Inquiry Into the Impact of Animal Rights Activism on Victorian Agriculture
PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Economy and Infrastructure Committee Inquiry into the impact of animal rights activism on Victorian agriculture Parliament of Victoria Economy and Infrastructure Committee Ordered to be published VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT PRINTER February 2020 PP No 112, Session 2018-20 ISBN 978 1 925703 94 8 (print version), 978 1 925703 95 5 (PDF version) Committee membership CHAIR DEPUTY CHAIR Nazih Elasmar Bernie Finn Rodney Barton Northern Metropolitan Westerm Metropolitan Eastern Metropolitan Mark Gepp Bev McArthur Tim Quilty Sonja Terpstra Northern Victoria Western Victoria Northern Victoria Eastern Metropolitan Participating members Melina Bath, Eastern Victoria Dr Catherine Cumming, Western Metropolitan Hon. David Davis, Southern Metropolitan David Limbrick, South Eastern Metropolitan Andy Meddick, Western Victoria Craig Ondarchie, Northern Metropolitan Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips, South Eastern Metropolitan Hon. Mary Wooldridge, Eastern Metropolitan ii Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee About the committee Functions The Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee’s functions are to inquire into and report on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with agriculture, commerce, infrastructure, industry, major projects, public sector finances, transport and education. As a Standing Committee, it may inquire into, hold public hearings, consider and report on any Bills or draft Bills, annual reports, estimates of expenditure or other documents laid before the Legislative Council in accordance with an Act, provided these are relevant to its functions. Secretariat Patrick O’Brien, Committee Manager Kieran Crowe, Inquiry Officer Caitlin Connally, Research Assistant Justine Donohue, Administrative Officer Contact details Address Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee Parliament of Victoria Spring Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 Phone 61 3 8682 2869 Email Web This report is available on the Committee’s website.
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