Co-Ed Post 80 Commercial Leader Leader-Free Press A Memorial Written For Dean Latronica Honors Mothers And I’he south Itergen Keview O fficial Newspaper of tbe 'Boroughs of t.yndhursts Official Nrwspupfr F,»M Rutherford A Carlstadt Major Ronald R. Hobaica. earth they love so dearly. This for those Americans who stance erf recorded history that ‘Honor Mother Night'. spon Since 15*2 i t7ti Grove St.. East Rutherford AUS (ret.) oi 829 Waverly Place, filial gesture, born of sad and made the supreme sacrifice, brought about the sad and un sored by Co-Ed Post 80 Mav 13 Publication Office 41* >*fi onri «♦ r^rlitiiitt wps a social success. T h e 251 wM«rp I vnrlhurst N J. Litica. New York, has sent to tragic loss, serves as an hum- must be more than ever alert timely demise of all those once Telephone 438-8700 — 8701 The Leader a Memorial Day an bond a link with those who of the “ Un-American Ameri |>-oud civilizations that flour Moms heard kind words a n I Telephone 4388700 — 8701 Editor John Sav mu remembrance of Lt. Col. Alex lived with us as a part of our cans" — those professional ag Ished, and then fell — fell by praise for their unselfish d; Second i lass* Foliate I'aid Al Publication Office Ruthei ford, tl. J 251 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst, N J LaTronica Sr., one of the early family. national and community itators — “ The People M o v »ay of apathy and compacen votion and hard work, especial Criitor John Savin« Second Cla^ Postage Paid At and veteran teachers of Lynd life, for, we as human beings, ers" who get their s h a g g y c\. People make history ^peo 1y in the present unrestful time Subscription S3 00 Per Year Rutherford, N. J. " j r . hurst High School. divinely inspired and oriented heads waggling and their glands pie fail their National and Com Commissioners Carucci. Jan Ten Cents Per Copy Subscription S2 50 Per Year owski. Anthony Scardino Jr.. T*n rVnt* Per Copv______Col. LaTronica is remember rs God s creatures, were meant salivating like "Pavlov's dogs" pmnity leaders, and their war ed for his interest in sports and to endure the vicissitudes of on another subject, say t'h e dead. They fail to remember and Fred Censutto from the 7 0 0 0 * W e e k ly student activities. He also life that can be kind, indiffer "Vanishing Environment! tfeir ideals, hopes and ^spira Board of Education were lavi't "The LEADER wrote the high school song ent, and cruel, or both, like a t;ons that made their nation in their praise. What wail can we help to e SPEAKS (or which is sung today by students, short measure of happiness al- strong, free and prosperous. and Miss Carol Infante. member No. Arlington Leader rect before this neo-barbaric SOUTH BERGEN ' Major Hobaica. who received loicd to some of us only, and proud of their national heritage. o( the Girl Scouts of Americ:». And The Bergen Sunday Leader horde that threatens to dissolve the Freedoms Foundation we wonder why. Perpetuity of these lofty ideals and Ronald Dion, representing institu North Arlington's George Washington Medal last What a sad commentary this our *1 i ° laws and a bulwark against all adver Tamarack Council, were in u O fficial Newspaper tions? It is a well known fact year, prepared the memorial to national, shrine honored ritual sfty was lost by national col cord and hoped that more E\ 157 Hide# Rd No Arlington. N.i Representative that these hairy, furred animal honor Col. LaTroniea and his reflects today! Businesses con- lective default. plorer Posts would become Co Telephone 438-8700 — 8701 like creatures flourish on those A s s o c ia t io n son. ,Alex. Jr., a teacher in tinue to remain open as usual. Ed. fdiioi John Savino A m er ic a n P ress campuses where the classes Are we too. by our disregard Social E d ito r — 991 1839 Roosevelt School, Lyndhurst: even advertising and holding Post Advisor Nick DeLco to'I are “ discussions.” and the pro Second Class Postage Paid At New York • Chicago * Detroit Philadelphia his brother John, of the Bronx, sensational ‘Memorial Day" ol our hard-won national heri the mothers they could be proud Kearny. N. J 07032 two sisters. Mrs. Elisa Taddon- banner sales! fessors are so willing "by the tage as a strong and free peo­ of their children because ¡hex Subscription $3.00 Per Year students to be taught!" ple. going to let down our war were always ready to help when Ten C en ts Per C opy io of Bergenfield and Mrs. Fil In less than ten years t h e omina Marino of the Bronx and United States of America will Let us be ever-vigilant. for. dead, our leaders, both p a s t help was needed. his granddaughter. Susan,and be two hundred years old. The in another era of world history, a I’d present and our country Mrs. DeBellis received a cm THURSDAY, M AY 21, 1970 his widow, Anna. average life of the world's civ the barbarians from without de go down the way the Roman sage, being the mother with Major Hobaica’s memorial fol ilizations has been 200 years, stroyed Rome. It was not the Empire fell — only down from the most children (6) taws: AH of these civilizations fol fickle finger of fate, nor happen within? Heaven forbid! Co-Ed Post gratefully acknou Fire Fighting In a time-honored period of lowed in progression, from Bon ledges donations from Giairl our recent historical past. I am Spiritual Faith. from Union. Patsy’s Shop Rite. Lvnc The increasing number of fires in the office complex is nearing completion. sure many of us remember Spiritual Faith to Great Cour- College Award To J. J. Cody hurst Pastry. Mazurs B a k e r \ These are important tax-paying ratables when we honored our w a r a#e< ^rom Courage to Liberty. industrial areas of Carlstadt and East James J. Cody, son of Mrs. m'ttee. He has also worked with Lyndhurst F'orist and N't and will require protection. Lyndhurst from Liberty to Abundance, Rutherford pose important problems for dead — decorated their graves James Cody of 87 Heddcn ter \oungsters at the Burlington tional Community Bank, and • < favors a centralized department which from Abundance to Selfishness. p u b lic safety p la n n in g . with plants and flowers — ger nee. North Arlington, is » the Bo\s Club as pail of his pro soecial thank you for Local :MU served the community well for over 80 aniums and poppies were a Complacency, and Apathy! In East Rutherford the department al­ recipient of the Victor V. Lem Aram as a sociology major. AF OF M Paterson for the fmc years. Whether it is the answer to to­ The handwriting is on the wall ready is on record as favoring establish» "must". But. what stands out ieux Award at St. Michael's orchestra and a great vocalist m orrow s problems is a question. - we are heading in the direc­ The Lemieux Award was or ing a fifth company in the industrial park. most vividly to me to this very Co'lege. Winooski. Vermont. Arlene. Lyndhurst *s new chief, Kenneth Sum ­ tion from apathy to dependen ¡Finally sponsored by Victor V. Anybody who has been through the grow­ day. more so as Decoration Day The annual award, given to a mers, will doubtlessly spend many long cy — “ The Great Welfare I.cmieux. a 1935 graduate of ing East Rutherford industrial develop­ (as I still like to call it), ap senior athlete in recognition of nights deliberating on a program that will proaches, is when Slate.” and thence as a s a d S; Michael’s College and a ment can undcr.«tand the apprehension small loyalty and leadership, was pre insure greatest protection for the entile boys in school our teachers ex- a nearly 200-year o 1 q rm mber of the Board of Asso­ over conditions there. The firemen want scnted at the college’s Block M community, the new industrial area in­ ciate Trustees. Since his death to be able to get to the scene of a fire as horted us to place a small Arne civilization, from Dependency dinner. clud e d . lican flag on a solder’s grave back to Bondage! in 1965. the college has c o n rapidly as possible and they feel a com­ Cody, who was captain o: Complicating the Lyndhurst problem is tinued the award in his name. pany located near the industrial center is any soldier if we did not have a For those fallen American sol- this year’s basketball t e a in the manner in which the township grows Cody is an alumnus of Queen the an.«wer. r dative or a friend to honor and d^ers — our time-honored wa^ has been a starter for two of on every front. Opening soon is the new, Lynchurst faces similar problems. As to remember. What a beautiful eead." and to National and his pnst three years on t h e of Peace High School. giant Pantry Pride center at River Road th e meadowland a re a is absorbed by con­ patriotic gesture instilled i n us Community leaders through squad. traction the fire potential increases. A and Kingsland Avenue. This is about as by ^ our teachers a — uuiour immedi- out our history' to the present. He accepts responsibilJties on h u g e warehouse is now under construc­ far away from the W O R facilities on Val- ate classroom counsellors of who sustained and maintained and off the court with what we tio n on the far end of Valley Brook Ave­ ley Brook Avenue as two Lyndhurst sites yesteryear our American heritage — many like to think of as the attitude nue, deep in the m e a d o w s. can be. Yet the fire departmentmust be in Let us. all grateful Ameri of whom experienced onlv a of all true Michael men." says Near Holiday Inn another warehouse, a position to give either full protection. cans, participate in our Nation- brief moment of measured hap Edward P. Marhey. athletic di al Memorial Day — a day to piness. only to die defending rector. Service company slop, meditate, and to honor, cur way of life — honor, and not only the war dead of our duty to God and country, so In his position as forward. Snlew A S erv ice Who's afraid of the Tapes ? nation’s historical past. to. the we. the living, may enjoy Cody usual Ivy played taller op AIR CONDITIONING present war-plauged era. but al the bounty of this great land of P °nents >n the forecourt, WINDOW UNITS — CENTRAL An idea that seems to make a lot of New York, Miami, Fla., and Los Angeles. so to remember kindly and with ours, your land and mine. We Cody is considered a campus AUTO AIR CONDITIONING sense was advanced by Andrew F. Phelan, Where are the FB I tapes on New York, sadness our departed loved ones should pause this day to remem ita

Scouting: Proud And True VACATION

The scouting precept is: Be Prepared. cil, in which some of South Bergen’s and Thus when some of the young turks Essexs' scouts are members, has initiated who have suddenly become aware of the a community drive for $160,000. ecological dilemma in which the nation This will permit the council to rehabili- finds itself look around th e y w ill f in d th a t . tate and modernize its year-round camp CLUB the Eoy and Girl Scouts have been shout­ at Oakland . ing this message for many, many year*. It is difficult to imagine that this coun­ New club begins M ay 25th “ Be Prepared’’ indeed. cil has 4,000 scouts in North Arlington, Scouts have been prepared. Over the Lyndhurst, Rutherford, East Rutherford, years conscientious fathers and mothers Carlstadt, Wood-Ridge, Moonachie, Nut­ have served as leaders of this great move­ ley and Bloomfield. ment. They have taught decency, obedi­ It is difficult to imagine that this coun­ CLASSES ence—ar.J great love for all phases of cil manages to give these boys programs nature. Their basic premise is that all that are time consum’ng on the part of AMOUNT things have a place in this world and we the scout leaders, costly and, yet, among O F CLUB $ 1 j $ 2 S i i S.» 8 1 0 should honor this thought. the most productive of ohr citizen-improv­ T h e rules by which scouts are taught to ing techniques in the nation. AMOUNT ii'e are the rules that could make nations This campaign is commended to you. VOL RECEIVE S50 1 $100 $l.)0 . S 2 . 1 0 8 5 0 0 f r ie n d ly and productive. The rules by Those who are frightened by the man­ w h ic h scouts conduct themselves are ner in which the young are rebelling a- - sound tcday as they were when they were gainst the established order should re­ INTEREST promulgated three generations ago. member that in the scouting movement PLUS One of the great rules of scouting is self leadership demands, first of all, good ■ eliance. And, perhaps, it is one of the citizenship. reasons scouting does not exert the in­ If you want good citizens spend a little fluence it should. Sign Up Today! on a worthwhile movement— scouting. Scouts do not seek government hand­ There should be no difficulty at all in outs. They have made their way on their raising this modest sum. own. In these municipalities there are ap­ The othe>- Hay there was a knock at the proximately 185,000 residents. This means door and a bright-faced little girl delivered that Ta™*-»-k is asking for less thbn a pamphlet. She was a Girl Scout and »he ONE PENNY a person. -4 was spending some of her playtime doing This is indeed a most modest demand— a civic !ob. but it is typical of scouting and its leader­ Quietlv, without ostentation, she was ship. It has been modest, almost too mod­ MAIN OFFICE: 614 KEARNY AVE , KEARNY, N J. learning to he a good citizen by acting est. It is time we got out the horns and NORTH ARLINGTON OFFICE: 80 RIDGE RD. like a good citizen. began blowing up a storm for this most MCMBCa FlDtftAl SAVINGS AN0 LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION This is a rather lengthy yreamble to worthwhile cause. the announcement that Tamarack Coun­ i HLKSPAl, M AÌ 21, lyïU PAUL iillKlLhiN Meàdowlands Issue Before Judge United Fund Names Vice Chairmen

LETTERS ™ ™ EDITOR. Constitutionality of the Hack witnesses, all of whom con*end "seems to suggest that the bur- whether they were correctly ensack Meadowlands Reclama­ ed that the act was special leg den is upon Hie state to e6tab drawn or whether they were tion and Development Act is islation. lish that the meadowland dis­ decided illegally. '! : 1 the Editor: Valley Brook and Stuyvesant now being considered by Supe- In hi9 brief Porro s ta te d . trict. if not divinely ordained, 1» view of the United States' Avenues may yet march on ci­ rior Court Judge Theodore "The factual and opinion test was at least divinely inspired." Brennan, in his brief, refer­ invasion of Cambodia and the red to testimony given by then ty hall. The cops chase us. we Trautwein in Hackensack. iinony of the plaintiffs' experts Brennan further argued that President's speech of May 1, can’t unload our cars or pick up Briefs containing arguments was left untarnished . . . and the p'aintiffs "are wrong on Commissioner Paul Ylvisaker tl i’ student body of Douglass cur laundry, we have to carry for and against the question stands as undisputed and un b: ,h ocun'.s . . . the act is pre of the Department of Commun­ ( ollege of Rutgers University ity Affairs, in which Ylvisaker wash up and down the avenue were submitted by Alfred Par controlled evidence." sum'Jtivcly valid, and the onus passed a resolution on May 4. tj our cars. We’re mad because ro of Lyndhurst. acting for the Porro contended during the ol establishing that it is not suggested that there is no such I'JiO. declaring "an indefinite thinj 's a line on a map that the bread man. soda man or municipalities and land owners case that the act woul be ap rests on them.” suspension or nonnal college ac all wii accept. Brennan obser any other delivery man can questioning the act and Assist­ propriate for many adioining a Boundary Lines vcd. "Mankind's bloody history tiyity to release for im park his car or truck and load ant Attorney General William reas that were excluded from Ore of the major points made mediate debate and poitica ac and unload but we can’t. Brennan. representing the U, such as Hasbrouck Heights. during the trial was the deter­ provides a basis for his obser­ tion." Trucks from everywhere but state. It was at this point that Ralph mination of boundary lines, and vation.'' After much discussion the town get the courtesy to load Porro raised four constitution Chandless. representing South faculty voted by a small majo­ and unload in a no parking al questions, all of which Judge Hackensack., explained why Has rity to afTirm the student posi­ zone with the cops permission, Trautwein must rule on in mak brouck Heights was excluded. C ub Pack 86 Scout Master of Troop 86. tion. Because the resolution but not us ladies. A gentleman “ Carnival Time" will be the ing his decision, a decision "Practical Politics” Receives Awards was initiated and passed by a you are not if you gave these which will be handed down in Chandless told the judge. theme of the last Pack Meeting majority of students, we feel orders. If I have to c a r r y about 30 days. "W e spent all this time talking Cub Pack 8b of S a c r e d Friday, May 22 at 7:30 p.m. at that the faculty vote was an en­ «ash. let the delivery men car the Parish Social Center. Questions Raised about theory when a little prac H e a r t Church had twelve dorsement of a unified student ry their loads from a legal The questions that P o r r o tical politics was what decided boys receive the Par Vuli Dei PASSING THE TORCH — Symbol of Ipiulmhip, the Bergen voice. parking place too. he gets paid award. They are: Timmy raised: 1) is this special legis­ the boundary line there. We Nick's Food Has County United Fund Torch, passes from 19*0 chairman Joseph The resolution contains a pro to make deliveries. We pay the lation rather than general leg­ went there (to Trenton) and we I.ipinski. Tommy Lipinski, Chris Anndide (crnter) to th e 1971 chairman Fm l Srholz (right) posal that it is the moral obli taxes and do the voting. Jones, Richard Albecker, An­ S e ttle d In Township islation? 2) whether there was said ‘Hasbrouck Heights casts joined by hi» vice-chairmen (left) William F. Buckingham and pation of all students, faculty, Margaret Burnett due process in depriving the a majority of Republican votes. thony Chiaro, Robert McAdam, Lyndhurst has been chosen as Wendell T. Brelthaupt. ¡»¿ministration, and starf, what John Borrelli, John O'Keefe. municipalities of their lands. J ,000 or 4.000 and we don't want the new home of Nick's Food ever their political views, to Dear Sir, Campaign chairman Fred 3> whether state power super to be in this district.' and they John Breheny, James McGlew, Products, Inc., distributors of Breithaupt of Oakland, and remain on campus to partici­ It is apparent that P o l i c e Mark Spina and Richard Ham Scholz has named Wendell T. cedes municipal power in ref­ took us out." Sabrett frankfurters, hamburg Peoples Trust vice president, pate. We therefore feel that we Commissioner Peter Russo is ilton. Rev. Edward J. Hajduk of Briethaupt and William Buck erence to the meadowlands and Citing this example in h is ers and rolls. Owners Nicholas will head the Corpporp/ divi have assumed a responsibility hedging on his plans to expand ficated at the ceremony and a ingham vice chairmen for the 4) the constitutionality of a tax brief. Porro stated. "Exclusions E. Chdetsos and Chris D. Tson sion of the Bergen County Uni the Lyndhurst Police Depart­ 1971 Bergen County United a! least as great as o u i nor sharing plan that is included in such as Hasbrouck Heights just reception for the boys and their as. will be operating their new ted Fund Campaign. rnal academic course lofd. ment. However, his first announ families followed. u holesale retail store from 571 Fund drive. the law. can’t be rationalized awav." Buckingham of Ilo Ho Kus. The Douglass action was not ced plan would make the Lvnd Two boys went into Webe'os New York Ave., specializing in The three form the leader managing director of Lord & intended to coerce any individu­ hurst Police Dept, the m o s t During the trill before Judge Brennan charged in his brief recently: Frank Cardo and Dan supplying churches. schools. ship that will organize and di­ al into political activity. Any expensive in the town’s history Trautwein which began March defending the state's position, ie Crowell. Richard Oeters Little Leagues, etc. Grand op rect a county wide team of vol Taylor of Paramus, will be in .student who wishes may com in police costs, and in fact the 3 and lasted eight days. Porro that the towns involved in the was received into Boy Scouts emng will be on or about May unteers representing business, charge of the United Fund 1071 piete her course work through most expensive police depart presented a parade of expert act that have brought the suit by Mr. Robinson. Assistant 28. labor and the public at-large. Employe Campaign. consultation with her professor. ment costs among the" S o u th However, we of the Cha­ Bergen towns. pel Conference feel that the sus Just to refresh the readers of pension of business as usual of vrnir popular paper, P o l i c e fers us a unique educational Commissioner Russo w o u ld experience. Students and facul­ name five captains, five lieuten­ ty are working together to ex­ ants. resurrect the rank of ser plore alternatives to our coun­ gcant which was discarded try's policy in Southeast Asia, some years ago by former Po­ and to initiate action to work lice Commissioner Bogle, and for peace. appoint four new sergeants, al The Chapel Conference so appoint four new patrolmen. of Douglass College This is in addition to a police chief and a newly aooointed de Dear Editor. piity police chief wh;ch Mr. Rus The writer will endeavor to so created upon taking office. answer the person who signed We must not forget also the five his or her name as N O. in an detectives which we have on article which appeared in your the payroll. paper May 7 to the effect that In summary. Police Commis­ C’vil service is not wanted by sioner Russo's plan would be to the town employees of Lynd­ have 16 superior officers for hurst and to vote No on the 2j patrolmen. A Taxpayer. t o m a k © question of adoption of this question. In the first place let me a- Mrs. Sesselman To gain assure the employees of Head Parents Unit the Township of Lyndhurst that the adoption of civil service by Mrs. Joseph Sesselman has the "oters at the Nov. 3 election been elected president of the will assure them tenure of of­ East Rutherford High S c h o o l fice and they will not be af Parents Association to succeed footed by new mayors and new Mrs. James La Duca. t h e s a v e r administrators who have their Elected with her were: Mrs. political favorites or paying Otto Kouba. vice president: off political debts when they Mrs. Alonzo Hufnagei. secreta take office. The writer in his r \ : and Mrs. Salvatore DeLor sixteen years of residency in enzo. treasurer. Lyndhurst has seen four new Installation of officers will be positively People/ Tru/t mayors and four new adminis­ held Thursday, M ay 21 at 8 trations assume office and the p.m. at a meeting in the sew­ bst one. namely Mayor Russo ing room of the high school. ar.d his action four, have fav­ Mrs. De Lorenzo is chairman. ored town hall employees who Miss Linda Chappa. sewing aided them in their campaign. teacher, will present a fashion Let me remind the N.O. writer show with the high school stu with the m ag ic o f that a civil service employee d tvts modeling clothes made by can be independent of all poli­ them during the year. tical campaigns. All parents of future fresh Had the N.O. writer forgotten men are cordially invited to at­ about our returning Vietnam tend. war veterans? A competitive civil service examination is Junior Leaders their best answer to a job in Learn At Tamarack the police department or any other municipal department of Boy Scout Junior Leaders Lyndhurst rather than a prom learned the skills and soirit of ise from a politician. Scouting at a Junior Leader As one who is experienced in Training Weekend conducted by the benefits of civil service, I Tamarack Council. Boy Scouts i f t M D again urge the citizens and vo­ cf America, at Camp Tama ters of Lyndhurst to vote yes rack. Oakland. May 15-17. t h e p l a n with the convenience of a at the Nov. 3 general election. The patrols saw demonstra­ YES. tions of erosion control, fireman p assb o o k...initial d e p o s i t s o n l y $ 5 0 0 ship, safety and sanitation, lash To our Mayor and Police Com­ ings, survival. axemanship. missioner. Peter Russo: tents and gmundbed, first aid, Our local chalk swinging, ti­ and advanced outdoor cooking cket giving cap is» without a They attended classes in the doubt the best man for the job. use of ceremonies, visual aids, He has long ago established a where 5.75% interest and Scout publications in monstrous record for giving ti­ s*ren«thening troop programs. ckets and most of the time he The. Scot its also had discussions can't be intimidated by who of Scout Spirit, the troop’s year he's giving the tickets to. But h program, ecology and wild­ t'me is catching up with him. compounded dally life. he's getting a little soft with age Mayor Russo, you are our George Magdich of Ruther police commissioner by your ford planned and ran the week­ own choice and since I find it end. Assisting in supervising kit b eco m es ...very interesting difficult to find you available in chen and dining hall staffs was either capacity. I have no oth Robert Kern of Carlstadt. cr alternative than to feel you Tamarack Council serves PV R filT IID P R € R :R R € D lets you pick the maturity d a te are not interested and if so. all boys in Ru*herford. East Ruth the voters should know. THIS IS HOW YOUR MONEY WILL GROW WITH A $1000 DEPOSIT IN PYRAMID PREFERRED erford, Carlstadt. Wood Ridge. THE YEAR FOR MATURITY AMOUNT OF TOTAL AMOUNT AT MATURITY WHEN All the voters, especially the Lyndhurst, North Arlington. YOUR DEPOSIT YOU SELECT MONEY tARNED INTEREST IS LEFT IN ACCOUNT ladies who use the laundry at Nutley and Bloomfield. 2 $1000 $121.86 $1121.86 3 $1000 $188.25 $1188.25 INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE CORP. 4 $1000 $258.57 $1258.57 'V 5 $1000 $333.06 $1333.06 Industrial W aste Rem oval 6 $1000 $411.95 $1411.95 7 $1000 $495.50 $1495.50 11100 VALI.EY BROOK AVENUE, LYNDHURST. N. I 8 $1000 $584.01 $1584.01 PEOPLES 9 $1000 $677.76 $1677.76 7 TRUST O F MEW JERSEY 933-9500 10 $1000 $777.05 $1777.05 \


