Università degli Studi di Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione Linguistica e Interculturale Curricula: Mediazione Interculturale/Italiano per Stranieri Letteratura Inglese I a.a. 2014-2015 Prof. Franca Dellarosa
[email protected] Romanticisms, Nation and Empire Brish Theatrical Culture, 1760s-1830s Periodization: 1760s-1830s ò Theatre in the “Georgian”* era ò *The Georgian era is a period of British history, which includes the reigns of the Kings of the House of Hanover: George I, George II, George III, and George IV, thus covering the period from 1714 to 1830, and including the sub-period of the Regency, defined by the Regency of George IV as Prince of Wales during the illness of his father George III. Often, the short reign of King William IV (1830 to 1837) is also included. Periodization: 1760s-1830s ò Theatre in the “Romantic”era ò e.g. :“English Romantic Theatre (1760/1830): Texts, Theories and Stage” An Inter-University Research Project (Universities of Bologna, Bari, Florence, Parma, Pavia, Roma La Sapienza) ò “The aim of this research project is to re-evaluate the production of British Theatre and Drama between 1760 and 1830 in the belief that the theatrical culture and production of the 'Romantic' period made a substantial contribution, often of the highest standard, to the history of Western theatrical tradition. This research project, therefore, aims at compensating for or, better, overthrowing a prejudicial evaluation that has for a long time blamed Romantic theatre for the definitive decline of the great dramatic tradition which had existed since the classical era.” A Theatrical Evening in Late Eighteenth-/Early Nineteenth-century London Inkle and Yarico: playbill of the first performance, August 4, 1787) “The hour is fairly early, the curtain a 6:30 one, and there are no assigned seats in the pit […].