MISCELLANEOUS. taken from him and thrown overboard. u 'The convention at 3.15 took a reoess Wallao a when ho told his story and found The mate is the THE only one of the crow who until 8 n. m., to enable the oommitteo it and two SEA TRAGEDY. his mouth WHO FIRED IT ? recently discharged empty keeps dosed. on credentials to After the re- HOT WEATHER When report. shells in it, just the number ho said he ILLSJM questioned regaring the affair he oess was taken the convention resolved be — pleads knows nothing oonoorniug the itself into an informal mass meeting. iirou. Last CALL FOR' tragedy. night all tho prisoners Congressman Howard of Alabama, who It seems 'to bo a vory singular oaso. slept well at the station once house,particular- introduced a resolution in Congress The motive could not have been robbery, SANFORD’S ly Monok and Spencer, who were ex- t‘0 impeach President Clovoland. He lias Still Sen- Marne Full of Confi- Further Particulars ofjlurders Oh hausted Its First Westbrook] Another for the of the highwaymen Republicans by the weeks’ strain on him. Populist Convention Holds made a bitter attack upon the Democra- experience The bodies of GINGER tho victims were in very tic party and advooateu standing on the the night before when they the Herbert Fuller had condition, when they were closed up ticket. Ho was followed sation. dence for Fall Work. Session. independent by- WENT THROUGH WALLACE, ill casket. When the clothing was re- other speakers, who urged standing for moved from the a wound woman, gaping the Peoples’ party issue, first, last and as he says, and got only a small piece of on her left breast was disovered, evident- all the time. tobacco would hardly tempt them to re- ly having been made with an axe. Tho At 8.30 p. ni. over 1000 Populists dele- “PRISM” WALLACE SHOT LAST so an GATHERING OP PARTY LEADERS THE JfADISTBATE’S blows she received in tho face made her CHAIRMAN BUTLER MAKES THE gates assembled In convention ball,which peat dangerous operation. INQUIRY West- countenance almost unrecognizable, as was vary dimly lighted by a few candles. It was suggested by some of the TJSTIE out EVENING. AT AUGUSTA LAST NIGHT. POSTPONED TODAY. thoy the side of hor faoe open, OPENING ADDRESS. The local committee neglected to ar- brook people that Wallace shot himself jammed her upper row of teeth altogeth- range with tbe light Joleotrlc company to gain notoriety but unless, Wallace er. for power. Senator Butlor rapped the The second mate’s head is split open convention to order and announced that possessed extraordinary nerve to atoop cud aoross the captains’ face there aro tho committee on credentials would cot over and take line aim ho Wliat Mouck Will Held Up According to His Story by the exceedingly gcqators llale and Need of Pre- Passenger Testify To— three an Address bo Frye Urge gaping wounds. Ignatius Douuelly Also Makes Jready to report until tomorrow and could not have the wound* tlie Same Two Men tv ho Waylaid Him produced to the Bodfes of Victims Have Been Sealed Mate Bram was captain of a lighter at and Session that no light could bo had tonight. senting People Fallacy of Free Urges Unity—Evening which was made. Mr. Grant sootfs at New York two years ago. A Halifax asAt 8.35 the convention adjourned until] Assailants Kan and Silver to Await Arrival of Friends—Halifax Be- Monday Night—His Argument—Congressmen Bou- man who met him there at tho time, ro- Called to Order But Adjourned 10 tomorrow morning. the idea of Wallace shooting himself and Ho Fired at Them—If His Tale is true telle and Milliken 31 an Becognizes 31 ate Brain as Former him at tho station Don’t Want Tariff oognized polioo today. cause Electric Bights Went Out. says if those who thought so had seen of Tho recognition was mutual. Bram whon It Was a Deed—Circumstan- i Captain New York Lighter. TO BRYAN AND Dastardly him when he did and seen the character Forgotten. in New York was regarded by his asso- St. Louis, July 22.—No matter how ENDORSE SEWALL. ces Seem to Corroborate Wallace’s Ver- of the wound and his and Halifax, N. S., July 22.—The Intense ciates as a sort of fly-oft-the-haudle man. heated tho proceedings of the People’s fright pain, [SPECIAL TO THE PEESS.] Ho is one of the and Is liberal in sion of the Affair. never would have it. excitement occasioned the boys oanveution and there is they imagined V yeserday by Ho states that he is a party may be, Augusta, July 22.—Thera will be a spending money. It seems as if Borne from a news of the muider on board the Westbrook has another persons triple the member of a Masonic in New every prospeot of a hot light from sensation. vigorous campaign In Maine this lodge That Seems To Be Chief Aim of desire to and make Wallace’s liio year- barken tine Herbert York. It is not a murder or assassination worry CHOLERA MORBUS, cramps, Fuller, the arrival of word “go” the weather will Jieep pace an one waged with confidence of an old-time the bodies of the three 1 miserable, had pursued him for some- pains, chills, and all hot weather victims and the with the disputants. It is a typieal St. Silver Party. but it might have fbeen had the bullet majority at the Septomber electlou. Thao arrest of all on F. H. Monok, father of Leslie Monok, time with acts of more or less severity. board the vessel has not Louis summer day, soorohing and grow- which was fired into Win. Wallace found was the burden of the remarks made at ills, call for the prompt use of arrived late tonight from Boston. Ho If this is so have farther than abated. The street around the sta- a more vital As it’ they gone police drove at onoe to the station. ing more so overy minute. lodging plaoe. was, the meeting this evening of police will be for them this time. prominent tion where those a healthy in custody are held, Young Monck broke down when be met The middle of the road delegates held A Young Woman Recites Declaration of the wound is flesh one, in the oalf of Republicans who had gathered at the were was his father. After ho had the the and tlio It may he that intending to scare him, SANFORD’S GINGER today crowded with people. recovered, n meeting this morning and reconsidered Independence to tlxo Delegates—A leg, only possible danger invitation of tho state commltteo to coi The two had a long conversation, John Nash the pistol was ana careless and best of remains of Captain JNash and wife tho notion taken late last The against complete reoovory for Wallaoe, is discharged sider the issues before the purest warming of brother of the mur- night Committee to Confer With Populists pooplo and the have Harrington, Me., aim produced, bodily when the been sealed up to await the arrival decision to run Jouea Mis- whioh sometimes ooours injuring means to he stomachics. . dered captain, arrived tonight and will O.D. *f mortification, employed In presenting Ji^lge Appointed. assailants no of the dead to in a wound of this oharaoter. Who intended real harm. Then brother. leave tomorrow return with the bodies souri agaiDst Senator Butler for tem- them to the voters. With the 002 SANFORD’S GINGER is so captain’s state At the of Uaptain Nash and his wife. St. Louis, July 33.—At 12.80 the oh arc fired the shot is a and in the seeing the damage tiny had done they eleven, hqur at which the mag- porary chairman, was rescinded and it mystoiy mittee, met Senators Halo, and Frya, rich in health Bram, the lirst mate of the Herbert Dr. Mott of North called fled. On the whole this seems prop- istrate’s of the was was mau, Carolina, hurried examination which was made naturally preserving investigation tragedy in New a num- agreed to make no to the Representatives and Fuller, resided York for opposition to be Dingley, Boutelle, erties in the midst of summer to it the silver party convention to order, an- last and after it was the most plausible idea of tho case. commence, was announced that ber of yoare and tonduoted a restaurant election of Senator Butler for the tem- night dark, impos- Milliken, Gov. Cleaves, and Maine’s next The officials Medical there. He was for a time a devout nouncing that the proceedings would be sible to ciroumstanoes whioh will spare no pains to get dangers that it is almost criminal Examiner Finn’s report on the long poiary.presidlng officer. unooverany Governor, Hon.Llewellyn Powers. There member of the Franklin street Methodist with the of the call of to the bottom of the affair. post mortem examination was not The same and confusion opened reading wonld tend to throw any light ou the were also in attendance to be without it. ready of which Rev Stephen Merritt uncertainty prominent Re- aud the church, the convention by J. M. Devine secre- mystery. inquiry would not be prooeeded is the pastor Jit was reported this after- prevailed about the hour of the meeting publicans from all over the state. Among Containing among its ingredients the purest of the Bi-Metallio whioh was CHAIRMAN MANLEY SPEAKS- with The that Leslie Monck noon that Bram made a but of tho convention as about the various tary league, PRESS readers will reoall reading in of medicinal French brandy and the best of today. story confession, them were: it is to the the as far as could be learned there was do accordingly done. At this time there edition an imported ginger, vastly superior passenger, will tell on the stand will yesterday morning’s acoount W. T. Haines, Watorville; T. H. Phair, cheap, worthless, and often dangerous gingers foundation to the story. The report of were 400 in their seats he this: 11. and noon bad been probably delegates of how William E. Wallace had stated The in Maine to be urged as substitutes. Ask for SANFORD’S substantially the medical examiner, on his autopsy of o’clock, publioly Campaign Fought Presque Isle; Geo. C. Murehio, Calais; and look for “Owl” trademark on and two score j spectators. At 12.35 Dr the be had been “held and GINGER, When Mrs. Nash’s screams awoke Monck the bodies of the victims, describes fully given out as tbe hour, with more or less up” roughly Most J. B. Dover ;S. M. Bowdoin- tiie Sold Potter Drug Vigorously. Peaks, Carr, wrapper. everywhere. he realized that something was wroDg, the ooaditiou of the corpse and says that Mott Introduced Hon. Franols G. New. handled on Riverside street, at West- Crlm. Corf.. Sole Boston. apparent authority. “•*‘“1 "“HU) V1B1UUU, VJi(UiD3 Proprietors, and on his clothes. UUU tu DWII1U put Then he loaded UCUUil was uuurj ninuuuiVbv, lands,'representative in Congress from This the At tho earllost of these points of time, rook, Monday night. young man, M.Moses, riaoo; John M. revolver and went, out in the compun- such as Rn axe, which iniiicted many 0 TO THE Burleigh,(South , as temporary;chairman, who ad- *0 is the same one who is the [SPECIAL PBESS-] SPECIAL NOTICES. ionway. He did not see any person as he fatal wounds in each case. there were not 60 delegates in the con- years old, Berwick; Fred N. Dow, Portland; Soldeu I’s from his room, lie a dressed the convention. Mr. Newlu i| actor in the second act of 22—Hon. H. emerged took look Dr. Finn believes the second mate was vention ball. prinoipal thts Augusta. July J. Manley Conner, Portland; J.W. Wakefield, Bath; into the chart room, saw the killed Nash and Mrs, references to the declarations the captain dy- first, Captain next, Ihe hall was In the same by said to a PRESS reporter today: Seth on praotioally MINATURE TRAGEDY. L.Larrabee, Portland; F.H.Twitch- POATS, Pants, Vests, ing the flour, and also observed blood. Nash last. The vessel will be mads roady Demooratio platform for froe of condition as to and deco- coinage “The campaign in Maine will be fought of He thought that some mishap had befal for sea and a new crew as arrangements ell, Bath; J. O. Smith, Skowhegan; J. again shipped silver at a ratio of IB to 1 without Inter- leu the rations that it was and now lies on his bed with a painful more vigorously than that !j Overcoats made-up11103 captain aud went forward to call soon as possible, when she will again sail iu when the Republi- aDy campaign J. Bane, Waterville; Geo. M. Seiders, GARMENTS the to national of Democratic candi- wound in the oalf of tbo captain’s wife come to the assist- for Rosaria. The murdered seooud mate can convention it five weeks agreement flesh'; leg. The has occurred in the state since 1882. The Seth M. her assembled^ Portland; Carter, Auburn; fl. ance of husband. was burisd today in Camp Hill cemetery. date were received with much favor by Is more known average given in Cleansed or ago, except that the pictures of gentleman familiarly by Renublican maiorihv S. Wm. Dyed Whole, On reaching the room a horrible and Washing- Osgood, Portland; C.'Marshall, ton, Grant,Sherman and others had been the delegates. His suggestion that the bi- the name of “Pinny” Wallaoe and if all Maine Presidential since 1800 And Tailor’s Pressmen sickening sight met his gaze. The hor- inutile years Bolfastf I, K. Stotson, F. E. pressed by every day at taken away. metallists retained of Bangor; ribly mutilated body of the TWO MAY ME. who independence his acoounts are true bis brief life has bag been about 12,000. We gave an abnor- oaptain’s At half past eleven the first motion Timberlake, Phillips; H. B. Saunders, wife lay on the floor. It then dawned on oonviotion and action upon non-essentials, been full of dramatio incidents. About a two was made iu the lino of providing ac- mal.'iuajority years'ago, beoause only Ellsworth; Geo. Waldoboro; C. A. Monck what had happened to the captain should unite the of BUbs, commodations for tho chairman and ofH- upon essential issue year ago he was unceremoniously 50 per oent of the.Demaeratlo voto was and be hastily proceeded to the second McCullough, Calais; J. S. Harrimau, DYE oers. Soon after this some work men oampaign with tbo Demoorats and under tumbled into a and rumor and FoSy HOUSE reservoir, says polled vote was mate’s room to find that he bad boon A Accident at Rockland Yes- [the full^Republioan Belfast; E. F. Waterville; F. A. Runaway hung over the railing of one of the gal- the gallant young loader, named by that Webb, 13 Pueble st. Pueble murdered. Mon ok trembled with fear, as his entirely honorable attentions to a not cast. Op. Hot*se leries a fair sized picture of Abraham party march to victory, reoeived a tu- Powers, Houlton; A. M. Spsar,Gardiner; he did not know what to do, or bow terday Afternoon. fair had to do with this i Llnooln, draped in the American flag, multuous response wh'ch indicated the lady something “Maine was swept by the Greenback O. B. A. R. £S“Kid Gloves Cleansed Every Day many of the crow were implicated in the Claaon, Gardiner; Day, and the sight of it drew out the first intention of the delegates to do that very experience. Monday night, as stated, heresies in ’79 and ana all tragedy. At first he started aft,'but wus ’77, ’78, ’80, Corlnna; Wm. Littlefield, Belfast, und Lace Curtains Cleansed. manifestation of or interest afraid the murderers or marderers applause thing. | he was “held up” by two men, searched the old advocates of this doctrine aro might A Party of Four Aged Men Thrown From that the convention had a large representation of the Republican TELEPHONE CONNECTION. be for him to come and kill yet given. Committees were appointed. Miss Lal- and small of tobaooo stolen from waiting up There were three piece again coming to tbe front. There oan be of the him. a Carriage—Two Were Fatal- only colored delegates lie Pierce of St. Louis was esoorted to Capital oity. Probably but the failed to se- uo as to tbe present. These wore from Colorado, the was in a him, highwaymen question result in this state. The was called ured. platform. She arrayed garb S meeting to order by ly luj and Kansas. cure 15 cents in silver he bad The Georgia of white over which was draped auAmer- carefully | only question is, how muoh majori- Chairman who Ho rotraced his and went a score of women Manley, briefly explained £ND-US:YOUR«RS. footsteps up Nearly delegates from loan and she had a cap on seoreted on his oan [SPECIAL. TO THE flag, liberty person. Now, according ty the Republicans obtain? We pro- the the forward companionway. No sooner PKESS.j Western states were In their seats. Colo- her head. She recited the declaration of plans of the committee. Then tyr. to his these same two men to conduct the had he placed his head above, than a rado had live women in Its story, again pose oanvass upon that called Senators Hale 23.—An“accldent whloh delegation. independence and the swelling periods Manley upon and billet of wood was hurled at him Rockland, July At 12 o’clook there was still no of held him np and one of them and wo itePmBflxCft by sign of that document were greeted with great theory, that shall’need every voto Frye, Representatives Boutelle Mato Brain. Mojck levelled his revolvor may terminate fatally to at least one an of the convention. The Dlngley, organization applause. The conclusion was marked SHOT HIM. in the state. We to make this a at mate propose aud Milliken and Mr. each of the and the latter begged him member of the befell four portion of the ball reserved for the dele- with a wild outburst of while Powers, party, aged applause, of and to not to ehoot. Mnook wrs of gates was then about two-thirds The is the taio as he tells campaign education, reaoh whom spoke the remdrks and dis- suspicious gentlemen who had been berry picking full, the band played “Red, White and Blue.” following it, briefly, the hut did not to and thore was not a hundred voter and see to it that he la tho- mate, say anything spectators The thanks of the convention were given stated: every cussion being largely informal. Messrs. * The crew wero in the oountry today. The con- briefly him. arousod and they party in tho gallery. Probably one-third ot Miss Pieros. The chairman read a letter instructed In the ‘‘When I was held on roughly pending Issues. Hale and of the were horrified at what had taken sisted of the wore iu their shirt up Monday night Frye spoke desirability place. Benjamin Kastman, aged about delegates sleeves, from Senator Teller dated Donver, July It is not After Wheelman with vests oil and I “sassed1 the purely partisan campaign. It of to the consultation, Brown 73, John Stevens, aged about 75, and two and badges pinned to their 21, in which he said: “The money ques- finally got away, men presenting people arguments is not a whether the was placed in irons, and the mate as- suspenders. a question Democratic the of tho free by the of Grant and tion overshadows all others. On its right- considerably from safe distance. They showing fallacy coinage sumed command of the vessel. Suspicion gontlemen name, of shall ful determination, depends the prosperity at me that I would hear from them Republican party succeed, but and this was corroborated rested much the mate. Monck Slmonton, each of whom is over 50. yelled theory, by very upon The convention was finally called to of the and the perpotuity of Re- it is a whether national people later and would be on question honor, the others Messrs. says he and Charles Spenoer, the colored were Rock- order at they revenged speakers. Boutelle They returning ..through 12.37. Prayer was offered by publican institutions. Ail other questions the national faith shall talked the matter over after me. be maintained, and steward, ville in a team and wore Rev. Dr. W. L. R. Smith of the Third must ho subordinate to it. A vote for On acoount of these threats I Milliken urged that in addition the and to look for going 'down a or shall be wards, they proceeded the oburob. and riewall is a vote for the indus- I better be in to defend repudiation enoouraged and tariff issue should not bo lost to hill when a of the Baptist Bryau thought shape sight, captain’s revolver, which up to that time steep part gearing Gov.Stone delivered trial and financial of the endorsed. the address of wel- independence and so I went to Robert Boutelle could not be found. searched the broke. The horse became and myself, Dubcok Mr. being especially emphatic They frightened come. Hon. Ignatius Donnelly respond- Amerioans people from foreign domina- ‘‘The convention has it and borrowed his is Chicago banded his of a chart room, but was not there. They the driver lost all control ed. tion and control. should have the pistol. (The pistol in advocaoy vigorous presenta- speedily of They vicious looked in the oaptain’s room, in wbiuh a 82 together every element in the him. Messrs. and Mr. Donnelly closed his remarks by support of all opponents of the gold Stan- British bulldog, oalibre.) Tonight tion of the contrast presented by the Monck-had been and it was Berry Simonton it must be met sleeping, making nu for dard. I came home from where I country,and by the union under from the team which eloquent appeal unity. Riverton work country’s prosperity the last Re- found undereatb the mattress. It was jumped was mov- “I he “at the cradle of the The sentiments oontained in tire tele- of all men’who desire stood," said, and went to oall on a friend. the honor and cred- administration and the distress loaded when they found it, and but the re- young lady publican Spenoer ing very rapidly, two elderly old Greonbaok party. (Cheers ) I stood gram were vigorously applauded. A it of their took it to himself I started to home and was oountry maintained, who are under the free trade of protect against any men were thrown out with force. at tbe oradle of the People’s party. God oess.was taken until 4.80 this afternoon. go going regime the pres- further as Monck had his great aotuated and outbreak, owe forbid I should be bore to attend Most of the were in their seats down Riverside the by high patriotlo motives, ent administration. Mr. Kastman had his and collar today delegates street, through Senator Frye ohor- revolvor. hip its at a of visitors of funeral. Stand togother, friends; lift 4.30, and quite sprinkling when one of the regardless past political differences. aoterized the Monck and Spenoer seemed to gain in bone broken, bosldes whloh, internal woods, suddenly same ooinage issue of this cam- up your hearts to the majesty and digni- were in the galleries. At 4.60, Chairman “The oontest Is to be a hard one. It eaoh others and “worked men who assaulted me the night before, as the most serious of any since the confidence, they injuries have probably been sustained, ty of the duty laid upon your shoulders. Newlands dropped his gavel. Mr. Wil- paign who is a must be at every, As to the together. Spencer, evidently The men no liams of Nebraska that a commit- in front of me. fought point. of the Rebellion. Mr. Powers ex- _ 6 so that the doctors who have been in at- of Valley Forge had more moved jumped up days vary shrewd man, took in the situation tee to result in Malue and ihe sublime and tremtnd ius duty than wo of three be appointed invite the “He was the one of the throughout himself as in favor of an and dose watch on all tendance this afternoon entertained but larger two, pressed heartily minutely, kept have today. No man? however is delegates to the Populist convention to oountry there oan be no doubt. The .«!11 ___ great, dressed in daTk clothes and a that was going on. Spencer was vory sus- with about e irly opening of the campaign and its worth a scintilla against tbe intoiests of take seats in the galleries for the after- and the of the mate, and he week’s of beard. He me rlght]will triumph, patriotlo and picious frequently Stevens was badly injured about the head this great party." noon. The motion was adopted. The growth grabbed vigorous prosecution. H. & told Monck of it. Monck the mate honest oountry will seo to H, says The chairman asked the members of the committee on credentials also reported and walked the road with me for people ofjthis Tho was marked with a feel- Hay Son, and was pioked up in an unoonsoious along raeetiDg | | was very cool all through the whole executive to no oontesta. The it that and oommittoejto step up the plat permanent organization some to know what McKinley Hobart, standing of in an affair. condition. His chances too are distance, demanding ing confidence oldtime Republi- 6 MIDDLE STREET. regarded form. Among those who thus advanced committee reported in favor of Wm. P. as a which % Bram that the bodies I meant by them when I saw the they do, upon platform recog- can The of those suggested be as somewhat The team be- was Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease, who was fit. John of New York for permanent sassing majority. testimony th rninrv ntifiphnnpH «nr? til'iA n onr> precarious. nizes that the standard is the ohairmau. Hon. Charles A. Towne of other man In the brush. He gold only with whom the oommitteo conferred was ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ came a total wreok. warmly cheered. oronohing rooms cleaned up. This Spencer and as Vice standard that will mointain'our credit Minnesota Wits named President leaped to his feot and called out to his that the free had not iionok declined to allow done. coinage heresy yet being Chairman Taubeneck and Robert K.Diflender of Pennsylavnia and honor, and as A BICYCLE RECORD. introduced as pal: ‘Do you want any help?’ representing they do, gained a position of in Maine THE WEATHER. as secretary. Tbo report was adopted strength temporary chairman of tbe convention every patriotlo impulse of the people, will and that with a full of the with a cheer. Mr. Newlands introduced “The latter bad no chance to reply, presentation After the bodies were removed from the Senator Marion Butler of North Caro- be elected. ’’ suoh as the committee when the smaller who wore surely subject proposes rooms, hlonck locked the doors, took the lina, who was received with three cheers, man, light that tho shall it will Wa 1 Air. tit. John made an address. His people have, not, keys and kept them himself. The mate, shington which he characterized as a ‘oyolone of olothes and a derby hat,~pulied a revolver tho that the convention would RED CHEEKED AND MOTHERLY* leaving way olear to an old-fashioned Monek says, never touched the bodies. July 22.—Forecast patriotism.” History showod, ho assumption , said, the them- and fired at me. I felt a deadly pain In victory In September. The others helped fix them up, and pnt for for that there always came a orlsis in the prevail upon patrolts calling Thursday selves the to my leg and stumbled. Then both the them in a small boat. During the morn- affairs of mea when humanity was raised Peoples’party endorse Bryan New England: and tiewail was received with But Lillian Wilson Seems to Have Bean a Burglary at Saco. ing after the murder, Spencer and Mate to a higher level, accordingly as tbe men great ap- men ran. As soon as I could I recovered Match ii followed The effect of the 22.