Ientere4 at the P.

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Ientere4 at the P. '-·-"---"- ------- `-- --- --L I_ -- ·r ------- --m rslllrra----·- ----prC- -El ---- ----- --L- -;- ---- ---- ·-- And f I IsA iEntere4 at - __-~__ JI the P. ]1 _ --- J L ~ ---l.[,_ - _~ . .. ''~ ' . ... _ _ " I~._~L.. _ _-- Z To1 0 · 0 TAILOR,' 11 CHARLE S S It r_111 1 NEAR BEACON STREET, BOSTON. - A.GENT FOR Et - 43 Conduit Street, WF., LONDON. AND AT H ITA K E &C C l~~~3~1~~:l3lT~Y~nZ(3 BRIIGHITON and IJrVER}POOL.1~~·~ElaC~r HATTERS AND FURRIERS N7V TA, Ci HX aE5Fp -- i----- TO TO TIFFA Y & C., LA UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK, DU Di .e,-* INCLrDE IN THElR .,. EN.fS E_-Si q9MVEMs~j uaA tok W CHRONOGRAPHS, CHRONOGRAPHS, With Split Second, D. P. ILSLEY & CO. CHRONOGRAPHS and REPEATERS, It is our aim to keep constantly on hand any article of wearing REPEATERS, apparel usually to be obtained in any first-class hat and fur estab- Striking Hours and Quarters, Ushments. REPEATERS, Striking Hours and Fivo Minutes, We keep a full stock of English, French and American Hats for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. REPEATERS, Striking IIours, Quarters and Minutes. Our importations are specially selected for Studeants' wear. REPEATERS, With Calendar. =w. Their Timing Watches both simple Chronograph and with split second, have received the highest commendation as time keepers and markers by many prominent owners, of running and trotting horses, to whom, by permission, purchasers will be referred. In addition to the standard and other high-priced 381 1Washington St. watches, Tiffany & Co. present this season a new line at lower prices, recommended as the best yet produced for the money. I LARGE SIZE for gentlemen..$75 LARGE SIZE for ladie ..... $6o (Opposite FRANKLIN,) MEDIUM " .. 65 SMALL . i" 50 These watches have sound, stem-winding, anchor movements, cased in 18okt. gold, in variety of styles, and each is stamped with the name of the house, thereby carrying its guarantee. CH O I CE: CUTLER Y :-E? OJ M xI-3: 4~lTABLE AND POCKET. Ladies' Scissors and Shears,. Sciasors in Oaees. Bazore of the Finest Quality, IOE and ROLLER 8KA TES in all the Popular Sty/ce. ]APIPE]LE'1!TO1 & :LIT(~ FI:71E3LD, ImDerters and Retailers, 304 WASHINGTON STRiKT, BsoTON. 24L Door North of the Olds outh. G. 9, APPLETON, with Bradford &gAnthony 22 years. H. C. LITCHFIELD. ,1 1 i IIll I ll llIrw lM.IlI "",',,,~=,=u~ul[[n~b[[w[[mn[[[[m~lM~a~lll ~ ............J~ !mm~ I The Tech. __ __ C_ ____ __ I __I__ __ - ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ VoL, IM. BOSTON, NOV, 28, 1883 NO. 4, _U _ __ _I __ _s_ I I II __ THE TECH. the Institute we could but feel that the kindly interest which he had for us simply as young Published on alternate Wednesdays, during the school year, by the students of the 5Massachusetts Irnstitute of Technology. men and women was augmented by an almost fatherly regoard. In his later years he could BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1S83-4 H-1. WV.TYLEIt, '84, PA,-ee. W.V. ITCTIIFIESLD, '85. hardly have known our faces, much less our ALT,'rER H. BUNCE, 'S4, Sec. A. R. .51cItf5, '85, names, but the grace and sincerity of his genial CH[ARLES VrOOD, '86, Treas. H. C. SPAULDING, 'S7. 1. recoognition as we met him about the school I.1 EDIIRTORS. showed clearly that time could not wither the ARTHUR D. LITTL,E, '85, Elditor ill Chief. kindness A. LAWRENCE ROTOH, '84. C. STANLEY ROBINSON,'5. of his heart. And so we knew him, S. M. ILSLEY, '84. CI-IHtARLES F. 3SP1'tNG, '85. moving among us, ending his life like a summer T. 11. BARTLETT, '84. J. G.IOVAID, '86. I. WV. LITCHFIELD, Gen'l Adv. Agt. day, whose beauty is most apparent as the sun goes down. Subscription, $2.00 per year in advance. Single copies, 15 cents each. The lack of any exercises to attend a formal ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS, 34 SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON. presentation of the tablet to the Institute is to ----- - -I---- ----------------- - I--'--I- '5e regretted. It wouldlnot have mattered how William Barton Rogers. quiet or unobtrusive the ceremony that acknowl- iI dea.r, ..rod ;Iatr, lwhose iloble lift) edged the presence of the tablet,- its simplicity would have been the measure of its fitness,- . is l/l;:-armthe that ttm1ade ov1zisi5o/ Jblo ouzr ,'i n<:,whU,'z'n11. but some public recognition should have been taken of the occasion, if only that we might 74/L' s/re/ z/lhz /1ha/ mizar/,'-ces hi. , ,ilZ cI //iiel .AI used wi/hi ervorf ththe truth aiid r&,/; have heard once more from the lips of some