e n t fire m e n kille d by the trash collection firm that served the mall. P ak if the spades obeyed as a o u t l o o k . T h e M a t c h m a k e r! “ Nothing has been done as of yet." said Rhode l suit should. ruffed w h e e l re v e a ls y o u r c o m p a tlb lli- | NORTHFIELD, Vt. — Three students on the Island State Police Capt. Frank McGee, noting Vulnerable: Both heart and led your 10 of t y t o all signs, a s w ell a s s h o w -, m s v E in Norwich University fire brigade were killed Massachusetts authorities may return to the state Dealer: South rspades.” in g y o u t o w h ich slgn g y o u a r e ! Sunday when their fire truck overturned on a soft today. O IL Weal North East Soath Oswald: “If anyone wond- b e s t-s u it e d ro m a n tic a lly. G e t { shoulder of the road, college officials said. (Price Subject to Cttenga) y o u rs b y m a iling $ 2 t o A s t r o -‘ Rhode Island authorities are cooperating in the 29 ers why I led the 10, the Five others were hurt in the accident. answer is that it is an autoc: G r a p h , B o x 4 8 9, R a d io C it y! investigation which is being conducted by the office of 104.9 Pass 49 Pass 4NT S t a tio n , N .Y . 10019. The volunteer fire brigade was heading south QUICK! Pass 59 Pass 5 NT matic safety play. If you Norfolk County District Attorney William D. M9-8S41 lead the queen, ana West nas G E M IN I (M a y 2 1 -J u n a 2 0 ); on Route 12 to a brush fire in Roxbury when the Pass 69 Pass 79 Th e r e 's a c h a n c e a proble nw accident occurred at about 3:30 p.m., said Col. Pass Pass Pass either singleton king or king- JO IN TH E NEW small, he will cover. When m a y a ris e to d a y, fro m a d u ty; (Jerald Chikalla, commandant of cadets at the you lead the 10 and West y o u 'v e b e e n pu ttin g o f f. Im nation's oldest private military college. Opening lead: VQ plays the king, you can be h o p e s th a t It w o u ld b e a t t e n d-; As the truck rounded a curve, one of its rear J O - A N N F A B R I C S sure that it is a singleton.” e d t o b y s o m e o n e els e . I wheels went off the paved area and the vehicle W EIG HT WATCHERS C A N C E R (J u n e 2 1 -Ju ly 22)* Jim: “So having made S triv e t o b e y o u r o w n p e rsorv flipped over, Chikalla said. your safety play, you had no t o d a y. If y o u d o n't d o s o i Northfield police identified those killed as By Oswald Jacoby problem leading back Q UIC K STA R T t h e r e 's a lik e lih ood yo u'll yle lcj David L. Anderson, 21, Patrick J. Dekramer, 18, and James Jacoby dummy's last spade and t o p e e r pr e ss ur e a n d d o s o m e ' and Mathew R. Baran, 19. No hometowns were playing your eight to finesse th in g a g a ins t yo u b e tt e r | u d g available. Oswald: “ Fred Karpin againn East’s nine-spot, Four of the injured were treated and released PRCXRUM. thus picking up the trumps L E O (J u l y 2 3 -A u g . 2 2 ) B e w ari wrote a book on slams back from the Central Vermont Hospital in Berlin. in 1962 and we have found and allowing you to claim o f t e m p t a tio n s t o d a y t o t a k e a n Thomas L. Wolfle was admitted to the Burlington Q e t mqwd e hSt art on a Bwm u n e r fjgwrrn. considerable interest in it, your slam.” u n y i e ld in g p o s it io n o n a i ( particularly as it includes Oswald: “No problem at u n p o p u l a r c a us e . E v e n p e rs o n a Medical Center. many Oswald Jacoby all.” w h o a r e n o rm a lly supp ortiv e; Four other students were thrown from the truck J o i n q u k k a n d lo s e w a i g h t f a a t a r In t h a v e r y f irs t w e e k s . hands.” (NEWSPAPESt ENTERP RISE ASSN.) m a y sid e w ith t h e op p o sit e . and escaped injury, Chikalla said. V m O O ( A u g . 2 3 -8 a p l. 221 St a rt th e c o u n t d o w n t o a t h in n e r K e e p In m in d t o d a y th a t ov e ry x y o u . W e ig h t W a t c h e rs , f or y e a rs the o n e Is e n title d t o his o r h e r S e n a tor s a ys ‘Join m e’ l e a d e r in s a fe, s e n s ib l e w e ig h t lo ss, o p in io n . B e in g t o o c rit ic a l AUGUSTA, Maine — A New Hampshire n o w h e lp s y o u lo s e q u ic k e r t h a n CROSSWORD c o u ld c a u s e a m in o r d e b a t e t d ever, w hil e y o u e a t 3 w e ll-b a l a n c e d t u rn In to a s e rio us c a n f ro n t a ! senator who convinced nine Republicans he m e a ls a d ay. E a s y-t o -f o llo w m e n u tio n. ' • defeated in a primary fight to back his candidacy p l a n s m a k e it a sn a p. L IB R A (S e p l . 2 3 -O e t . 2 3 ) 0 4 has told Maine conventioneers that unity is the A n d W e ig h t W s tc h e rs h e lp s T V T H f T W A N T T O P o A C R O S S 5 Come dl en A n sw e r to Piavioue Puzzle n o t dis c o u n t y o u r o w n | udg« key to success. y o u k e e p o n lo s in g , b y t e a c h Ce e e er m e n t In fin a ncia l ig a tt e rs to d a y; "There is no room for bickering, or for in g y o u b e tt e r e a tin g h a bits. T k TD^^(3C]QLUJeI PROGRAMMING /viY g i o o P A P H Y O N 1 C f typroblsin 6 Alter P e rm itting s o m e o n e e la e t o d o squandering away the assets of our party, which S o t h o s e lo st p o u n d s st a y 5 Soo t nators nnn BuuniDriaoii] all y o u r thin k in g c o u ld e n d u 4 lost. F o r g o o d . n EjnnnnanD are so superior to those of the other party,” said C a ll W e ig h t W s tc h e rs. DEPT. 9 Contin ent 7 Eskimo bo at cif D u a a c o s tin g yo u m o n e y. • Sen. Warren Rudman, R-N.H., who delivered the "F luffs, 12 Resort city in 8 Dye S C O R P I O ( O c L 24.NOV. 2 2 ) I f f Y o u w o n 't g e t d is c o u r F lorid t 10 Stuffy bo a t no t t o t a k e In d e p e n d e n i keynote address Saturday at the Maine GOP Sing e r a g e d . B e c a u s e w e'll h e lp 3 iiuD iTiriD ne,:/CjiLi convention. p o t i U - u P , ^ " 13 Atte nd 11 Ch ara cte r o f a n Dcinn a c tio n t o d a y o n a n Im p o rt a n] y o u g e t re sults. 14 Hem 0HD n n n n n n n n ttua tlon w h ich c o n e rn s b o t i Rudman called for party unity, a theme echoed Fre e-Arm 16 Nothing 12 Th a w e d GiHETQnD n c s n n a n y o u a n d y o u r m a t e . G e t 't h f by most other speakers at this year's convention. 18 H eroic tale 15 Jo k e nran nna o t h e r's c o n s t a n t first. , He said harmony has been the key to success M od e l 5525 19 C o m p a u 17 M i t t for ( j u m n u n n nc,;i S A G ITT A R I U S (N o v . 2 3 -O a a among Republicans in his home state. C M 9 * 4 b y«A MS point bre a thing QDUOCtD (!] 2 1 ) Y o u 'r e n o t a p t t o p a r f b n g Rudman, a former New Hampshire attorney 2 2 Ti n w division 18 Aflla a a w e ll t o d a y it s o m e o n e Is lo o k^ $19999 W- ~i ulcP R OkG R A M FSR O M W EUX i H T W A uT O C R S i fDfDnnDnDlaaiin general, won the Republican Senate nomination 2 4 Sm all cask 2 0 Na k ed l A I D I In g o v e r y o u r s h o u ld e r t a iling 2 5 CIO M relative 21 C ity in y o u w h a t t o d o . D o n't p u t youra in 1980 over nine oilier candidates. The day after Reg. $299.99 27 Shroud Okle homa 3 4 North ern 4 5 No thing (Fr.) a e lM n this circ u m s t a n c e . ' ; his primary victory, he said he named the LOWEST PRICE THIS SUMMER! 29 F a e ble e iind a d 2 3 G erm an tid e contt alla tion 4 8 Bound C A P R IC O R N (D o c . 2 2 -J a n . 1 H defeated candidates as co-chairmen of his 0 F R E E R E G I S T R A T I O N A P R I L 2 3 - M A Y 12 parson 2 8 H a ving pa del 3 6 Deme an ed 6 0 Undilut a dAS T r y t o s t a a r cl e a r o l 'p e rg o n f campaign. (or t e w U rU v e n o l pr e s s u r e 31 Ne xt to d igit t ' ' 3 8 B amboolik a w h o a r e o v e rly d e m a ndIngL Democratic leadership has led to higher taxes 1 kidneys N o rm a lly y o u ’r e a b l e t o t o l e ^ i n g h a rd-t o-r e a c h o d lu s t s t o a ll 2 8 River in g rs M 5 2 1 and to fiscal irresiMnsibiiity, Rudman said, Pay only the 5 7 weekly fee to join. 35 Na tion al Engla nd a l a Itw a e t yp e s, b u t to d a u cults a n d (x>llars w e igh ts o M o b rlc t 41 Grid d e r grou p 8 4 Be fore (prefix) 37 Prepared 3 0 V e ry (Fr.) o o u ld b a a n e x c e p tio n. * problems the Republicans are well equipped to Also, ask about our money-saving prepayment plan. 3 8 Shut out 3 2 Ca lifo mia (a bbr.) SB Hous e A O U A R R IS (J a n . 2 S-F a b . l 4 . r e m e d y . White Fie e-A m 445 R e g . $ 3 9 9 .9 9 ...... $249.99 Visa/Mastercard accepted in select locations. 4 0 Box w in e district 4 2 Norw e gia n addition U s u a lly c h a ll e n g e a w a k e n k The free enterprise system can’t work properly 41 C o m p e n 3 3 A ctor W a i t 4 3 Lesion 8 6 Bla ck bre ad y o u r b a tt e r qua Ntlos, bu t- h i if people are taxed to the point where their Singer D elux e Free-Arm M36 R e g . $ 4 9 9 .9 9 . . . $349.99 O f f e r v a lid o n ly as a discount a n d c a n n o t b e c o m b in e d w ith a n y o th e r point m lg h t * n o t b o t h e c a s e t o d a f . discount, sp ecia l rate, o r free offer. O f f e r v a lid in p a rticip a ting are as only. 1 a 4 incentive is killed, he said. And the nation's 44 Batter a 1 i V s D o n 't Im m a ro o yo urs e lf In u p h p political leaders must learn to respond to the belenced struo a ltts. * needs of the people. N E W M E M B E R S , M A I N T E N A N C E A N D L I F E T I M E M E M B E R S 46Pby e icia n e' • 10 11 5i P W M S ( M k 2 0 -M a r e h 2 4 "They (the public) want leaders who will tell S H O U L D A R R I V E M HOUR B E F O R E T I M E S L I S T E D B E L O W 11 14 11 S u b d u a Inclin a tions t o d a y f o (a bbr.) c o n tr a d ic t o th e rs m e r e ly l i y them the truth, even though it might be F O R R E G IS T R A T I O N A N D P R E -M E E T I N G O R I E N T A T I O N . 47 Part o f a ya rd IS 17 t h o s a k e o f a rg u m e n t. In a t a nd unpleasant,” be said. S a l e e n d s S a turd a y, M a y 12th. 4 B Ta n k a rd ■ o f, w in n in g p o in ts y o u a u i MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD EAST HARTFORD 51 Bo a t trip IS ao m a k o s n o m l e s . a leer M e # Sacond CongrtgatkMMl Ch. Knighti ol Cohmibue Hall HoRdaylnn S3 Mora ■ ■ A IS R S (M a r c h 2 1 - A p t l l '^ ) 385 N. Main St. 1831 Main Sireel 363 Roberla Slraet N O . . . M Y M O T H E R F=UT H C W C O M e A U M O LX profound IS a s D o n 't b o s tingy w h e n d o a M m - Mon. 4:45 pm & 6:30 pin -Mon. 6:30 pm Exi t 58 o f f 184 87 Big nam e In " M w ith o tli a rg t o d a y b u t, b u t fH U y o u lln d a Ow n e d ond op eiot ed by -Wed. 6:45 pm •Wad. 6:30 pm A L L M Y C L O T H E S I N W E I R D O S W I N D U P A T M Y ts ^ 0Ffcut»!! K>bri'Cenler$ of Amet ico. ine I T hi- tower pric e VMC A-YW C A golf “ ■ t h a a a m a to k e n , t a k e c a r* 4o wi^MiiWEr sumiiR T H E W A S H E R . L E M O N A D E S T A N D ? SB Cross IS as •00 th a t th o Hon’s i h a r e o l tRo odvertlte d In YWCA 770 Main Slraet SOUTH WINDSOR 5 9 Sm all ■ 1 gn p e no e e d o e s n't ta ll u p o n yo u. lownwithinlO 76 N. Main Street •Wed. 9:30 am Wkpplng Comm. Chuidi whirlpool d q y t o l purchase, -Thure.9;30am 1790 Ellington Rd. IS ly M M itla : A | h 4 Md in 6 0 F a r (prolix) M S a v e m o a e y . P a a b we'll relund MANCHESTER PARHADE •Tliur8.6:30pm « t ea 4 S 4 4 f r c e i e r U e t o v e r y o u r e a B i mm - 4VIV ZD the difference. F O R M O R E IN F O R M A TIO N A N D A D D ITI O N A L C L A S S L O C A TIO N S . C A L L D O W N ■ a d y o B c a n U i t e a t o y g a r iM ib iH t r M ^ l h A r m S i 2 July M l - July 20 340 Broad St. 6 4 9-9 4 3 4 47 4S 4S •ffxperf 10 • m t a p M w i t h o B t a p l a y ^ Rid C m i Iw iiM M liig l DMi l^d b c U a n s lir All B.-Fri.. 10-9; Sot., 1 0 -«; Sim. 12-5 1 Bithop'a M p a k $»n l e » 1- 800- 972-9320 11 sa la IT t r jr TIa w U iO to SS lor all bra nds oi Ln h i m LiM ie ChiffN L B / ^O N A O B — 2 Gkinua of MwSfwindMr t e wing m achin es 17 IS Isa IriMpiiWiM k M EJI. Him *^ A * .V e iiM ,liiW M iv • mta krn \ 5 * ^ < ^ i A S S 15 B l A S S - 3 Soa mammal % m Si M C M IF irF rM lr n a d a k u W E IG H T W ATCHERS' 4 Th u g '646-8W7 N t a n 818-7712 CcopyriQlM 1954. fob(!C e n$ er$ol Am eric a, Inc. (S W H g h l W k l c l w r t l n t w n a l l a n t l. In c. 1 9 e «o «i w « > l m * W W g M W k t c h s r a a n < ) Q u i c k s t a r t Ir a d s n w X t . 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. April 30. 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, April 30. 1984 — II H o lo c a u s t Obituaries o b s e rv e d E d w a rd S. Cr a m Rich ard W . Johnson SPORTS Richard W. Johnson, 68, of 263 a ro u n d w o rld Edward Stone Cram, 66, of 561 Vernon St., died Saturday at Adams St., died Saturday at Manchester Memorial Hospital. B v Unit e d Pre ss Int ern a tio n al Manchester Memorial Hospital. He was the husband of Martha He was the husband of Ruth (Moeckel) Johnson. The state of Israel came to a halt (Palmer) Cram. He was born in Portland. and memorial services were held Dispute d hom er Celtics defeat He was born in Burlington. Vt. on Oregon, on Feb. 20, 1916 and had throughout the U n it^ States to March 18, 1918 and had lived in been a resident of Manchester remember the '6 million Jews sent Middlebury, Vt. and Indianapolis, since 1950. Before retiring in 1977 to their deaths by the Nazis in Ind., before moving to Manchester he was an analyst with Pratt & World W ar II. sinks R e d Sox in 1968. He was a process engineer Whitney in East Hartford, where Air raid sirens sounded in Israel * Knicks, 110-92 at Pratt & Whitney in East he had worked for 36 years. He was f to signal two minutes of silence. CHICAGO (U P I) - The Red Sox watch too many ol them, but I Hartford for two years before a U.S. Army Air Force veteran of Traffic stopped and drivers stood didn’t think much of Ron Kittle’s stuck around for that one." By Frederick Waterman In tne first half. Boston ran off a retiring in 1970. He previously had World War II. He was a member of at attention outside their vehicles. first homer of the game, so the Boston had taken a 2-0 lead in the UPI Sports Writer 17-2 run in the first quarter and a 4 been employed by the Jones & Lodge of Masons 73 and was a In Washington, observances be- White Sox left fielder smashed top of the first, thanks to two errors 10-2 spurt in the second. Parish Lamson Machine Co. of Spring- former member of the Nutmeg gan Sunday with an “ Evening of another to demonstrate he knows by Chicago second baseman Julio BOSTON — Million-doliar sixth keying both. field, Vt. as a process engineer in Organ Society. Commemoration Through the Per- something about power hitting. Cruz. man Kevin McHale showed N^w Boston's center, who had a New England, Indiana, and the In addition to his wife he leaves forming Arts” at the Kennedy Kittle ju m p ^ on rookie Red Sox Cruz’s first error allowed Jerry York just how much they lost in game-high 12 rebounds, used a Greater New York area. He also two daughters. Mrs. Elaine Gould Center. The observance continued pitcher A1 Nipper for two home Remy to reach first base. On his last summer’s free-agent war for variety of dunks, jump shots and had been employed by the Sim- of Manchester and Mrs. William today with ceremonies at the site of runs — depositing his second atop second miscue, Cruz went behind his services. inside moves to dominate Knick mons Precision Products of Ver- (Melanie) Nivison of Ellington; the planned U.S. Holocaust Mem- the left field roof at Comiskey Park second base for Dwight Evans’ The Celtics' 6-foot-10 forward centers Bill Cartwright and Mar- gennes, Vt. and four grandchildren. orial Museum that included — and drove in five runs Sunday to grounder and made a bad throw to came off the bench to score 25 vin Webster. Parish finished off He was a U.S. Navy veteran of Private funeral services will be speeches by Vice President give Chicago a 6-4 victory over shortstop Glenn Hoffman on an points and pul the reins on New Boston's 17-2 run with a slam-dunk World War II and saw action held at the Holmes Funeral Home, George Bush and Senate Majority Boston. attempt to force Remy. York’s red-hot Bernard King Sun- off a Bird alley-oop pass giving during the invasion of Southern 400 Main St. Burial will be in East ieader Howard Baker. “ I made a couple of bad pitches Mike Easier singled to score day. leading the Celtics to a 110-92 Boston a 27-14 lead. France and Ulithi. He was a Cemetery. There are no calling In New York City, an estimated and it hurt," said Nipper, 0-1, who Remy and send Evans to third. victory over the Knicks in the New York never drew closer member of South United Methodist hours. Memorial donations may be 3,650 people participated in a Yom was named to start after Dennis Evans came home when Jim Rice opener of the best-of-seven East- than 8 points the rest of the game. Church, the Manchester Lodge of made to the Masonic Home and Hashoah service at Manhattan's Boyd came down with the flu. bounced into a double play. ern Conference semifinal. Celtic coach K.C. Jones ex- Elks, the Masonic Lodge and the Hospital in Wallingford. cavernous Temple Emanu-EI “ Throw them away and it’s a The Red Sox tied the score 3- 3 in Boston jumped to a 20-poinl lead plained, "W e moved the ball very Sigma Phi Fraternity. He had also comm emorating the 41st different gam e.” the second inning. Reid Nichols at the half and New York could well, and you have to against a worked as a volunteer for the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Kittle blasted a slider from singled, moved to third on Ed never mount a rally as the Celtics trap, which has the aim of rattling Greater Hartford Council on Alco- Th om a s M . M a cDouo a ll uprising in April 1943. Nipper into the left field seats in Jurak’s single, and scored on consistently turned New York's the ballhandler and cutting down hol and Drug Abuse. Funeral services for Thomas M. Those attending the gathering, the first inning to give Chicago a 3-2 Hoffman’s infield out. full-court press into fast-break his vision. Besides his wife he leaves two MacDougall will be held Wednes- inciuding many Holocaust survi- lead. The home run scored Greg Kittle hit his second homer of the opportunities. Bird, who was slowed by an sons. Richard P. Cram of Ansonia day at 10 a.m. at the Holmes vors and their children, recited the Luzinski, whose RBI single had cut game and sixth of the season in the i Using long passes over the ankle injury but still hit for 23 and Peters. Cram of Weare, N.H.; Funeral Home. 400 Main St. Jewish prayer for the dead for the Boston’s edge to 2-1. third inning followng singles by guards to beat the Knicks’ usually- - points on lO-of-16 shooting, said. two daughters. Mrs. Bonney C. L "The key today was Kevin shutting MacDougall, of 568 Hilliard St., more than 6 million Jews who died But a cross wind of 18 mph Greg Walker and Luzinski. troublesome trap pres^~Bdstotf^ Strandberg of Reading, Mass., and died Friday at the age of 65 at in Nazi death camps. appeared to hook Kittle’s shot foul. " 1 hit the second one harder than front line of McHale, Robert down Bernard. If we can keep him Mrs. Jill C. Simmons of Bedford, Manchester Memorial Hospital. R ^ Sox manager Ralph Houk the first one." Kittle said. ’T v e Parish and Larry Bird combined below 30, we can beat them ." N.H.; his mother. Margaret M. stormed from the dugout and been swinging the bat pretty well ior 67 points. Boston shot 63 percent in the Friends may call at the funeral C r a n i^ f Macon. Ga.; a sister. questioned third base umpire Mike lately." McHale. a free-agent last half while New York hit for a 39 home Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. LoisC. Davies, also of Macon. Card of Thanks R eilly’s call. The Red Sox final run edme in summer who was pursued by New percent average from the field. Burial will be with full military Ga.; six grandchildren and a With the recent death of James “ I didn't have the view the ump the eighth on'an RBI single by Rich York but remained in Boston when Boston led at the halt 64-44. and honors in the Veterans’ section of H. Sarles Sr., the Sarles family nephew. had, but our third base coach Gedman. Celtic general manager Red expanded the margin to 26 points in East Cemetery. wishes to thank all of the emer- The funeral will be Tuesday at 9 (Eddie Yost) said it was foul," Chicago starter Richard Dotson, Auerbach out- manuevered them the third quarter after Dennis gency services of the Community a.m. at Watkins Funeral Home. 142 Survivors include his wife . his Houk said. “ Everyone on our club 3-2, left the contest after walking by signing three Knicks to offer Johnson. 14 points overall, scored IfiW of Manchester for all their efforts E. Center St. Burial will be in mother, two stepdaughters, a a4 c>’. did, but the ump's opinion is what Jurak to open the ninth. Juan sheets, held King to 26 points, well six consecutive points for a 90-64 Evergreen Cemetery, Basking sister, five step-grandchildren and UPI photo that evening. We would like to ex- counts." Agosto got two outs before Al below the 42.6 he averaged in five Boston lead. Ridge. N.J. Calling hours are two nephews. This horse has sense tend a special thanks to all our Kittle said he agreed with Reilly. Jones, who was called up Saturday quarterfinal games against The well-rested Boston team today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at neighbors, friends and relatives “ It was fair, no doubt about it," from Denver of the American Detroit. took advantage of New York’s the funeral home. Memorial dona- Memorial contributions may be D e rby cont e nd er Fight Ov e r reacts as he too h a ppy about ge tting up so e arly, for their unending kindness and he said. "It, hooked after it was Assocation, struck out Evans to McHale hit on ll-of-14 from the apparent tiredness. Jones said, tions may be made to the Am eri- made to the American Cancer . support during our time of sorrow. over the front of the roof. I don’t earn his first major league save. field, and had 8 rebounds, 5 assists "They came off a highly emotional can Cancer Society. 237 E. Center Society, 237 E. Center St., or to a is b eing saddled for a work out on the also losing an hour's sle ep du e to the A heartfelt thanks to all of you. and 4 blocked shots. He said that game in Detroit Friday night. That St. charity of the donor's choice. track Sa nd a y. C o uld be th e horse is not time ch a nge. The Sarles Family his strategy against King, who will might be one reason we shot well NBA roundup usually post up his defender, was and they didn’t." \ "to keep the ball out of his hands as Bird aggravated the ankle injury Near Bolton line much as po.ssible and then try to late in the fourth quarter, but is UPI photo make sure he doesn’t get real good expected to play in Wednesday’s Steve is there lanes to the basket." second game of the best-of-seven Ce ltics' K evin McH a l e tries to block Knick s' B ern ard King King, who has been troubled by series. N e ts trip B uc k s in the first ga m e of th e te ams' N B A e astern conference the flu for several days, did not The All-Star forward had limited w h e n broth er Polic e investigate cross b urn in g incid e nt semifinals Su n d a y a ft ernoon at the Boston G a rd e n. play the fouth quarter. mobility but tallied 12 assists. Manchester police are investigating Hartford by Manchester police and misuse of marker plates. He was An 18-year-old Manchester man was a cross burning discovered late Satur- later released after posting a $5,000 released after posting a $200 bond in satisfactory condition in Manchester AL roundup day night at the intersection of Camp joins the w orld cash bond. He is scheduled to appear pending a May 8 court appearance. Memorial Hospital with a fractured in first g a m e Meeting Road and Finley Drive near Wednesday in Manchester Superior wrist and other minor injuries he the Bolton line. Court. A 21-year-old Bloomfield man was suffered in a collision between his By Susan Plese Town firefighters were called to By Tony Favia lead. Otis Birdsong, who had 18 A former undercover agent of the charged Friday with drunken driving bicycle and a car in the intersection of Herald Reporter extinguish the blazing homemade UPI Sports Writer points, put the Nets ahead for good F oli’s hit in 13th w in s for Y a n k s Statewide Narcotics Task Force, and carrying a weapon in a motor Summit Street and East Middle Turn- w ooden cross, which had been wrapped at 70-69 with a jumper at the 1:40 whose work led to arrests of several vehicle when police spotted a machete pike, police and hospital spokesmen way promotions, with the Yankees blown out in our last two games When Steven Russell Moseley was born Friday in kerosene-soaked rags and set on fire, Milwaukee Bucks Coach Don mark. By Mike Tully Orioles 3, Rangers 2 drug-dealing suspects in Manchester in on the seat beside him after he was said today. dispensing watches and the Mets and this win should give us a big at 11:22 a.m. at Manchester Memorial Hospital, police said. Lying on topof some bushes Nelson wasn’t really praising the The Nets scored the first six UPI Sports Writer ' Al Baltimore. Cal Ripken Jr. October 1982, had paid Cifarelli $30 for stopped on suspicion of drunken Police gave the boy, Steven R. concocting sundaes to honor Dar- moral uplift." his older brother Brian. 