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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 49, No. 22): October 25, 1895

Prince & Wyman

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Recommended Citation Prince & Wyman, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 49, No. 22): October 25, 1895" (1895). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1615.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. V^OLUiME XLIX. WATERVILLE, MAINE, FRIDAY, OCTORER 26, 1806. NO. 22.

I Maine Matters. dJornoRS FASHION NOIFS. Highest of all in I.cavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ILonnd waists are still very inneli in ^4'vidcMee ninimg the new gowns, and aie A UiKtklaiid lady has a canary (Imt Imt) BEN BUTLER SAID, dpvcU>i»fd into a talented talker nnd can tinished at (he bottom with either an im-)i- ' wide ladt of fanes liimmiog,.Vrlie», or give {rainta to tnanv a parrot in lltp mitge I the same iiiateiiai, or a wide l>iri*e(oire Baking of Ilia couvemational powem. Udl littcii plain if il is of velvet, and ‘‘Tlie stone which the builders rejected NFW KMIIKOIDKKIKH. I $10.00 ^ Nearly two years ago a young lady who < slightly draped when made of satin, and has become the head of the corner.” waa attending Higgina’ Clnaaioal Inalitiite Persian done in coarse gay fasteiu-il III front with faiici buttons or a Powder at Charleaton loet a pookotlKiok containing Hnlgarian cotfoiiH that haik tike en*wel is wide Iniw. (hie wide double or triple laiv AB0OLtj¥El.V PURE This was quoted by him at Lowell on -the day of his election -five dolJare. Racently, workmen who seen on pillow-eoverH and table-sprendd to plait ill front is .seen 00 iimiiy of the round were hauling atoae from an old wall for l>e used in smoking rooms and libraries waists of simple wool gowns for morning TIIK Nt-.W SHirs to the Governorship of Massachusetts against the strenuous the Higgine* dam found the loat (locket- that have Persian or otlii'r rugs iim a door wear, ami ...... with tiny buttons and MiON TII.IT .MONEY. opposition of the select “Four Hundred.” iKKik with ite contenta hidden among the covering. The designs used for these cm* narrow hi aid, with possihly an eilge of I.MiHnali-r nnii Msliir Tin Itatlle Hitijt III. alonea of the wall. The owner’a name tin •• Vwrii-iv llclJ at WIK.OOO uiDnsen and btoidwries ste eupied from Persian rugs, as Persian lamb The lollar is a speeiul tliiiitii nihI Her N|m' ••I liUI Not Uiiiriiiili-H sirii-tly Klllisr. Morri.s Chair, Oak Frame, JIO a card aerved to identify it. How it came art* also their euloriiigs and eombiiiatioti of point in the new gowns, as it is very much 'rill* next few ihiys will pri-.sciit >.oiiii It is nil ...... ally known among the Morris Chair, Oak Frame, to be in the wall will pmhahly remain aa ctdor. 'I'hey are done mi linen of coarse, 14 trimmed, and the Meitici I’ollar appears inli'ri'stMig events for uumiI eiri'les, I'lie fads of the day that the collecting of bini’s BUT much of a myetery aa how it left tin* poa- uneven ttixlnre, that is usually of a twine Morris Chair, Solid Mahogany, 10 again on m.uiy of the coal waists very Limeasler^wtli .soon In* oiV fur tin* South eggs is one that mleresls the eiiltiinMl and aeaaion of ite ownere. or flax color. 'I'he Bulgarian threads used there is no rejection of our A oompleto nMortmeul nf these goods in stm'k. effectively liiieil with cIhiicIiiIIh tiir. The .Vtliintie st.-iiioii with u relief crew for the wealthy, and ...... that may Im* very expen- in the cmbroiiiories are ho well dyed that A new achediile of Are inaiirance ratea straight collars are nsnaily plain bands of Newark. The hallle ship .Maim* will Ih* siiely imlniged in, while it affords a mild they can Ih> boiled without elmnging eolnr. PORTIERES, CURTAINS, TABLE COVERS ETC. for the entire State of Maine ia now being satin or velvet with a plaited i-Mtlle of ri'inty fur trial, it i.s Ihoiighl, early next recreatniii to thousands of iiidivuIiiaU of Unless one is skilled in blumling color, it Funiipr I'rice, prepared under the direction of the New miruir velvet sUindiiig np around the neck week; and after her Kpced imi she will moderate means The scientific collection id lM>dt to buy a piece of the work in what "OLD RELIABLE” FLOUR. Lace Curtains for chambers, Kiigland Inauranoe K»eliange. Theae 'J'his is cut bias, folded double, and varies j(»in the Nquad'run of .Ydniiral onnee. of bird’s eggs has, in fact, iu'eoine a fu- 55c- 75c. is known as "lH>gnn work.” Another tiov achediilea are to be baatnl on a variety of in width from one to four tnohes It is The Katalidiii's tri.ll will he delayed iiiild cmating avimation, and rightly studied, a Lace Curtains for chambers, 75c. elty of (he Kensington Art .School of Nee­ It is accepted every time, and ALIj conaiderationSi anch aa the nature and efIU also made of satin riblHUi and lace, and ex­ Nov. I. I''iiially, a double Uiiiirhiug, timt piirsuiL to which tho systematic study of Chenille Portieres, 81.50 2.00 cacy x plaited makes a pretty ruff, and may eHtiiig IN perhaps the I iidiami'i In il 'l u study of llic markings and Hha|>e of the Chenille T.-ihle Covers, 1.00 1,50 or neither, the character of ' huildingH iii- linen, the irregular edges are usually hut- be exactly like the collar in color. I’hc lN‘gin with. It I.s the first instaiiee 111 whieh cggH of the speci«*s aideij materially in OUR ton-holed with white silk. Inside the new wiKil goisls are very soft and lleecy a Hliip of the new tleet will have made lie esiahlislimg the close relationsliip of the Oak or Cherry Pole and Trimminjrs, 20c 3'">c. aured, etc. The details are not fixed a.s it edge at a distanao of one or two inehes is and loosely- woven, and llic most popular speed trial when Hiihstaiitialiy eoinplete l.iiiiieolii* (plovers) and the (favlo* (gulls l)clieved they should be. imrryiiig even her giiiiH. The Indniini and terns). a festmnied Ihirder, like that which would colors are dark gi-ccii, blown, blue, and a No. 8 Range, The developing of the .Sheepaeot lake InekH, it appearH, a few niiihII pieees of Aiide from its scientific vnlue tho eol- Ihi formed if you were to lay a necklace of rich dahlia or mnibciry color, is jiei- auxiliary haitery, while some interior water power project has made great pro­ Iccliiig of birds’ CggH entices the rnthiiaiast $ . . Ix'ads on the cloth, waving it back and very mm-h like (?je plniii colors worn lUtiugN Inive lK*eii left until alter her Inal trade has reached proportions far beyond 12 50 gress this fall ill the hands of the projec- hy mnrv«*lloM.