The Clinton Independent
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wr.jw* The Clinton Independent. VOL XXX—NO. 49. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER IT, 1896. WHOLE NO.—1561. 444 Brevities. porar.v chairman. The chairman ap —Within the last wreek bountiful pointed Edwin Minin, H. G. Pierce and REE COINAGE MEETINGS. IN TOWN! rains have visitfed this section. F. R. Compton as committee on creden tials. REV. ELISHA JUDGE! —The September term of the county JUDGE MCGRATH. A. C. Lee. F. C. Young and M. Lutin Will speak at the following named -A Number of Residences Visited circuit court has been adjourned to Oc Report of the People's Party and were appointed committee on permanent Nominated by the Silver Forces places in this county upon the all im tober 5. Silver Conventions organization. « by Them Last Week. —The Modem Woodmen, of St. Johns, A committee wan appointed to confer for State Senator. portant financial or money question : are making preparations for a big time with the other convendons in regard to Wacousta, on Friday, Sept. 18, at 2:00 p. m. September 22. Held at the Court House, St. Johus, on the nomination of county officers. The DeWitt. on Friday, Sept. 18. at 7:80 p. m. THEY SECURED BUT LITTLE PLUNDER committee was composed of W. J. Gra*- Large and Harmonious Gathering In the Merl Beach Park, on Saturday, Sept. 19. at HOWEVER. —There will be no preaching services September 10, 1800. ham, A. W. Durkee and Riley Howland. Village of Maple Rapids. 12 m. at the M. E. church next Sunday. J. C. Flynn, A. C. Lee and F. Weinberg HENRY J. PATTERSON Other services will be held as usual. w’ere appointed committee on re plutions. Will address the voters upon the money A Funny Story Told of How Nelson Harris The People’s party held their county The Democratic, People's, and Union —Emanuel Scott, who removed from I. F. Cressman introduced tf.e follow question at the following mention placs. Left the Thieves and a Gold Watch In the convention at the court house, in St. ing resolntion which was adopted: Silver parties held their Senatorial con St. Johns to Lansing about six months All meetings will be held in the evening: House While Went In Search of an Otticer Johus, Thursday, September 10th, for Inasmuch as we are in favor of economy and ventions for this, the 19th district, at ago, recently removed to Grand Ledge. the purpose of placing in nomiation can retrenchment and the reduction of taxation in Eagle, Saturday, September 19. —Thieves and Watch are Missing. all just and reasonable direction, and as the Maple Rapids, Tuesday, September 15, Riley Town Hall, Monday, September 21. —V. R. Lane, who has been a resident didates for the various county offices jrice of labor and the price of products of the 1896, at 1 o’clock p. m. of St. Johus during the last three years, farmer, which he bus to sell and from which At the Kramer school bouse, East Bingham, and a member of the state legislature, he realizes his income, have in nearly every The following named delegates of the Tuesday evening, September 22. will return to his farm in Greenbush One night last week burglars entered in conjunction with the Democrats, instance declined in price more than one-half, three distinct organizations from Clin DelTenderfer school House. Lebanon, Sept. this w eek. therefore the residence of M. McDonald, and the Union Silver people, and all other or Resolved. That the board of supervisors of ton and Gratiot counties, comprising 23, at 7:30 p. m. room of his son George, (which they —Rev. E. J. Brgdner occupied the ganizations and people favoriug and ad Clinton county be respectfully asked to re Leonard Piggott School House, Lebanon, duce the salaries of all the officers of the tlie district, were present and admitted Sept. 21, at 7:30 p. m. undoubtedly supposed was the father’s) pulpit at the M. E. church last Sunday vocating bimetalism or free coinage of county of which the said liorad Axes the same to seats: evening, and preached a very interest at least 25 per cent, from the present statutes. Grove School House, Watertown, Sept. 25, at and took therefrom the son ’s pants, both gold and silver on a parity of 16 to Democratic party—Clinton ocunty: H. J. 30 p. ra. Patterson. Johu Gunderman, E. E. l-rle John which, after inspection for “ wealth,” ing sermon. I without further waiting for the action The committee who had been aopoin ted Watertown Hall, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p. m. to confer with the other conventions re Stump, James R. Fulton, Charles Hooker, E. they left on the front porch. They —We are pleased to be able to say of foreign powers. W. Lyon, Eugene Parr, John 8. Blanoy, Chas. REV. ELISHA MUDGE. that Marvin Babcock is improving in ported and the nominations for county Kimball aud J. B. Yates. Gratiot county; Tlie silver candidate for*state senator also entered the house of Nelson Har The convention was called to order at officers were made in accordance with the Wm. Long, L. C. Hull, George Smith. Frank ris. And by the way, they tell a funny mind and body from what he was four Peet.J. A. Cassada, J. B. Willoughby. 