Radio Times, December 27, 1929. SOUTHERN edition. THE BROADCAST PROGRAMMES FOR DECEMBER 29-JANUARY 4. THE THE JOURNAL OF THE, BRITtSH-BROADgASTINC CORPORATION > 2 NATION SHALL SPEAK PEACE UNTO NATION Vol. 25. No. 326. r Registered at the 1 LG.P.O. as a Ncwspaper.J DECEMBER 27, 1929. Every Friday. TWO PENCE. -------------------------- * ^ww o 'WVW- LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE,’ AN OPERETTA Planquetle's light opera, Monday (5GB) arid Wednesday, contains many favourite melodies SPECIAL PROGRAMME FOR THE EVE OF 1930 A Programme has been arranged for Tuesday evening, to celebrate the birth of 1930 A CONCERT COMES FROM THREE COUNTRIES o England, Germany, and Belgium contribute by landline the music in Friday's International Concert REVIVAL OF THE FAMOUS PLAY ‘MILESTONES’ The Story of Three Generations, by Arnold Bennett and Edward Knoblock, broadcast on Thursday *V======== l__=r-?VWs ---------— Wednesday, Jawa)y 1 j A LISTENER’S DIARY OF THE WEEK 7.45 La-Cloches ds Conieville (London) c o ♦ In order that listeners may.make notes of itcus which they I • 9-35 Chamber Music—Dorothy Silk (London). specially want to heir, we publish below a skeleton diary of the week'; other favourite items may be noted in the space provided. >Wv Sunday, December 29 Thursday, January 2 8.0 Sen-ice from Canterbury Cathedral (London) 9.0 Hip-hip-hoo-Radio, a Revue (5GB) 9.0 Chamber Music: Rae Robertson and Ethel Bartlett (5GB) 9.35 Milestones, by Arnold Becu*etc and Edward Knoblock (London) Monday, December 30 Friday, January 3 j 8.45 Lcs Cloches dc Comevilie (5GB) 8.0 The First International Concert—(London) ,» « 9.35 The Party, a Feature Programme (London) 0.50 Clothes Props, by Gordon McConncl (London) .* Tuesday, December 31 Saturday, January 4 7:30 The Houston Sisters, ctCj, in Vaudeville (London) 2.10 England v.
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