—The shoe store of 0. P. *ui« cau. Out of entire 06 Brum had a conversation, iu the eouise Showers, on whose shoulders the plause. speeoh upon myself Star Conhdenec Woman. Saco, July responsibility the was most not one of Bram asked him if a certain cooler rested were able to meet the crisis with delegates happy, nearly Greene, on Main street was entered bv output, defective Ask which, by fair; PTTT.l.W.n MV RRVnr.VRB bicycle. was to wash oloth- every sentence being followed by enthu- washing powder good '“I \vmvv*-;, Puritaa riders about Puritan Thursday night, siastic manifestations of approval. When burglars early this morning. About $75 Bicyeles. ing with. Spencer said it was, as his to solve them to tho betterment of hu- Lewiston, 22.—The woman who fair and oooler Fri- and fired at the men. July worth of was selected from the wife used it at home. manity. Two political parties, he said, Mr. St. John oonoluded, many delegates retreating They goods roso to their feet and cheered. G. W. worked the Bath shop-koepers with THE EASY Later on watched Eram and day; high south- had held national eonventions this year, dashed into the underbrush, but had not bogus stock. Entrance was gained through*a RUNNING Spanner the on PURITAN, a that he wore on baker of California, moved appoint- oheoks the Auburn national saw him get shirt the erly becom- had adopted platforms, had put forward got far when I fired. I think I hit one bank, rear means of a ladder which winds, ment of a of one window, by of the and it in a their leaders. Now another committee consisting was in this citv several dars Sho We oau fill all orders. Call night murder, put great politi- of them for I heard him out ‘Obi’ 1 found in the and see throw a ing northwesterly; from each state to meet similar commit- ory they vicinity. bucket of water,and large quan- cal party, young but growing, a giant in her name as us. All makes of tee from the con vention to take oould fire as LillianJWilson. Shejjwaa a Seeond Baud Wheels tity of this washing powder on top of it. winds diminish- strength, had assembled to speak to the Populist only two shots there were up the question of differences between red-cheeked, motherly-looking woman of Shingle Miils Burned. at Low Prices. Spencer beoame more susniemus. ing. American people in this critical und'im- but two cartridges in the revolver I had the two with purpose of 40 or thereabouts and was No steps were taken at that time, but portant hour. (Cheers.) parties, coming borrowed of Bert Dubeok. woll dressed 22.—The Walter Boston, 22.—Local foreoast for to some latlonal to the end Presque lisle, July the same close watch was kept on the July were here beoause there was agreement and In her manners. Populists that and Sew- "The iu now to be a.uiet Stevens mills, including everything ex- mate. The mute had full charge of the Wednesday: Fair or clearing weather, ueed of them to be here. The parties the nomination oLBryan pain my leg began all be ratified the two She registered at the Exchange hotel burned ship, and all this time was navigating probably preceded by local cool- that had oharge of the government since might bj conven- intense and I felt very faint from the loss cepting the boarding house, were PURITAN CYCLE MFC. showers; tions. Mr. Olmstead of and went off without and did not war the Oregon speak- Wednesday were CO., her himself. Monek Spencer er the had succeeded in bringing of blood. I yelled for help and limbed settling; Wednesday morning. These mills Thursday evening and night; westerly for and as one of think be was her for the nearest nation to the of and lug the Populists, the but was at tbe lower Maine 22 TEMPLE steering verge bankruptcy along in the direotion of Gilbert Grant’s stopped Cen- about live miles abovq Pic3que Isle vil- ST., Portland, Me. a chart and to northerly winds. leaders of the in that state,seoonded port. Monek consulted found ruin, and bad necessitated the existence party tral the clerk while she the motion that each state which was nearest to the depot by was on the Aroostook river. All kinds of that the mate was taking the vessel ofi of a Populist suggesting house, spot lage bicycle repairing, bicycles to let Local Weather Report. organization. buying a tioket for Gardiuer. She her ehurse, and hoading in auother direc- The two parties had vied with each delegation select Its representativejon the where I was shot. I finally made Mr. got oomraittee. the checks of Clerk J. B. tion altogether. Portland, 23.—The looal weather other in “stradling.” New “straddling” Grant hear my calls and he came out in bogus Hunton July ; The motion was further seoondod Monek and Spencer oame to the con- was a thing of the past. He went on to by of the Auburn water board. She LOVERS OF bureau office records as to the weather other A delegate from Illinois his night shirt helped me Into his house present- MUSIC clusion that they would have to place the speak of the transportation question delegates. ed herself at the offored as a for Mr. Baker’s wioket of the water mate in irons. first seized Brain are ths following: as side aide with the substitute where he and his wife were vory kiud to With an iEOLIAIf in your home can Spenoer “standing by money you with a motion, ono to the effect that each state boara offioe. “Mr. said and the music of while Monek stood over him loaii- 8 a. m. —Barometer, £9,9S9; thermom- question and declared that noth these me I was finally sent home and Dr. Hunton,’’ she, study enjoy the masters seleot a member of this con- od revolver. The mate did not resist. All great questions would havo to be solved delegation “I want a couple of blank oheoks on the as easily as you do your favorite books ter, 76.0; dew point, 70; humidity, 82; ference and that the Barrett called and he came and dressed hands were ordered on deok andremulned before the country: got back to prosperity. committee, Populist First Naticntfl Bank of wind, W;“ velooity, 1; weather, convention of the aotion with my wound.” Auburn. It Is THE thro all the time, as it was feared some cloudy. If the People’s party wore So go out of bejnotlfied the that a similar committee be after banking hours and I want to use Beethoven. of them were in league with mate Bram. 8 p. m.—Buromoter, thermome- existence tomorrow, the next Democratic request 29,792; that After disoussion MR. GILBERT GRANT, them. Can POLIAK Monek consulted the chart again and national convention would report a plat- appointed by body. youfaccommodate me?” ter, 67.0; dew point, 65; the was ordered on a an orchestra) found was Hermudn. humidity, on not stand. question Wagner. (Like the nearest port form which Bryan would previous who took Wallace into bis was Mr. Hunton looked into the face and wind, motion of a from Illinois, which house, Chopin. Will execute the notes; 93; S, velocity, 8; weather, (Cheers.) delegate he was seen a PRESS man and he thought that it was some one he fjohnbert. light dear. “The had raised an is- acoepted by the author of the origi- by corroborat- for People’s party nal Mozart, YOU., As the wind was not favorable sail- sue so motion, and it was agreed to. The ed Wallace’s as far as the latter knew,; although he couldn’t recall the Handel. a conductor) Mean daily maxi- universal, so great, so important, story part (fake In that the of St. thermometer, 74.3; members on the committee of conference the and con- ing direction, port that It had both old In two. was oonoerned. He said he had un- name. Hoseinj. give expression to be mum minimum ther- split parties were trol the effects. Johns or Halifax would have made thermometer, 80.8; named. At 6.40 the convention ad- fichuniann. (Laughter.and applause.) on “Yes,’’ replied Mr. “I believe for. It was decided to head for Halifax. maximum journed until ten tomorrow. dressed and was lying the lounge Hunton, mometer, 67.0; velocity wind What is your duty today? It is to en- SIMPLE AND ARTISTIC. after in he was I’ve got an old book around here with Mendelssohn. Bram, when searohed, being put total .0. dorse and what is and con- drowsing, when startled by hear- -—- 12; precipitation, approve right Gounod. irons, had nn old rnsty revolver. It was some blank oheoks In it. a demn what is wrong. No other oourse LITTLEFIELD GETS NINE MONTHS. ing pistol shots and cries of murder. He Wait moment Haydn. composer rep- Every is true If you waver in your said he beard two shots and I will see if I can llnd it. Kon'zetU. resented In the reper- Populism. pistol distinctly. Weather Observations. We will not do principles (a delegate, Then he beard his name called and Mr. Hunton did not find it where lie toire^___ it”) then you become no better than the Portland Man Sentenced In Boston For expeotod and the woman became im- The Agricultural Department Weather old parties which yon were raised to de- with that he went out In his night shirt old well” said “never Bureau for yesterday July 21, taken a 8 p. stroy. We have split both parties. Forgery. and Wallace limping toward the house, patient. “Oh, she, M. STEINERT& SONS GO., We did it on We ourselves will mind. I in., meridian time, the observations for principle. bleeding freely and very faint. He as- wouldn’t look any longer. I T. C. not split, beoause we stand upon the prin- McCOULDRiC. Mgr., aoh stations being given in this Boston, 33.—Charles E. Littlefield sisted him to the lounge aud listened to can step into the hotel and get them.” order ciple and are not going to be foolish Juiy 517 CONGRESS ST. was Just then Mr. the book Temperature, direction of state of to split, upon details. If we sentenced in the Superior Criminal his story. It was just as related above. Hunton found 3ml8t.p-nrmeocl wind, enough the weather: stand;! together go away from here, a court today to the house of correction for Mrs. Grant also heard the pistol shots, and tearing out two blank ohecks,handed united haDd of brothers we will strip for Boston, 74 degrees, S, New nine months for forgery. Littlefield lives but oould not say how many. them to the woman who thanked him Aged Woman Drowned at cloudy; the fray and we will see next November Bootlibay. 74 SE, in and went out. A oar as York, degrees, cloudy: Philadel- that the millions of oapitul Portland, Me., as does F. W. Stock- Robert Dnbec was not at home when happenod along POWDER organized fl Boathbay 22.—Mrs. phia,84 degrees,SW, partly Wash- Harbor, July cloudy; an i gold monopolists are stricken in man, wliose name he Littlefield the PRESS man and Sheriff she crossed the sidewalk and sbe boarded Pure. 78 degrees, S, 76 forged. Deputy Absolutely Susan True,173, widow of Jacob B. True, ington, cloudy; Albany, this had off toward Lewiston. 8, cloudy; 74 country.” been on a protraoted spreo when he Chute oalled at his home at 1 o’oloak this it, riding A cream of tartar baking powder. of degrees, Buffalo, degrees, formerly Augusta, during temporary cloudy committed His SW, puitly Detroit, 78 degrees, W, When Mr.Butler resumed his seat some the crime and to the elfeot of morning. younger brother said he Highest of all in leavening strength insanity, induced by wauil- clear; Chicago, 78 degrees, the long illness, N, clear; SL cries wore raised for a speecb by Mrs. liquor ho attributed the saw the pistol loaned to Wallace aud The West Virginia Republicans yester- —Latest ered Into a at the Cumberland forgery. Government pond Paul,70 degrees,NW, aloar; Huron,Dak., Lease. The chairman directed the secre- The day nominated George W. Atkinson lor gov- works n«*r the house of hor 68 forgery was ot a eheok on the Na- heard his brother Robert tell ihlm there Food son Frede- degree*. NIi, cloudy 74 de- name a ernor. JSiorlb Dakota Report. '■ Bismarck, tary to call the roll of states to The Republicans rick, With whom she lived, and was dni’--.- 82 tional Traders’ bank for $35. Littlefield were only two cartridges in it. Jacksonville, degrees, committee on credentials. The list in- nominated a tioket headed by Frank A, Powder drowned. Partly Royal Baking Co. 8, oloudy. cludes for Maine, N. W. Lermoud. promised to make restitution. Sheriff Chute took the revolver from Briggs as governor. 106 WaUbtuN. X. bless him. always does, Attendance t*00. WILL 11E NO BREAKS. GUN CLUB SCORES. BREAKS. MI SCmiANIOCS. STILL KEMfi AT IT. The score: __miscellaneous. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVENTION “Schorty” with his Francotto gun PORTLAND. A New England League Managers Prom- New England Marksuien Compete at Money, with “E. C. No. 2,” and Fann- Wonderful Medicine The Republicans of the First Congressional a District a convention in City Hall, AB R BH PO A E ing, with Gold dust powder, were will hold ise to Finish the Season. the Deering Grounds. at Portland, on Thursday. August 6tli, 1896, slater, lb, 3 0 0 13 a 3 great trio; they all tied for high general LO o’clock, a.m., foi the purpose of nominat- Hill, If, 3 0 0 1 0 2 average with 00 per cent, but the first Pori land Out Iu a candidate for in Con- Preserves Uii broken Its Magoou, 3b, 2 1 0 0 G 1 1‘ortlnnd That Maine Men Force—They Make a had to break ing Representative People Deny They Intend named in order to do so business Dunoan.o, 5 2 2 7 3 0 gress, and transacting any other Surrendering; the Mar- Creditable Showing—Sport Continues 20 in the Inst event, which he Musser, 2b, 5 2 3 0 8 1 Club—Manager straight 31at may properly come before it. of Defeats. tor Bilious and Nervous as Wind String 4 110 0 0 ston Voices the General Sentiment— Today, did handsomely. disorders,such bo as fol- O’Rourke, cf, aid The basis of representation will 1 Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache, Glddl- rf, 4 0 2 0 0 Louis H. Shortemeyer who shoots lows. bo entitled Woods, President and Secretary Will Bo in Mr. Each city and town will ss, 4 0 113 1 Distinguished visitors, high sooros and ” iess, Fullness and Swelling after meals, Dizzl- Parent, undor the namo of ‘‘Soborty, is the to one delegate, and for each 75 votes cast Thomas, p, 4 0 0 0 8 0 Portland Today. perfeot weather combined to make the ioss and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of of tho Emerald gun club of for the Republican candidate for Governor 34 6 8 24 19 7 first ot tho an president loat, Loss of Shortness of Brfcath, Cos- Totals, day shooting tournament Appetite, in an and for a YESTEKBAY AYE WEKE VICTIMS [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.) New the olub devoted to 1894, additional delegate, suooess at the York, largost Iveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, BROCKTON. unqualified grounds of tho fraction of 40 votes in excess fo 75, an addi- Lewiston, July 22..—Taking advantage live bird shooting in the country. He 'rightful and all Nervous and Tremb* OF THE BKOCKTONS. Portland Gun Club yesterday. Dreams, tional AB R BH PO A E of the of the officials of Nearly delegate. presence the New says “Your olub grounds are tho most Ing Sensations, Ac., when these symptoms are (000 targets were thrown, and thanks to The Disrict committee will be in sesiso Nadeau, If, 4 2 2 1 0 0 England Baseball league in this city, situated of any I was over aused by constipation, as most of them aro. the efficient of Mr. picturesquely in Reception hall at 9 o’clock a. m. on the 5 0 0 3 0 0 and that all the teams of management Shnner, HE Shannon, 3b, the league are on in and your facilities for FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY of the entire was my life, clay the convention to receive the creden- ss, 5 2 2 5 3 0 programme carried This is no fiction. McKenzie, playing in Maine a of the of this kiud IINUTE3. Every sufferer Is j tials ot 5 0 3 3 0 meeting league bolding events reflect greater the delegates and to attend to such Buelow, o, 2 without even the'sugaestion of a invited to one l’ltclier Thomas ami a New Short Stop was Sailed at the hotel through arneatly try Box of these Pills other Wise, rf. 5 0 2 1 0 0 Atwood In this cedic on your club. The above is but business as may be necessary. hitch. Thore were shooters from very- ( nd they will be acknowledged to be Figure iu the Contest—Lewiston and Brookenridge, lb, 4 2 2 7 1 1 city this evening. the Per Order, New one of many agroenblo things the vis- Sullivan, of, 4 112 0 0 where, York, Connecticut, Massa- District Augusta Win While Ilangor Loses. President Murnane and Secretary itors have said in our praise. Republican Committee. 3 0 0 0 2 1 chusetts, New und California Magee, p, and the Hampshire A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HENRY C. BREWER, Chairman. 115 5 1 Morso, following representatives Mr. Orrin R. Diokoy, winner of the Well what is thero to this Lang, 2b,3 were all well represented. The Maiue Because it is made from the choicest HI OS. F. say morning? of the different clubs II EEC HAITI’S PULLS, taken as directed, STAPLES, Secretary. 38 8 prosent! Direotur great Amorioan handicap for ’OB, and What romarks are to bo made on Totals, 13 27 13 2 shooters were out in force and niado a roots and herbs—that’s toe, its Portland, July oth, 1896. yester- Gilo and MoDermott of rill quickly restore Females tocomplete health, why, Manager Bangor, preditable when the faot is con- Wadsworth, are accompanied by Towns are to showing, (Japt. ] remove obstructions or of entitled to delegates as follows: day's ball game; what the criticisms Portland, 00030003 0—G President Merrill ’hey promptly lrregu* and life are so much ahead and Manager Leonard sidered that they were in the fastest kind their wives, who, togothor with several body 3 make and the Brook ton, 20031011s —8 j titles of the system. For a Bridglon, 6 suggestions toyiller? of if Tho Riohmoud and Lewis- other, so root beers. 8 ) Portland, Manager Smith of Paw- company. other ladies were interested spectators called, /lJiVlck’ Cape Elizabeth, How would tbis do:--1 ! Earned runs—Portland, 4; Brockton, 1. ton talent were missed, but they will It excels drinks South Portland, j tucket, Manager Burnham of Brockton tho afternoon. any other temperance 4 9 ?* 1 1 I-!-I * * * Two base hits—Duuoun, O’Rourke, Mc- doubtless bo in tho swim today. Many throughout Weak Stomach ir! ^ber|?1Kl* Deering, and President Isaacson and and far alco- l-almouth, 3 5 Kenzie, Buelow, Wise, Directors spectators woro present who not only en- Two of the ten highest men are mem- Is more healthful than any Freeport, That seems to a deal and Breckenridgo. Gorham, 5 4 express great Home run—McKenzie. Stolen bases— Greeuleaf the but were tnuoh Gray, McDonough, Osgood, and joyed shooting, intor- bors of the Portland club. holic drink. Harps well, 3 3 contains to offend the in the exhibit of fine Impaired Harrison, really nothing Slater 2. Parent, Nadeau, McKenzie, Knight of Lewiston. and Now jsted guns and up- Digestion 6 New 3 Augusta Today will doubt.loss see a list of A bottle of extract will make NoithvSth vflrn\ Gloucester, most sensibiliites. If ware Sacrifice hits—McGee. First base to-date ammunition. larger 5 gallon, axmouh, 2 2 delicate you Bang. Bedford wero not The ob- Otisfiekl, m balls—Off Breoken- represented. is tho detailed sooro for ontries than yesterday, but the contest Disordered Liver of delicious Portland, 53 Pownal, 2 out there know how to translate it, Thomas, Nadeau, Following the you jeot of the was to talk matters 4 act like lew doses will Raymond, 2 3 ridge, Lang; off Magee, Slater 2, Hill 2. meeting lay: oan be no more spirited. hey maglo—a work won. Scarborough, and if were not won’t need to. Sebago, 2 4 you you Hit by pitched McGee, Hill. over and that was all that was done. era upon the Vital Organs; tha Standish,b ball—By strengthening Westbrook, 10 4 that is made in First base on Brock- Event* ...... l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Total Winclliam, Heally, every change errors—Portland, 2, The Portland representatives said that Numberof , auscular system, restoring the long-lost com- Yarmouth, 4 Acton 2 5. Struok Targets., lu 15 20 15 15 go 15 20 35 20 allot at. broke our team seems to make matters worse. .on, out—By Thomas,Nadeau, back the keen of Alfred, 3 Berwick, 5 they were prepared to stay the season has61'. 12 JO 19 loxlon, bringing edge appo- shannon, Brookenridge, McGee; by Ma- 13 13 19 12 15 14 35 170 142*' j Biddeford, 15 Bux on, 4 Euoh day’s sun as it hursts in its efful- Allison. 12 14 18 13 1 Ue, and arousing with the Rosebud of tes, Woods, Parent, Thomas. Time—2 through,* and that there was no truth 32 11 20 14 14 1G 144 Cornish, 3 Davton, 2 '•el-toy. 10 14 38 12 34 20 14 17 10 10 J Health the Elliott, 3 gent glory from the East, seems to find lours; 15 minutes. Connolly. whatever In the 345 whole physical energy of Hollis, 4 Umpire statements which have scborty.. 14 12 15 13 15 38 15 16 32 20 6 163 he human frame. These are facts Kcnnebunk, Kennebunkport, 4 a more demoralized and more utterly in- 11 10 •• admitted by Bangor Played in lind Luck. been published that they should throw up Thorndyke. id 9 9 13 10 11 12 11 m Littery, 0 Lebanon. 3 Herbert 13 14 •• housunds. In all classes of and one of ball team in Portland. It 19 13 13 17 13 17 13 18 150 society, Limerick, 3 Limington, a competent, the olub. Ail the clubs present gave 1 Randall. 13 ID IS IS •• ulJ 22.—Luck was'a great fao- 11 34 12 12 13 17 143 t he best guarantees to the Nervous and Dofclli- Lyman, 2 Newlield, 3 isn’t that the new men are so very much Bangor, Iordan. 13 11 19 13 19 33 equally strong assurance that were 7 12 10 14 141 , Is North Berwick, 4 Uhl Orchard, 3 ;or in New Bedfords success A they Adams. 35 15 ited that Reecbam9s Pills have the worse than the old men but every time today. 17 14 12 14 13 15 12 17 144 Parsonsfield, 3 Saco, 10 not nut would live the season Arthur. 13 32 1 Sale of was won for them a double quitters 17 14 11 17 15 19 14 18 150 .irgort any Patent Medicine ctmford, 8 2 is uouo to the Tctory by Sliapleigh, anything help matters, out. Most of Dalton., 14 10 15 13 13 16 14 17 13 3*4 J a the World. South Berwick* 5 4 of accidental made them admitted that the sea- 330 W'aterborough, blame combination seems to day order, by Moyna- Thompson. 11 15 17 13 34 12 9 14 10 15 140 Wells, 4 York. 4 whole drop son had been a lan and Doe. Attendance 660. The disappointment and Man-* 1'ucher. 12 14 10 14 3 5 15 13 18 15 150 132 a and there we aro worse off than THE PRESS notch, agar Mareton of Fall River voiced the Collins. 5 10 13 0 11 11 6 15 12 13 170 132 icore 12 14 17 13 16 19 13 16 WITHOUT A RIVAL. over. VonLengerke. 13 15 143 general sentiment in his explanation of Money. 13 15 16 15 13 18 14 20 13 15 1 PORTLAND POST OFFICE Slew 10210000 x—4 I53 innual Sales more than Can b« Yesterday we came out on the grounds Bedford, the U.M.C. 12 10 15 12 11 13 12 16 14 17 6,000,000 Boxes always found at the periodica 0 1 0 situation. He said It was true that I32 Bangor, 2 0 0 0 0 0—3 Rounds. 11 7 — — — tores of: and found Bouo, who may be a star polo 18 11 17 14 9 120 87 25o. at Drug Stores, or will be sent by U. 8. the of — — — expenses the olubs were all greater Cain. 13 6 14 — — 7 10 Base bits—New Bedford, 10; Bangor, 85 60 .gents. B. F. ALLEN 365 Canal J ohn Chisholm, 3 09 street, rusher, but isn’t much of a rusher as a Whittier. 10 12 18 14 15 CO., St., New Congress OFFICE HOURS. 11. Errors—New Bedford, 1; 1. than last year, but that much better ball 9 12 15 11 16 170 142 A. B. Merrill, 247 Bangor, 16 9 — — — ! post •* ball ono a Walls. 13 11 6 8 11 115 73 ork, paid, upon receipt pf prlos. Book W. F. GoolU. 405 player, displaced by Parent, Batteries—Moynahan and Murpby ; Bia- was and the teams were all much Cashier’s Office, (Sundays excepted), 7.30 a played Henderson. 11 34 13 13 35 16 13 16 16 19 170 143 1 cee upon application. N. G. 520 « idin and Fessenden, m. to 7.00 p. m.; Money order 9 a small little man not unlike his predeces- Roach. Taylor.•■•■.... 7 10 11 10 7 10 Jl 13 — — * department, stronger. He thought that the patrouage 135 79 W.H. Jewett 604 m. to 6.00 m. — — p. Registry 9.00 Gray. 8 10 11 8 10 14 — — 100 department. sor Bono, in appearance. He differed, Weeks’ Won for Augusta. 61 I, A. Libby. 560 a. m. to G.OO p. m. Pitching should have beon better aud all the 13 — man- Wilkes. 13 12 13 11 14 12 18 12 150 118 F. A. Jellison, 935 streot — Congres he — howover, iu ono respect though, only 13 12 11 12 — 10 — ( General Delivery. (Sundays 7.30 Augusta, July £23.—Week’s pitching agers at the opening of the season Sawyer. 12 00 70 J. J. Beardworth. 87 India street. excepted) expect- Edwards. 13 13 16 11 -— a. m. to 7.00 p. m. 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. made one while Bone generally 15 16 14 17 13 150 328 P. H. Ersklne. 43 Middle street. Sunday error, won today’s game for the home team. ed that it would bo better. Howe. 12 13 15 10 33 9 12 13 11 16 170 I33 J. W. Peterson, 2 Exchange street Carriers' Deliveries, (Sundays excopted)—In — — 11 — — — — — — Attendance 350. The scare: He was to admit that George. 13 35 24 REMOVAL 1 Mr. Dennis, 419 Commercial street. business section of the city between High and In- compelled they Verriil.... 9 5 — _ — — — — disposition to hit, and Bone didn’t. Be 11 17 70 42 C. S. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxford street. liastreets at 7.00 and 9.15 a. m. 12m. 1.00 — — — — had all been — — [ and the cause Hunnewell. 12 14 Augusta, 2 000010000 1—4 disappointed 19 15 70 60 J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street, nul 6.15 p. m.; in othef sections at 8.00 — — fielded but in all decency Strout. 10 11 — — — fairly well, Fall River, 2 000000010 0—3 was no better in Fall River with a win- 10 8 ;— 60 39 w. A. Golden. 76 Exchange street. 3. in., 1.30 p. ai. Sunday delivery at Goude. 10 10 — — — — — — should have run up on a slow grounder 7 10 60 37 Westman & West. 93 and 95 Commercial Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 a. m. Collections Base Fall 7. —. — _ _ — — hits—Augusta, 11; River, ning team than in other oities with los- Cobb. 10 13 16 16 70 55 street. from street boxes at 11.00 a. m.. 4.00 that was hit to him of wait- Fall 2. 8 — — — — — — once,instead Errors—Augusta, 4; River, Bat- ing ones. We accounted for it by the Josselyn. 5 11 14 70 39 I W. A. Gillis, 145 Commercial street. find ^.00 p. in. Coliection from Atlantic to 12 10 18 — — to see if it was hit hard to teries—Weeks aud Butler; Hallowell and Berry. 14 70 54 SHEET Frank Freeman. 190 Brackett street. Grove on 0. a. in. 6.00 ing enough MUSIC congress, Sunday, p. general hard times and the faot that it Hiehey. 15 12 16 8 15 18 13 18 15 18 170 150 John II. 381 Vs m. little ex- Lajoie. Allen, Congress street only. reach the tase line. All these "Puck". 