1. E. from this district, will speak at the fol II o’clock a. m. by S. D. Watson, chair ticket which appears on the first page of ChHpman, W. D. Scott. A. Johnstone. Newell story connected with this midnight vis or six months ago. man of the county committee, who sum this paper. Smith and J. T. Swigart. lowing places, upon the great question it. Those who pretend to be well in —Daniel B. Chase, for many years a moned N. A. Dryer, ot Bath, as tempo Union Silver party-Clinton county; O. A. of the day : t ’ Whltlock.'Rilcy Howland, T. T. Newton, VV. J. Richmond Bcbool house, Greenbush, Mon formed say that when Mr. Harris dis resident of Essex township, this connty, rary chairman, after which I. D. Rich Whitlock and Frank Voorhees. Gratiot coun day, September 21. covered that they were in bis house he died at his late home in Palo, Ionia mond, of St. Johns, was chosen tempo ty: A. E. Chase, F. D. Yale and Fred Kelley. People's party—Clinton county: John M. Union Home school house, Tuesday, Sep immediately went in search of an offi county, last week, in his 85th year. rary secretary. DeWitt, Edward Brown, Ralph Watson and tember 22. cer to catch ’em, and while he was ab — Miss Lula Millis, who was attacked Cornelius Grove. Gratiot county; R. M. Eureka, Wednesday, September 28. On motion the following committees Palmer and O. A. Iasbman. sent the thieves took his gold watch and with asthma last week Wednesday, CAPT. HENRY WALBRIDGE. were tlie chairman : Duplain Prohibitionists Favor Each organization caucused and elect departed for new and quieter places of which her attending physician feared Burch school bouse, Lebanon, September 21, On credentials —Ralph Watson, John Bryan and Free Coinage. ed the following : operation. They also attempted to en might terminate in congestion of the :S0 p. m. Pingle and Gilbert Sage. Democratic party—James A. Cassada, Allen school house, Lebanon, September 22, ter Willard Lyon ’s house, on east Cass lungs, is daily improving. On permanent organization and order :30 p. m. Republicans In That Section Very Much chairman ; E. E. Urie. secretary ; Jas street, in the absence of the family, but —The DeWitt band has been engaged of business —S. D. Watson, Chas. Leach A. Cassada, J. T.'Swigart and II. J. Gunnlsonville, DeWitt township, September Dissatisfied With the Methods Employed they were prevented by Horace Hollen to furnish the music at the Clinton and J. B. Knapp. Patterson, committee on conference 24, 7.-30 p. m. liy the King Which Has Controlled Their ft beck, who was rooming there and pro County Fair on Wednesday, October 31. On resolutions —Cornelius Grove, J. Union Silver party—O. A. Whitlock, Wildcat school bouse, Victor, September tecting the property. He heard them The St. Johns band will occupy the Couuty Conventions for Years Fast and chairman ; A. E. Chase, secretary ; T. 26, 7:30 p m. M. DeWitt and Frank M. Osborn. T. Newton, Fred Kelly and F. D. l'ale, boring at the back door, and armed with band stand the balance of the Fair. Declare It Must be Thrown Down and Out. The committee on credentials report committee on conference. BU8INESS LOCALS a stick of wood, he stood waiting their —The interior and front of the store ed the following named as entitled to People’s party—J. M. DeW’itt, chair entrance, when he calculated to lay occupied by C. M. Johnson, grocer, and seats in this convention : From a Special Correspondent. man ; Cornelius Grove, secretary ; R. M. 5,000 Tous of Hay Wanted. them cold in death. But they were too Wm. N. Waldron, boots and shoes, has Bath- N. A. Dryer, E. A. Clise, H. G. Sage, D uflain , Sept. 16—The feeling at Palmer, O. A. Iasbman and Edward John Hicks . fast for Horace, who suddenly opened just undergone a fresh coat of paint, C. E. Leach. present among many of the prominent Brown, committee on conference. Clinton County Fair. the door upon them, which caused a Bingham—I. D. Richmond. Frank M. Osborn, Prohibitionists, of this part of the On motion the convention then took which adds to the attractiveness of the When you come to tne Fair bring your panic and a lively run on the place and to the smiles of its occupants.