( diversity in size, Nhafie, and forth in slightly or deeply curved fes­ several yearn ago Black gowns ol fancy hut alie IN pi iictically eoinplete, and ban nmikings of (he eggs, fitly piiinted by ors, The Maine Kleotric and Water-I’ow- not only her (iirrelH, but her lug Bi-itieh, our expectations, and is gaining steadily. Coal Heater, toons. In the prettiest designs the curves wool, crepon, and brocaded saliii are very iiiitnre herself to adoru tho richest cabinet. Sccontl-hand er Coinpiiny, and Monday appointed asses* H-iiieh, und (>-ineh guns aboard, and I he Baptores, or birds of nrey, are a are wide ami not deep. The center rained much worn, and (lie waists are mad> $3.50. Hora, N. K. IMlsJler of Week’s Mills, (). F. part of tier aiii.iller r.ipid fire giiiiH I'h favorite family with oologists, largely from Ranges taken dot or head in each curve in larger than dreisY with suiiie color to hiiglitcn them she will not he eompelied, following the WHY? Sprowle, ('liiiia, and Harry Cleary, .Jeff- the emliiraiiee, daring, and nerve requisite Wood Heater, all the others, tliosi* on each side decreas­ Pale green and dark violet are very sty­ custom of many previoiiN iiiatN, to euriy III scHling i-liIVs and hifty trees to secure in part payment erHiitifn]ly marked. Because our BOSTON JAVA is sold of Jewels, one laid under the other and as blaek, and a very little tniipioistv' iiliiu hiNlead of diH'kiug und eteumng *4he ready been satisfactorily agreed upon hy rhiM-grainl eagle sehloin attaeks the pliin- Of Ranges fpairs for~all forming three eiirves, are unciI. lu work gives a faHhiqnahle toneli to a dark green h.iN hud to put up with Niieh Ncrupiiig und dorer of its oggs, though it is unsafe to nearer to cost, than ANY high grade coffee the owners and tlie company. The dam and Heaters we Rahgeswekeep that is to he wtished, the dots are first gown. Broeitdeii silks ami printed vul amoolhiiig of her linll ua divers could ef­ anger (he iiiajestic bird when its nest cou- which will lie built at Cooper’s Mills will closely worked with eottoii, in urder to fect, yet her line nin on Wednesday, taiiis young. I he eggs are two and suiue* on the, market; other coffees sohUat same a vets of v.irioiiH eolors, covered with lU-weis hIio' have ■ ,a v e r.y in stock, con­ ‘raise the level of the Sheepscot lake and I a goodly gam over I.") knots,which tiiiicH three, largi*, and show great varia­ raise them. They are then woikeil over III alt the imtiiciil eolors, are used for price arc not so (jood; our steadily increas­ flow the water over seventy five farms. tier conlruel e.illa tor. tion HI rieli tiiarkiiigs of purple, lavender, large stock, at stantly on h.nnd with silk. Kach one is workiu) around waists and entire dresses as well, (inis- riio coast lino hatth* .ship.s iudian.i, and fii'li brown, blotched, or suffused over prices suitable Some weeks ago a man named Lufkin, the outside with an uiitliiie stitch in silk a grain silks, p.itierned ail over in Pci’sian .MaHH.ii-hiisettN, and Oregon were origi the Hiirfaee of the shell. In California, ing s^les prove it. naily designed to a very hig t ile living in Oriiiigton, had IB alieep killed, shade darker than that used for the jewel. dcsigiiA and striped witli hlaek velvet, are where these eagles are most nnmeruus, a to all gri'ii of offensive itiid defensive power as lofty live oak tree Is frequently select^ Call and in­ and at first he supposed that all of the Sometimes the deuigu is reversiMl, and among the novelties, and nil the new ei lighting ships. The ant iiulhorizing them as a Hite for the huge nest of slicks, with sheep had been killed hy dogs in that town the curves of the putteni aie turned A cordial invi­ spect oiir stock nig silks are hroeaded in large patlenis dates h ck to .Iniie .*)G, IHfill, and il during its lining of Spanish im)s.s, lued by tbe Do YOU use our Coffees? before purchas­ and he eonaeiiuently entered a claim for towards the center of the cloth instead of bright colors on u white ground. tlieiiileivat there liavo lH*eii improve birds year after year fur generations. A tation isextend- pav. An order was drawn hy the town the Inirder. ICach jewel is connected with meuts developed in naval designs, they ledgi* on a eliff is also a eoiumoii resting cun appear in the Kc.irHai ge lOid her mate ing elsewhere. onieers of Orrington to pay Mr'Lufkin, the one lafforc it by a liinsui worked in a Skirts have lost n-itliiiig of ibrir snm- place to raise its young, and out in Wyom­ ed to every- ' I'he Indi.inu's IH inch ' water line ladi ing an eagle has foiiiid a |M*rfectly safe hut iaffore he got the order cashed it was very narrow stem stitch. For artistic de­ mei fullness, but the iibsciice of HtilTeniiig botly to c.dl extends ihrongli lhree-foui-ihs of the place to raise its young on the fiat top of ONE WORD MORE. aseerlniiitd that 1-1 of the sheep in qnes signs for this kind of it wouM except at the bottom, makes iheiii tiiiich ship, und then, tiiniing in, iorwaid and a giant rm-k. The nest is in plain view and look over tion- had laum killed in Brt'wer, and m he well to study the jcwidcd dcKigijs si.... more giaei>ful. And allliongli the sleeve alt, sweeps uroiiml the liase of the re hut IS inaceessihh*. doubts riiosi* latter arc 17 iiiclies thick We ire agents for the . icHrning this Oriington stopi>ed the pay- on C'oiilpnrt and oilier ehina, where the have tlie appearance ot )>cing somewhat 'I'he California condor—a bird with a our good.H. ] with ).*i niches tor tin* tiiriel.s, so that tlie sweep of wing ten feet from tip to tip, ami uwift of the order. Now Mr. Lufkin wants jewels itr<> combined with scrolls. smaller bocansr-of the ddlorcnl .orange- (iirnidg gear of the latter ts uinply pioteut the largest hinl of Iligiit in the world, not CREAM, iirewer to wttle for tlie l-I alieep killed meiit and less siitVocss in the bmiig, iher ed. AImivc tlie hell armor, Irom re. ‘xceptmg the great Andes eoiidor—ia a “Hillside Farm wiiliin th<‘ bounds of that city. DF.I.KI IMMI.IFH is no dimiiiiiimn m ihc size. , doiihls to icdiMihtN, the side is protecte great auk; and, as if it had u forreast pf— iilihon bind the new skirls, iii.slciid of vet- ' pint and half-pint bottles, It seem.s to meiit hnilding at Kast|K)rt foil, riie room pattern for doilies and table uentrt'picees. over the belt deck, and coll'er-daiti.s Is impenmhg diHHii, it resorts to the must vctccM II wears cpiile widl ami is fai water excluding niateriul on the slupes ot WATERVILLE, MAINE. happiumd to Im iiiiocenpied at the time It is a cutiventional design, such as those precipitous mountain, where, on st^e supply a long-felt want, Fresh every dressier in ap,(n*ariinco timn the other. tin* unnor deck, 'i'he t'oiiniiig tower inis raggy and perhaps iiiaccessiblu steeppit and nobody was injured. f)u n week day seen on the plates imitated, and ibme with Id inch pluti‘s Many water-tight eoin W. K. FOtVI.EK,;rr. Place it on the bottom of the skirt, allow­ leposils Its single egg of paid, greeuish clerks woiiUI certainly have been iimier embroidery silks of the exact shade of parliiii-nts add to the defensive strength ■due in a cave, lint seven eggs are known day. ing one inch tog-ome over on the outside. Open FRIDAY and SATURDAY Evenings. that part of the eetlng. The rest of the blue required, 'riie imitation of china But the power of the Indiana and hei n tsilleelioiiH, mid the value uf one (coii- mates IS not less extraordinary than the coiling is unsafe. The building has boeii patterns fur table linen is not new. Two iidei-mg the prohatiility of the great bird’s €'0.nK liV AKO I.OOK ll!< OVIUK. Knr Iriiiimings, wliich were so |Hqitihii defen.sive strength. Above the deek rise arly exlMiclion) is very great. Mure tl* u oociipiod less than three years and this is years ago DrcHden’s china tlcrul wreaths last year, iiro in greater demand than evei ilie two tiirruts, eaeh Kontuimiig two hig 91,■'')<)() has Isten paiil for a single egg of the second accident of the kind, the ceil* wen* first intnNinced for the purpose on l.'i incii rifies, mounted IH feet above the lim great ank, of which there are »sty- I and Halite, cliincliilhi, and Pcisiaii hiiiili arc iiig of the weather bureau office op the small iloiltes, and this later idea follows water,him! sweeping through three fourths eight eggs III existence. America oau equally fasliionaUte. f M circle iu rniige. (lu the heavy super- third floor lisviiig fallen over a year ago, quite {Ui a natural cuiiNeqiirnce. hum two—one at N’assar College and oue Nlriicture bet ween these turrets and 2.