PAC,F. FOURTEEN T H E LEADER PRESS THURSDAY. MAY 21. 107(1 Co-Ed Post 80 Commercial Leader Leader-Free Press A Memorial Written For Dean Latronica Honors Mothers And I’he south Itergen Keview O fficial Newspaper of tbe 'Boroughs of t.yndhursts Official Nrwspupfr F,»M Rutherford A Carlstadt Major Ronald R. Hobaica. earth they love so dearly. This for those Americans who stance erf recorded history that ‘Honor Mother Night'. spon Since 15*2 i t7ti Grove St.. East Rutherford AUS (ret.) oi 829 Waverly Place, filial gesture, born of sad and made the supreme sacrifice, brought about the sad and un sored by Co-Ed Post 80 Mav 13 Publication Office 41* >*fi onri «♦ r^rlitiiitt wps a social success. T h e 251 wM«rp I vnrlhurst N J. Litica. New York, has sent to tragic loss, serves as an hum- must be more than ever alert timely demise of all those once Telephone 438-8700 — 8701 The Leader a Memorial Day an bond a link with those who of the “ Un-American Ameri |>-oud civilizations that flour Moms heard kind words a n I Telephone 4388700 — 8701 Editor John Sav mu remembrance of Lt. Col. Alex lived with us as a part of our cans" — those professional ag Ished, and then fell — fell by praise for their unselfish d; Second i lass* Foliate I'aid Al Publication Office Ruthei ford, tl. J 251 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst, N J LaTronica Sr., one of the early family. national and community itators — “ The People M o v »ay of apathy and compacen votion and hard work, especial Criitor John Savin« Second Cla^ Postage Paid At and veteran teachers of Lynd life, for, we as human beings, ers" who get their s h a g g y c\. People make history ^peo 1y in the present unrestful time Subscription S3 00 Per Year Rutherford, N. J. " j r . hurst High School. divinely inspired and oriented heads waggling and their glands pie fail their National and Com Commissioners Carucci. Jan Ten Cents Per Copy Subscription S2 50 Per Year owski. Anthony Scardino Jr.. T*n rVnt* Per Copv______ Col. LaTronica is remember rs God s creatures, were meant salivating like "Pavlov's dogs" pmnity leaders, and their war ed for his interest in sports and to endure the vicissitudes of on another subject, say t'h e dead. They fail to remember and Fred Censutto from the 7 0 0 0 * W e e k ly student activities. He also life that can be kind, indiffer "Vanishing Environment! tfeir ideals, hopes and ^spira Board of Education were lavi't "The LEADER wrote the high school song ent, and cruel, or both, like a t;ons that made their nation in their praise. What wail can we help to e SPEAKS (or which is sung today by students, short measure of happiness al- strong, free and prosperous. and Miss Carol Infante. member No. Arlington Leader rect before this neo-barbaric SOUTH BERGEN ' Major Hobaica. who received loicd to some of us only, and proud of their national heritage. o( the Girl Scouts of Americ:». And The Bergen Sunday Leader horde that threatens to dissolve the Freedoms Foundation we wonder why. Perpetuity of these lofty ideals and Ronald Dion, representing institu North Arlington's George Washington Medal last What a sad commentary this our *1 i ° laws and a bulwark against all adver Tamarack Council, were in u O fficial Newspaper tions? It is a well known fact year, prepared the memorial to national, shrine honored ritual sfty was lost by national col cord and hoped that more E\ 157 Hide# Rd No Arlington. N.i Representative that these hairy, furred animal honor Col. LaTroniea and his reflects today! Businesses con- lective default. plorer Posts would become Co Telephone 438-8700 — 8701 like creatures flourish on those A s s o c ia t io n son. ,Alex. Jr., a teacher in tinue to remain open as usual. Ed. fdiioi John Savino A m er ic a n P ress campuses where the classes Are we too. by our disregard Social E d ito r — 991 1839 Roosevelt School, Lyndhurst: even advertising and holding Post Advisor Nick DeLco to'I are “ discussions.” and the pro Second Class Postage Paid At New York • Chicago * Detroit Philadelphia his brother John, of the Bronx, sensational ‘Memorial Day" ol our hard-won national heri the mothers they could be proud Kearny. N. J 07032 two sisters. Mrs. Elisa Taddon- banner sales! fessors are so willing "by the tage as a strong and free peo­ of their children because ¡hex Subscription $3.00 Per Year students to be taught!" ple. going to let down