2‘/i, was there in the room about 25 feet away police found two New Jersey publicity department points of the third period to tie the tripled home the lying run and a bag of heroin during an arranged deal driving, police said. Millard, of 89 Hackmatack St., a verbal ' ryl Strawberry, the 1983 National "It was one of those days." said to watch. It was the first time that a child had white bedsheets marked in blue with Sunday. It just sounded that way. game alter trailing 50-44 at the A few miles away, the other scored the go-ahead run on Eddie at 1077 Main St. in 1982, police said: Rolf E. Wirkki was later released on warning for failure to obey a red light. League Rookie of the Year. Brewers’ catcher Bill Schroeder. attended the birth of a sibling at the hospital. racial slurs and Ku Klux Klan slogans^ “ I think the public relations the half. Marques Johnson scored the ballclub in town was throwing a Murray’s single in the sixth inning, Task force authorities then obtained a $1,000 non-surety bond and ordered to The driver of the car, Javier F. Davila, The Mets drew 28,562 and the " (Don) Baylor hits that little piece The children's mother. Mary, 28, of^tr^ton, police said. Nets have done on Darryl Dawkins next six points to put Milwaukee "Strawberry Sunday." helping the Orioles post their a warrant for Cifarelli’s arrest, to be appear Wednesday in court. 26, of 18 Walnut St., was not injured in Yankees 50,319. But the Yankee of garbage for a dink single and if said she and her husband Dwane d ecid ^ to On one sheet was written, " K K K !!! has done the job ," said an angry ahead again at 56- 50. It was nothing compared to the fourth straight victory. It was the served along with nearly 40 other the accident, police said. fans appeared headed for disap- Foil hit that last ball good, we include Brian in the birth about two months ago. strikes again! Kill Jesse. Kill niggers. Nelson after the Nets had beaten Johnson led Milwaukee with 23 peach of an ending the New York Rangers’ sixth straight defeat. drug-related arrest warrants the night pointment when the Brewers, who would have caught it. This game The reason was mainly practical, she said. Kill-em-all." There was also a portrait the Bucks 106- 100 in their Eastern points. Junior Bridgeman had 20 Yankees gave their fans. Wayne Gross hit his fourth home of Oct. 21 to 22. Cifarelli was not had won three straight, scored should have been over with (Roy) "W e have no relatives in the area. We hated to of a man with curly hair and the outline Conference semifinal opener at and Mike Dunleavy 15. Tim Foli’s two-out, two-run run of the year in the fifth for apprehended in that raid. three runs in the top of the inning to Smalley at bat. He swings at two drop him off. It's a family thing — not like you’re of the man’s heart with an arrow Milwaukee. “ I think we should Paul Pressey and Bridgeman single capped a four-run rally in Baltimore. sick or something," Mrs. Moseley said in a have shot more fouls." came off the bench in the second the bottom of the 13th inning go ahead 5-2. pitches out of the strike zone and Mariners 9, Angels 6 through it, police said. The sheet had A Bolton man was charged with Then the Brewers used three telephone interview from her home today. Nelson could not understand how quarter and each scored six points Sunday, helping the Yankees snap then gets one right down the At Anaheim, Calif., Barry Bon- burnmarks and footprints on it, they possessing a controlled sustance when EMPEROR GRANDFATHER pitchers in the I3th in a futile effort Mrs. Moseley was attended by Dr. ‘Thomas Dawkins, one of the NBA’s most a four-game losing streak with a middle." said. police found suspected barbiturates in to help the Bucks to a 50-44 halftime nell cracked a three-run homer 6-5 triumph over the Milwaukee to secure the victory. In other games, Detroit topped Chmielewski, a Manchester obstetrician. Mrs. On the other sheet was written, "See his car after he ran over a flower bed at foul-prone players, could get lead. The Bucks led 28-21 after one with one out in the 10th to spoil a Moseley said he expressed no reservations about whistled for only three fouls while Brewers. With one out, Steve Kemp and Cleveland 6-1, Chicago beat Boston you in Groton from: the good old boys. a South Main Street service station, period. magnificent comeback attempt by Brian staying for the delivery. CLOCK SHOW " I couldn’t really see too well — Don Baylor singled. After Oscar 6-4. Baltimore edged Texas 3-2 and See you soon," according to police. police said. his center. Bob Lanier, got six and In the other Eastern semifinal the Angels. Trailing 6-1 and held to Gamble struck out, Roy Smalley’s Seattle lopped California 9-6 in 10 "H e said, ‘Fine. I don’t care who you have in An East Hartford police officer was ejected. The Bucks were opener, Boston crushed New York those shadows were tough." said only three hits by Mike Moore over Ronald D. Carter, 36, of llA Stony E AST HARTFORD SHOWING innings. In a double-header. Min- there. It’s your baby,’" said Mrs. Moseley. reported having seen five cars parked called for 36 fouls to 24 for the Nets. 110-92. Foil. " I didn’t get a good look at the singled in Kemp to finish Peter the first eight innings, the Angels Road, told police at the scene that he TU E S D A Y , W E D N E S D A Y. TH U R S D A Y nesota defeated Oakland 5-2 then Brian was accompanied at the birth by his earlier near the scene, police said. As a result of Dawkins’ cleaner In the Western Conference sem- first pitch and I ’m glad it was a Ladd. McClure walked Ken Grif- scored five runsin the ninth to send was on medication for a recent injury Oakland won the nightcap 3-0. grandmother. Mrs. Moseley 's mother, who came Police would not comment this morn- M a y 1, 2, 3 play, the hulking center was able to finals, Utah beat Phoenix 105-95 in ball. He (Tom Tellmann) got the fey to load the bases and was the game into extra innings. and consumed six capsules in the two Toronto's game at Kansas City from Philadelphia for the event. The policy ing on whether there are any suspects Holid a y Inn score 32 points and dominate the their opener Sunday. On Saturday, next pitch down and I just wanted replaced by Tom Tellman. Pinch Twins 5-0, A’s 2-3 hours before the accident, police said. to hit it hard somewhere. hitter Toby Harrah walked on a was rained out. allowing siblings to be present went into effect in in the case. 363 Roberta S t middle in a third-quarter rally that Los Angeles took a 1-0 lead with a At Oakland, Tim Laudner ripped January. The policy requires that an adult other Police seized four capsules found on the gave the Nets the lead for good. 134-91 humiliation of Dallas. "N ine out of 10 times, if I hit that 3-and-2 pitch to force in another Tigers 6, Indians 1 a two-run homer and Frank Viola than the parent attend the sibling during birth. A New York man turned himself in to passenger’s seat of the car and sent 1-84 Roberts S t Exit Dawkins hit 16 of 18 free throws. ball it carries to the outfield run and Foil, batting .185. singled At Detroit, Dan Petry pitched a and Ron Davis combined on an Mrs. Moseley’s labor began about 3 a.m. Amtrak police at Hartford’s Union them to the state toxicology laboratory “ I didn’t do anything super Jazz 105, Suns 95 because most guys play me sharply in front of Ben Oglivie to no-hitter for 7 2-3 innings and Kirk eight-hitter to spark the Twins in Friday, and she went to the hospital about 7:30 Saturday on a two-year-old charge of for testing, they said. tonight,” said Dawkins after the At Salt Lake City, Adrian Dan- shallow." drive in two runs. Gibson drove in three runs with a the opener. Dwayne Murphy hit a 1 P.M. TILL 9 P.M. tley scored a game-high 36 points "This should pick a lot of guys double and single for the Tigers. a.m. At the last miinute, however, Brian was selling heroin to an undercover officer Carter was also charged with driving afternoon game. “ I just had a good The hit capped a successful day two-run double and three (iitchers • C o m pl e t e ly Ass e m ble d • W e stminster C h im e s to lead the Jazz. Utah surged to a George Vukovich spoiled Petry’s almost left at home. in Manchester, police said today. under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a nd Finish e d C lo c k s • So lid 3 / 4" Bla c k W alnut. game. If I continue playing like for the Yankees, who were shut out up," said New York starter Phil combined on a seven-hitter to 17-point lead in the fourth quarter. no-hit bid by hitting a 2-and-l pitch "H e had gotten up early; he was cranky and John A. Cifarelli, 29, was picked up in driving with his license suspended and • D o-lt-Yo urS e lf Kits C h e rry and O a k this, we can go a long, long way.” by a combined 20-0 score the first Niekro, who yielded eight hits and spark the the A ’s nightcap tri- crabby," Mrs. Moseley said. She asked if he • So lid Bra ss W e st G e rm a n • Th r e e -Y e a r W arra nty In the third period the Nets Walter Davis led a lackluster two games of the series. Both the struck out seven over 10 innings in into the left-center field gap for a umph. Chris Codiroli, 1-0, went five didn’t just want to stay at home with his Move m e nt a nd Dial turned a 62-54 deficit into a 77- 73 Pho/enix attack with 21 points. Yankees and Mets sponsored give- gunning for his fifth win. "W e got double with two out in the eighth. innings for the winners. grandmother. "H e was hysterical about that,” S P E C IA L S H O W P RIC ES she said. “ HIS baby was finally going to com e." E B pricing again ripp e d MANY MODELS ON SALE So Brian accompanied his parents and lAYAKMY PLAN AVAILAaU NL roundup v ie w s w ith a s ta ff grandmother to the hospital. Several times WASHINGTON (UPI) charges against General P R O M PT SHIP M E NT G U A R A N TE E D from o ur Fairhope. during the labor, his grandmother walked him -T- A former general man- member of the congres- Dynamics, Ala b a m a, pla nt. Se e th es e be autiful tradition al Em p e ror down to the sibling room. "But he never wanted to ager of General Dynam- sional Joint Economic Proxmire said Veliotis Gra ndf a th er C lo c k s at this Sp e cial Sh owin g. stay very long," his mother said. ics’ Electric Boat Division Committee, Proxmire alleges that the Electric says high officials of the said. WORLD FAMOUS EMPEHOH CLO C KS AS SEEN O N T.V. During the early part of the labor, Mrs. Moseley Boat Division intention- Model 475 R e ds e xt e nd G i a n ts’ loss stre a k to s eve n w ith sw e e p sat in a rocking chair in the birthing room, and company filed false Veliotis has been in- ally “ bought-in” to the 79"(H) X 24M"(W) X 13%"(D) Brian often tried to comfort her. He gave her ice claims against the Navy dicted for allegedly taking contract for 11 attack E M P E X U X t f By Fred McMane doesn’t do well when he is given a streak. However, the victory was chips, and "he was always offering me his juice after knowingly offering kickbacks from a supplier submarines awarded in C L O C K C O M B U S r UPI Sports Writer chance, then he might not get costly for the Expos, who lost the and presently lives in WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER another chance for quite awhile.” services of their double play and the food he had there," she said. an original price below 1973 "by offering a price OF GRANDFATHER CLOCKS Mrs. Moseley says she was not aware of Brian’s estimated costs. Sen. Wil- Greece. The kickback below the shipyard’s own FAIflMOn.ALaiM Frank Robinson must be ready Walker had three RBI in the combination, shortstop Salazar i m 3 reaction when the baby ’s head actually crowned. liam Proxmire, D-Wis., c ^ c is apparently unre- estimated costs.” WrHt For F Color Catalog to jump off the Golden Gate bridge. second game with a home run and and second baseman Bryan Little, But her mother says “ his eyes got very, very said today. lated to the alleged false Only thing is, the way things are two singles. He also tripled and to injuries. Charlie Lea, 4-1, went big.” The allegations were cimms. going for his San Francisco Giants, scored in the first game. seven innings for the victory. "Certain things impressed him, like the made by P. Takis Veliotis, P ro p a ifo^ jn a speech he’d probably survive the fall and As a reward for their efforts, Cubs 2, Pirates 1 umbilical cord, ” Mrs. Moseley said. Right after former vice president of p re p red foc-delivery to be forced to manage them again. both players will stay in the lineup At Pittsburgh, Gary Matthews the birth Brian sat in a rocking chair and held the General Dyanamics and the Senate, criticized the The Giants hit rock bottom for a while. singled home the winning run in newborn. He since has talked little about the general manager of the Justice Department for Sunday, dropping a double-header Elsewhere in the National the sixth inning to give the Cubs experience, except to mention that “ he didn’t like Electric Boat shipbuild- not taking a more active P IA N O S & O R G A N S to the Cincinnati Reds, 8-1 and 7-3, League, Los Angeles blanked San their victory. Ryne Sandberg it when Mommy yelled." ing division during inter- > interest in Veliotis’s at Riverfront Stadium to extend Diego 6-0, Montreal beat St. Louis doubled off loser John C a m l^ ria , 9 "H e kept asking me if it hurt, ” Mrs. Moseley BANKRUPT STOCK, REPOSSESSIONS their losing streak to seven games. 6-2, Chicago edged Pittsburgh 2-1, 3-2, to lead off the sixth and 0 said. “ I ’m sure it’s hard for children to see their Just how badly the Giants are New York downed Philadelphia 6-2 Matthews followed witl(a single to parents hurting. ” But Brian, she said, did not A. playing is demonstrated by the and Houston beat Atlanta 8-5. knock in his second run of the game appear to be traumatized by the event in any way. DISC O NTINUED C LO S E O UTS fact it was the Reds first double- In American League games, and fifth in two days. Mrs. Moseley said she was pleased with the header sweep in almost four years Detroit trimmed Cleveland 6-1, Mets 6, Phillies 2 whole experience. Are You Satisfied and the key principles in the sweep Baltimore edged Texas 3-2, Chi- At New York, Keith Hernandez “ But it’s obviously not for everyone. I think you were a couple of Cincinnati re- cago defeated Boston 6-4, Minne- hit his first home run of the season have to read your own child,” she said. with your present serves who don’t get to play very sota topped Oakland 5-2 then lost ‘■•la./- and Walt Terrell won his third S A L E - 2 D A YS O N LY! much, Tom Foley and Duane 3-0, New York topped Milwaukee game, leading the Mets to victoijy. relationship with God? Walker. 6-5 in 13 innings and Seattle downed Terrell, 3-1, scattered nine hits OPEN TO TH E PUBLIC “ I don’t know,” Robinson said. California 9-6. Toronto at Kansas over six innings and Jesse Orosco “You’re always searching, always City was rained out. H e lp for f um bling d a ds Tu e s d a y, M a y 1 a nd W e dn e sd a y, M a y 2. Tr e m e n d o u s discoun ts o n n a m e bra nd Pia nos & picked up his fourth save by -»r, . „ , , looking, always thinking about If not Org a n s purch a s e d from b a n krupt de alers, discontinu e d b y m a nufa cturers, fin a nc e striking out five batters in the last CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (UPI) - A woman how to get the team going. I'll just Dodgers 6, Padres 0 two innings. whose husband could not handle safety pins and a Attend the Spiritual Life Series c o m p a n y repo's. A L L m e rch a ndis e with n e w f a ctory w a rra n ty (e xc e pt re po’s) a nd service keep searching.” At , Alejandro Pena squirming infant at the same time has designed a by are a dealer. Asked if he planned personnel pitched a five-hitter for his second Astros 8, Braves 5 cloth diaper that uses Velcro tabs. with changes, Robinson said, “ It's not shutout of the season and Mike N A M E B R A N D S 30% T O 50% O F F E N TIR E S E L E C TIO N . At Houston, Mike Scott allowed Fredericka Coates’ crusade for better diapers was k ’ t that easy, but it will be discussed. Marshall hit his seventh home run only four hits over 6 2-3 innings and motivated by her dissatisfaction with the disposable Rev. and Mrs. James Bell Fin ancing available with no dow n p a ym e nt Right now, though, I have no one in to lead the Dodgers to victory. Craig Reynolds drove in two runs, variety. mind.” Pena struck out six and did not at the enabling the Astros to snap a The Velcro tabs — used to fasten shoes, jackets and Ag e nt on Premisea; Musical Inatnim ent Outle t Foley, O-for-5 this season coming walk a batter in winning his fourth five-game losing streak. Scott, 1-1, other items — came into the picture when her husband S A L E H O U R S into the double-header, cracked his straight gam e and raising his CHURCH OFTHENAZARENE walked two and struck out four first m ajor-league home run, record to 4-1. His previous shutout had a difficult time fastening safety pins in the middle T U E S D A Y & W E D N E S D A Y before being relieved in the sev- 236 Main Si., Manchester QUALITY INN tripled in a run, and had a sacrifice was also at the expense of the of the night. enth inning. Dale Murphy homered 1 PM T O 9 PM Rte. 83 (Hartford Tumplk a) - Exit 95 off 1-86 fly to spark the Reds’ triumph in Padres 10 days ago. Mrs. Coates had used disposable diapers on her first Wednesday thru Saturday - 7:30 p.m. if;- for Atlanta. two children, but when the third was bom in 1979 her Sunday 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. MancheaterAfenwn line - noar Ihe Stoak Out a Th e Cotony the opener. He added a triple and husband, Michael, complained. So she set out to an RBI single in the nightcap and Expos 6, Cardinals t UPI photo design a cloth diaper that did not need pins. Neale McLain, Pastor Nursery provided sparkled defensively at shortstop At Montreal, Argenis Salazar Big \aircraft carriers, large She contends her simple invention — a traditional in both games. tripled home the go-ahead run in Montre al E xpos' Tim Rain es dives back Montre a l. Rain e s w a s t a gg e d out wh e n cargo ships and many big tankers cotton diaper with Velcro fasteners instead of pins — “When you ddn't get to play very the second inning and scored on to first as C ardin a ls’ first bas em a n Da vid are ail too'lQjgte t<^pass through the is healthier and less costly than disposable brands. he overslid th e bag. often, you want to make the most of Pete Rose’s single, helping the Gr e e n w a its for the ball Su n d a y in it,” said Foley. "If a reserve Expos snap a t^ree-game losing Panama Canal. 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. April 30, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. April 30, 1984 — 13 Scholastic roundup First pick no mystery Eagle bats stay hot in Tuesday’s NFL draft By Ira Kaufman The Bengals. who have four of nipires to go (or Michigan State’s UPl Sports Writer tbe first 35 picks, say tbey have Carl Banks or Wilber Marshall of merely responded to tbe unusual Florida, who turned off the Oilers with 20-1 victory NEW YORK — Four months nature of this year's draft. with his demands for a lucrative after tbe University of Nebraska “ This year, we think more multi-year contract. It was a day for fattening the Nerthwest Cotlielic (II — B. Sai Public with a time of 3:50.1. dropped out of the No. 1 spot in the choices are better (or us than the Rounding out the order of 2> 4-M -O, D'Am ico cf 4-0-t-0.~Kelfey c The Indians' Felicia Falkowski national eollege football ratings, top choice," says Cincinnati gen- selection in the opening round after average and getting into a groove. Kane lb 2-0-04, Pickerlno dh If hitters are supposed to get hot 3-0-0-0, Hayes pb 1 4 4 0 , M oore ss placed fourth -in the 800 meters tbe Qinihiiskers return to the top eral manager Mike Brown. “ The the Chiefs are l^n Diego. Cincin- when the weather gets warmer. 0444, Sisk 3b 3-044, Woln r1 4444, with a time of 2:27.94. Other ’Tuesday in tbe NaUonal Football draft this year has a number of nati, Indianapolis. Atlanta, tbe Coco If 3 4 1 4 , O. Sonlos p-h 3-044, League draft. players who are similar in ability. Jets, Chicago. Green Bay, Minne- East Catholic opponents are in Ryon p 0 4 4 0 . Tofols 29-1-44. Indians doing well were Becky trouble. East Cothelic (M ) — Darby 2b 04-4-3, Castagna in the 1500, seventh, Vin All 12 rounds will be conducted at In our eyes, there is simply no one sota. Buffalo, the Jets (from New On Saturday, the Eagles put up Maruki 3b 4-3-2-1, Hay hurst 3b 1-040, Uscomb and John (Ximeau in the a midtown hotel, beginning at 8 player who stdnds out." Orleans). Cincinnati (from New Masse cf 4-3-2-2, Roy p-3b 5-4-34, RIoos a.m. EST, when the New England another football-like score as they ss 02-4-4, Feshler r f 01-3-2, H o t! 1b 1500, seventh and eighth, respec- Teams will have 15 minutes to England), St. Louis, Cleveland, bombed Northwest Catholic, 20-1, 01-1-1, Modden dh 31-40, Gallidiue c tively, and Don Hickey in the Patriots officially announce the make a selection in tbe opening two Indianapolis (from Denver), De- in a Hartford County Conference 0404, Beamer c 0444, Vibberts It javelin, seventh. selection of Nebraska All-America rounds and five minutes in the last troit. the L ^ Angeles Rams, 31-04, Stontord p 1-044 Totals 45-20 game. They've averaged 13 nins a 19-19 wide receiver Irving Fryar as tbe 10 rounds. Seattle. Pittsburgh. San Fran- game despite five postponements Northwest Cothollc 000 001 000 1 Bulldogs lose twice No. 1 pick— acquired in a deal with "Where, in the past, almost cisco, Dallas. Miami, Washington East Catholic 004 071 44x 20 BOLTON — The Bolton High tbe Cincinnati Bengals. Nebraska every team figured to get a definite and Cincinnati for the third time on and their third baseman, Paul WP-Roy; LP-D. Santos Roy, has amassed 22 RBI in the Bulldogs dropped two games over dropped a 31-30 decision to Miami starter in the first round, that a choice (n m the Raiders through seven games so far. He had six in MHS’s Seise the weekend, extending their win- (Fla.) in the Orange Bowl that cost might not be the case this year," New England. Saturday's romp, including four on tops event less streak to eight games. They the Comhuskers the national says Charles C^serly. assistant Besides Steinkuhler. N F L scouts a fifth-inning grand slam. lost to RHAM on Friday, 13-3, and championship. general manager of the Washing- are high on North Carolina's Roy was one of two players with NEW BRITAIN - Manchester to Rocky Hill on Saturday, 22-7. Fryar, a 4.4 speedster who had 40 ton Redskins, who pick 27th in the 313pound tackle Brian Blados. three hits. Chris Darby and Jeff High's Jen Seise took top honors in They host uneaten Ckiventry receptions for 780 yards and eight opening round. Maryland guard Ron Solt and Ohio Riggs led the way with four hits the heptalon with 2,906 points at the Tuesday. touclukiwns as a senior for the In just its second year of State tackle Bill Roberts. On the apiece. Riggs also crushed a New Britain Invitational run-oriented Comhuskers, was operation, the U.S. Football defensive front, look (or Rick East softballers signed by tbe Patriots almost three League has bad a devastating Bryan of Oklahoma, Ron Faurotdf 3 three-run homer in the eighth Saturday. inning. After the first day of competi- win twice weeks ago after they dealt four impact on tbe NFXdraft, grabbing Arkansas. Bill Maas of Pittsburgh The Eagles took a little longer in tion, Seise was third behind Kathy The East Catholic High softball draft picks — including two off Brigham Young quarterback and Keith Millard ol Washington scoring this time. It wasn't until Hewitt of Hall and Donna Dab- team won twice over the weekend, first-rounders — to Cincinnati. Steve Young, Heisman Tropby State to go in the first two rounds. UPI ptKKo Fryar will become the first wide winning mnning back Mike Rozier the third inning that they got on the kowski of New Britain. However, beating South Windsor, 7-2, Friday With Rozier gone, the top run- board when they crossed the plate she won the javelin, long jump and afternoon and pounding Northwest receiver chosen No. 1 by the N F L of Nebraska. Tennessee All- ning backs available are Baylor's Bali pops out of the hands of Panther Justin Sunday at Giants Stadium in East America defensive lineman Reg- four times. 800 meters to overtake them in the Catholic. 