trading a- .T***'* Tavern has ap- ing regulation setting forth Development Commission a Happy Birffiday. Flowing piled too IJI#tjbj of IV.inmf**lon- w h ich records1 under its Juris D"»ted: M ay 14, 1970 the rm-<*tin* blni(o was played. ft? :f |h f Tim owlp of I.- nd timi,’ d iction shall not be deemed to F B C S : $18.10 l.vnw Jern ev, fw ii ren«*\tr,il »• he public records sub'ect to in- Mrs. frrar* Mihlketti rsrpre I’l.n irv f'rtitsnti'pMon l.heii speefiàn nnd examination and of Margaret V. Burns rentfd $ e c'ub at the County m* f n r pi'fTrip * ; t V u ite d at 7 »ft a ^âirâblé fCrr fcopv ra p tfrsu in t deceased, are oy order of O ILL C. Uoofl-. I . I «t. Ne«v Jer to Cha-i'r 7*t. ' ’9Î3. JOB. Surrogate of Bergtn County, Board meeting held May 5. The dated April 29 1970 i pen spplic*i- a n y ■ •id hr REGULATION ( iltJc/'IP nr. (a) All confidential reports, ex­ t on of ihe su b scrib er notified to CourV.y Womens Republican mude ltiurt«f11| ♦f..« bring in th*ir debts, demands and P . T . A , •rrrto Yum». .... I rk al ecutive memoranda and eval­ claims aa*in;t her estate under Afe«/? C’ub wiH hold a bus ride to At I.ynd’ tjr*-*. S|w .1 uations submitted to the Com­ mission or any other State «-»th, w ithin six m onths from a- U ntie CHy on May 22. Buses E r„.»i e i sr- i ar »• rf'M I )l »IIII |f| bove date. .« RMir* ag ency. Robert J Burns, Jr. When you read this, members ing forward to our support of *c-*ve_ fromHackensack (b) All nersonil records, Job ap. " ‘ t ” Svl St., Ku h E>U'> wood and metal shop taught by Da*-d V,M „ 14, ‘ «1, ' 1970 Court Hcu*e at 8 a. m. plication^ a-*r« *t-itemen*s a^d Phoenix, Arizona The combined meeting cf all Mr. James Sedgcwick. of the Post and Ladies of the his Boys' State program. Each F If* : r>.r.M all c''r-e*p'«»'denrn relating to Administrator The next meeting of the local ront-*ct« with practicing pro­ R ’ lp’i A. Polito. Esq . l.M’d ' u r P T A units will be Auxiliary will be on our streets year the Post sponsors three NOTICE fession *ls. gm ip * ill be held Monday. 300 Ridoe Rd.. lu d n lATnlhirst High School beginning another Poppy Driv? II:gh School sen ors attendance Trike nwtì'n litui i,rt>rre F Armi- (c) All rorrs*pond'nce and re­ Lvrdhurit, N J, Inn Mary »«? »•■''•'•an P#« *•»*« *•' cord« d»8llng fpacific pro- Attorney ¿ . i n i •: n on Monday. May 25 which will culminate on Mem a' Rutgers University. For June 1. A ron lan Jr. trading as Ceorir*'« nrame p-lcr to the *»d( p‘ion of M -v 14, 21, 1970 o: ;al Day. When one or the three days these boys, through i«.«iu* . i- I ’«•. >i .ij'.ii.ed i<> 111 /- the fame by the CommOsion. F E E S : $11.28 a; 8 pm, SOCIAL SECURITY nf Cuinmlpah'iifrp as l-siilng (d ) Air technical reports and stu­ This year's PTA scholarship o!her approach you and say. actual participation. learn the NOTICE ^ „ AtifhòUry of tli*. Tu'tn*hl|i <»f dies p-ep efd h » or o'1 1 ' Creditors of Grace Holt Clark de (4 ndhurxt f<*r :i Plenary T>*»ll ce-*sed are by order of GILL C. Question Box SSI-40* 'Wear a p^ppy." I hr >e y o u complexities of our democratic ThU** notice Hat Brtward %M- of the ’ Commission prior to \viM bo awarded and three re- Kni\ii. Ul traillii* i,J* N n lly l»l fH .ntl'.n I J i e .ne for preml^ei* publieatlom JO3. •Surrogate of Beroen County, nevva! scholarships will also be w:U. The poppy is the cf‘!Cial way cf life by personally taking I ’-iii- . a * ap p ll' d to the Itoard ait nateti a* :<*• PI'•a»» R u id in the T '« r e r u l’ tion h ' s heen puH dated April 28. 1970 upon ano'ic-* boiiiuV »lone! h of t:.*JTownship o» TnvfnsMfv of Lyndl’uri*!. li'K'-tl n*v (2C) dayt ♦ ion of the ?ub»criber notified to p; e e:i'.cd. Q. I read that benefits can flower of the American Legion part in running local, state and iV.unur.l. -e* Jersey, for a < *h!*vritine in claims aosinst her estate t o* bo paid to a disabled wid and is made by veterans who Federal governmental functions • ^¡d' eequl«»tlrn in * t'*1' Entertainment will be provid ÏÏiu ï'iar 'ill» » ) «ítwaied at 455 Fr*-d (» T ni*. M tih'rlnn l c le rk <*f ( 10 ) newspapers published in oath, within six months from a ow unless she became disabled "have borne the battle. ' It is Chi'd Welfare Chairman Jim »alle, Druon Ave., Lyiiüaursl. tJ «■ Tfiwnalilj. of l.ynd' ur*t. Ne# the Stiie of New J->rîev. Dove d '*e cxl by tlie Lvndhurst Belles, a Ien>fc\. Donald J. Monteith f-i up of 1 .. al women who enter before or within seven years rur way and your way of thank F i rricro also had his usual ban If iuiy, should be H** rite P. Amnian This re«ulntlo" shall tak» ef­ firti «**reet nied.a iel> «•» ",r , Mat y H. A r*n an fect June 5. 1970 and 'hall re­ Kearny, New Jersey t nod it the New Jersey State ftom the date of her husband s ing them for the sacrifice they ner year. This perennial, hard TauU. Municipal < lerR <:«*t>rr*e P. A in n la n Jr. in -in >n for*e -'**d effect u n f:l Exec-ito** i* red <>• I amend'd. modified, repealed P T \ convention. death. Why was a time limit made during all conflicts in working past commarKtpr can rhf iuwriiiitii.ip- of l.ynainJrai. Ih4 4‘iiritlll« Avi*. Frederick S. Gillespie, Esq Jéim y. P ii* ’ erff't-d. N’, .1 , or ‘erminated bv the action of t°7 Kearnv Avenue H r!( -hrner^s w 11 be p*T»v:rl- set? which our Country played so im well be proud of his successes. K Jw a rd Z » k u i; n

Lyndhurst Soft Ball League A l Dawson Mows ’Em Down In Calif. Bakersfield. Calif , fans are victory over the Modesto Red; "As weU as Dawson p«r bifsebali. He is affiliated w 'h wiki about Lyndhurst's Al Daw Pat Carucci’s Lyndhurst Soft a Cincinatti chain team: renned. walking only two while the ,Athletics. He has won i left center as Maschios ta’.lied son. Hail League pot off to an aus 5 runs in the 4th to break u> a "What young Dodger hu.-ler running li’J a succession of K's. game with an earnQt run aver Pitching it) the CaM'nmia '.fa picious start with Commission tie. Dave Rickert held Imperial Al Dawson did to the Reds w:< ' " «in didn't come easily for »>'<■ of I W) flue a Class A division The other Lyndhurst player is majors. Dawson has won fotlr out the first ball. sued 6 walks, had him on the jearo 'd righthander from Ni fight opposition from Lee White Jim m y LaRusso who was an games this year, the last two by Tony Seardino’s Valley Brook anxious seat, especially in the Jersey used his overpowering a lefthander who pitched for the All American collegian player shut-outs. Liquors. 1970 pennant winners. 5th frame When Imperial push I a‘■’ball to mow down 14 I feds last year but just joined at Monmouth College. <*ked out a come from behind 4 ed over 3 runs without the ad­ Dawson, once Lyndhurst Hi:!! strikes, giving him 60 whiff ; them for the season.'' Jim m y was with De-land in to 3 decision over playoff cham vantage of a hit. Don Mullaney. and Legion pitching star, is now in only 35 two thirds innings fr Dawson is just one of th-ec the Florida League until he te't pton Gerrity's Lounee. B i l l in his first start against his o’d in the Los Angeles Dodger the season as he recorded a 2 II Lyndhurst youths in major lea last week for six months of Messing was the winning hurl team mates, was the losing hur chain and was sent ty Bakers shutout victory, his fourth tri gu? baseball at the moment. Army duty. Jim m y was helo e-. w th Bob DeLasand^o chare ler. Dave Rickert ateo beat out field for experience. umph against no defeats. less with the bat the first week. Warren Bogle Jr.. a Lynd eo with the loss. DeLasandro a bunt to pace Maschio’s at But in the second week he h t Here is what Larry Press. "Fo r his two year profession hurst High and Legion grad was the batting hero, connect tack. Mickey Wiercinski. a 500 .409 and raised his average to s|»rts editor of the Bakersfield ¡'I career Dawson now shows a uate, has resumed his career ing for 2 hits, including a tower slogger in 1969. punched out the .289 before leaving for military newspaper, said about Al's last combined record of 14 I. wilh Dos Moines in Triple A i» o c :rcint yma'h to left. Hank 2 h'ts and walked in his final dirty. Source also had 2 safeties for effort, as the Imperial ace got Oerrity’s while Jim Lafoon. off to a flving start in the race day it rained, and those games F»*ank Snero and Joev Orlando for the 1970 batting crown. BATS AND BOWS will be played later in the sea all contributed 2 hits for the win \orth Arlington Bv IR E N E C.AYNOR son. rwrs. Orlando drove in w h a t p* oved the w’nn:na marker, Our season is proving to be a So far. Mike and Betty's ¡< Tom Apicela’s Lyndhurst Di Slow Pitch League very gixid and exciting one. undefeated and leads the leagu» S p r in g C o n c e i t nrr took advantage of a weak by Dick M irocco Cail's and Mike and Betty's followed by Melrose. Jade Foun have many new girls playing inner defense to pound out a 7 to A t L H S tain, and Gall's. 2 verd;ct over Masctvos he their first season in the senior league, and these girls are Please continue to support hud the veteran John Czafnec- To the Residents of Lyndhurst: There were no games played the possibility of an awards ki’s s'ants. Charlie Knickel was in the North Arlington Slow banquet in August or Septem doing a fine job our girls by coming to the Little You are cordially invited to Pitch League last Sunday due to ber League field every Saturdav fowled w;th the loss. Czamecki On Saturday night, Melrose altend the Annual Spring Con­ the rainy skies which enveloped a;id Sunday at 6 p. in. You will i"-d Opnnis l°d BRAVE BRAZZEL — ’lohhny, crark two-miler from The softball league in Lvnd came from behind to defeat cert in Lyndhurst High School the area. Hopefully, one or two see fine softball played by the attack with a pair of bingles. North Arlington High, did bin thing in Englewood la«t Saturday hurst will be approached about Gail's. 14 11. The second game Auditorium on Thursday. May ef the games will be made up girls in our town. while Henrv Johnson doubled, when lie < <>;>|kmI his favorite raoe in the Bergen champfonHhip«. the possibility of a night game was a real thriller as a deter­ 21 at 8:15 p.m. Donation is $1.50. during this week. driving in 2 runs. Oiarlie Kyt lictween our All-Stars and a mined Jade Fountain fought a John Brazzei, North Arlington Sunday's action will take rhpt co^ler^ed 2 h’tc in a -lost Selections will be performed North Arlington registered 15 team of their choosing this for strong Mike and Betty's to a High's two mile ace. ran away points. trailing Ha.^rouck place as follows we hope: cause. btrt the bi? blow for Mas bv the Mixed Chorus. Concert sumetime in August. heartbreaking loss of 4-5. Sun Lyndhurst to Host with the Bergen County Group Heights, which won the meet: 11 a. m Joe Graziano vs The r***o’s was p 4 -nlv wa^’on down Choir. Girls’ Chorus. ‘Thirteen'. 1 title last Saturday in Engle St. Cecelia. St. Mary’s. Mahwah Jokers the right field line bv Nils W i s Madrigals and Stage Band. North Arlington lcff. wood. and Cresskill. Campus vs Global Tourist Fire Department vs Gallos \ortli Arlington Maschio’s came back strong The concert will provide ev Brazzei ran the distance in Mike DeVivo of North Arling­ On Friday night. May 22. al Meats in the'r second encounter. scor en»’one with an enjoyable eve­ 10:03.9. defeating runner-up ton grabbed a second in the dis ft p.m. there will be a baseball \ 1 p.m. Tom and Sonnys vs SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS ing a 7 to 5 win over Trmv Sira- ning. Dale Thompson of Hasbrouck cus with a toss of 129. feet and -ame between Lyndhurst High Magnificent Men b^’V s Irmerial Pho+o C o o y. Heights by eight seconds. Brian Tonner shared tfiind place National Divition School and North Arlington Music Department No. Arlington Pharmacy vs The Winning hurler Dave Rickert Brazzei. unbeaten in dual in the pole vault with John Con High School at the Bergen Coun 1 -oners Mafinificerf M e n 2 0 connected for a grand slam to Lyndhurst High School competition this year, is one of dos of Hasbrouck Heights. iy Park field. Admission will the best runners to emerge Charley- O’Neil of North Arl This wet spring has produced No. Arlington Pharmacy 2 0 SI.00 for adults and students from the Viking school in many ington finished in a fifth place a minor headache for the 50 cents. These two schools are The Loner» 1 0 years. A few, weeks ago he set a tie for the pole vault with Ray league. A total of eight two of the ton teams in Ber­ Corner On Sports new school record of 10:09.7 in Heal of Hasbrouck Heights. games, so far must he marie The Jokers 0 1 gen County. Rich Carter, one iio. League officials just don't defeating Wood-Ridge. T o m a n d S o n n y » 0 2 o f the best pitchers in Bergen know what to do if anv more County, is expected to be pitch John Savino, ye ed, and Ed ster came through with a fine — Bernes are rained out. We hope American Divition nig for North Arlington. Dunn, Carlstadt's inveterate performance. •o welcome Joe Graziano into Around the state they know sportsman, hauled in some the league this Sunday, The The Campus stripers the other day. A n d that Lyndhurst High Is one of Xorth Arlington wav he keeps getting rained out Global Tourist guess where? ■ the best baseball schools there maybe someone up there is try On the Hudson, up near Os is. ing to tell him something. F ir e D e p t. sining. DOTTIES Joe Graziano They happen to know what Little League Players wilJ be polled within Drive Carefully Bob Gamere, new voice for escapes most fishermen — that the next few days concerning G a l lo ’s M e a t s New York Yankees, turns out to the Hudson River is one of the by Tony Del Gaudio be an old St. Peter's Prep, Jer­ most fertile bodies of the area, — — ' " sey City... Bom in Manhattan, where fish are concerned. The P B A of the American Minor game against ftmnelite. PBA Bob's folks moved to Rochelle stripers really swarm in the League maintained leadership pulled the game out of the fire Park and be bussed daily to St. po'luted waters and have them­ in their division beihind t h e by breaking the tie in the sixth Peter's... While there he was a Farringtons frolic in Caribbean selves a time until spoilsports pitching of Steve Garone and inning to win 4-3, thanks to writer for the "Petroc" and l«ke Savino and Dunn arrive. Donald Calabrese. Tuesday. Frank Speers who batted out went on to Holy Cross where he •V’!l Or so Savino and Dunn aver. May 5. they won their fourth four hits. began working on the college . <¿r - -. - ¿ftp*,- Fishing happens to be one of straight in a close battle a- Forest Dairy of the National radio station... They liked him the great relaxing sports. It us­ gainst Jarvis Oil by rioipini? Minor League bounced back so well he remained there after ually is done under the best of them 3 2. Kevin Cooke helped graduation to broadcast Holy since their opening day loss by circumstances — fine surround­ the victors with his bat, by col taking the next four by great Cross games... He also had a I ings, beneficent weather, good lecting three hits — one ol fe'ephone and warm up show on scores and took over first place i f / ’ companions. which was a home run. On Fri the Boston Red Sox program... in their League. Congratulations That is why we're publicizing day night. May 8. in a close When Jerry Coleman left the tc. Jim Ershine and bis boys. Garca's fly casting school. Yep. Yanks to broadcast in the west ■-9l£Msm-Zs, a real school. You start as 3 opportunity knocked for Gam­ rovice. Forty-e:ght hours and ere and he heard it loud and $95 later you'l' be an exoert. clear... Gamere is satisfactory L vndhur«t The school is located in El- But baseball is cloddish in that dred Preserve, about two hours it has not yet seen the possibili­ away by car. There Garcia, the American Little League ties in putting a real announcer reel and rod peop'e, have on the qames. Wre*tfinq ow»d The second week of p 1 a y week sctback and upset Caruc , I »rooks that are stocked with a lot to the fact Dennis James was p'.agurd by rain as Penick Ci 6 to 0. The wimi-ng pitcher 1 f how, tioer, brown and in the old days made it interest was rained out tw ee and Fire was Darren Miller. The win-1 brooW-brown hybrid trout. in o for everybody. A wit like Dc-pt. and DeMassi once each. n< rs struck early by scoring 2 Usina Garcia's Flv-0 rod Heywood Hale Broun would This week's play saw some out­ runs in the first frame. 1 in the and line, students receive per­ make listeninq to a baseball standing pitching by Tom Mor- third and fourth, and 2 trove in sonal advice on use of the tackle rame a real joy... But baseball, guno who pitched a perfect the f'fth. In the first LaPo’lo oPr*ce of registration includes o beinq run by dum-dums, will game, and Terryy Shoebridge, singled and Johnson walked. ernight accommodations F r i - insist on putt'nq ex-players in who pitched a no hitter. Then Miller reached first on an day and Saturday niaht at Re- to talking spots... So that you On Monday night. Kiwanis e-ror as LaPallo scored. Later her's Motel, near Barryville, get chaos like Whitev Ford, who dow ned Canirci 8*o 10. The com Miller scored on an error. For six meals and two fish. Men, are good to their children and bmed pitching of Dav;d Barha the winners. LaPallo and Mill women and children are eligible who once were great pitchers, and Kevin Bradv held the losers or each had 2 hits. and the biq bargain can be nail­ fracturing the lanauage in a tr, one hit. The lone hit came in The teams stand in this order: ed down by contacting Ray way that would make even Yogi the last inning with 2 outs. Th.' 1st place DeMassi Motors, fol Prescott, Garcia Corp., Tea- Berra's toes curl... There's a winners scored 5 times in the lew'ed by Penick and fowatYis neck. Only 40 are roinq to be nlace for exDertise... But there 2r:d inning in singles by Alessio t'ed. Fire Dept, and Lyndhurst accepted so st*rt moving! is also a place for wit, grace and Treacy and a double by Bar Florist tied, and Carncci Com LYNDHURST CALM and qood diction... -None of b--i and then sineles bv Brndv pany in last place. The unexpected sight of Lynd which brings up memories of and Trank. Kiwanis added their hurst tied for first place in the Happv Felton who once r a n final 3 runs in the 3rd frame on Passaic Valley Conference does kid shows before the Dodqer doubles by Steve Trank. Candin n't cause a quiver amonq the qames. Felton was born before and Brady. Ladies League Lyndhurst fans. Lyndhurst his time... His show would be a plays hiqh class baseball all the On Wednesday night Tom Mor Tuesday \it<* Grace, Mom, Bobby, Dad and Cliff tremendous hit today... Wonder gano. in his first Little League time. When other teams do a There was lo*s of evcitament \ why the Yanks, who are sup­ start, pitched a perfect game This is the only way to really enjoy a next year by having all the cash you good job all Lyndhurst can do t the final bowling rveht for the posed to have showbusiness con against the Lyndhurst FlorW . is congratulate them. Tuesday Niters League. Arlin? ! vacation. The Farringtons saved for it need. Just get the entire family into sciousness don't realize that TV He faced 15 batters and struck East Paterson licked Lynd­ ton Decorators and Horvath a little at a time, each one in an Equity the act by opening an account for each could be a real crowd puller for out 14 of them. Only Kevin John hurst Frldipg, throwing the Brothers were tied right up to the team If thev oot out of the son managed to evade striking Vacation Club account. Why not follow one of them. Here's how the Farringtons Bears into a tie. But it was a the last game. The marks were awful rut in which broadcasts out when he grounded out to their example. Enjpy a carefree vacation did it: ciood victory for EP because t:ed through the whole game. ^ now lurch! 3rd base in the first inning. Mor Dan Loveland happens to be and Arlington Decorators won j gano's team supplied him wit*i one of the best pitchers around. METS ARE WORSE the game and first place troph j WEEKLY TOTAL 8 runs as the Fire D ”)t. defeat Lyndhurst defeated Garfield Notice we don't sav anvthinn ies by two pins. Horvath took | ed Florist 8 to 0. The winners Monday, lost by a fluke to Clif­ at all about the Mets broad­ second, and Arvta Keypunch i Grace Saved $ 1 $ 5 0 scored 3 runs in the 1st and 3rd ton Wednesdav, beat off St. An­ casts... Can't... They're so terri­ ended in third spot. thony's of Hudson Thursday ble we can't listen... Dan Love­ innings and odded the final 2 $ 2 $ 1 0 0 runs in the 4th. In the first they C liff Saved and lost to East Paterson on Fri land, East Paterson Ditcher and Congratulations went to Arl dav. slugger, has pro scouts lookinq score on a single bv Gaecime ington Decorators' captain, Pat and a double bv Whalen. In the $ 3 $ 1 5 0 That is a 'of of baseba'I. When on interestedly... Don't know Del Sapio, and her teammates Bobby Saved VOu oo to the well as often as what they throw in that North­ third frame, singles bv Fisch Valerie Gad7inski. Camille Gar er. Lon go,. CnrrfieM and Cor"’>a Lyndhurst does vou have to ern Bergen Interscholastic Lea- ve-y, Lil Krajewski and Brenda M o m S a v e d $ 5 $ 2 5 0 look for some lickinqs. oue but a week aoo Chris Lynch do produced 3 more run». The Manghan. On th® oth*»r b»nd. Lvndb»»r«t slugged out three homers a t-nued to throw aspirins at the $ 1 0 $ 5 0 0 batters. Terry Shoebridge of High average for the season D a d S a v e d is confident it will be one of its oainst Manchester... Drove in was rolled by Edith Kadowski, DeMassi hurled 3 no-hitter and better «easons. Tb*y told Lvnd- eight runs... Too much Caouto 1f>8: high series by Ginny Noe, hurst that to qualify for t h e for Queen of Peace on t h e struck out 14 batters. On'y a Club memberships now available walk to Joe Alessio prevised £84: and high game by Mary Greater Newark tournament a fraek recently... St. Mary'« Officers for the 1970 71 season preliminary name would be ne­ Ro^k r.aputo won th» 100 yard him from pitching a perfect f m e . S^hoebr’d ie was in com are: president, Edith Ko7.1owski get cash dividends, too! cessary. So they «ent Lvndhurst dash, the 170 low hu**d'es and plete command as he struck out vice president. Valerie Gadzin- on Thursday aaainst St. An»ho- the lono bimp... St. Marv#< won 3 of fhe first 9 batters. With the ski: secretary. Pat Weinberger: ny, an unbeaten Hudson Coun­ 61 to M... The*e naroch:al score tied in th“ bo**om of the and treasurer. Sonia Lazarski. ty team. schools see** to t'irn out the fi‘th ipn;nad to prpnare fo** tnlf mMe in 1*57.1. tM. year... AND LOAN ASSOCIATION year. borger at 438 6441 before the re four. And he picked out untried the mile F»*:t-r|