our war were always ready to help when Ten C en ts Per C opy io of Bergenfield and Mrs. Fil In less than ten years t h e omina Marino of the Bronx and United States of America will Let us be ever-vigilant. for. dead, our leaders, both p a s t help was needed. his granddaughter. Susan,and be two hundred years old. The in another era of world history, a I’d present and our country Mrs. DeBellis received a cm THURSDAY, M AY 21, 1970 his widow, Anna. average life of the world's civ the barbarians from without de go down the way the Roman sage, being the mother with Major Hobaica’s memorial fol ilizations has been 200 years, stroyed Rome. It was not the Empire fell — only down from the most children (6) taws: AH of these civilizations fol fickle finger of fate, nor happen within? Heaven forbid! Co-Ed Post gratefully acknou Fire Fighting In a time-honored period of lowed in progression, from Bon ledges donations from Giairl our recent historical past. I am Spiritual Faith. from Union. Patsy’s Shop Rite. Lvnc The increasing number of fires in the office complex is nearing completion. sure many of us remember Spiritual Faith to Great Cour- College Award To J. J. Cody hurst Pastry. Mazurs B a k e r \ These are important tax-paying ratables when we honored our w a r a#e< ^rom Courage to Liberty. industrial areas of Carlstadt and East James J. Cody, son of Mrs. m'ttee. He has also worked with Lyndhurst F'orist and N't and will require protection. Lyndhurst from Liberty to Abundance, Rutherford pose important problems for dead — decorated their graves James Cody of 87 Heddcn ter \oungsters at the Burlington tional Community Bank, and • < favors a centralized department which from Abundance to Selfishness. p u b lic safety p la n n in g . with plants and flowers — ger nee. North Arlington, is » the Bo\s Club as pail of his pro soecial thank you for Local :MU served the community well for over 80 aniums and poppies were a Complacency, and Apathy! In East Rutherford the department al­ recipient of the Victor V. Lem Aram as a sociology major. AF OF M Paterson for the fmc years. Whether it is the answer to to­ The handwriting is on the wall ready is on record as favoring establish» "must". But. what stands out ieux Award at St. Michael's orchestra and a great vocalist m orrow s problems is a question. - we are heading in the direc­ The Lemieux Award was or ing a fifth company in the industrial park. most vividly to me to this very Co'lege. Winooski. Vermont. Arlene. Lyndhurst *s new chief, Kenneth Sum ­ tion from apathy to dependen ¡Finally sponsored by Victor V. Anybody who has been through the grow­ day. more so as Decoration Day The annual award, given to a mers, will doubtlessly spend many long cy — “ The Great Welfare I.cmieux. a 1935 graduate of ing East Rutherford industrial develop­ (as I still like to call it), ap senior athlete in recognition of nights deliberating on a program that will proaches, is when Slate.” and thence as a s a d S; Michael’s College and a ment can undcr.«tand the apprehension small loyalty and leadership, was pre insure greatest protection for the entile boys in school our teachers ex- a nearly 200-year o 1 q rm mber of the Board of Asso­ over conditions there. The firemen want scnted at the college’s Block M community, the new industrial area in­ ciate Trustees. Since his death to be able to get to the scene of a fire as horted us to place a small Arne civilization, from Dependency dinner. clud e d . lican flag on a solder’s grave back to Bondage! in 1965. the college has c o n rapidly as possible and they feel a com­ Cody, who was captain o: Complicating the Lyndhurst problem is tinued the award in his name. pany located near the industrial center is any soldier if we did not have a For those fallen American sol- this year’s basketball t e a in the manner in which the township grows Cody is an alumnus of Queen the an.«wer. r dative or a friend to honor and d^ers — our time-honored wa^ has been a starter for two of on every front. Opening soon is the new, Lynchurst faces similar problems. As to remember. What a beautiful eead." and to National and his pnst three years on t h e of Peace High School. giant Pantry Pride center at River Road th e meadowland a re a is absorbed by con­ patriotic gesture instilled i n us Community leaders through squad.
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