FINN IN THE HOUSE Speeches August to December 2013

Published by Bernie Finn MP Member for Western Metropolitan Region Acting President of the Legislative Council Chairman, Joint Parliamentary Electoral Matters Committee

277 Hampshire Road, Sunshine Victoria 3020 Telephone (03) 9312 1212 • Fax (03) 9312 4598 Email [email protected] Web FINN IN THE HOUSE Speeches August to December 2013


Local government referendum ...... 3 Open Courts Bill 2013 ...... 21 Volunteer West: funding...... 3 Western suburbs air pollution ...... 22 Buses: Sanctuary Lakes...... 3 Victoria State Emergency Service: report Rail: St Albans level crossing ...... 4 2012-13 ...... 23 Carbon tax: schools ...... 4 Production Of Documents ...... 23 Planning: city of Maribyrnong ...... 4 Carbon tax ...... 26 St Albans level crossing ...... 4 Climate change ...... 27 Places Victoria ...... 5 Road Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 ...... 27 Fringe benefits tax...... 5 Prison smoking ban ...... 28 Major Transport Projects Facilitation Australian Training Awards ...... 29 Amendment (East West Link And Other Sunbury municipality ...... 29 Projects) Bill 2013 ...... 6 Family and Community Development Minister For Planning ...... 7 Committee: Betrayal of Trust ...... 30 Federal election ...... 11 Government Performance ...... 30 Foodbank Victoria ...... 11 Western suburbs government Ravenhall prison ...... 12 achievements ...... 34 Hon. James Halford Ramsay ...... 12 Emergency Management Bill 2013 ...... 35 Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Disability Amendment Bill 2013 ...... 36 Rights Commission: Protecting Us All...... 13 ICT sector growth ...... 37 Waterways planning controls ...... 13 Little Saigon, Footscray ...... 37 Warren Mundine ...... 14 Police protest response ...... 38 Caroline Chisholm Society ...... 14 Caroline Chisholm Society ...... 38 Children, Youth And Families Amendment Planning: Maribyrnong development ...... 38 Bill 2013 ...... 15 Abortion legislation ...... 39 Wyndham Planning Scheme (C156 Climate Change ...... 39 Wyndham Harbour development) ...... 16 Commissioner for Environmental Foodbank Victoria ...... 18 Sustainability: state of the environment Fringe benefits tax...... 18 report ...... 45 Carers Week ...... 18 Western suburbs government Tourism Victoria: report 2012-13 ...... 18 achievements ...... 45 Police protest response ...... 19 Victoria Police Bill 2013 ...... 45 Succession To The Crown (Request) Bill 2013 ....19

277 Hampshire Road, Sunshine Victoria 3020 • Telephone (03) 9312 1212 • Fax (03) 9312 4598 Email [email protected] • Web

IN 2 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE COUNCIL | Adjournment the western suburbs, it is certainly and 497 give passengers the option 21 August 2013 something I am not prepared to of connection to trains (and other stand by and watch happen. I ask the buses) at either Laverton or Williams minister to use whatever influence Landing stations. she has to ensure that the money Instead of one route every 40 Local is returned to the councils that minutes, the revised network features contributed it. two routes operating every 22 minutes government during peak times, more than tripling referendum COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) the existing service and providing Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) 21 August 2013 improved train connections. At other — I wish to raise a matter for the times (including weekends) service attention of the Minister for Local levels are doubled, with both routes Government. It concerns the now operating every 40 minutes. These deceased referendum which was Volunteer West: changes benefit residents within called for some months ago by the walking or cycling distance of the now departed former Prime Minister, funding Sanctuary Lakes Shopping Centre. Raised with the Minister for Public Transport Victoria’s service Julia Gillard. The local government Community Services on 27 June 2013 industry got very excited about planners carefully considered the REPLY: this particular referendum. My merits of operating a route into the understanding is that the Australian The Government Sanctuary Lakes estate, looping Local Government Association appreciates the vital role of volunteers via Sanctuary Lakes Boulevard, to (ALGA) and the Victorian Local in the delivery of important services serve more residents. However, the Governance Association (VLGA) put to Victorian communities. extra distance would have required out feelers for a good deal of money In the 2011-12 State Budget, an additional bus plus allowances and that a good deal of money was government announced $5.2 million for extra driver hours, fuel and forthcoming from cash-strapped over four years for strategies to maintenance. For this to occur, councils. I have to say it mystifies me strengthen volunteering in Victoria given the available resources, the how these councils that keep telling including through the development wider Point Cook network would me how broke they are could have of a range of online resources and have operated to reduced frequency, kicked in thousands and thousands programs. coverage or directness. As Sanctuary of dollars to this campaign, which is The Victorian Government Lakes lacks a number of factors which now obsolete. As I said, it concerns also provides ongoing support to determine the success of a bus route, me that the contributions were made, Volunteering Victoria — the peak improvements to the wider Point but my concern tonight is that those agency for volunteering in the state Cook network were prioritised. contributions need to be returned to — to support organisations to recruit, Factors that determine the success those councils. retain and support volunteers. (i.e. patronage) of a bus route include I have heard some rumblings that Volunteer Resource Centres such its directness and the population the ALGA and the VLGA might have as Volunteer West also provide an density along the length of the route. some intention of keeping the money important intermediary service to Direct routes are only possible in for a future referendum, which it has connect volunteers with the not- areas with straight road networks, to be said is drawing a fairly long bow. for-profit community sector. The preferably forming a grid-style They might have another go in three Department of Human Services works network. Population density means years time, just like Whitlam, Keating with these organisations to address having a continuous line of shops, and Hawke all had a go, and perhaps issues in volunteering through schools and homes 400 to 800 metres so will the next Labor Prime Minister. its involvement in the Victorian either side of the route. I do not know who is going to be the Volunteer Resource Centre Network. Most of Point Cook is fortunate to next Labor Prime Minister. He or she My department met with the have a road network that allowed may not even be born yet, but it will Managing Director Volunteer West the planning and implementation of happen in some future generation. on 31 July 2013 and discussed a range more direct routes. Development has I think it is a bit rough to suggest on of ways that the organisation could also been planned to be reasonably spec that these organisations keep the diversify its funding and resources. continuous along these routes. This money they have taken from various has allowed the implementation of councils around the state, including efficient and direct routes. some councils in the western suburbs COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) Sanctuary Lakes is planned entirely of that desperately need 21 August 2013 differently. Its main internal road that money. (Sanctuary Lakes Boulevard) forms I ask the minister to use whatever a circuitous loop with one entrance influence she has to investigate ways Buses: Sanctuary off Point Cook Road. Much of the of asserting that influence to get that land either side of Sanctuary Lakes money back to the councils that made Lakes Boulevard is either a golf course or a contribution. My view is that to keep Raised with the Minister for Public lake. that money would be to take money Transport on 13 June 2013 This layout poses three serious under false pretences. It would be a REPLY: problems for efficient bus services, as degree of fraud; indeed it would be The new bus network increases follows: theft. service to the Sanctuary Lakes • Loop streets are indirect, making That is something we should not Shopping Centre on Point Cook Road, travel unnecessarily slow be tolerating as a government in with the number of routes increasing • The estate has only one entrance, Victoria. As a member representing from one to two. New routes 496 making it impossible to plan fast

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 3 through routes that go on to serve Education on 15 September 2011 with contempt. The current crowd in other areas REPLY: Canberra is no exception. • The low population density reduces I am informed as follows: One such example is the the number of people available to The Victorian Government is performance of the federal member use the bus. working to minimise the impact of for Maribyrnong, Bill Shorten, known There are significant differences price rises on schools as the result of to locals as ‘Bull’. Mr Shorten has between the suitability of Point Cook the Commonwealth Government’s been playing politics all year with and Sanctuary Lakes for effective bus carbon legislation. an issue dear to the hearts of those routes. This is why Point Cook has of us who are long-term residents On the basis of the legislated benefited substantially from the new of Melbourne’s north-west. The St starting price of $23 per t.CO2-e network. Albans level crossing issue should (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent), have been fixed years ago. the cost of carbon pricing on utilities COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) in government schools is anticipated In the late 1990s the then Premier, 21 August 2013 to be $4.2 million to $4.7 million in , resolved to do just the first year. that, but with the demise of his government so too went any hope of a Most Victorian schools are on solution. For 11 long years Labor lived whole-of-government purchase up to form and did nothing. Rail: St Albans contracts which have provided considerable savings in the past. The Upon election to government in level crossing Victorian Government will continue 2010 the coalition recommitted to Raised with the Minister for Roads removing this dangerous rail crossing. on 30 May 2013 to use these contracts to bulk purchase power for schools. In January this year Mr Shorten stood REPLY: in front of thousands in St Albans I am pleased to confirm that the and offered a 50-50 deal between the Victorian Government has recently COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) state and commonwealth to bring provided a $52.3 million funding 21 August 2013 the project forward. I accepted on boost under the Metro Level Crossing the spot. Amazingly, within days Removal Blitz program, for seven he had backed away; the offer was dangerous level crossings, including gone. A few months later Mr Shorten the level crossing on Main Road in St Planning: city of visited St Albans with Deputy Prime Albans. Maribyrnong Minister Anthony Albanese and This funding boost will now allow Raised with the Minister for made a big song and dance for the essential preconstruction activities Planning on 8 May 2013 cameras. Sadly, when they, and the cameras, departed, there was no new to be undertaken at Main Road, St REPLY: Albans, which are essential to clear money. The hot air produced by that I met with the Mayor and Chief the way for major construction works. little encounter had nothing to do Executive Officer of Maribyrnong City with global warming. The Napthine I would certainly welcome Council on Thursday 13 May 2013 Commonwealth funding for this government will build the grade to discuss opportunities for positive separation at St Albans — important project. However, I have change in the suburb of Braybrook. been concerned that a recent offer Honourable members interjecting. They advised me of the high from the Federal Government was The PRESIDENT — Order! Thank percentage of social housing and an limited to reallocating possible Nation you, Mr Finn. extremely low level of internet take up Building Program savings, which are in Braybrook. Mr FINN — even as we continue as yet unrealised. This offer from the to see proof that Labor just does not I have committed to meeting with Federal Government does not provide care. the Hon. MLC, Minister certainty to the people of St Albans or The PRESIDENT — Order! Mr Finn! to the State Government. for Housing, to discuss opportunities for the revitalisation of the suburb, Fifteen minutes, thank you. I called I confirm that the Victorian including opportunities for private time, and I had already warned Mr Government remains committed sector investment. Finn. I do not need a chorus of people to this project commencing telling me when the clock stops. I am preconstruction activities in the first perfectly capable of doing it myself, term of Government, with or without COUNCIL | Members Statements and if I fail in that then the clerks help Commonwealth funding support. 22 August 2013 me out. The recent funding boost to Mr Finn — On a point of order, progress important preconstruction President, I apologise if I did not works demonstrates the Victorian St Albans level hear you, but as you say, there was Government’s commitment to this a chorus of interjection from across project and to the people of St Albans. crossing the other side of the chamber, and I Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — genuinely did not hear you. COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) Absolutely. It is somewhat of a truism Mrs Peulich — On the point of 21 August 2013 to say Labor neglects Melbourne’s order, President, I was not interjecting west. I doubt there is a single resident on that occasion; I was busy of the western suburbs who does transacting some messages. However, not readily accept the fact that the I did not hear you make the call either, Carbon tax: ALP takes us for granted and gives so if you could just take that into us precious little in return. Labor account, it would be appreciated. schools governments, federal and state, have Raised with the Minister for The PRESIDENT — Order! I thank long treated the people of the west Mrs Peulich for her contribution. I

IN 4 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE have indicated my position on these line through Epping North that was COUNCIL | Adjournment 90-second statements. Invariably promised but never delivered. It is 22 August 2013 the last few lines that members are like the fully water-sustainable suburb trying to squeeze into the 90-second that was meant to be: promised but statements are provocative and lead never delivered. I note that on 11 to a fairly unruly house. We have a March 2008 — — Fringe benefits rule; we have standing orders. The The PRESIDENT — Order! Can the standing orders say it is 30 seconds minister help me: are any of those tax — 90 seconds; some of us wish it Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) projects Places Victoria projects? — I wish to raise a matter for the was 30 seconds, but it is 90 seconds. Hon. M. J. GUY — Yes, all of them. Members are really pushing the attention of the Minister for Health, envelope on this, and I will not have The PRESIDENT — Order! The who is also the Minister for Ageing. it. As I said, if I call time, I expect minister, to continue. It concerns the effects of the fringe members to comply. Hon. M. J. GUY — They are all benefits tax changes by the federal government and the impact that This time Mr Finn will escape; I will Places Victoria. In fact it is all one project of VicUrban, Places Victoria’s will have on aged-care services and be lenient — not because of the point health services in the western suburbs of order, by the way, because I believe forerunner, which is what Mr Finn is asking me about. I note that on of Melbourne. I am particularly I expressed in sufficient volume the concerned by a media release from requirement that Mr Finn sit down 11 March 2008 a former Minster for Planning, Justin Madden, when I Leading Age Services Australia because his time had expired. But Victoria, Victoria’s peak body as I said, some members are really questioned him, said in this chamber that: representing the aged-care industry. pushing the envelope, and I am not Mr John Begg, who is the CEO of that going to wear it. Mr Finn is lucky. Our sustainability and leading initiatives in VicUrban’s particular organisation, said: development — ... the changes are of serious COUNCIL | Questions without Notice in Aurora — concern and will result in 22 August 2013 quantifiable real reductions to the include ... fibre-optic cabling as effective wages of the employees standard in every home, providing of aged-care organisations, as well internet access 40 times faster than as many other community service Places Victoria the norm — providers. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — anywhere else — Mr Begg went on to say: My question without notice is to my friend and colleague the Minister for in Australia ... The changes will result in either a Planning, and I ask: can the minister In fact not only have we found this reduction of at least $2000 to $3000 project to be unfunded, undeliverable per year in benefits or an increase advise the house what action he has of $2000 to $3000 in expenses per taken to ensure that Places Victoria and unrecoverable but it has cost us to the tune of $45 million, signed employee. Either way — this is a remains a viable and profitable significant impact. statutory authority? and sealed by the then Minister for Planning, Rob Hulls. Interestingly I As members can understand, this Hon. M. J. GUY (Minister for wonder who his legal adviser was at will have quite a detrimental effect on Planning) — I want to thank my friend the time. Maybe it was Mr Tee. Was it the salary and conditions of a number and colleague Mr Finn for a very good Mr Tee? It was signed and sealed in of workers who are hardly in a high question in relation to Places Victoria. 2006. But it gets better. After realising wage bracket; in fact, these are what I note that the Minister for Housing, that this promise could not be would be called battlers. The federal Wendy Lovell, answered well a delivered, as Mr Finn correctly asked government in Canberra seems to question there, although bizarrely I me, VicUrban then delivered free be keen to put the boots in at this am not necessarily sure it was meant mobile phones to every home in the particular time. Mr Begg also said: to be directed to her. Having said that, 10th completed estate to compensate Around 70 per cent of the I point out in this answer: 18 months for the undelivered scheme. It employees of our member of threats and five questions on provided a full subscription to all organisations who access leasing Ventnor and that is it? I am wondering Foxtel channels to every home. No arrangements earn less than where Mr Tee has disappeared to. money was spent on better transport. $100 000 per year and the average Maybe he has gone the way of this Instead the Labor government cost of their leased vehicles is question, as asked by Mr Finn, and $35 000. provided adult channels to every that is about fibre to the home and the home to fund its mistake. Instead of This obviously goes right across Aurora development. funding buses, Labor was funding the board, not just to aged-care I am aware that VicUrban signed porn! I have to say that whoever organisations. It affects hospitals, off an ambitious plan for an optic signed off on those contracts — and of doctors surgeries and a whole range fibre network to 8000 homes in the course they were done under former of health and aged-care facilities right Aurora development in Melbourne’s planning minister Rob Hulls — has a across Australia, if the truth be known. northern suburbs. Signing off on a lot to answer for. What I am particularly interested in fibre-into-the-home development — — Not only is this project defunct due sounds very familiar, does it not? to the federal government’s proposed Mrs Peulich — Home and Investment in this fibre-to-home national broadband network (NBN), community care services. initiative was signed off and sealed in but as every home is supposedly to Mr FINN — Home and community 2006. Basically we have found it to be have NBN connected for a fortune we care services indeed; Mrs Peulich is unfunded and indeed unrecoverable find a most unique situation — that right on, as she always is. These are because bizarrely no-one is paying is, that one Labor government has services which can ill afford to be for it. It is a promise that could never wasted $45 million of another Labor affected in this way, and employees of ever be delivered. It is like the railway government’s money. these services are people who can ill

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 5 afford to lose the money that Mr Begg think the Greens get a bum rap when the state continues to invest in new and some others have suggested they people say that they want us all to ride transport infrastructure. would. bikes because bikes create carbon That was co-signed by Bill Shorten, I ask the minister to provide for the residuals or something; it would be the current Minister for Employment house, and indeed for the community, much easier if people just walked. and Workplace Relations and a an estimate that is as accurate as That is what the Greens have come number of other things. possible of by how much this fringe to represent in our community. They Mrs Coote — Whose side is he on? benefits tax change will impact upon oppose everything that is worthwhile Mr FINN — Whose side is he on? service providers and their employees in this world, but at least they are Ask Julia or Kevin whose side he is in the western suburbs of Melbourne. consistent. It is not easy to know on, because he is probably not aware I believe it is only then that we can exactly where they are coming from, of that himself. On this particular fully understand just how badly but you can understand why they are occasion Mr Shorten was very conceived and ill thought out this coming from there. supportive of the east-west link, as proposal is. Where have the Labor Party indeed was Mr Melhem. Mr Melhem members gone? There is only one of has done a backflip tonight, the likes COUNCIL | Second Reading them in the chamber at the moment. of which we have not seen this side of 3 September 2013 They must know what is coming. the Olympic Games. I have a feeling The Labor Party is a different kettle that if Mr Melhem is so inclined, he of fish altogether because the Labor could make the Olympic team bound Party should know better. The Labor for Rio and bring back gold in that Major Transport Party supposedly represents working category. It was a backflip of quite families. You might recall a couple of extraordinary proportions when he Projects elections ago there was an incoming came in here and said that yes, he Prime Minister — backed up by an does support the project, and then no, Facilitation incoming deputy Prime Minister who he does not. I want everybody to have became the Prime Minister and then a clear memory of what Mr Melhem Amendment became an ex-Prime Minister by the said in this chamber tonight. He said hand of the Prime Minister who was that he supports the project and then (East West Link the ex-Prime Minister the first time that he does not. That is what he said — who talked no end about working in the space of 10 minutes. And Other families. Mr Viney — Acting President, I Yet here we have a perfect example am going to take a point of order Projects) Bill of something that is going to benefit about Mr Finn’s verballing of another working families, and what happens? member of this chamber. The point 2013 The Labor Party says, ‘No way will we I made in relation to the last point Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) support the east-west link! No way of order is that it is going to become — I rise in this chamber this evening do we care in any way, shape or form ridiculous if we go down this path. But on behalf of hundreds of thousands about working families in this state’. you made the ruling, Acting President, of people across the western suburbs That is something we have come to and if this is going to be the new of Melbourne who are very keen to expect and accept from the Labor standard — it will not be if I am sitting see the east-west link built. I rise on Party. in the chair, but you are and this is behalf of those people with whom Mrs Coote interjected. your standard, Acting President — Mr I travelled down the Tullamarine Mr FINN — They have gone. On Finn has to withdraw the comments Freeway this morning, bumper to this side of the chamber we have that he made about another member bumper almost the entire way. to wonder why the Labor Party has because clearly the other member did Mr Barber interjected. betrayed everything it is supposed not say any such thing, and if we are Mr FINN — Yes, many of them are to believe in. People like Mr Melhem going to go down this path, I am going going to the other side of Melbourne. — — to have to take a point of order every time. Not all of them travel from West Mrs Coote — Where is Mr Melhem? Brunswick to the city every day as Mr FINN — As Mrs Coote asks, Mrs Peulich — On the point of a long-haul approach as Mr Barber where is Mr Melhem? order, Acting President, the previous point of order and the one that is now does. I also speak on behalf of those He has possibly gone for a Tosca, being taken have nothing in common. who crawled down the West Gate and maybe not for the first time. Indeed the Deputy President himself Freeway and over the West Gate When Mr Melhem was pure and objected to my previous point of Bridge this morning, many of whom he was the state secretary of the order on the basis that debate in this wanted to go to the other side of Australian Workers Union, this is what chamber needs to be robust. Melbourne and who would be very he had to say: happy to utilise the east-west link, as I have listened to Mr Finn’s very The Australian Workers Union robust contribution, but nowhere indeed will many people who will be ... believes that the new east-west coming the other way as well. link is crucial to jobs and economic at any time has he reflected on I can understand the Greens’ growth. A new transport link from the member aside from the usual opposition to this particular bill, Melbourne’s booming west to the commentary that is a normal part of because they have a long and not-so- south-east and eastern suburbs has debate. It is very different to the point distinguished history of opposing all the AWU’s strong support because of order that I took. the benefits of modern life, and they the Victorian economy relies on the The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr are doing it again today. They do not efficient movement of freight and Ondarchie) — Order! I do not uphold people. Hundreds of thousands the point of order on this occasion want to see the east-west link. In fact of Victorian jobs depend on good they would like to see us all walking. I transport links so it is crucial that in that Mr Finn did not say, ‘He just

IN 6 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE said’, by way of quote; he said that in with in the next few days in the seat of seriousness of this motion, Mr Tee is his contribution Mr Melhem talked Melbourne. I could go on to talk about nowhere to be seen. one way and then the other way. It is a some of the lies that were told by the Mrs Peulich — He is having a late debating point. Labor Party in this particular debate, lunch. Mr FINN — In the few moments I but unfortunately my time has long Mr FINN — I would not like to have left I want to say that the ALP expired, even though the whip has not speculate on where he is, but I would members who have spoken tonight quite noticed it yet. suggest that with something as have disappointed me, and I am sure I will close by saying that I have serious as this motion the mover of they have disappointed the many never backed away from supporting the motion should be in the chamber Labor supporters throughout the state this project 100 per cent. In fact I for the duration of the debate. It is who sent them here to represent the remember that just before the 2010 not good enough to get up, have your views of working families. I am sure election, which is when I first met say and clear off. He should be here. they would be extremely disappointed the current member for Tarneit in It staggers me that Mr Tee can make to hear that the Labor Party has the Assembly, Mr Pallas, who was all sorts of wild and weird allegations totally let them down. Let us face running for that seat — Mr Elsbury — without any proof I might add, but facts: the reason the ALP is opposing might have been there at the time — I I will get to that in a moment — and this extremely important piece of said to him, ‘We need this tunnel’, and then skedaddle. Let the record show infrastructure for Victoria is the my vague recollection is that he said, that Mr Tee is not in the chamber, politics of the inner city of Melbourne. ‘Yes, it will come’. which under normal circumstances That is what it is about. It is about I hope it does come, but I want it to would be the least of my complaints. votes in Fitzroy, it is about votes in come with the support of the Labor Mr Ramsay — It is a relief. Collingwood, it is probably about Party. It did support it, but it does not Mr FINN — It is a great relief votes in Richmond as well, and it support it anymore. It has changed indeed, Mr Ramsay, but on this has absolutely nothing to do with its mind once; it can do it again. I am occasion, as I said, it is a bit rough the rest of Victoria. This is about hoping it will do just that before we for the mover of such a serious whether the Labor Party wants to vote on this bill tonight. I am hoping motion not to be in the chamber beat the Greens or the Greens want it will join us on this side of the house for the duration of the debate. I to beat the Labor Party in the seat of and support this vitally important bill. listened to Mr Tee with varying Melbourne or the surrounding seats degrees of interest. A couple of times — maybe Northcote as well, at a push. COUNCIL I thought we had actually entered That is what all this is about. That 4 September 2013 the twilight zone. There was Mr Tee, is why the Labor Party is opposing who was clearly having delusions this extraordinarily important piece of some nature, rabbiting on. An of infrastructure in this state. It is old expression came to mind — not because the ALP thinks it can use this Minister For waving, drowning, because that is to get back its home ground that it what Mr Tee was doing on the other lost to the Greens federally at the last Planning side of the chamber. He brought election. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — this motion on. Members will recall It thinks it can beat off the — — This is a fairly important job. It is a job that we on this side of the house Mr Barber — Will it be successful? of significant responsibility. attempted to bring this motion on in Mr FINN — I don’t know, Mr In fact it is more than a job; it is a the last sitting week. I think Mr Barber Barber, whether it will be successful. vocation in many ways. It is the way of was the member who denied leave We will find out on Saturday night life that we in this place have chosen, for the motion to be brought on last whether it is successful. I am sort of and you have good days and you have time, but we are very keen to debate hoping it is. That is what it is about. bad days. It was well after 2 o’clock this motion because, quite frankly, it It is not about the future of Victoria. when we finished up last night, and is ridiculous. It is not about the welfare of working it was closer to 3 o’clock when my But Mr Tee, as is his wont and way, families. This is about party politics. shadow reached the bed. When I has come in here today wasting the This is about the ALP defending its woke up this morning after about 4 time of this Parliament. We have home ground from an interloper. That hours sleep I thought to myself, ‘This another very important motion on the is what it is all about. This is not about is going to be a tough day’. I did not notice paper this afternoon. We could Victorians. This is not about what is realise how tough it was going to be be debating the future of the east-west good for Victoria. These people over until I heard Mr Tee. Having a late link, for only the seventh or eighth here, when they bother to come in, night is one thing, but then to have time in the last three or four months. could not care less about Victoria. All it backed up by a dose of Brian Tee We could be moving on to debate that they are worried about are their own is something else altogether. I notice motion, but instead we are talking tails, and that is a rather unfortunate that he is not in the chamber at the about this motion, which I honestly thing in itself. moment. thought may have some substance, This is a lovers tiff. Mrs Peulich — It is such an given the enthusiasm with which the important motion. When the Labor Party and the opposition members approached the Greens were in bed together I am sure Mr FINN — It is an extraordinarily motion, I thought they would have it was wonderful, but what we are important motion, as Mrs Peulich had something to back them up. Not seeing here tonight is a lovers tiff gone points out. on your Nellie! It concerns me that public. They are brawling, fighting I do not think there is a more somebody who holds himself up — — and scratching. You will not see important motion that an opposition Mr Leane — Just about 3 million anything in a divorce court nastier or member can move in this Parliament reasons! more bitter than the things the Labor than the one Mr Tee has moved Mr FINN — Let us talk about some Party and the Greens will come up against my friend and colleague the of them, Mr Leane. I hope when Mr Minister for Planning. Despite the