13 14 16 30 10 19 10 15 11 12 123 the 645 * was an election year. Dennet&Co, tflorist, Congress street ARRIVAL AND Pawtucket Couldn’t Bat 13 15 18 | DEPARTURE OF MAILS. are in their Williams. banning. 13 14 18 15 17 15 15 153 G. J. Hodgson, 96Ya Portland street. periments interesting enough President of <• Southern $ Isaacson the Lewiston Swiviller. II 12 IS 13 11 15 13 10 11 14 134 Sale. ( T. M. Glendening, Long Island. Boston, and Western, intermediate — but are so old fash- Lewsiton, 33.—Pawtuoket — — — — offices and connections via & way, people getting July played said the attendance Giddms. 8 16 7 12 1— 65 42 F. L. Brackett. Peaks Island. Boston Maine team, that, although — How. 8 — — railroad (Eastern division) Arrive at f a.m ioned they don’t care for them. Next a perfect fielding game today, and lost 13 7 12 11 15 9 125 75 E. L. Littlefield, lStaCongre^s street 12.30. in Lewiston hud — — — — — — — Commencing Monday morning. / and 11.00 close »a. in. ana been disappointing, the Bales. .12 10 11 4i 33 July J. E. llarmon, 1115 Congress street. 5, p. in.; 11.30 — we shall oner over 4000 time Mr. Pare nt and see how near to to bat. Attendance — — — t 20th, sheets of I \i. rn. 6.00 and 9.00 try through inability team was In the to Smith. 10 10 13 14 12 — 85 49 C. S. Morrill, 931A Congress street 1.00, p. m.; Sunday, arrive league stay »nd;would — music, of — — Beane. — — — — | (odd lots) consisting VOCAL. 1 I. 00 p. m.; close 4.30 and 9.00 111. the plate you con stop the hall. That is 300. The soore: 9 —.34 40 23 L. H. Beal. 422 Comrress srr««r p. the season out. — — — _ I PIANO DUETS, VIOLIN play The Bangor, Port- Peterson. 14 _•__ __ 20 PIANO, I J. HI. 221 14 AND Googlns, Spring street. Boston, Southern and Western, and Inter- a much to ~ — — — PIANO, AND CORNET AND / better way do. 100 3 0:001 1—6 Chisholm. 10 13 10 11 14 — 85 Mrs. Bralev. cor. and mediate offices and Lewiston, land, Brookton and Fall River delegates 58 I PIANO at the low Spring Clarkl streets. connections, via Boston and — — — — — — — — — selections, prioe of 1 Young Sir. Thomas was our pitcher, Pawtucket, 01300000 0—4 Stevens. 5 15 c' J. T. Wyer. 48 Portland Pier, Maine railroad (Western division)—Arrive at left on the train. The i-> r., town nigbt presi- G. W. Hunt. 8 Custom House Wharr. II. 30 Jl. in.. 1 a Si! R AM anil K Ql> which goes to show one if no mere, Base bits—Lewiston, 14; 0. S thing Pawtucket, dent and will to Portland John Cox. 23 Monument square. and 8.00 a. m., Rnd 2.30 and 5 p. m. 0. Bat- Seoretary go that a waiter is no loser. Thomas Errors—Lowlston, 2;Pawtuol;et, A BOVINE CLOWN. I Dennett, the Florist, 683 Congress street H patient tomorrow men, and oonveys more of an insight 3 fits PER SHEET. / Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive teries—Williams and Linooln morning. L. D. Look. cor. Congress and Franklin. 2 Messltt; and 4 a.m. and 12.30 and 2 p. m.; close has been waiting around here now some into the real manner of life of tho natives Also at the new stands in tne and Yeager. Falmouth 12.00 m. and 9.oo p. m. PRINCESS MAUD 8 This price hardly covers the cost of Preble and United States and ’Eteen or steenteen weeks to get a chance MARRIED. than any books. The living inhabitants r / hotels, Grand Avgusta, intermediate offices ami connections the paper, but we are making this offer a Trunk and Union It can New England League Standing. Depots. also be ob- via Maine Central railroad—Arrive to go against a real live New England Fifty Trained Horses Also, an Oriental themselves reveal tho of their homo i in order to dispose ot this lot of music tained of Chisholm at 2.00 and story \ Bros., agents on all trains 9.00a. m. 12.30 Won. Lost. Per our and 6.00 p. m.: closo at 6.00 and he To Ct. Granddaughter of Queen Victoria Becomes before moving into new store in 1 of the Maine Central, Grand Trunk and league club, got it. tell the India Will be Seen. lifo. Tho whole big show will bo here | Port а. m.. 12.00 m.. 4.10 ana 9.00 p. m. Fall 8 Baxter Block. B land & Rochester railroads and of on Klver, 45 22 .072 Wife of Prince Charles of Denmark. agents any truth Iho boy didn’t do half bad. He on 31st. of the Boston trains. Farmington, intermediate offices and connec- Brockton, 88 28 .67(3 July | can tions. via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive a; a better than one of our The Press also be found at the following Titohed game New Bedford, 35 29 547 12.00 m. ana 6.00 close at 8.00 There is soaroely a four footed beast of places out side the city: p. in.; a. m.. salaried twirlers has in a Bangor, 30 30 645 London, July 22.—Princess Maud of And 12.00 m. high month, Auburn—J o. HaskeiL kind that has at sometime or intermediate and with decent work behind him would Pawtuoket, 33 83 .500 Wales of the Prinoe any not, A F. Rockland, offices and connections youngest daughter MOTHER’S DUTY. Augusta—J. Pierce, via Ruox and Lincoln Portland, 26 40 .400 another been trained to perform in tbe k ( Bath—John O. Shaw. railroad—Arrive 12.30 have won. He struck out Nadeau and of Wales and of Men, und 6 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. m. ana 12.30 m. 26 40 .304 granddaughter Queen Berlin Falls, N. H.-C. S. Clark. p. Augusta, Barnum & Greatest Show on Home Run and that is was married to Prince Bailey Blddeford—A. M. Burnnam. Skowhcgan, intermediate offices and connec- Breckenndge, Lewiston, 24 42 364 Victoria, today Your are the most Earth. A bull has tho ex- daughters pre | PIANO W. T. tions. via, Maine Central railroad—Arrive at of an in it- Charles of son of the Crown proved only HOUSE, } Bardsley. something accomplishment Denmark, 12.00 This cions legacy possible in thih life. Brldgton—A. W. Ingalls. m.; close at 12.30 p. m. self. and ception. season, huwover, that very P. The National Prince grandson of King Christian The 538 Street. Brunswick—F. Shaw. Island Fond. Vt., intermediate offices and League. unattractive animal has been responsibility for them, ani Congress ) BJose. The visitors took tho lend in the first IX of Denmark.The took conscripted Cape Elizabeth—Dyer connections, via Grand Trunk Railway—Ar ooremocy place their is I Cumberland Mills—II. G. Starr. The are the results of the now future, with you. rive at 12. oo m.; close at 1.00 p. m. following in the also, and performs with hundreds of largely Lewis. inning, and were headed but once. Na- Chapel Royal, Buckingham Palace. The 1 Camden—Fred games played in the National League: other creatures, his full complement of mysterious change that develops j| J. H. Gould. Gorham, JY. H., intermediate offices and con- deau led off with a stole and The ceremony took at 12.30. nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive a. hit, second, place the woman from the Cornish—K. L. Brown. At Dievor and cute with docili- thoughtful 8.40 a.m. and 12.00 close at 8 a. m. came home on Slater’s error and Bte- Louisville—(First game) Louisville, Princes Christian and Harold performances Deering—N. J. Scanlon. m.; 8. supported 1.00 and 7.30 m. 1; Brooklyn (Second game) Louis- ty and oelerity. In some countries the thoughtless girl,* should find you on Damariscotta—E. XV. Dunbar. p. low’s hit. Euelow also scored on errors. Prince Charles, and tho brdesnjaids wore ville, 2, Brooklyn, 1. the watch and Fairfield—E. H. Evans. Montreal—Arrive at 7.00 a, in. and 6.00 p.m bull is considered t oo savago and un- day night. We made our weak little inccnse- At 12; Princess Victoria of sister of the Farmington— H. P. Whits & Co. cose at 8 a. m. 7.30 p. m. poor, Cleveland—Cleveland, Washing- Wales, As care for their 9. tamable a beast to with in you physical well NEW W. .Mitchell ton, and experiment YORK Freeport—A. Su-anton. Vt., intermediate offices and con- quental bid for the gamo in the fourth. bride, Princess Ingeborg and Thira C. 10; 9. the line of Hnd being, so will the woman Fryeburg—A. Frye. nections. via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.- 2At Chicago—Chicago, Boston, of sisters of the training, tricks, could T, Whitmore. Magoon wont down on four bad ones At Denmark, bridegroom, and Fryeburg—J. Arrivo at 8.u0 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. m. Clnoinnati—Cincinnati, 9; Now be the uuimal would not be, so will her children Gardiner—liussell Bros. Princess Victoria of they taught N. with Magee’s compliments. Duncan hit York, 8. Schleswig Holstein, be also. Green's Landing—S. W. Fiflebi. Bartlett, II., intermediate offices and con- At St. justify for the time and trouble noces- nections via Mountain Division M. C. K. R.— for two and Musser scor- Louis—St. Louis, 8; Philadel- Princesses Pntricia and Margaret of Con- Gorham— L. J. Lermond. sacks, singled, E. •• Arrive at 9.00 a. m. 12.30 and 8.00 phia, 7. Princess Alice of and sary to teaoh them, but such is not the Lydia Pinkham’s N. H.—8. M. Leavitt & Son. p. m.; O’Rourke advanced Du n- naught, Albany “ close ar 6.00 a. m. and 12.30 m. ing Magoon. At Alexandra Kennebunk—J. H. Otis. p. Pittsburg—Baltimore Pittsburg Lndy Duff, daughter of the case with the Barnum & Bailey Show. Vegetable E. Miller. Rochester. jY. II.. intermediate can and Musser, and Woods singled scor- rain. Duke of ELASTIC Kennebunkport—C. offices and con- garno postponed by kite and Prinoess Louise of H»re we can find a full-sized savage bull TmSS, Livermore Falls—C. Newman. nections, via Ronland ^Rochester railroad—Ar. these Wales. ing two. Mr. Parent was invited to National Leagne Standing. Lewiston—Chandler & Wlnshlp. rive at 1.45 ana 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 and doing all the same kind of take a hand The Most Rev. White Benson, Aroh- performances Long Island—Hughey Bros. 11.30 a. m. in this worthy work, but Won. Lost. Per Ct fcishop of Canterbury, and primate of all that has been taught other animals. I.lmerlcU—8. A. Grant. Cumberland Mills Gor^cnn and Westbrook failed to respond. Wo were one ahead, Mechanic Falls—Merrill & Cincinnati, TO BO .683 England, officiated, assisted by the his entrance Into one of the oircus Denning. (Saccarappa)-ArnYQ st 8.45 a. no. 1.45 and but Upon No. Deering—A. C. Noyes. б. 00 the visitors took these runs baok all Cleveland, 52 25 675 Bishops of London and Winchester. The 50 Cts. p.m.; close 6.S0 and 11.30 a. m. and 5.30 rings he will graoefully salute tho visi- North Stratford. N. H.—J. C. Huchtlns, p. m. when came MoKenzie’a 50 25 Prince of Wales gave tho bride right they up. Baltimore, .667 away. P. S tone. After tho the bridal tors by bowing his head toward them, Norway—F. S'Uth Portland, and Willard—Arrive at double and Sullivan's did the bus- Chicago. 48 36 .671 ceremony partv (Fifty Cents.) A. O. Noyes Co. single and 7.30, 11.00 a. m., S.oo p. m.; close 7.00 a.m., Boston, 42 35 .645 guests partook of luncheon in Buck- will discharge firearms, mount pedestals, Old S1 bby. iness, aided by lots and lots of errors. Orchard—Fogg 1.30 and 6.3 5 p. m. Pittsburg, 41 36 .639 ingham palace. poao, lie down, arise, see-saw, and do Klcnmond—A. K. Millett. One came Ple isanldale and Cash Comer—Arrive 7.45 in the fifth and one in the Philadelphia, 35 42 .465 At St. Panoras station they took a Eumford Falla—H. L. Elliott. for many other clever things at word of com- A. Clifford. a. ip. and 4.30 p. in.; close 8.00 a* m. and 1.30 seventh for the one in the Brooklyn, 35 43 449 special train Wolferton, Norfolk, to —0, visitors,/and Eooklar.d—Dunn B Carr. p. m. 81 42 .425 tuko possession of Appleton hall, which mand. The animal is also broken to har- eighth. We made another spurt in the Washington, A. J. Huston. Pleasantdale tadcZ tionai)—Arrive at 11.15 New 81 44 .413 will henoeforth be their home. ness and the aDd York. saddle, speeds well in Sanford—F. H. Wingate. a. m.. close at 6.30 p. m. eighth, earning a couple of runs on good St. 28 55 .295 & Buck. Louis, both, bohaving as well as a well-broken SEELY Skowhegan—Bixby Tried to Murder His HARD RUBBER Children. TRUSS F\ clean hitting, and another on a tumble Louisville. 19 65 .257 South Portland—J. Merrimaa. STAGE MAILS. horse. This is but one feature of the by McGee. t,out.h Windham—J. W. head. @53 Cambridge, Mass., July 22.—James Compound is the sure reliance in thi_ South Paris—A. D. Sturtevaut, liowery Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p. m.; cwse at trained animal exhibit, for there are 5u 2.00 The ninth netted no runs, and we were Baseball Notes. Murphy of Potter street, was arrested to- hour of trial. Thousands have found • ^ South Paris—F. A. Sliurtlell. p. m. horses who in one ring at one $100. South Watorboro—G. C. Downs. night charged with trying to kill his son, perform Cape Elizabeth and JCizightvUle— Arrive at actually defeated. (Sarcastic,) Camden defeated Thomaston 16 to 12 it the to correct Si Co. and his Liz- time, and throe herds of elephants who never-failing power Saco—H. B. Kendricks 7 30a. in. and 0.30 p. in.; close at G.iOa. in. Slaters John, aged four, daughter All others at corres- Preble. work at first was of the yellow- at Camden. all and start the woman prices E. L. and 2.00 p. m. yesterday zie, aged eighteen mouths. His wife three in eaoh irregularities South ocoupy rings, eight ring, low. Bristol—N. W. Gamage. Duck est description. The old man seems to The Portlands and Brocktons at the called in the police about seven. They on the .sea of life with that pondingly Thomastou—E. Walsh. Pond, Pride's Corner, Windham, No. and execute the most intelligent dances, physical Windham. Raymond and South Casco—Arrive have lost his heart or bis or some- found Murphy with a razor in his hand. health all Vlnal Haver.—A. B. VinaL grip, Deering grounds today. iloDougall will and feats. should have. at L0.30 a. m.; close at 2.00 p. m. The children were lying on tho floor ns maneuvers,^tricks There are AAAAAAAA Waldoboro—Geo. Bliss. thing. for and Korwan for Womb WVVTV VV tVaterville—W. D. ISLAND MAILS. pitch Portland, if dead with their heads turned to ouo crained camels, as well as dous of difficulties, displacements and Spalding. and too, Westbrook—W. B. Magoon Musser made some re- Brockton. side, their out and with the horrors cannot eciet in Boothby. Peak's Island—Arrive at 10.00 a. m. and tongues hanging trained wild beasts, such as lions, coinpan s. Jackson. 4.15 discolorations on their tigers, Winthrop—F. p. m.; close 8.30 a. m. and 2.45 p. in. markably brilliant plays, and Duncan, throats. Their with Lydia E. Pinkham'a Woodtords—Chapman St Wyman. TO is hyenas, leopards, panthers, wolves, etc., Vegetable Long and Island-Arrive at 9.30 of oonrse, fielded and batted PREVENT GOLD EXPORTS. ultimate recovery doubtful. Murphy Cnmiviwnd Yarmoulhville—G. Howard Humphrey. Chcbeaque well. He a. m. and close at 8.30 a. m. 1.S0 denied be was to use the razor on as it may even 7p.m; and going and, startling appear, m. the ohildren It is said he has p. Bankers Appoint a Committee to Make frequent- hippopotami have been taught to per- C. is GEO. ly threatened to kill the children. hereby given that the Cousin's Island—Arrive at 9.30 a. in.; close as well us a flock of boon FRYE, 2.15 ni. Flans. form, ostriohes, Noticesubscribers have duly appointed p. executors of tbe will of 320 Street. Past Tho Butte Inter-Mountain Bepublioan dogs, monkeys, goats, pigs and bears. A Congress port via Steamer—Arrive 10 a. in.. FKANCIS K. SWAN, late of Tues. and close Tues. ana XT_ T7. T1_ nn mi. r.it_s owned by United States Senator rare and Portland, jnly7deot!ll Sat.; 8,80 p. m., *«» Lee delightful culled Fri. tuuunujg entortuinment, In the County oi Cumberland, deceased, and Mantle, deolarcs for Bryan and Sowall • statement was out J. Oriental India, is probably the most have taken upon themselves that trust as s given by Pierpout on the silver question. Tho Madisonia of the law directs. All persons having demands this afternoon the oi the oldest pioturesque and oharming all t he ex- Morgan concerning Virginia City, Republican upon the estate of said deceased, are re- I and hibitions of During July conference of bankers held in bis ofiioe paper in the state, declares for Bryan far away countries ever quired to exhibit the same; and all persons HAMMOCKS, | nnd Sewall. indebted to said estate are called to we will DON’T BUY An informal was held given by this eueregtic firm of s how- upon I August close 1 today; meeting make payment to at the olhce of J. FBE15KBIC HUSKY Flags, Cordage, Fishing Lines, today P. Morgan & GERR1SH, ( Executors. at 5 o’clock. OR RENT A PIANO RUFUS H. HINKLKY, 1 \ Saturdays Co., of who met to con- Hooks, Poles, Oiled | oi foreign onukers, Portland, July 7, 1800, jy9dlaw3wTli» Reels, Until you have examined our stock sider what oould he done to prevent or ClotLiug, Yacht > > Supplies. — Steiiaway & Sous, diminish the gold exports, or in any oth- 'W ^OK SALE—Building lots at Oakdale. The I' Deering Land Co. offer for sale on favor- Hardman, BacOn, r way within their power, to assist in You can set the best and 5 Millions of this, the & 1 side terms desirable building lots on Forest cheapes i i Slantlarti, Gabcir he maintenance of the gold reserve, ! Avenue. Falmouth. Fessenden, Pitt, William and Deering streets, Oakdale. to and other high grade supplemental to the action of banks in most famous and of all TRADE MARS Apply CHAS ] I popular |1 C. ADAMS, Treus., 31 Exchange street. W. L. CARD. I putting their gold at the disposal of the jeleowk20wk are sold each in New RYAN & treasury. A committee was appointed to ! f cigars, year ? KELSEY'S j whom the whole subject was referred to 132 Commercial < BRIEFLY St., head Portland Pier. IVIerchant formulate a plan J.P. Morgan is chair- England. This cigar is the best of TOLD. Tailor, man. j J | __Juneld2m to 3 in l * ^ | Up p.m., was de- fact that their | *7,350,000 gold all cigars—a

Arrangements for New the England Most of the members of the Maine Fair at and Port- Lock of Members of Editors’ Rigby Park City Hall, Press Association, arrived home from the Great Puritana 20 land, Maine, 19, and THE August 17, 18, Hangelsys Wednesday evening. Col. What is DELANO are A full Excursion. 21, now nearing completion. John M. Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Boyd, 4 and ohoioo of live stock, equal- exhibit Mrs. E. C. Burleigh, Miss Burleigh, Mr. ling or of laet is as- exoeeding'that year, Clarence Burleigh and Mrs. Burleigh sured. Mr. J. S. Sanborn, of Boston, remained at the Birches, at Lake Moose- LIFE AT THE is to exhibit some head of his INCIDENTS OF twenty-eix lukmeguntio for the remainder of the oelebrated French ooaobing stud: eight week,the gentlemen of the party desiring KANGELEYS. or ten English and American vehicles to the try fishing still further. The ex- HI! and seta of harness, four of numerous traordinary luok of Mr. George S, Rowell Planing Co., whioh cost 8000 per set in England, C. of the Advertiser, in catching the great I. Hood, of Lowell, is to exhibit—though five President Tliwlng’s Large Trout—Hospi- pound trout, had so exoiting an not in famous competition—his Jersey elf act the others of tality of Mr. J. Pavker WURney-A upon the party that . . . . cattle and Berkshire swine. The racing HAVE TAKEN . . they decided to remain. Portland Shipbuilder at the Lake. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants ie unouestlonably the best programme Tho of Rainl’ord Falls people took great S3—Angleworms and Children. It contains neither nor ever offered by any agricultural sooiety Rangeley Lake, July Opium, Morphine pains that the members of the party are worth a dollar a in tha fishing in the Eastern States. There are fifteen quart other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute ■ might enjoy their stay at the Falls. Wed- seems to the for a of region here. The reason of this races, yearling purse $500 and for and Castor nesday morning, Mr. L. L. Lincoln and be that the is one of the Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, Oil.1 Quarters for of Temporary the balauoe purses $1,000 each. angleworm Judge A. E. the Is Three hundred and Morrison, representing crawling things of olrUlaation, and It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by twenty-soven horses Board of Trade, appeared at Bemis to not in the woods. The angle- -AT- are named in the fifteen raoes, thus as- fpund Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys,Worms' and escort the party down to Rumford Falls. one suring a lai'ko field of starters. The worm industry Is quite an Important To make the cure of disease com- Tho train made Feverishness. Castoria prevents Sour any the 27 miles down the here. The worms are In small allays vomiting Adrian Wire Co. are to exhibit a oar load cultivated plete and permanent, the purifying, cor- valley of Swift river in an hour. At meal cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castoria of wild animals oansisting of plats of earth,and are fed on Indian Curd, relieves buffalo, Rumford B’alls a recting and process must begin delightful dinner had and sour the meal and building-up elk, doer, bear and coyotes. W. A. Ed- milk. When Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. and end in the Stomach. been arranged at Mr. Wlthoe’s hotel. surface dy, of Bayonne,N. C. H. Lam- milk are sprinkled down on the J.,Jjand Other Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach 13 representatives of the Board of o oome UNION f / of all sickness is caused by son, of Portland, will give exhi- the plat of earth the worms daily Trade wore on hand to assist in enter- as much and and ST., vl a Stomach. Puritana to the with natural Cas-' wrong bitions of kite flying, including tandem, quiokly surface, Bowels, giving healthy sleep. makes the Heart the taining. The people of Rumford Falls the / O right, mid-air electrici- alaorliyfas ehlokens called to dough toria is the Children’s Mother’s Friend. photographing, drawing are like Pauacea-rthe Lungs right, the Liver right, the Blood the Western people in their de- dish. “Table ty from the clonds nnd other novelties in Some of those cultivated angle- Factory Building,” right, the Kidneys right, the Nerves right, votion;to their town, and in their atten- the way of air It is worms grow to really phenomenal length, tire Health right, because it makes the navigation. expeoted tions to the visitors Castoria. Castoria. who oome to admire some of and as f —— Stomach a Liiionthal maohine will be in them ten lnohes long right. flying it. After the dinner "Castoria is an excellent medicine for "Castoria is so well adapted to children and are now to do all kinds of the party were driv- large as one’s little finger. prepared operation during the Week of the fair. children. Mothers have told that I recommend as to The Puritana treatment consists of one bottle of en about over the and then repeatedly me superior any pre- one bottle of Puritana Pills, and one bottle Mr. Larason village Mill Work and furnish all kinds of Puritana, expects hlg 30 foot kite will shown of its good effect upon their children.’* scription known to me.’