12-2, at Robertson Park since the San Francisco 49ers took Alfred Anderson. Penn Slate's Jon wide receiver Walter Broughton as he's Rutherford, N.J. Texas Tech's Dave Parks in 1964. gie White and Baylor offensive Darby led off by reaching on a close competition. on Saturday. Williams and Stanford Jennings of lineman Mark Adickes, all certain two-base throwing error. Matt Athletes from both Manchester In Saturday's romp, Mary-Gail hit by Generals’ cornerback Kerry New England will be followed by Furman. Steve Young, the USFL's 0 and East Catholic placed in the Houston, the New York Giants, first-round choices. Maruki singled, and when the ball Pryzby held Northwest to two hits $40 million man. was by lar tbe UPl photo Tbe N F L has announced plans to went through the center fielder's two-day event. and Martha went three-for-four, Philadelphia and Kansas City. The premier quarterback available, legs. Darby scampered all the way Freshman Brian Brophy of including a triple and four RBI's, l/SFL roundup Oilers are expected to sign 263 hold a three-round supplementary with Esiason, Duke's Ben Bennett draft in earty June consisting John McEnroe slaps a backhand toward victory in the World Championship home. Chris Masse walked, Roy Manchester placed third in the to pace the Eagles. Jill Gardiner pound Nebraska guard Dean Stein- and Jeff Hostetler of West Virginia singled for one run, and Brian decathalon with 5,029 points behind c h ip i^ in with a double and Janet kuhler to a 3 year pact today and solely of 1984 draft-eligible players likely to be drafted in the first or during his 6-1,6-2, 6-3 Tennis finals in Dallas. Feshler brought them both home Damn Armstrong of Haddam; Cbarizione, although she had only will add another nugget to an already signed by the USFL. Last second round. with a double. Killingly (5,561) and Scott De- one hit, scored four runs. The team impressive young offensive line. year, nine players already signed The Eagles scored seven runs in verger of South Windsor (5,317). It only committed one error. Invaders get first win; The Bengals had the No. 1 pick by the USFL were selected in the Other lop college talent siphoned RM ■ I the fifth and four runs each in the was Brophy's first decathalon. On Fritfay, Karen Kaufhold originally owned by Tampa Bay, NFL draft. ofi by the USFL includes offensive IWl W k l II W W t U I I 19 iw I I Cl I IwW seventh and eighth innings to East Catholic's top performers pitched a two-hitter as the Eagles having acquired it in a deal that The Giants, who coveted Stein- linemen Gary Zimmerman of complete the rout. Roy. who were Jim M eyer's third in the beat South Windsor in a game sent quarterback Jack Thompson kuhler, may trade down in the Oregon and Mike Ruether of normally handles the hot comer, discus (42.15 meters) and fourth played in Manchester. Stacey to the Buccaneers. Cincinnati will opening round while Philadelphia Texas^ running backs Buford Jor- took his turn on the pitching mound place finish in the shot put (14.96). Simmons was 2-for-2 with two have three first-round picks, se- is exposed to take either Penn dan of McNeese State and Kevin after easy WCT victory this time and lim it^ Northwest to Carole Colliton placed third in the Generals top Panthers lecting seventh, 16th and 28th. H ie State wide receiver Kenny Jack- Mack of Clemson and defensive walks for the Eagles. Sue Wallce just one run and two singles. He 3000 meters with a time of 11:21. also had two hits, including an New York Jets and the Colts, now son or Maryland quarterback linemen William Fuller of North of Romania iduring the Davis complained of having to play three when Greggory Johnson recovered By Harihar Krishnan walked two and fanned seven in his Other Eagles placing were Tim base-loaded double which drove in By Dave Roffo Evans at the Oakland 4-yard line in Indianapolis, have two first- Boomer Esiason. Kansas City Carolina and James Robinson of Cup). days in a row to accommodate a blocked punt in the end zone, a UPl Sports Writer six innings of work. Larry pitched Howard, sixth in the 5000 (16; 18). three runs. UPl Sports Writer as time ran out. round picks each. needs help at linebacker and Clemson. He said Sunday this record television coverage. 2-yard run by Herschel Walker and the final three innings and Jerry Murphy, sixth in the junior The Eagles now have a record of should .set him up for the next "TV seems to be dictating The Invaders had refused a a 43yard Roger Ruzek field goal, DALLAS — Immediately after matched Roy's strikeout total. It varsity 1500 (4:36)r and Teresa 5-3; they are 3-1 in Hartford County Now the Chicago Blitz know how month's French Open 'which I sports. There’s no choice. They tell penajty on the previous play, Bobby Hebert ran for a TD and uinning the World Championship was one of those days where a Kittredge, fifth in the 1500 (4:59.4). Conference play. Their next game the Oakland Invaders felt last want to win badly. " you when to play ... Tennis stinks electing to leave the ball at their pass^ for another score for of Tennis. John McEnroe set his coach could just sit back and relax. In Friday's junior varsity meet, is this afternoon at St. Paul. week, after losing to Washington in "If I don't win it in the next twoor on TV 2-yard line with fourth down and Michigan, 6-4. Records fall sights on the French Open, the only the battle of the U.S. Football Sports in Brief The win boosts East Catholic's Manchester's 4x400 relay team of South Windsor 000 002 0 2-2-3 major title he hasn't won. three years. I never will." he Matters could come to a head League's two remaining winless five seconds remaining. StalUons 31, Gold 14 record to 6-loverall and 4-0 in the Paul Szatkowski, Tully Patiflak, East Catholic 052 000 x 7-143 McEnroe tuned up (or that added. next year when WCTT. under its new HCC. The Eagles play at St. Paul Dwayne Albert and Al O'Neil Reynolds, Moniz (6) 8, Warner; teams. At Denver, Cribbs rushed for 110 three-year contract with CBS Kaufhold & Fisher "They only had one play left," Count on disabted list objective Sunday with a 6-1. 32. McEnroe dominatc*d Connors, today. finished second behind Hartford The Invaders rebounded with a yards to be<»me the first USFL Sports, moves up the schedule two WP—Kaufhold; LP—Reynolds Oakland coach Chuck Hutchison in Des Moines 33. victory' over Jimmy Connors in seven years his senior. The 17-13 decision over the Blitz at player to crack the 1,003 yard NEW YO RK — The New York Yankees Sunday weeks, from April 314. the same said. “ We turned the penalty down the WCT final. "wicked lefty " serve McEnroe has Chicago Sunday for their first mark for the season and Stoudt ' placed starting pitcher John Montefusco on the week of the Masters Golf Tourna- because we felt we could stop the Bv Scott Sonner honed was in display throughout. triumph after nine straight losses. threw two TD passes to spark the 15-day disabled list and recalled right- hander The victory evened their career ment. To make adjustment with run beter than a pass, which they UPl Sports Writer "This is one ol the greatest MCC softball squad gets Chicago fell to 37. Stallions to their ninth straight (^ r t Brown from Columbus of the International head-to-head series to 12-12. the golf, the tennis semifinals and would have had to throw from the matches ! have ever played. " he "E very loss is a low point," Blitz win. Cribbs has 1,046 yards. Leon League. earned McEnroe his fourth WCT finals will begin at 9:30 a.m. CST. 7- yard line. DE^ MOINES. Iowa — Marquette assistant track .said. "When 1 won my .serve every A coach Marv Levy said. “ We played P erry added two TD runs for Montefusco was forced to leave Saturday title and $150,000 in prize money lor The contract will prevent ,WCT coach Pete Melms claimed a Drake Relays victory in time. I could do what I wanted on well but we didn't play well enough Birmingham, 31, while Craig night's game against Milwaukee in the third a total of seven hours and seven from conflicting with the NBA bis second marathon ever, closing the diamond his serve. So 1 attacked more. He mixed results In twInblHs today. The tackling was very bad." Generals 31, Panthers 21 Penrose threw two TDs for ' inning due to a sprain of the sternal joint in the minutes on the court during which playoffs, as happened this year. anniversary of the five-day track and field event in was a bit sluggish but I was all over Despite Eric Jordan's 186 yards At East Rutherford, N.J., Brian Denver, 7-3. chest. To make room on that list for the veteran he did not concede a single set. CBS will use the tennis as the which 14 records fell. him." The Manchester Community as DenauK tossed a one-hitter, game. Daley had two hits and three and two touchdowns on 13 carries, Sipe scored a touchdown and In other USFL news, Pittsburgh right-hander, the Yankees shifted reliever Mike McEnroe's other tennis nemesis. lead-in to its weekend golf Southern Illinois shattered the American collegiate College softball team won one coming within one out of a RBI. Kirsch and Glazer each had and a league-record 300 team passed for another in a 17- point fired coach Joe Pendry after a 2-8 ' Armstrong from tbe 15-day to the 21-day list. of Czechoslovakia, Connors said he had no excuses. coverage. mark with a 3:00.78 in the 1,604meter relay Saturday. doubleheader and lost one this no-hitter. Shortstop Karen Daley two hits. rushing yards, Oakland nearly lost second quarter to help the Gener- start and named offensive line Brown, who posted a 1.69 ERA iq four spring pulled out of the tournament "I never really got started." he Starting next year, the 12 players A pair of Texas Longhorns — junior javelin thrower weekend. had five hits and scored six runs. MCC also lost the second game, it. The Invaders held off a late als hand the defending league coach Ellis Rainsberger interim training games last month with the Yankees, because of a thigh injury. said. "H e started well from the who qualify (or the WCT Finals by a score of 5-2. Denault, who Einar Vilhjalmsson and freshman high jumper On Saturday in Manchester, the Gagnon had four hits and 2 RBI. charge when cornerback Kenny champions their fourth straight coach. The expansion Maulers . joined the club in time for Sunday's game against McEnroe has not lost a match beginning and went (or broke and must participate in them. In recent Arlene Laraba, Kathy Kirsch and pitched a five-hitter, was victim- loss. New Jersey, 32, also scored have lost four straight. James Lott — were among the others responsible for P Lady Cougars scored 43 runs and Daniel tackled quarterback Vince Milwaukee. this year. He has given up only made ’em." years, most ol those eligible to take ized by sloppy fielding. The Lady meet records in the 75th running of the relays. swept a doubleheader from Becker Amy Glazer each had three hits. three sets, one each to Lendl. Vitas McEnroe, who had one day of part in (he Dallas contest have Lott was named the meet's outstanding male Junior College. Glazer, the Lady Cougars' Cougars committed six errors, and Genilaitis and Florin Segarceanu rest before the tournament, had declined to do so. catcher, also threw out four only one of Rhode Island’s runs TOC doubles finals completed athlete for his record leap of 7-5>/<. The women's MCC won the first game, 18-7. was earned. Laraba had three hits award went to Iowa State freshman Nawah El runners attempting to steal. MCC baseball team wins LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — Fourth-seeded behind the four-hit pitching of and scored both of MCC’s runs. Moutawakil, whose time of 55.37 set a collegiate On Sunday, the Lady Cougars' Claudia Kobde-Kilsch of West Germany and Doreen Gagnon. Gagnon also Denault had a double and drove in record in the 404meter intermediate hurdles. six-game winning streak came to a ' Hana Mandlikova of Czechoslovakia defeated stroked three hits, including a halt as they dropped a double- a run. El Moutawakil won tbe honor by a wide margin over No rest for Corey Ravin top- seeded Anne Hobbs of Britain and Australia's home run. and scored five times. header to Rhode Island Commun- The Lady Cougars, 9-5, will play Cindy Bremser, who set a new meet record in the Joanne Denault had a homer and three out of four games Wendy Turnbull, 64, 14, 33. Sunday for the women’s 1.503meter run. Bremser's win was her ity College. their final home game of the doubles title in the $200,000 Tournament of another hit and drove in four runs. Plagued by walks and errors, season Tuesday against Mt.lda fourth in a row in the event and her fifth overall — The Manchester Community Housatonic Community College of (tampions. MCC won the second game, 25-2, MCC was defeated, 18-8, in the first College. On Sunday. MCC won the first tying another Drake record. after first PGA Tour win College baseball team won three game, 6-0, and took the second, Bridgeport this afternoon at 2:30. Melms, who ran his only previous marathon last fall out of four games played this 135, against the 312 South Central Brewer teams with Casper in his hometown of Milwaukee, said he is gunning for By Jess Blackburn Country Club in California (or the anyway. weekend. On Saturday, the C^ou- team. Southern Connecticut 000 201 3 37- the 1988 Olympics and hopes fora I3yearcareerinhis UPl Sports Writer Tour’s next slop. , "Yeah. I was going to take the gars split a doubleheader with the (Hiris Grogan picked up tbe AUSTIN, Texas — The Senior Tour is still 2 new specialty. The 24-year-old ran the 23mile course It is a courtesy call paid by week off. but I'll go to La Costa Southern Connecticut State Uni- victory in both games. He started MCC o il 001 0 335 something of a newcomer in the world of golf, but Marshall Holman speaks in 2:26.23. HOUSTON — Corey Pavin has Pavin. effective Sunday after his now." he said. " I can take a week versity junior varsity team and, on the opener and went all the way, Ferrero 6 Black; RIccIa & Kirsch Gay Brewer was a man of vision. WP—Ferrero; LP—RIccIo “ I was in my first Drake Relays last year and I was found that winning golf tourna- 13under 276 effort in the Houston ■ofl later." Sunday, they swept two games allowing only two hits and striking ‘T could see it com ing," he said. “ And I planned lapped in the lOk-run," Melms said. " I wanted this so ments can put a kink in your plans. Open that resulted in his maiden Pavin sank a 25-foot putt to go This is the first segment of an interview with from South Central Community out nine. Grogan entered the Southern Connecticut 000 000 0 0-3- for it.” bad. It's such a thrill it hasn't sunk in yet. It will The 24-year-old PGA rookie, a Tour title. But with $90,000 of the 1 l-under at the 14th hole and then professional bowler Marshall Holman. The College. second game in the second inning, Those plans have been bearing fruit the last few A^CC n o 001 X 3-30 probably hit me in the shower or something." wiry 140-pounder, had planned to $500,000 prize money in his pocket. survived Buddy Gardner's narrow interview was conducted at the Bradley Bowl in The Cougars lost the first game after starter Alan Drake pulled a years, but Brewer — along with Billy Casper — Frederlkson & Block; Riopelle 6 take the coming week off but now- Pavin doesn't mind heading to La miss (or a birdy at 18 that could Windsor Locks. to S(^U, 33. Dave Romejko muscle in his arm. Grogan pitched Miranda reaped a large-scale harvest on a muggy, windy Shain Dooley, 28, Des Moines, finished second for JJ: Why did you decide on professional Bowler’s WP—Riopelle; LP—Frederlkson Sunday at the Onion Creek Club. must make his way to the La Costa Costa. He lives in Camirillo. Calif.. have put the tournament into a homered for MCC. Bruce Crowell four innings, allowing three hits the third consecutive year with a time of 2:27.03. playoff. bowling? Brewer and Casper teamed to win the rich Sharon Greenwood of Cedar Rapids, a 31-year-old World had a triple, and Jim Dwire and and two runs while striking out South Cental 000 000 0 42-5 Gardner, playing in the group MH; I didn't really decide to be a professional MCC 412 000 X 7-30 Legends of Golf — the best-ball format mother of two, won the women's division in 2:51.23. Kris Kirsch each had a double. five. ahead of Pavin at The Woodlands bowler. It was kind of put in my hands. When I Williams & Vitale; Grogan 6 Mlcoll tournament given credit with spawning the Michael Franks, the world's third-ranked quarter- John Jenkins The Cougars took the nightcap, In the first game. Bob Gagnon WP—Grogan; LP—Williams Country Club, ran his 10 foot putt was 19 years old, a businessman in southern seniors tour. miler, paced SIU's record in Saturday's final race 34. Jim Riopelle allowed only and Jeff D'Angona each had two just by the cup. Pavin said he could Oregon — my home area — came up to me and three hits and struck Out eight to' hits for the Cougars. In the second South Central 100 031 1 35-4 And although Casper carries the reputaion of with an anchor leg of 44.5 and finished a close second MCC 132 210 X 104-2 tell by the crowd reaction that it asked me if 1 wanted to try the tour. I really had no record the shutout. The .MCC game, John Netkovick bad two hits being one of the best putters to ever walk on a golf to Lott in the voting for the meet's top male athlete.' aspirations of trying the tour. I think possibly Williams & Vitale; Drake, Grogan course, it was Brewer whose putter was hot had been close. offense was led by Ed Tenerb who and two RBI. (2), Gognon (0) & Miranda " I knew I was not in a position to because living in a small area I never really had a more relaxed atmosphere. I think the summer WP-rGrogan; LP—Williams Sunday. SIU coach Lew Hartzog was beaming over the had two hits, including a double. MCC, 138, was scheduled to host birdie the hole. " Pavin said. "That chance to test my talent against the better tour is the best way to start. The winter tour, all Brewer, who had not won a tournament of any Salukis' first triple crown — wins at the Texas, 'Ohhh' put a smile on my face. I players, although I did bowl a little bit against the lions are keyed up and want their chunk of that sort since the 1972 Canadian Open, made all six of Kansas and Drake relays — in 24 years. don't think I've ever smiled that Earl Anthony. Johnny Guenther and some other prize fund, and it’s tough for a new player to break his team's birdies en route to a closing-round 65 Meet records also fell Saturday in the college NHL roundup big before." top players in the northwest. My idea of in on the winter. and a three-shot win over Julius Boros and M iller medley relay, women’s 404meter dash, women's A He said his 25-foot putt for a professional bowlers were almost robot-like JJ: Won’t it be tougher now with more TV Barber.The winners each took home a $50,000 l,603meter relay and women’s discus. birdie on No. 14 was the first time machines that were 99 percent perfect. There are exposure because the prize funds will be bigger? check — the largest single prize either of them Calvin Smith, the world's fastest in the 203meter he believed he was in a strong a lot of talented players out there, but everybody MH: Well, the prize funds are going up. W e've had ever won at a golf tournament. dash, came within five-hundreths of a second of 3 position to win the tournament. makes mistakes and if you work hard and have 3 had our national tour basically 100 percent Bossy set to break loose setting a Drake record in that special men'sevent. He Unlike Pavin. who kept close some natural ability you can make it. televised for the past fiveorsix years. With ESPN Arrows win quarterfinal match won in 20.55. JJ: Did you start out in regional PBA events? for a while, and Home Box office, back when I tabs on Gardner’s progress on the By United Press International Trots and I have been struggling. him to lose his confidence." MH: I didn't start out on the regioani level started on the tour, was broadcasting our BALTIMORE - Mark Liveric scored 17 seconds Lott set his record on his fourth try Saturday. He last nine. Gardner said he never “ We played almost the whole Penney, who bad allowed only 17 ' into sudden-death overtime for his fourth goal looked at the scoreboard and did because we didn't have a northwest region until a summer shows. USA network is now doing our tried for an American record at 7- 7>/i, but failed on If Mike Bossy is ready to year together this season with goals in his prior 11 playoff games . Sunday night to give the New York Arrows a 38 not know where he stood in the couple of years ago. I bowled in tournaments summer shows and doing a nice job. I think this three attempts. Vihjalmsson, who holds the national explode, then the Montreal Cana- many different left winger where and posted three shutouts, seemed tournament. called the Northwest Bowlers Association, fall NBC is doing some of the fall stops. So we’ve ' victory over the Baltimore Blast in the collegiate javelin record, broke the Drake mark diens better brace for the blast.. in the past we would get shifted nonplussed. "1 thought I was quarterfinals of the MISL playoffs. "1 didn't want to know where I basically what the northwest region is today. I got NBC in the fall, ABC in the winter and spring Friday with a toss of 273 11. Bossy has been held in check for often in tbe regular season. 1 Liveric also scored 63 seconds earlier to was. I thought I might start think that's a good way for any youngster to go, to and USA taking up the summer, so w e're on TV ready. I went in and tried my best Steve Scott, ranked second in the world in the 0 most of the Stanley Cup playoffs understand the m o v e ... because if but they scored five on me," be highlight a remarkable comeback by the Arrows playing conservatively," he said. 1,503meter run, scored a victory with a time of 3:38.27 0 bowl against the better players in your area, for all of our tournaments and it definitely but New York Islander coach Al you have two guys on a line who are around the state, the tri-state area or whatever said. that forced overtime. in his first outdoor run of that event this year. "I'm happy. I played good. 1 kept it enhances our tour. (Part Two - Next tiiiie Holman Arbour believes his star right wing not producing that is awful tough. I and get some experience that way instead of The best4(-five series is tied 1-1 with Games 3 together for four days." discusses lane conditions on tour and the may be ready to erupt, beginning When he moves us, be puts us with coming straight out of a league averaging 220 and Looking ahead to Tuesday he and 4 set for the Nassau Oiliseum on Long Island His $54,000 check for second was lefty-righty controversy). tonight in Game 4 of the Wales guys who are playing well and that think you can beaf the best players in the world said, “ I ’ll be ready. Like usual. I ’ll Friday and May 9. his biggest payoff. Conference finals. has to help." be ready.” because you're kidding yourself most of the time. Tbe Arrows, who were routed 11-5 Friday night, Hometown fans were disap- Congratulations to Roger Mieczkowski of In the Campbell (inference Bay State man JJ:Did you feel you could be successful when ’The Islanders hope that in- ’The Islanders are bidding for scored three goals in the last 11 minutes, twice in pointed as John Mahaffey, touring Coventry. On Thursday night, bowling in the finals, the Eldmonton Oilers have a you first came out on tour? their fifth straight Stanley Cup, a the last minute of regulation. Roberto DeSouza pro for The Woodlands, shot 4-over Lavae Industrial League, the lefthander rolled 3-0 advantage over the Minnesota creased production from ’Trottier MH: I didn't really think so. I didn't know what and Bossy can help them continue feat accomplished only once be- and Michael Ckillins scored the other goals during Sunday after entering the round 212,279 and 258 for 749 and a new Parkade Lanes North Stars with a chance to wrap to expect. I really was nervous, as is everybody fore, by the Canadiens in 195640. the rally, which began with Baltimore ahead 7-5 wins at Riverside with a two- stroke lead at 9-under. house record. The previous record of 748 was held up the series when the teams meet an assault on Montreral rookie who first comes out on tour. It's a very difficult goalie Steve Penney, who finally with 10:53 to play. be Ken Thomas in 1974. Roger is a pharmacist at in Bloomington, Minn. In the Campbell Conference "I played aggressive today as I and different lifestyle, traveling around the showed some vulnerability in Liggett's drug store in the Parkade. Arbour shuffled both Bossy and final, five third-period goals By Bill Boulav had throughout the tournament. country, trying to squeeze a meal in here and Game 3. What a wonderful night last Saturday as we center Bryan Trottier Saturday eras^ a 33 North Stars lead, Bodine wins Sovran 500 But I think sometimes it might there; it's not easy. I didn’t know how I would do. " I was begtatning to question Mike Stefanik of Wilbraham, Mass, scored a raised $570 for Muscular Dystrophy in our night in Game 3, and that tactic lifting the Oilers. Edmonton coach have been too aggressive," said It wasn’t until I was out for a few weeks and I had whether we could beat him. But M ARTIN SVILLE, Va. — Geoff Bodine and Ron convincing win over Ray M iller of East Granby and strike-a-thon and “ Bowl against the Pro " contest. was partially responsible for a 32 Glen Sather is confident tbe Oilers the former University of Houston a good finish that 1 thought, "W ell heck, I did well now we know we can,” said Bouchard each had only two new tires left in the Bob Polverari of Westfield, Mass, in the “ Dave Furoni Our thanks to everyone involved; Sam Weiss and victory that sliced the Canadiens* can wrap up the series in ’Tuesday golfer, who had four bogeys on the this week. Maybe I have a chance to do something Islander Pat Flatley. pits when they made their final stops in the Memorial Race” at Riverside.Park Saturday night. assistant manager Mary Jarvis, Charles Hzar- lead in the best4f-8even series to night’s fourth game. back nine. out here.” I kept working hard and I tried to put Sovran 500, but it apparently was the 33year Rounding out the top five were Marty Radewickand tley Jr. for putting out a nice lane condition, 2- 1. Penney was a key factor in New into my mind that the name players, the veteran racing experience of Bodine's crew chief that Don DeRochers. Alone at third was Bobby Wad- Wayne Jones, the Nostalgia Night DJ, Karen "Trots and Boss were pressing," Yorit's two straight defeats in “ We didn’t come to Minnesota to players of 10 years ago when I started on tour, . meant the clifference between first and second. kins, who led the tournament after McCabe, Billy Stratton and bis mother, Pam, and said Arbour. “ They were covered Montreal, with New York shut out win one game. We came to they started somewhere. They started at the Sunday at Martinsville Speedway, veteran Over at the New London-Waterford Spe^bowl two rounds. Wadkins finished at Jamie Jzarvis for making the signs, Mike like a blanket and I thought they in tbe series opener and requiring Minnesota to win both games,” be bottom and had to work their way up. If you work crew chief Harrir Hyde had only two new tires for Sunday afternoon, it was Rick Donnely winning the 8-under, one stroke ahead of Nick Krueger and Sean Jarvis for keeping score, lim would relax if played on different 31 shots before scoring against the said. bard and you're talented, you have a chance to do Bodine’s Chevrolet on his final stop with just “ Blast Off 84” event with Dick Celavalo finishing Price. Doug Tewell finished alone Comelio, JOhn Myers and Tony Blarine for lines. Also, when they are on anything out here. 23year4ld in the second game. North Stars coach Bill Mahoney more than 50 laps remaining. second and Marty Radewick completing a fine at 3 under, four strokes back from donating their time to bowl, and finally, to the different lines it is harder for JJ; Did you start out on the winter tour? In Saturday’s comebadt. New said: ’’Tbey didn’t waste their For Bodine, the new tires went on tbe right side. weekend with a third place finish. Brian McCarthy Pavin. people who watched and rooted us on for a fine Montreal to cover them.” York took a S4 lead on 14 shots by ------—- - • — - MH; Fortunately not. I started out on the cause. chances. ’Thi^’re very efficient on The 53 year4ld Hyde showered the left-side tires won the super stock event. Bossy has five goals and a career the 8:24 mark of the second period, the power play. To beat them you Pavin became the fourth person summer tour in 1974, and I think that's the best with water to cool them off and reduced their air pnolo total of 74 playoff goals. and Penney was replaced. have to bp at the top of your gam e In the NASCAR Grand National Race at Martins- to win his first PGA victory this way for any youngster to start. On the summer John Jenkins, whose column appears bi-weekly pressure. "H e ’s (Arbour) shuffled us on ” I told Penney I was pulling him defensively. They bad relentless ville, Va, Sunday, it was Geooff Bodine of Pleasant year and'the first rookie to claim a tour, a lot of the top players don't bowl as many in the Herald, is a member of UwCoanecticnt The result — Bodine piloted his car to a Rookie Corey Pavin is jubilant after shooting a numerous occasions before,” said because we had a little problem on pressure in tbe third period. They Garden, N.C. winning his first ever Grand Nationai title this year. Ten rookies have events. It’s a little easier going and it's a much Bowling Association. 