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 7 Leane has his chance he will talk time. He has shown outstanding moment there are only two ways out, about some of those reasons because calibre as the Minister for Planning in one being Point Cook Road, which is Mr Tee did not mention them. He got this state. of lower than a reasonable standard up here and made all sorts of weird I have no doubt that he has the by any judgement. and wild allegations, rabbiting on in a potential to go on well beyond his Mr Guy has been down there and ludicrous manner, with no evidence, current ministerial portfolio. I have no as Minister for Planning has given nothing to substantiate those doubt about that at all. He is a man of commitments to people who are allegations, and then he sat down honour; he is honourable. I suggest suffering as a result of what Labor again. Now he has run away. What is to members opposite that they might Party members did to them while they going on with the member? He is a like to reach for their Funk & Wagnalls were in government. man who presents himself as the next and look that up: it starts with ‘h’ — Mr Guy is not somebody who sits planning minister of the state — the honourable. behind a desk all day shuffling papers alternative planning minister. As Mr Mr Leane — What is a Funk & in his office down in Spring Street Barber so correctly pointed out, that Wagnalls? Is that unparliamentary overlooking the MCG — where the is scary. I can only think of one thing too? Tiges will be playing on Sunday. He scarier and that would be the return of is somebody who gets out and deals the previous planning minister, Justin Mr FINN — He has not got one — or a Funk & Wagnalls either. But Mr with real people and real problems, Madden, to that particular position. and he solves them. I remember Mr Tee presents himself as the future Melhem has one, and that is all that matters, because where he is going, about three years ago raising in this planning minister when in fact he is house the prospect of a ferry service. just a grubby little muckraker; that is he is going to need one, and that is all he is. important. Mr Melhem interjected. Mr Leane — On a point of order, But as I said, Mr Guy, towards Mr FINN — If Mr Melhem listens President, I am not too sure that the whom this motion is directed, is to this, he might learn something. terminology used by Mr Finn was an honourable man; he is a man I know members of the Australian acceptable parliamentary language, of integrity. To bring these sorts of Workers Union think they know it all, and I think he should withdraw. allegations, to bring these sorts of but on this matter they do not. charges against him, particularly in I raised a matter in the house for I am sure the Clerk has just this Parliament, is ludicrous — it is informed the President of his words. the attention of the then Minister for a nonsense. What are the members Public Transport, who I think at the The PRESIDENT — Order! opposite thinking? time was Mr Pakula, now the member The term used by Mr Finn was It is quite extraordinary, and I know for Lyndhurst in the other place. I unparliamentary, and I ask him to the length and depth that Mr Guy suggested that there be a ferry service withdraw. goes to to do his job properly, because from Point Cook to Altona, then to Mr FINN — On the point of order, I have witnessed it. Some years ago I Williamstown and on to the city. At President, I assume you are asking me was with Mr Guy when he attended a that time I was told by Mr Pakula and to withdraw the word ‘grubby’? meeting of the Brimbank City Council indeed by that master of financial The PRESIDENT — Order! And the when the mayor, Cr Natalie Suleyman, figures, Mr Lenders, that there was words ‘little muckraker’. was in the chair — and what an no way that that would ever happen. Mr FINN — Really? experience that was! We will get to Mr Lenders said, ‘We’ve done the The PRESIDENT — Order! From my that in a little while. costings’ — possibly by the federal point of view it is the combination of I have been with Mr Guy when he Treasury or a department in Canberra those words that form the problem has been to places like Point Cook. He — ‘and there’s no way we could ever on this occasion, and I ask Mr Finn to said to the people at Point Cook that get a ferry to service the west coast withdraw. Victorians should be ashamed — or ports and take people into the city. It will never happen’. Mr FINN — I am happy to withdraw, words to that effect; I do not mean to but anyone who has taken the mildest put words in his mouth — of the way Mr Leane interjected. interest in the debate today will that they were treated by Labor when Mr FINN — Mr Leane really should know that Mr Tee has partaken in it was in government. The previous listen to this. After the election, as an exercise of muckraking, and that government allowed thousands of one not to be put off easily, I went to is what muckrakers do. That is fair people to move into Point Cook, to Minister Guy and said, ‘I believe that enough. In fact, after listening to the build houses in Point Cook and move this will work’. outgoing Prime Minister over the last their families to Point Cook without He examined the project and came week or so, Mr Tee is making him the infrastructure necessary for a back to me and said, ‘I think you’re sound good by comparison. We see reasonable and decent standard of right. Yes, I think this will work; I think the Prime Minister travelling hither living. this could be a goer’. He continued the and yon, telling everybody about what What Labor has done to the people work on this particular project, and the federal Leader of the Opposition, of Point Cook is despicable. Mr Guy I am delighted to say that earlier this Tony Abbott, is and what he has done has given firm commitments not year we travelled down the Yarra River and what his family has done, but Mr just to me but also to the people of to the Port Phillip Heads past Etihad Tee has just taken it to another level, Point Cook and said that he regards Stadium. and that is about the first time he has their problems as uppermost on Mr Leane — It sounds quite ever done that on any basis. his agenda. He has been more romantic. I am appalled by this motion, and than instrumental in getting the wherewithal together to provide Mr FINN — It was very pleasant. A members can imagine that I will few drinks would have been good, but not be supporting it. In fact I will the interchange at Sneydes Road in Werribee, which will provide the nobody put those on. We announced be vigorously opposing it. The man that that ferry service is moving to at which this motion is directed is people of Point Cook with another way out onto the freeway. At the the next stage. I am very confident somebody for whom I have a lot of that within the next year or so we will

IN 8 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE have ferries servicing the people of in developing, the fact is that the portfolio. the western suburbs, taking them into ferry will not be stopping at Ventnor. I think there were a lot of people the city and relieving pressure on the Therefore it really is not relevant to even in the government at that time — West Gate Bridge and the West Gate this debate. On discussions of Miley even in the Labor Party! — who were Freeway whilst we are building the Cyrus, who certainly did intervene in very keen to see him move on, and east-west link. We will have another this matter in terms of making public indeed they were very pleased when way for people from Point Cook, comment, it is relevant to mention her he did. Then of course we had Justin Altona, Williamstown, Wyndham if that discussion is about the motion. Madden. Where to begin? As has been Harbour and Werribee to get into the Talking about tweets and comparing mentioned — — city. her to people like Clive Palmer is Mr Leane — He never got sued. Quite frankly, I am looking forward clearly not relevant to this debate and suggests a little bit of filibustering. If Mr FINN — He never got sued? to that. No, he probably — I will not That is happening purely as a result Mr Finn could come back to the terms of the motion before the Chair. say that because that would be of the vision of the great planning unparliamentary language, and I minister we have in this state, Mr FINN — Thank you, President. would never venture into that area, — the man who is being I wish you had been in the chair this President. accused by Mr Tee, who is not here. morning. The President’s reference to filibustering is well taken. Those of us who have been in this I am pointing to his place, but he is house for a little while would recall not here. Mr Tee made all sorts of I can assure the President that if I the performance of Justin Madden wild, weird and ridiculous allegations wanted to filibuster, I would do a lot as Minister for Planning. He sat on against Mr Guy. Despite the fact that better job than that. the government benches, and he did Mr Tee has presented absolutely no This motion must be taken together exactly what he did in his ministerial evidence at all — none, zilch, zero with consideration of what has gone office: vague. — to back up what he said, I am here before. I think it was a ruling by an The lights were on, but nobody was to say that the Matthew Guy I know Acting President in your absence could not possibly be guilty of the home — and I am not sure if the lights this morning, President, that in his were on sometimes. allegations that Mr Tee is throwing view it is a quite reasonable thing around. It is quite ludicrous. for reference to be made to what has Mr Leane — On a point of order, I think it was Mr Barber who a little gone before, including the history President, Mr Finn is reflecting on a earlier mentioned Miley Cyrus and of former ministers for planning as current member of the Parliament, tweeting. I am not sure how he got compared with the current one. I and if he wants to do that in an onto that. I do not know much about believe that is a reasonable thing to appropriate fashion, he needs to do it Miley Cyrus’s tweeting. I understand do. It is very hard to say what sort of a by substantive motion. that she was involved in some case a minister anybody is on a one-off basis Mr FINN — On the point of order, while back. without being able to compare them President, my view of that is that I was I am informed by people who to those who have gone before. referring to him in a past capacity, know these things that she has been I want members just for a moment not in his current role. I have not seen involved in twerking. I have no idea to cast their minds back to the last him in action since he moved to the what that is, but I am told also that couple of planning ministers, and Legislative Assembly. I was referring Clive Palmer does it as well. I do not compare them to this one. to his role in the Legislative Council, which was a past role, not his current know about other members, but given I have given some praise to the the choice, when it comes to twerking role as the member for Essendon and current Minister for Planning; shadow minister for innovation and I will have Miley Cyrus over Clive I think he is, as I said, a man of Palmer any day of the week. That is small business and Shadow Minister vision, honesty and integrity and for Tourism and Major Events. something — — somebody who has the best interests Mr Leane — On a point of order, of Victorians at heart. When Rob The PRESIDENT — Order! President, of relevance, I am not Hulls was Minister for Planning — Whether or not Mr Finn was too sure that a comparison of Clive and it may well be that Mr Tee is out referring to the member in the past Palmer’s and Miley Cyrus’s twerking having a cup of tea with him now; I or in his current circumstances does has any relevance to the motion. do not know, but Mr Tee is still not not matter to me in terms of the Mr FINN — On the point of order, here — Mr Tee was, as I understand substance of the matter. President, in the debate reference it, a senior adviser to Mr Hulls. That I wish to take up what Mr Finn said was made to Miley Cyrus, and I being the case I wonder what he did, earlier about a ruling by an acting was making a passing reference to because it is well known — and Mr president. Whilst the acting presidents a particular matter that has already Hulls himself on one occasion let the do a fabulous job, I do not necessarily been raised in the debate earlier cat out of the bag — that Mr Hulls agree with all their rulings. In respect today. regarded planning as a relief from of the ruling that I think Mr Finn is The PRESIDENT — Order! Mr his work as Attorney-General. That is referring to, can I say that I would Leane’s point of order has been made the way planning was treated in this not have allowed such an expansive at a time when it certainly crossed state under Mr Hulls: it was light relief debate. I would not have allowed my mind that perhaps this debate when that gentleman wanted to get the references to former ministers. was starting to wander well away away from the serious job, as he saw I have listened to what Mr Finn has from the motion before the Chair. it, of sabotaging the legal system. had to say about Mr Hulls, and I think Whilst I understand that Mr Finn was Something that I think a lot of that so far what Mr Finn has said has providing some quite strong support people in this state, and certainly been totally irrelevant to this motion and character reference for Mr Guy people I have spoken to out my way, today. It has no parallel at all with the in respect of a ferry service that he hold as a matter of deep regret is current minister, and therefore it is seems to have been instrumental that Rob Hulls ever actually held the not material that really ought to be part of this debate. It brings into play

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 9 the question of relevance in terms of a withdrawal of a comment that Mr Mr Viney — On the point of order, what has been said. Viney made which was in the same President, this relates very much to I am concerned about some aspects vein. In both circumstances I believe points of order I was trying to make of events earlier this morning. Mr the remarks were unparliamentary when this debate lost some degree Finn said I was not in the chair and in the sense that they suggested of dignity and control earlier in the that perhaps I should have been in the corrupt behaviour of individuals, and day. To that extent, my point at the chair. I know Mr Finn was not casting I do not think there was anything to time, which I repeat, is that I cannot any aspersions on me personally for substantiate that behaviour. see how it is relevant or appropriate not being in the chair at that point, The word ‘corrupt’ and the concept to drag into this debate commentary but I wish I had been in the chair of corruption are not part of this that may or may not have been made because I think I would have steered motion, and there is absolutely in a previous debate in a previous this debate in a somewhat different nothing to substantiate corruption. Parliament. It is an attempt to smear direction to the one it seems to have Therefore that word is definitely the reputation of someone who is still taken. unparliamentary in the context of a serving member of this Parliament. I am keen on consistency in terms today’s proceedings. This is where this whole debate of how this debate is managed today, As I said, at an appropriate juncture started to get out of control. It should but I ask Mr Finn to come back to today I will be asking the Leader of have been ruled out of order at the a more relevant line of argument the Government to withdraw the time. It was not, and a whole range in terms of the motion before the remark that he made. I have had a of discussions were introduced as a Chair. In order to do that it is not discussion with him, and he is quite consequence. We should pull it back appropriate to reflect on a member as happy to withdraw. He accepts my now. not having done his job in the way Mr position on that matter. At the same Mrs Peulich — On the point of Finn might have expected. Mr Finn time I will also be extending a request order, President, I understand you was close in terms of his criticism of to Mr Viney as Deputy President for followed some of the earlier debate, Mr Madden, but I do not think he was a less stark but nonetheless similar that you have reviewed some of the unparliamentary. comment made in his contribution record and you may well be aware I do not think what he was saying today. that Mr Viney’s characterisation of warranted a substantive motion at Mr FINN — President, thank you for that debate in the point of order he that point, but it was close. It was clarifying those matters. just made is very different to what certainly not, in my opinion, relevant actually transpired. The point that Mr Tee — You can tear up your was being made at the time was that to the debate before the Chair. Where notes now. a member is to continue to bring in it was relevant to look at the previous Mr FINN — I welcome Mr Tee censure motions and at the depth information or lead a line of argument back to the chamber. The Chair was that involves a previous incumbent and veracity of evidence that was resumed at 5 minutes past 2, and half presented to the chamber in order for as planning minister, then in my view an hour later Mr Tee has decided to it must show some parallel with the such a censure motion to succeed. wander back in. I welcome him back. In my view the fact that it happened current minister in the context of the I hope he has had a very enjoyable motion that we have before us today. in the previous Parliament, as a lunch, snooze or whatever he has matter of process, is not relevant. The motion is a serious one. It lays been up to. out a number of points that deserve What is relevant is that new members I believe the Minister for Planning, of Parliament who have not been rebuttal and are being rebutted, but who is under attack in this motion not one of those points involves a privy to the conduct of a censure today, would never have got involved motion, which should be a rarity previous incumbent, and I do not in something like the Brimbank City know at this point, in any of the rather than commonplace, should Council scandal. Mr Guy would not be able to measure, gauge and learn debate throughout the entire day, that be so clueless as to let his office be there has been any parallel drawn in from previous practice of this house, used by comrades in his own party to much of which is documented in conduct that would suggest that it is run an empire. If Mr Guy were to meet relevant to pursue former ministers. Rulings from the Chair. Mr Viney Hakki Suleyman, I am sure the alarm keeps misrepresenting the debate that Mr O’Brien — On a point of order, bells would ring immediately, as they occurred at the time. President, rulings have been made by did with me. The PRESIDENT — Order! I uphold a number of acting presidents; some Mr Leane — On a point of order, of them are in the chamber now, as is the point of order on the basis of President, in relation to relevance, Mr relevance. Mr Finn is now proffering the Deputy President. For consistency Finn is again wandering off into all in the conduct of this and other a hypothetical situation which is sorts of history and false accusations. absolutely irrelevant to the debate on debates in the future, it may be of It is a narrow motion, and Mr Finn assistance and of benefit to members the motion before the Chair. I ask Mr should be going back to being Finn to come back to the terms of this and acting presidents if, as you relevant to the motion. indicated before lunch, you would motion in his line of argument. review Hansard and provide some Mr FINN — On the point of order, The terms of this motion are guidance on the matters you have just President, I have not made allegations quite clear. The lead speaker for the touched upon. against anybody. All I have said is that opposition prosecuted his case within the Minister for Planning would not The PRESIDENT — Order! I agree the parameters of the motion. have got involved in something. I have Mrs Peulich has noted that other with Mr O’Brien, and in fact I have just touched upon that. I mentioned reviewed the record. At a point when speakers seem to have wandered a name which has clearly raised the off into other areas in terms of the Leader of the Government is hackles of members opposite, but in the chamber I will be seeking a their attack or defence, and she is I have made no allegations against absolutely right — they should have withdrawal of a particular remark anybody. I do not understand what that he made. I will also be seeking been pulled up earlier. But the fact Mr Leane is on about. is I am now in the chair and they

IN 10 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE have been pulled up. We are back on this afternoon. I cannot wait to parties, and we probably have more to the motion before the Chair; this speak again on the east-west link, but than is strictly good for us. is what I am listening to — lines of instead we are talking about this. We One thing that has come to my argument that are relevant to this are slandering people like Meg Bartel. attention is particularly disturbing. motion. Perhaps this will be a lesson I have known Meg for over 20 years, Yesterday a photo was posted to my to us all, particularly newer members and I know her to be a — — Facebook wall showing a piece of of the chamber, in terms of where we Ms Crozier — Decent. graffiti in the federal seat of Wills. It go from here. A hypothetical about a Mr FINN — A very decent and showed a fence with a familiar green minister meeting another individual triangle used by one political party, has no relevance to this motion. Mr honest person. Yet this motion attempts to slander her, and I think with the following words painted Finn to continue on a different line of inside: ‘Vote Green — or die’. argument. that is despicable. It attempts to drag former planning minister Rob Whether a prediction or a threat — Mr FINN — I am very happy Maclellan into this matter. I think that and I cannot say which it is — I find to embark on a different line of for all Rob Maclellan’s sometimes this sort of intrusion into the election argument, President. As I say, I am colourful practices, he was a damn campaign not just un-Australian but extremely disappointed that you were good planning minister. He opened anti-Australian. not in the chair earlier, and I hope Melbourne up in a way it had never Victoria’s most prominent that we will have the benefit of your been opened before, and that has parliamentary representative of the wisdom to a greater degree if this sort to be a very good thing. The motion Greens party, Mr Adam Bandt, should of matter is raised in the future. attempts to slander former Premier immediately publicly dissociate I am looking at the motion that Mr and the federal member himself and his party from this sort of Tee has presented to the house. He for Flinders, Greg Hunt. You have obscenity. He should rebuke whoever got up in here today and gave what to wonder. If the real target of this is responsible for this disgraceful was at best a rambling performance motion is not in fact Mr Guy, it just graffiti. I have never seen anything of snide innuendo, cracks at people’s might be Mr Hunt, who of course is up like this outrageous endorsement of characters, muckraking and the sort for re-election, and no doubt will be the Greens in almost four decades of of thing that, I have to say, we have re-elected, on Saturday. political involvement. It is up to Mr come to expect from him, quite This sort of motion does the Bandt to slap this down immediately honestly. That is deeply regrettable. opposition little credit and it does and do his best to ensure it never My understanding from listening to the house little credit. As various happens again. This is Australia. Mr Tee in the last sitting week was that members, various acting presidents Dying because one votes the so-called he actually had something worthwhile and you, President, have said, this ‘wrong’ way is not our way. It is now to say. I think it is disappointing when is a very serious motion. Members up to the Greens to do the right thing. he builds up our expectations. should not bring motions like this As you are aware, President, Mr to the house unless they have good COUNCIL | Adjournment Guy was very keen to ensure that the reason to do so, and Mr Tee does not. 4 September 2013 debate went ahead in the last sitting Anybody who listened to him today week, on the basis that there was knows that he has no evidence to something worthwhile to debate, back up the scurrilous allegations he and so here we are. Two weeks later threw around the chamber against Foodbank we have come in here. There was a the Minister for Planning. I am very big build-up, and Mr Tee got up and happy and I am very comfortable in Victoria delivered absolutely nothing. Can my support for Mr Guy. I know him Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) anybody tell me exactly what this to be an honourable, outstanding — I wish to raise a matter for allegation is? Can anybody tell me the minister — a minister of vision and the attention of the Minister basis for this motion? a great member of the Napthine for Community Services, Mary I am not talking about previous government. I very strongly oppose Wooldridge. It follows on from a visit ministers who have had similar this motion and will be voting against we both made to the headquarters of motions moved against them in the it at the first opportunity. Foodbank Victoria in Yarraville last past where there was substantial week. Mrs Coote interjected. evidence as to their wrongdoing. COUNCIL | Members Statements I am not allowed to mention that 4 September 2013 Mr FINN — As Mrs Coote so — although that makes the idea of correctly points out, Foodbank precedent a bit irrelevant as well. We Victoria is an extraordinary have here a shadow minister who has organisation. It is an independent, come into this chamber with a pretty Federal election not-for-profit organisation that aims impressive looking motion, it has to Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — to deliver nutritious, healthy food to be said, but there is nothing to it. It is Election time brings some intriguing individuals and families experiencing empty. It is a bit lacking. It is all noise; sights. We have seen a Prime Minister hardship. Foodbank Victoria has had there is nothing to it. running ragged across Australia, more than 80 years experience and Mr O’Brien — It’s a cardboard cut- throwing money at anything that is the state’s oldest and largest food out. moves and showing what pressure relief organisation. can do to somebody without Mr FINN — It is a cardboard cut- It sources and distributes donated character. We have seen a Treasurer out, Mr O’Brien. There is no basis food and provides emergency relief to trying to misuse his own department’s for this motion. As I say, we have Victorians through a network of more findings in a grubby attempt to serious matters to discuss in this than 450 community organisations, mislead Australians on costings. Parliament. We have another motion including welfare agencies, schools Throw in Big Clive, the Mad Katter on the east-west link to debate later and local resource centres. During and a variety of other loony fringe the 2011-12 financial year, Foodbank

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 11 Victoria distributed over 6.9 million I note the interjections and the Not only did Labor botch the Ararat meals across the metropolitan, discussion during previous questions prison project — which was botched regional and rural communities of from Mr Jennings and Ms Mikakos, and bungled in the finest tradition of Victoria. As I am sure the minister is who would criticise investments in Labor projects, up there with myki aware, Foodbank Victoria is also part community safety. The Victorian and the desalination plant — but it of the state government’s disaster coalition government is very proud said no on three separate occasions response and recovery plan to of its record when it comes to to building a new prison at Ravenhall. distribute emergency aid in times of community safety, and unlike Labor That is what the Auditor-General crisis. and the former Treasurer, who is now found in his report of last year. Foodbank Victoria’s vision is very the Leader of the Opposition, the The coalition is getting on with the simple: healthy food for all. I am coalition government — — job of addressing community safety sure that is something that every Ms Mikakos — I think my concerns. Who was the Treasurer member of this house will agree constituents want a hospital bed as a who said no on those three separate is very admirable. The purpose of priority, not a prison bed. occasions to a new prison? It was Foodbank Victoria is to source and Hon. E. J. O’DONOHUE — I take up Mr Lenders. On three separate distribute healthy food to community the interjection from Ms Mikakos. occasions he said no to community organisations to assist Victorians I accept your ruling, President, but safety investment and infrastructure. experiencing hardship. I find it unbelievable that members of The coalition is proud to make this This particular organisation brings this house would criticise investment announcement today. together from across Victoria a wide in community safety, because that is variety of people of goodwill who are what Ms Mikakos is doing — she is COUNCIL | Condolences committed to helping their fellow criticising investment in community 17 September 2013 man who may be going through some safety. We are fixing a black hole, as tough times. I have seen firsthand the Mr Davis said. amounts of food that are distributed We have made sentencing on a daily basis, and it is quite reforms to better reflect community Hon. James breathtaking. Those who have not expectations. We are reforming the had the chance to see how Foodbank parole system. We have already made Halford Ramsay Victoria operates should really take Hon. D. M. DAVIS (Minister for significant changes to the parole Health) — I move: the opportunity if it ever arises. Of system, and there will be further course the demand for Foodbank reforms to the parole system. We are That this house expresses its Victoria’s services is forever on the recruiting and deploying more police. sincere sorrow at the death, on 22 August 2013, of the Honourable increase, and that is the reason I raise We are recruiting and deploying this matter this evening. James Halford Ramsay and places additional protective services officers. on record its acknowledgement of I know the minister is familiar with As part of the investment in the valuable services rendered by Foodbank Victoria, as she has visited community safety, I am very him to the Parliament and people the organisation on a number of pleased to advise the house that the of Victoria as a member of the occasions, and I ask her to direct the government has brought forward the Legislative Assembly for the district officials in her department to liaise expansion of Victoria’s newest prison, of Balwyn from 1973 to 1988 and with Foodbank Victoria to determine as Minister of Labour and Industry at Ravenhall. It is regrettable that from 1978 to 1982, Minister of the needs of that organisation with a we do not have bipartisan support view to bringing the sort of assistance Consumer Affairs from 1978 to for this important community safety 1981 and Minister for Economic to Foodbank Victoria that it brings to infrastructure. people during hard times. Development from 1981 to 1982. The new medium-security prison will accommodate 1000 prisoners. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) COUNCIL | Questions without Notice As part of our focus on long-term — I was deeply saddened to hear that 17 September 2013 planning, it was announced in the Jim Ramsay had left us. Jim Ramsay 2012-13 budget last May that a 500- was first and foremost a good bloke, bed prison on a footprint of 1000 and I liked him a great deal. He was Ravenhall prison beds would be built at Ravenhall. The an outstanding parliamentarian, a Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — government is bringing forward the fine minister and a wonderful servant My question without notice is directed expansion of this new prison to 1000 of the people of Victoria, but he was to the Minister for Corrections, beds as part of this announcement. also a top bloke who cared about Mr O’Donohue, and I ask: can the This will create a jobs boom for people and their future. I suppose to minister update the house on the Melbourne’s west; up to 650 jobs will that extent he was also somewhat a state coalition government’s further be created during construction. statesman. plans to boost capacity in Victoria’s Ms Pennicuik interjected. I did not know Jim during his long prison system? Hon. E. J. O’DONOHUE — I note and distinguished parliamentary Hon. E. J. O’DONOHUE (Minister the feedback from the Greens, who career. for Corrections) — I thank Mr Finn criticise jobs as part of community I first met him in the 1990s, when for his interest in the exciting and safety. There will be 650 jobs created he showed just how much he cared important Ravenhall prison project, during construction, and there will be for people and for our future. As because community safety is one 600 ongoing jobs. Mr Davis mentioned, he was the of the fundamental tenets of the But of course this investment in Victorian convenor of Australians Victorian coalition government. We Ravenhall prison, and our investment for Constitutional Monarchy, an are proud to be a government with in the corrections system generally, is organisation that I remain a member a strong law and order focus and a fixing the black hole, as described by of to this day, during the lead-up to strong focus on community safety. Mr Davis, in the corrections system. the 1999 referendum on a republic.