And then at his ln o i//' of President Rogers's associates the noble IJI,'et /olt wheatre it had sh'ed its g'reat.'est i, 3/. record of his life. I. W. L. T HE Rogers Memorial Tablet, which as stu- |T HE new standard time, vlhich in this region dents past or present of the Institute it is that of the meridian of Philadelphia, has been our privilege to erect, is an aclknowl- went into effect on Sundclay, Nov. I8, at noon. edgment of the admiration and profound affec- On that day, at noon of Boston time, the city tion which inspired all who canme in conltact clocks wvere stopped and were started again with the simple, kindly nature of William Bar- when the fall of the time-ball on the Equitable ton Rogers. As founder of the Institute and 3Building, at 12 hours 15 minutes 44.o5 seconds its first president, its heart and soul for nmany of Boston time, or noon Philadelphia time, was years; as the man of science, exact yet coni- si-gnalled by the fire-alarm bells on the various prehensive, quick to preceive truth and eager ch urches and public buildings throughout the to impart it; as the teacher, patient, but with an city. The earlier sunset on that day was quite enthusiasm wlhich could not fail to be contagious, perceptible, and it is a fact to be noted that we honor him and reco-gnize our debt. So much Nov. IS, 1883, in Boston, was nearly sixteen we have in common with all who are acquainlted minutes longer than the clay is ever likely to be with his life and work, but the spirit which again. found expression in the erection of the tablet As might have been inferred from the fact had a deeper spring than this. As students of that Pr-esident Valker was one of the ad(locates 44 THE -TECH. of the change, the new standard was adopted at evince an interest and public spirit where their i the Institute on Monday, Nov. 19, notice having Almna Mater is concerned. been previously given to that effect. The after- noon exercises now begin at 2.15, or at about EFORE last year no prominent society ex- the same local time as before, in order, as it istecl among the students of the Institute seems, to still have two hours of daylight. At for musical improvement. The Minstrels had I the Lowell Mills, too, work begins fifteen min- no precedent ; but they worked hard, rehearsed utes earlier in the morning and closes fifteen often, and gave an entertainment which was a minutes earlier in the evening, that there may perfect success. This year a glee club has been be as much daylight work as by the old sched- orcganized, with the objects of musical culture ule. At the United States signal stations all among the members and pleasant reunions UE observations are taken at fixed hours of Wash- among the students in general. The club ington time. In this city these were formerly *hopes, from time to time, to be able to give twenty-three minutes earlier than Boston time, some slight entertainment to its friends, and U but are now only eight minutes earlier, so that thus to draw the friendship closer by firm bonds. U the eleven-o'clock night observation, which was There is no reason why a society of this sort U formerly made at I 1.23 P. M., local time, is now should not succeed here, as similar ones have U taken at i i.o8 P. i. of the standard time, and so I done in most other of our modern colleges. We with the others. More instances of this sort have at least as many men to select from as might be cited, but it is thought that these are some colleges which have had very excellent sufficient to show how the new system lends glee clubs. All that is needed is a helpful in- itself to every-day affairs. terest from the students and an earniest desire Under the new arrangement the Institute to do well from the members of the club itself. EKe student who lives out of town can congratulate I himself, these cold mornings, on allowing the I[] sun sixteen minutes more time to warm the THET~~~~~~~~~~tE~~~~~~I. greatest disadvantage under which THE ! frosty air than formerly, before he himself is T ECH at present labors is the total lack of ! obliged to leave his downy couch, while, in the suitable accommodations. The growing needs of afternoon, by leaving the Institute at 4.15, he the Institute crowded lus out of the small room may be able to take an earlier train home, and which had previously sered as an office, and ii so still have as much time there as before. at the beginning of the year the paper found it- self with no house or home but its castles in ii rI'HE number of men present at the mass Spain, which seem too far off to be available.
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