PAGE TEN T H E LEADER PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1970 Emotional Scenes In Sports Awards $30,772 Title 1 Funds For Lyndhurst by Beveriy Murphy ol Smith and Donna DeGenna and Henry Skolski and Fred L. member bring five sztidwiches Lyndhurst will get $30,772 in gram is devised. Contracts for physical educa Successful contractors for mi­ Proud mothers smiled and ap ro, all juniors: and Maria Pug Cobh. Board members. Mrs. to North Arlington football Federal Title I funds to help in The announcement of the Ti tion supplies totaling $913.44 meograph and duplicating sup­ piauded as their daughters lia, sophomore. Alternates are Madeline Steffens, physical ed games so that players of both the summer students of the pub tie 1 funds was made at the were awarded to H.A. Greene plies totaling $2.095.72 were A. were presented awards for par­ Mary Jean Miller, Kim Mur ucation teacher, was g u e s t teams could eat when hungry. lie and parochial schools with Monday night meeting of the Co., New York Athletic Supply R Meeker Co.. Viking Products ticipation in school athletics at phy, Paula Barker and Glenn speaker. From this modest start, the remedial work. Board of Education. Co., Rutherford Sporting Goods Repeat 0 Type and J. L. Ham­ North Arlington High School. I>xnbrn6ki. all sophomores. The Booster Backers, found Booster Backers have reached Co., Levy's Inc. and Wolverine** mett Co.. while an A. B. Dick The sum was built up with The board also gave out con The occasion was the third Odor guard members are (d in September 1957, has con­ 3 point where hundreds of dol Sports Supply Co. Sewing sup­ fluid duplicator will be purch­ an additional appropriation of tracts to the lowest bidders in annual Mother-Daughter A Rosa DaGraca, captain: Rose tinued in its original purpose to lars are raised every y e a r plies totaling $297.69 had as sue ased from A. R. Meeker Co. at SH.444. Kane said. various categories. In janito wards Dinner sponsored by the Eng. co-captain: Susan Ga.vnor. promote school athletics and to through the sale of shakers, con cessful bidders Jackman’s. Inc.. $373; plus $63 for the cabinet ria' supplies a total of $5,107.17 North Arlington Booster Back­ Elaine Wronski and Doris Del provide incentives and awards fetti. candles and gift wrapping Title I was supposed to help and Economy Handicrafts, Inc. and less $11.50 trade in allow­ was awarded the following: ers la * week at the high school. Tosto, all seniors: Kyle Murphy for the above mentioned squads. paper. Other income producing depressed areas — but under Medical supplies totaling $.340, ance. Janitorial Supply Co.. Hillyar Honored were the members nt Martha Mayer. Diane Vilardo, Twelve women were present sources are an annual Election national law all communities 25 will be purchased fro m On motion of Trustee Walter Sales. Fldor Maintenance, Jo ­ the cheerleading. twirling and Georgette Pugh. Lorraine Liot ai the initial meeting at which Day cake sale and the selling are invited to qualify. So Lynd School Health Supply and C o r el A. Earl, Sani Kem Supoly, Rowe, football equipment will color guard squads. ta and Iris Barber, all juniors. Grace Reichard was elected ot candy, pretzels and bevera­ hurst, like the rest of the coun nell Surgical. Mechanical draw be purchased from the follow­ Colonial Ever Lite, Puritan Che Several of the girls who will Cheerleaders are Linda Ful pi-esident. Other charter mem ges at the basketball games try, has qualified for the funds. irrg supplies contracts totaling mical Co., N.J. Chemical Co. ing at a $2.841.53 cost: Levy's, be graduated in June, brushed ton, captain: Mary Jane Gesu bers were Mae Robinson, Fran The present officers are Mrs. $448.61 were awarded to B. Spec Inc.. H. A. Greene Co.. Ruther­ However, communities such and Lyndhurst Paint and Wall­ aside tears as they accepted maria, co-captain: Karen Chis­ Barile, Florence Gilmore, Peg Dorothy Chisholm, president: tor. Tacro. DCA. 3 M Co.. Post ford Sporting Goods. Farrier as Ridgewood and Glen Hock, paper Co. For wood shop sup silver charms bearing the like­ holm, Robert Kraenzlin. An gy Robb. Rose Jeck. Edith Mrs. Frances Conroy, vice pre­ Co.. Patterson Co.. Alvin and Sporting Goods. Champion Knit which are among the wealthies*. plies, contracts totaling $2.189 ness of the head of a Viking, drea Chletsos. all seniors, and Fraiese, Rose Mauro, EsteHe sident: Mrs. Dorothy McKeown. Co., Charvoz-Carsen and Dietz wear products, and Hook- in the nation, also qualify. 12. went to Central Lumber Co.. the name of the high school, Celia Venancio, Vivian Dominy. Gurney. Margaret Wnuck. Eth recording secretary: Mrs. Ma gen Co. Tack L Matie Co.l while cross­ Patterson Brothers. Brodhead and the graduation year. Oth­ Elizabeth Dalgleish. Barbara el Van Buren and Gertrude rie Carter, corresponding sec­ country equipment totaling $238. Meantime ghetto areas in Garrett and John H. Matlack. Other Supply Contracts ers beamed with satisfaction. Gusko. Pauline Lignowski. Ma Sax. Although none are pres­ retary: and Mrs. Jean Noble, Newark, Paterson and Passaic Science supplies contracts to 98 will be purchased from Le­ Metal shop supplies contracts But all were obviously pleased rilyn Aber and- Christine Kepp ently with the organization, treasurer. must compete with the wealthy tailing $2,765.68 were given out vy's Inc., Rutherford Sporting with the recognition being paid el. all juniors. Susan Hutchin­ they left behind a record of At a dinner to be held later areas for the Title I funds. It is totaling $1.045.90 went to Patter to Macalaster Scientific. LaPine C.'oods and Champion Products. them. son. a senior, is head major hard work and devoted service. this month, the following newly one of tlhe misadventures til a', son Brothers and Brodheadt3ar Scientific. Scientific Glass Ap Rowe also asked the secreta ry- Twirlers are Joan P r a c h . ette. B y the second meeting the elected officers will be install­ occur when a federal aid pro­ rett. paratus. Schoolmasters. William business administrator to ob­ captain: Barbara Brazzel and Also present at the dinner group adopted a new name. ed: Mrs. Eleanor Earl, presi­ Carolina Biological. W a rd s . tain quotations for basketball e- Nancy Berry, co-captains: Ju ­ were Siipt. of Schools P a u l Called originally Booster Wives, dent: Mrs. Conroy, vice presi­ Snnsi Scientific. 3M Co., Sci­ ouipment for the coming school dy Barker. Janet Dowdell. Joan Jones. Henry Miller, high ¡he change to Booster Backers dent: Mrs. Noble, treasurer: Seaman Yankowski Daisy Club Meets ence Kit. Para Scientific Co. year. Chletsos, Lorraine Moore, Da school principal: Anthony Blan­ was agreed upon unanimously Mrs. Lillian Van Quest, record­ and Sargent-Welch. Teacher Resignations following its suggestion by Mrs. Aboard Amphibious na Sobon. Linda Harz and Gail co. vice principal: Edward Fer ing secretary: and Mrs. Ellen The Daisy Club met at the Contracts for home economics The board accepted with re YVnuck. At this meeting also Jensen, corresponding secreta Morrison, all seniors: Leslie tal. president of the North Ar Navy Seaman William G. Yan home of Mrs. Rosalie Barker. supplies totaling $81.95 went to fcret the resignations of Richard came the idea of having each ry. Rutherford, on May 12. T h e Tanfield. Carol Chletsos, Car- lington Board of Education: kowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hamilton Beach Division and Vartan, a high school science V ankowski of 533 Second Street, club's guest. Kathy McClane of Admiral Craft Equipment, and teacher: Miss Kathleen Krekich, Carlstadt. is participating in North Arlington, showed the for graphic arts supplies total a business education teacher; "Exotic Dancer III'' aboard the members how to make fumi ir.g $396.59 to Globe Printers Mrs. Anne Cosentinoo, an ele­ Wants Elevated Expressway Over Route 17 amphibious assault ship USS ture dusters out of yam and a Supply Co. General, art and of mentary school teacher: and Charleston near Camp Lejeune, clothes hanger. She was given a fice supplies contract went to Miss Jean Bresnowitz, elemen- Senator Garrett W Hagedom and the increasing demand for a nightmare of traffic jams and expense of condemnation pro­ N. C. daisy pin in appreciation of her .1 r Hammett Co. for a total of tr-ry music teacher, effective released a letter today that he more adequate connections be potholes from one end to the ceedings. disruption within the &J.883.34. June 30. ‘ Exotic Dancer III" is a work. Members received bask­ had written earlier this week to tween the N. J. Turnpike and ether. Ingress and Egress are communities and avoid loss of three-week joint service train ets filled with daisies as mem Transportation Dept. Commiss­ the N. Y. Thruway. permitted every 25 feet, there ratables to the Bergen towns. ir,g exercise involving an esti ioner Kohl requesting the Dept, He states. "This might be ac is no marginal road to provide entoes of the evening. The club mated 60.000 Navy, Marine of Transportation to undertake complished in cooperation with access to the business establish Hagedom concludes, ” 1 am will attend the Me^dowbrook Corps, Army and Air Force sup a feasibility study of construct­ the New Jersey Turnpike Auth­ ments which line the highway convinced that the construction Dinner Theatre in June to con port troops, operating against an ing a second level elevated ex­ ority for development as a toll from one end to the other, and of an elevated expressway over opposing force of additional At elude their season and resume pressway for the entire length road. The present ground level the four lanes of traffic is to­ Route 17 merits the concentrat­ lantic command units. meeting in September. of Route 17. access could continue to be used tally inadequate.” ed and immediate study of your Haeedorn m-rfWains that for local traffic.” Since real estate is at a pre­ The operations include an air department and request that there is a p-ossi'” » n»"d for an­ The Bergen Senator says. mium Hagedom feels that the dropped U.S. Army Airborne other North-South highway in “ Because of lack of vision and state should use land it already such a feasibility study be un Brigade coordinated with am bergen because of area growth planning. Route 17 has become owns avoiding the necessity and dertaken.” phibious helicopter and surface M etz landings by a Marine Expedi J e w e le r s tionary Brigade from Navy RESERVATIONS ships. Sacred Heart HONEYMOONS Junior Olympics Attract Many Alfred Louis Somma C R U I S E S N e w s T O U R S Junior Olympic District Meet gers June 13 at 10 a.m. for the Ten teams will participate and An Hastings Grad The winners of the CYO Sac A I R L I N E S was held in Leonia on Saturday, big meet. In case of rain it will will continue through Ju ly 30. red Heart Ping Pong touma Alfred Louis Somma. 500 Fo r­ May 16, at 10 a.m. under the be held June 14 at 1 p.m. Com P A C K A G E S ment are as follows: in the boys est Ave., Lyndhurst. a physical direction of Thomas Shoe- mission«- Caruccd thanks all The 1970 Fourth of July Com­ STEAMSHIPS group, first place Jim Cavalcan education major, is a member bridge. Winners of the Lynd the children who represented mittee will meet at the Parks fJe w e lry • W a tc h e s te. 2nd place Frank Barresi. 3rd of the 1970 Hastings College se hurst Meet participated in this Lyndhurst at Leonia and wish­ Dept, office 8 p.m. Friday, May place David Scannell. In the nior class that includes 185 gra­ (0\TL\E\TAL event. Results were: 9 year olds. es Paul the very best of luck. Diamonds - 22 Chairman is Vincent Pat- girls group, Lorraine Bramble. duates. the largest in the histo­ ; TRAVEL AGENCY Paul Warner, 1st place in the Fan n league staning to date emo. The committee will plan Linda Ross, Susan Simonak. ry’ of the college. Classes will y m Stuyvesant Ave. 10 Ridge Road 50 yard dash and James Daly. > Silverware are: American League -- Sena­ end May 22 for the seniors and Lyadbunt, N. J. North Arlington. N. J.l 3rd place in the Standing Long the township celebration which tors won 3, lost 0: Angels won 2 Those girls are going to play Baccalaureate and Commence­ y 438-8300 »»8-0200 j , Jump: Christine Hartmann, 2nd will include the fireworks dis­ f Ears Pierced lost 1: and the Indians won 1, for place on May 28. Trophies ment activities will be on Sun ’^eOOOaqgecqOOOBOeaiBQeiaeiM ftvyywyvwB^Byfflftjl place in the 50 yard dash, and lost 2. National League - Cubs play. will be awarded at this time. To day. May 24. Jenine Jablonski. 2nd place in won 2. lost 1, Mets won 1, lost nite (M ay 21) at 9 p.m. all mem l Guaranteed Repairs the Standing Long Jump. 2, and the Dodgers won 0. lost Babe Ruth League standings bers of the CYO will be able to Hastings College, located in 10 year olds: Laurie Rapisar- 3. as of May 18 place the teams in sign up for a double tournament Hastings, Nebraska, is a four- , 3 Ridge Road di came in 2nd place in the 50 The bus ride sponsored by the the following order: 1st place, which will start the following year liberal arts college found­ Freshen Up your home ed in 1882. and affiliated with f North Arlington yard dash and 3rd place in the Parks Dept was enjoyed by 119 Elks, followed by Police Dept., hTursday. with our fine custom the United Presbyterian Church \ 9 9 8 -9 6 3 9 100 yard dash: 11 year old An­ Senior Citizens who traveled to Independent Men's Club, Legion Sunday, May 24. all CYO mem thony Della Valle. 3r in the 100 ii% the USA. New Hope Pa., May 16. Addi and Parks Dept. Games are bors are asked to attend the 10 made slipcovers and yard dash: 13 year old Bernard tional bus rides are planned for being played at Bergen County o'clock Mass. Coffee and buns Heffem. 3rd place in the 75 yard this fall. Identification cards for will bo served after Mass in the draperies, suited to Park. Thomas Ave. and Valley dash and 3rd place in the 100 Lyndhurst Senior Citizens are school cafeteria. yard dash. Patricia Vanderbeck available at the Parks Dept., Biook Ave. field. your budget. came in 3rd place in the 50 yard 250 Cleveland Ave. This card is dash and 3rd place in the 100 helpful in obtaining discounts in Girls Softball League team yard dash. TTie Lynhurst team cooperating drug stores and mo Tarks Dept, is off to a good DRIVE CARFULLY LOUIS' was entered in 12 events in vie theaters in our area. start — after two weeks of play which they placed in 11 of them Women's Summer Bowling they lead the league with 3 wins First place winner, 9 year old League begins Thursday, May latest formais at PONTIAC Paul Warner, will travel to Rut­ 28 at 8:30 p.m., Arlington Lanes. and no losses. LOU DE MASSI President WE SELL • SHOP AT HOME • VISIT US • CALLUS We Can Re-Upholster Your Furniture ■ ^ P /C A FRo~y<\ oufl MORE P0NTIACS Sc That It W ill Look and Wear Better Than New BECAUSE the ACKERSONS 41« HACKENSACK ST. CARLSTADT, N. J. -T ree O f WE SELL FOR •39-2114 or 2116 y c I n MEMBER NATIONAL SOCIETY LESS INTERIOR DESIGNERS



■69 PON TIAC ■67 O L D S Grand Prix, 2 dr. hdtp., 4 dr. RAH, p.s., very w/w. RAH, Air cond., clean. tinted glass, auto trans., One ow ner. $1495 p.s., p. disc, brakes. Cordova top. Many extras •68 P O N T IA C •68 CADILLAC CONV. Firebird (400), p.s., p.b.. Dark brown, white roof, W-W. Cordova top, 4 MAJOR p.s., p.b., p w.. air cona. speed trans. Tinted glass. Very clean. $2395 Leather seats. 3 FORMALS 69 O L D S M im tU b tfji f i e •66 C A D I L L A C Cutlass. 2 dr. Ht., RAH, ■ Cutaways 4 dr., Sedan DeVille, p.s., p.s., p.b., Cordova top, Jtfm tt»ifct ^«lyHi » 1 p.b., p.w. Tinted glass. Ai bucket seats A console ■ Strollers cond. Cruise Control Air cond.. A tinted glass. « H » » » / rfltr Imyéèl W-W tires. £2995 One owner $3Q95 UU^dm . > ■ Dinner Jackets * •68 D O D G E 66 P O N T IA C * Tuxedos RAH, p.s., w/w, nice Grand Prix 2 dr. ht., second car. One owner. RAH p.s., p.b., Cordova ■ Full Dress top, w/„ «¡r„. | | ¿ 9 5 $1750 Many extras. ■ All Accessories Finest selection of styles MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! Expertly fitted 33 Years of Serving Pontioc Owners of tom« locotioa. Modest rate» Complimentary w edding counseling service available Come in and look thru our wide Formerly DeMossi Pontiac selection of Wedding Invitations, Thank Shirts & Tops Blouses & Sport Tops Pant Suits MAJOR $6 - $16 $>.W - $15.99 295 PARK AVE LYNDHURST, N. J Cleaners & Launderers You Cards, etc. From $24 Pants — $12 • $16 Slacks - $13 - $20 460 Ridge Road •c (20.) 9 3 9 - 6 1 0 0 251 Ridge Rd., Lyndhurst, N. J. C E 8-8700 No. Arlington 9 9 7 -3 8 0 0 t :

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1970 Cooking Classes For Men Only

A special “ for men only ' man of the freeholders' Social from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. cooking class is being co-spon- Services Committee. Mrs. Clark noted that enroll by the Bergen County Ex The theme of the all male mcnt is limited and urged men t' usion Service and the Bergen (..Hiking sessions is "Do Your interested in learning to cook County Office on Aging the last Own Thmg” and the partici to contact Mrs. Miriam Opte two Tuesdays in May and the pants will be "doing their own kur, heme economist with the first two Tuesday in June, it thing ' on May 19 and 26 and «xtension service or the Berg has been announced by Free­ June 2 and 9 at the extension p.. County Office on Aging 45 holder June M. Clark, chair service offices at 133 River St. Essex Street. PATSY'S LYNDHURST SHOP-RITE AND DELAFIELD AVE- ] L ® S SHOP-RITE COUPON SHOP-KliE COUPON Here’s The Inside On Senior Play SR C l J J/7W Tow ard* the purchase of Towards the purchase of SENIOR PLAY. BY MICKEY "Open the door." someone out of the bedroom saying. ony package any BUGEIA whicpered. "Open the door." "When I'm tired. I eat!" Aft?r one pound or m ore The bride was cool. calm, and By now, the students knew the urdesired laugh, the ficht l Q C FRANKFURTER OR po? tive when she answered ths something was amiss. I was be continued. Suddenly. Bruce for preacher with the words. " I do' coming panicky Finally, the got his lines. At the time. I was HAMBURGER ROUS FRANKFURTERS! Two little words. Then it was c’oor did open. Don't ask me buck stage. There was a fright the bridegroom's turn, and he hew. I never found out. but I'm silence on stage. Tht nervously retorted. "Do I? " thankful. scenery crew looked at one ano WITH T H IS In the actor's world, this mis­ That night we were ready to ther. What was hanoenmg' , 1 ® C O U P O N take is technically known as give our opening performanc?. Bruce had calmly walked off "fouling lip your line." And it Eihel. played by Patty Sturges. stage and asked prompter Jean hnppens quite often. was on stage. During her line. Grater. “ What's my next line?” Now that the Lyndhurst High "Aunt Harriet will be ringing in ».hilc Sweety Polewacz sweated SHOP-RITE COUPON School Senior Play, Barefoot in a few minutes." Someone back it out. center stage, throwing SHOP-RITE COUPON sæ? the Park, is forgotten by every st;ige s‘. rainc Trause. 97 Carlyle Court: licensed. Mrs. Anderson Shows Lyndhurst — Sharon Beckmann. There is a minimum fine of Ultra Brite Toothpaste tul 640 Third street; Kathleen Cag- fifty dollars ($50.00) for driving Her Indian Artifacts gair.o. 339 New street; Maria motorized vehicles which are Mr. T. Alfred Anderson, a re­ not properly registered on pu Q-Tips (Ann Falzarano. 231 Van Buren sident of Cartetadt, has an ex street; Barbara Lapenna. 176 blic streets. hibit of artifacts of the North YOUR O CUT FROM RIB END PORK LOINS, COUNTRY STYLE Forest avenue: Filomena Cost- It is the responsibility of LOIN PORTIONS 3 to 4-lb. AVG. Arlington Indians in the Carl CHOICE fc for I P o r k L o in s *49* S p a r e R ib s 1 . 4 9 e ellucci Sangi, 100 Fern avenue: the parents of youngsters, using stadt Free Public Library for Linda Stella. 208 Post avenue; Mini-Bikes to prevent the use the next four weeks. Examples CALIFO RNIA CHUCK BONELESS CHUCK Patricia Tremonte. 248 Fern of these motorized vehicles oil ot various Indian cultures are ANTI PERSPIRANT DEODORANT public streets or sidewalks. avenue: Cheryl White. 379 shown dating back ten thousand A rrid D ry '¡;2 ? 8 9 e Pot Roast lb Pot Roast lb Roosevelt avenue. years. The exhibit includes var 25c ¿FF LABEL SUPER SIZE FIRST C u f OVEN READY, CUT SHORT, EASY TO CARVE 89e Rutherford — Mary J. Gaskin 79* 0 , 8 9 * Seton Hall Awards ious arrowheads, bone auls Scope Mouthwash ïïs 8 9 ° Chuck Steaks *49* R ib R o a s t 129 Wheaton place: Alice Sahar, hairpins, and tihe lower jaw of a WHY PAY MORE ? r A SHOP RITE BONELESS 273 Ridge road: Geraldine Sav- Degrees To Area CUT SHORT human who lived approximately Miss Breck Hair Spray 59° R ib S te a k s * 9 9 * Smoked Butts \ . o, 89* ery. 15 Ridge road; North Arl Seton Hall is to award 1.738 two thousand years ago. Some Why Pay Mere Fer Delkatessenf _ - t FROZEN ington — Dolores Abad. 360 degrees at exercises on Satur­ of the artifacts were found by CUT FROM CHUCK OF BEEF i » 99* Rtverview avenue; Carol Cain. day. the exhibitor. ‘ * % * S ■ “ ■ Calif. Chuck Steak ib 89 Cubed Veal Steaks 3.3 Noel drive; Janice Eckel ALL MEAT or ALL BEEF 4 % 4 b A CUT FROM CHUCK OF BEEF. BONELESS WHY PAY MORE? I 09 Cobb. 41 Hedden terrace: Lottie Chuck Fillet Steak n.99* Shoulder Steaks Krause, 41 William street; Dol­ Swift Franks P£:69( k9 SPECIAL BEACH TOptL Of FER ^ ------Why F tf Mere Fer fresh Fruits *nW Vegetahles?- ores Lorentzen, 76 Beech street ; LARGE SIZE, FLORIDA Walter Lamar. 8 Cedar street; Cold Beer H Ü S » I CALIFORNIA " 8" SIZE. U.S. <1 GRADE Oranges 10 tor 39* P o t a t o e s 4 9 * j Joseph Palamara. 253 Union HORMEL OR SWIFT $ / | 5 9 EXTRA FANCY, RED DELICIOUS LARGE SIZE. FRESH T o m a t o e s street; Joan Marie Smith. 183 C a n n e d H a m Apples tb.25* Biltmore street. P in e a p p l e s • «d i 2 9 * Wines & Liquors LUNCH MEAT BOLOGNA KIELBASStC BRACHS MURRAY ALLEN FRESH RADISHES or A s s t . Shop Rite Cold Cuts 2 X 79* S c a l l i o n s 2 1 5 * Pascales W ed 33 C a n d y MATCH 49* VAC PAK MIRA CURE fc q q V Free Delivery Armour Bacon r*. 0 3 39c Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pascale. 411 Hoboken road. Carlstadt. Why F if Mer* fer Dairy? ^ ALL FLAVORS At OFF LABEL ASSORTED DEL MONTE (V HIT F OR DECORATED marked their 33rd wedding an­ Complete Catering Service ,, ¿-j* . 1 j t , x e a n e - niversary Saturday. Fruit Drinks Scott Towels Their son-in-law and daughter WEDDING — BANQUETS REGULAR SHOP-RITE M # m Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Biggy, PARTIES — ETC. Margarine 0^1 I 58 Hackensack street. East Ru • tbrrford marked their eighth - ■ - m ■ 4 $1 39 anniversary Tuesday. They H O M E M A D E YELLOW WHITE/COMBO PAST PROC. SHOP-RITE ^ j have two sons. Edward. Jr.. Cole Slaw Baked Beans American Cheese pfc*. \J SLICEDOR HALVES SHOP RITE ^ lb. _ _ CAMPBELLS and Joseph. Mrs. JJig g y is the FLORIDA PACKED S i t * l i former Marie Pascale. Potato Salad Macaroni Salad KQc Ye,,ow Cling Peaches 3'»:.' o 7 c Pork & Beans Citrus Salad O i 7 WHY PAY MORE? '5 *- GREEN GIANT The Pascales also have a son. Clam Chowder 5 • *11 Joseph, of East Rutherford, and SHOP RITE ooc Co,d Power Detergent 99* Niblets Corn W too» X I • NOT AVAILABLE IN daughter. Patricia, at home. S o u r C re a m PENNSYLVANIA »». O O ALL FLAVORS ^ . 15c OFF LABEL M ° $l 29l Mrs. Pascale is the former NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS Why Pay Mere Fer Freie• Feeds? Hi-C Drinks 0 ^ o / c Downy Fabric Softener P rances Turco. Mr. P a 9cale is _ CHUN KING SHRIMP MUSHROOM or CHICKEN "Jib _ _ , SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS - , « 4 ' *'<■* RED a member of St. Joseph’s Holy Hawaiian Punch 3'¿89* Chow Mein , 6 9 * 1 Name Society and St. Francis •: WHY PAY MORE’ H O M E M A D E l O WHY PAY MORE» 1 ^ l-pt. SHOP RITE of Assisi Council. Knights of ■ft Sara Lee \ Pineapple Juice 3 £ 8 9 * 1 Columbus. •«: Pound Cake pk'g. 5 9 Mason Root Beer KISZKA and KIELBASY My SHOP-RITE i ^ BACON LIVER. BEEF j. I Mrs. Carboy Honored ’ 4 b « Bartlett Pears I 3 * 1 Red Heart Dog Food 6 69 1 SHOP RITE WHIP TOPPING or _ _ - For Helping Husband ^ X COLA, ROOT BEER or I Hours Daily: 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Birdseye Cool Whip 2 : . : \ 99c p™ pE|ates V % 69* Old Keg Birch Beer ft 59*1 Mrs. Elizabeth Carboy. 430 FAMILY SIZE m k + « I Ridge Road, Lyndhurst. was Shop-Rite Lem onadelO != 99* one of 11 Bergen County wives x > Scott Napkins VAHLSING. CRINKLE CUT _ _ M honored by their Newark Coll S U N D A Y WHY PAY MORt’ ? ege of Engineering student bus French Fries 5 I 59 w W * $ SHOP RITE BIG BUY REG THIN SLICES t 4 | Lucky Leaf Apple Sauce 4 9 c bands in exercises last Satur­ SHOP-RITE . 1 lb199c I White Bread 3 ¿ « 1 SHOP RITE SLICED OR HALVES ^ 1-fc 0 ^ day. To their wives, the stu­ 8 A.M. to 1P.M. Beef Burgers v Elberta Peaches 3 «4„;;89c dents said all credit for the fact SHOP RITE. TASTY CHEESE 1 H> . Why Fay Mare far Appeliiers? they have been able to continue 1 1 % D « I# 1 1 -0«. / U v SHOP-RITE LARGE 8 SIZE LEMON or STRAWBERKt . . tiieir studies is due. 10-Pak Pizza Fresh Baked Pies i t 4 9 * SHOP RITE. GRACE A' O l0 S I Fordhook Lima Beans o W '*l Why Fay Mare far lee Cream? WHOLE, HALVE or SLICED UNWANTED HAIR GARDEN Why Pay Mere Fer See feed? P a s tra m i PROBLEMS? ALL FLAVORS SHOP RlTi 99 A Q < Remove them permanently i -yollen Re h a ir free and eJ>r*»fr«*e Delicatessen Ic e M ilk . Electrolysis Specialists MEADOW GOLD or SHOP RlTPfWHERt AVAILABLE) O O ( RATH S STORE SLICED D ivison of A m ercan Shrimp Sale! Electrolysis Institute 418 Page Ave. (Cor. Chase) Ice Cream Sandwichess fty y Chopped Ham ,:8 9 ‘ Licensed by State of N. J.. 2*30 - — ^ 41-90 5,40ä ä a now giving private treatment Ceun*$1 5 9 Count $ 1 1 9 OunlQQC HOOD or MEADOW GOLD (WHERE AVAILABLE) f \ f \ STORE SLICED by .nopointment only in LYNDHURST, N .J. Rutherford area Ice Cream Sundae Cups.n925iy Muenster Cheese ib 89* For appointment: . ‘ 4 >...... D a y s — 642-1321 E v e n in g s — 438-5665 W E 9 - 2 9 5 0 »’the riviht to limit quantitilot Not ratpoiuibla for typographical oirors. Prices effective thru SutuiUay. May 23. I'AOt. Jb lo ili