4.3second win over Bouchard in a Buick. 3-under-par M to win the Houston Open for his first Bossy. “ If it works it is a reaction defense," said Montreal coach grabbed the momentum early In race. Ron Bouchald of Fitchburg, Mass, placed won PGA tournaments in the past he wants. It’s been obvious that Jacques Lemaire. " I didn’t want the third period and never let MR^” , second. victory on the PGA Tour. decade. M - M A N C H E S T E R H E R A L D . M o n d a y . A im t iI 3 », 19M MANCHESTER HERALD,'Mon3 1 ! 0 Lo e v r t 3 0 ) 0 C D ovis r t 5 a 1 a Redus It 1 B 1 • box, is a floating panel. If it is not, part is deciding which perfumed or cologned? Brow n ct 5 0 0 0 Hendrsn It 4 0 2 1 LeMostr is 3 1 0 0 Th e M a nch e st er R e cre a tion D e port 4. P o i s e a n d self- 9. Overall impression: Matcher II 5 0 I 0 Afm on 1b 3 0 0 0 MaMhws H 4 0 2 2 M a y Oh 1 0 0 0 M a n or d 4 2 2 ) t tS fisUa diap m e n t's Slow P it c h sotthott season there is every likelihood that the Ud company I want to work American League standings Hrbc k U> 3 1 1 0 Lopes r f 4 1 1 1 StoiMard p B O O B Gunnte p 0 0 0 0 Le o n a rd ct 2 1 0 0 Oester 2b 5 1 1 B b e gin s this cv e n in a w it h 40 te onw, Perhaps the biggest hobgoblin in will warp. The bottom, too, must be a for before speaking to any confidence: At ease dur- Would you like to ha ve this M ore hvl r t 4 0 2 0 M o d K k 3b 4 0 0 0 Clorfc tt> 2 1 1 0 W a N c r r f 5 1 3 1 Norman M. Gerber B m ns k y rf 4 1 0 0 Kingm n d h 4 0 1 0 in clu d in g six w o m e n's te a m s, comp e t- the novice woodworker's closet of floating panel. of them, because every ing the interview? Were person work with you? Bush dh 5 0 2 0 Lonsfrd 3h 4 0 2 0 C e v 3b 4 0 0 0 M n w s n K>4 I I Q Bota r It l a 1 2 Ce deno cf 3 ) 1 • E€SI Y a ngM d 3 b 4 0 1 1 tng In nin e Ico a u e s a t six tocoltons. anxieties — at least the one I hear abilities realistically esti- What is your objectiva Goe tti 3h 4 1 3 1 Murp hy cf 3 0 0 0 Dovis c 4 0 1 0 P e ns c 4 0 1 0 HosMdr r t B B O O R e g u l a r s e a so n p t o v c on tinu e s The first few boxes I made were senior gets hired on the W L M . C B Durh m l b 4 0 1 0 O h s If 3 0 ) 0 TTWo 2b 4 0 1 0 Porex l b 4 B 2 a most often — is the fear that he will Detroit I t 2 .900 — Te uf e l 2b 4 1 2 1 Esslan c 2 1 1 0 W L T P c L P F R A thro u g h A u g. 2. U p o n e a m p t e tlo n a f t h c built as closed units and the top was spot. I figured that maybe mated and express^? evaluation of this LouOner s s 5 1 1 2 Hill ss 3 0 0 0 B owo ss 4 0 ) 0 Roy 2b 2 0 0 1 Nicosio c 4 0 0 0 Dricssn ttt a B 0 a 9 1 0 .900 2S7 1)5 “m in ” a tot (if expensive wood. Toron to 13 9 J91 6 Tr o v t p 2 0 0 0 B e rra ss 2 0 0 0 Krufcow p 2000 re g u l a r se ason, th e To w n “ B " tourno- cut off later. 1 don't do it that way my friends are right. Why 5. Ambition: Is appli- applicant? Ctevetond t .556 7 Jim e n e z ss4 0 3 1 Honcck ph 1 0 0 0 Cncpcn 3b 4 1 1 I N e w Je rs e y 0 2 0 . M i ZI9 14) m e n t w ilt b e h e ld w it h th e t o p two 10 Woods Ft 1 0 1 0 MozziHi ph 1 0 0 0 M a rtin p 1 0 0 0 Foie y ss 4 ) 2 1 Thbs is understandable; it is a anymore because I found it extremely else would recruiters employer — should they the-job experience, but cant motivated for the College is necessary, WihRfouKee 9 11 .450 9 Phillips 2b 3 0 I 0 Robb ph Pittd O u r^ 2 0 0 JN 0 140 199 tc o m s In e a ch toogu e c o m p e tin p f e r the Morg a n ph 1 0 0 0 B eW ard s s O O O O 1 0 8 0 Bitord ell c 4 0 1 a Woshtogton 1 9 0 .MO t » 292 ch a m pion sMp. considerable shock to go from paying difficult to m ake that cut acore 6. Te x a s 1 CMcoa o Arizo no 4 6 0 .400 165 175 H u n gry Tig e r vs. Sp ortsm a n Cote separate frame-and-panel Ud. If you cruiter to one location it. Being interviewed by a 1. Education: Is the industry? sional employment con- Tortm to 6. Konscs City 0 Sorensen pitched to 2 betters in » t i . Lo s Angetes 3 6 0 .333 143 190 (C h a rt e r O a k F i e ld ), P o rt e r C o b l e vs. defects in the board, and with T — 2:38. Tro u t (W 3-11 6 S 1 I 0 I Kru k ow ( L 1-4) 4 K> 6 0 0 3 O a k la nd I 9 0 .HO 99 B ) are going that route, there are a lot of where many candidate's recruiter on campus is educational level accepta- 7. Intelligence: Did ap- sultant. If you have a job Milw au k e e Ne w Yo r k 0 Stoddard 2 0 0 0 0 1 M a nch e st er P iz z o vs. M a nch e ste r SwidWnf'i Reselfs M a rtto 4 4 1 0 1 0 Frid a y’s RasaNs P iz z o (N i k e ), P urd y C o ro . vs. C e n t e r! resawing. Examine the board care- design possibilities that have to be can be seen over a rela- absolutely no different ble? College average? plicant converse intelli- search question, send a Detroit 6. O e ve to nd 1 Sinilh IS 5) 1 0 0 0 0 8 PM todetohio 35. N e w Orteons 0 fully on both sides for checks, cracks OwcMn k o (W 14» 7 5 2 2 2 3 C o ngre g a tio n a l C h urc h (K e e n e y S t .), , decided at the outset. The first is tively short periixl of than being interviewed in Class ranking? gently? Was he/she good letter to Job Search, Man- Ne w Y o r k 6. Milw au k e e S. 13 inntnf^ Jocksomrilte 34, Ohio homo 0 B r a n d Rex vs. Z e m bro w s k i A l l S t a rs- and so forth. If the board is to be C a nd elaria ( L 3-2) t 9 2 2 0 8 Lestev 0 0 1 ) 2 0 M e mphis 17, PHt eburghO whether the Ud will be flush with all time: and typically, those that company's personnel 2. V o i c e a n d s p e e c h : listener? Did concepts chester Herald, P.O. Box Doltimore 3. Te x a s 2 A's3.TwinsO Guonte 1 1 0 0 0 1 Fra nco 2 0 0 0 I 2 (R o b e rtso n P o rk , 7:3 0), C h e rro n e 's' O iico o o 6. Boston 4 SM ord a v’s RosuRs P k g . Store vs, L o t h ro p In s u r a n c e ! resawn, it is best not to gam ble that a four sides of the box, flush at front and seniors that register for office. The company has Any annoying speech or and facts seem to be 591, M a n c h e ste r. CT T oronto a t Kortsos City* PPd.. rotn Tro u t pitch ed to 2 batters in 71h; Kru k ow pitched to 2 batters In 4th; To m p o E to v a lw a sM n e to n 19 check doesn’t go very deeply into the 3 Stoddard pitched to 1 batter in 9th. Lestev pitch ed to 2 bolters in Otb. (F it z g e r a ld F i e ld, 7:30). back and set into the sides in the interviews with a com- an opening ... and you voice habits? Voice level easily grasped? 06040. F o r a p e rs o n a l Minn esota 5. O a kland 2.1st gom e (Second o om e) Son Antonio I L Arteono B T — 2:23 l a — 13J97. H B P — bv Kru k ow (C e d e no). T — 7:42. A ^ood. Blore often than not you’ll find manner of James Krenov, or over- pany have majored in the want to be the one they fill and pitch? Was voice 8. Maturity: Is this reply, enclose a self- Ookland 3. Minncsoto 0.2nd ocane M IN N E S O TA O A K L A N D — 19J03. Se attie9. Colifomio6. lOinnint^ O b r h M O b r h M B irm ingh a m 31, D e nver 14 it went deeper than you had hoped. hanging on aU four sides. courses that will be bene- it with. It's true you won't clear and speech person's overall personal- addressed, stamped enve- Mond a y's G o h m s O a kla nd 17. CMcogo 13 Brow n cf 4 0 1 0 Lopes It 4 ) 1 0 Ex|Ms6.Caniinals2 Generally speaking it's much better ficial to them and their have many years of on- understandable? ity suited for our company lope. (A d Tim e s E D T ) Bush ph 1 0 0 0 llenchsn It 0 0 0 0 Reds 8. Giants] N e w Jers e y 3). Michig a n 71 For no particular reason, I have Te x a s (To no n o 2*2) at Toron to (Clortcv to stay well away from anya n y visiblev is i o i c Te uf el 2b 3 0 ) 0 M urp hy cf 4 0 1 2 never macte a Ud to fit flush on all four 1-2 Hrb e k 1b 3 0 0 0 Moro on 2b 4 0 1 0 S T. L O UIS M O O m t E A L (A h Tim e s E S T) defects. or L e d 34» 7:30p.m. B m ns k y rt 4 0 1 0 Kin e mn dh 3 0 0 0 O b r h M O b r h M (F irs t g a m e ) Los Angele s a t Houston, 9 p.m. The beginner whose materials sides. In deciding between the other M cG e e cf 2 0 1 0 Rose It 4 1 2 1 SA N F R A N CIS C O C IN C IN N A TI Frid o v, M o v 4 G cctt: It 4 0 0 0 Lonsfrd 3b 3 0 0 0 budget is tight will do well/li/l believe. two methods, there is no question that New Yo r k (G uidry M ) at Chicogo Hofe hr dh 4 0 2 O Bochte 1b 3 ) 1 0 v n Slyfc It 2 0 0 0 Th om a s It 1 0 0 0 O b r h M O b r h M PMIntt e tphh)otBirminohom,8:30p.m. Hock ey (Bonnister 1-2). 8:30 p.m. L Smith ph 0 0 0 I LHtle 2b 2 1 0 0 Richrds If 2 I 0 0 Miln e r ct S I 2 0 Satur d ay . (May 5 to k ^ p his projects small — thus the Kreitav solution is the more Equipm e nt comparison isn’t fair Costino 3b 3 0 I 0 De nis rt 3 0 0 0 Clevetond (H eoton 2-2) at B altimore Roms ey 2b 0 0 0 0 F lyn n 2b 1 0 0 0 B a k er ph 1 0 0 0 Oester 2b 2 0 0 1 P m sburgh a t Los Angeles, 8 p.m. elegant and formal; it is also more 0 M e ier It 1 0 0 0 Ession c 3 1 1 0 limiting at the outset the amount of (Flonogcm 2-2). 7;3S p.m. Loudner c 4 0 0 0 Phillips ss 3 0 0 0 Gre en )b 4 0 0 0 Roines ct 3 0 2 0 Trillo 2b 3 0 1 0 W alk er It 4 2 1 0 D e nv er a t Oo kla nd, I p.m. Port er c 3 0 ) 0 Da wson rt 4 1 2 I wood cimunitted. I started off making difficult. The overhanging Ud is less Seattle (Be attie 2-2) at C dif orn io (Witt Jim en ez ss 3 0 1 0 Cla rk rf 5 0 ) 0 P ark er rt 4 0 2 2 To m p o B ov a t Ja ck sonvill e . 0p.m. reply is that your facts are good cabinets. Usei«-inch 2-1 ). 10:30 p.m. T a t e a _ M 0 7 0 T o M s M 3 5 2 Hcndrck rt 4 0 0 0 C arter c 4 ) 2 1 Oliv er l b 4 0 2 1 He shkir rt 0 I 0 0 NHL playoffs boxes, and 1 stilt make them often. formal but can be given a nice touch QUESTION: I have a To esdo y's Gom e s M innesato o o o t i o i w — • Oberk llt 3 b 4 0 I 0 Wollach 3 b 4 I 3 1 Le on ard ct 3 0 I 0 Dricssn 1b 3 I I 0 CMcogo (d Son Antonio. 2:3 0 p jn. by matching it with an underhanging gripe with people in the correct. material for large ca- H e rr 2b 3 0 0 0 Frone n l b 4 0 ) 0 It is unfortunate that most of the Clevela nd at Boltimore. night M l o n d 8M IM 8 8 K — 3 Yonp bM 3b 4 0 0 0 Guld en c 3 2 1 0 Okt a homo o t N e w Je rs e y, 2 : a a m . stereo business who try to 1 do wish to quote the binets and >/2 -inch mate- Te x a s at Toron to, night Horton p 0 0 0 0 Sala zar ss 1 1 I I ( A H T t a M S E D T) available literature on boxes does not — I suppose that's the word — Gom e-winning R BI — M urp h y (1). BretUy c 2 0 1 0 Esoskv 3b 2 0 0 0 Houston a t MicMg a n, 2:30 p.m. president of Pickering. rial for small ones. Whi- Bostem at Detroit, night E — Jim en ez. L O B — Minnesota ID. Oo k- Stuper p 0 0 0 0 Speicr sMs ul2l ins ss 2 00 01 01 Cncpcn 3b 2 0 0 0 Me mphis a t Woshington, 2:30p.m. seem to take them very seriously frame-and-panel bottom. sell me new equipment by Stereo Expert New Yo r k at Chicogo. night Lo n drm ph I 0 I 0 Le o p 3 0 0 0 Kuip er ph 1 0 0 0 Fotev ss 2 1 2 3 M i nduy. M u v 7 tricky demonstrations! When he w as asked by a chever one is used, make !<»«• 5. 2B— M urphy. Brown. SB — ( b est e l tevep ) They are often considered merely a Kewtsos City at Milw au k e e, night La nsford (1). OSmtth ss 2 1 0 0 Lucas p 0 0 0 0 Le Mostr ss 1 0 0 0 Bcre nyi p 2 0 0 0 Arizo no at N e w Ort e oiB. 9 p,m. The frame-and-panel Ud is an leading electronic m aga- sure It is varnished or Minnesota at Seattle, n i ^ t Co x p 1 0 0 0 means of using up scrap. But a .For instance, most stereo IP H R E R B B S O Robinson p 2 0 0 0 Pow er p 1 0 0 0 excellent means of showing off painted promptly to pre- Ooklartd at Colifornio. nid^t Broun ph 1 0 1 0 CDovis ph 1 0 1 0 Fra nco p 1 0 0 0 IL Y . H l a udi r i y A M ua treg l jewelry box is potentially just as shops are not making a Jack Bertrand zine if he thought the Smithson (L 3-2) 8 5 3 2 2 4 La hti p 0 0 0 0 W illia ms p 0 0 0 0 NFL draft list (M e n k re oitc e di series 2-1) gorgeous wood — and it doesn't take fair comparison between compact disc technology vent moisture entry into lorg It 2 1 1 0 A p r. 24— Montre a l 3, N e w Y o r k 0 ' serious an undertaking as a cabinet, OokiORd Robb ph 0 0 0 0 much of it. 1 recently finished a rather records and the new com- would put Pickering out of the wood. Codiroli (W 1-0) 5 3 0 0 2 0 Tooals 29 2 4 1 To t O b 33 4 M 4 To t a ls 31 1 7 I To t a ls 31 0 9 4 A p r. 24— AAontreo) 6 N e w Y o r k 2 and it can be a marvelous learning National League standings SL Louis 0H0MO9O— 2 Son Fra ncis e s N O M O M b — I N E W Y O R K — Th e ord e r ot A ^ . 20— N e w Y o r k 5, Montre a l 2 large jewelry box in mahagony with a pact digital discs. If two the cartridge business, he Burgm e ie r 2 2-3 1 0 0 1 2 selection for the first round ot the N F L vehicle — you can employ virtually Ca udill (S 5) 1t>3 3 0 0 0 1 Montrout B litW SO K — 4 C to ci a M ti U O B M a i x — 0 M a y I — Montre al a t N e w Y o r k , 0:05 Ud panel of sapele, a very nice technologies are going to replied "The compact Editor's note: If you W P — Smithson. T — 2:22. A — 26366. Gam e.wtnnjnp R BI — Salozar (1). Gom e-wirmlng R BI — Fol ey I D . dra ft, to b e held M a y 1, 19BL a t Ne w p.m . any of the joints and techniques used Eos! E — H e rr. D P — St. Louis 1, M m tr e o i 4 Y o r k : x-M o v 3 — N e w Yo r k a t /Montreal, 7 :B combination. Another feUcitous com- be compared, the state of disc is an elegant solution have a question about W L Pet. G B E — B r e n l y , Y o u n p b lo o d , E s o s k y . in furniture making and the design LO B — St. Louis 7, Montre al 10. 28— D P I 1. N e w Engla nd (tr a m T a m p a B ov p m . bination was a cocobolo panel in a the art of each one should Of course, there is going to tridge by Shure or Picker- to a problem that dijesn't stereos you would like to Ne w York 12 8 .600 — L a n drum. 3B— Sotozor. SB— McG e e IS). through Cincinnoti) x -M o v S — Montre a l ot Ne w Y o r k , 7:05 possibilities are enormous. Chicogo 12 8 .600 — Cincinnti 3 L O B — Son Fra ncisco 11, walnut frame. be used. be a big difference! Better ing, properly installed in exist. " see answered here, write Cincinnati 5 . 2B— C. Dovis. P ark er. 3 0 — 2. Houston p.m. The n ^ o r design consideration in Philodelphia 11 8 379 '/2 Oriola 3. Rangers 2 — Littl e. Leo. A N e w Y o r ki GI i o r k x./Moy 8 — N e w Y o r k at / Montreot, 7 :B Most stereo shops com- turntables and cartridges it, many customers would to: Jack Bertrantl, The Montreol 11 to .524 V/2 Fot ev. W alk er. HR — Fole y ID . SB— the making of any box is bow to handle If you intend to mix your woods in IP H R E R B B S O Le on ard (2), Miln er ( 8), Householder (I ) . 6 P t u lo M p hhiioo I p.m . pare an $800 compact disc are available that don't hear very little difference QUESTION: What Stereo Expert, Manches- St. Louis 10 12 .455 3 SI. Louis 6 Kansas CHtfyv ' the lid. There are two ways to do it. this way, be judicious about it. To my P it t s b u rg 7 12 .368 4Vs T E X A S B A LTU M M t E SF— Oester. Fotev. player to a poorly- have the faults ot what and would leave the store material is best to use to ter Herald, P.O. Box 591 Cox ( L 2-2) 5 8 3 3 2 1 IP H R E R B B S O 6 San Die go vs. OMuncsulo You can construct the lid separately, taste, too much contrast in color isn’t West a b r h b i a b r h b i La hti 1 1-3 5 3 3 I 0 7. O ncin n oli series 1 0 ) designed turntable they are using. wondering what all the construct speaker Manchester, CT 06040. Los Angeles 16 B .667 — Rivers cf 4 1 1 0 B um bry cl 4 0 0 0 SonFroncisce (I or you can build the box as a single good. For instance, a cocobolo panel Horton 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Robinson (L 2-3) 6 4 4 3 1 4 A IndionapoUs A p r. 2 4 - Edm o n ton 7, /Minnesota 1 equipped with a cheap $30 If a compact disc player fuss was about. Would you cabinets? Jack Bertrand is a li- Son Diego 15 8 .652 Vi Wevd rf 3 0 11 Dwy e r rf 4 1 2 0 9. Atlonto A p r . 2 4 - six-sided unit and then cut the tid off. in a cherry fram e was a Uttle too Cincinnatt 10 13 .435 SVj Stuper 11-3 I 0 0 1 0 Willia ms 2 3 4 2 3 2 - Edm onton 6 Minn esot a 3 censed technician who Jon es If 4 0 11 Rioken ss 3 I I 1 Montre al i a N e w Y o r k Je ts A pr. 2 0 - - Edm onton A Minn esoto 5 Either way will work — as long as you extreme for me. cartridge, and are quick is compared to a profes- please reply to this? Atla nta 9 12 .429 5Vz Bell 3b 4 0 0 0 AAwroy lb 3 0 1 I CkfeCiMMti Le a IW 4-1) 7 S 2 2 4 4 B ere ny (W 1-3) 61-3 5 I 0 5 9 11. CMcogo M o v l - Edm onton a t Minn esota. 8:35 to point out the faults of sional turntable with a ANSWER: Plywood lives at 46 Phelps Road in Houston 8 14 364 7 P arrish db 4 0 2 0 Lownstn LIuf 3c 0a 0s 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 12. Gre en B ov p.m. Son Francisco 7 15 .318 8 Sample or 0 0 0 0 Sinotetn db 3 0 0 0 Pow er 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 the sound from the record. good top of the line car- ANSWER: My only aiid particle board make Manchester. Leo pitched to 3 batters in Olh. Fronco IS D 2 2 0 0 2 1 13. Minnesota x-M o y 3 — Minn esota a t Edmonton. Sohirdoy’s Results O'B ri e n lb 4 0 I 0 Gross 3b 2 1 1 1 16 Buttolo St Louis 6. Montreol 1 H B P — by Cox (Sotozor). T — 2:55. H B P — b v F r a n c o (T r i l l o ) . P B — 9:35 p.m. Fole y c 3 0 0 0 Royford c 3 0 0 0 16 Ne w Y o r k Je ts (fro m N e w Orl e a ns) x /Mov 6 — Edm onton a t Minnesatt^ Atla nt a 5. Houston 3 Stein pb 1 0 0 0 Oou er 2b 3 0 0 0 Bre nly 22MS5. 2, T — 2:33 16 Cincinnati (fro m N e w E ngtcn d) 0 : B p.m. New York 4. Philodelphia 3 Tollesn 2b 3 1 0 0 17. St. Lduis Cincinnati 7. Son Froncisco 6. 13 And ersn ss 3 0 0 0 X-/MOV 8 — Minn esot a ot Edmonton, m n i i ^ Astros R.RravK 5 l A Cleveland 9:35 p m . T o m s 33 2 « 2 Tolpis » 3 5 3 19. Indioinpolis (fro m D e nv e r) x-H Chicogo 7, Pittsburgh 1 T « » » • nm tw- 1 2A Detroit San Di ego 5. Los Angeles 1 B o nim orc tMOnatb— 3 A TU 1 N T A H O U STO N 21. Los Angeles R «n s Sundoy's Results Gom e-winning R BI — M urra y (5). O b r h M O b r h M Bask etball 22. Seattle Montre ol 6. St. Louis 2 E — D a vis. D P — Te xos I . LO B — Te x a s 6. Wshngtn rf 5 1 2 0 Boss rt 5 ) 1 1 A 23. Pittsburgh Cincinnoti 8. Son Froncisco 1.1st gome Boltimore 2.2B— Dvw e r. 3B— Ripk en. HR Romirz ss 5 I 3 0 Revnids ss 3 0 1 2 24. Son Froncisco Cincinnoti 7. Son Froncisco 3. 2nd — Gross (41. SB— W ord (2). Tolleson (7), Murp hy cf 4 1 2 3 Cruz If 3 1 1 0 25. Da dos oome Somple 2 (2). Chmbis 1b 5 0 0 0 Mm p hry ct 4 2 2 I 26 Mi a mi Ne w Yo r k 6. Philodelphia 2 . IP H R E R B B S O H arp er It 4 ) 0 0 W t f ling 1b 4 1 3 0 Celtics no. Knicks 92 a . Washington Chicogo 2. P it t s b u rg 1 Te xos Hubbrd 2b 4 0 2 0 Knight 3b 4 0 1 1 26 Cincinnati (tr a m Los Angetes Los Angeles 6. San Di ego 0 Ste wo-t (L BO) 6 S 3 3 I 4 Royster 3b 3 1 0 I Dora n 2b 4 1 ) 1 Roidefs through N e w Engla nd) Houston 8. Atlonto 5 Schmidt 2 0 0 0 0 2 Benedict c 3 0 I 0 Ba iley c 3 2 2 0 N E W Y O R K (91) Schola stic M e ndoy’s Gome s B altimore B ark er p 2 0 0 0 Scott p 1 0 0 0 Robinson 4-9 1-2 9, King 12-22 2-2 20. (A ll Tim e s E S T) Dovis (W 14)) 8 6 2 2 2 1 M a hler p 0 0 0 0 Smith p 0 0 0 0 C a rtwright 2-9 2-2 4. Sporrow 3 7 M , 14, Montre al (McGo f figon 04) ) at T. M artine z (S 2) I 0 0 0 0 2 P e rry ph 0 0 0 I Cabell ph 0 0 0 1 Willi a ms 2 4 3 4 7. Walk er 14 2 4 4, Philodelphio (C arlton 1-0), 7;35p.m. Dovis pitched to one batter in the Dedmon p 0 0 0 0 DiPin o p 0 0 0 0 Webster 2-5 2-3 O Tuc k e r 4-1) 0 0 0, O rr St. Louis (F o fsch 0-2) at Pittsburgh ninth. Forster p 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 4, Grunle ld 4-5 0 0 3 To t a ls 3649 P (Tu d o r M ) . 7:35p.m. W P — Dovis. T — 2:12. A — 34.M7. Watson ph 1 0 0 0 2027 92. Los Angeles (Vole nzu eio 2-2 ) at Son To M s M 5 N S To M s 31 0 I I 7 B O STO N (D O ) Junior varsity bastiiall Francisco (La s k ey 0-2). 10:35p.m. Atlanta OIOI00111— 5 M a xw ell 3 4 2-2 A B ird 10)4 3 4 23 C a le nd ar Tu e sdoy’s Gome s Houston 01I13I01X— f P arish 9-16 1-2 19, Johnson 4 4 3 2 14, Th e r e c o rd ot th e M a nch e st e r High Chicogo at New Yo r k , night G a m e-winning R BI — Reynolds (2). Henderson 3 7 0 0 4, M cH o lc 11-14 3 4 25, lu n io r v a rs ity bos e b all t e a m fell to 3-4 Advice for beginning gardener: Reiax and don’t w orry Montre al at Philodelphio. night While Sox 6. Red Sox 4 E — Boss, W a lling, Ch ambliss, M i l e y . Buckn er O I 0 0 0. AInge 4 4 OO 9, F rid a y a ft e rn o o n, w h e n th e India ns St. Louis at Pittsburgh, night D P — A llo n lo 1, Houston 1. LO B — Atla nt a Wedmexi 4 4 0 2 8, Kite 0 ) 0 0 0. C a rr 0 2 w e re de fe at e d b v Sim s b ury, 6 3 . Son Diego a t Atlonto, night 8, Houston 5.3B— Mum phre v, Bass. HR — OO 00. Cla rk O I OO 0 To t a ls 4390 D-14 To d a y C hris M o t e v o a n d M o r k CIchows kI Houston at Cincinna ti, night B O STO N C H IC A G O Murphy (5). SB— Hubb ard (3), Mum ph- i i a e a ch h o d tw o hits tor th e Indi ans. Editor's note: Ques- QUESTION: One big question w e’d like to ask; are high in phosphorus, mulching the plants dur- past few years 1 have been but also on cabbage, cauli- Other things you might Los Angeles at Son Fra ncisco, night B a s a bull a b r h b i a b r h b i re y N e w Yortl 22 22 14 14— 91 M a nch e st e r r ' C o n o rd, 3:30 much easier to take care How can you grow bigger which really helps the ing the winter. Remove plagued by green worms flower, kale, mustard and try are covering the R emy 2b 5 1 0 0 R l^iw ct 4 0 2 0 ( I ) . Cruz (4), Ra mire z 2 (4), M urp hy tions and answers are Boston 11111010— 1)0 Eost C a th olic ut St. P a ul. 3:30 garlic cloves? Ours end up garlic grow a big bulb. the mulch early in the in my heads of broccoli. collards. To get rid of the plants with some sort ot Ev e ns rt 5 1 1 0 Hilt c 3 ) 1 0 (4). S— Scott 2. SF— R o vs iw , P e rry, Thre e x win t goals— AInge. Fouled Housotonic a t M C C . 