DIRECTORY OF STATE, COUNTY AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS Supplement to Guide to Government in Hawaii As of December 16, 2020 COMPILED BY: Jessica Caniglia Research Librarian
[email protected] Legislative Reference Bureau State Capitol Honolulu, HI 96813 Price: $7.00 This report has been cataloged as follows: Hawaii. Legislative Reference Bureau. Directory of state, county and federal officials; supplement to Guide to government in Hawaii. Honolulu, Hawaii: Legislative Reference Bureau, December 2020. 1. Hawaii - Politics and government - Directories. 2. Hawaii - Officials and employees - Directories. JK9330 L42 2020 FOREWORD The Legislative Reference Bureau is pleased to bring you this edition of the DIRECTORY OF STATE, COUNTY AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS. The information set forth in this publication is current as of December 16, 2020. We wish to thank all of the many individuals in the state, county, and federal governments who contributed in the compilation of this Directory. With their assistance, we will make every effort to keep the information current at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 587-0690. Charlotte Carter-Yamauchi Director December 2020 Honolulu, Hawaii iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................................ iii BUILDING DIRECTORY ...................................................................................................................................