HDS 2119 Fall 2016 Gender, Sexuality, and Mormonism Taylor Petrey, Visiting Associate Professor of Women's Studies and Sexuality Office Hours: Tues/Wed 10-11 AM in Carriage House, 56 Francis Ave
[email protected] C: 617.448.5421 This course will examine broad theoretical questions about the interrelationship between religion, gender, and sexuality using Mormonism as a primary case study. It covers the development and abandonment of polygamy, the advent and contours of Mormon feminism, the deployment of sexuality, theological and ecclesiastical issues, and other topics. Course Goals: • Identify important moments, institutions, movements, shifts in Mormon discourse on gender and sexuality • Historicize these shifts/situate them in broader American context • Explore how different theoretical/theological approaches to gender (essentialist, cultural construction, queer) inform the analysis of gender in Mormonism • Develop analytic and research skills Required Texts: • Richard L. Bushman, Mormonism: A Very Short Introduction • Holbrook and Bowman, Women and Mormonism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives • D. Michael Quinn, Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth Century Americans: A Mormon Example. • Brooks, Steenblik, and Wheelwright, Mormon Feminism: Essential Writings • Other readings will be made available electronically Course Requirements: • Attendance and participation in the weekly seminar discussions - 25% • Weekly Reflection Papers - 1 to 2 pages. Must be handed in each Sunday night at midnight for credit - 30% • One 5 page paper on topic relating to the course readings. - 10% • Topic Presentation and annotated bibliography for final paper on a topic of your choosing (and agreed on with the professor) which draws on and is informed by themes and questions relevant to this class.