2:30 based on mail received by of and less likely to get Yankees 6. Brewers 5 Eosler 1b 4 1 2 1 W alk er lb 4 1 2 0 Reynolds, Cohell. out— Softb all Dick Raymond, garden- ahead of you. much sm aller than 1 think During the growing sea- spring and the garlic will They are most unsightly. problem I use bacillus netting or screening to Rice dh 4 0 0 0 Sciuires 1b (10 0 0 IP H R E R B B S O None. To t a l fouls— N e w Yo r k 23, Boston C o n o rd a t M a nch e st e r, 3:30 son, sidedress about once take right off and produce How can 1 get rid of them? thuringiensis. which is keep the butterflies from Arm os ct 3 0 0 0 Luzinsk dh 4 2 2 AItlonto • • • b g g g g g g g o g g g g g g g g g p ing (tansultanl, author and For your first garden, we can get. M IL W A U K E E N E W Y O R K 27. Rebounds— N e wYork 4S(Ro binson 9). E a st C a th olic a t St. P a ul, 3 S.K. —Reno, Nev. a month with 161610 or big bulbs. J.T. —Port Townsend, sold under the names landing. A strong spray of (Sedmon c 4 0 2 I Kittle If 4 2 2 5 B ark er (L 2-3) 4 2-3 6 4 S 2 0 Boston 451 Parish 121. Assists— N e w York Te n n is a star of the nationally start with crops that will o t o r h b i a b r h b i Nichols If 4 1 1 0 Baines rt 4 0 0 0 some other fertilizer. Two more tips. When Wash. Dipel and Thuricide. It hot pepper or garlic Reodv 3b 6 0 3 1 Rndiph 2b S 0 2 1 AAohler 1 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 19 (Sp a rrow 4), Boston 32 (U r d 12). M a nch e st e r a t H a ll (g irl s ). 3:30 syndicated television gar- grow well in your area. I Juro k 3b 2 0 ) 0 V Lo w 3b 4 0 0 De0dmon 1 1-3 4 2 2 0 0 Te chnicol— None. A — 14490. Eost C a th olic a t St. P o ul, 3:15 Tra ns a ctions ANSWER: Two things Second, garlic needs a you plant make sure you does not harm people, mixed with water in a Gontner 2b S 2 1 0 Mttnglv 1b 5 0 1 0 Hof tmn ss 3 0 1 1 Cruz 2b 4 0 1 0 Forster 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 dening show, “Joy of call these surecrops and Yount s$ 4 2 1 0 Kemp it 5 1 1 0 St. P a ul a t E a st C a th olic (g irl s ), 3: IS make for big garlic bulbs. lot of cool, moist weather leave 4 to 5 inches between A N SW E R : Those little pets and wild animals. As blender seems to turn Mill e r ph 0 0 0 0 Dvbznsk ss H2 o0u s0t on 0 G o H • • • • • b g g g g g g o a g g g g g g g g Gardening.” they include: onion sets, Oglivie If 4 0 2 2 B aylor dh 6 1 1 0 B arre tt ph 1 0 0 0 the cloves to allow room green worms are called soon as you see those them off. Simmns 1b6 0 1 1 Gomble rf 6 0 0 0 Scott (W 1-1) 6 2-3 4 2 1 2 5 M o nc h csie r vs. R o c k vill e a n d South lettuce, chard, beets, car- First, garlic needs a lot of to set big bulbs. Plant as To t a ls 35 4 I 3 To t a ls 33 4 10 4 Smith 11-3 3 1 1 0 2 Jazz 105, Suns 95 W in d sor at Tw i n H ills. 2 early in the spring as for them to grow big. Also, cabbage worms. They are butterflies in the garden Howell dh 4 0 0 0 Smalley 3b S 1 2 1 B M lo n 2 i e H 0 0 )» - 4 DiPin o 1 3 2 2 0 1 B v Dic k R a ymond rots. beans, radishes and fertilizer. When planting, Brohrd dh 2 0 0 0 Ja vi e r pr 0 1 0 0 St. P a ul a n d Aqu in o s a t E a st C a 6 Dotson (W 3-2) 8 8 4 4 3 5 Schmidt 3b 2 0 I 0 Foster It 4 0 11 24. E a to n OO 0 0 0, Gre en 2-5 3 4 7, seems like I'll never be Gam e-winning RBI — Foil (1). Grittit h 4-12 3 4 D . Wilkins 3 4 OO 4, M l. Ido ot M C C Agosto 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Le f ebvr rt 4 0 0 0 Strwbrr rt 3 1 2 0 Tr a c k able to remember all the will be a real help. Don’t E — S m a l l e y . D P — M H w o u k e e 4. Jones IS I) 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Dre w 6-10 2-2 14, K ellev 1-1 OO 2. E av es New GWilson It 3 0 0 0 MWilsn cf 4 0 1 I 24 1-2 5. TotolS 42-70 2029 105. F e rm i a nd R o c k vill e a t M a nch e st e r, do’s and don'ts. Any ad- try to remember every- Dotson pitched to 1 bolter In 9lh. Hayes cl 3 0 2 0 Broo ks 3b 3 2 0 0 3:30 York 2. LO B — Milwauk e e 7. New York T — 2:12. A— 23J65. Mtofmx 21102121— 95 vice you have for me thing in it at the start. 10. 2B— Grit1ey 2. S m i l e y . Yount. 3B— M a ddo x ct 1 0 0 0 Fltzgerld c 4 0 1 0 M a nch e st er a t F e rm i (g irl s ), 3:30 Bowling Virgil c 4 0 2 0 Te rre ll p 2 0 0 0 Utoh 29102719^105 would be apprecicated. Read it, then check back YARDS AHEAD R o b e r t s o n .. S B — J a m e s ( 1 ) . S — Th r e e -p o in t go a l— G ri f f it h . F o u l e d E a st C a th olic vs. B e rlin , South Randolph. D e je sus ss 4 0 0 0 Jon es ph 0 0 0 0 out— C a th olic a n d St. B e rn a rd ot St. C.B. -Geneva. N.Y. on it often during the SF— Oglivie. Koosmn p 2 0 0 0 Stoub ph 1 0 ) 1 Jos e p h's In W e st H a rt f o rd KGross p 0 0 0 0 Dorllng pr 0 0 0 0 None. To t a l fouls— Phoe nix 25, Ut a h 19. growing season. IP H R E R B B SO Tigers 6. Indians 1 Rebounds— Phoenix 42 (E dw a rd s 0), Eost C a th olic (g irl s ) vs. B e rlin a nd GGross 1b 0 0 0 0 Sisk p 0 0 0 0 South C a th o lic a t St. Jo s e p h's A N SW ER : My advice is Another good source of o f t h e c o m p e h t h m. Milwouk e e Utah Hoos 7 1-3 7 2 2 2 2 Agu a yo ph 1 0 0 0 Orosco p 1 0 11 G u lf this — relax and don't information is your C L E V E L A N D D E TR O IT To t a ls 33 2 to 1 To t a ls 35 4 10 S S4 (B a ile y 13). Assists— Phoe nix 27 Rec ‘ Honda quality throughout. Fingers 2 2-3 2 0 0 2 1 a b r h b i a b r h b i (D ovis 7), Utoh 32 (Gre e n 16). A — 12403. M a nch e st er a n d W in d h a m a t W e worry. Gardening is one county extension service. Lodd 2 2-3 3 3 3 1 5 P h l t a d ^ l a 100010 000— 2 th ersfie ld, 3 L a n k y W olc k ow s k l 156136399, D ic k • Exclusive Honda overhead valve 4-stroke Butler cl 3 1 0 0 Whittkr 2b 4 1 2 0 N « » Y o rh 101101 i i x — 4 of the most enjoyable There is nothing like McClure (L 0-1) 0 0 1 1 1 0 B ernzrd 2b 4 0 0 0 Gibson rt 4 1 3 3 B ulk e le y a t E a st C a th olic, 1:30 Ro a ch 140.394, Ji m Ja c k s o n 138-389, A rt engine delivers maximum performance Te ltmon 0 1 0 0 1 0 Gom e-winning RBI — None. Cro m w e ll a n d P ortlo n d a t Ch e n e y John so n 136374, Lo u M o ssollnl 374. recreations to get into. getting your hands in the Fra nco ss 4 0 1 1 Eva ns dh 3 0 1 0 _ E — AAotuszek Z D e je sus 2, Lef ebvre, N e w York Th orntn dh 4 0 0 0 P arrish c 4 0 11 Nets 106,Bucks too T e c h , 1:30 T o m M a rtin 373, R ondv Cop e la nd 3M, Anyone can grow a soil and watching those while usingconsideiabty less gasand oil. Nie kro 10 8 2 2 2 7 G. Wilson. D P — Phllod elphioT, Ne w York Ta n n is J ^ n M o lo rc o Sr. 359, N o rm VIttn e r • Exclusive Honda Roto-Stop" system Toble r 1b 3 0 0 0 Lo w ry c 0 6 0 0 2. LO B — Philadelphia 8, N e w York 7. 2B Aquin os a t E a st C a th olic (g irl s ), 3:15 garden. plants grow. Once you 3 RIghetti 2 2-3 2 3 2 3 2 Hosscy c 3 0 0 0 Herndon If 4 0 I'O — Mo fusz e k 2, S fro w b e rry, H R — N E W J E R S E Y (I M ) stops the blade but not the engine Howe ll (W 1-1) 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Ja coby 3b I 0 0 0 Johnson 3b 3 0 0 0 A good thing to re- taste your own home McClure pitched to 1 batter in 13th; O'K o re n 2-5 OO 4, Willlo ms 6)1 7-9 15, Perkins ph 1 0 0 0 Trm m ll ss 1 1 1 0 J.M: S ® ~ ^ u * n d o (2), Samuel Da wkins 8-17 1618 32, Birdsong 6 )5 24 member is to keep the grown vegetables, you’re when handle lever is released. Te llm a n pitched to 2 batters In 13th. Castillo rf 0 0 0 0 Le mon ct 3 1 0 0 T — 3:47. A — 50.319. (16), M . Wilson (3), Brooks II). 18, Richordson 617 4 4 14, King 614 24 garden small to begin going to be hooked on ' Electronic ignition is mainte- Vu k ovch rt 3 0 1 0 B ergm n 1b 4 0 1 1 IP H R E R B B SO 10, (k nins k i 1-2 3 3 5, Cook 6 9 0 0 A Nixon If 2 0 0 0 Broo kns ss 3 2 1 1 PhUodolphla TotolS 3692 3448 106 with. A small garden is gardening forever. nance-free. H orgrv ph 1 0 0 0 Koosmem ( L M ) S 2-3 7 4 3 2 4 M IL W A U K E E ( I N ) ’ 21 "cutting width cuts any Mariners 9. Angels 6 Fischlln 3b 0 0 0 0 K. Gross 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Johnson 316 67 23, List er 3 5 OO 4. workload down to To t als 29 1 2 I Tot a ls 13 4 I t 4 Campbell 2 2 2 1 0 3 La nie r 613 M 13, Dunle ovy 611 6 4 15, Clovatand 000 000 001— 1 N e w Yorh /Woocrlet 14 611 10, Mok eskI 1-2 OO 20, Edible landscaping size. S E A TTL E C A LIF O R N IA Dotrolt 003010 01X— 4 Te rre ll | W 3-1) 6 9 2 2 2 2 Pressev M 6 0 9, Bre ue r 0 2 OO 0, ' Quiet operation. Ob r h bi Ob r h bi G a m e-winning R BI — Gibson (3). Sisk 1 1 0 0 1 0 R om or 1-2 OO 2. Tot als 36812329100 0 P erconI 2b 4 1 1 1 Pettis ct 5 ) 2 2 E — Fra nco, Vukovich. D P — Clevelond Orosco IS 4) 2 0 0 0 1 5 N t e u j t e t o v n m i M ^ i M Bonnell cf 5 3 3 3 Care w 1b 5 0 11 1. Balk— Koosm an. T — 2:39. A — 20,542. MHwouko a n a n i i — h o garden fad of ’80s Dovis lb 5 2 2 I Schollld ss 0 0 0 0 LO B— Cleveland 4, De troit 7.2B— Gibson 'Thre e-point goa l— Dunle ovy. Fouled sa a o E n iiL r.^ Putna m dh 4 0 1 0 Lynn If 1 1 0 0 2, P a r r i s h , V u k o v i c h , T r a m m e l l , Dodgers6,PadresO out borders. GTh o m s It 3 0 1 I De CIncs F3rbo 4n co. 1 1 0 — Lister, La nie r, Dunle ovy. To t a l fouls— MASSAPEQUA PARK. Srl4 'S ti. Bra dle y ct 1 0 I 0 RJcksn dh 5 1 2 1 IP H R E R B B S O N ^ Je rt o y 24. Milw au k e e 34. Rebounds N.Y. (UPI) - One of the • Eggplant and pepper EllalMtM Cowens rt 5 ) 2 2 Downing If 5 1 I 2 Cleveland LOS A N O E L E S SAN D IE O O — Ne w J ^ y 54 (W illia m s 17), M ll- plants in sunny spots add Cm i Ki most sensible gardening CMiimi Mllb orn 3b 3 1 0 0 Grich 2bS 5 ol1ll1ne0r (L 0-1) 5 6 4 2 3 2 O b r h M O b r h M A s s li t s-N o w color to any garden. Romos 3b 1 0 0 0 Boone c 5 0 1 0 Ca m acho 2 2 0 0 0 0 Sox 2b 4 1 0 1 Wiggins 2b 4 0 ) 0 Jw s e v a (Rich ardson 8), Mllwou k o e 20 you nood fads of the 19S0s is edible Ke arn ey c 4 0 0 0 PIcclolo Fsrsa 3z ier 0 0 0 1 3 2 2 1 0 Whittild ct S 0 ) 0 Gwynn rt 4 0 1 0 • J o t > h * o n 0 ) . T e c h n i c a l s — landscaping, said Ann • For the front lawn, Z)M$l42 To t a ls 40 ? 14 V To t a ls 3» 4 t 4 P etry (W 3-1) 8 1 0 0 2 7 Reilly, of the Mailorder HRA21-4SX Moldond cf 2 0 0 0 G a rv e y l b 4 0 1 0 N e ^ J e r s e y (Il l e g a l d e f e n s e ). A — provide flowers first, and H O N D A r n a l i i i I I I ) Stlrti Soottla 002 012 001 3— 4 Hernandez ) 1 1 1 1 1 G u e rre r 3b 4 0 0 0 Kennedy c 3 0 0 0 W O O D Association of C a lllo nila 000 001 005 0— 4 W P — P e t r y , C a m a c h o . T — 2:20. 5 2 2 9 « = R v n l cf 3 0 0 0 Nurserymen. then,food. Sl| T m luskil S i | . Gom e-winning R BI — Bonnell (31. A — M arsh all If 4 2 2 1 AAortlnez If 3 0 1 0 • Against a wall or Il'gliuUl Fnquant E — Mo ore , Boone. LO B — Seattle 24,853. Several factors are Stubbs rt 2 0 0 0 Te m pitn ss 3 0 1 0 A U T O B O D Y trellis, train vines of t6 lastylns 10, Sciosclo c 2 1 0 0 Whitson p 2 0 0 0 leading home gardeners (DEALER LISTING) C a lll o r n lo 8. 2B— Re. Ja c k s o n. H R — And ersn ss 3 1 0 0 Lefferts p 0 0 0 0 to incorporate food plants matoes, cucumbers or Vli« WIMia Dovis P ena p 4 0 ) 0 Smmrs ph 1 0 0 0 peas. Ellmlnilii nilixt (7), Bonnell (2). SB— Owe n (2), Boone into landscaping designs, GUM.OHl Drov e k y p 0 0 0 0 • The lacy, fem-like I I) . S— Mllbourn e, K e a rn ey, Perconte. _ De Le on p 0 0 0 0 24 HOUR TOWING she said, including the To io i f n 4 s 1 To i a i t 11 0 s 0 high cost of food, the good foliage of carrots, pars- For opfemum portoemgneo and Mf«ty m racommtnd that you r*ad m* ownot's E q u ip m e n t t w i tpM8 IP H R E R B B S O Los An a oia t m o H o i t t — 4 nips and asparagus marHMibBliMaptratincfetturMi ei963AnrMric8n Honda Motor Co. Ick Ellmixitil Tte F i l l y ' Soottla S28-4141 taste of fresh fruit and San Diogo 004 040 NO— 4 MBERT J. SMITHa inc. Or Tm SIi w 8p»8 Mo ore 8 5 3 3 3 7 Golf Gomo-wlnnlng R B I— Mortholl (4). vegetables, limited space makes attractive filler or Stanton 0 2 2 2 0 0 E — Sox, Tompleton, M artlnoi. DP— for vegetable growing or edging in a flower or Msiis All Silely Slindirdt B e ard 2 - 3 1 ) 1 0 1 L04 shrub border. Vond e B erg 0 ) 0 0 1 0 Angeles 2. LOB— Los Angolts 4, Son MSUMNSliTNS SMO Aok “Doc” Solon WWnwr or Howwd Wokwr o r c h a ^ and the develop- Connecticut's Th o m s (W 2-0) 1 1-3 0 0 0 1 2 piogo 4. 2B— Gwynn. HR— Marshall (7). ment of dwarf varieties. • For color, consider Largest H onda D ealer Culila rnia S— Stubbs. SF— . 1914 boutWtoodlondiB Ms. Reilly's sugges- leaves of beets, Swiss Koutm a n 4 2-3 4 3 3 4 1 , . . IP H R B R B B S O chard or rhubarb, which Slaton 3 2-3 7 3 2 0 3 Tallwood Los An aoia t LlfMnM WorkmanoNp GiMranW* tions include; 30 Adams St., AAanchostsr LoC ort e ( L 0-1) 1 0 2 2 2 1 Bob H e o ly J r . , p lo ying the p ar-3, Pena (W 4-I) 9 5 0 0 0 4 COLLISION • FRAME • GLASS • RBEROLA88 • Green, yellow and contrast well with most Exit 93 off 1-86/646-2769 W. H. PREUSS SONS Sanchez 2-3 I 1 1 0 I ISO-vord th ird h ole , score d h it first S a n O lt a o bronze-leaf lettuce make shrubs and flowers. Mo ore pitched to 2 betters In 9th; Whitson Tl 2-2) 7 4 2 2 2 5 hole-in-on e S a turd a y. 649 S241 attractive trims in rose • Blueberries, quince, Stonton pitched 2 ba tters In 9lh; H e o ly, the 1973 ju nior clu b ch a m pio n Lefferts 1 0 0 0 0 2 . Mon., Wed., FrI. 2 2 8 BOSTON TURNPIKE 4 4 3 > 9 4 9 2 V a nd e B ero pitched to 2 batters In 9th. at th e M a nch e st er C o u n try Clu b, w a s Dra vtc kv l<3 1 3 1 2 0 gardens. gooseberries and cur- W P — R. Th o m a s. B o lk — M o ore . T — p l a ying In a f oursom e w ith D a v e DeLeon 2 - 3 0 1 0 1 2 00 e. Con tor SirBBt 1208 BumsIdB Avwmw • East Hartford • Clumps of chives and rants make handsome HOURS: Tue..*Thurt.. 3:44. M o lo n e y, B ill M c C a rt h y a nd B o b W P — Whitson 2. PB— Kenn edy. T — MbnchMlBf, Cl. S e rving a K o t H a rtford sin c e 1924 shrubs that provide deli- Sal. BOLTON, CT (RT 6 & 4 4 ) A — 4SJ149. H e oly Sr, 2:38. low-growing herbs make A — 34,147. good edges for perennial cious fruit. MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, April 30, 1984 - 17 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, April 30, 1984

r X' Clip ’n’ file refunds Advice Shoppers’ Club I / Cosmetics, Grooming Aids (File No. 11-C) / gets top award Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with '\ Meeting the natural parent beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting for A-1 effort the needed proofs of purchase while looking for the required forms at the supermarket, in By Martin Sloane newspapers and magazines, and when traciing United Feature Syndicate with friends. Allow 10 weeks to receive each is crucial to adopted child refund. What does it take for a coupon club to be named the The following refund offers are worth $15.25. best club of the year by the American Coupon Club, - This week’s refund offers have a total value of DEAR READERS: that! They had a fine the national organization that charters local coupon $33.75. "Curious in F’lorida." the dinner and spent the even- clubs? parents of three adopted ing showing us home First, the club should have more than a few movies of their son from This offeT does not reuire a refund form: children, asked me to poll members so there are a large variety of coupons and REVLON Nail Starter Refund. P.O. Box NB my readers to find out the day they got him until Dear Abby refund forms to trade at club meetings. And, the more 943, El Paso, T X 79977. Receive a $2 refund. Send what to expect if their he graduated from college members'there are, the more people there are to pitch the front box panel from a Nail Starter Kit, plus adopted children decided last May. It was almost Abigail Van Buren in with club activities and projects. This year's the register tape with the purchase price circled, to search for their biologi- like watching him l« w winner, the Shoppers’ Circle Coufwn Club of along with your name, address and ZIP code. cal parents. up. We were treated like Kennewick, Wash., with 45 members, is just such a Expires June 30, 1984. Today, a sample of “family." club. Herald photos by Hudson letters with happy We gained a son and our A good coupon club should have regular meetings. endings: lives have been enriched. The Kennewick Shoppers’ Circle has four or five These offers require refund forms: The white frame renovated farmhouse To the left of the home is a small Our hearts are filled with ALB ERTO Mousse $1.25 Cash Refund. Send the A view from the back of the Loalbo home and an in-ground pooi. The house is meetings a month, split between day and evening includes five bedrooms and three baths. efficiency apartment. D E AR AB B Y: Being an DEAR ABBY: My hus- The hardest part of the love and gratitude for sessions so everyone can find a convenient time to required refund form and the nozzle from the top shows a redwood deck off the kitchen listed for $153,900. adopted child, I yearned band was raised by his ordeal wasafterhis father these generous people, attend. of the Alberto Mousse cannister, along with the to know about my grandparents. His mother died, knowing how many and "our son" (as they Most important, the best club in the country must register tape with the purchase price circled. "roots," but I didn't want got pregnant at 14 and her people had known who his call him) could not be a have able and dedicated leadership. Pat Lamar, the Expires Sept. 30, 1984. to hurt my adoptive par- parents rescued her by dad was, while he did not. finer gentleman. Kennewick club’s founder and past club leader AZIZA Rebate. Receive a 75-cent to $3 refund. ents, so I 'waited until adopting her son. When he What foolish secrets OUR CUP recently got married, but she postponed the wedding Send the required refund form and the top part of Strange voices may greet buyer in this house alter I was married to w as 18. he was told that his people keep. RUNNETH OVER until after the club’s convention last fall so she could the card with the Aziza name for the following start my search. "sister " was really his NEW JERSEY be sure everything went smoothly. How’s that for refunds: one card top — 75 cents: two card tops — 3 Three months later, I mother. Of course, he STORY DEAR ABBY: 1 located dedication! $1.50; three card tops — $3, plus the register flew to a small Midwest- wanted to know who his my birth mother. This Shoppers’ Circle was selected as the recipient of the tape(s) with the purchase price (s) circled. For ern town and walked into father was. but they all D E A R A B B Y : I gave up was her message to me: ACC’s Golden Shopping Cart Award as best coupon the uncarded product, send the security seal with Sut don’t be frightened a Dairy Queen where my lied, saying they weren't a beautiful boy 22 years “ Thank you for affirming club because it has all these things and a lot more. the purchase price circled on the register tape. mother was working be- sure. " (Isn't that the ago because I was 16. that I did the right thing in Their latest "Freebie Shop” shopping spree was held Expires Dec. 31, 1984. hind the counter. 1 knew lowest?) unmarried and my par- giving yon up. I wish to COTY Eye Rebate. Receive a $1 refund on last December and the nine participating club Editor’s note: House hunt is an Just off the kitchen is a wrap-around immediately that she was He was 39 years old ents forced me to. God I had had the courage Shape’n Shadow Eye Kit. Send the required members carted away $984 worth of groceries from occasional feature in the Manches- redwood deck, and several feet further when he found out from a I was contacted six to do the same thing for refund form and the top of the hang card showing my mother She looked at Albertson’s, with thanks to store manager, Pat back, to the right, is an in-ground relative who his father months ago by an attor- your younger brother and tei) Herald, focusing on houses for 0 the name of the product, plus the register tape. me and something told Shelton. swimming pool surrounded by wooden was. (He was living only ney who asked me if I sister, but society lays sale in the area. her that 1 was the daugh- This coupon club likes to help other shoppers, too. Expires Dec. 31, 1984. railing. To the far left is a large ter she hadn't seen since 1 50 m i l e s a w a y . ) I b e l i e v e wanted to meet the child I such a guilt trip on us if we ISLE OF ALOE. Receive a $1 refund and a $1 Club leader Taffy Mercer says that in an effort to ease By Susan Plese vegetable garden. was 5 days old. We were that children should be had given away in 1962. 1 don't raise our own coupon good on any Isle of Aloe facial skin care tensions at the checkout counter, they came up with Herald Reporter To the left of the dining room is a tiny protected when they're was thrilled out of my children. product. Send the required refund form and the I both overcome with emo- the idea of having their own "Tri-Cities Cashier of the library, paneled in wormwood and tion. Her boss sent her young, but when they mind! I'm married now “ Please go home and front panel from the box of Aloe Foam — Year" award. Members of the club visited stores OLTON — Potential buyers touring lined with shelves. A full bathroom is home and we talked until .5 become adults, it's their and have four children tell your parents 'thanks’ Clarifying Liquid Cleanser, Aloe Fluff — 9 throughout the area and then turned in their the renovated farm house for sale on off the library. The library opens up to a a m. She's been divorced right to know the truth. and a wonderful husband. Irom both of us. Moisturizing Cream Cleanser, Aloe Dew — nominations. Finally, the selection narrowed down to 122 Hebron Road may be treated to a large family room. Focal point is a twice, has three other 1 encouraged him to He knew about my first- Goodbye." Penetrating Lotion Moisturizer, Aloe Fresh — just two very special cashiers and a committee was talking closet along with the customary circular brick fireplace fitted with a children and seven step- contact his father. At born; my children did not. 1 won’t tell you what my Stimulating Toner and Pearls of Aloe — sent out to observe both. The winner was Mary house inspection. wood stove. children. She's had a hard first, he was reluctant, My husband and I flew life would have been like il Revitalizing Cream Moisturizer; plus the dated Anderson of Buttrey-Osco, who was chosen for You see, the five children of William Upstairs are five bedrooms, three to life. tearing he might be re- immediately to meet my I had been raised by this register tape with the purchase price circled. accuracy, for calling out each price and for cheerfully anfl Marie Loalbo, the owners, are less the left of the staircase and two to the I'm glad I satisfied my jected. As it turned out, he son. It was an emotionally bitter, unhappy woman. Expires Sept. 30, 1984. correcting the occasional ibistake made. than enthusiastic about selling the right. The master bedroom, to the curiosity. I'm glad was warmly received and charged experience for all I was happy to have RAVE Hair Care. Receive $1.50 -to- $2 in Then there’s the Kennewick Circle’s 1984 calendar hofne they grew up in. So they’ve right, has original wood floors, ena- she had the courage to they developed a beautiful of us. His adoptive par- seen the contrast and coupons and refund. Send the required form and — a quick glance gives you the dates of every meeting perfected a number of techniques to meled green. Down a hallway is a boy’s give me up. It made me father-son relationship. ents had told him on his grateful to her for having th e- front panel of a 4-ounce Rave Pump and special activity coming up. This year, the club has deter would-be buyers. room tucked under the eaves. Flooring appreciate my adoptive Unfortunately, his father 21st birthday that if he given me away — and Hairspray for a $1 refund and a 50-cent coupon planned four group shopping sprees, a combination ft’s the the youngest, 12-year-old there is also enameled wood planks. A parents all the more. died a few years later, but wanted to meet me, they even more grateful to the good on Rave Pump Hairspray; orthe front panel baked goods and yard sale and a family picnic. The Julie, who’s been the most creative. leaded glass window admits light. GLAD 1 at least they got to know would make the search mother who raised me. of an 8-ounce Rave Pump Hairspray or the code club also publishes its own monthly "Clipper’s She hides in a closet when someone To the other side of the stairway is a se:ar c hed each other. and they did. Imagine SAN DIEGO number from the bottom of an 11-ounce aerosol Review,” which reports on club activities. comes through the house and whispers, cozy sitting room fashioned from a for a $1.50 refund and a 50-cent coupon. Include Recently club leader Taffy Mercer and her fellow "Qon’tbuy this house. It’s haunted,” as hallway nook. Decorated with two the dated register tape with the purchase price Shoppers’ Circle club members held a public the house hunter passes. high-back easy chairs, the warm room couponing and refunding seminar. Attenance was circled. Expires Aug. 31, 1984. If the kids discovered someone was makes a good spot to relax if one can’t Sodium test is poor gauge limited to just 40, so each participant could receive STYLE Hair Spray $1 Refund. Send the abput to tour the house, they’d try to sleep at night, Mrs. Loalbo says. Down personal attention from club members who volun- required refund form and the Universal Product mess it up. They’ve also thrown things the hallway are three bedrooms. There Code number from the side of the can, the code teered to teach and assist. It was a big success, with out of closets, as part of the haunting are two full baths also upstairs. more than half of those who attended now clipping, number from the underside of the can and the rotitine. The efficiency apartment is located filing and sending their way to supermarket savings. register tape with the purchase price circled. Nevertheless, Mr. and Mrs. Loalbo off the left of the family room. It has a Expires Oct. 31, 1984. of ideal salt consumption That’s the story of the Kennewick Shoppers’ Circle are selling the five-bedroom house with separate entrance. Zoning permits The living room of the vintage 1812 home has beamed ceilings and wall-to-wall carpeting. and that’s what it takes to win the award for best attached efficiency apartment. They rental of the space, which includes a coupon club of the year. Here’s a refund form to write .for: hope to open an inn on Cape Cod. The kitchen-eating area, a combination A DEAR DR. LAMB: I m spider nevi, caused from A $1.50 to $3 refund. STYLE $1.50 -to- $3 Refund home, built about 1816, is on the market bedroom and sitting room, and a full a 3.5-year-old saltaholic. active liver disease. Playwright to be honored Offer, P.O. Box 1084, Maple Plain, MN 55393. for $153,900. Listing agent is Norma bath. However, my sodium They could also be solar (Certificate requests must be received by July 31, Tedford of Century 21, Tedford Real level is only 131 two hours keratosis, usually from WEST HARTFORD (UPI) — Arthur Miller, one of 1984. While waiting for the form, save the Estate, Route 44. ALTHOUGH the original character before eating. Does this sun damage. Or they American’s premier playwrights, will receive an Universal Product Code number, the code The white frame house sits on a of the house has been maintained, there mean it's OK to as Your Health might be seborrheic der- honorary doctor of letters degree May 13 from the number from the underside of the package (s), 4.