Tynwald Court
TYNWALD COURT. DOUGLAS, TUESDAV„1ANUARY 26, 3915. Present in the Council: His Excellency 4, sub-section 1, of the Money-Lenders the Lieut.-Governor (President), the Clerk Act, 7908, the Governor, With the approval of the Rolls, Deemster Moore, Deemster of Tynwald, is empowered to make cegule- Callow, the Archdeacon, the Receiver- tions respecting the registration of money- General, and the Vicar-General; and in lenders carrying on their business within the Keys : The Speaker (Mr Dalrymple the Island, whether individuals, firms, Maitland,- .LP.), Messrs. J. R. Kerruish, societies, or companies; and as to the form E. J. Curphey, R. S. Corlett, J. W. of register and the particulars to be Walton, W. Christian, T. H. Cormode, T. entered therein, the fees to be paid on C. Kermode, W. Quayle, J. Quahrough, registration, and renewal of .registration, W. C. Southward, W. J. Radcliffe, W. 1'. and the inspection of the register and the °relineII, A. QuaItrough. Carine, J. fees payable therefor. Hitherto no such Garside, it. Moughtin, F, Quine, W. regulations have been made, but recently I•. Cowell. R.. Quells, and Cel. Moore. an inquiry was received at the Government• Office from a money-lender in England, as to what regulations were in force in this BILLS FOR SIGNATURE. Island. It is, therefore. considered desir- The Governor laid before the Court for able to have regulations framed in the signature the Companies Bill and the Poor event of money-lenders from across the Prisoners Defence Bill. water extending their business to the Isle of Man. Tho draft regulations, copies EX.FENSION OF IMPERIAL ACTS which have been circulated amongst the TO THE ISLE OF MAN.
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