IN 12 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE It has to be said that at that time the of Human Rights and Responsibilities thousands of Victorian children to be result in Victoria was looking a little is a blight on our state and one that killed each year and which precludes bit dodgy. It would have been a very I hope will soon be gone. We have to doctors from exercising their right brave man indeed who would have remember — — to conscientious objection to this put any money on the constitutional Ms Mikakos — Is that your party’s vile and barbaric practice. I have monarchy winning the vote in Victoria policy now? to question the title of this report, in the lead-up to that referendum, but Mr FINN — Ms Mikakos may Protecting Us All, when clearly many Jim Ramsay was the leader of a team well remember my comments in thousands of children in this state that turned things around. It was a my maiden speech on this subject are being killed irrespective of what huge effort, but they did it, and Jim because I think she walked out shortly the charter may say. Victoria would led the team. Victoria joined every thereafter. My view has not changed. be far better off without this charter. other state in Australia in voting no I have my views on the Victorian I look forward to its repeal. As I said, to trashing our constitution. I believe Equal Opportunity and Human Victoria will be a better place when it that also makes him a patriot. Rights Commission too, although is gone. That alone would normally be under the chairmanship of John enough to etch Jim Ramsay into our Searle it has improved its game, and COUNCIL | Questions without Notice collective memories, but when we I am delighted to be able to say that. 18 September 2013 add to that his role in the Parliament I had experience with the former and cabinet of the time as well as his Equal Opportunity Commission, and role in the community since, it makes at the time equal opportunity was Jim Ramsay someone we should not something it was not particularly Waterways forget. I am sure that other members interested in at all. of this house join me in giving thanks planning controls The whole thing was something of a Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) for the life that he gave us in the state misnomer. of Victoria. — My question without notice is The Charter of Human Rights and directed to my friend and colleague Motion agreed to in silence, Responsibilities was the child of a honourable members showing the Minister for Planning, Mr Guy, man of the time, the most dangerous and I ask: can the minister inform the unanimous agreement by standing in individual in the Victorian Parliament, their places. house what action the government is the then Attorney-General of Victoria, taking to protect Melbourne’s iconic Rob Hulls. He was heavily into waterways? COUNCIL | Statements on Reports legislating for political correctness at Hon. M. J. GUY (Minister for 18 September 2013 every point that we knew of and quite Planning) — I thank Mr Finn for a few that we did not. His outrageous a very important question about agenda was very much to the fore the future of Melbourne’s iconic when he came up with this Charter of waterways, in particular the Victorian Equal Human Rights and Responsibilities, health of Melbourne’s two iconic which in his view would be able to waterways, being of course the Opportunity and enter into every point of our lives Yarra River and, as Mr Finn would right across this great state of Victoria. know, the Maribyrnong River which Human Rights One thing we know about this charter flows through his electorate. Those is that the rights of minorities are iconic waterways are rivers that this Commission: protected. The then Attorney-General government believes, more than made it very clear that he wanted the anything else, need to be protected. Protecting Us All rights of minorities to be protected. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) This chamber will be aware that last He did not particularly care about the year I brought in state recognition of — I rise on this very wet Melbourne rights of the majority — far from it — evening to speak on the — — those two iconic waterways through but the rights of minority groups were the VC96 amendment to the Victoria Hon. M. J. Guy — Sandbags. certainly very high on his agenda. planning provisions. This led to an almost Orwellian Brave Mr FINN — Sandbags Flannery is Importantly, I provided very strict about to depart the scene, but he is New World where some things meant things they used to mean and some planning guidelines to enforce putting on his last show outside for us protection of those rivers so their tonight! things meant something they did not mean at all. Over the years we iconic beauty is maintained and the I wish to speak on a report of natural ambience and open space the Victorian Equal Opportunity have seen this charter champion the rights of prisoners but not victims. It around them is protected from and Human Rights Commission, inappropriate development. Protecting Us All — 2012 Report champions the rights of the unelected judiciary but not the Parliament. We That amendment brought forward on the Operation of the Charter of mandatory height controls of 9 Human Rights and Responsibilities. are the elected representatives of the people, but this charter puts the rights metres, which is two storeys plus an I have to say, just looking at this attic; strict controls in relation to site document, I can see it is very well put of the unelected judiciary above this Parliament, something I believe is a coverage on the blocks adjoining together and well laid out. Obviously those two waterways; vegetation it is quite an expensive document. basic flaw beyond all else. Despite the fact that this report is removal; drainage requirements; A great deal of time, effort and a discouragement of development public money went into production entitled Protecting Us All, the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities that intrudes on existing private of this document. What a tragedy that and public open space next to the is, because basically the whole thing had no impact at all on the greatest attack on human rights this state Yarra and Maribyrnong rivers; and is a waste of time. As I have pointed importantly, it also recognised the out in this house before, the Charter has ever seen — that is, the Abortion Law Reform Act 2008, which allows importance of those two rivers

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 13 through the state planning policy COUNCIL | Members Statements COUNCIL | Adjournment framework. 18 September 2013 18 September 2013 I have much pleasure in informing the chamber that the government has put in place the second stage Warren Mundine Caroline of that amendment — that is, the Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) implementation of this policy — Today is a great day for Australia. Chisholm Society for the upper Yarra River reaches A new Prime Minister is about to be Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) between Burke Road, Ivanhoe, and sworn in in a little over an hour to — I raise a matter for the Minister for Warrandyte, through the cities of give our nation a strong, united and Community Services, the Honourable Banyule and Manningham and the purposeful government once again. Mary Wooldridge. It concerns an shire of Nillumbik. Importantly, this As we congratulate Tony Abbott organisation which has been active bringing forward of the second stage and his team and celebrate change in the western suburbs of Melbourne of the amendment will ensure that without any shootings or riots on for a very long time — for as long as the upper reaches of the Yarra River the streets, there is one aspect of I can remember and probably a little will finally get the protection the the federal election I find deeply bit longer as well. That organisation river deserves and has long needed. disturbing and totally despicable. is the Caroline Chisholm Society, It will get the protection that many I refer to reports in the media of which provides support for women governments have talked about but Indigenous leader and former who are having difficult pregnancies only this government is providing. Australian Labor Party president and also provides support for those Importantly, I can tell the chamber Warren Mundine being subjected to women after they have had their today that through the government’s racial abuse from Labor members children. It is an organisation which metropolitan planning strategy we and supporters angry that he voted over a 40-year or maybe even 50-year will be, in time, offering these levels Liberal. period has contributed significantly of controls to all councils across the An article published by the News to supporting mothers and babies metropolitan area. Network on 10 September states: in the western suburbs. Each year it They will be able to submit A tirade of racist slurs were supports approximately 1500 to 2000 to the government ideas about directed at Mr Mundine, who clients, depending on its funding protecting iconic waterways in will run incoming Prime Minister at any given time. It has about 100 their municipalities that mirror the Tony Abbott’s indigenous advisory volunteers and revenue of about $1.3 Maribyrnong and Yarra river controls council, after he tweeted how he million. to ensure that it is not just those two voted. For all that time the service has iconic waterways that are protected ... been provided from a very old but, as Mr Davis said, the tributaries The campaigner for Indigenous house in Park Street, Moonee Ponds. and smaller rivers are protected; jobs said that many of the racist Recently the society sold that house maybe Plenty River, Darebin Creek, texts and tweets he received were because it just was not up to the task. Merri Creek, Kananook Creek — — from white ALP members and non- It was unsuitable for a modern welfare Hon. D. M. Davis — Gardiners Indigenous supporters of the party. organisation. In fact it stopped the Creek. The article further states: staff from meeting increased demand and it was not suitable for hosting Hon. M. J. GUY — Gardiners Mr Mundine said the abuse Creek and others. These key iconic directed at him from members of groups. It had no natural reception waterways frame our open space his former party — which he quit in area, and clients and donors did not across this grand metropolis of August 2012 — could deter further know if the house was open. There Melbourne. This government is going Indigenous leaders from aspiring to was a whole range of issues around to offer those protective measures public life. that particular building. The society to all our metropolitan councils. He said the left, which had has purchased a building in Mount This is the first time any government advocated against racism, had Alexander Road, Moonee Ponds, will offer control such as this to turned on him. obviously to keep up the service that councils across the city to ensure ‘I copped a fair amount of racial is necessary. There is also a branch of that our waterways are once and abuse over the weekend’, he said. the organisation in Caroline Springs and one in Shepparton, but for the for all protected from inappropriate ‘Some of the self-righteous people development. moment I will refer to just the Moonee on the left who attack people for Ponds branch. I, as no doubt are Mr Finn and all being racist. About 40 per cent of members on this side, am proud attacks on me have been racial. It Obviously support is needed in to be part of a government that is because I voted Liberal and I am order for the new facilities to go does not just talk about protecting working for Tony Abbott. ahead and be up to scratch. At this our waterways from inappropriate The left is very fond of throwing time the society is actively seeking development but for the first time around the term ‘racist’ in this support from many members of the in Melbourne’s history is actually country but the treatment of Mr community and indeed from the doing something about it. We on Mundine in this particular instance government. this side view the protection of our tells us exactly where the racists really I know that a lot of people in the iconic rivers as absolutely paramount. are. western suburbs and the Essendon Unlike governments of the past, we area in particular are very fond of do not just talk about it, we are in fact the Caroline Chisholm Society and doing it. contribute to the ongoing costs of the organisation, but a shift of this nature requires a great deal more money than comes in via the normal donor scheme that the society may

IN 14 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE have. I ask the minister to take into seen it. seen, at both federal and state levels, consideration the work the Caroline In recent years we have witnessed groups that are using children for Chisholm Society does and also that some extremely distressing incidents. their own agendas. It is not on. It has it needs money and to direct officers I can think of two that have resulted to stop. I am delighted to say that I in her department to give active in the deaths of four children. I think believe this bill goes a substantial way consideration to what assistance can everybody knows the case that I am to changing the attitude of which I be given to the Caroline Chisholm talking about. speak. It has to stop. We have to return Society. For example, I cannot drive across to the attitude that we have as our first the West Gate Bridge, which obviously responsibility the obligation to protect COUNCIL | Second Reading I do on a frequent basis, without those who cannot protect themselves, 19 September 2013 thinking of the murder of little Darcey and they are particularly children. Freeman. I cannot emphasise to this I want to congratulate the house just how much stress it causes Attorney-General, Robert Clark, me to see that sort of violence and who is doing a brilliant job in his Children, Youth betrayal by a parent of one of their role, the Minister for Community own children. Services, Mary Wooldridge, who And Families But of course it is not just about is doing a sensational job as well, Darcey Freeman. Last night I got back and, might I say, Mrs Coote, who Amendment Bill to my lodgings, turned the television is also doing a brilliant job in her on and heard about the case in New role as Parliamentary Secretary for 2013 South Wales of a woman who had Families and Community Services. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) been sent to jail for doing a similar I want to congratulate those three — If Mr Leane cared to wander across thing. She did not throw her child people on the work they are doing but the chamber, he would note that I from a bridge, but assaulted her child particularly for this bill. have made these notes myself; they and then allowed the child to die. I do For those of us who are not used to have not been prepared by anybody not understand how anybody could the legal system, I know from having else — but never let the facts get in the do that. I do not understand how had an experience some years ago way of a good story. anybody can hurt kids. I suppose I can that going into a court, on either We like to think we live in understand sometimes a parent might side of the beak, can be and usually enlightened times. We like to think lash out in frustration; doing so is not is a pretty horrifying experience for that early in the 21st century we are acceptable, but I can understand that adults. I cannot begin to imagine further advanced as human beings it happens. Having four children at what impact that must have on a frail, than we have ever been. That seems home, I know that they can drive you innocent, weak child who is faced to be the view of the community and to drink sometimes. with the inside of a court and is just the view of academia and society Mrs Peulich — A drink of water. not, and cannot be, prepared for what generally. I put it to the house may lie ahead. today that if indeed we do live in Mr FINN — Yes, a drink of water. I see so many instances of children Business interrupted pursuant to enlightened times, then we should standing orders. not need this bill at all; it would not being hurt or murdered, and it Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — be necessary. That is not to say that I mystifies me what sort of a society As I was saying before question time, do not support the bill; I very much we have that allows these things to for a child to front the court process support the bill and think it is a giant happen. must be a truly horrifying experience, step in the right direction. However, As Mr Ondarchie said, children particularly for a child who has been if we lived in enlightened times, we must be our first priority — must be! through such a traumatic experience would not need this bill, because we As adults and legislators we have a that it has got them there in the first would not have family violence and responsibility first and foremost to place. That experience may well certainly would not have child abuse. protect those who cannot protect themselves, and that is children have involved seeing a parent being Perhaps I am fortunate or naive, or assaulted. It may have involved perhaps both, but I do not understand perhaps more than anybody else, irrespective of how young, small and being assaulted themselves. It is not the cowardice behind family violence. something we should be encouraging I do not understand how any man vulnerable they are. As adults and legislators we have a responsibility to to add to the trauma these children can hit a woman. That disgusts me have already suffered. deeply to my very being. When it protect children, and I am delighted It is a very good thing indeed that comes to child abuse, I do not believe to say that that is what this bill is all the Children, Youth and Families any penalty is severe enough for those about. Amendment Bill 2013 is introducing who treat children as playthings or I remember a time — a long time a situation where children — young who harm and perhaps even kill little ago now, it seems — when children’s people — will not have to physically kids. welfare always came first. attend the Children’s Court. Child Over the years I have seen some In the public arena, in terms of protection workers will explain to people, both males and females, who, legislation, attitude and public policy, children what is involved in attending in the process of marriage break-ups, the welfare of children was always court and ascertain whether they wish use children as weapons. I have seen paramount. At some time over the to attend. If they choose to attend, the both sides do this. Some people use last 30 or 40 years that seems to workers will familiarise the children children to lash out at their former have lost its impact and faded away. with what will occur on the day. When partner, husband or wife. To me, that Other groups — noisier groups, lobby a child chooses not to attend, child is despicable in every way, and I hope groups, groups that perhaps have protection workers or delegated case and pray that the enlightenment I more political clout — seem to have managers will continue to facilitate spoke of earlier might come along at got in ahead of those we really should the child’s participation in decision some stage, but as yet we have not be protecting. Over decades we have making, and arrangements will be

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 15 made for the child to give instructions are going through the court process by the Minister for Planning I am to a lawyer away from the court and who have been through some real representing the people of Wyndham. building where necessary. difficulties or real trauma. I commend If members were to speak to the This is a giant step in the right the Attorney-General, the Minister people of Wyndham, they would direction, and it gets back to what I for Community Services and the find there are very few who would was saying before about putting the Parliamentary Secretary for Families have a bad word to say about the welfare of the child first and foremost and Community Services for bringing Minister for Planning, because he has in our thinking. this bill before the house. I wish it a done an outstanding job, not just in I cannot begin to imagine the speedy passage. Werribee and not just in Wyndham horrors that must have faced children Harbour. Residents of Point Cook in the past when they were compelled COUNCIL have a very high opinion of him, and to attend court in this manner, but I 15 October 2013 understandably so. Mr Guy has been think this bill with the new provisions behind the new development in East will make a lot of children’s lives a Werribee, and the jobs potential of lot better. That has to be a very good that project is exciting just about every thing. Wyndham resident of Wyndham, who know Mr I remember back in 1979 — and Guy and the Napthine government yes, my memory does go back that Planning Scheme are driving that development. far — my first ever plane trip was Tonight I want to talk about the to Canberra, which was somewhat (C156 Wyndham Wyndham Harbour development. It is of a disappointment I have to say, worth noting that Mr Tee is currently to attend a conference for the Harbour not in the chamber — he has a habit International Year of the Child. Some of running into this place and saying, might remember that Phillip Adams development) ‘No, you cannot have it!’, and then and a few people who were around at Hon. M. J. GUY (Minister for running out again, and he has done that time made a lot of money out of Planning) — I move: it again. That is his level of interest in that. However, it had quite an impact That pursuant to section 46AH of the western suburbs of Melbourne at the time, and the slogan for that the Planning and Environment Act — he is not even in the chamber. He particular year was ‘care for kids’. 1987, Wyndham planning scheme simply tells us what we cannot have. There was a lot of advertising, a lot of amendment C156 be ratified. He says we cannot have hoopla around the International Year Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) development, we cannot have jobs, of the Child in 1979, but then it died. — I rise this afternoon as a very proud we cannot have investment and we It just faded away, and afterwards — I resident of the western suburbs and cannot have housing, and then he was going to say that we went back a very proud representative of the clears off. He should do the western to what we had before, but I think we western suburbs in this Parliament. suburbs of Melbourne a huge favour even deteriorated somewhat in our The same cannot be said for members and stay out of the place altogether. attitudes toward children and young opposite, who have spoken on this He should just stay away, because people. motion and turned this debate into he is doing the western suburbs of If we are serious about our roles the battle of Fitzroy Street. As we Melbourne no favours at all. in this Parliament — and I certainly know, members of the Labor Party We heard Mr Barber talk about am, I know Mr Leane is and I and members of — — how outrageous it is that Liberal know everybody on this side of the Mr Barber interjected. voters might be living in the western house is very serious about their Mr FINN — I do not know. I was suburbs of Melbourne. Let me assure responsibilities with regard to this referring to the street where all the Mr Barber and Mr Tee — if Mr Tee is area — then this is a slogan, if I can weirdos are — the ones with the to listen at some stage — that there use that term, that we should all piercings and the gothic look. If you are a lot of people in the western adopt: care for kids. Children must be saw them coming up the street, you suburbs of Melbourne who do vote protected; they need to be protected. would call the police. for the Liberal Party. In fact, if we They are not capable of protecting The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr look at the results of the last state themselves in most instances, and Ondarchie) — Order! Mr Finn to and federal elections, we see that it is clearly our responsibility to do continue. there is an increasing number who so. If we do not protect them, we Mr FINN — They are very strange- vote for the Liberal Party on a regular have failed monumentally. I have looking people; they are people who basis. I see Mr Melhem looking very to say, at the moment, that in many vote for the Greens. uncomfortable at that prospect, but instances we are failing children and the fact is that people in that area do little babies, who are suffering as a The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr vote for the Liberal Party. result of neglect, abuse or contempt of Ondarchie) — Order! Mr Finn, please continue! There is now a realisation among society. I believe we really have to get the people of the western suburbs of our heads around what is necessary Mr FINN — That is what this debate Melbourne that the Liberal Party is to change the attitudes that are is about for those opposite. They the party of the west. That is the fact prevailing in what is supposedly an do not care about what happens at of the matter. They look at what Labor enlightened time. Wyndham Harbour, they do care has done to them over generations I very warmly welcome the about what happens in Werribee and and they look at what the Liberals opportunity to support the Children, they do not care about what happens have done for them in recent times, Youth and Families Amendment Bill beyond North Fitzroy or Carlton, and they know that the Liberal Party is 2013. because to them it is all a battle for now the party of the western suburbs. the inner suburbs. Good luck to them You just have to ask the mayor of the I believe it is a big step in the right with that, but let me tell members that direction in assisting children who city of Wyndham, Cr Heather Marcus; in supporting this motion put forward she will be the first to tell you, as

IN 16 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE she did last week when the cabinet of the matter. defend him from attempts by locals to was out in Wyndham. It has been a This Wyndham Harbour use him as shark bait. I will resist that. while since any cabinet was out in development will change the way Perhaps I will not resist that; I do not Wyndham, I would suggest, but the that Melbourne, Victoria and indeed know. We will see what happens. Liberal-Nationals Napthine cabinet Australia sees the western suburbs An honourable member — They met in Wyndham last Monday. On of Melbourne. This is the beginning wouldn’t eat him. a number of occasions the mayor of a new dynamism in the west — an Mr FINN — That is true — not even made reference to the fact that the exciting new time for everybody in the a shark is going to swallow that. Napthine government had been more western suburbs of Melbourne. This ferry service is a very exciting supportive of the city of Wyndham I cannot tell you just how important and the west of Melbourne than development because, as we know, this development is, and I cannot tell the West Gate Bridge, the West Gate any Labor government that we have you how disgusted I am that the Labor previously had. Freeway and the Western Ring Road Party and the Greens have come into are pretty much at capacity. Whilst we That is instructive for anybody who this chamber tonight and told us they are waiting for the east-west link to be is keen to take a lesson. Anybody who are going to vote against it. This is an built — and certainly everybody in the wants to know what the new realities exciting, important development for western suburbs is very much looking of the western suburbs are should be Melbourne’s western suburbs, and forward to that, including Mr Melhem aware that the Napthine government Labor and the Greens are going to — this ferry service from Point Cook now has the western suburbs on its vote against it. Shameful. That tells us to Williamstown and Wyndham radar more than any government what they really think of the west of Harbour into the city will be a vital has before — ever. We are seeing the Melbourne. and exciting way for people to get out new west being built, but at the same There have been a few of us who of their cars and get to work. time the government is not forgetting have suspected it for quite some the old west. I know that Mr Guy, for I have always thought when visiting years, but we now know beyond Sydney that the ferry service would be example, has been very interested doubt because, as the Minister for to see the redevelopments around a wonderful way to get to work. The Planning, Minister Guy, points out, ferries in Sydney are almost a national Footscray, Braybrook and some of the you cannot hide how you vote. areas that might have been regarded icon. Down here in Melbourne these by the Labor Party — in fact I can You can make all sorts of noises ferries on the west coast of the bay pretty confidently say they have been about the western suburbs, and could also become tourist icons, not regarded by the Labor Party — as occasionally the opposition members just commuter ferries. For example, deadwood. They are not deadwood. do — very occasionally — but people could leave the city and take We know they are not deadwood, and the fact of the matter is that every the ferry down to Wyndham Harbour. we are certainly not going to let them member of the Labor Party in the They could visit the rose garden, the become deadwood. other place, every member of the equestrian centre and the open range Labor Party here and every member zoo — one of my favourite places The Wyndham Harbour of the Greens here will vote against down at Werribee. They could have a development is an extraordinarily Wyndham Harbour. They will vote big day there, spend some money for exciting one. I recall being at the against this extraordinarily important the local economy, provide some jobs launch of this development in development for Wyndham and the for local people and then trundle back Werribee some years ago. It would western suburbs. That is something to the ferry and travel back into town. have to have been about three or four that we on this side of the chamber You can see that the ferry service Mr years — — will be shouting from the rooftops. Guy is pursuing is going to be a big Mr Tee — Was it a glossy brochure? We will be telling everybody in the plus for the region in so many ways. Mr FINN — Yes, there was a glossy western suburbs exactly what Labor I want to remind people that this brochure. Mr Tee just happens to have and the Greens think of our part of is the very same ferry service that wandered back into the chamber. Melbourne. the Labor Party dismissed out of Someone has woken him, and he has I am particularly excited by this hand and lectured me on, saying wandered back into the chamber. It development because along with that it would never work. We will see is good to see him here — or perhaps this development comes a proposal about that, and I am looking forward it is not. I say to Mr Tee that if he is which I raised about five or six years to it. We have got two jokers — two really interested in knowing what is ago, which is the ferry service that members, I am sorry — sitting on the going on in Werribee and the city of we might remember at the time front bench over there, Mr Leane and Wyndham, he will have to wait until was dismissed out of hand. I well Mr Tee, who would not know where the east-west tunnel is built and he remember that the night I raised the Werribee is. They have never been to can come out and have a look for matter in the adjournment debate the open range zoo. They would not himself, because he clearly does not Mr Lenders and Mr Pakula were over know where the rose garden is. have a clue. In fact I very much doubt there having a chat. Hon. M. J. Guy interjected. that Mr Tee has ever been to Werribee They looked over at me and they Mr FINN — There is a line about in his life. He would not know how to said, ‘No, that won’t work’. They said, get there. the rose garden there, but I will leave ‘We’ve checked that out. That won’t that alone for a minute. I suggest very To get back to this development, work. You’re wasting your time’. So it strongly to the house that it support the Wyndham Harbour development was a delight when we had a minister this motion today. I thank the house is extraordinarily exciting, not just come along who could actually get in anticipation of that support, for the city of Wyndham but for the things done — Mr Guy. because this development is very western suburbs of Melbourne. This is Mr Tee — Where is it? exciting, dynamic and important for the most exciting development for our the future of the west of Melbourne. side of Melbourne that we have seen Mr FINN — It is coming, you fool. since the building of the international When it is actually up and running, airport at Tullamarine. That is the fact I will buy Mr Tee a ticket and I will

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 17 COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) provider of health services in the comment on the Tourism Victoria 15 October 2013 western suburbs of Melbourne. annual report for 2012-13. As many At that health service alone, members of this house would be approximately 300 families will be aware, tourism has been a passion affected. The loss of these benefits has for me for a number of years, going Foodbank the potential to have a major impact back to an earlier life in another on the ability of health services to place when I was a member of the Victoria retain and attract staff. These changes tourism committee in the Kennett Raised with the Minister for could have a significant impact on the government. We had an outstanding Community Services on 5 September delivery of health services through the tourism minister then, who just 2013 government and also the NGO sector. happens to be the same tourism REPLY: minister that we have now, and that of I would like to thank Mr Finn for COUNCIL | Members Statements course is the Minister for Tourism and bringing this matter to my attention. 16 October 2013 Major Events, the Honourable Louise I agree with Mr Finn that Foodbank Asher, who has done and continues Victoria is indeed an extraordinary to do a remarkable job in the tourism organisation. area. Foodbank Victoria has a strong and Carers Week People underestimate tourism proud history of delivering healthy Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) as a contributor to the economy. food to those experiencing hardship — This is Carers Week, and I would People underestimate tourism as a — including elderly pensioners, like to pay special tribute to those who contributor to employment growth, people with disability and budget care for so many in our community investment and a whole range of stretched individuals and families. who need that care, and many of areas where tourism makes a huge whom need that care just to live. As contribution. The important task of assisting someone who has almost all his life The bottom line is that on a whole people who are food insecure is one had someone either very sick or with range of scales tourism is money in that is shared by the government, a disability as an immediate family the bank. I remember many years ago community organisations and member, I know the importance of going to a meeting to discuss tourism. businesses. The Victorian government carers to the lives of so many across I had been overseas to have a look at contributes to this work through its our state and indeed across our a number of tourist destinations and funding of Foodbank Victoria. nation. The Victorian government provides have discussions with tourism boards We have three categories of carers in places as diverse as London and recurrent funding to Foodbank that I can see. We have professional to cover salaries, administration, New Orleans — and I know how it is carers, many of whom go way beyond pronounced now. operating and accommodation costs. the expectations of normal working Mrs Coote interjected. In 2013-14 the government will conditions to offer support to their provide approximately $2.6 million patients and clients. The needs Mr FINN — I learnt a great deal. I for Foodbank Victoria to collect of their patients and clients often have to say to Mrs Coote that it was donations of food and material aid to become an integral part of the lives of one of the great learning experiences be distributed through more than 500 those professional carers. Of course of my life. I came back and I was community organisations across the we have family members who make explaining to some of the local state. huge personal sacrifices to support operators some of the ways in which The Victorian government, through elderly parents, ill partners, children they could involve themselves in the Department of Human Services, with disabilities and so forth. tourist promotion and bringing more dollars into their local regions. I was will be meeting with Foodbank They give up their personal staggered at the time when a local Victoria to discuss issues affecting the ambitions and set aside personal member of Parliament, who shall organisation. advancement to be there for their remain nameless, got up and said, loved ones when they are needed. ‘We don’t need tourists out here. They COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) And of course we have volunteer fill our rubbish bins and they wreck carers, who dedicate their lives to 15 October 2013 our roads’. helping others without remuneration and without return. They are quite I thought to myself that this bloke remarkable people in every way that I would have to be the most short- Fringe benefits can see. sighted individual I had ever met in my life. I think he is still pretty I do not know what the criteria are close to being the most short-sighted tax for sainthood these days, but I suggest Raised with the Minister for Ageing individual that I have ever met in that the carers of Victoria meet those on 22 August 2013 my life. Tourism provides jobs and criteria many times over. REPLY: investment and supports small Mr Finn has asked about the business. There is not much that impact of changes to the proposed COUNCIL | Statements on Reports tourism does not do. federal government changes to FBT 16 October 2013 Just down the road from my legislation in regard to vehicle leasing electorate office in the Western on health and aged services in the Metropolitan Region we have a very western suburbs. Tourism Victoria: important component, possibly the I issued a media release on 20 most important component, of the August 2013 outlining the potential report 2012-13 Victorian tourism industry — that impacts of the proposed changes. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) is, Melbourne international airport. Western Health is the major — I rise this afternoon to make brief Anybody who has seen the growth of