$-acre parcel of land surrounded by are a number of modern amenities. much salt as 1 want? My matitis. The treatment for University of Hartford. and the register tape(s) with the purchase woods, fields, and flowering trees and Kitchen is new as are virtually all the blood pressure is OK. 90 Lawrence Lamb, M.D. all of these is entirely His wife, Inge Morath, a noted photographer, also price (s) circled of Shampoo and Conditioner. shrubs. Although it is still too early to insulated Andersen windows in the over 60 in the morning and different. will receive an honorary doctorate in fine arts. see much color, a gigantic forsythia house. There are two separate oil P 130 over 90 in the evening. If you should have ac- bush on one corner of the land is about furnaces, one for the main house, one My potassium level is 5.6. tive liver disease you ready to bloom. A dogwood on another for the efficiency apartment. would need medical su- com er already has small red buds at There is a flagstone landing in the DEAR READER: pervision. If they're solar the tip of each branch. entrance to the family room and That's quite a swing in water as you need to adding salt to your food. It keratosis, they can be “ My heart has so many emotions," several decorative leaded glass win- your blood pressure if the maintain the sodium con- would be a good idea lor removed by freezing them says Mrs. Loalbo as she looks out onto dows throughout the house. inlormation is correct. centration within narrow you to review your situa- until they fall off. INAHURRY? the grounds. The family hasvwned the The kitchen is particularly sunny, You're on the low blood limits. That's why when a tion in respect to your Should you have sebor- house for 15 years. On the day they with two walls of windows, one facing pre.s.sure side in the morn- per.son retains sodium he evening blood pressure rheic dermatitis you bought the house, Mrs. Loalbo says, the South and the other East. Mrs. Loalbo ing and on the high side in tends to retain water and with your doctor. would need to use mea- owner cried. “ I couldn’t understand it. has many large plants in the room, the evening. Your sodium develop swelling. sures to control excess P a p a Q ino^ But now I can appreciate what she was including cacti, flowering begonia, level is on the low side of If you're prone to dam- DEAR DR. LAMB: I'd oiliness; perhaps some feeling that day. A part of me doesn’t lemon geranium, even poinsettias and normal and your potas- iige from excess sodium like your comments on skin preparations might want to leave,” she says. red salvia. “ We have had salvia all sium on the high side. 1 ingestion, the changes in these little red spots on be necessary. In some winter,” she says. wonder il you're taking a the kidneys will develop my body. I'v e heard them cases, a corticosteroid Beats The Clock ONE WALKS THROUGH the front The family raised many animals on Above, the spacious kitchen includes work area to the front of diuretic that spares potas- while your tests are nor- referred to as liver spots. preparation might help. door into a front living room, and a the land. There have been dogs, of sium and eliminates mal. 'That's why doctors They're no problem but See your doctor and let dining room to the rear. Ceilings are course, but also geese, ducks, sheep, the house, and window walls along two sides of the room. sodium. usually identity people not very nice to look at. him decide what you beamed. To the right of the dining room goats, and even horses. Mrs. Loalbo Through the windows one has a view of the hills and woods and You can t judge the with these specific prob- How can I get rid of them? really need. ^th Five of \biir is a huge kitchen: work island and had a small business there as well. She the backyard pool. Right, Andrea Loalbo, one of the Loalbo amount of salt you can lems as needing to restrict What causes them? appliances to the front, and sitting taught classes in jewelry-making and daughters, relaxes in a cozy upstairs sitting room. The room was consume on the basis of their salt intake. space surrounded by window walls sold loose beads for costumers and your .sodium which II your evening blood DEAR READER: All Just because you don’t Luncheon Favorites. overlooking the back yard to the rear. jewelry makers. fashioned from a hallway nook. measures the salt concen- pre.s.sure reading is cor- spots and lumps should be use an item doesn’t mean tration in your blood. As rect. it's high enough to examined by a physician. the Item has lost its value. long us your kidneys are warrant limiting yoursalt Those "little red spots" Why not exchange It for lunctioning properly intake to moderate may be small dilated cash with an ad In Classi- you'll con.serve as much amounts or even to stop blood vessels, called fied? 643-2711. About Town

Center St. Quilters meet Tuesday Remarriage on agenda Evangelism film airs The past master mason degree will be conferrd. Thoushts The Church of the Living God, which meets at Refreshments wil be served. VERNON — The Nutmeg Quilters will meet HARTFORD— Child and Fam ily Services will offer Robertson School, will sponsor a film series on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the community room of the a six-session workshop in rem arriage beginning personal evangelism beginning Wednesday at 7 p.m. Band sheii benefit set Vernon Police Station, Route 30. Chris Maynard will Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at 1680 Albany Ave. The film is entitled “ Evangelism as a Way of Life.” present a workshop on counted cross stitch quilt label. The series is designed for people struggling with the We hear a lot today Christians of his Indian edge of the Lord. Soon, Church in Chicago) tells The A1 Gentile Variety Revue will be presented complexities of step-families. Focus will be on myths about power; nuclear of the unusual conversion village being snatched up “ Little Rattlesnake,” the Sunday at 3 p.m. at Manchester High School, East and realities as well as issues affecting the blended power, economic power, of an Indian man by the to heaven while the others pagan, became known as AFS student to speak Middle Turnpike. Proceeds will benefit the program family. 3 political power. But the name of "Little Rattles- were left behind. And this "Frank, the Christian The Ladies Aid Society of Zion Evangelical and capital improvement ol the Manchester Bicenten- Registration is required and fee is based on ability Bible talks about some- nake. " This name was so disturbed him that he preacher.” Guild plans lunch Lutheran Church will meet Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the nial Band Shell. to pay. Call 236-4511, Ext. 260. thing fur greater; salva- quite appropriate, be- sought out a Christian This is an example of church. A potiuck supper is planned. The variety show will include singers, a band, an BLOOM FIELD — The Guild of St. Agnes will have tion power. Romans 1;16 his life was not lived < conference where Dr. Ir- the power of the gospel of Following the meeting, Renate Wolfe, an exchange organist, and other musicians. Tickets are $5. Cali its annual membership lunch May 11 at St. Thomas says this: "F o r I am not on the highest m oral! onside happened to be Christ. Can such a change 241-9053. Seminary, 465 Bloomfield Ave. Mass will be ashamed of the gospel of plain. In his youth he had speaking. There he was student from Switzerlan<], will show slides and speak Free physicals offered occur in you? Of course, it on her country. Lenten envelopes are due. celebrated at 11:30 a.m. in the chapel. Lunch will Christ: for it is the power gone to a government soundly converted. A can, for God does the follow. ANDOVER — Tbe Community Health Care great change came over of God unto salvation to school in Carlisle. Pen- changing. "But as many See Governor’s Foot Guard The Rev. Edmund O’Brien, director of the office of Services will sponsor a well-child clinic Thursday everyone that believeth: nsylvania, but he had him. He began to witness Overtones to perform 0 as received him, to them communications, Archdiocese of Hartford, will from 8:45 to 11 a.m. at the Andover Congregational to the Jew first, and to returned home scorning boldly to those around The Visiting Nurse and Home Care of Manchester gave the power to become 'The Fellowcraft Club of Manchester Lodge of Inc. will sponsor a concert Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at speak. The event is open to members and friends. (Church. the Greek." God is in the the whit^ man’s religion him. His upright life be- the children of God, even Contact Mrs. John Brassil of 1964 Asylum Ave., West Ail residents of Coventry, Andover, Columbia and gan to demonstrate the Masons will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Waddell School, 163 Broad St. The First Company of transforming because of his wicked to them that believe on his Hartford, for reservations. Hebron are eligible to receive immunizations and reality of his profession. Temple, 25 E. Center St. (Rivem or’s Foot Guard Band and the Silk City and changing individuals ways. In time he found name" (John 1:12). routine physicals. Children are seen by appointment His wife became a Chris- At 8 p.m. the Overtones, a female Barbershop Barfoershhop Quartet will entertain. through the gospel of some wicked ways of his only. Call 228-9428. Christ. own. One night, years tian, and together they singing group, will entertain. Guests are invited. Tickets are $4 for adults and $2 for senior citizens The late Di. H.A. Iron- later, he had a dream in began to raise their child- Pastor Jim Beliasov Refreshments will be served. and children under 12. Proceeds will benefit,the USS Pittsburgh reunites side (pastor of the Moody which he imagined the in the love and knowl- Faith Baptist Church Hospice Home Care Program, which serves the terminally ill and their families. Patrons of the WILDWOOD, Ga. — Form er officers and crew of Retired teachers to meet program are also being sought. the World War II and Korean War who served on the The Manchester Retired Teachers Association will USS Pittsburgh CA 72 are being sought for a reunion Puhtic Records planned in September in Williamsburg, Va. Contact meet for lunch May 7 at the Manchester Country Club. J.C. Ayers, P.O. Box 74, Wildwood, Ga. Social hour will begin at 11; 30 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Cabaret at East Catholic Wwranty doods LeRoy Hay, teacher of the year, will speak. Call “ Cabaret Elast ’84" is coming to East Catholic High Harold J. Loercii Jr. and Jane M. Dudek to Herbert Hartford 9:35.— Police Academy (R) 9:15. (PG ) 7, 9:20. — PoMc* Bernice Maher at 646-5873 for reservations. Alhentum Clntma— Reop- I, 7:30, 9:45. — Greystoke: Vernon Academ y (R) 7:10, 9:15. — School May 11 and 12. The fund-raising event will J. and Mary Ann Deffley, 43 Edison Rd., $71,000. ens Thursday. The Legend of Tarzan, Lord Cine 1 A 2 — T erm s ot Friday the 13th: The Final feature entertainment, fine foods and drink. Generate positives Thomas W. Calnan to Bruce M. and Sandra M. Cinema City — This Is of the Apes (PG) 1:30, 7:10, Endearment (PG ) 7, 9:30. — Chapter (R) 7. 9:15. Beggs, 56 Baldwin Road., $70,900. Spinal Top (R) 7:45, 9:45. — 9:35. — M oscow on the Against A ll Odds (R) 7:15, The baby arrives Each room will be transformed into a distinctive BLOOMFIELD— The Connecticut Valley brandi of Windsor Dwight B. and Phyllis H. Mc(Quade to Rboert Arthur Death In Venice (PG ) 7:05. — Hudson (R) 1:45,7:20,9:45.— 9:40. Plaia — The Right Stutt entertainment area. The cafeteria will become an Women’s League for Conservative Judaism will have Heart Like a Wheel (R) 7:30. Iceman (PG ) 1, 7:40, 10. — West HorMord (PG) 7:15.______The Manchester evening group of LaLecfae League Irish pub; the gymnasium will feature a USD show Guy and Karol M. Guy, 261 Henry St., $69,900. 9:50. — E l Norte (PG ) 7,9:35. a conference May 14 and 15 at Beth Hillel Synagogue. Friday the 13th: The Final Elm I A 2 — T erm s of will meet Wednesday at 7; 30 p.m. at the home of Vicki with a group from the 1940s. There will also be an Richard and Beth A. Laurinitis to John and Eileen Clnestudlo — I Married a Chapter (R) 1, 7:40, 9:45. — Endeorment (PG ) 7, 9:30. — FOR SPARKLING wood- The theme of the conference is “Generating DeLeo, 16 Huckleberry Road. Italian room, a casino, a Middle Eastern room, a M. Wilson, 26 Devon Drive, $55,000. Shadow 7:30 with Boat Peo- Swing Shift (PG ) 1:45, 7:15, Where the Boys Are 64 (R) 7, work, tile, gloss and Positives." ple (R) 9:35. 9:35. — Children of the Corn 9:30. The topic will be "The Baby Arrives: The Family four-star deli, an athletic celebrities room, a Colonial — Reopens Frl- (R) 1:15, 7:30,10. The Movies — Hard to pointed surfaces, odd and the Breastfed Baby." Babies are welcome. Call QuHcMm doodi doy. Manchester H o ld (P G ) 12:15,2,3:50,5:35, three tablespoons ol barbershop <|uartet room, a com idy room, (x>ffee Phyllis Hass, national parliamentarian from Kathy LeDonne at 646-7277. Robert T. McNamara Sr. to Geraldine L. East Hartford UA Theaters Bast — 7:50, 9:50. — Splosh (PG ) woshing soda to a quart MANCHESTER house and silent auction. Phil^elphia, will serve as national ocmsultant to the Eastwood Pub * Cinema— Romancing the Stone (PG) 12:30, 2:40,4:40,7:05,9:05. — Tickets, for $6, will admit one to all of tbe shows for McNamara, 43 Lakewood Circle South. Terms of Endearment (PG) 7:30, 9:40. — Splash (PG ) Romancing the Stone (PG) of warm water and wash. conference. Topics discussed will include Jewish 7:15. 7:20, 9:35. — Hard to Hold 12,2:15,4:20,7,9. No rinsing required. For 358 West Middle Turnpike Mason degree conferred one evening. Proceeds will support school programs. education, American and world affairs, the family Poor Richard's Pub A Ci- (PG ) 7:15,9:30. WIHImoatlc sporkling results when papaQinol^ Rosemary Moynihan and Dana Pineo are chair- and synagogue life. Area women desiring to attend the NoMoa Of H i pondons nema— Aaolnst All Odds (R) Catherine O'Donnell against Thomas O'Donnell, Mansfield Jlllson tRUore Cinema — you have something to The Delta chapter of Royal Arch Masons will meet nun. Tickets can be bought in advance, at the school conference may contact their local Sisterhood 7:15,9:30. Translux Colleoe Twin — Children of fhe Corn (R) 7:10, property at 9-11 Golway St. Showcase Cinemas — Moscow on the Hudson (R) 7, 9:20. — Splash (PG ) 7:10, sell, use a low-cost od in 646-8553 Wednesday at 7: SO p.m. at the Maaonic Temple, 23 and will also be available at the door. president. Footloose (PG ) 1:30, 7:15, 9:15. — Carmen |R) 7:30, .,9:20. — Rom ancing fhe Stone classified. For Take-Out Call: /

18 - M A N t H E S T F .R H E R A L D , M o n d a y. A p r il 30, 1984 6 4 3-2 7 1 1 M A N C H E S T E R H E R A L D , M o n d a y. A p r il 30, 1984 - 18 ClassBusin e sis O p pfort u niti e s e. . .22 dS t o r e / O f t—ic e S p a c e ...... 44 H o u s e h o ld G o o d s ...... 62 F o r a d v e rt is e m e n t s to be N o tic e s Situ a tio n W a n t e d ...... 23 R e sort P r o p e r t y ...... 45 M Is c. f or Sa le ...... 63 R a t e s p u b lis h e d M o n d a y , th e d e a d E m p lo y m e n t In f o ...... 24 M is c. f or R e n t ...... 46 H o m e a n d G a r d e n ...... 64 Minimum Charge: lin e is 2:30 p .m . on F r i d a y . TA G SALE SIGNS L o s t / F o u n d ...... 01 P e rs o n a ls ...... 02 In s tr u c t io n ...... 25 W o n t e d to R e n t ...... 47 P e ts ...... 65 $2.25 f o r o n e d a y Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG S A 1|7 A n n o u n c e m e n ts ...... 03 R o o m m a t e s W a n t e d ...... 48 M u s ic a l I t e m s ...... 66 Per Word: R e a d Y o u r A d A u c t i o n s ...... 04 R e a l E s t a t e R e cre a tio n a l I t e m s ...... 67 1-2 d a y s . '...... 15« The beet way to anneunce it is with a Herald Tag Sale S e rvic e s A n t i q u e s ...... 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14c C l a s s i f i e d a d v e r t i s e m e n t s H o m e s t o r S a l e ...... 31 T a g S a l e s ...... 69 6 d a y s ...... 13c a r e t a k e n b y t e l e p h o n e a s a Classified Ad. When yau niace yeur ad. you II receive F in a n c i a l C o n d o m i n i u m s ...... 32 S e rvic e s O f f e r e d ...... 51 W a n t e d to B u y ...... 70 26 d a v s ...... 12c c o n v e n i e n c e . L o t s / L a n d f o r S a l e ...... 33 P a in tin g / P a p e r i n g ...... 52 T h e M a n c h e s t e r H e r o l d is ONE TAG SALE SIGN f R E L compliments ol The Herald. M o rt g a g e s ...... 1 > Happy Ads: In v e s t m e n t P r o p e r t ^ y ...... 34 B u ll d i n g / C o n t r a c t i n g ...... 53 $3.00 p e r c o l u m n In c h r e s p o n s i b l e o n ly f o r on e In c o r P ersonol L o a n s ...... 12 Busin e ss P r o p e r t y ...... 35 R o o tIn g / SId in g ...... 54 r e c t In s e rt io n a n d th e n o n ly In s u r a n c e ...... 13 A u t o m o t iv e R e s ort P r o p e r t y ...... 36 H e a t in g / P lu m b in g ...... 55 D e a d lin e s f o r t h e siz e o f th e o rig in a l CALL 643-2711 or STOP IN AT OUR O F nC E, 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER W a n t e d to B o r r o w ...... 14 F l o o r i n g ...... 56 C a rs / Tru c k s f o r S a l e ...... 71 F o r c l a s s i f i e d a d v e r t i s e i n s e r t i o n . In c o m e T a x S e r v i c e ...... 57 M o t o rc y c l e s / B lc v c l e s . . . .72 m e n t s to b e p u b lis h e d T u e s E r r o r s w h ic h d o n o t le ss e n' R e n t a ls R e c V e h ic l e s ...... 73 • • • a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a G I V E Y O U R b u dg e t o It y o u n e e d a b e t t e r c o r to E m p l o y m e n t S e rvic e s W a n t e d ...... 58 d a y t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y , th e t h e v a l u e o f t h e a d v e rt is e m e n t b o o s t! Sell th os e s till- A u t o S e rv ic e s ...... 74 d r iv e th e y o u n g s t e rs to & E d u c a tio n R o o m s f o r R e n t ...... F o r Sa le d e a d lin e is n o o n o n th e d a y w i l l n o t b e c o rr e c t e d b y an Pointlng / PapM'lng 52 He a ting / PluniMng 55 {g n , 41 Cors / Trucks f e r $ole 71 Cors / Trve k s f or Sole 71 Motorcycle s / Bicyd e s 72 g o o d b u t n o-lo n g e r-u s e d s c h o o l, ch e c k th e m a n y A p a rt m e n t s (o r Re nt A u to s f o r R e n t / L e a s e ...... 75 b e f o r e p u b li c a t i o n . a d d i t i o n a l in s e rt io n . it e m s in y o u r h o m e f o r a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o f f e rin g s In t o d a y's C lo s- H e lp W a n t e d ...... 21 H o m e s f o r R e nt ...... H o lid a y / S e a s o n a l...... 61 M is c. A u t o m o t iv e ...... 76 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a c a s h . C a ll 643-2711 to sifle d c o lu m n s. 643-2711. P A I N TI N G A N D P A P E R M 81 M , P 8. H — No lob L E A F B L O W E R ,3 H P , a ll C H E V Y N O V A , 1973 — 2 1976 R A B B IT — 4 d o or, i r i t i t i H U t i U t i H H k i t pl a c e v o u r o d. H A N G I N G — E x t e r i o r too sm a ll, le a ky faucets, a tta chm e nts, $50. F e rt il d o or, h a tchb a c k, outo- s t a n d a r d , d e p e n d o b l e , FASTI b a t h ro o m r e m o d e lin g . izer spre a d er, $20. El e c t m o tlc. $800 os is. Ne eds om / tm ra dio. Coll Le e, Store / Office Spoce 44 and in t e rior, ceilings re w FASTERI w N OTIC E 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Ap artme nts for Rent 42 p a ire d. References, fully One coll does It. Fre e ric hedge clipp ers, $20. w o rk . Coll 528-6508 d a ys, 643-6237, ott er 6p m . F U B U C HEARINO Notic e s Help Wonted 21 Help Wanted R e a l Est a t e estimotes. W a t e r pump El e c tric e dger, $30. De e p ^ FASTEST! * BOARD OF O IR E C TO M _ Insured. Qu a lity w ork . 646-8623 nights.______TO W N O F H A N C H E tTE R . C O N N E C n W • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M a rtin Mottsson, eve n s ervic e. Coll 649-2871. sea fish poles ( 2), $20 1971 C A D IL L A C E L D O . BPrs. Turbo's . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M A Z D A , 1982 G L C — 4 Notic e It h ere by give n th a t the B o a rd o f Dire ctor*. Y o ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M I N N E C H A U G G O L F 149 O A K L A N D S T R E E T S O U T H W IN D S O R — KXld ings 649-4431. e ach. Coll 633-5031. R A D O — V e ry go od con * and Ninla’t * M a nch e ste r, Conn e cticut, will h old a P u b lic M M rIn g at the Homes for Sole 31 sq. f t., $200 m o n t h ly . 300 d o or. A M / F M stereo, 5 dition. $850. Coll 647-9272 i t T H E S U P B ^ B IK E k Lincoln C e nt er H e a ring R o om, 494 M a in Stre e t, M a n m e i t e r, A n n o u n c e m e n t s 03 H e lp W a n t e d C O U R S E — Is h irin g — T w o r o o m , h e a t e d spe e d. Rust proo f. V e ry . C H A M P K M S . a p a rt m e n t. R r s t f lo o r. sq. f t., $100 m o n t h ly . A m C E IL I N G S R E P A IR E D C H A R C O A L G R IL L — be twe en 7pm a nd 9pm. W A l l m x to iD in Btoch W Conn e cticut, on Tu e sd ov, M o v 8, 1984 a t 7:30 P .M . to con C a s h i e rs f o r tic k e t sa le s F o r Sale Cleon. $4500. Coll otter sid er a nd act on th e f ollow ing: » ^ » ... pr ofI s I INALS S IG N U P N O W F O R a n d g e n e r a l f ro n t d e s k $300. N o a p p li a n c e s. N o p l e p a r k i n g , a ir. 236-602fl,‘ or R E P L A C E D with d ry- 17“ di a m e t er. $18. Coil Midtown Pro pos e d Installation of a w a t erlin e on Tollcm d Turn p ix e MASSEUSE 644-3977. 649-7517. 5om. 644-8429.______betwe en P a rk e r Stre et and th e Monch e st e r / V e rn on T o w H trt i th« It a dtr, In r«U ll u««d e»r S U M M E R J O B B O Y S Female prafarred, fuN or part time duti e s. Ple a s e c a ll 643- p e ts. S e c u rity . P h o n e 646- w a ll. Coll eve nings. G ory a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1978 A M C C O N C O R D — " N E W C R E D IT C A R D ! MtM. hM an aiciling opportunity A N D G I R L 'S W H O C A N Good atmoaphare Excellent 9914 f o r a n a p p o in tm e n t. 2 4 2 6 , 9 a m t o S p m M c H u g h , 643-9321. 1968 C H A R G E R R T — 75,000 m il e s. St a n d a rd E rH 24 oft 1*41 line , a dista nce of m>pro xlm a te ly 2,400 feet a n d ttM propos e d N o on e re fus e d! A ls o tor a aaaaonatf, aggraMhw profaa* clientele. Windham e rM Cell assessment to be le vie d ag a inst b e n e tltln o pro p e rtv o w n e n . atena, to aall wall malntalnad. S E L L — E a rn $20 a w e e k w e e k d a ys. S O U T H W IN D S O R -S U r -' He use lwM Geodb 62 O 'D A Y S A IL B O A T — 11 N e e ds s o m e b o d y w o r k . tra n sm is sio n. A M / F M . In f o rm a t io n on r e c e iv in g weekdeya after 5 p.m. 643-7442, * 721-0193 Propos e d a ddition a l a ppro pri a tio n to E d u c a tio n Specral uaad eara. Th a aucoaaafui eantfl* a nd m o r e b y s e llin g n e w Saturday end Sunrfey. anytime liv a n A v e n u e . 1,600 sq. ft. N A M E Y O U R O W N ft. m a in lib, tr a il e r. Gre a t $900 o r b e st of fe r. C a ll D e p e nd able. $1750. C a ll Prot e cts - Fu n d 4i - V oc a tio n a l E d uc a tio n P ro g ro m t o f ,OI»- V is a , M a s t e rc a rd w it h no data wIR hava a provan raoord I Fro m Ha rtford big Uchat or rataii]l| aalaa. s u b s c r i p t i o n s to t h is A L L A R E A S — 1, 2, 3, 4 p r i m e re t o il s p a c e , o m ^ ^ P R IC E — F a th er and son. shape. Coll Le e 643-6237 646-1024 o n e r 6p m . 646-6487. odvontog e d Stud e nts...... 894100.00 cr e d it ch e c k . F r e e b r o p a r k i n g . $800. C o ll 236- ott er 6pm. • *'W'WW'W'W"W'W'W'6r'W'W to be fin a nc e d by Sta te G r a n t. — If you ara qualMod. Hartt wHIpro* o r e a's best n e w s p a p e r. b e d ro o m s. P ric e s to fit F a s t, d e p e nd a ble s er U S E D R E F R I G E R A Propos e J a ddition al oppro prlo tlo n to G e n e ra l F u m ^ u d g e t c h u r e . C a ll: 602-951-1266, vMa tha opportunity to rapraaani a B A R B E R — M e a d o w s 6021 o r 644-3977. 