*> it the Academy of Natural Soienoe in kmashing instruments and gas fixtures and \ ahiive tin* waU‘r line, so as to tire MISSES MATHEWS & IRISH A woman of fashion has conceived the Boas hav«« conic p>ack, not, only in hir, I’hiladetpliia. I'he latter collection held wrecking tlie office. The building cost bill ill chiffon, rilibon and feathers The over them, are eight K-iiich nlles, which for many years among the rarities an egg brilliant iiutiun of a new wedding basket, 1)0 brought into play ail the soonm )f the Would call attention to their large stock of over 9120,000. last named arc now quite shoit, in some California condor, hut il iiiysterious- instead uf the usual white pa|ier wcdiling from their height. l‘'our il ineh ly disappearcilI a few years ago, and it is MATTHEWS, Bidhup Neely of BurtUnd won his point cases, and for a fastening a lilllc fur head guns cumpleto the iiiuin armamenl, whih- -opposed son C. E. box. Tliese hiiihII affairs are made by the some hcii'iitillc kleplomuuiac twenty ()-|)iMMnlers, six l•pIlllnd“^s, und tlie great diaouBaton at Miiim>apoliH dozen. They are of narrow white straw, such as a mink to hold ihem to the ihoiiglil It no sin to transfer the treasure four (iatliiigsaro in the Hecondury battery, o his own collection, where he is holding inery, over the use of the 054,000 raiKcd by the an inch wide, and caught together by rib­ throat. Kven chiffon hoas have these lit­ Fall and Winter and tliOre arusix lotpedo tulies for IH ineli t for a rise in price. KpiseupHl women for the mission work tle tieads as a finish. CONSISTINCJ <)K TIIK ’ bon uf the same width and of tlio saiiic (Vhittilicads. As to the other features ol Infoimation as to (he nesting hahitn of OLD RELIADLE. 'riie idea was to aeiiil a loshop to Alaska tint. On both siiicH uf tliis ribbon is a sil­ tho indiaiia, it will Is* eiioiigh to iiienlion the Califoi-ma eoiidnr has Is'eii exceeding­ Hats. Bonnets, Feathers. that hIio has a length on ioail water line ot where are only three ‘th nsHud jmople ver or gold curd, which is very onia- MOONK lIUNTINti IN MAINE. ly limited, and until IHHQ, when an egg Flowers, Ribbons &c. abimduntly supplied willi (’hridtian f(H feet, an extreini* (ireadth ot and van taki'it for H It 'I'aylor, eililur of the LATEST NOVELTIES mcntul. These receptacles are a trillc a mean dr.iiiglil of 21 feet, with a iiiaxi Till* Deiilxeu* of ttiM Foiwitt Not Kiit-riiil- Mill If MO eggs^iad Iwcii takuu since IW ■ THIS JVISWISeST niSfiiHOlVftS. ulmreheH, Knglish, Uomaii ami (ireek, as larger than tlie comiuuii wedding Ikix. In mum druiighl aft of a little over 27 feci IPK/jEjIBZIjIEj l>ii( III* IliiiitorH l.lvi-J Wfll (lie ’.'iGi The taking uf this egg showed J ^DIE2/JLJ..A.1T, well as Baptist and Cungregatrunal. The the center will Lai a large piece of wetl- the lowest point of the keel when sh< the m‘nimg time to tie uarlyin May, aud A large assortment of trimmed goods always on hand. 'I'll ro are scvt> wii)n of liuiitiiig liccr bishop attacked this plan so forcefully that ready for tho -sea, with stores alio.ird ■ liaL hilt one egg is laid. 'I'lie collector se------THCB------— ■ ding caku completely hidden by an iiuidc iiiid tnoiiso III this wimiliMfii! wild foroHt in the papers in Minneapolis referred to him aud hunkers riill Her foil hunker ca­ I’lii-ed the great egg aftor a hazardous 90 MAIN STREET, WATERVILLE. MAINE. lace effect. This box is very gorgeously tliCNO ffM>tliilU of Ml. KHtiilidiii. One of pacity IS l,i)l(I tons, though her normal a-s "the pep}>ery bishop of Maine,” and •■limh down a rope, wliich he fasteiieil to a LEADING PHOTOGllAPHEllS urnameiitcd on the outside by a cream tliiMii is full of liiirdNliip, fur no other siii'li uai supply IS ii little less than oue-fourth hush on the hlntl' above. The condor’s the vote to Hend the money to Alaitka was nbbou 2 inches in width, which is put MS mueli. Tho horse power is tlesigiicd («• egg was fmmd lying in a hollow iu tfie taiigiii of woihI iiimI niidergrnwtii und iiii- ^ ------IIT ai/tA-USTB. carried hy a small majority. Afterwanln around the middle, terminating in u well ho 1),(MX), and to yield 15 knots, hui I'ave, with a few feathers for a iicsl. 'i'he {lenelrablu “blow-downs” und “b'lrned Wt*dneHd>iy’H preliniiiiary trial exceeded eoiidors had been frightoiiuil off by the IF YOUR EYES TROUBLE YOU the vute was reconsidered and will lie tided ii.ado bow, with ends, 'i'his is a new de­ wimmIh” cun Im found tinywlieie to lest the both the hoisepower and the contract Artists for Colby University, Coburn. Classical Institute, for the evaiigelixatioii of the colored race discharge of the collector’s gnu, ami for­ Or if You have anv Difflcultv in Seeing Distinctly. parture, ami uxcccdiiigly pretty. strength niid nndimiiicu of the zealoim speed. The disphiceiiieiit is I0,2HH tons tunately did nut return while he was in of Amerlpa, suggested by Bisliop Newly. t)uo point III whii*li tho Indiana will Wesleyan Seminary, Oak Grove Seminary and^Bailey hunter. He iiiusl paddle across the lakes he cave Hu had not coinu prepared for break recoriis is that of tho rapidity ol to carry eggs, hut taking off his shirt he State Pension Agent Milltken ho far Lovely triukets for bouboiis, or (lOckcts Institute, Etc. Etc., in-'92 *93. to his particular ridge and then figiil liis going into comiiiissiun and aeliiai scrviec wiHpped tlie egg in i^ and lowered it to CSt-OOOn.I13C3rE!’ this year haa received 2(120 applieHtions for liair-recttivcrs to be bung at the side uf way through wild tiiirriuades of fallen after lior s; d trial. Sho will he placed the bottom of tho cliff, himself following for iiensiuiiH, an iiiorease of siMjiit 5(X) over tlie dresser, or fur the threads and scraps forest trees, with suiih uracklings of dry in coiiiiiiissioii, niider Capt. Kohloy i> III safely. YOUR PHOTOGRAPH LIVES AFTER YOU. Kvans, only a fortnight hoiice, or ou .N'ov And have vour eves examined FREE. the record fur the whole of last 3 ear. uf paper that one picks up in a dainty twigs and leaves as make it all hut im- Mr. Walter K. Bryant, fur many years 'I'he prompt use uf her will help to TTA-grm 73ISE1 sxiso*. Mr. Millikwi) asbribes this to Iho broaden* room where anything as large us a waste­ uiiralor of birds in ('alifornia'Academy of I liave uin|)loyeerM to the embroidered in gold, 'rhese slippers cornu l»e made easy, some facts relating to this an energy ami promptitude without paral­ lying |.5() miles off' ttiu coast uf lojwer lel ill this country; fur, although in suh school anti coroe home with a $r)0 State’s system for helping the iiweily vet* in yellow, red, brown am) in while. Tiie preseut exiHidilimi iii.iy \m interesting Califurniu, was almost an iiukiiowii terri­ When .1. rred Webster of the Webster and otlier particulars so far in advaiicu of tory to bird students, and he determiued ORIDEmS TOK. diploma, but have had eraiis. Many who would not have turned W. M. TRUE, white are embroidered in silver aud arc PaiKir (.'uinpany at Orono, Me., invited a anything known here, their general dcsig is to viait it. The isUiid is uninhabited, and DEALKU IN to the State even fur needeil aid liccaiive psrtiniilarly dainty. If intended for fa­ few of his teiidei fool frieiids from .New were ready on the very day the act author- vessels do not |iiBiially pass near it, ao it EIQHTEEN YEARS' PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. they