IN 18 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE that airport over recent — — of Victoria Police, it distresses me still has a bruised face from where Mrs Coote interjected. enormously to bring this matter to the she was struck by this cowardly scum. Mr FINN — There is no curfew, as minister’s attention, but the events I She begged for help from police, but Mrs Coote points out by interjection. witnessed in Melbourne’s streets last they were clearly too busy ‘following Sydney Airport is a basket case. Saturday afternoon threaten the good orders’. Through tears she asked me, name of what I have long believed is ‘Dad, why won’t the police protect In fact Melbourne is on the verge of the best police force in Australia. us?’. taking over from Sydney on the basis that our airport is far superior. I think I Last Saturday, 12 October, some She deserves an answer. We all have said it before: Melbourne Airport 5000 opponents of Victoria’s evil deserve an answer. I ask the minister is the best airport in Australia. I do not abortion law gathered in the Treasury to ensure that that answer is provided. think there is any doubt about it at all. Gardens for the fifth annual March for the Babies. At this point I will declare You just have to look at some of COUNCIL | Second Reading my interest: I am president of March 17 October 2013 the new flights: Sichuan Airlines for the Babies Inc. The gathering launched its Australian services to included many family groups — Melbourne in February and will children right through to senior operate two to three flights per week citizens. Shortly after the march left Succession To to Chengdu; Singapore Airlines the gardens it came under physical introduced a fourth daily Singapore attack from a group of pro-abortion The Crown service in June; AirAsia X increased demonstrators. its flights from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur to nine services per week in These thugs assaulted many of the (Request) Bill June; Garuda Indonesia increased marchers, including me. Projectiles, its daily Denpasar to Melbourne eggs, paint bombs and balloons 2013 Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) services in May as well as adding five containing unspecified liquid were — It gives me enormous pleasure to Melbourne to Jakarta services per launched into the peaceful crowd. rise in this house today to support week; Etihad Airways announced in Women and children were singled out this bill. In supporting this legislation February that it would upgrade to for the vilest forms of obscenity, both I can tell the house that I stand here larger aircraft on its Melbourne to verbal and visual. a very proud supporter of Australia’s Abu Dhabi flights from December, After a 90-minute stand-off in system of government and Australia’s providing 13 104 additional seats Flinders Street, the March for the constitutional monarchy. per year for Victoria; and Qantas Babies participants decided to avoid commenced a new A380 service further confrontation by backtracking We heard from some speakers a between Melbourne and Dubai in and changing the route to its ultimate couple of weeks ago, one of whom April. For those members who have destination in front of this building. was Ms Hartland, who seemed highly not been on the A380, I can highly Violent attacks continued along amused by the whole thing; from recommend it. It is an extraordinary the new route until we reached memory, Ms Pulford was another one. aircraft, and those of us who live Parliament House, where an all-in There was a great deal of flippancy close enough to be able to watch the brawl was threatening. Marchers were and amusement about this piece of planes from our backyard know that punched, kicked and stomped on. legislation. I have absolutely no idea watching the A380 taking off is one of It was a dreadful day for free speech why that would be the case, because the most extraordinary things you will in Victoria. The ferals who did this what we are talking about here today ever experience. How it ever gets off set out to destroy our march. I am is not Her Majesty, not Prince Charles, the ground I do not know. delighted to say they did not. not Camilla and not Prince Harry, Prince William or anyone else. There are a number of others as What upsets me is the attitude and well. Melbourne Airport is going inaction of Victoria Police. We are talking about Australia’s absolute gangbusters, tourism in Police officers saw individuals system of government, which has Victoria is going gangbusters, and assaulted, property stolen or made us the envy of the world. It is this can be put down not just to the destroyed and a number of laws something that members opposite natural — and sometimes unnatural broken, yet not one arrest was made. should take into consideration. — attractions we have in Victoria More than that, they did nothing to Australia has been able to grow into but also to the fact that the Napthine protect a group of citizens exercising this great symbol of international government is prepared to put the their basic rights from being violently freedom as a result of our system of taxpayers money where its mouth is set upon. All this happened in full government. and support tourism in a way that will view of police. They did nothing to It is worth pointing out that Her bring that investment and that benefit stop it. Pleas for help were ignored. Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is not just back to the people of Victoria. A number of police members almost Queen of England; she is the Queen of apologetically explained that they Australia. My recollection is that it was Gough Whitlam, who is not exactly COUNCIL | Adjournment could not intervene because they known as a monarchist, who made 16 October 2013 were ‘following orders’. The only thing that avoided bloodshed was the her Queen of Australia. She is the restraint of marchers under the most Queen of Australia, and quite frankly, extraordinary provocation. that is something that we should Police protest I ask the minister, in conjunction celebrate. I will speak about the with the Chief Commissioner of contribution Her Majesty has made response Police, to instigate an inquiry into the to our nation and our world a little bit Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — police actions surrounding the lead- later on, but it is worth noting that Her I raise a matter for the attention of the up to and during the 2013 March for Majesty is the Queen of Australia. We Minister for Police and Emergency the Babies. My 15-year-old daughter are not just talking about something Services. As a long-time supporter foreign over there somewhere; we are

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 19 talking about our own monarch. months and years on end, endlessly illegally, just to keep the government People say to me, ‘Your background looking at their navels and discussing going. The democratically elected indicates that you would not be what sort of republic we should have Parliament was saying, ‘No, we will a monarchist’. Coming from Irish and what they want. After all these not give you the supply’. The Prime and German heritage as I do, that years they still cannot tell us what Minister at the time was saying, ‘I do is probably a fair assumption. The sort of republic they want. I say to not care; I will do it anyway’. We had Irish have had more than their republicans, ‘Instead of rabbiting on a situation that was just beyond the share of conflicts with the British, ad nauseam, get with the game’. We pale. It was untenable in every way, and the Germans have had the odd have a great system of government in and I regard the Governor-General at run-in with the Poms as well. If I Australia. that time, Sir John Kerr, as one of the were throwing bombs in Belfast, It is something we as Australians great heroes of Australian history. He if my family had never come to should be very proud of because we was a man who came from a Labor Australia, yes, I may well have been are leading the world in so many background, who knew what was a republican. If I were roaming the ways. going to come his way if he did his streets of Ulster somewhere throwing If you want to know how good our duty, but he did it anyway. That is true bombs at the constabulary, there is system of government is, have a look heroism. a fair chance I may well have been at the United States at the moment. If He called in Gough Whitlam, a republican, but I am not. I am you go to the United States, you will the Prime Minister at the time, on an Australian. I love this country. I find a hell of a lot of people over there Remembrance Day 1975 and he love what this country has allowed who are desperately keen for their asked, ‘Can you get supply?’. The me to do. I love what this country own monarchy. Some have suggested Prime Minister answered no. He then has allowed my family to do over that Barack Obama has ascended called in the opposition leader and generations. I want what is best to the role of monarch. I am not asked, ‘Can you get supply?’, to which for Australia. There is no doubt in suggesting that, but some others have. the opposition leader answered yes. my mind that our constitutional At the moment the situation is that the At that point the Governor-General monarchy is the best system of US government has completely shut knew his duty. government that we could have. down because of a conflict between He dismissed the Prime Minister, You hear republicans banging the executive and the legislative wing appointed the caretaker Prime on about the fact that they want a of the US government. Minister, allowed the government to republic. They want to get rid of Her That may or may not be solved. continue and allowed hundreds of Majesty the Queen. There are some suggestions at the thousands of Australians to continue A lot of republicanism is driven moment that it may be solved very with their lives in the way they would purely by anti-British bigotry. I have soon — and that is a good thing, want to do. no great reason to love the Poms, presumably — but it is not the first That would not have happened apart from the fact that they have time this has happened. This happens without the Governor-General. given this country a great justice on a regular basis. Indeed, as Mr O’Brien points out, system and a great political system. I recall it happened about the time the decision was overwhelmingly They have set Australians on a path I was in the United States back in confirmed a month later, on 13 which we have taken under our wing 1995 when Bill Clinton was President. December 1975, when Malcolm and run with, and for that I am very I think it happened when George Fraser was elected Prime Minister grateful. I hear people say to me, ‘You Bush was President, and now it has with the biggest majority in Australia’s are of Irish heritage; you should hate happened again with Barack Obama history, which just goes to show the Poms’. I do not hate the Poms, and as President. that sometimes you can get things I feel sorry for anyone who does. To That could not happen in Australia, wrong — but it was confirmed by try to justify changing our system of because we have a representative of the electors of Australia. So 1975 is government, which is an extremely the monarch. We have a Governor- a great example of exactly why the good one, on the basis of hating General, an independent umpire system we have works, and I am very someone or something does not make who, as that independent umpire proud to say that. When people say to any sense at all — in fact it is rather did in 1975, will ensure that Australia me, ‘Your Irish and German heritage sad. and its government continue. Whilst means you should be a republican’, I The republicans can tell us what many republicans use the argument say that I do not really care how the they do not want. They want to get that 1975 is the reason we should Irish run things and I do not really rid of the Queen and the monarchy, become a republic, I advance care how the Germans run things. I but they can never tell us what they the argument that 1975 is exactly am an Australian and I want what is do want. They can never tell us what the reason we should not. What good for Australia, and this system sort of system they want to replace happened was that the Prime Minister of government, our constitutional this great system that we have in and the government could not get monarchy, is good for Australia. Australia today. They cannot tell us supply through. They could not get What is good for Australia is all that whether they want a directly elected the money they needed to run the matters to me. president or a president elected by government, and the government was This bill could be postponed for the Parliament. There are all these proposing that it continue that way. another 50 or 60 years. It was largely theories from republicans as to what We were on the verge of there being brought about because we did not they want. They sit around in coffee not a single public servant in the know the gender of the baby that houses in Carlton for days on end. I federal sphere in Australia who had a Prince William and his wife, Kate, have to say, with a view to our friends zack to spend at Christmas in 1975. were having. We now know, of course, in Sydney, that a fair bit of it goes In fact, more to that, the that Prince George Alexander Louis on in Paddington and Darlinghurst government at the time was actively of Cambridge is the heir a couple as well. But here in Melbourne overseas looking to raise money of rungs down, and this particular republicans sit around for weeks, legislation, whilst important, is not of

IN 20 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE immediate importance. made about this government and civil libertarians and like-minded Mr O’Brien — We should send it off our attitudes on law and order, our people to himself. We are still paying to a committee! record on law and order and our the price for that, and will be for some Mr FINN — No, I do not think we record on justice. I have to say I do time to come. It was Rob Hulls who need to do that. It is pretty clear what not know where Mr Scheffer has been was the failure on law and order. So we need to do, and it is very important in the last three years. I thought he for Mr Scheffer to come in here and that we allow a female who is first had been sitting over there on that talk about this government failing on born of the heir or of the monarch back bench. Clearly he has been on law and order, being soft on law and to ascend the throne. If you want to another planet, because he does not order, is just a total nonsense. It is just see how well a female can do the job understand what has happened in a total nonsense. of monarch, just have a look at the this place in the last three years. He It just goes to show how far away one we have now. What a marvellous does not understand that one of the from the real world the Labor Party is role model Her Majesty is, and what reasons the people of Victoria elected in this state or indeed in this country. a great job she has done for so long. this government was to inject justice I could make some reference to She is aged 85 or 86, and she does not into this state. That is one of the very comments made by former federal seem to have any intention of giving reasons that we were elected — and health minister Nicola Roxon the game away. She is continuing that is what we have gone about overnight. She made some comments with her duty to her people and to doing. Mr O’Donohue is a relative about the former Prime Minister. the realm, and of course Australia is a newcomer to the portfolio, but I am Mr O’Brien interjected. very important part of that. sure Mr O’Donohue would agree with me that the Attorney-General, Mr FINN — Indeed, Mr O’Brien, In fact many would say Mr Clark, has done an extraordinary you have hit the nail on the head. A Australia is the shining light in the job — — few months ago Kevin Rudd was the commonwealth, and when you have a bee’s knees and the greatest thing look at the mother country you would Mr O’Brien — Hear, hear! that ever happened for Australia, but have to agree with that. It is pretty Mr FINN — Supported by Mr of course overnight Ms Roxon told us stuffed. O’Brien, I have to say. Mr Clark what she really thought of Kevin Rudd The bill also allows the monarch to has been an outstanding Attorney- and, it seems, what most of the Labor marry a Catholic, and I think that is General in this state. I have to say Party thinks of Kevin Rudd. But to a very good thing. Some would say, — and I might have said this once return to the bill — I was not straying ‘Why don’t you allow the monarch before, maybe even twice; I will go that far from it, I do not think. to be a Catholic?’, and I have some for the hat trick — that on election Mr O’Brien — You were responding sympathy with that, strangely enough, night 2010 the thing that gave me the to my interjections. greatest joy, apart from the election of but at the same time one would have Mr FINN — I was responding to to ask how a Catholic can be the my friend and colleague Mr Elsbury, of course, was the fact that we would Mr O’Brien’s interjections, but I was head of the Church of England. That illustrating how far away from reality would cause mass confusion on a have a new Attorney-General in Victoria. the Labor Party is in this state and, as number of levels, and I think we could Mr O’Brien said, in this nation. We knew, and we know, what probably live without that. I am very Mr Scheffer made some reference to happy that at least a Catholic can be the previous Attorney-General had done to Victoria, we know what overcrowding in prisons, and there is married to the monarch without any some overcrowding in prisons; there implications, and I think that is a very the previous Attorney-General had done to justice in Victoria, and I is no doubt about that. That is why good thing indeed. we are building a new one and I am I first met our current Prime was absolutely delighted that that Attorney-General was gone. He was going to have 1000 new constituents Minister, Tony Abbott, when he was in the not-too-distant future. At this the executive officer of Australians gone. I was joined by thousands — if not hundreds of thousands, if not point in time I am not sure how many for Constitutional Monarchy about 20 of them will be able to vote, but I will years ago. millions — of Victorians in rejoicing in the fact that we would have an have 1000 new constituents in the He and I share a love for the Attorney-General who did have prison out at Ravenhall. That prison monarchy that is also shared by many respect for real justice and for the rule will be of great benefit to the people millions of Australians. One has only of law and was not somebody who of this state. It will of course be of to look at the polls to see that Aussies would spend all his time involving great benefit to the western suburbs love the Queen, they love the royals himself in social engineering because it will involve a significant and they love the monarchy. As for a experimentation and changing laws to financial injection. republic, no way. assist criminals. Mr O’Brien — They might not have Mr O’Brien — Soft on crime. mourned Rob Hulls’s passing. COUNCIL | Second Reading Mr FINN — I am getting to that in Mr FINN — They might not have Date 17 October 2013 a minute, I can assure Mr O’Brien. I mourned Rob. I would suggest to you would have to say that if Mr Scheffer — — wants to find a failure on law and The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Open Courts Bill order, it is not this government. Ondarchie) — Order! Through the Mr O’Brien — No. Chair! 2013 Mr FINN — It is not this Mr FINN — I was suggesting to Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) government. Have a look at the you, Acting President, that if Rob — It gives me a great deal of pleasure Attorney-General in the previous Hulls had decided to stay and had this morning to rise in support of government, the one that we had for decided that the Ravenhall prison the Open Courts Bill 2013. In rising 11 years — the one who stacked the was going to be in his electorate, his I have to respond to my dear friend courts, the benches of Victoria, with margin would have risen significantly Mr Scheffer and the comments he once this prison was open and up

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 21 and running. This prison will also have suffered as a result of a crime very important. be of significant benefit to local and the person who has done this to In the couple of minutes I have employment in the western suburbs, us should be locked up’. left in the time allocated for my it will be of significant benefit to There are sadly many people in contribution to the debate I want the local building industry and it is our country who over an extended to say something to my former something that we welcome in the period of time have not received colleagues in the fourth estate, west. This is our contribution to the that sort of justice. Unfortunately because this bill frees up some good working of justice in Victoria during the period that Rob Hulls was components of reporting on trials. and to Victoria generally, because if Attorney-General of this state justice That is something the media should there is one thing that is absolutely became a laughing stock, I have to not take advantage of. vital, absolutely fundamental to the say. I have spoken to many victims. I We have seen just this week the proper maintenance and proper have spoken to the victims groups and latest episode of trial by media, support of civilisation, it is justice. to many individual victims of crime not based on reality, not based If we do not have a justice system who have told me that during the on fact, but based on what radio that works, if we do not have a course of that 11-year period, during commentators, newspaper journalists justice system that has the faith of which the former Attorney-General and television reporters might think. the community, that is when we see held the reins in that portfolio, justice Before the facts are known they race civilisation breaking down. I will became something that was nigh on out and tell everybody what they return in a moment to some of the impossible to achieve and that they think. They condemn individuals and views of our friends opposite on law had completely lost faith in the justice sentence them to all sorts of weird and order and crime. We know just system. It is when victims lose faith in and wonderful punishments. how soft on crime Labor is, but I will justice that the whole of society starts The media needs to be responsible get back to that in a moment, because to crumble. Unfortunately as a result I want to speak very briefly about with this. We are saying we will free of Labor’s 11 years in office that is this up a bit, but the media has to treat the justice system. I think I might exactly what happened. have made these comments before it properly. The justice system in this Mr Leane — Crime rates have gone state is far too important to be used in this house, so my apologies if I am up. doubling up, but certain people have by the media in a game of ratings. It to realise that the justice system, the Mr FINN — Mr Leane over there is too important to think, ‘Here is a legal system — I would prefer to see it says crime rates have gone up, and good yarn!’. I know what that is like; I as a justice system, I have to say, than that is true, and you know why? love a good story. I love a good yarn a legal system — is not just a way for Because people are actually reporting and to be first with a story. It is great, lawyers to buy big houses and fast crime now, whereas when Labor was and the buzz and the adrenaline are cars. This is about providing justice for in government they knew it would wonderful. I love that. But justice is those who have offended and about be a waste of time for them to report more important than that. We have to providing justice for those who have the fact that they had been victims have respect, not just for the victims been victims. of crime. They knew it was a waste but for the alleged perpetrators as of money to pick up the phone and well. Let us not string people up Mr Leane — You just offended Mr make a call; they knew that. But that before we know whether they are O’Brien. has all changed now that we have a guilty or not. People in this state are Mr FINN — I know Mr O’Brien. government and an Attorney-General innocent until proven guilty. That is Mr Leane interjects and makes some that actually respect the law and part of the justice system. This bill is a suggestion. regard justice as central to our system. very good one and I support it. Mr O’Brien — Some carpenters That is something we never saw in 11 have big houses too. years under Labor and Rob Hulls as COUNCIL | Adjournment Mr FINN — A lot of carpenters have Attorney-General. 12 November 2013 big houses, from what I can see, and This government has been hell plumbers too. What I am saying — bent on making a justice system for and I suggest to anybody who has the people, as it should be. That is driven down William Street of late and something I hope members opposite Western suburbs seen blokes in gowns and wigs — — might take into consideration. I know Mr Leane — They’re not even Mr Scheffer said that Labor was air pollution lawyers. supporting the bill, but you would Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) not know it from his speech, because — I wish to raise a matter for Mr FINN — That’s right. I think the attention of the Minister for that is Chapel Street, actually! The he made it very clear whose side he is on — he is on the side of the crims. Environment and Climate Change, reality of justice is not entrenched the Honourable Ryan Smith. It in the trappings of a courtroom. The He wants those of us who support law and order to pull our heads in. concerns some correspondence basics of justice are providing that I received from Marion Martin, same justice for people who need it It is the classic case of Labor being soft on crime. It has always been soft justice of the peace, a former City of and deserve it. It is about, if needs be, Brimbank councillor and in years locking up those who have done the on crime. It is soft on crime now, and you have to think that it will always gone by a mayor of the former City of wrong thing and keeping them away Sunshine as well. She says: from those who need to be protected. be soft on crime — although I am an Justice is about protection as much optimist. I desperately need some help we as anything else, and it is about Mr Leane interjected. have been living with very severe offensive odours for several years providing victims of crime with a way Mr FINN — Mr Leane can lead the which happen about once a week of declaring that something has gone way. I hope Labor will one day see the sometimes more often, and lasting astray. It is a way of allowing them to light and will one day see that what from 30 minutes up to 4 hours, any say, ‘Yes, we have been victims, we I am saying is true and that justice is time of the day and more of them

IN 22 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE at night and it is so bad you close State Emergency Service will be there and business sacrifices are to be all the windows and doors and it to assist. It is a wonderful group of admired. still gets into our house and quiet highly trained, committed people — Mary may have underestimated the often you have trouble breathing, to they would be professional if most word ‘admired’; it is not quite strong explain the smell it is just like a very of them were not volunteers — and strong rotten garbage smell which enough a word to use. These people occurs when we get south-west we very much admire them. Last sacrifice time with their families, winds and on very still nights the year there were 5000 SES volunteers and businesspeople support their smell can linger for hours. in six regions, with 153 units and employees when they volunteer. 102 road rescue units. We probably Talking to neighbours everyone What SES volunteers give to the smells it but nobody knows where underestimate the impact the SES community is beyond calculation. the smell comes from, we believe it has, particularly in the area of road It is something we should all give could be from a landfill tip situation trauma, because many of these thanks for every day. These people in our areas which is affecting volunteers are in some instances first are truly magnificent. When I think people from Deer Park, Caroline on the scene for what can be horrific of the degree of sacrifice that they Springs, Burnside and Brimbank scenes of road carnage. They give up give for the good of so many in the Gardens. their own time in order to help others, community, I can only say that the I am also informed it is affecting and we commend them for that and community would not be able to people in Albanvale and Kings Park congratulate them. survive without them. I publicly thank as well. Members in the chamber will each and every one of them for their Mrs Martin goes on to say: remember the dreadful Christmas service to Victoria. I have had many complaints from storms of a couple of years ago people from these areas who do not that cut through the north-western COUNCIL know which authority to complain suburbs of Melbourne. The SES set 13 November 2013 about this issue. up a base at the Brimbank Anglican It seems to me that this is an Church in Keilor, and I visited there intolerable situation for many with the acting Premier at the time, thousands of people to have to Mr Ryan. It was amazing to meet Production Of live with possibly every day. As we people who in the course of their are getting on to summer — you Christmas lunches had been called Documents would not know we were getting on away. They got up and left their Debate resumed from 21 August; to summer looking at the weather families, and three days after the motion of Mr TEE (Eastern outside; this global warming could event many of them had not been Metropolitan): kill us the way it is going — the smell back because they had been out fixing That this house requires the will inevitably get worse. It concerns roofs and helping people. Leader of the Government in the me that thousands of people, many What amazed me that day was that Legislative Council to table in the of them young families, are being of that large gathering of volunteers, Legislative Council on Tuesday, 3 September 2013, the business case afflicted by an odour they can many of them were from country for the proposed east-west link. obviously do very little about. Until areas and some were even from such time as we establish the facts interstate. I could not help but be Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan) we cannot do anything about it. It is impressed by their commitment. — I intend to speak briefly on this important we begin with establishing These people gave up their own motion, moved previously by Mr Tee. what is causing the odour. Christmas celebrations to help people There was some debate on the motion they had never met. during a previous sitting week, but I I ask the Minister for Environment propose an amendment to the motion and Climate Change to direct the They gave up their Christmas to risk due to the fact that the date by which Environment Protection Authority to life and limb climbing up on roofs the motion calls on the government investigate the source of the odour which were a little dodgy — to use to produce the east-west link business and report back to local residents as a term that was thrown around the case has come and gone. I ask that soon as is humanly possible. chamber a bit earlier — and they did copies of the amendment be handed that in the spirit with which we have out to interested members. I move: COUNCIL | Statements on Reports come to associate the SES. I can only say God bless them for the work they That ‘3 September 2013’ be 13 November 2013 do. omitted with the view of inserting in its place ‘10 December 2013’. Mary Barry, the chief executive officer of the Victoria State Emergency Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — Victoria State Service Authority — and she is known I will begin on a cordial note, a note of to many of us — makes the following cooperation, reaching across the aisle comment in her CEO’s Report: and all that sort of thing, by saying Emergency that the government will not oppose is to our volunteers who again the amendment. It is probably one Service: report served the state of Victoria 24 hours of the better amendments that have a day, 7 days a week throughout come from Mr Leane in recent times. 2012-13 2012-13, and who deserve the most Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) hearty thanks and congratulations. Clearly it is something he has given a great deal of thought to. I commend — I rise this afternoon to speak on Without the support of volunteers’ the Victoria State Emergency Service him on the work that he has put families and employers, we into it, and I suggest to him very (SES) annual report 2012-13 entitled could not hope to provide such Building Community Resilience. consistent and high-quality service strongly that he is heading in the right It has to be said that whether it be to the people of Victoria, and my direction and if he continues down floods, fires, storms, road trauma or recognition and thanks go to these this path, at some stage the world may any other number of calamities, the groups as well. Your personal be his oyster.

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 23 In saying that, I have to ask the I come back to the question of in the east and west of Melbourne. question: exactly why is this motion why this motion has been moved. Apart from the obvious benefits it being put to this chamber? Members We know it does not matter what the will bring millions of people who know that the Labor Party is opposed government does, says or releases; want to get home early and who do to the east-west link. we know from Mr Andrews himself not want to be faced with the sort of We know that the Leader of the that the Labor Party will oppose this obstruction that I have referred to Opposition and member for Mulgrave project. We have more than a fair on their way to work every morning, in the Assembly, Mr Andrews, has idea that the Greens will oppose the east-west link will bring other staked his leadership on opposing this project. With a little frustration benefits. For example, it will cut this particular road project. We know I ask the question again: why are we emissions. This is something I care that as a result of his rather grandiose debating this motion today? deeply about. It will cut emissions statements on this particular issue It seems to me that irrespective because it will enable cars to get from many members of his own party of what we do and irrespective of their point of departure to where they have expressed concern about not whether this motion is passed, are heading more quickly. just policy but indeed their leader’s nothing will change. The government I ask members to imagine just for judgement on the issue. It is well will continue down the path of one moment that, as things stand known, I think around this place and building this much-needed piece now, somebody leaving home takes around many places in Victoria, that of infrastructure in Melbourne, and an hour to get to work. That is 1 hour votes or heads are being counted on the opposition will continue down worth of emissions. whether Mr Andrews will keep his its path of being mindlessly negative Once the east-west link is up and job as a result of the extraordinary about the infrastructure needs of this running it may well be that that campaign that he has led against the great city of Melbourne. I am hoping travelling time will be cut to half an east-west link. that at some stage somebody from the hour, and the emissions will be cut That is understandable, because opposition will rise to their feet and in half. That surely must appeal to what we are seeing with the campaign explain to the house why this motion those of us who have the tendency to against the east-west link — I am is necessary. As I said, it will have no be fond of green issues. That must be sure that this is something that you, impact either way. a plus for those who live in Carlton, Acting President, will understand; I Mr Leane interjected. North Melbourne and North Fitzroy. will not go so far as saying that you Mr FINN — Even if we gave Mr That has to be a plus on any measure. will relate to it — is a fight over the Leane a form guide for Saturday We will see a huge cut in emissions inner suburbs of Melbourne. This with all the winners marked, given as a result of this tunnel being built. has nothing to do with the eastern the attitude of this house — the We are talking not just about one or suburbs or the western suburbs. This government and the opposition — to two cars; we are talking about tens is about a fight between the Labor this project, it would not make any of thousands of cars. Just think; even Party and the Greens, who are fighting difference to the result. in one day the huge cut in emissions over political gains in the inner This is an extraordinarily important will benefit our community. Over the suburbs. This all began in the lead-up project and piece of infrastructure to period of a year the emissions savings to the by-election for the Assembly the future of Melbourne and Victoria. will be enormous. That is something seat of Melbourne — last year, I think we have to look forward to. It will it was, from memory. We all know As members of the opposition may be aware, many millions of people benefit more than just car drivers and that on that occasion the Labor Party passengers, whether they are from the managed to pull it off, I must say in this state like to drive their cars. They do not necessarily want to catch eastern or western suburbs or from much to my surprise. I would go so far country Victoria. Increasingly we are as saying maybe even to your surprise a tram, ride a bike or hop it down to the railway station; they want to seeing people from Ballarat, Bendigo, as well, Acting President. Then this Geelong and even Bairnsdale and year in the federal election we had Mr drive their cars. I think they have a perfect right to do that. It is a pretty places near Gippsland commuting to Bandt from the Greens and the Labor Melbourne on a daily basis. Warragul Party campaigning against the east- reasonable sort of thing for them to do. I am talking not just about people is another place, and what is that west link and the result was of course other place? reversed. in the suburbs but also people in country Victoria, including in places Mrs Kronberg — Drouin. It is very unfortunate indeed that like Gippsland, the Western District, Mr FINN — Drouin is the place I am we have a situation where the leader Bendigo, Ballarat and other places looking for. Mrs Kronberg is reading of a major political party in the state, right around this state, who will my mind. People in these places will a man who regards and portrays benefit from the building of the east- benefit from the east-west link. On himself as the alternative Premier of west link. top of that we will see the huge benefit this state, puts his political survival to our environment as a result of the and the welfare of his political party I do not know how members of this house got here this morning, but cut in emissions once this tunnel is up ahead of the best interests of the and running. Melbourne international people of this state. That is the reality, I will wager that if they drove, they would have been caught up in traffic airport, as we know, is something that and I think it is very sad indeed we in Victoria, particularly people in that he puts winning politically congestion. Whichever way they came, whether Melbourne, should be proud of, and against the Greens in Fitzroy, North I have no hesitation in saying that Melbourne and Carlton over the from the north, east, south or west — and increasingly they come from it is without doubt the best airport millions of people who need and will in Australia. It is the leading airport use the east-west link when — and the west — they would have faced significant congestion on the roads. in Australia and the east-west link I emphasise when — it is built. Mr will open the pathway to the eastern Andrews really should have a good, This vital piece of infrastructure is all about easing that congestion and suburbs for millions of people who hard think about where he is going wish to travel to the airport. and what he actually stands for. making life easier for people who live