Sermon: 'The Spirit of O r e * ' 1>ie funeral was held at 9 Scripture. Galatians 5:13-2# a.m. today at Nazare Memorial Nursery and infant eare is Home Inc. A 10 a.m. Mass foj lïi Church Services provided during the mom in« lowed at Sacred Heart Church L I S E S serivi.'It' ------(Si Church Services 12:15 p.m. Special oongraga Mrs. Frank T. Sullivan tional meeting . IIK O M ___ Funeral services were held Thursday, May 21 — Lyndhurst May 14 for Mrs. Marie F. Mar 11:45 a.m. Women’s Asapcia North Arlington SACRED HEART R C. on Sunday. May 24. tjon a r d e j tin Sullivan, 74. of 121 Garden i y m h i i i i s t QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH CHURCH Science reveals Spirit. Soul. 7:30 p m ch[>ir rdiearsal Ter., No. Arlington, «ho died p.m.. ends Sunday. May 24 North Arlington, N.J. Tuesday P.idge Rd. A New Jersey Ave. as not m the body, and God as Tuesday May 26 - May 11 at West Hudson Hospital Very Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henry G. J. not in man but as reflected by 8 p m ' Rutrh Nichoi Mission Keamy. Presbytery meeting, Killburn IIH.II Touhy, Pastor Beck, Pastor man. reads one of the citations j1rv Society meetjn(! Mrs. Sullivan, wife of Frank Memorial Church. 6:30 p.m. Rev. Joseph M. Quinlan MASSES from Science and Health with T. Sullivan, had been -ir legal Rev. Joseph J. Laudati DAILY — Key to the Scriptures by Mary secretary in North -Arlington. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL C’lariw fin«* Rev. James J. Brady 7 00, 8:00, 9:00, 4:31 p.m. Baker Eddy. Frank J. Scarola She was a native of Butler and CHURCH had lived in North Arlington 36 Rectory — 10 Franklin Place, Sat. 7:00, 8.00, 1:30, 9 00 Scarola Sunset Avenue and York Road -Another citation from Science Frank j of 42 Bayfcss - F a l c o 991 7660 FIRST FRIDAY - flnd Health states: Man is not sj re<^ North Arlington, died years. North Arlington, N.J. Convent — 18 Franklin Place, 4:00, 7:00, 7:3«, 100, 9:M, material habitation for Soul The Rev. Frederick C. Fox, III, uddenly Sunday morning in At 997-2141 6:30 p.m. he is himself spiritual. Soul. ]antic City w4lere he was attend. Priest in Charge Mrs. Picillo For all of you who receive the Yanetelli, Michael Bonelli, Bob Christian Brothers Faculty HOLY DAYS - being Spirit, is seen in nothing The funeral of Mrs. Pasquali Cf*ice Phone: 991 72S2 ing a convention. He was 43. Commercial Leader, this is Freymuller, Larry Gleeson. Jo ­ House — 200 Ridge Road, 4:00, 7:00, 8:00. 9:00, 10:00, imperfect nor material." Rcctory Phone: 991 3137 Bom in Orange. Mr. Scarola ra Rubolo Picillo. 79. of 3 Jef jut m time to remind you 991 0235 *2 Noon, 4:30, 8:M Evening Bible passages include this seph Cafone. and Mary Eufemia lived in North Arlington for the ferson Av<“- Keamy. was held of the concert Friday in the M A SSES — SUNDAY — verse from Psalms: "O for preparing the refreshments. ^ 1 church, in order to construct a Neville said: "You get used Mrs. M ary Pizzuro Cappelino _n*i®- Music wdl begin at 8 p.m. be hustled over to the bridge for Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. new parish all-purpose center. Fr. Anthony F. Bogdzlewlcz to it. It doesn’t bother me LYNDHURST UNITED of 91 Union place. North Arling- a,ld 'a?* until 11 p.m. Tickets the grand opening. 'Ladies Guild: 3rd Wednesday c‘ F r . Martin Silver now. I once knew a bridge Fians are on the drawing board METHODIST CHURCH ton, widow of Frank Cappelino, may be purchased at the door, The bridge has been a subject the month, 8 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:00, 8:M, 9:00, man who quit on his first day. at present, and construction 10:00, 11:30 Stuyvesant and Tontine Aves. died Monday at West Hudson Florence Carlson and Bill Cor of controvery because it caus Pre-Confirmation Class: Each He couldn’t wait ’til the end of bids are expected to be open Rev. Norman Smith, Pastor Hospital, Keamy. She was 82. field are social chairmen. ed many accidents. The state Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: 7:N, 7:30, his eight-hour shift. He could 8:00 307 Tontine Ave. 438-6921 Bom in Italy. Mrs. Cappelino We are proud to announce Confirmation Class: Each within a few months. highway department finally cor n’t stand the noise. SUNDAY — came to the United States 62 our eighth grader. M a r t in rected tihe trouble bv putting Thursday, 7 p.m. 9:15 a.m. Youth Choir years ago. She lived in North Steele, is winner of first prize Senior Choir: Each Thursday at WESTMINSTER UNITED studs into the metal tips of the Din at Midnight N O T IC E 9:45 a.m. Church School Arlington for the past 50 years, in the annual CYO Archdioee 8 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH bridge. These prevent s k id "You should be here for the T O W N SH IP OF LYNDHURST 11 a.m. Divine Worship She leaves two sons, Richard san-wide grammar school com Church Social Club: 3rd Satur­ The Rev. Lee R. Bundgus ding on wet days. midnight shift.” he suggested. REGISTERED VOTERS (First Sunday — Holy Com­ of Plainfield and John of North petition in essay wTiting. He day Ridge Road and Page Avenue Lyndhurst lost a familiar face "W e get about 100 tractor At the General Election on munion) Arlington: two daughters. Mrs. will be presented with a plaque. Telephone: 939-7920 on the bridge when John trailers, bunched up four and November 3, 1970, the legal vo­ 7 p.m. Senior UMYF Margaret Cappelino of North Martin is the son of Mrs. Vic- Church going families are hap (Chuck) Jaugstetter. who was five at a time. They must *be FIRST PKESBYTEKIa* ters of the Township of Lynd­ MONDAY — Ariirtgton and Mrs. Mildred Ab- toria Steele of Page Avenue and pier families. a tender on the span for years, doing about 70 when they go ov C R U r C II hurst, will be requested to vote 7:15 p.m. Junior High U M Y F a/ia of Lyndhurst: and f o u r the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. OF NORTH ARLINGTON SUNDAY SERVICES — died. or,” he said. on the following public ques­ 4th M O N D A Y grandchildren. Adam Kwiatkowski of the same Henry C. Kmitzer, Pastor Worship Services 9:30 and 11 To Retire Soon tion: 8 p.m. Parents of Teenagers The funeral was today from address. Outside the concrete d e c k Ridge Road & Ilford Avenue a.m. Neville, who doesn’t yet “SHALL THE CIVIL SER 1st TUESDAY — the Chickene Memorial Home. house is a large plaaue: ".Ame­ Phone: 991 3464 Church School, 9:30 a.m. for know how elimination of the V IC E ACT OF T H E PR O V I 7:30 p.m. Council on Minis­ 377 Kearny avenue. Keamy. rican Institute of Steel Con­ all ages 24 hour watch will affect him Trinity Sunday. May 24 SIO N S O F SOB TITLE 3, Tl tries with a Mass of Requiem in Our struction. Annual Award of Me­ 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship Holy Name News and the five other bridge ten- Services 9 & 11 a.m. TLE ELEVEN OF THE Rt 2nd TUESDAY — Lady Queen of Peace Church. rit. Most Beautiful Steel Bridge, Sunday School 9:30 a.m. St. Michael's Holy Name So oers. said yesterday: “ I guess Child Care at 9 a.m. only VISED STATUTES, SUPPLE 7:30 p.m. Church School North Arlington. C’ass Four. 1949.” Sunday Services,9:30 & 11 a.m. ciety will sponsor a 'Father and Sermon: One God, and the MENTS AND AMENDMENTS Board there haven’t been too many Youth Fellowship. 6 p.m Son' bus ride to Shea Stadium big boats going through. We Neville stood beside the visi­ THERETO, BE ADOPTED BY WEDNESDAY — Ways Wo Know Him Friday — Louis Petrillo June 19 wiien the Mets will olay used to get lots of tugs, tor reading the inscription and THE TOWNSHIP OF LYND 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal Thursday - 9:30-12 Office Hours the Philadelphia Phillies. Tick­ barges, floating derricks. and said: "They built this bridge HURST, NEW JERSEY, FOR 1st THURSDAY — Louis PetrilJo. 76. of 238 Ori- Choir rehearsals. Wesley Saturday ets will also include bus and good. It ’s really holding up. o:i tankers with 40 foot hvgh 4:30 p.m.. Chancel 8 p.m. THE EMPLOYEES THERE Pastor's Day Off Women's Society of Christian enf Way Lyndhurst. died May re/r^ineab,. T^ e ts m av'be " I ve seen holes in .bridges OF?" booms. Interfaith Community Event Monday — Service ’ ? at We! f Hudson Hospital, purchased after Masses on Sun you could drop a baby carriage Fred O. Taub 2nd & 4th T H U R S D A Y — Keamy. after a long illness. “ Not too many pleasure at Queen of Peace auditori­ 3:05 p.m. Brownies day. Look for Ed Pieluc. chair through." Township Clerk 8 p.m. The Graduates B orn in New York, he lived in boats go past any more. Th'? um ("Education Public & Tuesday man. Fr. Anthony Bogdziewicz Dated: April 23, 30, 3rd T H U R S D A Y — Lyndhurst 60 years. Mr. Petril- old Passaic River is shot." ho Private” ) Office Hours. Morning & Af is moderator. May 7, 14, 1970 1 p.m. Mothers & Pre-School lr> " a s a parts distributor for said. Friday — ternoon F E E S : 522.56 Two of St. Michael's eighth Neville, a small friendly W W 1 WIDOWS 7:30 p.m. Trustees Meeting Children the Ford Motor Co. in Mahwah. Youth Retreat starts 5:30 He was a parishioner of Sacred students. John E v a n s man with twinkling b ro w n Coming Event — 3rd SATURDAY — NEWS Heart R. C. Church and a mem- a,,d Rose M ary Azzaro a r e eyes and wispy gray hair, is June 11, Lasagne Supper 7 p.m. 3 F Spring tour to Flo-Jean’s. in her of its Holy Name Society. first place winners of the Ber fiercely proud of his I r i s h Port Jersey, N.Y.. Sunday, May Mr. Petridlo was an Army ve gen County Holy Name Feder blood. He was bom s e v e r a l F IR S T CHURCH OF CHRIST REED MEMORIAL UNITED sponsored by the Widows of B U R K te»*an of World War I. He was a ation’s Annual Essay Contesi. decades ago in what was then SCIENTIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH V.orid War I. Chapter 17, Ruth retired chief of the' Lyndhurst P * eS5ayr'f ^ w;'s West Hoboken and is . now E. Pierrepont & Lincoln Aves. ^ Stuyvesant Avenue erford, will leave from Orient Volunteer Fire Department. Us not only for Eter Union City. He w i l l retire Funeral Hom e Rutherford, New Jersey Lyndhurst, N. J. Way and Station S q u a r e B r a n c h o f Rev. David L. Barrett, Engine Co. 3 n!ty' blrt also for our Obligation from state service in December the Mother ChurSh. The promptly at 11 a.m. F i r s t Church of Chirst Scientist. pa(tnr to Man’. They read their essays "Our biggest problem is of Boston. Mass. rs5'or Surviving are his wife, the May 19 at St. John's R. C. ’ DIRECTORS S u n d a y S e rv ice s at 11:00 a m. Church telephone: 43S-7M7 motorists.” Ncvil’e said, seated Next chapter meeting Tues­ Wednesday Evening Meeting at former Angie DeLoy: two sons. Church in Leonia and each was o’clock at wich testimonies of Sunday. May 24 at the worn desk inside one of day, May 26. at the E l k s John L. Burk — Paul Konarski at wich testimonies of Joseph and Conrad: a brother, presented with a plaque and a Christian Science healing are given 9:45 a.m. Bible School classes the fou" deckhouses, the o n e Home, Ames Ave,, at 8 p.m.. R ead ing Room at 5 Station Square John, and a sister, Miss Mildred U S. Savings Bond. Sr. Ann Ma open effective April 1 , M onday for all ages that holds the big control board with president Mrs. William Gea 52 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N. J. through Saturday, 11 a.m. ot 4 Petrillo, all of Lyndhurst. and rie is their teacher and Sr. Ma p.m. Closed legal holidays. 11 a.m. Mottling Worship used in operating the 2 1 year- ry presiding, and hostess Mrs. four grandchildren. ry Anastasia is principal. 939-0490 An explanation of “ Soul” is Guest Minister: The Rev. old span. Henry Nelson. given in the Lesson-Sermon on Gilbert G. Decker. Assistant "Soul and Body” to be read in Director of the New Jersey all Christian Science churches Council on Alcohol Problems. Dependable Service Since 1929 ; W aldo J. Ippolito P A R O W

S T E E V E R NAZARE Funeral Hom e Funeral Home SERVING'EVERY R E L IG I O N FUNERAL HOME Memorial Home Inc. 425 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N. J. JOSEPH M. NAZARE, Mgr. HENRY S. PAROW Successor To Collins Memorial DIR-Et TOR 253 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N. J. 403 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N. J. 185 Ridge R J. 438-4664 North Arlington 201 - 939-3000 • 438-7272 998-7555 V


Chocks were presented to Students Inducted Phi Omejfa Epsilon, as w a s Miss Muriel Merkt. principal, . . . i i . , Kenneth Wyka of East Ruther Dean’s List At F D U Announced W lh a h í»**«" in the amount of $112. repre Into FDU Honory Units • • \ senting profits from the Book Inducted into the University Also frotn East Rutherford Doan Byron C. Lambert of Honors: Da\fid Unsley ani and Jeanne Ko!»oe. Fair (to be used to purchase honorary societies. Phi Omega were Rosemary Keenan and the Rutherford campus has an­ Barbara Cafonc. Dean's: Donald Dato. Mich P .T .A . A/e*JS books for the scliool library) Epsilon’ and Phi Zota Kappa, Bruce Wyka named to Phi Ze nounced the names of< the day Dean’s: Joan Pellegrini ael Maguth. Frank Mottola and $200 to replace some of the on May 8 at the Ruthertoixi cam Kappa and from Carlstadt session students whose grades Honors: Juan Bautista and Mid Silvana N.oradka classroom record players. pus of Fairkigh Dickinson Uni Vork and Kathleen last semester earned th e m Nadine Kasloff. Honors: Linda Mantila Borgerson. past president, were vcrsity were 115 day and eve Gempp. places on the Honors and Dean's: Ronnie Schulman. Dean's: Andrew Leon. president, Mrs. Christine Kelsch Students front Mary S te w WILSON mng students w'ho had bccomc Dean's lists. The names of 280 ai»d Katherine Venitt.. Honors: Linda Rubai. Aones Holmes A M a n * secretary, Mrs. Lee Kozuch; art School of Highland Dane irg presented a program of ol'gible during the past year. students appear on these lists. Honors: Linda Franko Ruth I lonors ' Herbert Tannen Installation of officers will be first vijce president. Mrs. Betty Highland and country dances Phi Zeta Kappa is the honor so Beef And Beer Night The Honors List is made up Glass. Grisell Hernandez. Fro baum. held at 8:15 tonight. Atlthis Dontzau: second vice president. oiety for those who have at ('f ¡-tudents with an average for derick Kuhlwilm. Matthew Mi Dean's: Kenneth Davidow. Miss Joanne Roda: recording Knights of Columbus Queen meeting. Mrs. P. Guarino will tained high academic records the semester of over 85 per c’laelis, Anthony Scianio. and Ire Haselkorn. Robert Kavnc. treasurer. Mrs. Terry DeFazio: of Peace Council 3428 w i l l give the historian’s report. during three of the first four cent, and the Dean’s List is Sheldon Shafer. Sieve Simon and Michael Wein of'rresponding secretary. Mrs. hold a Beef and Boer Night on Sides will be shown of the child Smart Set W ill semesters in college: and Phi c< imposed of students whose Dean's: Raisa Atryzek. Har er. Rosalie Kirk: historian. Mrs. May 22 in the Columbian Club. ron’s yearly activities. Kinder Omega Epsilon is the honor riot Fruhman. Peter Kaye and Honoi*s Robert Jacobs. Paul Katz. Wash Automobiles North Arlington. Festivities will grades averaged from 82 to 83 garten mothers wrll be hostess society for upperclassmen who per cent. Kenneth Louis. Harig. Sharon Mares. Eleanor begin promptly at 8 p.m. es. The members of the executivi The Smart Set of Lyndhurst have achieved a high ‘scholastic Names appearing on the two Honor's: Natalino C a p u t:. Lubitz and llene Cha^e Lapados. High School and the Brass Club The menu will include a filet Mrs. A. McCrea and her committee presented a corsage average for six semesters of 1 ’ s follow: Jam es DoGroot. Elena Menen Dean’s: Frank Rohlfs. a service organization of niignon dinner and a variety ol committee deserve many and a savings bond to Mrs. Dor­ college work. Honors: Donna Devinney and dez and David Tideman. Honors: Joan Sorrentino and >oung men .will donate their liquid refreshments. G a m e s thanks for the Teachers Lunch othy Dublin who is retiring Michael Nalesnik. Dean’s: Kathryn Yurchak Tina Strassheim. services for a Car Wash on May Inducted into Phi Omega Ep and entertainment will be pro eon it w'as delicious held from the teaching profession. Dean’s: Theresa Matusiak. and James McNulty. Dean's: Karen Hartmann and 2‘!an. Honors: Theresa Caputo: Pa William Kenney. Glenn Rich Dean’s: Patricia Humphrey. t' icia Fetherman: Leslie Free ardson and Thomas McManus. Honors: Kathleen Sheridan. man and Christine Milazzo. Honors: Christopher Ter Charles Davis. Christine Miz Dean's: Rozadyn Bernstein: rence Bovd. John Cooke. Ar weki. Nancy Carey and David Anrhony Pam llo and Gail Rob lene David. Stephen DiPaolo. Hrinold. Starting Soon bins. James Kedersha. Joanne Ni Doan's: Linda Grillo Honors: Frank Fadil and rol. Joseph Rodhtz. Maryelk'n Hnnors Rogina Gonti’e Dave Kurtz. Rienzi and Maryann Wawak Doan’s: Michael Turoff Dean’s: Judith Mickens. Doan's: Diane Cartlid'Tc Doan’s J^'hn Coooor Honors: Paul Barbire. Antho Kathleen Di Lorenzo. Rnbeit Honors: Darvi Bates. Lor nv ncott-a: Ka rin Em merich: Goldstein. Timothy Hagertv. iv ¡no We'ls. Karen Graham. Kathleen Gempp and Arthur Jane Hildner. Barbara Kevser. Carl Bosckotti and Ralph Har ^ fM*k: Geraldine Laudati. Arthur per. Doan's: Karen Kaiser: Jan Schein and August Villano Dean’s: Mari jane Boyle and et Ix^hmann: Joseph Marcisak Honors: Jo Ellen Fe^ce Cathy Barr and Gerald Groe. Doan’s: Peter Witschen and Dean's: Roberto Aschenberg BANKING HOURS Honors: Pamela Gunn. Charles Zamorski. or Guy Reeser III Dean’s: William Cooper and Honors: Monica Izzo. Susan Honors: Isabelle Tjoa and Ellen Marie Schmidt. Voellmichke. James Karshina. Sami i*o Ja rail ah. For All Our Customers Honors: Mario Aloia; Roger O’of Jansson and Corinnc Pot D< !tz: William Hintenberger: reloy. I.nda Holman: Robert H uth : Dean’s. Louise Micca. John Bo'le Minsky: James Palitto Trailer. Joshua Braunstein and Anniversary I.aura Peck. Robert Poles. Di Charles Egan. Mr and Mrs. William E. No a no Pribit. Judith Rusin and Honors: Ellen Kos'or vo of Phoenix. Ariz.. fo rm June Ward. Dean’s: James Harrington o; longtime residents of 162 Doan's: I>ois Carovillano. Debra Kowal and Robert Maz FIRST NATIONAL BANE Pi rk avenue. East Rutherford, ur. Maryann Chitko. John Cornev. will observe their 59th wedding AND TRUST COMPANY OF KEARNY ! inda Marie Danko. Susan Da Honors: Susan BischotT. Pa anniversary Sunday ti Stenhen Fedor. Robert Ha tricia De Young. Edwrard Jones The couple, who was married nak. Robert Ludlum. Ronald and James Sieling. n St. Joseph's R C. Church. Ma.ika. Cliarles Rybnv. Josepn Dean's: Marion German. East Rutherford, has two daug'n I'undl and Stephen Dickstein. Dennis O’Shea. Rosemay Iiald As an additional service to our customers Urs, Mrs. A1 (Marie) Donovan Honors: Norma Shoemaker. assari. Mary Ann Andalora and of Pt'oenix. and Mrs. E. D. Dean's: Donald Walter. ^ Harold Rubinstein. (Doris) Rohrbaeh of Montclair. Hrno'-s. Lorraine Kasvan. Honor's: Luisa Caldorin. Lou two teller windows will remain open There are two grandchildren. AndrorHkos Cbaralambous. The is Laguardia. Barry Borquist Mrs. Novois the former E'sie resa Cologie. Eileen Schanel. ard Albert Mangan. Dufxiv of East Rutherford. Mr Bruce Wyka and Kenneth Wv Dean’s: Arthur Dutton and Novo was a former member of 3 EXTRA HOURS EVERY M ONDAY AND TUESDAY ka. Thomas Galvanek tin East Rutherford board of Dean's Dorofrhv Lubyck and Honors: Patricia Frattareli assessors. .It anne Raymond. at our Kearny office - corner M idland and Kearny Avenues Honors: 1 ois Ka l To^oi*s: Dalp Bedfn**d Jehn . VcDomoo'ili. James McK e a n. 1 Karen McLean and Joy Mor ( kir\A/ n A kll/IK IP ii I in C FOR RECEIVING DEPOSIT5 roll. Dean s: Maria Manna and IF YOU NEW BANKING HOURS a n d c a s h in g c h e c k s Jam es McCourt. Honors: Dennis Noonan. ' HAVEN’T Doan's: William Phelan. Mi MONDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. ciiael Sme^a and Frank Zielony. 1 Honors: Linda Rodgers. E Dean: Kathleen Coogan. TUESDAY: 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Honors: Robert Greene and Charles Ru^hbrook. 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Dean’s: Norman Martin. WEDNESDAY: Honors: Robert Kutscher. Ri RIVERSIDE FORD ( ’ard Mathieson. Suzann Mich THURSDAY: 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. na and Mario Mion^ KEARNY, N .J. Dean’s: Gloria Bubblo. Louis Taterico. Charles Warczakow FRIDAY 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. ski and Lydia Sknes. •u Honors: Nancv Friel Pappas. for Prices on D ^ n ’s: Gary Halkor. Honors: Stephen Kamas. Ca tell brand n ew rol Aoolegato Deborah Go»- II d n. Robert Kochan and Eddie « ?£§ Walton Jr. i STOP IN, AT A TIME OF YOUR CONVENIENCE! Doan’s: James Bocchino. Ge laid Giaoobbe. Gerard LaSalle ’70 F O R D S aixl Marvin McFarland. WEST HUDSON’S ONLY LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMMERCIAL BANK Honors: David Bermann and USED CARS John Lunde and PhvUis Trez. Dean's: Stephen KVk. Landa ^ you haven’t gotten Prady. Marv Anne Orlando. An­ nette Yedwab and Daniel Bi the lowest price! bol. FIRST NATIONAL BANE COME ON IN ! AND TRUST COMPANY OF KEARNY