knew little about tlie o|>eralioii of the vors, tlie smaltesl sizes, tiiat is, ctiildreii’s York to accompany liim into the wihb, he iziiig Ihoiu was approved, and tho call for wiis suiiiu time licfure he managed to se­ iropouils WHS made tho day aftor, and the A8RI0ULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, imiidiou law undoubtedly had their atteu* sizes, should be cliusen. Around (he top engaged Waller Mel’heUii's eamp und cure passage on a freight schooner. They stocked it. The slocking of a camp is one )ids wore o|H*nod exactly threo mouths landed him with a sniiply uf pruvisioua, tiun directed to it by the disoussiuns of uf the slipiiers siiirr Uliiim or brocade silk Engraved Work FERTILIZERS! uf the prime esHck. TA-KBIT -A.T natural growth of the necesdity for aid work-pocket. on the shore of I’einadinnoouk afforded rooned. Hu hod collected a large lot of 104. acLa.zzo' »rrxiz''Eia7. rare s|>ecimens. and discovered several which keeps pace with the advancing very inviting slielter, aud when Mr. Web­ new s|H*cies of birds. From never haviug A TitUNK CUVKHINU. ster's guests arrived oil a uertaiii recent liOl.ll TltAMI'H. years of the old soldiers and their wives moonlight night they found iiete such a seen the face uf man many of tbe birds ami widows. When it is necessary to keep a trunk in could be caught by band. Delightful ox the THE HAIL OFFICE. welcome as one would naluraily expect Try to Itiii) aflraiiti Truuk Train fine uue’sliedrooiu, it is a good plan to have a location was fur tbe enthusiastic ornithuio- only in a well-appointed uliih or hotel. Tlieiii flHthered lu ONE HINT The receiver uf the Cardiff Coal and ' 'I'o begin a little nearer the Iteginiiiiig, gist, the vanished supply uf provUioua linen, chintz, or denim cover lu put over it. Iron Co. of Teimessoe has lironght agaiusl the psriy, in which were I’a) Director L. When the (irund 'J'rnrik freight train made his |H>sitiun uu m lonely island unen- lu a ro<>m tbat is to be its permanent SPAULDING & KENNISON, Is worth a bushel Belfast investors in Canliff property to (1. Billings, U. S. N., A. B. I’ailduck, H. No. 10, (/oudiictor H iiiHun, pulled out of viahle. Ile was reduced todiniog ou ibell- place tba cuveriug may l>e selected so as recover notes given by tboee gentlemen Duffy, AlHXundur Paxton (tuiild, Alden i’urtUiid Monday night the conductor nut- tUh and such birds os he could secure, ood •---- -PUAOITGAL-----• f EfaMWOOD did Jiiut esca)Mi lu the main laud uutil to harmonize with tbe coloring of the J’slmer Weiwter, .Samnol rrain of Boston, urally cxpi'cted to mako his regular lime, of advice. ill part payment of tbeir purchases. Many three weeks afterward, when the schooaer room. If it is for a trunk that will often and Charles Burton of Worcester, Mass., LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE of the speculators paid cash down in full, left the Bangor and Armistuok Kailroad at hut he took 110 account of a party of six rctiiraeti to the island and took off the be ill a new place, some such cover as ecru the frontier slatiuu uf Nurcross, aud there tramps who lM>arded the van, und deinamT- iiaturalist and bis specimens. SLjCydWOOr) HCOTSXi. while a large iiumlier of otbeni^.gHve cash part and their, notes fur the balance. or brown linen or a chintz in a Bersiaii awaiting each man were his individual eil to he taken to Bangor. Not to speak Thu nests of nearly all birds are most OBO. JKWASLL, Proprietor. of the impiNisibiiily uf doing that the rules interesting, ami iu them tbe uologist finds Better buy The partiea giving ^mites are by no lueana pattern may be used. 'I'hese covers are guide and birch Imrk canoe. 'I'lm paddle The Prourletor’a pertoual aCteotlou. u glveigiven to of some tiiue mites up the North Twin and uf the (fraud Trunk against taking pas­ much to study aud oduiire, from tbe tiuy, Letting aua Ikiar^ug Huraee. Ordera -left at tbr oiifiped^o Belfast but are scattered over cut tA^',‘fife” th^Top, sides and ends of the Stable or Hotel Offloe. Couueeted by telephone, I’uiiiadutncouk lakes was over glassy sengers on freight trains stood in the way, lichen-cuvured, dowuy home uf that fairy, Ta Disks of.all LinSs, of tbe entire state, and it is estimated that trunk, aud nhuuld be seamed together on a waters wliicli reilccled everywhere the and they were ordered off the train but the humming bird, to the gigantic struut- atf. Leif, Oil, Mild PaiDts, KalsomiDe, over f50,(X)0 worth are held by tbe ootu* machine with strong thread The cover silvery light uf a full miKin Arrivmi at refused to leave. Master of Traiispurt- ure uf the fish hawk, or .^^wprey. Oue of should be boiiiid with a braid to cjiitrast the camp, theie was a ruddy welcome atiuii NVumluiau was iii the van, and he tbe must curious of uests is tbat uf tbe pany in Maine alone. Payment is refused repeatod CoiKlnctor liausun's order, but Catifuruia bushtU, cuiiuiugty woven uf Brnsbes, Painters'SoDpliesKeneraliy. with its color. These covers may he awaiting the voyagers, which lacked noth* IvO XJ J> ua the ground that tho company did nut mg th'i^ huart could wish of spiritual or uu attention waa paid to him, and the moss, liowii, and lichen. It is peusile like carry outita proinises, agreeing,.it is al- oriiameuted with aa much or as little nee­ material comfort, nut even blazing camp­ tramps, especially one rough li>okiiig fel- a lung piirne with a tiuy rouud eutranoe 187 ACaIxi. mt. Paints niixetl from pure lead anil oil in quaiitl- WALL t PAPERS. leged, to biiiid a hotel, lay out streets and dlework as one chuoses, as the cover is fire ou the heai'h. fuw wearing a large cowU)y hat, and a hole near the tup for the hini, which is uot tlM ami ootor Co suit puacomera. If you {uteiiif to |gi|)flr your roonia, do not fail big fellow who was full uf brag, if nut one-tonth as large os its womlerfni uest.^ make extensive improvements, which it packed when traveling, 'i'he decorations With daylight, which came prosentiv, O. V. HPAULUINO. W. P. KKNNI60N. looaiionme.ail’ *1 •have---- the flneat• ’line*---- of' —Mimplea.....’ - fight, showed tbat they proiHMicd to rnn San Franduco hiaminer. to be Men In the city. HmuipIm ihowii at your lued should be large all-over cuiiveiitiuual the mure ambitious hiiulers sallied forth, 7<1 West Temple Rtreet. nwn home. Drop me a card. oo^Xj -Ajxrr> failed to complete. The Belfast oases but some who preferred tbe chances uf a the train. M tiers soon hMikot! threaten ill probably be test ones. It Is under­ .designs, dune in outline stitch. Such a ing, and after rounding Fish I’mnt, Mr CAN BAVie YOU 90 PKU CKNT. moose attacking the camp never deserted HINK l*fe:AKL IN T4M*TH. stood that |U tbe note givers object to [cover in old red-deuim is embroidered that piMt uf duty day or night. Kach VVooitiuaii decided to have the tramps pul off, aud if |>ussiblo arrested. 