IN 24 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE At the moment, and I am sure Mrs be, you are going to save money. That they are not going to change their Kronberg knows exactly what I am is dollars in the pocket. minds. That is the reality. It does not talking about, people from the eastern That leads me to the next benefit of matter what we say in a business case. suburbs travel down the Eastern the east-west link, and that is the jobs We can put forward the best Freeway on their way to the airport we will see as a result of this project. business case that has ever been put and then that freeway finishes. They As mentioned by Mr Ondarchie forward for any project in the history then have to crawl down Alexandra earlier, just during its construction of this country and this crowd over Parade and crawl through Carlton we are going to see over 3200 people here will still oppose it. and Brunswick until they get onto the employed in building this link. But Their opposition has nothing to Tullamarine Freeway. Once they are it is going to be a greater boon to do with the business case. Their on the Tullamarine Freeway they get employment in this state than just opposition to this project is about another clear run, generally speaking, creating jobs on the construction site politics. I think I tried to explain that to the airport. This project will be because, as I mentioned, this is going earlier, Acting President. I am sorry if a huge benefit to people travelling to be a major boost for small business. I failed in that. It does not matter what to the airport and a huge benefit If you put more money into the is in the business case. Labor Party to the airport itself and to future pockets of small business people, members, and I think the Greens, jobs at the airport, but I will get to that will allow them to employ more have made it very clear that they will that in just a moment. There will be people. That is what small business oppose this project. huge benefits for that airport, which people like to do; they like to reinvest in my view is the most important I would like to ask members of the their money in their own businesses. Labor Party if they will cease and piece of infrastructure in the west, in Is that not right, Mrs Kronberg? Melbourne and possibly in Victoria. desist with the untruths — I was going Mrs Kronberg — Absolutely, and to say something else — that they are The east-west link will be a huge that means they employ people. telling across the length and breadth boon to business because what we of the state about the government’s are going to see is a cut in the time it Mr FINN — They do employ people; that is exactly right. It does not intentions with regard to expenditure takes for freight, for example, to be on other projects. delivered to businesses. Mr Leane has surprise me that the Labor Party does a quizzical look on his face. not understand that because — — Labor Party members are going Mrs Kronberg interjected. around the state saying that because Mr Leane often has a quizzical look we are spending so much on the on his face but he has a particularly Mr FINN — It is like joining the dots, but they are a bit dotty east-west link no other project will quizzical look on his face at the be feasible; we will not be able to moment; he is wondering exactly themselves and I think it is a bit sad that they do not understand that. afford anything else. This is a very what I am talking about. That does salient point to the business case, not surprise me because I mentioned The east-west link means jobs for because I am sure that the business the word ‘business’ and when Victorians, and not just short-term case makes it very clear that this is you mention the word ‘business’, jobs in the building of this project; its not this government’s only major members of the Labor Party always effects will last much longer. Small project. I know, and Mr Elsbury look quizzical because they have not businesses and, as I said earlier, larger knows — and we will be happy to tell got a clue about business and nor do businesses will benefit from this new members at length, if they like — that they particularly care. Mr Leane is link which will connect the east and one of the major projects we are very showing his — — the growing west of Melbourne. I am keen on finishing is the regional rail An honourable member interjected. sure Mr Elsbury will agree with me link, which is a bit of a misnomer, Mr FINN — I would not go as far as when I say that the western suburbs because while it benefits commuters saying ignorance because that would of Melbourne are booming. Many and people travelling from country be rude and I would not go down municipalities in the west are the areas, its main beneficiaries will be that path. Mr Leane is showing that fastest growing in Australia. They the people in the western suburbs of he lacks some understanding about include the cities of Wyndham and Melbourne. Melton, just to mention a couple. business and the importance of the If you were to look at the business east-west link to business in this city An honourable member interjected. case for the east-west link, you would and in this state. There are thousands Mr FINN — Indeed, there is the discover that the two projects are not of small businesses across this state city of Hume where I live. Those mutually exclusive; they go hand in — and big businesses as well, but municipalities are growing at an hand. We are talking about two major big business can generally look after extraordinary rate. projects including a rail tunnel, which itself. The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms we also wish to build. I am particularly concerned about Pennicuik) — Order! I have been These are a major part of a plan small businesses, and I believe that as listening to Mr Finn for close to 20 that the Napthine government has for governments we have some degree of minutes now and I have not heard the future of our state. The business responsibility to assist where possible. him once refer to the substance of plans for these projects were put Thousands of small businesses will this motion, which is the release of together very carefully, and I ask the benefit enormously and directly from the business case. I ask him to steer Labor Party to come clean and tell the the east-west link. We are going to himself in that direction. truth — that is, that we are not putting see travelling times cut to a fraction Mr FINN — I am sorry, Acting every cent that has ever been created of what they are now — and time President, that you missed my into the east-west link. During the is money. Mr Leane may laugh but comments. I was asking earlier why federal election campaign the then yet again he is giving away his lack members of the Labor Party need Leader of the Opposition, now Prime of understanding of how business the business case because they will Minister, made it very clear that a operates. In business, time is money, not change their minds. It would not federal coalition government would so if you can cut your travelling time matter what we said in the business contribute $1.5 billion to the east- by a half, a third or whatever it might case; they have made it perfectly clear

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 25 west link, and I am sure that every Melbourne. There is no doubt in government policy to support the Victorian is grateful for that. But that my mind that the east-west link will removal of the carbon tax on health- is not the only project that we will be be a huge plus for the people of the care facilities? investing in over the next few years. city and the state. The business plan Hon. D. M. DAVIS (Minister for Speaking of business, I want to will be made available. We will not Health) — I thank the member for his finish on this: it is important that be opposing this motion, but one question, and I note his long advocacy those who sit opposite make their should be aware that some things are for the removal of the carbon tax. position very clear on the thuggery commercial in confidence and need I can inform the house that the — the bullying — that has been to be protected. They are things that I department has collated all the bills occurring in the city over the last am not aware of, but even I am aware for the various public hospitals — the couple of months with regard to that in some circumstances there are 86 health services that Victoria has protesters who have been blockading parts of any business plan that cannot across the state, some with more than companies which the protesters be made public. I want to point that one campus. I am able to inform the believe may bid to build the east-west out to the opposition. house that the cost of the carbon link. I conclude my brief comments tax approaches $14 million in the I have watched in amazement as on the matter by saying this is an financial year to 30 June. This is not an this has occurred on a daily basis. The extraordinarily important project estimate; these are the actual costs as making of a living has been denied to for Victoria and Melbourne but listed on the health service bills. people because they work somewhere particularly for the eastern and Those who look at commercial that might at some future time have western suburbs of Melbourne. bills will be aware that there is a line something to do with the east-west It is particularly important for the item that says ‘carbon tax’ for gas and link. I would like to know from west of Melbourne because for a long electricity suppliers; they levy carbon members opposite what their position time we have missed out. For a long tax, including on hospitals, health is on this. Do they support these time the west has been neglected. services — private and public — and thugs? Do they support these bullies This tunnel will ensure that the west ambulance services. All of those are who are using storm-trooper tactics gets the same sort of deal that the levied with a federally inspired carbon in an attempt to intimidate those who rest of Melbourne gets, and that tax, and this state government has may be involved in the east-west link? alone should be enough reason to opposed that carbon tax. It takes I urge members to read an article support this project. Perhaps when money straight from the capacity of written by Rita Panahi on page 29 the opposition gets the business plan hospitals to service their patients. of the Herald Sun of Monday this it might as a group gather around the It is a tax directly on health care. It week. It is an excellent article with Leader of the Opposition in the other means less services are provided. The the headline, ‘Protesters do a great place, Mr Andrews, and say, ‘We need house will be interested to know that PR job for east-west’. It goes through this project’. Monash Health, a key health service, point by point the outrageous nature Mr Somyurek, Mr Melhem — there has a carbon tax bill paid to Canberra of what is going on on our streets at are so many people who have gone of $1.299 million for the 12 months this time with regard to the protesters on the public record as supporting to 30 June. In the case of Western against the east-west link. There is the east-west link in the past. They Health — Mr Finn will be very aware no justification for what is occurring. might go to the leader of the Labor of Western Health — $785 000 is the My sympathy is with the police, who Party with the business plan in hand carbon tax bill put on Western Health have been subject to some pretty and they might say to him, ‘Come on, by Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd. nasty incidents, but also the people fair go, let’s do the right thing for the I can also inform the house that it who have been denied access to their people of Victoria and let’s support is state government policy to support places of work. the east-west link’. the removal of that tax. I note that in My sympathy is with those people, If the business plan can do that, the federal Parliament this morning a including small business people who then obviously it is far more than bill was tabled and a second-reading cannot sell coffee in the morning a business plan; it is almost a speech given — the Clean Energy because the protesters will not super-plan if it can turn around the Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) let people in to buy their coffee. appalling negativity and political Bill 2013. If passed by the federal Can somebody explain to me how game-playing of an opposition Parliament, this bill will remove the stopping people from selling coffee leader and an opposition that are carbon tax from Victorian hospitals is going to disrupt the east-west not fit — and never will be fit — for and health services. In the case of link? It totally mystifies me. It is an government. our public health services in Victoria act of brainless bullying and sheer that will mean we will have almost bloody-minded intimidation and is $14 million extra to spend directly on COUNCIL | Questions without Notice patients and services. That is money something we in this state should 13 November 2013 not tolerate.I ask Mr Leane what his that should be spent on services that party’s view is. What is his party’s is currently being paid to Canberra as policy on the thuggery that is going a tax on hospitals and health services. on on the streets of Melbourne at Carbon tax It is interesting to read very briefly the moment? Does the Labor Party Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) from the second-reading speech for support the professional protester, — My question without notice is the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon socialist lunatic and former City of directed to the Minister for Health, Tax Repeal) Bill 2013. It states: Yarra councillor, Anthony Main, who and I ask: can the minister outline Now the Parliament gets its clearly has his own agenda, which is to the house the impact of the chance. very much in conflict with the best federal Labor-imposed carbon tax on Victorian hospitals, as recently The 2013 election was a interests of the state? referendum on the carbon tax. What I want is what is best collated by the Department of Health, for Victoria and what is best for and indicate whether it is Victorian The people have spoken.

IN 26 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE Now, it’s up to the Parliament to The good news keeps on coming and to follow them. I have to say to show that it’s listened. with the new federal Abbott the house that I have noticed over The Australian people have government defunding the hysteria- an extended period a number of pronounced their judgement generating Climate Commission bad driving practices that are not against the carbon tax: they want and removing its chairman, Tim necessarily picked up by the police. it gone. ‘Sandbags’ Flannery, from his I believe it is something to which we It is Victorian government policy $170 000 a year part-time job. The should be paying more attention. to want the carbon tax pulled off our election of the federal government on The issue I raise tonight is one that hospitals, off our schools, off our a promise of abolishing the carbon I have raised before in this house — facilities and off our health services. tax is a sure sign that the people of that is, those who drive too slowly on This will enable the money to be put Australia are onto the climate change the roads. I am sure that members back into treating patients rather than industry. The people of this nation are will know, and particularly those paying a carbon tax to Canberra. I say finally awake to the scam that is global members who live in country areas it is more important to treat patients warming. That surely is the best news — — than it is to provide a carbon tax to of all. Mr Ondarchie interjected. Canberra, and that is what we will be Mr FINN — As Mr Ondarchie says, supporting and advocating for. COUNCIL | Second Reading members from the country who might I can indicate that the department 14 November 2013 be from areas where roads are just has gone to some effort to collate one lane each way. People make a those bills from all around the state. It unilateral decision that 100 kilometres is millions of dollars, and it will grow. an hour, or 80 kilometres an hour, is It does not matter how efficient you Road Legislation far too fast, even though VicRoads has are as a hospital, whatever level of declared those speeds as the speed energy efficiency you get to, you will Amendment Bill limit. still get the carbon tax put on top of Mr Ondarchie — In a Massey your hospital or health service facility. 2013 Ferguson. This applies to large private hospitals Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) like Epworth or Cabrini and small GP — It is indeed a delight to rise at Mr FINN — Not even driving a surgeries and pharmacies. All of those 22 minutes to 6 on a Thursday Massey Ferguson, Mr Ondarchie; not are hit with a carbon tax on their afternoon to speak on this particularly very many but some of them are even services, and we certainly welcome important piece of legislation. I in a Commodore, although I will get the — — know the legislation is particularly to Commodores in a moment. We have these situations where people The PRESIDENT — Order! Thank important because otherwise I would take it upon themselves to unilaterally you, Minister. not be speaking on it at 22 minutes to 6 on a Thursday afternoon. This declare that the speed limit is far too piece of legislation is about equity but high, and they will drive anything up COUNCIL | Members Statements it is also about road safety. Demerit to 30 or 40 kilometres below the speed 13 November 2013 points, as we know them, are all about limit on these particular roads. The sending a message to the drivers of road that probably annoys me more Victoria to discourage bad behaviour than anything else is Sunbury Road, Climate change and bad driving practices on the which borders the back of the airport. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — roads. I drive along there quite often, at least It is rather difficult to continue normal Unfortunately we have had a once and maybe twice or three times business after what we have heard this situation for quite some years where a day. Drivers along that road often morning. Whilst I am not particularly drivers from interstate have largely decide that the 100 kilometre an hour looking forward to contributing to the escaped receiving demerit points limit is far too high. discussion on the report, it is a report for misbehaving on the roads. That Mr Lenders — Acting President, I that I must make a contribution on, seems to me to be wrong and grossly draw your attention to the state of the and I will certainly do so at some unfair. It does not matter whether house. future time. someone is from Queensland, New Quorum formed. In the meantime I have some good South Wales, Western Australia, South Mr FINN — I thank my dear news, and that is that winter sea ice Australia, Tasmania, the Northern friend Mr Lenders for the increased cover in the Antarctic has grown to its Territory, the Australian Capital audience in the chamber to hear my largest extent since satellite records Territory or indeed Victoria, if they words on this particularly important began in the late 1970s. Sea ice is said are driving badly clearly they have bill. As I was saying, we have some to be the canary in the coalmine of the capacity to cause — I am loath people who take it upon themselves global warming, so climate alarmists to call it an accident because I think to drive exceedingly slowly. I see Mrs must be greatly relieved with NASA there are some driving practices that Millar in the chamber at the moment, satellites showing cover has increased militate against referring to what and I am sure she knows Sunbury to a record 19.47 million square occurs as an accident, so let me call it Road and the section of which I kilometres. We rejoice at the news a prang, to use a good old colloquial speak. I am sure Mrs Millar would from the British Met Office that there expression. drive along that stretch as well, but has been no global warming for some If people from interstate travel to I am sure she would not be the sort 17 years, and a further report from the our state — and of course they are of person that I refer to, those who United Nations Intergovernmental very welcome to come to our state, decide to take it upon themselves Panel on Climate Change that shows as we are a very welcoming people to drive at 20, 30 or 40 kilometres an computer predictions for global in Victoria — they have an obligation hour lower than the speed limit might warming and the effect of carbon to behave on the roads. They have dictate. emissions have been wrong. an obligation to know the road rules Mr Barber — Instead of ‘limit’, it

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 27 should be ‘minimum’. Mr Barber interjected. to come back to the main aspects of Mr FINN — Perhaps it should be. Mr FINN — I am not talking about the bill. Mr Barber — What does the word your Commodore drivers. I am told Mr FINN — I will endeavour to ‘minimum’ mean in the dictionary? by police that the Commodore is the drive back to — — Mr FINN — If Mr Barber has a chosen car of hoons everywhere, Mr Leane — Acting President, I dictionary, I would be very happy to which I have to say is my experience. draw your attention to the state of the get that definition. If Mr Barber would When one sees a Commodore driver house. like to go down and get his Funk wearing a baseball cap — some of Quorum formed. them backwards with the doof-doof and Wagnalls, I can assure him I will Mr FINN — I am honoured that peruse that at length. music going flat chat — you know that you are in trouble. my contribution this afternoon has To make my point, just the other been so effective as to keep Mr Leane day I was driving along Sunbury Honourable members interjecting. and Ms Hartland awake this late on a Road at the back of the airport, and Mr FINN — I am not talking about Thursday afternoon. I regard that as a driver had taken it upon himself them; I am talking about the people almost a badge of honour, and I will or herself — I am not sure which it who take it upon themselves, as I said take it as a pat on the back. was — to drive at 60 kilometres an earlier, to lower their speeds — — This legislation is important for hour, which is 40 kilometres an hour Mr Leane — Acting President, I the safety of every Victorian, not below the limit. This sort of thing is draw your attention to the state of the just road users but those who come not just frustrating, it leads people house. into contact with the roads, such as behind the said offender to commit Quorum formed. pedestrians, and those who use our acts of frustration. It leads to people Mr FINN — As a matter of import, roads on a daily basis for any reason. committing acts on the road that they drivers appreciate good roads, and I Mr Ondarchie interjected. might not otherwise commit, such think that generally speaking Victoria Mr FINN — Cyclists could be road as passing or attempting to pass and has a pretty good road network. endangering other drivers, other users, even though they do not pay However, there is one missing link at for the roads — and perhaps that road users, themselves and their the moment — that is, the east-west passengers. is something we could and should link. I believe that once the east-west debate another day — but we are My understanding is that there is link is up and running, we will have talking here about road users and a law which says that travelling too a situation where the motorists of their safety. I urge the house to slowly is regarded as bad driving Victoria will be able drive in a manner support this bill. practice and that the police can act on which is safer, more relaxed and more that; however, I am not aware of this enjoyable. You would have to say that happening. It is about time it did, and relaxation and enjoyment of driving COUNCIL | Questions without Notice it is also about time that some of these are part of the safety experience. If 14 November 2013 people — some of whom wear hats somebody is behind the wheel of a and some who do not — were held to car, not stressed and enjoying the account for their particular driving drive, then there is less of a chance of Prison smoking and told that it is not reasonable them doing something stupid on the to hold up other road users in the roads, of them speeding and of them ban manner in which they do. breaking the road rules. A road such Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Mr Barber — Which road law is this as the east-west link, when it is up and — My question without notice you are quoting? running, will be of major benefit not is directed to the Minister for Mr FINN — I understand it is in the just to — — Corrections, and I ask: will the road laws. I am not exactly sure of Ms Hartland — On a point of order, minister inform the house of what the number, but whilst Mr Barber is Acting President, on the issue of the coalition government is doing searching for his Funk & Wagnalls, he relevance, I do not believe the east- to improve the health of Victorian might reach into his legislative bag of west link is mentioned at all in this prisoners and prison staff? tricks, pull it out and show me exactly bill. I ask that the member come back Hon. E. J. O’DONOHUE (Minister what we are talking about so that I to the bill. for Corrections) — I welcome Mr can — — Mr Ondarchie — On the point of Finn’s interest in the health of the Mr Barber interjected. order, Acting President, Mr Finn was Victorian prisoner population. I am Mr FINN — No, I am open to talking about road safety and travel on pleased to announce to the house assistance. I know that the Greens roads in general. The east-west link is today that smoking in Victoria’s like to help. I also know that that has part of this discussion, so I ask you to prisons will be banned from 1 July not been known to happen to this rule the point of order out of order. 2015. point, so I am giving Mr Barber the Mr FINN — On the point of order, This is a significant proposal, and opportunity to show what a caring Acting President, I could have one which the government hopes and compassionate human being he mentioned the Princes Highway and believes will improve the health is. I look forward to him doing that, or the Hume Freeway or any other and safety of the prison environment possibly for the first time in his life. highway, but I mentioned the east- for prisoners and all those who work Mr Barber interjected. west link as an example of the sort within the prison system. Mr FINN — No, it is not a question of road we are talking about which Smoking is the most common cause of wiping off 5; it is a question of people will be safer on. It is very much of preventable deaths in Victoria, driving responsibly on the road so a part of this bill. and we know that smoking increases that you do not annoy other road The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms the risk of developing a number of users and drive them to the point of Crozier) — Order! chronic health conditions. A total frustration where — — This is a broadbased bill so Mr Finn smoking ban in Victorian prisons will has a little bit of scope, but I ask him reduce health risks for those prisoners

IN 28 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE who smoke and also eliminate the COUNCIL | Questions without Notice Crown Casino won the Employer risk to prisoners of being exposed to 26 November 2013 of the Year Award. Crown employs second-hand smoke. Importantly, a some 900 people in training, and it is total smoking ban will also provide a a very good trainer in many different healthier and safer workplace for all categories. prison staff. Australian Mr Jennings — Seen the ads? This is more than just a health issue; Training Awards Hon. P. R. HALL — Indeed, Crown it is also an important safety issue. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) college; Mr Jennings and others have Tobacco is often used as currency in — My question is to the Minister for probably seen that. It provides a prison, and as such it can result in Higher Education and Skills. I ask wonderful range of opportunities for standover and intimidation incidents. the minister if he is aware of any young people. Deservingly, this is the Lighters and matches have the national events that have recognised second time it has been employer of potential to be used as weapons in excellence in Victoria’s training the year. Previously it had that award prisons, so a ban on smoking will system. in 2010. mean that these items can be treated Hon. P. R. HALL (Minister for The fifth winner was in the as contraband, addressing what can Higher Education and Skills) — I registered training organisation be a risk to prisoners and staff. thank Mr Finn for his question and award category. The International Generally speaking we know our ongoing interest in our training Training Provider of the Year was won prison population is not a healthy system in Victoria. Last Friday by Box Hill Institute of TAFE, again a one and that there are much higher evening in Perth the 21st national deserving winner of that particular rates of smoking in prisons than in training awards were held. I am award. the general community. A recent very pleased and proud to say that Victoria was well represented and report by the Australian Institute of Victoria was well represented with appropriately acknowledged for the Health and Welfare on smoking in finalists in all categories and with very fine training providers in this prisons shows that the prevalence of winners of 5 of the 18 awards that state that give opportunities to over smoking in prisons is much higher were presented during the course of 500 000 young students in any one than in the general community — in the evening. I was particularly pleased year. The people of Victoria should fact, it is approximately six times that of the five student awards, three feel proud of the award winners and higher. Despite some efforts in recent went to Victorian students. That is the system operating here in Victoria. years to address smoking by banning what a training system should be all smoking indoors in prisons, about 85 about — ensuring that there are good COUNCIL | Adjournment per cent of prisoners smoke — a very outcomes for students. 26 November 2013 high figure — compared to around The first of those awards was the 14 per cent of the general Victorian Vocational Student of the Year, and community. The report also identifies that category was won by a young that 46 per cent of prisoners who lady called Kate Cross. Kate did her Sunbury smoke would like to give up smoking training with WorkCo at Longerenong but found it challenging to do so in College in western Victoria. She municipality the prison environment. completed an advanced diploma Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Other jurisdictions have taken steps of agriculture and now works in — I wish to raise a matter for the in this regard as well. The ban I have Queensland. She is a delightful young attention of the Minister for Local announced today will bring Victoria lady who won a similar award at the Government in another place. It into line with other jurisdictions. The Victorian Training Awards earlier this concerns the recent vote by the Northern Territory and New Zealand year. people of the city of Hume on the have banned smoking in prisons, and The Australian School-based municipal future of Sunbury and South Australia, Tasmania and other Apprentice of the Year was also a surrounds. I am sure many members jurisdictions have announced their Victorian student, Joel Schwarz. of the house would be aware that a intention to ban smoking in prisons. Joel is from Mildura and studied at vote was recently taken throughout The government is announcing this SuniTAFE, doing a certificate III in the city of Hume to decide if Sunbury today with a long lead-in time to allow automotive mechanical technology. was in a position to leave that city and establish its own municipality. I for adequate planning, education and The third individual category implication strategies to occur before am pleased to say that as a result of student award was the Australian that vote it is clear that the people of the ban in 2015. The smoking ban is Apprentice of the Year Award, which a continuation of the government’s Hume — and I am delighted to say the is a very prestigious award; it was people right across Hume — are very commitment to reducing the impact won by Patrick Janes from Ballarat. of tobacco smoking on the Victorian supportive of the move for Sunbury to He did his training at the University go it alone. population. Indeed the Minister for of Ballarat — soon to be Federation Health has taken significant steps University Australia — where he This has of course been a very long in this regard. Banning smoking in studied certificate III in engineering, and hard battle. I remember that in prisons will be another step towards fabrication and trade. There must be 1999, when I was the member for changing the norms around smoking something about Ballarat because, Tullamarine in another place, the in Victoria and reducing the health if my memory is correct, there Labor Party promised a referendum and economic impacts of smoking in was another gold medal winning or vote on the Sunbury-out-of-Hume the broader community. I hope the performance by Tim Taylor, a issue. Labor Party sees sense on this matter Skillaroo who also did his training at That did not happen; it never and endorses this sensible initiative of Ballarat earlier this year. happened. It did not happen in all the government. In terms of some of the other those years of Labor government, but awards, I am pleased to advise that the coalition government has granted the people of Sunbury and indeed

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 29 the people of Hume a vote on this of that trust. First and foremost I say many of them have fought to strive particularly important issue — as we that this will be my initial response to for the truth. I know that as a child promised before the 2010 election we this report. I am hoping that further I was belted behind the ears when I would. down the track I will have another criticised a priest. I remember it well. I give particular praise to a former opportunity to add to my comments My mother used to say to me, ‘You colleague, Mrs Donna Petrovich, who here this afternoon. don’t say things like that about priests’. did a great deal of work on this issue. I commend the committee on the I can only imagine what would have It is a great pity that her opponent in work that it has done. I commend the happened to those children if they the last federal election did not take Chair, Ms Crozier, in particular on the had gone home to their parents back the hint, because he was one of the work that she has done. in the 1960s or 1970s and said, ‘Father people who was very much opposed She led the committee with aplomb, So-and-so has done this to me’. One to the Sunbury-out-of-Hume push, dignity and a purpose, and she is to be cannot begin to imagine the reception as indeed were the members for commended very highly, because this they would have had. Macedon and Yuroke in the Assembly, must have been an extraordinarily I can relate to what they have gone Joanne Duncan and Liz Beattie, difficult inquiry to conduct. There through in some small way. I hope and Cr Anne Potter from the City was a great deal of horrific evidence this report has gone some way to of Hume. All of those Labor people given and it must have been draining exposing the truth for the benefit of were opposed to the yes vote on the emotionally, physically, mentally and those people. Sunbury out of Hume issue, but of in every other way possible. But in the course they were overwhelmingly end what we have here is the most COUNCIL defeated on that issue. comprehensive chronicling of this 27 November 2013 The reason I raise this tonight is the sort of child abuse that we have had people of Sunbury are now asking to this point, and that has to be a good the very obvious questions, ‘Where thing. do we go now, and what is the next I should say that I accept that the Government step?’. That is very much up to the majority of priests and clergy of other minister. I understand that a panel religions are good people. They are Performance needs to be established to implement good people who do good things for Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — the wishes of the people of Hume others. They are as appalled as we are If one had tuned into the scenes in the and in particular the wishes of the and as everybody else is at what has Legislative Assembly yesterday, one people of Sunbury. This is something occurred within the Catholic Church, would have gained the impression that, given the longevity of the battle, within other churches and within that some of us do not like each other. given the fact that we have had to other organisations with regard to If one were to see what we saw in the wait so long for a decision, should child abuse. I know this to be true. Legislative Assembly yesterday — an not be put on the backburner for any Overwhelmingly the majority of opposition deliberately going out of length of time at all. I ask the minister clergy, wherever they might be, are its way to provoke a near riot on the to, as a priority, establish the panel good people and they should not be floor of the Parliament, a Leader of to implement the Sunbury-out-of- condemned for the crimes of the few. the Opposition misusing his position to attempt to bring Parliament to Hume result in this vote of the people Nor should this report and the issue and ensure that Sunbury is well a standstill, an opposition defying that surrounds it be used for sectarian the Chair in a way which was, to say established in its new municipality purposes. Unfortunately there has and its future. the least, most unparliamentary — been a degree of that for some time. one may well form the opinion that However, we must face facts. As a members of Parliament do not like COUNCIL | Statements on Reports Catholic it has been very difficult for each other. That might be the case in 27 November 2013 me to face these facts. For a long time certain instances, but I have to tell I did not want to face these facts. For you one thing: I like the mover of this a long time I refused to believe that motion, Ms Pulford. what we now know to be the truth Ms Tierney — But! Family and had been occurring. I just could not believe that a priest or priests would Mr FINN — No, there is no ‘but’. Community actually do this to children. But we She has many fine attributes — and have to believe it; it happened. I think I am sure that is going to go down Development my contempt is as great for some really well in her preselection — but of the bishops who covered it up as probably the attribute I like the most Committee: it is for the priests and other clergy is her sense of humour. She has a who committed these vile crimes. tremendous sense of humour and Betrayal of Trust Interestingly, Cardinal Pell has come one that I have enjoyed many times Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) in for his fair share of criticism as a over the last few years. If I thought Ms — I rise this afternoon to speak on the result of not just this report but other Pulford had a great sense of humour Family and Community Development reports concerning this issue. There before, she has totally outdone herself Committee report on the inquiry is an irony in that, because while today. This is almost like a second into the handling of child abuse by Cardinal Pell — Archbishop Pell as he address-in-reply debate. You can talk religious and other non-government then was in Melbourne — might not about anything on this motion. She organisations. Might I say that the have done enough, he was certainly has got wacky Wednesday, and she naming of this particular report is the first one to do anything at all, and has hit it right off the Richter scale. entirely appropriate. The title of the I think that is to his credit. I have never seen a motion quite report is of course Betrayal of Trust like this. It covers everything known and the subject of this inquiry and the This report is for the victims, and I hope it vindicates the long battle that to man. We could speak on this report could not be more of a betrayal motion from now until Christmas