Checks were presented to Students Inducted Phi fipstto". as w a s Miss Muriel Merkt. principal. , , . . . . . Kenneth Wyka of East Ruthei Dean’s List At F D U Announced w ‘h in the amount of $112. repre In t o r U U M o n o r y U n it s ford. sontinfl profits from the Book inducted into the University Also irom Easlt Rutherford Dean Byron C. Lambert of Honors: David Linsley an 1 and Joanne Ke’ioc Fair (to be used to purchase h()iM)rary «Societies. Phi Omega were Rosemary Keenan a n d the Rutherford campus has an­ Barbara Cafone. l>eai\’s: Donald Dato. Mich P. T.A. News books for the scliool library j. jr>psy()n arwi p^j Zota Kappa. Kruce Wyka named to Phi Ze nounced the names of thè day Dean's: Joan Pellegrini uel Maguth. P’rank Mottola and $200 to replacc some of the May 8 at lht.,cd cam ta KaW « and from Carlstad! session students w hose grades and Mid Silvana N.eradka. Honors: Juan Bautista c’assi-oom rccond players. pus (rfof FairleighKairleigh Dickinson Uni Vork ^ Kathleen last semester earned th e m Borgorson. past president, were Nadine Kasloff. Ho’>ors: Linda Mantila. vcrsitv were 115 day and eve Grmpp places on the Honors and president. Mrs. Christine Kelscli Students fi'om Mary S t e w Dean’s: Ronnie Schulman. Deans: Andrew Leon. WILSON mng students w'ho had bec<*mc Doan's lists. The names of 280 secretary, Mrs. Lee Kozuch; art School of Highland Dane and Katherine Venitt. H>nors: Linda Rubii Anne^ Holmes K Mari»» M.iH'»»''' ol gible during the past year. Honors: Linda Franko Ruth Honors: Hei*bert Tannen first vice president. Mrs. Betty ing presented a program of students appear on these lists. Installation of officers will be Phi Ze»ta Kappa is the honor so Dentzau: second vice president. Highland and country dances. Beef And Beer Night The Honors List is made up Glass. Grisell Hernandez. Frc ba um. held at 8:15 tonight. Atlthis cicty for those who have at Miss Joanne Roda: recording Knights of Columbus Queen of !-tudcnts with an average for deriek Kuhhvilm. Matthew Mi Deans: Kenneth Davidow. meeting. Mrs. P. Guarino w’U tained high academic records treasurer. Mrs. Terry DeFazio: of Peace Council 3428 w i l l the semester of over 85 per chaelrs. Anthony Scianio. and Ire Haselkorn. Robert Kavne. give the historian’s report. during three of the first four corresponding secretary. Mrs. hold a Beef and Beer Night on cent, and the Dean’s List is Sheldon Shafer, Steve Simon and Michael W’ein- Slides will be shown of the child Smart Set W ill semesters in college: and Phi Rosalie Kirk: historian. Mrs. May 22 in the Columbian Club. composed of students whose Dean’s: Raisa Atryzek. Har ren's yearly activities. Kinder­ Omega Epsilon is the honor Katz. Wash Automobiles North Arlington. Festivities will grades averaged from 82 to 85 net Fruhman. Peter Kaye and Honors: Robert Jacobs. Paul garten mothers will be hostess society for upperclassmen who begin promptly at 8 p.m. per cent. Kenneth Louis. Harig. Sharon Mares. Eloanor es. The members of the executive The Smart Set of Lyndhurst have achieved a high scholastic The menu will include a filet Names appearing on the two Honor's: Natali no C a p u t Lubitz and Hone Chaso La»>idos committee presented a corsage High School and the Brass Club average for six semesters of Mrs. A. McCrea and her mignon dinner and a variety of 1'i‘ s follow: James DeGroot. Elena Menen Dean’s: Frank Rohlfs. and a savings bond to Mi’s. Dor a service organization of col lege work. Honors: Joan Sorrentino and committee deserve many liquid refreshments. G a m e s Honors: Donna Devinoey and dez and David Tideman. othy Dublin wtio is retiring >oung men .will donate their thanks for the Teachers Lunch Inducte'd into Phi Omega Ep and entertainment will be pro • Michael Nalesnik. Dean’s: Kathryn Yurchak Tir.a Strassheim. from the teaching profession. services for a Car Wash on May Dean's: Karen Hartmann and eon it w'as delicious he’d si on were Ellen Doll and Rob vided. Doan's: Theresa Matusiak. ?nd James McNulty. Mrs. Dublin received a standing 2‘337. or wicz inducted in Phi Zeta Kap D:ana Nicastro and Barbara Honors: Herbert Irwin. Dean's: Rose Schor and Pa Annette Gaven bership chairman, thanked the $1.25. The proceeds will be do Past Grand Knights James E pa. fiegula. Dean’s: Thomas Archam t, icia Kenner. The last regular meeting was room representatives for the ex nated to the South Bergen Men Fertiero. 991 6599 or Glen J bault. Honors: Barbara Shaffer and eellent job they did throughout le a n ’s: John Fostik: L e o hold recently at the school. Of tal Health Center. In the event From Carlstadt: Paul Bar Conway. 991 5180. Tickets also Honors: Oi*aig Donaldson. Edward Thomas. S v’vester and Wiliam Young. ficers for the 1970 71 school the year and presented tfliem of rain the Car Wash will be biro, Karen Emmerich and may be obtained at the Colum Dean’s: Inette Verhaar. Sus Deans: Edw'ard Winslow. Honors: Anne Townley. year, installed by Mrs. Jean with class mother pins. held June 6th. Linda Mathe were inducted into b:an Club. Dean’s: George Sendakas. an Slutsky. Robert Cord rev. Honors: Bette Kaplan. Honors: Theresa Cajxito: Pa William Kenney. Glenn Rich Dean’s: Patricia Humphrey. t' icia Fetherman: Leslie Free ardson and Thomas McManus. Honors: Kathleen Sheridan. man and Christine Milazzo. Honors: Christopher Ter Charles Davis. Christine Miz Dean’s : RozaJyn Bernstein : rence Boyd. John Cooke. Ar w’cki. Nancy Carey and David Anrhony Parrillo and Gail Rob lone David. Stephen DiPaolo. Hcinold. Starting Soon b.ns. Jam es Kedersha. Jeanne Ni Doan's: Linda Grillo Honors: Frank Fadil and col. Joseph Redlitz. MaryePen Honors: Regina Genti'e Dave Kurtz. Rienzi and Maryann Wawak Dean's: Michael Turoff Dean's: Judith Mickens. Dean’s: Diane Cartlidie. Dean's J''hn Coooer Honors: Paul Barbire. Antho Kathleen Di Lorenzo. Robert Honors: Darvl Bates. Lor ny Gincotta: Karin Emmerich: Goldstein. Timothy Hagertv tv* mo WeMs. Karen Graham. Kathleen Gempp and Arthur Jane Hildner. Barbara Kevser. Carl Boscketti and Ralph Har ^ oi*k; Geraldine Laudati. Arthur pei*. Dean’s: Karen Kaiser: Jan Schein and August Villano Dean’s: Marijane Boyle and et Lehmann: Joseph Marcisak Honors: Jo Ellen FMiee. Cathy Barr. BANKING HOURS and Gerald Groe. Dean’s: Peter Witschen and Dean’s: Roberto Aschenberg Honors: Pamela Gunn. Charles Zamorski. er. Guy Reeser III IX*an‘s: Willdam Cooper and Honors: Monica Izzo. Susan Honors: Isabelle Tjoa and Ellen Marie Schmidt. Voellmichke. James Karstvna. Samiro Jarallah. For All Our Customers Honors: Mario Aloia; Roger Olof Jansson and Corinne Pot Di'tz: William Hintenberger: reley. Linda Holman: Robert H uth; Dean’s: Ixniise Micca. John B e’le Minsky: James Palitto Traiger. Joshua Braunstoiii and Anniversary I.aura Peck. Robert Poles. Di Charles Egan. Mr and Mrs. William E. No ano Pribit Judith Rusin and Honors: EPon Kosior. vo of Phoenix. Ariz.. fo rm • June Wai'd. Dean’s: James Harrington. e; longtime residents of 162 Debra Kowal and Robert Maz FIRST NATIONAL BANK Doan’s: I^ois Carovillano. P- b- ’t Fee and Richard McGree vy ! Honors: Da Ip Bodfn**d John lvTcDonf*i't'h. James McK e a n. \ K ;• ron McLean and Joy Mor i i r \ i / n A K l l / l k l / ^ i I s~ \ | i n r FOR RECEIVING DEPOSITS rell. * IF YOU NEW BANKING HOURS a n d c a s h in g c h e c k s Deans: Maria Marina and James McCourt. Honors: Dennis Noonan. HAVEN’T Dean's: William Phelan. Mi- MONDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M ciiael Sme'a and Frank Zielony.! Honoi's: Linda Rodgers. Dean. Kathleen Coogan. TUESDAY: 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Honors: Robert Greene and Charles Ru^hbrook. WEDNESDAY: 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Dean’s: Norman Wartm. Honors. Robert Kutseller. Ri RIVERSIDE FORD 9 A.M. to T P.M. t ’'ard Mathiesen. Suzann Mich , THURSDAY: na and Marie Mion. KEARNY, N .J. Dean’s: Gloria Bubblo. Louis Talarico. Charles Warczak(xw FRIDAY 8 A.M. to 6 P.M ski and Lydia Skues. Hf»nors: Nancy Friel Pappas. for Prices on Dean’s: Gary Halker. ë J'?-', Honors: Stephen Kainas. Ca Z & K 'i b ran d n ew rol Aoolegate. Deborah Go»- i1 n. Robert Kochan and Eddie Walton Jr. STOP IN, AT A TIME OF YOUR CONVENIENCE! Doan’s: James Bocchino. Ge laid Giacobbe. Gerard LaSalle ’ 70 F O R D S i.nd Marvin McFarland. W EST HUDSON’S ONLY LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMMERCIAL BANK Honors: David Bermann and used cars John Lunde and Phvllis Trez. Dean’s: Stephen K ’os. Linda you haven’t gölten Prady. Man- Anne Orlando. An nette Yedwab and Daniel Bi the lowest price! bol. FIRST NATIONAL BANK COME ON IN ! AND TRUST COMPANY OF KEARNY