'I'lic train -4^DOW & GREEN,4- payiugaiid vvit^fight if suits are brought. Ifvith bisuk and touches of gold. A green muriiing the hunters took giiule and Caused Mrs. Hetlell to Uostea Hock to When you PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. was hailed despito the threats luatlu hy linen, with au olive cast, is embroidered cauue fur some favorable hunting ground, Mew York f'rom Malue. Many promiueut business and professional aud eauh night they returned to camp, the tramps, aud the special engine was want a PAINTING AND GLAZING. OFFICE ON MAIN ST.. NE>IR FREIGHT DEPOT with while. Openings are out in the Mrs. D. M. Bedell of West 8Utb street, men are ou tbe list of those who gav« their woiu with the labors uf the day. but fresh sent back to the station fur an officer ami paper. Tbe company was obliged to take ends to let tbe handles through, aud these enough fur tbe business of the evening. Special Officer i'buuiss S. S. lose uf the New York City, was recently visiUug firand 'I'runk, responded. When he reached Good Job legal aoliou now as the notes will he out­ should be bound with braid. If used fora And so the time passed. Msiue and, while at Bar Harbor, began As a result of a week’s caiupiiigu the the train things looked squally. The lawed at no distant date. seat, a thiu pad tilled with hair or ootlou experiencing snob twiuges iu a supposedly of H. O. PIERCE, company are now pre|>aring to break tramps demanded that the train proceed, should be tufted aifd laid uu the top of tbe aud were full of fight. souud left uiular, that she went to a den­ camp, having aa a net result uf their de­ tist without gsiuiug relief, and Aually, tbe Rwsidwncet 22 ASH STREET. Wbare We ,4re Oolag. truuk under the cover. vastating tramp thrungli the forest, nine When Officer [j*>e arrived and displayed UODSE PiUTIIG or PAPER UUGIIG his bailge the tramps responded to his pain increasing andd nnot wishing to loee the R. L. PROCTOR, 1 find tbe gOkit thing in this world deer, a fox, a rabbit, aud some pheasanta tooth, she rvlurnod home andlU sought the Is not so mucD where we stand as lu Tbe moose yard, as the clearing about tbe urder lu leave h)r making a rush fur him The womau witbalaleut for dreui says: aid of an expert. or anythng whut diroctiou wu are moving. To reach camp is called, is strewn with empty Mr. Jan) drew his revolver and said to the The expert. Dr. I^eeds, examined the HA$0N AND BUILDER, the port uf heaven wo must sail some- ’’Why won’t womeu learu to put on their ■hells, telling of a certain amount uf tar­ tali tramp: ”l'ut up your Uamls.” Ite did so without much fuss, hut the cowboy molar with electric light aud Hoally die- else in that limes Vith the wind and suiuetimes belU ao that they will slope dowuward in get practice, and scattered disks of red, FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. tramp was full of fight aud it was all tbat uovered a pinkish fureigu substouoe liMged Wiahea to Htiiiuuiioe that be will be fuuiid at the old eUud, ready to talk '•gainst it, bat we must sail aud nut white aud blue colors, being the tracks of and figure uii auy aud all Maauii work. Haviug pufehaned the oelebhited front aud up iu tbe hack? All good fash- that fiercer game than bull moose aud Mr. 1^ could do to attend to him. The firmly iu au iudentiuu iu tbe crown of tbe line call on, Irift. our lie at aucliur.—Olivgr Weu- iou plates naake the waist liue dip a little •ometimea calletl tbe tiger. traiu men were by this time takiug a tooth. He extricated the substonoe by Ten-room reahlenoe on Bilver Street, advan Aell Holmes. ^ . . tageuualv' located, and with all modern Improve- MOUNTAIN FARM STONE - QUARRY, in front, aud it is au easy t^iug to aooom- Meantime, tbe merry men have lived baud iu the fight, aud tbe cowboy tramp dental machiuery, and it proved to be a Yours truly menu, at was at last truued aud ou tbe gruuud. ink pearl, several times larger than tbe The only (^arry in ibia vicinity produoihf aound Blue Stone, HI* UmmHf All In Btweks. plisb, and yet only tbe cleverest dressmak- upon venison aud partridge ai>d everv- f * LOW PRIOM AND ON KABY TBKMM thing else tbat u good to ea> and drink, Tbe tramp with the cowboy hat was Keod uf a pin. 'Fbe lady thought it might ia'prepared to put in foiiudatioiia at abort notice and at rook ’There’s money in stocks.” said tba, en manage tt. It does everything fur the have gotten lodged there by eatiug oysters clarkiN, to right pa/ty. Tbelot la very large and baa a bottom |irioea. Bemona ouiiteinplatiug building tbia tu^aaoii haw developed muscles little used to ex evideiitly tbe leader of the gaug aud as JAMES rlghtofway...... ______to Silver In...... **the ’ rear, which ■lan who is yooiig aud eutbusiMtic. | waist in makiug it look slender and sweet. soon as be was arresteil the rest made a hut others believe that some fureigu lub- oouht be uUllaed (or tne ereetton of anuthur will find it to their advantage to oonault him on priuea before eroise, aud have filled tbeir lungs with as huuaeon tbepremlaee If dealred. The dwelling ‘’Yus,” replied bis seasoned friend. pure aud five air as blows anywhere over break fur the hill, aud made tbeir escape, stauue lodged tbereiu, aud received its lafurulahed with city w iter, wired for electric building, aa we a full liue of Lime, Cement, Hair, Fancy 37 East Temple St, Bfiek, and 'File/ Cfunneefbiu mad« with aewer in neat and '’I’m sore there is. I have been pot* A strip of oilcloth wi/) he found a very tb|s earUi.-~iVri0 York Suu- haviug detaiued No. lU about au hour. ooatiug of pearl, iu tbe same mauuer that iighfa, haa aewerage oouin. 'it>u aird but and cold fmg hsif tuy salary tiiere for tbe hurt a graiu of saud lodged in a pearl oyster water on both Buura, hot . keatlug apparatua. workmanlike manner. Thanking tba public fur paai patronage, 'i'he tramp who waa arrested was uot ouly MBXT TO OTTBM'S HAKBIIV useful tfaiug in lining • belt, it will keep beooiues a pearl, 'i'he peayl was too firm­ Inquire of or addreea we would reapaetfully aak a abare of your work. four years, and it’s nil there yet”—> half druuk, hut disposed to iudulge iu Wasblugtuu tiur. iu shape adiuirahly» aud preeerve its stiff' ly fixed iu tbe tooth to ^vp gotten there P- B. 1 am urettared to do aatltlaeUivV work lu W. r. P. rooo, %A|rer.Block. A bftohelur ia a sort of matrimuuial (hreaUuiug talk. He assured Mr. l.fee that neas to tbe end uf time of poe^ihle wearing. mugwump.—fuci;. he would ”du” him vbeu be gut out. iu auy ordiuary mauuer. tfiiiiaiiikaiiiOh esiiiei ’• '/V.-stVw 5;. i;-> ^5^‘y/ji

FOOT HAM. The boys are entbusiastio in their praise of mt ^AtevvUU ^ml. the hospitality of the Bangor team. ;Aftor Colhr nives Maine State the Worst Dnih- the game a banquet was touderod them by GRAND CLEARANCE SALE BARGAINS IN WATCHES! lilitK of the Heafeon. PUBUSIIRt) WKKKLT AT the yniiiig Indies of Bangor High School Ill the story of the foot ball game Ito- 120 H»ln StrMt» Watorvlllft, Mfi. at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. After the ban- r.Hrlic.* SOLID GOLD watches with KIgin or Waltham movementa. twfoii (’olby and the Maine State College ------OF------qiiet H{>eechc8 were made by I’rlnolpnl ooxjXD fxXiXjS]x> at Orono, Tiif. Mail referred to the un­ PRINCE A WYMAN. Johnson, Manager lv(*ariiod, Capt. Fur- pleasant treatment that the Colby tnen ST xi.xi«rc»u. PirULtllMBIU A.ND PltOPRtBrOHfl. bush, and Mr. Foyn. 'I'tie thanks of the Tyt*y OoodL« Stookjs ComTbinod received at the hands of the M. H. C. play­ team nro due Secretary Jordan of the Y. f>X3VS. ICSIOK. OS.^XZiirS ers aud spectators, and prophesied that the M C. A. for his kindness to them. M. y. Cb'tentn would get pretty thoroughly i|tib«ertptloB Prim, St.OO Per Tear. Some changes have iMieu made in the •1.50 it Paid In Advnnm. iH'ateii in the return game. 'I'liis proved ALI. GOODS ENGRAVED FREE OF CHARGE. seating iu Friuoipal Johnson's room; the to Ih) correct aud iu last Saturday's game sents now face the east side of the build- r*. jA.