IN 30 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE next year. We could go on until 6.00 That issue is in no way contained motion. If I cannot refer to a direct p.m. on election night speaking on within this motion. quote from the motion, I am not sure this motion alone because it has Mr O’Brien — On the point of what is relevant. everything, based on a fair degree of order, Acting President, as others The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms falsehood and a fair degree of fallacy. have pointed out, this is an extremely Pennicuik) — Order! Mr Finn knows Mr O’Brien — It’s got everything broad motion which encompasses a very well that was not the subject wrong. lot of matters, including matters that of the point of order. I request that Mr FINN — It has got everything might be said to be internal to the he return to the substance of the wrong. There is one thing about the government’s formation and political motion and not to the subject he was Labor Party and our friends on the matters. If one listened, as Mr Finn previously talking about, which is not left. This is to paraphrase the great, and I did, to what was accurately referred to in the motion. late US President Ronald Reagan, described as the entertaining — in Mr FINN — As I said to you, Acting who said of the Democrats that they an ironic sense — contribution of Mr President, this is not the first time that know so much that is wrong. You Leane, who also proceeded to traverse the matter has been raised, but I will would have to say about Labor Party what might be called party-political listen to what you say, and if you wish members that they too know so much matters, one would say that Mr Finn is to overturn earlier discussions, well, that is wrong, and they are displaying entitled to respond in the manner in so be it. that in all its glory today. I thank Ms which he is. Mr Barber — Don’t do a Jacinta. Pulford for coming in here with this Mr FINN — On the point of order, Mr FINN — No, I do not think I will motion. Acting President, I refer to some of be doing that. I have had a good laugh throughout your colleagues in the chair — and I might have been one of them — who I will get to the matter that I want this debate, I have to say, listening to discuss this afternoon, and that is to members on the other side of the allowed considerable discussion of a similar nature in the area that I am the cost of living. One of the greatest house in particular, although a couple impacts on the cost of living for on this side have given me a chuckle developing at the moment. This is not new material that I am raising. average Australians in this country too. I should also say to Mr Leane — today is the green industry, the he is over there with Mr Tee at the On that basis, I ask that you rule the industry that tells us about global moment; he will be bored stupid — point of order out of order. warming, climate change and all that that I appreciate his contribution. He The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms sort of nonsense. Let me tell you, almost had me in tears a couple of Pennicuik) — Order! Mr Finn may I believe the climate does change. times. It was highly entertaining, and well ask that, but I have to say that just I believe that because I know that I want to thank him very much for his as Ms Tierney was getting to her feet I months ago I was wearing an overcoat attempt to keep this Parliament well was reading through the motion, and and today I am not. If I were outside awake. I noticed it did not mention anything now, I would be wearing a T-shirt, Interestingly enough, as so often about preselection. I had also been because the temperature is warmer. happens with these motions, the thinking to myself that after 5 minutes Mr O’Brien interjected. mover, Ms Pulford, for whom I have a I would draw Mr Finn’s attention to great deal of respect and time, is not the substance of the motion, which he Mr FINN — I was wearing a yellow actually here. One can only assume has not yet turned his attention to. So and black overcoat, indeed, Mr that she is working the phones I ask him to turn his attention to the O’Brien. I know the climate changes. because, as we know — in fact there substance of the motion. In fact, if the climate did not change, we would be able to skate to work are only three Labor members in the Mr FINN — On a point of order, chamber at the moment — — because the ice age would still be with Acting President, you might like to us. We know the climate changes, but Mr O’Brien interjected. have another read of the motion, to impose all these costs and taxes on Mr FINN — As Mr O’Brien says, because there is reference to recent the community in an attempt to stop there would be a lot of number ‘upheaval to the government’s the climate from changing is insanity. crunching going on at the moment. legislative program as a result of recent events in the Parliament’. That It is lunacy of the highest order. I do not know why there would be There is no way you can change the number crunching, because we is a direct result of what is going on in the Labor Party at the moment. weather by imposing a tax. There all know that Labor does not have is no way you can do that, and the preselections. What will happen is The show-offs in the Labor Party are carbon tax is clearly an impost on that about three or four blokes will trying to get their union hack bosses every Australian. It is a tax on jobs, get together in a room one afternoon on board so that when those three or and members opposite have gone at about 3.00 p.m. They will have four people get together — — on the public record as saying that a sixpack each, and they will say, The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms they support this tax. Their parties ‘Righto, we’ve got to be at the pub Pennicuik) — Order! I think I made a in Canberra imposed this tax, and I by 5.00 p.m.’. They will set out who very clear ruling. Mr Finn should not assume the parties of those opposite is going to sit in the Parliament, in be challenging that ruling. Instead he today still support this tax. which seat and all that sort of thing. should turn to the substance of the Then at 4.55 p.m. they will come out Mr O’Brien — They broke a promise motion, as requested. too. and say, ‘This is your future’. Mr FINN — Certainly. I was actually Ms Tierney interjected. Mr FINN — They did break a referring to paragraph 7 of the motion. promise. I am not sure whether that is Mr FINN — There are women too, I will quote it again, if you would like covered by the motion. Is that covered are there? to read it with me. It says: by the motion? There are a whole Ms Tierney — On a point of order, the upheaval to the government’s heap of things in this motion that are Acting President, on sheer relevance, legislative program as a result of covered by the motion, but I am not Mr Finn is referring to and debating recent events in the Parliament ... allowed to talk about some of them. the issue of ALP preselections. That is a direct quote from the I am not sure whether I will get into

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 31 trouble for that. As one of my referees, I refer to believe is one of the major impacts on I want to refer to the cost of living, one of the chief correspondents for the cost of living to Victorians. I can which is part of the motion. the Sydney Morning Herald, Peter understand your sensitivity on this It says, ‘Bring down cost of living Hartcher. The Sydney Morning Herald issue, but irrespective of that, this is pressures on Victorians’, just in case is generally one of the leaders of a matter that I believe impacts on the the Acting President was in any doubt the cheer squad for global warming cost of living. If members cannot talk as to whether this was relevant to and the climate change industry. I about matters that are in the motion, the motion. It clearly is very relevant listened to Mr Hartcher on radio a I am not sure what the hell we are to the motion. One of the greatest couple of weeks ago and heard him supposed to talk about at all. impacts on the cost of living for asked whether global warming and The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms Victorians today relates to the costs climate change had any impact on Pennicuik) — Order! Firstly, it has imposed as a result of the influence the typhoon that hit the Philippines. nothing to do with my sensitivities. of the green industry. The carbon tax I waited and thought, ‘Here we go. Mr Finn interjected. is one of those costs. It is a nonsense. This will be unbelievable’. He went on to say that he had looked at all the The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms It is a tax on jobs, it is a tax on small Pennicuik) — Order! Secondly, Mr business — — evidence and read what was written by all the experts and had come to the Finn should watch his language Mr O’Brien — Hospitals. view — and I waited with bated breath and make sure that his language is Mr FINN — It is a tax on hospitals, — that no, there was no connection parliamentary, and I do not believe it is a tax on local government, it is at all. Mind you, that did not stop the his most recent phrase was. Thirdly, a tax on transport — it is a tax on Greens, and it is not stopping one Mr Finn had mentioned the carbon everything. In fact I recall when the now. tax for at least 7 minutes as part of GST was introduced there was a the cost of living. While I understand The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms that there is a reference to the cost general concern about the impact that Pennicuik) — Order! When Mr Finn would have on the cost of living. Let of living, I would say that tedious says there was no connection at all, I repetition is coming into play and that me tell you that the GST is nothing have to say there is no connection at compared with the width and breadth Mr Finn was not directing himself all, or very little connection, between directly to the provisions of the of the carbon tax. The carbon tax this motion and the subject of the hits everything because it is a tax on motion. That is all I was asking him to carbon tax. I am sure we are all very do. electricity. clear on Mr Finn’s views. However, If you use electricity as a means the carbon tax is not mentioned in Ms Ms Hartland — On a point of order, of production, you get taxed on Pulford’s motion. It is a federal matter. Acting President, Mr Finn should everything. If you build cars, you I refer Mr Finn again to the subject of withdraw the comments he just made are paying a carbon tax. If you make the motion. about the Acting President that were in my hearing. bread, you are paying a carbon tax. Mr O’Brien — On a point of order, If you cure sick people at a hospital, Acting President, I am being careful in Mr O’Brien — On the point of order, you pay the carbon tax. If you take raising this point of order because you President, that is a subsequent point people to work on the bus, you pay have made some broad rulings and I of order. Mr Finn raised a slightly the carbon tax. Whatever you do, the seek further guidance. No objection different point of order to mine. I am carbon tax is like a giant octopus with has been made by members. Mr not sure if — — tentacles that reach into all facets of Finn’s contribution relates to his The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms life. belief, and that of others, that the Pennicuik) — Order! Which point of Mr O’Brien — On your electricity carbon tax and other green policies order are you speaking on? bill. relate to the cost of living, which is not Mr O’Brien — I am calling on your Mr FINN — Indeed it is on their only a significant coalition election guidance to consider my point of electricity bill, as Mr O’Brien correctly promise, as outlined in the motion, order, which is that if it is the case points out. We can see the direct but has also been the subject of — — impact on the cost of living of each debate. In such a broad motion it is The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms individual Victorian in their electricity difficult for the Chair to editorialise as Pennicuik) — Order! Is this a separate bill, but it is far wider than just to which specific matters relating to point of order? individual electricity bills. the cost of living are in and out of the Mr O’Brien — It is on the original As I said earlier, there is ample motion. I call into question the broad point of order, which I did not take proof that there has been no global nature of the motion rather than Mr you to have ruled on, because Mr Finn warming for 17 years. There is ample Finn’s contribution on it. I ask you raised a variation of it. If it is the case evidence to show that and to prove for guidance. As Mr Finn says, if he that Mr Finn is not able to talk about that. In fact there is significant is not allowed to speak to matters cost of living pressures or the events evidence to show that there was not referred to in the motion, it seems to in Parliament when they are in the even much warming before the 17 me that the motion itself, rather than words of the motion, it would seem to years, so this whole thing is a bit of Mr Finn’s contribution, may not be an me to call into question the ability of a charade. What is even more of a appropriate matter for debate. the motion to be fairly discussed. charade concerns people such as Mr FINN — On the point of order, I know you referred to tedious Adam Bandt, the federal member for Acting President, while you were repetition, which can be an issue, Melbourne, and Senator Christine involved in discussions earlier I made but in an untimed debate certainly Milne, federal leader of the Australian the point — and I wish you heard the there are many other issues that Greens, who have been referring to point that I made — that I am making can be debated at length. I seek the Prime Minster as ‘Typhoon Tony’ reference to the cost of living. The your guidance to see if the matter is and blaming what happened in the motion specifically refers to cost of to be referred to the President — I Philippines on climate change. That is living pressures on Victorians. I am understand the rulings you have total and absolute nonsense. making a specific reference to what I made — because it would provide me

IN 32 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE with some inability to phrase what are what you have made — it calls — Professor Tim Flannery — who said matters I would be referring to if we into question whether these motions that our dams would never again be are not allowed to refer to matters that should be on the notice paper in the filled by the rain that falls from the are in the motion. first place, as it will put the house skies. Of course that was before the Mr Ondarchie — On Ms Hartland’s into debate as to the relevance of the Brisbane floods and the Sydney floods point of order, Acting President, as motions in a way that is not conducive and numerous other floods. Our dams you would be aware, I was sitting to the efficient running of the house. are now close to 84 per cent full. very close to you when Mr Finn was The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms The cost of living is a direct result sat down, and I could not hear any Pennicuik) — Order! On the point of of pandering to the green industry utterance from him at that end of the order, the President can make up his by previous governments. There chamber. I am not quite sure what Ms own mind as to whether a motion is in is no getting away from that, and Hartland is asking him to withdraw, order or not, and I do not need to refer I commend Prime Minister Tony because we could not hear anything this one to him because it is already Abbott and the federal government on about that at that end of the chamber. on the notice paper. Referring back to defunding the Climate Commission The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms Mr Finn’s earlier point of order, I refer and removing Sandbags Flannery Pennicuik) — Order! If I can refer to him to the text of the motion and ask from his $175 000 a year part-time the points of order collectively, I was him to return to it. job. That hopefully will have some referring to Mr Finn reflecting upon Mr FINN — On a point of order, impact on the cost of living as well by the Chair in his comments about Acting President, you made some lessening the pressure on the cost of me, which I drew to his attention. I reference to the fact that I had been living drew to his attention the use of what I speaking about the carbon tax for 7 because we, the taxpayers, will regard as unparliamentary language. minutes. That is actually not the case, no longer be paying that particular He should probably reflect on and, if I could, I suggest to you that gentleman’s salary. whether he withdraws both of those if you had been actually listening, There is not a great deal of time left, matters. you would be aware of that. I made sadly, given that I have attempted On Mr O’Brien’s point of order and reference to the carbon tax most now to speak on a number of subjects subsequent point of order, I concede certainly, but I then moved on to talk in the motion that have been ruled that there is some reference to cost about the green industry, which is a out of the motion, but I am going of living in the motion, but it is a very major impact on the cost of living in to keep going anyway because Mr substantive motion. Mr Finn was the state. Ondarchie says he is interested, and if talking about the carbon tax, which The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms Mr Ondarchie is interested, I am with is not referred to in the motion and Pennicuik) — Order! I am on my feet. him all the way. which is a federal matter. I simply I would ask Mr Finn not to reflect on The thing about the Labor Party asked him to refer to the substantive the Chair in his comments in points of is that it believes that if you spend matters raised in the motion and drew order, and I ask him to withdraw that money, you are doing something his attention to those. comment. worthwhile — that spending money Mr FINN — On a point of order, Mr FINN — Righto. I will get my is in itself worthwhile. It does not Acting President, on the basis that you crystal ball out and give it a rub, and matter what you spend it on; as long have ruled twice now that speaking hopefully I will be able to come up as you spend money, you are doing on matters that are not contained in with something that will meet with something worthwhile. We were the motion is irrelevant to the motion, your approval, Acting President, to elected, says the Labor Party, to spend would you be kind enough to give me speak about. money, and we are going to spend a list of things I can talk about so I can The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms your money. continue my speech? Pennicuik) — Order! I am on my feet. Mr Ondarchie — Taxpayers money. The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms Mr Finn reflected upon me by saying I Mr FINN — Taxpayers money. Pennicuik) — Order! On the point of was not listening. I was listening. I ask That is the difference between the order, I have not said that Mr Finn him to withdraw that comment. people on this side and the people cannot mention the carbon tax; I Mr FINN — I withdraw. on the other side. On this side of the am just saying that there are more The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms house we know that the money we are substantive matters in the motion. I Pennicuik) — Order! Thank you. talking about is not our money; it is am drawing attention to that. Mr Finn the money of the taxpayers of Victoria. had referred to that matter, which is a Mr FINN — Extraordinary; I cannot wait to get to Facebook on this one. Whenever I go to an announcement, federal issue, at length. I was referring go to a sod turning or the opening of him to that. The global warming industry — the green industry — has a major impact something, I make a very clear point Mr O’Brien — On a point of order, on the cost of living in this state. of thanking the taxpayers of Victoria Acting President, in light of your There is no doubt about that. The for making this possible, because rulings I would simply ask that — — money that has been going into the without the taxpayers of Victoria we The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms green industry for years, particularly would have nothing. It is the taxpayers Pennicuik) — Order! under the previous government, is of Victoria who keep this place Is this a separate point of order? one of the great rorts of our time. The open. It is the people of Victoria who desalination plant is sitting down actually work for a living who have to Mr O’Brien — It is a separate point pay tax to pay Mr Leane, and what a of order. It is a further request that in Gippsland doing nothing, rotting away at a cost of some $2 million a rip-off that is. How would you like to you refer the issue of very broad- be working 60 or 70 hours a week to ranging motions to the President for day to the taxpayer. That is a result of the green industry. find that 50 per cent of your taxes are guidance, because if they are going to paying Mr Leane? It is a disgrace, but be contained in the manner of your That is a result of what Labor that is something — — rulings — and I am not quibbling Premiers and Labor governments with your rulings; I accept that they have been told by Sandbags Flannery Mr Leane interjected.

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 33 The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr to point out that there is life beyond Mr Leane — Have you read the Ramsay) — Order! the tram tracks. Mr Barber seems to latest polls? I ask Mr Leane to cease interjecting. think that life ends where Carlton Mr FINN — Which poll would that I advise Mr Finn that we can hear him North ends. be? Mr Leane has got to stop reading very clearly. If you get into Fitzroy or some of the Age. Mr FINN — Mr Ondarchie wants those places, then that is it; you have If Mr Leane keeps reading the Age it a refund on his taxes if any of it has a latte or whatever they have on will give him a false sense of security, gone to Mr Leane and I can totally Brunswick Street, and that seems to and he has to be careful. There are understand why. be the way the Greens think. They a number of other areas I could The bottom line is that the Labor do not care about families out in talk about where this government Party is no good with money. It does Werribee, Sunbury or Gladstone Park has brought benefits to the western not understand money and it does — families who are struggling to keep suburbs, but I will not do so because not know how to handle it. It does not a roof over their heads. They are just I know that other members are very matter where the Labor Party is. Look concerned about the latte-sippers in keen to speak on this motion, even if at what the Greens-Labor coalition Fitzroy, on Brunswick Street and all the mover of this motion has not been has done in Tasmania, a state which around there. We heard that again seen in the chamber for quite some might as well sink for all it is worth today, and it is a great pity. time. these days. Look what the Labor I would like to give the Greens I say to members of the Labor Party Party has done in New South Wales, a little bit of advice, if I may: they and their brother and sisters at arms Queensland, South Australia and should get out a little bit more. They in the Greens: you need a reality Western Australia. Federally we were should go and see some real people check. They need to have a good, previously in the black and now we away from the inner city — away hard think about what they did to the are $300 billion in the red. This is what from Carlton and Fitzroy. That will people of Victoria over 11 years. They Labor does: it spends money. It does be of great benefit to the Greens did what earlier generations have not care where it spends it or what it is and I believe of great benefit to this done. The bottom line is that when it spent on; it just likes spending money. Parliament. It would be a very good comes to government Labor members It reminds me of somebody I thing indeed. are just not very good at it, and it does knew once, whom I will not mention We have a huge project on the not matter how much practice they because it will get me into a lot of drawing board which is going to be have, they do not get any better at it. trouble and I am quite capable of of huge benefit to the very people I That is the problem: it does not matter doing that without mentioning any am speaking about — people in the how much time or how many years names. suburbs. It is called the east-west link. they are in government, they get no That is the Labor way. As I have This is supported almost universally better at it. said before in this house, every time across this state by some of the The people of Victoria know that if Labor gets into government it stuffs biggest organisations you have seen, they want a solid government whose it up and leaves a dirty, stinking mess but there is one group that is opposed members can handle money and give for the coalition to fix up when it to it. It is the Labor-Greens coalition, this state and the people of this state a comes into government. That is the as you would expect, because its future, they need a Liberal-Nationals reality of life. If members opposite members are opposed to everything. government. That is the bottom line, doubt that, I challenge them to get That is not to say that Labor used to be not the sort of fabrication or nonsense up and dispute it by providing some opposed to it; Labor used to support that members see bounced around in justification. When we came to it. Mr Melhem in particular was a very this motion. government in Victoria in 2010, Labor keen supporter. I urge the house to vote against this had learnt nothing from the Cain and Mr Ondarchie — Mr Somyurek. motion. I will most certainly be doing Kirner government years and was in Mr FINN — Mr Somyurek too. I that, with bells on. I urge members the process of stuffing Victoria up all have a letter from Mr Melhem in opposite, the next time they come up over again. I could talk at some length my office that I am happy to table with a motion as ludicrous as this, to about the benefits — — showing his support for the east-west use their self-control and resist the Mr Leane — Give someone else a link when he was secretary of the temptation. go. Australian Workers Union. Mr FINN — I will. I trust Mr Leane is Mind you, there have been a few COUNCIL | Members Statements over there — — secretaries of the Australian Workers 27 November 2013 Mr Leane — It is boring. Union over the years, but that is another story altogether. Mr FINN — I do not think it is boring. I think there are a lot of people Mr Leane — Not that many. who are very interested. Mr Leane Mr FINN — Yes, a few slush funds Western suburbs is a bit dirty because a number of there. What is involved with this people have heard my speech on east-west link is not just a new way government the web broadcast and, as we speak, of getting from east to west and from achievements are queuing in Spring Street for the west to east but real jobs for the real Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) refund that Mr Ondarchie is talking people who those on the other side do — Returning from the sod-turning about! not care about. The Labor Party in this ceremony at the now under- Something I am particularly proud state has been sucked into believing construction Braybrook community of is that we now have a government that Fitzroy and Carlton are all that hub on Monday it occurred to me in Victoria that takes the western matter, and I cannot begin to imagine just how much things have changed suburbs seriously. Never before has why. It is losing support left, right and in Melbourne’s west over the past this happened. It is a great pity that centre because of that. I could talk three years. The sod turning, this Mr Barber is not here, because I want — — one with the Minister for Local

IN 34 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE Government, Mrs Powell, and the We live in a part of the world in terms of fire services but the Minister for Sport and Recreation, where floods could hit at almost any State Emergency Service and a Mr Delahunty, no longer seems all time depending on the amount of whole range of other services. The that unusual. After all, ministers in water falling from the sky — floods volunteers provide this support, the Napthine government are now a like those we have seen in northern and that is something we should be common sight in the western suburbs. Victoria in recent times. I recall as extraordinarily grateful for. It was From Werribee to Craigieburn a child being driven through what volunteers who fought the fires and to Williamstown and all parts in is now known as the East Werribee rescued people from the floods when between, residents of the west are precinct and the water was up to the I was child. Still now, some years since enjoying the pleasure of no longer axles of the car. Floods are not new, I was a child, it is those volunteers being the poor cousins of Melbourne. nor are storms. — maybe not the same ones, but New developments, extra funding Hon. M. J. Guy — It may never rain certainly those who have followed in and hitherto unknown government again! their footsteps — who continue the attention is something locals in the Mr FINN — As Mr Guy points out, grand tradition of supporting people west are very easily getting used there have been some who predicted in times of great stress and in times of to. Despite that fact, one thing has that it would never rain again. emergency. For that we can only say God bless them and thank you. not changed: Labor still neglects Hon. M. J. Guy — Shysterism! Melbourne’s west. One of my great regrets is that last Mr FINN — Shysters and shonks. Labor’s announcement that it Sunday I had to be elsewhere — I was We have to accept that these things in fact becoming a godfather for the will scrap the western link if elected have been with us for a very long time. is a huge smack in the mouth to first time last Sunday morning — and my constituents. The Leader of the I think it is unfortunate, I have to say I was unable to be at the Bulla CFA Opposition and member for Mulgrave to you, that there are some who seek brigade, which is just around the in the Assembly, Daniel Andrews, to make political statements about corner from my place, to present them has let it be known that he is happy the disasters that hit us. We have with a new truck from the Victorian for traffic congestion to remain the had bushfires in this country from government. order of the day on the West Gate the year dot. Before we arrived the We thank the taxpayers for that and Tullamarine freeways. He does Aboriginal people had fires that they truck. It is my great regret that I was not care about the west. In fact in a used to manage the land. This is not unable to be there, but Mr Elsbury tweet he sent last week about a level anything new. Anybody who would went along in my stead and did a crossing Labor promised to fix in 1999 get up in this house or anywhere else sterling job, as you would imagine. he actually misspelt St Albans. He and say that this is the result of some Those blokes — and women too, I does not know, nor does he care. That extraordinary phenomena is clearly might say — at the Bulla CFA are is business as usual for Labor. lacking in knowledge as far as history representative of a much wider goes, because fires, floods, storms and movement of people who are Thankfully we now have a tempests are all part of the Australian government that actually does prepared to put others ahead of experience. I remember that when themselves. This is what they do on a care about Melbourne’s west I was a child my father was in the and its people. Team Napthine is regular basis, and we saw it recently Country Fire Authority (CFA) brigade in New South Wales when so many leading from the front and showing down at Warrion, and I am sure Mr westerners that the Liberal Party people gathered to fight the fires. O’Brien would know the area I am Even those in Victoria were prepared is their party. Under the Napthine speaking of — — coalition government Labor’s neglect to set aside their jobs and families for is a thing of the past. Melbourne’s Mr O’Brien — Mr Chant was as well. a period of time and go to assist the west has finally come in from the cold. Mr FINN — Mr Chant was indeed. firefighting efforts up there. Again, A number of Chants were in the these are tremendous people who we Warrion CFA brigade, as indeed were can look up to. COUNCIL | Second Reading a number of Finns. I recall the Beeac 28 November 2013 The word ‘hero’ is bandied around fires when I was a child. I recall that far too easily, I think. We see it used that was a pretty terrifying time. Of quite frequently during the football all the fires, I think grassfires are season, for example. Somebody will Emergency probably the fastest moving. They can kick a goal or take a mark to save a catch you unawares. If you are out match and newspapers will have the Management Bill there fighting them, if you are even word ‘hero’ splashed across the front just driving down the road and you or back page. 2013 are not aware that they are around, That is all very well, and if that Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) they can catch you unawares. player was wearing a black jumper — It gives me enormous pleasure Mr O’Brien — They move at the with a yellow sash, I would be very to rise to speak on the Emergency speed of the wind. pleased that they had done what Management Bill 2013. As has been Mr FINN — They do move at the they had done — but hero they are mentioned, particularly by Mr Drum, speed of the wind; Mr O’Brien is not. ‘Hero’ is reserved for those who this bill has been a long time coming, exactly right. I recall when I was a very risk their lives by going out to defend but it is very much worthwhile. We young child my mother baking up a others. live in a part of the world where big basket of scones and taking it up I am sure they will be pleased to disasters and emergency situations to the volunteers. know that the government and the are very much a way of life. We live Of course in the country — and Parliament are putting this legislation in a part of the world where fires, not just in the country, but in many into place, and that we are doing it particularly in the season we are areas which are now almost in the ASAP — that is, as soon as possible. about to enter, are something that so city — it is volunteers who provide They may not be thrilled to know many people live with as a fact of life. the emergency services, not just that there is an attempt to put this

