SUMMER HIKE: BLUEBERRIES AND VIEWS Forest Notes NEW HAMPSHIRE’S CONSERVATION MAGAZINE our th annual meeting det ails on p.18 e rt o estr SUMMER 2015 Locate Your Organization Here Convenient access to the water & Portsmouth Harbor The Historic Creek Farm e ForestFFororest SSocietyociettyy is lookinglooking forfor a partnerpartner with similar sstewardshiptewarddshipship interinterestseestssts to lease the buildings and 35-a35-acrecre ccoastaloastal prpropertyoperty at CrCreekeek FFarmarm in PPortsmouth.ortsmouth. AvailableAvailable in 2017 – SuitableSuittabable forfor nonprotnnonprot organizationsorgganizanizations or institinstitutionsutionsu – HHistHistoric,isttororic, 19,460 sqsq.. ft. cottcottagetagaggee with 2-st2-storytorororyy utilitutilitytyy buildingbuildiing and garageggararragage – 1,125 ffeeteet off frfrontageonttagaggee on SSagamoreaggamoramorree CrCreekreekeeeek – DoDockck and aaccessccesscess ttoo PPorPortsmouthortsmouth HHarbHarborarbor Historic, 19,460 sq. ft. cottage with 2-story utility building and garage Contact Jane James 115050 MirMironaona Rd PPortsmouth,ortsmouth, NH 03801 CelCell:ll:l: (603) 817-0649
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS: SUMMER 2015, N o. 283 Annual Meeting 2015 The Rocks Estate, Bethlehem 18 20 DEPARTMENTS 2 THE FORESTER’S PRISM 10 3 THE WOODPILE 18 IN THE FIELD Annual Meeting events, summer entertainment, field trips FEATURES and workshops 4 The Art of Forestry 20 CONSERVATION SUCCESS STORIES Neighbors get together to permanently protect land in Bethlehem. Forester Inge Seaboyer's creative vision can be seen in the timber harvests she plans and on the canvas she paints and draws on. The Cardigan Highlands Forest Legacy Project crosses the finish line, with 5,100 acres conserved north of Newfound Lake. 10 Stories in Stone and Steel 24 PUBLIC POLICY UPDATE New Hampshire’s woods hide an open-air museum of what Updates on Northern Pass, the Kinder Morgan gas line proposal, was left behind.