Māori Economy in the Waikato Region
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Mäori Economy in the Waikato Region ii FOREWORD E ngä mana, e ngä reo, e ngä karangatanga maha Tënä koutou katoa This report highlights the significant contribution of Mäori to the Waikato economy, with a quarter of the Mäori collective asset base located in the Waikato. A higher proportion of residents of the Waikato identify themselves as Mäori than in New Zealand as a whole. Through participation in the labour market and the ownership of a significant asset base, especially in agriculture, forestry and fishing and property and business services, Waikato iwi are active investors in a range of sectors, which offers significant potential for the Waikato. The Mäori Economy in the Waikato Region report provides us with robust data and information on which to base some focussed, action-oriented activities. Central and local government, Mäori asset holders and business leaders need to continue to work together to create sustainable economic prosperity for whänau, communities and the Waikato region. Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitü te whenua – As people disappear from sight, the land remains. It is beholden on us to work together towards a sustainable economic future for the generations to come. In closing, we thank all those organisations and individuals that contributed to this report. We also acknowledge the authors of this report. Nä mätou Vaughan Payne Michelle Hippolite Te Horipo Karaitiana Chief Executive Chief Executive Chief Executive Waikato Regional Council Te Puni Kökiri Federation of Mäori Authorities WAIKATO MÄ ORI ECONOMY FINAL REPORT MARCH 2014 iv CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 Purpose of report 8 1.2 Working definition of the Mäori economy 8 1.3 Method and definitions 9 1.4 Report structure 10 2 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE 11 2.1 Mäori in the Waikato region 11 3 ASSETS 16 4 COLLECTIVELY OWNED ASSETS 20 4.1 Mäori collectively owned assets in the Waikato region 20 4.2 Ahu whenua trusts 24 4.3 Mäori Incorporations 26 4.4 Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Assets 27 5 ASSETS OF MÄORI BUSINESSES 34 5.1 Mäori businesses contribution to Waikato asset base 34 5.2 Mäori business assets owned by employers 35 5.3 Mäori entrepreneurial assets 36 6 BUSINESSES 38 6.1 Key Industries for Waikato Mäori 38 6.2 Contribution of Mäori GDP to overall GDP in the Waikato 39 6.3 Contribution by Mäori to GDP by district in the Waikato 40 6.4 Contribution of Waikato Mäori GDP to New Zealand Mäori GDP 43 7 PEOPLE 44 7.1 Mäori employment by Industry in the Waikato region 44 7.2 Mäori employment by district in the Waikato region 46 7.3 Individual income 49 7.4 Mäori household income and expenditure 49 8 CONCLUSION 52 APPENDIX: METHODOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS 53 ANNEX 1: MÄORI DESCENT POPULATION IN THE WAIKATO REGION 60 WAIKATO MÄ ORI ECONOMY FINAL REPORT MARCH 2014 TABLES Table 2.1: Resident Mäori population in the Waikato region and New Zealand, 2006 and 2013 11 Table 2.2: Resident Mäori population in the Waikato region by district, 2013, 2006 14 Table 2.3: Age distribution of the Mäori population in the Waikato region, 2013 15 Table 3.1: Mäori asset base in the Waikato region and New Zealand CONTENTS by industry, 2012 ($m) 18 Table 3.2: Components of the Mäori asset base in the Waikato region, 2012 ($m) 19 Table 4.1: Mäori collectively owned assets by industry in Waikato and New Zealand, 2012 ($m) 22 Table 4.2: Ahu whenua trusts in the Waikato region by geographic trust group 25 Table 4.3: Main Incorporations in the Waikato region by land area 26 Table 4.4: Settlement entity assets in the Waikato region, value as at 2012, ($m) 28 Table 4.5: Allocated fishery assets in the Waikato region, value 2012, ($m) 32 Table 5.1: Mäori employer and self-employed enterprises: Waikato, 2012, 35 Table 5.2: Mäori employer (with employees) count and the asset value of these businesses by industry for the Waikato region, 2012 ($m) 36 Table 5.3: Mäori self-employed (without employees) count and asset value of these enterprises by industry for the Waikato region, 2012 ($m) 37 Table 6.1: Share of Mäori value-added in the Waikato region, 2012 ($m) 39 Table 6.2: Mäori value added for the districts in the Waikato region by industry, 2012 ($m) 43 Table 7.1: Mäori employment by district and industry (Waikato region), 2012 46 Table 7.2: Mäori household income and outlays in the Waikato region, 2010 ($m) 51 Table A1: Mäori descent population in the Waikato region and New Zealand, 2006 and 2013 60 Table A2: Mäori descent population in the Waikato region by district, 2006 and 2013 63 FIGURES Figure 2.1: Resident Mäori population in the Waikato region by district, 2013 12 Figure 2.2: Resident Mäori population in the Waikato region by district, 2006 and 2013 13 Figure 3.1: Mäori asset base