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1895. till) visitors got about the worst defeat ing. \ / that any foot hall team over siilTered iu In order to make room for our new fall and winter goods we have decid d to cleanout these goods at the follovving prices' Graduate Optician, 52 Main St, Waterville. The reports from mniiy Beotioiis of Maine. Colby scored 50 points, and had E. F. Stevens C. C. I.,'85 and A. H. This sale includes Meine of the trouble to which citizeiiA nro the playing time lasted ten seconds longer Harding, 'IM, were at cha|>el on Friday. dtilj put on Rocoiint of trnmpR, HKniii (his score would have been increased. At 1'he following delegates have Imeii The KNAUPP BROS. Stock of Waterville, The J. L. PURINQTON SONS Bankrupt Stock, oalli attention to the ncoci of domo more the call of time Colby had the ball on chosen to attend the Y. M. C. A. conven­ / y^ot effeotiTe way of dealing with the trHiu|) Maine State’s one-yard line and Another tion at Bath: Jenkins, '98, Stnrtevanl, '98, Bath, CABINET PHOTOS. and Mcl,iit it again, Colby had it picnic ii!t through the Hebron on .Saturday. 'I'his will Im the that there is but otie renaonable way to game. Maine site was never in it, and last ganje this term. All crowded into the KNAUFF BROS. Old Stand, 64 Main Street, WATERVILLE. CT A. SMITH PHOTO CO. treat these mipleaaant loafers and that is only once wasA^ilby’s goal Inio in any We bouglit these 4 stocks recently for spot casli at a mere trifle of their original coat, consequently we are enahlccl to sell 17 ST.. WATERVILLE, ME. to make them work. When every jail in danger. At util time, early in tlio game, lUltMNG SIAOHINK. these goods at less than manufacturers’ prices. This is a RARF OPPORTUNITY for'the CRAYONS, $1 EACH. PRESENTLTHI8’’C0UP0N. Maine has a stone*yard ultaehiRent where Maine State got the ball on a fumble and l*al(inl 4BowAd Amos F. AbiMilt of this • people’of Waterville and vicinity. the hoboes can I>e set to breaking stoiie by H series ofAharp riislies carried it to Cliy on an ImiMirtanl Invention. for use in mnoh needed improvcinontd on Colby's 10-ynrd lino whore it was lost on Amos Abliott of this city, sou of S. I. Maine highways, the State will Im rid of downs. Thu Maine State line whs help­ Abbott, Esq., has received word from the UNDERWEAR. CDRSETS. Gent's Furnishing Goods the vagrants as if by magic, and not less before the Colby riiilies and when patent ufilce at Washington that a patent We havedeoided to nearly give our cloakM VVe have aliout 00 pairs of beauti­ Any Trouble with your before. Work is the one modioine that Colby’s backs 8tut4ed around the ends has been granted upon a folding nmeinne Ladies' 9L(K) white rih'd away. ful 75c. corsets, perfect tilting, I’ndcrwear 49c. Men’s 4 ply all Linen Collars in these fellows libsolutely refuse to take and the iuterforouce was so good that nearly, that he has invented. I'he iiiveiiliou is uu and every pair warranted. l>est alyles, ().lc. You may have your choice of our Y- 'I'hey are slightly damagiMl and 0(1^ WATCH ? the sooner it is offered old I’atterson and Alden, both of whom played able of (ukiiig the material from 500 Ladies'I'lOc. rih’d Fleeced Under­ Ladies’90 Winter ilackots, 91.95 full length, wear, 29c. I.Adies' 98 and $10 VVinter Jackets, 2.95 .State of Massachusetts is alwayd iutercHt- a iM-aiitiful gaii.o. Full-haek Holmes also broad looms, douhliiig widths varying Watchmakers and Jewelers. Ladies’ 7i’>c. Wotd Mixed Under­ liadie8'912 and $15 VVinter Jackets', 5.95 Men’s Dogskin Driving Gloves, iiig. Whether important issued are dis­ did excellent work in plunging through from ‘12 to 108 inches. In explaining his Ladies’ $20 Mink trimmed Jackets, 2 95 Hosiery. They wlll^retiirn it t« you shortly witli a good cliaracler. wear, •" 49c. PnringtoiTs prices $1.2.5. Oiir cussed or not doesn't seem to make much tbe Hue as did Cinipinan, I'ntnam and invention, Mr Abbott says: 'These cloaks are slightly off style, but Ladioa’ seainless heavy fleeced,- — prices will he liT Correct time received dally by telegraph from difference m the zest with which Ihe^. cam­ Brooks ralUTsuii liiul iliu uuiisal honor "The idea of the cloth-doublhig machine Children's 5(h>. leb’d Fleeced made of the fliiost luaterial, and are heavy lined Hosiery, Pnrington’s price, U. S. Observatory. Underwear, 2,3c. 20c. They will go in this sale J paigns are carried OU' There is an ubuii- of seoring seven touchdowns. Capt. Brooks first came to me in the spring of 181M, and warm for winter. Men’s Unlaiiiidred Shirts, all linen while watching, iu company with stune danoe of oratorical talent t the command kicked goals beautifully, missing but two Men’s 50o. Shield Front Winter Misses' 95 Winter Jackets For 91.95 bosoms. V'ino grade of cotton others, the old nidthiKl of doubling wide Vests, 29c. Misses* 98 Ladies’ all-wool Hose worth 25ots.*| reinforced bauk and front and alt chances und one of those was very difll 2.95 of both parties there and free use is made sheeting. Guo of the company asked me Children’s Cn|>o Cloak fur. 1.95 Yon may have them for the improvements. Sold by Pur- unit. 1'hc game gave little oppoitiinlty if the doubliiigs could not be marlo with Men’s 50c. Camel’s Hair Vests, of It. The fact that these wordy battles 29c. Children’s 90 and $7 Cloaks for 2 59 Ladies’ 55c. Hue cashmere Hose, 23c. iiigtoningt from 65c. to 75c. Gnr ^(^0 Plants for Garden, House or Urn iK>0ur every year makes them seem no less to get a line on tbe defonsivo play of the one operation; it seemed tome it could, Cbildren’s $8 and $10 ('loaks for 5.59 will be sold for priciice will be onlv WELL! Colby eleven, for the Maine States bad and after careful study, 1 had cunstriioted 50o. Camel’s Hair Vests, can t>e foiinil or ordered at important to the people of Massnchiidolts. the machine on which the patent has been 49c. All flue grades of wool and cotton Hose We have about 75 men’s White They enjoy it all and possibly the familiar* llin ball Ml their possession but a very few jiilowed. reduced fur this sale. Laundered Shirts which have ity with public questiouH HocuriMl by this minutes for the whole game. While the "The iiiaohiuo is for doubling lengthwise Children’s all-wool Hose, riue qual­ ’ottcn slightlv soiled in moving, WELL! LARRABEE’S. SHAWLS. Pnriiigtoiib. sold them fur 91 Ot) means may be of more value than the game was not rough enough to require any fabric, sheeting, woolens, dress gcHals, Wo have 25 Ladies’ Wool Shawls that sold ity and heavy. Purington 5 DRESS BDDDS. i(hn price to .91.25. Gnr prices will any iietioii on the part of the ofllcials in etu., or all11 goods that require folding at $8. Tliey are slightly damaged time lost. Mr. Blaine once expresHi'd llir I'he goods are taken from eithei a fold only disciplining oirending players, it was very We have selected a lot of pat­ (scarcely noticeable). VVe have decided Men’s Camel’s Hair Socks vortli opinion that annual eloolious and sessiund roll, passed over a uone and through up­ terns from our 18o. 20c. 25c. to sell them for 15c. earnest all through aud there were uiiiiier- 25c. 'They go at ' of the legislature were valuable for this right rolls, whieh ureases the goods aud IIOc. and lines which yon 12Jc. same reason, and the MaHsachnsettH folks oiis iniuor injuries that eauHe, our ness was all that gave the hall to Maine "'riie elolli-doiibBiig machine has bei'ii All best spool cotton including 19c. All-wool, 4-4 White Flannel LARRABEE’S. and the must deplorable thing about it ii in sueqessful operation at iliu Lockwood price, ^ 39c. Sfioxigges, E>to., Sluleatall after the kick-off. Watkins Everything cut in this Department. Coat’s, ('lark’s and Willimuanlic woitli6.'