* of Puritana Tablets, all in oue package. Price $1. throughout the great mills. All a man The carry from Lake Mooselookme- H. A. All carry aloft. Prof, and Madam Dr. G. C. Osgood, Archer, M. D., ^ druggists. of these in full and Lumber faro running time; a gen- to Lake Molechunkamunk ixx 3o. Oxford Mouldings La Roux will guntio (or _ Mass. N. Y. ~ make balloon ascen- Dowell, 8k, Brooklyn, daily eral air of solid nrnanArU.W rni.nn <*. short. This sions and parachute A contract Upper Richardson) is very •' as heretofore. jumps. plaoo. Among thfe Castoria is the best remedy for children hnc Vinan *v»r>rV-.» n arrangements by offering to our readers at the fair. The Portland Wheel Club oamps very pretentious. That upon Galen C. Moses of throats, sending them to premature the Demorest Cut which are worth from 20 cents to the Rumford Falls & of Mr. J. Parker of thereby United Hospital and Paper Patterns, 50 aro to make an Whitney, California, Dispensary, cents evening parade, and pre- graves.” Dr. j. F. kinchedob, each, thus making every copy of this paper-worth from 20 cents to 50 cents railroad. w Rangeley Is fitted with all of a ^ Boston. Mass, dict two hundred wheels in up the elegaDoe Ark. Ailen C. at 10 cents each. Cut out the coupon below and mail to directions line, many On the return Conway, SMITH. Pra. according and * trip at an informal oltr resldenoe. The house is for a ^ and will receive an mail the of which will bo ridden by Indies. Col. opened you by early pattern in the size chosen. meeting of the members of the associa- of Inclose 10 cents in or silver to for Brigham, of the National Grange, and period winter os well as summer. Children for Pitchers stamps pay mailing, handling, etc. Without When ride out tion, Mr. M. N. Rioh of the Board of Cry Castoria*; the coupon the patterns would cost you from 20 oents to 50 cents each. yon through several Mr. H. C. Haven, of Boston, also has a advocates of good roads are to Trade Journal, moved the reso- features Woodfords add to the pleas leoture the week. Olive Thorne following very elegant “oamp,” one of tho during whioh with the lutions, were of which is an art and museum taffeta, stoofe oollar and girdle at will talk the unanimously adopt- gallery ures of the ride by stopping Miller, City Hall, upon ed : BECOMING AND DRESSY. of mounted of fancy ribbon. There Is fullness In the birds of New animals oi the Maine forests. England. The Maine Press * at MOODL’S for a GLASS ol Association on its return His collection of antlers is back laid in side-plaits turning toward The Fish and Game commissioners will from a very plesant excursion some remarkably * through the as In COLD REFRESHING SODA of the most beautiful and fine. middle, front. A dressier effeot exnibit specimens of our inland flsh. picturesque scen- 966-HERMA WAIST. ery in the state, defcire to express the grati- can be given, if desirable, by covering A wheel rack is there to hole Hon. Tomas B. Reed's quota of govern- fication of all who have enjoyed the hospi- Mr. J. E. Blabon, of Portland, aooora- talities so the openings between the plaits In ment will lavishly extended to its members, the Maine front wheels aud a is ai seed be exhibited. Thos. A. various panied Press Association in your pump by transportation companies, corpo- with stripes of insertion. Waists of Lamb is to show a large collection of rations and individuals throughout their their excursion of Tuesday on the Upper Sizes for 34, 36, 38. and 40 Inches Bust your disposal it your tirci lines of travel, therefore transparent fabrlos are made over colored New England minerals. There will be and Lower Kiobardson Lakes. Mr. Bla- Measure. Resolved, That the Maine Press Associa- linings, rendering them quite need it. , afternoon and concerts lead- tion extends most cordial bnn has been to the lakes since becoming evening by hereby thanks to coming A oharming model for a gown of and effective. i the Maine Central, Sandy River, Phillips and 1848. ing bands as well as the usual exhibits India or Rangeley, Bemis and Rumford Falls (special batiste, taffeta, silk, for an; or A special illustration and full direc- * and such novelties as be found of train) and Portland and Rumford Falls Rail- may all of the transparent fabrics so muoh tions about the will road companies for special cars provided; to pattern be found interest. Every effort is being made to Wbon the members of the Maine Press Our model Is of Hotel Willows, Farmington, also to Mr. and In vogue. figured on the envelope in whio* it Is enclosed/ make this the fair attraction of the year Mrs. J. M. S. Hunter of the Chronicle, for a Association arrived near the Whitney most enjoyable at their Druggist, and the management are reception pleasant camp Mr. and Mrs. Whitney sent an in- MOODY, home, anti to citizens of Farmington for sanguine it will so prove. Portlaud, kind attentions. To the Philips’ house for vitation for them to visit them. Mr. unremitting attentions of Landlord Mat- Cape Elizabeth and Old Orchard at this Whitney has been on this lake for thirty- WOODFORDS. thews, and citizens of Philips for open- aplTdtf__ season of the year arc in gaia dress, and handed entertainment during our short tarry eight summers, and seventeen years ago there, and to kind the special rates granted by transporta- especially many atten- he entertained the assooiation when they tions along the route from F. E.Timberlake, tion companies should admit of all our Esq., are we much indebted. The elegant visited the Lakes. Colonel John M. where we ^¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥>^ people attending this New England in- Rangeley house, were most Adams, who is with the party this time, delightfully entertained at our entry stitution. to the lake region, and to Mr. Dick- was one of that party. Mr. Whitney son; also to “Mountain View’’ “The Success house; really makes bis home on the lake, oom- ! Riverton Park. Birches*’ for its abundant of trout, supply | and to Captain F. 0. Barker tor transporta- ing early In the summer and going late canoe house is soon to be erected* tion over A the lakes, and to Parker Whitney, in the fall. Then the a warm friend of the for during holidays on the side of the river from press, delightful Depends A opposite entertainment at his beautiful onLake the return for to- oamp family snowshoeing, | Messrs. and Blaia- the Casino by Gray Moleechunkemunk; to the Board of Trade and Mr. and citizens of bogganing skating. Whitney’s * upon many things, but dell. Rumford Falls, and to all j who contributed to the success and hospitality Is proverbial, and he never ■fr from no matter enjoy- single Work was on Monday on ment of the summer excursion of so * commenced, 1896, lets a party go by without entertaining which may be undertaken the bicycle house, which will be 87x31 admirably planned and carefully conducted to the acceptance of all by Mr. Albro E them. His “camp,” The Pines, is fa- -fr is so much to result feet in size. Chase, Chairman of the good likely ♦ Committee. mous throughout the Lake region for its C000000900000000000000000* * were as from the unselfish act of Yesterday the cars to Rivervtou hospitality. ^ well filled, and those who visited the ,* insuring your life. ^ park found the air delightfully cool and There is stopping at Upper Dam a New * ,®)T rounds out a man's life- ¥ invigorating, Id marked contrast to the York gentleman who has been coming to mm liiel § record with X oppressive heat of the city. § AL J unquestioned the Baugeleys for a quarter of a oentury v O ,9> evidence of devotion Many private parties visited the park family # or more. He usually brings bis family, fa during the afternoon and evening, and and always stops at Upper Dam. He has to # a hours on the seated w dj) T yields the person in- spent few river, kept an accurate account of all the mon- sured a substantial on the broad piazzas or eating one of $ cash! ey ho has spent there and finds that It CLOTHING. * value if he to “Dan” Smith’s fine dinners. This din- I his lives; family, * amounts to over $20,000. nus Become ♦ ing at the mverton pavnion We believe Ju Union made We in it so ready money if he dies. I clothing. believe much that last year we X £ and bought over $10,000 worth of one firm that was made the United Garment U a regular fad ameng sooiety people The Maine Central Railroad by AN AFTERNOON FROCK. Company Mr. George S. Howell, of the Advertis- Workers of America, and we are using about the same amount this men. business is in a new side i Misapprehension! putting traok at Wm. er, a five and a half seen not ouugbt pound We know that garments hearing the union label are honest. We know that Life is ♦ The Japs should be by oniy & Co.’s '? 1 ©■ Insurance Engel lumber yard at Orono trout near The at the men who made them are good workmen or adults. Their square-tailed Birches, they wouldn’t be members of the (J 971-E1EVA DRESS. every child but by per which will the § United Garment Workers of America. X sometimes expensive give company a chanoe Lake Mooselookrneg untie on Tuesday. deters! formauoes are really remarkable. We * men. Facts this. ^ bo stick 15,000,000 feet of lumber. He landed him without a net. Prof. disprove $25 foot on the minds dip desire to impress tbis Tho manoruro f l>n Pnofnn jP- H/T• Sizes for 8 and 10 Years. per year is not much to for X James H. Boyd, of Chicago University, * pay of our readers. It would cost a half dol- railroad are to jp^| > of discontinue tlie Gushing who was with Mr. Howell, also caught EVERY UH10M «M The little frock $1,000 protection. That is a charming illustrated ! lar a tioket to see these people at regs- § 8 M-j station Portsmouth & all a life in X oojthe Dover rail- a largo tiout. Is of sheer lined with policy the Union lar theatre Snathe winter season. grass-oloth pink J road, and build a road from the top of Ifr Mutual costs anyone about 30 the sooia! party, of whloh awn, glinting through just enough to Ba' ! Last night Huukleberry Hill to the railroad Mr. J. H. Dyer, the Portland steamer who reads this ought to come to this store to buy his clothes. We believe traok, sell more union-made brighten it. The skirt Is gored in the years old. If the insurance does ¥ Mr. Geo. F. Noyos had charge, oomposed is at Bemis a new we clothing than any other dealer in Portland. wj*' $ where a new to be called builder, building station, the We have faith in these honestly made wearables. We say “money back ■ont and on the sides, and the not become or of had a delightful trolly steamer for F. Barker. lining J. payable in 15 20 sooiety people, station, will be built and Capt. C. The il y0U want it” without a bit of hesitation. ! Bellamy fv ind outside may he sewn together or * the ride to the Park and a dance at the Casi- steamer will be 60 feet and will years, cash value will. ♦ anoned up. This will aooommodato a long * nade separately, as preferred. If sepa- Thus is a X no. while the carry 150 people. It will be the largest satisfactory monetary large number, present Cushing both skirts are finished a the Brotherhood ■ate, with deep return Next Monday Aged station accommodates the steamer on iuooseiooKmeguntic. * made sure. « only Cashing iem or The back of tho waist at the Casino. facing. will dine House. I. F. HILL &> 500 GO., CongressSt. s fulled over a fitted and the full Barker Is at The q Jlylsdlw lining, Over 200 feet of the new roadbed of the Capt. building Birch- q I Union Mutual Two New Buildings. 'rout is finished with straps simulating Lirc| Sebastioook and Moosehead railroad es eight new oamps. 6 O near 3ox-plaits, and ornamented with rows of The Waterville city fathers have ap- Rock in town of Dundee fhe Harmony jsQOOTOOQOUQOQQOQOOOOOOOOQg Hat trimming. The yoke is finished corre- Insurance of the com- President F. of | Company, the action building has sunk from und now Is C. Thwing, Western | proved sight 15 feet spondingly. The model is oommended * PORTLAND, ME. ■# Mr. Reserve and Adolbert mission in selecting George £G. under water. This of road was University College, Insure piece ’or ohallies, India silk and all pretty with the Company which buys X as the archi- is at Bamis with Mrs. Mr. J Adams of Lawrence, Mass., built across a and the uncertain Thwlng. J. flalne securities —has over $2,000,000 ^ bog con- summer fabrios, as well as fancy wools. fa invested in the State. tect of the new city hall. The commis- H. Dennison, the well known author «£> dition of the soil was the cause of the A special Illustration and full riireo- to sell the old build- son-in-law of the late President sion wore empowered of the road. If the traok does not and TEST sinking HIGH GILS AND GASOLINE jlon about the pattern will be found on other of Williams Is also at £3M4#*44*444***#*4* ing, move the buildings necessary continue to the to the road Hopkins, College, the sink, damage If you want best Gasoline for your stoves this summer, order from us the envelope in which it is enclosed. and advertise for bids for the building B6mis. will be repaired in a short time, as many Wo fill any size paokage and we loan 6 gallon cans to Gasoliue or Oil of the new hall. There were several or- Customers. men are at work at both ends filling up President Thwing, on Tuesday, caught the ■ ““ ■ --- ders introduced empowering commis- Our teams go to Stroudwater, Cash’s Elizabeth thoir work. Some the place. a hue trout weighing nearly hve pounds. Corner, Pleasantdale, Cape sion to continue with and illoinlay of each Woodfords and East JHE RATIONAL It is that the Kuightville, week; Deoring, Tues- REMEDY, hired the to old wooden rail- suitable hall will bo by city reported day of each week; Kniglitville, So. Portland and ball till the new one can be Willard, Thursday” each A sure cure for the Hab- use for a city road bridge at the Salmon Tails, Mill- Parkman oamp attracts much atten- week; Woodfords and Morrills, Friday of each week. Pattern Liquor built. This will take about a Order, probably an one Coupon town, will be replaced by iron so tion from visitors at Bemis. It is a small Drop us a Postal or Telephone 318-3. it. the year and a half. The building will be Prepared by Nation- that the cars from the Entitling the Holder to One Dpmorest Pattern. throe storios iu height and will contain Canadian Pacific oabin constructed at a considerable dis- al Remedy Company the city offices, armory, and a theatre. can run over it with safety. tance from the other cabins. It was A was held in Augusta, Tnoa- of Maine. mooting After a good amount of hard work on built ten years ago for Parkman, the Grocer and Oil Dealer. Waterville, in the interest of tho new 3. H, day evening the of the the HffJIODOXj j Fill in below the number and size of the pattern you desire, and mall this coupon to of Bos- part soliciting committee, historian. He was troubled by sleepless- city hospital. Architects Spofford this office with ten cents in stamps or silver,ito pay for mailing, Handling, etc. Be sure to town of has raised It has cured the Drinking Habit for ton, and Miller of Lewiston, wore present Harmony money ness, and had tbe oamp isolated that 35 Middle Street, Portland, Me. give your name and full Post Office address, and choose one of the sizes that is printed und submitted A committee was enough to insure the with each design. scores of in plans. practically comple- no sound might disturb him. An accl* apr2odtf peoplo Waterville, Bangor, of Dr. W. H. Harris, POST OFFICE ADDEES3. ohoeou, consisting tion of the Sebastioook & Moosehead rail- dont him from visiting the Lewiston and other places where it has Dr. O. S. C. Davies and Mr. .C F. Blot- prevented road to that town. The adjourned hear- Number of ) been introduced. It is a Home Rem- eber to select pians. oamp after it was oonpleted. ing before railroad commissioners took Pattern, j_ edy, and can be taken without interrup- place Monday in the town hall. The cit- Hon. Galen of is at Bsmis. tion of business. It has been Moses, Bath, patented Pill Made.”* are to raise in Size 1 “Best Liver izens $1500 addition to the The great romedy for nervous prostration and all nervous diseases of the U. S. Patent Offioe. It is the safe- Monument Sewer. Desired. ) ___ by voted by the town. St. the generative organs of either sex, ouoh an Nervous Prostration, Fail- _____ $8500 Inf? or Lost. Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, est and best cure for the Habit Drinking The Bangor and Aroostook railroad The oontraot for the Monu- Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Con- building and With 85 order we a ever known. It can be obtained of sumption Insanity. every give written guar- Maj. Pills are determined that will was arsons’ people they show ment street sewer awarded yesterday Positively euro biliousness and sick headache, R. G. Rollins, 47 Hammond St., Bangor, liver and all the that have learned the There was bowel complaints. They expel impurities public they art to John Gulliver for $88.50, • from the blood. Delicate women find relief from For sale by Landers and Babbldge, 17 Monument Square. TT&8 Dr. A. O. Block, Lewis- of excursions as at Martel, College using them. Price 2ft cts.; five $1.00. Pamphlet free. handling tboy should be. one other bidder, John Mahoney $86,50. This Coupon is good for any Peraorest Pattern that has been or may be published in 1.8. cents to ton, P. O. Maliay, 112 Centro St., Port JOHNSON & CO.. -2 Custom House St., Boston. Hence the Moose head excursion is lim- this paperif sent with the requisite ten pay expenses land and P. H. Plalsted, Waterville. ited in number and the train is to be run ovor their line so Full information regarding this cure express that there may if You Would Be SURE of a GOOD CIGARlEor 5 CENTS 1 You must use the coupon printed above which is our order on the publishers. no ohauoe of can be obtained of be overorowding, delay, dis- Readers will please bear in mind that all orders for patterns are transmitted to New York eto. Tboso who and filled there. A few days’ delay is unavoidable. So allow at least a week from the time the Horace comfort, go” are assured Furrixgtox, THE roder reaches us Defore making a complaint. that tbo train will run on time and that SMOKE Vice President of the company will be no more Its there poople accented at Me. special province is to cure inflammation — an* — Waterville, botn IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS." jlyl7dlw Internal and External. It is the best, than can be handled. a « “THERE the oldest, the other. q original. Itispnlike any Railroad Commissioners J. B. * Permit me to about three weeks since Peaks, AND say Danfortb BE WISE USE Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment saved the life of Frederic and B. F. Chadbsurne GALL H. E. wife while MILLS, my suffering from a complication on Tuesday, July 28, will oominence the of disease*, tonsilitis, bronchitis and influenza. on S. A rn D Insist C.-Bc STRAIGHT—take no ! Sold first-class dealers only— E- A. Texas. examination of the Canadian Pacific other by 01R A K Piano Tuner Pn.aRi>NOT, Rockport, «l* Cost too much for others. wiwlrill The Doctor’s itnd on bottle. at Order slate at Ohaspler’s Music 43) signature directions every Railroad, Presque Isle, work that will DEPOT: BOSTON. Store, List'd Pamphlet free. Sold everywhere. Price,85 cents. WHOLESALE JOECM 33% TST rnWWSTl C4g-»3Xr OO.j Congress street, ecdft Six bottles, -j-.OU. I. ti. J Oiii\ .'(Sli k (JO.i fiost.au, Mom. require three or four days. ieisdti _ | SAPOLIO y vii a u JL/xll JU X X jLbidkJkJt X 11 u IIU ^ * WIVUU w V/XJ

PORTLAND DAILY PRESS to think that the Iinal outcome will bo EXPORTED LIKE MERCHANDISE MISCKLCAIVKOUS. M1SCKLLANEOUS- FINANCIAL FINANCIAL. AMUSEMENTS. chat AND the Populists will accept the Demo- | cratic During 1895 we exported $58,090,00( MAINE STATE PRESS. sidewalk. The middle of the road worth of silver. It goes out of the couu people seem to be afraid that PLARION AND WantedT Subscription Rates. they may RANGES Investment be try as merchandise, and is ^treated AMONGTHECLOUDS cheated in the division of the spoils, jus STOVER as if it were so muoh Daily (in advance) $G per year: $3 for six il there pig iron or wheat NOT The Casco Steamboat Company have en- should happen to be any, if they ;? ONE Bay months; $1.60 a quarter; 60 cents a month. hitch All of it is handled by a few brokers it gaged at great expense up with tho Democrats. They SECURITIES, Leeds & The Daily is delivered every morning by New who advance Farmington B. B want York, money to tbi to save the but want carrier anywhere within the city limits and at country, they and to be refiners to on able them to puy for the on Paying Four. Five Woodiords without extra charge. sure that they get pay for their j that comos from the mines. The retinen CLARION Daily (Not in advancer, invariably at th work. Six Per Cent. Prince Leo Stevens forward the stuff to New York in thi I ate of a $7 year. The most and aeronaut In of bricks of I .... daring intrepid State THE MAINE DEMOCRACY. shape about 1,100 ounce: @r Stove -FOR SALE BY Maine Press, (Weekly) published ji; Rang© America who will make for six oaoh,marked with the fineness. The brok Due every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 months; T’ho meoting of tho DemooratB at Au- g July 1, 1896. ers ship the ingots to whenci 6o cents a 26 cents for trial subscrip- Liverpool, is sold that is not quarter; gusta Tuesday night demonstrated be- are sont rail ;! they by to London. Lon ^ We offer in exchange, a choice line o£ BALLOON ASCENSIONS tion of six weeks. don H. M. yond all question that tho party is at is the silver market of the world, am PAYSON & CO, to leave town for oi Persons wishing long taere are dealt in like otbei -AND- sixes ana sevens on the financial ques- they any WARRANTED. £ n. A.jvjscija.'gugei short periods may have the addresses of their commercial commodity, being finally HOME SECURITIES. tion—one faction clinging tenaciously papers changed as often as desired. sold and shipped away to India, Egypt, of 32 EXCHANGE STREET. PARACHUTE DROP to rha stute with Think the dtf Advertising Rates. platform its declaration Brazil, and other Darts of the world, !;! thousands^ npr-i Particulars on application. for gold, whila tho other The American ingots the name o in and ask f afternoon this week begin In Daily Pkess $1.00 per square, for one espouses the go by 'j» use your dealer Y Travellers supplied with LETTERS c _.^vSiy '‘cake Eilvor.” Mng at 4.30 p. m. The rs- one month. Three lnser- cause of as Considerable quautltiei CREDIT, available in all parts ol the worh Tuesday, July 2J, week; $1,00 for set forth in the ”.en3,on will be made the new of them to where are oul about them. If he does not and CIRCULAR DRAFTS, withoi i from lawuoppo- go China, they i| payable site the theatre ions or less, $1.00 per square. Every other Chicago declaration of 16 to one. The into (3 in oities of PEAKS ISLAND. Prince Leo pieces for a sort of currency thai INVESTMENTS. charge, the principal Europe. elevens win have them write ascend into the sir One Tlions- day advertisements, one third less than these effort to find a common goes 8 to the Descriptive pamphlet supplied upon reques ground to stand by weight. The pieces are oallec f"X the ground before he makes atcs. taels. ” The stocks and bonds of the Ills *'ee',abo™ on was a failure, of course, for there is 8 THE GOLD CLARION. manufacturers. parachute drop, advertisements for one ceute. Half square $1.00 no chance for Many new industrial uses for silvoi frme .26 Taka Casco Bay steamers compromise betweon views irom Custom House Island. week or $2.60 for one month. have been found within recent years, wharf lor Peaks diametrically opposed to one another. C> 1394. BISHOP Edison Electric C. W. T. GODIN(L, thanks to the INCORPORATED WOOD' & Illuminating ,, “A is a space of the width of a col- increasing cheapness of tin CO,, Maine, v Co., SWAN & BARRETT S Lon, Square” It Bangor, i Manager Casco Bay Steamboat Co. was soon discovered that the metnl. Not so very long only riol or umn and one Inch loag. party ago’ Q(XXX)0oo^» sont sealed, with county. running discovered a few 5?®,“*®?.* plain wrapper, testimonials and marlil Price 105 and Accrued Interest. The federal offico holders were financial references. Rio charge 8™ A a$r gt>*»»«•» mn TH&M6m ALSO SECOND AND LAST WEEK OF g quits short of them. E'or years that this beautiful beetle was jy21 dlw years past whilp ago ror coniuitutlon,. Bwurerf W kAK ©T«OI\ICb numerous and at the Demo- common in HERBERT and oonspicuous Unole Sam has been on to this very oottonwood trees, on “!!•*«“»• n.JvertUed aiientn. Address LA,\E, holding *■•■■**•w? V; Va8 SEED cratio conference. But as sustained the leaves cf which it feeds, and it is GO.. Mnaonio imple, clllCAOU, in their great comedy and cvele specially, they enormous stock of the whlto metal, the cheap enough now. If you know where *old in Portland, Me. by IS. L. Foss, 053 juggling, etc. Cleveland and Cleveland’s policy they market Congress St., aud by L. C. Fowler and Friday value of it has been going stead- suoh trees are to be found you may gath- Druggist. Dancing—Tuesday evenings 0.30 were not of offensive to ll. Frank C. guilty partisanship down. er hundreds of the •“silversmiths” in a Manley. Prompter. ily down, down, TIS2J Music by Welcome's Orchestra—8 Pieces. or bad taste. day. It used to be believed If you will drop in at the mint in Phil- oommonly Saating and tobogganing every afternoon that these inaoots lived exclusively in and evening. adelphia will have a chance to lonk One piece of evidence that tends to you ohimnevs, and happy was the household- Admission to Rink loo or Boat coupon. at some more silver that er who chanced Gentlemen 20 Ladies show that free silverism is but a now belongs to the upon one, for it was sup- Dancing, cents; free, Take Casco Bay boats. government—not coined but bul- posed to bring good luck and the promise Casco National Banli of dollars, manifestation gieeubaokism ; is the of wealtii. lion. There is VIGORiDEN fact that in the oounties where tho something very notion of S -OF- latter impressiye The extracting gold and sil- CRAND::: CONCERT to the eye about this immense accumu- ver from Insects seems Easily, Quickly,Permanently Restored. was like to bo of — — ism strong, Waldo and Knox, very an- Vitality, Nervous IrJLS^e^SK AT THE cient IjOst Debility, Insomnia, Falling Memory, and all lation of wealth in the crude. You see it origin. When peoDle fail in the Wasting Diseases and nil * there free silverism makes the most pro- Weaknesses resulting from early or later PORTLAND, ftSAINE, process they are oonvinced that excesses. $i per hot. 6 for Mailed to CASINO, BILLIARD staoked up here and there in the of usually $5. any address by3 BEACH, gress. shape thore was The Japanese Pile Cure Company, St. Minn. something wrong with the Paul, *4 BY —:— brioks. If you had permission to take method In employed. Mexico the na- For sale in Portland JOHN D. KEEFE 195 Middle St i> 0. Bn 1108 The Hon. M. P. Frank Is entitled to what tives beiiuvo by 250 Middle St., and JOHN WILLIAMSON you could carry you would not be that the surest way to find 4B Congi oss street. * *3 CHANDLER'S FAMOUS BAND. the blue ribbon for a or silver ingenuity, in figur- able to get away with more than about gold mine is to watch a gold Sunday Afternoon, July tidfli. out at the or silver beetle and follow it. Painstak- ing Democratic oonfereno e $1,000 worth—silvor is so cheap now. N Incorporated 1824. Take the “Capo Electrics” from Monument it is almost sure to lead $ that the resolutions of the State The Quaker City mint at presont hold* ingly pursued, Square every 15 mtuutes. jy23d3t conven- the seeker to the $107,000,000 worth of these Ingots—coining deposit of precious met- * n CAPITAL AND SUKFLF9 tion were merely a direotion to the Chi- al, or mayhap to a buried treasure. U value.JThey take ud a lot of room; 1,000,- AUCTION SALES. convention and Thus far and cago that they were 000 ounces of silver brioks occupy the only goliibngs sllverbugi have been discussed; the WORMS I H k out the action of space of 120 cubio feet. straddlebugi Hundreds of CHILDRENl wiped by the children have latter remain to he considered. This is wormn, but their parents doctor % not u them for nearly else. tody. Mr. Frank might a BILLIONS FOR everything & F. 0, BAILEY & ijave gone THE DIGGINGS. easy, baoause thero is an extraordinnrj m % ONE MILLION By CO.,Auctioneers little further and argued that Mr. Wins- number of species. One European col The great advantage of silver as loctor has succeeded In Trule’s Pin low *was also wiped out by the aotion at getting togethoi > Worm Elixir I money, from the point of view of the 2,000 spooies of straddlebugs. The strao “MOTHER.” Important Assignee’s Sale Chicago. are Democratic is that it is dlebng.s dung beetles; tboy aro th( She broods the with care of OF platform, ohoap. rtCostiveness, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. It ^ family; jtf little fellows who roll halts of animal ex l,us Ocm a % hearts and souls.” DOLLARS. Four the There is household for 44 years ago Democrats appealed every prospect that it will be- crement j remedy years. Its efficacy in such S Real Estate on and lay their eggs in them. ! troubles has never been equalled. and Peaks Island, to tho to for come Purely vegetable harmless. Price 85 cts At I people vote their polioy of much ohoap. The supply in sight When the eggs are hatched the yonr.s all or of the © Constant over-exertion changes the Current Accounts received oo favorabli Druggists, Proprietors. DR. J. r. TRUE A. CO., AUBURN Me. 1 ^ j£fiS Portland, Me., Ry Auction. pleasant home duties into herculean H * fiee trade beoause it would reduce is practically unlimited. Look at the larvae teea on tne muterlnl of the bal terms. the tasks beyond the strength of the worn- iA until they are able to take care of them 4Yr^- shall sell on Saturday, August 1st,, at of the necessaries of life whioh are made an who so often supers from those hid- Interest allowed on Time Deposits. '" pricos it Rooky Mountains; they largely Some M 2 o’clock p, in., on the premises, the fol- selves. of the straddlebugs bavi miseries under the name was had been raised of silver. The entire mountain chain grouped J Correspondence solicited from Individ a lowing valuable parcels of real estate, being a alloged by the^McKln- huge horns and are very queer of “female complaints.” wB lookinj Banks, and others de part of the estate of Henry Trefethen. Among tariff law. Now tho that forms the backbone of creatures indeed. Cure her? We guarantee so aisf Corporations, ley same party is ap- the continent Nden to do jWj the property to be sold Is the homestead of if she will take siring to open accounts, as well as fron 1 n.