Manchester, Conn. Clearing tonight; Monday, April 30, 1984 some sun Tuesday Single copy. 25C — See page 2 iianrljM lpr Mpralb Reagan talk 3 is aired iive in Shanghai 0 By Helen Thomas particularly careful to forestall United Press International Reagan’s repeated efforts to link China with the United States in SHANGHAI, China —.President condemning Soviet aggression. N Reagan, speaking live for the first White House chief of staff James time, on Chinese television, sought Baker, interviewed in Peking by 'pi once again today to link the United the NBC ’’Today” program, said, States and China in condemning “ I don’t think it’s a big disappoint- the “ evil and unlawful” Soviet ment” that the Chinese would not invasion of Afghanistan. join in condemning its northern The speech at the Fudan Univer- neighbor. sity was broadcast in English in “ I think it's fair to say that the Shanghai, China’s most populous CHinese express an independent city with 12 million residents, but position with respect to the Soviets, there apparently was no simul- but it’s a position that’s parallel to taneous translation into Chinese. It that of the United States,” he said. was the first time during Reagan’s Thick, jostling crowds, esti- six-day state visit, which ends mated by Shanghai police at more Tuesday, that the Chinese govern- than 1 million, lined the streets of ment has permitted a live broad- Reagan’s motorcade route from cast of a Reagan speech. the airport to the university, where Without specifically mentioning he met briefly with a carefully the Soviet Union, Reagan de- selected group of Chinese students clared; "Both the United States and later delivered a major 4nd China oppose the brutal and speech. Herald photo by Pinto illegal occupation of Kampuchea “ I just go home with a dream in (Cambodia). Both the United my heart,” Reagan told the Time to flush the mains States and China have stood students, "that we have started a together in condemning the evil friendship, not (just) an alliance.” Brad Palmer, a employee of the Manchester Water Flushing, required each year by by state regulation, A and unlawful invasion of At a banquet on his last night in Department, flushes out a water line in Highland Street. removes sediment from the the lines. Afghanistan.” China, Reagan proved he has On two previous occasions, the learned to ” gan bei,” — turning his This week the flushing is in progress in that area. broadcasts of Reagan’s speeches glass upside down with expertise were delayed and they were after each ’’bottoms up” toast. heavily edited to delete all referen- “ The famous poet Alfred Lord ces to Soviet aggression, religion Tennyson wrote, ‘I am a part of all and the virtues of democracy. that I have met,” ’ he said in his Economic data indicates siowdown Chinese leaders, who are receiv- toast. ’’The people and places of P China that Nancy and I have met ing a high-level Soviet delegation By Dennis G. Gulino The other lour negative factors place and which interprets a measure what actually happened early next month, have been and seen will always remain a part United Press International were the pace of new claims for slowing as a sign more orders are in March rather than attempt to of us.” unemployment benefits, new arriving than businesses can fill. anticipate what will happen, in- U.S. officials in Peking said WASHINGTON - The govern- orders for consumer goods, busi- Also positive were orders for creased a weak 0.3 percent., privately they were concerned ment’s sensitive leading economic ness formations and a four-month factory equipment, an average of Since an exceptionally strong about the lack of finesse in Earthquakes indicators dropped 1.1 percent in average of raw materials prices. 500 common stock prices and the burst of economic activity in Reagan’s remarks during his visit. March, the first decline in a year The index attempts to sum up the rate of expansion in the money January, when the coincident Chinese sources said the state- and 4 half and another sign the combined influences of a variety of supply. indicators were up 1.5 percent, the rock Italy ments showed a "tremendous economy is slowing down, the volatile economic indicators that As expected, the index for economy has been decelerating. naivete.” They said Reagan’s Commerce Department said usually lead the actual changes in February was revised up to a 1.3 The first quarter's growth of the ASSISI, Italy (U Pl) — A series of earlier remarks were deleted today. the economy by weeks or months. percent increase from the origi- gross national product, a strong 8.3 some 200 earth tremors has shaken because anything aired on state- The reverse follows a strong The index is far from perfectly nally reported 0.7 percent. percent annual rate, rellected central Italy, injuring