>c. Gnr price will bo that success will be won, if at all, on an al­ Milts iiK this city about a year. 'I'liere will cut to OoC/* Men’s heavy leather, lamb’s wool was responsible fur considerable of the 50-inch Storm Serge in hlnes and ^(^0 together bad issue. The rallying cry of the soon he one in operation in l/<‘wisloii, and hlaeks, Hue gnide lined (iluves, worth 50c. Yon 29c. 5U('. grade fine scarlet ttannel, tumbling but was partly to la* excused fur one will go to the South. Lining Cambrics, all colors while 3^0. can buy them from ns for Tammany forces has been remonstrance they last. LARRABEE'S. it liecauso ho was coiiipiiratively new to All sheeting over forty ineln's wide is against Police Commissioner Koosevolt'd doubled, and all over foily-Hve iiiehes is Six papers uf good Pius, all sizes, eiiforoenient of a law placed on the New bis position. He made uineiids for bis doubled unco or twice as it is threiulril to CAPS. good grade for oc. York sUtiite books in 1892. That a ma­ fault iu this respect by runuiiig his team the luaohiue. All makes of sewing needles will Wrappers. - . Ice Cream Soda with rare good jmlgineiit and getting in­ With this stock we bought a lot of Bovs’ be sold during this sale at 4c jority of voters in the largest of Aincrican and Men’s Wiiicer Caps. W'e make We make one lot of all Wiappers St:i*o of Maine all-wool 8c. cities should be willing to join the ranks to every play himself. Fattersou several Colby Ifiilverslty. three lot of these; all 50-cent Caps go at All makes of 100-yd spool silk, which formerly sold for 91.00/*Q-^ 12 l-2c skeins reduced to «1 Oc., Prescriptions times rail ahead his .iuterfureiiee but Fred A. Ring spent lust Sunday at his 29»*.; all 75-cfint Caps sold for 59i'.; aB incUidiiig CurtecelU’s aud ami 91.25. Gnr price UtJL' of UW'breaking instead of law-abiding Eureka, 7c. IpH.fla Gormantowii yarns sold 1 I Properly put up at citisens furnishes food with, Can auv wboelman explain why it is All our .$4 50 and $5 50 While 69 (t/r Sheeting. On Saturday, the Co by foot ball eleven BLDVES. line und gut iluwu the held ahead of all the JI7o.j;** Unbleached 'Table Linen,j Blankets, slightly soiled . Rrmri^iibrr .wr ,tro hIIII that the most of his assooiates ride so little go to BrnuKwiuk to pluy Bowdoiu. T'hv Ail our Ladies' Kidk in 5-hook Oiit I^loxvers est of his team. Slmuiion gel at the ball g«- lloilllUM...... fllll-|l>U-k» ...... Sawyer lielped furnish entortaiiiinent, but particu­ wrltloW ROOM 1. NOPKK RLOCK. Maine woods can in some tueasnre cuiiteiit evure, 0'9iy .'Hi, .M. .S I’. U. Tonchilowjia, l*Ht meet at the M. E church in this city Nov. W^KUVILLE* .MAINE. M-rnmi >, 'AUU-ii C. llriHiks I lioalK rniin loucb larly to Mr. Clark who rendered his selec­ MONDAY, OCT. 28tll. I7tf tliemselves with the thought that the next liriHikH H.’ t'litplre. rjiliiiur, »r llaitgor- 4 'The programme of exercises for the liest thing to hunting and shooting game ‘o, Allleu. of Waierviliu, LiiiL-iilUHU, C'latk. tions in a manner that sIiuwimI talent to a meeting is as follows: 3Iiittnee, Saturday, 2.30. 'J'l.n.* ;iu Hiiii inlimie iiah for yourself is to listen to the talcs of your niaikod degree. - 'Sermons Monday evening by B.C. Wenl- more fortunate neighbor who has bad a Colby plays her tirst game with Bow F. M. Padelford, Pi'osident of the Y. wortb; Tnesday evening by C. W. Galiag- WINDOWS. chance to do it. 'rb||, especially, if yom M. C. A., will preside at the Parlor Con- her. Essays: Our Duty to the Children (loin at Brunswick, Saturday, Oct. 20. It ...... # 4l... — a. .a... 4l. ill the Church, C. 8. Oiimmings, W. B neighbor can be depended upon to recount ferences of tiie Twenty-ninth Annual lOibs. Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 25c. is too had that the date should have fallen State Cunvenliuu of the Young Men’s Eldridge, B. V- Davis; Condition and his experiences truthfully. Watorvlllo Needs uf churches in Maine Conference, Ull ihe same day as that for the Bicycle Christian Associations of Maine, at Bath, We are hunters are all supposed to tell the exact Meet here, as otherwise a number of the Oct. 25tb to 27tb. A large number of the W. F. Berry, 0. S. Pillsbnry, A 8. Cape Cod Cranberries, 10c. a qt. truth ill regard to their adventures in the students expect to attend tbese meetings. Staples, C. 11. Williams: Changes Needed slndeuts and iuwns|>euple would go down in Methodist Polity, C. W Gallagher, Merry Co, of Comedians, COAL OF ALL SIZES. witoda. to see the game. .There is probably little 'The following officers of the class of flames Nixon, J. Moulton; Review uf J. (>. ’98 have .-'Cn elected; President, A. K. Peck’s "'The Revival and the Pastor, ’ 8. Cuiislaiitly oil hand and delivoriMl to any part of chance fur Colby to win, but the men are Linsout^ Vioe-president, B. C. Richard­ Life Guard Band and the city 111 (luaiitltiee desired. Too much talk is said to have killed the very anxious to keep Buwduin’s score Hooper; Svipposiam— five Mimites' Re­ BLAOlfS.MlTtr.S COAL by tbo buHliol or oar- HEADQUARTERS son; Secretary, 11. 8. Allen; Treasurer, 11. view of t!ie Most Helpful Book Reid dur­ Good, Oolong 25c. per lb proposed prize fight lietweeu champion down to a small figure, and aUo to score L Corson; Orator, W. L. McFaddeu; Marine Band Orchestra. DKY, IIAUl) ANDSOFl’ WAIOIV. prepHTiwl for ing the Year, open to II present; Duties stoves, or four feet long. II II Corbett and Fitzsimmoiis. Now that the thuinsulveH. It is sure to be an iiiU'rest- Toastmaster. C. FLUnmey; Historian, K. uf Chi-i.stians with Reference to Eufuice- Will ooiiiraut to supply OUKHN WOOD Jn bits For them, and have muoh-disoussed meeting between the slug­ K. Hall; Poet, H. A. Dalryiiiple; Prophet. ment of Prohibitory Laws, C. F. Parsons, 35 AU'riSTS 35 desired, at lowestwest caslicasn priprices. — Yery Choice Formosa 50c. ing game. F. A. Robinson; F.)xeoutive Committee, J. PUKdiSKD HAY AND STRAW, HAIR AND gers has been given up, it is to be hoped D. H. Ford, J. W Jordan, F R Welch; OAUHNKI) PLA8TKR. a large stock t). Wellman, W. A. Bates, J. K. Nelson. Causes and Cure of Sabbath Desecration, Entire (‘hauge of Play, Miisiu and Newark, Itoniaii A Portland C£MK21T, by tbe that the public may be given a rest I the Coburn went to Hungor, Suturday, to pound orcaek. D- B Holt, E. O. 'Thayer, F. C. Noroross, Specialties nightly. ‘ 'ent for Portland Stone Ware Co.’s J)RA1N GOOD LARD, 7 l-2c. perlb. subjeet. meet defeat ut the hands of the Bangor Kloe's HIv Company Coming. 8. 1). Leach; The |l*roper Use of Evange­ High School team, 20 to 0. Coburn was FLAY8 roll Tlll% KVKNINGH. TILK for Draining Land. UNDER OUR OWN We are handling large quantities of Svveet Potatoes, Rice’s big company of 55 people which lists by Pastors, B. P. Fickelt, E. Gerry, Down town ofUce at STKWART BROS., QUIN­ liia reported that a Ciarditier boy ro- outweighed but played a plucky game, ainl are playing to iinmense houses at l.>(iwis- F. H. Hitlinglon; Methodist Literature; onlsy—"All In the Family.’' • CY MARKtry. GLAZED PERSONAL Grapes, Pears and Peaches. Prices very low. but for tite illness of full-back Rice, who ton this week will on Monday eveimig Its Value and Best Methmis fur Distribu­ 'I'ut-sflny—i‘l(ls L>ren a full week’s eugugetnvnl at tion, W. U. Dukesbin*, D. 1. lUdway,'C. WeilHciwUy—"Tl “ OcUinam.." a. S. FLOOD & GO SUPERVISION, giHta from the effeets of cigarette smuk- did but play at all, would ha^u made Tlmrsdsy-"'! .