^alincr tn tho tifinnlw tin vntp fr»r» fma from Alaska to Cape Horn, Is full of the faithfully Henry Trefethen, situated on Island Avenue those to transact busi near white metal. You can CURRENT COMMENT. wishing Banking Trefethen’s Landing. ver beoause free silver will iaoreaso hardly strike it ^ Jj The BRIDGTO ness of any description through this Bank Bay View House, situated near Forest anywhere without coming upon a silver prices. High prices about City Landing. The house has about 40 rooms, brought by mine. Thus it is not to -— — surprising find including wharf recently built, also all furni- free silver are just as obnoxious as that the Americans ture and about 25 house high produce nearly the ADMITTED FACTS. TERMINUS OF THE .. >1 furnishings. Also 5 STEPHEN 1 (aulocoretA SMALL. Prssiasu on situated prices that have their origin in a protec- whole of the silver supply of the world. lots, sojne of which are cottages, in In 1895 (Conoord Th has been in use here the most desirable of the island. tive tariff. the miues of the United States Monitor.) m remedy MARSHALL IL GODIN}, Cash's parts of silver. The latest 21 years. Particulars and local testi- E 1au4 dtl Tills sale oilers an unusual opportunity to yielded 68,000,000 ounces The creditor class of this ari , in j country & Saco River R. R. Novelty ■ftfc monials will be gladly mailed to you, would-be purchasers for either cottage lots or Fifty-eight*, million minces! That. Its Bridgton ™ Undor the influence of a wage earners,Its savings hank deposl under seal. 50cts. and $1 a bottle; permament investments, and has better advan- depredating seems a good but it does not Art also Em= ■ deal, pre- tors, its insurance policy hriders, its pen Goods, s>f druggists, or M taxes than any other island property in the cnrrenoy the price of commodities sent a clear always very notion of quantity to of 3 Trains each v WOODBURY & I City of Cortland. Excellent schools, churches, siopors, its^membere building and loai way Daily except Sunday. ^ Caulocoroa Co. MOULTON rises faster than the of labor. the mind. It would make a solid Cotton in Mfg. theaters, in fact most modern improvements, wages sphere associations, its small house boldors, am broidery grand ^ feet in About 3 Hours Kiel*1 From which make it in every way desirable. The owner of as twenty-two diameter. Such a bull Its small investors. If the Portland. ft commodities, a rule flfty-oant dol colors to match Terms at sale. might be rolled down New iar is used to Tickets soul at Boston & need not with them until Broadwuy, pay debts, those are the peo Throught Maine and designs. Circulars description o: part he can York, just avoidiug interference with the Maine Central Stations. BANKERS, giving complete pie who will be cheated such tc the he demands. on by pay We have them in property can be had upon application get prioe He can store pedostiiaus the sidewalks. Its diame- ments. A. M. P. M. Cushion P. m. Wholesale agents, Cook, Everett & Pen George Trefethen, li‘2 Commercial street, F.A. them and hold on. ter would be about to tbe width of Leave Portland (mcioi) 8.45 1.25 But the la- equal If the debtoc'of a savings bank cun pa' 5.56 Smith, 247 Commercial street, or of tile Auc- the from curb to curb. Arrive Bridgton 11.07 3 84 Center Pieces nell, J. W. Perkins «& Co. and J. E. Goold Maine borer can not do this with his street, Kitber his obligations In depreciated current'' 8.14 Covers, Portland, I tloneers, 46 Exchange street. jly22dtd labor. If A. M. Cornelius or W. K. Vanderbilt could the bank will have & Co., Portland Me. he does not sell it for the savings only ttia' Leave Bridgton 6.10 10.03 5 and Table prioe offered purohase it outright without much in- kind to 40 Covers. of currency give its depositors. p. M. TSSTJ1E3 F. 0. BAILEY & VO., AUCTIONEERS. he loses it. He is to a extent at convenience; but it is rtoubful if large the they The veteran or his widow, who drawi Arrive at Portland (mcrk)S.25 12.12 7 41 would oousider it a desirable Our stock Batten= mercy of tho purchaser. investment. a ponsion, gets .a given number of dollar .1. A. BENNETT of FULL BLAIR A CO.’S Stocks nt Auction. Mexico furnishes material for a ball near a Supt. B. S. R. month If theso dollars are worth on)' & R. R July 25th. at 32 ill., at sales ly as big every year. A sphere about half June 29, 1896. je27dtf Point Saturday, The nomination what they aro now, the pensioners’ , burg, Purling, ON room. 46 Exchange St., we shall sell of Bryan by the Popu- fifteen feet in diameter would COUNT bj represent iuoome is reduced one half. and Domestic order of adminstrator to close an estate: lists with a nominee for Vice President the production of and Honiton Linen Foreign Gas Light Co. stock. Bolivia, through which The men who are dishonest ti 1 Lace, 23 shares Cortland the enough OPINIONS DIFFER. National Bank other than riswull will compel the Popu- oountry silver ridge of the Andes advocate the payments of debts in fifty PRINTING 15 shares Cumberland stock runs. Few people know that Bolivia is Braids and Buttons in Terms cash. jly22Utd lists to run independent electoral tickets cent dollars aro generally men who neve (Baugor Whig.) third on the list of .silver a producing pay their debts in any kind of i AN recent job we printed the outside in every state. They could not vote for nations. money The new system of ward primaries white and with they can avoid it. was cream, ^ F, O. BAILEY & tho Democratic The entire silver inaugurated last evening and and another printer printed the in- CO., electors for while they production of the The silver mino owners do proved Letters of not offe: to “ Credit in 1896 highly satisfactory the bo all as globe would bo represented a their Republican of side. Our customer said: Didn’t you would right far as the candidate by product 'to the government at It 1 voters. patterns Collars, FOE THE USE OF sphere thirty-five feet in con- TRAVELER! i. Auctioneers and Commission for President is ooncerned diameter, market value, but ask tbe government ti print more than Ans. “Not Merchants they would taining 170,000,000 ounces of the white 3,oco?” pay twico «s muoh for it as they can go (Bangor Nows.) Handkerchiefs, Doylies, 4b be for Sewall for Vico is u more than 20 over.” Customer: “We Terms and full Salesroom ExdiangelStreet. President and con- metal. It very remarkable fact that in other market. , particulars fui any The ward callouses is now the the total stock of in the world is called in and on O. BAILEY. C. W. sequently against Populist oand Mate gold Whether the currency of a 1 1 aooordance &c., full had 250 of yours left over.” Natural de- nishcd F. ALLEN. country with the delegate or application. just about equal in valuo to the entire or convention plan bv This fact will probably be used with u gold, silver, paper or all three com duction : dti silver stock; each is stated the arbitrary action of four attention. the other fellow gave short dtt mhiT4_ approximately hined whether it is good or poor; whethe members of worthy of mays*_ good deal of force to bring about tho at tho oity committee, were $4,000,000,000. (The largest stook of it is abundant or held Tuesday count. That’s the kind of scarce, the man wm 1 and resulted in competition endorsement of the tail as well as tho silver is owned by India—estimated at evening general disatis Every gots any of it honestly must work for ft day brings that makes friends for us. He cheated $900,000,000. But accurate figures with The faction. Tiie head of the Democratic ticket. government dues not o n money ti Rumford Falls Power Co. :t new regard to that oountry are very hard to to the customer out of 10 cent, distribute among the peop e. HIS VOTE WOULD MEAN HIS something nearly per get because of the of tlio It Is RUIN The struggle between the Populists propensity better to earn one collar that 1 of the job. natives for hoarding. They either hide worth one (Railway Age.) gives notice t who are in favor of in hundred cants and passes cur that, as required keeping the mid- or We what we HEREBY turn into ornaments every bit of prec- rent FITZGERALD, give you just charge you for the uind eo: l MISS A. L. everywhere than to earn two dollnr s The railway who tainodrf 91® P,Fov,sions sinking SAWYER'S dle of the road, and those who are ious whethor silver or employe votes for free in the mortgage given it to the Oi ready metal, gold, they each worth fifty cents that are silver votts to for every time. by every reduce hisownwaaesand Colony xrust Co., dated it wi u SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND to travol on the sidewalk the obtain. Much of It is buried and lost. where looked 536 Congress St., Aug. 1, 1892, AND TYPEWRITING prepared by upon with suspicion. increase the cost of his own invest $10,000 in the bonds secured sai China comes af'tsr India with a stock of The first living h, by Democrats at Chicago appears to be a sufferers of a depieciated eur votes to the chance THE THURSTON PRINT mortgage. Offers of such bonds will bo openc d Also. worth of ana the enlarge of his helnu Headquarters for Shorthand Work $750,000,000 silver, Unit- rency aro the wage earners and they ar thrown out of work at 2 p. in. Aug. 1.1890. and pretty even one, we are inclined ed and against the City 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET Typewriting. though States is next with $635,000,000, the last to rooovei from wel HUOU J. its baneful effects fare of every wage-earner in the CHISHOLM,Treasurer. CENTENNIAL BLOCK, 93 laud jly22dtf PORTLAND, ME. jy!3 2aw 2w m,T EXCHANGE ST tiOd MAINE DENTAL SOCIETY, A GREAT GATHERING. JOEW ABVKBTISKMKBTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NSW AD'VlCKTXSKMJSiri'St JJEW ADVERT ISKjfflENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. --r-1—■ -j——* Final Session and Flection of Officers for Farewell at tlie People’s Temple, Boston, The weather today tUe Coining Tear. to Father Clarice. j7rTl!bby:~|~ is likely ta be fair held its final The Maine Dental Society Rev. F. E. Clark, D. D., the father of Portland, July 23, 1306. session yesterday with a full attendance. the Christian Endeavor Sooiety, who TALKS UNDER rHE PARASOLS. of Waterville read a section of this Dr. F. H. Fales sails today on his tonr around the world in the Treat- paper on “Thoroughness in the interests of the movement, was about hot Basement of and Mo- ONEbig ment and Filling Biouspids given a great send-off Tuesday evening lo ” weather Dress Stuffs. of lars. the People’s Temple. It was a farewell Talks department J. A. of Portland read a Talks about the Bar- Dr. Spalding reception to Dr. Clark and also a rally— ours is a sort of on the relation be- receiving very interesting paper Peaks Island. a Washington oonvention echo rally. gain Sales In Our Silk Sec- tween dentists and optioians. b\ for the of Lyman Richards of South Portland, The amphitheatre-like interior of the tion. Talks aboutthe depot products A. of Portland rend a price- Dr. H. Kelley A. Cram of Portland have become mem- Temple, situated at the corner of Colum- the Indian Basket mak- on “What Owes tho Peo- drop in our Black Dress pa;or Dentistry bers of t he Edgowood olub and are occu- bus avenue and Berkeley street,contained mists km mm ers. ple.” pying the oottage with that organization. nn assemblage of 2500 or more Endeavor- Goods and Wash Fabrics. Every season when All tho papers were discussed by the and and ors. all wore their Mr. E. F. Hobson duughter They badges—conven- the. land is full of tourists members of the society. Mr. and Sirs. R. C. McKilby and daugh- tion, Jocal union and church. Many Tue following oilioers were eleoted for ter of Island Pond, arrived at the island brought the banners of their respective choice things m suits. and summer visitors the tho year: Preble ensuing yesterday and will occupy Camp organizations, and the platform, organ are out from us President—F. A. Saco. going agents of these indus- Burnham, for a few weeks. loft and front of the baloony was hung Many ON OUll SECOND Vico President—Geo. O. these July days at FLOOR where we keep all these ready-to- Mitchell, Mrs. E. A. Snow of West Roxbury is with them. In addition to the bright trious tribes to us BueksporL wear we were never so in mid-summer as this bring at the Adams oottage. l.ued banners of nil sorts of designs, there nominal prices, for.the new things busy year. Secretary—A. W. Haskell, Brunswick. their birch bark Treasurer— E J. Roberts, Augusta. Mr.William H. Hines, Madeleine Hines, was a red and whitc^decoration along the store calls for all new The reason is we are working for business. “LOW PRICE” is the baskets, Librarian—Elbridge Bucod, Portland. and Catherine Lola G. Hines M. Conuel- entire front of the platform. The read- lever we are with. boxes and other Executive Committee—F. W. Hafton, goods. working canoes, ley of Lewiston are at the Innes house for ing desk was draped with Amerioan and Gardiner; H. A. Keiloy, Portland; J. S. Indian which Stricklnnd, Bangor; F.H. Moore, Calais; a few weeks. J British Hugs things they F. H. Fales, Waterville. Among tho latest arrivals at the Innos A service of song opened the meeting styles of choice Thursday and Friday Specials. SHIRT WAISTS at 89 cts. that early were $1.75 and $2.00. have made during the It was voted to hold tho next meeting are: Mrs. A. L. Day, Miss Annie E. the singing being Jed by George K. Swivel Silks—the 25 cent and Waists at 75 cts. that early were $1.50; at 50 cts. that were $1.00 winter and of the society in Gardiner. Day, B. G. Poole, James Gallahue, Bos- Somerby, tlie popular leader of the Boston Twenty under- spring. We cts. The State Board of Dental Examiners ton ; G. H. Gould, Miss F. J. Christian Endeavor ohorus. On the kind—go now at 19 and $1.25; at 25 cts. that were 50 cts. Lewiston; plat- wear are having an ob- take all and in the Hosiery they bring met afternoon for the examination Winchester, Worcester; Miss Sadie F. form were seated Mr. E. A. Gilman, Other Silks equally bargain-able. ject lesson in the west win- of applicants to practice dentistry. Thompson and Jennie Taylor of Wal- president of the Boston society, who pre- pay them cash down. dow. SEPARATE SKIRTS in good quality Black Figured Mohair at At noon Dr. Fillebrown, at tho Maine tham. sided; Rev. Dr. Clark, president of the That’s how it and Ear an Jefferson 1.50 and 5.00. In Plain Mohair at $3.98 and 5.00. happens Eye Infirmary, performed Mr. Forbes, who has been in United Society of Christian Endeavor; Ladies’ Fancy Hose, lisle stock, $3.50, 3.98, interesting operation on a patient who British Columbia for six years, returned Rev. William E. Barton, pastor of the In All Wool $2.98 Black Mohair that we have such BLACK BEAUTIES. plain and stitch, a dozen Serge,any color,from up. Figured always had"a cleft palate. homo vesterdav and is now visitinc rela- Shawmut church, Boston; Rev. Arnold drop maybe Skirts as low as $1.98. a wonderful stock of the Dr. J. A. Spalding of Portland read a tives on the Island. Strenli of Manchester, Eng. ; William styles. Were 50c. now 38c brief paper on ‘“Some Relations Between Prof. Leo Stevens will make a balloon Shaw, treasurer of the United society; Indian baskets CACKLING in our prettiest the Dontist_and tho Oculist.” asoenslon by moonlight Saturday even- Rev. Joseph B. MorgaD, president of the Any Woolen Skirt made to your order within a or two day so Tho chief aim of the was to call British Christian Endeavor Black hen- FINE Black Lisle and sell them for little paper iug. .National THERE’S Dress Goods Hose, without extra charge. attention to tho often faot, that O. Edwards and of Rev. John T. forgotten J. daughters North Council, Chester,JEng.; house; for the price destroy- Hermsdorf’s dye, fast and money.-.often less than thoro are diseases of the which Auburn and W. Howe of trustee of the United in EXTRA many eye J. and wife Beckley, Sooiety fox has broken in and is stainless, spliced heel and toe, half the usual are ginflueuoed docidedly and undoubted- Lowell are aiuoDg the recent arrivals at New York city; and Rev. Nehemiah ing making We have always something new prices. for NEW SILK ly by diseased conditions of tho teeth. the Fifth Regiment cottage. Boynton, D. D.t now of Detroit and re- leathers 88c, 3 pair $1.00 to show more than WAISTS, fly. you—this week They’re all useful, or- The proof of this lies in the cure of the The young ladies who are stopping at oontlv pastor of the Union Congregation- usual. Maybe some of these things umcuao uiuuiimcu unm namental and uciu^ the Eighth Regiment cottage will give al church, Boston. Three entirely new lines of Waists very desir- are enre has beeu to the teeth. Those a which will be After addresses by several came the in- stainless what you want. Better read and given hop tonight undoubtedly SEAMLESS, at that not have been are whilst prices would able, They attrac- that can be saved should bo filled, largely attended. teresting ovent of the evening,that which Hose for Ladies. Fairish see. in the season. th^so that aro too far gone for this pro- Manager Bartley McCullum of the isl- caused eaob perspiring mortal in the black novel- BLACK possible early tive mementoes to take sizes 8 to 10. cess should be carefully and skillfully and theatre lifts decided tbe follow- church to stop fanning himself and quality, upon mop- ties, our best stuffs, have Of Blue and Green back to the friends who extracted. Several cases of this reflex ing pieoes which will be produoed by his ping his brow and listen, forgetting all Royalty Price 12 l-2c changeable been out NEW OUTING SUITS. the and the teeth one each the end of the to the that were for closing rich white lin- relation between eyes company, week until about heat, speeches price-cut Infants’ and Children’s tan color Taffeta, quality—with stay at home, they’re from Dr. Spalding’s practice were relat- tlieseeson: “'Virginia,” by 11. Grattou made. before removal. en detachable collar—immense sleeves sizes 5 and 12 l-2c souvenirs of a ed in brief. Donnelly will be played next week. By Rev. Nehemiah Boynton was prosented Hose, 5J1-2, It seem a little late for wool pretty Elegant Crepons, Silk and wool may and amply cut yet perfect fitting body Stress was likewise laid on care in ex- a special arrangement with Manager to say godspeed for all present to Father summer in Mohair and wool Outing Suits, but there Is the rest of Maine. traction cf teeth, even where there was Frohman, the “Gbaiity Ball,” by Belas- Endeavorer Clark. Mr. Boynton said: novelties, Fancies, —turn back cuffs—finely finished and all and no because such a disease come Brother we are all to hear One this month of August Sep- eye disease, co. will follow ;then will the*‘Gold- Clark, waiting all wool novelties job lot throughout—the very swellest thing in had been observed with destructive effect en Grant,” by Olacy M. Green,“Hearts from you, yoursolf. I shall not attempt Children’s. tember,—and if you save two or three It is hard to Were $2.50, now $1.98 Several styles the way of a Summer Silk Waist, and say any- on the sight owing to careless fraoture of A. “Young to compliment you on what you have UFDERVESTS. Oak,” byJJames Herne, “ “ or five dollars that is an 2.00, 1.49 and will be closed surely object. the new of the teeth or jaw during extraction. Mrs. Wentworth,” by Bronson Howard. done You don’t like to have people in grades price only $6.00. thing about Shirt- the showed that & tell what are. You « « out at These Suits are all new and we Additionally, essayist “Saints and Sinners," by Pettee Jones company you you go 1.50, 1.09 , 12 l-2c It isn’t Of Black or Navy Blue China waists. easy to tnere had been oases recorded in whioh and tbe season will olose by a magnifi- with our heartfelt love. You can travel “ 1.37, “ 98c Boys’ Jersey ribbed Drawers, 19c bought them because we could buy severe dental had been long cent of Frederlok a from this but you Silks at $2.76. write of the stock neuralgia produotlon Bryton’s groat ways place, « great “ 79c them cheap. and treated until the oyes None of these have will never pass out of our memory, our 1.00, unsuccessfully “Forgiven.” pieoes same “ « The style and cut as the $6.00 here without had been carefully fitted to the proper before been prodnoed at the island hearts or our prayers. May God bless and 87 l-2c, 62 l-2c repeating LISLE THREAD waist—white au when the Take words: “ « linen detachable what has glasses, by oxpert ooulist, theatre, and few of them have over boen keep you. then,these simple 50c, 42c At $8.75—Tan checked goods,the collar, been said many neuralgia was cured. seen in Portland. Our hearts, our hopes, our faith are all VESTS. Long and short sieeves, and turn back cuffs. “ 39c, « 29c LADIES’ same kind that sold best with us early large times Never- The next point to which attention was Mr. McCullum reports that the season with you ou your journey. (Applause.) tint. already. sleeves, Egyptian Reg- at $13.75 and 15.00. Plain Black or plain Blue Silk at drawn was the rise of the dental profes- so far has been better than ever before, IJr. Clark bad risen and grasped the theless Shirtwaists are a ular 5Qo, now 25c sion and its elevation into an expert spec- and his matinee housos have been extended hand of Dr. Boynton. When price $2.75. larger of in- ialty. Formerly the teeth were looked his year than they evor wore in former Dr. Clark began to speak thore was a Another white and Egyptian, short subject perpetual At $6.75-Suits in Fancy Mixtures, Fancy Figured Silk Waists at out for in an offhand fashion by the gen- seasons. wild uproar of applause, and the Chau- sleeves and while warm sleeveless, 25c Plain Tans and Covert Cloths, the terest, eral practitioner of med oine. But grad- The roal fun on Peaks island will begin tauqua salute was given. He said : mohairs are in $3.60. the for “Fellow Endeavorers: I have received weather and we ually they saw necessity deeper when the Boston and New York people same qualities as have been sold at a of new lasts, commotion. High lustre mo- Quite variety pattern Silks, study cf the teeth and some of them be- commence to arrive next* week. Th the right hand of fellowship from Dr. Figured fl MPORTED want to hair UNDERVESTS, $10,00. stylishly made. Crush again remind you oarne dentists, while others urged men lively season on Peaks docs not usually Boynton, whom wo aro all so glad to see having Brocade figures, collar—Bishop of education to attention to : back in Boston. Hu has for Very elaborately decorated sleeves—full front—turn back cuffs— that the stock give special begin until about August 1st. The fob spoken you, big and little, simple and sprawling. g largest and as These Suits are made with belts and tbo teeth. Their argument was that the lowing are now stopping at the various and I feel that I snail remember it I neck, some are silk and lisle, at $3.50. on Were now 75c cheap most extensive is teeth to be saved for uso go away for service the other sldo of $1.00, variety ought prolonged hotels: Union house, E. L. Weymouth, are Norfolk effect back. the water. I shall foel stronger for this “ “ others lisle thread. and and then again for the Elizabeth B. Boston E. J. Hol- 75c, 59c and a com- beauty, Tivnln, meeting. It was a good thing to have it here, nearly “ “ $1.00 kind at 87 l-2c maintenance of the health of the people. land, Now York; G. P. Beokford, Bureo in Boston. At Washington we saw a 62 l-2c, 42c WHOLE SUITS AT $3.98. line of sizes ev- better our the more many and there were plete in For, the teeth, per- N. H.; Mrs. J. E. Crowo, Somerville, great things yet “ « 75c kind at 62 l-2c a great many things we did not see. 50c, 39c NEW SHIRT WAISTS. fect our mastication, tlio better our di- Mass. ;A. H. Natiok; Mrs. C. Don’t think because the is so kind. .Waters, “There was a difference between “ Job lot Ladies’ and price ery _J 1 1 xl 1 Xi— I. UP groat « 25c Egyptian Trull,. Carroll L. Mattox, Lyndon, Vt. that convention and tbe one in Portland 39c, low white thin short sleeves and that this offer of a whole Suit— Following out this train of thought, Gilbert Delano, Lynn; F. E. Roberts, fifteen years ago. Work did it. We all vests, A choice lot of Shirt Waists recent- now realize that the society has come to Skirt, Shirt Belt and Tie—for that the teeth ought not to be submitted W. E. Roberts, Brunswick; W. L sleeveless, 12 l-2c Waist, To who are in- stay. Some of us saw everything there put on sale have white linen detach- people to any but skilled spooialtists iu diseases A. M. N ly is not Hains, Dexter; Day, Colbrook, naB to see in Washington exoept the fires $3.98 worth considering. It is able collars terested in choice Table tf those structures, Dr. Spalding expressed H. Peaks Island house, W. R. Sawyer. invisible, and yet the things unseen are and cuffs. one of those chances to save money the opinion that people made a grievous H. T. H. S. J. Graoe, greater than those seen. I have a work BLACK Smith, Baxter,W. MOHAIRS, The materials are that are Linens our of fine to do greater than any wo have done. the finest that are display mistake in permitting non-medioal men W. H. Bos thrifty people always looking Thomas J. Kolley, Stanley, That is the true meaning of the thoughts Some polished like ebony or J. it. LIBBY. to test their is one PLAIN made in Waists and if we paid full in exclusive de- eyes. Testing thing, ton; Seymour N. Heybie and wife,Ruth of things beyond this world. We have for. goods black marble. re- nut examining them to see if they are N. H. L. Marston, Berlin, drawn half a dozen different denomina- Greatly for the Waists we could sell but erford, H.; price You have your choice of several is a revelation. A or diseased is another and more tions together. In Washington there wero duced in for out. P. S. signs healthy N. H. ; Carrie Gill, Rose A. O’Brien, price closing thirty different denominations represent- few at a profit even in Portland. There kinds of importunt affair. With apparatus at our W. H. Mrs Skirts, Waists.Belts and Ties. fair reflection of the best Provldonoe; Sawyer,Boston; ed. Think of it! It is not only an in- Were $1.50, now $1.09 wo see are fine Dimities, Lawns command, can the interior of the C. Lanoastor, N. H. ; A. B. terdenominational it is an inter- Lappetes.and The Skirts are of H. Sawyer, society, “ 1.37 « Scotoh good material," of the German eases of national 1-2, 98c organdies, French, eye, and iu all eye strain, head- Case and wife. Boston; J. MoCaw, feher sooiety. of beautiful designs in linen color and "We have and brotherhood to “ « well made and will wear to look well ache, loss of for far or Charles H peace 85c and in the and a apparent sight, brook. Harbor View house, and I 1.25, Zephyrs Mulls, other Irish looms, careful work for, hope something may be French desirable shades. all Summer. Made to order if near, the interior should be soon and the York and Leo Stevens, Williau. done and that all the world will be at “ 5 “ East window. your wife, tic, 42c of the most patient should not be satisfied to try if New William H. Gordon the feet of the Prince of Peace Let Son Early in the season the Waists would wish. culling Platow, York; “ 50c. “ The is 12 you alone were of for Franolsoo in 1897 be the watobword. 