Thu'rsday A Student Publication November I, too? Volume 52 Issue 8 UNIVERSITY 0 F WISCONSIN-STEVENS PO INT Locked and loaded: UW-SP PrQ.tective Services to introduce armed police officers t·o campus Sara Suchy police on campus 24 hours a an increasing number of peo "Our number one concern consult SCA before making THE POINTER day, seven days a week. ple who are hostile towards has always been the safety the decision to arm police offi
[email protected] .EDU "Currently we are the only them. Most of these people of our students; we take that cers. campus in the UW-System to are not students, but it is not very, very seriously." "Some students are con not already have armed police fair to our officers to put them Student Government cerned that having guns on Students at the University officers," said Bob Tomlinson, campus will provoke violence. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Vice Chancellor of Student Some students actually feel might be seeing more armed Affairs. unsafe having guns around police officers patrolling cam Chancellor Linda Bunnell campus," said Goldowski. pus in the near future after a is also expected to mandate Tomlinson views the ini committee organized by the that the UW-SP campus have tiative as a means of prevent Board of Regents to evalu armed police officers before ing a tragedy like Virginia Tech ate security of uw campus the entire UW-System requires from happening at UW-SP. es presents their report next it. "If something like Virginia week. Currently, there are three Tech happened here, the first "Immediately following full-fledged police officers on thing people would say is we the Virginia Tech shooting last campus and that number is need to have armed police on spring, President Kevin Reilly expected to climb to seven in campus to keep the students [president of the University the near future.