>i|>loiiii«t.’' City Hall, playing fur 10, 20 anil cents. E Jones; How can I^ucal Preachers be WATKRTII.I.B. WAINR. iiig. His miud first yielded to the efTeets much better sliowiiig. Among the ulays t«i be presented are Best Utilized? W. A. NoUage, C. A. Friilay—'”1 wu Orplisns." SHtiirilay—"Tiokut of Leave.’ oi the poison and physical collapse follow- several well Known suecesses as well as J^anghtoii, .1. A. Ford, F. R. Weloh. 'Tbe first two named under eaeh topic will pn)- Kknnxukc CoUNTV.—In Probate Court, at Au­ Place your orders e«l. It U strange that Imuperaiice societies Waterville High School played Nichols some new comedies among them being gusta, on tbe Hucund Monday of\>ctober, 1SU6. The Diplomat, 'Ticket of I.4eave Man, All pare twenty-minute papers; the others cnXuLKS KKI.SKY, Admriiistrat4>r on, tbu an I other organizations which aim to pre­ Latin School of lA^wiston on the Colby You Wori|’t Forget the Prices. estate of W. P. STEWART Sl CO., in the Family, 'The Octoroon. 'The Two lead ill discussion. OLIVKU KKI..SKV. late of Waterville, vent the youth of our land from going field Saturday forenoon, and were de- OiphaiiB, East Lynne, Led Astray, and In said county, deceastnl, having |K>titiuiied for fcatctl by n score of 28 to 0. The visitors The Bachelors, 'i ne list is a gowl one and EVENINGsTiO, 20 & 30 CIS. llcuiise to sell tlie fullowiiig real estate uf said NDW, AND WATERVILLE, MAINE. wioog do not give mure attention to this Bath is to fulluwihe lead of Aiignsta in deceased, for tlie payment uf debts, Ac., vis: The vics,of cigarette usiag. There isn't inmdi t<> were a heavier lot of fellows and could each play will hav a mimber of up to dale liouieatoad lot of said deceased: the lot known as speciallies introduced, und there will be securing a city building, and plans to that the Meader lot: ilwellhig bouse and Its lot 011 tbe citooae beiweeu it aud the liquor habit. In pluy lauter foot bull, und thut explains MATINEE 10 & 20 CTS. Noyes lot. delightful music by the Marino ba:nd and end have alreaily been begun. Why OaoKUKO, That notice thereof be. given three AVOID DELAYS. fact, •• far as pbyBioal|effecu|go, the iiuhI- Watcrville’s defeat. A colored gentle­ orchestra. This eompany made a decided weeks auooesslveiy, prior to the SecutidMonday of shonldii’t Waterville be next on the list? Ueserved SeatH on sale Friday inornliiK, DetoOer November next. In the Waterville Mall, a newspa­ erata use of liquor would probably be less man, nuinci^Juhiison, eaptnins thd Nicies hit in JAiwistun this week which will be of 2Sib, at I^arry’s at 0 o’clock. per printed In WalervDle, that all persons Inter- objectionable. Men are often found who team, and jlU's the heavy work in gromid considerable benefit to them next week XQFSBK LKWISTON FAFKllS. esteu may attend at a Court uf Probate tbeu to be Owing to the length of the performances liuldeii at Augusta, and sbuw cause, if any, iiiakAathe drink heavily for a long term of years aud gaining for his side. He failed to gain 'The withdrawal of the challenge sent why the prayer uf said petition should nut be UNCLE SAM'S TAR SOAP HANDS the opening oveiture will begj;n promptly ,u far as tbe at eight o’clock each evening. to the New York Yacht Club forf,a race IVOTICE. a. T. STKVENlj; Jud^o. SOFT AND SMOOTH. Sold at 8 Per Cent. next season fur the America cup seems to Attest: HOWARD OWKN, Register. but it ia doubtful if they could be equally writei’s observation went, and then bis All persons indebted to tbe Arm of PKKOV - * SW22 DOKR’M STOKE:. Among (hM Advertisers. have been due to the sensitiveness of the IA)UI> are requested to make an Immediatu pay­ aucoeaaful iu resisting the evil effects of foot |>ed und he stood on bis head for u ment. 1 Intend making a obaiige In my buHliiess, INVESTMENT. eigarette smoking. Tobacco iu any form little time, during which he nalnrally challenger, Mr. Ruse, who could not en­ and all bills muat be imidon orlwfure llucember Moody offers some astonishingly good m\i. 180b. OTIUK is hereby... given that the subscrlbei Sachet Powders dt Pei fumes Diyidends Quarterly—Deo>, Uarcb, June, is bad enough but its use in tbe shape of could nut be ex|>euted to make ntuob head­ bargains in his big adveriiseuient on the dure the cumments from the English press 3tW FKUCY LOUIl. _. biu been duly appointed admlulstrat(>r IN GRKAT VAItIKTV. uuN tbe estate of and Sept. egarettes ia incalculably injurious. way. second pagn of Tiik Mail. 'The prices that his action called forth. It would be FRBD K. HUSSKV, late of Albion, given are so low und tbe quality of tbe in tbe Cuunty of Kennebec, d^eased, Intestate, AT DORR’S DRUG STORE. Waterville did nut, fur Huiue reason, rather a thankless task for Mr. Rose to go and has undertaken that trust by giving bund : goods is so higti that the uombinatiun must to the expense and tiunble of sending a RECEIVER’S NOTICE. tbe law direotsi All iterouns.tlierefureirelore-,’, having ded ­ KUBitKH WATKR BAGS, 'riiu Petit Maaan Land and liidiiHtrial A Few Words fri>iu Orono. ^lay tbe game the team is usually Oipable be irresistable to anybody in need of mands against tbe estate of said deceased, are de­ Imat |i"owiiig that if defeated be would The uiidurelgued hereby gives notice of bisap- sired to exhibit the same for settlement; ami all AND HEATERS rninhliintlon Fountain Syrlnffwa CtmpAiiy to further devulup and tiiipruve Oronu, Maink, Oot. 2^lrd. of. Fred Rollins, the quarter-back, was goods. iK)lntm«iiu,olntmeiit, «m...... tbe...... 5Mtb ....,'...... *- - < “■ imiebtetl to said estate are requested to make imfi all and Ruhli"*' Gouda wt their property, uffered as a-aafe and con­ get no sympathy at home and if successful ittculver uf~ (be Uowell SymlloAl A Trading Cum- Editort ((f the Mail. injured early in the game and several Scriptural und political reference is )Miny. ac4)rporstlon orgaiikuHl by law amt bavliig mediate payment to DORR’S DRUG STORE. servative {(iVestmi^nt 950,0(X) uf (he the full measure of iiatioiMl rejoicing places uf business at Mkowbegan lu tbe • oinity uf BKHT 8. HU88KY. tove 'rreasary Stuck of oorporaCioii at par, $10 - tlaviog seen in your last issue several ohanges bad to be made in tbe luake-iip of found in tbe udvertiseiuent of tbe Corner Somerset, Waterville and Augnsts liitbe ouuiity Oct. U. 1886. SwZl On exhibition in our S misstatements about tbe foot ball game of the team. Levine covered himself with Muikot this week und bauk of it all ure would be witlilield. 'To enter into the of Keimebfo. and fiatb Id tbe county uf Sagada- LUNG PnO TcTfofrsrkT^« 00 pnr share, and call your atteiitiuii lu boo. Department. Also tbe fact that perpeliial and absolute ae- Get 12th, I beg leave to um) a little of glory. He was in every play and miule the solid facts of higb-grude gooils ut fair cup seeking eonlesl with any sort of spirit In acconisnos with a decree made by the Judge CHA.UOI8 SKINS, your valuable space to ourreet these evil prices. of the Supreme Court within and fur tbeouunty uTICK is hereby given tlmt tbe subscriber I oiirity ill real estate is guamnWed every tackle after tackle in a mauner tc# call the challenger slio)ild be backed up by the of Kentiebeo, all olatme against said Company N duly appoliitetl Kkeoutrix of tbe last will a AT DORR’S. stuck holder, la other words the ouiiipaiiy stnnders agaiuat our fair name. 'The uttention of our readeis is called to hopes aud good wishes uf all his uoiintry- nut already presented to me are’ to be prve4mte