37 l-2c price only l-2c glasses use, disease and wife, F. A. Adams, Boston; W. H cost us all at Our work is but begun.* Let it go on have $2.00 to $2.50—we sell Any Shirt Waist that is now 50c or worthy makes, could uot bo treated by glasses alone but K. Taylor, wife and child, Amesbury bravely. Bless you all, Christian En- them to you now at $1.75. 75c—kinds that were $1.00 to $1.50. that cannot fail to by proper remedies. Mass. Bay View house, Miss Emma A deavorers of Boston." (Loud applause.) prices All medical the men including dental Giles, Newton Centre,Mass.; Mrs. H. T After a hymn was sung, the benedic- J. R. LIBBY. J. R. LIBBY. convince you that it isn’t profession should endeavor to impress Merrill, E. Somerville, Mrs. Joseph Bird tion was prououced by Dr. Clark. After this fact as important as examination of Yo the shook him the liio la-year old son of Jtev. D. N. worth while to send Boston; Georgo D. Doanu,Brookline; mooting many by ens will have some of the beet speakers in away the teeth. Charles E ban d. Martin,a former pastor of Warren lande Wallace, Yarmouth; the country on the platform. church, from Portland for Lin- In conclusion, the paper called atten- Saco. Avenue hotel and who is now of a oburcb in the Goshen and ladies, Among the the Chau- pastor THE CHAUTAUQUANS. eloquent readers, EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT. tion to eye strains imposed upon dentists Waterviilo; Thomas suburbs of Montreal, has been in this ens. Mies L. H Tilson, tauquans favorites. Miss Susan M. ffalk- in the exercise of their the two weeks on a profession, and MoFarlane and Mrs. A or city past supposed wife, Montreal;; and Miss Agnes Salford will appear; in eases of on visit. Ho said that his mother urged lreadnohe, nervousness, P. Nickerson, Somerville; Mrs. R. Stev Beginning of Its Assembly Fryeburg’s also Mr. S. was in Royal Goldsburc of Prinoo- MARRIAGES. and of over- Boston and that she had allowed him triplej aerial act, and Herbert and Lane sleeplessness other.aymptoms ens, Malden; Mrs. ri. T. Constable, Bal Beautiful Grounds. ton one to University, oftho greatest elocu- come work a careful and here during her stay there. The on tbeir set of wheels. Noxt week will testing thorough ex- Miss Sarah Carins, Mrs. Hober tionists In timore; America. There will be a first of tho week Hev. Mr. Mann of War- In Bangor, July 20, Oscar S. Rowe and Edith OWEN. MOORE & CO. amination of the eves. and Harold Car be a groat one. Watch the papers. Begu- Carins, Master Walter “Grange day,” and White Mountain Ev- ren church, received a letter from the M, Sawyer, both oi Bangor. 22.—The lar dance Friday evening, and Iu North 18, George W. Jumos Jr. Fryeburg, July Chautauquans boys’ lather, that his son skating Leeds, July Morgan Jfaugliters of tile Revolution. ins, Snwyerville; Harper, ounslon day. will be the stating young and Miss Lucia its annual session Recognition day and at all sessions. E. Elden. both of Turner. Assembly opens at had, suddenly, unbeknown to his par- tobogganing in At the last meeting of the Montreal. gold day of the assembly. It will be a Kockport, July 17. Herbert Coats and Belle Daughters ents, left home three weeks ago, aud that l Leach. of all of whom liavo be their beautlul grounds, Fryeburg, next of the Revolution, the resolu- A party seven most enjoyable outing far those who at- they had been unable to In following The this is get any clue to Belfast. July 18, John W. Knight and Kate at the Avenue house, arrives Tuesday. programme year hlB whereabout The Tennessee Cente nnial. M. Simmons. tion was introduced aud voted : fore stopped tend. since, and nnquiro If ho It (Bools does Tarrant’s full to thb brim with A had In Calais. Charles Card of the New York bout last and art good things. been seen here. His father was at July 8, Milltown Whereas, a duty incumbent upon this by night Mr. P. E. Some time ago Mayor Baxter reaeivod ana Mrs. Susau Gaskill. number of courses of instruction have Bootbby, who is always on once notified by and arrived is the commemoration of to be found in that house. telegraph in the Blood chapter impor- again hand to this to a letter from tho dtreotors of the Tennes- and with year, corns aid the oity jeeterday take him hqme. ent, tant ovents of the war for uatlonal inde- of been added this and the of assembly,has given great 3 Mrs. Augusta Coolbroth Springfield, reduced Mr. Frank Andrews and see Centonnial Exposition to be held at its refreshing and us the of the instructors have boon increased. ly rates to the patrons of the Un- family, Mr, DFAT Hi pendence, anniversary has arrived at Great Diamond Among J. K. Andrews and Mrs. A.W. action upon of all to our island, ion over the Thornton Nashville, Tenn., beginning 1, 1897 most distressing day town, the who will make tho world, renowned mountain are May the stomach she will remain until the lattoi many speakers taking an outing at Libby’s beaoh. In tills city, July 22. Albert E.. infant son of oomos this year upon Sunday, it is where division of the and continuing six months, asking him of the programme interest- road, and Mr. S. W. Fife, John T. and Catherine Gallagher, aged 6 months. and bowels, eminently fitting 1liat it should he ob- of She is accompanied platform part to five part September. the genial and ever man- Sky High appoint commissioners, oitizens of [Funeral fromlparents’ residence. No. 8 Merrill cures Sick served as a memorial day, and that the and instructive, are E. H. Fobes, Ph accommodating street, Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. Miss Emily Ellis also of Springfield. ing who would take se- Headache attend divine by of the horse went Prince Leo Stevens in Portland, interest in chapter should service iu a D., who will give an illustrated leoture ager railroad at Fryehurg, his great In this city. July 22. Elizabeth, widow of the Musicals seem to bo in order at theVal exhibits and late Charles Jensen, and Consti- body; therefore be it will see that the wants of all are attended balloon afternoon from curing displaying Port- aged 70 years. on the Pleasure Ground yesterday Peaks of That tne 18th View Punks island, this seasor “Switzerland, and’s resources at the LNotlce funeral hereafter. pation. Resolved, Sunday, day of ley house, to. For a exposition. An- of of New few days or weeks outing this island. The asoension was perfect and In South Portland, July 22, Nathaniel Goold, It also en- October, being the anniversary of the Last au affair of thii Europe.” Prof.Kiroger York, other letter has been Friday evening is was received by tho aged 70 years. 10 months, 22 days. ables dyspep- burning of this town by Aiowatt, this tho most wonderful wizard in tho opportunity unsurpassd. The effloient [enjoyed by everyone. After his much In addition t< world; dated 11th [Funeral Friday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock,from tics to to the kind was enjoyed. and ever aerial Mayor July and emphatically digest chupter will,if agreeable rootor, at- Mies Thorndike Rev. smiling conductor of the As- flight he dropped not to the ground, the residence of his son, George L. Goold Cot- of tho guests from tin Chnrlottee Sibley, the and enjoy their tend sorvicos at St. Paul’s church, and tho guests house, Rev. but into the not far urging request previously made. The tage street, South Portland. Edgar L. Warren of R. I., will give his sembly, George D. Lindsay, wiil be iwator from Peaks food. Sold by that our rovorend fraler, Joieph R. city and surrounding cottages were pres Mayor will soon appoiut live gentlemen ^ there tu welcome every one in liis won- and was a man fuueral services of the late Miss Drugs iste for is invited to make his sermon great lecture on “Jamos G. Blaine,” island, picked up by [The Harriet Shepherd, eut. Miss Trefethen and the Misses Tu to form said commission. The desire of E. will he held on 60 derful one feel who was for him. His Bryant Friday afternoon at 2 ^ a memorial address. Charles S. Cummings and many others. genial way, making every watching balloon at No. 2 Heat rondered instrumental music iu of the centennial is to foster o’clock, Heerlug street. Burial private. Prickly Re vived, That the Sons of the Ameri- key at home as eoon as arrive. sailed the air about tlie'managers Miss The arrangements for the ooncerts are they through eight miles, can Revolution be invited to attena the pleasing manrsr, and Varney*! and develop commercial intercourse with to aver offered before. being carried by the southeasterly wind services: also that all oitlzeus bo urged to vocal soles all. Miss Willett* superior anything other states and their delighted almost to Forosido. develop own re- Something to Know. take notice of the day by displaying their Two grand concerts will bo given by Falmouth It was Trefethen was the pianist of tho evening. WESTBROOK. sources. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the at half-mast and suuh other obser- picked some men out aud It tuny be worth to know YOTICE flags Given’s Orchestral olub;two the Elm- up by fishing something LI subscribers have been by that the beat duly appointed Ex- vance ns is appropriate. taken to island. very medicine for restoring of the will of wood Male Quartette of Cam Mass, Peaks Willard Afternoon. ecutors Tho Indiana and Rhode Island stat* bridge. Sunday tile tired out uervous system to a healthy Mr. Shepherd has accepted this invita- Tho asoension will be made at WILLIAM HILL, late of Bridgton, committees have endorsed Bryaa an* two by the Oeoilian White Company, and The Presumpsoot base ball club has today vigor is Eiectrto Bitters. This medioiue tion. flvo Next afternoon there will bo in the Couuty of and Sewall. two the o’clook or as neai that time as pos- Sunday is purely vegetable, aots tone Cumberland, deceased, by Cambridge Festival disbanded. It is understood that it is by glviug has taken himself that trust as the orolrestra, another concert to the nerve upon sible. Tho Casco steamers from Cus- grand by Chandler’s centres iu the stomach, gen- directs. with noted talent to assist. Prof. Rob- a done Bay law All persons having demands only temporary matter and was whieb tly stimulates the Liver and tom house wharf for Peaks island and band, at Wiliard, will include so- Kidneys, upon the estate of said deceased, are required ertson, who so delighted the last to allow of a and aids these the people reorganisation. los on different organs in throwing off 10 exhibit same; and all persons indebted the balloon asoension instruments, classical, said “ Pure and season will give three new illustrated leo- Three boys wore before Judge Tolroan impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters to estate are called upon to make pay- Sure." popular and sacred musio. You cannot ment to tures. Prof. Lewis Improves tbe appetite, aids digestlonr will give two mag- in the municipal court yesterday charged MoCullum Theatre. JAMES H. STANTON, # pass a more pleasant atternoon than to and is pronounced by those who hav, nificent illustrated Mechanic Falls. Executor. lectures; Mrs. E. S. with trespassing on Mr. Ernest Gerhart’s The tried it as the very host blood largest audience of the week en- go and listen to ono of the concerts and purifies Bridgton, July 7, 1806. jy23dla\v:*wTn» will toaoh at his on Pennell street. and nerve tonio. it. Hold for 60o or Osgood parliamentary law; garden premises joyed the fine of tho Two the cool ocean breeze. Cars Try production oojoy leave $1.00 bottle at H. P. S. Goold’s Prof. Roberts of Boston will have charge One of the boys who wus older than the per Drug Brothers at MoCulluiu’s theatre last eve- Monament square every fifteen ininntes. Store, 577 Congress street, under Con- of tho department of physical culture; rost, was sontenced to the Reform school, ning. The show is very good indeed and gress Suare Hotel. Prof. Fobes the department of Mlnerolo- but, in deference to bis widowed moth- is hereby given that the sub- is staged in a manner. The re- splondirt Holway Will Stand. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Noticescriber lias been .duly appoint'd gy;Prof. FiEh, entimology; er, bis sentence was commuted on prom- Benjamin volving scene in tho third aot Is one of the and taken upon himself the trust of adminN T. jNewmun will teach tho of Melvin S. THE BEST SALVE iu the world for trator of the estate of art of sketob- ise good behavior. beBt scones Augusta, July 93.—Today, ever seen on tho island. Salt Baking Powder. lug in oil, wator colors or pencil sketch- As the Presumpscots have disbanded Holway, Esq., who was,nominated for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Hheum, AMOS BOULTER, lato of Staudish, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, in the ing. Mies Eva Waterhouse will have the Westbrooks had to fill the date with Forest City Kink. Congress at the Demooratio distriot con- County of Cumberland, deceased, Bread and cake raised with it their freshness and Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup- and given bonds as the law directs. keep Never at obarge of the kindergarten work: Rev. the Deerings at Warren park yesterday Bince the rink opened has there vention vVaterville, announced that he tions, and positively cures Piles, or no All persons having demands upon the estate of said are to flavor. The reason comes ft. a a score been snob a all idea of withdrawal pay It is to give deceased, required ex- is, the leavening power from Herbert Thayer, thorough Bible afternoon, winning the game by stiong attraction as is off- Pad given up and required. guaranteed satisfaction or hibit the same: and all persons indebted ro ered on Perfect money refunded, studeut, will have charge of tho Normal of 9 to 4. The features of the was this tho who orowd would a*and the sound money said estate are called to make cream gamo weok,and people plat- 25 cents box For salo H. P. upon payment ic pure of tartar and soda, else whatever. the price per by HENRY W. nothing Sunday school work. There will be a the third base play of and tho place satis form. ‘‘I am a sound money man” said 677 under SWASEY, Murphy daily get away perfectly g. Goold, Congress St, Con- Administrator. Receipt book free. Scad Powder New \ fiod Portland, stamp and address. Cleveland Bakin* Co., 17Vk- W. C. T. U., and Mrs. L. M. N. Stev- fielding of fcsproul of the Westbrooks. with the aots of Mr. Holland in hie Mr. Holway. gress Square Hotel. Standisii. July 17, 1306. jy23dl ing Dr. King's Hew Discovery in my Gliddon WANTED-Awork. Apply at No. 221 Cumberland WANTED. INSTITUTE B. 0. SOM Directors. of Danverse, Mass., are visiting of ashlugton, D. C., for flee particulars RUBY, [ store I sent for a bottle aud began its use, Very Fancy or Plain street. City. 17-1 as to F. W. BAILEY, ) friends in at positions, dates, etc. -jd-1 and from the first dose began to get bet- Woodfords, d3t A iy09 a/tar three bottles was The members of Columbia Kebekah young man with business want; ~ ter, and using up NO. t!4 l"2 IF ability EXCHANGE ST. VOLK WATCH KICK for I»Si,Lsc-E and about again. It is worth its weight Lodge, Woodfords, will visit Riverton STEPHEN BERRY, employment one or two mouths. Addrost in gold. We won’t keep store or house WE will take tbe kick out ol it and make it P. S. T. this office. Tiie regular Quarterly dwetlog for the exam nark tonight. Special cars will leave " clean- jly22dlt* MAIN will Without it. Get » free trial at H. P. keep good time. Mainsprings 75c. SPRINGS 75c. ltaatiott ot candidates Soy pQiiiJemen be heii JOB ing *1.00; 3. Gould's o77 Woodford#, foot of Spring street, at 7 BOOK R|W PRINTER luaiaxpriug and cleaning combined WANTED-Silmitiou an Genuine Waltham on evetu'-tg. July.2btlt, at 8 n. m. Drug Store, Cougresi all work by experienced ship llesilient Mahisnrin-s Pneaday *1.60; Outclass. JUcKENJIKY, The “ Addres; CEO. Tit BEE T Chairman. St., under Square Hotel. o’clock. ‘equlred. only 7oc, warranted for one year. M’KENNEY )iy22tua HER, Congress W. ¥. so, 37 xium siksex. Jeweler, Monument square. jitnl6t£ kTTTirxEit,SHiPFRit 39uQfK"renc2J b roe HASTINGS'. sit., cny% 22-2 the Jeweler, Monument square. jo26dt< Mia weight-Ginger.i7<£)18 Lambs, spring 8® 12. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. Heavy.24®25 starok Hoes, dressed.city, 6%o ^ tb; country, 4c. MARINE NEWS _excursions. Good d’mE.2S}o24 Laundry.4%®o Turkeys, Western,Iced 10@12c. Union Hacks... 32«36 Gloss....6%®7% Chickens, North, broilers, 16@20o. DAILY : am. c&lf.... HOtsSl.oo Tobacco. Turkeys, frozen, — ®.— EXCURSION FREEPORT AND FALMOUTH F0RESI0E Lead, Best Western.iced4 broil. brands... ,50@69 Chickens. Il@l3c. TO- BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA. STEAMERS EOR ilheal.6V437 Medium..'lOa.40 Fowls, Northern, 12®14c. STEAMBOAT J.IDa.6%®S Common.26®30 Fowls, Western, iced QlOVac. PORT OF PORTLAND. DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. HARPSWELL GO. Free- Products in the 2ihc. Harpswell Center, Quotations of Staple %ifi8Vj Naturalai.. ..804g70 PRODUCE. HARPS WELL Tlie 365 Island Route. port, Chebeague, Fal- Butter. Northern cream, choice, ud First Grain 16Vfc@17c, Class Shore Dinner at Merry From Boston every and Quotations, Butter, fair to good, 16® 10c. Wednesday Saturday. mouth Foreside and Tiatimg Markets. coneag House—All tor One Dollar. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Butter. Eastern crrn 14t&i6c. Take Harps From steamers will Diamond Island- Butter, unit, crm. U@i2c. WEDNESDAY, July well steamers from Portland Philadelphia every Wednesday Beginning June, 28, 3806, Tuesday’s Quotations. Pier. Ask for leav Portland Portland, as follows: On and after Monday, June 29. Ladle packed ft® 10. dinner tickets Je3udtf7tbp Pier, WHKAT, For LONG ISLAND. 5.50, 0.00, 10.25 a. ra., Cheese, new, Northern choice at 6Vfr®7; West, and Strars. Madeleine, Phantom aud Alice, New York Stock aud Money Market. Eept. Saturday. 2.00, 5.25, 6-3 5 p. m. Pi*r. July. cn’ce 6«&7c. Arrived. From C*ntr«l Wharf, iiosum, 3 p. m. From Portland 6649 For CHEBEAGUE I., HARPSWELL Summer Portland. Opening.66% Pine Street Wharf. at 3 m. if Time Table—Leave (By Telegraph. 66% Eggs. hennery choice. 18@20: East 15@lGc. Philadelphia, p, BAILEY’S .and ORR'S IS., 9.00,10.25 a. m. Closing.,;,.,..56% Steamer Manhattan, Bragg, New York, wit] auranea ono-lialf the rate of For Island at 9.05 a. Eggs. Mich, choice.'] 2Vfl® 13c. Bailing vessel. 2.00, 5.26 p. m. ^Diamond 5.45, 7.00, ORA, passengers and mdse to J B Coyle. for the West ni.. 111. NEW YCRK. July 22. Western fresh J2®612V*c. Freights hy the Penn. R. R., and For HOPE in. 12.10, 2.00, 4.10, 5.00. 6.10 p. Steamer State. Snowman. Boston. Excursion South I., 9.00 a. m., 2.00 p. Bay by connecting forwarded free Return=Leave Diamond 6.30. 7.20 last loan at 2 July. Sept. Jobs, ¥«®lc higher. Sunday lines, of For CLIFF I., 10.25 a. in., 2.00 p. m. Island. Money quiet 2@2% percent.: Seh 'Florence. coal t ) TO- iomnv-«ion. 26% Beans, pea, l 00® 1 36:mediums, 1 10. Wormell, Philadelphia, For 8.00. 9.30 a. m., 1.40, 4.30, 5.20, C.50 p. m. I rime mer- Opening...... 24% G0®1 Portland LITTLEFIELD’S, GT. CHEBEAGUE I., per cent.., closing iat 2 per cent. 26% 1 Stoneware Co. Taasag® *10.00. Round 818 00. For Falmouth 9.00 a. in.. 12.10, 2.00, Closing.. 25% Beans, yei. eyes. 15®i 30:red kid.l 10®1 20. Sch Poplisun Island Trip 10.25 a, m., 2.00, 5.25p. m. 5.45, cantile at c 6 cent. 1 1 Inez, Bunker, Gloucester. beach, Squirrel Meals and room included. 6.00. 6.10 p. ra. paper was quoted 5% per July. Sept California, 45® 66. Sch Leonora and RETURN FOR PORTLAND. Leave ORR’S Nickerson, Gloucester. boothbay Harbor. For freight or passage to F. P. WING. Return—Leavo Falmouth, 6.00, 7.40 a. m., Sterling Exchange was steady, with actual 11 ay—New York and Canada, choice £19®$20. Sell N apply ISLAND, 6.45, 11.00 a. nn, 1.45, 4.00 p. in. OATS. Jones. Hall. Bostou. Agent, Central Wharf; Bostou. 1.05, 2.40, 6.30 v. m. Fair to good $17®$18. Sch Edith THE FINE NEW Lv. BAILEY’S 1., 6.05, 10.45 a. 111., 2.05, 3.45 business in bankers bills at 4 88a4S8 tor S Ashing. E. B. SAMPSON. Treasurer and General For Prince’s 9.00 a. 6.10 July. Sept. Lower grades $13®tl6. Whalen, p. m. Lv. So. HARPSWELL. 6.20. 11.25 a. in., Point, 5.45, iu., 2.00. 60-day bills and 0 88%. for 16% Manager, 8» State St.. Fisks Building, Boston. p. m. 00.64 demand; Opening.17% Cleared. Mass. 2.20, 4.25 p. m. Lv. LITTLE IEl.D’S. GT. Rye straw—$20. oot22dtt Return—Leave Prince’s Point, 7.20 a. m.. lutes 4 89%. Commercial bills 17% Oat straw CHEBEAGUE, 0.46, 11.60 a. m„ 4.60 p. posted 88%@4 losing.17% $’.\®$9 50. Sch Mattie J NB~ 2.45, **2.24. p. in. Alles, Crockett, Hillsboro, STEAMER m. Lv. GT. CHEBEAGUE. 7.00 a. 4 1 50. SALAG1A JENKS’, 60-davs at 87.0,4 87%. Government; Bonds tore. Potatoes—new.choice^bbl Peter S Nickerson. For Chebeague, 9.30 a. ip., 5.00 m. WILL m.. 12.00, 3.00, 5,00 p. m. Lv. CLIFF I., 7.10 2.00, p. Sept Potatoes,new, com to good 1 00. Sch LEAVE FRANKLIN WHARF, MAINE Sunset 9.30 a. m. higher. Ballrods higher. Baltimore, Candlige, Bluehill—J H Blake COAST NAVIGATION CO. а. m., 3.10 p. m. Lv. HOPE 1., 12.05, 6.05 p. Landing. « 37 Potatoes—new red 75c «1 00. Return—Leave 7.00 01 thing. ill. LITTLE a. Ch6beague, a. m., 1.50, Bar silver 68“%. new SAILED—Sch Isaac H ssTJjsrxzj&rsr j^.rr e Lv, CHEBEAGUE, 7.25 in., Cltslug. fa 25 Apples, ^ bbl 2 50® s 3 50. Tillycr. 3VE.? 5.50 p. m. Sunset 7.15 a. 12.20 The Popular Line for 12.15. .3.25. 5.15 p. in. Lv. LONG I„ 6.25, Landing, m., Mexican dollars(5S3/i @54*4. at Harbor about 12.30 m Popham p. in. Wedueay’s quotations. Arriving Boothbay p, 7.40 a. 111,, 12.30, 3.40. 5.35, 6.40 p, ill. Arrive Silver at the Board was firm. Live Stock Market. Returning, leave Harbor at 2 m. Beach, For Cousins’ and Islands. 9.00 WHKAT. Chicago [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS.] Boothbay p. Squirrel Island, PORTLAND, 6.50, 8.15 a. m., 1.00, 4.15, 6.00, Littlejohn’s arriving at Portland about o.3u m. 9.30 a. m.. 2.00. 5.00 p. m. At London to-day oar silver was quoted July. 05y holograph) p. Harbor 7.05 p. m. Sept SACO. July 22—Ar. sch N G Morse, Philade: : Boothbay Return-Leavo Cousins’ and Littlejohn’s Is- at31%d 4P 63% Freddie fo SUNDAYS. ©zM quiet. Opening.65% Chicago, July 22, 189C.—Cattle—receipts phia; Eaton, New York and sailed FIFTY GENTS. and Wiscasset. lands, 7.05 a. in.. 12.3 0. 2.05. 5.55 p. in. Closing. 66% 22,000; weak; common to extra steers at 3 26 Rockland: and for Vina] Lv.' Josephine, Theresa, O. C. CHAS. R. PORTLAND for HARPSWELL and in- For Freeport.9.00, $9.30 a. m..*2.oo, 5.00 p. in. CORK. @4 50; stockers and feeders 2 20®3 80; cows haven. OLIVER. LEWIS, termediate Wolfs Neck 9.30 a. in. imports. jly3dtf President. Treasurer. landings, 10.00, 10.40 a.m„ 2.00 i>. aud bulls 1 calves 4 sells G P SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. m. Louisburg. CB. Schr July. 10^3 90; 00®6 80,Texans Cld. Mills, Rockland: Daisy Farlin Return from Harpswell arrive Portland. Return—Leave Freeport. 6.20. *31.00 a. m., Massasoit—2037 tons Sept. 2 20. York. to M C 00@3 New 1.00, 5.30 p. m. $1.00. 6.10 p. in. Wolf’s Neck, **6.25 a. in., coal By. Opening...... 26% 26V4 and after June the 28,000; weak; — Monday. 29th, 1896, down **5.20 m...... 25% Hogs—receipts heavy packing WISCASSET. 22 Ar sch Na 1 Sailing trip tlie Bay every pleasant **1.20, p. Closing.. 26% and July 21st, RAILROADS. ON new and fast steamer SALACl A will leave lots at 2 70®3 00; common to New York. Sunday, leave Portland. 2.15 p. in. Return, For Bustin’s Island, 9.00, 9.30 a. m., 5.00 Railroad Receip t, oats. shipping Meader, Dunton, Franklin *2.00, choice mixed at 3 10®3 40; choice assorted at Wharf, Portland, daily, exoept Sun- б. 30 p. m. F are only 25 cents. p. ra. 3 day, at 7 a. in., for Is- PORTLAND. July 22. July. 50@8 60;light 3 26®3 60; pigs 3 00®3 60. Popham Beach, Squirrel Daily excursions 22 miles down tlie Bay. Return—Leave Bustin’s Island—6.05 a. in., Sept. Memoranda. Harbor and Wiscasset. Receipts by Maine Central R. R.—For I'ort- Opening.. 17% 171/4 Sheep—receipts 17,oG0: weak: inferior to Boston & ftlaine R. R. land, Boothbay Round trip tickets only 50 cts. ex- 4.50 p. m. R F of Mil] Sunday 1.36, iand: 162 cars miscellaneous merchandise; tor Closing.17% choice 2 00®3 25; lambs 3 00@6 90. Millbridge, July 21—Capt Cole Returning—leave Wiscasset daily, except Sun- cursions to 36 cts., other 171% the c Harpswell. landings, For Harpswell Centre and Mere Point, 9.00 a. connecting roads 111 cars. bridge has bought sch D W Hammond EffMt June 21, 1896. day, at 12.15 p. in., touching at above landings, 25 cts. FORE. of Rockland for will us in., 2.00, 5.00 p. m. Domestic Markets. Jon Clark $360. and arriving at Portland about 5.30 p. m. ISAIAH Gen’l in the re DANIELS, Manager. Return—Leave Harpswell Centre and Mere Retail Grocers July. her general coasting business after WESTERN division. Connections—at Squirrel Island, for Heron 5ai;ar Rates. Opening. G 20 (By Telegraph.) t je27 dtf Point, 5.30, 11.50 a. m., 4.16 p. m. pairing her. The Hammond is a sch of abou Iralus leave Portland, Union {Station, for Island, Christmas Cove and Pcmaquid. At Closing. 6 02 tons and was to Rockland som 5 Portland market—cut loaf 8: confectioners at JULY 22, 1896. GO brought Scarboro Crossing. 9.05, 10.00 a, m., 12.00, Wiscasset, for all stations on Wiscasset and NEW Flour — 1. For Mackworth’s 5.45, 9.00 Gc, pulverised .cpowered, 7c; granulated YCRK—The mantel receipts years ago. 15,3.55, 5.15, 5.50,6.20, 7.10p. m.; Scar- Quebec R. R. At Boothbay Harbor on Mon- Island, am., 2.00, coifee crushed Portland boro 0<-; 5%e: yellow 4%c. stock Lise. 16,209 packages; exports 3195 bbls and Beuoh, Ptoe Point. 7.00, 7.10, 9.05, days, Wednesdays,Fridays aud Saturdays, with 5.00 p. m. 163 sacks; sales 7600 steamer Silver Star for New Round CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT Return—Leave Mackworth’s 8.15 a. packages; unchanged, Domestic Port* 12.00, 1,10, 3 30.3.55. 