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 35 bill off for a week or two. They might fire, a dreadful flood or whatever Mrs Coote — 21 years. not be very concerned about it, but the disaster is, Australians come Mr FINN — Yes, it was 21 years I have a feeling they would want together to support those in trouble. ago. Caloola was closed shortly this legislation in place as soon as That is something that we should all before I was elected as member possible, because this legislation be extraordinarily pleased about. for Tullamarine in the Legislative establishes a set of protocols that We should be quietly proud that our Assembly. I can recall only too well will ensure that we will never again countrymen do that. the great concern that many people see what occurred in 2009 when the Mr O’Brien interjected. had about the accommodation needs leader of the emergency services Mr FINN — Countrywomen as well. of the people who had previously effort completely failed in her duties In the old days women were included been in Caloola. The government at a time when they were sorely in ‘countrymen’, but these days you of that time — the Kirner Labor needed. have to go on forever to explain who government — was just not up This legislation, which largely you are referring to. to the job of providing the sort comes out of the 2009 Victorian That is a bit unfortunate, but that is of accommodation these people Bushfires Royal Commission, ensures the way of the world these days. needed. It was something that that never again will we see a situation distressed me a great deal at the time. where the supposed leader of the Nonetheless, men and women I look back on it with a great deal of emergency effort is off having her hair volunteer, whether they be fighting regret and sadness, because it caused cut or at dinner at a time when she is fires, helping clear up or getting rid much distress, particularly to older needed. of some of the underbrush. That is parents who were very concerned another issue. I wish I had raised that about their children and what would Mr O’Brien — Critical time. a bit earlier, because I could go on for Mr FINN — At a critical time, a time happen to those children when their quite some time about the need to parents went to their eternal reward. when so many Victorians were putting reduce the fuel that fuels a bushfire. their lives at risk, the leadership was That is something for another day. I now find myself in a situation where I feel the same way. missing in action. Mr O’Brien interjected. I look at my son now, and he is It is important that we get this Mr FINN — The volunteers have legislation through. We do not know pretty happy and healthy — a growing to go out and remove the material 12-year-old — but at some stage I am when the next emergency will occur. through back-burning operations. It might occur before the Parliament not going to be around, and I wonder They really should not have to do that, what will become of him when I am sits again; we do not know. That is the because it should be done as a matter nature of emergencies. This bill is time no longer around to keep an eye of course. I am hopeful that as a result on him. I wonder what will happen crucial. It is something that we should of this legislation that might be the get into place as quickly as possible. to those around him when I am no case. longer around. These are issues that We have an obligation to the The legislation is going to be of volunteers as well as the Victorian play on the minds of carers every day enormous benefit to the people of of their lives. It is legislation such as community to get this legislation into Victoria. That is supposed to be what law as soon as we can. this that gives certainty and a sense government is all about; it is about of knowing what is ahead for people Victims of fires, floods and storms, bringing benefit and betterment who are caught in this particular whether they are affected physically to the people we represent. In situation. or in other ways, need a great deal of this case the government has support. Again on these occasions I found some of the comments succeeded overwhelmingly. I will made tonight by members of the we see volunteers come to the fore. not be supporting Ms Hartland’s We see the Red Cross, St Vincent de Labor Party in this chamber to be amendments, but I support the bill. exceedingly offensive. I found them Paul, Anglicare and a number of other I sincerely hope it will be passed by groups in the community put in to personally offensive, but they were this house and will be law as soon as also offensive full stop. If we really help people in their time of need. is possible. Mrs Coote made the point very well want to see how governments treat that people contribute in this way. people with a disability, we just have Australians are particularly good at COUNCIL | Second Reading to look at how over a long period the being generous in times of need. If 10 December 2013 Labor Party treated children with people did not do this, we would be autism who lived in the western in a great deal of trouble. This is an suburbs. They would not allow extension of the volunteer mentality Disability children in the western suburbs that has saved us from terrible to have a proper education. They disasters numerous times over many would only allow them four years of years. Amendment Bill education. I recall going to a relief centre which 2013 It was only this government that had been set up to support the local Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) put in place a P-12 school for children community in the Macedon Ranges — I rise to speak in support of this bill with autism, which will open early in 1983. Mrs Millar knows exactly with a great deal of enthusiasm — — next year. It is something I am what I am talking about; I am sure she particularly excited about. At long last Mrs Coote — And knowledge. these children will get a proper and could speak at length on that subject. Mr FINN — I hasten to add, People came from all over Victoria to thorough education, but Labor was although modesty might forbid me, not the party that gave it to them. In support those who had been burnt perhaps with a degree of knowledge out, had lost their homes and indeed fact for many years Labor blocked that as well, because this has been an education for these children. had lost members of their families in area of interest for me for some years, those dreadful fires. It does not seem When I see and hear Labor going back to the days of the closure members getting up and beating their to matter whether it is a dreadful of Caloola Training Centre.

IN 36 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE chests about the wonderful things COUNCIL | Questions without Notice million capital investment in Deer they do for people with a disability 10 December 2013 Park, which will not only create jobs and people who are hard up, I have to in the local area but will also provide wonder that if they are so genuinely high-demand services, particularly concerned about these people, why cloud computing services, in Victoria. do they scare them witless with ICT sector Earlier this month we also had these ongoing scare campaigns? I an announcement by the mobile do not just blame members today; growth Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) app developer Two Bulls, which this is something in the Labor Party’s confirmed that its Melbourne office DNA, something the Labor Party — My question without notice is directed at the Minister for will now be its global headquarters. excels at. It attempts to put the fear As a consequence of that it is now of God into people who should not Technology, Mr Rich-Phillips, and I ask: can the minister update expecting to grow its workforce from be subject to that sort of fear. People 30 to 50 people by 2015. with a disability and their families the house about recent growth in have enough to deal with without the Victoria’s ICT sector? These three fantastic Labor Party scaring them silly about Hon. G. K. RICH-PHILLIPS announcements underscore the something that 9 times out of 10 does (Minister for Technology) — I thank strength of the Victorian ICT sector, not exist. Mr Finn for his question and for his which will see growth of more than 230 jobs by 2015 and reinforce The worst thing that could happen interest in the Victorian ICT sector. We have seen some great news in why Victoria is the place for ICT for people with disabilities and for investment in Australia. their families is to allow the system to the Victorian ICT sector over the last collapse. This bill is about providing couple of months, which continues sustainability for the system, a trend of new capital investment COUNCIL | Adjournment providing the necessary dollars to and new job creation in the sector in 10 December 2013 allow that system to continue. There is Victoria. no such thing as free accommodation, Last year I was delighted to open no such thing as free food and no the Melbourne headquarters of such thing as free care. This bill is DB Results in Collins Street. It is a Little Saigon, about ensuring that the system we Victorian-founded company which have in this state is sustained in a way has grown substantially over the last Footscray decade. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — that means those people are properly I raise a matter for the attention of the cared for. At the time of opening the office Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Unfortunately I cannot go on any in Collins Street last year I was also Citizenship. I am sure the minister longer, because I understand we pleased to announce that DB Results would be aware that over recent years have to get through a very tough expected to grow its workforce by I have built a strong connection and program this evening and beyond. I 100 people over the period to 2015. I relationship with the Vietnamese compliment one person in particular was delighted last month to return to community, particularly in Footscray. for her work in this area, and that is DB Results. This company has grown I have long admired Australian- Mrs Coote. its revenue from $14 million to $40 Vietnamese people for their ability I share an office with her — Mrs million in the space of the last two to work hard, to show initiative and Coote has the office, I have the years — substantial growth in the to show the sort of entrepreneurship cupboard — and I know she cares business over that period of time. I that is building Australia and will very genuinely about people with was delighted to join DB Results last continue to build Australia. Before a disability. The amount of time month to announce that its workforce the Vietnamese came to Footscray — she spends searching for answers, would not be growing by 100 people which is many years ago now — that implementing those answers and by 2015 but by 200 people by 2015. suburb was in a pretty bad way; it was working for the good of people with Two hundred new jobs in ICT will pretty shabby. But the Vietnamese disabilities and their families is quite be created here in Victoria by 2015 have inspired a new life in Footscray. extraordinary. I compliment her in an innovative ICT services and consulting company in Melbourne. The proposal I wish to put to the on her work and efforts and for the minister tonight is somewhat of enthusiasm that she displays so often Last month I was also delighted a recognition of the contribution for the task. to join Mr Finn and Mr Elsbury in that the Australian-Vietnamese I support this bill. I urge members Deer Park for the opening of the community has made in Footscray. opposite to put aside their scare latest Digital Realty data centre. I was pleased to turn the first sod for this It concerns the Saigon welcoming campaign and chest beating, their arch, which is a proposed arch over know-it-all speeches and the carry-on data centre last year. It represents a $150 million investment by Digital the Little Saigon precinct in Leeds and they are renowned for. I urge them Byron streets. For those members who to join us on this side of this house in Realty in data centres here in Melbourne. are familiar with Footscray, it is a very supporting this bill. popular part of that suburb. There are There are two co-located data some great restaurants, some great centres in Deer Park, one serving food stores — and some great stores one of the major banks and the other full stop, to tell the truth. serving third-party clients. There are plans afoot, and these Mr Lenders — Which bank? plans have been approved and are Hon. G. K. RICH-PHILLIPS — Not supported by the Maribyrnong City them. Council, which I understand has This underscores the confidence recently announced it is prepared to that Digital Realty has in the Victorian put in $350 000 for the building of this ICT sector. It is undertaking a $150 arch. I wish I could go into depth to

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 37 describe what it will look like when same area at the same time, the role (the Society) is undertaking in the it is completed, but it will be a major of police is to maintain public order community in responding to the highlight of Footscray, indeed a major and enforce the criminal law. Effective needs of families and supporting highlight of the western suburbs. It is policing requires the careful exercise them to achieve and maintain a safe something that people in Footscray, of judgement and the application and nurturing environment. and particularly the Vietnamese of appropriate discretion, ensuring The Society is a strong agency community in Footscray, will be that police adapt their response to of social and community workers, particularly proud of. suit the circumstances of the day. In service support staff and volunteers, I ask the minister to support this context I am advised that police who offer pregnancy counselling and take into consideration the did intervene and separate parties to and support, material aid, housing application, which is either before minimise disputes and altercations. assistance and family support. him or will be before him very shortly. The Chief Commissioner has The department currently funds As I said, the Maribyrnong City received a number of complaints the Society to provide individual Council has offered its full support, regarding the policing of the family services across the Western and the local Australian-Vietnamese demonstration, and the Professional Melbourne and Brimbank Melton community is very enthusiastic about Standards Command (PSC) will Areas. it. It is in the process at the moment respond to each complainant on the I have asked the department to of raising some $300 000 through a completion of their investigation. meet with the Society and explore series of four fundraising dinners If you have not already separately what options are available. with dancing, which I am sure the raised the matter of police not Acting President will be very keen to intervening in an alleged assault on attend, as well as doorknocking many your daughter by abortion rights COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) business owners around Victoria, activists with the Chief Commissioner, 10 December 2013 especially in the Footscray area. I ask you may lodge a complaint with the the minister to take this matter into Professional Standards Command consideration and give this project his (PSC), Police Conduct Unit, by: Planning: full support. • phoning PSC on 1300 363 101, or • writing to PSC at Victoria Police, P. Maribyrnong COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) O. Box 415, Melbourne, Vic., 3005, 10 December 2013 or development • lodging an online complaint at: Raised with the Minister for (Victoria Planning on 5 March 2013 Police — Compliments and REPLY: Police protest Complaints). Places Victoria has worked closely response I am further advised that police with the commonwealth over recent Raised with the Minister for Police planning for 12 October 2013 months to develop options around and Emergency Services on 16 October March for the Babies included an a more streamlined approach to 2013 assessment of resource requirements developing the Maribyrnong defence REPLY: in the context of previous marches, site. and other protests and activities Getting the former commonwealth The government recognises that occurring that day. This planning is the issue of abortion generates to commit to undertaking the an operational matter for the Chief necessary remediation and resolving strong views within the community, Commissioner, who will determine and accepts the right of people to ongoing responsibility for risks and what additional measures, if any liabilities has proved difficult in the express their differing views publicly, may be required in 2014. As indicted including at street marches and past and continues to be at the centre above, the Chief Commissioner has of negotiations in this new approach. protests. Indeed, the views expressed also received correspondence on this within the Parliament itself on this Places Victoria will ensure that all matter, and I anticipate that he will requests by the commonwealth issue are divided, with changes to take account of the matters raised. the law made subject to a conscience are acceptable to the state before vote. contracting with the commonwealth government to transfer the land. The opportunity to protest COUNCIL | Adjournment (Reply) is an integral part of our open 10 December 2013 The Department of Transport, and democratic way of life, and Planning and Local Infrastructure government recognises the right of and Places Victoria will meet with the citizens to convey their opinions Maribyrnong City Council when the lawfully. Although protest organisers Caroline business strategy has been prepared may elect to liaise with police or local and approved by government. In the authorities regarding any actions they Chisholm Society meantime, Maribyrnong City Council Raised with the Minister for will be advised of the project status. are planning, this is not compulsory, Community Services on 19 September and protests do not require 2013 authorisation or the granting of a REPLY: permit. No one group is given priority over another, and whilst police make I thank for the Member for Western requests of protestors, they cannot Metropolitan Region for his request to give directions where their behaviour consider what assistance can be given is not unlawful. to the Caroline Chisholm Society. Where groups with different views I acknowledge the good work choose to express these publicly in the the Caroline Chisholm Society

IN 38 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE COUNCIL | Petitions to rise this afternoon to speak on the Flannery, our friend Sandbags, has 11 December 2013 motion put forward by our dear friend been for the duration of this year. Mr Barber. Of course Mr Barber has Mr Ramsay — He probably made quite a decent living out of drowned. this sort of thing for some years now, Mr FINN — He may well have Abortion and he is not alone. There are many drowned, Mr Ramsay. But if he has people on the face of this earth who been anywhere near Melbourne, legislation have made extraordinary amounts of he will know damn well that his To the Legislative Council of money — — Victoria: assertion that the rain which falls Mrs Peulich — Who? The petition of certain citizens of the from above will never fill our state of Victoria draws to the attention Mr FINN — I will get to that, Mrs reservoirs and dams has been proven of the Legislative Council the Abortion Peulich. There are many people on to be absolute and total nonsense. Law Reform Act 2008: the face of the earth who have made What a great pity and a great shame extraordinary amounts of money on it is that as a result of the actions 1. allows abortion right up until the the back of the climate change scam, of the previous government we, moment a child would otherwise be on the back of this so-called global the Victorian taxpayers, have spent born; warming that does not actually exist. billions of dollars listening to the likes 2. allows the cruel and barbaric These people have been ripping us of Sandbags Flannery, who told us practice of partial-birth abortion; off to the tune of billions of dollars it would never rain again, and going 3. allows children to be killed before every year for at least the last 30 years. ahead and building a desal plant that, birth on the basis of their gender; It is extraordinary that we still accept as we speak, is rusting away in the 4. denies the right of conscientious some of the ludicrous assertions rain down there in Gippsland. It has objection to medical practitioners that come from the climate change been doing so now for about three opposed to abortion; and industry after all these years, although years. We have spent billions on this 5. offers no protection to women if we look at the results of the last thing. coerced into having an abortion. federal election, which was on 7 Hon. D. M. Davis — It is $1.8 million The petitioners therefore humbly September, we note that the people of a day. request the Abortion Law Reform Australia elected a government on the Mr FINN — As Mr Davis points out, Act 2008 be repealed, and for it to be basis that it would abolish the carbon it is costing the Victorian taxpayers replaced with proper legal protection tax. That is the most positive sign. Mr $1.8 million a day, and at this point and support for children before birth Barber was talking about optimists we are yet to taste one drop of water and their mothers. and pessimists. Following the election from the thing. It would have to be the I am very optimistic that the people of By Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) greatest act of farce that we have seen Australia have finally woken up to this in this country. It is a monumental (158 signatures). scam. They have finally woken up to Laid on table. stuff-up, if ever there was one, yet it the fact that these people have been was done on the back of listening to Ordered to be considered next day having a lend of us for a very long the greenies. It was done on the back on motion of Mr FINN (Western time. of listening to these people, these Metropolitan). Not only have they been having leeches, who have been living off a lend of us, but they have been the taxpayer not just in Australia but COUNCIL feathering their own nests as a result. around the world for some years. 11 December 2013 I was delighted today as I looked out I am surprised and a little the window and saw the rain coming disappointed that Mr Barber did down, and I was reminded of just not go a little bit further in support how delighted I was that the federal of his motion, but on reconsidering Climate Change Abbott government has abolished Mr BARBER (Northern that statement I suppose it is not the Climate Commission. It has Metropolitan) — I move: surprising that he did not go very far not so much abolished the Climate in supporting his motion. That this house notes and Commission as defunded it; it had endorses the finding of the Mr Ramsay — There is not much to been on the public teat for many say. Intergovernmental Panel on years as well. Its chair, Professor Tim Climate Change’s 2013 Working Mr FINN — As Mr Ramsay points Group 1 report that — ‘Sandbags’ Flannery, had been on the public teat to the tune of $170 000 a out, there is not much to say, because (1) it is extremely likely that year on a part-time basis. Not many the Intergovernmental Panel on human influence has been the can get a job for $170 000 on a part- Climate Change (IPCC) is a largely dominant cause of observed time basis. Even fewer can maintain discredited organisation now. In warming since the mid-20th 2007 it told the world one thing; in century; a job for $170 000 on a part-time basis while getting it so wrong week 2013 it said, ‘Oops, we got it wrong. (2) continued emissions of after week, month after month and Oops, we made a mistake’. It says now greenhouse gases will cause year after year. Now I am delighted that its computers may have been further warming and changes in all to say he is no longer being fed by exaggerating. I recall when I was a lad components of the climate system; that my dear father — God rest his and the taxpayer. The snout is out of the trough, but that did not stop him, soul — told me that a bad workman (3) limiting climate change will because I noticed this week that the always blames his tools. require substantial and sustained Climate Commission was out there Here we have these so-called reductions of greenhouse gas scientists blaming their computers emissions. again telling us that the end is nigh. It was telling us that we are all going for getting it so dreadfully wrong. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) Just how wrong is it? They told us one — It gives me a great deal of pleasure to fry in our beds and all manner of things. I do not know where Professor thing in 2007, and what did they tell

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 39 us in 2013? The world has warmed report continues: of the quietest hurricane seasons at a quarter of the rate that they The 31-page ‘summary for in history and the US is currently suggested in 2007. You have got to ask policy-makers’ is based on a more enjoying its longest ever period — the question: if they got it so wrong in technical 2000-page analysis which almost eight years — without a single 2007, what makes anybody think that will be issued at the same time. hurricane of category 3 or above they will get it right now? What makes It also surprisingly reveals that making landfall. When the IPCC gets anybody think that in 2013 they would IPCC scientists accept that their it wrong, it gets it incredibly wrong get it right? According to the Daily forecast computer models may and just does not mention it. That Mail, they said that global warming have exaggerated the effect of is science for you. That is not great ‘over the 15 years from 1990-2005 had increased carbon emissions on world science. When we get it so wrong, we taken place at a rate of 0.2 degrees temperatures and not taken enough just do not mention it. In one instance Centigrade per decade’. I am reading notice of natural variability. or in a couple of instances, we are this from the ‘Mail online’ from When we talk about natural sure. We admit that we may have got it London. variability, might we be talking wrong and it was not quite right, but it Mr Barber — Which one? about things like volcanoes? Is it was the computers that did it.’ But the Mr FINN — It is the Daily Mail, Mr possible that volcanoes may in fact third time, the IPCC just dropped it Barber; have you heard of that? put out more carbon emissions than altogether. It is not mentioned at all. Mr Barber — Yes. everything else in the world put Mr Barber makes a great song and together? A decent volcano can black dance about science. He would have Mr FINN — Yes, he has; well done. us believe that every scientist was on Somebody may read it to him one day. out half the world, so why would you not think that it would be putting board. Mr Barber interjected. all these carbon emissions into the He would have us believe that this Mr FINN — The article goes on, and atmosphere? If you are seriously climate change nonsense is endorsed it says that the IPCC predicted that talking about the effect of carbon by every scientist under the sun. This this would continue. emissions, you have to take these is as much nonsense as is climate Mr Barber interjected. things into consideration. change. Professor Myles Allen, the Mr FINN — Don’t worry, comrade, I The IPCC admits that parts of the director of Oxford University’s climate will quote the Guardian in a minute. world are as warm now, as they have research network, said this report The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr been for decades at a time, as they should be the last IPCC assessment, Ondarchie) — Order! Mr Finn and were between 950 and 1250 AD, accusing its cumbersome production Mr Barber! I remind Mr Barber that which I have to point out, as the Daily process of ‘misrepresenting how I let him make his contribution Mail points out, is centuries before the science works’. There is a unanimous uninterrupted, and I will ask that he Industrial Revolution and when the view for you. There is science getting do the same for Mr Finn. population and CO2 levels were both behind the IPCC. There is science getting behind the global warming Mr FINN — I reassure Mr Barber much lower. This stuff just continues and climate change industry. The that if he does not like the Daily Mail, to pile up and people look at it and article goes on to say: in just a moment I will quote from his say, ‘This mob have been having a favourite newspaper, the Guardian, lend of us’ — they really have, for a Despite the many scientific which of course is to the extreme very long time. I can understand why uncertainties disclosed by the left of politics and in fact has been people have not taken well to this sort ... report, it nonetheless draws involved in undermining Australia of nonsense. I refer again to the article familiar, apocalyptic conclusions in the Daily Mail, which says: — insisting that the IPCC is more this year. I suppose that is by the by — confident than ever that global so has the ABC — but that is perhaps The IPCC admits that while warming is mainly humans’ fault. computer models forecast a decline something we can talk about another If it has got everything wrong to this day. in Antarctic sea ice, it has actually grown to a new record high. Again, point, why would we believe, without The Daily Mail says that the IPCC: the IPCC cannot say why. any real evidence, that this is the fault ... observed warming over the Here we have the IPCC, the of human beings? 15 years from 1990-2005 had Intergovernmental Panel on Climate It is quite extraordinary. taken place at a rate of 0.2 degrees Centigrade per decade, and it Change, telling us it got it wrong again Professor Judith Curry is the head predicted this would continue for but once again we do not know why. of climate science at the Georgia the following 20 years, on the basis How many times can it get it wrong? Institute of Technology in Atlanta, of forecasts made by computer How many times can it tell us that Georgia. You would imagine that the climate models. it does not know why it got it wrong head of climate science at Georgia But the new report says the before its credibility is put in the Institute of Technology would be a observed warming over the more shredder forever? You have to wonder. climate scientist, unlike Tim Flannery, recent 15 years to 2012 was just — The IPCC expects governments to who is not a climate scientist. He is this is an interesting figure — make policy decisions based on just a shonk. Mr Barber might listen predictions by people who have no to this; I hope he does listen to this. 0.05 degrees Centigrade per credibility, who have a record, just like Professor Curry said this showed that decade — below almost all computer predictions. Sandbags, of getting it totally wrong. ‘the science is clearly not settled and Here we go again. is in a state of flux’. Here we have Mr I say that 0.05 is an interesting Barber getting up and telling us the figure because I reckon it just might The IPCC forecast in the 2007 report that hurricanes would become more science is over. This is what they do. happen to be your blood alcohol level They say the science is settled and if you believe some of the nonsense intense has simply been dropped. It did not mention it this time. It is not there is no further argument on the that comes from the climate change matter ‘because I am right and you industry. surprising, because according to the Daily Mail, and I have no reason to are wrong’. That is about as far as it The Daily Mail article on the IPCC doubt this, this year has been one goes. Mr Barber gets up and says, ‘I’m

IN 40 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE right, you’re wrong. Go away’. If you carefully about what the IPCC does Half of it was made up, but that do not go away, then you are a bigot in future. did not stop people who are just or a denier or something else. He does Is that not the truth. He sounds like living so that they can be told they it on a range of issues, not just on he has his head screwed on properly, are going to die — which I have climate change. and that is a good thing, because to say is a very strange reason to But here we have the head of in this area it is rare to come across live — from following him into the climate science at the Georgia somebody like that. Professor Allen valley of death. Did not he love that? Institute of Technology in Atlanta, makes it clear that we have to be His personal fortune doubled in a Professor Judith Curry, saying — and careful about what the IPCC says. matter of months. At the start of that I quote her again for the benefit of Mr If Mr Barber wants to talk about the time he was estimated to be worth Barber — that ‘the science is clearly evidence, the evidence that has been $50 million, which you would have not settled and is in a state of flux’. She presented here today makes it clear thought was a decent whack, but after went on to say that it therefore made that the IPCC does not have much of a certain period of time — I think no sense that the IPCC was claiming an idea what it is talking about. The from memory it was six months — that its confidence in its forecasts and article also reports that: he was estimated to be worth $100 million. That is $100 million for being conclusions has increased. I think ... Dr Benny Peiser — that would be pretty obvious. How a shonk, for being a shyster — for could you get it wrong year after year and I do hope I have pronounced taking the world for a ride. It is just and then turn around and say, ‘The that correctly, because I do not extraordinary. No wonder, after telling confidence in my prediction powers want to give it another go, I can tell us all that the sea was rising and we has increased’? It is a bit like me at members that — were all going to drown, he was able the races. You would not follow me of the Global Warming Policy to buy his mansion on Miami Beach around the betting ring. After about Foundation, described the ... report — I hope he can swim! the third race, you would give me as a ‘staggering concoction of Fair dinkum, these people must confusion, speculation and sheer away altogether, because my capacity ignorance’. think we are stupid. They must think to pick a winner matches that of the we are idiots. Sandbags Flannery has IPCC, or indeed Professor Sandbags As for the pause ... a waterfront compound as well. Flannery. I could not pick one for love There has been no global warming I think Kevin Rudd, who was Prime nor money. I would not know one end for 17 years — this is the thing — but Minister of this country a couple of of the horse from the other, and this the IPCC describes this as a ‘pause’. times, said global warming is the crowd clearly would not know what it How much longer this pause will greatest moral challenge of our time is talking about either. last is anybody’s guess. I would have and then proceeded to do absolutely In the new report the IPCC says thought that after 5, 6, 10 or even 15 nothing about it. He was a ripper, — and Mr Barber made reference to years you could call it a pause, but Kevin. He too decided he would try this — that it is extremely likely that after how long do you say this is not his luck with the rising waters and human influence caused more than happening anymore? But it is calling bought a beachside house. After half the temperature rises from 1951 it a ‘pause’. The article continues to telling the world that we are all going to 2010, up from very confident, 90 quote Dr Peiser as saying: to drown due to rising sea levels, per cent certain, in 2007. The IPCC It would appear that the IPCC is the climate change minister in the has gone from ‘extremely likely’ to running out of answers — previous federal government, Greg ‘very confident’. The same Professor pretty obviously so — Combet, bailed out — he had had Curry, who I referred to earlier, says, enough; he said, ‘I’m going to get a ... to explain why there is a ‘This is incomprehensible to me’, widening gap between predictions real job; I can’t cope with this at all’ adding that the IPCC projections are and reality. — and I understand his beach house overconfident, especially given the at Newcastle is doing very nicely. You Yes, it is running out of reasons report’s admitted areas of doubt. Here have to wonder. and excuses, but like so many in the we have a situation where Mr Barber climate change industry the IPCC If I were a cynic — and I ask Mr and his green friends get up and as has a good reason to continue the Elsbury not to look at me like that — I an article of faith declare that the predictions of the end of the world would almost be tempted to say that IPCC has got it right, that we should — it is called filthy lucre. Once these some of this stuff was actually put endorse everything it says at all times professors, scientists and all sorts out there to get the price of houses because it is spot-on the money, even of shonks like Al Gore and others down so that they could buy one. You when it admits that it is not sure what accept the reality that there is no have to wonder. Why else would you is going on. Yet we are supposed to global warming — that man-made say that anybody who lives within 10 blindly follow the IPCC into the valley climate change is just a figment of kilometres of the beach is going under of death. I am not keen on that. I do our imagination — guess what will water and then race out and buy a not think that is a very good idea, as a happen? The grants will dry up, and house near a beach? matter of fact. once the money dries up they will You have to wonder whether they It is interesting that Professor have to work for a living. were having a lend of us all in a very Myles Allen, the director of Oxford Speaking of Al Gore, let us take big way. It is quite extraordinary. University’s climate research network, a look at that bloke since he made The most insidious part of the who I mentioned earlier and who that documentary — or rather global warming-cum-climate change might just happen to be a climate mockumentary — An Inconvenient industry is the way it treats those scientist himself, is quoted in the Truth some years ago. Has there who question it — the names it calls same Daily Mail article as saying: ever been a documentary so full of them, the way that many have been The idea of producing a document holes? He was actually dragged to forced out of their jobs, the way they of near-biblical infallibility is a court in Britain, and it was shown that have been bullied and threatened misrepresentation of how science that film had more holes in it than a merely because they have used the works, and we need to look very factory full of Swiss cheese. science in which they specialise to