NOTICE stoners of the T o w n sh ip of Lynd - Take notice that application has hurct, New Jersey, for a P len ary Lyndhurst Soars AUTOMOTIVE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WNTD MALE ta"en ~i#de to the Board of C o m ­ Retail Consumption License for m issio ner* of the T o w n sh ip of premises situated at 413 Ridge Into First Place SOLVE your No. 2 car problem n u HEU»’ WANTED MALE Lyndhurst, New Jersey to transfer Rood, Lyndhurst. New Jersey. to T and E Liquors, !nc trading ODJeciions. if any should be with this 1965 stick shift LeMans TEMPORARY WORK BOY to clean restaurant. Call as Shop.Rite Liquors, for premises made im m ediately in w ritin g to Lyndhurst got itself to the t.>j> located a- 4J‘i Valley Brook Ave­ Fred O. Taub. Municipal Clerk, of A 1 cond., new rubber. S660. 438 935 1125. 5 21 nue. Lynd'Uirst, N. J License No. Lyndhurst, New Jorsey. of the Passaic Valley Confer D-5 here-.ofore issued to Stanley's Edward W Delaney e-ice Monday by shutting out ««• _»il! WORK LOCALLY DRIVERS ARE NEEDED — Liq u o r & Delicatessen, Inc. for W 's o n A v e . Lyndhu'-st. N. J. Kastside of Paterson 3 to 0. Train now to drive semi-truck the oromiflss locateo at Fudge 1960 BUICK LeSabre, R&H, all C L E R K S R o a *. L y n tl. ur*.t, je rs e y . D ated: May 21, 28. 1970 through facilities of class-on« The Leader «rill publish Rummage Sale item* 2 weeks OF " i C E R S F e e s : $9 47 The victory gave Lyndhurst >\ power, 4 dr. hardtop, $250. Call Lawrence R. Inserra, Pres. ^1 991 1839 3-12TF T Y P IS T S carriers; local or over the road, without charge. If you do not sell, you owe nothing. II Union Ave., Upper 'Saddle River, NOTICE 9 2 record and left only Garfiehi For application and personal in- you »ell, you owe u* J1.50. All item* must be written by N. J. Take notice that Valley Brook BOOKKEEPERS Edward M Schotz, Sec.. Treas , Liquors. Inc. trading as Valley on May 29 to be played for the 1963 RAMBLER 660 Classic, std terview, call 315-458-2769, or you and received in our offices by Monday noon week of 57 Wellesley Rd., Glen Rock. N. J. Brook Liquors. Inc. has applied tc whale season. shift, $300 . 939 7905. 5 21TF COMPTOMETER Li' i . rtS the Board of Commissioners of the write United Systems, Inc., Safe publication. L im it 2 items, 20 words, value under $100. Lawrence R. Inserra, 21 Union T ow n s o of I ynrhurst. New Jer­ ty Dept., c-o Interstate Termin- Price asked must appear in ad. No automotive, boat or Ave., Upper Saddle River. N J sey, for Retail Distribution Lic­ Lyndhurst had been tied with 1961 CHEVY, $75. 991 5549. 5 21 O P E R S •Marne .til stock nolders holding ense for premises situated at 485 al Bldg., 15 Dippold St., Syra- P«*»- Please give name and address with releases, one or more per centum of stoc^ Valley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst, East Paterson and Garfield 1966 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, BKKPNG MACH. o* corporation. New Jersey. cuse. New York, 13211 5-21 5 H p riding ,lwn ¡„ 2 MAPLE end tables and cof­ Lawrence R. Inserra, 21 Union OFFICERS The victory was won by Joe power brakes, steerng, windws, Ave., Upper Saddle River. N. J. Anthony Scardino, Jr., Pres.. 649 O P E R S exc. cond. Best offer. 991-1689. fee table, $50. 991-2035. 5-21 N* w Jersey Ave.. Lyndhurst. N.J. Intindola. the all around ace of antenna; beige w-red upholste­ FOR SALE P la n s of the building to be con. Anthony Scardino, Sr.. V. Pres.. STENOGRAPHERS 5-21 structed may be examined at the b21 N*w Jersey Ave..Lyndhurst. the team. He let Eastside down ry. Tilted wheel, tinted glass, ACCORDIAN, Feel-key, $40; li office of the Municipal Clerk of New Jerse y A N D VACUUM cleaner repairs; $2.95 the Township of Lyndhurst. without a hit and faced 22 bat air cond., w-w tires, plus snows OFFICE chairs, $5-7. Decora­ ving rm. chair, foam cushion. Mary Scardino. Secy.. 621 New OTHERS plus parts. All makes and mod­ Objections, if any should be Jersey Ave.. Lyndhurst. trrs in his seven-inning stint on rims. Exc. cond. $1595. 991- tive bottles frames, knick- summer cover. Other. $25. 991 made immediately in writing to DIRECTORS els regardless of age or condi- Fred O. Taub. Municipal Clerk, of Anthony Scardino, Jr.. Pres.. 649 7075. 5 21 tlon. Free estimate. Pick up and kn,ck‘- 43*~911>- S'21 4147- 5-28 Lyndhurst. New Jersey New Jersey Ave.. Lyndhurst, N.J. N O F E E T and E Liquors, Inc. Anth ny Scardino. Sr.. V. Pres. Garfield Edges 1959 CADILLAC, white. Call af delivery. W. Essex Vacuum. 991 2 BLONDE end tables with 3 WOOD cornices with elegant Lawr»nn R. Inserra, Pres. 6 1 New Jersey Ave..Lyndhurst, 21 U n ‘nn A ve., Ncv»» je rs e y W ild c a t N ine ter 4 p.m. 438 2336 . 5 21 IM M E D IA T E 1413. 3-20TF |ampi and cocktail tables. Per sold 4 white leaf pattern. May D, ted:utf,'; ?„*d2d," N J Mary Scardino, 621 New Jer sey Avenue. Lyndhurst. OPENINGS FOR w 7 T Z IT f*ct cond- Asking $75. 933 1383. he cut to size, complete with f e e s -. *14.40 Name of all Stockholders holding Garfield's powerful baseball AUTOS* WANTED S T U D E N T S POOVER Vacuum eleaner re­ one or more per centum cf the 5 21 rods and brackets, 1V8**, 8,6*1» of Lyndhurst. New Jersey, for a to I of s a id ccporation. ti-am edged Hast Rutherford -. pairs - $2.»5 plus part*. Free e s - ______te n m i ia c 7 tar A n m Plenary Retail Consumption license S E E K IN G T 7 I - W / auer e p.m. fQr premige8 8it Uated ¿ t 10 Pohto Anthony crardino Jr., 649 New VI TOS WANTED timates, pickup and delivery. SURFER'S WET SUIT, 2 pc Jersey Avenue. Lyndhurst. N. J. Wildcats Monday 5 to 4 S U M M E R 5-28 Avenue, Lyndhurst, New Jersey. <\«*hony Scardino Sr 621 New Spot Cash For Your Car or One year guarantee. 18 yr*. ex- nyoprem, med. large., exc. con ______Ot- r IC E R S J e r s e y Av*inue, Lyndhurst. Garfield put over four runs in ASSIGNMENTS . A licia R. Jen sen . P re s.. 20 Cor- Ma-y Scardino 621 New Jersey Truck, A ny Year, .Make 01 perlence repairing Hoover*, dition. Very reas. Call 939-1792 SET of golf clubs, $25; DIKe, ne]( wav. UDper Montcl^'r. N j Avenue. Lyndhurst. New Jersey. the seventh inning after Hast Trained at Hoover Co. We also after 5 p.m. 5-14 54.991-7170. 5 21 Edward Shaw, Treas.. 26 Bogert Anthony Scardino. J r Model P I.. C lifto n. N 1 Rutherford, which had led all buy used Hoover Vacuum clean- P res. KKLLI’IKK MOTORS JONES GIRLS d i u i / c ■ - ■ . Walter J. Tkacz, Secy . 366 D u., 649 New Je rse y Avenue the way. had added two runs in ers. W. Essex Vacuum, 375 For TEN sPeed Schwinn varsity “ INKS model under coat spray ham Place, Glen Rrck N J ! j -id n r s t N J 232 Belleville Pike Objections. tf any should be the seventh to take a four to Cor. Belleville Pike and »st 5t Kearny 991-1413- 2-20TF bxycle, good cond. $40. 991-6179 gun. Perfect. With pump and n'5 J.C'Ub R," d’ Kearny, New Jersey 991-9080 made immediately in writinq to ore lead. River Rd., North Arlington after 6 p.m. 5-14 «nil com. $27.50; elect, heater, Edwara '¿IH| u7a° ^ ChlB Ra F.-ed O Taub Municipal Clerk, of 998-4368 ______WRINGER type washing ma _ —------3 way heat, $10. 939-7124 after upoer M^nt-i-Mr., n i Dated M^v 21. 28. 1970 Hadravi seemed to h ue the RECEPTIONIST—TYPIST chine. Easy. Very good cond., WORN only once, like new, 2 5 p m 5 28 Edward Shaw, 26 Bogert PI.. F e è s: $25.76 C lifto n N J Kamo well under control $15. Call 998 0475. 4 9TF cocktail dresses size 5, $2.00 ea. ------Aiici.i R jen-en. 20 Corn.n w . rtl'HINKSN OPPORTUNITY Upper Montclair. N when pouf! The bottom dropped Bright young lady to welcome 939TJT-/ 7486.. 5-14 CHRYSLER air cond, 6400 W a lte BTU r J T k * e * . 366 D u n h a equipment, _ 10 0 TOWNSuIP OF LYNDHURST out. visitors to our Belleville office, BEAUTY parlor $9i Call 4?8 2482 after 4 p.m. Place. Gien Rock, n j 5-7TF GO CART, $60 991 7015 5 28 5 28 N a me nf all tock I ers hnldinq PUBLIC NOTICE SCHOOLS typing and some office exp. de­ 933 0358. >ne or more per centum o f the •tock of la id ^ o o r a t i o n TRAIN for a good position sirable, exc. working cond. & b o a r d o f commissioners Marv's B^ats VACUUM CLEANER paper F dwa r4 A Bur" 15 Club Rd R E : Application of Ernest Cos aa a secretary, typist, cJerl full benefits. Call Mr. Bell, 751- J p - - - ‘ 'e . N J bags $2.00 a dozen to fill all n o t i c e «»H4-ar .in d C e n e v i e v e G r a n i t a 31 Edward Shaw. 26 Bogert P I., ta, Jr., 513 New York Avenue, Riposta & OP cal worKer or comptometer . . . , __ , a. T a k e notice th a t M aschio Bros., i Aw.. I’att-rson, N. J. 2600. 5-21 kinds of cleaners Free delivery ,nc trading as Machio Bros , inc. C lifto n , N. J. operator at low cost In the .Ic«ieph K lr n n . Xtfl A z t e r Y r .u l, aiict- H Ji-n'en. TO Cornell Wav Lo*t 26 in B!ock 35, on the Lynd- St. Marv's of Ru*'icrf')rd Hid Kirby and Hoover belt. Hoses ¡-•„•PP1-« J? ‘f t. B°T^ n°’hlpC°'”, Kmnkfln T.akes Jpper Montclair, N. J. shortest possible time at WOMAN for small office, ans. K e w r l y i it oti. SH I A z t e c Trail, Walter J. Tk cr ’66 D unham hurst Assessent Map wluit it likos to do best boat. Rutherford Secretarial and attachments mechanical Lyndhurst. New Jersey. f hr.iiiklin l.akcs >1--» Olen Rock. N. J phone, lite typg, some bkkpg, Plenary Retail Consumption !»!••* »:• -tii'ii». o.s H ave rh ill lid.. Recommendation by the School, parts for all cleaners Phone Objections, if any. should he Queen of Pence Monday in payroll. 9-3. Mon-Fri. 933-8340. cense tor premises situated at 123 Piitervon, N J. nade im m ediately in w rit no to Board of Adjustment of the R dge Road. Lyndhurst, New Jei ,i. im i » • w. fì-'ta S q u a w H r o o k vvlv'moipu the North Arlington I Franklin Pl., Rutherford j .jj p your order from 9 am to 9 pm :red O. Taub. Municipal Clerk o< Township of Lyndhurst to the sey l.«l \ 11 l»»d* ii. .yndhurst. New Jersey 3 to 1. Phone 939 7147 daily West Essex Vacuum 991 O F F I C E R S • M :H«n Hchanmch, 45 Church St., LVNBROOK INN'S. INC I’.iieron. N.I. Board of Commisvoners of the 2 29 TF I BKKPR-SECY. Pleasant 2-girl ^ 13 or 9 9 7 15 2 5 2-5TF Ercole Maschio. l“f Orurt Way, WA' TFR I TKACZ. Secy w.iy, Rutherfora. N. J. M a detain** «¡rande. 71 W est St., 36ft Dunham Place, Township of Lyndhurst, that a Tony R ;oo«ta jvtehrd well f »r I .. . i • 'ity. N. J. r 'l.n Ro'-k. •“ J. air cond. office in Kearny. E x - ______FtoHndo Mischio. Treas.. 28o v-iriance be aran’ed to Ernest Queen of Peace. But Jim Sohak. ecutive skills reqd. Good sala- KIRBY Vacuum cleaner repairs Warren St.. Lyndhurst. N. J. < , i ii a n y . s h o u ld he D ste d : M ay 21. 28. 1970 Joseph Mischio. Secy.. 23 Clark i ii .-1 d immediately in writing to F e e s : $25.76 Costa, Jr. to erect a foot x the St. Mary s ace. had it on Bt SINF.SS OPPORTUNITY • r « d <» T m i i I i . M u n i '- i p a l C le r k 12 12 ry & all benefits including pro- $2.95 plus parts. Free estimates, St.., n j Insurance Agency Wanted cf I.vndluirnt New .lerney, foot addit:on to the Sou‘h Side Irm. He he’d Queen of Peace to fit sharing, pension, Blue pickup & delivery. One yr. gua Ercoie Maschio 116 Orientway. Be\ erly l in.n. Seey NOTICE Office or home all informa, K u th e ifo rd . N. J. M il A 7.te r T r a i l T a l .- i I i i h * i Warren H..|. k. of the first floor of an existing i mcas’v two hits The- ove Cross, etc. Call Jem Machinery rantee. 18 yrs. exp. repairing Fio rin d o M aschio, 285 W a rren Franklin !.ake.*. N. J. ii y dim; -, 11 Ta'-er.. haw applie-l two-fam?lv dwelling, for the penerous Riposta allowed all of tion confidential and quick St.. Lyndhurst. N. J. r>at«*il: M h v 21, 2S. l!»7rt urd <»f ('«*mmissinners of Co. 998 8686. 5-14 Kirbys. We also buy used Kir -Ii,. mi I .niiliiirsl » w retiti It s. Box S Com m ercial Joesph Machio *3 Clark St., F K K s : purpose of adding a bedroom, three. — r . by Vacuum cleaners. W. Essex R u t erford . N. J. iMr**» r ¡i I M e n tir> K - l • il « ’• .n- Slltlljll i I i, ciisr fur 1'i‘erti Non co-forminq use, exterior l>«»jMl«*r ‘îôl R idge Rd. Lynd. WOMEN to work part time,2 -3 Vacuum 3„ Fores, s , Kearny Name all stockholders holding NOT'CE one or m ore per cen tum of tlie ,i S u p - - in a ili A v e .. h u rst. TAKE NOTICE that The Mason­ New .l**rse>. changes, in an " A " Zone, in vi- J u n |o r S m a r t S e t eves, making $50-60 wkly. Free ^ ^ ^ yp stock of said corpration. ic Club of Lynd h ut st Inc.. 3i6 wardrobe for those who qual f y . ___ fcrcole Maschio. 116 Orientway. Riverside Ave.. Lyndhurst, N. J. o ation of the Lyndhurst Z o n- R u th e .fo rd . N. J. na^ appl ed to the B iard of Co m ­ inq Ordinance, as amended: ap­ G e t Am vets $ 100 F L O W E R SH O P, Hudson Cty. Car nec. Call for interview, 939- SWIM POOL, 24 x 24 x 41/a ft. F io rin d o M aschio. ?85 W arren m issio n ers of t e T o w n sh ip of St.. Lyndhurst. N. J. L^noi.urst, New Jer-'ey. for a Club proved by *he Bo^rd of Com- Exc loc. Good going busines. 5E13, 939 9526 or 333-0844. 5-14 deep. Best offer. 935 3245. 5-21 J o *.p h M aschio, 23 C la rk St., Siicrori Heart Church Sclvml's License for prem ses situated at of the Township of R u th erfo rd , N. J. 316 rtivers»ide A v e., L y n d n u rg ., New Jnnior Smart Set Iihs embarked Reas. rent. Write Commercial Objections, if any. should h’e Je rse y . POOLE Spinet Piano, mahog. T»it««(I: M ay 21. 2H. 1970 Lyndhurst. Leader, Box 9, Ridge Rd., made immediately in writing to I^E^S AND TRUSTEES e l ? Beard of Commission* location, busy shop. Reasonable. « » s o e in n D ated M »v 21, 28, 1970 Mountain Way, nut.,erfoi u, May 12, 1970 nr»n*inq sa:d v , r - •-•‘i-ir c'ub in t> sel-pntI) and N. J. Call now for interview. 4’/f x 9 ft. Slate top. Reas. $300. Fee«: »24.15 Raymond I leek. Trustee, 230 erj of the Township of Lyndhurst Call 998 4871 days, 667-9107 after Call Joe at 933 4409. 5 21 ------Grank Ave.. Rutherford. N. J. New Jersey, for a Plenary Reta i ionr« is available for inspection ih rtr'iifU’s. i emu’a^ns -the Floyd Howard. Trustee. p6 M el­ Consum otif'n L —e”* “ «or nrem i 6 p.m. 5-21 434..) 100 E xt- 301 NOTICE situ ated at 131-137 S tu y v e s a n ’ at the office of the Clerk, Town sc kxj Take Notice that Barnnoer W al­ rose Ave., N. Arlington, N. J. h.p'h I I Smai- Set which is j i.n uicur.i, Tru»*.ec,52-4th St.. Ave. Lv«d;'urst. New Jer e • ¡o of Lyndhurst, Municipal C om m ercial T ru st Co. LOST & FOUND ker Lopinto Post 139 The American Objections, if any should be t ¡pitting the use of narcotics. FOR RENT Legion has . pplied to the Boa<>. North Arlington, N. J. Donald Burden, Trustee. 11 m ade im m ediately in w ritin g to Building, Lyndhurst, New Jer­ of Commissioners of the Township Fred O. Taub, Municipal Clerk, of LOST, BLACK CAT, May of Lyndhurst. New Jersey, for a Kno'lwood Terrace, Clifton, N. J. With the SlflO the Junior G A R A G E , Lyndhurst. 1 car. 480 Charles Baxter, Trustee, 14 Lyndhurst. New Jersey sey. Club License for premises situated Ruth M Reid «mart Set hopes to stage a Roosevelt Ave. $10 per mo. 939- HELP WANTED MALE 2, vie. Park Ridge Apts., No. at 217 W e b ster A v e., Ly n d h u rst. Canterbury Ct., CI;fton, N. J. Herbert W. Perrv, Objections, if any. should be 40 Stuyvesant Ave., Arlington. Wore blue collar with N ew J e r.e y Lv n d h u rst N. J Deputy Township Clerk ¡¡tronfi educational campaign. 3414. 5-21 """'ER S AND TRUSTEES made immediately in writing to Fred O. Taub. Municipal Clerk, of D ated : M ay 21 28, 1970 MAN for delivery. Part time. 1 bell. Half whiskers singed. 991 Dominick Valentino, Cmdr., 352 F e e s : $9.65 Dated: M ay 21, 1970 SEASIDE HGTS. Bungalow — Third St., Lyndhurst. N. J. Lyndhurst, New Jersey. A reception for mothers and 939-1275. 5-14 7047. Reward. 5-14 George Muhleisen, Finance Offi­ Masonic Club of l.ynahurst Inc. Fees: Raymond Fleck. Pre*. NOTICE fathers of students w^ll be held sleeps 6, 3 blocks from beach. cer, 28 Arthur Court, RutherfoM. Take notice that Edward W . N. J. Stuart B. O’Reilly, 'Secy. Delaney trading as Delaney's has Avail. Aug. 22, Sept. 5. Also DRIVERS ARE NEEDED — LOST: Boy's 2-wheel bike, grn. 316 R iversid e A ve. at Uie church center on Valiev M. C. Murray, Adjutant, 61® applied to the Board of Com m is- bungalow for Aug. 29, Sept. 5. Train now to drive semi-truck with white banana seat. Like Chase Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J. Lyndhurst. N. J. D ated : M ay 21, 28, 1970 Brook Avenue. $125 per wk. Fam. only. 485- through facilities of class-one new. Reward. 991-7835 . 5-14 Ralph Lecuque S r.. u r m c h a ir ­ DRIVE CAREFULLY man. 441 Elm St., Lyndhurst, N.J F e e s : $22.54 H.W. MALE & FEMALE 3954 5 .2 1 carriers; local or over t h e ------— ------—- Objections, if any, should be m id e im m ed iately in w rit.n g to NOTICE MALE ------— ------road. For application and per- PETS Fred O Taub, Municipal Clerk, of Take notice that Ralph Philip LYND: Furn. apt 2 and #ona| lnterview c .l. 31M58-2769 HOME w .n t«f for « «no Lyndhurst. N. J. De Nisco Sr. trading as Rays’ Barringer Walker Loointo Place, has apofied to *he bath. Exc. loc. $135 monthly. or wrlte United Systems, Inc., P o st 139 LYNDHURST: , . . man Shepherd, AKC, 939-2515 af Board of Commissioners of tue 438 4368. 5-21 s afety Dept., c-o Interstate Ter- The American Legion Town'h’p of Lyndhurst, New Jer­ Two familv, almost new. Three bedrooms, colored ter 6 p.m. 5-21TF Dominick Valentino, Cmdr. sey. fo r a P le n r r y Retail Con­ M. C. Murray, Adjutant tile bath, modern science kitchen on each floor. Front 4 rm. apt. newly dec. min»' Bid«., 15 Dippold Street, sum ption L u ense for p rem ises s it ­ LYND: 217 W e b ster A ve. uated at 292 Chase Ave. Lyndhurst, and rear staircase to second floor. One floor rented Syracuse, New York, 13211. LIVELY, healthy, lovable kit Lvndhurst. N WRIGHT BROTHERS' Immed. occ. Business couple. New Jersey. NOFIRST PLANE FEE5-22-06 for $2700 per year. Ask to see this stellar home today. 5-14 lens, 7 wks. old, 2 blk, 3 striped 21 • 281 1970 Objections, if any. should be CARPENTERS S200. 438 5156 after 6 p.m. 5-21 made immediately in writing to 3-ORBIT FLIGHT 5-2 1-62 Free to good home & tender, lo­ Fied O. Taub. Municipal Clerk YOt R FLIGHT NOTICE of L y n d h u rst. New Je r-e y . T O S U C C E S S 5-21-70 La rg e facto ry buildin-g located in center of town. 4 MOD RM . in new 2-fam. house ving care 991 2404 5-21 Rilph Philip De Nisco. Sr. H A N D Y M A N Take nr t ice tlmt Lyndhurst bus. couple pref. 998 1963 after Keeretttion «'enter. Ine.. trading as 290 C h ase Ave. Concrete Knowl-Accountant 21.000 Used at present as lingerie manufacturing. Second floor sa-me lias applied to the Hoard ot PERSONALS Lyndhurst, N. J. Machinr Designer 12.ODO has two beautiful apartments. One three and one four 6 p.m. Avail June 1. 5-21 Building ('leaning and i’on.mission» is of the Tranship <>f D ate d : M ay 21, 28, 1970 Public Accountant 12.000 Maintenance and general Lyndhurst, New Jersey, for a F e e s : $9.47 P ro g ra m m t r-t. o m p u le r D isc 11.01)0 rooms. Two car garage in rear with a room over it. MRS. DUNN, gifted reader and Plenary Retail «'onsumption license Paint Sale« co c- r + 10.300 AFr'wANTicT work at trucking termin­ tor premises situated at 2‘22 StU>- NOTICE Off»et I’rr*» Supervisor 9.000 Owner wants to deal. Ask about this prize today. adviser. Advice on all problems vesant Avenue, I,\mlhui>l, .\eu Take notice that Lynbrook Inns 8.500 J e r s e y . Mat’l Handler-Lynd w-ot al. 10 am . 7 pm. Driv­ Inc trading as Holiday Inn o* Maintenance Electrician X.400 of life. Card and Palm readings. O l V K ' E R S N EED 4 or 5 room apt. 3 adults, Lyndhurst has applied to the Board Sales Trnee (own car) A K «.000 BELLEVILLE: er» license necessary, full • >-;.nk'in I • - 6.500 B U S IN E S S couple needs 4 rm. Established 6 years. 12-4TF Robert (Iranito, Vice President, MALE - FEMALE A»»t F’oreman ment, extra enclosed jalousie patio room. Owners must plans. Call Mr. Beck 5S liuvertiil! lid.. Paterson, N. I Tax Control Clerk «.500 apt. near New York trans. in MALE Shipping ( lerk 6.100 sell, ask to see it now. 1H1SKCTORS :..hoo 751-2600 M ü ny D*«triKu*lon Clerk Lyndhurst— No. Arlington area. Jeeeph Kieon. 861 Aztec Trail. 5.000 SERVICES Knnklin Lakes NO PEE Dish Washer Donald O'Connor, 746-6662. Robert (iianito. r.s Haverhill Rd.. Sale« M*r, Filters Gen Clerical Trnee I.HOO Cost Accountant OTHER POSITIONS W P a t e r s o n , N..T. 6 000 5-14TF DO YOU need a new lawn or Name of Stoekliolders holding Sale« Mur. Capital Equip, Bank Teller one or more per eeritmn of the Sales. Adhesives Multilith Oper. 6.000 A g e n c y 5.200 The Savino lawn repaired? Yards, cellars, stiK-k ot f-aid i - orpora tion. Sales Mgr. elec. fixture« 20.(»U0 Driver or Serviceman Trnee WNATED~TO~RENT * PARTS MANAGER ------M*r. »f Acrountinr 13.0110 Summer-Groundskeeper 5.200 attics also cleaned. 998-2685. Tax Arcountant 12..r>00 CONSTRUCTION FEMALE £51 R I D G E ROAD. I.YNOHURST, N. J MIDDLE AGED couple urgent­ 5-28 SITUATION WANTED c.i.tnJl.r/Ei^.iiv. is.tte EQUIPMENT ______Nales r.n*ineer REALORS — INSURORS ly needs 4 rms. by June 1 in Credit Micr. 15.000 MOTHER willing to babysit for HIGH scbool girl will babysit T im e study M a n i:.o South Bergen area. Reas. rent. Large, well-known heavy 438-3120— -A! 21 working mother in my home, evwitnr» or weekends. Expo- Purchasing*Art*,h 150 Call 642 4784. 5-28 const ruction equipment 12.000 rental-sales-service Com­ Prefer pre schoolers. 997-0240. rienced. Eighty cents an 13,50# HELP WANTED FEMALE pany seeks experienced 5-14 hour, (all W l-lim. » 7 TF i HfeH 13.000 5-21-70 — INTERNATIONAL ______r * mm. m. -m m ~ -m m — m j. 0< Mir, elect ronicn 12.000 NO FEE PICKLE WEEK man to handle its entire 100 WOMEN — GIRLS. SUMMER LANDSCAPING SERVICE NURSERY SCHOOL " Sliiif PETER PIPER PICKED A PECK OF parts operation. Excep­ 1 3 .5 M P I C K L E S jobs. E a rn extra money work­ Merlon Blue Grass Sod 100 per M int. Foreman 11.000 RONALD PIPER HELPS tional benefits including HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY m m i , 9.000 TO PICK A POSITION ing full time, part time or week­ cent. Expert installation at com lt .... l-ield service. Bus Mach 123 Florida Home profit sharing and pen. accepting children ages 1 to 5 < hemi*tn, many O pen- Secy-NO Kteno 1.0 ends, as chamber maids for mo­ petitive prices. All work guar­ 130 sion plans. «Send qualifi­ years. Open all year. Registered ii",'1."*"“'*,‘ m "'dw.„hnu,. Open Secy-Labor RH Dept dern motel. No exp. nec. Apply anteed. 438 1539 . 5-21TF Personnel Secy((WOW!) cations and salary re­ and licensed. Day or weekly sh*pp*r 100 Factory .'ii PBX-A11 Benefits Housekeeping Dept., Holiday ...... Machinist 4.00-f Clerk* HO-100 Tvpist-.»« »pm min 111 1 For Sale quirements to A. J. Scott i ate?. Catering to the working Radial Drill 2.69 weider 2 91 Flex-O-Writer/Teletype Trnee in Inn, Rts. 3 & 17, Lyndhurst. LIGHT HAULING T \ Control Clerk no Box 25 Belleville. N. J. motner. Call GE.8^5156. ^ Ny fem ale no 62 15«. 8tatts*L'«l Typist (New Bldit) i il­ A Luxury New Home (9 months old) that had 0710« Will AI»o Clean Attics. '-.".Z ------* SECY. KNY. CARLSTADT 120. PerHonnel Secy (Potential! WANTED TO BUY s e c y , n w k 14®. Phone Service-Excel Benefit» B A B Y S IT T E R needed 2 days a Cellar«, & flarafre*. ______Steno Typist (Convenient! excellent care with 2 large bedrooms, living ------. PAYROLL CLK * ASST ion wk. Exp'd woman prefd. Call BKPR KNY (will train) 2..'»0 hr. File Clerk «Benefit» Galore!) F.M.G. BR IN O IT Df AS8T RKPH CARLSTADT 10«. F ile C le rk <9-4:301 100 & dining rooms all electric kitchen with loads 9?1 8760 days, 998 9465 eves. Papers, $.60 per hundred, rags, ar i lk kny 115. K e y p u n c h fB e a u t;ful Co) MACHINE Call 933-6634 . . . . m \ CODING CLK KNY 90. PenMmnel Seey-N’ew i cf formica cabinets, dish washer, 2 speed 5-21 âhunlnurn, brass, copper, lead* FIGURE (IK NWK 90. M^rteaKe Proces»init Clerk MECHANICS batterle», and In t. FILE CLKS KNY 90. InTentorv-Pricin* (walk to wo hood, glass doors to open patio, wall to wall SORTER & PACKER, for but­ FILE < • K m e s s e n (; e r K N Y M3. A «**( B k n r- W a lk to w ork CI F MOLDING MACHINES KEARNY SCRAP MET AI. (IK/TYPIST NWK 90. C le rlc a l-N o T y p in g ton factory near Clay St. Bridge ALL SI If ITS GEN. OFFICE KNY #3. G n Factory-Kearny celery carpet, new draperies, tile roof and *78 Ächayler Ave., Kearny, N. J CLK TYP ST CARUSTADT 95. M & Tue- ONLY P-T It-I or Newark. Perm , position. 8 a.m. WILL TRAIN MEN WITH ORDER TYPLKT KNY 95. O T H E R P O S I T I O N S under ground water sprinkler, deep well O D O JO B S BILLING CLKS KNY 90. B a n k T e lle r In 4:40 p.m. W ill train. Call 482 (,(Kin MECHANICAL Steno Secy-Good Benefits several fruit trees. For qick sale $22,000. 3220. 5-21 tTTKNTHlN »'F P«V TOP Clerk T.vpl»t-Rut her ford bu:k(;round SuHpended ceilings — panel­ Clerk Typlnt (.(i'»l) STARTING SALARY prices for papers per hun­ Tran^i» Mschine Trnee Full Garage. W O M AN or girl to do lite house ing — painting — elean-up Clerk Typist-B-T Bridge PAID VACATION AND dred In handle*. Kraus Le*Ul«» RONALD PIPER > 11555 - 63rd Ave. N it PM. 997-3459. Imtterl»*n und |nnk rara 4 Res Open Monda? Fvenlnfs Tin 1 Im p Aacy: Open Pri Till 7 pv TYPIST, woman accurate, full K iiiftnhin.l & S rliinli-r Ave.. Siminole, Florida ciotti, M Clinton Street, Belle 232 B E L L E V I L L E P IK E J k i Biao* No Arlington time work. Call Mrs. Jones at I.vw H um t, N J. I.Ì8-8102 Near St. Pete 482 7540 5-21 rtile. PLymoath »-4M. TV K E A R N Y , N. J. 998-7900

c L I k l \ t ' m 69' 0 7 a f t , G 9 6 79 a a a 39( * pkg. pkg. O p k g . 4-ox. eo 1 2 - o x .

15*1 X ì'A < jL PS ___ .à 1 E I

pkq 12-ox

3 9 9 '

oup 59 t-v ______rlV i S « » » v 49( t s # ' one lb. pkg. jh JELLY leaner ocktail BUTTER TEMPLE C C cuts TIlPLl S IIU I S H U 'S STOUFFiR TRIPLE S.BLUE STAMPS CASSEROLES PETROLEUM


19' 25' K C ZU SALE THIS W EEK p . A A , 0 l l b S 1 0 0 MONETA GOURMET a



HAIR SPRAY HAIR n&elBonF "n&elBonF MISS BRECN MISS \< r REG.. SUPER OR H.T.H BONELESS USDA 29* a 29 29 CHOICE 69 69 14c 27' 3 CARROTS BABY T u SH O RT CUT pkg I k C4AA S J 9 9 : 25 :25 3 3 1- ciw k C * 1 .58' p .85' .98' ■W STEAK ■W o? 19' 69 77 L 3 -lb 1 p k g 5 1 can btl.


59 39 59 fA C Q 8 d ish pkg. 1-lb 3 - o x . £; o o p k g


Store Hours Mon. thru Fri. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Instant Redemption Servicc” Bioomfield, N. J. 22 Washington Street 1ULKSDA» , M A’» PAGE FOUR T B E LEADER PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 21. 19VU Mental HfcaWi Cchtftr Bergen Sponsors Adult Training Center To Hold Seminar The Sooth Bergc-i M e n t a l A 5f> ytar ord W t a tti , x m m % , : i ffea'"') Crtrfrt- is holdifs a ? n U,i>* : .0 Lac^noii:'d ?i be.\ »V in air for e’erfej-men cT l o c a l V'•t .'' liflr f;.-und 5 c"'*e * th? i »*. áívjff«”* , -, Ci'ir mun'ticy on Thursdiy. M>iy 'T t f tb? T n lK when lie. 21. at the Lyudhurst Me' -a !;ard bee »me t v ' sUv \\v Church. A panel p r e s e " ) i oi •bio to uavfc. Find' » \i d thr relationship tx '.ween n r it il ( i»’ to «rt a }r > v\ ip!■ s mr- lH:a'th prafeSikjnals and clergy a ji’it'-. s.K' cnrol’vd at men will precede a general dis Iho Bergen \^uTt Trilrt CMfsion. PHtK p V i c : 4t;.s in :P-r Cen*r;-. nn*tr xd t\ -»in: in ikKle Jan Kurdwanowski, MD sp to of two m ralyzei fingers jjiqdlcal diiec’or. S B M.'I.C.. p-’d n^w he'd* a prys't'o if» a Rabbi Lawrence Gersteln. Tcin bookkeeper manager at $150 a pa- BcLivEl, Rutherford: S h » i week. r> Livin. »»dal worker, S.B.M. An 18 year r^'d boy who had H.C.. and Msgr. Henry Beck. N*en dassfficd ns mentally re­ Socrid Heart Parish. Lynd tarded and a')'-' to hold on'v hurst. nv'ii'al ,1,v>s. ppent three months Accorc’ ng to Dr VeJe-. ad in *!le s'leot nle'al c’m«^ :*♦ tb-' ministratKe director, etergj' i ’.ren Coun*y A-'ult Training men are generally rec./’ nlw-u Center learnir*«* how o n*>o»-aV as the first line of defense' in tie power shear, the power mental health. Parishioners fre b-akf. tbr ’ *on r inc’' quently tum to their paste -s f )' press, the 3») ♦on ’'~-.vcr *) •'"■ • guidance on marital and famPy f'o driM prf'-s and ¡he tiam' problems and in instancies ot rotVr. Tn ad1 i;bn. hr \vn$ £,'vr*’* • s< rious emotional U0 .«t. T h e i' sfructions in b’uconnt read:nr ni-w South Bergen Mental ait! related rhat'n ahd Enfrlhh Health Center is now an avail­ K^on graduation from the S !WRiiN FLV as a student at thr Bergen County Adult Training Cm tfr in llarkenHAok lrliriiH a able communityy resource to RCATC, he was employed as a trad«». The course is one of eight offered at the whool In afternoon and fvpnlnn aroftlons. The which the pastors may refer in sheet metal machine operator HtudenN are placed ill jot» in Industry an soon as the school officiala ferì they ape sufficiently case of need fbr any resident of Ci'rtstadt, East Rutherford. Gar a: $80 a week. and. in less than trained. The school is at 280 Hackensm'k Ave. two months, received a raise field. Lyndhurst, Moonachie a: d an assignment doing lay­ the stud?nt and employer are The adult courses offered at Schools Board of Estimate and North Arlington. Rutherford, out work. both satisfied with the arrange the center include Welding Freeholder Director William D. WatHngton and Wood-Ridge. Add to these BCATC grad­ ment. clcrk-typist. offset printing and McDowell and Freeholder uates. the cnndlemaker. the "The true success of the pro- varitype operation, dental as Harrs' Randall Jr. are members Emblem Club To machine operator and the Viet gram is placement." notes Dr; listing, industrial drafting and Bergen County Board of Voca veteran — all unemployed Neal B. Perkins, superintendent design, key punch operation, tional Education members arc tirade May 30 whoobtained jobs in auto 0f the county's three vocational precision sheet metal fabrica are Alexander Wyllie. presi- Members of the Lyndhurst body shops after 340 hours in schools — the Bergen County Vo- tion and production machine dent: William J. Meisner. vice Emblem Club will participate tbe Center s Auto Body Repair cdtkmal and Technical High tool operation. president: James R. Tobin. Pe i:i the Memorial Day services Course And then there was the School, the Bergen County Vo- ter Incardone Jr . and Archie F. and parade on May 30 in Lynd­ ¿7-year old single woman who. caticnal School Wood-Ridge and Freeholder June M. Clark is Hay Jr.. county superintendent hurst. Members wishing to after a series of cancer opera­ the adult training center. chairman of the Vocational of schools. march will meet at the CM>- tions. found she could no longer house at 9 a.m. keep up with her factory job. At the last meeting, M rs. She completed the Center’s NCE Honor Roll Has Pfc. Charles Wbrcinski Jack DeBhtsi read an article on Seno-Clerk Typist course and 'Keep America Beautiful' as Light Brigade Residents O f Area Receives Diploma now works for an accounting part of our continuing Ameri Pfc. Charles R. Wiercinski, f’rm. Members of Lyndhurst Light canilm program. White some campuses were son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael These are but a few of the Brigade who won high score in Once »gain the Lyndhurst Em ablaze with dissent and protest, Wiercinski of 733 Fourth Street. sirccess stories that have come Monday's bowling at Lynd- blem Club is going to be a spor area students at Newark Coll Lyndhurst, was awarded the oirt of the training center which htrr«t Rec are Harold Daiker sor of the Foster Parents plan ege of Engineering studied their military rating of Construction is operated as an arm of the with 156 for two games for the and continue to be the foster pa «ay to better grades. Draftsman and received his di Porgen Countv Vocational and totally blind. Herbert Falken- rr nts of 7 year old Luz Sanchez The honor list announced last picma upon successfully com Technical High School. Located stern with 256 for partially sight of Chambote, Peru. week by Dean of Students S.J. pleting the Construction Draft­ 280 Hackensack avenue, the efl. This was the last bowling The Bowling Team sponsored Hou3c inc'uded 619 dav Students ing course as an honor gradu C'.nter started operating under sesston of this season. The Bri- by the Emblem Club has won all of wliom had a B average ate. in the Department of Topo the federal Manpower De^fe^- rvde \WB have its banquet at first place and will receive a with no grade lower than a C. ^"•aphy at the United States Ar ment Training Act of 1952. This San Carte Resjtaurar^t Saturday trojiihy. Members of the team my Engineer School. Ft. Be1.voir \ oar. with (he nation wide cut - venv\e \v*ien ihe Lvndhurst Li- From Lyndhurst: art Mm es. Charles Jackson, Va. in federal funds, the CTs^'lub frill award trnpfiies to Joseph Calatnito. 129 Fo-?st William Anderson. Carol Vala- This highly technical course County Board of Freehold 'r- the be’.vie rs for vaj^ius reaabns Avenue: Richard S. McFadden. chivoic and two non-members, :s designed to provide the Ar bud^eted sufficient fund} to — winners alMiept secret until 42-1 Third Avenue: Royal F. Mrs. M. Jo'ransen and Mrs. The keep the school in operation un­ S t a » “ » lieart~Avenue: Pnul !">' Eugineer with the know revealed at the affa'r. Coco- odore Witomski. til tlifc federal poventment’s po- R. So*tovia. 42 Livingston Ave- for the Ifcstesres for (he evening eratfrs with tJhe Lyndhurst L i­ preparation of working draw sitinr? is clarified. :iue: Philip F. Weingartner, 751 »ere Mmes. Charles Noble. Her ings for the construction of While 73 percent of rfie stu­ ons Club art members of (he Fourth Street. b ift Kleckner, Dominick Sacco, roads, airfields, bridges, build dents’ time is spent learning a Rutherford and East Rutherford Albert Met«*. PhHip Domarrico. From North Arlington: ings and other structures. skill, \he School provides basic Vincent DeRosa and Michael Lions Ctubs which assist with John A. Compisi. 339 High Pfc. Wiercinski is a graduate English and math to tW>sc who Andriola transportation of members from SI reel: Kevin B. Hartnett. 12 of Newark Colloge of Engineer may need it. Olto Schulze, sup­ their communities to various af­ Wesley Place: Richard J. Mar- ing, class of 1968. His wife, Jano ervisor. Em il R. Dopf. guidance tfeiLJJ .Elnj Sjtr§et; Henry R. fairs. mcOuding bowling ses­ resides in Camp HiU, Pennsyl­ - V counselor, and the teac*i?rs Mendn’k. 7 Fairmount Ave sions. vania. Wiercinski was employ' work closely with the students nue: John J. Packowski. 22 Ar v “ eu with Gannett Fleming Cord- end much emphasis is put on The Lyndhurst Brigade is in lington Boulevard; Carol A. Ra- c!r> & Carpenter, Inc., before re­ Shop Locally KRAR UFIUXf ,'ob finding techniques. Although need cf a list of volunteers to dirfnski. 4 Astor Avenue. porting for duty. the courses have specified time drive members to various meet. A M E R I C A N SLICES 4 9 ' limits, the students are placei ings during the year. If anyone CREAM CHItSI n n in jobs as soon as the school cf f:cials feci they are employable. 13 wUl111« to drive ti'ese folks PHILAiltlPHSA *V r>t>pf follows up on those who when necessary, p’.ease call 935- BEEF CHICKEN fURKEV S 4 flfl have been placed to be certain 2491. “A proud MORTON S DINNERS O i S M way to save” DELICIOUS ' a t TREE TAVERN PIZZA - 0 9 SPRING MUSIC SALE GRAND UNION S f l i f t United States ORANGE JUICE 7 - Two Days Only - Fri., May 22 & Sat. May 23 1 H 15-20% Discounts on ALL ITEMS Savings Bonds