0.15. 6.60, Harbor, CO., Island, Corrected by Swae a Barrett. Bankors and in. Portland Wnoiesua Market. quiet, easy. 8.20, -10. 8.00 n m.; Old Orchard Beach, Pond, Friendship, Port Clyde, Tenants Harbor in., 2.40, **5'30 p. 186 Middle NEW YORK-Ar schs GeD Adelbei 1 Brokers, street. riour quotations—low extras at 170@2 60; 21st, 7-10j 9.05. 10.00 a. aud Rockland. At Portland, with Boston and Sunday Time Table Leave Portland. for Maud II Dud L°£» 8.40, m., 12.00, PORTLAND. July 22. 185*6. 6IOCK 8. city nulls extra at 0 00®3 yO; city mills patents Ames. Pniladelphia Groton; 12.20, 1.16. 1.46, 3.30, 3.55, New York steamers. CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF Di L 5.15, 5.50, 0.05, For Diamond Island, 10.00 a. m.; return 6.00 The following are to-day's hoiesaie prices of 4 00®4 25: winter wheat low .grade* at 1 70@ ley, Oliver, Jacksonville; E Arcularius, 020, 7.10, 8.00 p. in. Saco, Sundays—will leave Portland at 9 a. in., for Description. Far Value. Bid. 7.00, 8.40,9.05, p. m. Pr jvisions. Groceries, etc.; Asked 2 50; lair to lancy at 2 40$8 40: patent* 3 46® Island; Maud Briggs, Winslow, Swan Island : 10.00 it m.. 12.0o, 12.20, 1.15, 3.30. Popham Beach, Squirrel Island and Boothbav Canal National Bank.100 118 3.56, 5.15, For Falmouth. Cousins, Littlejohn’s and Bust- 115 3 75 ; Minnesota clear at 2 40®2 80: straights Carrie A Lane. 0.1)0, 6.06, 6.20, 8.00 p. m. Klddeford, Harbor. Flour. Graln- Casco National Bank.100 loO 7.00, Week in’s Islands. Froeport aud Harpswell | 97 at 2 95(fc8 40: do patent* at 3 16&4 00: do rye Chi. ship John R Kelley. Chapman, Hon !,10.00 a. m., Returning—leave Boothbay Harbor at 2 Day Time Table. Centre, Cumberland National Bank.. 40, 1.16, $10.00 a. m., 210 p. m. Supevfiue & [Wheat. 60-lbs. £00 35 36 mixtures 2 80; at 1 ! Burke, Stanwood, New Hf 3.30, 3.55. 8.00 p. m. 40;®2 superfine 60®2 BO; Kong; tscli Gleudy 6.16, 6.50, 6.2a p. m. ; Ken- Return—Leave low crades.2 75@3 CO Corn, car .... 3G&37 Chapman Natlomil Bank_100 98 100 Falmouth Foreside, 1.00, 6.30 □no 1 50®2 00. Southern floor is easy and ! ven. nebunk,, 10.00 a. ra., 12.20,3.30. Fares. Popham Beach, 75c, round trip $1.25. Wneat ban- Corn, Daz lots.. ft40 First National Bank.100 99 101 Summer Arrangements, 4, A89ft. p.m., Freeport, 10.45 a.m,, 4.00 p.m., Harps- Spring dull; common to fair extra 2 60; good Sid, snip M P Grace, Baltimore; schs Nellie 6.15, 6.05, 6.20 p.m.; Keiinebunkport, 7.00, Squirrel Island, Boothbay Harbor and Wis- July ers.ciana st335(8360 Dag lota. .37t«;38 Merchants’National Bank.. 75 114 116 00@2 well Centre 12.00 ra., 4.00 p. m. Mc»b to choice at 2 60® 2 90. Rye flour steadv.JCorn- Sawyer, Portland; Tom Beattie. Leet Island 8.40, 10.00 a. m., 12 20, 3.30, 6.05, 6.20 p.m.; casset $1.00, round trip $1.60. Rockland $1.75, Patent fernne Oats, car lots National Traders’ Bank.... 100 08 t round For Forest ft26 ICO meal quiet. Rye quiet. Wheat—receipts 63,- Glendy Burke, Providence; C E Pickering,Poi Walla Bench, 7.00,8.40 ».m.. 3.30, 6.15 p. m.; trip $3.00. City'Lamliiig, Peahs’Islaml,5.45, Leave Freeport for Bustin’s Island and Harps- fVneat... *3 906410 Oats, bag lots in. 30ft31 Portland National Bank.... 100 100 102 000 bush: exports 15,883 bush; sales 30,000 Johnson tor Newbu’ryport; Laura Robinsoi North Berwick, Dover, 4.05, 7.00, 8.40, Popular daily excursions. Round trip to auy, *10.30 11.00 a. m., well Centre. 10.45 a. nileli. sir'em Cotton 8eec- Ames one 12.00, Portland Trust Co...100 112 115 bush: dull, easier, o b at 64y*c; No 1 North- Elizabethport for Exeter; Gen Adelbert a. m.; 12.20, 3.30, 5.15, 6.05 p. m.; Somers- landing. $1.00. Good for day only. 12.30, *1.45, 2.15, 3 00, *3.45 4.30. Return—Leave Harpswell Centre, 12.00 m., roller.... 3 60@3 70 car lota.22 OOft22 50 for For further information 5.00, *7.00. 9.30 p. si. 4.00 m. Portland Gits Company. 60 85 90 ern 65Vac. Coiu—receipts 42,660 bush: exports Philadelphia Lynn. worth, 4.06,7.00. 8.40 a. m.. 12.20, 3.30 apply at company’ 5.46, 6.16, 7.30, *8.00. p. clear do.. .3 5063 GO bat lots 0000@23 00 schs Rockland : Franklin Wharf. *11.00 *Via Center. Portland Railroad CompanyiOO 118 120 92,107 bush; &ales 5,u00 bush:diill, and easy. Ar 22d, Charley Woolsey. 5.15 p.m.; Rochester. Farmington, Alton office, Return-6.20,7.20,8.30,9.30. 10.20. Harpswell Sacked Br*r 11.30. A. run btLouisst'gi Portland Water Co.100 lol 102 No 2 at 32®32l4c elev, 38@33V4C ailoat. Oats Jas R Talbot, Thomaston: Elizabeth M Cool Bay. Wollboro, 8.40a. m.. 12.20, 3.30 p.m.; O C. OLIVER, CHAS. R. LEWIS, M., 12.20, 1.00, *2.15, 2.45, 3.20. tNot in stormy weather. roller... 3 60®3 70 car lots. 11 60a.lb uO Fall River. President. *4.16 6.00, 6.30.*7.30. *9.00’ 5 Porter’s —receipts 131,900 bush, exports 60,196 bush: Calais; Susan Stetson, Lakepol't, Laconia, Weil'S, Plymouth, 8.40 Treasurer. 5.30, 6.05, 8.20, Landing. clear do. .3 50@3 60 bav lota. 17 00 BONDS a. 10.15 P. or at close of oicmuu. 116ft sales 39.000 bush: quiet, strong; No 2 at 22c; Cid, barque Louise Adelaide. Orr, Coleraim m., 12.20 p. m.; Wolfboro, Long Island, jo26dtf. M., entertainment. niyiiuu ntT wheat Middlings.. $14@1<> Ou Ireland. Center For 9.00, *10.30 connection with all steamers for Portland City 6s, 1897.103 104 M m«/ uy /* v, iiu « euv Harbor, (via Alton Bay and steamer) Cushing’s Island,6.40, S.00, Carriage 3 90ft.4 10 00 schs Eliza Pendleton 8.40 11.00 A. M., Corner. patents.. bag ots..S15@17 Portland 8t. 1907.12o 122 No 3 at 21c; do White 22c; Mixed Western 22 BOSTON—Ar 22d, J a.m., 12 21)p. in. Woreestcr(via Somers- 12.30, 2.15, 3.00, 4.30, 6.16, Freeport Fish. Coffee. *7.00, 9.30 p. M. Unavoidable Portland 4s. 1802—1912 Funding 103 104 Via #23%c; do White and White State 2.£628c. Fletcher, Baltimore: tugs Oarbonero, Halej worthand Rochester,) 7.00 a. m.; Munches *8.00, delays excepted and subject to iBuying& price) Rio.roasted 2o@23 Durkee. Kennebec; st r RAILROADS. Return—7.00, 11.20 A. without notice. selling Portland 4s, 1918, Funding.lo5 107 Beef quiet, steady, family at 8 60(fl)j9; extra Portland; Honeybrook, ter, Concord, (via Kockingham Juliet.) 7.00 a. 8.16, 9.15, *10.45, 51., change Cm;—Large Jaya&Mocha with 5 do28@33 tangor et. 1899. R. R. aid.105 106' $6<£$7; beef hams auiet: tlerced Deef steady, John Wise, Geyer, Greens Landing, barg m.. 3.30 p. u.; (via Lawrence) 8.40 a. in, 12.45, 2.55, 3.30, 4.45, 6.40, *7.20, 8.30, E. It. NORTON, Manager. Shore ... .4 50 a600 Molasses. 12.20 9.45 p. M. Bangor 6s. 1905. Water.115 117 extra fndia mess Margery. p. in.; julySdtf rfn. .1 7F» F»nrtn Tfinn_ city til 00d»il2 00; cut meats Rockingham Junction, Exeter, T VjiU. 9UU £iUa A DOtOUOlUOl V'lGkjr For l-efethen’s, Little and Bath 63.1898. KR.ua.103 106 quietmickle bellies 12 tbs Saskedc: do shoul- Qiuupsuil) Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, Evergreen, Pollock ... .1 60,ci2 76 Barbaaoc-8.2i (SION, John and 9.00, 10.30 M., 2.00, *3.15, 5.45 P. M. Evening at 7 o’clock. 25,'Bcef—light..8 00®8 tions of stocks at Boston: and who are at stated times of Webster, Si, Halltax. every consignment, LR Nos and from t Return—Leave Marriner’g Landing, Long B. Turkeys. Wes. J.7K18C heavy.9 00@96u Central 4s. 64 barges C 1, 11, 12, Boston, From Union Station lor Biddeford, New- 13.50 p. on. Express for Brunswick, Lisbon J, COYLE, Manager. Mexican! settlement allowed a commission of 8-16c lb. Island, 11.30 A. 6.45 Fowls- 14@16c Bnlests V4bS £ 75* load for New York. buryport, Amesbnry, Salem, Falls. August*, Waterville. Moosehead Lake 10.00, M., ^CO, *4.15, J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. Agt. Atchison, o.Tp Sc Santa Fe. It. 11% There Is also a trade discount of 1 per cent on B Lynn, 2,00, P. M. Apples. card, tcs anu BEVERLY—Ar 21st, sch Mary Welliugtor 9.00 a. m.; 6.00 m. via. Bar and Oct. 1,1895. Boston & 100 bbl lots and 1 per cent for cash If paid with- 12.30, p. Portsmouth, oldtowu, Bangor, Harbor Old- Fancy. 000*0 00 Vs bbl,pare 43/t @6 Maine.160% for Sullivan and New York. a. town. do pfd ..s in seven davs, and no trade discount on smaller Boston, t2.00, t9.00, m., §12.30. J] .45 tO.OO Time Table. Eussets, 0 00 docom’ud. 4Vd*444 BRIDGEPORT—Ar 21st, sell Louise A Boan Arrive in 5.68a. 1.00 m„ For Danville Poland Sunday Maine Central.130 quantities. No sales less than 25 barrels. For Boston, to.,, 4.30 p. Jc., Springs MAI.NjE STEAMSHIP CO. Baldwins-. 30 00*000 pails.compd418*66,8 man. Calais. 9.20 m. Leave Boston lor station. Mechanics Kumford Union ;Pacitlc. sugar packed in bags there Is no additional p. Portland. 7.30 Falls, Falls, For Forest City Landing, Peaks’ Island, Evan 31 In. *7c pails, pure 644*844 6% BRUNSWICK—Ar 21st. schs Anna Pendh 9.00 a. 12.30. 7.00. Lewiston, American charges on granulated or softs from 1 to 14 in- m„ 9,30 p. m. Farmington, KmefleLl, Carrabasset, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00 A. M., 12.20, $*1.30, S ew York Direct Line. i.emcug. purelf 8 *8 V. Beil.198% ton, Thomas. Norfolk; Lizzie EDennison, Ros: SUNDAY TRAINS. Phillips aud ■> tnerieanl Sugar, common.103*/* clusive. and other grades ysc p lb additional. Kangeley. 2.15, *3.15, 3.45, 4.45, 6.16. 7.30 p. M. Messina 2 60*3 50 Bams.... 00*00 New York. For Biddeford, Portsmouth. 1.30 p, in. For Freeport. Au- Sugar, pfd... f. Freights to Liverpool firm, quiet—grain by Newbury- Brunswick, For Cushing’s Island, 8.00, 9.00, 11.00 A. M., LONG ISLAND SOUND BY DAYLIGHT Palermo— 2 60@3 6u aocor'ra .. lx*114» 97% Sid 2lst, sch Sarah Potter, Faruum, Prov port. Salem, Boston. a. gusta, Bath, Beach, ltock- Ceu Mass., pfd. steam 2d. Lynn, 2.00 m., 12.30 Boothbay. pophain 12.20, 2.15, 3.46,4.45, 6.15, 7-30 p. M. Orautres. Oil. deuce. m. Arrive in 5.58 a. m.. land and all stations on Knox & Lincoln For do common.,.. Boston, 4,00 p. Trefethen’s, Evergreen, Little and Calliorma. 0 00@0 00 Kerosenel2o ts 91$ CHICAGO—The IFlour market to-day was CHARLESTON—Ar 21st, brig H B Hussei t.eave Boston for a. division. Belfast. Dov- and Sea Mexican Central. Portland, *9.00 m.t 7.00 Waterville, Skowhegau, Great Diamond Islands. 7.00, 8.00, 9.30, Delightful Invigurating Trip. Messina.... * 60@5 Oo Lipoma. 9% 8 firmer; hard white spring patents at 3 46 83 66; Warr. New York. 9.30 m. er and Buck- Portland, Saco & Portsmouth K p. Fcxoroft, Greenville, Bangor, 10.30 A. M.. 12.15, 2.00, *3.16, 4.20, 5.15, The Steamships Manhattan and Cottage Manila 5 00*5 60 Centennial. 944 .142 soft wneat patents at $3 25(g.3 40; hard wheat EAST MACHIAS—Sid. previous to 20th, sc tOonntets with Kail Linas New sport, Oldtowu and Matte for York, wamkeag. 6.15, *7.30 P. ivi. City leave Franklin wharf Thurs- Eirss. Pratt’s Astral bakers 2 !682 30 in sacks: soft wheat bakers T W for ltondout. South ana 1.25 p. in. lor Tuesdays, ..1144 Cooper, West. Express Danville Jc., Lewis- For Ponce’s Island, at m. York on Lauding, Long 7.00, days and Saturdays 6 leave Nearnv.... @10 Devoe’s brilliant 11V. New Quotations s ocksand Bonds $2®2 20; Winter wheat at 3 00®3 26 in wood. FALL RIVER—Ar 21st, sch Herman F Kin with Sound Lines for New York. ton. w'inthrop, Oakland. Waterville. p. Returning, {Connects Bingham, 8.00, 9.30. 10.30 A. M., 12.16, $*1.30,, 2.00, Pier 38, East River, same at 5. m. Eastern extra.. @15 In half bbls le extra Wheat—No 2 spring at 55% c; No 2 Red at 68 ball, (Western division to North Berwick. Skowhegan. Bangor anil days p. (By Telegraph ltockport. Mattavvamkeag. *3,15, 4.20, 6.15, *7.30 p. M. Pare to New one Bound Fresh Western... 14 ®5S%c. Corn—N'o2 at 26%e. Oats—No 2 sch E M 5.05 m. York, way, $5.li of stocks ST. LOUIS—The Flour market to-day was C. W. T. GO DING, General Manager. mouth, Lower Falls and Pleasant Hill, at 10 a. 1-ln g quotations NEW LONDON—Ar strs Forest Oil Railway System. 12.55 a. in., midnight, Mt. Desert Cooperage. Com’n, $2;i(®$26 unchanged; patents 3 10®3 10. extra fancy at 20th, special, julyS dtf m. and 2 m. hds— 12 of both lrom for Brunswick. p. Hlihd shocks k 144, 144 &2- Atchison.. 11% 2 86; at 2 and City Waterville, Kennebunk Rockland, Augnsta, Waterville, To 75®3 fancy 40®2 60; ohoioe 2 10* and Bar make close connection witli this Steamer Mol.city. 100*176 in, Nol&2t33®*35 Adams j Express..146 147% 2 Wheat firm: port for Baltimore. Bangor Harbor, connecting at Rock- 20. July 66V8e. Com stead> ; * take Westbrook Electrics leaving Head of 85 *1 00 IV* Va 582-111 American Express.108 108 PORTSMOUTH, NH—Ar 21st. schs David j after iand Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn- Sug.count’y ,1 July 23%c. uats higher; July 18%e. Pork On and MONDAY. June 22nd, 1896, Preble Portland, at 9.10 a, m. and 1.10 p. Country Mot SaDs. Boston & Mains.160% > Davis. Alfaretta S Nei '' ings with Steamer Frank for Portland and Steamboat Co St., *28*830 —new atC 60; old at 6 26. Lard, prime steam Philadelphia; Snare, trains will run as follows; Jones, Castlne, Boothbay m. hlid snooks Squares. Central Paclfie.il4 14 York for Dover. Bar Harbor and Maclilasport and all 530*338 at 3 10; choice 3 15. Bacon—shoulders 3 76; landings. Leave Riverton Park for all landings down blid Udg ml Cypress- Cues, s 13% Sid. sch Andrew Adams. Bath. LEAVE. White irnio.;i4 longs 3% ; clear ribs 4; clear sides 4%. Dry Mountain Division. river, at 10.30 a. m., 2.30, 4.30 p. m. 32 n. 24*28 1-in No 1&2 536*336 Ar 22d, sell Chas F Notman. Philadelphia. Carnage SAlton.151% 160 salfed meas—shoulders at 3%c; at 3 For Auburn aud Lewiston a. 8.45 ». m. For To make close connections with Steamer at 21*23 VI & 2- longs Va ; PHILADELPHIA—Ar schs Bessie Bai 7.10, 8.40 m.; Bridgton, Fabyans, Burling, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE KughuSom 144,1 do 170 170 ear ribs at 8As ; clear sides 21st. Riverton take or Riverten Elec- 14ft. in.Nol&2 pfd 3%. 1.10,1.30, a.20 and 8.20 p. m. ton, Lancaster, St. Johnsbury, Sherbrooke- Park, Deering Uoeps 26*30 $34@S36 Phlf'asrrt- Kurlfnvtnn tit On1nc.v P,?t:Li. 3300 wheat low. ltockport. For trics Head of Preble St. at 9.30 a. 12 ft. 3 Receipts—Flour bbls; 62,900 Gorham 8.40 a. m.; 1,30, 5.20 and 8,30 p. Montreal, Chicago, st. Paul and Minneapolis leaving m., 26*28 2y2, &4-m$40te,*45 Delaware* Hudson Canal Co.119 corn oats Cld. schs Loring C Ballard, Bearce, Newburj and all and 8 t. 8 S’th 117Va Dusn; 39.000 bush; 18.000 bush: rye : m. noints west. Steamer 1.30 3.30 p. m. @9 pine.... — Jesse Murdock, Saco; Cbarlc $25§$3o Delaware.Laokawana & Westl50% 145 bush. port; Wheatley, cor Rerun ana island Bona ».40 a. 1.25 m. North Enterprise Clear E m.; 1.30 p. Bridgton, Conwav, Fa- —RETURNING Cordage. pine— Denver & Rio Grande. 12 11 Balch, Crocker, Portsmouth; Three Marys aud Amer’ntilhlo j Va Shipments—Flour 10,200 bbls: wheal 2.200 S.30 p. m. byans, Lancaster, Colebrook and Quebeo. Will leave East Bjothbav Monday at @li Uppers.$55*65 Erie. 14 3 6.500 oats Birdsall, Portland; Isaiah Hart, Williams, Pro; For 8.20 P.M. every Leave Lower Falls, or Pleasant Hill, at 11.30 3% bnsh; .corn bush; 19,500 bush:ry Gorham aud Berlin Sundays 7.30 a. ni. For "North Conway. Bartlett, 7.15 a. for Manilla... 7*8 jSelect.$45*55 idence. m. Portland, touching at South a. m., 3.30 and 5.30 p. in. no! preferred 29% 29 Va —bush. For Montreal and 8.40 a. m.; aud Fabyans, Bethlehem. Profile Lancaster. Manilla bon (Fine common. .842*45 Ar 22d, sch Auna E J Morse, Batli Chicago House, Bristol, Heron Island, Boothbay Harbor and Leave Riverton for Cumberland Mills at 00*9 Illinois Central.'91 90Va Crocker, 8.30 p. m. Beecher Falls and Quebec. rope. ispruee. *14 @16 oo DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red at GOSxn: No Cld 22d, schs Mark E Squirrel Island. 12.00 0.00 in. lake Erie & West. loVa 14% Gray, ltockport: For Quebec 8.40 a. and 8.30 in. 5.55 p. m For Sebago Cornish. m., p. Eussia do, 18 @1844 1 Hemlock.$11*12 wmte at civic, uorn—.no 2 at 2sc. Oats— Salem-, Alice Holbrook Beverly; Saral j m.; p. Lake, Bridg Tuesdays will leave Franklin Wharf. Port- and the Lake Shore.l4l% 139 Allen, ton, Fryeburg North Conway, and Bart ett. Every Thursday Saturday evenings, Bisai. 6*7 Clayboaras— No 2 White 21V4* E Ward. Salem: Nellie Lamper, Saco; Annie ARRIVALS. land, at 7 a. m. for Bemaquid, touching at Steamer Santa Maria will leave Cumberland and Louis * Nash. 47% 45% 8.45 P. M. Express for Sebago Crass lives. jSpruco. X.$32*35 Chase, Jas W Fitch, Boston. Lake, Frye- Squirrel Island, Boothbay Harbor. Heron Mills for Riverton Park at 7.30 o’clock. reLurn- Acid Oxalic.. Marne Central K. uo; burg. No. Conway, Fabyans, St. 12,@14|eiear.*2S@H0 < nrinn ‘.iarsont PERTH AMBOY-Ar 20th, sch Be; From Lewiston and Auburn 6.40, 8.20 and Johnsbury, Island. "Christmas Cove, south Bristol and ai close of Ac id Mexican! Central. 7 7 Leonora, Montreal and Toronto. idr Entertainment. tart.83*36,2d clear.$25 *27 Raritan River. 11.30 a. m.; 3.06, 6.16 and 6.30 p. 111. East Boothbay. Steamers can be chartered for sails Ammonia.16 Michigan Central. 94 92% (By Telegraph, latty, evening *201 No 1.$i6@20 PROVIDENCE—Ar 21st. sell Golden Rub From Island Pond, Berlin and Gorham C.40 Wednesdays will leave Psmaquid at 6 a. m. at low rates. A cues, 6% & 81 Minn & 8t. L. 13 3 2 SUNDAY TRAINS. lor pot.... pme.*26*50 IJULY 22.1896. Calais. an 111.30 a. 111.; aud 6.30 p. m. Portland and above landings. je30dtf C. L. GOODRIDCE. Manager. Hals coDabia.. .55®60[ Minn. * St., Louis pf... 65 66 Shinnies— NKWYORK—The Cotton market FORT TAMPA—Ar 21st, barque Olive Thui From Chicago and Montreal 0.40 a. m.; and 7.30 a. m., paper train for Brunswick Au Thursdays will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for .3 Missouri raeitic.117% 16% to-day was Beeswax.37*42|X cedar... (>0@3 60 quiet, steadyi sales 242 low. Gooding, Havana. 5 30 p. m. gusta, Waterville and Bangor. East Boothbay, touching a; Squirrel lslaha. Blch powuers... 7*9 Clear cedar.2 00 NewgJersev Central. 91% 89 bales; middling up- 76*3 lands 7Vic; middling gull' 73,sc. SULLIVAN—Sid 17th, schs Timothy Fielf From Quebec 6.30 p. m. 7.35 a. m., paper train for I.ewlston and Boothbay Harbor. Heron Island, "Christmas Borax. [email protected] 85@2 26 Northern Pacfio common.... Cove and South Bristol. 16% 5% Philadelphia; 18tli, Kate G Robinsoi The n. runs Farmington. Brimstone. .2 NEW ORLEANS—The Coton market Smith, 8.30 m. train through to Montreal (*24-4 1 No 1 cedar..1 26*1 75 c"5 do preferred.... 13% 13 to-aav Uo. 13.50 m. For Fridays will leave East Boothbay at 7.1o SEBAGO LAKE ROUTE. was Roberts, daily, Sundays included. Attached to this p. Brunswick. Lisbon Falls, Coebiueai.40*48 i Bpruco.1 26@1 50 Northwestern. 9 5 steady; miadling 6Vic. T BVXM a ton Unfix nmiafa II....__ a, m. for Portland, at South Bristol, Vs 93% ROCKLAND-Ar 21st, sch A Hayford. Wai tram is a Pullman for also a touching Copperas-144* aiLaths.spoe..1 90*2 00 CHARLESTON—The Moutreaf; Bar Heron Harbor and Norm western pffl.148 148 Cotton market to-dav ren. New York. through Pullman for Chicago daily, Sunnavs Harbor ami Olatown. Island, Boothbay Squirrel Creanuartar ... .32 Lime—Cement. STEAMER HAWTHORNE A|36| New York Central. 93% 91 was nominal; middling 63/se. THOMASTON—Ar 21st, sch Hutel at the second 6.00 p: m., for Lewiston. island. Ex logwood. .. Druid, included, arriving Chicago day at t [email protected]' csk.96» New & St. Louis H>% 10 8.45 P. M. For Saturdays will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for York.Chicago SAVANNAH—The Cotton market to-day lugs. New York. 1.50 p. m. White Mountain Division Will commence regular over the bea u Gumarabic.. .70*1 22lCercent_125® 70 UlVlVVin_A 91 of lo„V> lWr-'Vk*'-‘12 @14 July Bedford; Wlieeler, la. and 12.30 m. Bar Harbor, Caribou and Mooseliead Lake Eastport, Umbria.New York. .Liverpool. p. st 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. 601 Nalls. *Ex-div July 25 frey, Somes Sound for Newark ; Theodore Dear For and viaB. & A.. 6.36 and ail parts of New Brunswick, Nova Sco- Bheubarb, rt.75c&l York. Manchester, Concord, points North Bangor, p. m.; Range ley, Fare for round 60 cent*. Fare for r.t 80 Gascogne .New .Havre .... July 25 Sullivan for New Bedford : Kabbon at trip, tia, Prince Edward island, and Bret- snake.3o@40!CasK.ct.base2 70a2 Hodgdon, 7.30 A m. and 12.3G p. m. Farmlng'ou, Kumford Falls, Lewiston, 6.46 round first Cape Spaarndam... .New York. 26 Lord. for Staten Island Cottoi trip including class dinner at Mert on. The to baltnetre.8 8412 wire.. 2 95*3 05 Stocks. .Rotterdam..July Bangor ; Henry. ■ For Alfred, Water. ni.; Chicago and Montreal and all White favorite route Caxupobello uud Mining York. .London Rochester, feprinjjvale. Point House, Mere Point, or Merrill’s restau- Naval Stores. Mississippi.New July 25 Port Liberty for Rockland: George Nevingei in.: St. Andrews. N. B. Selma.25*30 here and Saco River at 7.30 A m. 12.30 ana J>.itountain points. 7.41 p. Mattawamkeag. Bustin’s or Gem NEW YORK. July 22. 18S6.—The following Circassia.New York. .Glasgow .. 25 Port Johnson for rant, island Cottage, Free- Canarv seed.... 4*5 Tar p bbl. ..2 75 *3 00 July Phillips, Bangor. 6.30 0. m, bar Harbor, Rockland. 1.40 K. m. daily; ex- S IB ill ibi e r A rra me a t. are to- day*» closing quotations oi mining stocks: Aller.New York. .Bremen. 26 Also ar ! port, St.00. jylO dtf iagc cardamons 100*176 Coaltar_5 oo®6 25 July 21st, sells Ethel Leighton, Baltimor For etorham at 7.30 and 9.46 a nu 12.3d press, Halifax, St. John, Vanceboro. Bar Har- Col. Coat... Curacoa.New York. .Maracaibo 28 for Francis R Baird. Pbilf On and after Monday, June 29th, stcamei Boda, by-eai-b3%*e!ti Pitch.2 75®:! 00 .July Boston; Nickerson, 3.00,6.30, aad 6.20 p. at bor. Waterville and Augusta, 3.50 a. m, daily. .2 Hocking Coal.... % T]omo.New York..Demerara.. 28 delpliia for & tor will leave Portland on Tuesdays aud Sal.2Va'®3 Wll. Pitch. 75®S 00 July Camden; Fanny Fay. Mehaffej ncfttbroob, Cumberland Mills, Wesf- PAYSON TUCKER, V. P. & G, M. Fridayi homestake. 34 Spree .New York. .Bremen.... Jnlv 28 Point for do. C B Wood. Some • at 4.00 m. tuphur.2; @2V* Rosin.3 00*4 00 Qnincy Stanley. brook J auction and Woodford’s at 7.30, F. E. P. p. Ontario.... II Va New Y’ork-New York. 28 Sound for been oi BOOTHBY, G. & T. A. leave St. Jolm and Mon- Sugar Tupentine, gai. 31K41 .So’ampton..Jul'y Newark. Sch H Curtis lias a. m., 12.30. 3.00t 5.30 and ALLAN LlNE.ROYAI-sMHAtI4SIEAM Returning Eastport lead.20*22 Quicksilver.....1 Va ! Adriatic.New York. 29 Portland, Juno 18, 1896. and White wax....59*55 Oakum.... 7 @6 .Liverpool.. July dered to New Bedford. 6.20 d. m. days Fridays. do Noordland —New York. 5017 dtf Liverpool, and Montreal tickets issued and Vitrol. blue_6 *8 011 pfd.13 Antwerp.. .July 29 Sld 22d, schs Wm F Campbell, Paul Seave] > The 12.30 Portland connects Quebec Royal Through baggage cneckel '' Y’ork. p. m. train from Mail Vanilla,Dean. Linseed.36@40 ‘‘xicaa.... Santiago.New .Clenfuegos. July 30 and Margaret. at with "Hootiw timnol Service,Calling at Londonderry. to destination. OT*Freight received up to 3.3 J .810(8131 Victor 75 Talisman.New York. Ayer Jasetles D uck. I Boiled.38*443 .GuadaloupeAug 1 WASHINGTON-Ar 21st, sch Wm CTannet lor the West and at Union Front p. m. Mohawk.New York.. Lonuon Sout*” Station, From From No 1.32jSperm. 66*55 Aug 1 Johnson, Kennebec. Worcester, for Providence and New York, Liverpool Steamship Montreal Special Notice. Boston Produce Market, I.ucania.New 1 Quebec No 3.,28l Whale.46@65 York.-Liverpool...Aug via Providence Line,” for Norwich ana Until further notice steamers will leave Port Y’ork. .Havre .... Portland & Falls 7 Parisian, 23 No 10.20,-BauK.30*85 BOSTON. July 21, 1896.—The following are Bretagne.New Aug 1 Foreign Porta. New via “Norwich Lino” with Boston Rumtord May May 24 May 9 a m land for Boston ane at lx Lahn.New York. .Bremen York, R’y. 14 Laurentian 80 Tuesdays Saturdays 8 oz.13 Shore...25*30 to-day’s quotations of Provisions, etc..’ Aug 4 & Albany R. R. for tho West, and with the Ill Effect June 22, 1896. May May 81 May 0 an; a. m. Caracas.New 4 21 May 6 June i; June 3 10 oz.10 I York..Laguayra. .Aug Sld fm Barbados J uly 2,barques Haydn Browi » New York All Rail via “Springfield.” ’Mongolian pm For Ticket:; and at tU< Porgie.30*36 FLOUK. Galileo.New DEPARTURES. 28 13 June 14 Staterooms, apply Gunpowder—Shot. I Lard.* 40 a.60 York..PernambucoAug 6 for Navassa; July 3, Charles Loriug. Lane Trains arrive at Portland from Worcester May Sardinian, June 9 an; Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument Spring patents. 3 60$*$3 90. Germanic_New York.. Liverpool.. 5 4 June ’Nurmdiau, 20 June Square Blasting .. .3 50*4001Castor.l 00*11 10 Aug Turks Island; July 4, Annie Reed, Welt, Tamp; P- ra.; from Rochester at 8.30 a. m., 8.30 A. M. & 1.00 b. M. From Union Station 20June3pni or for other information at Company's Office. Spring, clearlaud straight, 2 90@3 40. Paris.New York. 5 Ar Mi .i30 11 Juno Parisian 27 June 28 June 9 am .4 ... 45c®05 .8o’ampton..Aug at Bahia A.30 and 6.48 from Gorham for Mechanic Railroad foot of state street. Sporting. 50*6 50|Neatsfcot Winter, clear and 3 July 21, barque Josephine, p. m.: Poland. Falls, Buckiield, Can- Wharf, straight, 26@8 CO. Friesland .... New York. .Antwerp. 5 at 6.40 Drop snot.25 ms. .1 30 j Elaine.® Winter ..Aug Lean, Baltimore. 8.30 and 10.60 a. m., 1.3<* ton. Du Hell and Rumtord Falls. Also The Saloons and Staterooms are in the cen- je25dtf J. B.COYLE.Geu. Man. patents, 3 76. Normauia ... .New Y’ork. Buck. b. BH. Paints. 60^3 .Hamburg Aug 6 Ar at Halifax July 21, Herbei t 4.16, 6.48 m. for Bemis and tral where least motion is Extra and Seconds 2 York. brigantine p. Hoxbtiry, Byron, Houghton. part, felt Elec- T. TT. Lead— 3o®3 25. YY’erra.New .Genoa Aug 8 Fuller. Boston for Rosario. and is used for P...... 1551 ». SUNDAYS. Kangeley Lakes points via R. F. K. L. R. tricity lighting the ships Pine and Supers —. Y’ork. through- Bit- Pure 75 Etruria.New .Liverpool Aug 8 Ar at Ja. 8. sell Carrie E Loot from a. m. Leave R. the at ,, i ground.6 25@>5 Add 25c to Kingston, July * “2ive Rochester at 9.80 out, lights being the command of the the above for the jobbing rates. Anchoria.New Y’ork. 8 for UP THE RIVER. Pressed.S16®17|Ked.6 25@5 76 .Glasgow....Aug Stevens, Brunswick, Ga. Rochester at 0.16 p. in. 8.30 a. m„ 1.00 and *6.10 p. m, From Union passengers at any hour of the night. Music PRESUMPSCOT loose Hav Bed3 MEATS. Mobile.New York. London.... Aug 8 Sld Guant; and and SiC®S!8l Eng Von foSVa July 7, sch Humarock, Veazle, _ *?