Adaptation Strategies for the Great Marsh Region
Ranger Poole/USFWS CHAPTER 4 Adaptation Strategies for the Great Marsh Region Assessing vulnerability is the first step in generating adaptation options to increase resilience and reduce vulnerability. Understanding why an asset is vulnerable is especially critical to thinking about adaptation and in particular, identifying adaptation options that can address one or more of the three components of vulnerability (i.e. exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity). Furthermore, while vulnerability assessments provide the context necessary for identifying important issues to consider when designing adaptation strategies, the identification of “key vulnerabilities” can help steer the generation of adaptation options in a direction that focuses on the most critical issues. 376 This chapter outlines a range of adaptation strategies identified through the Community Adaptation Planning Process (see Chapter 2). The following strategies and recommendations are broken into two categories: regional strategies and town-specific strategies. Successful short and long-term implementation of all of these recommendations will require an extensive amount of intra- and inter- municipal cooperation, regional collaboration, and ongoing environmental research and monitoring. The Great Marsh Region is fortunate to have a wide diversity of organizations, agencies, and municipalities working to protect and restore the Great Marsh. However, these efforts will need to be continually strengthened to achieve the degree of change and level of project implementation recommended in this report. 376 Stein, B.A., P. Glick, N. Edelson, and A. Staudt (eds.), Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice (Reston, VA: National Wildlife Federation, 2014), 120 Ch 4. Adaptation Strategies for the Great Marsh Region | 124 4.1 Regional Strategies and Recommendations This section highlights adaptation strategies that should be adopted to reduce vulnerability on a regional scale.
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