The History of Entomological Recording in Devon

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The History of Entomological Recording in Devon Rep. Trans. Devon. Ass. Advmt Sci., 150, 51−106 © The Devonshire Association, June 2018 (Figures 1–24) The History of Entomological Recording in Devon S. D. Beavan*, K. N. A. Alexander, C. R. Bristow, S. Carroll, A. Colston, C. M. Drake, R. J. Heckford, M. L. Luff, M. Prince and D. Smallshire *corresponding author: The Hayes, Zeal Monachorum, Devon EX17 6DF. [email protected] Entomological recording in Devon has a long and distinguished heritage and the Transactions of the Devonshire Association have been an important repository of much of the information gathered. This article details some of the important personages and species involved as part of a celebration of 150 volumes of the Transactions. INTRODUCTION The Devonshire Association was founded in 1862 and the first vol- ume of the Transactions was published in 1863. Although the first meeting of the Entomological Section, as it was originally known, did not take place until 14 August 1948, various papers and notes on entomology had been published in the Transactions before then. Perhaps the founding father of entomological recording in Devon could be considered to be Edward Parfitt (1820–1893). He was born in Norfolk and, following his father, was initially a gardener but sub- sequently went on a voyage leading to him being ship-wrecked near the Cape of Good Hope. He remained in that area for some time and this increased his taste for botany and entomology. On his return to England he became gardener to John Milford of Coaver House, Exeter, in 1848 and was then appointed Curator of Taunton Museum in 1850. Then, in 1861, he became the Librarian to the Devon and 51 52 The History of Entomological Recording in Devon Exeter Institution and Library in Exeter where he remained until his death. He was one of the original founders of the Devonshire Asso- ciation. He was incredibly wide-ranging in his interests, including both terrestrial and marine zoology, botany, geology and some meteo- rology. His obituary in the Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine (Anon, 1893) states, rather cuttingly, that ‘he would have done better work had he not aimed too high by trying too much’. As a result there are errors in some of his publications, including the acceptance of unlikely records from others without apparently checking them, but neverthe- less his coverage of the Devon fauna was a pioneering achievement. His obituary, written by W. Harpley and published in the Transac- tions in 1893 lists 50 papers on various subjects that he had read to the Devonshire Association. At the third meeting of the Entomological Section Recorders were appointed for five Orders of insects. Currently the Entomological Sec- tion has Recorders for nine Orders of insects: dragonflies; grasshop- pers, crickets and bush-crickets; barkflies; true bugs; beetles; butterflies; moths; flies; bees, wasps and associates. Although not insects, spiders have recently been included with a Recorder for them. As part of the celebration of the 150th volume of the Transactions and 70 years of the Entomological Section, those 10 Recorders were invited to contribute accounts to include the history of recording of those Orders in Devon, mention of species of particular interest and their conservation status in the county. DRAGONFLY RECORDING IN DEVON – DAVE SMALLSHIRE Nineteenth-century records of Odonata in Devon come from Parfitt (1879), who lists 22 species, although the records of three of these species have not been regarded as authentic in modern times. Since then, records have been collated in the Biological Records Centre’s Odonata Recording Scheme (ORS), now the British Dragonfly Soci- ety’s (BDS) Dragonfly Recording Scheme. From the inception of the DA Entomological Section in 1948, O. G. Watkins collated records in the Transactions until 1981, but not all of these were considered acceptable for inclusion in the ORS. In particular, a Southern Darter Sympetrum meridionale from Dawlish in 1901 was subsequently The History of Entomological Recording in Devon 53 re-identified by the Natural History Museum as a Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum. A ‘Black-legged Sympetrum (Sympetrum nig- rifemur)’ was recorded at Stover in 1978 but, as this (sub-)species occurs in Macronesia, it is safe to conclude that the record refers to a melanic form of Common Darter. Bob Merritt, a co-founder of the BDS, lived in Devon for most of 1965–1982. The county survey he initiated in 1977 produced records over the next six years from nearly all of Devon’s hectads (10 km × 10 km grid squares). Merritt (1983) included a brief summary of the county’s important dragonfly habitats and 5 km square grid maps of the distribution of the 26 species known at the time to be breeding in the county; a substantial increase from the 19 species documented by Parfitt. Merritt corresponded with Watkins, but was reluctant to accept the records of some species that Merritt was unable to confirm from field surveys during 1965–1982. In 1988, the ORS initiated a project to gather data