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 41 question people who have blind faith In a few years, self-defence is Mr FINN — To vilify, absolutely. in something that does not exist. going to be made a valid defence They put us in the same category as The UK’s Mail on Sunday had a for parricide (killing one’s own those who deny the Holocaust. That is father), so Rose’s children will story in September of this year which the way these people operate. There is have this article to present in their nothing scientific about that at all, but was quoted in the MailOnline website defence at the trial. on 14 September. It states that ‘arctic that is the way they operate. Here we have a case of global ice has had a massive rebound this I am very pleased to speak on this warming extremists calling for the year from its 2012 record low’ — — motion. I will not be supporting it death of somebody who dared to because I think to support a motion Mr Barber — A record low? criticise them. Is this science or on a report that is clearly so flawed Mr FINN — A record low, and now thuggery? Is this intimidation? Is this would be a nonsense. I hope that in it has had a record rebound. bullying of an appalling order? I find it his response Mr Barber will give us despicable. I have spoken to a number Mr Barber interjected. some indication of why we should of people who have been forced out of Mr FINN — That is apparently the support a report that has so clearly their jobs, who have been shunned by case, and now it has more ice than got it wrong, and admits it has got the climate change — — in the history of the Arctic. What do it wrong. It even admits it does not members think happened in that 12 Mr Barber — Name them. know why it got it wrong! Yet Mr months? I am fascinated to know Mr FINN — I am not going to name Barber and his friends want us to what happened in that time. them. I am not going to set you onto blindly support it nonetheless. The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr them. Why would I do that? I am just not prepared to do that; to Ondarchie) — Order! I ask Mr Barber The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr support it would be quite ludicrous, and Mr Finn to direct their remarks Ondarchie) — Order! I remind Mr in my view. It would be extraordinary, through the Chair. Finn one more time that he should it would be nonsensical, it would be Mr FINN — Certainly, Acting speak through the Chair. illogical, and that is not something President, but Mr Barber keeps asking Mr FINN — I apologise, Acting that I want to become involved in me questions. I am a very polite man, President, but Mr Barber has to stop today. and when people ask me questions I asking me questions. The attitude As I said a little bit earlier, I believe have a tendency to answer them. My of the global warming-cum-climate that the tide has turned in this debate. apologies for that. change industry is one that is quite Some years ago the hysteria created The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr despicable. Far from being concerned by the Greens and others regarding Ondarchie) — Order! I acknowledge about what is correct about science or this issue swept up a lot of people. In Mr Finn’s politeness and ask him to what is right, they have already made fact I think it might have even swept continue. up their mind. They know which side up John Howard in the lead-up to Mr FINN — Thank you very much. one’s bread is buttered on. They know the 2007 election, and I think he What happened to the author of that that, if their theory is questioned and would now admit that he got that very article? He became what is described their meal ticket is ripped up, they wrong. in this newspaper article as: are in real trouble. They will go out of However, I am pleased to say that their way in a big way to stop anybody having spoken to a lot of people in my ... the object of extraordinarily from questioning the scam that is vitriolic attacks from climate electorate and around the country, commentators who refuse to accept global warming and climate change. It and having seen the results of the any evidence that may unsettle is despicable, but that is the way they September federal election, I found their view of the science. operate. There are countless reports the enthusiasm that was evidenced The story goes on to reference the of people who have been affected by for this green crusade some years Guardian website. The Guardian this attitude right across the globe, ago is no longer there. People have newspaper basically took over from because it seems this rampant attack thought about it; they have thought Pravda. I do not know if Pravda is on debate — — about the evidence. still going, but at least Pravda gave Hon. M. J. Guy — Minus 95 degrees They have thought about what it up on communism. The Guardian is Celsius in Antarctica. means to them and their lives and yet to do so. It will push this global Mr FINN — Minister Guy tells me they have come to the view that the warming line until its last breath, that it is minus 95 degrees Celsius green lobby has not been entirely which hopefully is not too far away. in Antarctica today, which goes truthful. That is an understatement The article states: hand in hand with what I was saying — the green lobby has been less than A Guardian website article a moment ago that there is more truthful. As I said earlier, the reason claimed our report was ‘delusional’ ice now than we have known in its for that is very clear — it has a very because it ignored what it called history, more ice there than ever. strong vested interest in ensuring an ‘Arctic death spiral’ caused by Mr O’Brien interjected. that the truth does not come out. Mr global warming. Mr FINN — Lunatics. I have Barber sits in this house as a result of This is the global warming that copped what could be described the truth not coming out. The Greens we have not had for 17 years. It is as unreasonable abuse, and not political party was founded on a lie, fascinating. Beneath the online just from the other side in here, and that is a fact. article some of the comments made on the basis that I have expressed The peoples of Australia, Germany, by readers were quite extraordinary, an opinion. I have researched the the United States and the United because the gentleman, David Rose, opinion and brought forth evidence Kingdom — wherever the Greens who wrote this particular article is to support the opinion, but no, I am are — were told by the Greens that Jewish. His article was compared to a denier. These global warming types they would all fry. We were told that Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Surely call us deniers, clearly putting us in global warming would destroy us, our that is a deeply offensive comment to the same category — — society and civilisation. After 17 years any Jewish person. Even worse were Mrs Peulich — To vilify. of no warming at all and very minimal another reader’s comments:

IN 42 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE warming before that, I have to ask: is relevance. I do not think the fall Interestingly enough what they what do the Greens say now? What is of communism is really within the have done over the past few years is to the big scare now to get people to vote scope. demonise carbon. What do they mean for them? That is all it was — a scare. Mr FINN — On the point of order, by ‘carbon’? When I or somebody else It is interesting that these people Acting President, I was just illustrating says ‘carbon’ we think of something in the extreme left always have to be the string of scares that we have had black and sooty. That is what springs scared of something. I do not entirely over recent decades, and the latest to mind when someone talks about understand the mentality behind it; one of global warming and climate carbon — something black and sooty. it is all very odd. Back in the 1960s change is just one more along that When we talk about carbon, we are America was going to destroy the path — — in fact talking about carbon dioxide. world. There were atomic bombs The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms Carbon dioxide is air; it is a part of and all sorts of things. We were told, Crozier) — Order! As Mr Barber said, life. Trees cannot live without carbon ‘They’re going to wipe out the world’, it is a wide-ranging motion, but I ask dioxide. Without trees to produce but that did not actually happen. In Mr Finn to come back to its main oxygen, none of us can live. Carbon the 1970s we had a whole range of points. dioxide is a part of the circle of life. I do not know from where the Greens scares coming from the left, but none Mr FINN — I am certainly very of them actually happened either. and the extreme left got this rather happy to talk about — — intriguing idea that carbon dioxide In the 1980s — and those of you Mr Barber — The red scare? who are around the same vintage as I is a real danger. I almost think that am would well remember this — the Mr FINN — The red scare and the L. Ron Hubbard might have put it in great Ronald Reagan was the great green scare — what is the difference? one of his books, because somebody threat. He did not destroy the world. One was, ‘The Russians are going to has made it up. From what I can see The left told us that he was going get us’ and the other one is, ‘We’re there is not much scientific evidence to destroy the world but he did not going to get ourselves’. This mob over to support it. destroy the world at all. In fact what here — the Greens — have no shame. Carbon dioxide is a very important he did do was bring the Cold War to They will scare little kids, they component of life. To suggest, as we an end. He made the world a far more will scare old people, they will scare have seen done federally in recent peaceful place than it had ever been anybody with a view to promoting years, that we can change weather before. themselves and their party. They patterns by putting a tax on carbon I grew up with the prospect — I are a disgrace, yet they come in here dioxide stretches the imagination suppose fed by the extreme left — that today and expect us to take this report beyond all hope. at the whim of the Russians I could seriously. It is quite a nonsense. When we talk be incinerated by a nuclear device at I have been through just a about the carbon dioxide tax, which any time. My children do not have to fraction of the report which the is currently in dispute in Canberra, worry about that now because Ronald Intergovernmental Panel on Climate we must remember the rationale Reagan won the Cold War. I am Change (IPCC) got hopelessly used by the then Prime Minister, exceedingly grateful to him for that, wrong. I have talked about how Julia Gillard, who told us before the as indeed are hundreds of millions of Sandbags Flannery and the Climate 2010 election that there would be no people around the world. If you travel Commission got it wrong and how carbon tax under any government through Eastern Europe, you will see they had their funding cut as a result. she led. She later turned around and many statues of and monuments to I have talked about how the IPCC told said we needed a carbon tax ‘because Ronald Reagan, built in thanks for his us that all the seas were rising because the globe is warming’. Where is the efforts in giving them freedom and of the melting snow; there was no globe warming? It is not warming peace and ending what was a long snow on the ice caps. But would you in Australia. It is not warming at the and painful saga in the history of the look at that — this year there has been ice caps. There is no global warming. world. We have moved on now. Once more ice than ever before — — There has been no global warming communism collapsed, the left was a Mr Barber — No. Wrong. for 17 years. Why would you need a bit — — Mr FINN — Mr Barber sits over tax to stop something that does not Mr Barber — On a point of order, there, out of his place, interjecting exist, apart from because of political Acting President, this is a deliberately and shaking his head. I am very happy pressure exerted by the Greens? That wide-ranging motion. It is not just to show Mr Barber the photos from is where the nonsense really hypes up. about supporting the science; it NASA. Does Mr Barber believe NASA We have this extraordinary situation is also about the requirement for or have they made it up as well? This where the people sitting in the substantial and sustained reductions is the ice here — — opposite corner of this chamber think in greenhouse emissions. It is open to The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms we will be able to change the weather any member to talk about anything to Crozier) — Order! patterns if we impose taxes, close down industries and increase the do with climate change or reducing Mr FINN — I am sorry, Madam price of electricity. Have I got news for emissions. Acting President; I do apologise. them! For that matter, an alternative policy For the benefit of those who may such as the federal government’s be reading Hansard, I will just point They might as well go and read direct action plan could be brought out that the photos I was displaying Hansel and Gretel because Hansel into the debate to be scrutinised and to Mr Barber clearly show that the and Gretel has more credibility and tossed around. However, the fall of polar caps are very much covered in reality than the fairytales that they tell. communism is not really — — ice; they have more ice than we have If those opposite are fair dinkum and The ACTING PRESIDENT (Ms seen for quite some years. That is genuinely believe that a tax on carbon Crozier) — Order! What is Mr Barber’s something that flies in the face of the dioxide will change the weather and point of order? arguments put forward by the extreme the climate, you have to wonder left and the green lobby. where they have been and perhaps Mr Barber — My point of order what they have been smoking. It is a

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 43 ludicrous proposition. remove this carbon tax’. the fact that there are myriad issues To the senators in Canberra who To hope that a tax on carbon dioxide affecting us on a daily basis, but man- are currently blocking the Abbott — a tax on air — will have any impact made climate change is not one of government’s attempt to scrap on anything apart from the ability of them. the carbon tax, I say, ‘Why are you Australians to live at the standard they As I said before, I do not say that doing this? Why are you slugging should is an unrealistic expectation, there is no climate change. the Australian people? Why are to say the least. Ms Broad, Mr Leane The climate has been changing you hurting working families?’. Mrs and Mr Tee are in the chamber, and forever, otherwise we would still be Kronberg and Mrs Peulich might I am hoping that they or some other in the ice age. It is always changing — remember that Julia Gillard said she members opposite will ring Mr that is nature. It always does, it always cared about working families. Kevin Shorten and point this out to him. will and there is nothing we can do Rudd said he cared about working As I go around talking to people about it. We can introduce as many families. Why does Bill Shorten not in my electorate, I find it amazing taxes as we like. We can tax everything care about working families? Why that so many Labor people — people known to man, which given half a does he not allow his senators to vote who have always voted Labor — will chance Labor and the Greens would to scrap the carbon tax? Once that tax quite openly say to me that they know do, and it would have absolutely no is gone, we do not want an emissions this climate change scam is just that. impact on the fact that the climate trading scheme. ‘Emissions trading They do not believe that this global changes. It does change, and it is a scheme’ is just another term for ‘tax’. warming thing is having any impact fact of life now for most people that We want recognition by government on them or on anything else. that is the way the world has always that this climate change scam is just They are angered not only because been. People are now scratching their that — a scam. Let us get real. This they are paying the carbon tax and heads and saying, ‘How much longer is affecting people’s lives. This is having it inflicted on them and their are these people going to take us for affecting people’s ability to pay their families but also because they know fools? How much longer do these bills, cook and eat their meals and their intelligence is being insulted by people think they can live off us and turn on the lights at night. There are the people who insist that a tax on be leeches on the taxpayer, while people who cannot afford to do such carbon dioxide is somehow going to promoting something that is clearly basic things, because the carbon tax protect them from frying in their beds. quite nonsensical?’. has been added to their electricity bill, I can understand their anger. The reality of this motion is that it sending it through the roof. These people are good, is a nonsense to suggest we should Why does the Labor Party in hardworking, taxpaying Australians. come in here and support a report Canberra not do the honourable and They have done the right thing all that is so incredibly flawed. This is a decent thing and listen to the people their lives. They have never broken report that had holes shot in it even of Australia and vote to remove the any laws; they pay their mortgages; before it was printed. This report carbon tax? Whether we have that they pay off their cars; if they have confirms more than anything what we tax or not will have no effect on the kids, they put them through school; have always known about man-made climate. I am sure Mr Leane has the and all the rest of it. In short, they climate change and global warming: common sense — or maybe not — to do the right thing. Most of them are that it is a con, and a very expensive realise that to tax carbon dioxide and blue-collar workers, people whom the one at that. expect a change in the weather is a bit Labor Party says it looks after. These We can talk about carbon loopy. people are your archetypal workers. emissions, greenhouse gases and Mrs Peulich — It is very loopy. Mr Leane would spring to mind as all sorts of things. In fact a lot of Mr FINN — Mrs Peulich is correct. one such person if he did not have a people do because, as we know, this It makes no sense at all. Let us get this suit and tie on at the present minute. is an industry. It is a very profitable carbon tax off the back of industry, off I am sure in years gone by Mr Leane industry, as I mentioned earlier, for the back of business and off the back would fit the category of the sort of quite a number of people. There are of working Australians, because all it person I am talking about. a lot of people who are flying around is doing is hurting people. These people come up to me and the world first class as we speak and Mrs Peulich — And shaking jobs. say, ‘We don’t believe what is going staying in 5-star hotels as a result Mr FINN — Indeed it is shaking on here. We can’t believe that people of saying there is global warming. I jobs, Mrs Peulich. When you think are having a lend of us to this degree. suppose if I was one of them, I would about it, it is very much a tax on We can’t believe that the people we not want there to be any exposure of jobs. You hear members of the Labor voted for are doing this to us. And we the truth either. If I was one of those Party — and occasionally you hear know the tax is having no impact on people living off the taxpayers of members of the Greens — talking the weather’. They know that. various countries, I too would want about jobs. They come in here and You cannot con the Australian this myth to continue. We have to face tell us about what we are not doing people; not for very long anyway, and facts. to promote jobs and employment. that is the truth. Kevin Rudd was able This is a good gig: you get to stay in If they are really concerned about to con them for a little while; Julia the best hotels, fly in the best planes jobs and employment, I strongly Gillard was able to con them for a and go to places you would never suggest that they contact their federal little less time. Even Bob Brown, with otherwise see. These are the reasons colleagues in Canberra and say, ‘Hey, his smooth-talking style, was able to we have a climate change industry. we’re concerned about jobs. We’re con the Australian people for a fair I could go into the other reasons concerned about working Australians. while. But they wake up after a while, behind the climate change industry in We want to keep working and they have woken up now to the some depth, but I think the majority Australians actually working. Get fact that this climate change scam of people in the caper now are in it for this carbon tax off. Vote for what has to be exposed. Governments and their own reasons. As I said a moment the Australian people voted for and oppositions have to take on board ago, they are in it because it is a good

IN 44 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE gig, and they are very happy to take heading ‘Climate change’, on page 192 at another time. the spoils of this industry without the author has written: having to be responsible for anything. Reduced rainfall and increased COUNCIL | Members Statements I will leave it there. I regret that I evapotranspiration — 11 December 2013 do not have longer, but I know that that is a new one for me — statements on reports and papers are coming up in a moment, and I might are likely to increase the have a few words to say on those as frequency and severity of drought, and permanently reduce the Western suburbs well. I thank members of the house availability of water resources. for their indulgence today, and I urge Under climate change, streamflow government them to oppose the motion put by Mr is projected to decrease by up to 50 Barber. per cent across much of Victoria achievements by 2070 ... This will result in less Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) water in storages and groundwater — In the last sitting week of 2013 it is COUNCIL | Statements on Reports resources, putting pressure on 11 December 2013 appropriate to look back on the year water supply for cities and towns, with some considerable pride at the industry and agriculture. Reduced advances in Melbourne’s western water resources will have important suburbs. The opening of the Williams consequences for the supply and Commissioner use of water in the future. Landing railway station and the improvement in bus services in the for I have to ask where the author of surrounding areas are one big win for this report has been this year. This has Melbourne’s west. The final approval Environmental surely been one of the wettest years for and the beginning of construction Victoria has experienced for decades. of the P-12 autism-specific school If we were to go outside right now, in Laverton is very exciting indeed. Sustainability: we would see that it is raining. In the When this school opens next year it middle of the first month of summer will be another major win for the west. state of the it is raining, yet some people insist we are having reduced rainfall and The extension to the Wyndham environment insist that the global warming myth is Harbour development with its marina a reality. and residential development was approved this year — a huge win report Hon. M. J. Guy — 81.1 per cent. Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — for Melbourne’s west. Construction I was going to say it gives me pleasure Mr FINN — As Minister Guy says, has begun on the new Braybrook to rise and speak on the report of the currently Victoria’s water storage Community Centre. Commissioner for Environmental levels are at 81.1 per cent of capacity. We have never seen anything like Sustainability’s report Victoria — State It staggers me that people can this before in Braybrook; this is a of the Environment 2013 — Science, produce these sorts of reports and massive win for Melbourne’s west. Policy, People, but I do not think it make these sorts of extraordinary The go-ahead for the East Werribee does give me pleasure. I have to say statements and get away with it. As a employment precinct has caused I was absolutely staggered to see the legislator — a government member jubilation, with good cause. This size of this report when I got it. I do who is responsible for the proper excitement about the future is fully not know how many copies of the expenditure of taxpayers money justified. This is also a monumental report were produced, but I reckon — I cannot justify money being win for Melbourne’s west. spent on something like this, apart half a forest was chopped down to As we farewell 2013 we can look produce this particular publication. from the fact that it is a very fancy publication, with a plastic cover as forward to 2014 in the knowledge What really staggered me was that that the Napthine government and its when the copy was handed to me, I well. To have a report full of these sorts of nonsensical statements about local representatives will continue to saw that it was surrounded by very fight and win for Melbourne’s west. thick pieces of cardboard on each reduced rainfall when rain is falling as we speak, has been falling all week Finally, I take this opportunity to side — presumably to keep it in place, wish members, staff and their families as it is a very hefty tome — and to and has been falling all year is — — Mrs Coote — How full are the all the very best for a wonderful, top it off it was completely wrapped peaceful and relaxing Christmas. in plastic. For the Commissioner dams? for Environmental Sustainability’s Mr FINN — The Thomson River report to be wrapped in plastic leaves Dam is as full as Bob Smith, and that COUNCIL | Second Reading a fair bit to be desired, I would have is really saying something. It is very 12 December 2013 thought — though perhaps not as sad for me to have to stand in this much as the report itself. place to talk about this report, not I may have mentioned earlier this because of what is in it but because it afternoon that I am not necessarily exists. Surely — — Victoria Police a great believer in climate change. The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Bill 2013 This report very much depends on Ondarchie) — Order! I ask Mr Finn Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) — the view that climate change exists. I to withdraw that comment about the It gives me enormous pleasure to rise refer to our friend Sandbags Flannery, former President. today to support the Victoria Police who predicted that it would never Mr FINN — Okay. I am happy to Bill 2013. If there is one organisation rain again and that the rain that falls withdraw. I did not realise it was in this state that holds the place from above would never fill our dams covered by the standing orders; I will together, it is Victoria Police. again. In chapter 5 of this report, be interested to see which one. I am Without this organisation we would ‘Human settlement’, under the section happy to discuss this at greater length be in a great deal of trouble. We only

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 45 have to go back to what I think was For that reason alone the bill very I was involved in an incident earlier the police strike in 1922. Mr Dalla- much deserves support. This bill this year outside the front of this Riva may be able to help me out; he re-enacts provisions introduced by building, the March for the Babies was around then, was he not? the Police Regulation Amendment — which I have raised in this house Hon. R. A. Dalla-Riva — It was 1923. Act 2012. I am sure we all remember before — where it seemed to me Mr FINN — Sorry, it was 1923 when that act very well; it gave effect that the police were unsure of their we did not have the police to assist to the commitments made in the authority and that this undermined us. My understanding of the history is memorandum of understanding their ability to do their job. It is that there was bedlam on the streets. entered into by the government, the extremely important — and I think That strike reasserts the importance Chief Commissioner of Police and the this bill goes some way towards doing of the role of the thin blue line of Police Association. this — to ensure that the police are Victoria Police, and the wonderful Whilst I am talking on the Police fully aware that both this place and and very important job that it does Association, I will just pause to note the other place, the government protecting each and every one of that its secretary, Senior Sergeant as a whole and the community are us. Quite often police officers put Greg Davies, is retiring early in the right behind them when they seek to themselves in danger to protect us all. new year. The Police Association has uphold the law. We all owe members of Victoria Police its work cut out for it in providing a There is nothing worse than police a huge debt of gratitude because, as replacement for Greg Davies; he has who are out on the beat and on the referred to in Gilbert and Sullivan been an outstanding leader. He has streets protecting u, being unaware of performances, their job is not an easy reached out to the government, to his the support they have or, even worse, one at all. The police by and large do a members and to the media. He has aware of the support that they do not sensational job. done a superb job, and I again take have, as is the case with the Labor The overwhelming majority of this opportunity to congratulate him Party and the Greens. As we know police officers in this state are people on the job that he has done. If we are — and I do not want to make this an we can respect and admire. I take this looking for an example of a union unduly political or partisan argument opportunity to thank them for the job official to look up to, Senior Sergeant — the Labor Party and the Greens are they do holding this state together, Greg Davies is it. You will not find him very fond indeed of undermining law because without them there would be doing some of the things that other and order in this state. They can in little left. union officials in this state have got up no way, shape or form be described to over a period of time. I congratulate as friends of the police. They will use This bill recognises the important Greg Davies on the work he has done the police for their own purposes — role played by Victoria Police. It is and urge the Police Association to there are no two ways about that; they important that legislation recognises find someone like just like him, as love that sort of thing — and I have the importance and the profound difficult as that might be, when it is a feeling we are going to hear a little basis of our society, which is law looking for a replacement next year. bit of that this afternoon and possibly and order, and of course it is the into the evening. police who uphold that. As we know, One hundred and sixty years ago there was a time during the course the Parliament enacted the first act The reality is that when it comes of the previous government when for the regulation of Victoria Police. to law and order and supporting the Victoria Police went through some Victoria Police has a long and proud police you will not see the Labor Party troubled times. During the era of history. or the Greens within a mile. I think former chief commissioners of police This bill brings together what was that is a tragedy. What the police need Christine Nixon and Simon Overland a bit of a mishmash of legislation is tripartisan support. Victoria Police went through some since the Police Regulation Act was The police in this state need very difficult times. It is safe to say implemented in 1958. The legislation community recognition that they are that morale within the force hit rock has become a bit of a mishmash, and important not only to our present but bottom; there was a feeling within the this was pointed out by Jack Rush, also to our future. We cannot hope to police force that they were heading in QC, in his report of the inquiry into build a prosperous, thriving society if the wrong direction. the command, management and the police are not given the support They have been through the tunnel functions of the senior structure of they need to do their job. — it might not be the east-west Victoria Police. I am very pleased I am delighted to support this bill tunnel — and I am delighted to say that that mishmash will no longer be today. The bill will largely repeal and that the police have come out the the case. The bill brings the various replace the Police Regulation Act other side now under the leadership aspects of policing together into a 1958, and that is a very good thing. of Chief Commissioner of Police Ken single piece of legislation that will give This is a sizeable document, as I Lay. Once again it is an organisation the police and the community the think Ms Pennicuik made reference that we can revere and hold in high certainty they need so the police can to. But given the importance of the esteem. There are still a few Nixon- do their jobs. legislation and the role police in this Overland adherents, but time will I have said in this place for quite state play, it is entirely justified in hopefully lead us to a better way of some time that there are two things being the size that it is. enforcing the law than what those the police need to do their jobs. The police have given 160 years of people might be thinking. The first is resources; it is the role great service to the people of Victoria. As I said, the Chief Commissioner of the government to provide these, I would not say we now need to start of Police, Ken Lay, is doing a fine job. including cars, uniforms, weapons again — not at all — but legislatively I This bill will strengthen his position. and police stations — the whole suppose we could say that. It will enable him to do more of the gamut. The second thing the police As I stand here on the last sitting things that he has already been doing need — and this is perhaps even more day of 2013, I hope we will be passing to get Victoria Police into shape important than resources — is the a piece of legislation that is going to after all its hiccups and keep it there. authority to do their job. bring great benefit to Victoria Police

IN 46 AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 FINN THE HOUSE and the people of Victoria. That is immediate benefit for members language. It replaces a whole range something. of Victoria Police, it also has direct of matters that are contained in the Let us face facts. If we in this benefits for the average man and Police Regulation Act 1958. It brings Parliament are not here to get results woman in the street who are going us into the 21st century; it brings and bring benefits to the people about their daily routine in going to policing into the 21st century. For that of Victoria, what are we here for? work, raising their families, taking reason alone it is worth the support This whole law and order matter their kids to school and all that sort of of this Parliament. It certainly has my is absolutely crucial to every man, thing. This legislation will bring great support. woman and child in this state. There benefits to these people. If anybody has a bit of time over are no two ways about it. If we are in The bill before us is so much better the Christmas break, they may care a situation where we live in fear, we than what we had before, which was a to get a copy of this legislation and cannot live properly. If we are in a piece of legislation drafted across six have a read of it. They will find that situation where we are under threat, decades. I am sure everybody would it is of great benefit to the people we cannot live properly. If we are in a agree that anything drafted over six and the police of this state. I have no situation where we cannot have faith decades becomes a bit of a mishmash; hesitation in commending the bill in those who are sworn to protect us, in fact it becomes a bit of a dog’s very warmly to the house. we cannot live properly. breakfast. The bill replaces the 1958 Whilst this legislation clearly has legislation. It replaces the antiquated

IN FINN THE HOUSE AUGUST 2013 - DECEMBER 2013 47 FINN IN THE HOUSE Speeches August to December 2013

Published by Bernie Finn MP Member for Western Metropolitan Region Acting President of the Legislative Council Chairman, Joint Parliamentary Electoral Matters Committee

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