1980 R E G A L S P O R T — • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Y o u m ust be a bl e to t a lk P A R T T I M E i n s e r v o u r b u d g e t. H o u s in g U n vic e . P o in tin g, P a p e r- T O R S , W A S H E R S , B I C Y C L E B U I L T F O R 1983-84 - To w n C l e r k ...... 89,520.00 E x t . 504." quality product baekad ^ an aa- M a n o r is s e e k ing b a rb e r A u to m a tic tra nsmission, captlonal warranty that will offar to a dults - no e x p e ri e n c e t e r s — M u s t b e 18 y e a rs l i m i t e d . C o l l 724-1967 h a nging & R e mova l. Coll Ranges - cle a n, gu a ra n F IR E W O O D — On e c ord, Motorcycles / Bicycles 72 T W O — S c h w in n . $40. to be fin a nc e d by high e r th a n expe cte d re c ord ing tees. to do h a ir cuts on a p ort b y N o rm a console , pow er st e ering, Propos e d a ddition a l a p pro pri a tio n to G e n e ra l F u n d Budg e t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • unllmita d a arninga potantial n e c e ss a ry - w e w ill sh ow o ld . C a ll M o n d a y t h ru (C h g .). 6444)585 o r 644-0036. te ed, parts a nd s ervic e. se a son e d., Yo u pick up, R a l e ig h 24“ t e n sp e e d, througb commladona. tim e b a sis, f o r m o r e in pow er bra k e s, a ir condi 1983-84 - R e cre a tion-t or Colt Le a gu e B a s eboll _____ y o u h o w to s u cc e e d . F r i d a y , 8:30 a m to 5 p m , Te d f o rd $60 o r best ott er. C a ll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $25. C a ll 633-5031. In s u r a n c e 13 Comprahandva bantfHa pachaga. f o rm a t i o n ple a s e co ll Lo w price s. D .D . P e arl 8, U n i f o rm s ...... C A L L N O W : F r a n k , a f t e r osk f or B o b, 647-9946. M A N C H E S T E R — N e w e r P U R C E L L B R O TH E R S Son, 649 M a in Stre e t, 643-2831. tio ning, buck e ts, A M / F M to be finonc e d by donotlons to total *400.00 ond*520.00ln bas- A a a^c a vahicia will ba provided. M e a d o w s M a n o r , b e W o n t e d to R e nt 47 st ere o, cruis e. Exc e ll e nt M O T O R C Y C L E I N S U • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Intaraatad eandidataa may apply 7pm , 642-7720. t w o b e d r o o m , s e c o n d — Im pro v e y o ur pro p 643-2171. R A N C E — Comp e t e tlv e k etboll b o nd forf eiture *. ^ . in paraon Mon.>Pri., 9AM*SPM or tw e e n 10 a m-3pm a t 647- e r t y . H o u s e p o in t in g , S T E R L IN G — Eig h t 5 condition. $5775 o r best B E L L M O T O III M X Propos e d a d dition a l a p pro pri a tio n to G e n e ra l F o n d B udom calt f lo o r w it h c a rp e t in g, a ir • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ra t e s, big bik e ra t e s H e lm e t , e x c e ll e n t c o n d i 1983^4 - R e cre o tlon-for soda ve ndin g m o c h in e *.... *1 AOO.OO M O T O R C Y C L E I N S U Crlana flttpatrldi 9191. R efin a ncing a curre nt driv e w a y se aling. Ch eck piece settings. Am e ric a n ott er. Coll 872-7224. C O N C R E T E F I N IS H E R c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d d i s W H I T E W E S T I N G - a v a llo bl e . Coll Cla ric e . ti o n . $60. M X L bo o ts, to bb fin a nc e d by re ve nu e fro m sale of sodo. R A N C E S P E C I A L I S T — m ortgage depends on P R I V A T E , S E C U R E R EJ o ur ro t e s. R e f ere nce s Cla ssic. H a rd ly used. Coll Propos e d od dltlo nol a ppro pri a tio n to W a t er F o n d Budge t 203- 627-9220 — M u s t be t a m ili a r w ith B O D Y P E R S O N — E x p e h w a s h e r. N o p e ts. $425 H O U S E R E F R I G E R A 1979 C H E V Y M A L I B U Cl a rk e Insuronce, 643- e x c e ll e n t c o n d itio n , $60. C a ll us a nd c o m p a r e our a ll typ e s of c o n cre t e w o r k E N G I N E L A T H E O P E R the numb ers involv e d m o n t h ly , plu s s e c u rity. H E A R S A L S P A C E f o r se a v a il a ble . Coll 646-8117. 647-1758. 1903-84 - con tribu tion to W a t er R e s erve F o n d 14...83914XI0.W ri e n c e d o n l y . M o d e r n and yo ur personal ex T O R — Side b y sid e, 6 C L A S S IC S P O R T C O U P E 1126. C o ll 633-5031. to be fin a nc e d In p art b y w a t e r revenue * In excess of budget ra t e s. A s k f o r Ja n e t or THE HERTZ in c lu d in g f o rm w o r k . A n A T O R — M in m u m S y e a rs C o ll 646-1379. rious, m a t u r e r e c o rd in g y e ars old, needs e v a p ora — V 8, a u tom a tic, pow er e stim a te s, *2904)00.00. on d th e b a la nc e *1014)00.00, fro m W a Ju d y . C ro c k e t t A g e n c y, f u lly e q uipp e d sh o p. M u s t pectations. F irs t, find m u s ic i a n s . P le a s e coj) H O W R O Y D - Z A C C A R O o p p o rt u n ity f o r full tim e h a v e o w n to ols. F r o n t e nd e x p e ri e n c e . A b l e to do out wh a t interest rat e tor. 22 cu. ft. otherwis e st e ering, a ir condition t e r F o n d B a la nc e. _ 643-1577. CORP. M A N C H E S T E R — F o u r 647-9883 o f f e r 4;3 0 p m . H O U S E P A IN TI N G — In- Hom e and Gard e n BOARD O F O IR E C TO M T o a dopt a m e thod l o r fln oncln o solid waste op era tion* at e m p lo y m e n t w ith b e n e f or f r a m e e x p e ri e n c e a o w n set ups. 45 h o u r can be obtained from li k e n e w. W h it e . Ic e ing, A M / F M , vin yl top. TOW N O F NANCH ESTER ro o m s , f irs t f lo o r. A p t e rlor / E x t e rlor pointing - the To w n La n O flil, w hich Is O e scrlbe d In o re port titled SERVICE its. C a ll 742-5317, 8:30 a m plus. W a g e s c o m m e n s u w e e k . F rin g e b e n e fits. yo ur curre nt lend er or m a k e r, frost fre e. $75. C a ll 643-ffl80. N OTIC E O F F U B U C HEARING " S o lid Wa ste Us e r Fe e P ro p o s a l " doted A pril 10,1984 p li a n c e s, w a ll to w a ll v in yl a nd a luminum sid to 5pm , M o n d a y thro u g h r a t e w it h e x p e ri e n c e . In E E O E m p l o y e r. A p p ly in his competition. C o m Coll 649-9947. N o t ic e i t h e r e b y giv e n th a t th e B o a rd o f D ir e c t o rt. T o w n ol M a n ch e s Pro p os e d Ordin onc e - A m e n dm e nt to Section 5*2 o f th e Code E m p lo y m e n t CENTER pare the corre sponding c a r p e t i n g . B r e e z e w o y . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CM * i n g p r e s s u r e w a s h . t er. C o n n e c t ic u t, w ill c o n d u c t a p u M ic h e a ring on Tu e s d a y. M a y 6. of Ordin onc e s to r e m o v e th e re strictio n of sole of lots In the radtay Flald F ri d a y . c e n tiv e p r o g r a m . F u ll b e p e rs o n, M o n d a y th ro u g h G A R D E N S R O T O - Wlndaorr LooOkTa. Ccing so lid w aste o p e ra tio ns at th e To w n La nd fill, fro m Side w alks. . _ & E d u c a tio n — Im m e d i a t e o p e n ings In c ., 750 To ll a n d Stre e t, monthljr p aym e nt. F i; sure d. Pro m p t, Fre e Es ti mount e d till e r. Satisf ac D U S T R IA L A R TS / L U M B E R w h ic h is d e s c rib«a in a r e p ort title d " S o lid W a st e U s e r F e e Prop os a l" Copi es of th e Propos e d Ordin a nc e s m a y be seen In the To w n a p p o i n t m e n t , a s k f o r gure the savings and P L E E X T E N S IO N T A R N - 11pm-7 a m, S u p e rv i for e x p e ri e n c e d c a rp e n E a s t H a r t f o rd . S IX R O O M D U P L E X — m a t e s . C o l l S t e v e , B L E , 4 choirs. Good con tion guoront e e d. Coll 647- f o r th e 19S4-1985 school y e a r. d a t e d A p ril 1 6.1 9 6 4. Propcto ed s a nit a ry la ndfill u M r fe e c h a rg e s are C l e r k's Of fic e d uring business hours. J i m , B o d y Shop M a n a g e r m ultiply it by the num- Se aled bids w ill be rec eived as fcMiowt; A ll o ublic m e e tings of the To w n of M a nch e st er a re held a t lo s o r . S u n d a y t h r o u g h te rs. A ll ph a s e s of c o n C e n t r a lly lo c a t e d. $380 A P A R T M E N T T 6 643-6368 or Jo c k , 647-1669. dition. Coll 646-1015. 0530 o r 872-4106. S u p e rio r A u t o , In c., h er of mont..h..s. ...t.h..a..t you until 2 M PJM-. H e y 0 , 1 M 4 , at A u to m o b il e s . St a tio n W g n s .. V a ns $ 6 0 0 P e rm it F e e p er ye ar ca tions which ore occ e sslb le to h o n d lco p o e d citizen*. In a d H e lp W a n t e d 21 Th u rs d a y . C a ll H a n n a h s tru c tio n. F u ll tim e e m m o n t h ly . S e c u rity d e p S H A R E — C l e a n , s u n n y dition. h andica pp e d In d lv ld u a ls r e a u lrin o o n o u x ill a ry a ld t o R o ut e 6, C o lu m b i a , 8a m expect to live in the w hich tim e th e y w ill be pub N o n c o m m e rc i a l P ic k up s. Je e p s R e sid e ntia l W a s t e -N o C h a rg e D o u v ill e , 423-2597. o sit. N o p e ts. C a ll 646- b e d ro o m a v a il a b l e . C o ll H O U S E P A IN TI N G — E x- T O P S O IL — Cle on, rich lic ly op en ed. T h e righ t Is re ord e r to fa cilita t e th e ir p a rticip a tion a t m e e tings should p lo ym e n t a nd b e n e fits. to 6p m , 228-9431 or 646- hom e. Nex t, find out G .E . U N D E R C O U N T E R A il o th e r v e hicl e s $6.00 P e rm it F e e p er ye ar C a ll 742-5317 8:30 a m to wh at " u p fro n t " charges 7690. o f f e r Sp m , 647-9230 p r t e r l o r / l n t e r i o r . V e r y s t o n e -fr e e lo o m . A n y s erv e d to r e ie c t o n v a nd all AM W a s t e $12 .00 p er ton conta ct th e To w n a t 447-3123 one we e k p rio r to th e sch edule d 0563. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC D IS H W A S H E R — G o od bids. Spe cific a tions a nd bid m e e ting so that oppro prlo t e orro ng e m e nts con be m od e. P R O D U C T I O N M A 5pm , M o n d a y th ro u g h you woullid be expected to 643-7724. re ason able rot as. Refer a m ount d e livere d. Coll Tir e s (a ll siz e s) $3.00 p er tire I M M E D I A T E O P E N for ports o nly. Copp e r- f orm s m o v b e s e cure d o f the T h e e l e c t iv e d a t e s th e s e ch a rg e s i t S e p t e m b e r 4. 1964 Ja m e s F . F o g a rty, S e cre tory Manchotlor Honda has p ay upon contra cting for ences. As k for L e n, 649- Business O f fic e . 45 N . School B o a rd of Dire ctors IN G S F o r P a r t T i m e C H I N E O P E R A T O R — F ri d a y . I N S P E C T O R — F u l l t i m e M A N C H E S T E R — T w o stone. Mod el SB400B3. 872-1400, a nytim e . R o b e rt B Wetss T r a i n e e p o s i t i o n . 2 Immadiala openinga nortgage. such as ro o m a p a r t m e n t. H e a l 1447. Stre et, Mo nch e st e r, Conn e c G e n e r a l M a n a g e r Da te d at Monch e ste r, Conn e cticut this 26th d a y of A p r i l , 1984 H o u s e cl e a n in g in G l a s p o sitio n. M in im u m 2 y e $15. Coll 643-2880. In d ivid u a l w it h m e c h a n i for otparlanced lochnl- points". Also, consid er • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ticu t. R a ym o n d E . D e m ers, D a t e d this 27th d a y of A pril, 1964 041-04 t o n b u ry a r e a . W e o f f e r a r s e x p e r i e n c e w i t h pre p a ym e n t pe n a ltie s a n d h ot w a t e r. F o r m o r e D E L I V E R I N G R I C H Business M a n a g e r. c a l e x p e ri e n c e o r e d u c a SHIPPING d a nt. For intanriaw con In f o rm a t io n co ll 563-4438 L O A M — 5 y a rds, $62 plus 002-0 5 fl e x ib l e h o urs a nd g o o d k n o w l e dg e o f: Insp e ctio n and title-se arch, < B L O N D E C H E S T with 4 055-04 tion ne e d e d to o p e ra t e tact Thom a s Dali, Ser a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t a x. Sa nd, gra v e l and h o u rly ra t e s. M u s t be & e q u ip m e n t a n d p r o c e s a l a nd le g a l o r 529-7858. S e rvic e s dra w e rs, typ in g t able - a nd m a in t a in m a c h in e ry vice Managsr, 24 Adams stone. Coil 643-9504. n e a t a n d r e li a b l e . C a ll d ur e . A p p l y : R od e o M a La stly, add up tl BuHdbig / Contracting S3 ne w, F l e x-o-lo m p, pin e in p ro d u c tio n e n v ir o n RECEIVING SI., Mon-Fit. Sam to and comp are th em to the M A N C H E S T E R — O n e M a id T o O rd e r, 659-2953. ch in e , 1 M itc h e ll D r iv e , coffe e t a ble , dine tte set, m e n t . F o r k l i f t e x p e Sctiadul* delIvtriM, p r o m t Spm. 646-3520 savings you expect from b e d ro o m , s e co nd f lo o r ordort tnd kivolctt. P tn n t- M a n c h e s t e r, 646-7804. t a b l e l a m p , s m a l l ri e nc e a plu s. A p p ly in re fin ancing. I f the s a v Services Offered ntnl poiHton. 5’/i dty wtt k. w it h s t o v e , r e f rig e r a t o r. F A R R A N D R E M O D E L h a m p er, bla nk e ts. Coll p e rs o n: P i ll o w t e x C o r p o Iiratitditla opening. Mull be ings exce ed the cost, re $325 plu s u tiliti e s. Le os e 647-8568. eiperlenced. Knowledge ol B R ID G E P O R T M A C H I finance. IN G — Ca bine ts, roo fing, r a t io n , 49 R e g e n t Stre e t, building products helplul. a n d s e c u rity . C a ll 646- ^iT of CHomtTrtintt M a n c h e s t e r, C T . N IS T — M in im u m 2 v e o rs O D D J O B S , Tr u c k l n * . gutt ers, ro om a dditions, EOE. For Inlerelew call Rich e x p e ri e n c e in set u p a nd 1379. S E A R S C O L D S P O T — 12 D O G O B E D I E N C E el Henlord Lumber Co., 522- In s tru c tio n 25 H o m e r e p a irs . Y o u n a m e decks, oil types o f re m o C L A S S E S — B eginn ers o p e r a t i n g B r i d g e p o r t d e ling a nd re p a irs. F R E E cubic foot re frio e ro tor. P A R T T I M E / F U L L B O O K K E E P E R — F u ll 9101.______Visit th e oHIce o l T E D M A N C H E S T E R — A v a i l If, w e d o it. F r e e esff- thru u tility. Stort A p ril M ill e rs . A p p l y : Rod e o estima tes. F u lly insure d. $75. Coll 643-1077. T I M E — W e n d y's R e s t a u c h a r g e . C a l l L a n c e F O R D R E A L E S T A T E , a b l e M a y 1st. F o u r ro o m m a t e s. In s u r e d . 643-0304. 30th. R egist er a h e ad. Coll ra n t on 260 B ro a d Stre e t M a c h i n e , 1 M i t c h e l l C E N TU R Y 21 a n d let o ur Te le phon e 643-6017, otter V a lv e s , In c ., 528-9155 f or P A R T T I M E B O O K R I D I N G L E S S O N S — a p a rt m e n t. Sto v e , r e f r ig D A R K P IN E 5 Piece be d Chuck ott er 4:15,568-1356. in M a n c h e s t e r is n o w D riv e , M a n c h e s t e r. 646- highly tra in e d a n d vary 6p m , 647-8509. a p p o in tm e n t, 9 a m - 5pm. K E E P E R — R e t a il s tore , H o rs e s b o a r d e d . P u - e r a t o r. N o p e ts. R e f e re n L A W N M O W I N G ro o m set, $600, ond dining h irin g f o r p a rt tim e a nd 7804. k nowle dg a a ble a l a ll a a- d o w n t o w n M a n c h e s t e r. r e b r e d s , A r o b i o n s f o r c e s a n d s e c u rity , $325plus H e d g e t r i m m i n g - c h a in ro om set, $150. Exc ell e nt F R E E — 8 month old f u l l t i m e S U M M E R lit y o u In all a apeeta o l D E S IG N K IT C H E N S -b y C L E R K — A c c o u n t s p a y D e t a il o ri e n t e d , k n o w s ale . P ric e s st a rt a t $1800. y o ur re al astata Ira n a a e- u tiliti e s. C a ll 649-4003. s o w w o r k - lig h t tru c k in g . condition. Coll 643-5697. C o c k e r Sp a ni e l plu s. J O B S . O p e n in g s e x ist on S E R V IC E S T A T I O N A T J . P . Lewis. Ca bin e ts, a ble . C R T w o r k . F a st t h ro u g h t r i a l b a l a n c e . C a ll 228-9859; 742-5667. tlon Including th e fln a nc- G e n e r a l h a n d y m a n . In Gre a t disposition, house A L L S H I F T S . E x c e ll e n t T E N D A N T — W it h m e va nitie s, f orm ic a , Wilson P A IR O F Q U E E N A N N p a c e d, v a ri e d . F ig u r e a p C a ll A c c o u n t a n t Jo s e p h Ing arra nga m a nta . W a L O V E L Y F O U R R O O M s u r e d . C a ll R a y , 646-7973. bro k e n, to best hom e. By His Excellency W ILLIAM A. O ’NEILL, Governor: an p a y a n d b e n e fits. A p p ly c h a n ic a l a biliti e s. F u ll o r a rt, Corion count er tops, W IN G C H A IR S — F lo w e r titu d e a nd fl e x ib ility r e F ilo m e n o , 646-1717. k n ow w h e re a n d h o w to D U P L E X — In c lu d in g Coll 646-5573. to th e M a n a g e r, o n ly p a rt tim e . A p p ly In p e r a euro th e fin a ncing to kitch en ca bin e t fronts, p rin t, e x c e lle n t c o n d i q u ir e d . M u s t be a c c ur a t e s o n: S ilv e r L a n e Sh e ll, s t o v e , r e f r i g e r a t o r , co m ple t e w o o d w or k in g M o n d a y t h ro u g h F ri d a y d o a a lh a a a la.Although w a s h e r a n d d r y e r. Im m e tio n. $150 e ach. Coll 643- A TT E N T I O N C A T L O V a nd d e p e nd a bl e . C o m 252 S p e n c e r S t r e e t , w e ara apaclallala In r a t i- s e rvic e , custom m od e b e tw e e n 3 a n d 5pm . E O E . 6463. E R S — Zeld e needs o ple t e w a g e a n d b e n e fit M a n c h e s t e r. C E R T I F I E D M A T H I N de ntla l re al aetata w a alao d i a t e o c c u p a n c y . $450 furniture , colonial re pro p a c k a g e . C a ll f or a n a p S T R U C T O R — A l l p l u s u t i l i t i e s . Y o u n g L A W N M O W E R S R E go od h o m e . A b o u t 9 E X P E R I E N C E D F O R D h a ndla com m e rci a l, In- ductions In wo od, 9 v a ri e A Q U A G . E . S E L F p o in tm e n t, 646-1737, P i l S T O R E C L E R K gra d e s. S A T p r e p a r a t i o n . du a lrla l a nd f a nn pro p- w o r k i n g c o u p l e p r e P A I R E D — Q u ic k , E x p e r t months old. Block with T E C H N I C I A N — S tro n g ties of h ardwood and C L E A N IN G R A N G E — lo w t e x C o rp . E O E . N E E D E D — F u ll tim e - M a t h a n d E n g lis h . C o m arty a t w all a t a cra aga. f e rr e d . S e c u rity a n d r e f S e r v i c e ! S e n i o r D i s white s tom a ch, paws and e l e c tric a l a n d d i a g n o s tic ve n e ers N O W IN STO C K $70 o r best off er. Coll / p a rt tim e f or loc a l 7- p u t e r, li t e r a c y , b a s ic . O u r offlc a I t loc a te d on e re n c e s r e q u ir e d . C o il c o u n t! F r e e P ic k U p a nd 649-3380. mousta ch e. V e ry of t e c- Official Statement Coll 649-9658 or eve nings, a b i li t i e s . T o p h o u r l y E l e v e n f ood s tore . B e n e f R l. 4 4 A , Bolton N o tc h, D e l i v e r y ! E C O N O M Y tlonote. Coll 649-9337. P A R T T I M E D E L I V E R Y C a ll 649-5453. 646-3938 o f f e r 5pm. 289-7010. w a g e plus in c e n tiv e p r o its in c lu d e in s u r a n c e , B olto n, 6 47-9 914.24 h o ur M O W E R , 647-3660. S TU R D Y M A P L E K IT P E R S O N — A p p r o x i n g r a m a nd b e n e fits. A p p ly THE cr e d it unio n a nd pro f it a arvlc a-7 da ys a w e a k. C H E N S E T — With e xte n m a t e ly 20-30 h o urs p e r C O V E N T R Y — A V A I L A L E O N C I E S Z Y N S K I to S u p e rio r A u t o , 646- M ANCHESTER s h a rin g. A p p ly In p e rson B L E J U N E 1st. S u m m e r A T T E N T I O N P A R T I - sion a nd (o u r choirs. Coll Musica l Items 0563. a t: 305 Gr e e n R o a d, M a n w e e k . M u s t be re s p o n si HINT B U IL D E R — N e w homes, 643-0571 until 7pm. CARBIDE C O. ble . A p p ly in p e rs o n: A l Th e points paid a l re fi s u b-le t w it h f a ll o p tio n. E R S : C a ll J a c k B e rtr a n d a d ditio n s, r e m o d e lin g, ch e st e r. E O E . f o r th e be st d a n c e s a nd Si e f f e rt's A p p li a n c e s , 445 na ncing are ge n era lly L a rg e 2 b e d ro o m loft re c ro om s, g ara ge s, k it I N C a p a rt m e n t w it h s u n d e c k . p a rt i e s . D J a n d Lig h t S T R E T C H Y O U R b u rg e r H A S A N O P E N IN G F O R : H a r t f o r d R o o d , deductible on yo ur inco chens re mod e le d, ce il M Is c l o rS a l e U P R I G H T P I A N O F O R C O L L E G E S T U D E N T - S h o w b y th e P a r t y P e rs budg e t B y u sing on e p a rt M a n c h e s t e r. m e-t a x re turn. $565 m o n t h ly in c lu d e s S A L E — $50. C o ll 872-8014. E X P E R I E N C E D S / T E A C H E R S a nd o th C o n d o m i n iu m s 32 ings, both tile, d orm e rs, soy e x t e nd e r to f o ur p a rts u tiliti e s. C a ll e v e n in g s p e c t iv e P e o p l e . C a ll 643- roofing. Residential or • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • This year, daily and weekly newspapers throughout e rs. $150 w e e k f or 15-20 1262. of m e a t. Y o u r ta ste buds L A T H E C O V E N T R Y B O A R D O F 742-9472. co m m e rci a l. 649-4291. S C R E E N E D L O A M — our state and nation will observe International Classified w o n't be a bl e to te ll th e h o urs (F l e x i b l e ) le a d to G r a v e l , p r o c e s s e d To g Soles «8 O P E R A T O R p o s s i b l e f u l l t i m e E D U C A T I O N / A N T I C I - d i f f e r e n c e , b u t y o u r G O O D W O R K IN G M A N C H E S T E R — W e lls- I N G R A H A M — L a w n gro v e l, sand, stone and Advertising Week. s u m m e r p o sitio ns. C a ll P A T E D P O S I T I O N S , E X P E R I E N C E D C A R • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • budg e t w ill! Boost y o u r C O N D ITI O N S A N D 1984-1985 s c h o o l y e a r. w e e p C o n d o s, 400 N o rt h MANCHESTER O d d Jo b s . D e t h a tc h in g , P E N T E R — R e mod eling, fill. F o r d e liverie s coll 569-8202. R a k i n g , S p r in g C l e a n budge t by s e lling idle B E N E F ITS F U L L T I M E : L e a rn in g M a in Stre e t. F u lly a p- BENNET ELDERLY a d d i t i o n s , ro o f s a n d G e o rg e G r i t t i n g , A n - F L E A M A R K E T — Ju n e There are currently more than 70,000 Classified it e ms in y o u r h o m e w it h a (A L L R E P LIE S D i s a b i l i t y T e a c h e r , p li a n c e d k i t c h e n w i t h u p s, F e r t ili z in g . L im e , decks. Fre e estimates. d ov e r, 742-7886.______A C C O U N T I N G C L E R K TEDFORO REAL ESTATE HOUSING R o t o T i l l i n g , M o w lrig^ 2nd, Gra ng e H a ll, Olcott lo w-co st od in cla ssifie d. C O N F ID E N TI A L ) T e a c h e r f o r E m o t io n a lly c u s to m w o o d c a b in e ts, Coll M i k e , 871-2559. Stre et. Space a va il a ble . Advertising workers throughout the world. These — V e rn o n . E x p e ri e n c e d ^ ------« BaniiaaMMSl (C o m m e r c i a l 8, R e sid e n F O R S A L E ... Ca non F D D i s t u r b e d ( M i d d l e c h o ic e o f c a r p e t a n d Coll 649-9294 o r 528-8015. dedicated .individuals are extremely proud of their h a n d lin g a c c o u n t s r e v i n y l . A n d e r s o n w i n t i a l) 81 P a in t in g . Sp e ci a l 135mm F / 3.5 lens, $70. c e iv a b l e , p u rc h a s in g or Sch ool L e v e l), m ust be S T M T s t S E l f l l l l a j a t A O O ITO N S , G A R A G E S , Ca non F D 2 X Ty p e A e x contributions to the exchange of ideas and ideals. c e rtif i e d in sp e cia l e d u d o w s, 2 b e d ro o m s , IV 2 C E N T R A L L O C A T I O N — MwioS4Ta.aiim« iaiau >Mi, S e n io r C itiz e n Discoi / ilt. R O O F S, sundecks. No lob C E L E B R IT Y C I P H E R sa le s o rd e r e n try w o u ld b a th s, in d iv id u a l b a s e K itc h e n p riv il e g e s . F r e e hel e m r, W/W i w a a C a ll a n y t im e , 871-0651.- t e nd er, $90. Both in e xcel Catobrity Qphar cryptograma ara craalad from quotaliofta by famoua paopla, paat be b e n e f ici a l w it h e x c e l c a t i o n . P A R T T I M E : raMa. a k MMl, caa li r iM too sm a ll. F u lly insured. lent condition, used v e ry and praaant Each leitar in jha cipbar atanda for anothar. Today'* due: F aquafa Y . S c h o o l P s y c h o l o g i s t , m e n t , r a d i a n t h e o t . p a r k i n g . S e c u r i t y a n d IMK elwsler, Iwanr, Coll 875-3902 - d a ys, 875- RDMMMIE SALE Thousands of ads are run in newspapers each day le nt ty p in g a n d cl e ric a l $58,400. R e nt w it h o p tio n r e f e r e n c e s r e q u ir e d . C o ll ay ra o « Mia lima * MM. UM* G A R D E N S R O T O - little. Coll 643-2711 be m ust m e e t C o n n e c tic u t 1 m n > m 3183 - eve nings. by C O N NIE WIENER s k ills. E x c e ll e n t g ro w t h 643-2693 o f f e r ^ m . MM ky MMM M T I L L E D — L a w i i s twe en 9om a nd 4pm, osk iRg. 8 e u lh MalRogisI bringing together buyers and sellers at low cost and c e r t i f i c a t i o n . S p e e c h to b u y a v a il a b l e . P e t e r m«aw. WiMaMay. mam, i* Cbureh. BIH r e b w t p o t e n ti a l, s a l a ry a n d b e m a n B u ild in g C o . 