Ini truments: R e g u la rly Sale Prie« Folk Guitars $19.95 $15.96 Electric Guitars «9.95 55.9« S Piece D rum Set 249.95 199.9« Student Amplifiers 99.50 7#.60V A full service banker wears m a n y hats— and our tellers are never prouder than when wearing their Uncle S a m toppers as salesmen for United States LP 's B O B B Y S H E R M A N Savings Bonds. BUTCH CASSD1Y JA C K S O N S 4 . 3 9 3 . 7 3 W e ’re proud to offer our customers these U. S. Government-guaranteed 3 DOG NIGHT securities. .We’ll be selling m o r e of them than ever, n o w that Savings Bonds earn five percent interest w h e n held to maturity of 5 vears 10 months— 4 % CROSBY, STILLS, the first year. ^ . NASH, YOUNG B E A T L E S A s k about our Bond-a-Month Plan that lets y o u save automatically. O r JOHNNY CASH 5 . 1 9 4 . 4 1 when any gift occasion arises, give a Savings Bond— always in style and And Msny Mofe always the right size.

8 -TRACK & CASSETTE TAPES W e are mindful that B o n d savings help safeguard the value of all our dollars. S o our bank also serves S6.25 - $5.31 the nation through the issuance of Savings Bonds for business customers, whose employees b u y them on 45 RPMS the Payroll Savings Plan.

8 9 c - 7 5 c f a k e Stòck iñ Airiérica With higher paying U S- Saving* Boodv ^ I 5<7 O FF — GUITAR STRAPS, STRINGS, CASES ^ ttiis advertisement ii présfentèd òt no cost tb & BAGS, MICROPHONES, COlL CÔRt>S, DktjM the U. "S. GovernmfenV, 6 s a public service of . •. STICKS, DRUM HEADS, MUSIC S+ÀNDÎ5. W^*OFF ALL SHEF.T MUSIC, METHOD BOOKS». SONG ALBUMS & FOLIOS. South Bergen Savings Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM On Both Sale Days kn é loon HiMcietien f î v 7 1 't f l 71 71 f y M O ft A St 939-3400 250 VALLEY BOULEVARD • WOO&flDOI. N. J. IN RUTHERFORD IN LYNDHURST (Home Oftyff ) (Mfice)- Ooily, 9:00 AJA. to 3:00 PM. The Music Scene 2) Park A*«rm «19 ftMia loas 939*5)000 939-5S50 Mondjoy Evenings 7:00 to 8:30 P.M. â0 7 Valley Brook AVfe. LyrtflHurst 939 - 5016 "Ufate yfet Saut V te i KtoJU A fttteuMèl' V


St. Joseph's Mothers Mrs. John Roes Club are Mines. Willard Janes Newcomers Club is FeruUo. Georgina Llano. Te\ and R. P. Coache. Oblen and Joseph Wronko. During a serious moment, the Installed As President Department and committee Held Installation The Newcomers Club of Rutherford will see the Bro^o students passed a resolution to Of Women’s Club chairmen are: Mmes. ,Andrew The Newcomers Club of Ruth way play. Applause’ in June ¡>sk the State Legislature to sup Saar. American Home; Philip eiford had its installation din Mrs. John Roes was .installed Cuinzer, Cotnmanity Improve The club will resume mey.ti^ port lowering the voting age to rer Tuesday night at the Mea as president of the Woman s inent Program; H. B. Home. in September Anyone ínteres* 1C. Hmvbrook Dinner Theatre in Ciuto of Lyndhurst at a luncheon» Conservation and Garden, Char ed in the club, please Call 03!» Cedar Grove. The students and their offices: May 20 a1 Hasbrouek House, p ( W ^r< Education; Julius 7"F9. Corsages were presented to Fnbcrt Ferrell, mayor; Valerie Hasbroudc Heights. Nelson, International Affairs: ' illardo, borough clerk: 'rodne.v the newly installed officers: Guhl. public works chairman: Mrs. Julius Nelson, past pre Cappadona, Public Wei piesident, Mrs. John DeLuca Jr. John Birch Society sident. was installing officer. ^are; Robert Cathro; Music; v c e president, Mrs. Aida And Karen Granata. finance chair — ------u T „ „ To Show Film man: Theresa Cole, fire com Also seated were Mmcs. An J * " * Klein. Hirapitality. J o s erson. Secretary. Miss Mildred missioner: Janet Papa, police drew Spiten and Edward Keily, h Zak*. Safety .F ra n k Rey Monaco; treasurer. Mrs. Fred The Local Chapters of the commissioner: Vincent Coppoia vice presidents; James R i l e y Post: corresponding secretary John Birch Society have an noun buildings and gr,Hinds: .lane on-responding secretary; Miss **"• ? J f * ' v 'TWrs. Charles Ohristi. ctd the showing of their new Arn Schmeer. ordinance chair Kdith Jennings, recording sec ^ *' A gavel exchange took place f>im "This Is The John Birch man. retary: Alex Zuk treasurer; ;A1 Miller. Public Re from Mrs. Chnisti to Mrs. f>* Society" on Wednesday evening exander P. Mazur. Federation *a*'ons Luca. The du b presented a gift May 27th at 8:30 p.m. at the Also. Sandy Evers, boroujîii secretary Trustees: Mmes Phi Mrs- Fpank Hesse, mother of to the past president. h< me of Mr. George Leppard. attorney: Richard ‘Carir'o bor ,lp Cappadona, Frank Revnolds Wrs- Roes’ was Kuest honor Other committee members 16 Newell Place. North Arling eugti engineer: David Oooney. and Harry Klein. ' Mrs Alexander P. Mazur, so are: Ways and means. Mmes. ton. Refreshments will be ser police chief; David Doyle, fire k>ist, entertained with several Thomas Bartlo. Vincent Iafe v(d and the public is cordially chief: Diane Fischer. ma*is Advisors to Evening Member musical selections, accompan lice and Louis Lombardi; tngs invited. trate; Robert Ursino. public S’hip Dept. and Junior Woman's ird by Mrs. Robert Cathro. and transportation, Mmes. Char works; Robert Troast, tax col PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE les Gorczyca and Timothv Non lector; Michael O’Shea, tax TOWNSHIP OF LYNDHURST nan; publicity, Mrs. George assessor; Otto Bode, building DRIVE CARFULLY Notice In hereby given that the District Board» of Election Baker; hospitality, Mmes. Lou inspector: Walter Copp. plumb for the Township of Lyndhurst, N. J„ will meet at the Polling I viidhurit C h ap ter .if U M C O National rm lvf« trolly for having the largest delegation at the ir.g inspector. l*laces hereinafter designated oil Tuesday, June t , 1970 betw een 1X1( 0 National <»mention held In Miami, Flor la. Part of the delegation present were I. to r. ______the hours of 7 A M. and 8 P.M. prevailing time for the purpose Mr. an*> Mrs. Meholas l-i Magna, Mr. and Mr». Gerard Lancrrottl, Mr. and 11« Bmno Valente. bi on nauned a Henry Rutgers of conducting a Primary Klecion to choose candidates for the Mr. and Mrs. John C apnto, Mr. and Mrs. Salva ore Pollarn P.IMJ.. Mr. and Mrs. Nlehola« Chlft. following; offices: Fellow at Rutgers University. 1 U.S. Senator ‘Luscious’ ‘Delicious’ h<»s. and Mr. and Mm. George Mueller. Tc qualify students must have I Member • House of Representative»* . Ninth an average of 1.8 or better in Wins Rutgers Honor Congressional District 450 Pay Tribute ¡£ ffE !S £ - D‘ Joseph Sierehio. 214 San their major fields and a 2.5 .H Freeholders Cen-Dino's Pizza (Continued From Page One) ford Avenue. Lyndhurst. has score or better in all courses I Freeholder (unexpired term) All departments of the Lynd State Committee . 1 male, 1 female by the Republican Thurs., Fri., Sat. — 4-11 p.m. Only Ann Miglin. sister of Mrs. Jan ^urst Woman's Clubs participa- and Democratic parties Located at the owski, siing the Star Spangled tm May 5 in a tea honoring the t Members .Lyndhurst County Committee . 1 male, Banner and some songs in Po delegates and alternates selec­ 1 female . for each of the 10 election Districts by the 1'sh to the applause of the en ted to attend Citizenship Insti Republican and Democratic parties. tire audience. tute at Douglass College in SIXTH OISTRICT Valley Brook Janowkis expressed his June. The Evening Member ELECTION DISTRICTS Beginning southerly line D L 4 thanks to all who had worked ELECTION OISTRICT POLLING W. R. R and Chase Ave. to Pao« ship Department hosted the tea PLACES ANO BOUNDARIES Ave.. west to btuyvesant Ave. for the success of the event and with Mrs. Benjamin L in k njrth to southerly line of D L. & Liquor & Deli said the commissioners spend Youth Conservation Chair nan. money but for the protection in charge of arrangements. and!S5 easterly »•.»••> along w - .« said ,« , line¡r™ : to- "? Val ”!1 ier"'"!« wlirT * * ;J 8 lev Brook Avenue (Smith St.) to SEVENTH OISTRICT 485 Valley Brook Avenue Lynd hurst and good of Che residents of the Hackensack River to Rutherford Beginning northerly line D. L. 41 township He cited the new fire LyndhurRt Woman's Club's A ve. to R id g e Road to point of Dr W R. R. and Ridge Hoad, norther MADE TO ORDER ginning. Polling Place. Colnmbua ■y to Rutherford Ave.. *est tf house, tree cutting apparatus, a Youth Conservation Chairman. School. Lake and Summit Awe». Delnfield A •«.. so u th erly to La k e Mrs. Christopher Strohler. at- SECOND OISTRICT Ave., westerly to Livingston Ave. Pick Up Your Own — To Insure Quality new fire truck, and new ambu Begit ning Chase Ave.. O «cuthely to D L A W R R east lance. He also said the Board tended with delegate Christine W. line south, to Valley lo point of beginning. Polling Pl»ce Place Your Order — Call Brook Ave. (Smith St.) to Hack Jetfer*on School. Lake and L ving will fight to retain title to 550 Falco and alternate Janet Es eneark River, south to Marin Ave. ston A ves. acres of meadowland valued at posito. Mrs. Alfred A. Porro, produced, west to Ridpe Road, EIGHTH DISTRICT north to Fern Ave.. west to Chase Beainmng Ruthertord A%e and SaO.IMM) an acre, if it has to take Jr.. president of the Lyndhurst Ave.. north to point o f beginning., Oelafield _ .....A* «outh to Lake...... Ave.. 933-7588 Polling Place. Lincoln School. Ridge west to Livingston Ave.. south to the fig K to the U.S. Supreme Junior Woman's Club, and Mrs Road f?3rance. Washington School. 715 Ridge River, north to Fern Ave., pro the three clubs. Mary J a n e duced. east to point of beginning But Henry Hoebel. the Reoub Grandinetti. Carolyn P o r t e r , FIFTH DISTRICT Polling Place. Franklin School f i g h t / lican candidate was present and Beginning at Chase and Page Fern and Stuyvesant Aves. Only hands can and Gayda Kilajy were invited Aves., west to Stuyvesant Ava., __ . . circulated amont the tables. ______south to point 100 feet northwest Herbert W. Perry candidate present an<1 S c rib e d their experiences from Kmgsland Ave., westerly on Ifc»Dutv Touim hin C lerk Another N E W CI1IF.K Kenneth Summers wan installed as new chief f“ch *o P a s s a ic R'ver. »outh J P it the Institute and answered to Jauncey Ave., east to Chase l yndhurst, N . Jf. l i t t e r / ., <■ prevent it. was Gross. Reoublican candi o f the fire department in a gala Saturday night when over S00 Ave.. and northerly to point of ... ’ _ lo»n questions from the current del (h.+e for U S. Senate. attrniled ceremonies. Affair ™ held at the Sacred Heart Center. f S ★ ★ ★ ★ At the affair, too. was Mayor pgates. Theodore Lapin ski of North A»*- l^pgton. a candidate for reelec The Beauty of America is in YOUR Hands'' t i<>n. Also present was Freeholder IN PUBLIC INTEREST P rector William McDowell, an * BROOKDALE BEVERAGES aspirant for reelection. All heard Commissioner Jan CLIFTON-BLOOMFIELD owski assert that Lvndhurst will fight (“fforts of the Meadow lands Development Commission to take possession of Lyndhurst meadows. Lively music was played throughout the dinner hour by Frank Gutowski agfi his orches t’-a. enjoy The hard working committee was comoosed of Richard Wil czvnski. Mrs. Therese Poli tc Mrs. Dorothv Carucci. healthful A da m K wi a tkowsk i. M rs. Elaine B r a n t . Theodore Theodore Wilczynski. Matthew artesian Brant. Matty Korzeniowski, An­ thony Machcinski. Charles P r7vehocki. water

New Textbooks For From our own 1 N. A. Are Approved pollution-free deep artesian wells The North Arlington Board of Education has approved the a do|>tion of seven new textbooks. "Our Language Today" will be used in Grades 3 through 6 : "The World of Life." in the jun­ GREAT MOUNTAIN ior high science classes: "M ak ­ ing Music Your Own", in vocal Artesian W ater music classes: "Adventures in Values." in English IV classes; "Humemaking for Teenagers." Crystal cleanv .and rich in in Home Ecoiomic classes, and nature’s healthful m inerals "General Architectural Draw drawing classes. Use it for every drinking

and cooking purpose. KEEP YOUR VALUABLES . . . VAULT-SAFE!

You can keep your important documents, irreplaceable papers and valuables fireproof, 10 0 % Pure R ic c is theftproof, bombproof — 24 hours a day — in National Community Bank's own vau lt. . . for e No Fluorides just a couple of pennies a day. Now, isn't that a bargajn to look into? e No Chlorine Diner Whatever the safe deposit box size you require, they're a bargain at NCB . . . and very pri­ e No Detergents vate, too. Stop in today for the best low-cost protection you can buy. Available * t all of our • No Salts Added “ community-minded" offices in Bergen and Sussex Counties.^^ 113 Park Ave. J O W IN ONE-WAY Lyndhurst, N J. N O -D EPO SIT B O T T L E S l^f th« Great Mountain Dm Uw NATIONAL COMMUNITY BANK near you phon* IC E C U B E S t 4 7 2 -6 9 0 0 27 "Community-Minded” Offices in North Jersey • ¿1 in Bergen County • € in Sussex County SOLD HERE ALSO l 'A U h I t t U illL L L A Ü L U . f K t S 3 liiLKaU Aì, m a 1 ü J . i y i o Opera Features Cathy Macula M ans Best Friend

Miss Catherine MacuLa', a i 't-a crT'jany ocude Donna Helen K iller, blind and deaf ed by touch." I.y n iw rs t res dent and gradu 1 Soule. Anthony Callori, Cathe from birth, wrote in her diary: Vcllaire - What a pity and ate of Queen of Peace H ig h r n " Gorski. Linda Harris, Jo "M y dog was rolling in t h ■' what a poverty of spirit, to as- School, wi'l appear wi.'V : le seph Macula, Robert Sawlcz fti'ass. I wanted to catch a pic scrt t'rit beasts a^e machines Bergen Hudson Choral Society aad Joann Still. ture cf h'm in my fingers, and deprived of knowledge and sen- as they present excerpts fron The Garden State Opera Guild touched him lightly. Lo. hi.s Si ne barbarians seize Puccini's opera, Madame But an autonomous support organi fat body revolved, stiffened and this dog, who prodigiously ex ter/ly. at the Lyhdhurst On'Ur /’ation. wiU present similar con­ solid tied into an upright posi ee.s man in friendsh p. They a) Arts Festival Sunday. May cert performances lo • u i g n tion. He pressed close to me as nail him to a table and dissect 2-1, at 4 p.m. Sh“ Is a rrcto’cnt -chocis and o t \ ce organiza­ if to crowd himself into my him living, to show the veins. of the New Jersey Friend* r( tions thrcu;.hcu. the state upon hand. He loved it with his tail, the Livirg Arts Musical Schol­ request. his paw . his tongue. If he could \ou discover in him all t h e arship Award. Her profess >nv speak. 1 believe he would say same organs of sentiment w'hicii concert deb«' to"k rCucv w h Gerard J. Alonio, MD with me that paradise is attain are in yourself. the Bergen-Hudson Choral So ciety in 1908 when she sang .he Has Beon Elcdsd role of Michaela in Caiman Since then fhe has » - ic s rrl Gerard J. Alonzo. \1D, Lynd PROTECT OUR PETS AND MISS LINDA STELLA with the choral society in num I Hirst, has been elected ta . ac Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stella, ftiu s concerts bo"h orate-io tive membership in the Ameri­ HOMELESS ANIMALS 2«8 Post Ave.. Lyndhurst. have and operatic performances. She MISS CATHY MACULA can Academy of General Prac iias appeared on television, tice. a national association of :'nnouncod the engagement of and around the country'. The sung as a Church soloist in more than 31.000 family doc All people who want a Humane Protective Animal their daughter. Linda, to Lou ro’e of Suzuki will be sung by New York City and in concur*, tors. is Stellato. Jr.. son of Mr. and inezzo .soprano Fran Co a . Control Protum for Lyndhurst, Mail coupon to Rose at Colby College in Maine. She As a mcmV.'r cf :’ie AAGP. Mrs. Louis Stellato. 560 Kern Jam es Davis, the director of th ? Cutone 464 Rutherford Ave. or call 933-1174. is a student at Newark-School Dr. A’onzo will be required to Ave., Lyndhurst. society, received his formal ed­ ol Fine Arts and a private stu complete 150 hours oi pa&gra- A party honoring the couple ucation a: Coby College and dent of Jam es Davis, director duate medical study every tnr was given by their parents for Ju liar School of Mus:e As cho of the Hudson Bergen Choral years. The program, unique a 125 guests at the East E n d ral conductor for the Friends of N A M E Society. mong national medical associa Democratic Club, Lyndhurst. French Opera, he made h i s tions. is designed to help mem­ Miss Stella was graduated The Hudson — Bergen Choral Carnegie Hall Debut in 1965. He ber physicians keep abreast of A D D R E S S cum laude from Jersey Citv Society was organized in the has frequently conducted New MISS JUDITH LEONARD the latest scientific develop State College with a B.A. de fill of 1965 as a non-profit com­ Jersey's own Hudson Symphony ents in medicine. gree in elementarry education. munity cultural organization. Orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Leon­ is employed at Becton Dickin T E L . N O . She plans to begin teaching in Its purpose is to locate a n d The appearance of the Berg ard of Noel drive. North Arling­ son Company. East Rutherford, the fall. foster the musical talent o! err Hudson Choral Society is un­ Si-1 Cnscino Elected ton, announce the engagement and attends Jersey City State young people and to provide an der the auspices of the Lynd Mr. Stellato will graduate of their daughter Judith Ann to College, Her fiance, an alum n*l with distinction U’om the Uni­ opportunity for them to prepare hurst Woman's Club Evening Treasurer of Fraternity William H. Cheval. son of Mr. rus of Bondcntmvn Military In and to perform the great musi­ Membership Department which versity of Minnesota in J u n e, and Mrs. Henry Cheval of White Sal Cascino, son of Mr. and stkute. attends Upsala 'College. cal masterpieces in concerts of is the sponsoring organization with an Associate of Mojtuary terrace. East Rutherford. A Mrs. Samuel Cascino of 146 Bos HUETTEMANN'S | East Orange. He is associated professional character. T h e for the Lyndhurst Cultural Arts Science decree He will contin­ May 1971 wedding is planned. ton avenue. North Arlington, choral society is the official cho Festival. Included in the festi ue at the University until Aug The bride-elect, a graduate of with Cheval Bros. Construction has been elected treasurer of rus for the garden opera com val will be Lyndlhurst's first out ust at which time he will re North Arlington High School Company, Elast Rutherford Tau Kappa Epsilon at Rutgers Delicatessen & Grocery 1 pany and has aoneared in ?H door art exhibit and another ccive a B.S. in Medical Sci University, Newark. In this posi 226 PATEUSOxX AVE. GE 8-7488 EAST RUTHERFOUUi its productions this season at niusdeal presentation by Lynd­ ence. Mr. Stellato is president tion, he will be in charge of all of the Minnesota chapter of thi Park Theatre in Union City. hurst High School “ 13" and tine Rcmme, Joe Jamrog. Larry financial transactions for the Alpha Mu Sigma, the profess "W ait Until Dark" Cnoral society membership in­ Concert Choir. All festival e- E Cold Beverages by Modern Refrigerator always 011 Hand S Brolio. Pat McGann. M ik e fraternity. fraternity of Mortuary Sci­ At The Halfpenny cludes not only young people vents will be he'd at Lyndhurst Marsh and Sam Finch. aspiring to musical careers, but High School and are witliout A senior, majoring in Econo­ ence. | ALL KINDS OF GERMAN STYLE BOLOGNAS | By BEVERLY MURPHY "W ait Until Dark." directed it also provides them with the charge. The festival is being mics, Cascino is also a member by Terry Scbreiber,,will be per cpportunitv to work with estab held as a community service of the fraternity's football and NAHS Honor Society E Imported & Domestic Table Luxuries & Specialities^ "W ait Until Dark," the terror formed at bhe Playhouse Thurs hshed professionals. for Lyndhurst residents a n d softball teams. ridden mystery play by Frede Thirtv-six members of the days. Fridays, and Saturdays, Charles Cooke, the tenor sol those in surrounding communi­ National Honor Society at North rick Knott, opens tonight for a May 21, 22 , 23: May 28 . 29. 30: oist who wild sing the rele of ties. The outdoor art exhibit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jaquin- three week stand at Kearny's | The Best In Foods 1 Arlington High School visited and June 4, 5. 6. Curtain time Pinkerton, is a veteran of sev will be from 12 noon to 5 p.m. to of 368 MapJe Avenue. Lynd the United Nations on April 29. Halfpenny Playhouse. is 8:40 p.m. en years experience with the The Concert Choir and "13'' hurst, have returned from a The group was accompanied by The play stars Iris Braun, a The Halfpenny Playhouse is Metropolitan Opera Company performances will be at 2:30. week's stay in Jam aica. West | Beers - W ines - Liquors | Miss Ethel Kook, faculty advi­ veteran of stage and television. located at 155 Midland avenue He has appeared in numerous Other Lyndhurst members of Indies Mr. Jaquinto is proprie ser to the Honor Society. Others in the cast are Johne Kearny. tenor roles, both in New York ,oc choral society and of the toi of a local insurance agency. Ti 111111:111111111111 i 11111111111111 n 1111111111111111111111 m 1111111111 ■ 1111111111111111