up to 100 controlled Chinese television series of advances for the compo- reliable, having predicted the last When the widespread revisions mostly January's buying and people, leaving thousands home- would be construed as being site index that has gone up 22.9 recovery while the economy was in the index are taken into account selling. less, damaging ancient churches endorsed by the government. percent in two years. still heading deep into a worse it has been 20 months since the The composite index of leading and interrupting telephone and Before flying to Shanghai, Rea- Six of the 10 available indicators recession. index last went down, a 0.1 percent indicators was 165.5 in March. electricity service. gan wrapped up five days of were negative, led by a shorter Among the four indicators that slippage in August 1982. ' compared to a comparison level of Some 3,000 refugees spent the meetings with Chinese leaders in average workweek and a falling off were positive was one that mea- An accompanying index of so- too in 1967, the department’s night in government-donated tents Peking on a positive note, urging of building permits. sures how fast deliveries take called coincident indicators, which Bureau of Economic Analysis said. and trailers or with family and them to keep differences over friends following the tremors, Taiwan from jeopardizing .im- which began Sunday and were felt proved Sino-American relations. throughout the central province of Reagan and President Li Xian- Umbria. nian signed tax and cultural Feds report rise in spending power Scientists said the last, light accords aimed at increasing U.S. tremor was registered in mid- business investments and ex- moming today. changes with China and witnessed WASHINGTON (U P l) - Spend- ing power — inflation-adjusted income of $12,878, well ahead of the Led by Connecticut’s $14,826 Up to 100 people were injured in the initialing of a controversial ing power rose in 37 states last income — was cut by about 1 national average of $11,675. annual income, the highest of any the tremors, most of them suffer- agreement on nuclear cooperation year, with the East and West percentage point. state in the lower 48, New England The East Coast from New Jersey ing minor cuts or bruises from with the Chinese, which he hailed coasts having a higher average counted four states among the lo Where the nation’s income was through New York also made falling roof tiles or masonry, as a m ajor achievement. income than other regions in the the highest, so were the prices, the states with fastest growing major gains, with its above- rescue workers said. ” My hope is that we are country and the Southeast lagging income. bureau found. average income ranking at $12,871, Doctors in the central region accomplishing something between behind, the Census Bureau "A s usual (the list) shows despite the inclusion of Pennsylva- But the Southwest, which for called off a strike scheduled for ourselves that will also be remem- reported. highest income states are concen- years had been pulling itself nia, which remained below the May 2 to treat the injured. bered 1,000 years from now,” The nation’s income increased trated across the East Coast and further up the rankings on the national average. Three of the province’s most Reagan said at the signing 5.2 percent in 1983, the bureau said West Coast,” bureau analyst Ro- strength of oil industry income, picturesque medieval hilltop cities ceremony. Sunday, better than a percentage bert Bretzfelder said. New England states continued experienced a setback in 1983. 3 — Assisi, Perugia and Gubbio — Reagan returns to the United point higher than the year’s The Western states, mainly their upward trend of the last Income there increased by 2.6 suffered damage. Hardest hit was States Tuesday, stopping in Alaska inflation rate. California, Nevada and Washing- decade, making major income percent, the smallest gain of the Gubbio, where some 400 homes to meet Pope John Paul II before During the 1982 recession, prices ton, remained in the lead last year gains and climbing further above eight census regions of the were damaged. returning to Washington. rose (aster than income, so spend- with their average per capita the national average. country. Mannford under strict curfew 0 Tornado destroys Oklahoma town M ANNFORD, Okla. (U P l) - The tornado dipped down about Emergency lines provided the troops were called out. National Guard troops today pa- 10:30 a.m. CDT Sunday and ripped only telephone service and two Sunday’s onslaught of severe trolled the d eva sta te streets of a swath 100 yards wide across the emergency shelters were open in weather came just three days after Mannford where a tornado town about 20 miles west ol Tulsa.
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