'Marchoi'ldie' a Return To-Ro.Manticera Basic Books
I .~. _ .........- .... ..,..,,,• .... _J .....~."'J'"- .. __ h_~ ... _ '-' .... ," ~_<y~-,,_ .... ""'.. ".-~ .... -.- ....... --~- ....... --: ... --~.......... ~~~~~~:~;::~:~~:::::::~:::::2:~~:::::::~~," ~ ... ,., .....¥~ .-,""--"--'"'. " , .... ~--~.- ••, •• _-••••• ~ r , " , '6 - THE JEWISH POST, thursday;A.lig.. st~25,'1971, THE JEWISH'POST.:rhurSday,'August'25. 1971 - 7 , . ,A ,Review" . On Rai~ing. Jewish .. Childrenand' Pilots " l', : HOW TO RAISE A JEWISH CHILD. By Haim,Halevy DoUin. book is still valuable for the oc- they wished the breathing space 'fwo, t.hemes ,~tand ,out. in this ~ ) ,< , :'. 'MarchoI'LDie' a Return to-Ro.manticEra Basic Books. $8.95. ON EAGLES' WINGS. By Ezer' Weizman. casionally unique Jewish insights to mount their SAM missiles' book. First, WelZIDan s views on , {. "'C ' ',", ' be sacrif~~ed for "Ia 'gloire de la Marco, Terence Hill reminds one Sh;melessly emotional m,usic by " Macmman. 302 Pages. $8.95. he brfugs to bear, I 'just wish closer to the waterway. the right of Israelis to all of By MARTIN LEVIN • American, --Major 'Foster (Gene Fha little of the young Tony Curtis, 'Maurice Jarre matches a script By PROF. ARNOLD AGES all levels and across the there had been more of them. This is the kind of candid Eretz Israel, have, according to The romantl'c adventure film is Hackman), and the Legion looks patrie." Only Col. oster as (by DavI'd'" 'Zelag Goodman and t· d th . d m of in he is certainly dashing enough Book Reviewer denominational sPectrum. Anotber Setback . opinion about Israel which' per- hini, been vB;lidated:by the course alive. In Marcb or Die, (at, the to recruits anywhere it can find qu~s I.one th ed WISrt° t 'b f for three heros.' ,Cathenne 'director Dick Richards) that Sequels never match the The best part of Donin's new According to Ezer Wiezman, meates this new autobiography of Of.
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