for important (‘Key’) dragonfly sites. This was pursued in Devon with a concerted ‘Key Sites Survey’ in 1995, resulting in an ‘Inventory of Key Sites’ for use by countryside agencies, local authorities and land owners and managers (Smallshire, 1996). Sites with recent records of the scarcer species were targetted for surveys, during which breeding evidence was obtained and numbers estimated, generally during two or three visits per site. Site evaluation methods were established, which now form a national standard. ‘Surveys of Key Sites’ were repeated in 2005/6, producing an increase in the number of sites of national importance (i.e., with healthy breeding populations of Red List spe- cies) from eight to thirteen and an increase from six to nine confirmed sites of local importance. These figures, however, likely represent an increase in recording effort and awareness as much as improvements in the fortunes of dragonflies. Further concerted recording effort around the county was made for a second national atlas in the years up to 2012, the results being published in Cham et al. (2014). Common Darters account for seven of the twelve records in the ORS database prior to the First World War, but Red-veined Darter Sympetrum fonscolombii, a scarce migrant species, surprisingly fea- tures in 1903 and 1911. The most unusual record for the beginning of the twentieth century, however, comprised a Vagrant Emperor Anax 54 The History of Entomological Recording in Devon ephippiger in Plymouth on 24th February 1903; a late winter timing has proved to be not unusual for this species, when small incursions, mainly on the south coast, have coincided with deposition of Saharan dust. Over half (28) of the first 46 records in the ORS database relate to the Bovey Basin and its important dragonfly wetland sites. While Downy Emerald Cordulia aenea still has a stronghold here, sadly the Small Red DamselflyCeriagrion tenellum was last seen in 1984, prior to the site’s destruction by ball clay extraction. While the Bovey Basin remains important for dragonflies today, the outstanding national importance of Dartmoor and the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths is now more fully appreciated. Perhaps the most outstanding of Devon’s Odonata records com- prises three Orange-spotted Emeralds Oxygastra curtisii (two males) taken by the River Tamar near Gunnislake by O.G. Watkins in July 1946. This West European endemic was known elsewhere in Britain only from the Moors River, Hampshire, where it was last seen in 1963. There have been many searches along the lower Tamar Valley subsequently, but all have been in vain. There was also a report of this species from the unlikely location of Braunton Burrows in about 1830, but this was never authenticated. The first record of another West European endemic, Southern DamselflyCoenagrion mercuriale, came in 1956 from the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths (EDPH), followed by reports from two sites in the Blackdown Hills; Southey Moor in 1959 and Hense Moor in 1962. This is the only species of Odonata given legal protection in the county, initially under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and subse- quently following the EU Habitat Regulations. Concerted searches on the northern fringes of Dartmoor during 1995-2005 resulted in the discovery of Southern Damselfly at three further sites, two of which were on the very edges of open moorland, the third being in enclosed pasture. One of the EDPH colonies of this species, at Venn Ottery Common, went extinct around 1990, but was successfully re- established from New Forest stock in 2009. A similar attempt was made at Hense Moor in 2015, but the results to date have not been encouraging. The History of Entomological Recording in Devon 55 Figure 1. Scarce Chaser, Libellula fulva. Warmer conditions in recent decades have led to spread within Brit- ain and colonisations from the continent. Scarce Chaser Libellula fulva (Fig.1) was first seen in Devon in 2003 and has since bred at several sites. Small Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma viridulum first appeared in Britain in 1999 and in south-east Devon 2005, subse- quently spreading as far as the Bovey Basin. Red-veined Darters have increased, mainly as migrants but breeding has been recorded at Dawlish Warren (1995), South Huish Marsh (2003 and 2005) and Lower Bruckland Ponds (2006–2007). Lesser Emperor Anax parthe- nope has been recorded on 11 occasions since the first in 2003, with oviposition seen at Squabmoor Reservoir in 2006. Vagrant Emperor has appeared more frequently in recent years, in part reflecting better awareness of rare dragonflies, especially among birdwatchers; in autumn 2013 a pair were seen at Bovey Heathfield and oviposition was observed, only the second instance of this in Britain. A Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens near Otterton in 2015 and a Common Club- tail Gomphus vulgatissimus on the River Otter in 2017 bring the total number of species recorded in the county to 38, of which 29 are known to have bred since 2000 (three more than recorded by Merritt, 1983).
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