in the Waikato region, 2012 17 Figure 4.1: Mäori collectively owned assets in the Waikato region, 2012 (%) 21 Figure 4.2: Mäori collectively owned assets by industry in Waikato and New Zealand, 2012 23 Figure 6.1: Mäori GDP share of industry in the Waikato region, 2012 40 Figure 6.2: Distribution of Mäori GDP by district in the Waikato region, 2012 40 Figure 6.3: Mäori value added for the districts in the Waikato region by industry, 2012 41 Figure 7.1: Distribution of Mäori employment by industry in the Waikato region, 2012 45 Figure 7.2: Mäori employment for the districts in the Waikato region by industry 48 Figure 7.3: Mäori household income for the Waikato Region 49 Figure 7.4: Mäori household outlays for the Waikato region 50 Figure A1: Mäori descent population in the Waikato region by district, 2013 60 vi WAIKATO MÄ ORI ECONOMY FINAL REPORT MARCH 2014 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF REPORT This report provides an up to date and comprehensive collection of quantitative data and empirical evidence about the nature and state of the Mäori economic contribution in the Waikato region. It aligns with many of the recommendations of He Kai Kei Aku Ringa (2012), the Mäori Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan, and will assist in understanding and establishing the most significant drivers of future economic success for Mäori in the region. The report will inform the implementation of the Waikato regional economic development strategy. Mäori economic development is important not only for Mäori, but for the overall economic performance of the Waikato region and New Zealand as a whole. For the economy of the Waikato region to achieve its long-run potential growth, it must make the best use of all available resources. This report assesses the economic contribution that Mäori make to the Waikato region. This was achieved by looking at the economic contribution of Mäori in the Waikato region across three elements – assets, businesses and people. ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION BY MÄ ORI TO THE WAIKATO REGION ASSETS BUSINESSES PEOPLE ‘Assets’ refers to the Mäori asset base, which is made up of collectively owned assets held by Mäori as well as the assets held by businesses of Mäori employers and self-employed. ‘Businesses’ refers to the overall Mäori economic contribution in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). ‘People’ refers to the contribution that Mäori make to the economy through earning salaries and wages and spending these salaries and wages in the economy. 1.2 WORKING DEFINITION OF THE MÄORI ECONOMY A broad definition of the Mäori economy has been adopted in order to provide the scope necessary to capture all people, entities and enterprises that self-identify as Mäori. The Mäori economy for the purpose of this report is derived from the previous work that has been completed by BERL on the national Mäori economy (see ‘method and definitions’ section). The Mäori economy in the Waikato region has many dimensions and for the purposes of quantifying the economy, we focus on Mäori employment, income, spending and the asset base. This report estimates the size of the Mäori economy across some of these dimensions, and illustrated the relationships between the Mäori economy in the Waikato region and the wider New Zealand economy. Various dimensions are presented to highlight that the contribution of the Mäori economy cannot be summarised by one number or percentage. 8 The participation in, and contributions to, an economy of an industry, sector or population group can be described across many dimensions. This report explicitly looks at the economic contribution of Mäori to the Waikato region. 1.3 METHOD AND DEFINITIONS This report has been compiled using various sources of data and modelling. In particular, it relies heavily on the methodology, modelling and research from BERL’s: • ‘Asset base, income, expenditure and GDP of the 2010 Mäori economy’ report commissioned by the Mäori Economic Taskforce in 2011; and • ‘Mäori Asset Base in the Waiariki Economy’ report commissioned by Te Puni Kökiri in 2009. A full description of the methodology used to calculate the economic contribution of Mäori in the Waikato region is provided in Section 9 of this report. Every effort has been made to use latest available data sources. All information presented is therefore in 2012 values unless otherwise stated. At the time of preparing this report, detailed Mäori population data from the 2013 Census was available.1 This data has been used in the ‘Demographic profile’ section of this report. Definition of the Waikato region This report defines the Waikato region using Statistics New Zealand regional council boundaries for all aspects of the report apart from ‘collectively owned assets2’. For ‘collectively owned assets’, the Waikato region is defined in terms of Office of Treaty Settlement boundaries.