£ through Tickets to all points West Station tor Alechanio Falls and intermediate Booms Smoking Booms on the promenade car Patria.NewIYork. .Hamburg 8 namo. Straw, lots*10®121 Am Zinc.... 6 00@7 00 Pork, long and short cut, 4? barrel, 10 50. ..Aug H- C0LLINS’ T10k" stations. deck. The Saloons and staterooms are heated Oil itrnl sifter till- Saale.New York.. Bremen .... dale steamer Iron. .2Mi and Aug 8 Sld fm Departure Bay, Julo 13, ship John 3 •On train Portland at by steam. |Rochelle. Pork, light hvy Backs $9 50.310 60. York. SSStrSfeaV* Saturdays only leaving Soliokis will make three Common-1*4*2 ! Rice Pork, lean lends 11 oo. Bourgoyne.New Havre.Aug 8 Potter, Meyer, San Francisco. J. TV. PETERS, SupL 6.10 p. m. runs through to Kumford p'alls. Kates of passage $50 and upwards. A re- trips helmed. .... Havel.New Y’ork..Bremon .... ^ 7 i«21 1% @21/41 Domestic .... 4 *14 Aug 11 Cld at Hillsboro, NB, 17, sch Hannah duction is made on Round Tickets ex- from Wesl- @7 Tongues pork. 50: do beef $24 4P bbL York. July Trip daily Bridge street, Norway. ...3%@4 I Salt. St. Louis.New .S’thamnton..Aug 12 Carleton. Dunbar, Richmond; sch Edna, Don; on the lowest rate. Beer, corned, $7 75(38 75. York. Through passenger coaches between Union cept tirook, West £»d, to ITlailison ,40 p. isi. Gftlv.5ya*7 Mace. 100 Sausages, 7Vic. ALMANAC.JULY 23. A DIVIDEND EARNER. apply Leather Spoken. R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Mgr. ,T.B. 61Vs St Nutmegs.66*65 Sausage meat, 7c. -10 00 Wm, KEATING, Exchange New York— 16 Crompton &Co., 60 State Sheet, Boston Portland, Maine. H. & A. ALLAN, 1 Montreal Pepper.14® Lard. tcs,5e; palls, 5V2$6o;lf, .. 7%'88. 10 15 July 15, lat 39 N, Ion 131 W, Colorne " L. LOVE Light.. 24@25! Clove*.14®16 Beef steers, barque E. JOY, Superintendent, 1 and 92 State St., J. H. 6($7%. 8.7— 10.1 Noyes, from Sau Francisco for Portland, 0. ^lyio Rumtord * Hezeiton, Prop, il2w7p juul2 dft Falls, Maine teblldsf Boston. juiyhiism KETV THE PRSBis. REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTION. SERIOUSiCASE OF SUNSTROKE. «a3>VBBXjamgMWTg, I WPW APTESTISlEMJKT^nra. KEW ADVKKTISEMENTS. SBW AOTKKTISKMBSnS. KKW ADVKBTISKMKHTB. Patrick Foley Taken Yesterday to the TODAY. The Old Representatives to NEW ADVKHTISEMENT8 Republican Maine General* Legislature Renominated. OUR Co. ROOM Moore & CLOAK Owen, Yesterday afternoon a lady telephoned Larrabee. _ ,, the station that a man who ! astroan Bros. & Bancroft, At 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon the police ap- J. K. Libby. Republican delegates mot In convention peared to be drunk was staggering be- Hines Bros. Co —2. THURSDAY at In Brown tween State and Mellan streets and Notice is hereby given—2. Republican headquarters ought Must be Vacated of Its Present Stock Steamer Madeleine, block, to nominate candidates for the to be taken care of. Someone else tele- Christian Alliance Convention. phoned a few minntes afterwards that AMUSEMENTS. legislature. Mr. Allan of the oommittee called the man was on Sherman street. The pa- Chandler’s Hand Concert. city the oouveution to order, and Mr. W. C. trol wagon had gone on a run to the BY OF For THE MIDDLE To Lost, F'ouiia AUGUST! New Wants, Let, Sale, Emerson was elected chairman. On tak- Union station and on its way back it and Similar advertisements will be found under headson 6. the chair Mr. Emerson referred to stopped at Sherman street. It appears The their appropriate Page ing Sale Will the foot that this year was one when that the man was Patriok Foley, a work- every Republican should exercise his men employed on the foundation for the BRIEF JOTTINGS. Having had an offer for the lease of this room, from a large manufacturer of New York right of suffrage in the face of the exist- new Catholic churuh on Mellen streot. we shall make a ing condition of things in the political He was lying on the walk, with a wagon City, great of the 17th Maino Associa- The reunion world; the dangers that were threatening cushion under his head, and a fellow Another tion will be held August 18th. the very existenoe of the Republic. Peo- workman was wetting his head and try to arrangements will be to to to. BE meeting perfeot ple at the West, said be, are looking lng bring him CONTINUES. held at Bosvvorth Post hal], Saturday Maine’s vote in the coming election to Dr. John F. Thompson came along, One-Half Price Sale 4 night. put renewed oourage into them and brace felt of the man’s pulse and looked him have decided These Tho Montgomery Guards them tor the November straggle. The over, and advised his removal at onoe tt of every line of the following goods. bargain examples are representative of many others, the rooms on the seoond floor of White Duck, separate to take convention has gathered here to nomi- the Maine General hospital, where hi which it would be impossible to enumerate here. $1.50 Skirts, 08c A tho Silver street side of the Armory. nate men who have done good servloe at was taken in the patrol Ho was suffer see to the Linen committee has been chosen to Augusta, and I am ready, said he, for lng from sunstroke. Last evening thi $2.00 Separate Skirts, $1.50 furnishing of the now quarters, com- business. doctors at the hosnitalisaid his conditior J. Lieuten- Crash posed of Captain T. Hogan, Mr. Levi 8. Ponnell was elected secre- had much improved, butlthoy could nol $2.25 Skirts, 1.0S Shel- ants T. F, McGillilouddy.and T. P. tary. state positively that he would recover. Hi and Site- Ladies' Suits. Ladles’ Inside Linen with vey, and Sergeants Maguire On motion of Mr. True of Ward 8, the resides at No. 46 Centre street and has e Wrappers. Skirts. Outing Suits, $3.75, very full skirts. man. ohairman appointed Messrs. ..True, Vir- wife and three children. of State was arrest- One small lot blue Fred Forsyth street, gin and Soule a committee on credentials. Wrappers, in medium Navy Sergo Suit, with blazer LABOR DAY- Linen morning and taken to Pettiooats, with deep corded ed early yesterday They reported the convention entitled colors, sizes 42 and 44, 75c quality, jacket, regular price $10.00, divided Why do we sell to the police station where he was 49 delegates, with 80 present. Later an- ruffle. $2.50 quality, divided price, The Central Tabor to Celebrate a; divided price, 38c price, $8.00 charged with exposure of person. Tiie other came 81. in, making Usual. $1.25 court released the on bail being of the prisoner Mr. C. A. Stront spoke highly Printed Wrappers, in dark and light Navy Blue Serge Suit, blazer jacket, furnished in the amount of $100 for ap- servloes of Mr. Seth L. Larrabee as a Linen Petticoats, with deep um At the meeting of the Central Laboi colors, $1.35 quality, divided price, regular price $10.00, divided price, pearance August 27. representative, and he was nominated by brella ruffle, Union, held Monday evening it wai oorded, regular price, SHIRT WAISTS The oase of John J.Meara.ohorged with 63c $5.00 acclamation.) voted to hold the celebration at Sebagt $2.98, divided price, 1.49 defrauding his former employers, Gately Mr. J. V. Hawkes nominated J. H. Lawn and print in Lake. The day Will be celebrated as In Wrappers, light -AT- & O’Gorman, was before the municipal Hill. Mr. True nominated W. 0. 'Whel- Ladies’ Suit, with Norfolk in Black Sateen Petticoats, with um- a In the forenoot $1.75 Jacket, Aldormnn past years by parade colorings, good styles, quality, court yesterday morning. don. Mr. Brown nominated A. W. Mer- Scotch brella ruffle, oorded, regular price $1.98, and a first ulasa list of sports at the Lakt divided price 87 l-2c mixture, regular price $16.00, Keboe appeared for Mears and asked for rill, eaoh speaking highly of his candi- divided in the afternoon. divided price, price, 99c AND an adjournment to Monday. The request date, and all were also nominated by There are a few small lot of the better $8.00 HALF PRICE LESS. Chandlers band has been engaged’ t( was granted. acclamation. grades which have been at furnish musio for the day, both for par selling $2.00, Ladies’ Stripe Batiste Suits, linen col- Yesterday was another warm day with Then Mr. Edgar E. Rounds offered Ii is because the manufacturer takes the loss to close out his ade and dauoing. 2.25, 3.50, 3.98, 4.50 and 5.00, to bo sold and Duck Dress Skirts. a humid atmosphere. the came of John Cousins for the sixth or, jacket skirt, regular price $4.50, material, and we shall sell today An important oonvention of the Maim at exactly The valuable property No. 45 Park plaoe on the ticket He said he had not divided price, $2.25 Branoh_Labor Union will be held heri One-Half Price. 1 lot of 75c Shirt Waists for 25c. Sizes 32, 36. Itreot, was not sold at auction yesterday, been tried in that position, but be never 34, Sunday. White Duck Skirts, tegular price but the sale was indefinitely postponed. failed in positions in whioh he had been Ladies’ Muslin Suits, consisting of Linen Crash Suits, jacket and skirt, All of our $1,00 Waists, 50c. It is Loner Island instead of Cusbine’s. divided 99c plaoed. STUFFED THE SUPPLY PIPE. collar on $1.98, price, waist and skirt, trimmed with lace, pip- deep jacket, regular price All of our $1.50 75c. as has been erroneously announced, where Mr. Consins said he was not prepared Waists, divided Duck Skirts in mixed sev- Engineer Gets Into Mori ings, pearl buttons, etc. Regular $4.50, price, $2.25 colorings, regu- the Sheridan Rides will hold their an- to have his name used. There were Cunningham prices AH of our $2.25 Waists, $1.50. nual field day next Tuesday. oral reasons why, if nominated, he could and Very Serious Trouble Too. ranging from $3.98 to 4.98, to be sold lar price $1.98, divided price, 99c Linen Crash Suit, trimmed with linen This we shall add new to A proud printer was Geo. S. Rowell of not accept. at exactly morning many designs our slock Readers of the PRESS will remembei batiste of waists. the Advertiser and the Press excursion Mr. E. C. Mitchell said heiwould nomi- One-Half Price. insertion, regular price $7.00, crowd, when he arrived at ‘‘The Birob- nate a man who had been tried in tbe po- that a few days ago a man who gave the divided price, $3.50 es,” at p. tn. Tuesday, with one of the sition and was entitled to a renomina- name.of John F. Reifc, alias Green, alia* Ladies’ Jackets. Duck Suits, in blue and green effects, finest looking & 1-2 pound trout caught tion, Mr. ff. D. Winslow. Cunningham, employed as engineer oi Ladies’ Skirts. divided In the Raugelsy Lakes.—Machias Union. Tbe chairman asked if Mr. Rounds had the ooal barge Hercules, and Michea! regular price $3.98, price, The Express says this is the first time withdrawn Mr. Cousins’s name, if there O’Keefe, cook, were arrested for larceny, Plain Brilliantine Black Skirt, regular $1.90 Black Clay Diagonal Coat, half lined, tho Atalantn has been in this vicinity. were two candidates, and acolamation and held in $400 bonds In the Municipal VACATION price, $5.00; divided price, $2.50 pearl buttons, regular price $7.50 SEASON She has only been making short oruises would not bo In order. court. Failing to furnish the bonds the} Light Batiste Suits, trimmed, with divided price, S.75 around New York aud has never before Mr. Rounds said he didn’t believe in were held. Black brocade figured Mohair skirt, plain colored cuffs and collar, regular a The an- been as far north as Boston. The Ex- nominating man who wouldn’t bear oaptaln of the barge engaged also plain; regular prioe, divided $5.08; price $5.50, divided price, $2.75 Black Cheviot, also clay diagonal, Calls for Skirts press is mistaken. The Aialanta came bis share of legitimate campaign expen- other engineer and he found Bometroubli Separate Price, $2.90 half here with Jay Gould the first season she ses. He did not withdraw Mr. Cousins's with the supplyjplpe’so that he could not lined, regular price $10.00, divided' was iu commission, and Mr. Gould was name and so n ballot was taken, Messrs. get the water supply into the boilers. Ht Black, also blue Mohair skirt, regular price, 5.00 to wear to the mountains and to the seashore. We sell $5.00 the different Western Union offlo- Rounds, Mitobell and W. H. Milliken could not find oat what the trouble wa visiting price, $0.98; divided price, Storm Serge Skirts for $3.75. Will not shrink, spot or show hard the committee to and sort but an that was secured to es along the coast. being reoeive engineer tbor Children's Saits. Black Diagonal Jacket, lined through- usuage compared with other material. $5.00 Figured Mohair The great convention of Rev. A. B. Totes. oughly investigate, discovered that the $3.99 out with sateen, regular price $12.50, Skirts, $3.9S, $4.50 grade Cor 3.50. $4.00 grade 2.9S. Simpson opens on tho Methodist camp- On the first ballot there were 31 votes, supply pipe had been stuffed with waste, # divided price, 6.25 grounds, July 25th. This is the event of with 16 necessary for a ohoioe. John and a bench used to disarrange the ma Skirls, Children’s Wool the season at Old Orchard. Cousins had three, F. D. ohinery. As a result of this Fancy Novelty Suits, ages 6 to 12 4 Winslow, 13, proceeding Black Cheviot with dresden and a careless Jacket, Tho Young People’s local society of Harry Virgin, 15, and there was no engineer could have blown ui in silk and wool, and all wool. One lot years, flannel trimmed with braid, regu- and lined Christian Endeavor, had a delightful ohoice. the boat and all on board. changeable silk, throughout, fancy mixed skirts in silk and wool, lar prices from $4.50 to 9.00, divided moonlight sail last night. Mr. Virgin declined pre-emptorily to jjWhen this state of things was reportoa t< regular price $15.00, divided price, to allow his name to be used. Then Mr. Marshal he wrote to the Philadel regular price, $6.00; divided prices, $2.25 4.50 Triokey price, 7.50 : : PERSONAL. «J. F. were & % BIKES BROTHERS Hawkes said there already phla Reading Transportation compao} CO. $3.00 Children’s Wash Suits, only a small four lawyers on the ticket and he be- and told them what had been disooverei Light Scotch Mixed lined Fancy silk and wool of Blazers, lieved in a business man. Mr. Red.on and asking about the men. Mr. F. W Novelty Skirts, lot these in odd sizes. To bo sold at Gen. Nelson A. Miles will make an In- throughout with l'anoy silk, regular nominated W. H. Milliken, but be also Taylor, the F. & S. A. of the company, mixtures, regular price, $8.50; divided •exactly one-half price. spection of Fort Preble during the month price divided said be bad no use for tbe pluce. Then returned an answer that the two men, Price, $12.00, price, 5.00 cf August. Extonsive are $4.25 preparations Mr. Rodion was mentioned, but he said Cunningham and O’Keefe,stepped on th( made for his arrival. One lot Fancy Novelty brown Brown Mixed Covert Cloth being he was in the same boat with Mr. Milli- barge a day or two before she sailed foi Skirts,in Jackets, Mr. George b red Bryant has boon elect- ken. Portland. and blue three quarter TMRSDin That Cunningham bad effects, regular price, $a60; Children’s Reefers. lined, regular price SALE. ed cashier of the Kenduskeag Rational A seoond ballot was taken with this re- United States engineers' certificate, ani divided price, $13,50, divided price, 6.75 bank of Bangor in place of Mr. W. H. $4.23 sult: W’bole number of votes, 30; neoes- that as Cunningham had jeopardized th< S. Luwrenoe, deceased. One lot Fancy Other fine sary for a ohoice, 16; Milliken, 3; Oous- lives of all on board he would like t< Novelty Skirts, regu- Sizes 4 to 16 years, regular prices quality Ladies’ Jackets in Tho of Mr. William M. engagement ines, 4; Redlon, 9; F..D. 14. have the mutter to the Uuitei lar price, divided Winslow, reported $8.00; price, from $4.00 to To be sold at ex- Broadcloths, Kerseys and mixtures, at Bradley, U. S. commissioner, anu Miss 15,00. Low Prices and Extra Good 3 Mr. Redlon again insisted that this was States Inspectors in Maine that the} Extremely Patience was announced $4.00 actly one-half price. Jess (ban ball’ price. Waterhouse, yes- all wrong; it wasn’t good politios. might take action tberoon. The marsha terday, and Miss Waterhouse received A third ballot was then taken and re- wrote the Maine Inspectors and tboy an Values in beautiful floral Every Department. many gifts. sulted: Wholo number of votes, 39; neces- swered that John F. Cunningham bar Liglu clo,h Capes, Biaclt Velvet Capes, Black Silk Geo. Gould and of were in iru.jyjn> party five, saty for a choice, 15; N. E. Redlon bad reoeived his oertifleate at Boston,and tha the oity yesterday afternoon aud eve- b Capes and Black Broadcloth 13, and F. D. Winslow,£16, and Mr. Win- application must be made there. So Mar Capes. Regular We put on sale Thursday, July 23rd, the following money and dined at the Falmouth. ning They slow was renominated. shal Triokey has notified the Massaohu sail early tomorrow to the eastward. .Prices from $5.00 to $30.00. saving Bargains that should be seen all economical Mr. Redlon moved tbe nomination ol setts inspectors,who will probably with by buyers. Mrs. L. M. S. tituvena left yesterday Mr. Winslow by acclamation, but Mr. draw Cunningham’s certificate and orde for Mountain Lake morning Park, Mary- Bounds objected. The convention then him prosoouted for criminal carolessues to take of a Rational W. C. Cotton Dress Goods Cotton Underwear land, charge adjourned. if for nothing worse. T. U. meeting, Bhe will be absent about AT ONE-HALF PRICE AND LESS. ten days. GOV. M’KINLEY’S DECLI NATION. The Ward Eour Ward-Room. The following were registered at the The committee on publio buildings bai I Department. Preble house yesterday Peter V. Dailey Thi-jlull Text of the Tetter in Reply tc deoided the lntrioato case regarding thi Thursday’s sale at the Cotton and wife, Mrs. F. L. Spofford and party, Mayor Baxter; leasing of the Ward 4 polling place. I Dress Goods in- New York; E. H. Brownson and wife, Department has been voted that Caps. Charles C. The line of Ladies’ Cotton Un- Ottawa; Capt. J. M. Snow, Winterport; cludes the following Great Val- Chase pay the up to August 1, am "Mrs. :*1. K. Elrria and familv. Ttriflcreenii The PRESS yesterday referred to the jent derwear offered at this depart- that thereafter he pay $10 a month. Mr Manson G. ues. N. K. W. faot that Gov. had written tc Larrahee* J.; P.Molten, Philadelphia; L. McKinley ment is the kind that we have Harding L. Watts Is stllTengaged in bus Stowers and wife, Denver; G.W. Drisko, the Mayor regretting his.inability to ao- LONG SHORE, Last lot of Silk Ginghams in iness at the disputed plaoejgnnd has no sold for years and has given ns Maohias; L. Tibbetts, Camden; J. Q. oept the invitation to attend the Mew determined upon the course that he wil some of the best styles shown the St an wood and wife, N. C. Crosby, Bos England fair. This is tlio text of his let- reputation of having pursue. He has been ordered to removi Bits of Information Gathered ton. ter: Along the this season, made to retail at niiuseu anu eneets uy the am day o Water Front. The following were among the arri- Canton, Ohio, July 14, 1890. Speaking About Fire, % 50c On sale at only September. ~«————Io. < ► per yard. vals at the Ifaliuouth hotel FMy Dear Sir—Your kind favor of the yesterday; 9th inst has been received. 1 have felt 4» THE BEST IN EVERY WAY. Allan Cagsells and family, Toronto; M. Accident at KnlglitviUe. The steamer Eldorado of the Casco Bay 19e per yard. oou “trained—in view of the rule Ijhuvc hear a < ► Uno got her line oaught In the We good deal about fire- B. Steele and party Chicago; James A. bee" oompolled to lay down, to remain Yesterday afternoon an Italian wit] propellor * Canton the summer and of her first down the these Men One case of and in during fall an trip bay yesterday. proof buildings days. perfect Ginghams, Baynolds wife, Canton, O.; Mrs. unpronounceable name was run ove ! We make prices during the —to decline the invitation sent to attend She was towed to Custom House massive we Alex Stowoll Pasadena, Call; Dr. O. Y. a cart neat the wharf put up structures, *; fully to any have the Mew Englund fair in August. by heavy dump powe equal summer that makes the line and by the Emlta. and, with a flourish of their < > Strong wife, San Francisco, Mrs. Yours very truly, house of the Portland & Cape Ellzabetl hands, offered this year, at only The sohooner Perkins has attractive. A. W. Newton, Mies F. Sanborn, New- _W. MoKIMLEY. road in Knightvlllo. His foot and lei brought 2,500 will say: !! douhly pounds of halibut to Loveitts. ” 8c ton; J. S. Lockwood and wife, Son An- wore badly bruised and some bones brok ‘‘That building is per yard. Democratic Delegate Conventions. The fire-proof. sloop Jennie Maude, Capt. > tonio; J.M.Ash and party, Philadelphia; en, but Dr. Rogers of C street, who at Lord, Might as well to set a river on At the lirst convention called at 2..H has arrived from Matinious !will try ; 100 fine mesh Fly Net- E. H. .Dyer, K. W. tended the he with 5,000 pieces Pittsburg; Carter, man, says will come ou ♦ fire as that structure.” o OUR SPECIALS THIS WEEK ARE: o’clock, to ohoose delegates at large tc haddock for J. W. Trofethon. 8 usual Montolare, N. J.; L. R. Pomeroy and all right. the ting, yards per piece; the district convention, Llewellyn Bur The Maud S. arrived X But, just same, they carry family,; East Orange, N. J.; H. M. Tuesday with 175 | elsewhere 15c. Our ton was chosen ohairman, and Matbac barrels of fresh mackerel and X insurance on it. Down in their ? price price Heath, Augusta. W. H. White, Lewiston. THE MUNICIPAL COURT, 145 of salt White Cotton The ♦ hearts know Ladies’ Nigh} Clifford, secretary. delegates al mackerel. they there’s only X 39e per piece. chosen were Edward C. in latest of cut and Vote Against the Government. large Jordan, The schooner Massasoit came in from a one fire-proof thing this world, and that is an insurance policy. $ Dresses, styles C. Dr. C. W. Johr Before Judge Robinson. 200 Chenille Table London, July 22.—Tbo Ilouso of Com- Virgil Wilson, Bray, Lewlshurg, N. S., yesterday with coal Covers,ele- make, 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, mons today proceeded with the oonsidor- D. Williams and C. F. Rundlett. Wednesday—Arthur McDonald. As for the Maine Central. and for ation of the Irish land of nolle Absence of gant patterns colorings 2.00, 2.50 each. bill. Clause 24 Por the seoond convention, Mathar sault; pres. materiu 1 It was tepid enough along the wharves the measure provides that advances witness. tables. Clifford was cha’rman and William Mc- nil day yesterday. The cottage under the purchase acts shall consist of Jaines Gill. Intoxication; lined $3 am excursionists not Donald secretary. These al were out in force and all the DOW money and of guaranteed land stocks. delegates oosts. lines did a 1 & 1 size, reduced from PINKHAH, 1 quarter When this clause was reached Sir Thom- to the convention wen Patrick Murray. line< t business. Ladies’ White Skirts, extra largo county Intoxication; rushing * as K. member $3 and oosts. 1 35 Exchange Street. Esmonde, anti-Parnellite elected: F. H. Verrili, Charles F. Gup A bad aooident was £ 75c to 59c each. for the west division of moved Partick llnoi narrowly averted full, handsomely trimmed, Kerry, till and W. MoBrady. Intoxioation; that the advanocs should consist of Henry Swasey. S3 and oosts. ou Merchants wharf yesterday morning. and 2.00 guar- 6 $1.25, 1,39 each. anteed land stock, not of money. The A heavily loaded two-horse team came quarter size, reduced from Irish landlords the nationalists Stolen Bicycle Recovered. joined within an ace of going overboard, 81.25 to 75c each. in the support of Sir Thomas E. Some Mr. 'Koscoe days ago S. Davli 9 Esmondo’s motion and it was oarried 99 1 Ladies’ Corset fine fit* rented a one hundred dollar bioyolo to t Fife 6 Covers, to 86. ibis vote against the govornmont Saving Service. Steamer Madeleine quarter size, better quality, was received with frantic cheers from the young man who, nftor using it a few well made, 25c. 50c The oivil service examination for the ORCHARD BEACH reduced from 81.25 to ting, each, — 1.00 each. Irish members, and Mr. first let it to anothor man. Th< WILL MAKE Balfour, days, youDg I superintendent of lord of the treasury withdrew the clause posltlon.of the Life other young man took It to Slavaski, anc Liver Ills in TWO altogether. Saving station, opened the superinten- EXCURSIONS 100 pieces best Per- he advanced him $15 on quality it, beside tin Like const ofiioe in the Grounds, — Full line of biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, dent’s First National bank Camp DOWN THE Children’s White. for the use of the cales for oharge money. As tht pation, sour stomach, Indigestion are prompt! Shirts, Waists, Chil- building yesterday morning. The exam- INNER RAY TO FREEPORT, Dresses, best styles in and bicycle was not returned to Mr.Davis, ai cured by Hood’s Pills. They do their wori : will CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE dren’s and Ladies’ long RELIEF IN SIX HOURS ination probably oovor two or three Dresses, at]] was made to Sunday, July 26, ’06. 1.25. effort find out who hac Assistant short, $1.00, 1.50, 1.75, and Bladder days. Inspector Nowoombe of Connecting at with Steamer Tiisticsslng Kidney disease stolen it, and investigation at Slavaskl’i Freeport, 12 l-2c 2.00 and relieved lu six hours by the -‘NEW GREAT the first ana second districts, life Convention, Pliantom, for Harpswell Center and per yard. 2.50 each. AMERICAN KIDNEY the saving finstin’s Island on forenoon SOUTH CURE.” This produced bioyolo. Furtliermort service, conducts the trip. new is a on account examination Leaving south side of Portland Pier at 10 a. remedy gieat surprise hud a for 24 to lOtli. in Slavaski roceipt rnouey ad the July August m. and ‘2.10 ni. of its exceeding promptness relieving ( Among candidates for the position p. in the bladder, kidneys, back and sauced on another bloycle which hac Return—Leave Harpswell Center at 3.10 p. pain every are: Capt. E. of fare on Boston & Maine and of the in male or fe- Hood’s Wright Cross Island Reduced in. part urinary passages; one that had also and proved to be been stol easily thoroughly. A. H. Central Leave and 4 p. male. It relieves retention of water and Mayors of Quoddy II. Maine Railroads. Freeport at 11.15 a. m. Best after dinner head; J) in. pain in passing it almost immediately. If en. Mr. Slavaski told the marshal In pills. of cents to Old Orchard and | Trundy Cape A. L. First class dinner at Gein you want quick relief and cure this is your 25 cents. All druggists. Elizabeth; Kom- served Cottage would do all in his power to help line i,)k of beach return. Freeport, for 50 cents. remedy. Sold by .C H. GUPPY CO. Drug- Mass Rye and S. H. of Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Harding Ask for tickets. Fare for the gist,* itw Congress 1st. Portland, Me- the men who took the bicycles. Campmeeting ltound Trip onlyJ 00 cents. Xhe only PiU to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Jerry Point, N. H- jy23d9t jy23 <13 ti