649- u a . - IX aJB. a iM H MB IM aa- m o w e d . R e a s o n a b T e for /Mark. keeping money circulating within our economy. “ U A L C G Z M H C A G V M F V , ‘Z F J P N V n e fits. Send r e s u m e d e L a n g u a g e a n d H e a rin g R O B E R T E . JA R V IS — May l o t C li n i c i a n s , M a s t e rs in 9404, 649-4064, 647-1340. R O O M F O R M A T U R E , ra t e s. Pl e a s e c a ll K e n a t Building 8, R emod eling D E L I V E R I N G R I C H t a ilin g e x p e ri e n c e a nd n o n-s m o k in g g e n tl e m a n 528-6522 649-9407 o r 643-8156. " Sam to llrSOoffl M B L Mi l V S L M J P H T U G G H L s a l a ry r e q u ir e m e n t s to spe ech is r e q u ir e d , m ust S p e c i a li s t . A d d i t i o n s , L O A M — 5 y a rds, $62 plus In the years ahead, the men and women involved in be e ligib l e f o r (t o n n e c ti- — A i r c o n d itio n e d , k i t g ara ge s, roo ting, siding, t a x. Sand, gr a v e l and B o x H H , c / o T h e M a n ch e n p riv il e g e s , r e f r ig e r S P R I N G C L E A N U P — in Classified Advertising will surely continue their responsiveness M H G U A L B M H N U A L F I G D L E V ’ P V ch e st e r H e r a ld . cut Sta te Lic e n s e . E x p e kitche ns, b a throoms, re stone. C a ll 643-9504. ri e n c e d e sire d on a ll th e a t o r, fre e z e r, w a s h e r a n d n e e d of a B o c k h o e o nd / Or p l a c e m e n t w i n d o w s - WORlBd to Buy 70 to the needs of our people and add to a proud heritage as d r y e r, p a r k in g . C o ll 643- B u lld o z e r? W e h o v e -o V A R I E TY O F B E A U T I a b o v e p o sitio ns. Se nd le t Lots / Lond (o r Sale 33 Stora / OHice Space 44 / doors. Coll 643-6712. a highly respected and truly professional enterprise. M S V F K A G S M U A P K I P M B . ' L B Z M t e r a n d r e s u m e t o : D r. 5600. d u m p tru c k t o o! N o lo b F U L H O U S E P L A N TS — t o o s m a ll. F r e e e s t i M u s t s e ll. E x c e ll e n t DENIAL ASSISTANT D o n a ld N ic o l e t t i, C o v e n M A S T E R C A B I N E T W A N T E D T O B U Y - A n y O G Z O L K J. HaiiclMttDr C O M F O R T A B L E R O O M m a t e s. R e a s o n a b le r o t M . conditon. $3 e ach. L a rg e G e n e r a l D e n t a l o f f ic e is try P u b lic Sch o o ls, 78 M A K E R — W ith 30 ye ars old postc ard vie ws of Our nation's observance of International Classified F R E E C A T A L O G — O f — P riv a t e b a th a n d e n O F F IC E S P A C E A V A IL C o ll 649-2871. pla nts. P riv a t e h om e . P R E V I O U S S O L U T I O N ; " I t ’s h a rd t o lo v e s o m e o n e y o u 'v e s e arching for a brig ht, e n e r R ip l e y H ill R o a d , C o v e n h ands on e xperi enc e. Old M a nch e st er, C T . Ple ose Advertising Week will serve to create a greater public g e tic p e rs o n, pre fe ra bly with la n d b a rg a in s , 5 o cr e s to tr a n c e . W o r k i n g a d u lt. A B L E — A m p l e p a rk ing, Coll 649-6486. _____ n e v e r k n o w n . B u i it's e a s y t o lo n g t o r s o m e o n e y o u 'v e s e e n t r y , C T . fashioned cra ftsm a nship coll 649-7650. e b a irsid e e xp e rie nc e W e of 500 a cr e s , c o v e rin g V e r N o s m o k in g. O n b u s lin e . go od lo c a tio n. O n e 4 F E N C E IN S TA L L A TlO f 4 awareness of the role of Classified Advertising in our Id o liz e d ' — D i a n e K e a t o n 'a t a f a ir pric e . A ll vo ur T E L E P H O N E A N S W E R fer a ch a ll e n gin g c a re e r o p m o n t a n d th e B e rk s h ir e s $35. C a ll 649-6526. — W e install stoc k a de, p o rtu n ity w h e r e ernploye e s ro bm office suite with 610 wo odw ork ing ne eds. In IN G M A C H IN E — With nation's history and its importance to our economy. t) t«S4 by NEA. Inc. H A I R S T Y L I S T a t low e s t Im a g in a b l e p r i so. f t.; a noth er w ith 210 spilt and round roll or Cors/TnickB lo r Sole 71, are truly a ppre cia t e d for their W A N T E D — E x c e ll e n t t e rior a nd e x t erior. Coll re mote. 895. C oll 647-0343. involv e m e n t a nd talent P ari c e s. W r i t e : C A T A L O G M A N C H E S TE R — G e n sq. ft. Coll 649-2891. pick e t f e ncing. F ro m 1 6444)585, 6444)036. tim e, or full tim e S e n d re p a y a nd w o r k in g c o n d i O F F I C E , P .O . B o x 938, tlemen w ant ed f or n e wly section to o whole y a rd. G A S G R I L L — D u a l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a Therefore, in coordination with this observance, and KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ® su m e to B o x I. c / o T h e M a n- tions. F rin g e b e n e fits. C N o r t h A d a m s , M a s s . by Larry Wright ester H e r a ld r e m o d e l e d r o o m s . 24 Also y a rd w o rk a nd odd G E N E R A L C A R P E N b u rn e r s tru c t o b r a n d C M C S T E P V A N , 1974 — in tribute to the men and women involved in this outstanding & C H a irc r a f t e rs . C a ll 01247. hour s e curity, p a rk ing, lobs. Coll 646-2151. ~ with ta nk. G re a t for ch a r F u ll self conta in e d. G rill, 649-2517, a sk f o r V a l or M A N C H E S T E R , w a r e T R Y & R E P A IR S — Rec enterprise, I am pleased to designate the week of April 29 A V O N — Y o u r T i m e Is m a id s ervic e. Coll 649- house, R 81 D a nd / or life ro om s, f a m ily room s and co al grill e d m e a t y e a r re frig e ra tor, coffe e pot P e g g y. V T — M A N C H E S T E R W o rt h M o n e y! Sell A v o n . 0210. Industria l space. 15,000 D 8, J E l e c tric of Gla ston c e llln g t a r e o ur sp e round. $70. C a ll 649-8607. a nd st e am ta ble op era t e through May 5, 1984 as International Classified Advertising E o rn g o o d m o n e y , set A R E A — 20 A C R E S — sq. ft. to 25,000 so. f t., will b u ry , Inc. — C o m m e r- c i a lt y . Co n cre t e w o r k Ke ep tryin g. b y prop a n e ga s. H a s hot Week in Connecticut. P A R T T I M E — H o u s e $ 1 2 ,9 0 0 . B e a u t i f u l l y v o u r o w n h o urs. C o ll L A R G E R O O M — P riv i subdivid e. V e ry re a son a c l o l , R e s i d e n t l o l don e. On e d a y s ervic e on a nd cold ru n ning w a t e r. w if e to w o r k u p to 20 w o o d e d p ro p e rt y on se leges, utilities. Highla nd In dustria l. No lo b too M g L A U N D R Y R O O M D E E P Phon e 643-5970 ott er 5pm, 523-9401 o r 278-2941. h o urs p e r w e e k d o in g ble. Bro k e rs prot ect ed. sm a lle r re p a irs. Discount c lu d e d c o u n t r y r o o d . P o rk a re a . W o m a n only. Coll H e vm o n Prop ertie s, or too sm a ll. Fre e EEsstfll - Se nior Citiz e n. Coll a fter S I N K — W i t h l e g s , 643- 2711 8 : 3 0 a m t o lig h t f ilin g, p h o n e w o r k O n ly 5 m in u t e s f r o m E X P E R I E N C E D , M A R e f e r e n c e s , s e c u r i t y . 1-226-1206. mot e s. 649-5055 d a ys, 6S9- 3pm, 649-8007. faucets. V e ry good condi 5:30pm, osk (o r Suza nne, a nd m is c e ll a n e o u s o f fic e c h a rm i n g V e rm o n t V i l T U R E F U L L T I M E Coll 646-2439, 646-8335, 3408 of er 6p m . tio n. $35. Coll 643-1215. duti e s. F l e x ib l e s ch e dul e . la g e . E x c e ll e n t f in a n c in g S A L E S P E R S O N — A p p ly k e ep tryin g. M A N C H E S TE R , o r n e r S U B A R U G L W A G O N , A p p ly In p e rs o n o n ly t o : a v a il a b l e . C a ll 802-694- in p e rso n t o : M a rl o w 's , H a rt f ord Rood 8i Pin e St. A M B ITI O U S C O L L E G E N IN E W I N D O W S -C o m 1983 — A u to m a tic, S y e a r S e rvic e M a n a g e r, B o b 1581. w a rr a n t y , ru s t p ro o l, 8 6 7 M a i n S t r e e t , R il e y O ld s m o b il e , 345 Ch e n ey M ill Com ple x. S T U D E N T — Odd lobs, RoolliNI / SidtoB M plete with storms. G o od Addition a l re t a il space la w n core , pointing spe shape. $5 e a ch. Coll 633- roo f ro c k , 22AX)0 miles. M o n c h e s t e r. C e n t e r S t r e e t , Aportments f or Rent 42 und er construction. SOO- cia ltie s. F a ir rot e s, pro 7423, a f t er 2pm. A s k ing $7600. Exc e ll e nt M a n c h e s t e r. condition. Coll of er 6p m , P A R T T I M E J A N IT O R a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1500 sq. ft. units a v a il a fessional w o rk . Coll Je f f, B I O W E L L H O M E Im 647-9013. . M IK A S A IR O N 646w8923. I A L H E L P W A N T E D — E X P E R I E N C E D C O M ble. Coll H e ym o n P ro p e r prov e m e n t Co m p o nv — R e nt a ls M A N C H E S TE R — A v a il S TO N E — Con t e m p ora ry M o r n i n g s , M a n c h e s t e r M E R C I A L C O N S T R U C - ties, I 226-1206. Rootino , siding, a lt era a r e a . E x p e ri e n c e n e c e s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • able Im m e dia t e ly. E x tr a L A N D S C A P I N G p a tt ern, exce llent condi 1971 C H E V Y C O N C O U R S T I O N larg e on e b e droom a p a rt tions, a dditions. Some s a r y . P e a s e M a i n t e S U P E R 1 N T E N D A N T a n d N E W O F F I C E S P A C E Sprin o Cle on Up. F e rtlllz- , num b e r t or o v e r 30ye ors. tion, tw e lv e settings. $50. W A G O N . 350 V-8. A u to m e nt. H e a t a nd hot w a t er Coll 649-1847. n a n c e , 875-6570. F o rm a n f o r m e d iu m to Rooms (o r Ront 41 A V A IL A B L E M id Ju ly — i n o . A n y y a r d 649-6495. m a t i c . P o s i-t r a c t l o n . l a rg e c o m m e rc i a l p ro - Includ e d. $400. Coll 649- E x c e p t i o n a l l o c a t i o n m a int e n a nc e. C a ll 643- Ro o t r a c k , ro dio, d e- R E S P O N S I B L E P E R S O N i e cts. C a ll 228-4313. 4800. n e ar h ig h w a y a nd two 9658 o r 643-6252. X E R O X 3100 P L A I N fogg er, m or e . Origin a l to w o r k 3pm-1 1pm. P o s i M A N C H E S TE R — Cle on sh o p ping p l a z a s, n e a r P A P E R C O P IE R — In o w n e r. 643-2880. tio n in v o lv e s d r y i n g , c u t S E C R E T A R Y — A d m i and qui et ro om on bus M A N C H E S T E R — 400 Eost H a rt f o rd end of W IL L B A B Y S IT IN M Y 55 poOd w o rk in g condition. tin g, p a c k a g in g a nd s h ip n is tr a t iv e A s sis t a n t. E x - line. P a rk ing a va il a ble . N orth M a in Stre e t. Ne w M a nch e st er. Id e al t o r o (- H O M E — N o w o r $500. Coll 643-9511 be 1979 C A D IL L A C F L E E T - p in g pro d u c ts use d in th e c e l l e n t t y p i n g , Coll 647-1119. tw o b e dro om townhouse. tlc e o r re t a il business. sum m e r (o r 2 y e ars qld t w e e n 8 : 3 0 a m o n d W O O D B R O U G H A M — 4:30pm, M o n d o y-F ild a v. g r a p h i c a rt s In d u s t ry . d ic t a p h o n e a n d p r e f e r a Appllonc e d k itch e n, co n Coll 649-2796. a n d up. Coll 647-8832. F O G A R T Y B R O TH E R S G o o d c o n d itio n . H ig h L o o k in g f o r o d e p e n d a bl e ble s h ort h a n d ( o r y o u n g P R IV A T E H O M E — Nice veni ent to bus lin e and _ B a thro om re m o d e l- mile a ge. $5500. C a ll 742- S A IL B O A T — O 'D o v 23 i n d i v i d u a l w i t h g o o d lif e In s ur a n c e o g e n c y. y a rd. Kitch e n privile g e s. shopping. $575 plus u tili M A N C H E S TE R — O e- R I C K S , B L O C K S , . in a ; in elolla tlon w a t e r .5343. w o r k h a b its. N o e x p e C a r e e r p o sitio n. C a ll 659- On bus line. F e m o l e o n ly. ties. Option to b uy a v a il a s lr e o b l e E a s t C e n t e r f t o n e — C o n crcit e . '-h e a t e re , g arb a g e dlspo- poptop, sle eps 5, M J 6 , 6 Gov e rn or. ri e n c e r e q u ir e d . C a ll 647- 649-8206 d a ys; 647-9813 e v ble. P e t erm a n B uilding Stre et of fic e sp ace, 3 o r 4 C h im n e y re poirs. N o teb H P Jo hnson, k notm e t er, 1973 C H R Y S L E R N E W 0594 b e tw e e n 8a m a n d too sm a ll. Coll fri4-8m , e ols; fauce t re p a irs. 649- P O R T — 4 d o or. 8975. C a ll 9938 t o r a p p o in tm e n t. 5pm. enings and we e k ends. C o ., 649-9404 o r 647-1340. room s. C oll 646-3618. 7557. VIs o / M o s t e rC a rd lif e lin e . M a n y e x tra e . 643-2121. a cc epted. «5 0 0 . Coll 643-2587. BUSINESST» - MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, April 36, 1 ^ ______B u y e r b e w a re o f th e stre e t c o rn e r sale s

nixed in the coniwiner eJetliomc business. Be ANSWER: The models sold fay street i------On the street cwmers o( lower New York City where ficepJjcal ^ retailers who d a lte r tSumr wuutows w ith have questionatee warranties, if awF-If IhtF fawn I live, it s a familiar scene. Day after day, when the "Going Ihrl of Business" sigm fw years on end, warns a ridewalkhawlDM-and wantto retM *a,Id te*t yon’R weather permits, young men appear, set up folding Michie. • be able to find t ^ . f ih e h aw k er from whooi I bai«| Nt tables, pile on dotens oi radios, each wrapped in Y o u r refused to le c o ^u ic m y face and he was on rtrerit cellophane, and begin their chant. QUESTION; What }»rues are raasonaMe? cmner.l "Radios. Five dollars. Bargains, five dollars H o n e y's Just being where they are is in defiance of all police q U E S IM IN : Whm abote re tailers who advefttte; regulations to monitor merchandise, cwjfiscale stolen W o it li ANSWER: There are many good personal stereo o n t a in braeMi names for prices w ill below asHgefled goods, issue summonses. But there they are and as Uu* SyMa Potter AM/FM radios, with earphones far ^ v a t e teaenteB, re tail levels? summer ewnes on. there the young men will remain. availal^. The bma45no»n Japanese roanuIacaBrefs So, to test the bargains, last week I put down $5 and have models trwn about 1St> to $17*. The price youTl ANSWER: Reward Some relaiieni have "addnn bought a radio. pay will depend on the features you want to be accessory prices," meaniiq; you nriskt fae chained It is not a bargain. Ute radio 1 bought is a poor included. imitation of the quality personal radios I could buy in ANSWER: It may be stolen merchandise. II is extra for the beachibane, or bd l dip , or ca n y i n g ^ ^ probably not a recognized brand name and ranriy tto orotlMTaocessHies. Boy with care; gfuetfllion friends any store near my home. Q U ^ n O N : Why m e these personal radms- manufatlurers of this type ol radio provide service, it whi already own a imit rinular to yoa^ do An enormous 25 million radios are now being sold /casselte players so popvdar? needed. comparative chopping You're not saving if your annually, millions of dollars are being poured into the It you do any comparative sbtS at all, the price "b argain " turns out to be wmthless jade. research and development of these small AM/FM a lo i« should warn y> the stronger yen. that pasitions are for very large look for the dtfllar to weaken across the The eight other ofiicers re-elected are Stillman so far in 1984 because of lower interest "The 5 percent a^recialion of the amounts and must be taken Ihroogh a board, they briieve prospecls for the B. Brown. William E. Ellis. Hartzel Z. Lebed, rates abroad and now investors also yen vis-a-vis the dollar has already yen are eqiecially attactive. cmninercial bate, James F. McNally. Paul Mongerson. Frank A. are looking across the seas in increas- attracted ca^tal," Hanna said. "A s the Napolitano. John H. Potter and Frank E. Walton. ing numbers, particularly to Japan. yen and major Eunqrean currencies "Current imoqiects for Japan's eco- Inv^tM s also can "play a weak New officers are John Gummere. president and ’One consequence of the strengthen- continue to rise against the ikdlar. nooiic ^ w th are exoeileid," Haima drilar scenario" with foreign oin ency chief exec-utive olfieer oi Phoenix Mutual Life ing yen is a step-up of capital inflow into foreigners will have incentive to cqten said. F tw e e a ^ of 19H real G N P denominated money market instm- Insurance Co.. Eileen Krause, senior vice the country ,■’ said Jeffrey Hanna, vice up their markets m ore." growth have been revised upward from mesis or in fneign currency fittuies president of Connce.-ticut National Bank. Stephen president in intemationai research at Hanna, at a news conference, gave around 4 p ercsit to 5 percent, the and options. J. Ruffi. vice chairman and chiel administrative Salomon Brothers. ‘And because the several examines at targe pensMMi fund Japanese currait account pasted a officer of Emhart Corp.. Dr. Marcia Savage, U S. dollar is expected to weaken managers who are investing in non- $4.S-MUiaa suri^us for the first two "Borrowers have been creative m president of Hartford College lor Women and Dr. further we think yen bond market dollar markets in unprecedented months, and the C PI rose 1 percent in using currency swaps, interest rate Stephen J. Trachtenberg, president of the will be one of the top performers of numbers and amounts. Once U,S. tax February f' cost explosions. come 85 percent tax free. 043-04 is formally canceled, they will ask the state to inflation. Saperstein recom - "If we have problems in approve a rate hike to make up part of the $12 " r ve got people in the 25 mended they concentrate the Mideast I want this in "They just reinvest. TOHN OP EUNCNEBTEB million invested in the plant. percent lax bracket who on utility stocks — "non- the portfolio." he said. The income keeps com- legal NOTICE pounding and compound- The Zonlna Board of Aopeats of a mealing on April 33.1904 Public Service Board Chairman Louise are in municipal bonds." nuclear. exclusively" — The couple bad $12,000 mode the follawine decisions: McCarren said the company will have to show the one iinancial planner and take advantage of the in IRAs. Saperstein re- ing. Wlien you sell the Appl. No. 994 - St. Bridget Church - Special Exceollon and vo- Seabrook Unit 2 investments were prudent, in said. "Nobody seems to law permitting their divi- commended they concen- shares, it's taxed at a rionce aporoved with condltlans: 111 Hours of operation of the cnml vnl and the snle of beer slinll be4:00 P JM. to 1B:90 P. order to get permission to recoup the losses. dends to be reinvested favorable long-term capi- want to pay taxes." trate on investments that » " -fw * I*- CVPS is one of two Vermont utilities with Gordon and Barbara, without tax produced high, but taxa- tal gains rate. It's taking im . 121 The opoUcant shall coooeralewllhttiecampllanoe of temporary “ no oorklnp'' slpns otacod on one side of Jo- shares in the Seabrook project, which has been two New Yorkers, were censequences. ble yield, to balance out ordinary dividend in- come. converting it to seph Street and both sides of Pine Hill Rood by the Chief of rockcHl by financial difficulties. fairly typical examples. For new investments. the rest of the portfolio Police. (3) Minimize litter by carnival patrons by providbia CVPS President James Griffin said he did not Gordon. 46, earned $44,000 Saperstein suggested the while taking advantage of long-term capital gain. To dollv cleaning of litter on the site and odlocant praperly know how large a rate increase would be needed me that's the best tax caused by the carnival operation. (41 Noodyerttslnpofthe a year as a college profes- couple put $10,000 in an oil the IRA's deferred-tax avaitabllltv of the sole of beer shall be vIsIMe MTHto or? to ollset the Seabrook losses. sor. Barbara. 40, made and gas income fund, with benefits. shelter in the world.” he mises. - northwest corner of Main and Woodland Straots Owners of the project have approved cancella- $22,000 managing a bou- election to reinvest all They put $6,000 in a said. AooL No^. 997 - Manchester Republican Town Commtttoo - tion of the second unit if several controversial Soeclol Exception approved with conditions: (1| The carni- tique. but expected a proceeds. zero-coupon treasury Congress, however, is val ooerattons on May 24-29.1904 shall end at 10:00 P.M. (31 conditions are met. and Griffin said it will be promotion that would Unlike exploratory dril- bond maturing in 1989. considering a tax change Police officers shall be on duty during ttw carnival as ra- several months before the reactor's tale is greatly increase her sa- ling tax shelters, which and the other $6,000 in oulred by the Captain, Patrol Division, Polloe Deportment known. that would eliminate the (3) Mlnlmlie litter by ooralval potrons by provMtoa dollv lary. The couple was in generate tax write-offs what Saperstein called fund's lax advantages. deanlna of litter on the site and odlooent property caused by the 30 percent lax bracket but have unimpressive "m y direct inflation Last week, as an "extra- carnival operoNon. (4t Doslonatea person on theorganlilng Jo bl e ss cla ims d o w n committee to be coatoctod by residents of ttienetobbariiote and wanted to avoid going success ratios when it hedge" — a mutual fund precautionary move," Sa- reoordino cteanlnp of litter. (5) The applicant shall cooper- HARTFORD — The stale Labor Department higher when their income comes to profits, the in- consisting of stocks in perstein stopped recom- ate with compllanceof temporary "no porklne'' slgnsasra- rose. come fund involves gold and silver mining qulred by the Polka Chlot or htsouthorizod reprasentoltya - said filings for unemployment benefits dipped by mending that new clients 40V. 70V and 74V West Center Street. They also worried about "proven reserves in the companies. nearly 2.800 to an average of 30.658 during the two invest in the trust. ■**•«*'•••-Appeal of Zoolnp Enforce- week period ending April 21. inflation, a concern ground," Saperstein said. Gordon and Barbara ment Officer decision Isdismined; vorlonceopprovad-341 East Canter Street. Labor Commissioner P. Joseph Peraro said shared by their invest- "It's a good inflation put $5,000 in a tax- Appl. No. 1000- Elliott u Randall, Jr. • Vorlonc# aporov«d> Sunday first-time filings decreased by 111 to3.147 ment planner, Richard hedge and the income managed trust fund, one 93 Green Rood. and continued claims were down 2,676 to 27,511. Saperstein. B O LTO N P U B U C N OTIC E Appl. No. tool - Patricia Wollonbera - Vortanco onoroyod He said claims expired for 264 claimants. “ I can't tell a client to Th e Zo ning B o a rd o f Appopls with conditions: (DVoriancoIssuedtooppllcantonlvandb w ill h old a P u b lic H e orln o on not tronsferiible. (3) Limited to o eno-choir operotten (31 At the same time last year, the weekly average purchase a long-term TOtPN OP M M t C H a m For three-year period. -154 Hilliard Stroot. LCOAL N OTIC e Th u rs d a y, M a y 3,1904 o f 7 :00 bond it 1 believe interest o'clo c k P .M . a t th e To s m APPf-OoTVI AngelonI -Vorlonca denied-34 Wood- was 53,185 and included 5.452 intitial and 47,733 Th e P l a n n in g a nd Zo nln a C ommissio n w ill h old o public lond strc#t^ continued claims. rates are going up," said h e a ring on M o n d a y. M a y 7.1914 a t 7:00 P .M . In th e H e a rin g H a ll to h e a r th e followtn o a pp e als: A i^ . No. im-Timothy C. Rohan-Vorloacaaiiarovad-95 Peraro said 14 local offices recorded lower Saperstein of Janney R o om , Lin c o ln C e nt e r, 494 M a in Stroot, M a nch e st e r, C T to Autumn Slreot. Montgomery Scott, a New h e ar a n d consid e r Iho f ollow ln o pe titions: 1. M a rily n a n d Russell M o o- filing and there others reported an increase. ALBCRT V. U M M A Y • Z O N E C HANO E -TA YL O R STR E ET.TO L- non o f 43 South Rd. f o r a IS* 0 York investment firm. LM t D TU lIN P K E 0 PAREER tTR E E T ( L-30) - T o chongo the zon- side y a rd v a ri a n c e f o r a Gordon and Barbara shed. C o m p a ni e s receive gra nts Ino cla ssific ation fro m R ura l R e sMoncolo Busin ess II f o r the 2. Ch a rl e s a n d M a ry B e th L e MvwlonctooSsi^lExceottSsMitei^^ had an investment portfo- portion o f lo n d n o t pros e ntly zoned Business 11 on P orcol B o f bru n of 25 C a rt e r St. t o r o HARTFORD — Two small manufacturers lio, however, that con- o o pro x lm a l e ly 7.47 ocros, k nown os 20 T a y l o r Stre e t, os 13' s e tb ac k v a rlo n c o f o r a n fic#. shown on a m o p Includ e d In the pe tition. received grants Friday to help develop new tained m ainly debt- a d dition to t h e ir dw e llln o. ZONING B(MRD OF APPEALS products which may help create jobs, state oriented assets: $25,000 in HAVDEN L ORISWOLO, JR. - RESUBOIVMION - EPENCEB Jo h n H . R ob e rts. C h a irm a n STR E ET (G-5 1) - T o re subdivido o subdivisio n to c ro o t e ts w Zo ning B o a rd of Apo e ols Doted at Manchester CT this 30lh'd^'of‘AoriM9S4^* officials said. certificates of deposit, lots fro m on# lo t. Lo t 3, p rts o n llv co n loln ln o a p oro xlm o t e lv 047-04 LQ Corp. of Meriden received tSOO.OOO and $12,000 in m oney m arket 3.7 a cre s, 191V Spe ncer Stre e t, w hich Is locat ed to th e r e a r of 195 S p m e e r Stre et - Business Zone III. Accurate Electronics in the Bridgeport Enter- funds, a $5,000 short-term A t this h e a ring Intore ste d p ersons m o v bo h e a rd a n d writt e n prise Zone will get (147.450, said Geraldine U. municipal bond and a c om m unic a tion s roc e lv e d. A copy o f this p etition h as been Foster, chairman of the Connecticut Product $12,000 stock portfolio. filed In th e To w n C l e r k's of fic e a n d m o v bo Inspe cte d during of fice hours. Development Corp. Like most personal fi- P L A N N I N G A N D Z O N IN G C O M M IS S IO N OPEN HOUSE * CPDC helps Connecticut firms turn ideas into nance advisers, Saper- Le o K wosh, S e cre tory lo y d Ttip o riw new products and new jobs. stein recommends keep- Do t e d a t M a nch e st er. C T this 30th d a y of A p ril. 1904. 049-04 ing 2 to 3 months' living V ernon - Tu e sd ay M ay 1 R o b o t firm sets layoffs expenses in a liquid •aM*7pM ^ ^ “emergency fund.” With QaalHy Ibb, Tb NbM Tanplw, M l (NBit to flBBh C M ) n i 2M DANBURY — UnimationCorp., which designs that in mind, he suggested and manufactures industrial robots, will lay off Gordon and Barbara keep FIANCHISE YOUR BUSINESS ADMWIIIQ - OtaMT tar 2 at about a fifth of its workforce effective at the end of 16,000 in their money H you nWMMraS IM Illa lfl the week. market fund. ttiMIfig oboul expendtog, BrpnchMng oouM bo Bio iwrMOiNMUirR The company handed out layoff slips Friday to He advised cashing in Bbe youn hpw grown Irani one 114 workers mainly in its operations division, the CDs and municipal to 00 ipony 00 200 toeoMono. Tho BaaaiafSwOiMil saying orders for robotic equipment did not I PFOe^MN I toy p f i A N C H i e e I bonds when they ma- CoRPeqiqon otofl you on Bw way to o tuofpHvo hilura. justify its current levels of employment. tured, and moving that Spokesman Richard Wilder said the company money, along with the rest CoBMr. Royal Tempories would assist the workers in finding other jobs. of the money market IBs Wad MatifStraal Some of the laid-off workers may be recalled in funds, into more tax- C O LL E CT & - Avon, C T the second half of the year as the economy advantaged investments. 208 721-7232 improves, he added. The stock portfolio •77-6090 , should be increased to