JM hüEP H a c e s

MASCHIO and while you're out take in a movie L y les ALLWOOD, Clifton - The HACKENSACK DRIVE IN — ORITANI, Hakcensack — Wlth- TOTOWA CINEMA — Gaily, Restaurant Damned Gaily, Gaily; The Mercenary out a Stitch; Ruthless Four Gaily Restaurant 9 Cocktail Lounge PARAMUS DRIVE-IN — Mar­ Banquet Room* ANTHONY WAYNE DRIVE-IN TOTOWA DRIVE IN — Loving; JERRY LEWIS CINEMA-They ooned; Crimson Blades — Marooned; Big Gundown Ambushers Kxcellent Dinners At Moderate Prices Shoot Horses Dçn't They? ¡F riii» la \X hal CUE Say» About Us: PLAZA — Funny Girl BELLEVUE, Montclair — But 477 Passaic Ave. Kearny, N. J. | | The Maschio Family has been plying its ttyle of American and W Y 1-2800 Cassidy and the Sundance Kid TROY HILLS DRIVE IN - The ! i Italian cookery in this town for 20 yeurs now, and from pasta to The Prime of Miss Jean Bro- LINCOLN — Butch Cassidy and RKO TWIN, Wayne — Loving Last Grenade; Whatever Hap­ \lpoukry you'll find the offerings delectable. Dinner for the King die The Sundance Kid; The Prime pened to Aunt Alice? a»»if Queen propones xuper-specuiis from Chateaubriand Bouqueiiere of Miss Jean Brody ROUTE 3 DRIVE-IN — Loving; |[ Ui Veal Cordon Bleu, enhanced with lots of trimmings. Also popu• CENTRAL, Passaic - Loving; The Ambushers T bir are the Stuffed Breafit of Capon with mushroom suuce, the OF LYNDHURST Otley WELLMONT, Montclair — How rJxzling Steak platter with French-Fri^d onion rings, or the Lobster MALL THEATRE, Bergen Mall — Brotherly Love ROUTE 46 DRIVE IN — T h e to Commit Marriage; T h e * F radiatolo, F et lucine AValfredo and Ceasar Salud■ CINEMA 23, Cedar Grove— 2001 Last Grenade; Whatever Hap­ Last Grenade Space Odyssey pened to Aunt Alice? GOI.D K<>0\1 FOR PARTIES TO 200 MONTAUK, Passaic — The BANQUET ROOMS Last Grenade; What Ever STANLEY WARNER, Paramus WILLOWBROOK, Wayne - 123 Ridge Road Lyndhurst. N. J. CINEMA 44, Totowa —Short; Laughing Woman Happened to Aunt Alice? — Dr. Zhivago Hello, Dolly For Up To 200 438-9491 ■*». * Available thru: May, une, July, August All right. . . have it your way; from now on it’s Let us cater your affair with ^um^umCtja the expertise that only a nation­ La Couronne Obviously, the legions of diners who have been rallying to our Monday Yum Cha (that’s Chinese Smorgasbord to our friends!) in North Arlington wide organisation can offer. l^eQtauiiant have been trying to tell us something; we think we got the message. From Luncheon • Cocktails • Dinner now on we’re adding Maitre de . Raymond Lambert Chef de Cuisine . Roger Ducq jjj Buffet Lunch Daily YUM CHA in PARAMUS on TUESDAY! Call for For Reservations & Information Call 9 3 9 -6 6 7 4 = Entertainment Nitely Closed T uesd ays—Open 11 AM to 2 AM It will be our much-talked-about presentation of exotic Appetizers, epi­ Jerry Sternberg 10 Riverside Ave. (South of Route 3) Lyndhurst, N.J. curean Main Dishes and enticing Dessert, enhanced by added space for 1 Jet. Rt. 3 & 17 All Major Credit Cards additional offerings. = 933-9800

At a Jade Fountain YUM CHA everything we have is yours; help yourself fiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii .lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll as many times as you fancy... it’s an experience in both gastronomy and «tiiiiiiiim iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i minium mm i iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiHii— generosity. If you haven’t been able to get down to North Arlington (or this rare treat, head for Paramus; mayhap you'll discover some soul- | Announcing the Opening Of The Newesf § satisfying Oriental tidbits you might never order from an ordinary menu. •W* Vi*

MONDAY in NORTH ARLINGTON RESERVATIONS DEFINITELY < San Carlo I PIZZA INN | A»E ADVISED’ ' DIHNER ONLY. .. 5:00 to 10:00 P.M. LUNCHEON TUESDAY in PARAM US Restaurant COCKTAILS LUNCHEON . . 12:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. ¡33 RIDGE RD. LYNDHURSTj DINNER DINNER . . . 5:00 to 10:00 P.M. SUPPER TAKE HOME LU\CHF.O\S & DIWERS PRIVATE PARTIES 1 935-111.6 | Ma|or Crodtt ade fountain Personalized Catering For Every Occasion C a rd « . Distinguished CHINESE/POLYNESIAN Cuisine ¡ALL ITALIAN DINNERS : Open Seven Days A Week until 3 A.M. From 3 Private Banquet Rooms 11:30 A.M. Monday thru Friday; from 12 Noon SEA FOOD — SUB SANDWICHESf Open Daily, Sunday thru Tuesday, from 11:30 Friday and Saturday. PRIVATE PARTIES up to AM. to 1:00 A.M. Friday and Saturday 11:30 150 Monday thru Thursday. PIAN01UDES in A.M. to 2:00 A.M. PRIVATE PARTIES up to 110 the SINGAPORE LOUNGE Nightly irom Nine. I DINING ROOM FACILITIES | Tuesday thru Thursday. YUM CHA (Chinese YUM CHA (Chinese Smorgasbord) Luncheon 620 Stuyvesant Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J. Smorgasbord) Dinner every MONDAY exc. and Dinner every TUES0AY exc. Ho'idays. Holidays. : • H O U R S (201) 265-3560 (201) 991-5377s - 939-9083 - Mon. thru Thurs. 10:30 A.M. Till Midnite = 469 ROUTE 17 nr. MIDLAND AVE. 602 RIDGE ROAD (Route 17) bet. Fashion Center & Garden State Closed Mondays 7 Fri. & Sat. 10:30 A.M. Till 1 A.M | 15 Minutes from the Lincoln Tunnel Pkwy. 15 min. G. Washington Bridge

= Sun. 10:30 A M . T ill M id n ite | N O R T H ARLINGTON PARAMUS, N J. fillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllir. valley uros* 07 37 1 Lyniti-1*'5' - '

Park Adds To Calls For Police side Avenue but no cash taken By AMY DIVINE ran scraming out of the park, forth in front of the shop whose ransacking by the thief. owner. ley Brook & New Jersey Aves; uso. then taken to Dr. Simms' stopped at the first lighted c wners so far have not been in­ Joseph Carano. 348 V a I During tihat week the Police N. J. Chemical Co.. Park Ave.. office:. Kathleen Ke!1y, 18. tho’ machines were damaged The moral of this report haven thqy saw. The station fluenced. We do not know what ley Brook avenue reported a department responded \to 13 where a vat of wax was on fire; called for oxygen at 10:07 May and at the Amvets Hall all coin might well be “ Keep Out Of The burglar alarms — (one at De to St. Joseph’s cemetery where 10. was treated and taken to manager called headquarters, the erfect the spectacle has had tape recorder valued at $(-0 .c'o- operated machines were broken Park After Dark." and local police notified tne on patrons. len from his car parked in his Mass4 Cadillac, in the Industrial a grass fire burned near the Hackensack Hospital by the Park) and found that, no one First Aid Squad: and another into and $20 in change stolen, Police received a call at 11 p Bergen County Police of the in During the week Mrs. Frank drivewav May 10. and Mr Gie railroad tracks on Ridge Road: ca!8 for oxygen was answered also a chrome plated drill m. May 11 from the Texaco Sta cdent. Parents of the girls. 16 of 629 - 7th street had a fright per of 731 Schuyler Ave. had the had tried to enter the premises to the home of J. Pagoda, on but Che woman died later; Jo ton on Riverside avenue and and 17 years of age. were re ening experience upon returning battery sto'en from h s car the weather and vibrations Post Ave. where the TV set was rifle. of passing traffic had caused seph Melado. 623 Stuyvesant Page that two hysterical teen- ruested to pick up their daugh from a shopping trip at 4:10 in parked near his home May 9. on fire, and to 320 Milburn Ave. Other police calls were taken the delicate mechanisms to where an abandoned house Ave. fell down a flight of stairs aged girls had just run into the ters at the police station in the afternoon. She noticed a jal On May 8 police recovered \ for a car struck by an unidenti ring: 12 minor auto accidents; and hurt his leg. and >yas trans­ piace and needed their help. Po Lyndhurst and both thankful ousied side door had been brok car at Lafayette Place and Ru owned by John Mazur was burn­ three sewer backup walls: 13 ported to the Hospital in the fied person during the night, re­ lice officers were told that the girls left with their parents. en into and went to her neigh­ tnerford Ave. which had been ing; Several accident victims cadits for escort: 14 ambulance AmbUfonce at 11:38 p. m.: W ill­ ported by Marilyn Beckner. 706 girls, while awaiting a ride to Local police granted a permit bor to inquire if sihe had seen damaged in a coMisiort on Rt. 3. were hc’ped: May 10 Barbara iam Foster. 7. of 636 10th St. their homes in East Rutherford lo members of the Barbers Lo any strangers at her home. The driver was seen to abanHnn calls: several barking dog com LaPenna. 22. Of 176 Forest Ave. W 'edeman Place: Lyndhurst plaints: four dog bites, all of was rushed in the police car to required 5 sutures in his chin bad gone into the county park Col. Harrison, to picket a local She then returned to her own the car and jump into ano‘V r Auto Wreckers. $200 stolen when children bitten either by their Hackensack Hosptal. sitffcring after a fa’f from his bike, the to use the swings. Suddenly a barber shop — Style Rama. 302 home and entered by the side vehicle which roared awav. MV office was broken into May 10; ewn do? or a neighbor's: six from severe nosebleed: Joseph ambulance taking him to St. strange man loomed out of the Vafllcy Brook avenue, and for deor in time to see a young man Records showed the car be fire calls: for a car at 292 Chase Cassidy fell at Stuyvesarfc and M ary’s Hospital. Passaic: vend attempted Break and Entries darkness and seized one of the the past two Saturdays two flee out the front door. A small longed to Mario Seigo of Umon Ave. no owner found: along ing machines were broken into Golden Ailibi. Ridge Rd Lynd g.rls by her blouse. She pulled pickets have spent the day amount of money was stolen but City. It was not known whether Page Aves. and was aided by side a former junkyard at Val Ptl. Carrig. Biondi and Giangcr at the Quickie Carwash — River burst: away from him and botJi girls peacofuHy marching back and the house was in a mess after a the car was driven by the

HI i n ti Í - «* d C e n t s There are over 4.000 universities and college* In the nation. 1 ni i nw On th«* campuses of thp great majority decency and good man. lit i ners predominated. Out of the 5 million college student* only 1 0 L I . A h i K a small fraction took the demented, anarchal road. These fart* should in* kept in mind :m the college season nears its K \ i r n w i i K end. The great majority of students were absorbed in getting (Ecmtmaxial 'K m her their educations. Only a minority favored disruption, disorder and violence. However, it would l»e a great mistake to under, estimate the demand for changes in America's materialistic and Soi l !! BERGEN REVIEW drive that is the most promising thing to develop on the cam puses. 49 N o .— 43 .V N D H U R S T . N. J.. M A Y 21. 1970 T ' COUOMF CFNFVA Meadowland Issue Faces Guarirti

The push for State.Sen. Frank Borrescn • is making his first s?cn edict has put a halt to the primary election. Guarini’s Democratic cand.da move into county-wide politics. plan. On the other hand Guarini cy for U.S. Senator began in Already Borrescn and other Thus Borresen and the others believes that Williams allowed Sou‘h Bergen just as the appre Guarini backers are being ask backing Guarini are being pelt his defenses to rust in recent (ration of what the State Legis­ ori to explain how he believes ed with questions on why they years and that he can stfcep lature take over of the meadow the meadowland takeover is go should support the man who is through them for the nomina lards can mean to the future of in# to benefit South Bergen. costing the municipalities so tion. municipal treasuries. Borrescn is in the position of much. Watching with deep interest Lyndhurst faces a loss of $500. needing to defend Guarini in an The campaign is heating up. is Nelson Gross, the main Re (KK) in cash because the Mead area where Guarini might nor Sen. Harrison Williams, who publican contender for the sen owland Commission has claim mally be strong. i? seeking renomination, is play atorial berth. Gross would like ed it owns over 400 acres that There is a large Italian ir.g a safe, conservative game, to face Guarini in the finals have been on Lyndhurst books American segment in S o u th lie believes he has the nomina but doesn’t believe there is for many years. Bergen. Much of it is Democra tion locked up and wants to win much of a chance. Nevertheless The loss of the land itself is tic. The effort to line up the with as little trouble as possi he is looking for whatever wreak in the millions. Italian American vote for Gua ble. nesses he can find in the Willi This is only one facet of ¿he rim has been obvious. And to an Guarini is backed bv tne pow ams armor so that he can ex problem caused by the new extent it has been successful. erful Hudson County machine ploit them for November. commission wtrch is operating But the report last week that of John V. Kenny. The campaign, lackadaisical on* of plush headquarters in an the Meadowland Commission The Hudson vote of 60.000 is at first, is warming up. office building in the meadow has laid claim too Lyndhurst assured Guarini. He believes lands. land and has ordered a cease that if he can build around it he Guarini has shown evidence But it is or exceeding import and disist on a plan to put a can win th? nomination. of having money to spend. His £nce to Guarini because he is disposal dumt) on the property Williams fears that if he an signboards are springing up of the major sponsor« of came as a shock. 'V t agonizes the Hudson County And he is getting around the legislation \*-hich is under Lyndhurst has a five year faction he will suffer in the gen At the writing. Williams re­ attack in South Bergen. contract with the Viola interests. eral election. Therefore, he ha* mains a clear favorite. Mayor John Borreson of W ” >d Il is supposed to produce a mi- been treating Guarini as a good And as the meadowland take Rid^e. former Lyndhurst High irroum of $87.000 a year - and ffiend who is on the wrong over makes South Bergcnites School and Delaware football is exoected to total well o v e r track. In other wors. Wil madder and madder it is not star, is heading up Guarini’s $100.000 a year. Hams wants to have Guarini’s likely Guraini will be able to do South Bergen campaign. But the Meadowland Commis (and Kenny’s) support after the much among them.

LESS THAN A PENNY A PERSON — Modest as always, Tama rack Council, Boy Scouts, Is seeking $160,000 to modernize its 450 Pay Tribute To Walter Janowski camp facilities at Oakland. The council, which serves 4,000 l>oys, is asking less than a penny a person of the 185,000 who live in by AMY DIVINE the evening by both speakers man who applies his successful A color portrait was presented the n*ne communities that make up Tamarack. William P Orr of Bloomfield, seated at rght, is chairman of the drive. Hnrik About four hundred fifty per­ and guests. business acumen to township Janowski by master of cere­ Tvedt at left is treasurer. Standing, left to right, are Berifcird A. Costa of Bloomfield, chairman of the camp development sons filled the Hawaiian Palms Rep. Henry Helstoski was the affairs. monies Ralph A. Polito. town program; Cieorge Koteen, Tamarack president, and Louis Eber tpeaclier, executive director of Tamarack. Restaurant Sunday night in a main speaker and he noted that Nelson Gross, former State ship attorney. A bouquet of ros­ great tribute to Walter S. Jan Janowski is working for not Republican chairman and cand­ es were given Mrs. Janowski. owski. Public Works Commiss oniy Polish Americans but for idate for U. S. Senator lauded who thanked the committee for Drive Opens For Tamarack Funds ioner of Lyndhurst. elected a Lyndhurst citizens of all nation Janowski for the dedication he the honor extended to her hus y< ar ago this month, and the alities. Mayor Peter J. Russo brings to his work as a com bard. Reversing the trend of youth council. trained leadership for youth ing to attract more boys into first Polish American to be el told how' he induced JanOwski. imssioner. Richard Wilcznski on behalf toward narcotics, disrespect for Tamarack includes Lynd­ can arise is behind the drive for scouting by offering them the erted to the Board of Commiss who had just retired from a sue The Rev. Ladislaus J. Wilcz of the Polish American Citizens Good and civil disorders i£ the hurst. North Arlington. Ruther­ $160.000. The drive is b e in g typical well-rounded program ioners. cessful business, to become a ewski. of St. Michael’s Church Committee of Lyndhurst also aim of the Tamarack Council. ford. East Rutherford. Carlstadt sponsored by Business Leaders along with up^o-date facilities There was a great outpouring running mate on the Action Tic recalled Janowski’s many acts presented a commemorative ,Boy Scouts, as it inaugurated a Moonaohie. Wood Ridge, Nut for Scouting. and capable personnel.“ contin­ n* affection and appreciation to ket and how' Janowski has justi ef kindness and aid in building plaque to the commissioner. drive for $160.000 to modernize ley and Bloomfield. ued Mr. Koteen. Janowski evidenced throughout fied his faith in the energetic the new' church. (Continued On Page Three) Chairman of the drive is Wil the all-year scout camp at Oak liam P. Orr. president of the “ Leadership training gained land. Tlie council has 20 years of accomplishment behind it and Lummus Company, an interna­ in the Boy Scouts offers a boy As a Leader editorial pointed today serves over 4.000 boys. It tionally known construction or­ Qualities he will use as a man." Juniors Holding Installation out today the sum asked by is one of the most beneficial a ganization located in B lo o m added Mr. Orr. “ Further." he Tamarack is in keeping with gencies in the public domain field. stated, “ w'e feel that the trend its modest approach — le s s vet it does its work with a min “ We are looking toward the towards the use of narcotics, ci than one penny per each of the imum of fanfare. future." stated council presi­ God. country and authority can 185.000 residents of the nine The desire to give the council dent George Koteen. who an* be reversed through renewed communities servied by t h e a modern facility out of which nounced the drive. “ We are hop e mphasis on scouting."

Honor Roll Listed A t Lyndhurst

Lyndhurst High School has Cipolla. Pamela DeGraff, Eliz­ PioTowski. Lillian Polewacz. Grade 10 — Margaret Aid issued names of those on its abeth Evans. Mitchell Firlej. Derise Potterton. Linda Rago. ridge, Mary Andrews. Frank Honor Roll and Creditable lists Reverly Garofalo. Diane Nicol, Patricia Reisen. Sussan Renz. Berlineeri. Roxanne Bonelli. Di for the fifth marking period: Russell Park hurst. Barbara Janet Rush. George Safar, Sam­ ane Calabrese. Helen Catapano. Ratkowski. Fred Szablicki and uel Scherzo. Nancy Shemanski. wThomas Cecot. Nina Clemente. Grade 12 — Susan Beckmann Janet Werner. Robert Short. Patricia Sturgcs. Glenn Colabel'a. Martha Copp Michael Brown. Michael Buge Pannina Tuccino. James Violan­ la. Joseph Cortesa. David E s­ i.i. Valeric Firlej. Frank Gac- Grade 9 — Barbara Beck. To te. and James Warburton. tes. Suzanne Harris. Sharon Ian- cione. Paula Marchesani. Glo­ pi Bogle. Suzanne Donovan. Bar­ none, Nancy Jacobs. H a r v e y ria Mercurio. Debra Nelson. Do­ bara Dulinski. Peter Fa'co. Vic Grad« 11 — William Bryce. Kerker. Helen Kundracky. Ga reen Nelson. Tracy O’Connc’l. toria Gauci. Susan Gioia. Ken Gary Ciesla. JoAnn Glaccum. rv Luddecke. Jeanne Mangione. Barbara Pascbburg. C a r o le rtth Hamfti. Audrey Henderson. Andrea LaForgia. Marilyn Las- Steven Mileski. Diane Mullaney S'lagan. Joyce Sparta. Richard Vivian Machinski. Joli Olin. De iewski. Anthonv Lembo. John William Perry. Ingrid P o k k. Szulewski. Lillian Valenti. Ca bra Pravetz. Andrew Scarlatelli Plisko. Linda Primerano. Ruby Tnomas Rush. Edward Szvmc rol Werner. Judith Wolff and and Jutta Scholz. Reyna. Dennis Stellato and Con 7ak. Kenneth Thompson. Frank Debra Young. t stance Violante. On the Creditable List: Totaro and ThmnasTroncone Grade 11 — Ann Cimicata. Grade 12 Laura Bernaduc Grade 9 Hilarie Baumgart NEW BOARD MEMBERS OF THE LYNDHl’RST JUNIOR W OMAN’S ( LI B — Front row, from left lo right, Mrs. Frank Linda Coppola. Doris D a v is . < i Bernadette Cag. Rosalyn en. Reberta Besmer. Deborah Pezzola, Jr. new president, receiving gavel from outgoing Presi dent, Mrs. Alfred A. Porro, *Ir. Sei’ond row, from left, Mrs. Itohert Janet Esposito. Christine Fal Cerchio. Janice Chaplin. Lor Bianculli. Concetta Copinola. Ca Pe/.itoia, recording se-cretary; Mrs. Kenneth Koppenjan, corresponding secretary-; Mrs. Bernard Parisi. 2nd vice president; c-o. JoAnn Gerace. Antoinette raine Copoola. Jane D’Arcv. Ri Car Wash Postponed rol DiFilipoo. Theresa Finnegan Mrs. RotM'o Conzo, treasurer and Mrs. Anthony Becker, 1st vice president. C.oodwin. Edward Hendela. Ja chard DcCcco. Roberta Down Karin Goebel. Diane Griffo. Deb Due to inclement weather last na Marie Amorelli graduated as Rookie of the year, and Mrs. net Kostula. Margaret Krupa. ev. Edwin Dziekonski. Patricia bie Hanf. Grace Jablon. Ann The Lyndhurst Junior Worn Sloan, Juniors’ past advisor. Sunday, the Car Wash for the from the Ju-niors and are enter­ Edward Maguire received a J >hn Luski. Delia Mackin. Di Finnegan. Jean Grater. Bea Mastria. Joscnh Matt. Deborah an's Club held its installation Gifts were presented to the Michael GuMone Fund will be ing the Evening Dept. T h e y special Federation attendance are Nobile. Eileen RaTerty. trice Harasymow. Barbara Hen Nelson. Rose Primerano. T)oo dx.ner May 12 at the San Carlo guests from the membership. he’d Sunday. May 24. at Sen were presented with gifts from award for a new member. John Santeramo. Michael Scar n'a. Grace Imoeria'le. Joseph In na Reszczynski. Marv Salmeri. Restaurant. Guests were Mrs. Two prospective members and ese's Texaco Station. Park and Mrs. Porro. outgoing presi la.trHi and Kenneth W’ic’and. I rdo’a. Gayda Kiiajy. K a r e n Robert Santeramo. Richard Sn\ Norman Thompson. outgoing five alumnae attended the membership. T ake Avenues from 9 a.m. to A w ards were presented deni was presented a gift from Grade 10 — John A h m u t y. Kmeck. Robert Konarski. John der. Louis Sollitto. Deborah, Su chairman of the Evening De­ The new board and 13 new 3 p.m. Mrs. Glen Sumpman as Junior the membership Mrs. J o h n hone Beneduce. Luanna Butt t I a Pol la Robert Luski. Idalyn galski. William Szymczak. John partment; Mrs.'Alexander Ma members were installed by Mrs nr the year: Mrs. Donald Cola Senese was installation chair t.i Larry Calabro. Elizabeth Ca Mustardo. Nancy NoHe. Jan There will be ice cream and Talarico and Rose Marie Wood zirr. president of the Lyndhurst Frank Pezzola. Jr.. president bella and Mrs. Lewis Cariaselo -man. V \ . Susan Oheescman. Judy Nonvid. Cheryl Petriilo. Linda balloons for the kiddies. 11 iff Woman s Club and Mrs John Mrs. Walter Frey and MisS An V